Wol. XXXIH-No.20.
Global Report <JI.AI.MS C O N F K K K N O K I'arls (WNS>—The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Cenniiny, rcpivsMitlni.; 22 member oiginl/.ilmns, ;it its< final session here unanlmuux'y adopted a resolution directing Dr. Nahum Goldiiinnn, president of the Conference, to convey to West German Chancellor Koiirad Adenauer its "serious concern" over the munner In which the German indemnification program is being carried out. "Although two and a half years have passed since the agreement was tinned," the resolution stated, "the legislation which would compensate Individuals for the loss of assets confiscated by the T h 1 r d Itcich Is still in draft form. Even the first regulations under the law, defining the rights of widows Milton R. Abrahams, Omaha and orphans, took a full year to attorney and em active member release BIUF the basic revision In Jewish communal attain, was which is so essential has not yet been drafted." elected president of .United Com munity Services last week. iDO ANNlVKItSAKY Mr. Abrahams, a native of oui Tel Aviv UTA)—Tho 40th ancity, comes from a pioneering niversary of the Joint DistribuOmaha family. His grandfather tion Commit t«e was marked here tnoved t o Omaha in 18C7 from Sunday at n function sponsored by the Mlfnl Hutorah, central organNashville, Tcnn. isation or some DO ycshlvolh and He tins tnken part In community other religious i n s t i t u t i o n s activities since 1927 following his throughout Israel. The affair, atgraduation from Crelghton Law tended by American Ambassador Kdward B. Lawson, members of School. Mr. Abrahams is a member the Cabinet and Parliament, Chief of the board of Governors of th< Kablii Isaac HeiY.og and HOIUC 200 Federation for Jewish .Service. II rabbis, was held ;it ZOA in chairman of the Anti-DefamaMinister of Ui-llglun Mnshe Shation Advisory Commits, a lla- [\\r;\ hullod the JIX' for "aafefion group fur the Federation ami guardliig 1he nation's faith" by aiding scholars and religious Stuthe IJ'nai H'rllh Anti Defamation dents. Ho specifically t h a n k e d Charles l'asxma , JDC director in Mr. Abndrum has served as Israel, for the agency's old to.rechairman of the Jewish Common ligious institutions. Ambassador Ity • Center committee, president Lawson, who addressed the'funcof the Henry Monsky 1-odgc of tion, said that American Jewry B'nal U'rlth and Temple Israel. can be proud of the JDCs humanitarian activities which, ho HIK service has been on a com stressed, also saved tho Jewish namunlty-wldo basis. He now hold: tion's spiritual treasures. posts tut chairman of the Kducation C<immlttec of the Chamber of Commerce, member of the Urban Lenguc board ond United Cerebral I'nlsy board. He wo* a member of the board of cduca tlon and chairman of the Citl toris Advisory Committee for Public Schools. , In his role ns president of United Community Services, Mr, AbraEditor's Note: Tills is the ronhams sees the need for solving three major problems. They are rludlnc part of an adurrm by Morraising capital funds for bulldim: ris E, JurntM ifellvarrd Saturday Improvements. The second Is to i-vcnlng, Jan. S1> at the twentieth do a real year-round job of plan- Annual C.'onft-ri-nrn of thn IVfJt ning for the campaign drive and Crntrul Ki-glivn of Jewlxh Frilerntho.'thlrd is to carry out the worli tlomi und Wrlfure Fund*. It of the social planning unit. This murltnd the olmervan™ of the includes Improving the function!- fiftieth annlvcrsnry of the Omaha of ! the Juvenile court, and the Federation for Jewish HtWlce. establishment of a physical ther • p y center in conjunction with My friends, we don't truly build the College of Medicine of the ourselves by doing things for ourUniversity of Nebraska and the selves; we build ourselves by doopening of child day care centers Ing things for others. This, these gentlemen, deeply understood. More Important than all, however, these men completely and positively Identified themselves with their people not by birth alone, but by understanding of nnd service to their people. They Identified themselves . . . they dedicated themselves . . . body, - The Synagoffuo Council of Omaha representing all the con- heart and soul . . . nil of themgregations in the city has adopted selves . . . to their people. There • resolution pertaining to marriage Is only one way of genuine Idenceremonies for members of the tification . . . and that is it. community. They did this because they had The resolution states: "In order a passion for things Jewish. They had deep feeling and attachment to emphasize the traditional dignity, solemnity, and religious sig- for their people. They were innificance of Jewish marriage, the spired and stimulated by their Synagogue Council of Omaha calls heritage. And from all of it there upon all members of the Jewish generated in their being a keen community to airange marriage sense of overall civic responsibility ceremonies to l>e solemnized in to their fellowman. This created the sacred atmosphere of the for them and for those who have 'ollowcd greater stature and dighome or the synngogue."
o every Friday, 101 ft. 2UUi, . NcLirusica, PhoQe JA 1366
Father r*zHJZon Banquet At Cet^rr rfjnday Night Youngsters WiU Take Part in Fete
Milton H. Abrahams
M. Abrahams Heads Chest
Participant* in the annual Father and Son Banquet WiU be lrom (I. to r.) Stephen Fifth, Larry Klenlti and Robert Gross.
Cultural Series Concert Feb. 20 The Fnrband Labor Zionist Concert will be the second program of the 1955 Yiddish Cultural Scries, it was announced by Louis Wit kin. Chairman ot the committee. The Concert, entitled, "Sweet Lnnd of Liberty," will bo held at the Jewish Center auditorium Sunday, Fob. 20 lit H:15 p. -m. Hen Konus nnd Minna Morn will star in this musical drama of :'.00 years ot Jewish history in America. Supporting actors Include: Yudl Duhinsky, Sam Josephson, nnd the Israeli pianist, Shrmiel Fershko. Individual tickets are available for tills concert nt the Center now or may be purchased at the door the evening of the performance for 75 cents per person. The Yiddish Cultural Series Is sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service.
At the
Half Century Mark By Morris E. Jacobs
Synagogue Council Adopts Resolution on Marriage Ceremonies
Annual l U t * diogie Uopy
nity and a standard of civic re jponslblttty : among our people here which has given to this city laudable civic helpfulness and has won recognition and better understanding on the part of all of our citizenry, as you shall seo from this recital.' '-. • 0 reatLender Our txitovrd Henry Monsky Hummed It nil up better than I ahull ever be able to do. Hear h b words: "We must pay rent for the •pace we occupy on this earth, and w« pay that rent by service— service, to our own people—service to our community—service to oor nation—ftftrvlcfi to our (Jotl.** In a few words, indeed, this great leader placed before us the pattern of life hammered our during these fifty years. It was a great wealth—the wealth of selfless service—these gentlemen had. But by precept and example, by Inspiring and stimulating action and programming, they shared their wealth of selfless ncrvlce—thank God—with all of us. They encouraged us to capture the spirit Ot our people nnd their accomplishments for a iKttcr lite. They pointed out to us tho personal satisfaction of being of service to others. They painted for us the peace of mind and the happiness of heart we receive in giving not only of our money but of ourselves. They prepared (Continued on Page 2)
The 32nil annual Father and Son Banquet, sponsored by tho Federation for Jewish Service, will bo held at 6 p. m., Sunday, Feb. 13 Community Center Auditorium. Dr. Philip Sher, founder of this annual community event, Is honorary chairman. Participants Itobort Gross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gross, will deliver the invocation; Larry Elewltz, son of Mr, and Mrs. Izadore Elewitz, will Offer grace, and Stephen Fisk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fisk, will speak on behalf of the sons. Charles Guns will serve as master of ceremonies and Morris Erman will deliver the father's message.. George Spltzor, accompanied by Arthur H. Goldstein will lead tho community singing. Maj(tc and, Btuwb&U Tho program will include a magic show by • Mr. Guss and movies of the entire 1954 World Series between the New YorVi Giants and the Cleveland Indians. The film will bo shown by courtesy of the Omaha Cardinal Baseball Club. The program will be concluded with the awarding of special prizes. KpsiTvutlons run still bo mads by railing tlm Center Activities of fire nt JA 1SGG.
Jaycees Call for Holiday Flag Display
Morris K. Jacobs
Jacobs Named for Beth Israel Award Morris E. Jacobs, business and civic leader, has been named, recipient of the third annual Beth Israel Synagogue Citation Award, Mrs. Lewis Ncvelcff, chairman of the synagogue's award commlttco announced. Mr. Jacobs will be presented tho at a dinner Sunday, March 6 at 6:30 p. m., in the synagogue social hall. The citation-Is given for o u t s t a n d i n g humanitarian work. The first award was lend.crcd to B. G. Gustavson, former chancellor of the'Unlversity of Nobraska. "Mr. Jacob* wo* chosen for the award in acknowledgement by the Jewish community for his outstanding work as a community leader and a national figure," Kabbl Benjamin Groncr spiritual leader of Beth Israel said. "His untlrInB efforts for his city, his state, his country—and for all f a i t h s speak for themselves," the rabbi added. Harry Sidman Is president of the congregation. Maurice Katzman is chairman of the arrangement committee. Sam Ilahn Is chairman of the committee on public relations. Reservations for the dinner may be made at the synagogue office and will bo closed at 500 persons. Mr. Jacob's long list of civic achievements was climaxed with his coronation last fall as King of Alc-Sar-Bcn. The 1953 March of Dimes needs $04,000,000 to continue programs of polio prevention, research, patient aid and education. You can help tho fight against polio with a generous contribution to the 1955 March of Dimes.
The Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce urges all Omaha residents to illsplay tho American Flag on national holidays. . Lincoln's b i r t h d a y Saturday, Feb. 12 is one of tho many holidays that the flat; may be flown. American Flag kits may be obtained by contacting the Junior Chamber of Commerce at 108 S. 18th St._ j
Israel Aids Young Jordan Polio Victim The Btrlfc between Israel and Jordan makes the headlines and little stories of good will some' times go unnoticed. One such item was reported in the latest edition of the Israel-Digest It tells of a young Jordanian girl suffering from infantile paralysis now being treated in the Jerusalem hospital, "Sha'nre Tscdak." The girl was permitted to enter Israel by the Jordanian authorities..
Radio and TV The "B'nal B'rith Dolls for Democracy" will be featured over WOW-TV's Movie Matinee program this afternoon. Miss Kay Wllkins will interview Mrs. Aruthur.Goldstein, Henry Monsky Chapter Doll Chairman, about tho doll project at. 1:45 p. m. The dolls rill be displayed on the show. Mrs. Izadore Elewitz, president of Beth Israel Sisterhood, will appear on Betty Tolsom's KMTV program as guest cook at 10 a. m., Tuesday, Feb. 15, Rabbi Edgar F . MaKulti ot Los Angeles, Cnlif., will discuss "Tliis Way Out" on the Message ot Israel program over KOIL from 10.05 t o 10-.30 a. m. this Sunday. The Eternal Light program wiU bo broadcast over WOWRadlo this Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.
Friday, February 11,18M.
V2 Century Mar*
Stuart Howard Eabendure, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Babendure. will celebrate his liar Milzvah Friday evening. Feb. 11, and Saturday momlntf, Feb. 12 nt Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Editor invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow
OJ ttw Federation lor JcrwUb Service
n u , Mur-jlt* uuo.i m u l « Mvcs «, U7V. w Aavtrtu nr ttatu on AppuolKm &O. HMD tftrvvt, •*-*»£• N«*ir JACUcr UOfc.
m K
Community Calendar
Or. and Mrs, J. L. Yager announce the Bn» Mitzvah of their daughter, Mary Paula, and Mr. and Mrs. Sheff Kotakee announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Roy Saturday, fab. U j . David, a t a Joint service Friday Temple Supper Club, 7 p. m.— evening, Feb. IB and Saturday Tfemple. morning. Feb. 19 at Beth £1 Syna Beth El Sisterhood Card Party, gogue. Friends and relatives are $ p. m.—Beth EL Invited: to attend Doth services and Sunday, Feb. 13 Servica Friday evening will be- the receptions which will follow. 1 Children * Activities, "Funland fia a t 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Registration," 2 p. m.—Center. Kripke wiU deliver the sermon, The Bar Mitzvah of Dann Father and Son Banquet, 6 p. •peaking on "The Birth' of Jewish Abramson, son of Sir. and Mrs. Statesmanship—A Tribute to Tneo> Elner Abramson, will be celebrated riL —Center. dor* HenL" Cantor Aaron L Ed- this Friday evening and Saturda; Monday, Veb. Blkut Cholhn Society, 1 p. m.— gar «nd the Beth El Synagogue morning, at Beth Israel Synagouc, Choir will render tba musical por- 52nd and Charl-s Sts. All rela Center. Uves and friends'are cordially In' Public Speaking Course by Fed- tion o f ttie service. Sibbath morning cervices will vlted to attend. eration Women. Workmen's Loon, 7:30 p. m.— be a t 9:45 o'clock, junior Congregation services arc at 10:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosenblaf Center. Omaha Symphony, 8:30 p. UL— Mineha-Maartv aervices will be at announce the Bar Mitzvah of their 9:30 p. m. Daily services are at 7 son, G t a l d , will be celebrated Joslyna. m. and. 7 p. m. The Sunday Friday evening. Feb. 18 and SatTuesday, Feb. 15 morning i rvie- It at 9 a. BL, and urday •mominp Feb. 19 at Beth N a t i o n a l Council of Jewish the lOncha-Maarlv service a t 5 JO Israel Synagogue, Friends and relWomen, 1 p. ra.—Center. P.W. atives are Invited to attend both J o s l y n A r t Q s * » . 1 P. m . — C e n services and receptions which will
Dr. Sheldon II.
Judaism Institute At Temple Israel
(Continued from Page 1) '' [ -,'.. ] us for happier, more contented,' more useful life by making of our•.'•Ivcs more worthy Jens and belter citizens. l'lantcil Meed | I'hnt is what fifty yearn of hfel'»ry in Omaha luis done for us of , Omnha, my friends; for the seed I must \m planted Iwforc the rruitr r in grow. How well did the fruit' crow? I New brick mid murtar . . . holdin:: together goodness of heart. . , i the sacred spirit , . . the fellow '•rvict- . . . there has been plenty. Now and beautiful edifices for all nf our congregation . . . n beautiful, I outstanding Home for the Aged 1 . . . a functional Jewish Community Center with a new concept— a community center for all Jews, rather than for the so-called undt.'rnrivileged segments. A rabbi, who came here as s youngster out of college, mAOA contributions to and received of tin; existing inspiration of service, anil went forward to become the head of the largest reform congregation in the world. Another rabbi . . . another fine spiritual leader..» went forth from Omaha to become the rabbi of one of the largest conservative congregations In that world. And still another rabbi, coming to Omaha in his youth, left here to become the national leader of the Important HOlel Foundation.
The 17Ui annual Institute on Judaism for the clergymen ol Omaha and vicinity will be held at Temple Israel Friday, Feb. 1 1 Rabbi Sidney 11. Brooks an nounced. The Institute which Is sponsored by the congregation of Temple Israel will have as its speaker Dr. Sheldon H. Blank, chairman of the faculty and professor of Bible a t the Hebrew Union College, Jewish ter. ,*:;"-V:. ••'- ••• Institute of Religion at Cincinnati, Leathercraft Class. 7 J O p. m.— Ohio. ..Center.- :...-••-. ... . V>., . '•'/:'•. Rabbi Benjamin Groner* Cantor The purpose of the Institute, Omaha Symphony, 8:30 p, m , — Ell Kagan and ttae Beth Israel Growing Rabbi Brooks explained, is to preJ o s l y n . • • • • . : • • ' . ' . • ; - '-•:(•::.' • . ;•'.';:•;. choir will conduct the service this I say the fruit blossomed heref sent scholarly studies of Judaism Friday evening at 8 p. ra. . WMlnMtey, F t b . U that are of interest to Christian Listen:—A Jew organized the f l n t Mizrachi. W o m e n . 1 p . m . — C e n Community Chest for Omaha. Traditional Friday evening servministers, ter. ;•*.••, ..•.:••':, ::--. : *• - \ : \ - ' \ ices (KabboUs Shahbos) begin at [-'Rabbi Blank holds the degree of Boys Town . . . known throughout Leo Eisenatatt, a member oi Doctor of Philosophy from tho the world . . . led nnd Inspired by C e n t e r O r c h e s t r a , 8 p . m . — C e n - 5:30 p. m, Sabbath morning servt e r . • • . - . : v : ••.;.• .*••> •... ••••••• .• •..' ice* begin a t 8:30 a. ra.; Junior the executive committee of the University of Jena, Germany, and Father Flanagan, was named, proj* B'nsi B'rith Women, Monsky congregation at 9:30 a. m.; Babbi Omaha Federation for J e w i s h was ordained a rabbi at the He- ectcd and stimulated by two OmaChapter Adult Education, 8 p. m Groner will conduct the Talmud Service, was elected vice-president brew Union College. An eminent ha Jews. An elected Mayor of class a t 5 p. m. Sabbath Hincha of the Omaha Bar Association. teacher, he Is the author of num- Omaha, with the biggest vote ever •*• — - H e r o e s . ."' -'• * *! Mr. Qjenstatt served as a mem- erous scholarly studies In the field enst, a Jew • • . member of tha "*:••; ••• " Thursday, Feb. 1 7 " • ' • ' • • • • at 5:30 p. m. followed by Sholeshe ber of the association's executive of Bible. Board of Hegentu of the UniverHadassah Group Boards, 12:30 S*cudos and Maariv. Doily mom- committee last yenr. Ing services at 7 a. m.; afternoon At the morning session Dr. sity of Nebraska, a Jew . . , n .' p . . n j . - ' - H D r n e s . . ' . - " . ' : • :•:• , • • Herbert Dolgoff Is also an of- Blank will discuss "The Relevance member of the Hoard of Regent* Temple Study Group, 1 p. in.— services at 5:45 p. m. Sunday morninj; services begin at 8:45 a. [ccr of the bar association. of the Prophet." In the nftcmoon of the Municipal University of T e m p t e . :• • • ' ;•.•••'• m. followed by breakfast and * * * a luncheon will be served to the Omaha, a Jew . . . also a Jew on Bridge C1iiS», 7:30 p. m.—Center Leonard Gurvitz, program direc- ninlsters by the Temple Sbter- the Hoard of Trustees of the Jesuit "'••- JewishWar Veterans and Ladles Rabbi' class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan, followed ur of the Jewish Community hcx>d untler the chairmanship of University of C'rrlj:h(on . . . and a Auxiliary, 8 p. m.—Center. Ijy breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. rn. Center, was elected vice-president Mrs. Julia Jacobs. Dr. Blank will Jew on the Hoard of the excellent .'. B. 4 P. Hadassah, 8 p. m — The Talmud Dbicusxion group if the Nebraska Seciion, Ameri' discuss "The flrent Art of a Tron- qiiscopalian girls' school, Brown' Homes. •11 Hall. t" following the luncheon. Kadlnuh Meeting, 8:30 p. m.— meets every Tuesday evening at an Camping Association. Profi-ssor Hans Bacr, director of Did the planted seed grow? A p. m. at HUH Synagogue, 19th Homes. lie Center Piano Studio, has been Jew. president of the State Board I 'ind Curt. B.I. Men Will Hold iimed piano instructor in the mu of Kdueatinn; president of tho Tu Brshvat Assembly city-wide P. T. A.; a Jew, presisic department of Dana College, 'aris Theme Dance dent of Itotary Club; a Jew, Chief Blair, Nebr. To Be Held at Beth El The River Seine will move to f Stuff of one of our fine hospiServices will be held at Temple Mr. Bacr will teach there once Pupils f Beth El Talmud Torah Israel at 8 o'clock Friday evening. a week d u r I n g this semester. Fifty-second S t r e e t , Saturday, ils; three Presidents of the Comwill celebrate Tu Blshvat Sunday Kiibbl Sidney H. Brooks will share CIIKSCS at the Center Piano Studio March 5, when the Beth Ismcl munity; a Jew also rhotea morning, Feb. 13 In an Assembly the pulpit with Dr. Sheldon H in Omaha will be held at the Men's Club will hold their Apache o head the city-wide Community Dance. The dance, first of the Chest money-raising activity; a program at 11 a. m. in the Sodal Blank of the Hebrew Union Col- usual time. Spring series of the Dance of the ctv, the president of Childrcns. Half. A playlet entitled "New Tear U.-KQ. Rabbi Brooks will conduct Month club, will use the Parix- .Memorial Hospital, one of tha ths service andpreach on "God for the Trees" will be presented, b r enne dance tus their theme. The great Institutions of our commu- " - Class Bet; the Keren Ami Council in -the Public Schools." * . atmosphere and decorations will Ity; Jews on the Symphony. Services Saturday morning a t will perform tte. certmcnfal tree be In keeping with a typical Hoard; a Jew on the Library planting;. ClaSB Vov 3 win tender 11:30 o'clock for adult* and re- David Brodkey French cabaret and the costumes lirmrcl; Jews in Boy Scouts . . . ligious school students will be fola choral rcadmg. The' Tallnud Services were held Wednesday, Tprah Choir will lead the assem- lowed by Kiddush for oil present. Feb. 9; for David; Brodkey with of. the dancers will reflect the find, 1 must not lcava this, out, a bly In Isroeli songs. ;..,'/•••.•:;' .:.: Rabbi Brooks will deliver the scr- Interment at Beth O t a * Cemetery mood of Urn ovc/ilng. The Ernie Jew, Kinii of Ak-Sar-Bcn. Presman hand with vocalist Julie Mrs,U-'JH F. Levenson, Jewish- monelte. I have hit only the high spots. in Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Brodkey Uornstein will provide the music National.. F o n t President, will predied in Los Angeles at the age of Ticket sales are being conducted 1 rould relate numerous others. sent the tree certificates;' •-': Omaha Club in Phoenix 04. lie had moved there from I won't take your time to enumunder the chairmanship of Dave erate the leadership of our, fellow Followine tbe distribution of Omaha about 33 y e a n ago. Beber and Ilichard Kplegal. Those Jews of Omaha, on tho national fradtUonat Tu.. Blshvaf refresh- Beets New Officers Survivors Include two sisters. wishing reservation?) irill ItK ments b i the Beth . » • Sisterhood nnd local Jewish scenes. As imLouis HUtlln was elected-prcsi' Mm. Essie Da» and, Mrs. ISa 0201, RE fi2H8 while tickets lire portant as they are, they,'are loo.' Talmud'; Tbrahi. :cnnwnMee, the ICooIUh, both of. Los Angeles. itlU available. program wffl,db*e with the shdw^ dent of the Omah- Oub of Phoenumerous and not necessary; I nix, Ariz., at the annual election f h g o f arr Israeli': motion, picture. fcol, to mention autllls time. held at their last meeting. Other Harry Greene : There,will bfi no regnlar classe* Are we of the present carrying; officers arc: Doan Davidson, first Services were held Wednesday, for i the- T i l n m * Tonih- Sanduy. forward the ideals, the objectives, Felx 13: but aU Tatau4. Tojah vice-presld(?nt; Sam Friedman, sec- Feb. 9, for Harry Greene with InThe Adult Education Evening the teaching of our past fifty pupils are required to come to the ond vice-president; Mrs. .S.'imuel terment at Pleasant Hill Ceme- tudy Group of B'nal B'rith Henry years, BO that those who follow D. Nerenb?rg, secretary; Al Wild, tery. Mr. Greene, 71, an Omaha Tji Blshvat Assembly. .lonsky Chapter No. 470 will meet us can reex'ive from the present treasurer, and Mrs. Jake Lagman. Insurance man for 35 years, died t 8 p. m., Wednesday, Fcb. 10, at what we received from the pastT lailing committee chairman. at a l o c i hospital Tuesday, Feb. 8. he home of Mrs. Chnrlea Forman, The record sliall have to speak for Outgoing president Carl 13. MildOmohoRdbbisUrge A native of St. Louis, Mo., he 032 N. 50th Bt. Mrs. Alexander itself. er was honored at a'dinner at the came to O m a h a in 1897 and ie will review "The Mind * • • Careful Driving Arizona Ambassador. A gift was w o r l t o d for the Union Pacific .live" i;y Harry and Monaro OverTime pushes on, my friends. We The rahhis of Omaha, in support uuule by tho club to Uie new AZA Railroad for twenty years before treet. Mrs. Joseph Guss will be of the National campaign for safe cjunp beinr; iiuilt nt Prescott, Juinim; the Northwestern Mutual o-hostoss. Guests are welcome arc now writing the next chapter of our history. The next fifty driving, call on all members of Ariz. Life Insurance Company. rnes. Julia Jacobs and Arthur year period has already comth£ Jewish community to "dediSurvlvore include his wife, Mln- 'arilman are study group ehair- menced. If we continue to gather cate themselves to tne prc'.soi-X'alie; a con, Dr. Arthur M. Greene. tin? inspiration . . . the spiritual tton of human life ansl health by History Course of Omahn; two brothers, Mauriceunderstanding*. . . the volucd conconsistently careful anci consid- Offered at Bah Israel o." Juliet, 111., and Aaron of Chicepts of our own people for a erate driving." j cago, 111.; and a sister, liess, of fisitors better life for all people . . . our in Groner release from the S, The Synagogue I "auui m-njamin uroncr of ot Keth uem Chicago. fiitti>r tastnry shall bo as glorious ' Mr. and Mrs. Isadora n Council of Omaha continued: "WL-|l!'r;'c>l Synngopjc will begin Jiis series of lectures and <iisc»3' if Buenos Aires, Argentina, arc as the past. deem careful driving to b« the We shall make ounelves great siting with their cousins Mr. and fulfillment of a milzvnh; carelesr sions un Jewish history at 9 p. m., Mrs. David Febiowift rs. Monroe D. Itosc-nbcrK of by doing great service for others. Services were held Wednesday. driving wo consider a transgres- Munilay, Feb. U in the Talmud Torah. Gray^el's "History of the Feb. 2 for Mrs. David FeblowiU- imaha. They are touring in the sion of our religious obligation to preserve and |;uard human life"] Je«'isri people" will be used as the with Interment at Beth Hame- initcd States. Bridge Class j textbook for the course. drosh. Hagodel Cemetery. Mrs. Thesff classes will be held reg- Feblowitz, G2, died Tuesday, Fcb XKttlONAL DKKKNSB The new supervised play bridge Sailing Date Advanced ularly evary Monday evening and 1 in a local hospital. Washington (JTA)—Secretary class Is still open for registration. are open to the public. RegistraMrs. Feblowitz was a native of State John Foster Dulles waa Under the direction of James The next sailing dato of Zim- tion can be arranged by calling Chicago, III., and waa a long-time .sked for "an expression from the Andre, the class will mcot ThursIsrael pnssencer liner S.S. Jerusa- Mrs. Charlotte Ilaplan, Beth Israel resident of Omnha. .dministratlun to the effect that day evenings in the* Center at lem originally scheduled for Mar. Institute of Adult Studies regisSurvivors include a sister, Mrs. rocl is being Included In our re- 7:30 p. m. Fee for,tlie ten week 21 has been changed to 3 p. m. trar at RE 6288. There are no tui- Max Blotcky; two daughters, Mrs. ional defense planning." The re- course is five dollars for ten March 18 to assure arrival of pas- tion fees for the course and the T. A. Newman of Omaha and Mrs. uest was made by Congressman lesson!). For further Information eengers in krael well In advance only expense is tho coat of the Bernard Fox of Chicago;, and three imes Roosevelt of California, in call tho Center activities of flea textbook. grandchildren. Of Fcsach. atJAMCG. letter to Mr, Dulles.
Beth Israel
Omahans In the News
Temple Israel
B.B. Study Group
Friday. February II, 1985.
I Council Annual Supper Dance
Ticket chairmen Mmes. I. II. Weluer, Leo NORK ami Stultify FUk, pictured frr>m lift to right, announce the Annual Supper IJanro of the Nnflonnl Council of Jewish Women, Oinuha Section, will be heir at the I'onti-nollc Hotel, Saturday, Feb. 10. The affair will start at 0 p. m. and a Imffel gupper will lie nerved. A Hve day stay at tim I'lnnilnco Hotel In I-as Vepas, Nov., will be awarded to a lucky ticket Inlliler. Tlehets may be purchaiiud from Mmeii. Dave Bernstein, Melvln Dolgoff, Edwin 10. Hrodkry, Harold Farber, Uoyd Friedman, Albert Vox, Mill Vine, Sin-Mem Hants, Stanley Herzoff, Lazttr Kaplan, Sherman Spcrllnjf, Ililncan Wlntrnuh, Samuel Zachnrla, William Kulman, Ernest A. NORIT, Morton Itlrharda, Albert Illmmrniian, Meyer Rubin, Milliard Bosrnbere;, Sidney Singer, Albert Steinberg, Ray Simon and I. M. Tretlak.
Council Women National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, will hold their regular luncheon meeting at 1 p. m., Tuesday, Feb. 15 at the Jewish Cc.ttmunity Center. Mrs Edward Gilbert education vicepresident will preside. Mrs. Hy Shrler, program chair mnn, will present an original musical comedy entitled "Flamlnga Mambo." Members of the cast are: Mmes, William FORCI, Stuart Muskln, Richard Goldman, Milton M n r K o 1 i n, Donald Schocnbaum, Morris Shapiro, Donnld Nu;;i», Leon Kcllmun and Hubert Silvcrmnn. Musical nceompanist will bo Mrs. Russell Luncheon chairmen arc Mrs. Louis Alberts and Mrs. Joe Freeman. Babysitter Kervice will bo provided. Mrs. Charles Schneider, Council's icRisIation chairman, traveled to Lincoln this week to attend a hearing of the Labor and Public
Welfare Committee of the Nebraska Legislature on the Fair Employment Practices Commission.
Hadassah The Hadfljsah Croup Boards will meet for 12:30 p. m. Dsss Luncheons Thursday, February at the following homes: Theodor llorzl Group board will meet at the home of Mm Leon Fellman, 301 So. 53rd St. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Robert Feinbcrg and Mrs. Seymour Zoob. Chatm Welzmann Group board will meet at the home of Mrs. David Blelchcr. 5514 Jackson St. with Mnr. Hymlo Gendler as cohoxtcss. Henrietta Szold Group board will meet at tho home of Mrs. Herbert Forbes, 122 So. 50th St. with Mrs. Meyer Linda as co-hostess.
Thank You
Mizxachi Women A special dessert luncheon at 1 o'clock, will precede the business meeting of Oinuha Chapter, M rachi Women at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday, Feb. 10. It will be provided by Mrs. George Kaplan, In memory of her late son-in-law, Abo l!oi;anfloff of Knnsns City, Mo. The business rnectlnc will be <le voted U> the coiJeeUon of Moes C'hitiin, the fund which provides l'u.ssnver necessities for the needy in Israel. Following the meeting, tin.- sitlt whlcli was iiostiraned from the January meeting because of Inclement weather, will be p Ecnteri with Mrs. J. Abramson and Mrs. Harry Pnskowitz tailing the leading parts. Mrs. Li.'wis Gerelick announced that siie and h'.T assistant, Mrs. B. fjrossmrjn, have been promised a larj;e miantity of home-iiuide gnodles for the Bake Sale to beheld at the ISrandeis Stores Monday, Feb. 14. Tlio JNF Trees chairman re. ported that the following have purchased trees for planting In Israel: the chapter, in honor of the recovery of Mrs. William Epstein; Habbl and Mrs. M. M. Pollakoff, in honor of the jocovery of Mrs. Hattie Thum of New York City; Mir. Joseph Batt, in honor of the recovery Of Mr. Max Peltz. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Colick, In memory of Jake Kaplan; the chapter, Mrs. Harry Slutzky, in memory of Gussle Alperson; the chapter, In memory of Fannie Shapiro; Mrs. Gus Berg, In memory of her husband, In memory of her dajghter, Eva Berg, in memory of her son, Abe Bogdanoff, of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldstein, Mrs. Sophie Rothkop, Mrs. Jennie Priesman, In memory of Ben Chait.
B'nai B'rlth Henry Monsky and N e b r a s k a Chapters wishes to thank the committee that planned and executed the Citizenship Award Luncheon honoring Miss Thresa Clark. They Included: Joneph Gus.1 and William Stone. Coclmlrmcn were assisted by Mmes. Anron K|>steln, Dave Bleichcr, Harry Wise, Sidney Snyder, Max ICrizclman, George Colin, Simon The Blkur Cholim Society will Rife, Gcorfte Shapiro, Phil Kutler, hold their regular dessert lunchSeymour Kaplan and Julius New- eon meeting Monday, Feb. 14, nt nian. 1 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Ben Wine and Mrs. Max Shames, luncheon chairmen nre planning a surprise for those attending. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swift wish After the regular business meetto thank their friends for their ing, birthday party movies taken gifts nnd good wishes for their at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish son David who has recovered from Home for the Aged will he shown. Injuries received recently. The next Ilikur Chollm spon-
Bikur Cholim
Thank You
Beth H Mr. and Mrs. party
Tho liitli El Sisterhood Mr. and Mrs. Farty will be hold In the hynagogiio noelul hall at 8:80 p. m., Saturday, t'eb. It, The Central High Traveling Flayers will perform. Members of the east are Jerry Zlegnmn (left), Stan Wldmon (lower center), 1'hll Sehnner (upper center) nnd Mike Sol/jnan (rls;ht). Others not ahotrn are Ed Ber> rnvlcl, Fran »avldHon, Myra Vllasnlek, Jo Wells, Ellrn OrecnbergV Alurrlel (irrrn, Snndy Oarey and Jane Fellman, Sol I'anow will serve tm m u t e r of ceremonies. Mrs. Seymour floldnton and Mrs. Morlry ZIpanky are co-chairmen for the affair.
JWV Auxiliary The February meeting cu* the Epstein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary No. 260, Jewish War Veterans of the United States will be held Thursday, Feb. 17, at 8 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. Award certificates will be presented to members who have held continuous membership for at least five years. Mrs. Abe Bear, Americanization chairman, is completing plans to present an American flag to an
Omaha school on behalf of tho Auxiliary. Mrs. J. Mifton Margolin, chair* man for overseas packages, has announced that packages will:be sent to Omaha and Council Bluffs Jewish servicemen who are serving overseas at this time. Anyone knowing of a Jewish serviceman
who Is overseas is ffl&ed to please call Mrs. Margolin atXL. 466& Plans are being made for the visit of the National President o£ the Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary, who will he in Omaha the end of February and March 1. A luncheon Is being planned for1 March 1, at 1 p. m. The time and sored birthday party at the Home place will be announced along with will be hold Feb. 35 at 7:30 p. m. the complete agenda for the NaAll members and friends are most tional President's visit, at a later cordially invited to attend. date.
Valentine Gifts for Him . . . Straight Up Cupid's Alley!
Kadimah Chapter Mrs. Charles Guss has been selected as Kadlmah's best cook and will appear on Betty Tolsom'a KMTV projtram sometime in Mar. Arrangements .ire being completed by Mrs. Melvin Brown and hor committee for a de^gert lunchcon to be held nt Brandeui auditorium Miirch 21.
BJ. Sisterhood B'nai Jacoh-AdaH Jcxhuron Sisterhood will hold Its regular monthly meeting nt 1:30 p. m;, Tuesday, Feb. 15 in the synagogue nodal hall. Refreshment-? will be served. All members are urrjed to attend.
B&P Hadassah •The Business and Professional Chapter of Hadassah will hold a board meeting at 2:30 p. m., Sunday, Feb. 13 at the home of Mr«. Philip D. Schwartz, 108 S. 50th nv. Supper will be served and Mre. Schwartz, chapter president, will entertain.
Swank Cuff Link and Tie Bar Sets Win His Heart! Whether his ta»te« aro vivid or conserva._ _ t i v e you're sure to find a set that will * \ l l pleato him in our wonderful new asortment • , " . of beaiiiiful Swank jowolry. We especially • rocommend the new initial set, with graceful filigree design in black background. *Rat 10'/. Tax
Famous Gold Toe Ribbed Nylon Stretch Socks One size of these romarkable socks fits everyone, for fhey'ro mado of miracle Hclcnca nyIon that ttrctchos to conform to ovory foot. And they're oh-so-comfortable. In red, pink, helio, mint, gold, navy, maroon, charcoal, black, tan, brown or cognac.
Men's Furnishings—Main Hoar
.00 IV
fag• F«n»
By Llndy Paul
AZA 1A, riding in second place. • full game off the pace had another tough match with the AZA 100A team and took a 50-39 win. They wjre paced by Alon( Chub) Passer . and Stan Widman who •cored IS points. Jack Oruch, B team graduate contributed 10 lm portant points. Speedy Zwelback and Jerry Simons led the Centurymen with 14 and 12 points respectively. League leading Raytal, tuning Up for their final game with AZA 1A Feb. 22 rode hard on their 8 squad and wound up victors by the lopsided icore of 83-23. Al Corey with 27 points paced the attack while Howard Goldjtein added; 19. Bob Oberman led the B team with 11 points. MIDGET LEAGUE Cowboys' basketball squad witn seven players scoring gave Pacific Fish their second loss by slapping a 20-12 defeat on them. Mike Green with seven points was high white Mike SadoMky added five. Dick Zacharia and Harold Forbes (cored (our points for the losers, Rlchman-Gordman took another close encounter as they came from behind to defeat I-Oo Van, 12-10. Steve Guss with five points, Gordy Hollls with four and Arnle Fellmnn with three points accounted for the winners' scoring. Jeff Wohlner had six for the losers. Hires Root Beer, with n 36-29 win over S. Ulekes & Sons are now aolc posscsors of first place. Danny Hollia and Mike Platt were the one-two punch as they bit for 10 and 13 points respectively. Stuart Fogcl had 12 for the losers. Fireside Restaurant, red hot after defeating Hires last week put the skids on Gerclick Motors with . a 22-16 win. Steve Seglin led the assault with 14 points. Walt Wise had six for the losers. Jonlura W. I* Pacific Fish -. :.... 6 2 Rlchman-Gordman 5 3 Cowboys ;..". 3 5 I-Go Van 2 6 Seniors '
Hires Root Beer Gcrellck Motors' Fireside Rest. .' S. ftlckes & Sons
.'...6 5 4 1
• ij.
2 3 4 7
TO B LEAGUE •AZA IB cinched at least a tic for the YC B league as they ran over the AZA 100C team, 40-7. The D
Friday, F e b r u a r y 11, 19."J3.
B'naiBYith Bowling
Jay Basketball ;
squad lads, with throe games remuinint' huvc a three game leac over Kayitu C and urc a sure bol to notch league honor*. Mike Per sell, Willard Plotkin and Al Krlzelman were he hH;h scorers wit 12, 10 and 8 points rcsixjctively. AZA 100B, with three lads con' tributlng to the scorinR took re venge against K;.yim C nnd beat them in a close 21-18 battle. Tills gives the junior Centurymen a tie for second place as there are now' three gomes left. Stuart Kutler with nine points led the way, while Jeff Swartz and Mike Blatt each added six. Howard Welnbcrg paced the Rayim team with eight points. gUndinn W.U AZA IB 8 Rayim C .5 4 AZA 10OB 5 4 AZA100C 0
Jr. B.B. Bowling BUI KaUman led the league this week with his 310 series. BUj had games of 175 and 135. —• Jeanne Silver was high in the TllrU' division with her 272 series. Jeanne had games of 143 and 127. Eddie Wintroub converted the 6-7 split ' » Other High Qnmes and Series) Mike Platt 161-136—297 David Wintroub . . . . 176-108—28* Roger Smith . . . . . . 142-131—273 Eddie Wintroub . . . . 142-117—259 Judy Wohlner 130-123—253 Barbara Bcreutt . . . 135-116—251 Cindy Klein 126-124—2S0* Stuart FORCI 124-123—247 Lenora Falk 130-114-244 Stan Greenfield . . . . 123-121—244 Tonl Fcllmnn 152- 91—243 Mickey Sncks . . . . . . 152- 90-242 Judy Lazcr 135-100—241 Nnncy Richards . . . . 125-in—236 Harriet Schlnft . . . . 128- 96—224 Dusty Grecnbcn; . . . 135- 89-224 Dennis Schulman . . 134- 87—221 Judy Conn 122- 99-221 Sharon Frank 120- 98-218 GallTretlak . . . . . . . 1TO- 87-21 Beverly Bloom 110-107-217 Larry Gllinsky 115- 99--2M Steve Binck .» 318- 9C.-21 Joyce Xoom . . . " . . . . 108-105- 211 Harold Forb r, 111-100--211 Dale Knulii 119- 90-209 Estclle Schulmnn , . 117- 90-207 Marly* Ixnck 110- 97-207 Cherna Schrager . . . 110- 96-206 Gloria Ostrow 119-85-204 CarolynDolfjoff . . . . 123- 79-202 Douglas Platt 115- 87—202 Nancy Vender 102- 98—200
I Junior Spotlight
"A" Division IV. Philips Dept. Store . . . . . 34 2 Midwest Water Heaters . . 33 3C Fireside Restaurant 33 30 Wolf Brother* . . . . . . . . . . 33 30 OmaH Jobbing • • ' . . . . . . . 32 3 Mys Beauty Shop . . . . . . 30 33 Shukrt's . . 2 9 34 Meyen News . . . . . . . . . . . 28 39 High Game* and Serial Annette Frank, 201—524; Evelyn Hoborman, 189—511; Flora Bloom, 184—511; Ruth Klein, 178 —502; Rae Wintroub, 202-482 Esther R J U , 477; Mickey Kate man, 185; iibby Hoberman, 179; Ruth Kraft, 179. Splits: Evelyn Hoberman, 3-7-10; Helen Gould. 5-6-10. "B" Division W. L. Lyn's Florist 36 27 Smith Pontlac 34H 2814 Komc/g Paint Co. . . . . 33W 29H Angle's Beauty Salon . . 32tt 30V> Klsh Furs. 31 32 Colony Club 30H Mogcn David Wine ...." 28 39 Hamilton Pharmacy . . . 26 37 High Game* and 8erle* Dorothy -Feltman, 196 — 449; Shirley Welnsteln, 158—434; Betty Perclman, 160—423; Ida Sachs, 170-420; EUlc Schloff, 416; Rose Sachs, 162-403; Rose Rosen, 163 Phyllis Frank, 160; Rose Sabes. 154; Faye J Smith, 151; LotUe Bloch, 151. Parkway B
Gerelick Motors . . . . . . . . 13 Ranks 13 Harvey Chicken 13 Milder Oil 11 Riteway TV 9 Wolfson-Gcrbcr . . , 9 Sol Lewis Co 8 Canadian Ace 8 Hoberman Plumbing . . . 7 Forbes Bakery 7 Grace-Mayer 5 Hicliman-Gordmiin 4 Harry Wolfson made high game of 224 and high series of 545.
Jr. Y.C. Bowling
W. L. Lucky leaguers 29 11 lUiylm Jrs. 26>i 13!i Hokey Pokes 26!i 13!i The Curves . . . . . . . . . . 2 T > 15 Blue Eagles 22 18 Cozy Farmers 17 23 Fancy Pants 14',i 25'i Bowling Bums 14',» 25 4 Belles 14 26 7th Heaven 12 28 High Game* and HrrlM Sldman-136,125-261: Shricrdren's Home. The pledget have 130, 121—254; Wise—114, 1 3 2 worked .at the Jay fixing up the 246; S. Guss—107, 146—253; and fUekes—173—267. dressing rooms.
Youth Council Doings Linda Kavich and Judy Ban announced a new fund raising project this week, the proceeds to so to the Heart Association. Linda stated thit baby pictures of Youth Council members will be posted above collection jars located in the outer Youth Council Office,at the Jewish Community Center. By dropping cola* into the containers teen agers and adults will be casting votes"1' for the "ugliest man" and the "cutest pah." The two receiving'(he greatest number of coins v.iU be designated winners. Judy said tlm winners ah? to lie announced in two weeks In the Jewish I'iv,s and the Youth Council News. She also urges everyone to participate in this worthwhile project. BAYI.VT • In last week's competition. Rayim took over first place in the Y. C. basketball race. The Traveling Trotipn gave n performance at Veterans Hospital last week. The fraternity has ir.jde arrangements through the Volunteer Service Breau U> work nt the Goodwill Industries. Steve Simon recently Won the Intra-clty ping-pone; tournament and Jerry Simon captured first place in a rifle match at the city rifle range. BBO B'nal E'rith'Girls will participate In Brotherhood Services Friday, Feb. 25 at Beth Israel Synagogue. Each girl is asked to bring a girl from another faith. Debka Debs Debs Communlt; Projects Committee will make stuffed animals to be sent to the Nebraska Chil-
'A.Z.A. 100 At the next meeting of AZA 100 Ed Sneldcr will present an ADL program. The club will hold a party Feb. 19 at the Fireside Res tmirant, which Is being planned by Bob Epstein, social chairman. MI'ITIIXTS are
selling ads
Fujnuuid Reminder % Don't forget that this Sunday Is the day when' the second funpacked session of FUNLAND bogins at the Center. The program will start at 2 p. m. and conclude at 4:30 p. m. If you have been unable to register for tho program, registration will be taken in person before 2 p. m., Sunday.
Y.C. Girls1 Bowling W. " h. Debs Nebs 21 I'ma Savkit 18 The Cutles 16 Lucky Strikes 16 Screwballs 15 4 Cuter Girls 12 The Hobos ....11 The Turkeys 9% 3 or Us & 1 8 Knock On Wood . . . . 8
Lucky Four
TIKVAH AMI The new project committee of Tikvns Ami headed by L e o n a lirown is making Valentine favors for the Creche Home. They arc Iti'jne IK 13GQ to tnrcrt youl WiiM At also planning a program to be Tbe JCMUU I'rrna. Current rate U tAt etnti tot raiji Interpresented for the children at the an. Th« Vitas nxrrvat the rlgM to lluill it ot each advertisement. Creche Home Feb. 19. Members will attend services at OAft and Bas Mllzvah congratuKeth Israel Synagogue Feb. 18. lations also for all Jewish holiT. A.'r, Scavenger Hunt will be days and special occasions. held P'eb. 12. •leyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge
Want Ads
IAKE extra money. Address, Mall postcard* sparetlme every week. Write Box Fourteen, Bclmont, Mass.
The following Keth Israel Synagogue Youth Clubs will meet this Sunday at 4 p. m.; Girls Arts and FURNISHED room for one person In aparUnent building near 25th 'rafts in arts and crafts room; and Farnam Rts. Call JA 13G6 Dar-D-Kny In recreation room; during the day and HA 1201 in Boys Arts and Crafts In second the evening. floor of Talmud Torah, and Camera Club at C p. m. in the dark vOST—Gray Homburg hat at room. Beth Israel Synagogue Sunday, Feb. 6. Call Herbert Forbes at WA 5178. Patronize Our Advertisers
In line with helping; seniors with their cille^e and vocational plan.';, the Youth Council li,v; developed "Operation Intm iew." This program will consist of |M'i.son;il intervieur. and thi>cus.sions with the Youth Council L'irector. Ilnch hi(|h sciiool senior has received descriptive literature of this program, which starts the first of next week. Other material aids available from the Jewish Community Center are a complete library of college catalogues, fact materials on the particular schools, books on college topics, and a fi|e of occupational information.
Mechanics Class To Soup Up Motors Under the direction of Bill Forgarty, the Youth Council sponsored Motor Mechanic* Class hai advanced beyond the novice mechanic stage. Starting with Thursday's session, member* will "bop up" V-8 engines. The class la made of three sections. .Those interested in developing their mechanical experience* may still register for this activity at the Youth Council Office. The registration tec for the course to $2.00.
3 6 8 8 9 12 13 1414 16 lfi
7ii. 16"4
High Five Game* Hnrrlet Epstein. 191; Matin Katleman, 1G0; Bonnie Splcgal 145; Fayann Sokoloff, 114; and Sandy Krizelman. 137. Patronize Our Advert iiers
Cleaned in Your Home! DON IHNSTEIM
Orpaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
their annual King Dance to be lii'ld in April at the Highland Country Chib. Howard Kooper, Al Fonimn anil JJennet llornstein are planning the affair.
Beth Israel Clubs
IJy Feme Kntlcmun 6th Graders Kl.( t The Center sponsored sixth grad girls' club held an election «< officers at their last meeting. Tin girls', who me the evening of February 5 at the home of Dian Fogel, chose Karen Feldman. president; Frances Ennan, vicepresident; Nancy Katz, secretary and Diane Fogel, treasurer. Outgoing officers are Ron! Meyer. Nancy Riekes, Susie Sacks and Deanne Shapiro. This group holds three elections per year. J.C-Hep Cats A regular meeting of the J. C Hep Cat* seventh grade girls' group was held last Sunday at the Jewish Community Center. Diane Rubinow was elected scrgcont-of arms. Among projects decided upon by the girls arc lessons ir cooking, a part;', group discussions and pre-teen films. The club also voted to register with the United Community Services Volunteer Bu reau; Mary Yager IS community service chairman.'
Operation Interview
Sunday Brunch
Served Buffet Stylo! All You,Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P.M.
ARE YOU THE MAN? If to, Northwestern National Life Imurance Company with branch offices in Omaha for over four dccadei hai an oponing at this time and will dcscuii ift franchiio with you. Sound training, plut adequate equity capital will be furnished without cost to you or your business. This franchiio will not bo granted unless in the final judgment of tho company and yourself, it will make moro monoy when underway than you are now making. Qualifications: Jewish, age 25-45; at least 5 years residont of community; currently employod or In business for yourself and dobt free.
Call AT 2628 (After Horn PL 2519) for Appointment .