: ' -*. •
Mallei tl ro«tun'lui Act ol JfciU.
OMAHA, NKltltASKA, I'ltlDAV, MAKCII 4, 1055.
National UJA Meet Raises $17 650,000 An all-time record was sot In Miami at (he United Jewish Appeal National Conference with the raising of the amount of $17,650,000 in Individual contributions, .which marked the inauguration of the 1955 United Jewish Appca campaign. William Rosewald, general chair man of the UJA, hailed this record-breaking figure as a dramatic and uhpredoccnted response to human needs. "This amount of $17,6?0,000tops previous campaign openings, and contributors this , year acted almost, to a man In glv|pg more than they did In 1953 and 1654." -Avrahom Hnrman, Israel's Consul.. General In New York, told •tore than the 600 campaign Icad«M that "Israel is lurrounded by
Global Report
countries marked by internal Instability, while Israel has successfully maintained its democratic character and stability." Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, executive vice-chairman of the UJA .reported that some 70,000 Jews In •North Africa petitioned the UJA for prompt transfer to Israel, due to the real danger to which they arc exposed In those lands.
Ballet Classic At Joslyn Sunday "Specter of the Roso," an American classic, produced and directed by Ben Hecht, will be shown at the Jotlyn Memorial Art Museum Sunday, March 8 at 8:15 p. m. This film, third In the scries of the Center Cinema Club, uses the world of ballet as a backdrop for an unusual and mysterious story. •. The film stars Judith Anderson and Michael Chekhov with choreography by Tarmara Geva. The National Board of Review said of the motion picture: "Artistic in every department and exquisitely proportioned to its simple theme . . . the word masterpiece applies. Here Is a film whose Immersion In its own small world is so complete as to shed the rare glow of beauty In cinema." Admission Is by series ticket and Individual admissions may be purchased at the door the evening of the performance for 75 cents. The Center Cinema Club Is sponsored by the Jewish Community Center.
BORDER SITUATION Tel .Aviv (JTA)—Grave deterioration b( the situation along Israel's Gaza strip border was reported here Monday by military spokesman, following the murder of Henry Levy of Rchovot last Weekend. Infiltrators subsequently attacked an Israel patrol from Yavnc in the tin me area where the murder occurred, the spokesman said. In other disturbances, throe in flltnitors were fired on by nn Israel patrol while attempting to get back across the border in the Gaza strip. They escaped, leaving behind them various objects stolon Bond Dispute Develops In Israel. One armed infiltrator In Detroit Community was killed near Yad Mordccul during ( C l a s h with an Israel force. Jerusalem (JTA)— The Israel A British-made Stcn gun was Cabinet at a meeting Sunday, in found near his body. which David Ben Gurlon participated for the first time since his BETTLEMKNT . return to the government, decided New York (JTA)—A. plnn to to send Finance Minister Levi EshSettle 500 American Jewish fnm kol to the United States to deal Hies as farmers in cooperative with the dispute which has de •tnallholders' settlements In Israel veloped in Detroit between the Was adopted here at a conference Jewish community there and the ot the "Hnlkar Hnoved in Amer- national office of the Israel Bond ica," an organization promoting campaign. the settlement of American Jews Director general of the Finance tin cooperative farms established Ministry Pinchas Saphir left for specially for Americans desiring to the United States Saturday for the llvo on the land In Israel. some purpose. Davar, leading progovernment paper, reveals that B. B. IN ISUAKI. Tel Aviv (JTA)—A national Henry Montor, executive head of conference of B'nnl D'rith mem- the Israel Bond campaign In the bers In Israel was held In Gedcra United States, has Ignored a re at which major problems facing quest from Israel-to come to Jerthe fraternal organization in this usalom and clarify the matter. "And he wns not far from Israel's country were discussed. shores," the paper adds. TOUIUST 8KASON Severely criticizing Mr. Montor, . Tel Aviv (JTA)—The Israel Davur.Vhich is the official organ tourist season was off to a flying of the Hlstartrut. asks whether •tart today when 500 visitors on there Is no authority which could a world cruise landed for n two- impress upon Mr. Montor that he day visit of historic sites and more should not contravene instructions modem places of Interest nnd en- regarding the necessity of cotertainment. ordinating timing between the bond campaign and other campaigns that nre important to Israel. "The situation cannot last and must bo checked," the editorial says. ( Four Uahrzcit plaques were initallcd this week on the Memorial ASCII IIONOUIOD Tablets In the synagogue of the Tel Aviv (JTA)—Sholcm Ascli, Dr, Philip Sher.Jcwish Home for noted Jewish author, was honored Aged, Arthur A. Colin, Home Com- as a founder of the Joint Dlslribumitted chairman, announced. ion Committee at a ceremony at • The plaques were Installed In Malhen Institution nt Nathanya. memory of: Mrs. Tema Hush, Mr. Present nt the ceremony were Louis S. Lebowltz, Mrs. Sam Pos- many prominent persons, Including ter, and Mr. Philip Saks. Moses W. Bcckelman, the JDC's : In connection with t h e s e European director. plaques, the Home will notify the Mr. Asch wns presented with ;i relatives of the Yahrzelt date, and citation, one of 18 awarded to Kaddlsh and Ynhr/elt recitals will ounders of the .7DC which this be conducted In the traditional year marks its 40lh anniversary. manner In the Home Synagogue. Since Mr. Asch was not in the Arrangements for M e m o r i a l United States when the citations Plaques may be made either at the were given the other founders, office of the Jewish Federation, or this ceremony was held lit a Malwith the Home Superintendent, ien home, which Is supported by David O r k w , he JDC.
Memorial Tablets Installed at Home
Religious Schools Plan Purim Fetes The Both El Sunday School will celebrate Purim Sunday, March (J In an assembly program which will include a masquerade parade. Tlic Beth El Talmud Torah Student Council assisted by the P-TA committee will conduct a Purim Carnival Sunday, March l.'i starting at 2:30 p. m. The traditional Megilloh reading and coronation ceremony will be held Purim eve, Monday, March 7 at 7 p. m. A talent Show will follow the coronation.
furjilfi&ea ever; Friday, 101 fl. 20UL Uiunha. Nebraska. Hione JA 1366
Street Cars Retired The last of Omaha's street cars will be retired from service today, James P. Lee, president of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Company announced. Commemorating the final appearance of street cars, an "Offidal" last day car carrying a group of state and city officials will make the special final trip Saturday morning from 36th and Farnnm to the car barn at 10th and Pierce. The conversion to all-bus service now makes it possible tor d t y officials to continue with their modernization program of one-way streets.
Sunday Radio "Look Up and Live" program presented over KMTV from 9:30 to 10 a. m., will be under the direction of the American Association for Jewish'Education during the month of March. Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, former spiritual leader of Temple Israel and now director of the National Hillel Foundation, will serve as host during the month, The theme for this Sunday's program will be "Torah." Hannah Zamlr, soprano star of the Hebrew National Opera, will appear as guest artist and will sing Israeli folk songs. The Message of Israel will be heard nt Its new time at 9:35 a. in. on KOIL. Rabbi Maurice N. Kiscndrath, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, will discuss "Not By Brain Alone." • The Eternal Light program will bo broadcast over WOWRadio from 11:30 a, m. to 12 noon.
Sidman to Lead Men's Division
The annual Purim festivities will begin at 6:45 p. m., Monday evening, March 7, at the Beth Israel Synagogue. At the conclusion of the reading of the Megillab, the new King and Queen of Beth Israel will be crowned. A masquerade and costume contest will follow the Beth Israel coronation. Prizes will be awarded to children with the most original, funniest, appropriate costumes. The new Royalty, who have been chosen in a special school election, will lead the costume, parade. Temple Israel Religious School will hold Its annual Purim Carnl val, Sunday, March 6 from 2 to 4 p. m., In the Temple Social Hall. Students will come In costumes depleting characters of the Purim story and will participate in a Masquerade Grand March. The Saturday Division of the Re llglous School will have regular classes, Saturday, March 5. There will be no regular session of the Sunday Division Sunday morning. March C. Students of the Religious School will participate In Purim Eve services Monday evening, March 7 at 7:30 p. m. The Religious School Choirs, under the direction of Miss Ida Gltlln, will sing. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will read the Meglllah.
Annual 1UU 4 smm oop» 10
Harry Sidman
JDC Will Assist Youth Aliyah The Joint Distribution Committee nnd Youth Aliyah have reached an agreement whereby JDC will subsidize "the training of North African children in France before they leave for Israel, it was announced in Paris by Moses W. Beckelman, JDC Director-General. The youngsters s e l e c t e d by Youth Aliyah will be taken to the Herbert H. Lehman H o m e In southern France where they will be Instructed in Hebrew, geography, Israia history and will be taught to raise their own fruits and vegetables. ' After their preliminary training they will leave for Israel where they will bo assigned to Youth Aliyah groups. : . The JDC Is a beneficiary of the United Jewish Appeal. The Herbert H. Lehman Home Is a children's village which was set up by JDC three years ago at a cost of approximately $250,000. The village is administered by Youth AUyah and houses 250 boys and girls ranging from 13 to 16 years of age. In addition to financial grants for maintenance of the children, JDC Will also provide food supplies from surplus stocks of the Department of Agriculture.
Women's Division Calls for Workers A call for women workers to help in the Women's Division of the Philanthropies Campaign was Issued this week by thechairmen of the Women's Division. Addressing a communication to all women in Omaha, signed by Mrs. Mike Freeman, Women's Division chairman, Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkoy, Mrs. Louis Katz, Mrs. Eve Konccky, and Mrs. Morton A. Richards, co-chairmen of the Division, the leaders of the Worn;n's Division said: "We want you to be one of the active workers in this campaign. Experience over the years has taught us that a good group of willing workers can make this Job easier to do, and more successful." Reply cards indicating wlllingIOSS to help wore enclosed, nnd women of the community are urged to return the volunteer cards nt once, so that proper tennis may be formed.
Harry Sidman, who. served as chairman of the 1954 Men's Divl. sion of the Philanthropies cam. paign, has agreed to direct this' division In the crucial 1955 Jewish Philanthropies Drive for the Unit* • ed Jewish Appeal, National Agencies and local institutions, Ernest A. Nogg, General Chairman of the campaign, announced today.. "The unusual achievements of the Men's Division last y e a r prompted us to call upon Mr. Sidman to assume this responsibility in 1955. This division is a most important unit In terms of potential, and our'Campaign Committee felt that under Mr.. Sidman's leadership this potential may be realized. Mr. Sidman has done M out* standing job, and under his guidance more than 1,000 subscribers were obtained with a very high proportion of gifts." Beth Israel JPrexy Mr. Sidman Is President of the Beth Israel Synagogue. He Is a member of several important commlttees of the Jewish Federation and Is active In many communal and civic affairs. In accepting the post of chairman of the Men's Division, Sidman said: "We worked very hard In 1954 to reach the results which are now a matter of record. With what we learned last year, and the experience we have gained, I think that many Improvements can be effected In our division. "The most important task which will face us is the organization of a sufficient corps of workers. We have some 1,250 prospects in our division, and it will take an eager, group of workers to reach them, and tell them the story of our United Campaign. This is a Job which must be sliared by as many volunteers as possible." Mr. Sidman announced that • Planning Committee of the Men'* Division Is to be set up shortly to develop plans for a most Intensive coverage of cards.
Israel Cone Over Turkish Jerusalem (JTA)—Serious concern over the effects on (Israel of the Iraqi-Turkish treaty for mutual; defense-^-whlch, woi ratified Saturday by the parliaments o t both countries — was expressed Sunday In Israel Government circles. It was noted here that the pact confirms the negative attitude of the . Arab countries toward B r a d . . .
i A spokesman for the Foreign Office here drew attention to the fact that the treaty contains a pledge directed against Israel. Under this pledge, both Iraq and Tui* key have "obligated themselves "to take measures guaranteeing enforcement of the United Nation* resolutions on the Palestine question." The Arab countries have charged Israel with Ignoring the UN resolution on the internationalization of Jerusalem. * , "This hostile intent towards Israel, which forms an Integral part of the Iraqi-Turkish pact," the Israel spokesman said, 'is a patent statement that the new treaty Is liable to encourage Arab belligerent tendencies In their relations with Israel, to foment aggressive ambitions and to under* mine peace and stability in th« Middle East." The spokesman also emphasized the fact that "the treaty lacks a clause which eustomnrlly appear* In all mutual treaties, whereby both parties undertake to refrain from the use or threat of the use of force in their international relations and to settle all dispute* with other states by peaceful means." This clause is" "conspicuously absent" from the treaty, tho Israel official pointed out.
Bar & Bas Mifzvah
Friday, Mardb 4,1935. •
Gems o' ^e
Community Calendar
Marilyn Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hobermnn, and PoMttad Cvwj *lUa* *» tberedenttoD for J IrtsbBervio Bible and Talmud Call Faye, daughter of Mr. und u »• m u u u MUM 4 mniii«. M I M U «»«•« U» MI Siitunlny, Murrli 5 Mrs. Hy Shier, will celebrate their Oj OR. PHILIP SIIEJi Beth Israel Men's Club Dance— B i Mitzvah nt a Joint service TSSS 9 P. M.—B. L BARRY HAtPERT Etfltoi Friday evening, March 4. and Satgnnduy, Marrh fl v urday morning. March 5, at Beth Beth El Supper Club—7 p. m.—• El Synagogue. Friends and relaIt Is beltter U> bear the rebuke B. E, tive* are Invited to attend both of the wise than the praise-song Center Onema Club—"Specie* services and the rcoeptiarei which of the Rose"—8:15 p. m.—Jostys. of fools. will follow. Monday, Marrh 7 OppressfaM) turncth a wise man
Witt file Folks At Home
Public Speaking Course—1:15 p. The festival of Purim, 5715, win Martin Meyers, son of Mrs. into a fool; and • gift destroycth m.—Center. be inaugurated wit* a party Sun* Sally Meyers, will observe his Bar Judgment, "Fast of Esther." day, March'6, at 2 p. m, at the Dr. Mltzvab Friday evening and SatPhilip Sher Jewish Home for the urday morning, March 11 and 12, Tbore is not, a righteous nun Workmen's loan—7:30 p. m.— Center. Aged, under the auspices of B'nai at the Beth Israel Synagogue. upon earth who always does good Tuesday, March 8 B'rlth Nebraska Chapter No. 348. and relatives are cordially and never sins. PURIM. Beth El Mrs. Holly Franklin Is cbiinnan Friends Invited to attend. Beth £1 Sisterhood—1 p, m.— for the affair. Rabbi said: "I learned much B. E. Services Friday evening win begin at 8:15 'dock. Rabbi Myer S. The.Brotherhood Week Party, Norman A. Kriiriman. son of from my teachers; more, however, Beth Israel Sisterhood Book He> Krlpke will deliver the sermon. scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 27, has Mr. and Mrs. Max Krizelman, will from my colleagues; but from tny rlw—1 p. m.—B. I. Cantor Aaron 1 Edgar and the been postponed for a few weeks celebrate his Bar MiUvah, Friday pupils l learned the most" '- Temple Sisterhood — 1 p, m, —. ' Beth Kl Synagogue Choir will ren- due to • death at the Home. This evening, March 11. and Saturday When the elders of Israel com- T. I. der the musical portion of the affair will be sponsored by the morning, March 12. at the Beth plained to King David that the Evening Art Class 7 p. m<-« Council Bluffs Chapter of Hadas- El Synagogue. All friends and service. Jewish nation could not maintain Center. sab. relatives are Invited, no invita- itself, the King told them that Leathercnft Clast—1iX p. m.—• Sabbath morning services will be IN MEMOR1UM: tions are being Issued. Receptions tho people should engage in trade Center. at 8:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation services arc at 10:30 a. m. Joseph LJpsey. will follow both services. amongst themselves, and thus sup- Tuesday Musical Club—830 p. ' J1 Mlncha-Maariv sen-ices will be at Eva Davidson. Out-of-town guests" will be Mr. port one another. The leaders anWednesday, March 9 6 p. m. The Sunday morning serv- Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosenblatt and Mrs. Dave ZorwUl of Philadel- swered that a nation cannot exist visited the Home and brought sevice is at 9 and the Mlncha-Masriv phia, Pa, parents of Mrs. Krizel- and prosper on IU own resources. Omaha Zionist Council—8 p. m. eral boxes of fancy cakes and —Center. service at 6 p. m. Dally Servian man, and Mrs. Harry Sack of The King them advised, them to cookies made at the Beth Israel Maiden, Mass, aunt of Mr. Krizal- send are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. groups of representatives to Center Orchestra—* p. m.—Cen« Purim Services will be held Man- Synagogue, in honor of the Bar man. The out-of-town visitors foreign countries to seek markets ter. Mltzvab of their son Jerry/ Tlmwday, March 10 day, March 7 at 6 p. m., wfth the will be house guests of the Krizel- for export trade and thus help Mbcrachi Luncheon and Card] full reading of the Megillah. The SPECIAL KIDDUSH: tnahs. bring prosperity to the Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaplan. Party—12:30 p. m,—Center. reading of the Megillah for chilpeople in Palestine. Mr, and Mrs. Abe Roffmstt, dren uill be at 7 p m Pioneer Women Board—1:30 p. Since the destruction of the m.—Center. Tempi!) the gilt -of prophecy bas Senior Council Board—1 p. m. Beth Israel been given to,fools and children. XTKVAS AMI Kadimah Board Meeting—8:30 Tikvas Ami will hold a slumber (Wise men cannot afford, to risk' p, m.—Home. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor their reputntlons, while fools and part Saturday, March 5. Center Art Class—1:30 p.. m. Eli Kagan and tho Bclh Israel Mrs, Max Davidson A regular meeting win bs held children have nothing to lose.) choir, will conduct the annual "Know Your Neighbor" service, Sen ices were held Monday, Feb. Sunday, March B, at the J.C.C. sponsored by the Beth Israel Sis- 28 for Mrs. Max Davidson with AZA NO. 100 terhood, this Friday evening at 8 Interment at Pleasant HIU Ceme- AZA No. 100 has two new ad- Spring Fashion Show p. m. Rabbi Groncr will speak on tery. Mrs. Davidson, 75, a resident visors, Paysle Alperson and Phil By B.E. Sisterhood "Who Is My Brother." There wlU of Omaha for 42 years died Sun- Kutlcr. AZA No. 100 has signed Instead of the usunl carnival be a question and answer period day morning, Feb. 77 following a up with the Volunteer Bureau; A Spring Fashion Show, Lunch- nnd nil-book of past yenrs, the men and a reception following the serv- lingering illness. She was a resi- KAYIM eon und Card Party will be held of Hcnr HlonKky Lodge nre uponices, In the Synagogue Social HalL dent at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish On the bowling scene, Rayim March 23 at the Uctli Kl Syna- >oniiR n "I'.ist Presidents Stag1' Home for the Aged. SOS has won the National Di- gogue iocial hall wilii Mrs. Irvine •his year. Thn date for tho stag Is Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbplas Shabbos) begins at Survivors Include, a son, David; vision and will be in the play-offs .Sclincidennan and Mrs. Edward Wfdnc.dny, ,^taIcll 'M, replacing Zorlnsky in cliargL-. liclh Kl .Sis- the IIMKII nvinthly l«ili;e meeting. 6 p. m. Sabbath Morning services two daughters, Mrs. Nathan Hor- this Sunday. begin at'8:30 a. m.; Junior con- wich and "Mrs. Hyman Richards. Last week at Peony Park, Jerry terhuod-members who will model Kvcry p.ist-|,r<--idiTit attending all of Omaha; seven grandchildren gregation, at 10 a. m. - „ Marcr WAS a candidate for the arc: Mrs. Myer S. Kri|>kc, Mrs tin"! ntf.nr Hill r<reni» <i •.jiecinl Rabbi Croner will conduct the and eight great-grandchildren. "Ace of Hearts." Congratulations lJoiiiilcl NOCK, MIS Many Kcn-n- ritullon. Mnrvin Trellcr l« chalrTalmud Class at 9:30 > m. Sabto Murray fiose who was clcctad utein, t i n ten I&ulouv Mrs, A. mnn of the affair. Kii Rnsen nnd 1). Frank, Mrs. liaruld Pcrelmon, Iinlph Nogg nre his nsslstnnt.i, bath Mincha at 6 p. m. followed Mrs. Nathan Seiner president of U. S. Y. Mrs. Snmurl Wolf; Mrs. Jack by Sholeshe S'eudos and Maorlv. AZA NO. 1 Once n yenr, it is necessary for Dally morning services, begin at , Services were held Monday, Feb. Work on the 1955 Sweetheart Kaufman, Mrs. M. A. Vcnger, Mrs. the lo<lnc fo mine funds in order 7 a. rn. Afternoon services at 6:10 28 for Aim. Nathan Seiner with in- Dance lias begun'Under the lead- Julius Stein, Mrs, Nathan Turner, to stipjwrt H'rmi B'rlth causes. p. m. Sunday morning services be- terment at Golden Hill Cemetery. ership of VJco-PrCKldeni Gary Bit- Mrs. Ben Slutzky, Mrs. Morton Funds will go to the'l^ro N. Lcvl gin at 8:45 a. m. followed by break- Mrs. Seiner, 62, died Saturday, nick. The tentative date lias been Friedlander, Mm. Arthur Gross- Hospital, nt Hot Spring*, Ark,; man, Mr*. Phillip Alberts, Mrs. fast and Rabbi's class in Bible Sun- Feb. 26. set for early in September. Moriey Zipursky, Mrs. David National Jewish Hospital, at Denday morning. Junior Mhiyan folShe is survived by her husband. Proceeds from the Hi-y-JVZA Reiss, and M R . Donald Rice. Child vcr; Bcllcfoire Childrvns Hospital, lowed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 Nathan; three daughters, Mrs. 1* No. 1 basketball game and miser models will be Linda Sue Father, at Clcvelund: ParaphlegiJi Hospital a. m. A. Rubin of .Chicago, VI, Mrs. are being sent to the Henry Mon- Karen-Sue Gould, and Jane Ellen for Veterans, Iwael: ChUdrens The .Talmud Discussion group Maynard Kalzmnn of San Fran- sky Foundation to be used in the Fox. Guest models will be Mrs.Home, Israel; Mayo Center 11 Meets every Tuesday evening at d$oo. Calif, «nd Mrs. Meyer Mey- building of- a now conference Bernhardt Wolf and Mrs. Richard fiodteaier, Minn.; .Anti- Defama7 p"'m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th <rson of Omaha; three sons, Harry, room. Scitner of the Temple Israel St*- tion League; National Youth ServandBurt. , ^ ' H e and Harold, all of Omaha, terhood and Mrs. Isadora Etewitx ices Appeal Including BBYO, AZA and nine grandchildren. Drama at the Jay sessions arc and. Mrs. Arthur Goldstein of. Beth and IBiiei; Tho, Henry Monsky held every Monday and Thursday Israel Synagogue, Mrs. Wolf and Foundation, and the Service Com' Temple Israel after school at tho Jewish Com- Mrs. Hewitz laro presidents of mUtee for Anncd Forces and VetMrs. Lena Dayfch Services will be held at Temple munity Center. New members of their sisterhood groups. Miss Sey- erans. Israel at 8 o'dock-on Friday eve- Services were bold Sunday, Feb. this croup ore Janie Fellman, San- na Fishman, fashion consultant, All proceeds of this affair, will ning. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will 27 for Mrs. Lena Daytch with in- dra Fiedler, Shelley Green, Donna for the Nebraska Clothing Co., be forwarded to the District Six discuss "The C o n g r e g a t i o n s terment at Fisher Farm Cemetery. Canar, Shirley rtaznlck, Ina Mar- will describe the fashtons supplied Package Fund to be distributed Speak," impressions froirt the 43rd Mrs. by the Nebraska Clothing Co. Mrs. tp these Institutions, 69, died Friday, Feb. golin and Msdalyn Mlroff. General Assembly-of the/Unldri of 25 atDaytch, George Eiscnbcrg will be the pianthe home of her daughter, Hebrew Congregations Convention, Mrs. Ida ist for the show, The luncheon Whitebppk. This Sunday, March 6, at 2:30 held in .Los Angeles. ' members are: Mrs. Werner Appointed pjn. at the Jewish Youth Council committee William Wcincr.has been apHarry Rodtman, Mrs. Harry HayServices Saturday morning are Is sponsoring n panel discussion kin, Mrs. £- W. Forbes, Mm. Dave pointed chairman of Macs Chlltim' at 11-30 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks will on "From the Highest to the Low^ Conn, Mrs, David Grernberg. Mm. of tho Mizrachi Organization ot deliver the scrmonette and Kidest," treating, the entrance of Jack Gelfand. Mrs. Jacob* Bern- Omaha. All checks should bo dush for the entire Congregation grade schoolers into'our teenage stein, and Mrs. Reuben Bordy, mulled to Mr. Weiner at his home, wHJ,follow the-'service. The Keclubs, various aspects of rushing Mrs. Gerald Gross is ticket chair- 5412 Parker st. Bgious School Choirs, under the "Know'TToun. Neighbor" Sabbath and pledging. Bob Meyer, presi- man. Baby sitter service will be direction of Miss Ida Gitiln, will will be held at the Beth Israel Sydent of the Youth Council", wel- provided. MORE TRI;UUS PLANNED sine the service. nagogue, 92nd and Charles Sts. both parents and teenagers London (JTA)—Cairo's publlo ' Monday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, this evening, }!arcb 4,>nt 8 p. m. comes to attend. Howard Knslow Is panprosecutions officer, Abdel Mo» services will be held on the eve of Members of the Omaha Council el chairman. nelm Hnm^awl, has decided t o Purim. Babbl Sidney H. Brooks of Church Women and their fam'ESSENTIAL UIN3III1" commit 77 Jews for trial before will read the Meglllah and the Re- ilies and tho members of the NaSouth Bend, Ind (JTA)—The n criminal court on charges of ligious School Choirs will sing the tional Conference of Christians and Zionist Council musical portions of the service. Re- Jim's have been Invited to attend. The regular monthly merlins of "essential kinship" of Israel and forging offldnl documentu, tho the Christ inn world wns stif.ssed J e w i s h Ote-crver reports from freshment* will be served at the A reception in the synagogue the Omaha Zionist Council will IK- liy IM'.ICI Amb iss.idur AIIIM Kban Cilro Amonj: the nccused, accord* conclusion of the ritual social hall following'the services hold at 8 p, m., Wednesday, Mnrrh in an niidicis bc-fun* the htii'lcnt ini; to the report, is Andel Meslh sponsored by tlie Beth Israel Sis- D in the Jewish Community Center limly nnd faculty of Notre Dane ri<-,haini, nn elder of the Jewish terhood, is being arranged under Mrs. J. U. Kuiakohky, council Urmer>ity. Thi1, \\.i*; tiic ftn,t time fjuarlor, nnd his assistant, Iwth of Beth Israel P-TA the chairmanship of Mrs. Lewi. president, will report on the Anur- Hut uii official ri'pxcs^ ntiilivc of whom nre eharc'd with forging To Show 'Francis' Netfli"ff hti'1 Mrs. Il.iny Si'lm.in i'Aii-Jfv,i-(i onjjni/'itKinH cfjnfer- tiif.1 .St.ite of Israel addivs.sed a b i r t h certificates no that they cno." which slio will attend In ni.tj-'r it'jfn.iri CaUioiic audience in could visit Israel In 1946. Tlie Beth Israel Parents-TeachWashington, IJ. C. Ilic l.'niled Sl.itf. ers Association will present "FranThe Cairo radio, meanwhlla, an«
Y. C. Doings
Monsky Lodge Stag March 20
Neighbor Sabbath At U . Tonight
cis Goes to West Point" in the Beth Isnicl social hail March 19 and 20. All I roeceds Kill K'» toward the Talmud Tamil building fund The film stars Donald O'Connor Tidcctb arc 50 cents for childn-n •nd one dollar for adults. P n m will bo awarded to children scllini; the most tickets. families Allied
One of every 44 families in the United States was given Kcd Cross assistance through chapter Home Service last year.
Rabbi Broolts fo Speak
P. ibbi Siiln'y II J'.rojks, Spiritual lynder of Temple I; nic-1 v/ill rrpitvnt Tin- Jcu,,h Cli.iut.iuijui S u ' l y •!•, |( d u n r .-it Huena Vi'.la IJCIIO, Storm I--ike. la. I In will sp" ik .it O'.'ii/.'l. und (Iflivi'r f,c\ri iJ cliviiyini jTture., Mairh 14 'Hie Ji-msh Ch.iutauqua Suncty, which tend', rabbis to collcgr-s .'is part o.' nn educational program to •Jt.'.cminatc authentic information concerning Judaism. The society is a beneficiary of the Jewish Philanthropic. campaign of Omaha,
"An unden;tanfiiii!^ of tlio spirit nnunccd Mond,iy that the Egypof I b " C'luisti.in worlil rani:;, hir,h tian Supreme IVIilitary Court will inmni: IT.I'-I'S chief u- iiIr.itio.T;," shortly lie;;in tlie trial of six more J N Onialrt will mor-t :it 8 \\. m., 'Hnjri- Mr. I.IJUI i.-iid. 'We ale fully Jews. The radio report saiil that d.-iy, March 10, ;it the home of av.ire Iliat imny r.iu <•; und a,- thn trial would be presided over by Mi , M I' L n u r i ^ n , <1HI') I-\,it-. i - i r n i l to (.'liri>l:,inily he Brigadier I-'n id Dl|^vy, who conx i 'iin Mt, Ail nicinh^ni are iiiycl within our mjitiol, and <l'amind I ducted the "Zionist spy ring" trial. our mof;t viciiant reverence. This Tlie six hnvo boon under arrest to alt'inl. ron.'.i(Jei°tilion has led us cm.slant- Miice I.Lit October. ly In r r c n t yi.-.ira ti> proclnim our One Of JZ .Since tho beslnnini; of tlio Red readincsn to place under internaN u u c Volunteers Cro',. Ulfxxl ProRram In 1918, one tional Influence the Holy Places in Of every Vi rcBislcrcd nurses of every 12 United Slates resident'; Jerusalem which arc the cradle in the United Slates last year, one between 20 nnd CO lias contributed and inspiration of the Christian wns enrolled for local community failli." Wood through the Red Cross. service with Ihc Red Cross,
JNF Meeting
- / . . . •
P i c e Three
Friday. Marc* 4. J935.
Council Sabbath • Omaha Sketches Friday, March 11
Junior Spotlight |
Xoi in in Ui ii( here, 29, was ap- National C o u n c i l of Jewish Ky Feme Katlcraun ii Ii VIM • , w i n 1 if) N Tilill M Mnrachi Women j Mis Vein V..llti" n p >i li'iluf'iM pointed Deputy County Attorney '•'omen, Omaha Section, will ob- J. C. HK1» CATS A Mi/i.uhi Wfjriit n * l u m f i l who lias been affiliated with the by Lugenu F. Fitzgerald, County serve their annual Sabbath in The next meeting of tlie Center's LumJiron-Caid P.nt> wijl be IK Id •> K.ial M I M C d( p t i Inn nt at t h e Attorney. Mr. Denenberg repluces Omaha Synagogues, Friday, March seventh grade girls' club, the J. C Thursday afUi IIDUII, JU.ni.ii JO, .itI'n'M-iMtv Ho'iiit.il will nVi'U".s 1L Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, acting 1 o'clock, in 1hc Ji-wi'h Conimu- "How to Kt.iy Alive as loni; as you M. Hubert Fromkln who announced president, will represent Council Hep Cats, will be held at the Jewlus, resignation Tuesday. Mr. Den-at Temple Israel, Mrs. Jcrold Itos- ish Community Center Sunday, nity CVntrr. Thf J>I c/r r. i-ds \wll y,oL i u - " Maich 6, at 3 p. m. This meeting, to the Children s Villages projects Mrn. Hen Kuplan is program enberg was g r a d u a t e d from en at Beth El and Mrs. Louis K a c ill Israel chairman. Crdghton Law School in 1946. He at Beth Israel, where they will will be devoted to a cooking sesI''or rcii-i nations call nnyunc of Kadlmnh's ad book will j o to served Us a Naval Air Cadet in outline Council's activities duiiug sion and members are. asked to the-year. the following hoMi-.sfs Mrs Hose press March 7 and ads should be bring an apron with them. The Fogol, C-L 4'i!)l; Mrs. Sol NoRg, turned in to Mrs. Dave Wine. Mrs. World War II. Mr. Denenberg is The focus of Council's Sabbath girls are now busily planning the WA 9332 or Mis Heim.m Frjnk- Wine wishes to thank the women associated with his brother Her- observance this year is on tlie "Matzoh Ball," a d u b party, which lin, Wi: S:M5 who worked'to make thin project bert in the law firm of bearing women's role in achieving peace wUl be held in the early part A a success. and progress under freedom. Sec- April, their name. • tion activities are part of the naB.E. Sisterhood tion-wide ,f>rogram of. Council, Dr. Herman ilL. JaMr, hea'd of FCNLANU The regular monthly luncheon B.I. Sisterhood the Department of Pedlatics of the whose 245 sections maintain over The Funlanders1 trip to televimeeting of the Beth KI Sihteihood "Wings On Her Petticoat," a College at Medicine, University of 800 community service activities sion station KMTV last Sunday Will be held ut JLj> i n . March 8, novel by Hetty Miehiher, will be Nebraska was awarded.a "Certi- In U. S. afternoon was quite a thrilling exin the social hall of the synagogue reviewed by Mrs. John Jesse at licate of Appreciation for ten The luncheon uiU honor the the March 8 luncheon-moettne of years of outstanding service In the They include "Golden Age" cen- perience, according to the children Sewing Group, originated in 1910tlie ISeth Israel Sisterhood. Mrs. fight against Infantile Paralysis." ters, health and recreation proj- who made the visit The staff at by Mrs. Leon CracU, Mrs. Ifcubcn Arthur Parilman and Mrs. living Dr. Jahr is a member of the Medi- ects for children, and programs to the station were so hospitable that Kulakofsky nnd Mrs Hose Kncden Foibos, co-chairmen of the event, cal Advisory Board of Douglas help the foreign-born become nat- the groups spent almost the entire The program will feature a mus- ntmounces thnt the.\.o'clock af- County Chapter of National Foun- uralized citizens. The organization afternoon; with: them. Funlander With over 100,000 members has Lawrence Grossman brought bade ical sldt entitled, "Shu Shon fair, which will take place In the dation for Infantile Paralysis. provided 107 scholarships tor grad- autographs of announcers and deShowboat" The cast includes Synagogue Social Hall, Is open to uate students from Jewish commu- scribed the visit to members of tnt Mmes. tdward Kosi'ii, Norman all members and friends of the Dr. Abe Greenbcrg, Federation nities abroad for advanced study other groups. Wohlner, Robert Noddle, Som Hor- sisterhood. Reservations • can be wlch, Morey Landman, Stanford made with Mrs. Parilman, Mrs. vecp, was presented the Big Broth- in fields of social welfare at U, S. Next Sunday's program for the er award'Monday by tho-National universities. children will, be based upon t h i Llpsoy, Max Rosen, Stanley Silver- Den Lclitt. and Mrs. Stanley DiaA board meeting will be held at Purlm. holiday. man, Harry Lobel, Donald Nogg, mond. A baby-sitter will be in at- Conference of Christians and Jews, Nebraska and Iowa Motion Picture the homo;of Mrs. Robert Levine, Nancy Baron's and Ernie Saitz* Al Schwartz, Arthur Grossman, tendance for all pre-school youngIndustry Division, a t a Brother- 309 S. 49th av., following a dessert man's groups will swim next week. Sidney Novak. sters. hood Week luncheon. luncheon at 1 p. m., Thursday, Program chairman Is. Mrs. Aba Mrs. Harold Zcllnsky, Mrs, Bam The presentation was made by Fellman and the skit Is Under the Berman and Mrs. Alfred Frank, I. M. Weincr, Omaha theater exec- March 10. Mrs. Jcrold Rosen will PRE-TEENS be co-hostess. Just a reminder to all .sixth, direction of Mrs. Donald Nogg and co-chairmen of. the sisterhood's an- utive. Mrs. Max Rosen, Veterans hos- seventh and eighth graders—don't Mrs. Leon Schmldman. nual Donor Luncheon; which will pital chairman and her commitforget to come to Pre-Teen Can* Mrs. Reuben Bordy, Mrs. Jacob take place March 2, have appointMcrvin N. Lemmorman, Director Bernstein and their circle will be ed the following committee cap- of Education and Youth Activities tee, Mrs. Abe Bear and Mrs, Julius teen Nite March 12, from 7:30 to Stern, gave a party at the Vet9:30 p. tn. ' I n charge of the luncheon. Tele- tains: at Temple Israel, has returned phone chairmen arc Mmcs: Ben Mmes. Sol Ash, William Wolf- from the conference of religious erans Hospital February 24, Mr. and Mrs.' Jcrold Rosen were Kailow, Joseph Hornsteln and son, Morris Shapiro, Sam Epstein, school administrators of Reform the lucky ticket holders for theGirl Scouts Add to Morris Rollsteln. David Frank, Arthur Pnrllmnn, Congregations held in Chicago, III., five day slay at the Flamingo HoIzodore Elcwitz, Sidney Goldberg, last week. This was the first Con- tel in Los Vegas, given away at 'Dolls for Democracy' Henry Appel, Normnn Hahn, Sid- ference of its kind to be held In the annual cocktail supper dance: As part of their activities durney Feldmnn and Harold Bloom. the midwest. ing Girl Scout Week, March 6-13, The Current 1'vents Study Group Also appointed are: Mmcs. Harthe Girl Scouts of Omaha are preof the National Council of Jewish ry Lewis, I. J. Kraft, Max Fromsenting a Juliet Lowe Doll to t h e nichard Frank, son of Mr. nnd Women will meet Wednesday, kin, Nathan Knplan, Arthur Gold"B'nai B'rlth Dolls for DemocMarch 9, nt the home of Mrs. Da- stein, Sam Turkcl, H e r b e r t Mrs. A. D. Frank, was placed on racy" collection. Juliet Lowe w a s vid Lewis, 1H20 N. 53rd fit. nt 1 Mcichcs, Jack Joseph aiyl Barney the Dean's List at Harvard Uni! the founder of the Girl Scout versity. Mr. Frank is a freshman p in. Grey. MI'S Tirz.i Luni of Haifa, Israel movement in the College of Liberal Arts. Mrs. Ilnold Knsin will RIVO a will be the guest of Hudassuh and Mrs. E. C. Torgerson, Omaha synopsis of "What's Goini; On In II. Lee Gtndlcr anil his wife- the Omaha Youth Commission this Juliet Lowe chairman made t h e Formosa" Mis Ch.ulis Schnnl- T.I. Sisterhood week. She Is here to tell about the Carol Joan will make their home arrangements to obtain the doll for cler will play n curds on thf r.iaaJ ".Skit Hli'.hlip.hts of the Conven- in Omaha. Mr. Gcndler served In Jewish >outh In Israel She will the collection. Mrs. Torgerson and situation in Alii',i tion," an original playlet will be tlie U. S. Coast Guard and wasspeak to the Omaha Zionist Youth Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, doll project IHCsentid at Temple Israel Sister- stationed In Philadelphia, Pa. HeCommission, Senior Judaea, und chairman for B'nul B'rlth Henry Nebraska Chapter hood Junchcon meeting Tuesday, Is. a firaduatc of Yale University other youth groups. Monsky Chapter will appear on The B'n.il B'rith Nebraska Chap- March 8, at 1 p. m. In the,Temple nnd his wife Is formerly of New The younfi Israeli arrived in our Jean Sullivan's program, "A Wom» ter No :iXi will entertain at the Social Hall. Members of the cast Haven, Conn. country a few months ago as a an's View," on WOW-TV Tuesday, Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for include MrK. Julius Newman, Mrs. representative from Israel to March 8 nt 9:45 a. m. The Juliet the Agoil at 2 p m , S u i i d a y , Stanley F i s t Mrs., Sidney H. Joseph Haykin will be honored youth groups here. She is visiting Lowe Doll will be formally prenrooks nnd Mrs Hcmhardt Wolf. on his 8oth birthday at an open various cities to tell young people sented to the collection' nt that March G. Mm. Morris J, Franklin, chnlr- Mrs. Sidney H. Brooks is program house Sunday, March 13, from 3 to how much the work they do here time." nian and Mrs. Ben Kaplan are co- chairman of the meeting. Mrs. 6 o'clock In the, afternoon at the for Isruel means to the youth in Wolf and Mrs. Brooks just -re- home of his son-in-law' and daugh- Eretz Ylsroel. chnlrmnn. Mrs. Kulohofsky t o Attend A Purlm story will tie told by turned from the Temple Sister- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Stern. Miss Lunz Is eager to acquaint Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president •Marvin Ruback. The Purlm pro- hood convention hold in LoJ An-5484 Cumlng st. N o invitations young Americans with the tongs ot the Omaha Zionist District, will gram will be presented by'Mrs. geles, February 13-16. Luncheon have been issued. All friends and and dances oJ Israel, a field in attend the nationwide conference l i y Shrler's dramatic class. Those chairman arc Mrs. Jack Merer, relatives arc cordially Invited. whic'i fche is nn expert. She i s a of American-Jewish organizations pnrUclpellns will be; Kay Gold- Mrs. Edward Brodkcy and Mrs. graduate of the Teacher's Semin- and community leaders tomorrow, stein, Sharon Koom, Susie Su,tin, Herman Friedman. ary In Bet Hakercm, Jerusalem March 5 and Sunday, March G In Kathy Adlcr, Leslie Epstein, Diana and .studied educational dance, a Washington, D. C. Mrs, KtdakoN Mrs. Bcmhardt Wolf, president FogJl, Ardecn Forbes, Nancy Fen- will preside at the board m e e t l u newly applied method of education sky will take part in the conclave man, Gall Brodkcy, Donna Kal-' nt 11 a. nv which will precede the 'Mrs. Isadora Forbes wishes to by movement in Tel Aviv. Miss at the invitation- of Dr. Nnham «. man and Renec Marcla Franklin. regular Juncheori* meeting. -.' -thank her friends and relatives for Lunz was born in Sated, Israel and Goldmann, Chairman of the Amertheir expressions of sympathy on Is a third* generation "sabra," ican Section of the Jewish Agqncy. Carolyn Kagan will present her which is slang for nntlyc-born dancing students (the tiny ,tumher recent Illness. Israeli. She joined the Hagunnh, blers) In an acrobatic dance. Those the defense force of Israel, nt the participating will be: Linda CiplnDisaster Aid • Mr. ond Mrs. Harry A. Green ko, Crystal Gould, Laurie Kutlcr, The Red Cross last year con- age ot V>. announce the engagement of their Landy Turkcl, Donna WoLfson and ducted an average of: six disaster llaVerne Wolfson. Alan Ostravich daughter, Nita Gaylc, to Harry J. relief operations weekly, providing Since the* beginning, in 1948, of Folk, ton of Mrs. Fannie Falk.. will accompany the dancers. emergency mass care to 62,000 An autumn wedding la planned. persons nnd long-term help to the Red Cross Blood Program Carolyn Kagan will also {(resent G,636,0O0 persons have donated 7,100 familiea. ft hind balancing act. Mark nnd blood. S o n Kaplan will sing. Ileleno Rao Franklin will render a piano selection. Refreshments will be served. The following will be hostesses: Mmes. Herman Franklin, Philip RUG & UPHOLSTERY Saturday evening, March 12, Kutlcr, Abe Bear, A. Ostravich CLEANERS tlie first monthly Pre-Teen Canand W. Pcrlmuttcr. teen Nile will bo- held in the RUGS — CARPETING Canteen of the Jewish CommuLAMP SHADES Monsky Chapter nity Center. The affair will beIJ'nal IVrlth Henry Monsky Kin at 7:D0 p. in. and will InFURNITURE Chapter No. 470 through Its Anll- clude Mich jttiwlle-, as pnii'Cleaned in Your Home! Dcfamatlon League Coinmlllro has poni;, clu s, checkers and ii ineServed Buffet Style! ilndlng • Laying • Repairing arranged for a gift of books to IIII: All tin' fitihtifs (if the All You Care to Eat' Harrison School. Human relations Canteen will be open to sixth, OON BERNSTEIN HA 2554 materials Kiven the school include seventh and eb'.hth iTade boys "One Cod," "AH About Us," "In a n d i r n l i A d n n . noil foi C inHenry's Uickv.ml." .mil "Sine » NOON TO 3 P. M. t e r n N i l e I , 10 r < n K T l i r ' ( \ i i i l Song of Friendship." They were will h e o-.rr al ') 'i'l p m . presented by Mis C!i nr,'e Sjnt/r t in honor of John Henry Hpitzer and Mrs. Sain Pollnk and Mis. Hen LlriuVnhnnm In honor of Howard Fredrick Hahn. Hoth hnys are students at II in I,'m Hriiuol Mri Dear in Mind We Arc Large Enough to Harry Wist.' is Anti-defamation Hi-jut* JA UC1 trj Ui^erl yjur- Wnni An II n J.mrh I ' m . | chiiirninn fur Urn chapter. tl Ciirnui Serve You and Small Enough to Know You rule l* 1,0 mitu rnr mch Inner i
Council Women
Young Israel Miss Will Visit Omaha
Thank You
Engagement Told
Pre-Teen Canteen Niie
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
Want Ads
We Are Very Happy to Announce the Association of Norman Marsh with the Corclle'McGill Real Estate Company
tlmi. TISP I'rrnn rmi-rvni lln: rlKlil to limn I BUO of^_c«'li ft[|vt:itln"mrr)t. [
BAR nnd Bas Mitzvnh congratulations also for all Jewish holiICndiinnh Chapter of Pioneer days nnd special occasions. Women will meet Thursday o\rnlnK, March 10, at the '.iome of Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.
Cordie-McGill Red Estate Co. 521 PARK AVE.
JA 0867
Page Fow
Friday, March 4, IS3*
Marvin Ruback 126- 01—217 Jr. B.B. Bowling Stale Wolf son . . . . 114-103-217 Mike Platt was liiyli in the •Sliuron Frank 116-100—2IC league with his 2!>Q series. Mike Joyce Koom 134- 80-211 By Undy Paul fired games of 148 and 117. Gull Trvtiuk 128-70 201 MIDGET LEAGUE 25 points. Ira Trachtcnbcrg had I'm-lmay "B" Bill Kntzman'a 157 game w Howard Sluslty 10399-202 Judy Wohlner 100-100 200 W. Pacific Fish are junior division 17 for Lusty's. high for the dny. 102- 98-200 18 dumps of the Midget League. By Members of the championship Harvey Chicken Kdlc Singer was tiiith In the Harold Forbes defeating the Cowboys 16-14, the team are Irv Yaffe, Moe Lipton, Gcrelick Motors 18 9 girls' division with gumes of 130. ' league leaders cinched the title M Llndy Paul, Dave Goodman, Harry Ranks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 10 127 for n 257 series. "JIM IT SWIMS Karl Luefschuetz led the way with Wise. Willard Plotkln, Wayne Sie- Milder Oil High flumps anil SerlM 16 11 seven points, while Steve Gould ge] and Al Kepomnlck. Bill Katzman 157-323-280 Sol Lewis Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 14 had seven for the losers. Once In the other encounter. Star G Eddie Wlntroub . . . . 139-134-273 13 14 Clark Swartz again little Joel Sneider was a Auto took a dose 6341 decision Grace-Mayer 139-131—270 VVolfson-Gerber 12 15 contributing factor as he added from Epstein's Enterprisers. Jack David Wlntroub . . . . 150- 99—249 12 15 JudyBrooksteln lour points to the winner's cause. SUss, with 23 points was high far Hoberman Plbg . . . . 133-114—247 TV , 11 16 Nancy Richards . . . . 134-106—240 Here's wishing a speedy recovery the winners, and he received IB Rlteway Forbes Bakery 11 16 Stuart IM %0-AU MM UMMtoMl InMiM k M Fogcl 126-111—240 kiittHT for Billy Ginsburg of the Cowboy polflt support from Al dayman lUchman-Gordman itt M Riklnc—<IM Riklnc<IM mmcMmkm* mmcMm * Ihal rrim rrim 10 Na m f t hn h n kail kail H aw aw laat it llw Ian aamallaaj ll squad. Jeanne Silver 136-103—239 and Leroy Katz. Harold Nepom- Canadian Ace 10 a( DM MM M notary. t Harriet Schlaff .. . 128-110—238 Rlchman-Gordman takes second nlck topped the loser's scoring with (WISW-M aattan M U M , ) ratal « Larry Hoberman . 119-117—236 WSM>MlMHItl^«M>nlir S a j M ^ I M M place In the league standing! by 24 points. Dlsaater Fact* Marc Samuclson • 131-104—235 •trapping I-Go Van 17-12. Dick i. lib tinm. A tor. A«r pi Out • « Final Standings i Ml milijiM SO. rw»tom **• An average of 138 families were Dennis Schulman . 128.106-234 Kaslow, Arnie Fellman and Cordy iiuiMalMx W. L. given Red Cross rehabilitation aid Larry QlUnsky.... 122-112—234 T Holll* with four points each paced Yaffe Printing 9 each week last year, following InDouglas Platt Itlt H MM h n •) as Iwai tMrtiM 1IM1 U4 129-100—229 the winner's attack while Jeff «Bfc Sn tm lat ym Mwoa aho tWaliiM juries or losses through disaster. Marlys back Wphtaer had seven for the losers. Star Auto Parts . . . . . . . . . . 7 113-111—224 iUKMtmt tmt M M aalr. laf aaek kn. UM An average of 170 persons dally Stan Greenfield In senior division play, Hires Lustys3 131- 89—220 caaet« caak. M a«y a«U*> SaU *t aal t*t1 got emergency mass care. B l Boot Beer took over first place as Epsteins Beverly Bloom 127- flO—217 3 they staved off a last minute rally by S. Rlekcs and handed them a 24-21 loss. Dan Hollis and Mike Platt were the top scorers with 11 and 7 points respectively. Frank Goldberg and Stuart Fogel had eight each for the losers. Red Hot Fireside, with sponsor Dan Cohen cheering them on, kept their hot winning streak intact by slapping a 21-18 loss on Gerellck Motors. They are now tied for •ccond and are only one game out of first place. Steve Seglin and Justin Ban led the way with ten and seven p o i n t s respectively, while Roy Katskee had nine for the loser*. Junior*
Jay Basketball
B'naiB'rith Bowling
All Bus Service Starts March 6
Padfic Fish Rlchman-Gordman Cowboys I-GoVan
8 6 4 4
7 7
Hires Root Beer 7 Fireside Restaurant 6 4 Gerellck Motors 6 4 S.Rlckes 1 9 I. O. B. LEAGUE The junior lads from Mother chapter annexed the Y. C. B league crown t>y trimming A. Z. A. 100 C 22-12. Little Al Krizelman led the attack with four field goals ani four free throws for a total of 12 points. Tommy Platt was high for the C team with right points. Haylm C edged out the A. Z. A. B. team and took second place in the- final standings with a. 22-21 Win. Sain Shukert and Howard Welnberg led Kaylm scoring with six points each, while Mike Cnnar with seven was high for the Junior Centurymcn. Final Standing!! W. L. A.Z.A. IB 9 3 Kayim'C 8 4 . JliZ. AllOOB 7 5 A1Z.AV100C 0 12 "The league high, scorers will ap.Tear in next week's Pros*. >. r. C. A League *AZA 1A and Rayim A went pn their winning ways last Tuesday , -night as two weeks remain on the schedule. The lads from Mother chapterjhad a tough go against the AZA 100 A team but enmo out a 39-34"winner thanks to the 24 point production of center Stan Widrnant Ray Kirkc added eight Important points to the winner's cause. The Centurymen were led by Bo'j Epstein who scored 13 points. . League lending Rayim A overwhelmed their B team and easily defeated Ihcm G8-23. Larry Lincoln, Al Corey and Art Novak paced the attack wit If 16, 14 and 12 points respectively. Bob Obor' man's sev«n points was high for the losers. Standing* W. L. Rayim A 14 2 AZA 1A
AZA 1(10A" ..'. 4 12 Rayim n 2 14 VAKSITY IT.MiVK Yaffe Printing is the Varsity league ch.imp for the 1954-55 senion Tile squid clinched the. title by defeating Liisty's 39-42. Moe Upton led the scoring as he Ut for Help r'rom the. Young Last year 21 million' students In elementary nnd secondary schools were enrolled for volunteer service to others through Junior Red Cross programs conducted in the
We are happy to announce that early shipment of our thirty-five new, modern buses from the factory will make it possible for us to put into effect our all'bus service March <j. This is nearly a month' earlier than originally provided for by the all-new franchise granted in November. The elimination of the street cars on Famam Street will give the green light to the city's traffic depart' ment to take another step in the completion of the new one-way street system. The replacement of street cars with new buses is another part of the modernization program of the Street Railway Company to give Omahans the best possible service. It is expected the new service will enable us to step up our schedules. The cost of the conversion of the two remaining street car lines to buses will exceed $1 million and will bring the total of expenditures to over $4 mil* lion for buses and other equipment since World War II in modernizing and improving the trans* portation system. Final regular trips for the two remaining street car lines will be made March 4th. It is with great anticipation for our future and the future of Omaha that we are able,, at this time, to make our operation an all-bus service. We will. continue at all times to cooperate to the fullest extent with city traffic officials to bring faster and improved movement of traffic in Omaha. •
JAMES P. LEE, President