January 14, 1955

Page 1

xxxra—w o. 10 MAM, omum. Mtwuka. paM"«*{« SB* OMAHA, NEBRASKA, HUDAY, JANVABY 14,1965

*Paisan' To Open Center Cinema Series Sunday - "Falun" the Italian film mas-f terpiece will open the Center Cinema Series at 8:19 p. m., Sunday, Jan. 16 in the Recital Hall of the 3cm\yn Memorial Art Museum, Mr* Edward Zorlnsky and Jack Sand•" ler co-chairmen of the series announced. The Recital Hall is especially equipped for the showing of films. 'Another memorable realistic n}otlon picture dlrectod by Roberto Rouelllnl, it has been hailed here and abroad as a new kind of film. The atory deals with the liberation of Italy during World War II. following the landing of American ^uid British armies. "Palsan" contains sharply pointed episodes with the impact of war on Italian civilians and foreign soldiers and the relationships between them. The New York Times in a review Ilabbl Mnrdccal Klrahblum stated: "Rosselilnl has tafan the apparent shapeleuncss of life and given It form and personal Implications . . .extraordinary . . . to be seen again and again . . . marks a milestone in the expressiveness of the screen." Rabbi Mordccai Klrshblum, naThe six films in the scries were selected-on the basis of a commu- tional president of Mizrachi, will nity-wide survey. Other" motion pic- be guest of the local chapter this tures to be shown are "It Hap- week-end. pened One Night," "Specter of the The rabbi will deliver the serRose," "The Lady Vanishes,' mon Saturday morning at Beth "Glgl" and the "Well-diggers Israel Synagogue, discussing imDaughter." Ticket* for the scries arc $2.50 plications of the current situation and individual admissions are 15 In Israel. cents. For reservations call the acSaturday evening at 8 p.. m.. tivities office at the Jewish Coro- Rabbi Klrshblum will speak at the jinunity Center, JA 1366. traditional MILavah Malkah to bo held at B'nal Jacob Ados Ycshurun Synagogue, 3028 Cuming st. Cantor Eli Kagan will lead the musical portion of the program. Everyone Is cordially invited to Dr. Philip Sher, honorary pres- attend. R e f r e s h m e n t s will be served. Mcllach Katzman is chairident of :the Federation for Jewish Service, has created an endow- man of the reception committee. ment fund for religious, educational, scientific, literary, and charitable : institutions. The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel; Brandeis University at Waltham, Mass., and the University of Omaha will each receive The Epstein-Morgan Post No. 250 dollars annually to be given to 260, Jewish War Veterans of U. S., the student who writes the best and Auxiliary will hold the formal essay on the subject of "Racial and presentation and dedication of A portablo respirator to the Veterans Religious Mutual Respect." Hospital at 2:30 p. m., Sunday, The Dr. Philip Sher JdMsh Jan. 16 in the hospital chapeL Home for the Aged will receive 1200 in memory of the doctor's Max Kanner, Nebraska-Iowa Department Commander, will be late wife, Rebecca Sax-Sher. The Jewish Community Center chairman of the dedication cereand Federation will be given J200 monies. Post Chaplain, Rabbi for holding Oncg Sabbaths for Myer S. Kripke of Beth El SynaJewish children during the year. gogue, will give the opening and prayers. Commander Abe Fifty dollars will be given 'an- dosing Post commander, and Mrs. nually to the Beth El Talmud Miller, Nate Marcus, president of the Torah In memory of the late Rab- Auxiliary, will present the respirabi Solomon Goldman of Chicago, tor unit. John Yordy, chief of speML Of this sum, twenty dollars cial services, and Dr. C. C Woods, will be awarded to the best Torah manager of the hospital will acstudent. The student who Is adjudged best in exemplifying the cept the unit for the hospital. teachings of the Bible will receive Commander Miller Stated, that 20 dollars and ten dollars will bo members of the Post and. Auxgiven to the best history student. iliary felt the,need for a portablo respirator so that polio patients at the hospital could go home to their families on furlough. Funds from the Veterans Day Dance In Sunday Radio November were used for the purRabbi Edgar F. Magnin of chase of the unit, he added. 1M Angeles, Calif., will disMembers of the Post and Auxcuss "This Way Out" on the llnry will attend as a group Fri^ Message of Israel program over day services at Temple Israel this KOIL from 10:05 to 10:30 a. m. evening. Cards bearing evening meal "The Son of Man" will be prayers of Protestant, Catholic broadcast on the Eternal Light and Jewluh faiths will be disprogram over WOW-Iladio from tributed in eating places in Oma11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. The na- ha, David Dubln, religious chairtional president of Pioneer man of the Post announced. Women will speak at the close The next regular meeting of the of the program. Post will be held at 8 p. m., Thursday, Jan. 20 in the Jewish Commu"Ifndassah Story" will not be nity Center. A nominating comheard this Sunday and the fol» mittee for the election of officers lowing Sunday. The program for 1955-56 will be appointed. will be resumed over KBON In Dues for 1053 may be paid now two wnrks. to Marvin Kaplan, 5117 Woolworth av.

Mizrachi Leader Will Speak Here

Dr. Sher Creates Endowment Fund

JWV To Present Respirator Unit

'Federation Demands Are Greater Now*

Mtd Mtdurt un Mrsoa,OnuM. NatntkaT


Fed. Governors t Thurs. aqofl 'o UI03UH


Jack W. Marer, president of the Federation for Jewish Service, reported that demands oh our Federation are greater today than ever before, in strewing the* Importance of tho 20th Annual Conference of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds of the West Central Region to be held here. Local demands are greater, Mr. Marer emphasized, while national and overseas needs are at least as great. The .conclave will open Friday, Jan. 28 at the Blackstone Hotel and 'will extend until Sunday, Jan. 30; a The special all day Friday meeting, Jere Glass of southern Illinois, President of the West Central Region announced, will be devoted to pointing up how fund raising in 1955 would be the means for reduction pf suffering among Jewish Slmha Pratt people In North Africa and other parts of the world. This money, Mr. Glass added, is the tool for bringing a modicum of comfort to hundreds of thousands of immigrants who were brought to Israel through our efforts and with our funds. ' Tho workshop meeting at the LADEJINSKY CASE regional parley will bo concentrated on means of bringing to the Washington (JTA)—Wolf Ladeattention of contributors the press- jinsky, center of a stormy dispute about the government's security ing needs that exist now. clearance program, with distinct anti-Semitic overtones, got full.security clearance and a new job in a land reform program In Viet Nam with the Foreign Operations Administration this week. But while the case of Wolf Ladejinsky Louis Paul, physical and Health appeared to be settled, the "LadeEducation Director of the Jewish jinsky case" was still very much Community Center, resigned his at Issue, with Jewish organizations position to enter private business, still concerned over the anti-JewLcs Burkenroad, Chairman of the ish aspect of the affair, and a fullPhysical Education Committee, an- scale investigation by Congress nounced today. Mr. Paul will leave pending. the Center January 31. The Physical Education Committee has been interviewing prospec- DEFENSE ALLIANCE tive applicants for the vacancy, Boston (WNS)-<5ov.' Christian and It Is hoped that an appoint- H. Hcrter of Massachusetts in an address before the New England ment will be announced soon. Mr. Paul has been with the Cen- regional conference of the Amerter for three years. During his ican Zionist Council expressed service^ there has been an Increase confidence in the stability and fuof participation in physical educa- ture of the State: of Israel and tion progranu by children and called for the inclusion of Israel teen-agers. Many improvements In a Middle East defense alliance. and \ innovations -were b r o u g h t Peaceful cooperation of Arabs and about during the period he direct- Israelis, the Governor said. Is "the ed the Physical Education Depart- most effective way to strengthen the Middle East against Commument. nist subversion and aggression, ' Mr, Paul also served as Director of the Center Day Camp and Camp Jay-C-C in the summer of 1954, IKE GREETING Prior to that, he was Physical Ed- New York (JTA)—President Elucation and Recreation Director senhower sent a message of congratulation to Congregation B'nal at Camp Jay-C-C Jeshurun, oldest Conservative synagogue In the United States, which marked Its 130th anniversary. The message, sent to Dr. Israel Goldstein, spiritual leader ot the congregation, read: "On the occasion of the 130th The amount of $85,818.56 was anniversary of Congregation B'nal collected during the Intensive cash Jeshurun, I send my greetings to drive held In December, Dave all its members. Since 1825, when Fcdcr, Philanthropies Pledge Re- its very establishment reflected demption chairman, announced to- the central American principle of day. The funds which were col- religious freedom, your Congregalected enabled the Jewish Philan- tion has had an impressive record thropies to meet urgent obligations not only of religious activity but to the bank and to its many agen- of philanthropic and educational cies, which fell due In December. service os well. On sharing in this "We plan to continue our col- accomplishment I congratulate all lection efforts during the months of you, and I wish you every sucof January and February," Feder cess in such endeavors in the years said, "so that we may complete ahead." our efforts before the 1955 campaign sets Into motion. The response on the part of subscribers CHILDREN'S FUND has been most encouraging, and United Nations, N. Y, (JTA)— will make It possible for the Jew- Israel has received a total of 1 ish Philanthropic. ! to pay its agen- $1,110,000 worth of nld from the cies their commitments In full." United Nations Children's Fund Mr. Feder also reported that the has matched that sum, and has adJewish Youth Council has under- ditionally contributed to UNICEF taken to clean up all outstanding total of $139,000 through last pledges made by the High School year, the UNICEF reported this 3lvl»lon. , week.

Global Report

Lindy Resigns Post

$85,818 In Cash Drive

as vtss

Israel Consul Will Speak Tho Board oi Governors of the Federation of Jewish Service will meet 'Thursday evening, Jan. 20, at 8 o'clock in the Jewish Commu. nlty Center, to transact Important Federation business, Jack W, Mar* er. Federation president, indicated. There, will be the annual electlon of five members to- the Federation Executive Committee, to servo for a period of three years, to take the place of members whose three year term ended December 31,1954. The Nominating Committee which will submit a list of ten names consists of Isadora Chapman, chairman; Dave Feder, Leo Fox, Joe M. Rice and Harry Sidman. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Other important reports will be submitted at this meeting. Consul to Speak Slmha Pratt, Israel's Consul for the Mlddlo West, wiU be guest speaker at this meeting. His talk will deal with problems of immediate concern to members of the Board of Governors. Mr. Pratt practiced law In England and in Israel, prior to Joining Israel's Foreign Service. He was a lieutenant in Israel's Army, and was active in the B'nal B'rlth movement in Israel." [ Israel Exhibit A special exhibit of books and materials on Israel which appeared in 1954 will be on display on this occasion. The exhibit will show the Importance and interest the State of Israel has attained in the publishing world. Mr. Pratt will be interviewed by Jean Sullivan on her TV program, Thursday morning; between 9:45 and..ML a.. m., _ovcr. WOW-TV, Channel 6.

Blacker Memorial Fund at Brandeis ' The Mrs. Esther Blacker Memorial Service Fund has been established by the staff of the Blacker Printing and Publishing Company at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. The fund has been designated to provide assistance through employment on campus to a deserving student. David Blacker, son of the late Mrs. Esther Blacker, was notified of the scholarship by a letter from the administrative assistant to the president of the university. Nationwide Interest in the sixyear-old, 200 acre, coeducational university has enabled Brandeis U. to aid more than one-third of the 900 undergraduate students In the past academic year with scholarships and other student aid pro* grams, It was pointed out, , • —


Center Art Class To Start Thursday Mrs. Meyer Beber will instruct the second semester art class starting at 1:30 p. m., Thursday, Jan. 20, in the Jewish Community Center. Beginners will be taught fundamentals and will be able to complete a picture by the conclusion of the ten-week course. More advanced students will be instructed in various techniques and skills. Mrs. Beber stated that the first two sessions are very important as special instruction will be given then. Fee for the course is ten dollars for ten lessons or one dollar per lesson. • ' '



t gefeiei)

Gems of the

FnUk*«l Kvery rrtiUj t>f tte PedenUoo fw JewWi Service

•aunu » M I M M cauti •> U U U L n u u u ami I M act m Mime». UIB. » • • • •nimiimii, •« uu. Amnu.ar iuiM on U U M W ' Kaiufu. IIM*-IM] ha. juts «niL >^ua. Mate.. l u t n t IMC

not usm*—twit aa HARRY HA1PEKT.

Friday, January If, 1*59

MARCH OF DIMES Friedman Tells of

Brandess Athletics

Bible and Talmud

Benny Friedman, athletic director at Brandcis U n i v e r s i t y , sketched a budding athletic proITr.im now in progress at the university. Mr. Friedman, one of America1! all-time football greats, arrived to. Omaha Wednesday to speak at the Bramleis Associates dinner that



By Dr. Philip 8her Bible Thou shalt not remove thy neighbors landmark which they of old time* have set In thine in(.•veniiiE. An aliens must report their ad- heritance which thou shalt Inherit Discussing the founding of the in (he land. university, he related, the Jewish dresses during January of this year That which Is gone out of thy 4:58 r. M. C»iH»ngtitl«« people wished to make a social according to an announcement by lips thou shalt observe and do. contribution in our country followthe Immigration and Naturaliza- Thou (halt not oppress hired ing the pattern set by other retion Service of the Deparbnent of servant who is poor end needy, l groups. Beth Israel Justice. These reports can bewhether he be of thy brethren or There were 107 students In theRabU Benjamin Grooer, Canto made at any post office or at the stranger. first class at Brandels and the** pioneers were not certain that Ell Kagan. the Betlj Itrael eboir, immigration office at 201 Federal In the same day thou shalt give him his wages before the sun sets, they would be able to compkrta and member* of the Secondary Office bnflding. for be is poor and his life depends their four year undergraduate group, - will conduct the advice A spokesman at the immigra- on his pay. studies for i t that time no provithla Friday evening at 8 p. m. Tiunnd tion office stated that any alien sion hod been mads for added facilities and equipment The faculTraditional Friday evening *rv- requiring assistance in filling out After the death of Rabbi Melr, Ices (Kabbolas Sbabboa) begin at the address report card may ob- Rabbi Judah directed his own disty started with 13 members and 5 p. m. Sabbath morning lenrice* tain It at the Immigration office. ciples not to permit: Rabbi Mclr's expansion ot the university prodisciples to enter his academy, behave their registrabegin at 8J0 a. m.; Junior con- Aliens should ceeded "by making haste slowly." mn gregation at 10 a. m.; RabU Gron- tion card <i number and other cause the latter were disputatious, It was rough scheduling football and did not come to leam, but er will conduct the Talmud dais necessary information which Ingames at the start, Mr. Friedman at 4;30 p. m. Sabbath MTncha at cludes when and where they en- rather to overwhelm him with cistated, and he managed to pertations and to prove him Ignorant 5 p. m , followed by Sho'eabe tered the United State*. suade the Harvard coach to put S'eudo* and Haativ, Daily marn- Aliens who are temporarily ab- One disciple of Rabbi Melr by Brandeia on the schedule for fresh- * ing services at 7 a. m.; afternoon sent from the United States during the name of Simchus entered the Saturday, Jan. U man balL There was great reservice* at 5:10 p. m. Sunday this period must report their ad- academy. He said to Rabbi Judah: Temple Israel Sisterhood "Whose Joietag when Brandels beat Harmorning services b?gin a t 8:45 a. dress within ten days after their T h u s I was taught by Rabbi Tour Cook" Affair, 7 p. m^—Tem- vard and then it was pointed out n u followed by breakfast and return. • - • ., Melr.'' Rabbi Judah became en- ple. that nearly everybody had beaten Rabbi'* class In Bible. Sunday Farband, 8 p. m.—Center. raged and said: "Have I not Harvard which took: the edge off morning Junior Minyan, followed Highland Dance, 9 p. m.—High- the victory. warned you not to admit the disby breakfast, starts at 8 JO a. m. Yiddish film to Open land Club. dples of Rabbi Melr, because they The athletic program now indq not come to learn, but merely SonUy, Jssw IS cludes freshman football, basketTne Talmud Discussion group Cultural Series to overwhelm me with citations to Children's Activities, 2 p. m.— ball, soccer, tennis and baseball. meets every Tuesday evening at 7 me ignorant.'* Rabbi Jose Center. Athletics at Brandeis Is not over p. m. at BIIH Synagogue, 19thand The outstanding Yiddish film, prove then said: "What will people say? "Two Sisters" will open the 19S5 Center Cinema Club showing' accented, be emphasized, and the Burt Rabbi Meir I* dead. RabU Judah Is Yiddish Cultural Series, it was an"Paisan," 8:15 p. m.—Joalyn Me- tall does not wag the dog. I t Is nounced by committee chairman, angry. What win become of themorial. just apart of the educational proTemple Israel Louis WItkin. T w o Sisters" stars TbrahT" Golden Jubilee B'nal Israel Sy- gram and he added, and a boy can Jennie Goldstein and Michael Rosnagogue, 6 p. m.—Council Bluffs. benefit by playing football at a Rabbi Abbahu said: "A man Friday evening at the 8 o'clock enberg In a romantic comedy that Monday, Jan. 17 be careful not to impose Small school like Brandels as well service Rabbi Sidney H. Brook* has been accallmed wherever it should much ritualistic exactness Badassah Chapter Board, 11 a. as he can at larger universities. win preach on "The Deeper Mean- has been shown; The fib) win be too his household; for a great m.—Home. The new school was hampered ings to Being Jewish." The Jew- presented at the Jewish Commu- upon like Rabbi Chanina did ImWorkmen's Loan Society, 7:30 by having no nlumni, Mr. Priedish War Veterans win attend as nity Center Sunday, Jan. 23 at 8:15 man pose too much of such fear upon mnn said, and the chapters of p. m.—Center. a group and will sponsor the Oneg p. tn. his household, and the mult was Omaha Symphony, 8:30 p. m.— Brandeis women have contributed Sbabbot for the congregation. Hn. 100,000 volumes to the university The remainder of the series in- that they fed him with forbidden Joslyn Memorial. Frank Cohen will recite the blesslibrary. Brandeis Associates nra ing over the Sabbath candles. Abe cludes: The Farband Labor Zion- food." TuewUy, J u . 18 Milter Cdmmander of Epstein- ist Concert, Fcbr. 20, the WorkNational Council of Jewish also doing their part to help support the new school. Morgan Post will give a short ad- men Circle Concert Saturday. Wumfn, 3 p. m.—Center. dress on "Freedom of Religion," March ID and the Yiddish film Art Class, 7 p. m.—Center. and two veteran!) will assist Rabbi "God. Man and Devil," May 8. Leathercraft Class, 7JO p. m.— Beth Israel Men Brooks with the Torah. Herman Admission for the entire scries Center. Friedman will recite the KlcWush. two dollars nnd individual adOmaha Symphony, 8:30 p. m.— To See Variety Show Washington <JTA>—Reaction to Everyone b welcome. missions are 75 cents. Call the The socinl hnll of the Beth Israel President Elsenhower's State of Joslyn Memorial. Center Activities oflicc at JA 136G Wednnday, Jan. 19 Saturday Morning services arc synagogue will be the scene of a the Union message in Jewish cirMizrnchl Women, 1 p. m.—Cen- night club variety show to be preat 11:30 a. m. end arc for adults for tickets. cles reported here concerned itand the Religious School. Rabbi sented by the Central High Playself primarily with his statements ter. Brooks will deliver the scrmoncttc AOL's Rumor Clinic on the need for revision of the B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky ers Traveling Bureau at the reguChapter No. 470 Adult Education, . and will be assisted in the service immigration laws and the failure lar dinner meeting of the Mens Presented at Schools 8 p. m.*-—Homes. by the children of the school. to mention civil right*. Club. The announcement was made Center Orchestra, 8 p. nv—Cen- by Milton Beteer, program chairWhile the recommendations for During Uitf week, Seymour H. ter. •'• . ••/••• :•?: - • '• ;• • man of the dub. The meeting wul Beth El Kaplan ApL Regional Director, the elimination of Inequities and Thursday, Jan. 20 hjld Thursday evening, Jan. 21. addressed an assembly program at discrimination in the McCarran- TTadassah Croup Boards, 12:30 be A short business meeting will be Service* Friday evening win be- North High School. Featured on Walter Immigration and Naturali, held after the dinner and a'social gin at 8-45 p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. the program was ADL's "Rumor zation Act were welcomed, there, p. m.—Homes. Temple Israel Study Group, 1 hour will follow the program. ResKripke will preach on "The New Clinic" explaining the basis of was disappointment at the absence ~ ; ervation* may be made by calling Ketubab," and Cantor Aaron L rumors and techniques of propa- of any concrete proposals for civil p. m.—Temple. Center Art Class, 1:30 p. m.— the Beth Israel Synagogue office. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue ganda.. The "Rumor Clinic" has rights legislation. There was praise Choir will render the musical por- al*o been demonstrated at an as- from the President's statement Center. tions of the service. Federation Board of Governors, •embry program at South High that the continuing fight against .Sabbath morning service* will School and it is planned that It will subversion would "be carried out 8 p. m.—Center. Jewish War Veterans Post and be at 9:45 a. m. Junior Congrega- be used at the other- high schools with full protection for the traditional rights of American citizens. Ladies Auxiliary, 8 p. m.—Center. Harry Weiner tion1 service* are at 10JO a. tn.of the dty. Mincha-Miarlv Services will be at The President's comment'! on B&P Hadassah, 8 p. m.—Home. Services were held Monday, 5 p. m. Daily services ure at 7 a. Mr. Kaplan has been Invited to the Immigration law question be- Kadlmah Regular Meeting, 8:30 Jan. 10 for Harry Weiner with Inproduce a "Rumor Clinic" at the m. and 7 p. m. the Sunday morning gan with a reminder of his past p. m.—Home. terment at Golden Hill Cemetery. ' service is at 9 a. m. and the Mis- high school in Scward, Nebr., later position on the matter. "Two years Mr. Weiner, 79, died Sunday, Jan. this month. Students in other high csa-Maariv service at 5 p. m. aco," the President said. "I adadmission or deportation has been 0. He was a resident of Omaha for schools of Scward County have vised the Congress of Injustices stopped.. 45 years, been invited to. participate. under existing Immigration laws. "Certain provisions of law, howInclude three sonn, I. f of the Bible' Through humnnc administration, ever, have the effect of compelling M.Survivors nnd Max Weiner, both of OmaOMISSION the Department of Justice Li do- nction In respect to aliens which ha and 'Article in Magazine Ilymle of Chicago, 111.; two The name of Mm. Ben Kaplan, Ing what it locally can to alleviate are Inequitable In some instances An article entitled the "Land ot program chairman, was omitted hardships. Clearance of aliens be- and discriminatory in others. These daughters, Mrp. Abe Sanoff of San Francisco, Calif., nnd Mrs. Al TurThe Bible" written by Joan Comay from the Kadlmah Chapter of Pio- fore arrival has been initiated, and provisions should be corrected in IB In the February lisue of Holi- neer Women's article that ap- except for criminal offenders, the this session of the Congress," I'res- chen of Sioux City, la.; a brother, Jake of Omaha, and four grandday Mngazino. In It the author peared last week. imprisonment of aliens awajtinc Idrnt Eisenhower stressed. children. traces her life In the reborn land of Israel, from the time she arrived there e!j;!>t years ago with her two children. Her story tells of the tensions CojvrUM. I9M. br Amwlra J«wUb Freta T.xt by DANIEL ELAZAR Illustrations by MAURICE dal BOURGci of the British Mantlnti?, Hie siege of Jerusalem find of President Harry Truman recognizing the provisional government oC the State of Israel. Throughout the article are woven strands of tlie Eibical past which seem to be a part of the fabric of life in Israel. The acceptance of refugees and immigrants cominR from many lands in the Near East Is part of her story. Many facets of the Israel scene. how it was, how It is and what it Will be, shimmer and glow us the author brings them into the light BY 14*9, JEWISH COUMLUUnilt by means of her facile pen. KMt spfiupiw 70 craa nunv •l*wa u*o ccmii> M rmikvtirw*. OT AMtRirt. CK«Ue«lDN,5.C. w nosAue Mo -mem PISIT SSHB t « A N CPIDCM1C RAOCD 1UJ TMB nifcsr vmrre etuio it> s« p rr« four {vMACoaisi t*oevw. BY mf.etonatt. ftmtp CHLCY-IV AKPTMe JEWS K A . P T H * Bonn IM ceocaiA WA« AOUISKTW Evelyn Grouian: "Money doesn't »* rMi Ot* Or TH* riRST JEWISH 6KOUTS or ONt or TWS nour OKIX cacion n TKC AB«A . earo who has It."—(JTA) IM AMCITISA

Religious News

Alien Registration During January

JANUARY 3-31 Community Calendar

Mixed Reaction to Ike's Message



9. Spread of Jewish Communities

SHsay, J*an»ry It, U U


• m JKWUB ram


Bar and Bas Mitzvah Kansas City Rabbi

Omaha Sketches

Lauren Michael Wasserman, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Wasserman will celebrate his Bar Mitzvali this evening nnd Saturday morning at Beth lil Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and receptions which will follow.

At C.B. Jubilee

Rabbi Maurice Solomon, spiritual leader of Kehilath Israel Synagogue in Kansas City, Mo., will bo guest speaker a t the Jubilee Ban* Mr. und Mrs. Meyer Ilalprin anThe Natlonul Council of Jewish quct marking the 50th anniverWomen, Omaha Section, will hold nounce the birth of a daughter sary of the B'nai Israel Synagogue ' their regular luncheon meeting at Julie Ann born January 7 in u loof Council Bluffs. The banquet will 1 p. m., Tuesday, Jan. 18 In thecal hospital. They have two other daughters Ellcnc Gay and Michelle Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ostravich an- be held In the synagogue Sunday, flcth. Maternal grandparents are Albert Gacr,' social welfare vicenounce the Bar Mitzvah of their Jan. 16. Mr. and Mrs. David JJolkcr of Each family in attendance will president, will preside. son, Allen Sunder Ostravich FriFollowing the meeting, members Omaha and paternal grandparents day evening, Jan. 21 and Saturday receive a Golden Jubilee book tell* will tour through the Filter Cen- are Mr. nnd Mrs. Sum Ilalprin of morning, Jan. 22 at Both El Sy- ing th= history of the community, ter In the American Legion build- this city. nagogue. Friends uid relatives arc and synagogue. • • • Special services will be held a t ing. First Lieutenant John F. invited to attend both services and Second Lieutennnt Joseph Kahn, 6:15 p. m., and the banquet will Stewart, U. S. Air Force will lecreceptions which will follow. follow at 6:45 p. m . . ture on civil defense and a film son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ICahn of Omaha, was commended by his will be shown. . Friday evening, Jan. 21, and Sat- Mayor William Keenan of Councommanding general and enlisted urday morning, Jan. 22, Judith cil Bluffs has been invited t o a t men serving with him for his conFriedman, daughter of Mr. andtend. Invitations were extended t o duct aboard ship during a outTWV Auxiliary Mrs. Herman Friedman will cele- Omaha rabbis. Miss Rita Katznuin break" of scarlet fever during tho brate her Bas Mitzvah. In her hon- Fourteen members made up t h e The January meeting of the Ep- voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. or her parents will receive the original congregation, which was stein-Morgan Ladles Auxiliary No, Lieutenant Kahn Is now staincorporated by the State of Iowa 260, 'jwlsh War Veterans of US tioned with a military polite Unit SYO Regional Proxy congregation after both services. in 1903. The cornerstone of tho will be held January 20, at 8 p. m. at Orleans, France. first frame buiWlng was dedicated . Miss Rita Katzman was elected in the Jewish Community Center. • • • In July of 1901 Award certificates will be presentregional president a t the Syna- Temple Youth The building wot destroyed by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rosened t o members who have held conThe next meeting of NIFTY will fire In February o t j £ 3 0 . In Auzweig announce the birth of a son gogue Youth Organization Continuous membership for ten yean. vention held recently a t Beth gust at 1930. the same eomertsona be held at the home of Linda KaDavid Josh born December 21 a t All members are urged to attend vlch at 2 p. m., Sunday, Jan. 16., was laid for the new brick struca local hospital. The couple has Israel Synagogue. this meeting. The annual conclave held here ture. The new building was deditwo daughters Betty Barbara and One hundred and fifty delegates January 14, members of the EpMichel Diane. Maternal grandpar- from Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Jo- recently was attended by 110 dele- cated and opened in January of stein-Morgan Post No. 260 will atents arc Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloom seph, Des Moines, Council Bluffs gates. Miss Joan Abraham was 1931. tend Sabbath services at Temple In 1953, ' the congregation of of Omaha and paternal grandpar- and Omaha were In attendance, ~ chairman of the event. Israel. Auxiliary will serve reOthers who assisted were Dick Cbevra B'nai ~Xlsroel was rein* ents arc Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenfreshments following the services. Sid Klopper was elected a vice Einstein, Susie Lipp, Sara Pepper, corparated a t B'nal Israel. zweig of S t Oalr, Pa; The monthly party was held a t president and Paysle Shyken, sec- Silvia Greene, 'Ellen Greenberg, the Omaha Veterans Hospital Janretary. • '.••;• ••••••,.'•.. Marty Greene, Fred Simon, Jerry Sol Mann 'las been licensed by uary 6. Mmes. Frank Cohen and Morer, Joanie Mayer, Janle Brod- Beth Israel Clubs the Nebraska State Board of ExAbe Kaplan assisted Mrs. Aaron key, Donna Steinberg, Frankle ,. The following Beth Israel Youth1 Epstein, Hospital Chairman at this aminers far architects and E n -Former Omahan Gross and Murray Newman. Groups will meet this Sunday, Jan. gineers. H e is a graduate mechanparty. Three of the assisting faculty 15. ical engineer. Settles in Israel members were Rabbi Sidney H. Girls and Crafts will meet from Brooks, • Mervtn Lemmerman and Mizrachi Women Mr. and Mrs. Morris Buderman Mr, and Mrs. Maine Mishact are Amle Kalman, a student at Heb-4 to 5:30 p. m, in Art* end Crafts room; Dar-D-Kay from -4 t o 5:30 announce the birth of a daughter how making their home in Tel A dessert luncheon at 1 o'clock Genlne Holly born December 3 1 t o Aviv, Israel, Mrs. Mlshael Is therew Union College. in the Recreation room, and t M will precede the meeting of Miz- a local hospital They have two former Barbara Estrada of OmaCamera Club from 6 to 7:30 p. mi rachi women Wednesday, Jan. 19 other daughters Sheila and Gall. ha. Mr. Mishnel, a native Israeli, in the dark room. Patronize Our Advertisers at the Jewish Community Center. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and was recently promoted and is Land Hnmlshah Asar b'Shevat will be Mrs. Charles Mann of. Long Beach- Transportation Director for the symbolized with appropriate fruits. Calif., and paternal grandmother Ministry of Defense. The business meeting will be Is Mrs. H. Huderman of Omaha. In a letter dated December 29, held at 2 p. m., followed by the • * * they tell of the flood conditions in program. A skit will be presented Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Beldner and Israel where immigrants had t o be in which Mrs. J. Abrnmson nnd children, Hernard and Lynne, have Mrs. JIarry Paskowitz will take returned to Omaha after spending moved to temporary dwelling:! In scliwls and theaters. part. three weeks in New York City On their way to Israel on the where they attended the wedding of Mr. IJcldner'n sister, Miss Eve- SS Jerusalem, the Mishacls told B'nai B'rith Project lyn Hcldner to Bernard Pollack of of how their ship stopped in Morocco to transport 500 refugees t o Brooklyn, New York. For Great Books Miss Lynne Beldner was Junior Israel. The refugees included whole bridesmaid at her aunt's wedding, families with new babies and aged New York (JTA)—A resolution and Bernard Bcldncr was Junior men and women. Many of the refrecommending thnt the B'nal usher. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pollack left ugees were weak from not having B'rith embark on a program of for Bermuda following their wed- enough to eat. The Jewish Agency publishing popular translations of ding where they honeymooned at and Hadassah's Youth Allyah progreat books of Jewish literature the Cnstle Harbor. gram, the Mishacls said, are makIn Inexpensive editions for mnss While in New York, thcBeldners ing possible an escape for these distribution throughout the Eng-were entertained by Mrs. Beldncrt people from conditions of Ignorlish-speaking world, was adopted cousin, Mrs. Herbert Traubel ance, poverty and persecution. here at the second annual meeting Others who entertained for the of the B'nai B'rith Adult Educa- Bcldncr's Include Mr. and Mrs. Sol tion Committee. More than 100 Goldman, Mr. and Mrs, E. M AMERICAN CONSUL Tel Aviv (JTA)—Robert Davta, leading Jewish scholars, educators Beldncr, sr., Mr. and Mf». Myron and B'nai B'rith leaders attended Sacks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pollack American consul in Israel, summed up his impressions of the two and the meeting. and Miss Annette Ostrowiky. a half years he has spent in Israel The resolution will be presented • • • In a speech he delivered In Hebrew. for final approval to the B'nal Dr. and Mrs. Myron Rubnltz of Mr. Davis told an audience a t ll'rith board of governors which Winnctka, 111., announce the birth meets in Dayton, Ohio, on Feb-of o son, Peter Block, born Sun- the Commercial and Industrial ruary 27. It is considered certain day, Dec. 26, In Chicago, 111. The Club here that he had learned,that the board will approve tho couple has another daughter, Mary during this period, to like the project, which was suggested by Lu. Paternal grandparents are Israelis and their culture. He Dr. Mordecal Kaplan, founder of Dr. and Mrs. A. S .Rubnltz of stressed that he had been highly the Itocon3tructlonist movement. Omaha and maternal grandparents impressed by economic and IndusIn presentinc his recommenda- are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Block trial developments In this country. tion, Dr. Kaplan said: "The B'nnl of Chicago. U'rlth has organized Its depart• • « degrades; Firsts ment of adult Jewish education as Alec Aylet, who has been city a function of Jewish life. To manager in Omaha of the Bonds achieve that purpose I urjie that of Israel office for the past year. Are 3.95, 5.00, it establish a press that will pub- has been promoted to city manlish select writings from Jewish ager for the S t Louis area, Dr. literature throughout the cen-Abe Greenberg, general chairman 6.00 and More! turies, beginning with those which of the Omnha bond committee, anaro relevant to contemporary nounced this week. ' problems of Jewish life. Mr. and Mrs. Aylet huvc left for St. Louis nnd no successor to Mr. • Wide Choice of Lined and Unlined Styles Aylet has named as yet, Dr. GreenMonsJcy Chapter bcrg said.

Cottncil Women

















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Plan Book Series

Seymour If. Knplan, regional di- Hadassah.Roundup rector of the Anti-director of the At Blachstone Wed. Anti-Defamation league or B'nal IS'rith, will review "BIcsr.cd Is the The Business nnd Professional Land" by Louis Zara at the Jan- Women of Hadassah will hold their uary 20 meeting of the B'nal B'rith annual nffair "Iladassah Itoundup" Henry Monsky Chapter's Evening Wednesday evening, Jan. 19 at the Study Group. The group will meet BlarUstono IIoteL n t the homo of Mrs. Max Kadis, Mrs. Fan Sherman Is program MG2 Jackson nt 8 p. m. Mrs. David chairman nnd Is assisted by Julia l!/«enljaum will be co-hostess. Jacobs, gift Ingathering; Jennie 'JIIIK review Is part of the chapter's Rosenblatt, Sally Meyers, Mollye rk^rvanco of the American Jew- Weincr, Jean Kaplan nnd Julia ish Tercentenary. Guest-S arc wel- Zulter. come. Mrs. Julia Jacobs and Mrs. Many hand-made items will be Arthur Parilman nre chairmen of on sale in the "corral," Mrs. Phil the study group. A series of book Swartz chapter president announced. reviews have been planned-

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Friday, January " , 1955

r a t JKW1B11 I'REHb

r t*tt

Jay Basketball

Y.C. Doings

B'nai B'rith Bowling

A.A.U. Swim Meet at Center Pool

By Undy Paul lino Tills Sunday »t 10 a. in. the The B'nal B'ritli Girls will prewhile Al Noddle added eight an< BUDGET LEAGUE Midwestern Association of the Parkway B sent "The Crystal Ball" to tie held Dick Zacharia, the top scorer In Ed Schneider and Tom Kully go W. L, AAU will hold a twin, meet at the fifth-sixth g r a d e leagu six Jerry Simons had seven foi at the American Lesion Club Feb- Gerelick Mo ton the Jewish Community Center 6 ruary 5, at 9 p. m. The music will Milder Oil dropped in a free throw with sec the C team. for all girls under 1G years of 4 be furnished by the Dan Burn onds remaining to load his team to age. The preliminaries are Standing* Ranks 4 Combo. Carole Frank und Pats; Harvey Chicken scheduled for that time with • 22-21 win over I-Gc-Van. Tte W. >4 Greenfield are chairmen. Othei finals at 4 p. m. All entrants I-Ck) squad played their best game AZA IB Richman-Gordman 4 4 committee chairmen are: invita- Hoberman Plbg must be registered before the but they couldn't stop Dick, who AZA.100B 3 3 tions, Rita Pelte; decoration, meet with the AAU. There are finished with 14 points. Don Fied Rayim C Sol Lewis Co. 3 1 Elaine Janger; refreshments, Judi four age groups competing; 10 ler led the I-Go team with eight AZA. 100C Wolfson-Gerbcr . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Glmple and Harriette Breslow. A Canadian Ace .'. and under, 11-12, 13-14 'and points. 2 V«nltjr League Coketall party will precede the 15-16. Cowboys, led by Steve Gould Steve Lustgarten did it again Riteway TV '....' 2 dance at the home of Shirley Raz with eight points won their second This cool, calm and collected gent Forbes Bakery . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 Due to the meet there will straight game, 14-11. They dropped sunk a half court basket In the nick, at 8 p. m. Grace-Mayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 be no free swim Sunday aftera cold shooting Richman-Gordman. sudden death period to defeat Ep- The girls will attend services noon. Gordy HoUii led his team with stein's Enterpriser*, 44-42. In the January 21 and also, Brotherhood Women's A seven point* and played a fine overtime period Ralph Cooper gave Services will be held February 25 L. floor game. Gould hit some nifty his team a one point lead by cash- B* Beth Israel. Each member will Midwest Water Hoaters . . W. 30 21 one hand push shots to help his Ing In on a free throw, but seconds bring a non-Jewish gu*L Fireside Restaurant . . . . . . 29 22 team to their second win. DEBKA DEBS later Harold Nepomnlck cashed Wolf Brothers 27 24 • Hires Root Beer, keeping pace one for two to tie It up. With less An eye-opening safety program Omaha Jobbing 27 24 With Gerelick Motors slapped than a minute to play Stan Wid- was presented by S g t Mike Lof tus, Philips Dept. Store 24 27 31-21 defeat upon Fireside Res- man hit a tip in to givo the En- head of the Safety Education of Meyers News By ferae Katlemaa 23 28 taurant. Dan Hollis was the top terprisers new hope but "Shooting the Police Department at the last Shukert's 22 29 t. C HEP CATS scorer as he hit for 14 points and Steve" came through with « field meeting of Debka Debs. The new Mystic Beauty Shop . . . . . . 22 29 The seventh grade pre-teen dub, received help from Mike Platt with goal to tie It up and send the game committee chairmen for the comHigh dames and Series Hep Cats, held their election of seven and' Stan Greenfield wh into sudden death and set the stage ing term arc: social, Sue Simons .Esther Ross 185-507, Llbby Hob- officers Sunday, Jan. 9 at the Cenadded six. Justin Ban got 10 points for his dramatic basket and Silvia Green; athletic, Helen erman 188-488. Rae WIntroub 473, ter. Carolyn Dolgoff was chosen for the losers. Yaffe Printing kept on top of the Venn and Dody Shapiro; cultural- Mickey Katzman' 470, Ethel Cohen president for the winter term end-'Little Joel Davis was a bouncing league with a 43-30 win over Star religious, Lee Jahr and-Bunny 458, J e a n Abramson 180, Bev Ing in April. Other offlcen are: bail of fire as he led his Gerelick Auto Parts. The win gives the Ravitz; notifications, Linda Rosen- Swartz 178, Rose Oruch 178, Pom Perelman, yjce-persldent; AT- Motor team to a 30-17 win over league leaders a two-game lead as blum and Kaye Turner, and com' lene Grossman, secretary, and S. Riekes & Sons. Last year's most the other three teams are tied for munity projects, Fayann Sokolofl Sheila Novak, treasurer. CommitWomen's B improved player showed why he second place. Moe Upton paced the and Shelly Green. tee members and chairmen will be L. W, deserved that award, .he scored 1 scoring with 13 points while Al AZA NO. 1 Angle's Beauty Salon . 28Vi 22W chosen for the next meeting which points and was all over the floor dayman and Sid Abrahams added Mother Chapter will have an Smith Pontlac . . . . . . . 27V4 23% will be held Sunday, January 23 to lead his team. Seven players six for the losers. Auction Party, January 29. In the Lyn's Florist . . . . . . . . 27 24 at 3 p. m. at the Center. shared hi the scoring for the win athletic field. Mother Chapter has Klsh Fun 27 24 Standings SDCTH GRADE GIRLS ners. Al Konecky led his team begun work on Its annual Broth- Mogen David Wine . . . 23 26 W. L. erhood Services and an Oneg Shabbat with nine points and some of his Week Basketball-Mixer. Kome/s Paint Co, . . . 2 4 27 were enjoyed by the sixth grade 4 shots were terrific It shows tha Yaffe Printing This gome will be conducted dur- Colony Club 24 27 2 basketball is not really a tall play Lustys girls' pre-teen club lost Saturday, 30 Jan? 8. After attending services at ers game.as Joel Davis and Al Star Auto 2 3 ing Brotherhood Week with Hi-V, Hamilton Pharmacy . . 2 1 a non-Jewish youth organization. Mary Shukert 152-177-419, Ruth Konecky were stars in their re- Epsteins 2 3 Israel, the girls adjourned to Following the game, a dance will Platt 175-413, Sonla Schragcr 159- Beth spective squads. the home of Susie Sachs for lunch be held. In the cultural field, a 406, Esther Kalman 409, Estelle and an afternoon of Israeli danc* Standing. movie was shown on planning a Turkel 402. LII Kraft 159, Shirley ng'and singing. girls arc now W. career at the last meeting. The Bcrman 155, Ida Sachs 154, Rose planning a rollerThe skating party. Gerelick Motors ,. 3 community service committee is Sabes 150, Madlyn Bernstein 5-8Bill Katzman was high in the FUNLANT) Hires Root Beer 3 with his 299 series. His planning a comic book drive for 10 split, Ethel Grossman 5-7-9 The older groups of Funlanders S. Rlckes & Sons 1 3 league Children's Memorial Hospital. A split. games consisted of a 166, which took part in a ovcr-nlcht camp-out Fireside Rest . . . * . . . . . , . . . . 1 3 was the high game of the day, and very interesting book report was at Camp Brewster last weekend. given at the last meeting by the 133. These children, who nre in third, W. There was a thrce-wny tic In religious Committee. Plans are ourth and fifth crade, particiPacific Fish 4 also being made for the Annual the girl's division for high. Tonl Cowboys 2 W. L. pated In hiking, story telling, singFollman, a modest 78 average Parents day Banquet on a weeknn nnd even lenrned a little about Richman-Gordman 2 bowler, came through under the end. The Banquet will be held at F i r e s i d e R e s t u r a n t . . . . 3CV4 11 hi molting as they h"lped prepare I-Go Van 0 Mctz Beer 30 18 ournament pressure with games he Fontenelle Hotel. he two meals at camp. Children Last week's scoring record had of 122 and 116 for a commendable Cooper Construction . . 3 0 1 8 ItAVIM ' Al Konecky with 20 points. It 238 series; Jeanne Silver fired 27'4 20!s who attended were: Don SolotorAt the January 9 meeting of Edwards Jewelry Should have been Frank Goldberg. games of 126 and 112 for 238; Bar- llayim fraternity, Shenn Poska. SIlco Products . . . . . . . 25 23 nvsky, Larry Grossman, Linda 25 23 Slref, Judy Davidson, Cheryl Friedbara Borcult tossed games ot 138 Youth Council director, gave a 'layland Park Y. C. A. LEAGUE Benson Hardware . . . . 24!4 2314 man, Barbara Kutler, Sharon Miland 100 for 238. talk on preparation for college. Stan "the Man" Widman flipped 24 Vi 23% er, Mardee Sokolf, I^ois GreenIn the offing socially for Raylm Brodkey Jewelry Martin Sneider, another up and in 25 points as he led his Mother coming krjj and Linda Gelfand. Superette Market . . . . . 23 25 Is' their January 22 party. Plans little kcglcr, has kept a chapter team to a 48-44 win over Ernie Snltzmnn nnd Nancy BarMaglcolor Paints 21W 1614 for this party arc still a secret teady pace for many weeks in the Raylm A and into a tie for first ren's Kroups will swim next Sunt the month of January, Nogg Bros. Paper . . . . 21 27 place. These two teams have two upper game series. In there pitch- theDuring day nt Funland. Military Ball is a prevailing United Auto Supply . . 2 0 28 more meetings scheduled and they ing again last Sunday, he fired a Wtson Bros. Transp Co. 20 28 hefty 144 game for a 238 series. topic at Central High. Raylm has . each have: won twice. It was _ on abundance of participants in Youngstown Kitchens 1754 3014 thriller all the way as In the final He also converted the 7-9 split RCA-Vlctor 12 36 rnlnute Raylm fought their way to Excellent progress is being made this event. Rayim's S h e l d o n within three points after an 11- >y Marsha Coren.^WIth an 83 Krantz, Dick Raskin and Art NoPhotf 1A 11M to UiKrt roar Wuit A4 In Th« Jtwlih JTciu. polnt deficit but A. Z. A. 1 was verage, this little gal posted yak are marching in the Central Current n u IJ so e*nu tor t u t li able to stall it out "Chub" Passer games of 128 and 109 for a 237 High's color guard. Other Rayim ba Th* FrcH nxtnrt* tiit rtfht to .M» ot itch K4vtrtlttn»nt. added 10 while Larry Meyerson s e r i e s . • : - . ' . . , "'...' • •.:..' ' .•'"• .•••'.• .••• participants In the Ball arc John This week Bud Herzog broke the pitched in with eight John Gold- The tournament will be con- Goldner, BUI Cooper and Dick Ein high with games of 148, 142 BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuner led Raylm with 16 points, hit- tinued through this Sunday to en- stein. Among the seniors partici- for a series lations also for all Jewish holirecord 240 series. ting some nifty one-hand push ble member* of the league to pating In the Bell are Jack Baker, days and spcdal occasions. Other highs: Goldberg, 257; xwl who were* unable to do so last Ceno DuBoff, Mnrv Ferensteln, Shots. Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. 259; Pilalis, 223; Markovitz, A trophy will be awarded Bob Goldstein, Don Greenberg, Wise, A. Z. A. 100 and Raylm B en- tounday. 238; Riekes, 266; Bcrcovld. 248; the high boy and girl on a pin- Dave Horzog, Jerry Kohl!, Al Le- Welner, 217; Feldrann, 219; Fiedgaged in a nip and tuck affair with over-average basis. vlne, Bob Meyer, Sheldon Kips, ler, 210, and Cohn. 225. the Centurymen wvrc able to pull Abe Rundcll, Phil Schrager, Fred Iligh Gunea u d Series the game out in the final minutes 47-39. Speedy Zweibnck pascd his tuart Fogel v ^ . > . . 149-137—286 Simon; Mike Saizman and Jerry Groucho Marx: "The man who team's attack with 14 points while ike Platt . , v . . . . . . 149^133-282 Zlegman. Uives In when he is wrong Is wise, AZA NO. 100 • Jerry Simon and Bob Epstein add- Larry Glllnsky ,.*.. 144-138—282 ut he who gives in when he Is ed nine. Bob Oberman led the B dark Swartz . . . . . . 161-120—281 This past week saw the finest Ight is married."—(JTA) team's scoring with 12 points while ennis Schulmaiv . . 148-126—274 party ever held in Century ChapShel Krantz, easily the league's togorSmith . . . . . . . 144-124—2C8 ter. Planned by Jerry Itosen nnd most improved player and a sure Jddie WIntroub . . . . 14O-1J9—259 his social committee, the event bet to boost the Rayim A team Itan Greenfield . . . 153-102—255 catured n box lunch auction. next season got 11. 3avld WIntroub . . . . 136-117—253 Work has already begun on the Standing* tfarc Samuelson . . . 129-106—235 {Ing Dance. Appointed chairmen RUG & UPHOLSTERY W. L. fudy Lazer . . . . . . . . 120-115—235 'ere Howard Kooper, Al Fonnan CLEANERS A.Z.A.1A.. 8 2 fancy Richards . . . . 134-100—234 md Bennett -Hornsteln. Rayim A 8 2 Jale Kasin 115-114—229 RUGS — CARPETING A. Z. A. 100A 3 7 toward Slusky . . . . 139- 88—227 LAMP SHADES Rayim B 1 9 tickey Sacks 329- 97—226 FURNITURE National Division High Scorers (10 games): Stan 'oyce Koom 113-111—224 W. U Widman (A. Z. A.), 195 pts.; Al larrlet Schlaff . . . . 132- 89—221 Cleaned in Your Home! Served Buffet Styfo! 22 14 Corey (Rayim), 111 pts.; Speedy lm Sophlr 136- 84—220 layim SOS Hading • Laying - Repairing Zweiback (A. Z. A. 100), 96 pts.; udy Cohen 120-100—220 '>ayim Pins & Points . . 21',i U ',<, DON BERNSTEIN All You Care to Eat HA 2554 \ZA No. 100 Wifa's . . . 20 3G Tom Bromberg (A. Z. A. 1), 82 >arry Garrop 112- 91—20G pts.: Chub Passer (A. Z. A. 1);. 7C ilarvin Rubaek . . . . 104-101—205 VZA No. 100 Jolly J's 20 16 layim Kafetchexs . . . ,19',-i 3GH pis.; John Goldner (Rayim), 75 NOON TO 3 P.M. VZA No. 1 XXX's . . . . 18',i 17!4 pts., and Shel Krantz ,Rayim), 72 tayim Grubby Grute ...lT,i 18'i t VZA No. 1 Argonauts 15 21 N.ZA No. 100 ven LEAGUE Knock-On-Wood . . . . 13 23 Wlllard Plotkln and Allan Kriz- Sari Shukert, vice-president of \ZA/No. 1 Misses 12 !i 23'/i elman kept their record intact as le Jewish Youth Council, anHigh Five: Goldstein, 153; Yuthey defeated Rayim C, 27-20. Wil- ounced this week the apnoint- ebon, HO; Goldner, K8; Shcrlard had 10 points while Al added lents of Mike Solzman, Marilyn nan, 145, and Corey, 14L Bine. Howard Weinbere captured lice and Fayna M.invitz as co•coring honors for Royim as ho hairmen of this year's Stage fight. Appointed by vote of club Harpo Marx: "The first thing bit for 13 points. AZA 100B rolled over their C epresentatlves, the co-chairmen he typical American asks when he HOTEL BLACKSTONE •quad as they administered a 39-14 •HI coordinate stage night activl- ;ets to heaven, is the amount of defeat upon them. Stu Kiiller !es nnd will work directly with he down payment on a harp."— paced the attack with 12-.points le clubs In developing thi.i event. J7A) "

Junior Spotlight |

Jr. B.B. Bowling

Hadassah Bowling

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Y.C. ioys' Bowling

Y.C. Stage Night Chairman Named


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