'< 1
Vol. XXX1H—No. it
Federation Department Chairmen Appointed •The appolnlmcnt'of chairmen oi the various department* of thi Federation for Jewish Servlco wa, announced this week by Jack VV Merer. Federation p r c s I d o n •These chairmen," Mr. Marcr ett plained, "along with their comml tcca nupervlse the various activities and programs of tho Fcdcra< tlon assigned to them." The following will serve as chairmen of their respective Federation departments: MUton It. Abrahams, Antl-Dcfa ma tlon Advisory Committee; Artlrar A. Cohen, Dr. Sher Jew . iih Homo for Aged; Arthur K. Ooldtteln, Jewlsl Community Center; • William Orodlnsky, Jewish Free Loan; Gerald S, OroM, Camp Jay-C-C; Louli Katz, Family and Child Service; Dr. MorrU Margolin, Jewish Ed uesflon Bureau; Eniest A. Hoff, Jewish Phllan throplei; F. Ralph Nonf. Jewish Press. In addition, the following .were appointed as chairmen of special
David Fedor, Pledge Redemption. ' Harry B. Cohen, Legal Committee. •8. Elmer GrotM, Buildings and Maintenance. Membership Ot their respective committees . w i l l be announced Shortly, Mr. Marcr said. The Federation Board has also .approved the creation of a new committee to be In charge of community statistics and master file. This committee will maintain a permanent register of the members of the community and will re port periodically on the status oi the Jewish population of Omaha.
Neighbor Sabbath March 4 at B.I. The annual "Know your Neighbor" Sabbath will be held at 8 p. m., Frldayr March 4 at Beth Israel S y n a g o g u e , 52nd and Charles «ts. it Is sponsored by Beth Israel Sisterhood under tho chairmanship of Mmet. Lewis Ne.veleff and Marry Sldman. Members of Omaha Council of Church Women, their families and members of National Conference ot Christian* and Jews have been invited to attend. Under tna direction of Cantor EU-Kagnn, Beth Israel Choir will ilng several psalms. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will deliver the sermon and conduct a question and answer session. 1 Following the services and discussion period, a reception will be held in the social hall. Members of the community are cordially invited to attend. The spirit of good fellowship that has prevailed has done much to advance the understanding and appreciation that' is needed in building a sommunlty of unity, justice and peace, a sisterhood spokesman stated.
Harry Cohen, King OfC.B.MardiGras Harry Cohen, n Council Bluffs civic leader, was crowned king last week nt the 'Ml nnminl Mardl Grns held (hero. Miss Kiainc Sternhill, was nppolntcd "no of the two ladies-in-waiting. Mr. Cohen is a native Omahan wlio moved to Council Iiluff.f some 50 years ago. His wife Is the former Miss Anno SieKrt of Omaha. Mi*. Colicn has been nctlve in Council Bluffs civic affairs for ninny yearn. Miss Slc-rnhlll, the daughter of Mr- ftnd Mrs. Isnai; Stcrnhlll, attends I he University of Omaha.
Philanthropies .
Steering Group
to Medt Today Tho Steering Committee of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign will meet today at 12:15 p. m. in the Highland Town Club, HI1; Hotel, Ernest A. NogR, General Campaign Chairman announced. Ellis Radinsky, Executive Director of the United, Israel Campaign, will address the group.
PUD.UUO «v«r» nwt, u» «. auto, Otu»fc« munui, fhoDt JA 1306
ItaWil Mypr H. Krlpke
Rabbi Kripke Cited For Sermon Here Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke, spiritual leader of Beth El Synagogue, has been cited for the second time In four years In the annual awards of the Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge. Rabbi Kripke will-receive the George Washington Medal and ft cash award for his sermon "The Climate of Freedom" originally delivered at the Union Thanksgiving Service ot Omaha Jewish Congregations held In Beth Israel Synagogue November 26, 1953. Freedoms Foundation makes awards each year for outstanding contributions to the cause of American Freedom in • various fields including those made from the pulpits of American churches and synagogues. In his sermon, the rabbi outlined the richness of the American promise in terms Of the beauty and wealth of the land Itself, Its endowment of nature; the strength of Its human resources? Its endowment of history; and the precious tradition of the American way of life which was "conceived in liberty." This tradition of freedom came to America, the Rabbi emphasized, neither from history nor politics but rather from an intellectual ferment biblcally inspired. It was this ferment that exploded Into a great revolution and a war for independence. It cleared, tho atmosphere for liberty and broughi the climate for freedom.
Israel Scene
At the same time Premier Charett was the target of sharp criti cism by the coalition parties'In his government who maintain the Premier was acting arbitrarily when proceeded with such an Important appointment without first consulting with the coalition leaders.
33 North African Communities to Move Jerusalem (WNS)—The Jewish Agency this week announced that 33 Jewish communities In North Africa would soon be liquidated through Immigration to Israel. All Inhabitants of these North African villages in the Atlas Mountains, except hard-core cases, ill be removed to the Jewish State; the Agency declared. (In Washington, President Irving M- Engcl of the American Jewish Committee and Dr. John Slawson, executive vice-president, met during the week with Assistant Secretary of State George V. Allen o discuss the North African situaion in the light of recant developments, with especial reference to the position of Jews there followng the fall, of the Mcndes-Francc government In France.)
Compiled from the Israel Digest An Export Center has betn set up by the Israel Manufacturer's Association'. . . Japan's first minister to Israel, Shtnlchl Knmlmura, presented his Letters of Credence to Israel's President last week Twenty-five North African families settled last week in Pekl'ln, the Upper Galilee village In which Jewish settlement has continued inbroken since ancient time* . Lionel Hampton and his Jazz band recently gave a (erics of concerts hroughout Israel for the benefit >f Mngcn David Adom (Red Shield >f Drivld), the Israel equivalent of he Red Cross . . . The entire InThe Message of Israel proerlor decorations of two synagram has been moved ahead to logues of Padua, Italy, ore being 9:35 a. m. on KOIL. Rabljt ent to Israel to furnish new synaMaurice N. Elscndrath, Presi;ogues In Tel Aviv and Jerusalem dent of tho Union of American . . A program In Hebrew and Hebrew Congregations, w i l l Swedish was recorded lo a Youth discuss "From Fatherhood to Mlyah village near Jerusalem o«Brotherhood." ablished In 1953 with the help of lie Swedish "Save tho Children" fund. Children from the village Th<! Eternal Light program iook part In the program which will Be broadcast over WOW' traa recorded for t h e Swedish Radio from 11:30 a. fn.'to< 13' iroodcastlng Service. noon.
Sunday Radio
Sam S. Steinberg InLi.Ti-.^-Slfts H e a d Brings Successful, Active Leadership
Defense Post For Ben Gurion Jerusalem (WNS)—Dnvid Be; Gurion's return to the post of Min later of Defense was approved he; by the Israeli Cabinet and simila approval is expected to follow bv Knesset when It Is asked to vot confirmation of the appointment o the former Premier us successor t< Plnchas Lavon, who resigned last week from the Defense Ministry post. Mr. Lavon was reported to hav told the Cabinet that he resigned from the post because Prcmlei Moshc Sharett "disagreed wltl proposed changes in the sccurlt framework." This was later con firmed in an official announcemen which said Mr. Lavon's resignation was precipitated by Mr. Sharett refusal to go along.with defense changes recommended by the De fense Minister. Informed sources here said Ben Gurion at first re sisted the Idea of active return t the government, but that he yielded to persuasion when it-came ap parent his return was Imperative if a cabinet crisis were to be avert ed. Ben Gurion's dramatic return to office has set off a wave of rumors with regard to the political future of Israel's leading shepherd, but reports from Sdeh Bokor, where the Ben Gurions reside, iali the former Premier Intends ti maintain his association with the Sdch Boker settlement.
Ktu < von
H. Steinberg
Global Report OROl* THKEATKNED Tel Aviv (JTA)-~The unseasonable heat and lack of rain which has prevailed In Israel In recenl weeks has already destroyed hilt of the winter crop and threatens the remainder, an expert of-the Ministry of Agriculture rcveale following a tour of the drought areas. Farmers have been hit most desperately in the Southern NCRCV, the Jczrecl Valley and the Upper Ephralm Plateau. Unless tour inches ot rain tails soon, farmers say, the remainder of the winter crop will be lost and the summer crop will be In danger.. It Is not even possible to sow the next crop now because of the cx_trcmc dryness of the soil. CANAL PLANNED Tel Aviv (JTA)—Final prepara tlons for' a giant hydroelcctrli project which would yield 500,000,000 kilowatts annually arc now under way, It was reported here. The electricity will be generated by the flow of Mediterranean waters Into the Dead Sea through a 45-mlIe long canal. The entire project will cost an estimated 100,000,000 Israel pounds. The canal, which will be 65 fee wide and ten feet deep, will start near the Klshon River, cross the Jczrecl valley to a point south ol Lake KInncret, and flow into the Jordan River toward the Deai Sea. CONVENTION REQUESTS Los Angeles (WNS)—A request to President Elsenhower to. appoint a commission to study ways of guarding i the nation from toilitarian dangers without sacrificing liberties, was among the,statements adopted this week at the concluding csssion of the 43rd biennial convention of the Union of \merican Hebrew Congregations,
1st Midwest Circle Parley to Be Here The Workmen's Circle will hold ts first Midwest Regional Confernce Saturday and Sunday March i and 6 in the Labor LyceumTwelve branches representing t. Louis, Mo., Kansas City, St. loscph, L i n c o l n , Omaha, 'Dos koines, Sioux City and Denver ill send delegates to Omaha. Israel Brcslow, national vice,resident ot Workmen's Circle, lll Bo the principal speaker. Chiago representative, A- Gcale, will Jso be on hand at tho parley. The first session vvlll be held Saturday morning and a banauct ay evening at 0:30 o'clock close the conclave.
Samucl'S. Steinberg, active com* munal and civic worker, has accepted the post of Initial Gifts Chairman of the 1955 Jewish Philanthropies and United Jewish Appeal campaign, Ernest A. Nogg, General Campaign Chairman, announced today. "Sam Steinberg brings to ou* campaign active and successful leadership In fund-raising activities, and through understanding and appreciation oi YYie responsibilities ivlilch face the Omaha Jewish community. His devotion to tho causes supported by tho Jewish Philanthropies campaign ii truly Insplrng," Mr. Nogg said. ."We feel confident that under his competent leadership the Initial Gifts Division will perform an outstanding job. His dynamic lender- ' ship will help considerably In conducting a speedy and ofCectk'a campaign In the Initial Gifts Division." Active Worker Mr. Steinberg has a wl6c range of communal and welfare experi- encc, having participated In every one of the 25 campaigns held by the Jewish Philanthropies, In many different positions. He is a member of the Federation Board, He served as President of tho Beth El . Synagogue, and- has been" active in many civic groups. ' I Appeal for ZOO Agenda • "Cmr community Is faced with a very Important responsibility In " raising its share of funds needed to support some 200 Jewish agcricles and Institutions In Omaha, United States, Israel, • and the • world over," Mr. Steinberg said. "Our Philanthropies campaign combines appeals of over 200 agencies into one drive. This is the greatest community effort, nnd It should receive the support of the entire Jewish community on a scale which matches the magnitude of the drive. l a RnlWt Woriwre Mr. Steinberg announced that , enlistment of volunteers for the • Initial Gifts Division will begin Immediately. "We hope to complete recruitment of our corps of workers very soon," he said, "BO that wo «M\ carry out an effective and speedy — cnmpalgn in our division. ' We want the workers to be fully Informed ot our Jewish vjcitato ficcfts. and fully aware of their responsibilities in helping to meet those
Golden Age Club Pre-Purvm Party A Pre-Purlm celebration will ' highlight the next Golden Age Club meeting to be held at the Jewish Community Center Konday, Feb. 28, at 1 p. m. Featured o n the special program will be a reading by Mrs. H. Wohlner and a skit with Mrs. 3. .Abramson and Leonard Gurvitz, A dessert luncheon will precede the program. Anyono desiring transportation lo the Center for tlio meeting may call Mrs. Nathan Simon at HA. 3915,1 OT Mra. J. Solomon ttV GU 1751. Golden Agers are urged to bring heir friends to all meetings. The Golden Ago Club Is co-sponspred by the Omaha section. Council or Jewish Women and the Jewish Community Center.
getofcj Jfre**
Community Calendar
Friday, February 2fl, IB3S.
G e m s of the Bible and Talmud
With the Folks At Home
The Council Uluffa Chupter of Hadnssah will present a HrotherBy DR PHILIP 8IIEII Saturday, Feb. 26 hood Week program at the Dr. A, Z. A. No. I Basketball Game Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the BARRY HALPERI BOUt and Dante—7 .-p* m.—Center. Aged at 2 p. rn., Sunday, Feb. 27. By Dr. I'hllip Shcr Suday, Feb. H Flowers at the Home last week Children's Activities—2 p. m.— Bible Mensky Lodge Will Center. Wisdom is better for • country were donated by Mr. and Mrs. EiBeth IsraeTs Children's Carnival than weapons of war; but ignar- ifer Ahramson in honor ot the Bar Honor Post I —2 p. m.— B. X. enco, even among a small number) Mltzvah of their son Danny. Jewish Music Festival, Week Henry Mansky Lodge of E'nai Farband—&J3O p.'nOr-Caiter. is a great loss to a country. was celebrated at the Hone TuesB'rith is planning a stag banquet Train a child according to iti day Monday, Feb. tS Feb. 8. The program Included to honor pact presidents of the Golden Age dub—1 p. «.—Cen- tendencies, and even when he li pantomime by<Mlss Nancy FeOlodge Fast presidents making op ter. old he will not depart from them. aman. Interpnttan dances by Miss the committee are Marvin Treller, Workmen's Loan—7:3" p. as.— The words of the wise spokan in Mania Fj«eL marionette theater chairman. Dr. Abe Greenberg and Center. quiet are more acceptable than the by Tommy rellman. aad Jewish: Ralph Nogs. JWV and Auxiliary—Open Board cry of a ruler among fools. tongs by Mrs. Larry Fiattner with Revenue from the (tag- will go Meeting—8 p. nt—Center. piano accompanist Mrs. Dave Rabbi Benjamin Croncr, Cantor to the district C package (and. Tnesday, Mar. I Rabbi Chiyyasald: "Although Bernstein. . . EM Kagan, Beth Israel choir and Xns caniaiittec* will ba assisted Beth E3 Shrterbood Board Meet- women do not study the Torah The f o l l o w i n g members of B'nai B'rith Girls will conduct the by the Bread Breakers beaded by ing—I p. m.—B. E. they deserve divine grace, because Branded University Women of service this Friday evening at R Earl Slegel also a past president. Beth Israel Sisterhood Board they bring their children to study Omaha, who sponsored the'proDave Greenberg, pmMnil of Meeting—1 p. m.—B. I. Traditional Friday evening se in the Talmud Torah," ices (Kabbobw Shabbos) begins at Monsky lodge, asks an past pres- Leithercraf t Class—7JO p. m. Rabbi Jochanan said: -He who gram. helped to sens the refreshments: Mmes. Hyman Ferer, Joa 5:45 p. in. Sabbath morning serv- idents to send ban their names and —Center. has the power to protest (against Zwelback, Abe Greenberg, J. B. ice! begin at 8:30 a. m.; Junior year of office aa the lodge b eon>wrong} h) Us bouse and does not ZSegman Hubert Monsky, Lasa* congregation, at 10 u. m.; Rabbi piling a Bst of former presidents Art Class—? p. m.—Center. do so, be becomes responsible for Kavlch, Stewart COinsky, Wm. FoWednesday, Mar. Z Grow will conduct the Talmud at Morjsky Lodge. Omaha. Lodge (the sin of) everyone in the bouse. Class at 5:15 p. m. Sabbath Mind* No. 354, MeKtaley Lodge and the B'nal B'rith H o n r y Montky And the same is true of a dty and geL Larry Plaitacr, Dave Bern. Chapter No. 470 Luncheon—1 p. m. even of the world at large; it one'* stein and Mrs. Edward Brodkey. at 5:45 p. m. followed by Sholeshe old Nebraska Lodge No. 354. —Center. Sleudos and Maariv. Dally momprotest might be heeded and he Omaaa Chapter ot HadMsah , Ing services begin at 7 n. m. AfterLadies Free Loan Society—2 p. does not protest, he becomes ac- helped our <Folios celebrate Tu IfSlievat with a parly Wtdnestffcx noon services at 6. Sunday morning m^—Center. countable for the misdeed* of the Feb. 9, Films of Israel were shown service* begin at 8:45 followed by Center Orchestra—* p. rn^-Cen- entire world." and fCiMshments were' serveoL breakfast and Rabbi's das* in Biter. . • Rabbi Simeon said: "If thou Lie Sunday morning Junior Min:th< nt :Mn Services were held Wednesday, FTailmtah Membenhip Party — seeth a scholar wbo-ls< even re- ,'Jie Bear, yan, followed by breakfast, (tarts Feb. Robert Rlmmerman, 16 for David Btastete with 8:30 p. jn.—Home. vengeful and angry like a serpent at 8:30 a. m. Ostrovitch. Mrs. Tony Kat. Beta Israel Synagogue Board be not afraid of Mm; but if an iginterment at Beth B Cemetery. skee, Sam Ban, Miss Helen GroaV Tlie Talmud Discussion group Mr. Btattein. 7L dial Tuesday. Meetlng-8J0 p. m.—B. L norant man appears to be pious insky and Mlu Fannie Grodlnsky. XbooAay, Mar. » meets every Tuesday evening; at Feb. 15 in a local hospital. do not live In his vicinity, for ho The February birthday party at . 7, at BHH Synagogue, 19th and SurvfvoTs Include! three dsugh* Federation or Jewish Women's knows not what piety mean*, i the Home was sponsored by the BurL duos Luncheon—1 p. m.—Center. may make-life very unpleasant for Blkur ten, Mrs. Irving Levin, Mrs. IsaChollm Sodety February Uk thee." dora Sokolof, both of Omaha/and T. L Residents honored on their birth-, Temple Study Group—1 p. m.— Mrs. David Bodin of Los Vegas. Temple Israel diys were Sarah Barson, Sam ColNcv.; two sans. Louis of Council Art Class—1 JO p. m Center. nic. Bessie FriedeL Pent Hanod Services will be heW in Temple Blurfs, la., and Joseph of Los Veg- Beth El Membenhip Party—1 JO Poole-ZJon to Hmm aad Max Minkin. Israel at 8 o'clock Friday everting. as, Nev., and fire grandchildren. p. nu—Home. National IHntiOffieid Hostesses w e r e Mmes. Lento Beth Israel P-TA Meeting. — 8 Rabbi Sidney H, Brooks will eonNeveleff, Jake Wine and Allen p. m.—B. L duct the service, and the gtndent Mrs. A M I Broosky D. Branoween, assoctate director Ztlkin. body of the Religious School wlR of the Labor Department of the Yahrzeit: Memorial Services will Services were held Monday. present the Cantata, "What Is Feb. 21 for Mrs. Ann Brodiky with Jewish National Fund, wfll address be belli In the Home Synagogue Torah." One Temple Sisterhood Interment at Beth El Cemetery. Temple School WM m e e t i n g of the Poale-Zkn for the following: will sponaor an Oneg Sbabbot fot- Mrs. Brodsky."died S a t u r d a y , Present Cantata Branch 54, Farband Labor Zionist 1. Adar, February 2J—Harry lowhar the services. Order Sunday, Feb. 77 in the Jew- Roitzteln. Feb. 19. - Sendees Saturday morning are Survivors Include two daughters. The cantata "What U forah" ish Commonity Center. 1. Adar, February 23 — Rose win be presented by the student at 01:30. Rabat Brooks wil) de- Mrs. The 70th birthday of Yitzhak Frcidrn. Kohn and Mrs. Al body of the Temple Israel Religiliver the seraonctte and Kiddnsa Oruch.Libert Ben»£vL President*of Israel, will 5. Adar. February 27—Fanai» both of Omaha, and a son ous Scnoal'at Sabbath evening for the Entire cDngrrgxtion will Ben L. Stein of Philadelphia, Pa. be observed at the affair. .b boviri. •ervfees at 8 o'clock tonight. follow the service. Mrs. Herman Bonilarin. Mrs. In Mernoriam: Joseph Rubaek. Miss Ida Gitlln, Temple Mutic Harry ShraRo, Mrs-. Jake Ftklman, Mrs. Rachel Soiref Director, will direct the group. Ben Klalman. arc Beth El '• Services were held Tuesday. Mrs. Norman Whitman of the Re- Abe Cohenulandthe committee in No-Salt Tasteas Feb. 22 for Mrs. Rachel Soiref with ligious School faculty win ajisist memben Services Friday evening wiU be- interment at ML Sinai Cemetery. with the choral reading. Miss charge. The latest film produced In Manischcwitz No-Salt Tastees gin at 8:15. BabU My«r S. Wohl- Mrs. Soiref. 65, died Saturday, Charlotte Brodkey, student organIsrael by the Jewish National iavc> added something special, wltt deliver the sermon. Cantor Feb. 19 in Los Angeles, Calif. ist, and 9th grade student of the Fund will be shown. Supper will ornethins distinctive to the modAaron L. Edgar and the Beth £3 Surviving are two sons, Irvin of Religious School, will be tne acem menu, not only as a flavorful be served at 7:15 p. m. Synagogue Choir will render the Los Angeles, Calif, and Morton of componist treat for people on low-salt diets, musical portion of the service- Milwaukee, Wis.; four daughters, Mrs, Jolce Feldioan and Mrs. but n.<i a tempting companion .to Sabbath morning services will be Mrs. Charncy Borin of Cleveland. This pio£ram wilt "bscrve the Abe Coben arc In charge of resentire family's mcafer, macks at .9:30 o'clock. Junior Congrega- Ohio. Miss Etta of Providence, R. Annual Jm-fsh Mui'z Mmth which ervations. Call Joe Radinovnki at nd bevcraKFK. Is sponsors, by the Notional J.-w tion services are at 10:30 a. m. L. Mrs. Irene Szabia of San FranJA 3831 for reservations. Each package of Manhrchewita Mincha-Mauiv services wfll be at cisco, Califs and Mrs. Nancy Glns- fsfa Mini.. Ooondt The Terople Israel Sisterhood No-Salt Tasteas contain* 90 blte6:45 p. m. Daily services arc af burg of Omaha, and six grandwill sponsor an Oneg Shabbot fol- Beth Israel P-TA ilzc mtiiTo crackers, crisp and; T t n . and 7 p. m. The Sunday children. lowing the program. 'resh as the moment they came1 morning: service is at 9 and the The Beth Israel P-TA will meet from the oven. Bat more than tha^ < Mtncha-Moarlv service at 5:43 Thursday, March 3, at 8:30 p. ra- Minlachewirz No-Salt Turteaa- are Joseph Bubocfc p.m. United Youth in the Synagogue social hall. Pronew Idea In good eotmg, comServices were held Monday, Feb. 21 for"Joseph Rubaek. with inter- Murray Rose was elected presi- gram chairman, Norman Rosen- Uning the best features of a mntw iweljr announced that. Morris Kutand a cracker in art exciting new ment at Pleasant HiU Cemetery. dent of. United Synagogue Youth Beth Isroef Carnival Mr. Rubaek, 83. a resident ot at a meeting held last Sunday. ler wflt show color movies of Past taste experience. WM Be Held Sunday Omaha for more 50 yean, dted Other newly elected officers are Beth bract Purim Carnivals, Royalty instal-JtioTO, nmduatlon, open Beth Israel clubs, SYO, Toykn Sunday, Feb. 20 at the Dr. Philip Dlaone Fellman.' vice-president: house, and picnics. Parents will Sh Jewish J i h Home H f the th Aged. A d Bunny Ravitz, recording secretary; for Jr., Tarvag, Boy's Arts 4 Crafts. Sher have the opportunity to «ec their Girr* Arts & Crafts. Dar-D-Kay, Survivors include four daugh- Mike Erman. corresponding secre- children and themselves at work and t&e Camera club are sponsor- ters, Mrs. Morris Margolin, Mrs. tary; Kay Markovltz, treasurer: and nt play. Refreshments will be By Mrs. Morris Bpeckter ing a children's Purim Carnival I to Henry Cooper, both of Omaha, Mike MogU and Maddi Miroff, scr- served nt the close of the meetuiB. lake place this Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Fred Coktstem and Mrs. J. geanU-at-armj; Kaye Tumcr, hisThe year of the holy Rambam Feb.' 27/ from 2 to 5 p. m. in the Stern, both of Los Angeles, Calif.; torian, and Ilerdine Green, rebrought memories. Beth Israel Social Haft, 52nd and sson, Meyer of Omaha; two broth- porter. Of my father's olav has'Francis' Film to Be ers Abraham Flabcr of Omaha and The Philanthraphy Phling, which Charles St. holom table.. 1 T. Fisher of Newark. N. J.; two Shown at Beth Israel 'An children arc invited to atis put on by NIFTV. SYO nnd Where they spoke of him with tend* the Carnival. The admission siiUrs; 16 grandchildren and five USY will be'held March 20 at Tementhusiasm great. Goes to West Point" price for children Is 15 cents 'and ple IsraeL Candidatrs for Kmft will"Francis Told talus of other Gaonlm, shown in the Beth Israel includes 5 tickets to tho various and Queen of Philanthropies from socialbehall more wondruus than any March 19 and 20 by the booth* Adults will be admitted to Joseph Upsey USY arc Shelly Krantz and Bun- parrnts-teachcrs fable. association. AD the Carnival only If accompanied Services were held Thursday, ny Ravitz. proceeds will go toward the Tul- Thouch the ILimbam's scfer, by a child. Feb. 24 for Joseph Lipsey with inmurl Torah building fund. 'Moreli Nevuchlm," was The Carnival festivities wfll bo terment at Beth El Cemetery. Mr. The movie will be shown at 8 p. so deep a book, Officially opened by the new Beth Mpsey, 07, a life-long resident of JWVWMPresent m., Saturday and 6 p. nv and S p. In my fathers' home I saw Israel Purlm King anil Queen to Omaha, died Tuesday, Feb. 22 at a Show in hincolin m., Sunday. it often. be chosen this week. Many new Ioe.-il hcapiul. Abe- Klopper la chairman of the The great Gaon with his philos1 booths will appear at the carnival The Epstein-Morgan Post of the lie Is snrvncrj by hfa wife. TH1 project ophy and morals this year, including shufCIcboard, lie: three daughters, Mrs. Samuel Jewish War Veterans will present Rased our path of living, trick photography, voice recording Stern, Mr;. Klmcr Grcenberft and another montlily snow at the Linever did it soften. end many primes of KkiU. Tlio Ikth Mrs-. Samuel Grrcr.brrg, all of coin Veterans Hospital this Sun- Oil. SEAKCII New York UTA)—Oil search In Israel P-TA 1* helping the children Om ih:i; a son. James of Omaha; day, Feb. 27. Milton GoWberj;, His .ethics will always be reIsrael has moved from U w r prethe Carnival. 13 ^randchiUlren and two great- Veterans Administration Volunvered, tary Services' representative. Is In liminary stage of purely exploragrandchildren. For this world that we all tory geological and geophysical charge of the program. BROTHERHOOD live in Featured in the entertainment work to actual test drilling, Levl Boston, Mass. (WN51—In an •ATOWS-F0B-PEACT7 Eshltol, Israel's Finance Minister, Was lightened by this greatest unprecedented net of brotherhood United Nations, N. Y. (JTA>— will he the Joan Posekany troupe said. He pointed out that the Jew, and full particip.iti'm in Ihe fight Two world famous Jewish sden- of baton twirlcrs. of oil would revolutionFor his 750th yahrtzelt, revf .-crviJ-rights for the NetTo, the tisk are nmonK the seven memAbe Miller, post commander, has "discovery the economy of the Jewish ered honor should be first Jewish Brotherhood In the bers of the advisory committee for announced that both Milton Gold- ize" State, hastening immediately its given. V. S. became a life member of the the International Conference on berg and Melvln Topper, VAVS achievements of a self-supporting National Association for the Ad- Uie Peaceful Uses of Atomic Ener- representative of. Uie post to the Note: The Itambam Year vancement of Colored people, thus which will hold its first meet- Omaha Veterans Hospital, have marks the 750th annual obsetting a unque example of broth- ing here tomorrow to begin prep- both been named to the national erhood In ad ion as the nation cele- arations for a large international JWV VAVS staff, while Shcrnjan Phil Silver*: "Heredity is an servance of Uie death of Malmondes. brated its annual Brotherhood conference scheduled for next Upstcln. hns been named to the evil that ought to be prevented." | summer. I national programming staff. —(JTA) SVeek.
Rambam Year
Friday, February 2.1, 1955.
JWVA President Ian Herzog, Ron of Mr. and Mrs. Will Visit Here
Bar & Bas Mitzvah
Miss J. M. Simon Omaha Sketches Engagement Told
Circle Dramatic Club
The Workmen's Circle Dramatis . dub will hold its regular meetIrving Herzosf. will colebrnle his Judith Rosen, Marsha Waxen Bar Mitzvah Friday evening anil Mrs. Charles E. Stone, Nation berg and Susanne Richards were Mr, and Mrs. Milton Simon an- ing at 8 p. m, Saturday, Feb. 28 Saturday morning, Feb. 25 and 2Gpresident of the Jewish War Ve Initiated into Omlcron nounce the engagement of their in the Labor Lyceum, 31st and in Beth El Synagogue. Friends erans Auxiliary of United States, recently Joanne Morjorie, to Cuming sts, Chapter of Alpha Epsllan Phi ^[daughter, _ And relatives are invltod to attend will be the guest of the Epstein Northwestern University, Evans^ > l Irvin Wolk, son of Mr. and Following the business meeting, both services and receptions which I :organ Post Auxiliary, Mrs. Nat ton, IlL Miss Rosen was elected Mrs. Julius: Wolk. will follow. the birthdays of Louis Witkln, Marcus, president of the grou] registrar and Miss Richards re- Miss Simon was graduated from. dramatic director, and Mrs. Goldic corder of the sorority. Miss Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hoberman announced. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Central High School and attended, Fonnan will be celebrated. announce tbe Bas Mitzvah of their Stone, a charter, member Edward A. Rosen; Miss Waxen- the University of Omaha. Her fi- Alt members a n urged to at(laughter, Marilyn Kay, and Mr. of Mrs. national auxiliary, will ar- berg daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ance is • graduate of Technical tend this meeting;. and Mrs. Hy Shrier announce the rivethe in Omaha Monday, Feb, 28. Leo Waxcnberg; and Miss Rich- High School. Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, She will Members of the group are rethe Omaha Veterans ards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An August wedding is planned. hearsing Gall Faye, will be celebrated at a Hospital visit a three-act play under Monday aftemoop with Morton Richards. Joint ceremony Friday evening and Mrs. Marcus and Mrs. Aaron Epthe direction of Louis Witkln, to Saturday morning, March 4 and S stein, hospital chairman,. where be presented sometime in April at at Both El Synagogue. Friends and she will present a. portable record Five B'nai B'rith women bowlthe Jewish Community Center. relative! are invited to attend both player ers attended the 7th annual Dison behalf of our local awe services and receptions which wilt lllary. trict No. 6 Bowling Tournament follow. held In Detroit, Mich., last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander, of Mrs. America Contest A dinner will bt held at 6:30 Omahana attending w e r e Rose Alexandria, Va., formerly of Oma- Mrs. America contest applicaMr, and Mrs. Richard Cordon of o'clock Monday evening at the Orach, Merrfaun Cooperman, Rose ha, announce the engagement of tions will be accepted until SaturCouncil Bluffs, la., announce tbe Colony Club in her honor. Res' Garrop, Pearl Upton and Ida their daughter, Lenore Sue, to day, Feb. 26. The contest is sponBar Mitzvati of their son Ronald servations may bo made by call- Sacks. Sholom Harold Friedman, son of sored by Metropolitan Utilities will be celebrated Saturday morn- ing Mrs. Marcus, GL 0973. A spe- Mrs. Sacks was elected record- Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Friedman District and gas appliance dealers. ing, Feb. 26 in 'B'nal Iirael Syna- cial opVn meeting will follow a ing secretary of the district bowl- of Arlington, Va. The winner of our local contest gogue in Council. Bluffs. Friends 8:30 p. m. in the Jewish Communi ing association. Mrs. Orach, out- Miss Alexander attended Mary will go on to the state competition .and relatives are invited to at- ty Center for all members anc going president, was awarded a Washington College in Fredericks- to be held in McCoak April 15. silver tray. tend the service and reception guests. burg, Va., and la studying at Entry blanks may be obtained which will follow. George Washington University In at tbe Metropolitan Utilities Disx Mrs. Stone will be Interviewed by Miss Jean Sullivan on the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen of Washington, D. C. trict or a gas appliance (tore. Women's View television program Denver, Colo., announce the birth Her fiance Is a graduate of at 9:45 a. m. Tuesday, March 1 of a son, Jonathan Morris, born Montgomery Junior College In Taover WOW-TV. A luncheon will February 10 in a Denver hospital. koma Park, Md., and is attending be held at 1 p. m. in Harry's Res- The couple has three other chil- Temple University in Philadeltaurant, Reservations may be dren. Joel, Daniel and Miriam. phia, Pa, made by calling Mrs. J. Milton Maternal grandparents are Mr. No wedding date has been set. Margolin, GL 4668, or Mrs. Del- and Mrs. Max Arbjtman of Omaha Monsky Chapter mar Klein, RE 7858. and Mrs. Arbitman is visiting her B'nal B'rith Henry M o n s k y Mrs. Stone has been cited by the daughter In Denver. Paternal Chapter No, 470 will salute Bran- American Red Cross, the Jewish grandmother Is Mrs. Morris Allen ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Matter of delsUniversity and its president, Welfare Board, Veterans Adminis- W Denver. Los Angeles, Calif., announce the Dr. Abram Sachnr, at a luncheon tration, United Jewish Appeal and engagement of their daughter Da/meeting Wednesday, March 2 at 1 UJ3. Treasury Department. She Misses Matlee Katebnan, Mari- vid* Jean to Jerry Beitel, son of ) p. m. In the Jewish Community has served In community drives lyn. Rice, Rose Lagman, Lora Mrs. Maurice Beitel. . Center. Mrs. Harry Sldman, mem-and Is an active member of com- Franklin and Janle Fellman are Miss Matter it a graduate of bcrshJp vice-president, announced munity welfare committees] and leaving today to attend the Southw Angeles State College and Is new members will be luncheon other civic organizations. west regional Senior Judea Con- teaching in the Los Angeles school guests. !erence at S t Louis, Mo. Miss A board meeting will be held at Franklin, who returned Monday system. Mr. Beitel attended the Mrs. Donald Nogg, a former stuUniversity of Omaha and Los Anp. m. Tuesday, March 1, at dent at Brandels, will speak on a 8:30 the of Mrs, Nate Marcus, rom the National Senior Judea geles City College, "Coed's Eye View of Brandels 1504home mid-wln,ter conference in New The wedding date has been set S. 58th S t University," A motion picture, ork City, will report at the re- for June 26 and the ceremony will An American Flag was present- gional meeting. "I'ni From Missouri," produced for 'held in Los Angeles. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, will ed to Western Hills School by Mrs. Abe Bear, Americanization Airman Third Clan Howard B. be shown. Mrs. Harold Zellnsky, IIIIlcl chairman of the auxiliary, Tues- Stem will arrive Saturday from nounce the birth of a daughter Parks Air Force Base, in- Califor- Deborah Michal born February 18 chairman, will pay homage to Dr. day, Feb. 22.' iia to spend a ten-day leave with in a New York City hospital. MaSachar. Mrs. Max Frank will be is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ternal grandmother Is Mrs. Samchairman for the day. H. Stern. His next assignment will uel Rose of Brooklyn Borough in Dr. Sachar, president of Amer- ZBT Mothers to Hold akc him to Warden Air Force Mew York City. Paternal grandica's first Jewish sponsored non- Annual Dinner Sunday nrents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Base, Cheyenne, Wyo. sectarian university, at Waitham, rVaxenberg of Omaha. mil 1111 • HiMiiii i m r r i m i T l | Mass., was National Director of The Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon E. WaxB'nal B'rith Hillel Foundations Club will hold their annual dinner Patronize Our Advertisers and Is now chairman of the Na- at 6:30 p. m., Sunday, Feb. 27 in •nberg of New York City antional Hillel Commission. the Highland Town Club. ReservaA special message of greeting tions arc being taken by Mrs. Leon Fellman, GL 3274 and Mrs. Mickey will be sent to Dr. Sachar. Mrs. Abe Ginsberg is taking Kruplnsky, GL 1270. All alumni luncheon reservations.' Baby tit- and parents are Invited to attend. ter service will be provided.
Former Omafian Betrothal Told
Former Omahon to Wed
Cousins' Club
Omaha Chapter Hadastah ex- Mrs. Ed Simon will be hostess tends an invitation to all new at a, 12:30 p. m. luncheon meeting members and their husbands to of the Cousins' Club to be held spend a sodal get-acquainted eve- Wednesday, March 2, in tb« Fern ning al the home of Dr. and Mrs. Room of the Blackstone Hotel. A. C, Fellman, 683 Farfawood Those who are unable to attend Lane, Wednesday, March 2 at call AT 7240. 8:30 p. m. Al Swarta will be master of ceremonies. The movie, "It Could Happen to You," will be shown. Musical numbers will be presented by Messrs. Sherman Lipateln, Ervln Simon, Selwyn Hoffman and Seymour Goldston. Morcy Landman will give a reading. The evening of fun has been planned by Hadassah Chapter membership chairman Mrs. Aaron Rips and Mrs. Irvin C. Levin and their committee, the Mcsdames: Ervin Simon, Irvln Sherman, Phillip Rosenblatt, Arthur V. Friedman, William Alberts, HymJc Gcndlcr, R o b e r t Fclnberg and Goorgc Bernstein.
Lilting Brims in Colorful Lustrous. Panamalac Straw
Omaha's Favorite Way +0 Dine on Sunday
Sunday Branch
B.E. Sisterhood The regular board meeting of Beth El Sisterhood will be held at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Mar. 1 in Beth Ei social hall. Hostesses will be Mmes. Al Rlmmcrman, Aaron Rips, Abe Rothmiin, Hurry Rodiman, Morris Roltsteln, Philip Rosenblatt, Horace Rosctiblum, Meyer Rubin, Irvinf; Schnelderman, Maurice Sachs mid Selwyn Rothman. BKTII ISKArX CLUBS Beth Israel Youth Clubs will not meet Sunday, Feb. 27, because of the Carnival. All club carnival committee members are asked to bo on hand Saturday evening, Feb. 26, to assist with the setting up of tlie booths.
Served Buffet Stylet All You Care to Eat
,'Erichantinjcjty new panamalac i;strav/ . . , . shining its wax into spring... . . in anL imaginative array of t i n y lifted brims, projected brims, and saucy, shallow sailors. Black* navy," white, pink, avocado/
red, cherry-jubilee and yet* low.
p«rt row
Jay Basketball By Und> Paul
Junior Spotlight
Friday, Fi'liriiury S3, 1D.V1.
Y. C. Doings' By Joan Krnsne DEBKA DEBS The Deb bowling team is hold ing d o w n first place In Y, C, League. Their project committee Is working on stuffed animals to be sent to the Nebraska Children's Home. Muriel Green has a lead in Central High's Senior Play and Ellen Grcenberg also has a part. Debs will sponsor n badminton tournament
B'naiB'rith Bowling
By Ferne Katlcnwn V»nlty League FCNLAKD ^ llayim Topples Mother Star Auto Parts hopes for a The second session of Funland, W. L. Chapter for Y.C..Title share of the Varsity l e a g u e the Center's Sunday afternoon proPhilips Dcpt. Store... 36 33 brightened last week as they gave gram for first through fifth gradMidw. Water Heat... 30 33 i n a real all-out team effort, a the league leaders, Yaffe Printing, Wolf Brothers 36 33 complete junior Rayim team de- their second loss. Al dayman and ers started February 13 and from Omaha Jobbing 36 33 feated a never-say-dle AZA squad Jack SUss, with 36 and 25 points first appearances, It looks like Fireside Restaurant . . 35»" 34 43-43. The gome was a nlp-and- respectively, were the big guns in Funlanders arc In for a terrific 36 Meyera News 33 37 Shukerts 32 ttick affair, with both teams tak- the attack. Moe LJpton paced the tune during the next few months. 37 Mystic Beauty Shop.. 32 ing over the lead. However, in losers as he scored 22 points as Some of the activities already parPauline Hobcrman 226-498, Bess the final quarter the lads from Star Auto, with the 70-66 win, ticipated in include: Scissor paint- TIKVAS AMI two gamci out with two garnets Ing, picture cut-outi, swimming Lintzman 487* Esther . Ross 470, Mother chapter ran into s o m e are left to play. Sue Grcenbcrg 178-469, Shirley The program for the next Ttkvas and woodwork. The oldest boys' tough luck in their shooting and Ami meeting will include & book Gorcllck 4G3» Annette Frank 461, Haylm held on to win. These two Epstein's Enterprisers got out group Is very Intense on making report on "Theodore Jlerzl, The Women'*. 'II' the cellar as they rolled over teams have battled, six times dur- of ' W. L. Lusty's 63-42. They now share books for a stamp collection proj- Jew and the Man.' by Chaim ing the season and every game third place. Stan Widman and ect. 29 Lyn'i Florist 40 Wclzmann to be given by Fayna 36>,i 32)4 was a thriller. Rayim was led Harold Ncpomnlck paced the win- A vlslt to television station Manvitz. TA'n will sponsor a ping- Korney's Paint Co KMTV Is on the schedule for the Colony Club 35 W 33% ' by Al Corey and John Goldner in ner's attack with 19 and 17 points older boys and girls next Sunday. pong tournament. Smith Pontiac . . . . . . . 34'A 34 K the scoring department as they hit respectively, while Ralph Cooper The younger children will go swim34 H Angle's Beauty Salon M% 16 and 1? points respectively. Lar- was high for Lusty's with nine ming. RAYIM 33 Klsh F u n 34 ry Lincoln played a fine defense points. Rayim urges Youth Councilors to Mogcn David Wine... 31 38 Standing* keep March 12 open on, their cal- Hamilton Pharmacy..., 30 39 game as did Howard Goldstein. 1. O. IIEP CATS W. endars. Gene Kohn «iad the tough Job or Yaffe Printing Betty Perclman 169-462, LuThe last meeting of the Center'* 8 covering Stan Widman and Stan Star Auto cille Epstein 198-443, Til Lincoln seventh grade girls' club was held 6 didn't maku a field goal in the Epsteins AZA NO. 100 .151-438, Dorothy Isack 15W38, Sunday, Feb. 20, at the Jay. The 3 girls arc planning a party, to be Planning of the King Dance IsJRUth Plat 166-429, Rose Raznlck second half. For Mother chapter Lusty's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 held in April and a cooking session now in full swing. Howard Kaslow 1160-429, Dlna Bloom 158-418, Rose Widman finished high with 21 X. C. B League .A chairman. -hoi.™,,., sabes 160-406, Lll Kraft 152-403; is ad points and was sensational under Two teams ore tied for second to be held at the next meeting i. March 6 at the Center, " Esther Kalman |169-4O1, Shirley the boards, Ray Klrke played his place in the B league competition. Herman 160. L»Ucbl58. finest game for Mother chapter, They are Rayim C and AZA 100B Seventh grade girls who arc not AZA NO. 1 Mother Chapter has added Elliot Splits: Fannie Legman 5-7, and they battled it out last Wed- members of the Hep Cats arc in\ ncorinc 11 points. vited to join the group by attend- Brown to Its advisory staff. Mr, Shirley Welnstcln 5-9-10. In the opener, Rayim 1? did It n e s d a y . Meanwhile AZA IB ing the next meeting March 6. Next fall women bowlers will Brown was' Initiated as advisor again. Th«y outfought the kids dropped a dose 32-26 thriller to Sunday. He was recently affiliated move to the new West Lnnea Bowlof AZA 100 and took their second Rayim C Tanny Horwich with with AZA in St. Paul. The second atorlum, 72nd and Dodge sts. Any* win 47-38. We are now nominat- eight points was high for the win- PUE-TEEN CANTEEN NITE annual HI-Y Brotherhood Week one Interested in bowling in Seping Doug Conn as 'Coach of the ners, while chief support came Sixth, seventh and eighth grad- basketball game and mixer will be tember may contact Rose Oruch, from Larry Zacharia and Howard ers—this Is for you Saturday night, Year." His Interest in the gome held this Saturday in the Jay at 8 OR 1546 or Dorothy Fcltman, RE . and In these boys has been n boost Wclnberg added seven each. Mike March 12 from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. p. m. . 6021. for next year's Rayim team as Mogil, Will Plotkln and Al Krizol- is Prc-Tecn Canteen night at the there will be a real scrap to make man each had eight for the losers. Jay. Ping pong, chess, checkers, Youth Council boys will hold a Eddie Cantor: "All that the Conthe llayim A team. Ijirry Herman AZA 100B, with Stuart. Kutler and loads of other activities are in wrestling tournament February 27, stitution guarantees is the pur- with 13, Shcl Krantz and Bob hlting nine field goals, rolled over store for you at this gala evening Stage suit of happiness; you have to night will bo held April 2 Obcrmnn with 12. led the attack, their C team 40-25. Arnic Ban affair; so be nurcand mark March under the chairmanship of Fayna catch up with It yourself."—(JTA); 12 down as "Center Nile." Admiswhile Jerry Simon had 13 for the had nine for the losers. sion will be 10 cents. Watch for Manvitz, Mike Solzman and Marl, Centurynicn. KUndlngK lyn Rice. / announcements In the mall. Standing* W. lUyim A U 2 AZA IB 8 0TI1 UKADE GIRLS' Cl.UB Drama at the Jay AZA 1A •• 11 * AZA 100U 7 The next meeting of the Cen- Ina Margolin announced t h i s AZA 10OA- •. * » Rayim C 7 ter's sixth grade girlV club will be week that the Youth Council Is llayim n 2 13 AZA 100C 0 11 held Sunday, Feb. 27-at 3 p. m. again offering an opportunity to MIDflET LEAGUE \ in the Jowish Community Center. those that like to act and enjoy The hottest team in the Midget Jr. B.B. Bowling Any sixth grade girls wishing to theatrical work to -participate in league at the. present is Fireside join the club arc nivltcd to attend group dramatics. Pnt Lemmen, a Restaurant. 'They have won four Bill Katzman's 320 scries was this meeting. student at Uie University of Omastraight and arc now one game be- high in Ust'Sunday's competition. ha, will direct this group that hind the league leaden, Gerelick Bill fired games of 173-147. will meet every M o n d a y and Motors and Hires Root Beer., J-ast Dennis Schulman tossed the high Jr. Y.C. Bowling Thursday after s c h o o l at the Sunday fhey dumped the league game o" the day—a 174. W. L. "JAY." Mr. Lcmmcrs urges nil leading-Hires squad by the score Judy Plattner was high in the who are interested to participate 30 14 of 21-16. Justin .Ban was high girls' division with games of 151, Lucky Lcogucn . in this activity to report to any Rayim Jrs 29% 14',4 with' eight points while Don For- 120 for a 271 series. The Curves 29 15 of the aftcr-school-hour sessions. man and Steve Seglin pitched In The sessions start at 3:30 p. m. in Standing* Hokcy. Pokes 28',i 15»i with six each. Dan Hollis with Room 25 of the center. Blue Eagle* . ! 25 19 nine points was high for Hires. w. 19 25 Meadow Gold Dairy • •• 31 11 Cozy Farmers Gerelick M o t o r s had 111 Fireside Restaurant - . 25 17 Bowling Bums . . . . . . . . 18U 25'.4 RUG & UPHOLSTERY trouble with the cellar dwelling S. Ncbr. Fur. Mart 18 4 Belles 16 28 CLEANERS Rickcs tc Sons team as they brat Wolfson-Gerber Auto-.. 24 19 Fancy Pants 15V4 28H Annual Purun elections will 23 them handily 37-18. The Rlekes Maypera IUOS - CAtntTIN« 7th Heaven 12 32 take place at Beth Israel this 21>-i 22'/i squad has been battling the flu.ax Omaha Jobbing High Games and.Scries: Shrler, week. Talmud Torah and Sunday lAMr SHADES 21 21 captain Bill Horwich and Al Korte- Playland Park 21 21 113, 138—251; Cohen, 129, 129— School children will elect the Beth ruRNrrun cky were both under the weather. Morril 184 23% 258; Riekes, 137. 114-251: Conn, the Beth Israel Purim. Royalty, inLittle Joel Davis led. the attack RobertsPaint 107, 134—247, nntl S. Guiw, 136, cluding a King, a Queen, a MorDairy 18 24 ClMnnd In Year Homo! with 11 points while Walt Wise, 105—251. decai and a Hamon. The new roy18 24 Ms4te« • Uyltf . Itpaktof and Larry Kohn added eight each. Wolfson Sales Co. alty will be crowned and installed Stuart Fogel was high with eight Midwest Water Heaters 18 24 DON IUMSTIIN HA JIM by last year's royalty. Patronize Our Advertisers O. P. Stages 14 24 for the loser*. Pucific'FIsh lost their encounter with I-Co Van but cinched,a lie for the league title as Cowboys up-, set Rlchman-Gordman. Jeff Wohlner with some driving layup shots and Don Fiedlc accounted for all their points with nine and eight points respectively. Dick Zacharia led the loners with eight points. The score was 17-15. Mike Fcldman took over the scoring power of the Cowboys team as they unset second place Rlchman-Gordman 21-18.. Mike ac< counted for 11 of his team's- points I look of ft this way: Our telephone makes life a lot happie while canter Steve Guss led.RfG for .me and my family. There arc times when it's been a real life-" wjth I t - . " . . . .-•,
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