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V«L xxxm-No. u 18&!'oSuJTSSSSS .SJirJ1* y&.
Chest Grants $57,575 To Federation for 1955
j mow. ua «. svui, OIUIUL HMnuU. H a n JA 1SU
Around Regional Federation the Nation Mee Told
aq'ri The United Community Service agencies will pay out the 1955 ap- •BAT GAUM' propriations to agencies on a United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— monthly basis following a check on The Egyptian delegation at the each agency's spending! United Nations Informed the UN Security Council that the crew of K. S. Goldenberg, prominent the Israel vessel "Bat Gallm' leader of the St. Paul Jewish comseized by Egypt would be set free munity, has accepted the chair* on January 1, and that the ship monship of the program commitwill also be released. No date for tee for the Regional Conference of the release of the ship was menJewish Federations and Welfare Funds, which will be held In Omationed. ha, January 28-30, Jere Qlass, The Egyptian move followed, an President of the West Central ReThe Jewish Youth Council Is announcement earlier In the day gion of Jewish Federations anmaking available college guidance that the UN Security Council nounced this week. , materials to students who seek in- would meet January 4, to consider formation regarding college reForty Communities ' Israel's grievances against Egypt quirements. This service Is of speJewish Federations in some forin connection with the anti-Israel cial Interest'to all high school stuty communities, which comprise dents who plan to enter college blockade of the Suez Canal with the region, are now submitting upon graduation, and is suitable special reference to the seizure of their suggestions and recommenfor grades 9 through 11, for early "Bat Gallm." Setilng the date for The annual polio drive will dations for the conference proplanning. the session on January 4 removed start Monday, Van. 8, John D. gram, Mr. Goldenberg indicated. Sherman Poska, Youth Council Lebanon's Dr. Charles Malik from Ashford, Douglas County direc- "We are striving to goar our director, explained the special further direct participation in the tor, announced. : The big new program to the actual problems charts are made available at the cose since Lebanon's seat on the push against polio, he continues, and needs of the communities is in the preventive area, the which make UP our region," hs Youth Council office to aid stu- Security Council expires Dec. 31. primary aim of March of Dimes said. "We have already received dents in the choice of their, high research for 17 years. some excellent advance suggestions school subjects required for admis- ARMS TO IRAQ which seem to point up the keen sion by colleges. Thus, a student interest in the forthcoming confermay begin planning for a college Washington (JTA) — The Deence. All of these are problems career immediately upon entering fense Department said that details which require the urgent attenhigh school. concerning the arms furnished by tion ot our communities." These charts also help students the United States to Iraq will be withheld under a "security, black' In choosing colleges to fit their Mr. Goldenberg appeared before financial budget They offer a out" The type, nature and amount A total enrollment of 950 p the Board of Governors of the quick and easy method of check- of weapons supplied to Iraq will plls In the Jewish Religious Schools Omaha Federation early this year London (WNS)—The Manches- Ing college expenses, which are not bo made public, a spokesman ter Guardian, in an editorial cap- broken down into several major for the Defense D e p a r t m e n t of Omaha at the present time was in connection with the $325,000 reported by Dr. Morris Margolin, loan project for the Israel Govtioned "A Dubious Trial," said that Items, also, additional information stated. tip trial of thirteen Jews in Cairo often difficult to find In a college Conflicting reports have emerged chairman of tho Bureau of Jewish ernment Loan Reduction program. Women's Globs "for alleged espionage is a dis- catalogue. concerning the cargo of the freigh- Education. This represents an inturbing event and that the recrease of some • 65 children over In the meantime, Jack W. MarIn addition to the charts, a comter which arrived at Basra last ported confcssloni do not sound prehensive library of college cata- week with the first American mil- last year, and accounts for some er, Omaha Federation president, plauslblo since It inconceivable itary aid shipment for Iraq. A 80 per cent ot all Omaha Jewish announced that the Federation of what benefits Israel could have logues has been made, avalalble. British agency dispatch from children of elementary school age. Jewish Women's Clubs, under the gained from the acts of sabotage Students and parents are invited Baghdadnews said the cargo included These children attend the re- leadership of its president, Mrs. to use this new service of the Jewascribed to the defendants. Edward E. Brodkey, will be asked ish Youth Council, and examine arms and ammunition, while govAt the same time the editorial the various'college guidance ma- ernment sources in Washington ligious schools of Beth E], Beth to assume the responsibility for noted that the trial was Instituted terials. Special interviews may bo said the initial shipment Included Israel, Temple Israel, and Shaaro the hospitality and community immediately after the execution of arranged with Mr. Poska, Youth military vehicles and engineering Zion. A survey recently complet- participation phases of the Conleaders of the Moslem Brotherhood Council Director, who Is In charge equipment. ed by the Bureau of Jewish Edu- ference; warrant* "natural suspicion" that of this activity. cation contains a careful analysis Preliminary reports assembled the Egyptians wished to divert atof trends in enrollment In Jewish by Melvin Zarct, Regional Directention from those executions by AID PLANS chools shows that there arc a tor, indicate that there is conplaying on national feelings against New York (JTA)—Plans for aid total of 1,058 Jewish children en- siderable Interest throughout the Jsrncl. region in the forthcoming Omaha to Jews In France, Germany, AusReferring to the possible reper tria and other European countries rolled In the Public Schools of conference, and that a good atcusslons of the trial, the ManOmaha, and a total of 321 students tendance is expected. . , during 1955 wcro made public New York (JTA)—World public chester Guardian said it was quite opinion was stirred this week by here by the Joint Distribution mrolled In Omaha High Schools. evident why feeling in Israel is the alleged suicide in an Egyptian Committee in a report which outvery strong, adding that if death prison of Max. Bennett, one of the lines the situation of the Jews in The amount of S33.406.4S was sentences arc meted out to the 13 Jews arrested and brought to Europe, and tho needs of the Jews contributed by the JewlBh Philanhropies to the four school units defendants there may be frontier trial In Egypt as "Zionist spies," there. The JDC also operates in during the school year 1953-S4 totrouble between Is'racl and Egypt, According to the Egyptian ver- Israel and North Africa. ward the Operation of the schools. even If Israel Is anxious to avoid sion, Bennett, an employe of the It since public feeling cannot a! Anglo-Egyptian Motor Company The JDCs 1955 budget for Friday, Doc 81 France—$1,607,000 — reflects the ways be controlled. Eighth Grade Boys Group, 1 p had committed suicide by slashing fact that nearly two-thirds of the B'nai Israel to Mark m.—Center. his wriiti and had left a letter Jewish population of continental •Vernier U r g e s . . . . for his widow admitting his guilt. Western Europe, or nearly 300,000, 50th Anniversary Children's Winter Program, 8 The Egyptians asserted that Ben- currently live in France. "JDC , B'nnl Israel S y n a g o g u e of p. m.—Center. nett had previously been unsuc- provides some 60 percent of the Saturday, Jan. 1 I cessful In other suicide attempts. budget of the Fonda .Social Julf Council Bluffs will celebrate its NEW YEAR'S DAY. 1 50th Anniversary with a Jubilee Israel newspapers charged this Urilfle, the French fund-raising Service Friday, Jan. 7 and banquet Sunday, Jan. 2 week that Bennett had not comcampaign whose member agencies Sunday, Jan. 16. Young Judaea, 8th Grade girls. • London (JTA)—The Arab states as asserted by the carry on a wide welfare program Maurice Solomon, Rabbi 3 p. m.—Center. should take American arms and mitted suicide, police, but had been tor- m behalf of French Jewry," the of Rabbi Kchilath Israel Synagogue In •use them against Israel Syrian Egyptian Monday, Jan. 3 ' In an attempt to report states. "Some 14,000 men, City, *Mo., will be guest Workmen's Loon, 7:30 p. m.-« Premier Faris el Khoury advocated tured toa death full confession of his al- women and children In France will Kansas speaker, . in an Interview with the. Cairo1 extract Center. • leged espionage and terrorist benefit tram JDCs assistance dur- All local service organizations weekly "El Musawwar," which has crimes. Tuesday, Jan. 4 ' ing the coming year." nd the Ministerial Association Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood just arrived here. . The Syrian Premier said that One of the defendants in the have been Invited to attend, the Board, 1 p. m.—Beth EL the Arab states should not "hesi- trial had previously announced in service. Rabbi David Korb and Beth Israel Synagogue Sistertate" to accept the American offer open court that a confession she Cantor Steam will officiate. hood Board, 1 p. m.—Beth Israel. had signed prior to the trial had of arms, since the only condition Sunday Radio Tickets for the banquet arc ten Evening Art Class, 7 p, m.— on acceptance Is that they will not been wrung from her by torture. dollars each and may bo obtained Omaha Chapter Hadossah from Sam Sacks and Simon Shy- Center. be used for "aggression." "Lot us Leathcrcraft Class, 7:30 p. m.—• will present the eighth In a se- ken. Council Bluffs residents may Center. take, these weapons and use them IBM ENTRF 4 In self-defense against the Jews," Now York (WNS)—The New ries of the "Hadassah Story" purchase tickets until January 10. Wednesday, Jan. S ' et Khoury Insisted. "Israel Rives York Asociatlon for New Amo/i- over KBON from 10:30 to 10:43 Due to a limited seating capacity, B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky us an opportunity for self-defense cans disclosed In a report that a. m. those wishing to attend are urged Chapter No. 470 Luncheon, 1p.m. end an occasion for war each day," iomc 6,000 Jewish immigrants are to make their reservations early. —Center. he added, asserting that Israel has expected to enter the United The Eternal Light program Young Judaea, 3:45 p. m.—Cen* attacked Syrian villages, rustled States In 1955, with most of them will be broadcast over WOWter. Arab cattle and diverted the Jor- settling In New York City and Radio from 11:30 a. m. to 12 Bridge Class, 7:15 p. m.—Center. ibout cli;hty percent of them ro- noon. dan River. Beth Israel Board Meeting, > luirlnj; NYANA aid. "Let us take American nrms nnd Mrs. Albert B. Newman, chair- p. m., Beth Israel. Dr. Ferdinand M. Issermnn, man of tho Jewish Federation Center Orchestra, 9 p. m.—Cenattack Israel while we can," he Rabbi of Temple Israel In S t continued. "I guarantee to justify gcnclet Section of the Needle.; , I Louis, Mo., will discuss "What work Guild of America, through ter. pur position beforo the United NaThursday, Jan. 6 Christmas Means to Jews and the Federation of Jewish Wom- Federation tions and the International Court of Jewish Wonwqfll What Chanukah tytoans to en's Clubs, wishes to thank everyet Justice, too," the Syrian PreLuncheon, 1 p. m.—Centtsj, Christians" on tie Message of me who participated in the Nee- Clubs mier told the correspondent for Temple Israel Study Group, 1 Israel program over KOIL from ilework Guild and holped to make p. m.—Temple Israel. "El Musawwar." "The Important MARCH OF DIMES thing," he lectured, "Is to possess 10:05 to 10:30 a. m. It a success, Names of additional Beth Israel P-TA Meeting, 8:30 the mean* of attack." contributors appear on page, three. p. m.—Beth Israel,. • ., _^ t The Federation for Jewish Service will receive 157,375 towarU its program from the Omaha Community Chest during 1955, Jack W Maror, Federation president, announced this week. This grant was approved by the Board of Director* of the United Community Services upon the recommendation of Jts budget committee. The budget committee reached its decision after a three-week study of the program, finances and needs of the Federation. The amount granted to the Federation is $2,375 more than was given In 1954, the Increase duo to a rise in the relief needs of the Federation. The funds appropriated by the Community Chest are for use in connection with Community Center activities, and family service «nd relief program of the Federation In Omaha, Mr. Marer indi eated. The total allocation for all 47 Red Feather agencies U JU02.883.
St. Paul Leader , Program Head
Youth Council Project Offers College Data
950 Enrolled in Religious Schools
English Paper
..Condemns Trial
Alleged Suicide In Egyptian Trial
Community Calendar j
U.S. Arms for Use Against Israel
Thank You
Mday, Oeotober U , UM
Letters From Servicemen HARRY HALPEKZ.
Religious News
Editor's Note: These are exerpts front letters by servicemen written to the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs thanking the group for gift packages sent during the hoi!' day season.
Bond Sales Top Record
"I was so pleasantly surprised to receive the fine package from you. I know it is a difficult Job for volunteers to put together these packages for all the Jewish fellows in service, and I also know how much each of us In service appreciato your thoughtfulness." Pr. Robert EogoL
Cash sales of almost 1165,000 in Israel Development Bands in 1954 has ; topped all previous years' sines the inception of the Bond Drive in 1931, Dr. Abe GreenBeth Israel berg, G e n e r a l Chairman, anRabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor nounced in a special report issued Eli Kagan, the Beth Israel Syna- yesterday. He paid special, tribute Your Hanukah package was gogue choir an) members of class to the leadership in Omaha and to the most pleasant surprise I have of 1953 will conduct the Alumni the understanding of Israel's inreceived since my arrival in the vestment needs by everyone in the Service this Friday evening at 8 community. Arctic. p. m. Guest Bpcaker wtfl be Rabbi This is not the most Isolated "We have not only sold more spot in the world, but It Is remote Isaiah Rackovsky, former spirit- Bonds this year," he declared, "but enough and uncomfortable enough. ual leader of the Congregation. we have also encouraged more peoto generate about twice ax much Traditional Friday evening serv- ple to become bondholders. In 1951, nostalgia as the overage post In ices (Kabbolas Shabbbs) begin at cash sales totalled 3154000. The the States. 4:45 p. m. Sababth morning serv- following year the figure dropped It was most gratifying to find to $131400, but last year showed ices begin at 8 JO a. on.; Junior Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sehrager an- that. I had been remembered by congregation at 10 a. m.; Rabbi an upward trend for a, total sale that their daughter, Cher- my community. You have hud a Bible and Talmud nounce Groocr will conduct the Talmud of 9147,000. This year we nave na Lee, win celebrate her Basvery great mitzvah. I am sure r'lal class at 4:13 p. m.; Sabbath Mia- gone over the top, by almost four Mitzvah Friday evening, Jan. 7 God will remember all of you " By ML FIIILIP SBEB cha at 4:45 p. m.; followed by per cent. I am confident," Dr. Bernard JUuhuuky, and Saturday morning, Jan. 8 at Greenborg said, t h a t this is only Sholosbe S'eudos and Maariv. DaiNome, Alaska- . Beth El Synagogue. Friends and ly morning service* at 7 a. m.; aft- a beginning. As more people come relatives are invited to attend ernoon service* at 5 p. m. Sunday to understand the security and The stranger that sijourneth both services and receptions which Thank you very much for the morning services begin at 8:45soundness of their investments in with you shall be onto you as the will follow. package, and also for prior gifts a. m. followed by breakfast and Israel Bonds, so purchases will home-bom among you, and thou received in Korea and elsewhere. and increase. In 1965, I Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday continue shalt love him as thyself. personal good wishes to each believe we can and will reach even Arthur Raznick. son of Mr. and of My morning Junior Minyan, followed greater you." heights." And ye shall hallow the fiftieth Mrs. Harry Raznick, will celebrate by breakfast, start* at 8:30 a. m. . H. A . Saab*, and proclaim liberty through- his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, The Talmud Discussion group "The Omaha campaign proves year the TMkyv, Jasaa. land unto an the inhabi- fen. 7 and Saturday morning, meets every Tuesday evening at that Bonds can be sold in maxi- out tants thereof; it shall be a jubilee Jan. 8 at Beth Israel Synagogue. 7 p, m. at BHH Synagogue, IStb mum amounts throughout the na- unto you, and ye shall return ev- Friends and relatives arc Invited tion," Dr. Greenberg continued. He andBurt Sts. to attend both sei vices and the stressed the important part played ery man unto his possession. If thou sell aught unto thy receptions which will follow. by the various organizations in the Friday, Doe. 31 local campaign, particularly on neighbor Or buy of thy neighbor, Beth El Nen Morris Bloom, Arthur lee B. L G. Day when they combined thou sbalt not wrong one another. Diamond, Marda Kay Miller and Services Friday evening will be- on house-to-house sales to cover a Brandos Associates Frances Frieda Steinman. gin at 7:30 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. large section of the city. Rabbi Joshua said: "He who To HoW Annual Dinner Saturday, Jan. j Kripke wiU deliver a brief story He praised the leadership of the closes His eyes to charity is conNorman Btekner, Gary Alan sermon and Cantor Aaron I Ed- Women's sidered as if he serves idols." Brandeis University Associates Division headed by Mrs. GUM and Ignatz Mar Hlehtman. gar will direct the Synagogue Nathan L. Nogg with Mrs. Isador Rabbi Marl and Rabbi Phlneas. will hold their second m«;mi dinChoir and Girls O K Club for the Levinsoo as co*cfasimia?t. Mrs. J» were the sons of Rabbi Cbbda, One ner at 7 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. 12 Sunday, Jin. Z musical portions of the service. H a r r y Kul. .akofsky, honorary of them, would allow Ids servant in the Blackstonc Hotel. Benny Gary Gabriel Ktnstllnger, RayConsecration service for the pupils chairman mond LIpsteln. David Kenneth to eat before he dined, and the Friedman, athletic director and of the division, with sales of classes Gimel will be held. R e totaling more Litt, Douglas Rice, Steven Jay ;. than 128,000 has other, would not permit his serv- head football coach at Brandeis freshments will be served Wfgodsky and Alien Wolfson. been aawrded eleven "Chen" ant to eat until he bad dined. With U, will be guest speaker. Monday, Jan. S Sabbath morning services will charms oat of a possible twelve. the one who allows his servant to Mr. Friedman was named AUSharl Kllen Adtcr. Carl David eat first, Elijah used to convene; be at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congrega- Each charm of solid gold repreAraerican in 1926b when he played tion service* are at 10:45 a. m. sents one of the twelve tribes of but with the one who would not quarterback at the University of Cohen, Lynettc Rac Forbes, Henry M. Grossman and Rncht-rle Fay Mincba-Maariv services will be at Israel and Is awarded for $2,500 allow his servant to eat before Michigan. Joseph. 4:4S p. m. Daily services are at 7 worth of sales. Dr. Greenbcrg not- him. Elijah did not convene. The group was formed last year Tuesday, Jim. 4 a. m. and 7 p.m. Sunday morning ed that Mrs. Kulakofsky ranks Our Rabbis were taught—"And service is at 9 a. m. Mincba-Maariv among the top "Chen" in thethoii shalt take no.bribe." (Ex. for the purpose of helping to sup- Wolf Bleda, Sanford Craig Burport the university. Life members stefn, Annette Marilyn Charney, service at 4:30 p. in. country. Mrs. Morris Grossman Is 23:8). This does not imply a bribe John Farber, Herman Cohen, Ronald Michael Ciller, Freda "Chen" chairman here. of money only, but any kind of arc Milton Livingston and Hyman Jeanne Hyton and Susan Carol bribe. It happened once that Sam- Ferer. At the regular Sabbath lervices He also thanked last year's uel foseph. was crossing the river en a chairman Morton Richards for his Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Habbl Wednesday, fan. S and a man extended his Ephraim Marks is chairman for Brooks will preach on "Auld Ac- continued and valuable coopera- ferryboat to prevent him from faiitu the affair with Mrs. Hyman Ferer Ian Barry- Cohn, Nathalie Ann quaintance with New Vision." some tion, ind Genie ' Rich, publicity hand "What/' said Samuel, "can X do for and Jack Sehrager' as co-ctialr- Eager, Margo Beth Xrohman. Gary. thoughts on the eve of the New chairman, for* Ms efforts. The good you Scott Gerber, Marsha Ann Could, for your kindness?" The man mn. attendance at both the Guardians Year. of Israel Dinner in November and replied: "I have a lawsuit before Members ot the committee in- Steven Avrura Kort, ftocheUe Religious School recess con- the Lind Brothers rally earlier this thee.." "I became disqualified from clude Dr. Abe Greenberx. Mrs. Jo- fteum, Gitla Wakschlag and HaWafcschlag.' tinues. School will resume In the month were due, herald, to thepresiding as a Judge In thy law- seph Zweibaek, Mrs. Harry B. Cohen, Sol Yaffee, Edward A. RosSaturday Division. January 8 and hard work put in by the registra- suit," replied. Samuel Thundny, Jan. B en and* David Blacker, in the Sunday Division, January 9. tion chairman and co-chairman, Harold William Forbes, Bruce Lee Hoberman. Susan Meg VtMrs. Harry Sldrnan and Mrs. AlMizrachi to Hear bert Fox. Bollywood (JTA>—As the final vfne, Scott Jay Richards and Mike curtain descended at the opening Silver. In addition to those already y Rabbi Rackovsky named, Dr. Greenberg b stated t d that ht Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsfcy, former night of one of George S. KaufMrs. Rebecca Kafaian the campaign could not have been spiritual leader of the United Or- man's plays but week, the house with sounds of frenServices were held Wednesday, a success without the loyal sup- thodox Congregation of Omaha, reverberated cheers. Cries of ."Author! Dea 22 for Mrs. Rebecca Kaiman port of many other members of win be guest speaker at a special zied Authorl" were heard from the 1Mrs. DnvkT Friedman, president "Chen" and the men and women meeting of the Mizrachi Organizawith Interment at Fishers Farm Beth El Parents-Teachers Asat the house, and soon echoed Cemetery. Mrs. Kairaan, 70, a resi- of the Omaha Bond Board of Gov- tion of Omaha. The meeting will back throughout the theater.. Some one sociation, wishes to thank Mrs. dent of Omaha for «J years, died ernors. "It is this kind of work be held at 8 p. m. Saturday, Jan. saw Malvin Tepper and Mrs. Max Kaufman standing at the rear Tuesday, Dec 31 in a local hospital on bur side-and similar determined 1 in the Beth Hnmcdrmh Hagodol of the theater jwd^sked. "Why Greenfield, chairmen, and their efforts on the part of the Israelis Synagogue, 13th and Burt Sts.. alter JI short Illness. committee for making the Urtksj themselves, that will ensure the ;Rabbl Rackovsky abo served as didn't you—acknowledge, the- ap- Party a success. ° Survivors include seven sons, success of tha State of Israel in a chaplain in our Armed Services. plause?" . Sam, Jack, Edward, Max, Irving. the not too distant future," Dr. Election of officers will be held "I was too busy yelling 'AuLeo and Na*han. and ten grand- Greenberg concluded. at the meeting; thor,' " replied Kaufman. Patronize Our Advertisers children. 4:44 P. M. CandlellfMiiit;
Gems of
Happy Birthday
Thank You
Mrs. Harry Kutfer .
Service* were held Sunday, Dec. 28 for Mrs. Harry Kutler with Interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Kutler, 66, a resident of Cotind! Bluffs for 40 years, died Sunday, Dec. 26 In a Council Bluffs hospital after a short illness. Mrs. Kutler had left Hussia in 1914 to make her home here. She was a member of the B'nal Israel Synagogue and Sisterlwod and a membpr of the Council Bluffs I£adassah. Survivors Include her husband, Harry of Council Bluffs; two sons, Doctors Benton and Sol of Omaha; four sisterj, Mrs. Alec Yarfnulnlck, Mrs. Hymlo Kramer, Mrs. Max Baumer, all of Omaha, and Mrs. Sam Cohen of Los Angeles. Calif., and five grandchildren.
7. The Shearfth Israel Synagogue Text by DANIEL ELAZAR.
Illustrations by MAURICE <W BOURGQ
A Hormt. FROM (SOV.
JIVMH cmttHi MCT to oaamHE A THt. i
TH£V RCNrn? A BUlLDnld IM ItBZ, WUl£H WAS to int. Wf» (ttt 1730) TO A inaU-Vi BUILT HOUSC Of MOKCHIC.
Doris Sherman Monsky Chapter Married at B. I. Hospital Shower
Omaha Sketches
Engagement Told ' At Family Dinner j
M£ and Mrs. Melvin A. Burns) B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky The maniac* at Doris Sherman Chapter announce the engagement of their No. 470 will devote its and Harvey Jacobow was solem- January meeting to a Leo N. Levi daughter Monica Helene Joffe to B&P Hadassah nized in the chapel of Beth Israel Tea and Coin Shower at 1 p. m, Daniel Leo Fogel, son of Mr. and • n e Business ft Professional Synagogue, Sunday, Dec. 26. Rabbi January 5, In the Jewish Commu- Dr. Philip Shcr, Honorary Pres- Mrs. Louis R Fogel. ident of the Federation for Jewish Mr. Fogel Is a member of SigWomen'* Group of Hadassah U Benjamin Groner, Rabbi Nathan nity Center. making Plan, for the B ft P. HaMrs. Myer S. Kripke, Omaha's Service, was elected a member of ma Alpha Mu Fraternity and will dassab ROUND-UP, to be held at Feldman, and Cantor Ell Kflgan own author, will be guest speaker. the National Council of the Joint be graduated In June from the the Blackstone Hotel, Wednesday, officiated. For the late afternoon Mrs. Kripke attended the annual Distribution Committee for theUniversity of Nebraska. Jan. 19 at 8 p. m. Mn. Charles wedding, the bride wore a simple Jewish Book Fair held December Announcement was made at a 40th consecutive year. RAM )* fund-raising chairman and ballet length dress of candlelight 4 to 6 in Detroit, Mich. family dinner Saturday, Dec. 25 at ber ec-«hairman Is Miss Dorothy moire. The full sktrt was accented She will speak on "Tending Our • • • the House and Garden Room at Rosen thai. j at the waist by a wide sash of Vineyards," the same address she Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lerner, for- the Blackstone Hotel. The following committee mem talisman Swiss ribbon. The tiny gave at the Detroit meeting on the mer Omahans, are visiting their No wedding date has been set. I ben working for this affair are brimmed tailor hat of matching subject of what books can do fordaughter and son-in-law Mr. and Out-of-town guests were: Mr. Mn. David (Sunny) Richards. Mn. Fannie Sherman, prize comand Mrs. Charles Helberg, ChiJewish women. mittee;. Mln Rebecca Bercovicl, velvet was trimmed with a single Mrs. Kripke Is the author of Mr. and Mrs. Lerner are resi- cago, HI., Mr. and Mrs. Irving ticket chairman! Mrs. Eve Ko-velvet flower. Seed pearls were three books for children Which In- dents of Washington, D. C. Bernstein and children Ann Iris necky, publicity; Mn. Ullian scattered among the petals. She clude "Let's Talk About God," and* Stanley of Des Moincs, la., • * • Bernstein, project*; Mrs. Carl carried an antique linen and tulle now in its third printing. Her and Charles Bernstein of St. Lagman, Miss Myrtle Freeman and handkerchief filled with dusters fourth book "Let's Talk About Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mlrvlss of Louis, Mo, Athens, Ohio, are guests of Dr. and Mn. Jean Kaplan, co-chairmen of purple spring violets, and theRight and Wrong" will be released Mr. and Mrs. Fogel entertained Mrs. Morris Margolin. Mrs. Mir(or the In-gathering of glfti; and this summer by Bebxman Publish- viss is the former Miss Lillian the out-of-town guests Sunday at Mrs. Philip Schwartz, BAP pres- nosegay was tied with a narrow ing Company. a brunch in the Cameo Room at band of emerald green velvet Margolin. ident. the Fireside Restaurant. Funds derived from the coin Thli la the one fund-raising af- For her son's wedding, Mrs. Sam shower will be used to purchase Mr. Mirvlss is director of Camp Jacobow wore a slate blue emf a i r for the B ft P Hadassah and equipment for the Leo Gan Aden located in Chequomegon Group, at which time monies arc bossed taffeta dress. Chartreuse N. Levl Memorial Hospital, which National Forest near Park Falls, Betrothal Announced | obtained to cover all allotted quo- orchids were worn at the shoulder. Is devoted to the healing of arth- Wis., and is also here for a camp tas. Ticket* may be obtained from Her small hat was made of Irre- ritic patients regardless of faith reunion. Mr. Mirvlss said the camp Mr. and Mrs.. David Rosen thai, for girls emphasizes the coopera- of Beverly Hills, Calif., announce any member of tho B&P and the descent sea shells. Out of town or creed. guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Rutive approach for creative Camp- the engagement of their daughter $1 donation in tax deductabie.v dolph Pidgeon of Dcs Moinc*, la- Mrs. George Spltzer, chapter Leo big activities with a positive Jew- Gall Evelyn to David L. Raznlck, Mrs. Pidgeon, sister of the groom, N. Lev! chairman, announces the ish theme. He is also director of son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Rasnlck wore an ice blue faille dress and a following committee m e m b e r s . the HiUel Foundation at Ohio Uni- of Holywood, Calif. Mr. and Mn. JWV Auxiliary They are Mmes. Alfred Sophlr, A. versity in Athens, Ohio. matching hat of sequins. Raznlck are formerly of Omaha, The January Board meeting for Dr. Harry Konterwltz of Long A. Steinberg, Ruben Ratner and An early summer wedding is • • • the Epstein-Morgan Ladies Aux- Island, N. Y., and Morris Jacobow Sam Pollak, district No. 6 Loo N. , Lt. Arnold J. Stem left Sunday planned. iliary No.* 260, Jewish War Vet- of Hollywood, Calif., who is en Levl chairman. erans of the United States, win be route to Europe and Israel, attend- Babysitter service will be avail- morning for his new assignment at Fort MacPherson, Ga., after held Wednesday, Jan. 5, at 8 p. m. ed their nephew's wedding. Mrs. able. spending a week with his parents, at the home of Mrs. Max Belgrade, Abo Rochman and Mrs. Sarah . 810 N. 50th. Mrs. Betty Rablno- Nemser were among the guests. Hollywood <JTA) — Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Stern. Lt. The family of the late Mrs, Hy« wltz will be co-hostess. Mr, and Mrs. Stephen J. Wlrts of Bernstein was conducting a new Stern was graduated this month mlc Alperson wish to express their December 20 members of the Omaha, uncle and aunt of the work the other day which had a from the Provost Marshal General thanks for the kind expressions of Auxiliary distributed gifts at thebride, also attended. A dinner at rather difficult solo passage for School at Camp Gordon, Ga. Their sympathy on their recent bereave* Omaha Veterans Hospital and bad the Blackstone Hotel followed the the flute. After going over it a other son, A/B Howard Stern Is ment a coffco hour for the patients ceremony. For traveling, the bride number of times, Bernstein rapped stationed at Parks Air Force Base, Those who assisted the hospital chose a Dior suit After a trip to for attention. "We can't stay on California. chairman, Mrs. Aaron Epstein Sun Valley, Idaho, the couple will this any longer, we must go on Cousins' Club | • * * were Mines. Abe Miller, Meyer be at home in Wichita, Kans. Prior now to the second movement" He Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Scholnlck of Kaplan,' Meyer Kirshenbaum, Max to her marriage, the bride was a turned to tho offending flutist, Los: Angeles, Calif., announce: the Mrs. Philip Ringle will be hostPlrsch. Jack Saylan, Edward Si- member of the Jewish Federation "You'll keep in touch with us, birth of a daughter, Laurie Ellen, ess for the Counsins' Club at • mon. J. Milton Margolin, William Staff. born •November 24. P a t e r n a l 12:30 p. m. luncheon Wednesday, won't you?" S. Abrahams and Frank Cohen. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Jan. 5 at the Regis Hotel. Louis Scholnlck of Omaha and Those who are unable to attend Auxiliary members who assisted maternal grandparents are Mr.please call Mrs. Ringel at RE 1979. the Post at the December 23 par- Our Israel Newsletter and Mrs; Harry Stone of Phoenix, ty at the Omaha Veterans Hospital Ariz. Patronize Our Advertisers were Mme*. Aaron Epstein, Max Knrtner. Max Belgrade, Nate Marcui, Sarah Fcltraan and Abe Miller.
Thank You
B.E. Sisterhood
Israel Learns About Immigrant Problems
By KURA LA8KY mutual language. However, one The board meeting of the Beth oriental group mixed with, one Jerusalem tJTA) Kl Sisterhood will be held Tues- In the past nix years, immigrants European group, proved beneficial day. Jan. 4 at Beth El Synagogue. poured Into Israel, from some 60 to both. Sociologist*' Dream „. different countries. Nearly threequarters of a million came. At The Martwrot were what sociolfirst, the receiving authorities had ogists dream about For In what neither the time, n<5r the money, other country was there in recent nor the experience to plan the years such a tremendous assemblThe following have contributed newcomers' absorption on any psy- age Of so widely divergent peoples? to the Needlework Guild since the chological or ethnic key. As farBut few studies were made, • for last list appeared; Mmea. Elnar as possible the known peculiarities lack of money and also, alas, for Abrarason, Leo Abromson, David of tho various communities were lack of sociologists. Becker, Harry A, Brodkcy, Ida taken Into account, but the overalj In agricultural settlements, the Brown, Jay Cherniack, Harry pattern adopted for the Integration people's background has to some Cooperman,' Bernard Fink, John B. of the newcomers took little notice, extent been taken into account Gldinsky, Isaac GUinsky, Morris of cultural background or country New farming villages are made up Green, Joe J. Greenbcrg, Elmer of origin. "They arc all Jews," of between 60 and 80 families. Gross, Leonard D. Herman, Abra- was the motto. "They should all Thus it was possible in most cases ham Herzberg, Morris E. Jacobs, have equal' rights and opportunl to put together people from the Herman Jahr, Seymour Katz, Max ties." ' same country of origin or from not Lnshltuky, M. F. Levenson, HyIn theory this sounds Ideal. For more than two or three countries. mnn Levins "and Maurice Llpsman. If you want'to mold one people'out Yemenites were usually settled as Others are Mmcs. Milton Liv-of the masses of Jews that had homogeneous; groups, seeing that ingston, , Harry Lobel, Harry G. come: from all over the world, this was the best way they would Mendelson, Ben Perelman, Hyman many of whom had nothing in adapt themselves to the enormous Richards, Norman D. Rips, Frank common except their Jcwishness, change of conditions to which they Rubenstcln, M o r r i s Kudermon, 'segregation" of the various com had been exposed. For their way Max R. Sacks, Harry Shukcrt, Da- munltles seemed to run counter to of life in Yemen was on standards several centuries behind that of vid Silverman, Sam H. Stern, Os- all social laws. modern Israel. car Toub, Adolph Trost, T. A. Tullooking Back ly, Moe A. Vcnger, and Herman But in the cities and semi-urban But looking back now, two years Wdmtein. after the end of mass Immigra- areas, where hundreds of families Misses Susie Jacobs and Fannie tion, and Investigating,the depth were settled in brand-new housWezclman. og absorption, that to tho Intcrgra- ing projects especially built for tin, of seine, immigrant communi- them, haphazard "integration" acHollywood (JTA) — A certain ties, it appears that the key, ac- cording to --the priority key' has iive-thousahd-doUar a week screen cording to which final settlement brought about not only friction - writer In our town b a very slow was allocated to those waiting in among the various groups within and meticulous worker. Ho prom- temporary shelter—"first in, first the community but in many cases ised producer David O. Sclnznlck out;" health standard; and size of retarded absorption and e v e n a new play for Broadway produc- family—was Inadequate. The most caused many disappointed memtion, but when eight months went casual observation of newcomers bers to return to their countries of by Without any further word from living under extremely crowded origin. tho writer, Sclznlck began to feel and primitive conditions In tfie FUrst Survey ranslent work campy taught many A survey—the first of its kind in : a little Impatient. .Phoning the writer, he demanded: "Where's the that two communities from Orien- Israel—on "Emerging Social Relaplay? I want to get the cost as- tal countries, settled together, tions In a heterogeneous Immiwere likely to antaconlzo each grants Community," Just completsembled, start rehearsals . . ."" "It's c o m i n g along, coming other. Ini'iis cannot get along with ed by the Israel Institute of Ap'eriilans and Moroccans; Yemcn- plied Social Research, shows un' along," the writer assured him. te.'i prefer to live by themselves; m i s t a k a b l e 'that "absorption" But ScLznick wanted somcllilnt; Egyptians do not like Persians and means more than the provision of more definite. "Just how far have Iraqis. Indians easily feel perse- housing a n d work. Absorption you got with it?" lie asked. cuted. The same applies to some "Well," the playwright said, European communities; Bulgar- means also making it possible for "you know It's to bo In three acts ians, for Instance, havo little In the newcomer to find his feet soand two Intermlssiona. I've just common with Poles, not even a cially and culturally, and to feel (Continued on Page 4.) • finished the intermissions."
Needlework Guild Contributions
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Junior Spotlight
Our Israel Newsletter
them. . •' ' k (Continued from Page 3.) By Ferns Katlamak part and parcel of his new setting. On the other hand, B TOO M K By IiAdr Paal By Ferae Kitlrnnh T h e community investigated, people which other group In tfast f I,O.AUvu was high for the winners, while typical of many in the country, U community they like best, "Ash* Rayim A and AZA 1A tuned up Jack Suss and Al dayman each HEP CATS CLCB made up of some 450 families who kenazls" (those of Western origin)) for their big encounter against had 11 for the losers. The Center^ seventh grade girls cams to Israel in the past four head the list The European themStandings - each other January 11 by winning club highlighted their winter vaca- years or so from no less than 26 selves picked them, as did most of W. tion by going on an overnight lands, ranging from the United the Orientals who look up to then easily last Tuesday night against 3 camping trip Monday and Tues- States to Persia, via most Euro- because of their higher social and Rayim B and AZA 100. Al Corey Yaffe Printing 1 2 day, Dec 27 and 28, at Camp pean countries. North Africa and economic level Hence, opinions and Larry Lincoln were high scor- Epsteins Enterprises 1 2 Brewstcr. Hiking, singing, games the Near East. It is a W-cost expressed by some officials in marers with 15 and 14 points respec- Star Auto Parts and cooking rounded out the full houstlng project a few miles from barot seem to be borne out herej Lust/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 tively. Sheldon Krantz led the B camp program. Even before the Jerusalem, to which Immigrants if one Oriental group is mixed •quad with eight points. JODC1ET LEAGUE trip was over, questions of "when waiting in the-tlty's mabarot had with one European group, the forAZA 1A had little trouble with Fireside Restaurant put the can we go on another trip1?" were been assigned a year or two prior mer will be. eager to adapt themthe Centurymen as they took a skids on unbeaten Gcrelick Motors heard. The group Is planning a to the study. The four-family, selves, and after a while will be50-23 win from them to remain two-story houses seem to have come integrated without being one game out of first place. Stan with a 14-12 victory, due to a sud spring outing of the same type. been filled one after the other, as "separated.'1 Widman topped his team In scor- den death basket by Justin Ban. scrappy forward drove in for FUNLAND the people arrived, so that often ing with 20 points, while Speedy The a side set shot and hit his mark. And if you ask them whether living in the same house Zwelback had 11 for 100. "Chub' Justin There will be no Funland again people Jerry Schwartz each have no common Janguage except their very best friend lives Inside Parser contributed 12 points for scored and this Sunday, Jan. 2, because of. the four points to pace Jhelr Hebrew which few of them know the community, 70 per cent of the .Mother chapter and played a fine team's attack while Roy Katekee New Year's weekend; but Funland sufficiently. "It is certainly an total will say "no." This mean* floor game. will resume Sunday, Jan. 8, at the Implicit assumption in Israel that that in the overwhelming majority, had the same for Gerellck. Standings tune, 2 p. m. The memHires Root Beer took their sec- regular housing for widely diver- the people in the community have bers of the Fun Club and the Rose common W. L ond straight game by crushing S. gent groups acts as a mean* for their closest tics—bar family tie* Club will swim on that day. The Rayim A .....7 Riekes, 37-9. Three boys paced rapprochement and eventual cul- —and loyalties without the place AZA 1A 6 2 the attack, namely Dan HoUls. oldest boys' and girls' groups of tural homogeneity," says the sur- they live In. JTunlandcrs will go on their campAZAIOOA 2 6 Bob Glnsburg and Mike Plan. vey in tta Introduction. Unhappy Rayim B 1 7 They scored eight points while Al ing trip January 8 and 9. ' However, at the hand of a long The survey confirms that this is Konecky had six for the losers. questionnaire submitted to 403 out not a happy place. Were it not Varsity League MOVIE of the 450 officially registered for economic considerations, many Unbeaten in three games, Yaffc Richman-Gordman took a dose families, it appears that then are inhabitants — notably Moroccans Printing topi the Varsity League 12-11 win from I-Go Van as center For all grade schoolers—There ethnic tensions within —«ould have left long ago. They after the first round of league Steve Gus» and Gordy Hollls got will be a movie at the Center this widespread this community, conditioned not frankly admit this. Difficulty In four points each. Jeff Wohlner afternoon—Friday, Dec. 31, at 2 play. It was Irv Yaffe, hitting from p. m. This Is the last program of only by outward appearances, such finding work, inadequate welfare all over the court that sparked paced his squad with seven, as overcrowded l o w s t a n d a r d the assault as he hit for 29 points, Dick Zacharla was the whole Winter Vacation. Admission is 10 homes a n d unemployment and assistance for the invalids who cannot work, and overcrowded Sonny Bclman, from Ithaca, N. show for unbeaten Pacific Fish as cents per person. The program sickness within the community, In- homes are bad enough; an antagoY., aided with 11 points. Moe Han- he scored all the points for his will be over by 3:30 p . m. tricate investigation s e e m s • to nistic community in addlton makes dlcman led Duty's with 11 points. team, They dropped the Cowboys. prove without doubt that Moroc- life very miserable. ' Dick made five field goals Epstein's Enterprises caught 16-6. cans (28.6 per cent of the total and six free throws while Steve Star Auto in a cold shooting game Gould community) and Iraqis (3.3 per Howard Fcldman conand administered a 36-32 defeat tributedand Nebraska Heart Association says cent) are rejected by the others as Stan Wldman, with nine point* losers. one basket apiece for the well as by each other. To the ques- that many people who have com-The Kaiman Insurance team tion, "which, of all the ethnic nary heart disease llw happy and Standings groups living in the community, productive lives by taking proper W. L. garnered top honors in the first do you like least," these t w o precautions. Pacific Fish 2 0 annual Cornhuskcr Lodge B5nal groups were singled out in an overRichman-Gordman . . . . . . . . 2 0 B'rith Bowling Tournament held whelming majority. at the RosebalL The squad I-Go Von 0 2 Sunday of Art Adler, Lou SingCowboys 0 2 composed Poorest Members er, Sol Yaffcc, Herb BerkowlU Parkway IK 1JM lo Uwrt rot" W u l Kt Dave Rice finished with a It so happens that both Moroc- 1o FKoat T U JnrUh FnM. Hires Root Beer . . . . . . . . . 2 6 and W. L. cans and Iraqis are. the poorest Currvnt score of 3,020. raU U 00 etut* 1 or txb itatt' Gerelick Mtrs 1 1 PIWI rattya mt rtfhl w limit tllchman-Gordman .. 31 17 members of the housing project- turn. ofTM «xb » d T < f U J * m « i i t * 1 1 Second place went to the SIos- mostly unemployed or casual unHanks 30 18 Fireside Rest 0 2 berg Realty with a 3,018 total. skilled workers — and that their BAR and Bas Hltzvah congratuForbes Bakery . . . . . 29 19 S. Riekes & Sons Team members were Jerry Milder, families are among the largest, lations also for all Jewish holiKiteway TV 27*4 20 H Bub Slosberg, Kirt Hlrschingcr, factors which might contribute todays and special occasions 26 22 .Canadian Ace Bob Passer and Bennett Raduzuv Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. 22 a feeling of hostility. While Hobcrman Plbg. . . . . 26 er. Wardrobe took third place with ward 25 23 the 25 Iraqis In the community EXPERIENCED practical nursing Milder Oil ." a 3,007 tally. Sam Steinberg, 24H according to the study, dis•Wotfson-Gerber . . . . . 23 George Shapiro, Dave Greenberg, are, under physician's' direction at 26 liked much more -Intensely than Grace-Mayer . . . . . . . . 22 Paul Steinberg and Sam Katzman your home for bedridden or con28 any other group — a fact which Sol Lewis Co. . . . . . . 20 made up the squad. In the fourth valescent patients. Day or night 32 Gerellck Motors . . . . 16 spot was 40 Bowl No". 4 with a emerged during interrogation by duty. Mrs. Betty Hirsch. 642 N. 32 Minneapolis (JTA)—It was a 2,873 total. Team members were the prompt and decisive answers 47th S t Call GL 4138. Harvey Chicken . . . . . 16 big week for Mrs, David Aronson, Lee Bernstein, BIU Wolfson, Pin Which came forth—the 195 Morocwife of the noted Minneapolis rab- Wlntroub, Yale Ginsberg and Har- cans seem to have become the "community scapegoats." People bi and a celebrity in her own right. old Wolfson. do not quite know why they dislike For last week marked the compleIn the women's division, the them, say with some Indecision tion of studies; begun 27 years ago, BBO The following B'nnl B'rith Girls Which resulted in the conferment squad made up of Lottie Block, I. that they do, and have little exaer, Helen Baker, Pauline Hobcr- planation to offer for their feelRUG & UPHOLSTERY were named committee chairmen upon her of her Master of Arts for the following year. They are: degree by the College of Education man and Ann Schulman won first Ings. The Moroccans arc blamed CLEANERS place With a 2.730 total. The num- for most of the community's misEileen Epstein and Bcrdine Green, of the University of Minnesota. IU9S — CAHMTIH8 social; Patsy Greenfield and Flor- Quite a few things happened to ber two team of Marian Cooper- fortunes. The homes of some of LAMP SHADES ence Schrago, athletic; Judi Kutlcr Bertha Aronson between her grad- man, Helen Skukcrt, Ruth Klein, them are dirty — bugs found in and Joan Marx, cultural and re- uation from the university In 1925 Marjorlc Fromkin and Sylvia Lew- nearby apartments are automat•uitNrruu ligious; June Znlemer, courtesy; and the conferment of the mas- Is rolled a 2,725. Trailing was ically traced to them. Because of Cleaned In Your Horn*! Shirley Raznick and B a r b a r a ter's degree this week. There was squad number five composed of their omnipresence, coupled with «l»dl»4 . U r i * « • tef»Mif' Bernstein, A. D. L.; Lois Moskov- the crowded calendar of the wife Ruth Platt, lEllie Schloff, Flo their low social and economic staHA 1554 witz and Harrlette Breslaw, com- of a distinguished1 rnbbi, there Brooks tein, Rose Rosen and Pearl tus, most people probably feel a DON MRNSTIIN Subconscious hostility t o w a r d munity service; Ina Margolin, can- were the many responsibilities of Lipton with a 2.722 tally. teen; Judy Gimple, Madylyn Mir- rearing two sons, one now a phyHigh series scorers in the men's off, Helen Spilman and Kay Mark, sicist and the other studying for division were: Joe Upton, 693: owitz, paper, and Serena Dwoskln he rabbinate, and there were full- Dick Hoberman, 663; Ed Dolgoff, and Marilyn Dworkin, fund rais- scale careers of leadership both In 639; Larry Baumsteln, 638; Sam ing. Katzman, 637; Jerry Milder, 635; civic affairs and In the Jewish Dave Rice, 629; Art Adler, 629, and The chairman for the annual community. Mary Sabes, 629, Winter Formal are Carole Frank Top series 4n the women's dlvland Patsy Greenfield. The dance New York (JTA)—Ma], Gen. ilon were made by Ellle Schloff, will be held February 12. Julius Ochs Adler, first vice-presi- 590; Hobcrman, 58fl; Ruth dent and general manager of "The Klein,Pauline 585, and Helen Shukcrt, 584. TIKVAS AMI ' New York Times," will retire from Election of officers of Tikvas the Army Friday at -the ago of 62 Ami will be held Sunday, Jan. 8. after 40 years of service. For ttie Nebraska Heart Association spelost eight years, Gen. Adler has cialists say people with heart conBAYIM commanded the 77th (Statue of ditions can work, and on the averNewly elected Rayim officers Liberty) Division, the Army re- age have a better Job record than are Bob Goldstein, president, and serve division in the New York Workers. Sheldon K r a n t z , vice-president. military district. Bayim's drcamgirl Is one of the Enlisting as a private In 1915, he •even candidates from which the was commissioned two years later Colonel's Lady will be chosen at as a Reserve lieutenant He served the Central High School Military in France in Worjd War I, was Served Buffet Style! Ball to be held this month. gassed at S t Juvlh in the Argonne AND STAY SUM WITH SPARKLING All You Cars to Eat Jack Baker was elected King Forest and emerged from the war •NEWSUGAR-FREE Q Neptune at the Debka Deb Vice as a major with the Distinguished IHts^^HiJVsMssiBHssssssssssWssVWNSMMHMSississssssisssv held recently. Service Cross, Sliver Star, Purple NOON TO 3 P.M. Croce de Guerra from Italy The second session of Encore Heart, .Commandeur Legion d'Honwill be held Wednesday,- Jan-. 12,-and and Crols de Guerre with • t the home of Dick Spelcr. This neur group, devoted to enjoying good 'aim from France. musical recordings, has as its theme for the month, "Musical Hollywood (JTA)—Thl3 was no Variations," an evening of listen- absent-minded movie producer. He ing to musical masterpieces playod was simply preoccupied when his O GINGER ALE • ROOT BEER •ver a Hi-Fi unit. wife rushed in with the newspa© COLA « VINEYARD SODA Youth Councilers Interested in per. "Have you seen this?" she good music are Invited to attend :ried excitedly. "There's a report this meeting. Regular sessions are lerc of your death 1" HOTEL BLACKSTONE held once monthly at the homes of "Is that so?" returned the proWE 3043 911 N.24th different members, and new mem- ducer without looking up. "Wo bers are welcome. must remember to send flovvers."
Kaimon Keglers Win B.B. Tourney
B'nai B'rith Bowling
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