Val XXXTII—No. 18. " ? £ ? „ £
£SH"k"u "TSi.
Sunday Radio
Half Century Mark By Morris E. Jacobs
Rabbi Max Nusshnum, Temple Israel In Hollywood, Calif., will discuss "American Judaism" on the Message of Israel program over KOIL from 10:05 to 10:30 n. m. Rabbi Nussbaum addressed nn Philanthropies group here last year. The Eternal Light program will be broadcast over WOVVRadlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12
fuo.uiua tvtry urtamr, IOI n. jom. OraUm Neuroma, Mume JA u s e
Eavot Hangs 2 I ary Trial JO9M 'f! UKMUn
Editor's Note: ThU I* the te Youth Movement London ( J T A ) — T w o J e w s sentenced to death by a a Kgyp» Of Mi miimm by MorrU E. Jaoo Here In Omaha . . . In this Inland tian military court for "Zionist espionage" were hanged in Cairo delivered Saturday evening, in community . . . there sprang from Monday. Their execution w a s announced to the public b y the Jtt' mt the twentieth Annual Coi the mind of Sam Beber, then hoisting- of a big black flug over tjie prison. The press and ference of the Wett Central Itc the public were burred from the hangings. (ton of Jewish Federations am mere lad of just post twenty-one, noon. ' f The two executed men were Dr. Welfare Fund*. It marked the oh the Idea which, executed under his direction, brought to life a world Mosho Marzouk, aged 29, and •ervance of the fiftieth annlvei wide Jewish youth movement Shmucl Azzar, aged 28. They Were •sry.of the Omaha Federation fc among, the 13 Jewish defendants the AZA. It has no peer in con Jewlih Service. tried in Cairo on charges of "sabostructive programming for cduca' tage and espionage" on behalf of A friend of mlno-'-a rcnownci tion, character-building, and bet Israel. Of the remainder, two releader In his industry—once to tcr understanding of cltlzenshl] ceived life sentences, four wera me that the most devastating pc for our Jewish youth.' » given long prison terms and two rlod of his school y e a n were th< Here in Omaha lived a greai times when he was forced t o In "It Happened One Night," one 1934'. These Included: best actoj were acquitted. Two others left Jew—Harry Zimman—who, a t th of the greatest romantic comedies (Clark Gable), best actress (Clau. Egypt before the mass arrests dude history In his course study. He told me how he actual age of twenty-three, was active of all time, will be shown at the dette Colbert), best dlrectoi took place. 1y acquired an Inferiority complex mayor of our city, then Mayor. Joslyn Art Museum this Sunday, (Frank Capra), and best produc. The London press, reporting the became he ranked so low amonii Constructive thinker, natural stu- Feb. 6 at 8:15 p. m,, It wag an tion and screenplay. hangings, expressed surprise that dent of government, able and fair nounced by the Center Cinema his fellow students in the tests gl Future films In the scries In the Egyptian Government had Igen in history relating to dates am In his dealing, with a deep sense Club co-chairmen, Mrs. Edward elude: "Specter of the Rose,' nored "a considerable volume". of of communal responsibility... jus) Zorinsky and Jack Sandier. tvents. March 6) "The Lady Vanishes,' International appeals for clemency. at the break of the twentieth cenThis is the second film of the April 3; "Glgl," May 1, and "The It is understood that such appeals It took him many years, he said, tury, when Jews with pious beards to comprehend and appreciate that were stoned on Omaha's streets series of six being offered under Well-digger's Daughter," May IS, were made, among others, by the Governments of the United States the recital of dates and events o Scries tickets arc still available and Britain whose diplomatic rep. Harry Zimman won for our the sponsorship of the Jewish history Is merely * memory teg people in this community greater Community Center. for $2.50, Individual admissions arc resentatives in Cairo urged Kgypt . . , that more important . . The New York Herald Tribune 75c. Tickets may be had at th to adopt a humane attitude and dignity, greaterstature, and needImportant... is to properly Inter- ed understanding. had this to say about the film: Center Activities office or at the do nothing which would cxacev> pret and appreciate what brought "Light, gay and funny Is the story door on tho night of each per- bate the Arab-Israel situation. Men of Action a b o u t . , , what created those dates of tho runaway heiress and the formance. Israel Embassy circles here exYes, In our communal history of newspaperman she meets on a bus and events , . . why did they .happressed appreciation of the "symfifty years there has been great traveling from Miami Beach to pen . , . how did they happen pathy and understanding" shown and what effect did they have oi leadership. There have been men New Vork. While newspapers, ra by many Britons for the two young of action . . . of good mind the thinking . . . the actions dios and police arc Searching for v Jews who were executed. The the patterns of living of the peo- and of sympathetic heart . . , who the daughter of -a millionaire who Board o" Deputies' of British Jews were willing to fight for justice for ran.away from the altar, she Is ple than and now? Representatives of the Federa- and the Zionist Federation. of , their people, and Rood government finding romance and adventure for TatUm of Living tion of Jewish Women Clubs and Great Britain issued statements and a better life fur nil their fel;ho first time in her life." "IT Raylm Fraternity of Jewish Youtli That is what counts, my friends ]t Isn't dates and events whlc low citizens-, even nt (he sacrifice HAPPKNED ONK NIGI1T" re- Council were among the first to condemning the Egyptian Governof their own lives, Harry Lapldus ceived five Academy Awards In sign up at the new Volunteer Bu- ment for the executions. Many quicken our pulse-bents . , . whlcl members of the British Parliament did! He paid tho complete prire stir our hearts . , . which set out reau of United Community Serv- personally cabled during the last . his very life . , . fur principle pattern far our livInK- An enuin ices when It opened this week. few dnys to Egyptian Premier Col. Courageous ' beyond words, abcration of the dntcs rind omits uc Mrs. Edward E. Brodkcy, pres- Gnmel Abdul Nasser appealing for curring in our Omaha Jewish Com- solutely fearless in the service of ident, signed for the 17 womens commutation of the sentences. •"munlty during the past fifty years his people, fnrseelng. nn idealist organizations which have a mem. Harry Lnpidus was nssasslnat would be of little or no interest to bership of 1,800. Robert Goldstein. cd at the age of fifty-one. But in Mnlvin Teppcr and Milton Goldyou ladles and gentlemen congreRnylm head, registered his 70gated hero for the regional fed those comparatively few years ot berg, Jewish War Veteran VAVS member organization to work as life he left nn Indelible pattern for representatives to the Omaha and cration conference. a group on week-end projects. better life for all of us to follow. Lincoln Hospital have been apSure, in 1903 our Omaha wiu The Bureau Is a central office Let Harry Lnpldus speak out: pointed National Deputy VAVS one of the first completely federThe second session of F I N ated Jewish communities 'In the I have yet to meet a single per- representatives. This is In recog- for recruiting, training and placing nation—and It is still completely son on the highway of life who nition of the part they have ployed volunteers for part-time work in LAND, tho Center's Sunday proIsn't worth helping," he once said. In Epstein-Morgan Post's revital- health and welfare agencies. It is gram for children, will begin Sunfederated, ized Hospital program. co-sponsored by the Junior League day, Feb. 13, .at 2 p. m. and run 'Sure, In 1921 Omaha was among Far-reaching, sure, but that was hrough Sunday, May. 1. Funland Sherman Llpsteln, p r o g r a m of Omaha. Harry Lapldus. the first Jewish communities of The Bureau Is at 636 KHpatrlck Is open to all children In the first Hero lived another man; Just re- chairman for the Post has been our nation which recognized that Jewish education was a communal cently gone, from ' whose lips recognized for his outstanding Building. Appointments can be hrough fifth grades. The program staff has planned responsibility . . . in which ortho- tprang words expressing the phil- work in Omaha by being appoint- mode by phoning JA 7378. i full schedule which will offer dox Jews,,conservative Jews, Hun osophy by which he lived . . . words ed a member of the National Program Committee. "Funlanders" an even grentcr vaq u o t e d throughout American slan Jews.'Qcrmun Jews . . . joined Marvin Kaplan has announced H. Goldstein Named to riety of activities than the first hands and created In this midwest' Jewry. Said Harry Wolf: "Jewry period! ern far-Inland community a strong has only one aristocracy—the aris- that membership for 1955 will sur- Red Cross Drive Post The first period Funland staff Jewish Board-of Education, with tocracy of the poor." Harry Wolf pass 1954 in a few months. Herman Goldstein has been was composed of Nancy Barron, established not Just a pattern of In observance of Brotherhood Jewish education a recognized city' giving among his fellow Jewish month, Sherman Llpsteln, program named co-chairman of the Advance Bcrnic Feldman, Marilyn Meyer, wide responsibility. lifts Division for the 1955 Red ' Sure, we know that in 1925 the citizens . . . he dramatically set chairman, has announced a panel Cross Campaign. The drive for Ernie Saltzman and Martin Will. Omaha • Jewish Federation was out the satisfaction and Joy of if Omaha University students will members and funds will start AH of these leaders Will return for the second session and some new giving which stimulated great recilscuss "Brotherhood" at the Fcbone of the first to become part March 1. The goal this year Is members will be added to the Of a united city-wide Community ords of phllanthrophy In our com- •uary 17 meeting will bo held at $263,307 and 72,000 members, staff. (Continued on Page 3) he J. C. C. Chest effort. Registrations for the second sesBut what.wcro the influences ilon of Funland will be accepted . , . what was tho inspiration by mall or phone throughout the what made up the stimulation coming week. The number of chilfrom whence came the vision—and dren is limited in order to offer groat vision there was—to produce hose attending the best superviIn Omaha an outstanding record 1 ilon possible. of Jewry over a half century. The feessfor Funland are $6.00 If we of today can capture that or new registrations and J4.0P for spirit—if in the search we can find hose children who attended the what made the clock tick—then 'irst session. this recital Is worthwhile. For further information contact • That is why I say, my friends, 'erne ICntleman, Director of Chllthat In reviewing fifty yenra or ren's Activities, JA 1366. Jewish comtnunnl life in Omaha, ive must pierce the past and de torminc the attitudes, the viewpoints, the philosophy of the lend crship of this lone Jewish community which, for example, In Just one The ,'!2n<l "annual Fathers and, deeacln gavfl to nil Ami-rlcun Howry ons Il.'inquet, sponsored by tho two International pn-ftlilcnts of tlm Federation Tor Jewish Service, will B'nal Il'rltli. First c.imo cur great )c held Sunday, Feb. IS, at C p. m. and revered Henry Monsky . the Jewish Community Center, world renowned . . . who fjuve to 1 was nnnounepd by Dr. Philip the B'nal H'rlth of the world new life ,r» new outlook, n dynamic pro!hcr, ehaiminn ot the banquet gram of expanded service. And xmimittee, nnd founder of this nnnow our Phil Klulznlck, who on IU.II community event. Tim first gathering of the 1055 Women's Division Philanthropies Steering Committee, held recentthis very day, ns the International Entertainment will bo provided head of our B'nal B'rlth, Is In ly brought togetlinr the above women. (Lift to right, sitting): Mesdames Ernest A. Nogg, Henry A. md special prizes will be awarded. Paris, France, participating in re- Newman, Morton A. Itlehurds, Mike Freeman, Edwin K. Iirodkoy, Edward E. Brodkcy, Harry Triistln,, Invitations have been mailed to parations settlements to obtain for Diivn Colin, Morris Kutlemitn, and Duvld Sherman. Hack rowl Miss Kuluh Franklin and Mrs. Louis KillIhe entire Jewish community and ' . our unfortunate Jewish brethren uliofuky. reservations for the banquet should the payment of their just debts by Not prenrnt: Mrs. Louh Katt nnd Mrs. Eva Konecky, co-chairman; Mcsdamc* David Grccnbcrfr, e made in ndVanco at the Jowisn Joe J. Orccntarg, i. Harry Knlakorsky, I,rwls Nrvelttff, Albrrt II. Newman, Jules M. Newman, Aaron the German Kove#nmenl. *• " ommunity Center. Reservations Illpx and Hubert Summer. ire $1.50 per person. ,•
It Happened 1 Night' At Joslyn Sun. Eve
Fed. Women, Rayim Sign Up for Service
Veterans Named To National Posts
Registration Open For 2nd Funland
Women's Division of '55 Philanthropies Drive
Father and Son Banquet, Feb. 13
r u t 4EWI8U
Registration Open For Pre-Schoofers Mday Oy (be Federation tor Jewish Service
Reservations "»"»• now being taken for the third tin-week r,es sion of ~the Jewish Community • Center Pre-school. Beginning W<.-d< ,...Editor [nesduy, Feb. 9 at the Cenlcr, the prc-sclioolers, ages three through fiye will meet Monday, Wednesday
SMUnuM i m M a i aiitxi «i U U U L iMOruau. onou U» act at Mann t, un. coiuna. IIIO»—liilfco.sou K M -w^na. nets., ftduor IM*.
Role Of Federations Evaluated at Parley
frlday, February 4, 19S5.
Religious News 3:2i
Beth Israel
BarandBasMifzvah Bill Horwlcb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Horwich, will celebrate his linr Mitzvah Friday eveninj;, Feb. 4 and .Saturday morning, Feb. 5 at Beth IC1 Synagogue. Friends nnd relatives arc invited to attend the services and receptions which will follow.
and Friday mornings from 0 to Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor .11:30 o'clock. Cab service, ex- Eli Kagan, Beth 'Israel Choir and Mr. nnd Mrs. Allie n.ibendure clusive with the Center Fre-school, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their is provided for each child regard- Beth Israel Men's Club, will con- son, Stuart Howard, Friday eveduct the service this Friday eve ning, Feb. 11 end Saturday momless of locale. Ing, Feb. 12 ut Beth Kl Synagogue, Included In the program of the ning at 8 p. m. The theme of the twentieth An loyalty between synagogues and Pre-school ore: supervised play pe- Traditional Friday evening serv- Friends anil relatives are Invited nuol Conference of the Wett Cea community center*, the rebbi sai riods, paint sessions, and cooking ices (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at to nttend the services and recepHere the part is stressed rather and baking. In addition, the Sab-5:30 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- tions which will follow. trol Region of the Coundl Jewish Federations «nd Welfare than the.whole, our loyalties bath and all holidays will be cele- ices begin at 8:30 ft. m.; Junior Funds held here last week could should be inclusive In all facets of brated. The equipment for the Abramson, son of Mr. and have been telling the Federation Jewish life, R a b b i Swarensky Pre-school Includes climbing lad- Congregation at 10 a. m.; Rabbi Mrs.Danny Abramson, will celeStory. For it teemed the under- pointed out The third fallacy is ders, sec-saws, housekeeping cor- Groner will conduct the Talmud brate Kiner his Mitzvah Friday owlying thread of thought was to the fear that voluntary partidpa ner., building blocks and rhythm Class at 5 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha ing, Feb.Bar 11 and Saturday mom' at 5:30 p. m. followed by Sholesh* disseminate the work ot the fed- tion will be abolished in a organ instruments. .Ing, Feb. 12 In Beth Israel Synaeration in our communities to the ized community, he stated. Call Mn. Winifred King, Pre- S'eudos and Maariv. Daily morn- gogue. Friends and relatives are Future members of 'he communities. school director, at GL 7143, or the ing service* at 7 a. m.; afternoon invited to attend the services and Working Together Turning to the future, the rabbi Jewish Community Center, JA services at 535 p.; m. Sunday receptions which will follow. Philip Bernstein, executive di looked to the time when schools 1366, for enrollment information. morning service* begin at 8:43 a. m. fallowed by breakfast and Rabrector, Council of Jewish Fedora and synagogues take the form of bi's das* in Bible. Sunday morning tioos and Welfare Funds, outlined public utilities and our so-cailec the role. ol the federation. The secular and so-called religious InJunior Mlnyan, followed by breakJungle of programs and campaigns stitutions are fused into a truly fast, starts at 8:30 a. m. hai given way to central planning religious organization. A true The Talmud Discussion group Tu B 'Shevat will be celebrated and budgeting in the community, synagogue, Rabbi Swarensky laid, he said. From the first federation needs to work with the total com- Beginning Thursday, Feb. 10 at meets every Tuesday evening at 7 at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish 7:30 p. m., the Center will offer a p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Home For The Aged Wednesday, organized in 1890, the movemen. munity. has grown to 250 federations to- Dr. Abe Greenbcrg, Federation new type of bridge Instruction. In Burt Feb. 9 at 2 p. m., under the ausday, a remarkable expansion thai vice-president, sketched the fed- response to many requests this pices of The Omaha Chapter of has no parallel in our history, Hr. eration picture here in Omaha. We new ten-week course will feature Hadassah. Mrs. Abe Bear is chairBernstein remarked. We are work- have grown in this day arid age actual playing of hands with exman for the affair. pert supervision and explanation ins together as one family and and the three divisions of synaServices will be held at Temple Jewish Music Festival Month from this association we are learn- gogues have resulted in a commu- of fine points as they occur during Israel at 8 o'clock Friday evening. will be Inaugurated at the Home ing to understand each other, be nity federation, he said. It serve* the game. Rabbi H. Brooks w i l l under the guidance of the Omaha painted out We arc building as a coundl for overall supervision James Andre, outstanding Oma- preach Sidney "God in the Public Chapter of Brandels University unity not uniformity within the for unity and discussion of com- ha Bridge expert, will supervise Schools,"on a reply to a local chal- Women. Mrs. Philip Feldman is framework of the federation, Mr. munal affairs, Dr. Creenberg said this unique course. Mr.- Andre Is lenge to religious freedom. chairman. This program will be Bernstein stressed. It is a volunDr. Morris Margolin, chairman an expert In the Goren method. Services Saturday morning st presented Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 2 Those interested in registering tary organization with a positive of the Bureau of Jewish Educaand constructive program to en- tion, pointed out that the com-for the course can call the Activi- 11 JO o'clock for adults and Re- p. m. rich the cultural and social life of munity aids and assists the jyna ties office at JA 1366. Fee for ligious School students will be fol- A special Klddush was held at 'owed by Klddush for all present. the community. gogucs in providing Jewish educa- the ten-wek course is ten dollars Rabbi Brooks will deliver the ser- the Home in honor of the Boa Mitzvah of Sheila Rae Novak, for ten lessjons. - Problems arc evaluated in terms tion and only Asks that high standmonctte, and bless the children daufjhter of Mr. and Mrs. Max of people and we are serving our- ards be maintained. with birthdays in February. Novak. selves, for the contributor is also Robert H. Koopcr, Federation The flowers at the Home this the beneficiary, he emphasized. vice-president, spoke on ':Multipjf week were donated by Mr. and Our scope of concern here at home Appeals" at the conference all-dav Mrs. Max Novak. lies with toe needs of the need, workshop. Vohrwlt: Memorial Services will Dr. Sheldon II. Dlank, chairman Services Friday evening will boemotionally disturbed children of the faculty and Professor ot Kin nt 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. be held at the Home Synagogue, community centers for Die total lc at Hebrew Union College in Kripkc will deliver the sermon •1801 No. 52nd Street for the folpopulation, year around programs Cincinnati, Ohio, will speak at tiie continuing his series on Ereat lowing: of Jewish education and bettering Temple Israel Supper Club in the American Jews with a vlejiette on 11 Shevat, February G—Meyer community relations. Temple social hall .Saturday, Feb. Solomon Schechter. Cantor Aaron Brooksteln. ' ' Fouacic* 21 Shevat, February 13—David •B'nal B'rith Dolls for Dem- 12 nt 7 p. m. ". Edgar and the Beth El SynaRabbi Manfred Swarensky of • project that was pioDr. Blank's topic will be "Thegogue Choir will render the musi- Slegel. ' Madison, Wis., at the session deal- ocracy" 26 Shevat, February 18—Fanny neered by the B'nai B'rith Women Personal Side of Uiblfcal Religion." cal portion of the service. ing with the "Synagogue and the of Kansas City and adopted by Dr. Iilank will come to Omaha at Sabbath morning services will be Adclschtcln. Community," probed some of the Monsky Chapter No. 470 of Oma- the Invitation of Rabbi Sidney H. at 9:45 o'clock. Junior Congregafallacies by which we live and ha has developed into a national Brooks to address the Christian tion services arc at 10:30 a. m. WOrk. The first of which Is that project of B'nai B'rith Women and clergymen here at the seventeenth Mlncha-Maariv Services will be at there is a sharp division between the Anti-Defamation League of religious and secular life. AD B'nal B'rilh. It has been announced rtnual Institute on Judaism, spon- 5:15 p. m. Daily services arc at 7 sored by the Congregation of a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday Jewish life is sacred, the rabbi that doll sets will now be availThe Workmen's Circle Family morning service Is at 9 a. m. arid will stressed. The second is that com- able to B'nal B'rith Chapters Temple Israel. hold Its annual Card Party He is a recognized scholar in the Mineha-Maariv service at 5:15 petition is good in this area. There across the country. and Bazaar at 5:30 p. m- Sunday, the field of the Bible and a former P. m. ' is a vicing for money. Interest and Feb*. J3 In the Labor Lyceum. A This unique human relations teacher of Rabbi Brooks. Dr. kosher home cooked supper will nrtgram features a story-teller Blank is well-known for his InterTho piano Felix Mendelsohn used be served. who tells the story of the dolls in pretations of the wisdom of the to compose many of hi* deathless Funds from the affair will go the collection. The program may Bible on a popular level. be booked by schools, dubs, and Mrs. Maurice L. Pepper is works is on exhibit In Israel. A girl for the cars/ of an adopted boy i n civic groups through Mrs. Arthur chairman for the meeting and Alex visiting the museum there went France. Admission >to the party is SO Goldstein, Monsky Chapter, Doll Wcinsteln Is president of the group. up to the ancient instrument and dashed off a few notes. Then she Chairman, or the Antl-Dcfamatlon Reservations may be' made by Rot up again and asked the at- cents pc,r person. Saturday, Feb. i calling the Temple office. ' Hadassah Chapter Oncg Shab- League's office. tendant If any great musicians had bat, 2 p. m.—Home. ever come to sec the piano. "Artur Sunday, Peb. 6 Rubinstein was here just a few Comhuskers to Meet Center Cinema Club, "It Hapago," he informed her. "Oh. Thursday at Blackstone weeks pened- One ffifiht," 8:15 p. m.— suppose he played somethini; Josjyn Memorial. jeautlful on it," said the girl. Films of the 1954 World Series Monday, Feb.'7 "Not at nil," replied the ntJEWISH LABOR DAY — TO Mrs. Harry GoSdman of Pueblo, —the "Giants vs. the Indians" will endant quietly. "He Bald he did Colo., president of the Mountain x featured at the next mcctlnp, BV3HEVAT ot feel worthy to touch it." If so, Northwestern National Brandels University Board, 11 Plains Region of Hadassah, will be if, Cornhusker Lodge. No. 17C0, guest speaker at the Omaha Chap- fj'nal B'rith. The meelinR will be Lifo Insurance Company with '«. to.—Home. Hadossah" Chapter -Board, 1 p. ler Hadassah board rnectlnc to IK? icld Thursday, Feb. 10 in tnc nack will bo served. branch offices in Omaha for louse nnd Garden room of the leld Monday, Feb. 7 nt 12:30 p. Prospective members are corm.—Home. luncheon nt the home of Mrs. ilacjintone Hotel nt 8'p. in. Fol- dially Invited to attend the meet- over four decades has an Women's Federation P u b l i c owinp; the meeting, a buffet 3. Friedman, 681 Park wood tig. opening at this time and will Speaking Course, 1:15 p. m.—CenLcnc. ter. discuss its franchise with you. Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m.— Co-hostesses will bo Mrs. M. A. Sound training, plus adeercovid and Mrs. Harry Wise. Center. Mrs. Goodman Is returning from n quato equity capital will be Tuesday; Feb. 8 Beth El Sisterhood, 1 p. m.— id-wlntcr convention and has an furnished without cost to you important message for all board Beth El. or your businosi. This franWant a tovorn, $30,000, attractive bar, 2921-23 " Q " St. Beth Israel Sisterhood, 1 p. -in. embers. chise will not bo granted un'Hie regular sludy croup on the framo and brick building, apartment up, fwo houses rear. •-Beth Israel. . Temple Israel Sisterhood, 1 p listory of the Jews, directed by loss in tho final judgment of In. Maurice Newman, will meet Factory Building, 5501 S. 36th St., $20,000. Brick, office m*.—Temple Israel. tho company and yourself, It t 11 a. m., at Mrs. Friedman's space, 3'A-room apartment, gas hoot, two loading docks. Joslyn Art Class, 7 p.- m.—Cen- >me preceding the board meeting. will mako more money when ter. underway than you are now Wednesday, Feb. 9 Trackage—first industrial—29th and " F " Sff., corner 36Ox Brandcis University Membership Council Study Group 150 ft. making. Qualifications: JowTea, 1 p. m.—Fireside Restaurant. ish, ago 25-45; at least 5 The Current Events Study Call HA 1119 or OR 10)0 • Omalia Zionist Council, 8 p. m. Office, MA 6300 Group, National Council of Jewish •—Center. years resident of community; Women will meet Wednesday, Feb. Thursday, Feb. 10 currently employed or in busNational C o u n c i l of Jewish 9 at the home of Mrs. Julius Katziness for yourself and debt Women Board Meeting, 1 p. m.— maji, 1G02 No. 54th St. Slate free. Home. legislative issues will fie discussed by Mrs. Charles Schneider. Art Class, 1 p. m.—Center. Kadimah, 1 p. m.—Brandels SERVING O M A H A FOR HALF A CENTURY Call AT 2828 (After Hours George Jessel: "Men no longer Store. 1 MULTIPLE LISTINGS REALTOR PL 2519) for Appointment Pioneer Women's Board Meet- hide l>eh!nd women's skirt ;; neither do women."—(JTA) ing, 1:30 p. m.—Center.
With the Folks At Home
Supervised Bridge Play at Jay Feb. 10
Temple Israel
Temple Club to Hear Bible Professor Beth El
'B'nai B'rith Dolls For Democracy*
Workmen's Circle Annual Caxd Party
Community Calendar
Hadassah Board To Hear Speaker
Friday, February t, lttto.
Vi Century Mark
Engagement Told
(Continued from Page 1.) Mr. and Mrs. Annon Knmesar munity. And there was Samuo] Ravitz of Chicago announce the birth of All members arc asked to Invite For cicht years ho spelled out, usa son Daniel born January 28 in a j a non-Jewish friend as their guest National Council of J e w i s h president of our federation— thai Chicago hospital. This Is the coufor the afternoon. Reservations Women, Omaha Section, will hold are being taken by Mrs. Ben Lefltz giving alone helps Hie tmfurtunatc, first child. Mrs. Kamesar is their monthly board meeting at and Mrs. Stanley Diamond. A baby but (jivinf; of yourself helps you a ple's 1 tlu. former Miss Harbara Ulacker. the home of Mrs. A. V. Vcnger, sitter will be In attendance for well as the unfortunate. 1805 N. 54th St., at 1 p. m. Thurs- all pre-school children. Maternal grandparents are Mr. And Morris Levey . . . meek and Mrs. David Blacker of Omaha day, Feb. 10. A dessert luncheon humble In his quiet and unassum will be served. ing way . . . slowly but surely built nnd paternal grandparents ore Mr. B.E. Sisterhood the bridge, stimulated the common and Mrs. Samuel Kamesar of ChlMr*. Lloyd Friedman, vice-presi- The Beth El Sisterhood .will Undcrstondinc — very Important COtJO. dent of the Ways and Means Com- hold their luncheon meeting at 1 * * * Indeed, In the Ijulldiiu; of a cenu mittee, will preside. p. m., Tuesday, Feb. 8 In the synaIne federation —between the cast The Council's annual s u p p e r gogue social hall. The theme of A daughter, Janice Ida, was ern European Jew nnd the C5er born January 20 to Mr. and Mrs. d.inee will be hold Saturday, Feb. the meeting will be "Brotherhood* man Jew, between the Reform Jew A. Den Jacobson of Sacramento, ID, in the Fontencllc Hotel. Ticket in observance of National Brothand the Orthodox Jew—creating Culif. Tills Is their first child. Mrs. chairmen are :.Ar&. K. Leo Nogg,erhood Month. in tills community on extremely Jacobson Is the former Miss Fear) Mrs. .Stanley and Mrs. I. H. Members are urged to invite intensive unity of interest, energy Sommcr of Omaha. Weincr. Ticltet holders will be eli- non-Jewish friends. A baby sitter and giving. gible for the door price, a five-day will be provided. Mrs. A. C. FeldMaternal grandparents are Mr. stay for two at the Flamingo Ho- man Is program chairman and Undaunted Lrnderahlp and Mrs. Harry Sommer of Omaha tel In Las Vegas, N. M. Mrs. Leonard Gould will bo chairWith heavy, steady blows, this and paternal grandparents j r e Mr. Dorothy Ann areenberg man for the day. Seymour Kapstrong and undaunted leadership and Mrs. Charles Jacobson of lan, ADL director, will speak on Mr. and Mrs, Max Greenberg of B.I. Sisterhood hammered out a wonderful, In- Piedmont, Calif. "Guide to Brotherhood—1955.". KOJIKOS City, Mo., announce the enThe Beth Israel Sisterhood spiring, stimulating pattern of * * •' Jewish communal life for all of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prod of gagement of their daughter Dor- luncheon meeting at 1 p. m.Tues*Us to follow. And at the some Aberdeen, S. D., announce the othy Ann to Alvin Epstein, son of day, Feb. 8 In the synagogue social Walter tippmann: "If history 11 m c—simultaneously— they had birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Epstein of hall will be in keeping with the repeated itself, learning history observance of Brotherhood.month. would be much easier."—(JTA) the understanding nnd upprccia born January 13. The couple has Omaha. tion to work with nnd to be In another daughter Deborah • Roe. spired by a saint—truly n sainted Mrs. Prcd is the former Miss Marperson—our own Dr. Philip Sher, ilyn Wlntroub of Omaha. Who is with us tonight. Maternal grandparents are Mr. , Fortunately for all of us, early and Mrs, Phineai Wlntroub of in his life Dr. Philip Sher caught Omaha paternal grandparents the spirit of our people and shared are Mr,and For thar Information and Mrs. Mike Pred of it with his fellow citizens. Learned, Lyoni, Nebr. Maternal greatcultured, understanding—Dr. Sher grandfather is Samuel Corcnman transcended parties, cliques and of Omaha and.maternal of contributors greatdivisions. Uncompromising when grandparents Mr. and Mrs. questions of monility and principle Max Wlntroubarc of Los Angeles, were Involved,- but with a truly Calif. to Israol causes In 19S8 Jewish sympathetic understanding, ho was the groat compromiser. This, perhaps, Is the reason that Ray Clarke to Conduct bur community developed without T H E PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, with all their resourceful* struggle for power, with no onePublic Speaking Class new; their energies and their dedication, are racing against time. capturing control anil no one losing I t Thereby the total Jewish Itoy Clarke, of the WOW news Their economy must be stabilized, their waste areas must be community could devote nil of Its staff, will conduct the leadership . settled, their irrigation projects completed, their immigrants of ' energies to the growth nnd de-course In public speaking for. the various cultural backgrounds integrated as quickly as possible. velopment of its complete com- Federation of Jewish Women Clubs. The first session will be munal federated structure. In a critical hour when the Arab nations refuse to held at 1:15 p. m., Monday, Feb. lessen their hostility toward Israel, Israel's people know that Creator of our Juvenile Court 7 in room 21 of the Jewish Com. . . interested in youth and edu-munity Center. tomorrow's tasks of development and stabilization must be cation . . . Dr. Philip Sher too, Mr. Clarke will nlso conduct the accomplished today. created for our people creator dig- two follow-up classes to be held nity and stature in our commu- Monday. Feb. 14 and 21. The UNITED JEWISH APPEAL is the major hulra. nity. For further information call •nenlalily llirough which Americans have nlwnys supported Israel** (fliiulH In Service Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, GL 7095. people In their historic undertaking lo build a free and democralle There were many more I eould list William Iliilzman, Sol IJrod•late. We therefore call upon ail of Israel's friends lo put forth kny—all giants nmiuiK others — Hadassah Tea greater effort than ever In UJA'e behalf and to give lo the 1955 who played In this truly federated Mrs. Paul Verut, chapter educaUnited Jewish Appeal priority in liming over all other pbilwt. communal symphony from which tion chairman, announces that sprung the rich notes of service Omaha Chapter Iladassuh will hold throple efforts aiding Israel.
Council Women
and which, once plnyed, remain In- an open Oncg Shabat Tea at 2 p. delible in our hearts and in our m., Saturday, Feb. 5, at the home minds—In our very being—for the of Mrs. Leo Waxenbcrg, 3925 service of our people and our com- Dewcy Ave. Co-hostcssos will be munity. Mrs. J. J. Friedman and Mrs. AlBlessed, indeed, we are to have bert .Wohlncr. Mrs. Arthur Goldhad the Inspiring leadership or stein will present the "B'nal B'rith such great minds, such great Dolls for Democracy." Mrs, Harry spirits . . , so many of them In a Llppett and Mrs, Sam'Novak-wiU •Ingle community . . i letting out bring personal regards from Israel ,a pattern and a program of fed- to those attending. Everyone Is " ernted activity and a pattern of welcome. Jewish Ufd recognized by Jewry • everywhere, Patronize. Our Advertisers - It Un't. difficult, is it, t o understand why we of today. In Omaha, For Pint Tailoring stand so humbly before s half century of history and (peak our thanks. A rich inheritance, tnMember Master Tailors and Cutters Association. • deed, wo hold, and we cherish It London. £nglnnd with pride and reverence. Shouldn't we try to ascertain Custom Tailor to Ladles & Men ALTERATIONS whence came the vision, the in- U6So.'Z0th JA Z422 spiration, the warmth of understanding . . . yes, the desire . . for such service? First, these gentlemen know their history: they were fortunate enogh to catch the spirit of the > contribution of the JewUh people to that history; they heard the depths of the cry of their pe°P' c And in giving their answer, their greatness enmc. (Concluded Next Week)
Norman Marsh
but what flavor!
COSMIC RAV PAH.TICXE Jerusalem (JTA)—Evidence of the existence of a new heavy particle in cosmic rays was presented here by Dr. Y. lCisenberg, of the Wcizmann Institute of Science, discoverer of the particle. Dr. Elscnberg presented his findings in a paper road to u joint symposium on cosmic rays held by the Hebrew University and the Israel Physical Society. Among the participating scientists was Dr. H. Bl.icket, Nobel Prize winner an(i member of the British Imperial College of Science. Shelley Winters: "Some men arc husbands merely because some women disliked being old maids," -(JTA)
WARRANTED AND UNWARRANTED CAMPAIGNS TJhere are other authorized agencies, with established r records of constructive work in Israel, that can claim support from tho American public. But none of them surpass the import tance of the United Jewish Appeal to the future of Israel's people. The Jewiah Agency for Palestine, with the approval of the Israel Government, and in response to requests from tho organized Jewish community in the United States, set up in 1949 a Committee on Control and Authorization of^CaiApaigns. This Committee passes on the validity and general usefulness of all proposed campaigns for institutions and projects in Israel. Oni<x)caslon, new campaigns for limited purposes have been launched (by individuals and organizations. Some of these have put forth claims not always warranted' by facts and havt requested support out of proportion to their importance. WHEN IN DO.VBT ' The Committee on Control and Authorisation of Cmm* ' pdgnswill shortly publish it's 1055 list of authorized campaigns. Until tuck a list is published, whenever you are In doubt, write t» the JEWISH AGENCY FOR PALESTINE, Committee on Control ami Authorization of Campaigns, 16 East 66th St., New York City.' Meanwhile, in this hour of t'tntlon and foreboding for IsraeTs people, a contribution to the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL Is m pledge that under no circumitaneet will their frtendt let them dowri. It It a pledge given them at Americans and Jevt concerned teilh the fate of democracy end with the fate of Itrael-the UlddU Bail's great experiment In freedom.
In Omaha The UNITED JEWISH APPEAL is supported by Jewish Philanthropies Campaign NOTHINft UKEIT EVEK BEFOREI
,* * * *
Jay Basketball
Friday, FrTironry I, 193J
Youth Council Doings
Temple School to Hold Tree Planting Fete
BUG tain at tho Central High School Tu B'Shvat will be celebrated The BBG Winter FonnaJ will be ItOTC Military Ball. Promoted to by Temple Israel Religious School held this Saturday at the legion First nnd Second Lieutenants at a tree planfini; ceremony Sun••'•-.•• S-...' . ' M i d g e t L e a g u e ' Club Ballroom. A cokotail party I . Fireside Restaurant pulled the day morning, Feb. C, at 11:30 at Shirley Ruznick's home ut 8 wehe Norm Garrop, Bernle Ostra- o'clock. This will Ix; the second Games Canceled tipset of the week as they loomed p. m, will precede a dance that vich, Sidney Kloppcr and Morri Tu IVShint lice planting on tho / past Hires Root Beer 37-28. Th The senior division basketball will start at 9 p. m. Music will be Slirago. Hires'; lass places them and their new Temple grounds. chief rivals ^GereUck Motors into games of the Midget League furnished by the Dan Burns RAYIM The Junior KHIgious School have been canceled iv'o the Combo. a tie for first place, i t was a well The Rayim fraternity extends Choir, under the direction of Miss City Services will be held February their heartiest congratulations to Ida Gitlin, will perform, and Rabbi balanced Fireside attack led by All-Star game in Si their speedy guard Steve Seglin, this Sunday. They wi. e re- 25 at Both Israel. This service is Jerry Kohl!, Bob Goldstein and Sidney II. Brooks will lead tho who hit for 17 points and played scheduled at the end < the held to commemorate Brotherhood Fred Simon who were promoted students in a siK'cial ceremony. a nifty floor game. Dan Hollis, season. Junior divisior 'frames Week. Class representatives of the Re» A meeting will be held on Sun- to the rank of major at the Mil-ligious School Student Council will league high scorer, led Hires with wUl be played. •-)•; « l.jry Ball. Gene Kohn won ac-aLso pai ticipatc. day at 2 p. m. in the Jay. iilnepoints. :.- : claim in debate in a recent tourAZA HO. 100 GereUck Motors put the skids at Hastings. Mike Shukcrt and rebounding were outstandLast Sunday, the Centurymen nament eh S. Riekes & Sons as they took ing active member of Omission Stan Widman led bis AZA 1 held their regular meeting at the has become an « 22-14 decision. It was another ing. x team with 23 points. These two Jay. The cultural committee, head- Kayim. Louis Friedman was re-elected fine exhibition of shooting by lit squads will have one more tilt ed by Irv Belzer, presented the At the last meeting of the treasurer of Branch 54, Farbond tie Joel Davis that led the way, AZA 100A played their finest first of a scries of programs on Raylm fraternity, Sgt. Kelly and Labor Zicnlst Order of Paoll Zlon. He accounted for 14 points. BIU Horwlch had five for the losers. team game as they over rode Ray- parliamentary procedure. Sher- S g t Loftus of the Omaha Safety His name was omitted from last ' In th? junior division Steve GUM im B team, 63-31. Sari Simon man Fpska conducted the class. Council preesnted a very Interest- week's article In the Press. and Gordy Hollis, red hot from with 19 points, Speedy Zweiback At Central Mi's Military Ball ing program on safe driving. 17 and Jerry Rosen with 13 Centurymen Patronize Our Advertisers Speedy Zweiback and, .•;•• last week's upset over Pacific Fish, with paced the attack.: Bob Oberman Kanny Freed were promoted to Rifle Marksmen led their Rlchman-Gordman squad led Raylm with 15. the positions of Major and Capto a close 21-19 win over the Cowboys. Steve accounted for 16 points In last week's makeup games tain respectively. , Jerry Sherman, sharp shooting while Gordy got the other five. AZA 1A with a 31 point scoring '•.' • '' , ' A Z A N O . 1 : • : • : ' . • . : ' . ' : : : Rayim member, took first place In Mike Sadofsky led the Cowboys effort by Stan Widman beat the Saturday night, Jan. 29, Mother a rifle match staged at the City Rayirh B team 56-34 and Rayim with five points. : ';/ A had a tough fight with AZA 10P, Chapter held their January Win- Rifle Range but Thursday. Pacing Dick Zacharia got his Scoring emerging a 5 point winner by the ter Picnic Party at Hatnscom Park Jerry were David Goldstean, Larry eye back as he hit for 15 points In Pavilion with a house party fol- Herman and Arvin Cohen. leading his team closer to the Jun score of 50-45. lowing at Ina Margolin's home. This match is the first in a regulor title Jn defeating. I-Go Van, Presentations at the party includ- lar series of weekly competition 1943. Karl Luefschuetz pitched in ed " B e s t Alcph of the Month" among teen agers interested with the: other four points, Jeff Special Assembly at Awards for: December to Norm marksmanship. Wohlner led the; I-Go squad in Beth Israel School jnrrop and Bernle Ostravich, and All those interested can sign up scoring with eight points. In the Youth Council Office or in The Tu B'Shvat Assembly, a spe- 'or January to Mike Meyer. the Center Canteen. Girls arc welPast Aleph Godot Stan Widman cial assembly, will be held Sunday '.'.-••. .;'.': YCB IXAQUIE -... Feb. 6, for all children of was prompted to the rank of Cap- come,. . Kayim's scrappy C team, battling morning Israel Talmud Torah and for the B League crowii, upset the the BethSchool. Tu B'Shvat goodies last team in the Jay league that Sunday be distributed to the chUdren. Was unbeaten, that Is the AZA IB will through the courtesy of the Beth team. "They took a close 3i-29 win Israel Sisterhood. The names of • a n d were led by Sam (the Cuke) all who have bought trees Shukcrt and Larry Zacharia with for children the Beth Israel'Forest will be 11 and .9 points respectively. Ber at the assembly. All riie Qstravich arid Willard >Plotkin announced classes will mert at the regular had 9 and 8 for the loseri '. : v • " • • ' . ' • . • ' .-.•.,'. ..• ' ; AZA' 100 B oycrpoWcred their C times. squad by' a ,44-;13 score; Stuart Kutier led his squad with 16 points VTOJIEN BQJVD BDYEBS ^ •and Is how leading the B league New 'York (JTA) — American In scoring. Jeff Swartz'.-.added & Jewish women this year have while Sid Pessen scored S points bought more than $5,500,000 worth of Israel Development Bonds. In '.for.thf'-.losers,".:;..••...-/•'•.;.:':-.-. •'•.•" addition to their own purchases, ;: women volunteers have sold to the :':;.v':'. . KyAK8ixy.iJEApBE.>.; . : ;:M6rrle HarkUerriaiii pulled an- men in their families, to their v.-.'-itfier- game out of the fire as Lus- 'rlends and neighbors and to other ty"s slapped a close 39-37 loss on Jewish and Christian members of ^stein's. -Enteiprisers. -With' a heir communities scvernl million couple of seconds to play, Moe let dollars' worth of Israel Bonds. fly a 30 foot shot that hit paydlrt and put his team In third place Harold Nepomnlck and .'erry; Simon had 12 arid 10.points:respecr Don't put off the.Wiring your home needs—Get it NOW—You can do tivcly for 'the losers, whlleHaridleman h*d 8 for Lusty. '••" » with N O MONEY D O W N - o n easy monthly terms—with up to RUG & UPHOLSTERY ;yaff? Printing,- with a 54-47 win CLEANERS over Star Auto Parti, needs one 36 months to pay! v more winVto dnch at. least a tie RUGS — C A R K T I N e - -for the Varsity league title. Star LAMr SHADES 9 out of 70 Homes Hove Obsolete WMng Systems! Auto held a 24-21 lead; but the FURNITURE league lenders, using an effective CHECK YOUR OWN HOME FOR THESE TELLTALE SYMPTOMSfast break^^ caught theirrrivals In Cleaned in Your Homel : the fourth quarter and coasted to A«n>9 • Laying • ltpalri»« ' .the win; Irv Taffc led his squad DON IfRNSTfIN HA J554 * Is (here «n. unsightly,.unsafe, In* Do liehu blink or flicker when with 25 points while Al Clayman efficient "octopus" of extension the. refrigerator goes on, or when \hadJ23 for-the losers; cords to TOUT home? you plug in an appliance? '-••-'K'::•:-'•>JttiA-isiAGVE':":•'••.•-.••:'• * Do ruses blow frequently—or cir* Do appliances (like toaster ot /•'.; A potent Rayim -A team taking Iron) take a long lime to beat? cuit breakers open? advantage'of ^eveiy • opportunity Omaha's * Do yon hive circuit capacity for * Does your home have loo few Just about cinched a tie- for the any future additions to y o u r outlets and switches? Jfouth -Council basketball title as Favorite Way home's electrical equipment? they drove in 4 points, iii the final 1 minute of play to defeat AZA 1 A. to Dine on -' SO^.f-lt was a real tenm effort at, jRayirri'1 passing arid shooting Sunday This FREE BOOKLET ' proved better than their opponents. Your electrical contractor can offer , Al Corey: led the scoring for his helps you plan your home you a plan which provides the wiring .team jwith: 18 points and John your home needs—a modern, up-tofor Modern Electrical LivColdrier contributed 14 .including date electrical system which you can ing — It's yours for the the tic breaking basket In the pay for on easy monthly terms. P«y« final minute. Howard Goldstein menls can be arranged for as tittle as 'played his finest same for Rayim. Sj) a month, with up lo 3G months to : He scored 10 points nnd Ills passpay. Bjr Una> Paul
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Sunday Brunch
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