No IS " " " I »» SSWM-OISS* HUUI U
Jacobs Will Receive Beth Israel Morris E. Jacobs, King of AkSar-Bcn, will I* awarded the third annual Beth Israel Citation at a 6:30 p. m. "dinner Sunday, March 13, In the soda] hall of the synagogue, 52nd and Charles sta. The citation Is given for outstanding humanitarian services. Harry Sldman, president of the congregation, will make the presentation. Itabbi Benjamin Groner, spiritual leader of the synagogue, will deliver an address. Morris Levy, a member of the board of directors of the Federation for Jewish Service, will bo toastmaster. Mr. Jacobs. Is a post president of the Federation for Jewish Service and general chairman of the Philanthropic* Campaign. He also served as president of West Central State RegUn of Jewiih Federations and Welfare Funds. Mr. Jacobs has1 been president of Temple Israel and general chairman Of the building fund campaign for the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home (or the Aged. He Jed the Community Chest Drive in 1050, which exceeded Its goal by 30 per cent Mr, Jacobs was elected In November to the Nebraska State B o a r d of Education ond was named chairman of the board. He l i a director of the National Board of Community Services, National Board of United Defense Services, Inc., member of the board of directors of Omaha Chamber of Commerce, committee member of the Covered Wagon Council, Boy Scouts of America, and a Iwnrd member of Children's Memorial Hucplta!.
SlorrU K.
West Point F«te West Point, N. Y. (WNS)—With Army: Chief of Staff General Matthew R. Rldgway as principal speaker, the American Jewish Tercentenary Committee paid tribute to the first graduating class of the United States Military Academy, one of whose first two graduate*, Simon L. Levy, was a Jew. The Committee on Military Participation of the Tcrcontcnnry presented a plaque in honor of lt-t flnit graduates of 1802, Simon L. I.evy nnd Joseph G. Swift. The first Academy graduate of the Jewish faith, Levy was appointed scrcennt In the Army and wns later to l>eeomc known as the "Hero of the Maunuiiec Rapids" during the Indian war in the Northwest. He later became an Instructor at Went Point.
Mr. Jacobs Is on the Board of Regents a t University of Omaha and Crelghton University. Ho is a member of the National Executive Committee of the National Conference of Christians and Jews and the National Executive Committee of American Jewish Committee. Mm. Lewis Neveleff is chairman o f t h e award committee and MauJerusalem (WNS)—The growing rice Kntjtmnn heads the arrange- tension In Israel-Egyptian relaments committee. tions, eruptlni: last week In bloodshed when 38 Egyptians and 8 Israelis died in a skirmish In the Gaza strip as Israeli troop* repulsed an incursion attempt by '•'CTptian forces. In the meantime both countries Tho grant of two scholnnhlpH carried their grievances to tho for D. P. children to attend the United Nations In New /York, Center Pre-School tty National where the Security Council is exCnuadl of Jewish' Women, Omaha pected to debate the Issue as soon auction, wiA announced this week ax It has full reports from the UN by Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, nctlnK truce supervisory commUulon. BePresident; fore the Council: gets to the esChildren for the scholarship will sence of the complaints and counter-charged it will have - to copo IK selected by the Family Service Department of the Jewish Federa- with the question whether to contion, and will be based on the needs fine discussion to the Gnza caso. of the pro-school children and as Cairo demanded, o r to consider thc.lssuc on a wider scope. thirlr families. ^ Mm, Julliu Newman is chairman Israel's position was outlined In, - of the Service ttf Foreign Born, and n memorandum submitted to the represents that activity on tho U N by' Abba Ebon;-. Israel'* repFamily Service Division of the resentative to the United Nations. The memorandum accused Egypt Jewish Federation. of having stepped up military and propaganda attacks against brae) and'that It was against this background that the issue must be considered. The communication complained of attacks by the Stanley Fellman, son of Mr. and Egyptian A w i y nnd Irregulars. M«. Charles Fellman, Monday charRlnjrtlmt rnldprs from across won the Nebraska State American tho border have been attacking legion Oratorical Contest held at Israeli dtl/cnsr and their property. Schuyier," ;Nebr. Mr. Fellman, a It accuser! I'4, ypt of waging nn Inseniorat Central High School and tensive war propaganda nsninst member of the Jewish Youth Coun- Israel nnd of having fulled to curb cil, also took first place In the city violence against Israel. In addition, contest held at the American Le- the memorandum pointed out that Egypt nnd the rest of the Arab gion Post In Omaha last month. states have persistently refused to : His prize winning topic was translate the six-year-old armistice "Faith" the unwritten article of agreement Into n peace treaty and : .: the V. 8.Constitution, that E-iypt still regards herself In • He will compete In tho regional "Active b e l l i g e r c n . e e " against mnt»«t to be held March 29 In
Security Council Will Hear Charges
Council Women Grant for D.P. Tots
S. Fellman Wins Oratory Contest
Egypt Condemned For Border Attacks An International News Service report in the World-Herald datellned Tel Aviv, Israel, suld Egypt was condemned*Monday by the Israeli-Egyptian Mixed Armistice Commission for two separate armistice violations in the week before the Gaza incident. The report added that Israel hus been held responsible for the Gaza border clnsh. The two Egyptian violations were an attack on an Israeli patrol and the killing of an unarmed cyclist deep inside Israeli territory by infiltrators. The news dispatch pointed out that the commission supported the Israeli charges and the Egyptian authorities were told "to terminate Immedlntcljf nil mich acts of aggression aria hostility agnlnst Israel."
Isratl F«*ls...
Treaties Created Imbalance in N.E. Washington (JTA)—Israel Embossy officials declined comment here on the speech delivered Sunday before the conference of Jewish organizations by John D, Jcrncgan, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Afaint, on Middle Eastern defense developments. Israel circles were reported to feel that this speech completely mlMed the central point In the current discussions between the two governments. The Israel view, a» expressed by Prime Minister Slinrett last week nnd Ambassador Abba Eban yesterday, Is that the Imbalance eronted by recent Western treaties In the Middlo East entitled Israel to receive two things: a firm guarantee of her territorial Integrity and" appropriate military assistance to redress the disturbed balance..These are regarded In Israel circle* as tho two minimal and Immedate remedies for the Insecurity created for Israel by developments initiated In the area by, or under the influence of the United States. The question of Israel's association with other states in a regional defense project Is regarded In Israel circles as a different and relatively separate subject. The Government of Israel has not published specific views or proposals on this matter which Is not the mnln point at Issue, Ilcgardloss of the question of defense organization, Israel Is said to fee) that the United States has n moral and palltlcal responsibility to act on Its specific claims.
Sunday Radio, TV "Look Up and Llvo" series during March will be conducted by the American Association for Jewish Education. The program will be televised over KMTV from 9:30 to 10 a. m.' Rabbi Arthur Lelyvcld, Director of the National Hlllel Foundation will serve as host. Rabbi Lelyvcld Is a former spiritual lender of Temple Israel. Rnbhl Jonah B. Wise of Central Synagogue and Dr. Nelson Glueck, President of Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Ill-Hglon, will discuss "Memories of Isaac Mayer Wise" on the Message of Israel program heard over KOIL from 9:35 to 10 a, m. The Eternal Light program will bo broadcast over WOW^ Radio from 11:30 a..m. to 12 noon.
rtlD.UOM <v«7 *rui*r, 1M1 K. SOU), Oiuiim. Nebrukm. n u n i It U K
US f Israel w
s Effect Peace
AVashington ( W N S ) — A n American program tlmt "would faitlifully serve the highest intercuts or the security and welfure of tho peopleH of the United States nrnl the free world" in "the attainment of pence, development nnd defense in the Near Hnst" wns urged here in a resolution ndopted at tho, two-dity confurenec of Jewish leaders representing twenty innjor American. Jewish organizations. The resolution urged determined IJ. Si. efforts to I'ffccl c]i. rect peace, tulks 1/etwccn I«rac) and the Arab countries, siwpcu• ' t slon of arms shipments to the Near East until there has been a peace settlement with Israel, and inclusion of Israel In Mid-East re* gional defense plans. At the sam« time the conference counselled London (JTA) — Sir Anthony continued economic and technical assistance to Israel and the Arab Eden, the Foreign Secretary, will peoples with a- view to raisins give first priority to an examinastandards of living, facilitating retion of the present Israel-Arab settlement of refugees and stabililtuation, Foreign Office .sources izing democratic Institutions. Tho parley also pledged Itself to "conindicated Monday. * Diplomatic circles here predicted tlnue to promote friendship between our democracy and the do« that the return of Sir AnQiony to mocracy of Israel." London and of Socrtary of State Among the parley's speakers John Foster Dulles to Washington were two high State Department would be followed by "close and officials, George V. Allen, Assistearnest nppra|sal" by both govern- ant Secretary of State, and John. ments of what is to be done to D. Jernegan, Deputy. Assistant Secretary of State. prevent the Middle East conflict Mid-East Defense from blowing up into a full-scale Mr. Jernegan told the conferwar. ence that there was no place for Foreign Office officials voice the Israel In the Mid-East defense setview that the Gaza affair was part up until there has been art easing of the deteriorating pattern of in the relations between the JewIsrael-Arab relations. Few believe ish State and its neighbors. B e there is any possibility of placing cause of that situation, he said. It Israel-Arab relations on a peace- is "out of tho question to make ful basis within the foreseeable fu- plans Involving military cooperature. They consequently are con- tion between Israeli forces and cerned over measures to prevent those of her immediate neighbors." further Incidents. At the same time he asserted that Sir Anthony was understood to "Israel as a nation Is not In danbe concerned over the attitude to- ger" of attack except In the event ward Israel he found among the of a Soviet move. In which ease, Arab leaders with whom he sought he noted, Israel would have the to discuss the situation in Cairo, advantage of geographic position Bagdad and Beirut/Far from bo- rind^a highly developed military Ing willing to discuss terms of set- establishment. tlement with Israel, It Is underPolicy Statement stood, these Arab' leaders showed Mr. Allen expressed hope that unwillingness oven to discuss the the occasion would soon arrive for situation with the British states- Secretary of State John Foster man. Dulles to be in a position to make a declarative statement on reexamination of American policy in the Middle East. Apropos our arms Grodinsky Named policy In the Middle East, the Assistant Secretary of State said the The hand of friendship has been extended by the Grand Lodge of "United States has not and will Masons of Nebraska to the Grand not grant military aid to any counLodge of Israel. William Grodin- try which, in the government's sky, Omaha attorney, member of opinion, is likely to use the al(r*ln • the Grand Lodge of Nebraska, was any aggressive manner." That, he nppblntad representative to the said, "applies specifically to both Israel Lodge by the Grand Master Iraq and Pakistan." of Mason* of Nebraska. A letter of official recognition has been sent to the Israel lodge.- It Is hoped that this link will promote a closer relationship and understanding, n spokesman stated. We must recognize Israel as an Tho Masons arc a fraternal ally In the Near East and sign a group pledged to promote better mutual security compact with her, citizenship nnd dedicated to com- Senator Hubert Humphrey stated munity service. Sunday night in Dcs Moines, l a . ' The senator %pokc at a banquethonoring Dr. Joseph Dunner, chairman of the Political Science Department ofGrinnel College. Dr. Dunncr • was feted by the Dos Moines Zionist District, Hadnssah , Louis Witkln, chairman of the and the Jewish War Veterans. Yiddish Cultural Committee, anAbe Gendlcr, president of the nounced the third program of the Zionist District of Omnha, and Hy. season will be held Saturday, man Osoff, past president, attendMarch 19 at 8:15 p. m. in the Jew- ed the banquet which followed tho ish Community Center auditorium. West Central States Zionist ConThe program will Include Jewish veiitlon held in Des Moines.' songs, sketches, music and comedy. Israel Is the bcaconlight of freeFeatured artists will be Shmucl dom In the Near East, the Senator Fisher nnd Dora Kallnowna, both stated. The new nation can be a . in their first,Amcricnn appearance. powerful force in the Ideological Poln Kudison will accompany them battle for freedom, ho added. at the piano. Tickets for the perCnuntorforco formance arc available now at the In discussing International rel» Center and will be on sale at tho lions, the senator said, India should door the evening of the perfor- replace Nationalist China In thi mance for 75 cents per person. The United Nations Security, Council Yiddish Cultural Scries Is spon- More aid in the form of economic) sored hy the Jewish Community
Solution Sought For Border Strife
Humphrey Calls. For Israel Pact
Circle Concert Set For Next Saturday
rm iwwtsu PRESS
Betrothal Announced
flresc fas-Jewkth Service uaanmManai, urn BARBS HALPEKT
Glamor Concert Closes Season
VCemple Israel Service* will be beM at Temple Israel »t 8 o'clock Friday evening. Rabble Sidney K Brooks wiU officiate and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman. Acting President, National Council of Jewish; Women, Omaha Section, will speak. Mrs. Edward GQ> bert and Mrs. Jack W. Marer win assist with the service and Mr*. Alfred Drody will bins the candles. Services Saturday morning are at 11:30 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks will deliver the sermonette and Kiddush for the entire congregation will follow the service. The Religious School Choirs, under the direction of Miss Ida Gltlln, will sing the service.
Beth El Services Friday evening will begin at 8:15 o'clock, Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portion of the service. Sabbafh morning services will be at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation Services are at 10:45 a, m Mlneha-Maariv services will be at 6 p. m. The Sunday morning service is at 9 o'clock and the Mincha Maariv service at 6 p. m. Daily lervlces tire at 7 a. m. and 7 p.m.
Beth Israel Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel choir will conduct the service thin evening at 8 p. m, Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbolas Shabbos) begins at 5:45 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 8 JO a. m. Rabbi Croner will con' duct the Talmud Class at 5:45 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 6:15 p. m, followed by 8 h o 1 e > he S'eudos and Maariv. Dally morning services begin at 7 a. m. Afternoon services at 6:20 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m., followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan, followed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. The Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening at 7 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 10th and Burt
Saint Francis DoH Gift of School Teachers A Saint Francis of Assist doll will 6c added to the B'nal B'rith Dolls for Democracy collection, a gift of Omaha school teachers lianorine Mis Thresa Clark, principal of Corrigan and Robbtns Elementary School*. Miss Clark wai thp recipient of IWs year's B'nal BVXh Women's Citizenship Awnrd. TTI" croup of teacher* ore Misses Irene Andrews, Mable Ahlbrr*. Alberta Butler. Irma CostePn. Marv Ellzabeth Hamilton. lone Jlnnnan. BTuhie pnnscn. Margaret Nielson suirt Kathryn Swift. B'nai B'rith Women's doll program may be bookotl by contact lng Mm. Arthur Goldstein, chairman for Henry Mnnskv Chnnter. o r through the loral office of the Anti-Defamation Loaf;i<e of B'nal B'rith.
Beth El RovaSty Inn "Buddy" Herzojj, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Herzoj; nnd Barbara Adler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Adier were crowned Purim Klnc and Queen of Beth El. Following the Purim service In the gynnROfjue, the new monarchs relmed over the talent show held in the social hall. ;
Friday, March 11, 1953.
Monsky Lodge Changes Meeting Date to Wed.
Henry Monsky Lodge will no hold its regular monthly meeting The nineteenth annual Beth El on the last Wednesday of theConcert of Jewish Music will be month. Instead, the regular meet- held at the Bynaogue 8 p. m. Suning will be combined with theday. March 27, with Cantor Aaron Executive Committee meeting and I. Edgar directing the Beth E3 will be held Wednesday, March 16 Choir. at the Jewish Community Center iuphael Edgar at 8:15 p. m. it was announced by Raphael Edgar, son of Cantor David Greenberg, lodge president and Mrs. Aaron Edgar,'will apReplacing the March 30 meeting, will be the "Past Presidents Stag" pear as guest artist He was gradto be held at the West Highland uated from the Music Department Club at 6:30 p. m. President Green- of Roosevelt University and is BOW berg stated. .Working on the big a student at the Cantors' Institute stag are three groups. On Ed Ros- of the Jewish Theological Seminen's team are; Al Fiedler, Abe ary. In 1953, he won first place Slusky, Sol Dolgoff, Lou Papemy, In the baritone class of the ChiBus Slosburg, Dan Gordman, Jack cago Tribune Annual Music FestiSolomon, Meyer Ferer, Lou Jess. val and has recently appeared on Max Bestow and Lou Asbya a "Frontier of Faith" television Working with Marv TreUer are: program. Mr. Edgar will Include Ed Cohen, Mike Milder, Steve Dia arias from oratories, cantorlal semond. Art Cohen, Sol Yaffee, Earl lections and Hebrew and Yiddish Siege], Moe Kagan and Dave art and folk* songs in his performGreenberg- Ralph Nogg*s commit- ance here. He will also join in a tee include: Charles Lleb, Sam duet with his father C« n t o r PoDak, Iz Zlegman, Reub Llppett E d g a r . ' . V . : . ' V ••••••." Harry Collck, Yale Ginsberg, Ait Sacred and secular music will Goldstein, Gene Broun, Carl Lag- make up the program and In obman, Joe Cuss and Alfred Frank. servance of the Jewish TercentenThese men will spearhead the ary, the work of American Jewish drive to obtain '300 reservations. Commltteemen expIaineO, at a It- composers will be featured. A cantata "What Is Torah," with cent meeting of Bread-Breakers, that one of the most elaborate af- new choral settings by the comfairs of its kind ever held In Oma- poser, Erwin Jospe, will also be ha Is planned. Ticket Sales Chair- presented and will be narrated by man Marv Troller announced that Seymour Goldaton and Mrs. NoN if ticket sales continue at the pres- maii: Whitman. •' ,, ent pace, sale may have to be Mrs. Sam Newman and Mrs. Leonard Gould, co-chairmen, are limited. assisted by Mrs. Arthur Friedman, Mrs. Ben Pcrelman and members of their qrcle No. 6. A ticket In the Sisterhood Highlights B o o k will admit two adults and children Israel Krantz over eight years old. Single admisServices were held Thursday, sions will be available at the door March 3 for Israel Krantz with or one dollar.
By lisas Bacr Mast refined, most elaborated and artistic piano playing waa offered by the duo-pianists Arthur Cold and Robert Fizdale who performed for the Tuesday Musical Club. Some yean ago we heard them with the Omaha Symphony Orchestra. The "air tendre" by Couperin was sung and dreamed on the keyboards. Trie sonata in D by Mozart bubbled like a run- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin, forning brook, the second movemen merly of Omaha now of San Francontrasting calm and bright like cisco, announce the engagement of sunshine. When did we ever hear their daughter Maureen Lee Marsuch a Mozart interpretation? tin to Morlcy Meyenon of San Those classical works were fol- Francisco. Miss Martin, who was lowed by compositions of living born in Omaha is the granddaughcomposers. A sonata by Fronds ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Martin. Poulcnc, in spite of modernistic She attended the University of harmonies it had rapturous swing, California, where she was affiliated vigor and captivating melodies. with Delta Phi "Epsllon Sorority. Also the "Scaramouche Suite" by Mr. Meyerson attended the UniDarius Milhaud is a melodious versity of California, where he was work and did not fall to Impress affiliated with Pi Lambda Phi frathe listeners with good mood. The ternity. wish of the audience to be presentA BOmmer wedding is planned. ed with encores was genuine. Both artists responded with three extras of which the last one, "Sidlienne" by Bach was played with (Continued from Page 1) so much simplicity, tender touch, expression and style that words grams should be brought to India cannot be a substitute to describe to help her make steady progress. this performance. We went home This will take the form of a counthrough the mild March night car- tcrforcc in A*la to offset the com' rying with us the.glow of one of munists in China. Soviet alms are t o neutralize the most glamorous concerts heard in this city. It was a fitting end of Germany. Japan and the under- Interment a t Golden Hill Cemethe concert season 1954-55 of the belly of Asia, he pointed out. tery. Mr. Krantz, 80, a lons-tlme Tuesday Musical Club. Years of Frustration resident of Omaha, died Wednes-
Israel Pact Asked
Annual Beth El Concert March 27
Community Calendar Saturday, March IX Temple Israel Supper Club, 7 p. m.—T. L Beth Israel Talmud Torah Movie, 1:30 p. m.—B. L Rayim Dance, 9 p. m—Center. Sunday, March 18 Children's Activities, 2 p. m-— Center• -. Beth El Children's Purim Carnival, 2 p. nx—B. E. Beth Israel annual Citation Diner, 6:30 p. m,—B. L' I Monday, March l t Blkur Cbolim, 1 p. m.-Ccntcr. Drama at the Jay, 3:30 p. m.~Center. , Workmen's Loan, 730 p. m-— Center. Tnesday, March 15 National Councfl of Jewish Women, 1 p. m.—Center. Evening Art Class, 7 p. m.—Center. Leathercraft Class. 7:30 p. »/— Center. Wodneaday, March 1* Mizrachl Women, 1 p. m.—Cent ter. Center Orchestra, 8 p. m-—Center. B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Loric;",' S p. m.—Ccnter. Henry Monsky Chapter B'nal 'rith Women Adult Education, 8 m. Home
We have passed through ten rears of frustration since World War II and the cold war may stay chilly for some time to come, the senator reflected. It has been ten years of costly expense and probing for ((Lability in a world of more Instability ihan stability, he con llnucd. We muut face the facts of :>ur time and count our assets and liabilities, the senator said. We must be alert to the political and moral responsibilities of our time and we have had to revise our attitudes toward the peoples of the ivorld, he stressed. Global Conspiracy The world is confronted with a global conspiracy against human
freedom, the senator stated. We must meet power vaecums with economic, cultural and military aid. The question is in our time will we lose or will we gain In this struggle. If we are strong enough, Senator Humphrey' emphasized, we can edge toward peace. Examples of this were the Berlin Airlift, the withdraw! of Soviet troops from Iran, aid to Greece and Turkey, our action In Korea and Formosa, where action Was taken against communist pressure.
day, March 2 at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Survivors Include, a daughter, Mrs. Nathan Veltzer; six sons, Abe, Harry, David, nil of Omaha, Sam of Des Molnes, la., Aaron and Bernard of Lincoln. Nebr.; 15 grand, children and four Kreat-grandchil dren.
Mrs. Libbie Rosenthal Services were held Thursday, March 3 for Mrs. Libbie Roscnlhnl with Interment at Fisher Farm Cemetery. Mrs. Rosenthal, 73, died Tuesdny, March 1 in a local hospital. She was a resident of Omaia for 55 years. Surviving are, a daughter, Dorothy; a son, Bernard; two sisters, Mrs. Julius Stein and Mrs. Harry Rubin, all of Omaha..
norris Kaiman
Veterans to Elect Officers March 17 Election of Officers for 1955-56 will be held at the rc-Riilor meetInn of the Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewish War Veterans, to bo held at the Jewish Community Center, Thursday evening March 17. Nnte Marcus, Past Commander nnd nominating chairman, announces the following recommendations: For commander, Sherman Llpsteln; senior vice commnder, Stilton Goldberg; junior ice commander, Marvin Kaplan. There will be "nomination* from he floor at the meeting. Installations of the new Officers will be at the April meeting.
The Post with the help of the a d i e s auxiliary Americanism chairman, Mrs. Abe Bear, presented an American Flag to the sixth grade class of Corrlgnn School. Post Commander Abe Miller and Dept. of In^Nebr. Department Max" Kanncr attended the presen-
Services were held Monday, March 7 for Morris Kaiman with Interment at Fisher Farm Cemetary. Mr. Kaiman, 73, a pioneer tKtion ceremonies. Omahan and proprietor of the Religious Chairman' David DubOmaha Fruit and Grocery Store hi announces another JWV Friday Glenwood, la., for the last 35 years light services. This will bo the died Sunday, March 6. in-Morgan Post's salute 4o Mr, Kaiman is survived by his vidow, Bertha; five sons, Robert, ho torcentennnry celcbrn 11 o n. J. HoykintoBeFered Benjamin Groner anil CanMr. Joseph Haykln will be hon- ^ewis, Percy and Martin of Glen- or Kll Kaiwn of Ueth Israel Svnored on his 85th birthday with wood, la., and Nathan of Den e will conduct JWV's TcrOpen House" Sunday, March 13, Molnm, la.; a daughter. Dr. Sarah oscove of Denver, Colo.; o centennary Friday scrvlcwi March rom 3 to C o'clock In the after25 Members of the Post »vlll oon, at the home of his Eon-In- irother, William of Omahai two law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Utctn, Mrs. Louis Corn of Dca articipate In the services. Comamu.;1 H. Stem, 6181 Cumins •foines and Mrs. Max Cohn of mander Abe S. Miller will deliver scrmonette on "Tlie Jewish Vettreet. No invitations have been )maha, and seven grandchildren. ran, a Tcrcentennary of Service." Tliuntdiiy, March 17 lstucd. Tlie J o a n Posckany Variety Tenv-.lo Israel Study Group, 1 Arriving from out-of-town, for Dramatic Club to Meet ;how schrdulcd for the Lincoln m.—T. I. he celebration arc a son, Davi'l J. The Workmen's Circle Dramatic eterans Hospital, Sunday, Feb. Center Art Class, 1:30 p. m.—- n/kin and grandson, Lt. Judson Iub will hold Its regular meeting enter. nykin from Washington, D. C ; 8 p. m., Saturday, March 12 in the 27, was postponed bccaime of bad eather. VAVS representative Drama at the Jay, 3:30 p. m.— jiother son-in-law and dauRhter, Libor Lyceum, 30th and CumlnR tilton Goldbcrc nnnounefs that enter. •Ir. and Mrs. Lester J. Goldman its. e will re-schedule the show for Both Israel Men's Club Dinner, sons. Dill nnd Gerald from After the business meellnc, the P m.—I'. 1. Jnculn, Nebr., and Dr. and Mrs. !rthdays of Mrs. n<?n Mlroff, Max omcllme in March. VAVS representative M a l v i n Jewish War Veterans and Ladles '. M Marks and family from Kan- "rouse, N. Lerman and Mr. and 'epper announces that the Post uxiliary Meetings, 8 p. m.—Ccn- as City, Mo. Irs. S. Mogil will be celebrated. as adopted n released TB patient •r. The program is being arranged rom the Veterans Hospital. B & P Hadassah, 8 p. m.—Home. Family by Sam Sussman, president of the Kadimnh Regular Meeting, 8:30 Throufihotit the U. S, last year, Eroup, and Ben Mlroff, musical dim.—Home. OT.000 families received assist- rector. * mce from the American Red Gross Purim will be celebrated a t a B.E. Purim Carnival hrouch chapter Home Service nnquct Sunday, March 13 at 6 p. Student Council of the Beth El United Youth irograms. . In the Labor Lyceum. Louis 'almud Tornh, with the coopera'itkin, dramatic director, will give lon of the Talmud Torah faculty The project proving to be the reading from Sholcm Alcichcn. iost interesting ip USY thix tose, Evy Levy, Sandy Feldman. md the P-TA Is planning n Purim Committee members in charge Carnival Sunday afternoon, March lonth Is Retting prepared to atunny RaVitz and Sandy Fiedler. the affair are Mmes. S. H. Bind- 3 from 2:30 to 5 p. m. pnel the conclave which will bo A special Purim dinner will bo eld in Des Molnes, la. It will In- eld at Bunny Ilavltz house March T, N. Lerman, Sarah Schwartz A feature of the Carnival will bo lude all the chapters In our rcg- 13, at 6 p. m. All USVT members Jid Orcnstein. ' ho annual costume parade i n sn. Members going to Dcs Molnes re Invited to come. The chairmen Members of the cost of "Ah vhich oil Beth El Talmud Torah re: Diane Fellmnn, She! Krantz. this event arc Bunny Ilavltz relb un Lusheln" t o be held in mplls are Invited to participate like Erman, ICay Turner, Murray Sandy Fiedler, ( .prll will rehearse at 4 p. m. ml compete.
rue three 1 dlum orchid on a white satin Bible. Mn. Arthur Solkln, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. NorMr. and Mn. Harry Goodman of man Wolf, the bridegroom's brother, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hills, N. Y, announce the forthcoming marriage of their; Harry Stein were altar candle daughter, Sonya, to Dr. Harold lighters. Nathan Margolin, son of Dr. and Myron Cohen, first violinist for Mn. Morris Margolin-of this d t * -the Omaha Symphony Orchestra, The wedding will take place MareSi played during the chapel cere- 12 at Forest Hills Jewish Center mony. in N. Y. Miss Goodman Is a gradAfter the ceremony, a recep- uate of the Mt Sinai Hospital tion-dinner was held in the Fcm School of Nursing of New York Room of the Blackstone HoteL City, Following a brief honeymoon Out-of-town guests p r e s e n t in the Poconos, the young couple from Kansas City, Mo., were Mr. will visit the bridegroom's parent* and Mrs. Morris Wolf, Mr. and here, prior to taking up residence Mrs. Sam Klevatt, Steve Wolf, Sol in Washington, D. C, where Dr. Klcvatt, Mr. and Mrs. Archie L. Margolin will assume his fellowMiller, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ship with the Armed Forces InWolf, Mr. and Mn. Jerry Katz. stitute of Pathology.' Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Aaron and They plan to arrive In Omaha Miss Ruth Plesser. Wednesday, March 16. The couple will make t h e i r Patronize Our Advertisers home in Kansas City, Mo.
Dr. H.Margolin To Wed Sunday
Organizations usked to pl'ose attend thi« very The two o'clock regular meet- Important meeting. The. Auxiliary participated in ing of the Omaha chapter Mizrachl Women will bo preceded by the Red Cross Drive. Mn. Julius a denert luncheon at 1 p. m. at Stein was chairman. th» Jewish Community Center The legulnr monthly party was Wednesday, March 16. "The meeting will be devoted to held at the Veterans Adminlstra the Jewish National Fund. Mrs. tlon Hospital March 8. Mmcs. ' M M Bart; chairman of JNF box Aaron Epstein, hospital chairman , collections, and her co-chairman, Abe Miller, and Abe Kaplan atMrs. Herman Franklin and their tended the party. A portable rec»• committee will be prepaied to re- ord player was presented to the , ceive the boxes and give reoeipU. Hospital by the Auxiliary during Members who wish to receive the National President's visit In shekels In order to vote for delegates to the llonltt Congress thli Omaha. year mutt have their dues paid up for the year »t thli meeting. Bikiu-Cholim Following the business meeting. Blkur. Chollm Society will hold Mn. M. H. PoUakofr, program their Annual Purim ShaJoch-Monchairman; will present RabU Da- as Tea and Card Party Monday, vid Korb of Council Bluffs, who March 14 at 2 p. m. in the Jewish will addreu the assembly. Community Center. Mrs. Elner Abramson and Mrs. Phil Smith, chairmen of the tea Monsky Chapter have promised a delightful afterAdult Education Evening Study noon for all those attending. MemMn, Robert Wolf Group of D'nal B'rlth Henry Mon- ben and friends of Blkur ChoUm sky Chapter No 470, will meet are cordially invited to attend. Wednesday, March 15, at 8 p. m. The Blkur Chollm Birthday at the borne of Mn. Max Kadis, Pary at the Dr. Philip Sher Home 5162 Jackson. for the Aged will be held March Seymour H. Kaplan,regionaldi- 16 at 7:30 p. m. Members are rector of the Anti-Defamation urged to attend. Miss Adele Chasanov, daughter League of B'nai B'rlth, will reof Mr. and Mrs. Julius Chasanov, view the book, "Blessed Is the and Robert Wolf, son of Mr. and Land," written by Louis Zara. Mrs. Ben Wolf of Kansas City, This program Is part of the chapMo,, were married Saturday eveter's observance of the American ning, Feb. 26, in the chapel of Jewish Tercentennary celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Besser of Beth Israel Synagogue. R a b b i It was originally scheduled for January but was postponed due to Little Rock, Ark., formerly of St. Benjamin Groner officiated. Louis, have announced Uw engageThe bride wore an Anthony Inclement-weather. Mr*. David Rosenbaum will be ment of their daughter, Maxlne Blotta original wedding suit of Sue, to Jonathan Marshall, son of beige verona and a «Uk overblouae co-hostess.: Guests are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall of with white organza collar. She New York City and New Hope, Pa. carried a brown and green cymMB&P Hadassah Miss Besser, who is a former The regular board meeting of Omiihn resident, attended Washington University and the UniverBusiness and Professional Women of Hadassah will be held at the sity of Arkansas. Shu is u member home of Miss Evelyn Levy, Thurs- »f the New York dt.iff of the Naday. March 17 at 7:30 p. m. Plans tlonnl Committee for on Effective for the election of officers and c the conference to be held In Colo Mr. Murshnll, who Is publisher rodo Springs will be formulated. of Arts Digest magazine, received his B. A. decree from the University of Colorndo In 1940. He took Kadimah graduate work in economics and Mrs. Mclvin Hrown, her co- city plannlnp at the University of chairmen, Mrs. lUiymond Corey, North Carolina and at University and Mra. Itadorc Folk, have com- College, Southampton, England. pleted orranKemcnts for KndlHe l.i the nrandson of the late mnh's third annual cloucrt lunch- Colonel and Mn. Harry A. Gulnzburg and the late Mr. and Mn. eon. The luncheon will be held nt the Louis Marshall A spring wedding Is being Branded Auditorium, March 2L Mr. Eugene will present a coiffure planned. style show, There will be door prizes and tables for cards and B.B. Donor LuncKeon man Jonpr. Tickets are 75 cents B'nal B'rith H e n r y Monsky and may be obtained at the door. Chapter donor luncheon will be held Thursday, March 31, at the Council Women Highland Town Club. Mrs. George Cohen, donor chairman, announced National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, will hold tlint this early dutc was selected their regular luncheon mcctiriK at In order to avoid any conflict 1 p. m., Tuesday, March 15 in the with the Jewish Philanthropies Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Canipalirn. "Because of the ear- • Ck*ny • Lacqxr Lloyd Friedman, acting president. lier than usual date," stated Mrs. Irowa JaUlt* announced that Mrs, D, Howard Cohen, "membera may make con- • C a r o l Lily •Mack • Trap. K*d FarrslI, a past president of Omaha trilmtlon.i to the various donor • I M s * Hi* Community Playhouse, will review funds and build up credit for fu- • Dmmy • E c n trig. one of the latc»t bent sellers 'The ture occasion to memorialize or View of Pompeii's Heads" written lonor a friend or relative." Mrs. • Frosting H M •Iflgifc.ll • L M M Drop by Hamilton Basso. Stanley Shapiro la d o n o r co- • Graclm • Wild U H Tarqi.lw Mrs. Louis Alberts and Mrs. Joe chairman. W • Radlnt Freeman are In charge of luncheon Hyeclnrk rtococ* • PaiM Sand arrangements. Baby sitter service • Si* Orug* • Mbty Dowi Cousins' Club will be provided. •irown Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kutler will • Mom •Navr MMSI be host* at the next meeting of Pioneer Women he Kutler-Ciplnko Cousin's Club, Pioneer Women will hold their March 13. Newly elected annual Donor Dinner at 6:30 p, m., Sunday, officers arc Mrs. Elinor Kutler, Sunday, March 20 at the Jewish president; Mrs. Dolly Kutler, viceCommunity Center. Mrs. Harriet Kutler, Mrs. J. Fcldman, president, an- president; nounced that there will be no co- ;ccretary, and Phil K u t l e r , reasurcr. lictatlon of funds, Tlie committee in charge of the affair Include Mmcs. S. Okun, H. Israel Bond Club Wohlner, B. Hoznlck, S. Rifkin, J. The newly formed Israel Bond Fcldman, J, Kaplan and S. RichClub will meet at the home .of man. For reservations call Mrs. Wohl- Mia Evelyn Levy, B & P Israel • nor. HE 3071 or Mrs. Kaplan. WE Bond Chalrmnn, Thursday, March 5454! The public Is cordially In- 17 at 7:30 p. m. vited to attend.
Mixrachi Women
MAHISCHEWITZ las this EXTRA featunl'
Chasanov-Wolf Wedding at B. I.
Miss M. Besser Engagement Told
deeps your tubos rwi-trijp
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JWV Auxiliary
To Attend Convention
Mesdames Richard Hlllor, EdEpstein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary ward Lcvinson, Lloyd Friedman, No. 260, Jewish War Veterans of wll leave for New Orleans, La., the United States will hold Us rcR- March 19 to attend the Bi-ennlal ular meeting March 17, at 8 p. m Convention of the National Counat the Jewish Community Center cil of Jewish Women. n( u/hf/>h tlrnn plortinn nf officers
Luscious pastel shades in Van Raalte's new spring nylons . . . every important for your new pastel shoes and fashions! Styled with dainty sandal foot. Sizes 8'/t to I I .
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But Poor
Midget League Basketball Champs Will Be Honored Sunday, March 20
1'rlilny, March 1 ] , 1D.".J.
Jr. Y.C. Bowling
Y.C. Doings
Junior Spotlight |
W. IDKIIKA DEBS Lucky Leaguers 34 14 Dy Feme Kutleman Saturday evening, M a r c h 5, The Curves 33 15 6, 7 & 8th OKADKH Del* held informal initiation. The Rayim Jra 31 ',4 16'i next day, March 6, formal Initia- Hokey Pokes 2 9 ^ 1814 Tomorrow night, March 12. Is the date of the first monthly Pretion Has held, Both events took Blue Eagles 25 23 place nt the home of M i d g e Bowling Bums 20 H 27*4 Teen Canteen night. The event Greenbcrg. Barbara W o l f e re- Cozy Farmers 20 28 will be held In the Jewish Comceived the "Best Pledge" award. Fancy Pants 19!i 28!imunity Center Canteen from 7:30 4 Belles t 17 31 TtKVAS AMI . to 9:30 p. m., and will include such 13 35 Tikvas Ami will attend services 7th Heaven tonicht at Beth El Synagogue. High Games and Scries: Gold- activities as dancing, checker and BUG has been Invited to an Oneg berg, 100, 134—234; Hontog, 142— chess games and pirtg pong. All . Shabbat after services. 235; J. Rosenblatt, 110. 130-240; tlxth, seventh and eighth graders AZA 100 MarkovitE, 125, 112—237; Rickcs, arc invited. Admission is 10'cents. • Jack Oruch, Stan W Id m a n , 113, 127—242; Sldman, 161-253; Howard Kaslow and Harold Fried- Pitalis, 113.144-257, and Goldner, *. o. irer OATS man have been nominated as can- 113, 124-239. Last Sunday was "Bakers' Day" f didates for the AZA 100 Annual at the Center for the seventh King Dance to be held April 4, at grade glrlV club. Ignoring all the Highland Country Club. The B.I. Purim Royalty skeptical and cynical comments' tickets arc now being sold by the of onlookers, the members turned Kathy Adlcr and -Harold Levey Alcphs. were crowned Purim King and but the lightest, most delicious bisThe Alephs an now planning to Queen at tho Annual Beth Israel cuits Imagineablc (at least, we work with Civil Defense as a Purim ceremonies following the think to). At the last meeting the girls «u,ifad. reading of the McRlllah Monday Kaylm night. Jerry Sluuky was elected welcomed two new members, CinThe Tropical Trot will be held to the post of Mordccal and AUcn dy Klein and Frances Mintz. All Saturday, March 12, 8:30 p, m. toKonecky is Human for 1955. Thesevi-nth grade girls arc Invited to 12 a. ni. at the "J." AdmlsBion Is King and Queen of the Talmud join by attending the club meet50 cents. ings. Tho next meeting will bs> Torah were crowned by last year's The following members of the King and-Queen, Stanley Green- he'd Sunday. March 20 at 3 p. m. in the Center. Rayim SOS bowling team bowled I'lrturcd Above are thr mfrabeni of the Pacific Plan excellently throughout the season field and Marlenc Friedman. Fol- (Ith OBADE OIBLS junior dlviiiion rhampiunii la the Midgrt Lntciir. From Ir.ft to riffe^t and captured the championship lowing the coronation, their Royal Tho next meeting of the Center (tup) am Stuart Hurvltr, Grrry HifRcr and Karl LcatacbolU, last Sunday: Mike Yudclson, Lar- Highnesses led tiic costume pa- sponsored sixth grade girls' club (bottom) Joel Bneidrr, Harold Forbmt, Dirk Zarkaria, Mamfcall ry Herman, H o w a r d Goldstein, rade. will be held Saturday, March 12 Kaplan and Bob tirom. John Goldner and Jamie Shapiro. Cheryl Sue Kraft and Allen at 7 p. m. in the Center. The meetLinda Kavich and Judy Ban anXe« Burkearoad, (rhairman of th<- Health and Physical EducaMorris wcra chosen S u n d a y Ing will precede Pre-Tecn Canteen tion Committal of the Jewish Community Center, announced the nounced this week that Joyce School Queen and King and were Nlte. which starts at 7:30 p. m. annual Father-Son Midget Baakrlball program will be held Sunday, Canar and Justin "Chuck" Ravitz Karen Feldman Is president of Murcb ZO, at I p. m. In -inn Onter Auditorium. Irv Yaffe, a mem- are winners of the Cutest Pan and officially installed to their new of- this group. ber of the committee, will be raanter of rnrmiiolra. The I. J. (Irren- Ugliest Man Contest. The candi- fice by last year's King and eiK Trophy will be nwanlrd to the mint Improved player in the fifth dates were chosen over a host of Queen, Ronnie Nepomnlck and Marilyn Meyer's and Bernle to alith.'grade*, Medal* will be dvrn to the league champions and other Youth Councilors. Donations Ronald Wolpa. Fcldman's group* will swim this all-star teama. Father* are urged to arnd In their r n e r o t l o m now. are going to the Heart FoundaSunday at Funlnnd. Patronize Our Advertisers tion.
Gerelick and Hires To Clash for Title
Bar & Bas Mitzvah
B.I. Mens Club to Hear
The Ilnr Mitzvah of Martin Cardinal's Manager Beth Israel Men* Club will hold This Is the big game. At itakc Meyers, son of Mrs. Sally Meyers, a gala sports night at their regub the championship in the>scv- wil be celebrated at the Beth lar dinner meeting, Thursday. enthr-eighth grade division of the Israel Synagogue Friday evening March 17 at 7 p. m. In the social Midfrct League. Last week Gere- and Saturday morning, March 11 halL The annual election of-offilidV Motors and Hires Root Beer and 12. All friends and relatives cers will also be held. tanplcd and Roy Katskee played Bill BorRcsch, general manager his finest came for the Gerelick are Invited to attend the services of the AAA Omaha Cardinals baseteam as they defeated their chief and the receptions following the bay team will bo in'ervicwed by rivals 40-16, The lanky, center services. Jack Sandier, xnortsenster of rapoured in 24 points to lead his dio station KOWII. A special door team to the Important victory.' Next week/ Friday evoninft and prirc will be awarded. Some lucky Next week, these two teams will Saturday morning, Starch 18 and member will receive two tickets battle tor the title. - . 19, the Bar Mitzvah of Irvinn No- to the opening game of the Omaha Fireside hopes for a title went than, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Cardinals. astray as S. Rlekes & Sons won Natlian, will be Celebrated nt the Dinner will be served and a sotheir second game by the close Beth Israel Synagogue. Friends cial hour will follow the program. (core of 26-23, Stuart Kogel paced and relatives' are invited to at- Reservations may be made by call" the winner's attack with 12 point*, tend the services and receptions. ins the synagogue office, RE 6288 by March 15. . while Steve Seglin loch th» FinNorman A. ICrlzelman, son of aide scoring with 12 points. Hilkl Luncheon •Padfic FUb, league ' champ*, Mr. and Mrs. Max Krizelnun. will The regular monthly Ilillel dropped a c l o s e encounter to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday, lUchmon-Gordman as cool, calm March 11 and Saturday, March 12. luncheon at the University of Nebraska will bo held In the Sigma and collected Steve Guss dropped at Beth SI Synagogue. Friends Alpha Mu Fraternity house, 733 in two free throws in the sudden and relatives are invited to attend N. 16th st.. at 12:30 p. m , Sunday, death period to give his team a both service* and the receptions March 13. Professor Irving Slmos which will follow. d m - 8-6 win. ' -• of the Psychology Department will I-Go Van escaped the cellar by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gold- be guest speaker. dropping Cowboys 23-17. J e f f Wohlnor and Don Fiedler lod theetrom announce the Bar Mitzvah w/iy with ten and six potato re- of.their con, Ornld Mnrtln. and spectively, while'Mike SadoMcy Mr. and Mrs. Sol Martin announce the Bar Mitzvah Of their son. had nine for the losers. Omaha's Howard, nt a joint service Friday * ''' iunlor FlnaU •| evening, Mnrch 18 and Saturday Padfic F U h . '. ...8 4 Favorite Way morning, Mnrch 19 at Beth El Riehmnn-Gordman .7 5 Synagogue. Friends and relatives ftSo^Vnn . , '. 5 7 are Invited to attend both services to Dine on CoVboys •' - • . . . ; . . . .A 8 nnd the receptions which will folSunday '• • ' " ' • Senior Dlv. 5 • low. Hires Hoot Beer .....7 4 Gcrelick Motors 7 4 ' Fireside Rest . . 6 5 Beth Israel Clubs Beth Israel Tovlm Jr, will meet S. Riclces & Sons 2 9 Saturday, March 12 at 7:30 p. m. 00 VGA » * f u o In the recreation room of the TalThe scrappy Centtirymen from mud Torah: The following groups AZA 100 arc serving notice that will meet Sunday, Mnrch 13 from next year they arc going to be 4 to 5:30 p. m: Boys' Art* and contenders for the Y. C. title. The Crafts; Girls' ArU and Crafts, Served Buffet Style! ..league champ* Rnyim A c a m e and Dar I^Kay. , close to defeat before pulling out All You Care to Eat a 48-11 -win. Bob Epstein and Jerry Rosen* a couple of sopho- son for that selection. Standings mores nml former Midget nil-stars NOON TO 3 P. M. led the attack for their team with Raylm A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 ..10 4 17 and 11 p o i n t s respectively, AZA 1A 4 10 whilp the balanced nnyim scoring AZA ]O0A . . . . . . . attack was led by Howard Gold- liiyim n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 12 stein with 12 points. Al Corey and Jamry Shapiro eneh hnd 10. • AZA 1A. with Stan Widmnn hittins for 23 points, defeated the your Want Ao ftayim team 53-.'i7. Hob Oberman •a Thp Jewlf.h J*m». Current rule 1* Mi for neb. |n»erand Justin Ravitz paced the 15-.ion. Tin I'rr*i i f i m t i the rtelit to liinl' team scoring with 14 and 1.1 points elre of each nilvrru**Tn«-.'it. respectively. These two lads were BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuHOTEL BLACKSTONE " the winners of J. J. Groenlier lation? itteo for all Jewish holiMemorial Trophy In sueowivc day* find special occasions wears nnd they (ire showing rea- Meyers Nous Sund, 1502 Dodsc
Sunday Brunch
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