XXXIH—No. 28. "!*I"°u,"i,«<'CN'cIl^;'l!JU|1D"*|t"'«M"oi mi'
every Jwaey, 1(11 Xi, aotii, Nebraaka. Phone JA lilCB
OMAHA, NKKKASKA, FltlOAV, Al'Itll, 22, 1955.
ams To Spark Phila Albert Einstein Dead; Father of Atom Age Princeton, N. J. (WNSJ—1'rofessor Albert Einstein is dead. The tage of Princeton and tho world's most famous scientist died hero early Monday morning, April 18, a t the age of 76 from inflammation of the gall bladder. News of the demise of the kindly old man who was known tn all the people of this university city, brought sadness to the townspeople, for Princeton In a way, school and city, claimed this unique genlu i u i l l own. But Einstein belonged to the world, to the ages, arid before long the greats of the wfcrld bowed I n respect to the (dentist and the man whose theories could conceivably hold the key to very creation. Nobel Winner Professor Einstein wan born li Germany March 14, 1879, At early age he showed no aptness for schol •nhlp. But in 1805, at the age of 26, he published four scientific papers which attracted world-wide attention. In 1909 he became asslstant professor of theoretical physic* nt tho University of Zurich and In 1911 he was appointed full professor of the University of Prague. In 1912 he returned to Switzerland, where he became professor of Ui(! Technical School or Zurich. A year later he was called to Berlin where he was nppolntcd director of the Kaiser Wllhelm Academy of Science. He held that post until 19.13, when he renounced Ccrmnn citizenship. Tho N a z i s placed n high price on hir. bond. Dr. Klnstein first vkitcd the United States In .1921 with Dr. Chnlm Weizinann on bclinlf of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since 13.13 he was associated with the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. He became a United States citizen in 1910. Though popularly known for hid theory of relativity, it was declared In 1920 by a number of German scientists thnt "iiulle npart from Einstein's relatlvlstlc research, his o t h e r works hav? already claimed for him an eternal position in the his tpry of science." When he received the Nobel Prize In 1922 it was for his work on photo-chemical l alcnU. Creative AbiUty v President Kiscnhower, in a statement from his Georgia retreat, said "Americans were proud" that "he nought and found here tno climate of freedom In his search for truth nnd knowledge." No other rhnn, the President declared, contributed «o much to the vast expaailon of twentieth c e n t u r y knowledge yet no other man was more modest In possession of pow(Conllnued on Pace 7.)
Memorial Services For Ghetto Revolt Memorial Services commemorating the 12th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising will l>e hold nt 8 p. m., Sunday, April 24 in the Jewish Community Center. Mayor John Rosenblatt who Is unable to attend will send a message noting the heroic stand against Nazi tyranny. Omaha and Council Bluffs rabbis will participate in the memorial services. A special musical program will be presented by Cantor Eli Kagan of Beth Israel Synagogue. The affair Is sponsored by Farband Labor Zionist Order Branch 54 of Poalo Zlon and the Omaha Chapter of Pioneer Women. The public Is cordially invited to attend the memorial services.
Salk Receives Criss Award Rochester, Minn. (JTA)--IJr. Jwna:; E. Salk, discoverer of the new antl-piilio vaccine, was named 1935 recipient of the 510,000 Mutual of Omuha Criss Award, an annual granl named after the founder of Mutual of Omaha, an insurance company. In announcing the grant, Dr. Charles W. Mayo, of the Mayo Clinic here, head of the board of judges making the award, said that Dr. Salk was chosen frinn among 400 nominees. Dr. Mayo stated that Dr. Salk's accomplishment "may well be the greatest contribution to medicine In our generation."
• K 1' 1 M 'C
to Address City-wide Lunch, Initial Gifts
French Comedy at Joslyn Next Sun. Allicrt i:insli'lu
Golden Age Club Turn About Part/ The Golden Ai;e Club will hold a "Turn About Party" Monday, April 25 at 1 o'clock dessert lunch, In the Jewish Community Center at which time Kiie.sU will be membcrs of the Omaha section, National Council (if Jewish Women, and the Golden Agers' children and grandchildren. The Golden Age Club (its members must Iw senior citizens) Is sponsored by the Omaha section, National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Nathan Simon, Golden Age chairman will bring greetings from the club. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Council president will speak for the Council women. The other selections on the program Include participation by Golden Agcrs In "Share" (Square) Dancing, a poem reading by Mrs. M. Spcckter and a monologue by Mrs. Jacob Abrahamson and "Life Begins at 72" read by Mrs. Fannie Newman. Mrs. Hymnn Belman will sing some old time favorites. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Edward Levinson. Chairman planning the Turn About Party arc Mrs. David Bcbcr, Mrs. John Solomon, Mrs. Milton Margolin and Mrs. Simon. I-eonard Gurvltz Is Golden Age consultant.
Sherman Lipstein Heads Veterans Sherman Lipstein was installed as Commander of EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST NO. 2fiO, Jewish War Veterans at the April meeting held Thursday evening, April 21 at the JCC. Nebraska-Iowa Department Commander Mnx Kanner was the Installing officer. Other officers installed included: Senior Vice Commander, Milt Goldberg; Junior Vice Commander, Marvin Kaplan; Judge Advocate, Paul Crounsc; Post Surgeon and Dr. J. Milton Margolin, quartermaster. Abe S. Miller is the retiring Commander of the Post. Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewish War Veterans oi U. S. was awarded a Veternns Administration Certificate "In recognition of volunteer service in behalf of the vctoran patients through tho Veterans Administration Voluntary Service program." Milton Goldberg, retiring VAVS Representative to Lincoln received tho ccr(Contlnucd on Page 2,)
The modern French comedy "Glgl" will be presented Sunday, May 1, at 8:15 p. m., by the Center Cinema Club a t Joslyn Memorial Art Museum. This will be the fourth in the scries of distinguished films to be shown In the current scries. Joslyn's Recital Hall is especially equipped for the presentation of motion pictures. Single admissions arc 75 cents and may be purchased at the door on the evening of the performance. SEMINARY TO IIONOIl New York (JTA) — Tile 19.-)r> World Brotherhood awards of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America w i l l be presented to American Federation of L a b o r president George L. Meany, author-playwright Robert E. Sherwood and Rabbi Leo Bacck, former chief rabbi of Berlin, at a dinner hero May 1." The awards are made annually to men who have made significant contributions to the cause of human rights and freedom.
Radio and TV Israel's seventh anniversary will be noted by Omaha radio and television stations. Watch your doily newspaper for radio schedules. The "Negev," a motion picture depleting the grandeur of Israel's sandy wastes and tall craigs In l u desert area and recording the economic and agricultural progress being made there today will be shown over KMTV and WOW-TV. The film will be televised over WOW-TV lit 12:15 p.jn., Sunday, April 21, and over KMTV at 11:15 a. m. Wednesday, April 27. Monday, April 25, over WOWTV, films will be shown on Ray Clark's newscast of the Golden Age party to be held Monday at Jowlsh Community Center. This Sunday over WOW-Radio from 7 to 7:30 p. m., David Wayne will star In United Jewish Appeal program entitled "Only a Matter of Milk and Honey." * Rabbi Burnett'R, Bricltner of the Euclid Avenue Temple in Cleveland, O, will discuss "Answering Your Questions About Jews and Judaism" over KOIL this Sunday from 9:35 to 10 a. m. Tills Is the "Message of Is-, racl" program.
Joey Adams
Nasser Flays Israel At Bandung Conclave London (JTA)—A violent antiIsrael speech was delivered by Egyptian Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser Monday as the 29-natlon African-Asian conference at'Bandung, Indonesia, opened, It was reported here in dispatches from Indonesia. The Egyptian Premier charged that "under the eyes of the United Nations and with its help and sanction the people of Palestine were uprooted and expelled from their fatherland to be replaced by a completely imported populace." He said that "never before In history has there been such a brutal and Immoral violation of human practices," adding: "It Is almost Impossible to believe that such Injustice could exist in the 20th century, the ago of world order, and under the eyes of the United Nations, the guardian of international law and justice." However, when the conference opened, the question of Israel had been eliminated from the conference agenda and there appeared to be no likelihood of the adoption of a resolution condemning the Jewish State, for which t h e - A r a b League statesmen had been pressIng. It Is understood that the opposition of Burmese Premier V Nu, supported by Indian Prime Minister Jawarhalal Nehru, forced the Arabs to withdraw the proposed agenda item. Mr. U Nu is reported to have told the Arabs that his country Is friendly with both the Arab states and Israel and such a resolution would embarrass Burma,
Piano Students Recital at Center The student recital of piano pupils of the Center Piano Studio, under direction of Prof. Hans Baer will be held Sunday, April 24 at 3 p. m. In the Center auditorium. Solo selections and movemen from Solo selections and movements from piano concertos by Schaumann and MondeUsohn will be on the program. The following students will perform: Madeline Krlpko, Karin Carstensen, LOUIH Rich, Frances Erman, Mary DcVos, Benjamin Abramson, Sam Blelcher, Arllss Goodman, Saul Krlpke, Reno Asch, Gall Shrlcr, Shirley Shlff, Gayle Foldman, Paula Block and Teresa Tlampo. The public is invited to attend.
Joey Adams, noted comedy star will launch the Omaha:' Jewish Philanthropies Drive Wednesday, April 27, when he will address two campaign meetings, Ernest A. Nogg, General Campaign Chairman, reported today. ' Mr. Adams will.speak at tho clty-wlde women's dessert lunchcon, scheduled for 12:30, at the Beth Israel Social Hall, Mrs. Mike Freeman, chairman of the Women's Division, will preside, In the evening, Mr. Adams will address the Initial Gifts dinner at the West Highland Club, to be held nt 6:30 p. m. Samuel S. Steinberg, Initial Gifts Chairman, announced. Mr. Adams, well-known television, radio and stage personality has recently returned from a visit to Israel with his wife. "By coincidence, Wednesday, April 27, Is the seventh anniversary of the State of Israel, a miracle that happened in our own day," Mr. Nogg said, "Israel has become a homeland to more than a million and half Jews, who have gained new life, hope and dignity in their country." "Thls'ls our opportunity to show our faith in the state by attending the two meetings scheduled on Wednesday, and extending our help to the State of Israel and those oppressed Jews who still seek entry into Its safety and security."
Global Report BORDER AGREEMENT Jerusalem (JTA) — A n Israel-' Jordan local commanders' agree' ment In the Jerusalem area was reached here Monday when L t Col. Halm Herzog, Israel commander In Jerusalem, and Col. Abdul Halim al Zakct, commanding thief Arab Legion forces in the city and Its environs, agreed verbally to take action to prevent or quickly suppress all firing and other hostile acts. They signified their agreement to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, IKE TO DEDICATE Washington (JTA) — President Eisenhower will dedicate the new temple of the Washington Hebrew Congregation, oldest In the nation's capital. May 6. Announcement of tho President's participation was made at the White House. The Congregation was founded over a century ago under special Act of Congress in the Administration of President Franklin Pierce, by Commodore Uriah P. Levy. Now the largest congregation In Washington, Its spiritual leader is Rabbi Norman Gcrstenfeld. BONN CHANCELLOR New York (WNS)— West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, In an article in the current issua oC the Satuday Evening Post, maintains that "the poison of the Hitler regime has largely Immunized th9 Germans against any form of to> talltarianlsm," t h a t "everything smacking of Nazism was rejected by the Germans" Immediately after the war and that "today not « Blngle overt neo-Nazi organization exists."
THB iswiaa runs
Fiu*r. April tt. less.
Community New Middle East Moves Calendar
fight is out In the open. By David Murk (<JTA Correspondent in Geneva) 'l'li» background to the lift It Snturduy, April S3 Geneva (JTA)—"Die struggle for Ixilli political and personal. Karachi has consistently been Temple Supper Club, 7 p. m. - leadership of the Moslem world flared up into the open this week. smiblwd by Cairo when It came to HARRY HALPER1 Editor T. I. The contenders are Pukistan and Nuiiilay, April 21 support for Pakistani alms. T h t 1 Children's Activities, 2 JI. ni - Egypt. The hatth. will be fought junta never committed Itself in out nt the Afro-Asian Conference Center. (it Bandung. The prize—Western favor of plans Initiated by Pakfr. Civilian Defense Program for alliances or neutralism for the stun. On the burning Issue of In bustling Ttl Aviv, in Haifa, whose harbor is mi an: of Youth Council, 1 p. m—Center. Arabs. Kashmir, for example, Karachi got loveliness against the blue Mediterranean, in hlow-puced and Prof. Bacr's Piano Recital, 3 p. Tliis much is obvious from the no support at all from the Egyp» majestic Jerusalem, a spirit of dedication and celebration i» rn.—Center. Strongly worded statement Issued •broad this week. For Israel, that tiny, old-new land where Farhand, 8 p. m.—Center. tlans. by Pakistan Premier Mohammed mans modern achievement* seem only to echo human endeavors Egypt, on the other hand, does alondajr, April 2» All this week to wailing newsmen centuries past, mark* a birthday. Modern Israel will be seren not want a British and American . at Geneva airport. Hadassah Chapter Board, 12:30 years old Wednesday, April 27. p. m.—Home. He flately declared: "Pakistan sponsored Middle East bloc. They. rluiii:e Washington and Whitehall Yet what is marked b e n is far more than an anniversary. Golden Age Club, 1 p. m.—Cen- cannot shape its foreign iwlicy on with framing a non-Arab alliance The citizen* of Israel, 1,800,000 strong, pause to recognize one ter. the whims, wishes or moods of consisting of Iraq, Turkey, Pakismore milestone in the astonishing progress of a dream. For Workmen'* Loan, 7 JO p. m.—Egypt." tan and Iran. Israel n i little more than a dream, a hope of freedom carried Center. This carefully timed bombshell This, they claim, will smash the for two thousand jreani in the hearts of a dispersed and unhappy was dropped by All four clays beTuesday, April « people. Who, even a decade ago, could have thooght that «o Pioneer Women, 1 p. m.—Center. fore the state visit to Karachi of attempt to build a real Arab a > iwiftly and no surely this dream would be transformed into a Senior Council Study Croup, 1 Egyptian Premier Colonel Abdel liance consisting of Egypt Saudi Nasser and one week prior to Pak- Arabia, Syria, Lebanon and I e living, vibrant reality which has already meant for hundreds of -Bom*,.. men. thousands of men sad women the difference between servitude Beth Israel P-TA Board Meet- istan's slated entry Into the TurWhatever Egypt's role, two raalB cc-Irsqi pact and freedom—indeed, for many, the difference between death ing, 6 p. m.—Home. This frank ndmls.-ion of failure trends nre clear: and lifer Wednesday, AatflCT 1. Pakistan and Egypt are comto reach a compromise wJUi Egypt That such a dream could come true, and come true against ISRAEU INDEPENDENCE came after a three-day round of peting for leadership. Pakistan I odds, is a shining: vindication of faith — yes, faith in a DAT. talks All had with his envoys to wants it within the framework Of (Irenm, faith in the indomitability of man'* aspiration. Can any- Philanthropies W o m e n ' s Big the Middle East. The top-secret a Western alliance. Egypt want* one ask a better proof of the power of the human spiritf Meeting, 12:30 p. m.—Beth Israel parley was held at the ewanky it outside any tie-up with the west. lakeside resort of Montrcux. 2. Karpt will challenge Pakistan Editor's Vote: The text of thk editorial was prepared by Synagogue. Latin American Dance Class, 8 The Pakistan Premier is too well by hunmeruig at "Western fcnthe American Zionist Council. trained a diplomat to drop so "un- perinliMii" at Bandung, in an all> p. m.—Center. guarded" a statement without aim- out hid to get tbe support of Asian Orchestra, 8 p. nv—Center. ing his fire a t the right quarters- nations for the Arab struggle. Beth Israel Ttlmud Torab Cairo has taken due note of it. One nation will b e watching Board at B. t—8 p, m. They are rankling under his add- from tiic sidelines. That nation is Tbandajr, April M ed "unlike Egypt, we are to the Isrjcl. By Within Ztfhm tian and Israeli version* of the lat- Art Class. 1:30 p. m,—Outdoors. front line of the free world's deJerusalem was not invited t o B'nal B'rlth Moruky Chapter est incident tt w e read our newsfensive perimeter. We believe Hint Bandung. She must make her play • POLITICS AMD MORALS . . . No, 4T0 Board, 1 p. m.—Home. regional defense can best safe- through the channels of secret papers correctly, there was similar The alacrity with which tbe S o Art Class, 7:30 p. nv—Center. guard our interests and our free- diplomacy. But Israel is Isolated, curtty Council (Lapped down Israel discrepancy on the first (nddent B A P Hadassah, 8 p. au-Cen- dom," She has neither political nor milover the Gaza Incident was a sur- THE HATE F1XUUJCBS . . . ter. Nasicr has nude no bones about itary alliances of any kind. prise only to tbe uninitiated and Cande McCinley, notorious pubwhere he stands. The Egyptian Aware of this growing trend, tbe naive. To observers of tbe lisher' of the anti-Semitic sheet Premier has virulently nttackenl Jerusalem herself is making a n soene, th» move was part and par- Common Sense, may not perhaps tbe Turco-Iraql pact. Ho has all-out bid for support of "neutral cel of a pattern t o s t is as dis- be put out of business by (he charged such regional defense al- nations." The first line of attack cernible as it is morally untenable, $30,000 he must pay to Rabbi (Continued (ram Page L) liances are against Arab national- ii through the Mediterranean t h a t pattern has been to pretend Joachim Prinz for libeling him as ti/icate on behalf of the Post. Mil- ist and neutralist interests. countries, like Spain, Italy. Grecce# moral indignation whenever the a "red rabbi" .who "was expelled ton Goldberg also announces that who hiivc no real tie-up with tho He wants no part of it. finger of guilt could be pointed at from Germany for revolutionary, a variety show was presented at Pakistan apparently fech just Arab world. The second line Is the Israel but to abandon morals for communist activities" but the Mc- tlw Lincoln Veterans Hospital Sunthe opposite way about it. The A.sian nation;;. toe-realism ot power politics when- Ginley's of America can most cer- day afternoon, April 17. Danny blunt announcement used by AJi .Should Eyypl succeed, still a n ever the finger pointed the other tainly bo stopped If they are hurt I.icken and Neal Reynolds, 11- is no mere answer to the abuse other d'x^r may be shut in the faco way. more t flcn where it hurts most — yrar-old dance and song team from liurlr-d on Pakistan in recent weeks of ;i fidgety Israel cut off from Thus it was that the gentlemen the pocketbook. Organized nntl- Omaha who call themselves the by the Kgyption pie.';s. Cairo fears r\cn tlw most rudimentary of powho guide the Security Council in the United States has "Two Checkers" stole the Mic/vv. Pakistani efforu, to challenge Its lilicil ami defense arrangements and the chancellories that control lone been a lucrative racket whose Cummiiiider Sherman IJpstein4 leadership. with these countries. them were free with admonition practionem have liecn mulcting announced that Services Karachi's mow/ to cuter the and pious wrath oven lx'forc they the gullible and the ignorant alike will Ix- h'.ld IJII Mimuriiil D.iy, May Turco-Iraqi p a d iias confirmed met in official chamber to deckle win nn impudence begotten of cer- 30. Til'1 gravesitJ1 will be un- the junta's fears. They also know what had probably previously been tainty that they would never lie nounced >uon. that tremendous pressure is bein;; agreed upon. Even before the re- held accountable by lnw. The Im- Tlie following letter was re- put upon Jordan and Iran to join. port was in from tnice chief Gen- portance of the jury's verdict in ceived by the Post from Crelgbton It is for this reason that Nasser Jerusalem (JTA) — Official I s . eral Burns, statesmen who other- favor of Rabbi Prinz is not that it Memorial St. Joseph Hospital. went to Karachi. Hid policy toward Egypt was out'"Wisc w:lgh end measure not alone has vindicated the plaintiff, but lined here this week by a Foreign "We very much appreciate your What is the aim of the pact? every word but every syllable - ; in the fact that it has demoastrat- kindness in nuking available to The pact will establish n perma- Ministry spokesman on Middle well were quick with judgment ed that the hate hucksters cannot us the supply of "Thanksgiving nent defense council similar to the l-.istern affairs, when he quoted and pronouncement of guilt Be- deceive the law when called to Before Mcab." prayer cards for use NATO council hi Paris. It will be then Prime Minister David Ben fore toe last echo of the Gaza give, accounting. A couple of more on our patient food service trays. established with offices In the Mid- CJurion's statement to the Knesset shooting died down, our own offi- libel actions, <ri\il nnd criminal, These cards have been warmly re- dle East It will be tho first perm- on August 18, 1952. At that time, cials in Washington began show- against these defamors and they ceived, no much so, in fact, that anent link between European Mr. Ben Gurion welcomed a frea ing teeth and before long our State will be running for cover more per- we have decided to print a large NATO and the Middle East MEDO Egypt and Its new regime follow* Department impatient for official haps than from crposurc under quantity and distribute them to (Middle East Defense Organiza- Ing the ouster of King Farouk, exreport and official U N action. spotlight pressed Israel's goodwill, and point* our various hospitals for similar tion). leaked out tbe sews that the Cara HE IS MV ACTOR use. Egypt's only answer to this will ert out that a wide desert separate incident thwarted the effort* of We wish to compliment the be an alignment with Syria. Saudi ed the l u o countries which had s o elements who. it claimed, were alWhen Charles Lmighton, one of members of the Epstein Morgan Arabia and licbanon at Bnndung, real territorial, political or COD*, most o n tbe verge of succeeding in my favorite actors, was presented Post Number 260 of the Jewish coupled with full-fledged support nomic conflicts. hiring Washington assume a in Israel with one of the country's War Veterans of the USA for their of neutralist India, Burma and In- Tlie foreign Ministry spokesman wanner attitude toward Israel. oldest Billies, in tribute no doubt enterprise in distributing those donesia. frthl that was Israel's policy a t The vwy this ttorjr was broken it to his position aj the world's out- cards to the restaurants of otir Bandung will then present n pic- that time nnd it had not changed, seemed that Washington was only standing Bible reader, he said that community for use of their pa- ture of propaganda and politick- lie reiterated the statement In're* too glad to have been rescued by his "only great ambition" now trons, as well ns for the quantity ing—a picture of utter disunity. ply to a declaration nude by EgypGaza. that he reached 55 was "to portray furnished ourselves. Please con- This is where P.ed China will tian Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser More than two weeks have now tbe role of David" who, he said vey to the officers and members step in. to American newsmen In Cairo passed since the Patlsh massacre. "stood alone against the world as of your organization our sincere Free world diplomats arc skat- that there were two schools of when Egyptian raiders brought I believe many n Jew In the past." appreciation for your thoughtful- ing on thin Ice. Tills rift between thought currant In Israel — onq death to a lavish wedding, but Tills nugget is garnered from Kurt ness and kindness. Pakistan and Egypt could not have advocating restraint and envisage nowhere has there been audible Singer's "The Charles Laugh ton come at a more Inopportune time, JnK co-existence and IKNICC, and Yours jjratefully, the sound of indignation that brake Story," recently published by the But it has opened the field nnd the other, led by Mr. Ben Gurioo, Crc-ighton Memorial loose over the Gaza clash. The John C. Winston. Pa. . there c«n be no going back. Tho advocating the use of force. St. Joseph's Hospital pretenders to morality and morals nave turned again into the hardened politicians lh">r are. Now, within less than a week of conT u t by DANIEL ELAZAR Hlurfroilons by MAURICE <W BOURGo) demnation of Israel by the Securit y Council, the cynical men at -Cairo,-again tested Israel's Integ• BUT siacrmy KAisto rrf "tiy rity and patience with a brutal atHCAB. MO 'JOHes SAV* /"& AtJCKUl TO -THt KUC*S O* tack and there seems to bo no disHATflCDf position In the council of the nations to be straightforward and l e t the chips fall even If in falling I 'AM AccueVO .A ftOiCA t$iey may scratch what has been POOR. concealed. For let there be no misJAAJBW. IGIORI IN Blt&SaWa7oTitATPe take—all-.the indications at the W~7AP£*euAe I AM A ffPUBLICAHt THAHK moment "are that the Security GOD t /JfiJotv WHA Coundl leaders will resort to all tv -ma rouncAL I AM S223 BUT methods of circuity to avol. de* « S DliCBNTLV BROUaHTUP. cision now, and that if they make AHOMOT OBBH T^UOHT TO A ff ettff/smii •He It will be with staggering reAVJCATXA/O/TATWU' V T X U ' A BCCAUSS ms R*I/(FIOH/S A/or luctance. IN 1774, THE aitlUUUir nrHCM JTtV. <(S OJ.D Aa tHBIRGf He eeRvr& As : The c a t was perhaps let out of MIU.B£MSMW MMtff CAM* 7OAMHA* BSLPMU Mm OZMJJLFJtfrTTM P/tOH *HO -rue or new. the bag when the British delegate ooMixujnt,rRwCM roNmu* T M MMt MM t BATTLtO AMCfUCAU COlOJUIfiTS Wfi referred to the "almost complete MV cot/rtiBtmo so *UKM n> rnc/fi near FOB r/tatpoM/ — . I AMERICA . ' > discrepancy" between' ;the EgypEvery Friday Dj the Federation lor Jewish StnIce
U Uic , U Uit J L «4 Wfc MTtnu MTtnu tic ]UIM »c Apr Jim licit, -ltd (to. *um W eeintrt. i n tgtrttt. W J U ^ tinar . IKauar I a VU*
Israel's Seventh Anniversary
Off the Record
Upsfein Heads
Policy Toward Egypt Outlined by Israel
14. Benjamin Nones)
Friday, April M. IMS*
No Salk Vaccine Dr. Jonas Salk For Israel Tests As Conqueror of Polio
Israel Has No Military Pads
Israel feels that she is being tak- ficult to change their cultural atNew York (JTA)—The National en for granted by her western titudes than to teach them how Foundation for Infantile Paralysis friends, Miss Ruth Goldschmidt, to eat with forks or how to be a Kniil that "not one drop of proved director of public affairs of theplumber." The" army has done a New York (WNS.I—Adistraught o( hU "Jewish b.'ickj;round." and clinically acceptable polio vac- Consulate of Israel in New.York tremendous job in educating the world, confused by atomic .scnx-ls They spoke tenderly of the days cine, licensed for u;;o In the United City, told her audience of about newcomers who serve under the fraught with present evil but fu- when Jonas wa:i a student at flic 300 women volunteers of the Iius- compulsory military training pro* ture promise, stood in mvr: andBronx Jewish Center nnd possibly .States, s being sent to Israel." Iness and Professional unit of the gram, she stressed. 'Hie statement was prompted by Philanthropies Campaign Monday respect this week nt Iho alt,iin- ilrcnmt of some day entering the It was Miss Goldschmldt's first Inent of a young Jewish si.-iiiilijt rabbinnto. He was a model in be-fin announcement by tho Israel afternoon. The new state, which visit to Omaha and she said that Whose bnti-polio vaccine liidi U> havior and prhokm;hi|j, anil didn't Health Minstry that it would un- will celebrate her seventh anni- our community ls considered • bring end to man's dreaded ho actually ono time take over dertake a national immunization versary next Wednesday, feels iso- model Jewish community on tha and most crippling disc.isc. cIasr-f-3 when the teacher wa.s ;tb- campaign against polio this month, lated as she lias no military pacts national scene. Talmud Stuclrnt ;:c-nt. They ;:iK>k«; of his bar rnitz- u.slnf; Salk vaccine. The Founda- with anyone in an era of military Jack W. Marer, Federation prestion snid there had been complete As tin? Ktory was unfolding it- vah nt the Jewish Center and how misunderstanding on the part of alliances, Miss Goldschmidt added. ident, told tho volunteers that the teacher and principal and rabbi women have always shown the Self at Ann Arbor, MIclilRan, where the Israel Government, which is Nevertheless Israel Ls here to way and that ho delighted to draw the Sfntistics told In cold print promi'.cJ great future for the boy. concerned over the increasing pothat the experinient was now a But never did they dare dream stay, despite the Arab conspiracy upon their spirit and enthusiasm. Certainty, young Dr. Kails, their Jonas would some day belio epidemic*. to choke thr' new democracy by Ernest A. Nogg, general campaign The Foundation declared that the conqueror of polio, stood o,uirl- mentioned In the same breath with economic pressure, she related. chairman, stated that he was Jjr before the distlnpilshnd assem- Pasteur and the greats of the gen- Dr. Joseph Melnick of Yale Uni- The new nation ls the one great thrilled by the spirit shown by bly of scientists, talcing honors erations. They were sure, they versity, who ha* been conducting collective Jewish achievement that the volunteers who offered their humbly In probable,rccnllrction of said, their Jonas would not have polio research for many years un- we can all be proud of, Miss Gold- services to launch the campaign. the day when, ns a Btuctait of T.-il- attained such fircatness a n ( j emin- d«r grunts from the Foundation, schmidt emprnslzed. "Count Your Blessings," a musitnud at the Bronx Jewish Center ence without the foundation of a had volunteered to conduct a field The Arabs are fighting the Unit- cal skit prepared by Mrs. Arthur In New York, ho learned the Im- good Jewish education. trial In Israel using an expert' ed Jewish Appeal In Washington Goldstein and directed by Mrs. perative of walking humbly with mental vaccine, different from the because they know of the great Robert Silverman charmed the Honors one's God. He was too overawed to Salk formula. The Israel Governaudience with its message of how realize the Immensity of his at- Tlie burden of glory wore gently ment, aware of the experimental assistance the UJA brings to Isra- giving helps ourselves and others. tainment. Joining the Immortals on tho Salk p a r e n t s , or so It nature of the vaccine proposed by el, she pointed out. Mrs. Mike Freeman, general seemed at least to the dozens of Tho little nation brings out the «lf the !>'<•-<• Dr. Melnick, had agreed to a field reporters who swarmed their modbest In Immigrants creating a com- chairman of Women's Division and test involving 100,000 children. jt'aretttM est home In mld-Manhnttan. Now munity spirit The country's youth her co-chairmen Mmes. Edwin B, The Foundation said that it hat are thinking In terms of what can Brodkey, Louis Katz, Morton But inure was no comparable they were ready for sharing other demanded specific release from rerestraint In the home of his par- honors with Jonas, the Bela Schlck they do for their nation, for they Richards and Eve L, Konpcky <B fnU, Jewish Immigrants who set- award by the Albert EInatein Col- sponsibility In the use of this ex- live not only for themselves but & P.) were also present. Mrs. tled on American soil to find free- lege of Medicine of Yeshlva Uni- perimental vaccine. Meanwhile, for others, Mist Goldschmidt said. Edward E. Brodkey represented the Federation of Jewish Wom> flam and opportunity and shelter versity, the Jacoby Medallion of Dr. Melnick and Israel have made On the subject of integrating iOco the millions of immlcrniits the associated alumni of Mount tentative shipping arrangements the newcomers. Miss! Goldschmidt en's Clubs. for the vaccine, If an other factors Mrs. Milton Abrahams was In Who preceded them and rewurded Sinai Hospital, where Dr. Salk inwho has made her home In Israel c a n b e r e s o l v e d . :••'•' ' land with sons and daughters in- terned. since IMS stated: "It is more dif- charge of decorations. War and In peace and in all manner of needs. The occasion belonged to Jonas, their son. but the trporfers and photographers were persistent. They were not permitted to be alone In elation. Daniel and Dora Salk were proud of their "naclips." but no less proud
Regional Conclave O f B.B. in Lincoln Ben B'rilhs from Omnh.i, I,Inroln, Council Bluffs, Sioux City and Sioux Kails will meet In Lincoln, Nebr., the weekend of April 30 for the annual spring convention of the Southwest Itej;ional Council of D'nal D'rlth. Lincoln City I^KlRe 13 host for the ennven tlon with headquarters In the Cornhtiskor Hotel. Enrvine Luvino Of Farco, S. D., will be the featured speaker. At this convention, new officers Will be elected for the region. Delegates to the national convention will be nominated. The convention opens with a bowling tournament at 6:30 p. m., Saturday, April 30. Highlight of the meet will be "Kosher" Dinner Danco at Lincoln's new Tiferrth Lirael Synagogue nnd Community Center. Sunday rooming business meetings will be followed by a banquet to be held at the Cornhusker Hotel closing the .convention. Earvfne I-avine is a trustee ol Temple Beth El of Fargo and is now »*rvinj» as co-chairman of the" FargD-Moorhead Chapter of the National Council of Christian* and Jew*, tie is genera! committeeman of District Grand Lodge No. 6, and has served as president of Wm. Rlbnlck Lodge of Sioux Falls.- Mr. Lavlnc hnj gained national recognition for his Inter-fa llh and communal' work. Reservations can be made by Contacting Ben Novacoff, general chairman, 533 Stuart Building, Lincoln, Nebr.
'Jewish Art Exhibit An exhibition of paintings by contemporary Jewish artists arc being shown at tho William ItockhlU Ncliioii Gallery of Art, and Mary Atkin* Museum of Fine Arts In Kansas City, Mo. The exhibit Is In honor of-the American Jewish Tercentenary and will extend to May 8.
Beth El Supper Club Beth Kl Supper Club will hold Its "May Day Hey Day" affair at 6:45 p. m., Sunday, May 1, in the synagogue social hall. The program will fncludo music, prizes and entertainment. Mr. nnd Mrs. Barton Greenberg are supper club co-chairmen. Walter Wbtchefl: "Gossips are flW iptes of Hfc.T—IJTM
JOEY ADAMS Popular Comedy Star of TV, Radio, Stage and Motion Pictures 12:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27
at Beth Israel 52nd and Charles Sts.
Joey Adams Stars in "Spend a Million" Thursday Evenings Over WOW-Radio . . . Toured Israel with His Singer Wife Cindy Heller . . . Author of Entertaining "From Gags to Riches," the Autobiography of His Climb from Borsht Circuit to Top National Fame, . . This Sensational Best Seller Grossed $165,000 for the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund Alone
12:30 P.M. Wednesday, April 27, at Beth Israel Bab/
Sitter Service Will Be Available at Synagogue
. . . . . . . . ^ . . . . . M . . . . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » . . . » » . . . . . . . . » . A . . . . i"T l i- > TH-m- t - m i J l l i B t < l
Friday, April '«. JOSS.
n u teman PRESS
Hadassah's City-Wide Oneg Shabbot at Center April 30 Hadassah's city-uide Oncg Sliab bot will bo held at the Jcwtsl; Community Center, S a t u r <la i April 30 in celebration of the svv enth anniversary of Israel's Independence. Mrs, Lorena B. llahn, V. 3. Representative to the Unit Nations on the Status of Women »U1 be guest speaker. This is an open Oneg Shabbo given by Omaha Chapter Hadas sah o which the members of al women's Zionist groups are cordially Invited to be guests of Hadassah. Mrs. Lorena B. Hahn has in recent months traveled extensively In Africa and Asia on a tour sponsored by the Educational Exchange Program of the Department of State Official visits were made to Liberia. India. Pakistan, Iraq Syria, Lebanon,.Israel and Turkey From 1943 to 1947 Mrs. Hahn was a member and later chairman of the Nebraska Board of Control, which directs all state penal and • welfare institutions. She has been active for mnny years In the American Legion Auxiliary. During World War II she was chairman of the State Advisory Defense Commission of Nebraska. She is presently, a member A the Hoard of the National Security Forum and Trustee of the John J. Pcrshing Memorial Foundation. Mrs. llahn Is a nntlve of Ravenna, Ncbr.. and Omaha is her present home. Her husband. Oscar W, Hahn Is chief appraiser for thn Omaha Federal Land Bank. Mrs. Phil Gorclick is chalrnvn of arrangement* ond Mrs Paul Verct is program chairman for Ihl affair.
Mother-Daughter B.E. Fete May 4
Miss Adeline Slrrich of Chicago anil Harold lU'chttrof Omnha were niaiTi'.'d recently in Chicago by it ihl<i Grabat. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hen'•eckt< r of Oniaba and the bride is the il in;liter »f Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles ^tici<-k or Chicago. Mr. Kerhter is a Krnduulc of Illinois institute i)f Technology ii 'I is now tvorkini; for a doctorate in rh'-iiiistry.
Council Women Th" Cm 11 nt K\cnt.s .Study nup of the Cuuncil uf Jewish Women will meet Tuesday, April L'13, at the home of Mrs. Harold Kasin, 5024 Webster nt 1 p. m. Mrs. Maurice Pepper will discuss "Reciprocal Trade Agreements." Everyone Is welcome.
Mrs. Friedman Elected Monsky Chapter Prexy
Monsky Chapter '[In? Board of B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will inert at 1 p. m., Thursday. April 28. at the home of Mrs, George Spitzcr, 5144 Franklin ave. Cohostess for the dessert luncheon preceding the meeting will be Mmcs: Max Krizelman. Sidney Sneider, and Sidney Znelmcr. Mn. Lorena B. llahn
The Board of Omaha Chapter Hadassah will meet next Monday, April 25 for dessert luncheon at the home of Mm. Aaron Rips. 522 Larry Kohn, ton of Mr. and M n . So. 38th Ave. Co-hostesses will be Sam Kohn, received the Eagle Mrs. David Sherman and Mrs. Paul Award of the Boy Scouts of Amer- Vcrct ica last Sunday at ceremonies In Benson High School. Larry is a Pioneer Women member of Troop 97 In the Acorn District. Roman Hruska, U.S, Sen- Omnha Chapter, Pioneer Womator from Nebraska, conferred the en's Organization will meet at 1 awards and addressed the candi- p. m., Tuesday, April 20 'In the dates. Jewish Community Center. All members and friends in Omaha Mr. and Mrs. David Chapman and Council Bluffs arc Invited to announce the birth of a son Stuart attend. • . • Gordon bom April 14 In a local •oxpital They also have a daughter Susan, Maternal grandmother Dramatic Club to Meet Is Mrs. Simon Bordy of Omaha. Saturday at Lyceum
Omaha Sketches
The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will hold Its regular business mectlnfr at 8:30 p. m., Saturday, April 23 In the Labor Lyceum, 30th and Ciimlng sts. After the meeting, the group will celebrate the birthday of Milton Nearenbcru, assistant dramatic director. Greetings will be given by Ixniis Wltkln nnd the membership, The Eddie Belzer, son of Mr. and choir will offer n medley of songs. Mrs. Nathan Belzer, n freshman at All members are urged to athe University of Illinois will be tend this meeting. honored for scholarship at the annual Honors Day Convocation. A daughter, Heidi, wn> born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Maynnrd S. Telpner uf Council Bluffs lit a local hospital April 13. 'Maternal grandmother is Mrs. I tarry H. Prlcsman and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpher of Council Bluffs.
A Mot her-Daughter Dinner sponsored by the Beth £1 Sisterhood will be held Wednesday evening at 6 p. m. fn the Beth El Synagogue Social Hall. Mrs. Albert C. Rimmcrman and Mrs. Louis Hurwitz are co-chairmen of the event. TUo program, under the direction ol Mrs. Soymour Coldston and Mrs, Norman Whitman, will include a reading by Mrs. Whitman, Mrs. Donald Nogg will lead Jerry Turner, son of Mr. and community singing, and.a group of mothers and daughters of the Mrs. Nathitn Turner, was elected congregation will be featured in un to the Junior Board of the Dally audience participation show in PsnnsylvanUn published by the which prizes will be awarded. Mrs. University of. Pennsylvania. Mr. Leon Schmldman will portray an Turner is a sophomore in the announcer of commercials. Whnrton School of Finance. • The dinner-will be prepared try Circles I and 13 with Mrs. Abe Lieutenant A. S. Milder, son of Slusky. Mr*. Morris Koom, Mrs. Samuel Steinberg, and Mrs. Giirv Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder, was one Gross in chan>e. Mrs. Arthur Cohr or the 83 U. S. Military Academy heads the table setting committee graduates in Salzburg, Germany, Table decoration* vferc designed by who celebrated West PoinTs 153rd Mm. Robert Rimmcrman,- and as- birthday last month, L t Milder sisting her are Mrs. Art Abraras was graduated in the class of '54. Jewish personnel there, celebrated and Mrs. Sidney Sneider. - A ticket for admission I'S includ- •assovcr with an International ed in the Sisterhood Highlight menu provided by the quartermasEvents Book. Additional tickets ter. The menu included kosher are two dollars each for adults chicken from Denmark, U. S. matand one dollar each for children SEOS and vegetables from Italy. tinder \ 16. Mrs. Louis Hurwitz. GL 1904, is in charge of reservaMr. and Mrs. Shermnn C. Sperltions. ing of Council Bluffs announce the : Hostesses for the e v e n t arc birth of a daughter Kathy <x Mcsdamcs Lou'Shrier. Maurice Al- born April 13 at a local hospital. Maternal jjranrlparcnls are Mr. perln, Robert Bernstein. SnnrRothenberg, N»rman Bntt, H y m a n nnd Mrs. Harry Kubby of Council psoff, DaVid Rchs, Yale Gihsbiirc' Blaf/a 'or " p erna) grandparents J. M. T r e t i a k . Arthur Adler re Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sperling jf Charles, Gcndler. Sol-Yaffce, E I Los Angeles,. Calif., formerly of Widman; and Stuart Fried. "loux City. la.
Rock Island Miss Engagement Told
Streich-Rechtcr Wedding in Chicago
.Mr. and Mrs. Snul 11, Knlz, formerly, of Omaha, w l u h»ve made their home in Isiacl for the p.nt Tour years arc now visiting their Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M.iibli-- hildrcn In Omnh.i. Th<y -ne MayCtone of Rock Island. 111., an- IU: at thn home of their 'laughtiv nounce the engagement of (heir Unf. M. F. Lovonson. daughter, Ethel Jane, to Marvin I» Steinberg, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. •Mr. and Mrs. Frederick .S. CaesSamuel S. Steinberg of Omaha. ium announce the birth of n son Miss Marbles tone attended the oel Franklin Ixjrn Aj/ril 8 at. fi University of Iowa, when; she af- jcal hospital. The rotiple also hai filiated with Sigma Delta Tau. The daughter Amy Joy. Paterh<il bride-elect is now attending the ;randparcnts are Mr. and Mrs. University of Nebraska. rving Cassman of Freeport, III., • Mr. Steinberg will be graduated ind maternal grandparents are Mr. la June from the University of Ne- md Mrs. Arthur N. Hubin of Omabraska, where he Is a member of la. Paternal Kreat-Rrandparcnts the Zeta Beta Fraternity.,r.V. are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fogel of , • -A summer wedding is planned. Omaha.
Lloyd i-'rii-iliiuiii
Mrs. L. Friedman Heads NCJW
Mrs. Harry Friedman was clect<•<! jirfsidont of B'nal B'rith Henry M <iisky Chapter No. 470. Other nr-ivly fleeted officers nre. pro11 un vice-president, Mrs. George Culm; fund-raising vice-president! Mrs. Harry Sldman; memlxjrshlp vice-president,"Mis. Harry Smith; rccoi'dinj; secretary, Mrs. Ben Blatt; corresponding secretary,' Mrs. Sam Kalman; treasurer, Mrs. Max Krizelman; sentinel, Mrs. Charles Fisher; historian, Mrs. Mlltnn Mlntz; guardian. Mrs. Bernard Goldstrom; trustees. Mrs. Ruben Ratner, Mrs. Charles Stern and Mrs. Abe Giniberg. The new officers will assume office following on installation luncheon. May 4 at the Highland Town Club., The tenth' anniversary of Monsky Chapter will also be celebrated at the luncheon and char* tcr members will be honored. J 1
Mrs. Lloyd Friedman wns elected president of the National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, for J 955-56 at a meeting held yesterday in the Jewish Community Center. Other newly elected of fleets are: Mrs. /Sidney Schwartz, ways and means vice-president; Mrs. Albert Gaer, social welfare vice-president; M n . Loiils Shrlcr, education vice-president; Mrs, Melyln Dolgoff, public relations vice-president; Mrs. Homer Farber,-membership vice-president; Mrs. Ger-Beth Israel P-TA The Beth israol P-TA Board will ald Rosen, budget secretary; M n , Richard" Hitler, .recording secre- meet Tuesday evening, April 2ft tary; M n . Louis Llpp, correspond- at the homo of Rabbi and Mrs> ing secretary;.Mrs. Harry: H a y Benjamin Groner. 3812 N. S2n4 kin and Mrs. Harry W.clnbttrjr, Street. dues secretaries; Mrs. Jerome 1 Milder, treasurer; Mrs. Lazar Kap- ZBT Mothers Club lan, auditor; Mrs. I.' H. Wclner, Zela Beta Tau Mothers' Club parliamentarian; Mmcs. S i d n e y will hold Its monthly meeting at Brooks. Harold Farber; Louis Katz 1 p. m., Thursday, April 28 in the and Sam Zaeharin, directors; apct ip* Highland Town Club. Mrs. Sam Mrs. Edward Levinson, regional Rice And Mrs. Ben Mlnkln arc cotreasurer. hostesses.
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HA K5«
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
KANDT TWIN PAQt-Two upawto, wokd pocfci of coU mix in vvtry p^wtdwy boxl Mslur ent to/ir or two,., or vw on* holl tor c o > i . . , tfw pfar tor coekith with no txira
PItOIAMIB'-rVbUndfd *o gW« vow IK* f t w h i . . . hotnogtiiud imoofonti your bott*r...with 190 f i w « tirotttl Yi do mudi I t u . . . yo*» g»» much mort fonnly R M loili ond Mxiurtl
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MIW HISAaf SHUTIKtM conbtnM «.M wlih rfdiMii. trrktfy IOIKM . . eptd tjufuirrtfy for cok# M X « ^ W fclflUr,ftvfficreokti that* you con »
Served Buffet Style! All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P.M.
of tpcciolry frtokd poptr, protflMd ' kotticr moTirtaU 0"'/* » prvvsn HKI— ». h*!p yov tvfft fft yyovf cokei out «f th« pon with of t
Kosher, foo...yet costs no mor«!
i. ' WHITS
nilUilutnrjDriailirf ncbit Ii po |un«U» ttit It intrictlr kiting Aik ywr ptar
ran o m n n w
Friday. April « . 1*55. i*V'';iv*VO
is why
was born
THIS » THE SCBMS that it most typical of the young State of Israel - seven yem old this month. Since Israel's birth 750,000 immigrant men, women and children have poured from ships and planes—to find safe refuge at last from war's havoc, oppression's blows and the tyrant's grasp.
For ffrwt sww born to be more than another Slate.' It was bora so that the scorned, the driven and the imperilled could nave.«ome place on earth to turn to—and go to. It was established so that those who live under oppression and fear could at last find the Justice, freedom and dignity denied them elsewhere. As Israel celebrates its seventh birthday, Americans salute it for its progress, its building of freedom and its stubborn defense of the democratic way. The help that you and other Americans have given through the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL has contributed impressively to these achievements, and has saved and built lives.
But thi* h the moment to remember that your help it needed still—that Israel's mission has not been completed. Tens of thousands in tension-ridden lands have appealed for haven in Israel-and with your support 30,000 can be moved, and resettled, this year. To help save more lives, and to a'i Israel in its eighth year of progress ard growing sclkielianw, gjve genetou 'y to (he United Jewish Appc 1. Give itiore than tvet-today
IN OMAHA United Jewish Appeal Receives ITS Support From
S«v« and build Uvas-WhiU th«r« it •till tlm«
•• • •
• •'; :, ; ^ - ^ C
• i»s wisr«ik misr,
tn iv,', t'U ton;',
Friday. April *!. 1935.
Youth Council Track Meet
C. Doings
<irrenl>iT|{ Ry By Sank Milder—Age It—April 17, '53 Sigma Alpha Mu T. A. Hy GrandmoUier was so special with her love and care for all, Although she went through hardships her life seemed wonderful. Tlkvas Ami has invited BUG to New officers for the coming The annual Youth Council Trade attend services at the Beth El Fri- tern) are: president, .Marshall She gave her life to happiness for other people's sake, Meet will be held at Creighton day night; an Oneg Shabbat will Becker; treasurer, Alan Hccger; University Stadium Sunday, May be held afterwards at Matlce secretary, Marvin Breslow. And when they offered favors back, she'd elve but never take. X Due to the radial highway conKatleman's home. Sunday, April It was announced last week that Her life was wonderful from the beginning to the end. struction Technical High school 24, T. A.'i will hold a picnic. After Jerry was elected to Everything that's living was my Grandmother's real friend. the picnic they will go horse-buck the art*Weinberg track is not available. The Creighand science honorary, Phi riding at Hillside Stables. ton track will be used through the -God kept her on our earth until that certain day, Beta Kappa and also the engineer AZA NO. 1 cooperation of the university ofWhen He thought it was her time for the parting of the way. honorary, Slgms XL Also elected ficial*. Starting time will bo 10 Manuel Desnet, Regional AZA to Sigma XI was Norman ShyWell, Grandmother rests now in that place so comforting, a. m. director, was a guest of the B'nai ken. Sol SUss was elected to the The meet will include four track In God's own shelter place she'll make tha Heavens ring. B'rith Youth Council this weekend. business college honorary, Beta • • • event] and four field trial with Mr. Desnet, who came to Omaha Gamma Sigma. God has put on earth the thing we hold so dear, for the regional meeting, met with Individual entrants limited to three the Mother Chapter Executive Sam U happy to announce the event* and not more than two In It comes and goes so naturally with every passing year. Committee to discuss chapter ac- pinning of Alan Heegcr to Rutheither division. Although It's hard to understand why God should take u» so. tivities.This Sunday, the chapter ann Chudacoff, Sigma Delta Tau The events are: (track) 100There Is a moral purpose that you or I shall never know. will hold a softball practice at 9 freshman. yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard a. m. at Elmwood Park. Following Plans are now being completed run and 880-yard relay; (field We try so hard hi keep it—but it never seems to stay. the practice will be a plcnlc-Iunch for the. annual High School Weekevents I shotput, broadjump, softIt is * very sad thing in s sort of funny way. end to be held April 29. 30,, and and a regular chapter meeting. ball throw, and football throw. May 1. All high school seniors are DEBS If you have lived with someone who is very very old. •Points scored at this track meet You will know that their smiles, are made of solid gold. Silvia Green and Ilene Sachs are invited. The three-day affair will will count for the Youth Council making a r r a n gent e n t s for the be highlighted Saturday night with Olympic crown. I have had such an honor to live with someone old and sweet, Spring Dinner-Dance, May 21. To- a "Star Dust Ball" held on an outShe was my precious Grandmother that never could be beat morrow, the Debs are flnlnhing door dance floor on the Sammy Softball Coming their miniature stuffed animals to front lawn. You musl now know this word, it's made of God's great strife, give to the Nebraska Children* And this word is a baby's first breath—it's the wonderful thing Home. Klmwood Park Softball diamond* The Deb Stylo Show has called life. have been reserved for the Youth been postponed from April 21 to 28. Council Softball League. The first To those who don't appreciate life, the thing we hold so dear. date has been set for May 8 and In my prayer of thankfulness, your names may tako the rear. . the reservations will run through Israel Barred July, Youth Council teams may obr Dcbka Debs annual style show, New York (WNS)—Israel's ex- "Vanity Fair," -has been postponed tain entry blanks from Jim Kajv clusion from the Mediterranean until Thursday, April 28. The batsch. Center Physical Education Regional Olympic Games slated to show will be held at A p. m. on and Health Director. A tentative open on July 16 in Barcelona, the tenth floor of the Brandels schedule has been drawn for' the Spain, was disclosed h e n by Col- Store, Admission Is 35 cents and season arid includes thirty-six The Boys Youth Council VolleyBy Feme Batlemaa onel Harry D. Henshel, chairman all proceeds will go to charitable games for the league. Present ball Tournament got underway FCNLAND of the U. S. Committee for Sports Institutions, tickets may be purplans include a double round-robin league and possibly a champion- this week with one game each in Now that the beautiful weather In Israel, who simultaneously in- chased from any club member or the A and B divisions. The oneIs here, our Funlanders have been timated that efforts to twvene the at the door. The public Is invited ship series. Aver/ to attend. Entry blanks may also be ob- m a t c h elimination tournament spending, most of their Sunday ban a n to be made by Avery" tained from Fred Simon, Youth Saw Rayim A defeat AZA 1A afternoons out-of-doors. The oldest Brundaga, president ot the Interby scores of 15-8 and 15-8, while girls went to Elrawood park two national Olympic Committee. " ' Council Athletic Chairman. AZA 100B ousted Raylm B 15-8 weeks ago, the younger children Binning of Israel from the re- SAM Mothers' Club and 17-15. Although 100B team have had their game time outside gional games In Spain Is believed The Sigma'Alpha Mu Mothers' Hadassah Bowling was composed of much smaller and the eight, nine and ten-year- due to Arab and pro-Arab' political Club win hold their monthly meetVV. I- boys, their teamwork and determi- old boys spent last Sunday hunt- pressure. Colonel Henshel credited Ing Tuesday, April 26 at the home Mr. Brundage with steering Ising for arrowheads In the trails nation led them to victory by way rU-csidc Restaurant .. 63H 23*4 of Mrs. Paul Wolhner. Mrs. J. Stlss Edwards Jewelry 57 30 of overcoming an eight-point lead in Fontenelle Forest Don Solo- rael's admission Into the Interna- will be co-hosloss. Mrs. Albert torovsky, Larry Landman and tional Olympic Committee when Goer, president, will preside. All Coopex Construction . . 53'4 33 Vi in the second game. Larry Grossman all came back Egypt and other Arab countries alumni are welcome. Playland Park 50 37 Metz Beer 48% 38% Games left on the schedule a n with the remains of Indian arrow- threatened to boycott the 1002 Magicolor Paints 4?U 39HAZA 100A and Rayim AA winner beads. Plans are now being made Olympics in the event of Israel's Silk Shop 44 33 to play Rayim A and AZA IB to for a group outing for all Fun- admlixion. United Auto Supply . , 4 1 48 play AZA 100B in the semi-final*. landers on Sunday, May 1, which Hollywood (JTA)—A visiting Nogs "Bros. Paper Co. 41 46 There will be a play off of the A is the last meeting of the season. rabbi delivered a speech at a banBenson Hardware . . . . 3714 49 W and B division* to determine the J. C. HEP CATS Silco Products 3714 49%Youth Council Volleyball Cham' The Center's seventh grade girls' quet on the night of his arrival in club met last Sunday at the Cen- Hollywood recently. Because he Brodkey Jewelry 36% SOUpions., ter. The girls are now In the proc- wanted to repeat isomc of ills Youngstown Kitchens 35 52 ess of planning a Parent's Banquet itories nt meetings the next d.-iy Superette Food Market 35 52 'Democratic Legacy' to be held June 5. Election of of- with motion picture executives, lie RCA-VIek*r 20 58 ficers will be held at the next requested reporters to omit them Awards ToM by ADL . ' H%si Game* and Srrirn meeting of the group May 1 at 3 from their accounts of his speech. libhy Sacks 187—488; Sue New York (JTA>—The Carp. m. in the Jewish Community A young reporter, commenting on Greenberg, 473; Ruth Fox. 6-7-10 split; Marge Fromkin. G-7-10 split. negie Corporation and the Ford Center; all members arc cuked to the speech, flnlnhed with the line: nnd Rockefeller Foundations, the attend. 'And lie told a number of stories three largest educational philanthat cannot be published." B.B. Wowen's Bowling thropies in the world, were an- PRE-TEENS The secoric" m o n y nounced by the Anti-Defamation Canteen Ntte will be held this Sat-A" DIVISION League of B'nai B'rith as 1954-55 urday. April 23 at the Jay from W. L. winners of Its America's Demo7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Admission for Omaha Jobbing SI 39 cratic Legacy Award.. the'affair 1* 10 cents. All sixth, Midwest Water Heat's 47 ' 43 The selection was nude "In rec- seventh anJ eighth grade boys and .WoU Brothers 47 43 ognition of the far-reachint imFireside Restaurant . . 4 7 43 pact these foundations have bad girls are invited to attend; the pro'Philips Dept Store . . 4 5 45 in their encouragement of soda], gram wffl consist of dancing, chess, Shukert's , 4 4 46 potttical and economic develop- checkers, ping pong and a good Mystic Beauty Shop.. 40 50 ments that reinforce democracy time for all. Meyers News . . . . 39 51 under twentieth century condt- Rae Wintraub 201-504, Seyma tions," accordme ttf Henry Ed- Beth Israel Clubs Flsh-nm 482, Rose Garrop 280- ward Sdnfltz. AT* national chairBoys' Arts and Crafts. Girls Arts 473. Ruth Klein 468, Helen Tarnoff man. 458. Ruth Kraft 457. Ann SchuJ- Formal presentation of the cur- and Crafts and Club Dar D Kay will meet this Sunday from 4 to coao 182, rent award will be made May 1 in 5:30 p. m. In Beth Israel Tnlmud ceremonies at which Supreme Tornh building. "B" DIVISION Court Justice William O. Douglas W. I* will be the principal speaker. Ac- Tovlrn Juniors will meet at 8 Ism's Florist 56 33 ceptance of the medallion will be p. m., Saturday, April 23 in the Angle's Beauty Salon. 47 43 by John W. Gardner, preslden' of Talmud Torah. A baseball team is n.i organized and plans for the Smith Pontlac 4654 43% the Carnegie Corporation: 1L Colony dub 46 44 Rowan Gaither, president of the- next social will be discussed. Ik-lh Israel SYO will meet this Korne/s Paint Co. .. 4514 Ford Foundation, and Unslry S. Kish Furs 43 47 KimbalL vice-president of the Sunday evening at 7 in the school building. Beth Israel SYO nnd afMoRen David Wine . . . 38 52 Rockefeller Foundation. filiated I!eth Israel nroups arc Hamilton Pharmacy . . 3 8 52 The ADL established the award mikinc arrangements to convene Rath Platt 188-448, Esfelfe Tur- in 1348. This is the first time the with other SYO regional groups Only kel 444. Betty Perelman 440. Idarecipients are Institutions rather at Council Camp, l>onfj Lake, Sacrs 436, Shirley 180. than individuals. Amonj; earlier Minn., from August 28 to Septemwinners were I'resiilculs Trurntin ber 1. A full three-day program of riiscnhrMcr. Mfi. Kleanor camping, athletics and social actied Cross Swim Course and Roosevelt. Senator Herbert If. tivities nnd cultural events are be' A Red Cross Water Safely In- I^ehmni) and Charles K. Wilson, Ini: planned. Club members and per month structors' clas; is b"in(j offi-red who wia ch.ilrninn of the first parents desiring Information as to Wdr. "sday evenings from 7:30 to President's Committee on Civi fern nnd transportation are ndRiflhts. on your GAS BILL 10:30 o'clock, at the Center sv.Imvi.ved to consult the club leaden;. min;: pool The cias* uiil st irt after small down TVci'in'Nthy and will ront.r.'K- to Hollywood (JTA)~ At a parly »Inv T, in Hollywood, J;idc [Jenny's wife, payment. *21950 SS Wayne Koski. director of iwfoty Mary, said good-bye to the British service of the Omaha Chapter of consul, then shook many other I'lMB* JA 13C0 to uuert rout Wktni Ad The Jewun preaa. the Red Cross, will direct the clas.-;. hands, and finally found herself o Current u 60 crtiU for racti Warr* Ms hand again. "But Jon. Tbf r*t* Instruction will be offered in shaking I'rexa reicrvea Qie rlglit to lUnit 1 ' two sections. The class Is limited you e already said good-bye to 30-Day FREE Trial. . fl. ! ! V J to 38-year-olds and holders of cur- me once." he remonstrated. BAR and Bas Mltzvah congraturent senior Ilfcsaving certificates. "Oh, yes," Mary replied, "but Ask about it today! lations also for all Jewish holiThose who complete the course can it's always a pleasure to say good- days and spcdaJ occasions bye to you." .'qualify'" swim Instructors. Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge.
Deb Style Show To Be Held Thurs.
Y.C. Volleyball Tourney Opens
Junior Spotlight
Want Ads
Clothes Dryer
Friday, April to. IMS.
Religious News 0:52 p. in., Candlelight ing
Temple Israel Services will IK; held at Temple Israel nt 8 o'clock Friday evening Rabbi Sidney II. Urooks will deliver the (sermon. Services at 11:30 a. m. Saturday morning. Rabbi Brooks will give a scrmonettc and Kkldush for the congregation will follow the servIce. The ncligious School Choirs, under the direction of Miss Gitiin, will sing the service.
Beth El Services Friday evening will be-, 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I, Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portion of the servIce. Sabbath morning services will be at 9:30 a. m, Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv Services will be at 6:49 p. m. Sunday morning service U at 9 a. m. and MinchaMaariv Service at 6:43 p. m. Dally servlcei are at 7 a. m. and 7 p, m.
Beth Israel Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor El Kagan, the Beth Israel Choir, and members of the Primary grade* of the Talmud Torah, will tonduct the service this Friday evening at 8 p. m. Babbi Groner w i l l speak on: " V i v e Me Children," in tribute to World Jewish Child Month. Traditional Friday evening services (Kabolos Shabbos) begin at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rnbbl Groner win conijuct the Talmud Class at 6:30 p. m. Snbbnth Mlncha at 7 p. m., followed by Sholeshe S'etnloa nnd Mnnrlv Rally mornInn services at 7 p. m., afternoon services nt 7:05 p. m. Sunday morning services bojjln nt 8:4!> a. m.. followed by breakfast nnd Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan followed by brcnkfnst, MarLi nt 8:30 a. m. The Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening" at 8 p. riA at the 10th nnd Hurt St. Synagogue. Beth Israel Junior Choir meets every Sunday at 11 a. m.
Einstein Dead (Continued from Page 1.) er (hat Is knowledge, more sure that power without wisdom is deadly to all who live in the nuclear age. Albert Einstein,'said the President of the United States, was tho creative ability of man in free society.One of the early messages ol condolence was from Chancellor Konrad 'Adenauer of West Germany. Dr. Adenauer called Dr. Einstein's death "an Immeasurable loss for science throughout the world and for all mankind." His death, the Chancellor said, will be deeply regretted by the German people. Xoro of Israel Abba Ebon, Israeli Ambassador In" W a s h i n g t o n , said he was •hocked at tho news of Professor Einstein's death, declaring that only n week ago at a visit to Princeton "I heard him expound his views on the challenge of the atomic age and reassert his deep and enduring love for Israel." The "Ambassador disclosed "he -told of his desire to address the conscience of tho world on Israel's Independence Dny on tho need to assure the preservation of our Republic and avert unnecessary peril to ita security. Calling the late ' Albert Einstein "n lowering glnnt In the Intellectual and moral life - €f nil generations," Mr. Ebnn snld of Professor Einstein: "The tragedy nnd cxlmltatlon of Jewish history profoundly stirred him, In them he found n deep humanism which enriched his Incomparable scientific talent. All Israel bows Its head nt the pnsslnB of a great
of Omaha; 20 grandchildren and 23 f;rcat-i;i andchildrcn.
Mrs. David M. Newman Mrs. Ben Green
Services will be held today, Friday, April 22 at 11 a in , in Temple Israel for Mrs;. Dnvld M Newman. Mrs Nc\wii,ui 7(j, a native Ncbraskan, dir-tl M o n d a y , April IK at thi> home of In r d uii:hter, Mrs. Herman M. Jahr. Interment will be at I'l< ,r ml Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Newman WHS born in Columljus, Nebr. .She v./n. th" <l,iughtcr o[ the late Mi. and Mrs, ( I. Click, who settled In Columbus in the 1870's. Mrs. Newman was the widow of David M. Newman. Mrs, Newman is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Herman M. Jahr of Omahn; a brother, Edward II. GIucck of Los Angeles, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Theresa Sommcr of Los Angeles, Calif.; and two grandchildren. •
Services were held Friday, April IS for Mrs. Ben Green with interment at Beth El Cemetery. Mrs. GM ni, a undent of Omaha for 40 ic.ii.s, dj( d Tlmi'idtiy, Apnl 14 at a local hmpitnl. Survivors include four sons. Hurry, Sam, Meyer of Omaha iind Kinamicl of Milwaukee, WIs.; four daughters, Mrs. E. 13. Hasscl of Milwaukee, WIs- Mrs. Fred Wulker of Loni; Islund City, N. Y., Mrs. lien II. Magznmin of Omaha and Mrs. Milton Sinn of Kewanec, III.; 15 grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.
Monurrienr Dedication
The dedication of a monument In memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ben Balaban that was postponed will be held this Sunday at 3 p. m, at Oak Hill Cemetery. In Mrs. Rosa Wollenberger Council Bluffs, la. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend the Services were held M o n d a y , services. April 18 for Mrs. Rosa Wollenberger with Interment at Beth El The family of the late Jacob Cemetery. Mrs. Wollonbcrger, 77, died Saturday, April 16, at on Singer will dedicate a monument in his memory a t 2 p. m., Sunday, Omaha Rest Home. She was the April 24 at Golden Hill Cemetery. widow of Paul Wollonberger, a vet- Friends and relatives are invited eran of Spanish-American War. to attend the ceremony. The WollenbcrKcrs lived In the Panama Canal Zone from 1908 Cancer death rates among surthrough 1012, when Mr. Wollengeons Is only 65 per cent as high berger had served with the Sani- as the male cancer death rate, tary Commsslon during' the build- American Cancer Society figures Ing of the canal show. Survivors Include two daughters, Mrs. Bernard Schmorcr of Memphis, Tenn., and Mrs. Adolph Mayer of Omaha; a brother, Berthokt Rosenthal of Omaha; and five grandchildren.
hie Sera
With the Folks At Home Itnyim's Traveling Troupe presented u musical program at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the A|jcd Monday evening, April IX. Dick .Spcicr, master of :eretjionifs uff>»ed sewial vuiied featK of maijic. Tin1 following artists performed: Misses Nancy I3arron. Charlotte Brodltey, Janle Fellmnn, Marlene Swartz, Marcla Zalkin. Donna Canar, Bonnie Haykin and Messrs. Shelley Green nnd Steve Itiekes. A reiwat performance In the near future Is Indicated. Saruh Weinstcln is a new resident. Special Klddush: Donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ben"Minkin. Yahrzelt: Special Memorial Services will be held in The Home Synagogue for the following: Harry Steinberg, 1 Iyar, April 23 Meyer Potash, 8 Iyar, April 30 Israel Independence Day will be celebrated at the Home Wednesday, April 27 at 7 p. m, The affair will be sponsored by the EpsteinMorgan Post Auxiliary of Jewish War Veterans of U. S. SOVIET VISAS Jerusalem (WNS)—The Jewish Agency announced here this week that eighteen Russian Jews with families in Israel have been granted exit visas to Israel by tho Soviet Union. The eighteen, most of them from Kovno, are expected to arrive shortly.
Bar t Bas Mitzvah Friday evening, April 22, and Saturday morning, April 23, Beth Ann Muklesky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Makiesky, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah at Temple Israel. In her honor, her parents will receive the congregation after both services. Larry Kohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, April 29 and Saturday morning, April 30 at Beth Israel Synagogue; Friends and relatives are invited to attend the services and the receptions which will follow. .AJvin J3. Newberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Newberg, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, April 22, and Saturday morning, April 23, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend both services and the receptions when will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Aba Venger announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Enid, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sabes announce tho Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Ethel, Friday evening, April 29 and Saturday morning, April 30, at a joint'' service at Beth £3 Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
Mrs. Mark Braun Services were held Friday, April 15 in New York City for Mrs. Mark Braun. - Mrs. Brqun died there tuddenly Wednesday, April 13. Survivors Include a son, Kufieno of Omaha; two daughters, Miss Josephine of New York City and Miss Matty of Oakland, Calif.
Sam Chapman Services were held Wednesday, April 20 In Des Molnes, In., for Sam Chapman. Mr. Chapman died there- »udd»n!v Tuesday April 10. Survlvon) Include two f.ons, Dad of Omahi anc1 JCorrls 'X Denver, Colo., nnd two grandchildren,
If you plan to buy a room air conditioner this summer-WIRE NOW!
Mrs. Ida Sherman Services were held Friday, April 15 for Mrs. Ida Sherman with Interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Sherman, 04, died Thursday, April 15, at the home of her daughter. . . . • . ? Born in Russia, ahc married Julius Sherman before migrating to S t Paul, Minn, Later they homesteoded in a Jewish colony near Devil's Lake, N. D. The couple moved to Omaha 65 years ago,.Mr. Shennatt'qpened a furniture shop and supplied most of the mirrors used in the TransMissisilppl Exposition In 1898. He died in 1942. The Shermans celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary in 1940. Survivors Includo four ions, David and Isadora of Omaha, Nate of Chicago and George of Los Angcles; two daughters, Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt and Mrs. Led Milder mnn of science and a faithful Jew," Dr. Nahum Goldmann said Pro'essor ICInstcln was "unique in the ivay he combined Intellectual genius with real human greatness in his modesty, his love for human uelnRs and unbound moral coins age." In his death, Dr. Goldmnnn declared, tho Jewish people suffered "the loss of one of its greatest figures of all times. Ho recalled hat "as early as l!)21,Profcssor Cinsteln took leave from his stuilies to Join Dr. Chnim Wcizmann in a dcietiation to the United States lo further the Zionist program. lo fell deeply lh« sorrows or his people; he reacted with tho pro'oundest sympathy, nnd spared of ime, invaluable to s c i e n c e , to !>rin£ solnce to Jews evervwncrc, nnd assist In their restoration. to he land of Israel. For this his people have h u m b l y cherished him."
It won't work right-- . if the wiring's wrong! ) Most homea need a special V(eie^^^.:'^c^_;;l^dre,.:*r»*Bl^; alr'Conditioning units can operate efficiently. Don't lei Inadequate wiring prevent you from being cool and com* f o r t a b l e t h i s s u m m e r . "> ';'/.:i'';:S;-'^:'-^-^/:.•'•:':• :•' ,'C;'-; last year people were disappointed because they waited m t f the weather was the hottest and the dedxidanswer* die busiest. Don't wait and swelter this summer. Get ready W%;^ire NOWvGallTpur electrical contractor NOWI ;iib;l»Jcan jget the ]oh o*one before the hot weather rush*
;^|:ALtYpyR iLECTRICAL CONTRACTOR^ ; ^ : ^ | p ^ 0 A Y ; ' f P R ' A FREE ESTIMATE : iiff^&V:' '••;•; O R ' P H O N E ' ' .' •;:.•;•". v ; "
Friday, April SJ. 1953.
Single Contribution to the
Jewish Philanthropies Campaign Supports these Agencies and Institutions FOR RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS IN AMERICA
Beth Jacob Schools
Jewish National Fund Joint Distribution Committee Mtirachl Israel Fund
Hebrew Theological College
American Jewish Committee
Hebrew Union College
American Jewish Congress
Jewish Theological Seminary
Anti-Defamation League. B'nai B'rith
General Zionist Fund
Mlzrachl Education Committee
Jewish Labor Comm\M»»
United Services for New Americans
Torah Umesorah
Jewish War Veterans
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
United Synagogue of America World Union for Progressive Judaism Yeshivah University
' Yeshlvab—Chachmey Lublin
FOR NATIONAL WELFARE and HOSPITALS Bellefaire Jewish Children's Home. Cleveland
American Fund for 5) Israel Institutions
Yeshivah—Chof art Chatm
City of Hope, U s Angeles.
American Ort Federation
Ex-Patients Tubercular Home, Denver
Ezras Torah Fund
Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, Denver
Federated Council of 144 Israel Institutions
Yeshivah—Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacefeft
Leo N. Lev] Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs
Yeshivah—Shearith Hapletah
National Home for Jewlth Children, Dw»»t
National Jewish Hospital, Denver
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society '
Hebrew University In Jerusalem Institute of Technology in Haifa National Committee for Labor Israel National Council of Jewish Women '
Pioneer Women's Organization
FOR AGENCIES IN OMAHA Armed Services Activities Bureau of Jewish Education
Weizmenn Institute of Science
American Zionist Fund
Beth-El Talmud Torah and Sunday School
Youth Aliyah*. Htdassah
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations
Beth Israel Talmud Torah and Sunday School
B'nai B'rith Vocational Service Sura**
Shaara Zion Talmud Torah
FOR NATIONAL SERVICE AGENCIES American Association for Jewish Education National Jewish Welfare Board Synagogue Council of America
B'naiaB'rith Youth Organizations
Temple Israel Religious School
Dropsie College
Jewish Community Library
Histadruth IvrSth
Camp Jay-C-C
Jewish Chautauqua Society
tk. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged
Jewish Teachers Seminary
Jewish Medical and Welfare Services
National Agricultural College
Yiddish Scientific Institute
Refugee Aid in Omaha
Religious Institutions and Traditional Welfare Agencies in tsroei receive support through your contributions to Jewish PhilanriiropiesC A complete list of the beneficiaries is available ot the Jewish Philanthropies office.
Jewish Philanthropies 101 No. 20th Street
Omaha 2. Nebr.