VoL XXXIII—No. Zff. Mnu.
oooa-<Ji*w mum
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LADIES Save Wednesday April 27
Omin*. HibruuTttioM M ON '
On Faith' Series A "Festival of Faiths," including Catholic, Protestant and Jewish services will bo presented for the Irst time In Omaha over WOWTV during tho week of April 3, to commemorate t h e Easter and 'assover holidays.
Passover Services Annual Stage Night At Central Tomorrow The 22nd Annual Stage Night, cleverness of costuming. Members the colorful and exciting competi- of the clubs participating write tion of Youth Council clubs vying their own material, design their for the coveted winners' crowns, own Jets and put together their will be held this year In the Cen- own costumes. tral High School Auditorium, at"8 A Stage Night Dance will be an p. m. Saturday, April 3. < added Innovation' to top off the Joo Martin, well-known WOW- festivities and will be held In the TV and radio personality, will act Jewish Community' Center audias' muter ot ceremonies. In 1945, torium. Another departure from Mr. Martin was saluted by movie the usual procedure will be the producer David O. Solznlck as the presentation of in-between-acts by top disc Jockey of the middle west. members of Central High School . A" panel of six judges will select Road Show. the victors In the boys' and girls' Members of Tlkvas Ami will also divisions based on originality of present an In-between-act sketch. J plot, quality of performance and They are: Shirley Goodman, Theresa Kahn, Matlce Katleman and Fayna Manvitz. A professional touch will be the handling ot lighting- and sets by Robert Beck and his Central High staff. Gerald M. Wclnbcrg, son of Mr. Stage Night is sponsored by the and Mrs. Harry Wclnbcrg, was one Youth Council or the Jewish Comof tho two University of Nebras- munity Center. ka students receiving fellowship* Tickets may bo purchased from from Natlonnl Sclcnco Foundation. Youth Council members, at the A grant of $1,500 was given Mr. Center, or at Central High'on the Welnbcrg to continue his advanced evening of the performance. Adi t u i / m In physics. mission is one dollar.for adults He will complete his undergrad- and 50: cents for grade or high uate studies At the university this school students. spring-find plans to continue his work, at tho University of California at Berkeley.
,. Omaha/is In the News
Paul Dloteky. well-known Omaha community leader, was elected a. member of the national executive board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, It was announced by Rabbi Maurice N. Eitcndrath, president of the Union. Mr. Dloteky is a past president of Temple- Israel. •Steven Grecnbcrg, son of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Grecnbcrg, was recently elected to Alpha Chapter of Gamma Pi Sigma, an honorary chemistry society. ; Mr. Greenberg, a senior at University of IoWa, in Iowa City, will be graduated In June. He is majoring in speech and television. • Ruth Krantz Engman, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krantz of Dei Molncs, la., will give a piano redtal at 4:45 p. m., this Sunday, in the Joslyn Memorial Art Mu *eum.
'. Stan Fellman, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles L. Follmon, has add ed another laurel to his crown by winning the Tcgionol American Legion oratorical contest Tuesday at Rock Springs, Wyo. He will represent Nebraska. Wyoming. Colorado and New Mexico In the sectional contest to be held today In Snntn Fc. N. 1W The sectional victor will tnko part In the national finals to be hold in Wnrkwell, Okla., April 5.
'Lady Vanishes' At Joslyn Sunday
Alfred Hitchcock's most famous mystery thriller, "The Lady Vanishes," will be presented by the Center Cinema Club at Recital Hall of Joslyn Memorial Art Museum this Sunday, April 3 at 8:15 p. m. This fourth presentation of the current series tells the story of the mysterious disappearance of an elderly lady from an express train traveling through the Balkans on the eve of World War n . The sur ; prise climax reveals a tale Involving political espionage. An unusunl British short subject "The Gentleman In Room 6" rounds out' the all-mystery program. The Hollywood Reporter hts said of this film: "It Is the most Intriguing and sus'pcnscful thousand feet of film ever mndc." Admission Is by scries ticket and individual tickets may bo purchased at the door at the evening of the performance for 75 cents. Co-chairman of the film scries nrc Mm. Kdwnrd Zurlnnky nnd Jack Sandier. Training Couram More than 2 million certificates were issued last year to persons completing lied Cross courses In home nupslng, swimming, first aid, and other volunteer service activl ties.
Beth El Op. m., Wed, April 6 9 a. m., Thurs., April 7 6 p. m., Thurs., April 7 9 a. m., Frl., April 8 8:15 p. m., Fri., April 8 8:30 a. m., Sat, April 9 6:45 p. m., Tues., April 12 9 a. m., Wed., April 13 6:45 p. m., Wed., April 13 9 a. m., Thurs., April 14 10:30 a. m., Thurs., April 14
Beth Israel 6:45 p. m., Wed., April 6 8:30 a. m., Thurs., April 7 C:45 p. m., Thurs., April 7 8:30 a. m., Fri., April 8 6:45 p. m., Fri., April 8 (no late service) 10 a.m., Thurs., April 14
Temple Israel 5:30 p. m., Wed., April 6 11 a. m., Thurs., April 7 8 p. m., Tues., April 12 (Including Ylzkor) 11 a. m., Wed., April 13 (Including Ylzkor) The Temple Israel Religious School Choirs will sing at Passover Services.
Registration Open For Dance Class
JQ31I '6 urojini
Mark Your Calendar Now!
fe Nlfht co-chairmen ready flnal plang for the big night They are (from j , to r.) Marilyn IUce, Mike Solzman and Fayna Manvltz. '
Jumri Knrlwtlscli
J. Karbatsch New Physical Ed. Director James Karbatsch, of Denver, Colo., was appointed as Physical Education Director of the Community Center, Arthur Goldstein, Center Chairman and Les Burkenroad, Physical Education Committee Chairman, announced this Week. Mr. Karbatsch comes to Omaha from Denver, where he was Physical Education Director of the West Branch of the Jewish Community Center since March 1953. Prior to that he was physical education Instructor at Laradon Hall In Denver, Mr. Karbatsch is a graduate of University of Colorado, where he received his B. S. in Physical Education, and was active in various physical education professional groups, "We have Interviewed Roveral candidates for the position of physical education director, and have choseH Mr. Karbatsch. We believe that Under his direction, our various physical education activities at the Center will continue to develop, serving the many needs of our community, particularly in tho Junior and Intermediate arens."Mr. Karbatsch will assume his position April 4. He Is succeeding Llndy Paul who resigned recently to enter private business.
There is still time to register for tho Center's new Latin American Dance Class. The size ot the class will bo limited so that registrants can receive the maximum instruction. The course will start Wednesday, April 20 and will continue until May 25. Classes will bo held from 8 to 9:30 O'clock on Wednesday evenings. Miss Mary Lou Nicbling, instructor In dance and physical education at the University of Omnha, will teach the rhumba, mamboand tango, Fee for the course Is $7.50 per couple which Is to be paid at the time of registration. Call the Center activities office Richard L. Neuberger, U. S. Sento register or to obtain further inator front Oregon,'will be princiformation. . pal speaker at the Third Annual George W, Norrls Memorial Dinner to be held Friday evening, Radio and TV April 11, in the Rome Hotel. Senator Ncuberger will stop In This Sunday, Dr. Sylvan Omaha en route to Washington Schwartzman of the Hebrew and In deference to the Passover Union College will discuss "A Time for Religious Re-apprals- holiday, lecture tickets only may al" on the Message of Israel be purchased at the Jewish Comprogram heard over KOIL from munity Center. The affair Is being sponsored by 9:35 tg 10 a. m. Iowa-Nebraska George W. Norris The Eternal Light program Memorial Committee, 'Dr. Clyde Mitchell, Chairman of will • bo broadcast over WOWRadlo from 11:30 to 12 noon the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of this Sunday. Nebraska, will Introduce the sen"Aspects of Passover" will ator. James E. Lawrence, editor open the "Festival of Faiths" of the Lincoln Star, will speak on scries to bo televised over the "Life and Times of Senator WOW-TV Wednesday, April 6 Norrls in Nebraska." Phil Allen, at 11 a. m. This first program labor sponsored TV comentator, of the series Is being presented will be toastniaster. • Reservations may bo made by under the auspices of the Sywriting Phil Allen. 8515 Burt St., nagogue Council of Omaha. or by calling GL 9350.
Sen. Neuberger Will Speak Here
"Aspects of Passover1' will open the series at 11 a, m. Wednesday; April 0, under tho direction of the Synagogue Council of Omaha. Rabbis Sidney H... Brooks, Benjamin Groncr and Mycr S. Krlpke will be Introduced at a roundtable discussion, Each rabbi will discuss the service's conducted at the synagogue he represents. •Portions of tho services have been filmed especally for this telecast and- exterior and Interior views of the synagogues will also be shown. Choirs from each of the synagogues will present Passover selections. A telecast direct from St. Cecilia Cathedral will be presented Thursday morning, April 7. Omaha Council of. Church will present their program. Friday, April 8, from the Omaha Theater. A special program of -religious] and spring - time music by the Chorus o f ' t h e Woodmen of the World on Easter Sunday will conclude the series. "Festival of Faiths" U presented through the courtesy of J. L. Brandels & Sons, as part of their community service program. In making the announcement, Karl N. Louis, vice-president and general manager of Brandcis, said: "The purpose of these programs i» to emphasize the spiritual values and religious Ideals that give greatness and strength to this community."
Philanthropies A Real Partnership The success of the 1953 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign wlllliavo a marked affect on overseas, national and local agencies in which Omaha women's organizations are deeply concerned with, Paul Verct, Federation E x e c u t i v e Director, told'the presidents of women's organizations last Friday at n meeting held in the home of Mr. Morton Richards. Mr. Verct emphasized tho fact that the Philanthropies Drive is a real partnership of all agencies benefiting from the campaign. The amount of funds raised by the drive affects the support given- to the various agencies, he added. It is a vital necessity, Mr. Vcret continued, to make an all out effort if we arc to help these agencies carry out their humanitarian functions, In conclusion, he stated, the worn of Omaha have always been in the forefront of the Philanthropies Campaign giving'tlrcless* ly of their time.and effort.
Passover Gifts Sent To State Institutions i Following an annual custom, Passover gift p a c k a g e s wen mailed this week to Jewish real, dents In state institutions in Bca« trice, Hastings, Lincoln and Nor. folk by the Family Service Com* mlttce of the Federation for Jew* Ish Service, Louis Katz, commit* tec chairman announced. ' Members of the committee iq charge of the project were Mmea, Lewis Nevclcff, Einer Abramson, Jack Kalman and J. Lewis yager, The packages contained matzoe*(. prunes, Passover candy, gifts^ macaroons and cigarettes. _j
Trace Two
Obituary Labor Official Around Sol Handler Visifs Omaha Services w e r e held Monday, The Nation
PuMlabcd Federation for Jewish Service M b c d Everj Friday by tbe Fe w 3en 13. Scligman, Director of Krm -aas m m mu Bo. jit* Una. Community Sen-ice for the Jewish Labor Committee, visited HAHRJ HALPERT. .Editor Omaha last week during lib; tour of the mldewst region on behalf of his organization. Ho visited with several members of the Iocul Workmen's Circle, which is n constituent agency of the Jewish Labor Committee, and spoke with . number of leaders of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service. 6:t» p. m., Candlelightlaa; By Hum BAKU r-ligman's tour is intended Cantor Aaron Edgar last Sun- toMr. develop effective relationships day proudly presented his son, Rabetween the Labor Committee and Temple Israel phael, baritone, as guest soloist in Jewish communities. It is the funcServices wUl be held at Temple tion of the Jewish Labor CommitIsrael at 8 o'clock Friday evening. his nineteenth annual concert of tee to , develop and incorporate Rabbi Sidney H. Brooto will be Jewish music It was about five into the programs of the organassorted in the service by the years ago when I made the ac- ized trade union movement the Temple Youth Group. Miss Sara quaintance of Raphael. He was aims and objectives of Jewish Pepper and Miss Joan Abraham* then a hopeful youngster with a community relations programs so will present sermonettes on tbe a better understanding may beautiful voice. In the meantime, that theme "I Speak for Judaism." be attained in the ranks of labor he studied Seriously and c a m e Following the services the Sisof the position of Jews and other terhood will be host to the con- back now for a visit to his old minorities in American society. gregation at an Ones Shabtot congregation, w h i c h saw him Said Mr. Sellgman, this is done . Services arc at 11:30 o'clock growing up. He returned as a mathrough the establishment in trade Saturday morning. Rabbi Brooks win deliver the semonette and ture musician, as an artist His unions of programs of human reKiddush lot the entire congrega- voice, which has a mellow and lations which bring to their memtion will follow the serviccf. Hie sympathetic sound, is of big vol- bers the significance of such matReligious School Choirs, under tbe ume and warm timbre. He is in- ters as liberalized immigration legdirection at Hiss Ida Gitlin, will telligent and artistically feeling islation, civil rights, fair employment practices laws and Job disting the service. •nough to use his voice in a way crimination problems. While inwhich nermiu him to Interpret bis terpreting this urgent program to Beth El Jewish communities, Mr. SellgServices Friday evening will be- songs with full strength and to man, also seeks to integrate more gin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. produce also real tenderness. closely labor committee members Kripkc will deliver the sermon A group of compositions by into Jewish communal activity. Cantor Aaron I, Edgar and the modern Jewish American composThe Jewish Labor Committee Beth £1 Synagogue Choir will ren- er) gave him the chance to dem- was formed in 1933 through the der the musical portion of the onstrate his strong musicianship initiative of several Jewish trade service. and among the different works unions. Its .first chairman was the Sabbath morning service* will which he sang, "Ad Ana Adcna!," late B. Chamey-Bladedc, of the be at 8:30 a, m. Junior Congrega- by M. Milner, was' particularly Jewish Daily Forward. At that tion lervtcn are at 10:45 a. m impressive. This composition gave its major function was the . Mtocha-Maarlv Services will be at abb an opportunity to his organ time of an underground res6:30 p. m. Sunday morning serv- accompanist, Mrs. George Elsen- operation cue movement snve Jewish lives ice to at 9 a. m. and Minchs- berg, to show her musical taste from Hitler's todeath grip. Mr. Maariv service nt 6:30 p. m. Daily and fine sense for shading* at the Adolph Held, former president of services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. ra organ. The applause which Ra- the Amalgamated Bank of New phael received from the audience York, is the present chairman. Beth Israel was sincere and very enthusiastic. In 1015. the Jewish Labor ComRabbi Benjamin Gronei", Cantor Cantor Edgar presented Bgain mittee began to emphasize Its proEli Kflgan, Beth Israel Choir, and his choir with the musical nnd gram of htimnn u'lations in the the SYO, will conduct the service fine understanding we know of United States. It developed comthis Friday evening at 8 p. m. him nnd one of the best nnd most jnilleos on human relations In a Traditional Friday evening serv- delicate interpretations of the dif- numtier of trade unions which ices (Kabollas Siinbbos) begin at ferent program numbers was cer- utilized JLC materials in their 6:30 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- t.-iinly 'O M,ir Rnbhi Elozor," by fight against bii;otry and discrimices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Tishkowsky-Gnldmnn. ination in the shop. JIX field staff Congregation nt 10 a. rn. K.-iJibi We would like to mention as personnel service these commitGroncr will conduct th<> Talmud successful choir soloists Dr. Tatel- tees in furthering Jewish interest Class at 6 p. m. Sabbath Mincha man, Mrs. D;»n Cohen. Mr. Du- in lalxir's viewpoint. at 6:30 p. m., followed by Shnleshe rinff, .Mrs. Edgar, Mrs. Muskin, S'eudos and Manriv. Daily morn- Miss Zuker. A special applause ing services at 7 a. m., afternoon earned by Mrs. Donald Nogg for service! at' 6:4S p. m. Sunday the charming performance of a morning services begin nt 8:4!> Passover song. • . i n , followed by breakfast and A cantata "What Is Torah?" by Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday Judith and Ira Eiscnsteln with the Tel Aviv (JTA)— Three Israel morning Junior Minyan followed essential answer, Tonih is the cre- soldiers were wounded Monday in by breakfast, starts at 8 •".*("" a. m ation of the world, it is Israel's a continuation of the Egyptian ingift to humanity, concluded this filtration and violence In the Gaza impressive evening. Narrators who area. The developments followed read the Torah story with clear on the heels of a condemnation of distinctness were Mrs. Whitman, Egypt by the Israel-Egyptian Mr. Goldston and Richard Kar.law. Mixed Armistice Commission for Workmen's C i r c l e Dramatic Program comments were Riven the attack on a wedding party nt Club will hold their ."nninl pres- by n.-ibbl KripUc. B"tly Fcllman PnUch, 12 miles inland from the entation, a three-act piny, "A Veil) at the piano was as always n pil- Gaza strip fion''ir, last Thursday, Lou Lashon," SunrLiy, April 10 at lar of strength, and also Mrs in which one woman was killed S p. m. in the Jewish Community George Eisenberg did everything and 23 persons were wounded. Center. AdmK-i'm is 7") rents per at the organ to secure such a rniiA military spokesman reported person, tax included. slcal background which was neces- Sunday an Israel soldier was As part of the program the sary for a full success. wounded in nn exchange of fire choir will offer a nelrclion nt Jewwhich followed the discovery of a ish folk songs. party of Egyptian infiltrators In Tickets may be pureha> ed at the Klufenicfc Examines the Xfssufim area. The infiltrators door. escaped across the Iwrder. Tills B.B. Property in Berlin afternoon, an Israel patrol car was Berlin fJTA)—Philip M. Klutz- mined near the Gaza border nnd Lehman Urges U.S. ntk, national president of IJ'nai two soldiers were hurt, one seriTo Push Peace Talks Il'rith. arrived here to examine ously. Washington (WNSt — Senator property in West "Berlin owned by The MAC decision on the patish Herbert II. Lehman, in n speech the organisation. He was met by raid Ftronf;ly condemned Etjypt for delivered on the floor of Ihr? .S^n* Mayor Dr. Otto Suhr. He will con- a "brutal, murdeous act of aggresate last week, urged the Govern- fer In Bonn with Chancellor Kon- sion" by two grenade-hurling infiltrators. The MAC noted with ment of Die United Staffs to us r.vi Adenauer, Prior to his arriving in Germany. "grave concern" that aggression.*; Its persuasive power upon Kgypf to accept the proposals made by Mr. Klotzn.'ck visited E n g l a n d acainr.t Israel had not yet been Israeli Ambassador .Abba Khnn where he addressed an all-day ses- terminated. It expressed tys conlast week before the United Na- sion of "B'nai B'rith leaders from cern with the; incident ns an agtions Security Council as a basis England and Ireland. He was prc gravation of a serious situation cented nt the session with a con- along the border, and urged Egypt for peace negotiations. Declaring tliat Mr. Elan's pro- tribution of $1,000 for the new to arrest those rcsjwnsible for the posal "was the first constructive" IVnal B'rith building in Washing- attack. Three other Incidents along the one he had heard "in many months ton. to deal frontally with the tragic The itinerary of the B'nai B'rith Israel-Egypt Ian lmrder were retensions which now exist between president includes visits to B'nai ported Sunday In each of them one Israel and her neighbors." Sena B'rith branches In Holland. Bol- infiltrator was wounded before the tor Lehman urged Egypt to give (HJim, France. Switzerland and Arabs could ' escape across the concrete evidence of willingness to Israel. He will be in Geneva this Egyptian border. In one instance recognize the fact of Israel's ex- week-end to" participate in the the infiltrators were Ehepherdi fetpnec within her present boun- United Nntjons Conference of Non nnsturini* flocks on Israel land. daris and of readiness to move Governmental Organizations In- Near Nltznna n partv of settlers forward toward normalizing rela- terested In eradication of prejudice nnnroachlng -some infiltrees were and discrimination. fired on from across the Egyptian tions with the Jewish state. u « u uooej UK act M MUCH awjnu *» IUUM *> u r«tbru *» ff Bwio-aaai Bwoaaa*4.titi UAdvenjA.o? ua u i ,futu r aa u M 8, Apj-ucsuan. AJU»~A*uuuMcrvuas JACIUOE u a c Maanm. inn» igi NO. SOU «•»«, 'Kiln. Ninr.. Ni
Religious News
Raphael Edgar, Tender Interpreter Of Jewish Music
Violence in Gaza Area by Egyptians
Workmen's Circle Will Present Play
Friday, April 1, IBM.
March'28, for Sol Handler with interment at Helh Kl Cemetery. Mr. Handler, 77, died .Sunday, March 27, at Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. .Survivors include f o u r sons, Manning of Omaha, Philip of Minneapolis, Minn., Sam of Stockton, Culif., and Allen of Mexico City, Mex.; and three daughters, Mrs. Ben Kaslow and Mb:s Ko'elee, both of Omaha .and Mr:?. Michael KorbhoU of Stockton, C.iiif.
Adolf Moslcovifz Services were held S u n d a y. March 27 for Adolf Mo:;kovltz. with interment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mr. Moiikovltz, 90, a retired grocer, died Saturday, March 2G, in a local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Mo.skovitz. celebrated their sixty-first weddiiig anniversary last Dcccmlwr. •Survivors include his wife, Hannah; three sons, Milton, Max and Leo; two daughters, Mrs. Leo Adler nnd Miss Sylvia Moskovltz, all of Omaha; two brothers, Max Mosher of Los Angeles, Calif., and Sam Rosenberg of Omaha; three grandchildren and one g r e a t grandchild.
Mrs. Marsha Dalman Services were held S u n d a y , March 27 for Mrs, Marsha Rosalie Dulman, with interment at Beth El Cemetery. Mrs." Dulman, 76, died Saturday. March 26, nt home. She Is survived by a son, Sidney; a daughter, Mrs. Minnie Mlskln of Detroit, Mich.; f i v e sisters, three brothers and two grandchildren.
Ellis Radinsky New York (JTA)—Ellis Radinsky, executive director of the United Israel Appeal nnd assistant executive vice-chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, died early .Sunday, Mnrch 27, of a heart attack nt his country home in Mahopnc, N. Y. He vvns 51 years old and had been recently appointed to the post In the UJA. Mr. Radinsky, who had been closely associated with Jewish causes nnd particularly Israel for almost 20 years, had visited Israel last in October, 1954, with the 35membcr UJA study mission. A native of New York, he was educated at New York University and the New York School of Social Work of Columbia University.
Women's College New York (WNS) — Yeshlva University's Stern College for Women, rounding out Its pioneer year ns the nation's first liberal arts college for women under Jewish auspices, was hailed here this week by Yeshlva officials as having demonstrated the validity of an Idea by two fnrsighted personalities, Yeshlva University president Dr. Samuel Belkln and Max Stern, a New York businessman who contributed 5500,000 to start the school. The school's first class consisted of thlry-thrce young m o d e r n American girls equally at home with Hemingway und the Hora, with Jewish history and tradition and world affairs. They came froni Keven states and varied family b a c k g r o u n d s . Their cominon thread, a Yeshlva spokesman declared, in striving for a good college education and the -rich treasures of Judaism. The Stern College for Women, this {spokesman asserted, is a modern, progressive, liberal arts institution, designed to provide academic and Jewish utudies to meet the needs of today's young women. The college opened in September, 1954, and Its fouryear course leads to n Bachelor degree in the Arts, Sciences or Religious Education.
CUVUdlS IIONOIIKD New York (JTA)—Two honors eri-1 accorded Dr. I'inkhos Churgin, retiring Dean of the Teachers Institute of Ycshiva University, here .Sunday on the eve of his departure for Israel to asLume the presidency of the new Bar-Han University. He received the honorary de;re<' of iJoctor of Humane letters from Dr. Samuel Bclltin, president of Yeshiva University, and plans were announced for the establishment of a Chair in Jewish History bearing his name. 'Hie dual tribute to Dr. Churgin. retiring after 35 years as Dean and Professor of Jewish History and Literature, took place at u dinner-convocation attended by five hundred persons. Dr. Churgin left for Israel Tuesday. ANTI-ISUAKL TOUR New York (JTA) — Mortimer May, president of the Zionist Organization of America, addressed a strong protest to the director** of Town Hall because of its sponsorship of n country-wide tour by an nnti-Isruel Arab delegation. In a telegram to the director* of Town Hall Mr. May said: "On uchalf of the entire membership of the Zionist Organization of America I must r e g i s t e r tb« strongest protest over the vicious nntl-Israel propaganda being dis!,eminat«] by an Arab delegation touring our country under Town Hall KjKMiMjrship. Recent addresses of Messrs. Uzrl nnd liaddid at Princeton deliberately mi»reprcr tented nnd distorted the issues of the Middle East, in which tho American iH'ople have a vital ir»tcre-ot. Recalling Town Hall's scrupulous fairness nnd impartiality in the iinsit, wo ore shocked to find Town Hull now lending itself to fiueh hhnmeful exhibitions and urge ,i halt to this propaganda "jimpalgn under your, auspices." BANISH HIvSCI.K Cincinnati (JTA) —H e n r I k do Kaufmfinn, Danish Ambasa-sdor.to the United States, received an honorary degree of Doctor of Hu» mane Letters at a two-day academic convocation of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion here. The d e c r e e wa* awarded as a symbol of appreciation of world Jewry for the heroism nnd humanity of the Danish people In rescuing CMO Danish Jew3 destined for Hitler's concentration eamjis and sending them across the sea to Sweden. The academic convocation was held to mark the ROth unnlversary of the College-Institute, Reform Jewry's only seminary In the United States. The week-end program featured n series of panel discussions for students, faculty members and parents of students on "The Future of Our Children as Jews." 'KKCONSTIHJCTIONISX*
New York (JTA)—The 20th anniversary of "ITic Reconstruction* 1st," magazine of the Jewish Reconstruction m o v e m e n t , wa* marked here Sunday nt an affair honoring Dr, Mordccal Kaplan. founder of tho movement and chairman of tho magazine's edl« torlal board. Dr. Ira Eiseruteln, nsfociato chairman of the board, and Dr. Eugen Kohn, mnnnglng editor. The three men were presented with scrolls nt n "brunch* uttended by some 400 persons. URANDEIS «UANT WaltHnm, Mass. (JTA)— Brandels University announced Monday receipt of a $75,000 grant from the Mu Sigma Fraternity. University officials said that the central area encompassed by tho Three Chapels—interfalth project providing separate houses of worship for the three mnjof .falthi represented on the campus—win be designated in honor of the fraternity.
frontiers. In the Israel-Jordan border dls trict nn Israel patrol near Maagal was fired upon, but Buffered no casualties. Israel complained yes terday to the Israel-Jordan MAC against the kidnapping of two Sid Caesar: "It's better to hav« Arab citizens of Israel by Jor halitosis than no breath nt nil."—• danian.i in Central Palestine, (JTA)
Friday, Aprlr I, 1B5S.
Communify Calendar
Council Women Adopt New Budget
dividual incidents." | United States Solicitor General Simon E. Sobeloff, addressing tba Hy SIrH. Morrlu Hperktcr dinner closing the convention, as« Pcsach . . . the Seder . , . who can forget it? Now Orleans (JTA)—The bien- sorted that the American JCWIBH community is a full and partiFather's old Ha g a d ah—his nial convention of the National Saturday, April 2 ever reverent reading; Youlli Council, Stugp Nile an Council of Jewish Women closed cipating force In American life and Miss Harriet Soslun, daughter uf Dance, 8 p. m.—Central High am Mother's tatty cliches—the sub- here with the retting of a $70G,35O Insisted that American Jews, In Mrs. Anna .Soskin, will arrive hero Center. lime In Pcsach eating! budget for the coming fiscal year maintaining their identity, must tomorrow to spend her Spring vaBelli Israel Men's Club Dane* the adoption of a resolution not lose their special culture, tra» cation with her mother. Miss Scre- 1) p. m.-I). I. Mother'/; leoht - Ix'nchen, the and urging the United Slates to sus- ditlon and heritage. 'Mr. Sobelofi kin is a freshman at Washington table (jay with decoraSunday, April 3 pend arms shipments to tiie Mid- declared that loyalty to America , University in St. Louis, Mo., arid tion ; uniformity or the ' Children's Activities, 2 p. m.— dle EuKt pending a peace settle- does not demand a member of Sigmu Dclti Tim Con And always at the tuhle, gentle of cultural, religious I tor. ment between Israel nnd the Arab suppression Sorority. folk feeling adoration. and philanthropic activities a n d ' 7th Grade Girls' Party, 7:30 p After the Seder when we sang states. In addition to the $706,350 affii:al!<ms. m.—Ornler. budget, the largest in the organia sweet song. Mr. anfl Mrs. Louis Bernstein o Center Cinema Club, "The Lad; Within the children and elders, zation's 62-ycar history, the 215 Seattle, Wash., announce the liirt Vanishes," 8:15 p. m.—Joslyn Me local branches of the NCJW will pleasure was so strong. of a daughter, Leslie Ann, Uin inorial. Do You Need Extra spend nn additional $2,000,000 In March 18 In Seattle. This is their Monday, April 4 Tables or Chairs My father's table is but a local activities. first iliild. Maternal grandparent* Children's Activities, Sprinctim memory now, For Your Passover are Mr. . iid Mrs. Diivld Green of V.icntion, Picnic, 12:30 p. n).— A world • of long ago, the The resolution, which appealed Seattle nnd paternal grandparent: Center. Seder? past. for n halt to arms shipments "in are Mr. and Mrs. Snmiiel J. Bern Il.-uln.'isnh Cliapter Board, 11 p I pray that my grandchildren. the Interest of stability and progLET stein of Omaha. in.—Home. blessed by the Lord, ress in the nrea," ulso appealed Ilrandeis University Board, 1 p Will ever hold this tradition for "continued economic and techm.—Home. Miss Minda Friedman, daughtei fast. nical assistance to Israel and the Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m, of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Friedman, Arab peoples." At the same time, Take Care arrived home today from Boulder, Center. the delegates called on the United 7tb Grade Girl's Party, 7:30 p, Colo., for her Spring vacation, witi of Your Needs Nations to "concern Itself with the Monsky Chapter Takes her house guest, Miss Sydney An m.—Center. total program of peace rather than Tuesday, April S Phone AT 4089 •Chell of Seattle, Wash. Miss FricJ Part in Inter-Group Lab with piecemeal consideration of inBeth Israel Sisterhood Board, man is a sophomore at the Unl p.m.—Beth Israel. vertlty of Colorado. B'nal B'rith H e n r y Monsky Pre-teen Club Camping Trip, 2 Chapter No. 470 and Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Kulle; p. m.—Center. Leathercraft Class, 7:30 p. m.— Chapter No. 346 were among the entertained the Kutlcr-CIplnkc civic group* co-operating with the Cousins' Club at their homo re- Center. Wednesday, Anrtl • Urban League in developing a Hucently at which time they also Children Springtime Program, man Relations Laboratory. The celebrated Mr. Kutlert birthday. Guests attending were: Messrs, Movie, 2 p. m.—Center, Ladles Free Loan Society, 2 p, Human Relations Labratory was and Mmcs. Morris Welncr and A, held March 31 at the First Uni; • Poliakov and Mr. Phil Slporln ol m.—Center. FIRST PASSOVER SEDER— tarian Church. Los Angela, Calif., formerly o[ Center Closes 5 p. m. The program was designed to Omaha. Thursday, April 1 acquaint participants w i t h imFIRST DAY PASSOVER—SEC- .proved methods and techniques Mr. and Mrs. Sol Crandall an OND SEDER—Center Closed all for solving inter-group problenft flounce the birth of a daughter day. which occur in Omaha. Actual Joyne Ilochelle born March 20 in problem situations which had oca local hospital. It Is their first curred in Omaha were used as a JWV Auxiliary child. basis for discussion, buzz sessions Maternal grandparents arc Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert FcinbcrR nnd pa- April Board meeting of the Ep- and soclo-dramas. Seymour H. ternal Krandparcnti are Mr. and stein-Morgan Ladles Auxiliary No Kaplan, Regional Director of the Mrs. Phillip Crandell nil of Omaha 200, Jewish War Veterans will be- Antl-Defamntion League of B'nai Maternal g r e a t-crandmother h held April 18, at the home of Mrs B'rith was one of the dlscuslson SEE AND HEAR THE Mrs. Max Strikowsky of Can- J. Milton Margolin. Co-hostesse? leaders. will be Mmes. Max Kanner and ton, O. Cele IJuah. The Passover holiday necessitates the chance In date for Mrs. Jacob Llnlzmnn, formerly this meeting. on of Omahn and now of North Hollywood, Calif., arrived here to visit WOW-TV, Channel 6 her sons and daughters. They are Beth Israel P-TA Dan and Joe Lintzman, Mmes. DaMrr.. Dave Friedman, president vid Roaenbaum, Max Lashinsky, Wednesday, April 6, I I a.m.—"Aspects of the Pasiover," of the Beth Israel P-TA announced Max Kadis and I. Osheroff. here be no regular P-TA presented by the Synagogue Council of Omaha. Before leaving for Omahn, Mrs. meetingwill April, due to the Lintzman was feted by North Hol- Passover during t , The P-TA board, lywood Hadassah and Jewish Na- wi)l meet holiday. Thursday, April 7. 10:30 a. m.—Telecasi direct from St. at the home of Rabbi tional Fund groups for forty years and Mrs. Benjamin Groner, TuesCecelia'* Cathedral, ."Consecration of. the Oils." of service. day, April 2G. The P-TA will sponsor n paper Mr. and Mr*. Irving Parllman sale Sunday, April 21. All religious Friday, April 8, 12:45 a.m—Telecait of the Good Fricelebrated their 2Sth wedding an- chool students are being asked to day cervices conducted by the Omaha Council of niversary lost Sunday at a family start saving papers and magazines Churches, direct from Omaha Theater. dinner at their home, 'or this event. The P-TA Passover candy comEleanor Green, daughter of Mr. mittee announces that Passover Sunday, April 10, 2:15 p.m.—60-volce chorui of the WoodRUG & UPHOLSTERY and Mr*. Samuel H. Green, was andy orders for Barton's and men of the World, in a program of religious and elected first vice-president -of Sl?- Barraclnl's candies nre being ncCLEANERS Spring-time muilc. .ma Delta Tau Sorority. Miss ep'ed. Call Mrs. Berg at RK 2378, RUGS — CAROTINS Green Is Junior at State UnlverMs. Km'elmnn at PL 3551. LAMP SHADES «lty of Iowa in Iowa City. She ! fURNITURI was also elected treasurer of the Home Economies Department As Tfce "Festival of Faiths" Ic Pmwrted as a Cleaned in Yov Horn*! •Delation. Miss Green was one of iladlig - Layfag, . Htpalrlag fcMJc Service by J. L. Brmdeis & Sou the chairmen of the Pan Hellenic DOM IEBMSTEIN HA M M Spring Formal and grand chairman of Hillel Spring dance.
Omaha Sketches
The Seder
ADL Booklet B'nal D'rith Henry M on s k y Chapter No. 470, through Its AntlDcfamntlon Lcairue Committee ia arranging to present each elementary school principal In Omaha a complimentary copy of n booklet entitled "The R a b b i t Brothers,' by Robert Kraun. Tills picture and story booklet was recently published by the Antl-Defnmatlon League of B'nal IVrith. It Is designed for the use of third and fourth grade Rtudrnts In eombatllng prejudice nnd In building healthy Intercroup relations. Steve Allen on his national television show devoted n whole program to "The Rubblt Brothers." "The booklet has been widely acclaimed and favorably reviewed In such publications as the New York Times Magazine," stated Mrs. H a r r y Wise, Antl-Defamatlon Leairtie Chairman for the Chapter. Copies nre available from the Plain States Regional Antl-Defnmatlon League office In Omaha. Harvey Stone; "A grafter is one who chisels a crtrecr Instead of carving It."—(JTA)
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
'// MAHISCHEWITZ has this EXTRA feature!
Served Buffet Stylo! All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P. M.
keeps your matzos oven-crisp HOTEL BLACKSTONE
W Li Honor of Passover
Pace Few
Omaha-Sioux City Split Twin Bill The AZA all-star team, paced by center Stan Wldman, avenged an earlier loss to Sioux City AZA by trouncing them 50-37. Widman hit for 23 points, making some nifty tip-ins and his rebounding paced the attack. He received fine support from Larry Meyerson with 10 points and Jerry SLmon , added 9. All of the AZA lads played a (plcndld team game. They include Ken Fried, Bob Epstein, Ray Kirke, Frank Berg, Tom Bromberg and Alan Passer. The Midget all-stars found the Sioux City lads in top form u they dropped 6 49-37 encounter. The Sioux City team showed fine alf around play, while Omaha had tough luck in their shootng. The Omahans were paced by Don HoiIII. who finished with IS points while Mike Platt added 9. Now that the season is over we arc looking forward to next Sunday at Fireside Restaurant Pacific Fish, champions of the Sth-6th grade league, are being feted by their sponsor, Jay and Harry Stoler, while Jack Sadofgky, sponsor of the Cowboys' team Is doing the same for the boy* who played on his squad. It mire Is terrific to have fellas like that taking a great Interest in our younger boys. We know, It will help these boys acquire m a n y friendships and make for better d , Llndy Paul stated.
B'nai B'rith Bowling Parkway "B" Harvey Chicken . . . . . . . . . 27 12 Milder Oil 25 14 Gercllck Motors 25 15 Ranks , 23 16 Grace-Mnycr 21 18 RltewayTV . . . . . 2 0 19 Sol Lewis 20 19 Richman-Gordman 16 23 Canadian Ace 16 23 Hoberman Plbd. 15 24 Forbes Bakery 14 25 Wolfson-Gcrber 13 20 High game—Morris Lipn. 210; high series—Morric Lipp, 566.
Y.C. Doings lly Midi;)- (irrmlx re AZA No. 100 Monday night, April 1, AZA No. 100 will hold its ninth niuiunl King D a n c e at the Highland C o u n t r y Cluli. Candidates for king are Howard Kushnv, llnrolil Friedman, Stan Widnian and Jack Orueh. They represent both -AZA No. 1 nnd AZA No. 100. Howard Kooper, "Fats" Foreman, and Bennct Hornstein are chairman of the donee. Eddy Haddad's Band and a floor show will be featured. BBQ April 3, the BBC's will have a slumber party after Stage Night. Monday, April 4, a bake sale will be held at the Brandeis Store. Everyone is asked to support It. The club Is holding the third Passover Seder, April 8, at ono of their member's home. RAXIM Gene Kohn and Murray Newman were selected to represent Central at Boy's State In June. Shel Krantz, Raylm veep, was crowned King of Pfitlanthrophles Phllng. Mike Ban took a superior rating in oratory at the Nebraska District Declamation C o n t e s t Representing Raylm, AI Corey and Howard Goldstein, placed in the top five scorers of the Y. C. basketball league. Entrees In the Y. C, Wrestling Tournament are being handled by Steve Rosenblatt and Doug Cohn. DEB 8 Lore Franklin took a superior rating In discussion at the Nebraska District Declamation Contest; she Is also representing GirlV State for Central High. Congratulations to-Sunny Ravite, who was elected Philanthropies Queen at. the Philanthrophies Phllng Sfiturday night Deb A is golnj to tour Boys Town Sunday, April 3.
Beth Israel Clubs
There will be two club meetings this Sunday afternoon, April 3 "rom 6 to 7:30 p. m. Club Taryag will meet in the recreation room and the Camera Club will meet in he dark room of the Talmud Torah building The Beth Israel Girls Arts nnd Crafts club and Club Dar-D-Kay, have just completed their Passover Larry Gillnsky was nigh in the projects. The children made Passleague with games of 184-136 f o | over plates and special tnntzo cova 320 series. ' ers to be used tit the Seders. Nancy Richards was1 high In the girls' division with 148-147 for « 295 jeries. Rumanian Youths May Splits were converted by: Lar. ry Hoberman, 4 - 5 - 7 — M i c k e y Be Permitted to Leave TeJ Aviv (JTA)—Thousands of Sacks, 5-7: Stan .Greenfield, 3-10 Rumanian Jewish youths will be High Game* and Series allowed to Immigrate to Israel Eddie Wintroub ....174-142—316 soon In a move by the Rumanian Bill Katzmnn 174-120-294 Government to permit the rc-unlfiStan Greenfield .....158-132—290 cntlon of families now separated, Steve Bloch , 0 4 7 - 1 3 8 - 2 8 5 Moshc Kol, director of the Youth Dennis Schulmon ...147-136—238 conference here. Larry Hoberman ...151-116—267 Aleph movement, told a press Lcnora Falk 133-128-261 Mr. Kol also expressed hope that Roger Smith 150-106-256 the Polith and Hungarian GovernMickey Sacks 132-123-255 ments would jioon permit Jewish JUdyLawr 142-108^-250 orphans to come to Israel. He notDale Kasin ..139-110—249 ed, however, that this "encourneSteve Fisk . , 123-122—215 Inf? news" would find the Youth Judy .Cohen 125-119-211 Aliynh not completely prepared. Beverly "Bloom 123-116-2M because of n shortage of funds. Jeanne Silver 134-104 -2.1S Mr. Kol imported that there were EMIe Sbmer 122-10R - 2.S0 curently some 1.1.000 children in Sharon Frank 115-113-228 Youth Ally.-ih institutions and MX) Jim Sophlr 13-1- 1M-221 more i w i e lyms: accepted monthDick Baron 1 2 9 - 0 3 227 ly. Ife hailed the accomplishments Manhn Coren 1.TG- K"> 221 if the Ilndassah. "ion'ecr Women Gloria Ostrow 135- RG -221 and Wunvn's Inti-inntion-il ZionClark Swart/ 11B-100 216 ist Organization. In the United Marvin Rubock 139- 7 6 - 2 1 ' ! State.'; and O.'innda In behalf of -David Wintrouh 115- 9 1 - 2 0 0 jouth linrnii'rntion. Judy Wohlncr 122- 83--20"> Howard Slusky 101-101 - 20"> New Clothing Store Joyce Koom 103-101 201 A new men's cluthiiif: and furHarold Forbes 102-1O2--201 nlshimr.: store has been opened by 'Douglas Platt 103-100-201 I. J. Soskln and Abe Klotz ot C21 Chemn SchraRer . . . 1 1 2 - 9 1 - 2 0 1 .S. lGth st. 'file merchants have been in the clothing business here In Omaha for 25 yenr*.
Jr. B.B. Bowling
Want Ads
phone JA IK» to uistn joui waul IB The Jewish !>/«• Current rfti* I* CO etnta lot 'rtrh u i ttoo. The prefl* rtarnen ih* rti lit tc llrnM MM ot mctt adv(rtl«fmrnt.
Passovrr Cards BAR and Bns Mitzvah concrntulatlons also for oil Jewish holiday* and special occasions Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodp.e LEAVING April 11 for Los Angeles, Calif. A man wanted to share driving. New car. Call HA 7S1C.
Friday, April 1, 18M.
' Hollywood (JTA)— Kddle Cantor told us nbout the policeman who puller] up alongside Uncle Morris" old Ford. "Where you (joint: in such a hurry, doc?" ."I'm filclt.' Morris said quickly. Terribly sick " The cop took a closer look. On the scat next to Morris was a racing form. "Looks to me like you're tcolm: to the racetrack." "Ol!" said Morris, "Is that a sickness!"
Bas Mitzvah Annbel Gractz, dnufjhtor of Mr and Mrs. Saul M. Graetz, will ci-k'lirato her lias MiUvah Friday cveninc, April 1, and Saturday morning, April 2, at Beth El SynU(M»j;uc. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
Model Sederim At Talmud Torahs Beth El Sunday School will have its Model Seder Sunday morning, April 3, In the social hall of the synagogue. The Seder will bv eonducted by the children. Every class will participate, including the prokindergarten tots. The Beth El Talmud Torah pu plls will conduct their traditional Model Seder Tuesday, April 5. at I t a. m. A luncheon will ^followj under the direction of Mrs. Robert Silver. Members of the family are Invited to the Seder and luncheon. Please make your reservations with Mrs, Robert Silver. WA 996L or the Synagogue office, GL 3221. v..::: ;. Beth Israel Talmud Torah chil dren will have their Annual Passover model Sedorlm during the regular class periods, Monday and Tuesday, April 4 and 5. Sunday school children, will hold their Passover Seder, Sunday morning, April 3.
Temple Youth Will Tqke Part in Services Temple Youth Group will asulst In: the conduct of Sabbath Eve Services at Temple Israel this Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Sara Pepper and Joan Abrahams will present sermonette* on the theme "I Speak For Judaism." These scrmonettes are being pVeparcd as part of a National Scrmonette Contest being sponsored by the National Federation of Temple Youth. Assisting Rabbi S i d n e y II. Brooks in conducting the service will bo» Gwcn Stocr who will bless the candles; Martin Green and Jane KcUman who will read the service; ISred Simon, chanting the Klddush; Richard Einstein and Joan Mayer who will assist with the Torah Service. Religious Activities Committee of the Temple Youth Group is planning this special service. Gwcn Stoler Is committee chairman nnd Joan Mayer .co-chairman. Following the Service, the Temple Sisterhood will receive the congregation at an Oncg Shabbot In honor of the youth group.
I Junior Spotlight By Fernc Kntli-m.in .F. C. HEP CATS The. Center's seventh rjraile j;irl.s' club will sponsor their fir.st .. <cial of the season Monday evening, April i. The party, which is c..l the "Mutzoh Ball," will be held at the Jewish Community O'litisj-. Committees include: dccorati'nn Kdcn Cohen (chairman), Marly* Isaack, Maureen Kpstrin, Gloria Okrent, AnnGrnrtz, Sheila Novak. Arlenc Grossman and Irene- Wcincr; entertainment Kurcn Forbes (chairman), Cindie KM11. Frances Mintz. Dlnnc Rubinou', I'am IVrlman, Mary Yager, Janice Kntleman, Diane Gmncr, nnd l i t i. lie Schulman; refreshmentt- Phyllis Katzmnn (chairman). Mary Ilobcrman, Jutly Kntr., .Shelly Ilciss. Lubet.h Shwidolsun, (Jail Shi'ler nnd Phyllis liel/cr. 8TII GIlADi; fJIItLS' t'l.UIl The sixth grade girls' I'ro-Tceii club Is holding camping trip during Spring vacation. The group will leave from the Center Tuesday afternoon, April 4, and return at noon Wednesday, April 6. The overnight camp-out vlll bo held at Camp Brewster. FUNLAND runland will be held at the regular time during Spring vacation. The oldest/groups will swim this Sunday. •"..'. DON'T FORGET Don't forget that Monday, April 4 and Wednesday, April 6 the Center's Vacation Program will be held 'or aP grade school children. More Information concerning the programs appears on another page.
Children's Vacation Program at Center "Fun for nil" Is the goal of the Jewish Community Centcr'8 children's vacation programs to bo held" Monday, April 4 and Wedne:;;l./. April C. The first program startin;.; Monday Is a Spring Picnic to }>" held lit KIIIIHIMKI P:nk ftnn 12:30 to 3 p. m. C'lnldicii are asked to brlnji their own box lunch nnd drinks will be provided. The o.tcr> noun \\ill inelmli' contests, hiking. 1J;ISCI)'I11 i;amr'3, i>rlzvs for all and FUN! In case of rain, cold.or gen* (•rally poor weathir, the plqnlc V ;!l IK.1 held at the same time In the Center. The progr.tm for Wednesday, April 0 will include a movie en« titled, "Father Takes the Air." It will start at 2 p. m. and will be over nt i p. m. Admission U 10 cents. All grade schoolers are Invited to attend both programs. For fur» ther Information call Children'* Activities Department, J e w l f h Community Center, JA 1388. Kedy Lnmnrr: "A low-cut gown shows that « woman'n heart Is ta the right place."—(JTA)
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WE NEED A REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wonderful opportunity for e Real Estate taleiman who will dovoto hit fimo and effort fo tho business. Plenty of oxcellenr leads and chanco to make real money.
Call Either J. J. Friedman or Wlllard Friedman ar JA 0385
WILLARD REALTY CO. 4102 Farnam St.
Fremont School t o Hold Model Seder Youngsters from Columbus and Norfolk. Ncbr., will tnkp iinrt in the "Model Seder" to be held by he lieth Israel Hebrew School of Fremont, Ncbr., this Sunday nl 1:30 p. m., In the community room of the Fremont,City Auditorium. C h i l d r e n from First Baptist Church and First M e t h o d i s t Church Sunday Schools will be ;ucsts at the "Model Seder." Two Israeli films "The Klrti; nnd the Lion" anil "Break of the Dawn" will also bo shown. Mrs. Harold Wohlner and Mrs. H. M. Krupinsky will be hostesses. Ken Zion Falik Is the Fremont Hebrew school teacher.
Beth Israel Schools Beth I s r a e l Talmud Tornh -•lasses will meet Monday and Tuesday, April 4 and 5, at their regular scheduled times. Talmud Torah classes will not meet during the Passover holiday. The Passover vacation will start Wednesday, April G and classes will resumo April 17. The Sunday School will meet Sunday, April 10 at the regular time. Beth Israel Junior Congregation will meet at 10 a. m., Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, April 7, 8. and 9 in the Goldstein Memorial Chapel. There will also be Junior Congregation services Wednesday nnd Thursday, April 13 and 14, at 10 a. m,
PASSOVER SEASON Wo have Passover butter, sour cream, and milk — Kosher for Passover — under personal supervision of Rabbi Robert N. Feldman. At Your Door or Favorite Store
Place Your Order Now Call RE 4444 or Your Grocer (Note: These Products Aro Limited In Quantity)