Vol. XXXIII—No. 27. *cutcjto m"
I'ubitstieo ever; Friday, 101 ft, 20L&, Omaha, Ncbraeka, fbont JA 1366
tnin/m iiau 4 tilngli Copy 10
'r, <ii" "n
ithrc Fed. Surfaci Tho grading nnd surfacing of th Jewish Community Center park ing lot was authorized at the las meeting of the Executive Commit toe of the Jewish Federation. Tin lot will provide for the parking needs of patrons usflig Jewlsl Community Center and will also give the necessary facilities for a children's playground and physlca education out-door activities. The Building Committee reported their findings on Improvements Of Center Kitchen facilities, nnd the women's locker room. A com plelc survey of improvements needed in tho physical education plant is being ninde now and wll be presented to tho board at its next meeting. Fund Kntnbllsliecl The Federation Board also approved the establishment of an Endowment Fund of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for Aged to receive contributions, legacies, and ben, i if1 Ms specifically earmarked for tie Home. IJNtrlliufion Approved • The Hoard also approved the dls trlbution of the amount of Sllft, 349.45 which was raised In the 1351 Philanthropies c a m p a i g n flmong oversea.':, Israel, • natlomt nnd local nct-ncies which derive their BUi>[M>rt from the campaign f>orne 200 agencies bonefltted from the Philanthropies In V.CA. Mr. Marer, Federation presldfnt, announced the appointment of I.00 Eisenstntt as chairman of
Memorial Services Sunday at Center Omaha Rabbis will take part In the Memorial Services commemorating tho 12th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising In Which a heroic band of Jews died fighting Hitler's savage s t o r n troopers. Services will bo hold nt 8 p. m. Sunday, April 21, In the Jewish Community C e n l o r auditorium. Rabbis Benjamin Groncr, Myer S. Krlpke, Sidney II. Uruok.i and Nathan Feldman will pay tribute to tho memory of this little hand of men who lashed out against oppression and gave their lives ii forfeit. Cantor Ell Kafian will present musical selections and Hans I3acr will be tho pianist, Survivors from Euroj>can concentration camps now members of our community will light candles in memory of tho uprising and the six million Jews who were put to death by Hitler. Joseph Radinowskl will preside. Tho affair Is sponsored by I-'arband Labor Zionist Order Branch 51. Poale Zlo-n and the Omaha Chapter of Pioneer Women. The committee In charge of arrangements 'Include Mrs. Herman Bondarln, Miu Jacob Feldnmn, Karl Rosenberg, Joseph Factor and Abe Cohen.
Outdoor Sites for Center Art Class The third session of the Center Art Class, under the direction of Wry. Meyer Bcfocr, will s t a r t Thursday, April 21, Tho Spring session will bo held at outdoor sites e a c h Thursday afternoon from 1:30 o 3:30 o'clock. Registration Is open fo- new students and the fee Is one dollar per lesson. Enroll by calling tho Ccnt r Activities Office, JA 1366. ,
Approves B&P Campaign Unit and Fund To Hear Envoy's Wife Requirement the Committee on Communlt Statistics, which will foster and maintain Jewish community sta tistical records. The Board also approved the recommendations of the Herman Auerbacli Memorial Committee, which wore presented by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. (Sec additional story in this issue.)
Global Report NO SECIJIUTir Tel Aviv (JTA>—David Ben CJurlon, Defense Minister of Israel, declared hero Sunday that he did not feel uny more secure, as Defense Minister, after then before British Foreign Secretary Sir Anthony Eden's statement in Commons last week on Britain's guar nntccs to Israel. ISRAEL. KXC'MJDKD Washington (JTA)—Israel's exclusion from the Bandung conference of African and Asian nations to l>e held in the Indonesian city from April 18-25 will be followed by another snub, It was reixirted here from Tokyo this weekend. Japan has Invited a delegation of Middle East states to come to Tokyo for a parley to bo devoted to promoting Japanese trade with the Middle East, but has not Invited Israel. I'AHSOVKIl .SUl'l-KK New York (WNS)—A special "authentic Passover supper" was held here last Thursday by the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Epiphany In Manhattan for the members of the parish. 'Hie church rector, Rev. Hugh McCandless, said the thought of holding a Passover fete occurred to him after'readlng an article in a Catholic magazine. ItHlOTIlY HAH TO UNITV New York (WNSJ-BenJamln F. l'airkss, chairman of the board of the United States Steel Corporation, declared here at a dinner sponsored in his honor by the Natlonnl Conference of Christians Jews that fostering of racial and religious bigotry In the country constitutes a menace to America's national unity. Mr. Falrless was presented at tho dinner with a gold plaque "for ill.-itlnguished service In the field >f human relations." 1IUANOKIS W I T Chicago {WNS) —Henry Crown, Jewish industrialist who recently acquired control of the Empire State Building in New York, will mild a wing for chemical resenrch n the new million-dollar science building now under construction Brandeis University at Walt, Mass,, it was reported here. LAND OK MII.K AND HONEY New York (WNS) — L i o n e l lampton, noted ja/zband leader, returned recently from Israel with nthuslaHin for the new state, its people and its jazz fans. Israel, he iald, is "really the land of milk and honey." Enthusiastic about the reception IO received In Israel, Hampton domted the 5-10,000 the trip netted llm to tho building of a hospital nd clinic for the under-privileged n Israel.
Airs. Barbara Harr, who lived in Israel for two years with her husband, a diplomat in the United States Embassy In Tel Aviv, will be guest speaker at the Cocktail Supper of the Business and Professional Women's Unit, at their annual Philanthropies function Thursday, April 21, at 5:30 p. m., in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium, Mrs. Eve L. Konecky, Unit chairman announced. Mrs. Harr has won wide acclaim for her combination of rich humor, personal narrative and keen analysis r,f Israel's problems. She has made particular studies of Israel's Immigration problem and has worked as a volunteer in several Israel children's and army institutions. Because of her continuing effort to live among Israel's people and understand them rather than living in the conventional diplomatic Mm. Iturbara Harr life, she earned recognition as an outstanding "grass roots ambassador" for America in Israel. Miss Julia Zuker will render a special vocal selection. The list of volunteer!! in tho business and professional division apReservations are now being takpears on page 3. en for the fourth session of the Jewish Community Center Pro School. Beginning Wednesday, April 20, at the Center, tho preschoolers, ages three through five, will meet Monday, Wednesday and A Jewish Art Exhibit In memory of the late Herman Aucrback will Friday mornings from 9 to 11:30 be presented to the Joslyn Me- o'clock. morial Art Museum nt 5 p. m., Cab service, exclusive with the Sunday, May 22, by the FederaCenter Pre-achool, is provided for tion for Jewish Service. William Grodinsky, the first each child regardless of locale. chairman of the Aucrback Me- Included In the pre-school promorial Committee, will make the gram are: supervised play periods, paint sessions, and cooking and presentation. The committee has purchased a baking. In addition, the Sabbath Torah crown, breastplate and and all holidays will be celebrated. pointer, a kiddush cup, two mezu- The equipment for pre-school- Inza, a pen and ink drawing of the cludes climbing ladders, see-saws, Hebrew alphabet and a piece of housekeeping c o r n e r , building Ycmlnito embroidery to be in- blocks and rhythm instruments. cluded in the exhibit. Mrs. Meyer Beber Is .chairman school director, at GL 7143, or the of the committee and is assisted by Jewish Community Center*ActiviRabbi Mycr S. Krjpkc and Mrs. J. ties Department, JA. 1366, for enH. Kulakofsky. rollment information.
Enrollment Opens For Pre-Schoolers
Joslyn to Receive Memorial Exhibit
Women Volunteers Will Meet Monday Some 300 women workers will ;of props. Attendance Urged meet Monday, April 18, at 12:30 Mrs. Mike Freeman, General p. m. at the Jewish Community Center at a Workers' Dessert chairman of, the Women's DiviLuncheon which will mark the sion, and her co-chairmen, Mesopening of the Women's Division dames Edwin E. Brodkcy, Louis campaign. Featured as guest Katz and Morton Richards have peaker is Ruth Goldschmldt, Di- appealed to nil volunteers to atrector of Public Affairs of tho tend this important meeting. "We are aiming for a full atIsrael Consulate in New York. Miss Goldschmidt has for the tendance at this meeting. The mst several years interpreted presence of every worker will [srael to the American public on guarantee the success of the womlecture platforms, radio and tele- en's phase of the campaign," they ision throughout the United said. Names of tho campaign workers Hates. Another highlight of the meet- who have volunteered their serving will be a skit, entitled "Count ices appear on page 3. I'lans Clty-Wldo Meet Your Blessings" prepared by Mrs. Plans for tho City-Wide WomArthur H. Goldstein nnd directed iy Mrs. Robert Silverman. Pur- en's Campaign Dessert Luncheon Iclpatlng in the skit will bo Mes- to bo held Wednesday, April 27, lames Warner Frohman, Samuel at 12:30 p. m., at Beth Israel So. Horwlch, Stewart Muskln, Don- cial Hall, are being completed. Inald Nogg nnd Ervin Simon, withl vitations to this meeting nre being Mrs. Abo C. Fcllman, accompanist. extended to ail women in the comMrs, Stanford Llpscy is in charge munity.
A $460,000 goal for the 1955 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign was unanimously adopted by the Executive Committee of tho Jewish Federation, Jack W. Marer, Federation president, announced this week. This amount represents the very minimum, he said, which Is required to meet Omaha's share of some 200 overseas and national agencies which depend upon the united campaign in Omaha for their funds. It also includes local agencies which serve the many needs of our Jewish community. The recommendation for this campaign goal was submitted by; Ernest A. Nogg, General Campaign chairman, and Samuel S. Steinberg, Initial Gifts chairman, following a thorough examination of the requirements of the agencies. Goal Kcallatic "This goal," Ernest A. Nogg said, "represents an overall 10 per . cent increase over the amountraised a year ago. We feel that Omaha Jewry will meet this minimum campaign goal with tho traditional response for which our community is known." Cnmpalgn Scope Mr. Steinberg emphasized that the quota was suggested by the Campaign Steering Committee who felt that this amount was realistic, and possible of attainment. "Since the Philanthropies campaign is actually 200 drives combined into one, the giving of the Individuals' should bo geared to the scope of the campaign and the large number of agencies which will benefit from our combined efforts."
Testimony Revealed On Arab-Israel Issue Washington (JTA)—George V. Allen, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, told Congress in secret testimony that the State Department hopes it can persuade Egypt to.relax the Suez Canal blockade against Israel hipping. This was revealed when the House Appropriations Commit-, tee made public testimony given, in executive session before the committee some time ago by Mr. Allen.
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Mr. Allen told the committee that "the Egyptian Government has not relaxed, unfortunately, its strict blockade against Israel ships passing through•; the Suez Canal." He said "wo feel this is an unjus- .'. titled action, end have said so publicly several times. We still aro hopeful that an improvement: might be achieved in tha field." It was noted by Mr. Allen that the Arab League states also extend, a secondary blockade against Israel by boycotting and refusing to do business with firms that attempt to trade with Israel as well as the Arab states. , ARMS CACHE Jerusalem (WNS)—An arm* cache, including guns, rifles, hand grenades and machine guns, was found this week in the Meah Shcarim and Belt Israel quarters of the city strongholds of Naturcl Karta, extremely fanatical Orthodox sect which has been In frequent clashes with the State and ;ovcrnmental authority. Police searching basements and cellers In the area said they found 40,000 rounds of ammunition and that the arms mny have been amassed by underground elements during the British mandate over :he country.
f rut
n i l s JEVV1SU I'EtHb
Jflje rnUWMd Every Friday bj the Federation (or Jetriih Service ll M M O M C UDCIU U& «& Of liftJTCb Jj, JbTI*. UAU Um n A«tTUtt«en AppHcaUoa. tra. i n <nnrt, ^-i au« New.. JAeuoe O H .
Ladies Night af B.I. Men's Club
Friday, April IS, 1853,
Monsky Lodge to Initiate Members
Omaha Sketches
Thursday, April HI, has been Henry M.nisky I»d::e No. .'!.>! of lie-igil.-iU-d L uli-.-s Niijht (it tile H'n.ii H'rilh will initiate it , new Beth iM'.icl Mi'n'a Club. .Sam Kapmembers nt K:I5p. in. WHlncsdny, lan, iK-'wIy CiYcted jnexy of t h e Marvin Parilman, .son of Mr. a:id April W, in the Blaekstone iiotet BARKY HALPERT Editor Men's Club, :inn:>'jrtC(.-d iJu.> April dinner mer-tin;: wuuhl be open to Mr.s. Irviiij; Pui'ilin:in, tiR-nt the Hullronm. The io<lse'i dfjrro; learn, Pas.iover hoKday ttiih iii.-, parcnls. which ha:; iierform(!d the initiation members and their wives. Newly ek'Cted officers will be in- Mr. Parilman compleltd his rc- ccrciimny for Jodj;cs tlnouuhout stalled at the- mcvtinj^. A social <juirt'nien(;i for a dc;;r>''e of IJache- the districl, will be on hand. They hour will follow and the Lidies ore ior of Arts in .sociology nt ye.'iii'.'.i have vj:>iUui (^roup-: In Iow;i, Ne* asked to net their RIOUJK to;;otlH.r Univei-iilly in New Yoili City und bra,slca and South Dakota. lly Khrier Is president of tha for bridge, Mah-Jonj: or i.erabble. is continuing hi:- sttiJi-i-s there. (earn riiid is nssi.4te<l by Joe HumReservations niay be made by Sunday, April 17 stem, Mo.:es Ka^an, Earl Sic-j;el. lz 6:44 p. m., Cmndteligbtlng Dr. and Mrs. Danli-1 Miller k-ft B. B. G. Regional Meeting—1 p. railing tiie Beth Israi-l .Hyn:i;;o;;ue office, RE fiiKH. Wcfln'-sdny fur Han Fr.-JMd.r,C'>, 1-ieiTovici, Harry DuHoff (ind I^COi m.—Center. Calif., whore Dr. Miller will attend Mycrson. A. Z. A. Regional Meeting—1 p. the annual tneetinfc of the Anieri- Pvlcmbers are asked in brinff m.—Center. Piano Recital af c.in Medical Association for Can- Kue-sts. licfi-eshmenls and a social Konday, April 18 liour will follow. Serviccf Friday evening will becer Hescareh. gin at 843 p. m. ItabU Myer S. , Philanthropies Women's Work- Center, April 24 Kripke will deliver the «ennon. er's Meeting—12:30 p. m.—Center. The annual Sprinrr Student RcMr. and Mrs. Sheldon Milen- Year Book Estimates Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m. —cital of the Center Piano Studio, h:ich of Oaidand, Calif., nnnounce Belli H Synagogue Cboir will ren- Center. under the direction of Professor the birth of a daughter Shelley Jewish Population der the musical portion of the serv- JWV Auxiliary Board Meeting— Hans Baer, will be held at 3 p. in. Kne lx>m Monday, April II. The New York (WNS)—The 66Ui ice. 8 p. m.—Home, Sunday, April 21 in the Center uu- couple has two boys Brad und annual issue of the American Jew* ditorium. Fifteen pupils of all Tuesday, April IB Sabbath morning unices will be USH. bh Year Book, which ha.i Just bfcea at 9JO a- m. Junior Congregation National C o u n c i l of Jewish grades will bo presented. Solo Maternal ftrandparonts are Dr. issued, put Use world Jewish popu« pieces and movements from the G •erviee* Hre at 10:30 a. m. Mincba- Women—1 p. m.—Center. and Mrs. Abe Greenherf; of Omn- iatlon nt 11,867,000, or one-half ot Moait* Services will be i t 6:45 Leatbercraft Class—7:30 p. i n - Minor Piano Concerto by Mendels- ha and Mr. and Mrs. I/nvis Milen- one per cent of the total world sohn and from the A Minor Con- bach of Oakland, Calif., are pn- population <2H billion). The UniU p. nv Sunday morning service Is at Center. ed States has five million Jews, th« t a. m. and Mncha-Maariv service Kadimah Meeting—3:30 p. i n - certo by Schumann will be played. ternal grandparents. The public is invited to attend. Ye.ir Book reports, adding thai at 6:45 pjn. Center. Soviet Russia has about two mil" DaQy services-are at 7 a. m. and Miss Nadlnc Breslow, dauchter Wednesday. April t« lion Jews and Israel 1,48S,47O. By 7 p.m. of Mr. and Mrs. Max Brcilow, reMizrachi Women—1 p. nx—Centurned to school this weekend aft- contrast, Germany, which once haj ter. a Jewish population of fifXl.OOO, er spending her Sprinj; vacitlon now his only 23,000 survivors. B. B. Henry Monsky Lodge—8 Beth Israel Yiddish Writer Dies with her parents. Miss Bn-low i; p. nv—Center, In detailing Jewish population Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor B. B. Corohuskcr Lodge—8 p. tn. New York (WNS)-Joscph Mar- a freshman at State University of goahes, dean of the Yiddish jour- Iowa at Iowa City. f icurcs, the Year Book reports that EH Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and —Center. nalists in the United States, died the European countries with tha members of the Senior class of toe Zionist Council—8 p. m.—Cen- here Sunday, at the age of 89 after l.irircst Jewish populations, after The follmvin^ out-of-town jriie^tr, Talmud Torah will conduct the ter. brief illness. Among his five sur- are expected for the Bar Mitzviih Soviet Hu-sia, are England with service this Friday evening at 8 Latin-American Dance das*—8 aviving, sons is Dr. Samuel Mar•3M,(X» and France with 300,000, p. m. Traditional Friday evening p. m.—Center. goabes, a leading figure in the ot John niekes io be held this eve- In the Western Hemisphere, Ar« •ervlees begin at 8:30 a. m. Jun- ' Center Orchestra—8 p. m.—Cen- American Zionist movement and a ning and Saturday morning. .They centiiia Is second with 360,000] ior Congregation at 10 a, m. Rabbi ter. „ Journalist with a wide following arc: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Iir-ber and Cin/.da has 230,000, and I3razi), Crooer will conduct tha Talmud B. B.. Henry Monsky Chapter in the Yiddish-language press here Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fiteh of ParU 120,(XW. Alwut one-half of world F'orest, III., Messrs. anrl Mmfs. A. Jewry now lives in North nnd Class at 6:19 p. m. Sabbath Adult Education Group—8 p. m.— and abroad. Milzel, Alex MarkmvlU, Ciiot SMith America. Mlncha at 6:49 p. m., followed by Home. Lustgarten and .Sam K.-inl'ir, of Sholeshe S'eudos arid Maariv. Tbanday, April t l Tulsa, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. N. IJ. Other countries with Jewish Daily morning lervicfs at 7 a. m.; Hadassah—Herzl Group—1 p. m. Abraham Blumenthal Services were held In Los An- Italsman of Oklahom.i City, Okl.i., palliations of more Ihun 100,000 afternoon services at 7 p. m. Sun- —Center. die: Morocco, 255,000; Humania, day morning services begin at 8:43 Hadaisah—Szold Group—1 p. ra.geles, Calif, Wednesday. April 13. Mr. and Mrs. IlubiTt P,i-;arov.' of 2S,,(W): W0.000; Alficrifl, for Abraham Blumenthal. Mr. Angeles, Mr. ond Mrs. IJacds- IIO.WJO; Hungary, a. m. fallowed by breakfast and -Y. W . C A . Union of South Africa, Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday Hadassah—Weizmann Group—1 Blumenthal, 79, a long time resi- ley Jordan of Berkeley, Mrtirs. 110,000; and Tunisia, 103,000. Tho dent of Omaha, died there Mon- und Mine". Harold Perlin, Morlun Je«-,.,h popululiun of Australia and morning Junior Minynn followed p. m.—Y. M. C. A. 1 day, April 11, fallowing a Ions ill- BJitstein nnd ton. ; of C!iira;:o, Mr. N'-w Zeal.-md is rstirnated at 58,« by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. Outdoors Art Class—1 p. m. nnd Mrs. Avrum Fitch of Dall.T., 000. The Talmud Discussion group Temple Study Group—1 p. m. ness. Survivors Include a daughter, Tex., Meiers, and MITIC:. Davit) meets every Tuesday evening at 8 —T. I. p. m. at the I9th and Burt St. B. & P. Philanthropic* Supper •- Mr;. Morris Urir.lt of Omaha; three Shemian senior and junior of K;in- 'IIAItl)' COKI-:' l'A.Mll,V sons, Jo-cph of I^j; Vc^ns, Nov., City, Mo., IJc. nnd Mrs. .S.nn Synagogue. 5:30 p. m.—Center. Muiiir-h (JTA)--'n.e first fnm. •i brother. Harry of I » s Annelcs; Shulkln and Mr^j. M. Isaacson of Beth Israel Junior Choir meets Beth Israel Men's Club Dinner- Julius ily to quit Fochretnvnld for Israel ,-ind ilnrolil of IJK Anfjelcs; Sioux City, la. 7 p. m— U. I. every Sunday at 11 a. m. under a new plan for the emicra* JWV and Auxiliary—8 p. m.— and throe Kramlchildrrn. linn of "h--(rd-eore" ra.'.c1; not pre* Center. Hadassah Council viou.sly arcnpt.-ihle for sftilcment Temple Israel in I;:racl li-ft thi;j week. 'ITie fam< The regular Onoj? Siiablwt of ily of Alir.-ilirun Herman, bis wlfa Services will be held at Temple Mme. Pandit Doll Added (he l-Jilucational Council of Omaha rl five-year-old dauj;ht(.r left for Israel at 8 o'clock Friday evening. To B.B. Collection Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin .Sherman Chapter llnda.ss.ih will be held to- Genoa v.liere tliey were to board! Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will remorrow, Saturday, April 1C, at 1 view the novel, "Awakened," by A Madame Pandit Doll Is the announce the en;:n;;cm™t of their p. m. nt the home of Mrs. Philip a ship for Israel and settle in Kibbutz Clivnt lirenner. Margaret Abrams, the story of a newest addition to the B'nai B'rilh daughter .Mmirine Klaine to Il.ir- D. Schwartz, 108 So. 50th ave. ' Th"ir departure from the ramP) small town congregation awakened Women's "Dolls for Democracy" old IF. Karj», son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ilie Education Council of OmaDavid Karp of Dcs Moines, la. the Inst remaining JCTvish DP ccn« to its responsibilities by two dy- collection which Is bringing its ha Chapter Hadnssah consists of ler in Gennnny, was innile posslblo Miss Sherman attended the Uninamic personalities. message of brotherhood to groups versity of Omaha and University the presidents and chairmen of under a plnn worked out by th<J Services are at 11:30 a. m. Sat- h»re. American nffalrs, Zionist public re- Joint DLslrilmtlon Committee? l a urday morning. Rabbi Brooks will Mrs. Arthur Goldstein and Mrs.of Texas, where she was affiliated lations, education find program. cooperation with the Jewish ARcn« deliver the sermonette and Kid-Seymour Kaplan, the storytellers, with Alpha Epsiion Phi sorority. Mr. Karp attended .St. Ambrose ey nnd the Israel Government. Tha diuh for the eongrmmdon will fol- presented the "Doll" program at College, Notre Dame University f ami lieu of such "hard-core" rases low the service. The Religious Mount View School to classes in Concert Series 3~ was graduated from Dralce os BO Io Israel will be cared foe School Choirs, under the direction the fourth to eighth grades, the An Israeli violinist on his first by Mnlben JDCs welfare program Of Miss Ida GItlin, will sins the Dundee School Parent-Teacher As- University. American tour will open the 1955- In the Jewish State. There. Is no service. sociation and the Girl Scouts CityHOOK EXI1II1IT 5G season of the Tuesday Musical Indication n.i to the number ot wide Planning Committee. New York <JTA>— Tiie first He- Concert Series. The series will families which will eventually b<J U.N. Representative brew rx»k exhibit of major Israel start October 17. Inclmlcd in this special project^ wiii opon it.s crors-coun. The second program will feature but several families are now being Will Address Hadassch Zionist Council to Meet publishers try tour at O>nf:rej*ation Shearith Rudolf Kirkusny, pianist, and Wil- processed for early crnicratlon. The rejrular monthly meeting of Israel (Sp.-inish-Porturruescs Syna- liam Primrose, violinist. Arthur Mrs. Phil Gerelick, Chairman Hollywood (JTA)—Called upon In Charge of arrangements, nn- the Omaha Zionist Council will be Kocue) here April 2L The tour, Rubinstein will star in the third to address the i.aicsts at o dinn-r^ aounces that Omaha Chapter Ha- held at 8 p. in. Wednesday, April sponsored by the Hi;;tadruth Ivritli concert. Season tickets are now on sale. Kddie Cantor began: "You hav« dassah will hold an Open Oncj; 20 in tlie Jewish Community Cen- of America and the Department of been (;!""!: your attention to tur» Shabbot Saturday, April 30 at the ter. Mrs. J. II. Kultikofsky, presi- Education and Culture of the Jewdent, will report on the Asian and ish Agency, will'.show Israel's latI?cn Hecht: -"Money talks, but key stuffed with tnn,c; you nra borne of Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. Omaha women's Zionist Groups of Near East panel that was held in est contributions to modem liter- nobody notices what grammar it now nbout to consider a saga stuffed with turkey!" uses,"—(JTA! ature. Kadimah, Mizrachi, and Pioneer Omaha April I and 2. Women as well as the members of Hadassah arc extended a cordi.il invitation to attend this Open THE TERCENTENARY STORY Ones Shabbot. Text-by DANIEL ELAZAR Illuttrolions by MAURKX del BOURGOf Mrs, Paul Veret, chairman In Charge of the proKram, announces that Mrs. Lorenn B. Hahn, United 4 MWPW. -mj! Hoiitmf Of -lMmfOliND ffAlOMOV MMLPStates Representative on the Unit-ruff COLONIAL cAUsm ffy ed . Nations Commission on the L INS ro/J Ft/IVPS M THM Status of Women, will bo the suest tpeaker. Mrs. Hahn has recently returned from an extensive tour of Africa and Asfa. She also visited Israel on this lour and will have •I tin Interesting message. Keep April 30 open for this Oneg Shabbot.
Religious News
Community Calendar
Momrine SEierman
13. Haylm Salomon
Postponement Told • T i e Nebraska Lodge of B'nai B'rith fund raising affair which was to be held April 17 has been postponed until further notice, a lodge spokesman announced.
t4 ITJl,HMM CMOUOM.TMt GRITAT J£iV/GH- AMCRICANPA1XJ0T now£v£n, AS eeod AS TXS BRrrtti* raoofs TOOK THS crrv JtfVWfD maM POJUVJ0 AS A w me. rue* covfiscAreo YOWJO MA/J. HIS TAXCNT ANO His euswsea « » JAJLSP Ef/reupK/ss CWMIMADS HIM A SAlOAKMirOR HIC OP£N 0Y HIGHLY PKOBPtftOUS HHV YoRXCR. ntr WITH ru
rr oicwr rxxr io*a ran MM TO
Taeenat irirn Koailtr MOKB/S, MOrHS» -MMIS* AMUftJcAM, SALOMON , ,
Friday, April 10,1055.
Dromedary Cake Mixes
•UHBr TWIN MCK-Tvo i»pmaf., uahd pocll of cok* mix tn «Ytry Dromedary boxl Mofca onf Jvyvr or two... of uu on* half for i M . . . fft« offor for cookbl, wilh no exira
ME O U M t D - P r f UonJcd la gtv. you p * f f*cl rwulo . . . tiomoQDniied unocrfrmflu in your bantr...with 150 fewer tlrelctl You do much l e u . . . yotf QtA tmnh more bt vnU lamly /KM lottc ond textufel
Philanthropies Women's Honor Hoi! for 1955 These «ro tlio women who have volunteered thi-, year as workers in ft most crucial anuj critical campaign for all Jewish needs—in Israel, in America, und in Omaha. They have na« dertaken to see through the campaign o£ mercy iimoii); I hi! runks of OmaLtt women, by earrjjl ing the message of the campaign to some 2,400 women m the cuinmiinity. *
Mrs. Mike Freeman, Chairman; Mrs. Edwin K Jiiodkey, Mis. Louis Katz und Mrs. MortoO .Kiuhards, co-chairmen; and Mra. Eve. L. Koncclcy, JJUMIK VI und Professional.
Steering Committee
Mrs. Edward 13. Brodkey, Mra. Dave Colin, Mrs. David Grcenberg, Mrs. Joe J. Greenberfli Mru. Morris Katleman, Mra. j . Harry Kulakof.'iky, .Mi, Louis Kulakofsky, Mra. Lewis NeveleHi Mra. Albert li. Newman, Mra. Henry A. Newman, MIN. Jules M. Newman, Mrs. Ernest A. Nogfi Mrs. Aaron Kips, Mra. David Sherman, Miu Hiiberl Souiincr, und lira. H a r r y Trustin. ( M I r / M I M I la m r y p o c l o g * . . . nu»b • I •faeMly MoWd p>OK, Droolwd wBh U l w mtaaffefc only, to p m M Hiding, M p yov two* yew co]u« oul of lf)« pen w;iit
-. .. ,ii-'J.iry Cake Mixes HIV u.i.^uj, improved and different; The exclusive gold foil wrap package is your assurance that Dromedary Cake ^Mlxes reach you mixing-bowl fresh. The new Drom-
HIW I U U C U JUOHIUiStS con&hti «&>• nou wilh rkluieii. Slrklly itoilisr. . . devel. oped excltrirvcl/ for ciiVe mixei, to prod^ca liigher, fluffier coVei )han you cart mole wilh ordinary tlorv-bovgM thcrfenirtgd
etlary White Cake, Yellow Cako and Devil's Fcxxl MlxC3 like all other Dromedary products are produced under the (supervision of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and bear the Kosher "U."
Advisory Committee
bert Wohlner, Mrs. Isadore B. Ziegman and Mra. Seymour Zoob,
Mmea.: Isadore Abramson Arthur Adler Louis Albert William Albert* Leon Alexander Maurice Alperin Harry Altsuler Sam Appleman Max Arbltman A dcucrt luncheon at 1 o'dock Herman Auerbach will precede the business meetAllle Babendure , ins which win begin at 2 p. m. at Al)e Baker the Jewish Camnmnity Center Mark Your Bernard Balaban Wednesday, April 20. Lloyd Bank Calendar Now! Those who were unable to brlni; Norman Batt In their J N F boxes to the March Julian Baumel nicotine miiy brint: them in at this Abe Bear ni:fetiii>c. An Israeli comedy film David E. Beber will IIJ shinvn. Hyman Belman Moses A. Bcrcovid JWV Auxiliary Sam Bcrman Itobert Bonuteln The April Board meeting of the Gerald W. Bernstien Epstein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary Miss Beverly Minkin became the T\'o. 200. Jewish War Veterans o bride of Dr. Robert Addison of Clarence L. Bergman the United States, will be hfld ai Glencoe, 111., Sunday, April 3, a1 Max I. Bittner the home of Mrs. J. Milton Marco the Standard Club in Chicago. Dr. David Blacker lin, 5019 Charles Street, Monday. Louis Hinstock officiated at a 5 p. Paul Illotcky April 18, promptly at 8 p. m. Co- m. ceremony in the presence of the Philip Ulumlwrg Norman Bordy hostcsse.s will bo Mmes. Max Kan immediate families. Heuben Bordy ner and Cele Bush. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. Donald Erodkey The regular mcetlns; will be held and Mrs. Bon Marcus Minkin; Dr. Thursday, April 21, at 8 p. m. in Addison's parents are Mr. and Mrs, Kdward D. Brodlcey the Jewish Community Center. In Benjamin Addison of Chicago, 111 Harold B. Erodkey Heuben II. Brown stallatlon of officers will take They were married In front of Isadore Chapman place with Mra. \V. S. Abrahams, two candelabra decorated heavily Harold Chernlack National Color nearer serving a; with *pringcrel fern. Two mahog- Jay Cherniack the installing officer. ony wig stands contained white Abraham N. Cohen snaps, tulips, und Blocks. The ta- David II. Cohen bles were decorated with white Max E. Cohen Hacfassah The Groui« of Omaha Cliapler snaps, stocks, roses and csther- Sam Cohen Hadafwih will hold open Imard reeds. The wedding cake In the Abe II. Cohn meetings and election of officers center of the bridal table was Arthur A. Cohn Tliursday, April 21,.at the follow- wreathed In smilax and white car- Bennett L. Cohn nations. Seymour Cohn ing places: The bridal gown was of white Harry Collck ."'..•HENRIETTA SZOLD GROUI Harold Cooperman Will meet for a combined open silk peaux de EOie, ballerina length, Max Crounso board and general meeting and V-neck to shoulder line, front and Paul Crounse election at the Y. W. C. A., I7th back, with tiny sleeves, long torso Samuel H. Davis and Howard Sts., at a 12:,'iO lunch- with full skirt. The bride wore a Norman Donenberg eon. All officers and activity chair- crown with short veil and carried Ilarry DuBoff men will present their annual re a white Bible with large hand tail- Leo £iscnstatt ports. Election of officers for the ored white hyacinth b l o c s o m e Izadore Elewltz coming year will take place. A strung on satin streamers. David B. Epstein Miss Barbara Minkin, sister of Lawrence Epstein cantata "Out of TTiese Words" will bo presented. For reservations the bride, was maid of honor. She Sam Epstein call: Mm. I t D. Marks, RK 1593; wore a gown Identical to the Willis Epstein Mra. Benjamin Knhn, KK G035. or bride's, In peacock blue, and a i r Moritz Ermann rlcd a bouquet of white hyacinth Max Falk Mrs. Isadore Sherman, WR 076B. THEODOIt 1IERZL GIIOUP will blooms, foliage and pittbporium AJon F. Karbcr Harold P. Farber hold their open board .meeting and leaves. Eugene Addison of Highland WilHam Feiler final group meeting of the year Park, 111., attended his brother as Itobert Felnberg at the Jewish Community Center Cliarles Fellman at a 12:30 luncheon. Baby Sitter best man. Following the dinner held at the Leon E. Fellman Will be on hand until 3 p. m. Klec *lon of officers for the year 1955 Standard Club, for members of im- Harry Ferensteln 56 will be held. The program will mediate families, the couple left Hyman Fcrer consist of the yearly reports of on a wedding trip to Miami Beach David Fcrtil David FInkle the various chainru-n as to their and Haiti. The bride's going away costume Stanley Fisk activities and an Informal discussion period will be hold. Call the was a Paul Panics suit of navy Jack Fox following for reservations: Mrs. blue wooL It had a straight skirt, Philip F o x Harry Goldstrom, "WA 4fi73, or white, embroidered eyelet scoop Alfred Frank neck blouse, bolera Jacket with Herman Franklin it™. Henry Appcl, GL 5038. Joseph H. Freeman CIIAIM WEIZMANN GROW three-quarter sleeves, trimmed in will liold Uielr oi>en board, group the same eyelets. They will make their home in nnd election meeting at the Y. M. C. A., 17th and Harnoy, at a 12:30 Chicago. luncheon. The chalnnen will give Misses: Overseas Help their annual reports on their acThe value of Junior Red Cross Rebecca Bercovid tivities for the past year. Klectlon aid to child victims of disasters in Myrtle Freeman Of officers for 1933-M will be held. Make your reservations wilh Mrs. other lands last year averaged Gloria, Friedman Hilda Hoffman, RE 2918; Mrs. $700 per day. Total value of inter- Ahuva Gerahater Blllton Mintz, RE 2916, or Mrs. national shipments by Junior Red Lena Greenberg Cross members could be met with Eosella Handler Chan. Fredkin, HA 1393. 5-cent contribution from each Elizabeth Hart I'lrtun not*: All meetings will of the organization's 21,000,000 Feme Katleman member*. Evelyn Levy be held Thursday, April 21.
Mizrachi Women
Save Wednesday April 27
Beverly Minkin Weds in Chicago
Mrs. Lewis Ashyll, Mm. David nernslein, Mra. l''ied Urodlcpy, Mrs. Max Canar, Mrs. Homaj l'^nrber, Mra. David Fedcr, Mrs. Abe C. Fellmaii, Mis Morris C. Pellman, Mrs. Alfred Fiedler^1 Mra. Philip Gerelick, Mro. Sidney Goldberg, Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, Mns. Samnel Goodman, Mra. Henry It. Greenberg, Mrs. Sidney Katleman, Mrs. Robert H. Kooper, Mrg. Manuel KrurV pin.sky, Mrs. E. Leo Nogg, Mrs. Lurry Plattner, Mrs. William Raduziner, Mrs. Millard BOSOM berg, Mrs. Harry llubenstein, Mrs. Harry Sidman, Mra. Ervin Simon, Mrs. Sam S. Steinberg] Mrs. Abe Vcngcr, Mrs. Isadore H. Wciner, Mrs. Leo "W>itz, Mrs. Phineas Wintronb, Mn. Alj
Volunteers Mmes.:
Mmes.: Gilbert Freiden John J. Freiden Leonard Friedel Morton Friedlandex Arthur Friedman Herman Friedman Jacob J.Friedman Lloyd Friedman Warner Frphman : Max From kin Robert Fromkin Harold Carbcr Samuel Geifman Charles Gendler Merman Goldstein Leonard Goldjtein Paul M. Goldstein Seymour Goldston Jacob Goodblnder Dan A. Gordman Yale Gotsdlner Leonard Gould Saul M. Graetz Arthur M. Green Edward B. Grpen Jack M. Green Sum H. Green Barton Greenberg Henry Greenberg Mat Greenberg Maynard Greenberg Arthur M. Greene David B. Gross Elmer Gross Gerald Gross Arthur Grossman Jerome Grossman Max Grossman Paul Grossman Charles Guas Joe Guu Ben Handler Harry D. Hayktu Morton Hiller 'Richard Hiller Jacob M. Hlrach Barney Hoberraan Joe B. Honwtein Nathan Horwich Samuel Horwich Jack Hurwich LoUls HunviU ' Morris E. Jacob* Jack Jacobson j Z6a Kahn I.-vIn C. Kalnwn Sam Kalman Howard Kaplan l^izar Kaplan Sam Kaplan ', SaraS. Kaplan Seymour Kaplan Harold Kasln Ben Kaslow Maurice Katclman •Stanley Katclman David Katleman Sheff Katskee Dave Katzman Julius Katzman .Sam Katzman Jack J, Kaufman Lazier Kavich Nalhan Kort Michael Krasrre Arthur KulakofSky
Mmes.: I^eonard G. Kulakofsky Max Schcuerman Mervin Lemmerman Abe Schkrff Mathias E. Levenson Leon Schmidman Joe J. Levey Irving Schnelderman Aaron Levitt Donald Schoenbaum Lou Lewis HanySchulman Isadore Uborman Sidney Schwartz Norman Lincoln Richard Seltner Meyer Linda l/ouis Shrier Morris Linsman Norman Sicgel I^ouis Llpp Bernard Slegler Morriii Lipp P.ubert Silvcrman Harry Lippett. Max Sirnon Stanford Llpsey Siuart Simon Milton Simons • Joe Llpton Lazier Singer WilHam Lohrman Harold Slosburg Leonard Luttbeg Stanley Slosburg David Manvitz Harry A. Smith Darwin Marcus Sidney Sncider Nathan Marcus Louis Sogolow Jack W, Marer Phllip Sokotof .7. Milton Margolin Louis Somberg Morris Margolin Harry Sommer Harry D. Marks Alfred Sophir Adolf Mayer Joseph R. Sosnlk Alfred S. Mayqr Millard Speler lilanlcy Mayper Morris S talmas tef Harry Mendelxon Barney Stork Jacob Mendelson Davo Stein •?wph Meyer Julius SteinJerome J. Milder . Albert Steinberg Leo L. Milder Sam H. Stern Orvel Milder Oscar Satin Charles Monasee Robert Swartz Harry Mulnick Melvin Tatebnap William Nash Leo Taub Cilvin M. Newman Malvln Tepper Maurice Newman Marvin Teller Nathan L. Nogg Vale TnuUn Max Novak Samuel Turkel Sidney Novak Isadora F. ObemuM ,r' Nathan Turner Moe A. Venger Albert A. Oruch Paul Veret Philip Ostravich Milton WaWbaum Manrfct; Pepper Leo Waxenberg * B;n Perelman Albert J. Welnberg Floyd Perimeter Harry Weinberg David C. Platt Isadore M. Weiner Max C. Platt Hart M. Weiis Alex Plolkin Ira Whitebook • ; Morton Plotkin E . L Widman i William Poladc Harry D. Wlgodsky Harold Pollack . David Wine William Racusln Joke Wine Harry Ravitz * Ernest Wintroub Donald Rice Bernhardt Wolf ' Joe M. Rice Samuel N. Wolt • Eugene D. Rich Joseph Wolfson , Carl Rfekes Max Wolfson Henry Rickes Richard Wright • Max Riekes X Lewis Yager Sam Rifkm IMUton Yudeison Albert Rimmannaa SamZacharla Norman D. Rips AUen S. Zalkln Paul Rips Eli M. ZsUdn Harry Rochman Sam Zlotky Abraham Rofftnan Ben A. ZoorwtH " Selwyn Roffiman Edward Zorincky Ben Rosen Edward Z. Rosen Jcrold L Rosen Mbscs: Isadore W. Rosenblatt Fannie Grodtnsky . PhiHp Rosenblatt Rose Grodinsky Arthur H. Rubin Susie Jacobs Meyer N. Rubin Beatrice Sommer Irving lUibinow
Business and Professional Group Misses: Sylvia Parihnon Dorothy Itoscnthol Rose Sacks Maurice Sherman Sarita Zoorwill Julia Zukcr Mmes,: Maurice Bcmitdn Beverly Bernstein
Mmes.: Herman Bondarin V Frank Brookstein Herman Dansky Albert Feldman Phil Freeman David Greenberg Hyman Greenberg AHce Heeger JuHa Jacobs
Mmes.: Jean Kaplan ' Carl Lagman Peter Meyers Julius Newman Jennie Rosenblatt Charle* Ross Harry Rotholi Phiflp O, Scnwarts Fannie Sherman
Pure (tar
Friday, April IS, 1853.
Women's B.B. Bowling-
Sigma Alpha Mil will hold It Orchid Formal tomorrow c.Lnmi at the Lincoln IlotW. Pjnnts am alumni will bo gutsts at tho SA*
Omaha Jobbinii Philips Dcpt. .Store . . . . Midwest Water Heaters . . Fireside Restaurant Wolf Ill-others Shukcrl's Mystic Beauty Simp . . . .
41) 45 45 43 4» 4,'S 3!)
Meyers NPWJ
house. J New Initiates lire: I3cmi"t -A belts, Marshall DI'/MTIIXTC, MI it Eenenberg, Larry rp>U-in, HIT Friedman, Bernli? Mintz, Al Iloson Bernie Sax, Larry Sclnurtz. StanJey Shrler, Bernio Tuikel and .S in: Zellen. 'Larry Schwartz and Marvi Brcslow won tho all-university ex temporaneous apeech cvntest. I»ir jy Epstein was selected fur tli Yell Squad, Marshall Ueckcr nn< Norman Victzer arc rated as niimber one and two on the NU varsity tennis team. Marvin Friedman received the outstanding junior schol srshlp award in the nations SAM. He is a member of the In nocenU Society. Al Kcnyon was
appointed station m a n a g e r for KNUS, the university's radio sta
In the scholarship race, the tnember»1of SAM are hard at work to maintain their numb-r one rating on campus.
y. C Doings By Mldje Orttnbert BAYIM ' Rayim boosted .its lead In YC Olympic competition by trouncing all opposition In the recent wrestling meet John Goldner did a tine Jab in capturing the badminton crown, lor the second year. Another Rayim member. Gene DuBoft was named to the National Honor Society. TIKVAS AMI The annual ping-pong tournament began Tuesday, April 12. AH those who have signed up should contact Paula Block to lind out the playing schedule. T. A.'s bowline team, JMASAFKIT, won first place in the Y. C. bowling tourney. The volleyball team Is still leading the league. AZA NO. 100 The Sum Bcbcr Chapter is plnn jiSng a civil defense program at 1 p. m. Sunday, April 24, in room 25 of the Center, All Y. C. memb e n arc Invited to attend. Irv Belzcr, chairman of the cultural committee, is planning the affair. A mystery party is being planned for April 28, Harold Friedman, party chairman, announced. B'NAI B'KITII GIRLS A luncheon will be held Saturday, April 16, for out-of-town girl* who came in for the B B. G. regional meeting on April 17. A Spring steak fry, under the chairmanship' of Shirley Raznlck and Shirley Sniff, will be held May 14. AZA NO. 1 The cast of Mother Chapter's Stage Night skit, "Five," presented it Monday night at the B'nai B'rlth women's meeting at the C e n t e r . Anniversary Weekend chairman, Stan Wldman, and soda! chairman, Mike Lazcr, are planning a baseball party for May 7. DEBKA DEBS Don't forget the annual Style Show April 21 at Brando-is Store.
Julin liiirltr.-i, son of Mr. and Mrs. M;:x Hickos, will celebrate bis B.'ir MiUvah Friday eveninc, April 15, and Saturday iiiorninc, April 16, at IJelli El Syna!;i<i;uu". Vricnda and relatives urn Invitpd to attend IJUIII tf-rvici-.i and the receptions w\ut:\\ %v'i\\ ii>i\o\v.
Mr. .»jnl Mrs. Jack M. IWwberg anniiuiio' the liar Mitzvah of their son, Alvin S. Ncwl«?ri;, Friday evening. April 22, mid Saturday morn" ing, April ZS, at Ileth E'l Synar.oi'.uo. Ft'U-ndi; autl rcUvtlvos arc jnvilcd to attend Ixjth seiYlCftj and the recontions which will follow.
Helen T.-unoff, I81--1U7; Merrisun Conperman. laO- 478; &\w Greenberf;, 481; Shirley Gorclick. •176; Flora Uloom. 17G-475; Ito.-.e Omch, 38G—4C0; Pauline Hoburman, 4rvi; Bov Sv.';iriz, 4r>0. "ii"
\v. L. I.yn's Florist !i5 32 Anjjie':; Beauty Salon . . 45 42 Smith Pont lac 41'.; 42 >i Koniey'a Paint Co. . . . . 44!a 42!^ Colony Club 42 45 Kisli Furs 41 4G Mourn David Wine . . . . .'17 50 Hamilton Pharmacy . . 3 0 51 Ida Sachs, 421; KUle Sclilolf, 421; Sonla Forbes, 102-422; Betty Portlman, 412; Julia .Scliapiro, 1C2—411; Shirley Welnstcln, 402; volr of talent of all the clubs In Kutn Fox, 151—401; Kve Winthe Jewish Youth Council for Its troub, 1G-1— Ix>ulse Abrnhnmson, shows. Recently they have ap- 3-7 split; Kitty Asbyll, 4-10 split. peared at the Veterans Hospital, Kellom Recreation 'Center and Beth Israel Clubs Beth Israel's Young Adult Club. The group was organized several Club Taryac and Camera Club yean ago and Is available to civic of Beth Israel will men Sunday organizations. For further Infor- from 6 to 7:30 p. m. In the Talmud mation contact, Dick Speier, \VA Torah building. 8899.
1'rrfomicTK In Kayinrs Trave-llnc Troupe are seen preparing to shjfcrjH'11 up tlielr routinr*. They an* (from tctt to rtt;Ut) tcipruw; Marlt'mr Kwartr., Mart-la Zulkln, Dutina dinar, Juulc I-YHmnn, Dick .Sprier; bottom row (left t« right) JJunry Ilurrun, Bonnie Ilaykiii, Shcili-y <irci-n and Charlotte Ilrodliey.
Friilay ovtuln;;, April 22, anS .Saturday morning, April 2.'), Bctll« annu Maltiesky, daucbtor of Mr, and Mrs. L'dward K, Maltiesky, will celebrate her Has Mitzvah. In her honor, her parents will receive th« concrPcatliMi after Iwth services.
Rayim's Traveling Troupe To Perform at Aged Home Raylm's Traveling Troupe will present a musical program at 7:30 p. m., Monday, April 18 at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. The program will Include a pantomime by Janle Fellman, piano solo by Steve Rickes and vocal selections by Nancy Barrori asilsted by pianist Charlotte Brodkey. ' The Hebrew Dance Group of Debka Debt wtU present a series of Israeli danecs. ' . Dick Spcier, Rayirn's chairman for the group, will serve as niat ter of ceremonies. He will also offer reals of magic to dazzle the audience. The troupe is part of the community service program of Rayim and they are putting into action one of the Ideals written Into Rnylni's Constitution which U "to belter ourselves as well as others." The troupe dins into tho resorOrANDIST .Frankfurt (JTA)—Otto Strnisser, the leader of the dissident Nazi "Black Front" sect, who returned to CJennany lost month from Canada, is vigorously assailed by "Frankfurter Allgomolne," Inluential ciimert'iitivc daily, for the anti-Scmltlc propaganda campaign he resumed almost Immediately after his return. In Munich, Strosscr had told the press that the Jews of Germany would cither have to "assimilate" or face the loss of German citizenship. As foreign nationals. Germany should treat them in the same fashion as German national arc treated In Israel, he said.
B.B.Y.C. Regional Meet Here This Weekend
Debs Style Show At Bromdeis Thurs. Debka Debs will bold their third annual Stylo Show Tliursday, April 21, at BrandDis Dcpartrntnt Stor* on the tenth floor. The admission Is thirty-five cents and all proceed* will KO to charity. Boys and girl* from various Omaha high school* will bo the models. The show will beftin at 4 p. m. .
Under the direction of Mike I "NLSRIMAGE TO THE PAST" Meyer, final plans arc being made Travrl Srmlimr for the regional meeting of B'nai Prof. Mitumn .Muri-nnf B'rith Youth Clubs to be held here of llramlH, I n U . r . l l , this weekend. U a m New rork Juno 21 tr. Other chairmen are: BBG hous35 doyl oil Intl.—$1,450.00 ing—Ina Margolin and Kay Markovitz; AZA housing—Alan Slefial GARBER'S TRAVEL SERVICE 1400 Ilrnrtin Strrrt and Alan Krizelman; transportaHrooMlnr, Man*. tion—Jerry Kcrer, Mike Canar and l.o s-iioo Diane Singer: publicity — Phyllis Freedman and -Stan Kaiman; and arrangements — Mike Moi;il and Stuarl Stoler. The meotinK will lx; attended by delegates from Lincoln. Sioux City, Sioux Falls, and Dcs Moinos.
BRANDEIS Saturday Store Hours: 9:30 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Cleaned ID Your Home! Ending . laying • I*palri*«
HOW A DOLLAR KlflHTO CANCER ' Of every dollar given to the American Caneor Society, R0 cents W spent for cancer control'ln the tate or division area wh<w the money is raised; 25 per cent p.oes for a natlonnl research program; 12 per cent to national programs >f profcs*lonnl nml public cilucalon, service to patients, statistical research, nnd administration: .1 per cent for a national program of medical grants and clinical fellowhips. Hollvwood (JTA)—One of Hollywood's conceited playwrights 'ho had n new show opening sent couple of tickets for the first .feht'to the mayor of our city .vith a note suggesting that the [?hiof executive could bring n iend "if he had one." Tho mnyor returned the tickets ith n courteous letter stating that'previous f-na'agements made I impossible for him to .see the ning niiiht. but he would purso two tickets for the second vrformnnce . . . "if there was
LABOR COMMITTEE Washington (WNSI—Investigation of chnrWK by the West German Soclnl Democnrtic party that more than twenty German publishers are currently putting out the mrmoirr. of loading Nazis and other literature glorifying Hitlerite barbarism VWJS ur;;ed hr»rr this Week by (he Jewish Labor Committee in a communication to Secretary of St.ite Dulles which suggested that the investigation by >ne." conducted by James B. Connnt, American Hich Commissioner in Germany. | I 3 BILMON CANCER COST
Bar & Bas Mifevah
'A" I>l\Wim
HA 25S«
...Always the Perfect Companion
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
Arp.g« 2.50* My Sin 2.00* •Hm 10V. T«x
Your choico ol these two delightful fragrances, each in a l'/i-ot "Traveler" boltlo, containing (amou3 Eau do Lanvin, iho Juatright strenglli for long-lasting, yot delicate pcrlurae
Served Buffet Stylo! Al! You Care to Eat
Cosmetics — Main Hoor
S I. L BBANDHS « SONS, | Omaha. Nebraska Pleo«» »»nd m* tho following *1TfaT«ler" Eau d» tanrft: Qunntttt \ Piic»
Want Ads
My Sin
f'hone JA \ttt> to wMrt ynur Want Ac
'tiit Jewlil) I'ttKB. Our nation will have about 000.Curn-nt rat* 1* 00 cfntH /or weft Inser. 000 new cancer cas/?s this year, tho ion. The l'rt*» renerve*f th« MRbt to Umlt American Cancer" Society esti- [te of each »dvcrtl»cm Pt. mate*. That means a loss of 3,500,- BAR and Bas MItzvah congratulations fllso for all Jewish holi©00 man-years of work, and will days end special occasions. tost society $12,000,000,000 in lost .leyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge. foods and services.
Citr ( D.pl. 49
) COX). 41-55