February 18, 1955

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l. XXXIII—>fo. 21.

£nim-«*M ucco'id-Cittai ftiutici at i'o#toff let. Umnti&, Ncbr««iua. uutiei Act ot 1K7W-


Registration For Funland

ttiOiUibeil eycrj irrUair. 101 « . 20m, Oraana. Nebraska, i'toone JA 13F.&

1UU « pouaa COPJ 10 u u u

Tercenten< At Center aunaay'Night 100UO)S\JJ »}B)t; 41

Registration for the second .session of Kunlfind has been extended to Wednesday, Feb. 23, in order to give more children nn opi>ortiinAn American Jewish Cavalcade ity to participate in the program. entitled "Sweet Land of Liberty/ Funland is especially geared to wil\ be presented at 8:15 p. m. this Federation meet the leisure time needs of Sunday, Feb. 20, in the Jewish children In first through fifth Exec. Meeting Community Center Auditorium. grades and offers twelve weeks of This Forband Labor Zionist Caveducational and ctitert.'dninK acThe Lm-cutlw1 Committee of alcade will show in ten scenes the tivities, Miss Feme Katlrman, the KtJeratlon for Jewish Servhighlights of three hundred years Children's Activities Director, .statice will meet at 12:15 p. m, of Jewish life In America, ed. Krid.iy, Fell 18 at the Hlghl.ind Second ProgtMO Town Club In the Hill Hotel, Funland activities include arts The second program In the 195S Jack W. Marer Federation ftnd crafts, music, dancing, sports, Yiddish Cultural Series, stars Ben president announced. gomes and dramatics. Funlandcrs Bonus, Minna Bern and feature* will also participate in swimming Samuel Fershko, Michel Gibson •very other week, trips to Interand Yudl Dublhsky. "Sweet Land esting places In the city and special of Liberty" was written by playholiday programs. / wright MarkSchweld and Is based . Another highUgttt of tlic proMilton Livingston 1 (' on the American Jewish Tercengram will be camping trips. Overtenary. : night campouts will bo held at Camp Brewstcr where the youngYiddish Stars sters will sleep in a fully winterBen Bonus Is well-known for his ized: cabin, hike in Fontenelle Forunique characterization of Yiddish JUDICIAL APPOINTEE est, and be taught the arts of outand Hebrew songs. Minna Bern U door cookery and campcraft. The Community organizations i.,id Los Angeles CVNS)—Burnett a star of the "LI La Lo" Revue ' Wolfson, local attorney and Jewfirst of these trips was taken in Theater In Israel who has a special January and due to Its success the youth groups will observe Broth- ish communal worker who was restyle of pantomime. Michel Gib•ctlvlty will be continued in theerhood Week February,20 to 27. cently appointed to the California son is one of the leading player* Superior Court by Gov. Goodwin »prlng. of the Yiddish Art Theater and is Milton Livingston, president of J. Knight, at one time "was shinfamous for: his lnterpr«tattsn\ ot Some of the children already Temple Israel, Is co-chairman of ing shoes and selling papers In Yiddish classics and folklore. Yudl registered Include; Hetty Hrody, the Omaha Chapter of the Na- Minneapolis," according to a letDubinsky has distinguished himself 'Lynn Brody, Judy Davidson, Shir- tional Conference of Christians ter he wrote to his sister, Mrs. Jay in many roles in the Yiddish thealey ; Feldman, Cheryl Friedman, Gordon In Minneapolis. In his letter. An outstanding lsraett comLinda Gelfand, Sandra Gillnsky, and Jews, sponsors of Brother- ter to his sister Judge Wulfson, poser, Samuel Fershko composed Debbie Gordman, 1-oU Greenberc, hood Week in our area. who is a native of Minneapolis ami the music for "Sweet Land of LibBarbara Kutler .Sharon Miller, "Human Relations in Industry" a graduate of the University of erty." Janice Sircf, Mardee Sokolof, Su- has been selected as the theme for Minnesota Law School, extolled ndtoiAunl tickets are available sie Stevens, F.llcn Winetiky. RobBonn* America as a land ot opportunity at tlie Center Activities office or ert Batt, 1 .awrence Grossman, I«ir- this year's observance, for all. Neil B. Danberg, regional direcmay be purchased at the door on •ry Lnngman, Mark Plattner, Joel the evening pf the performance for Rich, Leon Itoss, I>in .Solotorov«ky tor of the conference, said about 75 cents per person, 1-ouls Wltkln, brotherhood: "It's more than just HUIM1EON and Donald SwarU. chairman of the Cultural Series, Washington (WNS)—Dr. LawTo register children, call the ar- talk; it's countless actions that arc stated. helping to overcome hatred. It's rence Miskal, prominent New York .tlvjtles office nt the Jewish Comsurgeon, disclosed this week^that Washington (JTA)—The Egypi erybody's job In their home and Tho series Is sponsored by the munity Center, JA 13fifi, or file your registration in person in the at work. How they treat their fcl- he had developed a new operating tian Embassy Monday began to Federation for Jewish Service. activities office. The next meeting lovvman determines his freedom. technique on heart patients which distribute a publication which is . of Funland will be this Sunday, Bigotry and prejudice even In con- can save the patients' lives. Dr> considered tlie m o s t extensive Official Says . . . - Feb. 20, at 2 p. m. Registration iS versation Is un-American. Broth- Miskal claimed that in 71 per cent compilation ot anti-Jewish propasix dollars for new members and erhood Week shines a big spot- ot the cases In which his technique four dollars for those children who light and reminds us of what was applied the results were suc- ganda disseminated by any foreign cessful, diplomatic office since the closing attended the first session. America stands for." of the Nazi German Embassy here Washington (JTA)—A State De* RABBI HEADS SOCIETY in 1941. partment official said here that' New York (WNS)—The AmeriThe publication, entitled "The the Arabs Avorry that Israel could! can Jewish Historical Society at S t o r y ot Zionist 'Espionage In beat them in & mVVVVary sYicw&ovm WK8T BKKMN PAVS Cordon to cut off his son from the Its 53rd Annual Meeting this week elected Dr. David de Sola Pool, Egypt," is an obvious attempt to and made known that it was hi* . Berlin (JTA)~The municipality will because he married a non- Rabbi of Congregation Shearith justify the recent hanging of the opinion that Israel probably could. • of West Berlin hiu approved a Jew. The son, Harold B. Gordon of Israel of New York, president of two Jew* in Cairo despite pleas Richard H. Sanger, chief public $2,300,000 payment In compensa- AtUcboro, plans to appeal the de- the'Society, succeeding Prof. Salo bf the United States Government idvtecr to Assistant Siscretary ot tion for the more than 25 Berlin cision to the U. S. Supreme Court W. Baron of Columbia University. and by the Governments of Britain State George V. Allen, told th» Middle East Institute that Israel Other newly elected, officers insynagogues wrecked during the and request a share In the $500,000 clude Pr. Joshua Bloch, Chief of and France. It tries to create the holds,the military upper hand beNovember pogroms of 1938 by Nazi estate. .Un Jewish Dlvlildn ot the N. Y. impression that Zionism Is eager cause it Is more technically adarsonists nnd dynamiters, with the The son, who married Veronica Public Library, vice-president and to promote Communism In Egypt. vanced than the Arabs, many of whom he described as still living assistance of the then municipal Ann Albaugh In 1949, five years Prof. Hyman B. Grinstcln of "Zionism and Communism arc In the "Twelfth Century." after his father died, contends his Veshlva University .recording secauthorities. retary. Dr. Lee M. Friedman of Mr. Sanger described the 1st from the amount of J2.500.000, wife was born of Uic Jewish faith Boston is honorary president ot two distinctive forces with one po- raclls as efficient soldiers ablo to litical objective —Mjcorld dominawhich cover* damage to the syna- because she converted shortly aft- the Society. ' : employ , the logistics of modern tion," the pamphlet asserts. "Both war. He characterized the Arabs gogue buildings a.i well as theer their man-Inge and, he maindestruction of furnshlngs and tains, according to the Orthodox IIIAB 1'UESIDENT powers cooperate g«$rotly and In as still thinking in terms. of the ' i equipment, a $200,000 advance Jewish creed, her conversion be- New York .(WNS)—Ben public without friction since the Individual rifleman. Tous- to the postwar Berlin Jewish Com- came retroactive to birth. (Ac- ter, Industrialist and Jewish com- power in the end will eventually The State Department official . munlty will be deducted. The pres- cording to the Talmud, a convert munal leader, has been elected to ; said Israel could not bo.corwtderet ent West Berlin Jewish Commu- to Judaism Is considered as If hethe first full term as President of go to Zionism." i t alleged that a Near Eastern state but was'» "Zionist* always Infuse colonized European state accidentally in the . Jilt/ Will receive J700.000, while hnd stood with th . souls of allUnited Idas Service, the recently; 91,600,000 is to go to the two other Jews on Mount Sinai when created Jewish International ml- countries with the Ideology of Near East. In order to maintain "successor organizations" for h<Ur- God gave tlie Torah to Moses). gratlona gency. Communism." a high level of llvlne, he »&V&, & Jes* personal and congregational small faction of Israelis advocate United Was Service was created property, the Jewish Restitution Mr. Gordon also contends that the last territorial expansion. B u t he August, through the merger marriage clause was Invalid on the Israel's Adverse T'uecessor Organization and the stressed that this was balanced by grounds it was against public pol- of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid SoJewish Trust Corporation. other opinion, and saVd thai mosV ciety (WAS), United Service for icy to restrict marriage. Israelis would not tolerate aggresNew Americans (USNA) and the COURT Al'PKAL sion because of world public opinJerusalem (WNS)—One of the migration aervlces of the Joint Boston (WNS) — The Massa- I'KACE DISTANT most optimistic analyses of the Is- ion. Distribution Committee. chusetts Supreme Court this week rael economy yet placed before Bctorc Presidential envoy. Eric Haifa (WNS)—The establishupheld the right of the late Joseph ment of peace between Lsrael and Parliament Was, presented last Johnston went to tlie Near East Beth Israel Citation week by Finance Minister Levi to promote regional water develthe Arab states cannot be expectEshkol when he introduced his opment, the Arabs felt Israel would ed In the near future, declared Dinner Date Changed budget for the liscal yeat 1955. Maj. Gen. K. L. M. Burns, United reject ttie scheme ana Israel. Nations Clilef of Staff of the truce The date for the third annual During the past year Israel's ad- thought the same about the Arabs; organization; in a speech at theBeth Israel Synagogue Citation verso trade balance had been cut Mr. Sanger said. He reported, Rabbi Maurice N. Elsendrath, Haifa Rotary Club recently. Award Dinner has been changed by 10 per cent, Its currency has however, that the Johnston plan president of the Union of Amcr-. bycreatlng a "psychologi- from March G to March 13, Harry been stabilized to such on extent received a "remaritable acceptIcon Hebrew Congregations will calOnly atmosphere" and changing the Sidman, president of the syna- that its credit had Jumped on the ance" from the Arabs and a degree discuss "The Three E's" on the attitudes leaders of both sides gogue announced. world markets, Its national income of acceptance from Israel. Message of Israel program over can peaceof be achieved, said. Gen. The dinner honoring Morris p. rose to such a point that Israel KOIL from 10:05 to 10:30 ». m. Burns. Stressing that a policy ot Jacobs for his outstanding civtc became the 13th nation in order of Polio Is no longer exclusively • revenge and retaliation should be work will be held at 6:30 p. m. in per capital income, forging ahead children's disease. The latest.MeTlie Eternal Light -rotfram avoided. Do iveommended the es- the synagogue social hall. of such industrial countries as Aus- veys show that 22 per cent ot all will be broadcast over WOW- tablishment of a system of cooper- Reservations may bo mado ot tria, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Tur- patients reported v<eW 20 yesra <* Itadlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 ation In police action by Israel and tho. synagogue office. Coll H.3 key and Japan. Meanwhile, the older, many of them breadwinner*, noon. Arab authorities to avoid infiltra- 6288. Reservations will be- limited cost ol living had remained con- Tlie March of Dimes needs your• tion. ' stant, Mr. Eshkol reported. to 500 person*. financial support.

Personalities Brotherhood Week In the News February 20to27

Egypt Releases Anti-Jewish Book

Israel Has Upper Military Hand

Global Report

Trade Balance Cttt

Sunday Radio



Strange Music Of Romanticism

by tbe Federation tor Jewish Service K fc lot u t of lunti*. IH7». HARRY H A L P E R T . . . . . .

It) II.nis I!,iir


Omaha Sketches Mrs. A r t h u r Goldstein, Do project chairman for B'nal B'riOi Henry Monsky Chapter, will travel to Lincoln, Neb., February 22 present the "B'nal B'rlth Dolls foi Democracy" program to the Lfn coin Inter-Club Council meeting, • * • Mr. and Mrs. Yale Richards announce the birth of a son, Bruce Steven, born Wednesday, Feb. in a local hospital. The couple has oitc other son, Howell Alan. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Epstein of Omaha and paternal grandmother Mrs. Abraham Richards of Omaha. • • • Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, Mrs. Sidney Brooks and Mrs. Paul Blotcky will attend the Temple Sisterhood Biennial Convention February 13 to 16 at the Statler Motel, Los Angeles, Calif. They arc delegates from Temple Israel. •

Father and Son Views Exchanged





Mr. and Mrs? Louis Paul an nounce the birth of a daughter Cynthia Ellen bom Monday, Feb. 14 In a local hospital. This is the couple's first child. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wise of Omaha and paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Max Paul of Chicago, 111. Great-grandparents aro Mr. and Mrs. L H. Cowan of Chicago


Alexander Slmrton

B&P Unit to Hear Hadassah Leader Mrs. Alexander L. Slmson, who has headed Hadassah'g nationwide Israel *3ond Drive since its incepti-< in 1951, will address an open meeting of the Businca and Professional Women of Hadassah at 2 p. m., Sunday, Feb. 20 at the Blackstonc Hotel. ' Luncheon will be served at 1

p. m.

A daughter. Joyce, was bom February 8 to Mr. and Mrs, Abe Rosenzweig of Houston, Texas. Mrs. Rosenzweig ii the former Miss Helen Leibcn of Omaha. The couple has 'one other daughter, Adele. Maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lciben of Omaha and paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Rosenzweig o Houston. • « • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raduzinor were honored Sunday evening on their fortieth wedding anniversary at a family dinner party given by their children,-Dr. arid Mrs. Ralph TurJcel and Mr. end Mrs. Bonnet Raduzlner, at the Cameo Room of the Fireside Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Raduzlner arc residents of Omaha for more than forty years.


A ton Norman Tony was born Friday, Feb. 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Den HeJsler in a local hospital. They have two other children Sidney aged eight and Susan aged five. Mr. and Mn. Monte Hermann ol Buffalo, N, Y., will visit their parents, Mr. and Mn. Leo Taub of Omaha. Mn. Hermann Is tbe former Miss Charney Taub.

Religious News 5:41 Caadlellfbtinc

Temple Israel Services will be held at Temple Israel at 8 o'clock Friday evening. In the absence of Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, Jack W. Maror will conduct the service, Seymour Kalpan regional director of the'Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. wll speak on "Can We Afford ItT" Services Saturday morning at 11:30 o'clock tor adults and ttu dents pf the Religious School will be followed by Kiddush for al present Mervln N. Lemmerman, eSucatlonal director, assisted by studonU ol the school, will conduct the Sabbath morning service.

Beth El

Friday, February IX, ln,-><s.

The German j™Mi poet Hun nib Iii'inc K.ilil itbnut lid ten ISM liciii't mutic: llu i: <wi nun,i n niclilingnle, a lark n» yn it is ,m (••JIKJC , . . Tlie music c.iiis( ^ inn In "Ireian ot tabultms cminus tiU< i witli fabulous «las." Those umil were spoken about one hiimli'v years ago, but we, the f.twr.ilion of the twentieth century iin> sill deeply and fa.srinafinrl> imjue sc< by the strange music of tin-, m r. tor of romanlici.Mii. (< i l,unl> Eometimes we feel tn tin; ollin applied sequences a kind uitniuit} of technique of cinnp'j ili'»n, l»i i..overrents from til 'S>niiihomi Fontnstlque" like "Hie Ball," "March to the Scaffiiirl ," "ltit.irr of a Witch's Snbbalh" .no of extraordinary musical effects and reveal tho linnienrie inflm nrc on later composer) like I.is/t, W.ijiner and nichard Strauss. Dr. Richard Duncan conducting the Omaha Symphony Orchestra Monday evening did it with knowledge and understanding for the strangeness of this music The "Unfinished Symphony" by Schubert with all Its loveliness and the nlwuy» It ipressive "Moldou" by Smctana were excellently . performed under Dr. Duncan's baton rounding out an eventful evening for the orchestra and audience.

Mrs. Slmson Is a second generation Zionist, her father having organized and headed the first Zionist group in Glasgow, Scotland^ She has jerved as a board member and vice-president ot a New York chapter of Hadosnoh. M n . Slmson hnj worked for Hadassah Dick McCann, news and public for more than twenty yean." service director at radio station KBON, will discus* "Four aspects of Brotherhod" at the meeting of Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354 of B'nai B'rith at 8:15 p. m. Wednesday .Feb. 23 In the Blackstone Ho tel Ballroom. Mr, McCann Is a former Nebraska schoolmaster, a past memSaturday, Feb. lg lUyim Stag—7:30 p. m.—Center ber ot the Board of the Om.-ih; National Council of Jewish Division, of the National Count! Women's Dinner Dance—8 p. m.-— of Christians nnd Jews, nnd a memljcr of the Iwartl of directors \Mitenclle Hotel. of the Omaha nrea Gltl Scouts Sunday, Feb. 20 1 Children ! Activities—2 p. m.— Council. .In/1952, he urbanized a Brotherhood Panel which has apCenter. Yiddish Cultural Scries — Far- peared bc-fre more th;in s i x t y band Concert—8:35 p. m.—Center. groups in our area. Members of B'nal B'rith charMonday, Feb. 21 Public Speaking Courso~9:30 a. ters are Invited to attend ana all members are urped to invite a m.~Center. Workmen's Loan—7;30 p. tn.— non-Jewish neighbor. A social hour will follow and re nter; , / freshmen Is will be served. Tuesday, Feb. 12 Pioneer Women's Luncheon—1 p. m—Center. Senior Council Study Group—1 p. ip.—Home. Mrs. William- Epstein, president Women's Philanthropies Aflvio f the Omaha Chapter, Mizrachi sors~l p. tn.—Home. Leathcrcrflft Class—7:30 p..m!— Women and secretary in the Bikur Chollm Society, is recuperating at Center. her home. She had recently .underJoilyn Art Class—7 p. m.—Cen- gone surgery at a local hospital. ter. Mrs .Epstein wishes to thank all Beth Israel PTA Board Meeting members of the chapter and all —8 p. m.—Homes. others who had sent In cards, Wednesday, Frb. 13 flowers and gifts. Hadassah G r o u p Meetings — iorzl Group—12:30 p. m.—Center; zold' Group—12.30 p. m.~Y. W. Monsky Chapter Gives C. A.; Wcizmanri Group—12:30 p. Recordings to Joslyn m.-Y. M . C A . B'nai B'rith H e n r y Monsky B'nal B'rith Henry M o n s k y Lodge—-8 p. m.—Center. Ihapler No. 470 has presented the Beth Israel Talmud Torah Board Joslyn Memorial Art Museum n -8 p. m.—Deth Israel. gift of' record.') for use In their Thursday, Vvh. 21 children's classes. The records are B'al B'rith H e n r y Monsky "Lltie Soni;s on Big SuY>jects" nnd Chapter No. 470 Board Meeting - Little Songs About the U.N." p. m.—Homes. These human relations records Bridge- -7:30 p. m.—Cnnior. were presented to Miss EHnor IJctii Israel Mo.n's Club Dinner- Ttoed, Educational Director of the p. m.—Both Israel. Joslyn Museum, by Mrs. Harry B & P Hadassah—8 p. m.—Cen- Wise, Antl - Defamation League T. Chairman for the Chapter.

Monsky Lodge To Hear McCain.

Cbmmunify Calendar

Services Friday evening will beAbout two nundred fathers ami - sons heard an exchange of views gin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. KrJplce will deliver the sermon. on their roles as parent and child at the 32d Annual Fattier and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Bclh'Ei Synagogue Choir will renSon Banquet held Sunday in the Jewish Community Center Audi- der the musical portion of thecerv torium. The banquet was founded Sabbath morning services will x as an annual affair by Dr, Philip Sher, honorary president of the at 9:4s o'clock. Junior Congregation "serviced arc at 10:30 a. m. Federation for Jewish Serice. Mincha-ManrW service* will be at Stephen. Fiste son of Mr. and 5:30 p. m. Dally services are at 7 . Mrs. Stanley Fi»k, speaking on be- a. m. and 7 P. m. Tho Sunday half of the sons pointed up" the morning'service Is at 9 a. m. and need for fathers to counsel their the .Mlncha-Maariv service at 5:45 sons to help them make decisions. p. m. — • accept responsibilities and form opinions. Beth Israel Morris Erman. In presenting the Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor fathers'message, stressed honesty. Eli Kagati, and the Beth Israel courage and mutual 'understanding choir will conduct the service this as the real values that a father can Friday evening at 8 p. m. • pass on to his son, Traditional Friday evening servCharles Guss, master ol cere- ices (Kabbolas Shabbos) will begin monies; fascinated the audience at 5:45 p. m. Sabbath morning with extraordinary feats of magic ervices begin at 8:30 a. m.; Junior as he extracted milk f r o m an congregation at 3:30 a. m.; Rabbi amazed youngster's cars, dipped ~runcr will conduct the Talmud •into his uniuu'jl paint cm and class at 5:15 p. m. Sabbath Mineha came up : with polka dot a n d t 5:4:) p. rn., followed by Sholeshe stripped paints. 'pudos nnd Maariv. Daily mornInvocation was given by Robert ing services begin at 7 a. m. AfterCross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald noon services at 5:55 p. m. Sunday Gross, and grace was offered Ijy ornlnj; services begin at 8:45 a. Larry Elewitz, son of Mr. and Mrs m., followed by breakfast and UnfoIzadore Elewitz, Community sinj;- il's class /n Bible. Sunday mornChildren's Puritn ing was led by George Spitzer, ac- ng Junior Minyan, followed by companied at the piano by Art Carnival at B.I. reakfnst, starts at 8:30 a. m. Goldstein. The Ar.nual Beth Israel ChilThe Talmud Discussion group Mrs. Stanley Fisk. chairman of meets every Tuesday evening nt 7 Irc-n's Puriin Carnival, will take the hostesses committee, was n«- . m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th and ilace Sunday, Feb. 27, from 2 to siited by Mmcs. Sherill Bernstein, Hurt. • p. m. In the .social hall of the Morris Erman, Abe Feldman, GerBeth Israel Synagogue, 02nd and ald Gross, Joe Guss, Irvin Kaiman, Charles sts. Admission to the carFred Kurtzman, M. H. Pessen, Inter-Club Council ivol will be 15 cents, and will lnAlex Plotkin, Jack Raznick, Harry Mrs. O. W. Hahn, United States ludc five tickets to games and Schulnum, George Spitzer, Jay Representative to tho United Na- looths. The carnival Is being made Stoler gnd Misses Estolle Schul- tions Commission on the Status of eady by the Beth Israel youth »n«n and Gale Feldman. »Vomen. will be the guest speaker lubs and all boys and girls arc Prizes were awarded to Sam it a public meeting sponsored by ivited to attend. Club Taryag will meet Sunday poster, {is the oldest father, Har- the Women's Inter-Club Council, old Abrahamson, the youngest Thresa Clark, president of (he n C.e recreation room of the Talfather; Isaac Stoler, lot. having group announced. The meeting will mud Torah, from 6 to 7:30 p. m. the most sons and grandsons pres- be held Tuesday, Feb. 22, at 8 Final plans for the carnival will ent;. Harry Stolef. oldest son; and ?. m. in the University o! Omaha be discussed at that time. Beth brae) SYO will meet this Kicky Weintr, youngest (on. Auditorium. '

Thank You*

Hadassah Oneg Shabat Mrs. Paul Veret, Omaha Chapcr Hadansnh Education chairman, irmounccs that a regular Hadas:ah Oneg Shabat will be held Satrday, Feb. 19 nt 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Harry Havitz, 112 S. 49th Ave. Mrs. Joe Guss will be ;he co-hostess. This OOCK Shabat 'is for the ladnssnh Education Council, conlstini» of the presidents, chairmen >f education, Zionist public relations, American affairs and program chairmen.

Huzann Cohen

To Wed in March Miss Suzann Miriam Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Cohen of Chicago, 111., will wed Dr. Ervln Cotton, ion of Mr. and Mr*. Michael Colton of Omaha at the Sheraton-Bladutono Hotel ih Chicago March 20. Miss Cohen' received her master"* degree Jn bacteriology nnd Dr. Colton received hit Ph.D. la chemistry at tho University of H« llnols. v After their wedding tho young couple will make their home In Atlanta, Ga., where Dr. Colton feachs at the Georgia School ot Technology.

Dr. S. Nearenberg Weds New Yorker Mr. nnd i;rs. Milton Nearenberg lave, recently returned from a visit to New York City where they attended tho wedding of their ion Dr. Sidney NWircnbeor to Miss Hull: Halpern, daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Samuel Halpcra of Glen r.nvc. N . y. J/y. Ni'.in.'nber^ and Mi.ss Hal|H-rn wcr.- mnrricd January ,'iO nt Forrst Hills Jewish Center in Forest Hills, N. Y. Miss Lucille Nearenberg, a ulser of the bridegroom, wis mald-> of-honor. Other guests from Omnlia included Miss Sandra Nenrfnberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lcroy S, Katz, Mrs. David Katz and <lausM**» Faye Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillpi Crandcll. Lt. Martin Nearenberg, a brother, ot the. groom, served us best man. Lt, Nearenberg Is stationed In MinneapoIls.'MJnn. •: ••:'• Dr. Nearenberg will Join the U . S . Air Force In the Jailer part of February and will be stationed in Washington State. ..-.;• The couple ore spending their honeymoon In Miami Beach, Fla.

Miss JEnid Levey ; Will Wed in June Mr. and Mrs. William A. Levy announce the engagement of their daughter, Knid, to Laurence Pollack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollack. IKS I»vey attended Ohio Slata University, where she was a mem* ber of Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority. 3he Is now attending the Urtlve«» lty of Nebraska. Mr. Pollack attended the U r * wrsity of Oklahoma, where h« was a member of PI Lambda Pbl Fraternity. He wil be graduated In June from the University of Nebraska. The couple arc claiming a wedding.

Mothers' Clubs


The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers? Club will hold its regular monthly meeting February 22 at the home of Mrs. Harry Welnberg, 2300 Country Club blvd. Mrs. MorrW Becker will be co-hostess and Mr* Albert CKr, president, •will pt»» ilde. i

Tho Zeta Beta Tau Mother*" Club will hold their annual dlnnef at 6:30 p. m., Sunday, Feb. 27 ut the Highland Town d u b . Rejerva-" Sunday, Feb. 20, at 7 p. m, in the tlons are being taken by Mrs. LeoB Jcth Israel Talmud Torah. bellman, GL3274 and Mr*. Mlclcey Club Tovlm will meet thta.Sat- Krupinsky, GL 1276. -AH alumni and parents are invited to attend, irday from C:30 to 8 p. m.


Friday,'FWimary 18, IMS.

Miss Judith Milder Engagement. Told

Pioneer and Kadimah Luncheon

Tin1 onivu'i'inent of Miss Judith I.'stlirr Milder, daughter''of Mr. md Mi'. Howard MUdor, to Howard Dee Viimi, son of Mr. and Mrs. HOIIIKTI Vann, was unnounced to(luy tin Jlli.ss Milder's twentieth bir Ihdjy

motored atmvc are Mrs. Richard Scltiirr (left) and Mm. Richard HOler (rlgntV cj>oUilrnn>n of Council's unnimi »up|ier ilnnri*.

Council Women Will Hold Annual Dance Saturday Eve National Council of J e w i s h Women, Omaha Section, will hold their A n n u a l Cocktail Supper Dance at B p. m. this Saturday in the Fontcnelle Hotel Ballroom. Proceed* wilt help to maintain the Council'* social Welfare program. The annual dance Is their only major fund ratlin? project. . Mr*. 'Henry Creenbcrg I* in charge of decoration*. Other* assisting are Wean, and Mmes. Edward D. Brodkcy, Edward EL Brodkey, Harold Chcrniack, Alfred Fiedler, Albert Gaer, Phil Gerelick, Howard Kaplan, Seymour Katz,

Joseph KlrslicnbflUM, Edward LevInson, Aaron Levitt, "Irving Mala* shock, Alfred S. "Mayer, Charles Monasce, Maurice Pepper, Edward Z. Rosen, Jerold 'Rosen, Sidney Schwartz, Hy Shricr and Stanley Slosburg. The'door prize will be a five day stay for two at the Flamingo Hotel in lot Vegas, Nev. Mai Dunn and hit orchestra will provide music tor dancing. A buffet supper will bo served from 9 to 1\ p. nv Ticket! are 95.25 per person and may be purchased- at the door.

A family dinner will be held tomorrow evening at the Highland Israeli Town Club. Mrs. A. Bolker of Los Angeles, Calif., formerly Of Omaha, grandmother of M I s s Milder nrrlvcd Wednesday to atGuesttend the affair. Miss Milder attended the University of Nebraska and the VJriiverslty of California nt Lbs Angeles where she wus affiliated with Alpha Kpsilon Phi Sorority. She is now teaching second, grade clast.es at Underwood school Mr. Vann attended the University of Colorado at Boulder arid Is now at the University of Nebraska and will bo.-graduated this June. He Is affiliated with Zeta Bcfa j Kopernlck, (pictured above) special delegate from Tau Fraternity. Pioneer Women's sister organization In Israel, tho Working Women'* Council, Hill be a guest of the Floncer Women and Kadimah Chapter Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 22 and 28. Mm. Kopernlck Hillel Meeting B'nal' B'rith Hlllel Foundation will speak »t a luncheon to be held In tho Highland Town Club «& of the University of Nebraska will 1 p. m. Tuesday, Fob, VI. Mrs. Kuvrrnlck, executive (Hrtctoi ot Uw hold Us regular monthly luncheon Jerusalem Muiic Conservatory, will tell of tlio social service promeeting at 12:30 p. m. Sunday, gram that i* being conducted in Israel for the youth and women of Feb. 20 at the Zeta Beta Tau Uie new nailon. She'wUI dlsruss tbe work of the vocational schools, agricultural youth villages, hotels, MderKutniB and mint-rid. Mrs. House In Lincoln, Ncbr. . In conjunction with Brother- Kopernick t» a gruduato of'the Royal Academy 1n Vienna, Austria. hood Week, Reverend Robert E. Reservation* may be made by calling Mrs. Dave Wine, WA 2687; Davis, pastor for Baptist students Mr*. Jacob FelOman, ItE 0488; or Mm. Abi> near, JA 0812, A social at the university, will speak at the gathering Is obo planned tor tho ovenlnj; of February 22 at the home meeting,' of Hn, Baymoad Corey, 5019 Davrnport s t

Organizations Hadas The groups of Omntra Hadassah will hold luncheon meetings Wednesday, Feb. 23. Thcodor llerzl Group will meet at a 12:30 luncheon in the Jewish Community Center. Mervin IXTTIrnerman, Director of Education and Youth .Activities of Temple Israel will be guost spenkcr. Mrs. Donald NocfJ will present vocnl selections. There will he a presentation of National Jlemljershlp Awards to Mrs. Ervin Simon and Mrs. Irvin Sherman. Mrs. Sidney llollii, president will preside. For reservations call: Mrs. H a r r y Goldstrom. Wa 4673 or Mrs. Henry Appcl,G1563S. Henriotn SzoM Group will mwt fora 12:30 luncheon (it the YWCA, 17th and iroward Sis. Ilabbi Benjamin Groner of B«th Israel Syn' egbgtie wfjU be moderator in n panel discussion, Taking part will be the Mesdames Lconnrd Gould, Joseph Sosbnlk and Mnx Grossman. Miss Nancy Barron will present a medley of Brotherhood 'songs. Mrs. J. J. Friedman, president of the group, will preside. Taking reservations are Mesdames Benjamin Kflhn, Kc 6035, Harry Marks, Re 1595 and Isadora Sherman, We 0766. Cnaim Wcitzmann Group will meet for a 12:30 luncheon at the VMCA, 17th and Harncy Sts. Uabbl David Kerb of Council Bluffs Will take port in the Brotherhood Week program. Mrs. Maurice Newman, president of the group Will preside. Takinft reservations are Mrs. Milton Hintz, Re 2916 and Bin. Charles Fredkln, Ha 1193.

Monsky Chapter

Nebraska. Those making the trip to Lincoln were Mcsdumcs Charles Stern, Julius Newman, Aaron Epstein and Seymour Kaplan.

Council Women The Current Events S t u d y Group of the National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, will meet Tuesday, Feb. 22, at (he home of Mrs. William Nash, 5423 Lafayctcc avt-., at 1 p m. Lawrence Kroll of the probation office will speak on juvenile delin fluency. Kvcryone is welcome.

B&P Hadassah The members of the Business and Professional Women at'Hudassah and their friends will have the opportunit; of taking a "Journey To Israel" via the movie of the same name, through the courtesy of Louis Elbcrt of'the Bock; Travel Uureau, Thursday evening, February 24, at 8 o'clock, at the Jewish Community Center. "This will be a wonderful 'experience, never to be forgotten, full of educational and spiritual values," Miss Ida Spring, JNF chairman nnnouncedAlso on the program Miss Ahuvnli Gershader will review, ^Blessed Is the Land."

Bond Leader to Speak To C.B. Hadassah Members of Cou.idl Bluffs Hadassah will hear Mrs. Alexander U Slmson, head of Hadassah's nationwide Israel Bond Drive, at a pre-dnnor luncheon and meeting to be held at 1 p. m., Tuesday, Feb. 22 in B'nnl Israel social hall. .Mrs. Simson will also address the Busincs and Professional Women of Hndnssnh In Omaha. Mrs. Saul Suvulslty Is chairman and Mrs. David Korb is co-chairman for the affnir. Luncheon chairman, Mrs. Phil Falkcn will be assisted by Mrs. Harold Flnkle and Mrs. Majr Steinberg. Mrs. Joe Katleman ond Mrs. Harry Kubby ore In charge of decorations. Call Mrs. Suvalsky or sin. Korb for reservations.

The Board of H'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chnpter No. 470 will meet at 1 P. m. Thursday, Feb. 24, at the home of Mrs. Gcorije Spitzcr, 5144 Franklin nvc. Co-hostess for the dessert luncheon which will precede the meeting ore Mesdames Sam Kaiman, Nate Gitnick and Bernard Goldstrom. Mrs. Aaron Epstein has been appointed chairman of the nominating commitee. Others serving arc on the commitee arc Mesdames Stanley Shapiro, Sam Pollok, Nate Cornhuskers" Dance Gitnick, David Roscnbaum, Wil- The CornhuskOr Lodge of B'nal liam Abrahams and Ben Zoorwin. B'rith Is plannig a spring dance to A committee from the chapter be held Saturday evening, March attended a hearing of the tabor 19, at the Fontenelle HotcL Coand Public Welfare Committee of chairmen are Milton Cackio and the Nebraska Legislature on LB7, j Dr. Ralph TurkeL the,bill to establish a Fab- Employ-1 Mcmberw of the lodge aw asked ment Practices Commission for to invite their friends.

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Jay Basketball


Judaea Delegate

Yaffe Leads Squad To Vanity Crown Irv Yaffe hit his peak las Thursday night a* he led his Yaffi Printing team to a 73-48 win ove: Epstein's Enterprisers and at lean a tie /or the title. The formei Cornhusker was a driving force he hit for 19 field goala and thm free throws. Moe Upton pltchec In with 19. Harold Nppomnick lee the Enterprisers with 20 points. Star Auto Parts, three gam. off their pace, gave Uisty's a sound 44-32 defeat as Jack Stisi led the atack with 20 points. Moc Handleman was top scorer for Lusty's he hit for 10 points. ..yc


All seven members of the AZA 100 B team contributed to the scoring as they upset the leagueleading AZA 1 B team 21-1& Stuart Kutler and Mike Canar each led the scoring with six points. Al Krizelman led the Junior Mother chapter lads with eight points. Rayim C, with four players showing up for the game rolled over AZA 100 C by the score of 35-9. Chuck Wise paced the attack with 11 points and Tanny Horwich and Howard Weinberg added 10. MIDGET LEAGUK While the seventh-eighth grade all-star team was in Sioux City the Junior division of the Midge

B'nai B'rith Bowling ttufcwrj

B W. 16 15 14 14 9 9 9 8

L5 '

Last week's canceled games fo: the seventh-eighth grade leagu will be replayed at the end or the season. Y.C. A LEAGUE Rayim A, ran into a tough bunch of Centurymen but managed to come out a 38-30 victor. Al Corey and Gene Kohn with 8 points led the way. Next week Is the big game between AZA 1 and Rayim. It's a do or. die situation for the Mother Chapter who are one game out and need to defeat Rayim or vield the title. Mother duptor overwhelmed the Rayim A team by a 58-54 score. Stan Wldman and Al Passer led the' attack with 21 points each. She) Kranlz led the B team with 12 points, The young Centurymen squad 'ho iMt to Rayim were led by Bob Epstein, scrappy sophomore with 14 points.

Y.C. Doings ItltVA The newly funned B'md li'rith Youth Association held their first mcL'ling February 10 at the JCC Tin; association i;; compiled of delcj:«tes from AZA No. 1, AZA No. 100, and V,BV,. Hi|:hli|;lits of the iiKetin;; were elections of officer:,- were the comin'i; term. Howard Knslow of AZA No. 100 is the first president of IIDYA; whilo Mike Meyer of AZA No. 1 is vicepresident. Other office™ are Carole Frank of HISG, secretary; Bernle O-jtravieh of AZA No. 1, treasurer, nnd Joyce- Canar of BBG, .serueaiit-Mt-arnis. AZA NO. 1 Aleph Norm Garrop was recent* ly promoted to captain in the Ccn» tral High IIOTC. Invitations to the 31th Annivcrsary Weekend Banquet wero recently sent to Governor Victor Anderson and President Dwlght. D. Elsenhower.

1'icturfil ntxive |« Ml»» Ixira Franklin, Senior Judaea Council ICAY1.M DrlrgiUt for t h e Mountain Fred Simon has Iwcn given a Plains Region and Mlrniouri Val- Morton M. Alpirn leading role in the Central High ley Ueglon «r Hadiiuali. Mba Services were held Friday, Feb. Senior Play. Jerry Marer, Marv FrnnWln left Thuniday morning 11 for Morton Mayer Alpirn with Ferensteln, Jerry KohU, Gen« Kohn for New Vork to attend the Mid- interment at Beth El Cemetery. and Mike Ban all helped to make winter conference of Senior Ju- Mr. Alpirn, 51, died Wednesday, the Mortenscn Speech and DcbaUJ daea. At this confrrence they Feb. 9 at a local hospital. He was Tournament a major success a t •resident of the Western Smelting Central High. will null* the planx for the sumind Itcfining Company here. TIKVA8 AMI mer camp KMioiu at Camp T«l Survivors include his sister, Mrs. TA will attend services at the Xithudah, Bsrrrvlllr, N. V., the Kvn'Stein; a niece. Mrs. Leo Kfsen- Beth Israel Synagogue tonight. National Senior Judaea Camp. gtat, both of Omaha; ani There will be a meeting at th* This year two sratlons of four Marvin H. S t e i n of Jay this Sunday. The budget and weeks neb will bn held, a* well ton, D. C. finance committee has just comaa a two month anulon, durlni; pleted the budget for the' new seJuly and Augiut. Senior and mester. . Junior Young; Juda«a Is spon- Benjamin Green DKBKA DEBS Services were held Friday, Feb. sored by the OmaJla Zionist Phyllis Ilubinow is Stage flight 1 for Benjamin Green with interYouth ComnUalon. ment at Beth El Cemetery. Mr. chairman for.Debs, Marilyn RiceIs Stage Night co-chairman for Green, 89, a resident of Omaha * for 46 years, died Thursday, Feb. Youth Council. 10, at a local hospital. lie was a Dr. James Relnhardt, professor member of B'nal Jacob-Adns Jeshof Criminology at the University uron Synagogue. J of Nebraska will discuss "Why Mr. Green Is survived by his, Criminals?" at the Unitarian For- wife. Rose; four sons, Harry, Sninj um to be held at 7:30 v m., Sun- and Meyer of Omaha and F/tianuel day, Feb. 20. The forum will be of Milwaukee, WIs.; four dau^iiheld In the Common Room of the lers, Mrs. E. B. H.issell of MilwauFirst Unitarian Church, 31st and ee, WIs., Mrs. Fred Walker ofj Harney sts. Long Island, N. Y., Mrs. Hen. II. | ,Dr. Reinhardt f:cr\ed en the Maczomin of Omaha and Mrs. I Governor's committee investigating Milton Sinn of Kewanee, III.; j the Nebraska prison system. Phil L5 grandchildren nnd 4 ^re Allen will act as moderator. ;randchlldren.




Harvey Chicken Gerellck Motors MUder OU Rank* Wolfson-Gerber 1: RltewayTV... 12 Sol Lewi* Co H Mary Paula, daughter of Dr. am Canadian Ace I.' rtr*. J. I). Y.igir, will celvbratr Forbes Bakery ...". '•! 13 ler Uiis Mit/.wih and Hoy Daviri. relatives are Invited to nttend. Hoberman Plbg. 7 14 ion of Mr. and Mr-. Sheff Katskc<! Mrs. Tilles is the fonner JILss Grace-Mayer 7 14 All! celebrate his liar Mltzvali at -nne Kuznit of Omaha. Joint dervice at Beth El SynaRlchman-Gordman 7 14 High frames and series: Al Alt' ;ogue Friday evening, Feb. 18, and Saturday morning, Feb. 19. Friends man, 192. 220, 189-€01. md relatives are invited to attem wth sen ices and the receptions Women's A hich will follow. W. RUG & UPHOLSTERY Philips Sept. Store . . . , 35 35 Wo|f Brothers CLEANERS Mr. anil Mrs. Irvinp Herzog an34 Midwest Water Heater* nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their MUSS — CARPETING 34 Omaha Jobbing . son, Ian, Friday evening, Feb. 25, 1 A M * SHADES 34 Fireside "Restaurant .. and Saturday morning, Feb. 26, at HJRNnURt 32 Hustle Beauty Shop . . . Beth El Synagogue.. Friends and relatives arc invited, to attend Shukert's 30 Cltaocd in Your Home! Meyers News 30 36 both services and the receptions • ! • « • « • Uylaa • l.a«lrl<« which will follow. Bigh Game* aad S«rlea OON MERNSTEIH HA 2154 Ruth Kraft, 192—190; Ann gcHulman, 200—467; Audrey KirThe Bar Mitzvnh of G e r a l d ehenbaum, 186—464; Gertie Zevitz Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. 459fHeIen Could, 458; Libby Ho- M- M. Rosenblatt, will take place barman, 456; lipby Sachs, 191; this evening and tomorrow morn Annette Frank. J79,2-10 »pUt; Bs- Ing at the, Beth Israel Synagogue, *• »*-n- , 840 oin and* MfT^IO Splits. 52nd and Charles St. All relatives ther Stolle ind friends!are invited to attaM 'i' iv, i» Ihe services and the receptions I following the service. sr 29 .tyn's Florrt. J4J4 31',4 - Smith Pon Bale Mr. and Mm. Kichart] Gordon olj 31-4 iKorney-sPOntCo tlB^Vj 31' jmncil Bluffs, In., nnnounec "•'Angle's Be! uty Salon, r &3>,a 32' inr Mitzvah of their son Hoi IKkh Furi .'.; '. $9' 33 iill OP celebrated Saturday morn-;<3ok>ny Ou>;i 'S2'4 -a; ug. Feb. 2G in B'nal Israel SynaMogcn David Wine . . ; 31 35 :oKue In Council Bluffs. Friends! Hamilton Pharmacy ..'& 38 nd relatives ire Invited to at1 High Gamra and 8ra»rr» r-nd thf" servire nnd reception i TUlIc Lincoln. 157—41J; Fannie •hich will follow. i Xagman, J*'I; Ituth I'lntt, 15C: Bcbe Becker. 136; Esther1 Knlman Mr. nnil Mrs. A. It. Tilles of St. 155; Julia Srhuplro, 1!>2; Hetty jvph. Mo., announce the Bar Perclm.in, 152. it/vn:i of tbe r son Sheldon Ross Served Bufiet Style! 'ill be celebrated at- B'nal YaaAll You Care to Eat ov Temple Friday nnd Saturday, •i-b. 2r> and 2G. All friends nnd S 'ntllngM W. INOON TO 3 P.M. Lucky Lftainiers 2!» I.'i Rayim Jrs. . . 27'i 14'i Holiey Pokes 2 7 " 14>j ione JA 1.1C3 to iMtn /our WMit AQ The Curves 27 15 Ilf JcK'lS)) I'ltMl. Currejit rate If M) o«n« for earn tnxtrBlue Eagles 24 18 m. T)i? rrtta K.-rrves the ridit M Urn)! Cozy Farmers 1H 24 te ol taf^i Advrrt]»tmcnt. Bowling Bujns lCVi 2!i'.i IAI1 and tins Mitzvah conj^ratu4 Belles 16 2C mtions nlso for all Jewish holiFancy Pants 15',i 2G"i days and sjiociu) occasions. 7th Heaven 12 CO [eyers News Stand. 1502 DodRO High <Jame.« and Serif* J. Cuss, 103, 132—335;-Si(lman. AKE extra money. Address, Mail HOTEL BLACKSTONE 119. 143—202; Goldberg. 139, 113 postenrds uparetlme every week. —252; lUelces, 115, 150-205 and Write Box Fourteen, Bclmont. Cohn, 102, 133-235. Muss.

Bar H a s Mitzvah

Temple Students To Present Cantata The puljlic IS cordially Invltod to nttend Sabbuth Kvunini; Services «t Temple lf,racl next Friday, Feb. 25, when the stud'-iits of grades five throuj;h ten will presc'jit the beautiful cnntiitu, "What is; Torah." The i;rotip will IK- directed by Miss Id;i Gitlin, Music Director of Temple Israel and will be assisted with the clural rernlini; by Mrs. Norman Wliit'nan, Mi?.-; Charlotte Brodkey, a ninth crade student in the ItcliKioiu Sclvwl will be the accompanist. Itubbi Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the services and the Sisterhood will receive the congregation after services at an Ones Sliabbot in the social hall.

By IM&j Paul lcajj'ue kept on with their usual cxcitini.' fiction I'acific Fish just about cinched tin- junior title a.s Dick Zach.ma broke up an 1S-1H tic with a four ixiint splurce i his team be.it llichman-Gordmii 22-18. Dick was held to two poln previous to hi-, four point outlnirs Steve Gusi had 10 for the losers I-Go Van with a 2-1-17 win ove the Cowboys went into a tie fo third place as they slipped by Cow boys 24-17. Jeff Wohlner, Keith Uebennan and Don Fiedler eacli had eight points while Mike Sadofsky had 14 points for the losers. All league players arc keeping fearful eye on Joel "Buckets" Sne dcr. The scrappy third grader hii four important points to aid the Pacific Fish cause. Joel features a nifty one hand push shot which just about takes all the effort he can muster, and the boys in the league would all like to have him on their team. We are predlctin quite a future for this lad.

Friday, February 18, 1953.

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