January 28, 1955

Page 1

Vol. XXXIII—No. 18

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fuft.unea every rndtr. 1UJ n. 20U1, uraaha. Nebraika, ('boot JA 1366

Annual Halt 4 •BUHH OOfT IS

Ernest A. Nogg Heads 1955 Drive Federations Parley Opens This Morning Some 100 representatives of Jewish Federations from ten neighboring stati- comprising the West Central m-glon of the Council of Jewish Fedv; u ..ont and Wei' fare Funds will begin to assemble this morning in Omaha, at the Blackstone Hotel, for the 21*t Annual Conference, Jere Glasi, Pres Jdent of the Region said today. Opening at 10 o'clock thli mom Ing will be an all day Campaign Workshop In which the scope and Method of forthcoming campaigns in these communities will be reViewed and examined. There will be Oneg Shabbats Saturday and a Conference Dinner, to bo held Saturday night at the Highland West Club, and a concluding session Sunday morning. The program chairman of the

8 New Members on Exec. Committee Five now members wore elected to the Kxeciillvc Commit too of the Jewish Federation by the Hoard of Governors, <it its mcetini! held Thursday evening Jim. 20. Atxmt s<lwnty-five members of tho Hoard wen? present and participated In the vollnc which resulted in the election of the following for a threc-yenr term on the Executive Committee: Arthur A. Conn, Leo Klsenstntt, Mrs. Mike Freeman, William Grodintky, and F. Ralph Nofjg. T h r e e additional Executive Board members, named by the Federation president, are David Feder, Dan Gordman and S. Elmer G r o s s . . .

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Dewey Stone Heads ; United Jsraei Appeal New York (JTA)—Dewey D. Stone, noted Jewish leader who la active In many philanthropic and cultural undertaking, was elected national chairman of the United Israel Appeal Monday at the annual sleeting of its board of directors at the Commodore Hotel. He succeed* Rudolf G. Sonncborn, who served four years as national Chairman of the UIA. The United Israel Appeal is the central fund-raising Instrumcntatllty In this country in behalf of the Jewish Agency and the Keren Hayesod. Its board of directors Is made up of 130 members representing all of the Zionist parties as well as the Jewish welfare funds and councils of local communities. Representation on the board includes 60 percent of the memberShip named by the Zionist parties. While the balance Li designated by communities and regions throughout the country. In announcing the chief aspects of the UIA program for this year, Mr. Stone made public a largescale rural resettlement project which is currently being launched. It involves the one-quarter million-acre Beth Govrln desert area in the northeastern Ncgev to be reclaimed and developed at a cost of $14,000,000 for this year's portion of the work. This will be one of the principal items of the UIA agencies' budget set at $88,980,000 for 1955. The major portion of the budget will bo provided by American Jisws through the United Jewish Appeal. Simultaneous campaigns In other countries nnd loans will provide the balance.

Conference, K. S. Goldenbcrg of St. Paul, said that the discussions at this meet will try to answer many of the problems which confront Federations, locally and nationally, "We extend an invitation to all Omahana to attend the sessions and the Oneg Shobbat at this conference. We can gain much from learning of .the experiences and problems of other communities, and how they meet them," Jack W. Marer, Offiiiha Federation president said in urging members of the community and Its leadership to be present at the sessions.' Omahani , participating in the discussions are Robert H. Kooper and Dr. Abe Greenberg. Mrs. .Ernest A. Nogg, a member of the Women's Committee of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, will preside a.t the Women's Oneg Shabbat, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey is Chairman of the Conference Hospitality and Arrangements Committee.

Anti-Bias Group Set Up By Ike Washington (JTA) — President Eisenhower named Mnxwcll Abbcll of Chicago to serve as chairman of a newly-created five-member committee to prevent discrimination m hiring and firing procedures against government workers on a basis of religion, race, or national origin. The formation of the new committee was announced by the White House. A Presidential order directed the committee to report directly to the President. The new unit replaces the Civil Service Commission's Fair Employment Board which reported to the Com-

General Chairman Of Philanthropies

Half Century Of Federation To Be Feted Sat Observing the completion of 50 years of continuous service by the Omaha Federation at the Conference Dinner to be held at the Highland West Club Saturday night, at 7 o'clock, a presentation will be made of HalfCcntury Award to the community of Omaha. The award will be made by Amos Dcinard, of Minneapolis, and will be received by Dr. Philip Shcr, Honorary President of the Omaha Federation. Morris E. Jacobs, past president pf the West Central Region and a past president of the Omaha Jewish Federation will review the half-centuary span of service. Mayor John Rosenblatt will bring the city's greetings. P h i l i p Bernstein, n e w l y chosen Director of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, will be guest speaker. Jnck W. Marer, Omaha Federation president, will chairman at the Conference Dinner. Reservations for the dinner may be made by calling the Jewish Community C e n t e r , Jackson 1360.

Community Service Volunteer Bureau

Ernest A. Noge;

Global Report ARMS TO IRAQ Washington (JTA) — A second shipment of United States munitions is on its way to Iraq as the Implementation of recommendations of an American Army survey mission iitfbelng expedited. The mission urged mainly that the mobility nnd firepower of the Iraqi forces be Increased. Today, as Iraq moves closer to n pact with Turkey, the United Stales Is encouraging Iraq with a tangible1 demonstration of the rewards w h i c h will be forthcoming In greater measure when and if Iraq is affiliated with a unit of the Western defensive coalition. The speeding up of arms to Iraq Is also envisaged here as a way of bolstering the Iraq Government in Its stand against Egyptian and Arab League attempts to dissuade Iraq from signing the pending pact with Turkey,

The Volunteer Bureau, a central clearing house for part-time volunteers for Omaha's community service agencies, will open Monday, Jan, 31 In room 638 of the Kllpatrlck building. Persona wishing to sign up for volunteer work may stop at the office or call JA 7378. ; V The bureau is a department of the; United ..Community Services NATURAL GAS m i s s i o n . '".- ' . « : ' .-". - •'•. . < • • " . - • • > ••••' ••.••••. social planning unit and is coTei Ayiv (JTA)—What may be A: White House' statement said sponsored by the Junior League of one of the best deposits of natural the committee, to be headed by Mr. O m a h a , - . : : • ' '.•••.;.• '"• ••: • . ' ' • . ' • • : • • gas lii Israel has been discovered Abbcll, established at a PresidenMrs. J. ft Wright, Jr., bureau near Petaeh Tlkvah by the Israel tial level, will have increased sta- chairman, said that volunteer op- American Oil Company in the ture over the old Fair Employ- portunities are open for most age course of drilling for oil, It was ment Board. James C. Hagerty, groups as arts and crafts Instruc- announced here. ' White House press secretary, said tors, nursery: aids, youth group Louis Franklin, president of the the "Increased stature" >vould re- advisors and many other kill company, said that if further desult from the new group reporting posits of natural gas arc found It directly, said the "Increased stamay be commercially exploitable. ture" would result from the new A significant amount of gas was group reporting directly to Mr. ElAn urgent pica to "fill your discovered at less than 500 feet. senhower. The Fair Employment March of Dimes cards and send Board abolished by the order was them to POLIO*-Clty Hall—Oma- SYNAGOGUE GIFTS created by President Truman In ha" was made today by John D. St. Paul (JTA)—In an action InJuly, 1M8. Ashford, campaign director of tended to underline the friendship Douglas County's Drive. Mr.-Abbcll Is a former president and esteem existing between Protof the United Synagogue of Amer'We must more than double our estant churches and synagogues In ica, central organization of the efforts In the remaining days of St. Paul the Protestant-Jewish Conservative movement, and 1« the campaign," he declared. "The Friendship Committee announced vice-president of the American- job gets bigger with every passing that It Is giving three cosh gifts to Palestine Trading Corp. day." the three synagogues for the purchase by the Jewish congregations of gifts suitable as a reminder of Interfalth friendship.

'March of Dimes'

Regional Federations Parley Program

Friday, Jan. 28, at Illackitonn A campaign workshop to discuss problems of campaigning in 1955 will begin at 10 a. m. Saturday, Jan. 20, at BUckatons Oneg Hlmbbat Berks Women In community service—12 noon luncheon. Multiple appeals in the community—12 noon luncheon, The synagogue and the community—3 p. m. * Saturday, Jan. 20, at West Highland Club Omaha will receive Its 50th year plaque commemorating 50 years of our Federation's existence at conference dinner to be held at 7 p. m. Sunday, Jan, 30, Blackntono Hotel Brunch session at 10 a. m. Topic: "Federation—Its Status In America."

TURKISH SCHOOL Istanbul (JTA)—The Lay Council of the Grand Rabbinate of Turkey has decided to build a new Jewish school In Takslm, a modern district of this city whero hundreds of Jewish families live. At present it Is extremely difficult for Jewish children from this district to reach any of the five other Jewish schools scattered throughout the city. The building Is expected to cost 1,000,000 Turkish lira (approximately $350,000) to construct. A private company will bo established to float a bond Issue to raise the money. The Grand Rabbinate has agreed to underwrite maintenance of the school to the extent of 50,000 lire annually.

Ernest A. Nogg, active in Jewish community affairs and in civic programs, secretary of the "Jewish Federation, has accepted the post of General Chairman of the 1953 Jewish Philanthropies and United,'Jewish Appeal Campaign, Jack W ^ Marer, Federation president, an* nounced. »'; 'I am very happy to report to ' the Omaha Jewish community,'* Marer said, "that Ernie Nogg has' agreed to accept the top leader^, ship of our 1955 Community Drive.;. This Is a very fortunate choice/', and under his dynamic leadership we may look forward to an enthu- • siastlo and spirited campaign, s u p ported by the entire community." Active in Community ^. A • Mr. Nogg has lonr been Active In.,'^ the Omaha Jewish Community. H*'1"has served as a member of the' Jewish Federation Board for scv« • oral years, with; distinction in many assignments. An experienced campaigner, he was Initial Gifts Chairman in the 1951 Campaign. Ho served as Chairman of tbu Commercial Division of the Community Chest Drive in their recent drive. 20th Annual Drlur In accepting the general chairmanship of the campaign, Me. NugK said: "It Ml to m> ' Jot to lend the 2Gth Annu-il Jewish i^hlInnthroples Drive Tor a quarto^ of a century, the Jewish Cominor v " nity tof Omaha raised funds f i r Jewish needs everywhere through' t h i s Philanthropies all - in - one Drive, " I

"Over, this long period of' an»« nual fund-raising it Is possible th»t the real meaning and function Ate the Jewish Philanthropies migljt-i have been taken for granted. THe dramatic fact Is that the Jewish Philanthropies Is not merely AN- • OTIIKR CAMPAIGN, but actually some 200 campaigns merged Into ~












"This fact must bo reemphk-" sized, so that it may be clearly understood by every member of oiu? • community. Not just another cam* ,palgn, but a supreme fund-raising effort for some 200 agencies and institutions, overseas, in Israel, In i the United States, and in Omaha.' ' "Were It not for this united ef->%^ fort, there would be a multitude^} of campaigns which would quickly I demoralize the entire community?}, to the detriment of the many agen^j ' cies we support through this one;* drive. j t 'I hope in the days ahead to * ' keep on stressing this point, s<M that our donors and subscribers?* may begin to see the Philanthrope, l lea in this light," f M»n Power Needed I Stressing the need for campaignworkers and volunteers, Mr. Nogg; appealed for a mobilization of workers to help in the speedy and effective campaign. "The many phases Included In our Philanthropies Drive surely have a right to call upon their supporters and people interested In their programs, to come forth and share in the labor of this cam* palgn, which Is theirs too. We will need man power In all dlvt> sions to do the job as it needs t o bo done In this very critical year," Mr. Nogg stated. Mr. Nogg said that be planned to organize a Campaign Steering Council so as to set the campaign machinery in motion without delay. Appointments of other members of the' Campaign Leadership will be announced shortly. - •t

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Friday, January 28, 1955

mvisn PRESS

Consul Tells . . .

Regional Farband Prexy to Install Oficers Sunday

Israel on Road fo Economic Stability

Israel Is faced with unremitting Max Krijil-in, of Sioux City, la hostility from the Arab nations, Simha Pratt, Israel COIIMII for tlie .Ediloi president of D.Mrirt No. 1, Kir. HARKS HALPERT. Middle West, told the ini-mbers of band Labor Zionist Older, will in liic Board of Governors ot the Fedstall the new officers of Farlxind Temple Israel for Jewish Service last Branch No. 54 of Omulia. Sundny, Tills Friday evening at 8 o'clock eration Thursday evening at (ho Jewish Jan. 30 at the Jewish Community Sabbath Kve services will be helii Community Center. Arab leaders lights of (be* growing number ol Center. r~~ By Boris SaMbur at Temple Israel. Kabbl Sidney II have disregarded the preamble in | . (Copyright, 1999, JTA) mixed marriages in this country. Mrs. Sam Novak, who recently Brooks will preach on "Immortal the armistice agreement t h a t . . . Very few non-Jewish men Jewish SMaBchtn A l t h o u g h returned from a /isit to Israel, ity in Judaism," pointing up tin called for the setting up of a peace Jews do not conduct active mls- seek to adopt the Jewish religion will report on her trip to the new question: "Do we believe in Heav- treaty, he pointed out. This Is born en and Hell?" aionary work, the New York Fed- when they marry a Jewish girl nation. out by the extreme statements ot eration of Reform Synagogue* con- but the case Is usually difterent Mrs. Zina Fcldman and Mrs. Sabbath morning services are a Arab leaders especially thosa of duct* a continuous course (or the with BaiKJewlsh girls marrying nose Cohen arc In charge of ar- 11:30 o'clock Saturday. Rabbi Egypt Mr. Pratt added. Their preparation of prospective con- Jewish m e n . . . . The girls, anxious rangements. Supper will be served Brooks will deliver the sermonette policy Is no peace and no war verts to Judaism . . . A similar to became a part of the Jewish at 7:30 p. m. and Kiddush for the entire congre course is also maintained in Chi family, fay to get acquainted witn The new officers for the year gallon wlU follow the service. The which Includes economic warfare, cago. . . . Reform rabbis make It Jewish ritual law* and traditions. 1955 are: Chairman, Abe Cohen, Religious School Choir will ling marauding along Israel's border* clear to Christians seeking to be . . . In many cases they become vice-chairman. Ben Klaiman; re- the musical portions of the liturgy- and blockade of the Suet Canal, he emphasized^ converted to Judaism that they do more kosher-minded than cording secretary, Sam Rifkin; not have to undergo drcumdslon even Poale Zion secretary, Harry RlfHostility their Jewish husband*. . . . With as required by the Jewish religious kbi; hospitality, Jake Feldman,. Beth El After seven yean, -Mr. Pratt law. - . . They point out that this non-Jewish men in mixed mar- god financial secretary, J. Radinriage*, the question ot religion is required only by Orthodox and owiiki. Executive Board members Services Friday evening will be- continued, no progress toward a end Conservative Judaism. . . . in usually crop* up when the children will be the following: Mm. Rose gin at 8 0 S p. m. Rabbi Myct S. peace settlement has been 'mate start to attend school . . . Conthe preparation course, the pros Cohen, Zina Feldman, Marian Krlpke will deliver the sermon and and Israel facet a wall of uncompective convert learns something fused by question* of playmates, Bondarin, Sarah Okun, Herman Cantor Aaron L Edgar and thepromising hostility. The two facof the history of the Jews and these children do not know wheth- Mlrowitz, Sam Rlchman, Isadore Beth £1 Synagogue Choir will ren- tors involved in this ore psycholder the musical portion of, the ogical and social. The Arabs are Judaism and the basic concepts at er they are Jewfeh or Christian. Forbes and Karl Rosenberg. a proud people and the defeat by Jcvviih religion. . . . H e is also . . Sooner or later they pose this District No. 7 is comprised of service. introduced to the literature, rit- question to their parent*. . . . It groups in Illinois, Wisconsin, Ne- Sabbath morning services will Jewish people, regarded as an Inrace, is considered a stain uftls, practices and prayers of Is then that the non-Jewish father Iowa, Missouri, Colorado be at 8:45 o'clock. Junior Congre- ferior Judaism. . . . He U given on under- and the Jewish mother have to braska, gation services ore at 10:45 a. m. on the Arabs'^national honor. The standing of the place and function moke up their minds on the relig- and Iowa. Mincha-Maariv Service* will be at social factor concerns the demoof the synagogue in Jewish life, ious future of their children. . . . 5:15 p. m. Daily services are at 7 ratlc Israel government with It* and the present-day organization Some non-Jewish fathers, who a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday advocacy of the rights of man and . of the Jewish community. . . . He morning service is at 9 a. m. and equality of opportunity, are basic is also instructed on the philan- have in the course of their married the Mincha-Maariv service at 5:15 principles completely unknown In thropic undertakings of Jews who lives discovered the moral and their feudal way of life. The Arab p. m. peek to contribute to the welfare ethical values of Judaism through leaders are opposed to the expanof fellow Jews and the advance- their day-to-day contacts with Friday, Jan. IS sion of democratic Idea*. It Is in ment of humanity. . . . Upon eom- Jewish life; do not hesitate to Join West Central Region Convention Beth Israel this context that observers from HtpUon of his initial course of the Jewish community. , . ' , In this of Jewish Federations and Welfare the free world must view (he armattdy, the convert to Judaism 1* woy they try to prevent their chil- Funds—10 a- m.—Blackstone Ho- Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ing of the Arab states. This ties' Wakomed into the household of dren from developing split and con- tel. Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel of proposed defenses against SoChoir will conduct the service this viet pentratlon poses a threat to fused personalities. . . . However, Saturday, Ian. 29 , at * special ceremony ar- in most cases, the Jewish wives Regional Federations meet—12 Friday evening at 8 p. m. 4 by a rabbi. . . . The cere- follow the will of their Christian noon at Blackstone Hotel—Dinner Traditional Friday evening serv- Israel's security that may explode usually' takes place in i husbands and give the children a at 7 p. m. in Highland West Club. ice* (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at in a. serious war, Mr, Pratt exIsrael, he added, realize* • In the presence of scv 5:15 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- plained. Christian education in order Sunday, J«n- SO need for a military bflttreM . ... "witnesses, other rabbis and fully ices begin at 8;30 a. m.: Junior the to make them feel that they are Regional Federations meet—10 but feels that the arms will be leaders of the cabgr 'gation. . . . Congregation at 9:30 a. m.i Htbbi a. m. In Blackstone. t o that ceremony he is asked to full-fledged Christians. Groner will conduct the Talmud used ngninst her and not in the Farband installation of officers class at 4:45 p. m, Sabbath Mlncha service of democracy. •hare in the faith and fate of the —7 p. m. in Center. . Isolation Jewish people and to pledge that at 5:15 p. m. followed by Sholeshe his children will be reared as Jews. Monday, Jan. SI S'cudos and Maariv. Daily mornTouching an the news Blory that • . . He Is given a certificate as OJI Workmen's Loan Society—7:30 ing services nt 7 a. m.; afternoon the new nation is considering Joinofficial record of the conversion, p. m.—Center.. services at 5:25 p. m. Sundny ing the British Commonwealth of a duplicate of the certificate is morning services being at 8:45 n. lonR, the consul reflected, ll» Turaday, Feb. 1 The Omaha Chapter of Branplaced,jn the archives of tne con lftcanw might be in a fceMnR of Beth El Sisterhood Board—1 p. m. followed by breakfast and Rabgrcgat'lon. . . . After this, he is deis University women will enter- m.—Beth EL bi's class in Bible. Sunday morn- loneliness due to complete isolaajKod to affiliate with the syna- tain the residents of the Dr. Philip Beth Israel Sisterhood Board—1 ng Junior Mlnyan, followed by tion of the new state. But, he went ' gogue, teach his children the menn- Sher Jewish Home for the Aged p. m.—Beth Israel. breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. ' on to say, the commonwealth Is ing and practice of Judaism, prac- Tuesday, Feb. 8, at 2 p. m.. to ina country club thai you can Great Books Course—8 p. m.— The Talmud Discussion group not tice philanthropy and help to ad-augurate Jewish Music Festival Center. nt nil! and Israel Is resigned meets ever}' Tuesday evening at 7 oin vance the welfare of the Jewish Month. o work within the framework of p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 10th and hostility convinced Art Class—7 p. m.—Center. community. . . . He i.i considered New Residents are Mrs. Toney that the probHurt. Wednesday, Feb. 1 M equal member of the Jewish Stern; Mr. Max Peltz. and Mr. Sam lems con be settled at a peace taB'nal B'rith H e n r y Monsky community and can marry another Altsuler. ble. .•..'-•' Jtfy or Jewess without restriction. Yahnelt: Memorial Services will Chapter No. 470—Luncheon—1 p. Bound Economy stoco marriage between a Jew and be held hi the Home Synagogue at m.—Center. The little democracy has set It* • convert to Judaism is considered 4801 No. 52nd Street, for the fol- Ladies Free Loan Society—2 p. ights on economic independence by Jewish tradition a fully Jewish lowing, whose YahrzciU are in the m.—Center. month of Shcvat 5715: getting itself ready for new ImThursday, Feb. S • marriage. 2,—Shevat, Jan. 25 —B abetta BrandeJs University Membership Max Greenfield, chairman of the migration of oppressed refugees, • • • . religious committee of the Beth Mr. Pratt stated. Building,'* sound Ermarm. • Tea—1 p. m. Family; Treads: The convention Z—Shevat, Jan. 25—Miriam Temlpe Israel Study Croup—) Israel Men's Club, announced the economic foundation has resulted of non-Jews to Judaism in the Wisaman Ponzi*. Men's Club Sabbath will be held n a self-sufficiency In poultry, p. m.—Temple. United States is one of the sJde- 4^-Shevat, Jan. 27 — Yehuda . Beth Israel P. T. A. Meeting— at Beth Israel Synagbguc Friday. ruit and vegetables. Wheat and Feb. 4. All members of the com- meat must be !IT>—' -1. Headway 8 p. HL—Beth Israel Haiprin. munity arc invited to attend. in being made (rial crop* &—Shevat, Jan. 3S-Ida ParilHarry Slref, general chairman uieh as cott"4nd sugar man. ' CALENDAR BEFOBM of the Men's Club Spring Dance Sunday Radio 7.—Shevat, Jan. 30—Abe Glaceyet* and It I,-. ... . . that In 1958 Paris (JTA)—Grand Rabbi Jaman. cob Kaplan of France called at the scries, stated the first (lance to be iRh will he produced to meet Rabbi Albert M. Lewis of 10.—Shevat, Feb. 2—Bessie Mar- French Foreign Ministry to ex- held in March will have a French demands. Temple Isaiah, hot Angeles, golin. press French Jewry's opposition to npache cabaret motif. Milton BelIndustries Calif., will discuss "What is 7JCT Is clialnnan of tlii-s first dance 10.—Shevat, Feb. 2—MM. Her- proposals for world calendar re- of Israel's Industries ore producing. Cod and What is Man!" on the man the series. Tickets for the three form currently before the United Nichols. Message of Israel program over dancer, of the soncs are ten dol- •ndlos, automobiles and rcfrlcera11.—Shevat, Feb. 3—Jake Zel- Nations and to propose a calendar lars KOIL from 10:03 to 10:3c a. m. denberfr. per couple Ilr er\.ition<. may lors. A basic chemical industry which would have the support of fop made nt the b>nji;o;:uc office. being built up with the discov14.—Shevat, Feb. 6 — M e y e r the Jews. eries of phosphates, mnnganesa The Eternal Light progrnm Brooksteln. The Grand nablii said that the ind copper. Israel's merchant ma* wW be broadcast over WOW21.—Shevat, Feb. 13 — David Jews oppose nny system which '{•rent years'- Instead, ho nuRrTcsl- ine Is Increasing with nhfps supRadio from'11:30 a. in. to. 12 Siegel. calls for "blank" days in •'•e caleni'd a calendar of .' I G4 days, with the ilfwl by Germany In reparation noon. 26-Shevat, Feb. 18 — Fannoi dar and which would thus change n^rrtion i,f a complete week every uyments. The new nation to 60 Adelschteln. the position of the Sabbath In dif- five yenrs. •ier cent on the rond toward ecolc Independence, Mr. Pratt tressed. Israel was created for all rws who wish to immigrate and ll her efforts are being made go Text by DANIEL ELAZAR Illuitraiipm by MAUNICE del DOUHGt' hat If the Soviets release those e> u»ncia IHUII ptti. ho wish to come, the new state -MID JEW/SH S0LC1ERS CO*IOUCr*D vlll be able to absorb them. IN IT}'6.JEWISH'•AMER/cAH DustUESS MSA/ T ITH SUPERB SKILL

Between You And Me

Community Calendar

With the Folks At Home

BJ. Men's Club Sabbath Services


I I . The Jews in the American Revolution AVP BRMEAY av THE


Obituary Harry Mason Services were held Friday, Jan. 1 (or Harry Mason with interment t Forest Lawn Cemetery. Mr. Mann, 01, died Sunday, Jan. 16 a t in homo. He had been custodian t thf .Jewish Community Center ince Its opening in 1&28. Mr. Main was a veteran of World War I, Survivors include: his wife, ".ithcrine, daughter, Mrs. Ilnttls Vest: n sister, Mrs. Edith Wlioat>y, and two Rrnndchiidrcn.

Friday, January 28,


Put Three


Miss Main Weds In Minneapolis

Omaha Sketches

B.B. Citation for School Principal

Mrs. Brodkey Heads • Hospitality Unit

Mrs. Kdward E. Brodkey, prcsi* Mi**s Thi''ii.j Cl.nk, principal of dent of the Federation of Jewish Ouiii.MM nnd Itijbiii, iricinentjry Women's Clubs, is chairman qf th.3 Hadassah .Sdionls, will i i u n r the huconrt Hospitality a n d Arrangements Mr ,iii'l Mi. M.ix SIII.IJ;; CAVII/ of Mi i Ann'i H Abiiini'.on ni O.in- annual Wuiiirn's C i t i z e n fi h IJ) Committee of the Conference of Omnlia C'hnpt"1! H.id.r MII v ill AIIIUII .••> JIIS. Minn , \wiir m,nrir< v\v\tU(J, |*M .Mitid by li n.ii H'uth the West Central Region of the • hold an Open Oiici; Slmlrtt at 2 T n u i ' d i y , I)i c ,10, in AliiuiiMpulls ha is citiriplctlnfj hf?r :;(!conrl monlh ileiiry Mon ky fh.ijjtrT and Neof .sfivicc as a litd C m " : (Ji<iy Council of Jewish Federations and „' p. m., Saturday, Fc.-b. 5, at the br,rl:a ChfiptcrNo ;ii'J. Lady at the U.S. Army HIKIIKIII Wtlf.uc Funds, which is being Thf duiioli- rim; ceremony was home' of Mrs. Leo WiixailxT);, in Augsburg, Gemiiiriy. Kin; i;; til'' The matin)] will b'|JI r>< ntid to held in Omaha this weekend. 3925 Dewey ave. Co-hosU" • c * uil] held .-it the home of liie bridc- mother-in-law of Ciptain Hubert Miss f l a i k Wi JiRsd.iy, Ki'b. 2 a t lirri'jin's brther ami r,lslrr-iri-Iaw, The following are serving as co1 be Mrs. ." J. Friedman uml Mrs Mr. and Mrs. William Shragg. I3att now .stationed in Orm.tny. ;i VZ.'M p. in. luiRlieon in tin lli|;h- chairmen: Mmes. Milton R. Abra» Albert Wohlner. Mrs. Hurry Up- Itiibbl S. I. Levin officiated and a Mrs. Abnunson is one of more laiid Town Club. Tlie public hums, Isadore Chapman, Mike pett and Mrs, Sam Novak, who reception followed. than 800 volunteer Gray Indies schools of Omahn will also be hon- Freeman, Abe Greenberg, Paul ". have recently returned from Israel now serving in -U. ,S. military lios- ored at the Award Luncheon, Mrs. William Shragg attended Grossman, Jack W. Marer and Mr*. will bring personal regards to Mayor John Rosenblatt will the bride as matron of honor and pitals in Europe and North Africa those attending. Mrs. Arthur Gold William Shragg was best man forwho take part In tho Red Cross bring greeting:! from the City of Henry A. Newman. The following women are servstein will present her "Dolls for his brother. recreation program for hospitalized Omaha. Seymour Kaplan, regional ing on the committee: Mmes. Da* Democracy." Ten will be served. servicemen. director of the Antl-Dcfamation vid Beber, David Blacker, David The couple will make thefr home Everyone welcome. • * • League of B'nai B'rlth, will offer Brodkey, Edwin E. Brodkey, HarIn Temple City,' Calif., where Mr. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks and a salute to the Omaha Public ry B. Cohen, Dave Conn, AJon Sliragg teaches at a high school. Paul Blotcky will attend the na-School System. Mrs. William Farbcr, Harold Farber, David FedJWV Auxiliary tional convention of the Union- of Frederick, last year's award win- cr, Herman Friedman, Lloyd FriedAmerican Hebrew Congregations ner, will present the citation to man, Arthur H. Goldstein, David ' Certificates for ten continuous to, be held in Los Angeles, Calif., Miss Clark. Grcenberg, Max Greenberg, Richyeart of membership were award February 13 to 16, Milton LivingMiss Clark, president of the ard Hiller, Morris E. Jacobs, Mored at the meeting of the Epsteinston, president of Temple Israel ris Katieman, Louis Katz, Robert Omaha Inter-Club Council, will Morgan Auxiliary No. 260 of the Mr. and Mrs. David Potash an- Synagoguo announced. Delegates also be honored for her work with H. Kooper, Louis Kulakoftky, MorJewish War Veterans of the Unit, representing the sisterhood will be ed States held January 20 In thenounces the engagement of their Mrs. Paul Blotchy,. Mrs. Sidney the Friends of the Omaha Library, ris Levey, Edward Levlnson, MorOmaha Education Association, and ris Linsman, Stanford LIpsey, Mildaughter, Phyllis Mac, to Jerome Jewish Community Center. Brooki and Mrs. Borhardt Wolf, the Get-Out-The.Voto Campaign In ton Livingston, Morris Margolin,' • D. Wasserman, son of Mr. and The members are: Mmes, Mor- Mrs. Max A. Washerman. president of the Temple Sisterhood. 1052-53. Jerome Milder, Ernest A. Nogg, F. ris Epstein, Joe Morgan, Rose The award Is given each year to Ralph Nogg, Morton A. Richards,;! Miss Potash attended the Uni- Rabbi Brooks, who Is a member Abrahams, Jennie Bear, Charlotte Aaron Rips, David Sherman, Irvio^ Beldncr, Jennie Belgrade, Cele versity of Colorado and is now a of the Commission of Church and on Omaha woman in recognition Sherman, Harry Sidman, Louis', Bush, Ann Cohen, Mata Cohen, junior at the University of Ne-and State o? the Central Confer- of outstanding service in commu- Somberg, Hubert Sommer, Sam S. • Ity and civic affairs for the ImRosalie Cohen, Ruth Cohen, Rose braska. S h e is affiliated with Sig- ence of American Rabbis, will participate In a session on Jewish provement of human relations and Steinberg, Harry Trustin, Moe A, >' Frelden, Spphye Fromkln, Jessie ma Delta Tau Sorority. the advancement of citizenship re- Venger, Paul Veret and I. B Zieg* Glosburg, Bluma Grcenberg, MolMr. Wasserman attended the Liturgy. sponsibility. The presentation Is aman. lie Goldstein, Hannah Grossman, Unlverity of Nebraska and was afGertrude Kaplan, Dora Klrshen- filiated with Sigma Alpha Mu Fra- I. H. Mann, formerly of Omaha, part of the chapters' projects In will visit here with friends and observance of Brotherhood Week. baum, Rebecca Kirshenbaum, Ruth ternity. relatives this week ctiroutc to his Mmes. Joe Cuss and William Luttbeg, Bessie Mendelson, Rose The couple plan a late summer home in Long Beach/Calif. Stone arc award chairmen. Mmes. Milder, Jennie- Miller, Sara Mor- wedding. Seymour Kaplan and Phil KuUer. ris, Frieda Raduzincr, Rose Rice, Esther Rosen, Yetta Saylan, Best Mr, and Mrs. Max Dlcnstfrcy of chapter presidents, will preside at Silverman, M. Singer, Edith SeBronxville, New York, formerly of the luncheon. gall, Billle Spiegal, Dora Stein, Mr. and Mrs, Pai Omaha, celebrated their 25th wedHollywood (JTA)—Sophie TuckSally Venger, Rose W«1U, Ann ding anniversary a t a dinner parWhite, Frieda Rlchlin, Sarah Izen- By B.E. Sisterhood' ty Friday, Jan. M at the Studio er wanted her new maid to be pleased with her position. "You'll (tat and Monte Zalkin. The Mr. and Mrs. Card Party Club in Mount Vcrnori, N. Y> have an easy time of it here," she sponsored by Beth £1 Sisterhood said, "since we have no children Plans arc being made for the Miss Bette Ann Postta, daughter vtalt pf the National President In will bo held In the synagogue so- of Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Poska, to annoy you." cial hall Saturday evening, Feb. the latter part of February. "Oh, I like children, Miss Tuckwho Is attending the University of 12 starting at 8:30 o'clock. California, Los Angeles, will tour er," said the maid. "Don't go reCo-chairmen for the affair are through California Jn between stricting yourself on my account." B.E. Sisterhood Mrs. Seymour GoMston and Mrs.semesters. The group of forty stuMorlcy Zlpursky. The program, will The regular monthly b o a r d Include a skit by the Central High dents will make the bus trip to acquaint foreign students with hismeeting of the Beth El Sisterhood Players, cards and cames. torical Kites in California. will be held nt 12:30 p. m., TuesA buffet supper will be served » • • day, Feb. 1, Jn the social hull of at 11:30 p. m. Members of the food Joe Kirshcnbaum was elected the synagogue. committee fire Mmes. Morton president of the Ak-Sar-Ben HidHostesses will foe Mmes. David IUchards, Milton Margolin, Julius Manvitz, Max Moskovitz, Sam Stein, Homer Fnrbcr, Jerome inn Club, the largest club of Its kind In Nebraska. Ncwnvui, Krncst Nogg, Sol Par-Milder and Irvine Sherman. cow, Den Perelman, Harold FerclReservations are belnsr taken by mnn, Wllllnm Pollack, William Cousins' Club Raduziner and Morion Richards. a committee including Mmes. Irving Hcrzog, Norman Cain, Sol Kut- Mrs. Albert Simon will enterler, Benton Kutler, George Eisen- tain at the 12:30 p. m. luncheon Temple Nursery School bcrg, Meyer Rubin, Sydney Snel- meeting of the Cousin's Club to be dcr, Donald Nogg and Ted SanTO , held Wednesday, Feb. 2, at the Temple Israel Nursery School ford. Regis Hptei. :; will hold Its first session of the Others who arc calling members new semester Monday, Jan. 31. are: Mmes. Morcy Landman, StanThree t o five-year-old children ley Silverman, Max Blttncr, Mmay be registered. Contact Mrs. bcrt Rlmmcrmah, Norman Denen(NEW YORK TO HAIFA) , j ? Stanley Katelman, WA 8533, for berg, Leon Alexander, Robert further information. ' Wagner, Barton Grcenberg, Al RUG & UPHOLSTERY JIM I » A I I K»vie»no» coMMNtr, vn} 'A special program for flvo-year- Swartz, Max Grossman, Edward old children who will not enter Z o r i n s k y , H a r r y L i n c o l n a n d H a r CLEANERS ..i«e.. iiutmn.s,i.i •••-.. ••• •'.•.'•.-•.•• -.; ••• •.,: kindergarten until Fail is also be- o l d F o x . • U M — CAMITIM* ing offered. ; , Publicity is being handled by LAMP SHADES The nursery school staff Includes Mrs. Norman Batt and Mr». MorniRNITUU • Mrs, Martin Haykln. Mrs. Edward ris Fellnuh and decorations by Gustason ond Miss Lois Shapiro. Mrs; Floyd J*orlmeter. Mi '. lienilrc K U n , diiiinhtcr of Mr. arid Mrs. Uavid Klalri of Oirmll;i, and 7'Ti<:!i.'irl Shr.'infr, .';on

Phyllis M. Potash Engagement Told


. •



CUooed ia Your Home!

Dramatic Club to Meet Saturday at Lyceum Workmen's Circle Dramatic CluTi will meet at 8 p. m., Saturday, Jan. 29 In the Labor Lyceum, Sam Summon president of the club announced. The birthdays of Mrs. Nnthnn Lermrui and Mrs. Louis Wllkin i will be celebrated. Tlio program I will Include songs by the choir. • Supper will be served at 9 p. m Mr*. Sam Binder1 Is in charge of supper arrangements nnd will bo insisted by Mrs. Nathan Lcrman nnd Mrs. Max Schwartz.

Moss Hart: "The young; man DON inNSTIIH who worked s o hard to graduate, later wonders what tho hurry was."—(JTA)

HA 2S54


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Jay Basketball By Undy Fan)

•.*•. Rayim Cr with Tanny Horwic •hd Howard Weinberg leading th attack flapped a 33-15 defeat 01 AZA 100 C Tanny had 12 point While Howard bad tea Sid Pessci •cored six points for the losers. AZA IB kept their perfect record intact as they easily got pas) AZA 100B, 17-7. WUlard Flotkin, Jack Oruch and Mike MogU each scored four points while Stuart Kutelr had two field goal* for the losers. Standings W. AZA IB 7 Rayim C 4 AZA 100 3 AZA100C 0

prisers lost both Ben Kutler and Harold Nepomnlck on fouls and previous to that Dan Epstein suffered a muscle bruise and had to leave the gome. Mete Lipton with 19 points was top scorer for the winners while Harold Nepomnlck had 17 for the losers. Standings W. Yaffe Printing ,.. 6 Star Auto Parts . . . . . . . . . . 4 Epstein Enterprisers . . . . . . 2 Lusty* 2 High Scorer* (7 Games)! Irv Yaffe, 100 points; Jack Stiss, 93 point!; Al Clayman, 90 points; Moe Lipton. 85 points and Stan Wldman, 79.

Y. C. Doings

Friday, January 28, IBM

Junior Spotlight BarandBasMifzvah

AZA No. 1 The social committee of AZA Uy Feme Katlcman No. 1 has just completed plans foi the January party. The party wl Ily Frrno Katlfinun FUNLAND be held at Hanscom Pork January Funlnnders an1 in More for .ri 20 and the theme Is a Winter Pic big special event next Sunday, the nic. Mike Lazer Is commute last meeting of this first scssior: chairman. of the program. A general swim All committees are now work for all Funlond members will first on the schedule. The swim ing on the AZA-BBG regiona will foe followed by n feature length meeting which wiU be held In movie, 'The Great Mike," starring Omaha April 2. Tentative plans Stuart Erwin. Include inviting Kansas City AZA Among last Sunday's projects No. 347 up for a basketball game were plaster molding, charcoal and the weekend which includes drawings, and boat pinking. /. C. IIE1' CATS Stage night and AZA No. 1 party, At the last meeting of the sevand the AZA No. 100 King Dance. enth grade girls' pre-teen, club committee, chairman and members B.B.O. ^B'nai B'rith Girls will attend for the winter season were anservices February 25 at Beth Is* nounced. Chairmen are: program, raeL Each girl is asked to bring Pam Pcrehnan; community serva girl of another faith. This (pe- ice, Mary Yager; calling, Janice dal service is to commemorate Katleman; athletic, Marlys Isaek, and hospitality, Judy Katz. Brotherhood Week.

• MIDGET LEAGUE •There were many anxious moments in last Sunday's encounters as the Midget lads continued to thrill the spectators in every February 5, B. B. G. will present match. In the senior division, Mike "the Crystal Ball," at the Legion Platt and Justin Ban were the big Club Ballroom. Preceding the heroes for their respective clubs. dahce will be a Coketail party at Hires Root Beer made a terrifi Parkway B the home of Shu-ley Raznlck, at 8 comeback I n the final minutes of W. L. p. m. After the dance, there will Jerusalem (JTA)—A new scries the fourth quarter to defeat Gere- Gerelick Motors 11 'i- a house party presented by of incidents'which flared up along lick Motors 31-30. With two sec- Harvey Chicken . . . . . . . . . 9 1 the entire length of Israel's frona n d r a Krlzelman and Dcanne onds to play Mike Plstt dropped Ranks 9 Ataricovitz. The dance will start tiers following a period of comin two free'throws to give his Milder Oil 7 parative calm, aroused Israelis last at 9 p. m. team the win and the league lead. RitewayTV 7* There will be a meeting Fcbiu week and increased pressure on Mike was high for his team with Wolfson Gerber 6 Premier Moshe Sharett and Ms ary 6, at 2 p.m. ten points while Dan Hollis added Sol Lewis CO. 9 government to abandon their polnine. Roy Kattkcc had 11 for the Richman-Gordman 3 icy of restraint. RAYIM Ford squad. Hoberman Plbg. 5 The disorders erupted just after Raylm's party last Saturday was Mr. Sharett had reported to ParJustin Ban has won himself Canadian Ace 4 a huge success. The theme of the liament that relative quiet reigned. special place In the story of Jay Forbes Bakery 2 parly was "Heaven and Hell." The The Labor daily, Davar in an edibasketball. He took a rebound off Grace-Mayer . 2 party, which was hold at Arf No- torial on the situation, asked how the board and with all his might vak's house was divided Into two much longer a policy of restraint threw the ball At the basket (Wil sections, each section representing could be pursued under such con]y Mays style) and it went in just part of the theme. as the buzzer sounded ending the ditions. . game. That shot broke a 16-16 tie Mike Platt paced the league with The January edition of the RayTwo Jewish tractor operators,, and it gave Fireside a win over S. a very commendable 213 game lm paper came out Saturday. Edi- recent arrivals from Argentina, Riekes & Sons. Justin led his which helped his "Meadow- Gold tor-in-chief, Marty Greene, did a were shot and killed by Jordian team '« scoring' with six points Dairy" team cop hlghTeam game tremendous Job editing the paper. infiltrees near Melvoot Bel tar In while Stuart Fogcl had eight for in the league—a 644. Mike's sec- He was ably assisted by John the Jerusalem area. A day later, the loners. ond game, a 135, gave him an en- Goldner, Lee Martin, Mike Her- an Israel patrol clashed there with Richman-Gordman pulled the up- viable 348 sc.ia—1 pin short of a zog, and Larry Herman. ithor fnfiltrecs, killing one. In censet of th? season as they defeated tie for high individual scries. Participating In the Central tral Israel, Jordanian marauders prcvlou*ry~imbeBt«i Pacific Fish, Jeanne Silver was high In the High Military Ball arc Bob Ober- raided Israel herds kidnapping two 11-9. Tfielr big defense proved loo girls division with games of 133- man, Marty Weil, Steve Cohn, Arab shepherds and making off toygff for Dick Zacharia as he was 114 for a 247 series. Murry Newman and James Sha- with 129 head of sheep. afield to seven points. Steve Cuss piro. High Games and Series Ramat Rachel, near Jerusalem, had ste for R-G. came under fire. Mishmar HayarLarry Gilinsky . . . . . 152-137—289 I-Co Van, with Keith Lieber- Stan Greenfield . . . . 147-135—282 TIKVAS AMI dcn. on the Syrian frontier, was man hitting for the two winning Bill Katzman 150-125—275 ' The regular meeting of T. A. the scene of rifle fire from across baskets took a 16-13 game from Bddle Wjntroub , 133-132—265 was held Sunday, Jan. 23, at the the border. Syrian troops on the Cowboys. The game was a close Roger Smith 155- 93—248 J. C. C. At the meeting, plans for cast shore of Lake Tiberias, fired Affair' all the way as Keith led his 130-113—243 the Scavenger Hunt Party were on Israel fishing boats and police Richards > team with eight points while Mikp Nancy 'oyce Koom 142- 92-^-234 revealed. It U going to be held patrols on the lake. Sadofsky also scored eight. 118.115-^33 February 12. At the meeting the Ion-let Schlaff Srnlor Division Stuart Fogel 125-106—231 new committees and their chairW. L. Dennis Schulman . . 113-108^221 men were announced. Hires Root Beer S 1 Joel Davis T. A.'» will attend services at 119-99—218 Gerelick-Motors 4 Larry Garrop 115-103—218 Beth El February ,4. Athlctlcly, Fireside Restaurant . . . . . . 2 Cyndle Klein . . . . . . . 108-107—215 the T, A. volleyball team Is In first Bible and Talmud S. Riekes & Sons 1 David Winfroub •••• 116- 98—214 place and their bowling team is Junior Division tied for second. Plans foe the Ping. 12489—213 Bj DR. PI0LJP SHEB Sharon Frank W. Edlo Singer 109- 99—208 Pong tournament arc underway. Pacific Fish 5 dark Swartz 107- 96—203 ' Richman-Gordman 3 Bible Larry Hobcrmnn . . . 101-100—201 Cowboys 2 4 GatiTretiak But with righteousness shall he 106- 94—200 I-Co Van 2 4 Mickey Sacks Judge the poor, and decide with 122- 78-200 equity for the meek of the land. Vanity L c And the wolf shall dwell with Yaffe Printing and Star Auto New York (JTA>-A total of the lamb; and the leopard shall lie Parts tangled lost night in an imdown with the kid; and the calf $10,150,000 was contributed here portant game for the Varsity American Division Saturday night in honor of Kdwnrd and the young lion and the fatllng League title. Yaffe Printing had W. M. M. Warburg, president of the ogcther; and a little child shal) a two-game edge before the con /onl Vedi Vcd 34 United Jewish Appeal, at n testi- ad them. 'test. In last week's encounters High Five monial dinner hailing his 16-year33 Set ye up an cnslfpi upon the Star Aiito gave Lusty1! a lesson Duck Pins old leadership of the UJA. More ilgh mountain, lift up the voice 27 in shooting as they took a 51-42 MeziSewGrezi than 1,000 communal leaders from into them, wave the hnnd that 25 win. Jack Sti*» led the attack Patricians all parts of the country attended they may go Into the gates of tha 22 With' 16 point* while Al Clayton Strike Kings ; . . . he dinner which gave the UJA nobles. 19 and Leroy Kate added 10. Al Tahorzollle one of its greatest advance starts 19 Brown WHK hot for Lusty** with on an annual cainp:iif.;n since its B's & and S . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Talmud •even field pool* and two free Flayim . establishment in 1939. 12 Rabbi Joshua said: "The Scrlpthrows for 16 points. Meonay Veck • 9 William Kosenwald, g e n e r a I ures stale: 'When the body of a Epstein's Enterprisers, holding High (iaiucii and Merle* ch.tlrm.in of the UJA, termed the itranger Is found on the road, and « 26-20 half time lead fell before Bob Epstein, 232—590; Dnve outpouring of gift* "a remarkable he cause of death Is not known, • second half barrage, by Yaffe •Vldmon, 200—443; Rny Kirke, tribute to Mr. Warburg's decade he elders of the nearest city shall Printing find dropped a close !01—507, and Jerry Zicgman, ^ind a half of humanitarian serv- ome forth and say, "Our hands 54-48 contest. In the final minutes 9-1—527. ice and a towcrinj: endorsement of lave not shed this blood, and our with the score tied up the Enterthe United Jewish Appeal's con- yes have not seen It'." Is It posinulng effort to save lives and ble that anybody would think of :trengthen democracy." Mr. Ilos- iccuslng the elders of committing •nwald announced at the same he murder? We must, therefore, W. L. time the opening of a month-long onclude that what Is meant is This week Frank Goldberg had •jreslde Restaurant . . 39% 14% advance gifts drive which would hat he did not enmo to us for • 271 series with games of 13G and .'ooper Const. Co 33'A 2O!4 culminate at the formal launching lclp and we did not turn him 135. Next highest was John Riekes •awards Jewelry . . . . . 32% 21% if the UJA campaign February own, nor did we sec him, and left with 113 and 152 games for a 2G5 Jetz Beer 32% 21% 25, at a national Inaugural Con- him to go without food to die of •eries. 'layland Park 28 26% ference in Miami Beach, Fla. starvation," Irodkey Jewelry 27% 2G% W. V. Paul G. Hoffman, former AdRabbi Isaac said: "You should 27 27 Lucky Leaguers 27 9 • ;ilco Products ministrator of Marshall Plan aid, always respect n congregation, for Rayim Juniors 24',-i 1114 ilk Shop 26 28 lauded Mr. Warburg for his long- the priests, while reciting their Hokey Pokes 25',4 12 'A Senson Hardware 25% 28% Serm role In helping overseas vic- benedictions, face the congregafagicolor Faints 25% 28% lms of war and oppression. "We tion, while their backs arc In thi* TheCurves 22 14 Blue Eagles 21 15 Inited Auto Supply . . 2 5 29 are here also to pay homage to n direction of the Schechina." uperette Foods 25 29 •Cozy Farmers 15 21 democratic Ideal which he has held Rabbi Chlsda said: "Then! arc 'atson Bros. Transp. 24 -30 Fancy Pant? 14'/5 21?i high for so many years of an ac- four classes that will not deserve loge Bros. Paper Co. . . 23 31 4 Belles 12 24 tive, positive life—the ideal of free to receive the Divine presence— Bowling Bums 1154 Wh 'oungstown Ktichens 20% 33% men and women meeting together scorners, liars, flatterers, and taleICA-Victor ..15 39 In the cause of humanity." 7(h Heaven 10 26 bearers."

B'nai B'rith Bowling

Flare Ups Mar Israel's Border

Jr. B.B. Bowling

Gems of

Warburg Honored For UJA Work

Y.C. Boys Bowling

Jr. Y.C. Bowling

Hadassah Bowling

Sliella Rae Novak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Novak, will celebrate her lias Mitzvah Friday evening, Jan. 28, and Saturday morning, Jan. 29, nt the Junior Si-mec at Heth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited lo attend both services and the receptions which will follow.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Uorwich announce- the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Bill Ilorwlch. Friday evening, Feb. 4, and Saturday morning, Feb. 5, at Both El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Laurence David Garrop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Garrop, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday. evening and Saturday morning, Jan. 28 and 29, in Beth Israel Synagogue. Friends and relatives art invited to attend both services and • receptions which will follow.

Beth Israel Clubs Synagogue Youth Organization will meet this Sunday at 7 p. m, in the Beth Israel Talmud Torah building. High school students.are invited to attend. • The Girls Arts and Crafts Club will meet Sunday from 4 to 5:30 p. m. in the arts and craft* room of the Talmud Torah. Club DarD-Kny will meet Sunday in tha recreation room from 4 to 5:30 p. m. The Camera Club will meet Sunday at 6 p. m. and will dedda on a comic, photography booth for the annual Beth Israel Purlm Carnival to be held Sunday, Feb. 27. All clubs will participate in the carnival. Mr. Dubin, club advisor, said that there are several ipcnlngs for membership. The Junior Choir meets every Sunday at 11 a. m.

Beth Israel P-TA Plans Open Mouse Mrs. Diive Friedman, president if Belli Israel P-TA announced hot the P-TA Li sponsoring the mnual open house to be held rhursdny, Mnrch 3, from 8 to 9:30 m. in the Social hall of Beth Israel, 52nd and Charles. On display will be the work of 'almud Tornh and Sunday School children. Text books and visual aids used by the schools will be shown to parents. Talmud Torah and Sunday School teachers will be on hand to discuss the children's work with parents. The Beth Israel P-TA cordially extends an Invitation to all parents and friend* to attend the ipen house.

Lazarus Memorial Planned in NYC New York (JTA)—In nn cdlorinl tribute to Emma Lazarus hose "deep patriotism suffused lth humanitarian understanding f the 'huddled masses yearning to ireathe free' found touching exsession" In A sonnet inspired by he Statue of Lllierty, the New ork Times praised the proposal o erect n monument to the Amcrcan Jewish poetess In Battery 'ark. 'Miss Lsizarus's wordii can tardly be read today without •voklng deep emotion," the paper loted. "The McCarrnn Act may lin, but even it cannot craso the icnnini; and the beauty of the ines sprjken by that "mighty wornwilli a torcl."" the State of .iberty. The monument is to be erected iy the Federation of Jewish Worn•n's Organizations. MMIGATION HIM. Washington (JTA)—A bill doIgned to eliminate the most scrims Inequities from the McCarrnnVnlter Immigration Act, in lln« ith President Elsenhower's roemmcndntlons, was Introduced la ie Senate last week by Sena. Irvng M. Ivcs of New York; Leverett jnltonstall, Muss., and Clifford P. Jase, New Jersey. An identical bill was Introduced the House of Representatives iy Rep. Lawrence Curtis of Miss., member of the House Judiciary l

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