Vol. XXXIII—Nu. 20.
a.iiUTeo u t&cotid-Ciao* Mallei si fumjfftco. OtnaiiA. Hebtui\.R iwati kc* ot IB™
OMAHA, NKIIK4SKA, FltlDAV, AI'ItH, 8, 1055.
Rabbi Kripke To Be Cited At Brotherhood Dinner Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, spiritual leader of Ueth El Synagogue, will be cited at the Annual lirothcrhood Award Dinner of the Oman Chapter of the Nntloal Conference of Christians and Jews to he field at 7 p. m. Thursday, April 14, In the Blackstone Hotel Ballroom. • Rabbi Kripke has served for two terms on the boaitl of the Oman i Chapter and has participated In brotherhood programs in our are.i The award was voted by the N.itloonal Commission in New York City last month. John A. Roosevelt, son of the late President Franklin IX ltoo;evclt, will bo guest speaker. Mr. Roosevelt was national chairman <>f community organizations for Brotherhood Week which was held In February. A member of the President'* Commission on Government Contracts, he will bring a vital message on merit employment. • Reverend Thomas S, Rrwtlorn of Crelghton University will also be presented with an award. • These are the first such awards to he presented In our area, n spokesman for the Omaha Chapter •tated. Dr. L. K. JJIshop of Chicago, vice-president of the National Conference, will make the presentations. For reservations fiend checks to National Conference of Christians ond Jews, 607 Omaha Loan Building, 15th and Dodge sts. Tickets arc $3.50.
Spring Session of Center Art Class
Gems Deleted "Gems of the Bible and Talmud," the weekly column by Dr. Philip SIHT, Honorary President of the federation for Jewish Service, has not nppeared In the Jewish Press for the past few weeks due to Dr. fiber's illness. H<; Is at Doctors Hospital here in Omaha.
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[IJD|.1O)-:!JI OJCJS' ."|.I!J
Hear Ruth Goldschmidt
Passover Services Beth El 9 a.m., Frl., April 8 0:45 p. m., Tuos., April 12 9 a . m . , Wed, April 13 6:45 p, m., Wed., April 13 9 a. m,, Thun., April 14 10:30 a. m., Thun., April 14
Beth Israel
Israel to Receive Salic Polio Vaccine Jerusalem (WNS)—The Israel Ministry of Health disclosed here that a Rift from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis In the United States will make It possible to immunize about 100,000 children In the country against the dreaded polio disease through Salk serum Injections. About 600 liters of the Salk vaccine is expectcil to reach the country this month, when the antlpollo campaign begins. The- first to be innoculated will be children between the ages of six months and three years. To carry out Immunization, there will be 100 teams of doctors, nurses and clerks. Professor Joseph Melnlck of Yale University will supervise the campaign. '
The third session of the Center Art Class, under the direction of Mm. Meyer Bcber, will ntart Thursday, April 21. The Spring session will be held at outdoor altes each Thursday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:30 o'clock. Musical Mclo-Droma Registration is open for new By Workmen's Circle gtudentsi and the fee Is one dollar per letson. Knroll by calling the The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Center activities office at JA 13CG. Club will present their annual three act play "A Vlb on Lashin," at 8:30 p. m. Sunday, April 10, In Morer Appointed the Jewish Community Center. Tlie play Is a musical meloJack W> Mnrer, president of the drama of the early Immigrant life O m a h a Federation for Jewish In New York City. Service, was recently appointed as Louis Wltkin will direct the a member of the National-Local Relations Committee and Commu- play. The Dramatic Club choir will nity Organization Committee of present Jewish folk songs. the Council of Jewish Federations Admission Is 75 cents per perand Welfare Funds. The Council son with tax Included and the U the national agency of Jewish doors will be open at 7:30 p. m. Federations and Welfare Funds in Proceeds will go lo causes supported by the group. the United States and Canada.
8:30 a. m., Frl., April 8 6:45p.m., Frl., Aprils (no late service) 10 a. m., Thun., April 14
Temple Israel 8 p. m., Tues., April 12 (Including Ylzkor) 11 a, m., Wed., April 13 (Including Ylzkor) The Temple Israel Religious School Choirs will sing at Passover Services.
Israel Scene IlKBItKW V. Jerusalem (WNS)—In an address of welcome to tho Board of Governors of the Hebrew University, who came here from various countries and participated in a cornerstone laying ceremony for tho projected George and Florence Wise Auditorium of the University, Premier Mosho Sharett said that it was Important for Israel that in fostering "this great center of human ond Jewish learning" it could rely on support throughout the world. Doctor Wise, who is president of the American Friends of the Hebrew University and chairman of Its Board of Governors, has donated $100,000 for the building. He reported that the student body of the University had Increased to 3,300 and that the faculty now numbers 500. Prof. Benjamin Mnzar, president of the University, said that tho current budget of the Institution was over 6,000,000 pounds, including 2,850,000 pounds from the Israeli Government, and the current budget had been met without a deficit.
Kuth Oolilnclimldt
Ruth Goldschmidt, Director of Public Affairs of the Consulate of Israel in New York, will speak a t the Women Workers Dessert Luncheon, 12:30 p. m., Monday, April 18, at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Mike Frcemaiv Chairman of the Women's DivJ»> sion of the Philanthropies an» nounccd today. Some 300 women have already enrolled as workers in the campaign, she said. Skit Featured A special feature of this meeting will be a skit, entitled "Count Your Blessings" prepared by Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein and will be under tho direction of Mrs. Robert Silverman. Leaden Mrs. Freeman and her co-chnjr* man: Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkey, Mrs, Louis Katz, and Mrs. Morton A, Richards, urged «U workers to attend this extremely Important meeting.
Border Incidents Spur Request for UN Meet Jerusalem (WNS)—Tho Government of Israel plans asking the United Nations Security Council to meet in special session to, consider the mounting armistice violations perpetrated by Egypt In recent weeks, Including a number of forays which led to bloodshed, damage to property and dangerous tension, it was Indicated hero by high government sources. Impetus to Security Council action was given over the week-end
by an Egyptian raid on Israeli territory along the Gaza strip In which two Israelis were killed and 9 wounded, some seriously. One Israeli soldier was wounded when an army truck was blown up by a mine near the Gaza strip, the 6th mine incident since March 12. Six Israeli soldiers were wounded In another Egyptian attack in the area and six were wounded when their ammunition carrier was blown up by a land mine near Nahal Oz. •
I-OVE STIIIKK KND3 Tel Aviv (WNS)—Moshe Barak, Israeli artist who threatened to go on n hunger strike to deatJi because he was thwarted by Israeli law from marrying his Christian fiancee, called off his fifteen-day marriage fast on hearing that the Israeli Parliament would debate next month the country's mar-1 riago and divorce laws' liarak was reported to have given up the strike following nn assurance to his father by Knesset Ipeaker Sprlnzali that parliament would debate the Issue of civil marriage. Barak demanded that he law he amended to permit civil marriages, KO ho could marry his Christian fiancee.
In the meantime it was disclosed that U.S. Ambassador Edward B. Ijiwson indicated there had been a move by the State Department to warn the Egyptian Government against further acts of provocation along the border. This disclosure was alleged to have been made by the American diplomat when ho called on Premier Moshe Sharett to relay his government's views on the recent clashes along the IsraelEgyptian border. Mr. Lnwson, according to press reports, told the Israeli Premier that the American Ambassador to Cairo, Henry A, Byroade, had been instructed to counsel tho Egyptian Government that the United States was greats ly annoyed over the: events whichpreclpitatcd the Gnza clash.
Philanthropies Women Campaign Heads
Mn, Mike Freeman, , Qtnertl Chairman
Mn. Edwin K. Brodkey, C0«chalrtnan
M n , Loul* Kate, Co-chairman
Mrt, Bforton Richard*, Co-chairman
Kve I<. Konecky, B. & P. Chairman
I /
%\)t r
Published Every Vttday by the tfederutloo tor Jewish Service —• "
, muruuu. m d u m a a Mute a. ii7». -1W ! » KHJJ etrert, " J i U . KO».." JA£iucr UCft, * So. Va* Bu-ael.
Letters From Servicemen
FrMay, April t, IMS.
Religious News
Letters to The Editor
Editor's Note: These are ex Editor of Jewish Press erpts from a letter tent by Jerali 0:37 p. m., Candlellghtlng L. Vcnger to the Auxiliary of Kp Dear Sir: HARRY HALPERT Editoi steln-Morf;an Post No. 2G0 of JewAs an Omahan who is away ish War Veterans ot V. S. Mr. from home during the nine months. Vcnger is the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Both Israel of the collegiate tclio^'- year, I M. A. Vender of Omaha. The Post look forward to reading the JEWServices Friday evenini: nt 0:20LSI! PIIESS cadi weekend. Genand Auxiliary semis holiday pad: ages to our servicemen in the p. rn. There will be no lfitf zcrv- erally speaking, the PRESS covers Armed Forces. Mrs. J. Milton Mar- ices tliis Friday evening. Satur- news primarily concerning Jewish golin is chairman of the Overseas day mornlnfi services at H-!0 a. m organizations and activities in. Junior congregation 30 a. m. Hab- Omalia and the surrounding area. ckage committee. Newark. N. J. <WNS)— Rabbi freedom from f.mear. It was not The letter dated March 29, 1935, bl Groner will conduct the Talmud Contrary' to its practice In tho Joachim Prinz of this city, former merely a case of defamation of a said in part: "Please accept my Class at 6 p. in. Saturday after- past three or four y e a r s , the Msfritutl leader of the Jewish com person. I never doubted that tlic thanks for your thouchtfulneis in noon and Mincha will start at C:30 PMCSS has been excluding from jnunity of Berlin, was awarded libellous allegations would be preparing the package of noodle: p. m. Services Sunday momlnj; its columns a source of news which 930,000 by a jury on his charge of proved completely fnlse and with- I received yesterday . . . Korea will bepn ot 8:i3 a. ni. There will is of Kreat interest to a substantial «. having been libeled by Condc Mc- out foundation. My belief in the in spite of its reputation, i:;n't the IK? no breakfast Sunday morning number of Omahans, that is, covGtotey, publisher of the onti- sense of justice and decency which worst place in the world, I'm t,ure due to tlie Passover Holiday, Morrv erace of the activities of Sigma inf; services Monday and Tuesday. Alpha Mu, Sii;ma Delta Tail, and Semitic sheet "Common Sense, is so much a part of the American though it's the worst I've seen. April 11 and 12, will begin at 7 Zeta BeLa Tan. These three orin an article accusing him of com- way of life was always stron,, and a. m. and afternoon services Sun- ganizations at Nebraska. Univermunistic leanings. the manner in which the trial was day and Monday will begin nt 6:45 ity are composed largely of young The verdict upheld the conten- conducted and the verdict rendered p. m. Afternoon service Tuesday men and women from Omaha and tion at Dr. Prinz that the bi-week- only deepens my faith in America. at G:15 p. m. the surrounding area. "The verdict not only vindicates l y publication was lying when it characterized him a s a "Red rab- me personally, but It also vindiWhen the alumni, parents, relaNew York (WNS)—A statement W who was forced to leave Ger- cates all the croups with which 1 tives, and friends of these colcrillzin;i the stand of the U.S.Temple Israel many in 1937 for revolutionary have associated, most notably the legians are added togetlicr, they Government at the United Nation: Services will bo held at Temple .communistic activities. R a b b i American Jewish Concrcss, which Security Council in condemning Israel nt 8 o'clock Friday evening. do comprise a larce serrncnt of tho Prinz was awarded $25,000 puni- because of Its fi{;ht for justice and Israel for the Gaza incident wan Rab?.il Sidney II. Brooks will dis I'ltivSS's readers. These people tive and (5,000 compensatory dam- decency and against Communists are Interested In the accomplishand Fascists alike has been the issued here this week by the Amer- cuss "Finding Someone To Serve." mentt of tlie collegians a t our ages. principal target. Those who preach ican Zionist Council, reprctentini; Tlie Religious School Choirs will tate university and deserve to bo Before the Jury began its delihate, defamation and prejudice all Zionist orcanizations in tho ng the entire worship-servico. informed on this subject. berations or more than three have been exposed. The technique country. Services for the conclusion of boun. Judge Howard Ewart ruled For example—the Dean of StuSinned by Kabbi Irving Miller, Passover vill lie held at the Temof lies and slander has been rethat Mr. WcGlnley had failed t o council president, the statement ple Tue.<i!ny evening, April 12, at dent Affairs announced recently jected in the American way." produce any evidence in support charged that "the resolution of 8 p. m. and Wednesday morning at that Sigma Alpha Mu has again at ids allegation about the rabbi's condemnation adopted by the Se- 11 a. m. Yizkor memorial prayers placed first schoiasticaUy among emigration from Germany during curity Council and co-sponsored by will lie recited at both sen-ices. the fraternities on campus. And (be Hitler regime. all throe organizations have initihe U. S. representatives will only Rabbi Brooks will officiate. ated their pledge classes in the Rabbi Prinz, who is now spiritserve to encourage the Egyptian past three weeks. ual leader of Temple B'nal AbraGovernment and the other hostile - ham here and a leader in the Arab states allied with it in their Although the PRESS ii undoubtFriday, April 8 Americas Jewish Congress, had Intransigence towards Israel nnd edly cramped for space, it is my Services Friday evening will beSecond Day Passover — Center in continuing their armed incursued for 1250.000. During the trial opinion that at least alfew column i:in at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. he charged that Mr. McGlnley hat- Closed. sions into '-rael territory." Inches should be devoted to those Sunday, April 10 ed all Jews, particularly their reAt the snme time it wns declare! Kripke will deliver the iwrmon. of these three organization* wbft Children's Activities, Funlafld,2 by Rabbi Philips. Bernstein, chair- Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and theIn nny particular week submit Btfoas leaders. I t was this, he said.* • that led to the publication in p. m.—Center. man of the American Zionist Com- Beth El Synagogue Choir will rcn- news Items to the PIIESS. Workmen's C i r c l e Dramatic mittee for Public Affair;;, that the :lt-r the musical portion of the "Common Sense" of an article reSincerely yours, ferring to "Hod rabbi Dr. Joachim Club, 8 p. m.—Center. Security Council's r e s o l u t i o n service. Gerry Fi-llmon. 1 Monday, April 11 Prinz. who. not unlike Albert Einhould have l>een ebnnr;'-(l to in- Sabljath morning nervier- ; will Bikur Cholim, 1 p. m.—Center. clude "a vigorous rail" upon th'' e fit 8:30 a. m. Junior Cons^renastein, was expelled from Germany Editor's Nuti': Our policy is and Workmen's Ixian, 7:30 p. m — Arab states nnd Israel 1o i.etlle on sen-icr-s are nt 10:15 ». m. for revolutionary. Communist acMinchn-Muariv -Services will be nt •is bci-n to publish nil the local tivities." McGinl"y denied he was Center. hr*ir '.ifk-r'-nccs by direct talks. i'-w:\. We v.elcojne campus news fi:30 p. rn. Sunday murnin:; f r v Henry Munsky B'nai B'rith antl-Si?mitic, declaring that lie ce i') at 9 a. rn. anil Minrlia- iT,:n I he University of Nebraska doesn't "hate rmy human. Jew or Chapter No. 470. 8 p. m. — Center. ifnariv s m i o 1 at fi:J0 p. m. Dally mil Omnha U. Several times it Tii«Mlj»y, April IS non-Jew, but I have opposed cer.enicex are at 7 n. ni. and 7 p. m. .v.-iH wi.fji.-iry to delete the colBeth El Sisterlinod. 1 p. m - HE. tain Jen's on'l Jewish ornanizairnn which twined to discourage Belli Israel Sisterhood, 1 p. m. " tions. the curre.-;p.-in:lents. We hojie to D. I. ' In a Htatcmrnt issued immedirectify this situation. We also hope Tel Aviv (Wi:S)~Defense MinTemple Israel Sisterhood, 1 p. to get nil the fraternities and soately after the jury rendered its ister David Ben Gurion, in his first -T. L •orllies to f.cnd in their publicity verdict. Dr. Prinz declared: public utterance since his return Center Closes i t 5 p . n i . •• o;;ether .vj tliat no jrroup will be "The Issue in this c a s e was o the Government, warned Israel's Mrs. Anna Brodkey Wcdnwiilay, April 18. .lighted. Seventh Day Passover—Center enemies in the South and the Word was received Sunday of East*' that they will be met with the death of Mrs. Anna Urodkey Closed All Day. orce and defeat if they attempt »f Los Angeles, Calif., widow of Tbnradlr. April 14 Eighth Day PaMover—Center to move against Israel's integrity J. O. Brodkey. one time owner of and security. the State Furniture Company of Closed ail Day.. Addressing a crowd of 40.000 nt Omaha. Kiwllniah Meeting. 8:30 p. t o — The Mizrachi Women will en- J l a t n e . - : .•"-. : • . - • • , . : • ' : ' . .••. •/'•' rally commemorating the tenth Mr*. Brodkey, G8, was a past Nw York (JTA) — A two-<!ny nntertain the residents of the Dr. anniversary of the Jewish Brig- president of Omaha Chapter, Ha- ional Labor Zionist Assembly, at Philip Sher Jewish Home for the ade's first action against the dassah. Mr. and Mrs. Brodkey had vhlcii plan'; will be mappeC for fuAged Sunday, April 10, at 2 p . m . Nazis, the former Prime Minister moved to Los Angeles ten years ure aetivitier. of the I-abor ZlonMmes. I t M . PoliakoH and Hersaid "'the enemies in the South go. st inm-Linent In the United States man Franklin are in charge of this md the Kast should • know that Two biographers of the late their.yile and nefarious conspiracy .Survivors Include two sons, Kd- nd Canada, will open in New program. - '.•.•,•:.••;';'..'.' :. • ivaril D. and Harold 11, of Omaha; i'oik on April .'!0, it wna'announced The Rayiro Traveling Troop will George VV. Norrls will pay tribute gainst the integrity of the State two daughters, Mrs. Melvin Jacobs tiere. perform for Our Folks at The to his rnc[t\ory at a dinner at 7 p. inrl tlie. security of its inhabitants and Mrs. Max Barish of I/K AnTlie AKi.embly. which will be utHome. 4801 N. 52nd Street, Mon- m. Monday. April 11. at the Rome ill cneounter a Jeivi^h force cap•!(";: arid six grandchildren. i-nded by alxiut 700 delegate! HofeL day. April 28 at 7:30 p. m. b!e of inhnbitini; the desert, Burial in L<i> An;;elfs. ran all parts of the country, is Ttichard I - NeuberK'T, newly maintaining peaee and mutually u Special donations of Passover irganl/ed jointly by the I j b o r wine* and brandy were received elected U. S. Senator from Ore- riendly relation;; with their neichionifat Orf^anization of Amerlcafrom Roy Fcltman, Paul Blotcky nun, wiM be the principal .speaker. !>ors; and atao of Etri|;inx: any ai:-Mrs. Rachcol Bclmonr onlf Zii,n; the Farband Labor 1c The senator is the first Democrat and A. Fisher. Sen-ices will be linlil at 2:30 p. Ci'in'.nl Order; tlio Pioneer Wom.or or enemy nr> that they New residoi ts are Mrs. Emma o be elected to the upper house of .h.ill not ri.se at^iiji UH in 'Opera- m. .Sunday, April 10 .for Mrs. n's Or,:aiiization, and the Labor Milder nnd Mrs. Pearl VVintrnub. C ingress frnm Or<*j;<ir in forty lion Juan' in 1D18 and the Gaza r.nch.iel 'Belmont at. the Jcvvl.Oi Zionist Ynuth-Ilnbonim. Tlie openYnhrzeit: .Special Memorial S.-rv- yr-.irs. Sen. NeulMTiNT i^i a veteran operation a month iif;o." Funeral Hume. Interment will be ing session will lw devoted to n Ices will be h'-ld fur (be following ut World War II and a member of I-'nrlier Horn** ten thousand vet- at Ki'.her Farm C<»mele.-y. Mm. 'jnsiilerntion of Israel's political the Anu-ric.m LeHon and Veterans •rans of both World War.-, pa- Belmont, 8f>, died Saturday. April Ituation and LalKir Zinnism'H po« during tlie m'.nitli of Nis-iii: Dr. Samuel Grodinsky. Nisan li*> of Korean Wars. Hvis a mernlxr aded through Tel Aviv's slreet;; 2, in Albany, Calif. She was a lltical effort!; on liehalf of the Jewof Temple Belli Israel in Portland. in oteen'ance of the tenth anni- former resident of Omaha. —April 7. ish State. Dr. C. Clyde Mitchell, Chairman ersary of the Jewish Brigade's Morris Nor;:. Nfisan 37—April 9. She Is survived by a diunhter, of the Department of Agricultural Morris fire*';. Nisan 18 —April 10 •ntry Into battle on the Italian Miss Esther Belmont of Albany, 1 Temn Bush, Kisan 21 —April 13. I>conomiC3 at the University of ront. Calif.; four sons, Philip of Albany, Nebraska, will introduce the senaIn Mcmorium: Sol Handler. Calif.. Jack of Maplcton, la.. HenPassover Greetings from Our tor. ry of Norfolk, Ncbr., nnd Harry James E. Lawrence, editor of Mixer Planned Folks: Morris Ackerman, Sam Altof Omaha; five grandchildren anil the Lincon Star, will also speaic. tuler. Sarah B-'irsnn. Lena Borsky. A Young Adult Mixer Is beinc eight great-grandchildren. Several opening still remain in Pesha Cohen. Rim 7~ O>!ien. Sam Phil Allen. labor-sponsored TV ilanned for April 17. The mixer the Ccntcr's-jiew Latin American ' Colnic Pearl Fa 112, Max Fish, Bee- commentator, will IK? tosstmacter. n'ld last Sunday was successful, a Dance CIOES. Tlie size of the class Sam Bailen Tickets for the dinner are $2.75 ipokesman stated. tle FriedeJ. Sara Gendler. Eva Ualwill be limited BO that students Services were held Tuesday, can receive the maximum instrucprin, Samuel Halprin. Pearl Ilnr- per person and lecture tickets only April 5. for Sam Ballcn with In- tion. m e l "^rime Jacobs. Hnse ICiiran. may be purchased for one dollar at terment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Jake Kavidi, Reva Krasne, Mlna the Jewish Community Center. For The course will start Wcdnes-. Sunday Radio Mr. Bailen, 42, died Monday, April day, April 20 and will continue Krestul. Max Lerner. Jenny Ix-v- reservations contact Phil Allen, 5, at Denison, la. A former resi- until May 25. Classes will be held enson. Emma Milder. Max Minkin. 8313 Burt st., or call GL 9350. Rabbi Barnelt R. Brickner or dent of Omaha for 21 years, he from 8 to 9:30 p. m. each WedSarah Minkin. Anna Nachschnen. the Euclid Avenue Temple in moved to Denlson in 1933. Herman Nichols, Belle Koodell, Memorial Program icsdoy. Cleveland, O., will disoiss 'AnSurviving arc his widow, MilMax Pcltz. Molly Perliss. George A memorial pro;rram in honor of swering Your Questions About Miss Mary Lou Niebling, inPick-Patrick. Sam Poster. Aaron the W a r s a w Ghetto Uprising Jews and Judaism" on the Mes- dred; three sons, Louis, Ilarold structor in dance and physical eduHoplnsky/ Susan Ruback, Bessie against Hitler's storm troopers will sage of Israel program heard and Eddie; a daughter, Sandra, all cation a t the University .of OmaSeglin. Solomon Silver-man. Sam- be held at 8 p. m. Sunday, April over KOIL from 3:45 to 10 a.m. of Denlson; and two sisters, Mrs. ha, will teach the rhumba, mamSol Ash and Mrs. Julius Horrutein, bo and tango. Fee for the course uel Sommer. Goldic Splvak. Toney 24, in the Jewish Community Cenboth of Omaha. Stern. Bessie Tesslcr. Bcckie Trel- ter, The affair Is sponsored by Is $7.50 per couple which Is to he The Eternal Light program •ler. Carrie Urbnch. Osins Weld- P a r h n n d Labor Zionist Order will be broadcast over WOWpaid at the time of registration. . man. Efralm Weinberg. Hyman Branch 51, Poale-Zion and the ftadlo from 11:30 a. m. Lo 02 The American Cancer Society Call the Center Activities ofWintroub. Pearl Wintroub and Omaha Chapter of P i o n e e r noon. allocated $5,500,000 for cancer re- 'Ico to register or to obtain furUbbv Zalktasearch last year. Women. Ihcr Information.
Rabbi Prinz Wins Libel Suit Against Hate Sheet
Zionists Deplore U S S f d G
Community Calendar
Both El
Ben Gurion Warns Israel's Enemies
! With the Folks At Home
Labor Zionists To Convene in N.Y.
Neuberqer t o Talk At Norris Dinner
Lcetin Dcince Class Hegisfrafion Open
April«, 1M6.
Organizations Council Women
The regular monthly board meeting of the Omaha Section, Nation a! Council of Jewish Women will be held April 14 at the home of Mrs. Edward Gilbert, GOOD N. 52nd St., vice-president of education. Mrs. Max Wolfson will be co-hostess. After a dessert luncheon at 1 p. m., Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, acting president, will report on the bionnlal convention held in New Orleans, La, during the week of March 20. Council women will be hostesses Thursday, April 23, from 2 to i p. m. at the Senior Citizen's Han dicraft Exhibit in the new City Auditorium, .sponsored by Omaha Senior Citizens group. Representing the Golden Age group will be Mines. Milton Margolin, William Nash, Floyd Perimeter. Henry Resnick and John Solomon. All Golden Agers are welcome to enter their handicraft. The Golden Age Club is co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Center and the Omnha Section, National Cou-icil of Jewish Women.
The Education Council of Omaha Chapter Hadassah will meet for a regular Oneg Shabbot at 1 p. m. Saturday, April 16, at the home of Mrs. Phillip Schwartz, 108 So. 50th ave. Tills meeting is for presi denln, chairmen of American affairs, Zionist public relations, education and program.
The Current Events' Study Rroup of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women will meet Wednesday, April 13 nt the home of Mrs. Abe Bear, 2115 S. 42nd Street, nt I p. m. Dr. Floyd Him: will speak on "How to Keep Yourself Mentally Well." Everyone Is urged to attend.
Monsky Chapter B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter No, 470 will meet Monday, April 11, nt 8 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. Chapter officers will be elected. An "AZA Nir.ht" will be featured on the program. Two original skits by AZA chaptern No. 1 and No. 100 will be presented. The AZA five-fold program will be explained by Howard Kaslow, U'nal Il'rlth Youth Asr.oriation President. Mrs. David Piatt 1H program rhnirmnn for April. Passover refreshments will be served.
B.I. Sisterhood Ilabbl Benjamin G.-oner, spiritual leader of the Beth Israel Synagogue, will be guest speaker at the April 12 meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood. Unbbi Groner has chosen for his subject. "Passover, the Universal Symbol." The 1 o'clock meeting, which will be held In the synagogue social hall, will hiivo the memberghlp-nt-large nr, guests of the Sisterhood Board at a I'asr.over dessert luncheon. Electlrn of nffirers for the coming year will be held. A baby sitter will be in attendance for prc-school children. Reservation-, ran he maile with Mrs, Ben 1/c-fltz and Mrs. Stanley Diamond.
Keidtmah Chapter K.iclimah Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold n tea for prospective members at 8:15 p. m., Tuesday. April 19, in room 23 of the Jewl.'.h Community Center. A short musical film ."Shalom Yisroel." starring Fidora Uelarsky will IK? shown. The motion picture tells the .itory of life in modern Israel. Everyone interested In Joining Kaclimah is cordially invited to attend the meeting.
Former Omahon Engagement Told Mr. nnd Mrs. I-ou Juren of San Jose. Calif., announce the engage ment of their daughter Miss Beverly to Steve .Swartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Snm Swartz of Omaha. Miss Juren attended the University of California at Berkeley nnd University of California nt Los Angeles. She is a member of n I/w ngeles advertising firm. Mr. Swartz attended the Unlver slty of Nebraska nnd was grad uated from the University of Mis Kourl with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English. He was affiliated with Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. He is a publicist with a Beverly Hills public relations company. The couple is planning a July wedding to be held in San Jose nnd will make their home in the Westwood section of Los Angeles.
B.B. Women Take Part In 'Miracle Mile" Drive B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 through its Community Co-operation Committee participated in the "Miracle Mile' phase of the Easter Seal campaign sponsored by the Nebraska Society for Crippled Children April 3. Serving were Mmes. Barney Iloberman, David Plntt, Arnold Sternberg. Abe Ginsberg, Itubin Itatnrr, Harry Shukcrt, H. L. Weinstein, J. Upton and Dan Gordman, chairman.
ran nw»
Former Omahan Plans June Rife Mr. and Mra. Irwin Fuzoff, of Los Angeles, Calif., announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Louise to Stewart Margolis, son of Mrs. Charlotte Yacht, of L03 Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Pazoff are former Omahans. Miss Pazoff Is a senior nt the University of California at Los Angeles. Her fiance was graduated from UCLA. Mrs. Anna Kelberj;, a former Omahan and now a resident of Los Angeles, is grandmother of the bridc-to-bc. A June wedding Is planned.
Barbara J. Ruback Will Wed in June{
LADIES SAVE Wednesday Afternoon April 27! Mark Your Calendar Now! Mrs. Brooks to Review Book at Donor Tea
Beth El Sisterhood members who arc donors to the Torah Fund will be guests at the annual Torah Fund Donor Tea to be held at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday, April 12, nt the M)s3 Diane Cooper, daughter of homo of Mrs. Samuel N. V/olf, 419 Mrs. Sarah Cooper, is spending N. C8th st. her .Spring vacation here. A re- Mrs. Sidney II. Drooks will recent graduate of the University view "Awakened" written by Margaret Abrams. It tells the storj of of Omaha, she teaches second a conversion to Judaism in the grade in a Kansas City school set ting of Jewish life in a small American town. University students home on Torah Fund of the National their Spring holiday arc Arlic Bon- Women's League supports tiie Jewdarin and Josephine Margolin. Mr. ish Theological Seminary of AmerBondarin. son of Mrs. Miriam Bon- ica to train rabbis and teachers darin, Is n student nt Wayne Uni- and provides a variety of adult edversity in Detroit, Mich. Miss ucational programs. The f u n d Margolin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. maintains the weekly TV "FronMorris Margolin is studying at the tiers or Faith" and the r a d i o University of Neliraska. "Eternal Light" programs, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf nnd Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Sacks re- Ernest A. Nogg are chairmen of turned to Omnhn this week after a the Sisterhood Torah Fund. Tea four-week honeymoon trip to Colo- arrangements arc being made by rado, New Mexico. Arizonn. Las Mrs. llobert Kooper and Mrs. SamVegas, California, Oregon, Wash- uel Steinberg. ington nnd Wyoming. They were married March 6 in Tulsn, Okla. American Cancer Society statisMrs. Sacks is the former Miss tics show that more than 600 Grace Untrlff of Tuba. Americans die of cancer each day.
Omaha Sketches
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Ruback an« nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Jean, tq Private First Class Benton W, Markey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed* ward S. Markey of San Antonio, Tex. Miss Ituback attended the Unl* versity of Texas in Austin, TeXc where the was affiliated with Sig> ma Delta Tau Sorority. Her fl« once attended Trinity College ill San Antonio, Tex., and University of Texas, where he was affiliated with Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity, A June wedding is planned.
Ford Sales Soar
Ford car sales by dealers during January and February broke all records In Ford car history for sales during the first two months of any year and also for any Jan* uary and any February. llobert S. McNamara, Ford Motor Company Vice President and Ford Division General Manage^ •' said, "Upsurge in demand for 1958 Fords has meant that dealers hava' been unable, as yet, to build ln« ventories to meet the heavy de< mand during the Spring and Sum* nier months." He explained that dealers nor* mally take advantage of slow win* ter months to Increase stocks fop the Spring-Summer selling season.
Hadassah Oneg Shabat Mrs. Phil Gerclick, chairman ill charge of arrangements, announce* that an Hadassah Open O n e g Shabbot will be held April 30 at which time Mrs. O. W. Hahn will be the guest speaker. Please watch Press for further details.
Pioneer Oneg Shabat Tho Omaha Chapter of the Pioneer Women's Organization will hold their annual Pesach Oneg Shabat nt 1 p. m.. Sunday, April 9, at the home of Mrs. Harry Itleklin. 3101 Lafayette st. The program will Include songs by Mrs. Milton Nearenberg, a reading by Mrs. Phillip Crandell and n talk on Pesach by Joseph Rndinowski. Holiday goodies will be served and members and friends are cordially Invited to nttend. Mrs. J. Kaplan Is cultural chairman.
Meeting Change 'Die Omaha Chapter Hadassah Hoard meeting date has been changed to April 23. Complete details of this meeting will appear in next week's Jewish Press.
Zionists Launch Shekel Campaign
New York, N. Y.- Spcnklng for twelve national Jewish organizations with a combined membership of over a half-million, Charles Hess, of Mt. Vernon, N. .Y, chairman of tho U.S. Central Shekel and Election Board, called on American Jews to help safeguard Israel's freedom by demonstrating their united support for the.new nation In ita "crucial hour." There is a way, he concluded, T.I. Sisterhood for American Jews to "demonThe original skit, "Each In His strate their determination to Generation" presented at the na- stand by Israel in its hour of need, tional Sisterhood Federation meet- and to protest against current ing last month In I-os Angeles will United Slates policy regarding be re-acted at the regular meeting the Middle East." "That In to acof the Temple Sisterhood Tues- quire the Shekel, the time-honored symlwl of Jewish responsibility day. April 12. The skit, written by Norma I-e- and tho token of participation In vitt,.will be directed by Mrs. Wil- the World Zionist Organization's liam Fogel, who la also program program for Israel and Jewish life everywhere," he explained. chairman for the day. (The Shekel, symbolic of the Member* of the cast are.: Mmes. Lawrence Plattner, Stanley May- ancient Hebrew coin first used per, Harry Altsulor, Milton Yudel- 3500 years ago, entitles the holder son, Lloyd Bank, Paul Veret ami to elect delegates to tho forthcomiJoseph Ilorwich. Mrs. Harry Trus- ng 24th World Zionist Congress n Jerusalem, the supreme policytin is the accompanist. A board meeting nt 11 n, m. will making body of the World Zionist Organiaztion, prefede the regular meeting.
Thli Hcbrcw-Engliih Bible u the Ant ever to be publidicd in the Holy Lud (ud in JerunIcm). Printed In Jerusalem, luwl. . . 1951.
'Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." PSALM CXXXHI.
t Put Font
Rayim, Debs Win 22nd Stage Night
I Junior Spotlight
nriday, April 8, 1955.
Rayim Sweeps 1 Wrestling Meet
Harold Friedman Crowned AZA Harold Friedman, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kiiidnuin, wa crowned "Kinjr of AZA" at the Tenth Annual King Dance neld at the Highland Coimlry Club Monday, lie received an AZA ring while the other candidates, How. ard Kasl'jw, Jack Oruch and Stan Widman were given AZA keys. Approximately 125 couple.) uttended the dance and Fran Davidson, Central high "Stylemasters" and the "Hnrmonulres" entertained during intermission.
By r«;me luitlrman K:iyiia m;nl».' a rloan s\s eei> of Well, Spring Vacation i-s al.-no.-. the /inniKil Youth Council Wrestover mid I'll bet yuu'll be i;lad to lns; tf)Uinr!ni('iH held .Sunday rnornj'?t buck to ;;CIHM)1 SO yi»i. (''an rest ing in the Center gym. Daniel u[i from all the activity of the past "Killer" IVncnbt'rj: won the heavyu'L't'lc. It Cecils fhat everyone v>ai weight title from his Rayim team.so buiy with picnic.:;, j>:srtieL-; mate Milt "Moo:ie" Mosicovitz on a referco's decision. campln;;1 trip1., etc. Thy .seveiit:i crade (;irib' "MatIn Die (».") i^uiul class, Chuck zoh Hall" ticli was hi-ld iit the llnvitz of Rayim pinned Pliillip Jay Mor • night V«E a huno suc- Batroii also of Rayim to cinch the cess. /.,>proximntely sixty boys top spot In his class, l^arry Zachand girls attended the affair which aria won the 112 i>ound class for was held in the iud;;e roam. Deco- ftaylm by topping Arnold Han of rations followed the matzoli ball AZA No. 100 and Alan Krizelman Britain Says . . . theme and refreshments were sup- it AZA No. 1. Tile 127 [XJUIKI diviplied by the members of the J. C. sion was captured by Maynard Hosen of Hayim by pinnini; his Hep Cat club. -';miin:il,e Alan Ixvine and llernie A record crmvt! of over one hunr<is:-mnn of AZA No. 100. The dred ami fifty crade schooler* atLondon (JTA) — The Hiiiish . A panel of distinguished judges tended the Children's Picnic «i«n 112 pound class bouts started with Parliament was n.ssured Monday an initial win by Mike Canar over chose the winners In the boys' and • sored by the Center Monday after, that there is nothing in the Turkgirls' divisions. Members of the noon. The program included a Irv Beber, both of AZA No 100. ish-Iraq! defense pact —to which panel were: H l u Connie Kastel, baseball came, relay raiv-i, circle However. Larry Lincoln of Rayim Britain became .'i party Monday— drani»tic teacher of Creighton games and playing with the play- turned the tahley on dinar by which should cause anxiety to University: Frank M. Rice, head of (rround equipment. Laurie Free- dropping him in the early part of Israel or any other state In the the English department at Central man, Joie Shrier, Kathy Adlcr ;ind their bout. Middle Kast. High School; Mn. Alfred EUick, Susie Sutton were some of the In the finals of the 151 pound The assurance came from Anboard member of Omaha Commu- song-leaders at the picnic, and class, Stan Widinan of AZA No. thony Nutting, Minister of .State nity Playhouse; Tom Thompson, Mark Plattner, Karl Lcufschuetz 1 overpowered the previously un- for Foreign Affairs, who sippeiireil director of Omaha Lyric Theater; and Marlys Isaek helped out ny defeated liot) Meyer of Rayim by In Parliament to answer question:; Dean F . Graunke, professor of supervisinK frames and Riving out pinning him In the last five sec- during the deheate on British ndiSramatic* at Creighton Unlver the drinks. Prizes were Kiven out onds of the tfiird period. The final heronce to Hit pact. H<; implied *lty; and Mrs. J. F. Lucan, mem- for the races and to the youngest score of the meet was 31 points for that there is no obstacle to preber of the Omaha Board of Educa- and oldest children present. A Rayim, eight for AZA No. 1 and vent Britain frum concluding n tion, ..;•.-/ ' .. : movie, "Father Takes the Air," six for AZA No. 100. The matches separate defense pact with Inrael. . Joe Martin, WOW-TV personal was shown at the Center Wednes- were six minutes each consisting "Tticre it nothing ill the pact Uy, paced the show as master of day for all grade school children. of three two minute periods. which need threaten, weaken or ceremonies. Tom Harper and Frank Man- cause anxiety to any state in the T h e Center1* sixth grade Rirls' "Bans and S t r i p e * Forever," club went on a camping overnight cuso, former high school wrestling Middle Knst," Mr. Nutting told Rayim's winning skit was written to Camp Brewster Tuesday. They champs, serve<I as rotercw. They the House of Commons. "The pact by Jerry Marer. Gene Duboff, cooked over an outside fire, hiked are members ot the O. V. football is directed against no one in the Shelly Krtatz, Bob Wlntroub and in Fontenelie forest and proved to ;quad who brought back the Tan- area, against no .'state or group of states. Indeed, it respects the ingerine Bowl victory. Gene Kohn. Jerry Marer and Bob be (jcnerally "great campers." dependence of all countries nml The weather man deserves a Wlntroub were In charge of prootters a specific guarantee to any duction. Costumes were handled great big "thank you'' for his hard Women's B.B. Bowling state who should accede." by Dick Raskin, Joel Pitlor, Bob work In keeping the «un on our Joseph, Art Novak, Doug Cohn, side during this vacation — don't Asked whether tin? exchange of "A" DIVISION Jjfurray Rose, Howard Welnberg, you agree? letters between Turkey und Iraq, W. I.. tyStfv Joseph, Marty Well and Irvwhich to attached to the pact nml Omaha J o l t o g 46 38 ing Taub. Properties were under against which Israel protested, did Philips Dept. Store . . . 44 40 the supervision of David Herzog, not prevent Israel's accession, Mr. Midwest Water Marty Weil, Dick Speler, Ijirry Nutting replied: "Israel Is not, unHeaters 44 40 Eddie Wintroub had the high Wolf Brothers Herman. Joel Pitlor, Marv Joseph. der the existing circumstance.1!, in 44 40 Mike Herzog, Marvin Fercnstein series in the league, a 338. a position to accede to the pact, Fireside Restaurant . . 42 42 Clark Su-artz fired a 192 game Shukcrt's and Bob Joseph. because under Article 5. the pact 41 43 which was high for the day. is open for Recession to any memMeyers News 38 4f> Debka Debs' "Cover to Cover" Judy Wohlnt-r had the hip;h sc- Mystic Beauty Shop.. 37 ber ot the Arab I.eague or nny 47 was written and directed by Bonei In the girls' division—a 275. other state actively concerned with Lorrie Kp-iteln 1BG-513, Reva nie Haykln, Fyllis Itubinow was the security nnd peace of this reNancy Richards and Beverly general chairman. O>-cbalrmen for lilvjin each hail c a m c i o[ 148 Singer 47G, Dev Swartz 4C0, Marge gion; and which Is fully recogprops were Lorn Franklin ami which were hU;h in the girls' divi- Fromkin 40C. nized by both high contracting Midge Greonbcrg. Mcmlxrs of sion. parties." "H" DIVISION their committee were: Barbara Men (iami-a and Srrle» W. Mr. Nutting went on to state I/. Wolfe, Liz Cherniack, Judy Grccn- F.ddie Wintroub 170-1K8—338 Lyn's Florist that the British Government be53 31 berg. Shelly Grcenberg and Sandy Cl.irk Swartz 102-131—323 Smith Pontiac lieves that the Ando-Turcc-Iran,! 43!4 4O',i Fcldman. In charge of costumes Judy Wohlner 147-128—275 Korney's Paint Co. . . 43 'i 40 '.i pact will "provide for greater sewere: Ellen Greenhorn, Donna Beverly Bloom 148-118-—2Gfi Angle's Beauty Salon. 43 curity for all states In the Middle 41' Steinberg, Rocky Cohn, Janle Fell- Judy 1,-izer 131-128—259 Colony Club Kast, Including the State of 42 42 man, Susie LJpp, FJorine Sowoloff, Dusty GreenlxTR ....153-101—251 Israel." He emphasized that "nothKish Furs 39 45 Wallis Chcrniack and Vickl Colick. 1-18-106—2i>4 Mogen David Wine . . . 36 ing prohibit!! us from giving to Make-up was handled by Frannk- N.incy nichnrds 48 Bill Katzman 140-114—2.71 Israel the Rame guarantees that Hamilton Pharmacy . . 36 Brown. Barbara Minkin, Harriet 48 130-122 2T>2 Shapiro, Fayann Sowoloff. Janie Jeanne Silver Mary Shukert 177-4C0, Lucille are available to Turkey nnd Iraq." Harriet Schloff .....137-114—251 Kpstein 192-439, Lurillt Rosen 18GBrodkcy and Elinor Itanlck. "Indeed, nothing under these Justin Lewis I2G-110—23G 135. Ann Knlman 181-428. arrangements In nny way alter; Lenora Falk 140- 01 —23-1 he position or responsltiility or Jim Sophlr 147- 7 8 - 2 2 5 According to American Cancer nbllgatlons of His Majesty's GovLarry Gilinsky 117-108-223 Society statistics, 24.000,000 Amer- ernment under the Tripartite DecDale Knuln 131- 91—225 icans now living will die of cancer larntion." Mr. Nutting told the XOUTII CIX'BS Mare Samuelson 125- 99—224 f present rates continue. Parliament. Beth Israel Youth Clubs will not Gloria Oslrow 115-101—219 meet this weekend due to the Pass- Stan Greenfield 122- 95—217 over Holiday*. Youth Club mem- Diane Sehriebcr 131- 81—215 bers are being reminded to con- Ronl Meyer 131- R0— 214 tinue saving paper for the Paper Judy Plattner 109-105—214 i'hfiOf J A 13Cfi !o insert tout Want Ad Sale to be held after Passover. Sharon Frank 117- 96—213 Curffnl talt I* Sf» Cfntn for rneh liifrrRoger Smith 111-102-213 lufi. Ilit I'ttft rvi-rrvnt lUt rich! to Hrnif Howard Slusky 125- 8 8 - 2 1 3 SKN1OU SAIIUATII The Beth Israei Talmud Torah Marilyn Wembcrc ...105-105—210 Senior Class will take a leading Dennis Schulman . . . . 1 2 7 - SO—207 BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratu. 111- 87-201 role In conducting the late Friday Marsha Coren Intlons also for all Jewish holiEvening Service Friday evening. Standings days and special occasions April 15. at 8 p. m. The following W. I.. Meyer.i News Stand. 1T>O2 Dodge • will participate in the service: Meadow Gold Dairy . . 40 11 tOO.M for student <>r employed Marlenc Friedman, Bill Katzmnn, Fireside Restaurant . . 33 21 young man in private luime. Alan Konecky, Ro;;er .Smith, Judy N'-br. Furniture M.irt. .'50 21 Phone HA 7270. %Vohlner. S t a n 1 e y Greenfield, Midwest Water Frank Orildber;f, Diane Groncr. Heaters 29 25 Beverly J3!o,,m, ISniee Goldstein W,)lf:;/,ll-C;erb<.r Auto and Sidney KKipp'T. Sales 29 25 r
Ali the magic of a Bro-.idway Opening night was in evidence at the 22nd annual S t a B e Night \«hcre Rayim anil Dcbkn Ik-bi won accolades for their original [>re•cntatloons. About 800 appreciative spectators witnessed t h e Youth Council Clubs in their annual colorful competition in Central High auditorium. The winning skits although different ta theme were superbly performed. The Rayim lada told the itory of civil liberties against the Weak background of prison walls. •Contrasting t h i s somber motif was the sophisticated and glittering revue of popular magazines brought to life (pardon the pun) by Debka Debs.
Tureo-lraqi Pact M© Ihre&f £o Israel
Jr. B.B. Bowling
Beth Israel News
Want Ads
Pl.-iyland Park
CONTEST IVlNNKItS The f.jlliv.vin;: Ueth Israel rolif;toufi school sUnicnts won prizes for sellins; tlie m<»u fjekets to "Francis Gix'.s to West Point." motion picture presented by the 1'arentsTeachers Association. They are Susan Katzman, Arlene I'-P>tein, Howard Jlahn, Marvin I'uback, Dlline Groner, Marshall Kaplan. Neil Bloom and Benjamin Shafton.
Omaha- .Inbbinf 27 27 Mayphers 20 U 27!i Roberts Dairy 23 31 Morris Paint 22!i 31 !a Wolf.Mii Sales Co. . . . 22 32 O. P. Sk/iixs 18 36 Last Sunday completed t h i s Wpie's bowliu;; season. The. league will hold its Annual Bowlinj; IJ.inquet ai tho Fireside Reslaunint Sunday, April 21, at 12:30 p. m. j Awards and prizes will be award-' "BBI'OKK IT TALKS" ed to winning teams and indiviil- ; Time is a vital factor In cancer uals at that time. eure. The American Cancer SoThe American Cancer Society ciety says that In its early stages, before it "talks," cancer is highly urges everyone to learn seven dancurable. Periodic physical exam- ger signals that may mean cancer, inations nrc_ urged as the best and should alw.iys mean a visit to the doctor, t/m-er r irwrance, , •
Artistically decorafod, lease owner, occupied, Double corner, short walk to 50th and Dodge
B.B. Bowling I'urluvny "U" \V. L. MIMw Oi\ 21 IT) Harvey Chirkxi 27 15 Gerelick Motors iM 10 Ranks 23 16 Grace-Mayer 24 18 Hlteway TV 23 19 Sol Lewis Co 21 21 Canadian Acu ' 17 25 Illchman-Gordman 17 25 Forbes Bakery 17 25 Hoberman Plbg ]6 26 Wolfson-Gerbcr 15 27 High game, Irv Ilublnow 214; high series, Sam Pollnk 513; splits, Milt Loss r>-7-30. KUAN HONORED New York (JTA)—Ambassador Abba S, Euan of Israel and four American Jewish leaders were awnitied lionornry degrees of D o c tor of Humane Letters by New York University at the university's convocation to commemorate the three hundredth nnnlver.snry of Jewish settlement In America. Tho others honored were: Leo Jung, rabbi of tho JcvvUh Center of New York; Maxmlllan Moss, Surrogate of Kings County, Now York; Abraham A. Neutnan, president of Dropsle College of Philadelphia, nnd David do Solo Pool, rabbi of the Spanish nnd Povt\\r,tti-se SyraEov'W! ot N w York. l'ASSOVKIl TOURISTS Jerusalem tWNS)—Tlie PaiJover holiday in Israel Is rapidly becoming perhaps the lending magnetic attraction to Jewish tourfata from every corner of tho world. This became evident days before tho holiday, when thousands of men nnd women nnd children who In former days would have been called pilgrims, converged on tho land, crowding hotcLi, B h o p g , streets nrul thoroughfares awl every center of Interest In the country. Including beckoning settlements nnd houses of worship. Hotel reservations vifre Vicasy and private homes accommodating visitors to the land were crowded. According to export opinion, there were over in.WX) tourists in the land for the Pnssover holiday, • Rlzeablc increase over Inst year. One of tlie American Cancer Society's chief t;onli is to improve services to needy cancer patient*.
Cleaned In Yout Hom«! Omflug • Lcylng - ft*p«lrte« DON IERHSTEIN
HA 2 S M
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
Served Buffo* Sfyfol Alt You Car© * o Eat NOON TO 3 P. M.
CALL MA 6300
(FITZGERALD C O . Serving Omaha for Half a Century