Maun fti
Ladejinsky Firing Stirs Aclioh in Washington • Washington (WNS)—Prcslden Elsenhower thii week granted an appointment to Joseph Barr, national commander of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, to discuss The case of Wolf Ladejinsky, agricultural economist fired from his' |ll,000-a-year job as t "(security risk." In asking for the appointment, Mr. Barr told the President that it seemed to him thnt Milan D. Smith, executive slstant to Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Toft Benson, has "personally endorsed anti-Semitism as a basis for characterizing Ladejinsky as security risk." ' Last week Mr. 8mlth had made pub.'ic a letter in which the agronlmlst was bitterly attacked in antl-Srmltlc terms. The letter, written by George N. Vltt, Industrial editor of American Exporter Publications in New York and a White Russian who fled from the Bolsheviks la 1910, applauded the Agriculture Department for dismissing Ladejinsky and declared that many Russian Jews ha turned Into "Red*'... fellow-travelers . . , worst kinds of traitors." Mr. Ladejinsky is a Russian-born Jew who earns to the United States In 1932 and still has relatives-In Russia, • Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota a n d Representative Walter H. Judd of the same state have protested the action ot Out Agriculture Department In oust. Ing Ladejinsky and have called for White House action In the case. Irving M. Engel, president of the American Jewish Committee, in a letter to Secretary Benson "deplored" Mr. Smith's release of the VJtt Jetter as "a regrettable and harmful incident1' and urged Benson to moke a "prompt and public
New Art Class To Start Jan. 20
The second semester of the Center Art Class will start Thursday, Jan. 20 at 1 p. m. following a successful conclusion of the Initial course with an exhibition in too Center lobby. Mrs. Meyer Beber, class Instructor stated, the object of the course Is to have students complete a picture In ten lessons. Beginners, Mrs, Beber added, will be taught fundamcntaU and will be able to paint a picture by the end of the course. New students may enroll at any session. <Fec for the course is ten dollars for ten lessons or one dollar per lesson.
- Center Orchestra Seeks New Members V -
Robert Malee, director of the Center's Little Sympathy Orchestra, has issued a call for additional •rchostra members. Prior orchestral experience Is not required, he •biphasized, for the primary aim Of the group Is to offer an enjoyable experience playing with a •mall ensemble. It affords the opportunity for those Interested In music to participate In on Informal orchestral group, Mr. Malec concluded. Tho Jewish Community Center Offers this activity at no charge, for further Information contact the activities office at the Center. Call IIA13G0. tlOHlHT HEAD ' New York (JTA)— Rabbi Philip tS. Bcrnatein, of Rochester, N. Y.. former president of the Central Conference Of American Rabbis, was elected chairman of the American Zionist Committee far Public Affairs. He succeeds Louis Llpsky veteran leafier of the American Zionist movement.
disavowal of the use of this com munlcatlon." Two weeks ago, after the Aerlculture Department announced the dismissal of Mr. Ladejinsky, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles come to his defense, pledging that if the Agriculture Department doe* not take the agronlmlst back the State Department will find a Place for htm. Mr. Jadcjirisky has been on the State Department payroll for years and had received his latest State Department clearance only last April. As. agricultural attache at the American Embassy in Toklo, he was considered one of the leading agricultural economists in the Far East, having inaugurated many significance land reforms In Japan. Defending Its ouster, the Agriculture Department pointed out that Ladejinsky had worked as an Interpreter for Amtorg, the Soviet trading organization, In 1931. It discounted anti-Communist articles he had written in 1944 and 1945 and hinted he might have made a deal with the Russians leading him "to believe his family would not be harmed."
Jubilee Service At B'nai Israel B'nal Israel Synagogue of Council Bluffs will highlight 1U observance of Its 50th anniversary year with a Jubilee Service this evening. Rabbi Maurice Solomon, Rabbi of Kehiiath Israel Synagogue in Kansas City, Mo., wiU be the principal speaker. Rabbi Solomon is a graduate of the Illinois Institute of Technology, the Hebrew Theological College in Chicago, and the graduate school if sociology, University of Chicago. He has served on the advisory board of the United Jewish Appeal and on the national board of the Joint Distribution Committee and Jewish National Fund. In Kansas City, he 1* a member of the board of governors of the Jewish Federation, the Jewish Community Center, and advisor at the Menorah Hospital Medical center. Rabbi Solomon is the author of 'Homilctlcal Digest" and a contributing editor on the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle. All local service organizations and the Ministerial Association have been invited to attend. Rabbi David Korb and Cantor Steam will officiate. The Jubilee Banquet will be held lunday, Jan. 16.
Yiddish Cultural Series Program The 1955 Yiddish Cultural Series will present two outstanding Yiddish films and two concerts featuring well-known personalities In misic this Benson, Louis Witkin, ommlttec chairman announced. Other committee members.arc rfrs. Miriam Bondarin, Mrs. Philip >an<lcll, Mrs- Jake Fcldman, Abe ,'ohen, Max Crounsc, Ben Mlroff mil Joseph Rjidinowsky. "Two Sisters," a Yiddish film 111 open the program at 8:15 p. i., Sunday, Jan. 23 in the Jewish Community Center auditorium. The Farbimd Labor Zionist Con'rt will be presented February 20 nd the Workmen Circle Concert aturdny, March 19. A Yiddish llm, "God, Man and Devil" will onclurlc tho scries. Admission for thn series is two lollnrs and Individual tickets nro 5 cents. Call the Center Activities iffice at JA 13CG for tickets. AH Performances will bo at the 'enter and Will filart nt 8:15 p. m.
Pub.ubM «w» nruu. it)) n. ana.
Federation Board W I r : S i r Consul
Participation Stressed for Region Parley
S , or. me State of Israel for the Middle West, will address the Members of the Board o£ Governors of the Jewish Federation, Thursday evening, Jan. 20, at 8 o'clock,in the Jewish Community Center, Jack W. Marer, Federation President, announced. +• Five members will be elected to 9 the Federation Executive Commit* tee at this meeting, in accordance with the constitution of the Federation. Other current matters will The Center Cinema Club will be discussed. English Lawyer open its new film series with the Italian masterpiece "Paisan" SunMr. Pratt, the Israeli consul for day evening, Jan. 16 In the Recital the Midwest with offices in ChiHall of the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum, Mrs. Edward Zorlmky cago, received his law degree from and Jack Sandier, co-chairmen of the University of London in 1934, the series announced. and practiced law in England until Six films were selected on the 1938. • basis of a community-wide survey Following that he was an attorto determine what motion pictures ney In Israel, until 1953. He is a would be preferred. member of the Central Committee The second picture,. "It Happened One Night'! wiU be shown ot the Israel Bar.Association. HeFebruary 6. One of the greatcs joined the Israel Foreign Service romantic film comedies, it won five In 1953. academy awards In 1934. Army Officer "Spector of the Rose," an unIn 1947 and 1948, Mr. Pratt par. usual story . with outstanding tlclpatcd in the defense of Tel RED ANTI-SEMITISM choreography will be presented Aviv. He was a First Lieutenant Washington (JTA)—Anti-Semi- Sunday, Mar. & . in the Israel Army, tism in the countries behind the Alfred Hitchcock's most famous Iron Curtain, including the Soviet Mr. Pratf was vice-president of subtle mystery, "Tho Lady Van Union, continues to exist just as ii the B'nal B'rith Lodge "Shaare did, prior to Stalin's death, except ishes" will be' shown Sunday, Zlon" of Tel Aviv until his dethat It is now better concealed April 3. parture for Chicago, The French comedy "Glgi" is from the world, says a report issued here by the House of Repre- scheduled for Sunday, May 1. Another French "comedy-drama sentatives Select Committee on "The Well-Digger's Daughter" v/Ul Communist Aggression. The report, which deals with the round the scries with its showing "treatment of Jews under Com- Sunday, May 15. In addition, selected unusual munism," states that the accumu New York fJTA)—-A permanent latcd facts "give a clear answer to short subjects will be shown at Zionist student organization on the those who succumbed to wishful each performance, Tickets for the college campuses of the United. thinking and pro-Soviet propagan- scries are $2.50 and Individual ad- States and Canada has been estabda, and believed that the persecu- missions are 75 cents. For reserva- Hshed, It was announced by th» tion of Jews would end after tions call the Activities office at American Zionist, Council, under Stalin's death. The persecution of the Jewish Community Center, JA whose, sponsorship the new nathe- Jewish minority continues, 1366. tional group will function.. The even If it is Jess widely advertised fganlzatlon was formed by serand better concealed than In the ai hundred students from 60 colperiod just before the dictator's leges, who just concluded a condeath, On the 'Jewish front," as vention here. "~ In all other respects, the aims of The purpose of the new. organthe leaders of world Communism Tel Aviv (WNS)—After an Im- ization is "to interpre. to the genremain unchanged and are' pursued' as always with methods prisonment lasting 91 days, the eral community, students and faccaptain and crew of the Israel ulty, the meaning and promise ot hleh combine force with deceit, freighter Bat Galim, which was Zionism and the State to ot Israel; .Egression with deception." seized in the Gulf of Suez, were to encourage Jewish students in released by the Egyptians on New the study of, and participation In, VtK CABINET' Years Day. The ten men were nil aspects of affirmative Jewish New York (JTA) — Formation set free in the Wilderness of the living; and to aid them to creaay the United Jewish Appeal of a aza border strip where they were tive self-fulfillment through IdenNational Campaign Cabinet made jrdered to walk back to the Israel tification with . the ideals and ip of 53 business, profeslonal, re- Jorder, a considerable distance achievements o! the Zlonlat roovo Iglous and philanthropic leaders »way. ment including aliyah of Israel." 'ho will help plan and direct the The seamen said here they had Other alms of the Student ZionUJA 1955 campaign for $99,521,- wen well treated by civilian jail275, was'announced by Samuel H. :rs but had been beaten regularly ist Organization, as promulgated in resolutions adopted by the delearoff of Philadelphia, chairman in a military prison in Cairo and include: the promotion ot }f the Cabinet fof the third year robbed of their personal posses- gates, Hebrew language, the estabIn succession. The forthcoming na- sions during the first two days of the lishment of projects to benefit (onwlde drive will bo launched their detention. Zvl Shfdlo, capculture and economy, the Sunday, February 27, at a Na- tain of the crew, said the mistreat- Israel's creation of a program to Interpret .liaml Beach, Fla. ment during the first two days of Isarcl realistically and to combat detention "was systematic and well Arab propaganda, the encourageSGFHTAN ARRESTS organized." ment of migration to Israel, and London.(JTA)—Egyptian police "Our men were put in separate the establishment of a Zionist eduinnounced the arrest of five men cells : after we were taken to cation program in the student ind a woman, all Jews, on charges Cairo," Shldlo hald. "Our hands group on the campuses. >f "Communist activities and es- were chained behind our backs, ilonage for Israel." and, we wore beaten at regular The Egyptian Government an- Intervals—in my case, every 15 tounccment said the accused were minutes, in the cases of the men, 'Communists employed by Israel." about every hour. The soldiers :t alleged that the accused helped who entered our cells to beat us Omaha Chapter Hadossah Tews 'come from Arab countries did 'not question us—they simply nto Israel, where they were al- beat us, and they,seemed to be will present the, ninth in a series of the "Hadassan Story" cgcdiy trained In espionage and expert at the job." over KBON from 1030 to 10;45 etumed to Arab states in the caa. m. tacity of "Communist propaganllsts and spies." The Eternal Light program All aliens, must report their ad- will be broadcast over WOWAN PROCLAIMED resses during January of this year lUdio from 11:30 a. m, to 12 New York (JTA)—More than tccording to on announcement by i !00 members of the Union of Or- he Immigration and Naturnliza- noon. hodox Rabbis of the United States lon Service of the Department of Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin of md Canada unanimously adopted usllce. Aliens who ore temporarii resolution proclaiming the prb- y absent from the United States Los Angeles, Calif., will discuss ilbitlon of the Beth Din (Rabbini- lurfnff this period! must report "The Right to Knowledge" on tal Court) of the Conservative heir address within ten days aft- the Message of Israel program labblnate and of the latter's hew- T their roturn. Those failing to over KOIL from 10:05 to 10:30 y-rcvlsed Jewish marriage con- CDort arc liable for penalties and a. m. ract. CDortation, Omaha. Jewish 'leadership has been urged to set aside January 28-30 for participation in the 20th Annual Conference of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds of the West Central Region, which comprises 10 states neighboring on Nc< braska, "Emphasis will be placed thii year on participation by commu nlty .leaders so that each commu nity may gain from the experiena of others," Mr. Marcr, Omaha Federation president, said. "It is very Important that Omaha Jewish leaders and communal workers plan to attend and participate in the session." The conference meetings will be held at the Blackstone Hotel. Both large and- small communities the region will participate.
'Paisan to Open Cinema Series
Global Report
Zionist College Groups Formed
srael Freighter Crew Released
Sunday Radio
Alien Registration
rm JEWISH rus*
r fag* Twa
Friday, January 7, 1955
B&P Hadassah Round-Up Jan. 19
Religious News
j 19 the Fe4antloa tor Jewish Bervlce , ii IIIIUII linn m in mi Hi ••! U mini I i m m a K U i a aa aMiadoa raw
4:B1P. M. CandIeUShtlng
Temple Israel
Brandeis Associates to Hear Hall of Fame Football Star
At the regular Sabbath Services Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will discuss "Jewish Marriage and Divorce" in his sermon, and after services at an Oneg Shabbat ah Informal discussion of the sermon topic will follow. Services Saturday morning at 11:30 o'clock for adults and Religious School pupils will be followed by Klddush for all present. Rabbi Brooks will deliver the sermonette, and give a special blessing far the children with birthdays (luring the month of January.
Benny Friedman, one of America's all-time football greats, win Committee member* of Basinets and Professional be the principal speaker at the group smile tbelr approval at the advance sale at tickets for the andinner of the Brandeis University nual B*P Baiaar and Card Party to be held at tbe BUclutone HoAssociate* to be held at 7 p. m. in tel, January IV. Pictured from left to right are Mr*. Sylvia Boss, the Blackstone Hotel, Wednesday, Eve L. Eonedcy, UUIaa Benwtein and Bebeeea BeroovM. Their Jan. 12. aanilal affair this year ha» been named BAP Ha4aatah Kooadutt, Mr. Friedman hai been director H n Boas is overall fund ralalar rh«lrm«sj aad her eo-chairof athletics and head coach of footmaa is Mb* Dorothy RoscnthaL Tickets a n oa* dollar and are ball at Brandeis University, Waltavailable from any B A P member aad at the Bladutoae Hotel. ham, Mass., since 1949. Hi* career, which has become a legend in gridiron history, was formally"recBethEL ognized recently when the name Services Friday evening will beof Benny Friedman was entered in gin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Football's Hall of Fame. His playKripke will deliver the sermon and ing Career Included four years at Bible and Talmud Aaron L Edgar and the Our young-at-heaxt Residents Cantor the University of Michigan, and Beth £3 Choir will render the musseven years of professional play brought in the year 1955 with a By OB. PHILIP SHEB ical portions of tbe service. with Cleveland, Detroit, New York TV Party in the Home auditorium. Sabbath morning service* will and Brooklyn. During World War Refreshments consisting of deli- be at 8:45 a. m. Junior CongregaII, he served one year as backficld By Dr. Philip She*1 catessen sandwiches, beer, pop, tea tion services are at 10:45 a. m. coach of the fabulous Great Lakes Mlncha-Maariv Services will be at Bible team. and cookies were served to alL 4:45 p. m. Daily services arc at 7 The show of their countenance Our Folks wish to take this opBrandeis University, founded in m. and 7 p.m. Sunday morning doth witness. against them, and portunity to wish the entire Com- a. 1948, is sponsored by the American service at 9 a. m. Mlncha-Maarlv they declare their sin as Sodom munity a very happy, healthy and service is Jewish community. It is open to at 4:45 p. m. they hide it not Woe unto their all regardless of race, color or resouls, for they have wrought evil prosperous New Year in 1955. ligious affiliation. A unique feaHome residents arc Morris Ac- Beth. Israel unto themselves. ture of the institution is the reSay ye of the righteous, that I kerman, Sarah Barson, Lena Bor- Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor cent completion of three chapels, sky, Harry Braverman, Pesha Coshall be well wjth them, for they Ell Kagan, the Beth Israel Synaone for each of the major religious shall eat the fruit of their deeds. hen, Sam Z. Cohen, Sam B. Colnlc, gogue choir will conduct the servfaiths. Eva Davidson. Pearl Faltt, Msut Woe unto the wicked; it shall be ice this Friday evening at 8. The January 12 dinner is sponill with him, for the work of his Fish. Bessie Friedel. Sara Gcnd- Traditional Friday evening servsored by the following members of ler, Eva Halprin, Samuel Halprin hands shall be rewarded to him. Omaha Chapter, Brandeis UniverSol Handler, Pearl HarmcL Fannie ices (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at Talmud sity Associates: Life members, Jacobs, Rose Kagan, Jake Kavlch, 4:45 p. m. Sabbath morning servRabbi Joseph said: "A man Herman Cohen, John Farbcr, HyIsrael Krantz, Reva Krasnc, Minn ices begin at 8:30 a. tn.; Junior Sunday, Jan. » should always observe the ways of Krcstul, Max Lcmcr, Jenny Lev- congregation at 10 a. m.; Rabbi man Ferer and Milton S. LivingChildren's Activities, 2 p. m.— Groner will conduct the Talmud his Creator; for Cod disregarded enson and Joseph Lipsey, ston; scholarship member. Dr. Center. class at 4:15 p. m.; Sabbath Minall high mountains and counseled Philip Sber. Others are Max Mlnkln, Sarah cha at 4:45 p. m.; followed by Pioneer Women Child Rescue his Schechina to descend and rest Associate members are David Dinner, 6 p. m.—Center. on Mount Sinai, giving, also, the Minkln, Anna Nachschocn, Her- Sholoshe S'eudos and Msariv. DalBlacker, L Chapman, Jay Chermann Nichols, Belle Noodell, Mol ly morning services at 7 a. m.; aft* Torah to Israel on the same Monday, fan. 10 nlack, Harold Cberniack, Harry ly Pcrliss, Sam Poster, George ernoon services at S p. m. Sunday B. Cohen, D. W. Frank, Herman BikUr Cholim, 1 p. m.—Center. mount (which is not so tall)." Pick-Patrick, Anron Rofjlnsky, Jomoming services begin at 8:45 Rabbi Joshua said: "One who Goldstein, Irving Freedman, Dr. Workmen's Loon, 7:30 p. m.— m. followed by breakfast and. searches his ways in this world so seph Ruback, Susnn Rubnck, BcsAbe Grcenberg, Louis Greenberg, Center. tio Seglin, Sol Sllvcrman, Sam Rabbi's daw Bible. .Sunday Dr. N, 11 Greenberg, Irving Hcr- Beth El P-TA Meeting, 8 p.m. as; to find out the right course, Sommcr, Goldic >Sp!vak, Bessie morning JuniorInMinyan, followed will be rewarded to see the salvazog, M Morris E. Jacobs, J. Harry —Beth El. tion of the Holy One, praised by Tesiler, Carrie Urbach, Oslas by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. Teuadty, Jan. 11 Kulakpfiky, Morris Levey, StanWcldman, Efrnlm Weinberg, Harry The Talmud Discussion group ford Lipsey, Alfred S. Mayer. Hu- Beth El Sisterhood, 1 p. m.— He." Rabbi Chama said: "Whoever Wclncr and Libby Zalkin. meets every Tuesuny evening at bert W. Monsky, Ernest A. Nogg, Beth El Synagogue, Nathan I. Nogg, Harry Perimeter, Beth Israel Sisterhood, 1 p. m.— finishes a task which another had The January Birthday Party will 7 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th started and did not complete, the be held Tuesday, Jan. 11 at 7:30 and Burt Sts. Aaron Rips, John Rosenblatt, Da- Beth Israel. vid Brodkcy, Fred Rosenstock, Temple Israel Sisterhood, 1 p. Scriptures considers the one who P. m. The following Residents, who finishes it as having performed the have birthdays in January win be Jack Sandier, Jack J. Schrager, m.—Temple Israel. especially honored: Eva Halprin, Louis Singer. Erwln Samuel, Louis Lcathercraft Class, 7:30 p. m.— entire task." Rabbi Judnh said: "Why did Samuel Halprin, Bdle Noodell, EpSomberg, Fred S. White. Loyal Center. Cohn, Edward Schlmmcl, Samuel Great Books Course, 8 p. m.— Joseph die before his older broth- rlam 'Weinberg and Sarah Mlnkln. ers? Because he assumed airs of The families and friends of the Sam Berek, Americanism Chair' N. Wolf, Joe I. Sweiback and Rob- Center. superiority." ert Kooper. participating Residents are cordial- man for the Southwest Region, of Wednesday, Jan. 12 ly Invited to attend. the B'nal B'rith, wUl speak at tha Reservations at $4 per plate may Brandeis University Dinner, 7 YAHBZEITt Special Memorial January 13. meeting of Comhuskbe made at Blackstone Hotel, HA p. m.—Blnckstone Hotel. Zionist Council Services will be held in the Home er Lodge B'nal B'rith at 8 p. m. 0945, or by telephoning any mem- Omaha Zionist Council, 8 p. m.— The Omaha Zionist Councfl will Synagogue for tbe following dur- in the Jewish Community Center. ber of the committee in charge, Center. He will explain the.B'nal B'rith' hold its first meeting of the new ing January: which consists of Ephralm L. Thursday, Jan. 13 year at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. Julius Newman—Teveth 13, Jan- Americanism program. Marks, chairman; Jack Schrager, National Council of Jewish Wom12 in the Jewish Community Cen- uary 7. co-chairman, and Mrs. Hyman en's Board, 1 p. m—Home. All men who are interested in ter. . Ferer, co-chairman. Rosalie Epstein—-Tcvcth 22, Jan- joining B'nal B'rith are cordially. Pioneer Women Board. 1:30 p. It is important that all members uary Invited to attend our meetings and 16. Tbe dinner will be preceded by m.—Center. a cocktail party at 7 p. m. to which Comhuskcr B'nal B'rith. 8 p.m. attend this meeting. Mrs. J. H. Max Veret—Teveth 23, January get acquainted with our lodge. KuJakofsky, president of the counTbe Combusker Lodge Bowling OB dinner guests are invited. —Center. cil announced. Babctta Ermann — Shevat 2, Tournament, held at the Rose Bowl Kadimab Meeting, 8:15 p. m.— anuary 25. ' December 26, will be an annual Home. ISRAEL LEFT OUT Abe Classman—Shevat 7, Jan- affair. All proceeds will be foruary 30. warded to the District Grand Lohdon-(WNS)—As a result of pressure by the Arab states, which Mrs. Julius Newman gave a Lodge .in Chicago for distribution Temple School Arthur Hasnldc, son of "Hit. and threatened not to attend the con- :tdduah in memory of her bu>r to the various charitable lnstitu* Mrs. Harry Roznlck, will celebrate (ions supported by ihe B'nal B'rith. fifth .through tenth ference if Israel were seated, Is- band's Yahrzeit his: Bar Mitzvah this evening'and grades at Temple Israel Religious rael will'be the only Middle Eastare urged to attend] tomorrow morning at Beth Israel School will meet Saturday morn- ern state which will not be invited Paulette Goddard:"God made, heAll,members next meeting and bring a Synagogue, 52nd and Charles ing. ' Classes from kindergarten to the conference of Asian and women without a sense of humor prospective member. There is plenstreets. through fourth grades will be held African nations to be held in Ban- so they1 could love men instead of y of free parking In the lot east of Friends and relatives are Invited Sunday at the usual time. dung, Indonesia, next April. he Jewish Community Center. laughing at them."—(JTA) to attend both services and the receptions which win follow.
Gems of the .
With the Folks At Home
Community Calendar
Cornhusker Lodge Will Hear Berek
Lee Schrager. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schrager, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah Friday evening, Jan. 7 and Saturday moming, Jan. 8 at Beth El Synagogue. Triads and relatives are invited to attend both services and receptions which will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wassor<nan announce that their son. Lauren Michael, wil celebrate his . Bar Milzvah Friday evening, Jan. 14 and Saturday morning, Jan. 15 at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the services and receptions which will follow.
CotrrUhU ISM. b» Aiurlcu JiwUb nut
IM 1611 tft ASC Jews Pcciorp -m pirrfi FOR CITIZEN4HIP.
JEWS ureRE eciiJG-FORcep To
Jack Benny: "The American home is as sound as ever, thanks to the television set."—(JTA)
8. Struggle for Equal Rights
Illustrations by MAURICE del BOURGO
Pridmy, luuurj
Organizations The January meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will be hel Tuesday, Jan. IX at 1 p, m, in th synagogue loclal hall. All new member* or the sisterhood will be guests for the afternoon. All mem bers, friends and those contem plating membership to the sisterhood are invited to attend. Alter s abort business meeting, the sodn! program wlL Include cards, mar. Jongs:, bingo and scrabble. Mrs, Norman Hahn, mcmbcrshl; chainnnn, Is In choree of the even
Miss Mary McAreavey, Director of Nnrsfngr Service at Children' Memorial Hospital, will address the Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women at its monthly meeting -to be held Thursday, Jan. 13, at the home of Mrs. Abe Bear, 2115 8. 42nd Street, at 8:30 p. m. Her topic will be "Children's Memoria Hospital, A Hospital, A Home, A School." Kadimah Chapter members urged to attend the Pioneer Wonen No. 1 Chapter dinner, January 9, at the Jewish Community Center at 630 p. m., at which Evelyn Kaplan, representative of the Na tional office wlU be guest speaker. Reservations may be made with Mrs, David Wine. WAlnut 2687.
Council Women The Current Events Study Group of U>e National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha, Section, will meet Wednesday, Jon. 12 at the borne of Mrs. Julius Coon, 6311 Gknwood Road at 1 p. m. Hie PresI dent's address to Congress on the "State of the Union" will be discussed. Everyone to welcome. . .\frs. Edward Levinson wtu lead th? discussion. A regular monthly board meeting will be held at 1:30 p. to.. Thursday, Jan, 13 at the home'of Sir*. Ernest Nogg, 676 N. S7th ave. Mrs. Harry Haykto win be cohostess. Arrangements, are being made' for the Council's annual Supper Dance to be held at the Fontenelle Hotel February 19. Mrs. Richard Scitner and Mrs. Richard Hlller ore arrangements chairmen.
Bikur Cholim The Bikur Cholim Society will hold its tegular monthly dessert luncheon meeting at 1 p. m., Monday, Jan. 10 in tlie Jewish Community Center. All members are urged to attend.
B.E. Sisterhood to Honor New Members New member* will be honored at the Beth El Sisterhood lunch* eon meeting Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 1 p. m. In the sodal hall of the synagogue. The afternoon's program will indudo brief hlghUthU from the Biennial Convention of the National Women's League of the United Synagogue of America, by our delegates to that convention. Mrs. Leon Schmldman, program chairman for the day, will present "The House Our Fathers Built," written by Dorothy K. Krlpkej directed by Mrs. Leon Schmldman. and assisted by Mrs. Fhineos Wintroub. The cast will include Alexander Katz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nohshori, Dr. Samuel Rosenblum, Al Frelrelch, Mm. Maurlc Landraan, Mrs. Donald nice, Mrs. Donald Nogg, Mm. Seymour Goldston. Mr*. Phineos Wintroub, Mrs. Meyer Rubin, Mrs. Max Biltncr, and Mrs. Elmer Novnk. Luncheon will be served by Mrs. Phil Rosenblatt, Mrs. Jack Fox, and their circle. Telephone committee will Include: Mmes.: Ben Koslow, Joseph Horns teln. and Morris Raltstcin.
Temple Sisterhood Supper Meeting j
Omaha Sketches
- B. I. SwterTiood
Kadimah Chapter
face Three
1, 1*35
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alloy announce the birth of their first child, Wendy Susan, born December 29 at a local hospital. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noodell and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. Abramson. Mrs. B. Noodell is maternal great-grandmother, • • .• Rabbi and Mrs. Irving Rasenbaum with their children Donald, Roy and Susan are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenboum of Omaha. : • •
. • • '
Mn, Evmlyae Kaplaa
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L.~ Davis MIM Butu Slavin of Highland Park, 111., announce the birth ot a daughter Linda Susan bom December 28 in Chicago. This is the couple's first child. Mr, Davis Is an former Omahan. Maternal grandparents are Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Slavin anThe Pioneer Women's Organiza- and Mrs. Leon Sobel of Chicago nounce the engagement of their tion will hold its annual Child Res- and paternal grandparents are Mr. daughter Ruth, at a dinner party cue Dinner at 6:30 p. m., Sunday, and Mrs. Sam Davis of Omaha. given In New York City, to Merle B. Potash son of Mr. and Mrs. DaJon. 9 in the Jewish Community vid Potash of Omaha. Center. Mrs. Evaiyne Kaplan, a Miss Slavin Is a student at the former president of the Chicago University of Nebraska, Mr. PoCouncil Pioneer' Women, will be tash is now attending Omaha Uniguest speaker. Tel Aviv (JTA)—Floods caused versity. He Is an alumnus of SigMrs. Kaplan is a vice-president ma Alpha Mu fraternity. of the.Bureau of Jewish Educa- by heavy rains have receded in the The couple is planning a June tion in Chicago. She is a graduate Tel Aviv area and in central Israel wedding. of the Chicago Folk Institute. Mrs. last week-end as the rains let up, Kaplan has recently returned from but the southern region of Israel, an extensive trip in Israel "and will the Ncgev, which previously had Hies front houses Whfch had been escaped effects of the torrential damaged or weakened. report on conditions there. downpours, reported flood condi- Hadassah, responding to emerCantor Eli Kagan of Beth Israel tions. gency appeals, announced the conwin present Jewish folk song* acThe town of Beersheba was de- tribution of: 100.000 pieces of clothcompanied by pianist Haw Baer. scribed as an island In a great ing, valued at $150,000 for victims Mrs, Herman Bondarin Is chair- lake. Roads leading tq the town of the floods. The clothing will man for the evening. For reserva- and radiating from it were under be distributed to residents of the tions call Mrs. Scheider, GL lift; water. Elsewhere in the Negev, immigrant camps and other flood Mrs. Kaplan, WE 5454, or Mrs. the story was one of waters raging victims through the Government's Rifkin, HA 4030. through normally dry wadis and welfare centers. overflowing' their banks. President Itzhak Ben Zvl vislteo Danny Kaye: "A highbrow Is a Around Tel Aviv, the outskirts areas affected by the floods'and man who has found something of which had suffered heavily from his office subsequently announced more Interesting than women."— the flood waters, emergency squads his contribution of 2S0 pounds for (JTAJ continued work, evacuating fam- the relief of theflood victims.
Miss Ruth Slavin Engagement Told
Pioneer Child Rescue Affair
Negev Hard Hit By Flood Wafers
BRANDEIS Special Purchase! Annual Sale! 1,000 Pr. Accent! Shoes Made to Sell for 8.95 to 11.95 Pair • Winter and Ecvfy Spring Sfyles • Styles for Dress and Sport • Suedes, Patent Leathers, Calfs and Kid Leathers! • Straps, Pumps and Slings
Here's the sale you've been waiting forl 1,000 pair of our best selling brands of women's shoes . . . all at this) one low price I These are, stylet you will wear from now Into Spring , . . styles for dress, tport and street wear . . . . and in all
Temple Bible Group -
your favorite colors. Choose from black, red, blue end green In broken sizes
The Temple Israel evening discussion group will meet at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. 12 at Temple lirael. The next session of the Bible Group will lie held at 1 p. m., Thursday; Jan. 20. Rabbi Sidney It Brooks is discussion leader for &1I groups.
4'/i to 10. widths AAM-AAA-AA-A-B. Wide selection of style* In all-shef. Sony. No Mail or Float Order. '
Shoes—Mob Floor
The Temple Israel Sisterhood will present "Who Is Your Cook" as part of the program at their evening supper meeting to bo held at 7 p. m., Saturday, Jan. 15 in the Temple social hall Mrs. Stanley Afayper, program chairman, asks each , sisterhoal member to make a box supper (nfl dessert) and wrap it with the name of the member inlsdc of the box,, The suppers will then be auctioned off at a limited price and the pur*' chaser will dine with the lady who prepared the supper. Mrs. Morris Lipp and Mrs. Rob* ert Levlne will be in charge of serving coffee and dessert for the sisterhood. Mrs. Richard Goldman will assist Mrs. Mayper. A surprise event is being planned as part of the program. Cards and music tor dancing will follow the. supper. ,
Mrs. Sidney Snelder, president of the Beth El P-TA announced M meeting: or group will be held Afon. day, Jan. 10, at 8:30 p. m. in the social hall. Harold Perelmnn, program chairman, announces that a panel discussion entitled "What We Expect From Jewish Educa« tion" will comprise the program. Members of the panel will be Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, Samuel Nahshon, Joseph Beck and Dr« Daniel Miller. Parents are invited to tome at 7:45 p. m. to discuss their chll« dren's program with the teachers.
Bernsteiii'Shafer Wedding at B.I.
! I
Miss Rose Bernstein and Aaron Shafer were married Saturday, Dec. 25 in the Beth Israel ChapeL Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer are spenaV ing the winter months in Los An*, geles, Calif. They win return t» Dmaha to moke their home here,
Jay Basketball
B'nai BVi+h
Friday, January 1, 1958
Y. C. Doings
N W Mechanics Class
The Jewish Youth Council is initiating another class for meBAYIM By Uadr f a a l In addition to the newly elected chanically inclined teen-agers. The president and vice-president of group will meet every Thursday f VARSITY LEAOUE Y. O. A LEAGUE Women's Rayim, other new officers are Gene from 7:30 to 9 p. m. at the CenEpstein's Enterpriser*, with HarLast week was tune-up time for W. L. Kohn, secretary; ..Dick Raskin, ter. Members of the class will be old Nepomnick and: Stan Wldman AZA 1 and Rayim A as they both jfldwest Water Heaters . . 29* 19 treasurer; Tanny Horwich, ser- Instructed in the structure'of the leading the way gave Yaffe's their took victories from t h e i r op- Fireside Restaurant 27 21 geant-at-arms; Murray Rose, Y. C. gasoline engine. Besides looming initial l o u in an overtime session, ponents. The lads front Mother Wolf Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . 26 22 representative, and George Blalac, about the function and theory 0( the engine, members of the (Class 45-43. The winning basket was chapter were red hot a* they rolled Omaha Jobbing 25 23 assistant Y. C representative. will apply their knowledge by made by Arley Bondarin with 30 Up one of the biggest scores in Philips Dept, Store . . . . . . 23 25 The new -committee chairman tearing down and reconstructing seconds remaining. Nepomnick had years, a 89-29 win over the Rayim Meyers News . . . . . . . . . . . 23 25 19 while Wldman hit for 18. Irv B team. Stan Wldman and Tom Mystic Beauty Shop 20 28 are: cultural Mike Ban; social, the engines, Sherman Poska, Mike Yudelson and Art Novak; Youth Activities director stated. Bromberg were the big guns as Yaffe led all scorers with 20 for Sbukert's 19 "29 religious, Larry Zacheria; athletic, All boys interested in this activity they hit for 30 and 20 points rehis squad. nigh Oames sad Series ' Al Cory and Steve Rosenblatt; should register with the director Star Auto Part* and Lusty's spectively. Shel Krantz led the Shirley Gorelick 191-513, Ann community service,. Joe Pitlor; at the Youth Council office. also engaged in an overtime game B team with 14 points. Schulman 492, Esther Ross 462, traveling troupe, Maynard Rosen A scrappy bunch of Centurymen Rose Oruch 452, Rita Cooper 190, with Star Auto coming out on top and Dick Spelr; paper, Marty 44-42. Jack Stiss and Al dayman played the league leading Rayim Helen Shukert 1T7. Greene; courtesy, Bob Joseph; his* with 17 and 11 points respectively A team on even par for three torian, Ed Bercovici; philanthropy, were the top scorers for the win- quarters but fell to the Rayim Mike Hcrzog; photograph, Marv Women's B ners while Steve Lustgartcn had boys' fourth quarter assault 43-28. Joseph; senior novelty. Jack BakW IJ. Howard Goldstein and Gene Kohn Encore, a group made up of 14 for Lusty's. er, and song, John Goldnor and led the well balanced attack with Angle's Beauty Salon. 28% 19H Steve Cohen. Youth Council members, will hold Standings Kish Furs . . . . . . . . . . . 27 21 its first session of the new year W. L. 12 and nine points respectively. Lyn's Florist 25 23° The next performance of the at 7:30 p. m,, Wednesday, Jan. 12 Speedy Zwelback and Bob Epstein Yaffe Printing 3 ' 2 4 t t 23H Rayim Traveling Troup will be at the home of Dick Spelcr, 316 S, each hit-for eight for the Century- Smith Pdntlac Star Auto 2 Korney's Paint Co. . . . 23 25 January 31 at Veterans Hospital. 56th s t men. Epsteins 2 Colony C l u b . . . 22 26 The next Rayim party will be JanStandings Lusty's , 1 The group was formed for tho Mogcn David Wine . . . 22 26 uary 22. W. purpose of getting together and Hamilton Pharmacy . . 20 28 Nine out of the eighteen boys listening to good music. The theme Raybn A ....8 MIDGET LEAGUE High Games and Series admitted to Journalism I arc for the evening will be "Musical A . Z . A. 1A 7 Gerellck Motors, paced by Roy A. Z. A. 100 A . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Esther Kalman 154-445, Dlna Rayim members. They are Mike Variations on HI-FI," and classiKatskee, Joel Davis and Larry Rayim B Bloom 150-154-442, Lucille Abram- Ban, Ed Bercovid, Dick Einstein, cal, semi-classical and popular re1 Kohn took an important victory son 173-442, EUie Schloff 190-434, John Goldner, Tanny Horwich, cordings will be heard interspersed from previously unbeaten Hires Estclle Turkel 155-428, Ruth Platt Shel Krantz, Lee Martin, Murray with musical chit-chat 1 Root Beer and administered a 156-414, Phyllis Frank 407, Ida Newman and Jamie Shapiro. Those Interested in listening to 29-24 win. Katskee, rebounding Sachs 164, Jess Glnsburg 156, Dormusical recordings arc invited t o well from both boards hit for ten W. L. othy Feltmah 153. DEBKA DEBS attend. points. Davis added eight, Wise Deb Neb IS 3 Debs' Community Projects Comfour and Kohn three. Gabby Berg Cuties 14 4 Parkway mittee spent an afternoon helping got an important basket to aid I'ma Savkit 13 S W. L. aV a Christmas Carnival at the the cause. Dan Hollls led all scor- Lucky Strikes 12 6 Milder OH 2 1 Settlement House. Several girls, London (JTA)—Four Jews were ers with 13 points. Screwballs 10 8 Hoberman Plbg. 2 1 headed by Nancy Fricdlander and honored In the Queen's New Year* S. RJekes and Sons won their Hobos , 9 9 Marsha Zalkln, entertained at the Honors List released recently. Ranks Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 first game of regular season play Four Gutter Gals 9. 9 Woirson-Gcrber . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 Dr. Philip Shcr Home. The girls Most prominent among them was as they dropped a cold Fireside Turkey* Harvey Chicken 2 1 also prepared bedside boxes and Basil Henrique*, who received a Rest squad 15-10. Frank Goldberg, Knock On Wood . . . . . . 6 12 Forbes Bakery . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 sent them to the University Hos- knighthood in recognition of his Bill Horwich and Al Konccky 3 or Us 6 12 Richman-Gordman . . . . . . . . 1 2 pital. services in behalf of youth. paced the attack as Konccky Lucky Four 4% 13*4 Sol Lewis "Co. 1 2 Other Jews on the list Included scored six points while his team- Hi Guys 2 16 Riteway TV ..,.1 2 two new Commanders of the OrAZA NO. I mates added four each. Bob FellHigh Games: Matlee Katleman, Canadian Ace Beer 1 2 man and Don Forman each scored 197; Joyce Canar, 176, and Flor- Grace-Mayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 December 26-28 Omaha AZA's der of the British Empire: L. F . 3 four points for the losers. and BBC's attended a joint conven- Salzman, a historian and M. W, ine Sokolof. 163. . Cowboys' squad took their Inition in Sioux City, la. The conven- Goldblatt, director of research labtion was comprised of social and oratories. E. J. Havim, described tial win in regular league play as athletic events. AZA No. l's Steve as a "British subject lately resi' they swamped I-Go-Van 36-5, The dent in China" was made a ComI-Go-Van team was playing withMike Platt was high in the Sliver and Ray Kirke won the ping mander of the British Empire in This week Frank: Goldberg won league with his 313 series and pong, doubles tournament PAG the portion of the list assigned t o out their three regulars Jeff WohlStan Wldman was chosen to the ner, Don Fiedler and Keith Licb- the high series In the boys' divi- games of 162 and 151. Foreign Office personnel. erraan. Mike Green displaying a sion with a 252 tally. Eden Cohen Susie Woifson was high In the Cornbclt regional all-star basketThe 64-ycar-old Henriques, who ball team. nifty one hand push shot scored was high for the girls with a 209 girls' division with her 309 scries. Is a member of a famed Sephardlc 12 points while Steve Gould added series. Her 165 game was high for the family in Britain, is a founder and Other highs were: Stevens 102— day. eight. Dan Katskee had four points BBG warden of the Bernard Baron S t . 201, Cohen, 129—209. Rlekes, 120. for the losers. A photographer will be at the Deanne Markovitz and Sandra Georges Jewish Settlement, which Unbeaten Pacific Fish ran into a I15-rr235, Mnrkovitz, 117 — 207, Music Box this Sunday to take Krizclman were voting delegates provides leisure time and other actough defense set up by Richman- Goldstein, 130-215, Hcrzog, 111. pictures of the teams. League at the regional meeting held in tivities for young people in LonGordman but escaped with a 9-8 101—212, Goldberg, 119, 133—252. members arc once again reminded Sioux City. don's East End. win. Once again Dick Zacliaria Pitalls, 131. 103—237, J. Guss, 119 to wear their shirts. All members The B'nai B'rlth Girls came back paced his team's attack as he ac- —214, and S. Guss, 129—223. ore urged to be at the Music Box to Omaha with three victorys. counted for all nine points. Steve whether they are "dog" or n o t Two girls will attend the district Guss had four for the losers. High Games and Series convention this coming summer. Standings They ore Phyllis Freedman, who Larry Gilinsky . .145-143—288 W. L. Stuart Fogcl 146-111—257 won in discussion and Sandra FellCu TOil rat* U 00 m i l for meb InMr* Pacific Fish ,. 3 0 Eddie Wlntroub 145-110—255 man in storytelling. uoti. Th« Prwa r*wrvM UM tight. to llaK W3» »dy*rtlj.m«it. Rlchman-Gordman . . . . . . . . 2 ' 1 Our bowling team won by 87" By Feme Katleman Bill Katsman ......127-126—253 Cowboys........ l 2 pins. Team members are Carole BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuJudy Wohlnor 127-123-250 Hi. kids I I just want to say that I-GorVan ..*.. 0 3 lations also for all Jewish holiRoger Smith 128-121—249 Frank, Joyce Canar, Elaine Jan Gerellck Mtrs. 2 1 I hope you enjoyed your winter Mickey Sacks days and special occasions. 145-101—246 ger and Sandra Krizclman. Hires Root Beer 2 1 vacation at the Center as much as Steve Block Community Service Committee Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. 127-112—239 S. Rick:* & Sons 1 2 we enjoyed having you here. It was Nancy-Richards ...124-114—238 Is making scrapbooki to give to one Fireside Rest. 1- 2 Wonder/ul meeting all of you and Jeanne Silver . . , Housework Wanted of the hospitals. .124-109—233 High Scorers: Dick Zncharia, 37 working with you; well Just Stan Greenfield , There will be a regular meeting References supplied. Call JA 7707. .116-115—231 .points; Steve Guss, 20 points; Jeff have to get together again real David Wlntroub , .127-101—228 at the Center at 1:30 p. m., Jan, Wohlner, 14 points; Don Hollis, 34 soon—In the meantime^ here's Nancy Vernon .. 127- 99—228 uary 9, with on executive meeting points; Roy Katskee, 28 points and wishing you all a very happy and Gloria Oslrow 118-^106—224 preceding it at 1 p.*m. Al Konecky, 20 points. healthy New Year! The-B'nai B'rlth Girls Annual Gall Tretlak 114-106—220 "FUNLANto" Judy Brookstein ....110-109—219 Winter Formal will be held Feb"Funland" will- resume at its Justin Lewi* 118- 99—217 ruary 5. A Cokctail Party will preregular time this Sunday, Jan. 9. Judy Cohen 112-101—213 cede the dance at the home of The program starts at 2 p, m. and Martin Sncidcr 112-101—213 Shirley Raznlck. American Division will end at 4:30 p. m, All children Marsha Coren 113- 99—212 W. I . belonging to the "Fun d u b " led Judy Lazer 110-102—212 Venl Vcdi Vid 27 6 by Bernie Fcldman. and the "Rose Beverly Bloom . . . . . . 1 2 3 - 89—212 High Five 25 8 Club" led by Marilyn Meyers, will Cindy Klein . . . . . . . . 1 2 1 - 88—209 MeziScwGrezl 20 13 swim this Sunday; so they should Steve Gould 125- 84—209 Duck Pins. 20 13 bring their suits, towels and caps. Douglas Platt 108- 96—2Oi Patricians 18 15 Ernie Saltzman's and Nancy Bar- Harriet Schloff 117- 86-203 4B'sandS , 14 19 ro»'s groups are planning a winter Barbara Bercutt ....117- 86—203 Strike Kings 14 19 camping trip to Camp Brcwster Dalo Kasiri ..109- 95—202 Tallerzollic 14 19 this weekend. Standings Neonay Vedc . . . . . . . . . . . 8 19 SIXTH OBADE GIBLS W. L. Rayim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 23 The sixth grade girls Pre-Tecn 5 High Averages: Bob Epstein, Club is observing the Sabbath this Meadow Gold Dairy • • • *23 Fireside Restaurant . . . 1 7 11 Served Buffet Style! 170; Jerry Zlegman, 170; Fred SiV week by attending services at Beth Omaha Jobbing .15 13 mbri, 161 and Stan Wldman, 158. Israel Synagogue this Saturday Neb. Furniture Mart ..15 13 All You Care to Eat National Division morning as a group and then ad- Woifson Gerbcr Auto ..14 14 Marty Greene broke divisional journing to tho home of Susie Mnypers 1354 1415 record with a 212-189-172 for a Sachs for an afternoon Oneg Woifson Sales 13 15 NOON TO 3 P.M. 573 series. Shabbat. Playland Park 13 15 W. L. SEVEJfTH GRADE GIItLS Midwest Water Heatcrs.1214 KM Rayim SOS 21 12 The next meeting of the Sev- O. P. Skaggs 11 17 Rayim Pins & Points . . 20 13 enth grade girls club will be this Morris Paint 11 17 AZA 100 Wifs 19 Sunday, Jan. 9, in Jic Center at 3 Hoberts Dairy RUG & UPHOLSTERY -10 18 AZA 100 Jolly Joes ...18 15 p. m. CLEANERS Hayim Knfotcha.s 18U 35<-i For Fine Tailoring RUGS — CARPETING AZA 1 XXX 17 1G SEX CHANGK AZA 1 Argonauts . . . . li 19 Jerusalem (JTA) — Attorney LAMP SHADES Norman Marsh AZA 100 General Chaim Cohen ruled that FURNITURE Member Master Tailors and Knock On Wood . . . . 1G 17 any operation aimed at changing Cutters Association, Cleaned In Your Home! AZA 1 Misses 10 Vs. 22 H the sex of a man and transformLondon, England HOTEL BLACK5TONE Custom Tailor to l.ndJc-s & Men dlndlng • toying • Repairing High Camci and Series: Greene. inghlm into a woman would be ilAI.TEIIATIONS DON BERNSTEIN HA 2554 212—573; YudeJson, 181—483, and legal even if performed at the rei l l So. 201h JA Z « 2 Herman, 161—173. quest of the man himself.
Next Session of Encore Wednesday
Y.C. Girls Bowling
British Honors
Jr. Y.C. Bowling
Jr. B.B. Bowling
Want Ads
I Junior Spotlight
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday *
Y.C. Boys' Bowling
Sunday Branch