Mrs! Division ©f BS5 PhiScsnfSiropies Mrs. Mike Freeman will lead the Women's. Division of the 1955 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, Omaha Jewry's United Campaign for Israel needs, national, and local agencies and institutions. Announcement of her selection was made at the meeting of the Jewish Federation Hoard of Governors, held last night, at the Jewish Community Center, by Mrs. Edward V. Brodkcy, President of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, which carries responsibility for the women's shore in the all-important annual campaign. Mrs- Freeman, an experienced campaigner and an active communal worker, served as co-chairman of the Women's Division in several past campaigns. She i« now a vice-president of the Federation of Women's Club*. Co-chairmen Named Mrs. Freeman announced that the following havo accepted appointment as co-chairmen of the Women'*'Division: Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkcy, Mrs. Louis Katz and Mrs. Morton A, Richards. Add!' tlonal appointments will bo an' nounced. Critical Needs Accepting the post, Mrs. Freeman stated that she was aware of the difficulties confronted in this year's campaign, but expressed confidence "that the critical and tremendous needs will be properly Understood by Jewish women of Omaha, and that they will do their proper share in the forthcoming campaign. "We have excellent ond devoted leadership, who" will give our campaign the necessary guidance, direction and lalwr," Mrs. Freeman concluded.
Around The Nation MILWAUKEE CENTER Milwaukee (WNS)—The Jewish Community Center of Milwaukee, whose first home was made possible by a Jewish cook book which became a perennial best-seller, dedicated Its new $1,750,000 bujjding this week-end. This is onfTof eight new structures to be completed during the Tercentenary year by Centers affiliated with the National Jewish Welfare Board.
m&.isiua mm uruiar, IUJ ft. JWUI, OruaM. Ntbraika. I'bODf JA 1366
Federation to Be Awarded 50-Year Scr~nH,: •; Parley
award of a Scroll 50 years of continuous existence of the Omaha Jewish Federation will be a feature at the Conference Dinner to ' e held Saturday evening, Jan. < 29, at the Highland West Club. The Conference Dinner, presided over by Jack W. Marer, Omaha Federation president, will be the main event of the 20th Annual Conference of the West Central Region of Jewish Federations which will take place in Omaha January 28, 29 and 30, Jere Glass, President of the Region announced. Some 20 cities from 10 states in the Midwest will be represented at the conference, he said.
Fed. Executive Committee to Meet Sunday at Center A special meeting of the Executive Committee of tho Federation for Jewish Service will bo held Sunday morning, Jan. 23, at 10:30 a. m., In the Jewish Community Center. Urgent matters will be taken up at this meeting.
Mrs, M. Freeman
Ike Stand Clouds Ladejinsky Case Washington (JTA) — Remarks by President Elsenhower last week In response to question* at his press conference on the Wolf Ladejinsky case were considered this week to have dcclouded the Issue further and to have had an adverse effect on the Russian-born Jewish agronomist. Ladejinsky, former U. S. agricultural attache In Toklo, where he was given credit for the major land reform program, was fired as a security risk when that Job came under the Department of Agriculture from the Department of State. An /jntl-Semitlc Issue figured In the developments. The State Department had cleared him. Following intercession by t h e White House staff, the Foreign Operations Administration named Ladejinsky to a "sensitive" post in Vietnam. The President surprised his press conference by declaring that Ladejlnsky's clearance for the new post with the FOA was entirely the responsibility of FOA director >Haro1d Stassen, and that if it should prove to be an error, Mr. Stassen would have committed that error. •
Yiddish Series To Open Sunday "Two Sisters," a romantic Yiddish comedy will open the 1955 Yiddish Cultural Scries at 8:15 p. m:, Sunday, Jan. 23 in the Jewish Community Center auditorium, Louis .Witkln, committee chairman announced. The film was reviewed by tho New York Times, in which tho critic stated: "Two Sisters" far surpasses any previous Yiddish production, from the standpoint of photography and sound. Tho dramatic Intensity with which Jennlo oldstein plays the star part of Betty, the older sister, and tho comical antics of Haym, the chicken plucker, (played by Michael Rosenberg) are blended into nn ntercsting ond entertaining picture, which we do not hesitate to recommend as being worth while. For those whose knowledge of Yiddish Is not extensive, English titles tell the entire story." Other programs in the series Include "Farband Labor Zionist Concert, Sunday, Feb. 20, Workmen's Circle Concert, Saturday, March 19, and will conclude with the Yiddish film "God, Man and Devil," May 8. Series tickets nre two dollars and single admissions are 75 cents.
I'lilllp ncrn»tiln (National Director)
Father-Son Fete At Center, Feb. 13 The 32nd annual Fathers and Sora Banquet, sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service, will be held Sunday, Feb. 13, at 6 p. m., In the Jewish Community Center, it was announced this week by Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the banquet committee, and founder of this annual community program. Invitations are being prepared for mailing to the entire Jewish Community and reservations for the banquet must be made in advance and accompanied by the payment of $1.50 per plate. The program will Include entertainment and the awarding of special prizes. Fathers and sons are urged to save the date and make reservations early for this annual event.
Veterans Present Polio Respirator
The President said .he had not reached any personal Judgment in the case, and said that the Whole affair was a case where honest men might legitimately reach differing conclusions. Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson still thinks Ladejinsky Is a security risk, despite his "Clearance by both the State Department and the Foreign Operations Administration. .
Omahans In the News
Sunday Radio
"Hadassah Story" will not be heard this Sunday. Tho program will be resumed next Sunday over KBON. Tho Eternal Light program will be broadcast over WOWRadlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. * . . '.'.',
Richard Killer, president of the Provident Loan and Finance Company, was elected chairman of tho Airport Commission Monday. HARON UOT1ISCIIILIJ DIKH New York (WNS) — B n r o n Louis de Rothschild, member of the Austrian branch of the famed Jewish banking house for whoso freedom the Nazis In 1939 attained what la believed to be hisory's highest ransom, $21,000,000, died this week-end while on a vacation In Jamaica, British West Indies. Bnron Rothschild, who was 72 years oiO,- had become an American citizen and was a rosllent of South Royalton, Vermont,
Jacobs to Review Morris E. Jacobs, a past president of the Omaha Jewish Federation, and also a post president of the West Central Region of Jewish Federations, will summarize the 50 years of service of the Omaha Jewish Federation, highlighting events and personalities that shaped the Federation. Guest Speaker Philip Bernstein, recently elected Executive Director of the National Council of Jewish Federations, will deliver the main address. His talk will be geared to the official recognition of Omaha's Federation 50 years of service. Scroll Award The 50-Year Scroll will be, presented on behalf of the Council of Federations by Amos Deinard, of Minneapolis, one of America's outstanding community leaders. Dr. Philip Slier, Honorary President and one of the founders of the ~ Omaha Federation, will accept the scroll on behalf of the community. Mayor John Roseblatt will bring greetings to the delegates and to the Jewish community, on behalf of the City of Omaha. ' Mrs. Edward E. Brodkcy, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, is in charge of local hospitality and special functions, working with a committee whose membership will be announced next week. Invitations to the entire community to this Conference Dinner have been issued. Reservations for the dinner may be made at tha Jewish Community Center,
Israel Soldier Dies In Syrian Prison i
OUT FROOKAM New York (WNS)—The sum of $3,740,000 will bo needed nil the "minimum essential" for the operation of 275 ORT trade schools In 19 countries, Dr. William Habcr, president of IhCj American ORT, said to tho annual conference, of the organization here. The conference ndopted a program to pro^ vide secondary education and training In industrial skills for 18,000 yoilnc people In Israel, North Africa and other areas during 1955. The United Jewish ApThe new six member State peal will make available $1,390,000 Board of Education met Monday to ORT during 1955. in Lincoln. Hoard members Include Morris E. Jacobs who was named chairman of the board.
Rabbi L. Elliott Grafman of Temple Israel in Lone Beach, Calif., will discuss "The Two Way Conversation" on the Message of Israel program over KOIL from 10:05 to 10:30 n. m.
4nniuu KaU « uoumn W Uopf W urn*
A portabin respirator unit for polio patients enabling them to go home on leave was presented by tlio Epstein-Morgan l'ost No. 200 nml Auxiliary of JcwMi War Veterans of America to the Veteran* Administration Hospital of Oinahu lust Sunday. Tho respirator, was not Riven to thn hospital as im outright gift »o that in enso of on emergency the unit could bo shared by other agencies In the community, Commander Aim Miller stated. Among those presrnt at tlio ceremony wero (left to right) Senior Commander William Abrahams, Mrs, Nate Marcus, president of the Auxiliary; Post Commander Abo Miller; Nebraska-Iowa Dent. Commander Max Kanner; anil Norman Webber, a polio patient at the hospital nhone suggestion resulted In thn purchase of the unit.
Tel Aviv (WNS)—A concentration of Syrian' troops along tho Jordan River opposite Israel was reported here at the beginning of • the week. The reports also stated hat civilians on the Syrian sido , af the dcmllltarlzed'area had been evacuated and that Syrian sentries were stopping even United Nations cars In ^the area and checking the personnel in them. Tho massing of troops by Syria along the border was seen ns a , reply to Israel charges that five Israel soldiers captured and held y the Syrians since early last December had not been treated in accordance with the terms of the leneva Convention on treatment I prisoners of war, and to the Isael denrind for an Investigation >f the charges. Israel also comilnined of four week-end attacks iy Syrians across the border. It is believed litre that Pvt. Url II,m, one of tho five Israeli soldlers captured by the Syrians who committed suicide In a Dnmascus nison last week, did s>o because ho • was kept in solitary confinement. The l>o(iy of Pvt. Ilan was returned by Syria to Israel, where he was lurlod with full military honors it his home kibbutz, Gan Shmuel, ' iear Ilnciera, In the presence of the Chief of Staff of the Army, tho " Army's Chief Chaplain and numerous delegations from settlements. •
Vriday, January 31, lf)33
tin itvvisu
Mizrachf Prcxy Looks . . ,
Stern Performs Toward Spiritual With Fierce Fire My lluns Hiicr Bond With Israel
Allen Sunder Ostravicli, son Mr. nnd Mrs. i'hil Osfr.wicli will celebrate his Bar Mltzvah Fiiil.iy Apbtlcitk evening, Jan. 21 and Saturday ».. 1AC Tin? third concert of the Omiiha mominK, Jon. 22. at Belli El Sy- K.ibl.i Mmili'cai Kirsliblum, na nagogue. Friends and relatives ore tional prr.sicient of the Mi/rach, •Symphony Orchestra wa.s one of HARM BALPERT .Editor invited to attend the services nnd Orj;<'inizriMon of Anir-ric.'i, state the j;rtatest successes of this orthe receptions which will follow. one of the rnaj'jr ain^s of the i'.iuuj' chestra during the past years. is to help rfcM'l )J> the soil of Israc and in addition to develop its' mm They played excellently ond Dr. Mr. and MnL l l a x Novak an- as well. The organization Is n re- Duncan conducted with admirable nounce the' Baa Mltzvah o( their finesse nnil maturity of the interlous wlnR ol ZiunSsm. daughter, Sheila Hae, Friday eveRahbi k'lrshbhmi is also .tpiritua pretation. So far we have hardly ning, Jan. 28 and Saturday momIns, Jan. 29 at Beth £U Synagogue. leader of the Jewish Community heard rrproductions of works by i 2 p. ro.—Friends and relatives are Invited House of Bonsnnhursl in Brooklyn Handel nnd linen in Mich a perfect Children's Activities, 5:06 Canddlghting Center. to attend both services and theN. Y., and vlsitcil Omaha tliis pas manner as was heard this time In weekend speaking at Beth Israc Beth El Boy Scouts Dinner, 6 receptions which will follow. and B'nai B'rith Jacob Adas Yes- these concerts. p. m.—Beth EL Yiddish Cultural Series, Film, Friday evening, Jan. 21, andhurun Synagogues here. A very lmprws\w overture Vn Hole Today "The Two Sisten",'8:15 p. m<— Saturday morning, Jan. 22, Judith D by Handel was presented which Service* Friday owning will be- Center. The primary aim of Zionism li wns followed by the "Wise V i r Friedman, daughter of Mr. andits historical dedication to the upgin at 8:15' p. m. Rabbi Myer S. gins Suite" by Hondajr, Jan. U y Bach-Walton, The Mrs. Herman Friedman, will cele- building Kffpke will deliver the sermon and ofZlon, he pointed out W 'Walton l Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Golden Age Club, 1 p. nt—Cen- brate her Bat Mitzvah. In herwhen questioned on the role o K l h coniposi-r VJlWam honor, her parents will receive Zionism today. This work must orchestrate" here different moveBeth El Synagogue Choir win ren ter. Hadassah Players Rehearsal, the congregation and their friends continue, (he rabbi added, until ments from cantatas ond choral der the musical portions of the 7:30 p. m.—Centerpreludes by Bach for the .Sadler after both services. service. we achieve a full spiritual Integra VWV« ballet In EnRlnnd In 1940. Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m.— Sabbath morning services tion of the Jews in Israel with 1 Laurent. D.-.-ld Garrop, son of those throughout the world. We This suite also is a demonstration be at 9:45 a. m. Junior Congrega- Center. T««d»y, Jan. IS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Garrop will »re striving toward an identifica- of happiness, drama, religion and tion services are at 10:30 a. tn. even wit In Bach's music. Pioneer Women, 1 P> m.—Center. celebrate his Bar Mltzvah Friday Mlncha-Maariv Service* will be a spiritual tics with National Council Study Group, evening, Jan. 28 and Saturday tion of Jewish 1 There were yet on the program 5 p. tn. Dally services are at Israel that are divorced from fear, a very deep and serious "Essay" morning, Jan. 29 at Beth Israel he stressed. a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday 1 p. nv—Home. for prchestra by Samuel Barber' morning service is at 9 a. m. and Evening Art Clau, 7 p. m,—Cen- Synagogue. Friends and relatives; arc Invited to attend both services The very name Mizrachl was and the "Czech Rhapsody" by JTer- , the Mlncha-Maariv service at 5 ter. taken f r o m "Mcrkaz-Ruchoni," , Leathercratt Oats, 7:30 p. omlr Weinberger, a piece fllled" and receptions which will follow. p. m. i l center, the h rab-with mastery of Bohemian rhythm meaning spiritual Center. ! bi related. Beth Israel P-TA Board Meetand folk'tunes by the composer. Steady PrograM Ing,. 8 p. m.—Home. The arrangement of the who\ep«yHe has made 21 trips1 to Israe gram this time was excellent Tuesday Musical, 8:30 p. in.— Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Josryn MemoriaL and his most recent waj this pott In the second part of this con•BAMBAM YKAB' Eli Kagan, the Beth Israel Choir, August which Included a visit to Wednesday, An. it Jerusalem OTA) — "Karabam Australia and New Zealand. Sum- cert the famous- violinist Isaac and members of- the Beth Israel Hadassah Chapter (All Groups), Stern played the "Symphony UsYear," which marks the 750th an- ming up his impressions, the rabbi Sisterhood, will conduct the serv- 12:30 p, m.—Center. by Lato. Mr. Stem hat ice this Friday evening at 8 o'clock. B'nai B'rlth Monsky Lodge, 8 niversary of the death of Rabbi reflected that the new nation has pagnole" Moshe Ben Maimon,,tbc medieval been making steady progress since' the fierce (ire and the burning Traditional Friday evening serv- p. m.—Center. Jewish phllosopher/and scientist "I have noticed a change (or violin tone of the gipsy, the sweet ices (Kabbolos Shabbos) begin a Beth Israel Talmud Torah Board also known as Maimonldes, was 1048. the better," he laid,""better food delicacy of the artist and the stu5 p. m. Sabbath morning services Meeting, 8 p. m.—Beth Israel. opened here at the Rabbi Kook and more optimism." "United Jew- pendous brilliance of the virtuoso. begin at 8:30 a. m.: Junior congreThursday, fan. 27 Institute this past week. ish Appeal dollars and bond in Consequently the success of his gation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Cronot B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Maimonldes, whose initials make estments have tremendously Im- performance was outstanding and will conduct the Talmud class a situation," the rabbi received enthusiastic acclamation 4:30 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha at S Chapter No, 470 Board Meeting, up the name Rambom under proved the which he U known In literature, continued1. The symbol of the new of the audience. p. m. followed by Sholcshe S'eudos 1 p. m.—Center. B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapter was born in 1135 In Cordoba, democracy should be the kanga ahd Maariv. DaJly morning servies at 7 a. m.;1" afternoon services Luncheon, 1 p. m.—25th and J SU Spain, and died In 1201 In Kcypt. roo, he said, for although the pouch Art Class, 1 p. tn.—Center. A few years after his death. Ms Is empty, it leaps forward neverat 5:20 p. m. B & P Hadassah, 8 p. m.~Con- remains were transferred from theless. Sunday morning services begin Bie*7 Itdtaj Bl Cbe Federation for Jewfcdi Service VI M n u u imnw u» act a* MUCH ». H?»
Religious News
Community Calendar r, /
Beth Israel
Israel Scene
Registration Still Open for Art Class
Egypt to Palestine and rcinicrred at 8 ; « a. m., followed by break- er. ratlon I* still open foe live near Tiberias, where Ills tiisnl) has The organization'* work In Isfast and Rabbi's cla.ii in Bible-. , Center Art ciasrf Instructed by remained a shrine for t;cnvruUuns rael Includes the bulldinR of Sunday morning Junior Minyan, Omahan's Kin Heads cooperatives and schools to which Mrs. Meyer licber. The first sesof Jews. fololwed by breakfast, starts o have been added the plus of ob- sion of the class was held yesterChicago Trade Board servance of religious laws follow- day ami will continue (<re T\\TMS 8:30 a. m. Julius Mayer vns elected pres- NKAR KAST AID ng the general spirit of the Toral). The Talmud Discussion group ident of the Chicago Board of Washington UTA) ~ President The school system represent* 40 more sessions each Thursday from meet* every Tuesday evening at TTrade 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. this week. He is the brother Eisenhower. u> his budget o » n o ears of development In which 50,p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th and of Adolf Mayer of Omaha, who in The fee Is ton dollars for ten fur 1956, called on Congress to ap- 500 children receive an Integrated Burt 1953 wns president of'the Omaha prove a continuation of foreign form of secular nnd rcllgous edu- lesions or one doUsr jxiir \ss»t>ii, Ileclster by cnliinR the Actlvitic* Grain Exchange. Adolf Mayer Is aid and specified Israel among cation. office at the Center, JA 1366. now a director of the Omaha countries for which he will reTemple Israel I7niviT«lty to Open Grain Exchange. quest funds In the fiscal year 193G. Har-llan University located. In Friday evening at the 8 o'clock This marks the second time Ju- It was indicated that turelcn aid the Garden City of Is. Campaign Head for service, Judith Friedman will cele- ius Mayer will head a major grain will be less than w a s granted In PUimat-Can, rae), .near Tel Aviv will admit f(s brate her Baa Mitzvafa. Rabbi Sid- exchnrtgo. He headed the S t Louis the previous fiscal year. irst class In September of this Red Cross Named ney H. .Brooks will preach on "Im- Merchants Exchange and at that The President snld; "In. the Mid- ?ear. The faculty is being moullAaron Levitt, chairman ol tins mortality in Judaism—do we be-time was the youngest man ever dle East and Africa, we have pro- iied United States nnd Israel. Douglas County Chapter ot the lieve in Heaven and Hell?" Fol- to bold that post. Mr. Mayer Is vided some grant and loan assist- SevenInbulMiags have been comlowing the service Mr, and Mr*..executive vice-president of a Chi- ance to promote economic develop- leted. Tluy university will be American Ited Cross, announced Herman Friedman will honor their cago grain company.' ment and political stability, and atterned after American Bchools the annual Ited Cross drive for daughter at a reception. will request funds to continue this nnd the curriculum will have 43 members and funds will begin type of assistance in the fiscal Ffcbrciv subjects Including Bible •larch 1. Saturday morning at Uie 11:30Religion in Schools; Howard Drew, nn executive of year 1956. This assistance has md Talmud subjects. o'clock service Judith Friedman local real estate company, wilt gone to Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Jorwill assist Rabbi Brooks. In herForum Subject Tlio f.evc-n completed bulUUnjyt head the campaign. The goal it for honor her parent*,' Mr, and Mrs. "Should Religion be Taught in dan, Egypt and Libya." ire a refU'Ctory housing dining 72,000 members nnd $263,307. Thil Herman Friednuui^wUl receive the the Public Schools" will be disDoms ami kitchen, a dormitory, an amount must be raised so that lied congregation following the morn- cussed at the Unitarian Forum at ZC.YIT REFUSES ilinlni.stratl'in unit, an observaing service alto. p. m., Sunday, Jan. 23 in the United Nations, N. V. (JTAI— ory, humanities school, and VwoCross services such as the llfcsav Common Iloom or the First.Uni- Egypt defied the Security Council afooratory structures for physics Ing blood program can continue. Mr. Drew staled. tarian Church, 31st and Hamey by refusing to allow freedom of
. Obituary
Benjamin Cbait Services were held Thurhday, Jan. 20 for Benjamin CIuiit with interment at Beth El Cimetcry. Mr. Chait, 60, was as&iultcd in his Store by a robber Monday and died Tuesday, Jan. 18. lie was a resident of Omaha fur 43 years. Survivors include: Ms wife, Anna; a son. Dr. Sidney Omit of TorrinRton, Conn.; two daughters, Mrs. Harold Pollack ami Mrs. Henry Rickes, both of Omsihn, and nine dJ
Gifts from Estate Of Late M. Somit
Dr. Pliiiip Sher, honorary President of the Federation for Jewish Service, hfis received funds from the estate of the late Michael Somit to be turned over to Jewish Philanthropies and the Free Loan Society. Mr. Somit was a resident of the Dr. Philip Sber Jewish Home for the Aged until his death last year at the age of 84. He was a resident «f Omaha for 35 years. pr. Sher will turn over tl>o sum of $200 to the Jewish philanihiopics a/id $72 to the. Jewish F Loan Society.
is. Members of the1 panel will bo labbi Myer S. Kripkc of Both KI ynagogue. Rev. Edwnrd W. Stimon of D u n d e e Presbyterian -liurch and Kenneth -Burkholdcr, Jrincipal of North High Schoolhi! Allen wjll act as moderator. Coffee time at 7:30 p. m. will rtcfde the forum. The public is nvited to attend and there is no idmlssion charge.
m<f chemistry. passage for Israel ships throur.h A new-type of scientist and prothe Suez Canal. After seven members of the Council—including all cssional worker will be trained, he rabl)i stated, who will reprehe major Western Power*—had cnt in .himself a blending of KCI- Dan Gordman, president of'the re-affirmed their support of the •nce and reilKion. Beth Israel Men's Club announces 9DI resolution of the Council plnns lor a Spring series of dances guaranteeing freedom of passarco Tlicre are approximately 2,000 by the Dance of the Month Club hrou/rb the tvalerway, Omar lio patients now In Iron ' ltinjjs are underway. oufti head of the Egyptian dele- ghtlni; to recover from the seriHarry Slref has been named as gation, insisted that .Egypt will S after-effects of this disease. Rnncral chairman of the spring seinterpret regulations recording the four help is needed. Give to the ries and wore details will bo an"ucz Canal as it BCCS {it. 935 March of Dimes. nounced soon.
THE TERCENTENARY STORY CopjrijM. lax. tr Aaufcu '• vlih m a
B.I. Men's Club
10. The Jews of Newport, R.I. Text by DANIEL ElAZAR
Illustration! by .MAURICE del BOORGO
IU UTt KOStP M i l
Friday, January 21, 1955
Organizations htonsky Chapter Plans nre bclnj; ninrli: for tin; presentation of the second annun Women's Citizenship Award by B'nal B'rlth Henry Monslty Chap ter No. 470 nml Nebraska Chapter No. 31G. The awnrd will Iw mndu Fib ruary 2 at a noon luncheon at the Highland -Town Club. Mines. Joi Cuss and William Stunc arc co Chairmen of the arrangements committee. They nre being assisted by Mcsdames Plill Kutler, Harry Wise, Seymour Kaplan, D a v e Blelcher and Aaron Epstdn.
Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold their Once Sabbath at 1 p. m,, Saturday, Jan. 22 at the home of Mrs. A. Cooper, 3220 Myrtle av. Mrs. Sam Novak will report on her recent trip to Israel. Mrs. Harry. Rlfklnj»>lil present a reading and folk songs win be offered by Sam and Harry Rlfkin. Mr». Jake Kaplan Is chairman /or the affair. The monthly luncheon meeting will be held at 1 p, m., Tuesday, Jan. 29 in the Jewish Community Center. All members aVc urged to attend this important meeting.
Council Women The Current Events Study Croup of the National Council of Jewish Women Will hold Its second Jan unry meeting Tuesday, Jan. 25 at the home of Mrs. Charles Schne) der, 3523 Davenport. Paul Beck of the history department of the Unl vcrslty of Omaha, will lead a discussion on the United Nations. Tho meeting starts at 1 p. m. with a dessert luncheon.
Pcrctz Hirshbein Peretz Ilirshbcln group met nt the home of chairman Mrs. J. Cohen. A reading was given by Mrs. H. Wohlner. A sum of 543 wrfs raised. Guests included Mmcs. H. Wohlner, M. Greenfield nnd F. Rubcnstcin.
Young Judaea Tho fifth grade Young Judaea Group led by Sari Shukcrt meets at Beth El Synagogue. Officer* are Nancy Feltaan, president; Susan B l o ^ vice-president; Kar• ei( Brodkey, secretary; Judy yeret, 'treasurer; Xeoniie Goldberg Slid Shelly Summer, Bergoants-atarnu; Bctte Zoorwell; program; Neena Bcber, community projects, and Lynne Minkln, .social and res /ilgiOUS.
'.. : .
••••, . • : : > : • > : : : . "-
• • Other membcre arc Ellen Canary Susan GUImky, Judy Ginsburg, Carrie Rubin and Judy Siegler.
Golden Age Club To Meet Monday Tlie next regular meeting of the Golden ARC club will be at 1 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center Monday, Jan. 24. Luncheon will be nerved nt 1 o'clock and will be followed by the interesting movie, "The House of Rothschild." Following the movie there will be games nnd prizes for the winners. All Golden Acers nnd their friends are invited. The Golden Age Glub is co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Center and tho Omaha Section, Council of Jewish Women. WATElt COOPERATION Washington (JTA) — President Eisenhower nave final Instructions today to his special envoy Eric Johnston who will leave by air January 23 for Israel in pursuit of regional water cooperation between the Arab states and Israel. ' Mr. Johnston, who reported to the President at the White House, said that he will spend a week in Israel before proceeding to the Arab slates. Ho will confer with Jsrael authorities on the momIng of January 26. From Israel he will KO to Egypt and from there to Jordan. Ills next stops will bo Lebanon, then Syria.
Hadassah to See 'Double Vision' Ornuhn Chapter Hadassah will meet at a 32:30 p. m. luncheon in tho Jewish Community Center, Wednesday, Jan. 20. This mcctinf; is dedicated to the Hadassnli Medical CVnk-r, now bcinj; built in Jerusalem, which will comprise three units; a 450 bed Hadassah Hospital, a new school of nunslng, and a new building for the medical school. The Influx of our people needing Hadi.ssah's services is greater thun ever Iwforc. We arc building to serve this need. Mrs. Julius Stein Is chapter chairman for Medical Center. Welzmann Group Chairman Is Mrs. Benjamin I'erclman, Szold Group Chairman is Mrs. Max Fromkln and Mrs. Julius KaLzman is Herzl Group Chairman. Miss Julia Zuker Is Medical Center Chairman for the Business & Professional Group. At this meeting a dramatic presentation "Double Vision" will bo presented by the Hadassah Players. "Double Vision" was written by Helen Hyman and directed by Mrs. Leon Schmldman. Appearing in tho cast arc: Mmes. Harry Fercr, Barney Hobcrman, Bernard Balaban, Joo Cuss, Max Rosen, Morey Landmon, Gilbert Frledon, Herbert Forbes and Elmer Novak, Prompter Is Mrs. Selwyn Roffman Lighting effect* by Mrs. Arthur Friedman and Mrs. Norman. Cain. Scenery by Mra. Wm. Nash and Mr*. Justin Manvltz. Costuming by Mr*. Wm. Alberts. Make-up by Mr*. Elmer Novak and Mrs. Sidney Epstein. Make your reservations for this Medical Center Luncheon, 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. 20 at the JCC with the following: Chapter Chairman, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, WA 7289; Szold, Mrs. Harry Marks, RE 159S or Mrs. I&adorc Sherman, WA 07C6; Herzl Group, Mrs. Harry Goldstrom, WA 4C70 or Mrs. Henry Apncl, Gh 5C.!8; Weizmann Group, Mrs. Hilda Hoffman, IlK 2918, Mra. Milton Mlntz, HE 291G or Mrs. Chas. Fredkin, IIA 1193. Parking for Hndnssah members will be until 4 p. m. at the JCC. Make your reservations now. "Double Vision" will have nn repeat performance for Business and Professional Hndassah at 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Jan. 27 nt the Center. Miss Julia Zuker, Medical Center Chnlrmln, will bo in charge of. the program.
Deadline The deadline for club publicity Is Monday at 5 p. m. The information should bo in our hands by that time to facilitate the handling of copy.
Pace Tbree
B.I. Sisterhood Ms. Abe Bear Heacjs Committee Annual Sabbath
Nebraska Chapter No. 346 of B'nal B'rlth will hold its annual luncheon and card party at 1 p. m., Thursday, Jan. 27 in B'nal Abraham Lodge, 25th and J sts. Funds will go to help support the Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital in Denver, Colo, Mrs. Abe Bear is rjencnil chairman and assisting ar<- Mine, Fred Halm, Abe Kazlowsky, Sam LclbMr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosenberg of owitz, Joe Levinsky, Sam ManLincoln announce the engagement vltz, Harold SIcgal and Leo Taub of their daughter, Shirley Jean, to Lt. Barton Rochman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roclunan of 4634 Chicago street. w. x* Miss Rosenberg is a Junior at the 3VA 13» University of Nebraska where she Fireside Restaurant Cooper Cnst. Co. . . . 32 19 is a member of Sigma Delta Tuu 31 20 Metz Beer social sorority and Alpha Lambda 30'/4 20tt Delta, Gamma Alpha Chi, and Edwards Jewelry 26U 24*4 Theta Sigma Phi honorary sor- Brodkey Jewelry Playland Park . 26 23 oritlcs. Superette Food Mkt, 28 25 Lieutenant Rochman attended Slleo Products . . . 26 23 the University of Nebraska and 24'A 26)6 graduated from the University of Benson Hardware 24 27 Omaha. He is a member of Sig- Silk Shop ma Alpha Mu. He is currently sta- Magleolor Paints . . . . 23ft 27% Watson Bros. Tran. Co, 23 28 tioned at Warren Air Force Base, 29 The couple plans a summer wed- United Auto Supply. • 22 Nogg Bros, Paper Co.. 22 29 ding. Youngstown Kitchens. 1854 3 2 « RCA Victor 13 38 ~ CONVOCATION New York (JTA)—More than 2,200 guests attended the first leaders were awarded Honorary academic convocation held by the Fellow degrees by the university Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the convocation, which was away from Israel, at Hunter Col- sponsored by the American Friends lege here. Nine American Jewish of the Hebrew University.
Shirley Rosenberg Engagement Told
Hadassah Bowling
Friday evening, Jan. 21, tha members of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will observe their annual Sis» teiliod Sabbath. Mrs. .Sydney Goldberg and Mrg. Sam Merman, co-chairmen an* noiince (hat the following members will take part in the services: Mines. Allen Cipinko, Bernard Weiss, Malvin Teppcr, Harold Epstein and Henry Grcenberg; Th« president of the sisterhood, Mrs. Izadoro Elcwitz, will- deliver the sermonette. Members and friends are invited to attend.
Mothers' Clubs Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' 'Club 111 hold their luncheon meeting at 1 p. m., Thursday, Jan. 27 at the H i g h l a n d Town Club. Mmes. Mickey Krupinkay and Ben Minkin willact a* hostesses. Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club . will meet at dessert luncheon 1 p. n%, Tuesday, Jan. 25 at the home of Mrs. Jake Shykcn, 5140 Grant St. Mrs. Jack Hurwlch will be co-hostess and Mrs. Albert Gaer will preside. The year 19S4 was the third worst polio year on record with almost 40,000 polio cases reported. You can help those stricken with' this disease with a gift to the 1055 March of Plmos.-
Junior Spotlight | ..••/.; By Ferns Katlrman FINLAND 'REGISTRATION It hardly teems possible that In just two more Sundays the first session af"Funland" will have passed and It will be time to register for the second period. January 30 Is the last Funland program for this session. The Sunday of February 6 has been set aside for taking socorid session registrations; so there will be no program Lhot day. The first mectlnc of second session will be Sunday, Feb. 13 at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Funland includes all children in the first through fifth grades only. For further Information please contact the Children's Activities director at the JCC, JA 13GG. ItcKlstratlons will be accepted during the week of Jan. 30-Fcb. G. Last Sunday the "Fun Club took n trip to visit the Century room at the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum under the leadership of Dernie Fektman and Jerry Mnrcr: r.wlmminf; was on tap for the felows In Los Cabnllos, and clay nodellmr, singing, drawing, games ind Btory-telllng were enjoyed b"y Ihe girls' groups. •ItK-TEKN CLUBS Both sixth nnd seventh grnde pre-teen clubs will meet this weekend; for information as to lime and place of tho meetings, members should contact Susie Sachs—sixth grade group, or Ar•ne Grossman — seventh grade :lub. The -March of Dimes assisted 74 000 polio patients during 1934. The balance — 50,000 — were old cases, patients, stricken in earlier 'cars. . *
The National foundation for Infantile Paralysis
7 A Send Your Contributions to
This Message Is Sponsored by
Jay Basketball
B'nai B'rith Bowling
Friday, / s a u r y Zl, 1*05
Youth Council Doings
AZA NO. 100 II; Llody January 16, Sam liiber Chapter VCB LEAGUE held its second annual Anniversary Parkway League and Formal Initiation Banquet. Rayim C with Larry Zacharia W, The affair was held at the lilackSetting the pace upset second place Gerelick Motors 9 stone Hotel with advisors, parents. AZA 100B, 36-21. Larry, whose 7 Basketball gomes that were Ranks First and Alephs attending. Marvin younger brother Dick leads the Milder Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to be played Tuesday evening Freedman wus the master of cerefifth and sixth graders in scorin Harvey Chicken . . . . . . . . . . 6 have been postponed due to the monies. Aaron Zuckcr, District No. in the Midget league got 13 points, weather. They will be resched- Riteway TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 B'nai B'rith Youth Orj;finlzullon as ail seven members of the ~ Rlchman-Gordman . . . . . . . . 4 Director, delivered the main ad•quad contributed to the scoring. uled at a later date. Sol Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 dress. Howard Kooper and Jerry Shi Kutler led his team with sevWolfson-Gerber............ 4 R o s e n , Pledgcmasters, received en points. Hoberman Plbg. . . . . . . . . . . 3 gifts from the freshman class for Unbeaten AZA IB using their lads avenged a previous defeat Canadian Ace . . t . . . . . . . . . 3 Justin Ban and Steve Scglin each their outstanding efforts during tall men to good advantage had Forbes Bakery 2 the past few months. Howard Kaslittle trouble getting by AZA 100C had six for the losers. Grace-Mayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hires Root Beer, warming up low was awarded his Past Aleph 42-12. High scoring Willard Plotfor next week's encounter took a Godol Pin in recognition of his kin led the attack with eight basThe fine work as president Chairman kets and 16 points while center 32-20 win from S. Riekes. K of the gala affair were Bob Ep. Jack Orach scored 10 points. Tom- Rlekes squad have been without my Platt had five for the losers. their captain and center Bill HorThis week Marvin Cohn.bowled stein, Mike Canar, and Marty Sowich, who has been*:III. but all the 133 and 140 (or a 273 series. Mike phir. In make-up gomes last Thursday AZA IB squeezed by AZA boys wish him a speedy recovery. Markovitz roUed a 242 series and AZA NO. 1 "100B, 29-24. The scrapping fresh- Dan Hollls once again paced his John Rlekes had 117 and 122 Events for the coming month man from 100 were tied at the team with 12 points while Mike games (or a 230 scries. are now being planned by the ofStandings half but the height advantage of Platt added nine. Al Konecky ficers and committee chairmen'of 2 the league leaden came through topped his team with nine points. Lucky Leaguers 26 8 Mother Chapter. Community servUnbeaten Pacific Fish Increased Raylm Jrs In the second half. Jack Oruch 23tt*10H ice plans Include a comic-book with 10 points led his team while their hold on first place as they Hokey Pokes 21tt 12}i drive for the Children's Memorial Stuart Kutler had nine for the rode' over the Cowboys 20-9, Dick The Curves 21 13 Hospital. The social committee has Zacharia with 15 points led tho Blue Eagles Centurymen. 10 IS planned an auction party for the Cozy Farmers 15 19 Raylm C went on a scoring way.evening or Saturday, Jan. 29. MemI-Go Van with their big three, Fancy Pant* 19ft rampage against AZA 100C as they ben of the chapter will participate 11 soundly handed them a 53-17 loss. Don Fiedler, Jelf Wohlner and 4 Belles in a Regional AZA Frcethrow con* 10 24 Seven of their players contributed Keith Llcberman took a 21-10 win 7th Heaven test, and the Annual Brotherhood to the scoring as Chuck Wise and from Rlchman-Gordman. Fiedler Bowling Bums -9H 24H Week Inter-Faith basketball game Howard Wcinberg showed the way had nine points while the other with HI-Y is being planned. Stan with 10 points each. Tom Platt had two boys scored six each. Gordy Fellman. religious chairman, has 1 Hollis had five for the losers. eight for the losers. presented reviews of book concern-Standings. ing Jewish problems and is now otnndlngs W. L. W. I . planning the Annual AZA SabW. I . Deb Nebs 19 3 Gerelick Motors 4 1 bath. Details for the Parent's Day AZA IB 6 0 The CuUes 16 0 Hires Root Beer 4 "• 1 Banquet are now being arranged AZA 100B 3 16 6 S. Rlekes A Sons 1 4 I'ma Savkit In co-operation with AZA No. 100. Baylm C 3 Lucky Strikes 14 8 Fireside Rest 1 4 The banquet will be held In the AZA100C 0 Screwballs 13 9 Black Mirror of the Hotel FonHigh Scorers for six gomes: WllThe Hobos 10 12 Pacific Fish 5 0 tenelle; initiation of new members lard Plotkln, 53 points; Stuart 10 12 ,.2 3 4 Gutter Gals will be held at the banquet. Kutler, 48 points: Howard Weln- Cowboys The Turkeys 8tt 13 H 2 berg, 40 poinLi; Larry Zacharia Richmnn-Gordman RAYIM 8 14 1 4 Three of Us & 1 38 points and Jack Oruch, 36 I-Co Van The Rayim party.scheduled for Knock On Wood . . . . . 8 14 High Scorers: (seniors) Dan Holpoints. 1454 this Saturday is going to be carlls, 60; Roy Katskee. 44; Joel Da- Lucky Four . . . . . . . . . T A ried out in a very unusual manner. vis. 35; Mike Platt, 35 and Al KoHi Guys . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 The members will first ask for MIDGET LEAGUE necky. 34. (Juniors) Dick Zacharia. their dates who'will then plan the Sunday is showdown day for 66; Jeff Wohlner,-.28; Steve Guss. party. Hires Soot Beer or Gerelick Mo- 25; Steve Gould, 21; Gordy Hollis. tors as fhey tangle for the league 20 and Mike Sadofsky, 20. Raylm has already made prepTovlm Juniors will meet Saturlead. Each has a 31-1 record and day, Jan. 22, at 7 p. m., in the arations for Stage Night. Mike both squads will be ready (or the recreation room of Talmud Torah. VARSITY LEAGUE 1>lg one." Last week Gerelick MoStar Auto Parts with Al Clny- Boys Arts and Crafts Club will tors had a tough encounter with hold their next session Sunday, Fireside Restaurant and staved man setting a torrid price with 33 Jan. 23, from 4 to 5:30 p. m. Club off a last minute rally to capture points won enslly over Epstein Kn Taryag will meet Sunday, Jan. 23. a 19-1" came. Paced by their orprlscs 66-49. Harold Nepnm Synagogue Y o u t h Organization "Mutt and Jeff" act Koy Kntskee nick and Dan Epstein had 22 nntl will meet Sunday, Jan. 30, at 7 and Joel Davis with ten and seven 18 respectively for their squads. p. m. points respectively, tlie . "Ford' The win gives.Star Auto sole possession of seco.id place. Yaffo Printing slapped a 43-27 loss on Lusty*s as Irv Yaffe set the pace with 14 points. It was yeoman work bj Al Ncpomnlck, Moo Upton and Wayne Sicgcl under RUG & UPHOLSTERY the boards that kept the league CLEANERS Stuart Fogcl and Tonl Fellman leaders in the game. Al Brown had walked off with the top scoring six for the losers. RUGS — CARPETING honors fn the annual Junior B'nai LAMP SHADES Standings B'rith Fall Tournament FURNITURE W. L Mr. Fogel fired 70 pins over his 5 1 108 average for his victory. He had Ynifo' Printing Cleaned in Your Home! Star Auto Parts 3 3 Games of 149 and 137. finding • Laying • Repairing Lusty's 2 4 Ton! Fellman was 82 pins over HA 2SS4 4 DON IERNSTEIN her 78 average. She ambined Epsteins Enterprises . . . . . . 2 games ot 122 and 116. High in last Sunday's competi tlon was Bill Katanan with a 315 series. This has been Bill's third NATIONAL DIVISION week in a row for this position. He W. L. fired games of 178 and 137. Rayim SOS 25 14 High In the girls' division was AZA No. 100 Wifo's . . 23 Ifi Harriet Schloff. Harriet fired a 05 Rayim Pins & Points . . 22!i 16',4 series.' Her games consisted of 163 ZA No. 100'Jolly Joes 22 17 and .132' AZA No. 1 XXX's . . . 20'.-i lH'.i Hlgit Game* w l Series Raylm Kafrtchers 19«i 19',i Larry Gillraky 167-144—311 Rayim Grubby Grabs... 1H!i 20'i Par Month Clark SwarU 15S-140—296 AZA No. 100 Nancy Richards . . . . 159-132—291 Knork-On-Wod . . . . . 15 21 to operate o Barbara Bercutt , . . 153-133- "TS AZA No. 1 Argonauts 15 21 Suiie Wolf iron 107-104—271 AZA No 1 Mi'srs 12'j 21)'-; Mike Platt l.r,7-110-2G7 Ilirh Series: Crililner. 177 - SljO; Douglas Platt 139-125-261 im Frrrdm'in. 171 ~4"JK. Judy PlatUvr 132-130 2G2 Clothe* Dryer Pave Wlnlroub 131.128-262 TIX'IINK'AL ASSISTANCE .'Stuart FoTel . 140-114—254 Jcnisalcm (JTA) -A total of 32 for Dennis Schulman . . 131-119-2->3 iireij'n <"cp"rts will be assigned to Served Buffet Style! Jeann? Silver 127-125—252 sr.ml in 1955 a(i'l 39 Israelis will Average Family. Judy Cohen l.TJ-105 -211 <• scut, nlKiard for further study All You Caro to Eat Harold Forbes 1.1G-101-211 T for n^si'-tjnf; foreign states unEddie Wintroub 123-118—2-11 !er the United Nations Tcclinic.il Martin Snnld<;r 122-118- 2-10 issist.'uiee prnpram, Or. Htirt (1/5 as much as NOON TO 3 P. M. • Joyce Koom 120-115—2:15 'haaf. n-sid"nt representative of Toni Fellm.-n 120-111-231 lie I'N Technical Assistance Adsubstitute types) Mickey Sn cits 114-112—22B 'nlstrntlon, nnnounccd here. Jim s'ophlr 119-105- 221 Dale Knsln 11G-104 -220 Stan Greenfield 125- 93—218 Marsha Cbrcn; 113-101-214 Edie Singer 110-10.^-213 l']wn# J\ luf.ff to inAcrt your Want A'< Tli! Jewlsl) l'rer T tarry Hobcrman . . 108-103—211 Currfnt rate la !,U rrtilif tor rach Inner Convenient Payments on Judy I-nzcr 108-101 —209 in TJift Vteift res^rvp* tlif rJiiht to Mrs'1 u ot fracii ndrrrtlsrim-nl. Dusty Greenborg . . . I2G- 83-209 your Gas bill. • Steve Black 110- 93-208 BAH and Ras Mftzvah corujratuHOTEL BLACKSTONE JUstln Leuii 120- 88—208 unions also for all Jewish tiolJ' days nncJ special occasions Gloria Ostr'ow 122-83—205 Judy Wohlner 110- 92—202 Moycrs News. StnnrJ 150? Hod?*?
Games Postponed
Jr. Y.C. Bowling
Y.C. Girls Bowling
Sulzman has teen named chairman with Jerry Mayer, Bob Wintrouli, Sheldon Krantz, Bob Meyer and Gone Kohn working with him. Slayini: high in the basketball scene, the Rayim A team is tied for first place in the Y. C. league. Ilayim's dream girl, Judy Krantz, has tho honor of being a contender for colonel's lady at the annual Central High Military IialL DKI1KA DEBS An executive meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lcvenson, Deb's advisor, on Sunday, Jan. 16. It was a meeting of the executives of Groups "A," "B" and of' the regular officers of Debs. The hen party, which was held at the home of Marilyn Rice Jan. 15 was a huge success. TIKVAS AMI Sunday, Jan. 9, T. A, held their election meeting. The new officer* arc: president, Matlee Katleman; vice-president, Shirley Goodman; secretary, Rita Katzman; treat* urer, Leona Brown; sergeant-atArmi, Paula Block; historian, Marsha Feldman; reporter, Dena Lagman;' Y. C. delegate. Annette Kasowsky; Y. C. alternate, Fayna Manvltz, and Young Judaea regional delegate, Rose Lagman. The installation . of the new officers was held Sunday, Jan. 16, ut the home of Mrs. Jacobs. T. A. services will attend Friday at Beth El. The next meeting will be Sunday, fan. 22.
Beth Israel Clubs
Fogel, Fellman Top Jr. B.B. Meet
Y.C. Boys' Bowling
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