April 29, 1955

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OMAHA, Ni:iiUAK<;A, MtlllAY. AI'KIX 29, 1655.

Vol. XXXUI—No. 20.

V French Film T*! nedy at Joslyn

—Worlit-IUrilil Pluto.

Mr*. Fannlr Newman of tlir <l«Iu>n Age Club h>» lust »rms •round two young vlftiton at the fmtlvltlin. Ttiry are Scott Friedmull, S, on the left, anil IMa r»y Diamond on the right.

Golden Agers Perform at Family Party at Center While their children and grand children looked on, members of the Golden Age Club presented their annual party Monday afternoon in the Jewish Community Center. Three generation* were represented at 160 member* and guest* attended the dessert luncheon with entertainment provided by t h e members of the club. Mr*. Fannie Newman, 92, tfio oldest member of the group, read an original poem, "Life Begin* at 73," to tho delight of members of her family present and the rest of the audience. Mm. Lloyd Friedman, president Of the National Council of Jewish V'imcn, Omaha Section, offered greetings. The Golden Age Club Is sponsored jointly by the Council and the Jewish Community Center. .Mrs. Nathan Simon spoke for tho Golden Agcrs. Mrs. Morris Spector read her original Yiddish poem entitled "Mother's Children." Mrs, Hyman Belman sang Yiddish long* and- wat accompanied by Mrs. Edward Loylnson at the P' • n o .




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.'Mrs, Jacob Abramson, In a co»' tume reminiscent of pioneer days, presented a monologue of her experiences when she left the old

DriSalkHonored ^ White House •.'••' Washington (JTA)—President Elsenhower paid high tribute to Dr. Jonas E. Salk, discoverer of the vaccine to prevent paralytic poliomyelitis. . - A t •»'• ceremony In the White House garden the President awarded a citation to Dr. Snlk and expressed appreciation to him on behalf of "the countless thousands Of parents and grandparents" whose fears have been dissipated by the Salk vaccine with which children throughout the nation arc being Inrtoculatcd. President £1•enhowcr read the citation which •aid: "Tho work of Dr. Salk is In the highest tradition of selfless and dedicated medical research. Ho has provided a means for the control Of a dread disease. By helping Scientists In other countries with technical information; by of ferine to them the strains of seed virus And professional aid so that the production of vaccine can be started by them everywhere; by welcoming them to his laboratory that they may gain o fuller knowledge. Dr. Salk Is a benefactor of mankind. His achievement, s credit to our entire sclcnftlc community, iocs honor. ^o,«U. the pcotlle of the United States?1 '• " ' •

The mixliTi French comedy "CiHi" will lie presented this Sunday, May 1, at 8:15 p. m., In Recital Hall of Joslyn Mcmorinl Art Museum by the Center Cinema Club. "Glgi" tclla the story of a 16ycar-old girl who comes from a family Jn which the women have never seen fit to take the marriage vows. Her grandmother and great aunt arc busy training her to carry on the tradition. In the end virtue triumphs as "Glgi" works out her own happiness by flouting the rules. The New York Times in reviewing the motion picture (aid: "Glgi" is a tickling affair, an air ot innocent naughtiness hangs over all." The film is the fourth in the current scries of films of artistic and cultural significance.presented by the cinema club of the Jewish Community Center, Single admissions are 75 cents and may be purchased at the door on the evening of the performance. Joslyn's Jtecltnl Hall is especially equipped for the presentation of motion pictures.

Nebruu. PboBr JA U U

Israel Offers 6 Pt. Program to Arabs United Nations, -N. Y. (JTA)—Israel took issue with tho resolution on Palestine adopted last week at tho Asian-African conference at Bandung, Indonesia, which supported the Arab views on implementation of United Nations decisions in reference to Palestine. Without making any direct reference to the Bandung resolution, a statement issued hero by a spokesman of the Israel delegatioii^Huid that if the Arab governments really supported United Nations policies on Israel they would support the following decisions, among others: "1. Uocofjnition of tho State of Israel as constituted on May 11, 1949. as a peace-loving state endowed with full sovereignty and integrity under tho United Nations Charter. This would mean that Israel' has the

Israel Protests Bandung Resolve Jerusalem (WNS)—Prime Minister Mosho Sharctt, in a message of protest to the Asian-African conference at Bandung, expressed "astonishment and profound regret" at tho anti-Israel resolution adopted by the conference's political committee. The political" committee's resolution declared support for the rights of the Arab people In Palestine" and called for the Implementation of "United Nations resolutions on Palestine." Tho Prime Minister's protest said: "must express Israeli government's astonishment and profound regret that Asian-African conference, from which, despite Its principle of universal representation niid full International equality. Israel was expressly excluded, has deemed it fair nnd expedient In Israel's absence to discuss and resolve upon issues vitally affecting Israel's future and her relations with neighboring states."

country and came to tho United States. Agile Golden agcrs kicked up UN Council Accused their heels In a "Sher." ' Miss Feme Kotlemaji, member Of Favoring Arabs of the Center staff, served as mlstJerusalem (WNS)—Tho United rc*g of ceremonies. Several residents of the Dr. Philip Sher Jew- Nations Security Council's refusal ish -Home for tho Agod altcndea to act on Israel's Complaint against Egypt for recent frontier incidents the affair. was "a manifest and disconcerting instance ot partiality," H was declared here by an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman who said the Council's decision did not enhance the prestige of, or strengthen the confidence In, the Security Council as the Institution charged with responsibility for ImNOnWAY TO ACCEPT partial maintenance of internaOslo (JTA)—Up to 100 dis- tional security." placed persons and their dependReferring to the Council's "onoents now living In camps In Gcrmiiny and Austria will be accept- slded condemnation of Israel" some three weeks ago In conneoed as Immigrants by Norwiiy within the next few months, under a tlon with tho Gaza Incident, the special P'nn of tlic Norwegian spokesman pointed out that "dlsGovernment and the Joint Dis- crlmlnntlon against Israel In mattribution Commit ton mnde public ters of security Is liable to enhere today.' The usreemont vns courago further acts of hostility reach-:: by the Refugee Coundl.of against her." Washington (WNS)—American Norway, representing the Governcooperation with Israel and the ment, and Charles Jordan, assistArab states "Is beginning to bring ant director funeral of the JDC. results, particularly In the develop, Radio and TV ment: ot water," President Elsenhower declared last week in a INDKMNII'IOATION Itabbl Burnett R. Brlckcr of Ijerlin (JTA I—The late Profcs; Euclid Avenue Temple in Cleve- message to Congress urging enactment of a Mutual Security prosor Albert Einstein never received land, O., will speak on "Anany compensation or restitution swering Your Questions About gram for tho fiscal year ending for property taken from him by Jews and Judaism" on the June 30, 1956. the Nazis, a survey of competent Message of Israel program this The President said: "The consources here anil in Bonn disclosed. Sunday from 9:35 to 10 a. ra., tinuing tension between the Arab As a long-time university profesover KOlC states and Israel handicaps the sor and director of the governpeoples of all Near East nations. mental Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, The Eternal Light program We should continue to work with he would have been entitled to a will be broadcast over WOW- the governments and peoples on substantial civil service pension, Radlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 both sides to improve their ecobut he apparently disdained to ask nomic status and accelerate their noon thl« Sunday. for it and no move was made by progress toward lasting peace bethe Gentian Government to offer President Elsenhower wilt tween them. Our cooperation is It to him. dedicate the new temple of the beginning to bring results, particularly in the development of Washington Hebrew Congregation, oldest In the nation's cap- water resources. Such developnosonr.i* ital, Friday, May 6. TTic Pres- ments In the Palestine area can go New York (WNS)—Rear Adident's dedication message will far to remove present causes of miral Hyman G. Illckover, who bo broadcast over WOW-Kadlo tension." supervised the design and confrom 8:45 to 9 p. m. struction of the world's first atompowered ship, the s u b m a r i n e "Independence Day Year Scv. Einstein College Nautilus, has been awarded the en" will be heard over KBON 1955 Egolston Mcdul, Columbia New York (JTA)—More than this Sunday from 7:30 to 8 p. m. University's highest alumni award $7,000,000 has been secured to date f o r "distinguished engineering "Biblical Detective of the for the construction of America's achievement." first medical school under Jewish Holy ijind" the story of Dr MOSLEM HOME Notion Giueck and his archaeo- auspices, it was announced Sunday Tel Aviv (JTA)—The cornerlogical discoveries In Israel will at tho inauguaral dinner ot the Sostone of a Moslem homo for the ciety of tho Founders of tho Albo televised on the Frontiers of aged was laid In Jaffa last week Faith program from 1 to 1:30 bert Einstein College of Medicine at a ceremony attended by Moslem p. m., over WOW-TV, this Sun- of Ycshlva University. leaders In Israel, Welfare Minister day. The College, now nearlng comMosho Shaplra and other Israel pletion, will admit its first class officials. Tho home, to be erected this September. Mrs. Hyman Israel, President on a two-acre p]ot at a cost of Samuel Bclkln, pcrsldent of of Women's District Grand somo 100,000 pounds, will bo fiLodge No- 6 of B'nal B'ritii will Yeshlvn, University ,ln a fributc to nanced by Income from Moslem be Interviewed on Miss Jean Prof. Einstein, said "this college religious property In IsracL BeSullivan's program "A Women's will be a living monument, erected sides living quarters for some 110 View" over WOW-TV at 11 a. by American Jewry and tne Amcrp c s o v . h c ^ o m e . jvlU. contain a (enn people,.,to the memory of one m.. Wednesday,. May 4 . , - . mosque, a clinic and dining nail. of the greatest men of our era,"

Global Report

same right as any other sovereign state to fix Us attitude to Assembly 'recommendations, especially those which Arab states have themselves opposed by force. "2. Rcnunclatlon'of any doctrine of a 'state of war' or belligerency; and especially the abolition of Egyptian blockade measures (Se- , curlty Council resolution, September 1.1951). "3. Readiness to extend t h e Armistice Agreements by negotiation into final settlements, without reference to the orlglnaA partition recommendation (General As. scmbly resolution, December 11, 1948). "1. Acceptance ol the present boundaries of Israel and the Arab states as laid down in the Armistice Agreements together with all other provisions A those agreements except In so far as they are changed by consent (Security Council resolutions of November 16, 1918, and August 11, 1949). "5. Heintegratlon of Arab refugees into the economies of their host countries pending a final settlement (General Assembly resolution, December 2, 1950). "6. Acknowledgment of the his* toric fact that the Arab decision to launch hostilities against Israel created a threat to International peace and security (Security Council resolution, July 15,1948),

Continued Aid for M.E. Urged by Ike NCJWPrexyAsks

MeCarran Revision W a s h i n g t o n (WNS)—Mn. Moise Cahn, a president In her own right as head of the National Council of Jewish Women, last week conveyed to the President ot the United States that J w k h women in this country "are deeply dissatisfied with our nation's present immigration." The occasion tor the expression that view was a breakfast with the President at the Sulgrave Club attended by twenty women leaders. Mrs. Cahn, who was the only Jewish woman in the "group, appealed to the President to make specific recommendations to Congress for revision of the McCarran-Waltor immigration law during the present session. She pointed out that the late Professor Albert Einstein was "the number one refugee In America—but it Is quite possible that he would not be admUtefi to OUT country if he had to apply today." She also declared that "in countries of the world where America needs favorable public opinion, the) Me Co r r a n - W a l t e r Law gives America a black eye." HEBREW U. GIFT Jerusalem (JTA)—A $100,000 Rift for the erection of ah ampM- • theatre on the new campus of the Hebrew University here, has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bronfman, of Montreal, In memoir of their daughter, Mona Broftf* man Shecltmnn. Announcement ot tho gift followed the four-<Jay meeting of the university's Board ot Governors, ixt which Mr. Bontman was elected a vice president and deputy chairman of the group.

I'M* I M

IBM jrwisn PRESS


C*ary ITrUay toy the Federation for Jewbb Service


• Editot

Envoy's Wife Say* . . .

Israel Is Bringing Democracy to M.E.

Religious News

Newly elected officers of Zeta Beta Tan include the following Oinnhan.s: lii'ii Hilmont, sccrC' tary; Hob Krnf>no, treniuror, and Donald Dandy, hlMoriun. Jerry Holx.-nnan, Ikjb Krii^ut? and Harlan Ntxltlk', all of Omaha, were recently initiated Into the fratcinity. Oi'er Ivy Day weekend May 0, 7 and 8, all hii;h scluiol seniors arc being invited to Lincoln as guests of thu chapter. Dick Follman. junior in the Col lege of Arts and Sciences, has been pledged to Delta Sigma Rho, an honorary debate and forensic fraternity. lie has been a member of the vanity debate team for two years. Last weekend, Koamot Klub. the university's dramatic organization, held its annual spring show, tbfl Broadway hit "Bloomer G1 r i." Doran Jficots, patst president of ZBT, waa a member of the cat Fraternity members In the Kosmet Klub Include Marvin Stebv berg, Howard Vssm, NeU Miller and Ben Bebnont

Israel Is bringing democracy and 6:59 p. m., CandleUgfating • sense of ethical Justice to the Middle East, Mrs. Donald Harr, wife of a former V. S. diplomat In Israel, told the members of the Bath Israel Busbies* and Professional Unit of Benjamin Groner, Cantor the Jewish PhflanthropJes Cam- £31Rabbi Kagan, and the Beth Israel paign at a cocktail nipper last Choir, will conduct the service this Thursday evening. Hundred* of i^riday evening at 8 p. tit. thousands of Jews have found the Traditional Friday evening servdignltj of freedom In the new ice* (KsboUa* Shabbos) begin at •taU, iha added. 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services The little state is not over the begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congrehump a* yet, Mrs, Harr exclaimed, gaUon at 9:30 a, m. RabW Groner more land has to be reclaimed and will conduct the Talmud Class at Irrigated. In North Afriea, 500.- 8 JO p. m.; Sabbath Mlncha at 7 000 Jewssre waiting for the op- and Maariv. Dafly morning servportunity to immigrate to Israel. p. m., followed by Sholeshe S'eudos They are living under deplorable ices begin at 7 a. m.; afternoon conditions In poverty and disease, services at 7:10 p. m. Sunday Goodwill Week the stressed. Immigration, Mrs. morning servtow begin at 8:45 a. National Goodwill Week wfll be Harr explained, involves more than m, followed by breakfast and Rabjust transportation It includes the bi's daas in Bible. Sunday roorn- observed from May 1 to 7, leland C Whlpp, executive secretary ot integration of the newcomers into Ing Junior Mlnyan followed by Goodwill Industrie* announced. Israel's economy. The need la great breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. In , a natJen-wM* endorsement to settle them, on the land so that The Talmnd Discussion group they can begin loading a produc- meets every Tuesday evwlng it 8 by President Eisenhower, he de dared: -Goodwin Week rttOhtf tive life, she emphasized. p. m. at the 19th and Burt.SL American* that appradmatelf two Mrs. Harr told her warm person- Synagogue, million of our people suffer MvtreBeth Israel Julnor Choir meets ly disabling ni—'"al condition*. It alized story of her experiences during a tWJ and half year stay In Is- every Sunday at U a. m. emphasizes -sponslbllity to rael. Her children still retain some help auch > i become more of the Hebrew words they learned useful memoir* of the commuthere, she stated. The youngsters Services will be held at Temple nity." picked up the Hebrew language Israel Mr. Whlpp stated that during 8 o'clock Friday evening:. much faster than their parents and Rabbi atSidney H. Brooks will the week the repair shop at 1013 at times Mrs. Harr had to call on preach on "There's N. 16th st., will be open to visitors No 'Charity* in them for assistance in communi- Hebrew," an interpretation of Jew- and the function of the stores will cating with their neighbors. ish Philanthropy In Support of the be explained. Israel Is a tiny country throb- current campaign. bing with freedom, she related. It Rabbi Brooks will present a Kidis hemmed in by the Arab block- duih Cup to Miss Snra Pepper, ade-and the tension becomes tre- winner of the Missouri Valley FedUSY Is planning a picnic for mendous, Mrs. Harr continued In- eration of Temple Youth Sermon- their next meeting which will beepite of all this, the Israelis are ette Contest. Miss Pepper Is the held at Inspiration Point at Camp not anti-Arab atnd the Arab minor- daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Maurice nrewnter on May 15. In tho near ity enjoy the same rights as do the Pepper who will participate In future they will hnvo n Friday rest of the Citizens of the little the service with her grandfather, light service with a youth croup r itate. roni nno of the churches attendJacob Slosbnrg. Services are at 11:30 a. m. Sat- ing. There will also be a rush There is a strong resemblance fiance for the ln-cominR freshmen. between the Kremlin and the Arab urday morning;. Rabbi Brooks will leaden who-are trying to conquer deliver the sermonettc ond Kidby attempting to force economic dush for (he congregation will folfailure on Its enemies, she pointed low the service. Tlic Religious -out Israel must maintain a force School Choirs, under the direction army and universal military train- of Miss Ida Gltlin, will sing the ing has been made necessary for service. RUG & UPHOLSTERY both men and women. CLEANERS Economists who predicted Is- Beffc B rael's collapse underestimated the l U C S - CASrETINO Services Friday evening will beheart and vigor of the Israelis and W M F SHADES the support of American Jewry, gin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripka will deliver the sermon. Mrs, Harr stated. Tremendous Cleoiwd In Yoor Hornet changes took place daring her stay Cantor Aaron I Edgar and the « • * • ? • Uyla« • R«s«lrto« with new villages sprinting up and Beth £1 Synagogue Choir will render the muilcaj portion of the 0ON IE*HJTIIH HA JJM Israel's ad/erte trade balance beservice. ing reduced from 8-1 to 4-1. Sabbath morning services will be at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation services are at 10:45 a. m. Mincha-JUaariv services will bo at Mr*. Hyman Wintroub 7 p. m. Sunday morning service a. m. and Mlncha-Maariv Services were held Tuesday, Is at 9 at 7 p. m, . April 28 for Mrs. Hyman Wlntrouto service Daily services are at 7 a. m. with Interment at Mount Sinai and 7 p.m. Cemetery, 7705 Crown Point av. Mrs. Wintroub died Monday, April 25 at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Survivors Include her husband. .Hyman; three sons, Isndore, Sam HoilcssL-i; for Omaha Clioptcr ond William of Kl Paso. Tex.; fl ilisvih'i, Open Ones Sliabbol to daughter, Mrs. Al. Vox ol Denver. l)c held at the Jewish Community Colo.: 11 grandchildren and ten C'cnlcr, S.itiirJ.iy, April 30. at 2 great-grartuchHdr<n. p. m.. arc the Mcsdamcs William Hidnzinrr, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Samuel Wnlf, Phil Gere-lick, Paul Verot, Isldor Levinson, William Served Buffet Style! Alberts, Al Fox, Arthur Goldstein, Jake Wine, Jack Marcr and MilAll You Care to Eat HI jinks and surprises are in Ion Abrahams. store for the lieth Kl Supper ClubMrs. Lorcnn B. H.ihn, U. S. Repbers this Sunday, May 1, lit the resentative to the United Nations NOON TO 3 P. M. last supper club moot in;; of the on th<; Status of Women, wlio has year. Just recently returned from a tour Called "May Day Hey Day," thr' which Included Israel, will be guest details of the program are n closr" speaker. ly guarded secret. Charlotte ZipAll Jewish women's groups of ursky, ono of the program com- Omaha are invited to attend this mittee members, would only toy, city-wide open On^y, Shabbot in "I fyou don'tcomc, you'll v.i th>ou celebration of the Seventh Annihadof! Nckl Ifoki!" versary of Israel's Independence. Come and bring your friends. Mrs. Paul Vcrct Is chairman In Beth Israel Clubs ' . Club Taryag and Camera Club charge of program; Mrs. Phil GerHOTEL BLACKSTONE will meet this Sunday in IJoth eilck, chairman In- chirgfl iof arIsrael Talmud Torah building from rangements; ond Mrs. Carl Lagman, publicity chairman. 6 to 7:30 p. m.

Temple Israel

United Youth

rrMsy, April J9, 1955.

Bar S Bas Mitzvah

Community Calendar Katurtlay, April SO Had.-issah Oneg Shabbat— p. m., Center. Mlinday, May 1 Funland — Picnic, if weather Itfrmlts, 2 p. m., Center. 'Sixth Grade girls club meeting, 1 p. m., Center. Seventh Grade girl* club meetIng, 3 p. m., Center. Beth El Supper Club, 7:15 p. m., Center Cinema Club—>1Gler— 8:15 p. m., Joslyn, •feaday, May I Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m., Center. Adviaor's Workshop, 7:30 p. nv, Center. Tuetiay, May I BetK B Sisterhood Board, 1 p. m., B. K. Beth t m e l Sisterhood Board, 1 p. m., B. V Wstasalay, May 4

B'nal B"rlth Women—flenry Monaky Chapter No. 470 Luncheon, 1 p.-nx. Highland Club. Ladies Free Loan Society, 2 p. m., Center. Beth El Sisterhood Mother nnd Daughter Dinner, 6 p. at., B. E. Latin American Dance Class, 8 p. m., Center. '* 'ntcr Orchestra, 8 p. m., Ccn-

Bar Mitzvah of Larry Kohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn, will be celebrated this evening nnd tomorrow morning, April 29 and 30, at the Beth Israel Synagogue, 52n<f and ChaHiv;. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend l>>lh services, and tha receptions following. Bar Mitzvah ot Uruco Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Coldstein, will bo celebrated next Friday evening and Saturday mom* ing, May 6 and 7, at Beth Israel Synagogue, 52nd and Charles S t Enid Vender, daughter of Mn and Mrs. Abe Vcnger, and Ethel Sabct, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Marvin Sabos, will celebrate their Bas Mitzvah <it a joint service Friday evening, April 29 and Saturday morning, April 30, at Beth £3 Synagogue. Friends and relative* arc Invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Mr. and Mn. Harold Perelman announce the Rns Mitzvah of their daughter, Pamela, and Mrs. David Katlernan announces the Ban Mitzh of her daughter. Janice, at a Joint service Friday evening, May 6 and Saturday morning, May 7, at Belh El SynaROKUa, Friends and relatives arc invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.

ThurSday, May S Federation of Jewish Women'e Clubw Luncheon, 1 p. m.. Center. Temple Israel Study Croup, 1

p. m.. T. I.

Art Class, 1:30 p. in.. Center. Beth Israel Mother and Daughter Banquet 6:30 p. m\, B. I. Evening Art Class, 7:30 p. m.. Center. Bern Israel P-TA Meeting. 8 p. m., B. I. Patronize Our Advertisers!

/...get more than you ever got before in any other cake mix!





Hadassoh's Oneg Shabbot Saturday

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday

Sunday Brunch

B.E. Supper Club 'May Day Hey Day'


R«*r tins) tta-t— Mp«ott, * 4 +

ml* Intnrf Pi umttatybat

MOIK M * \»)H K t » » . . . « i n * ua W (


cola... At otfMf tor roofciw. whh na «irra

I x t mto . • . h l » a , y<m l>o<w... with I M I n a ilrolnl To* do much WM . . . jrou oft MVCK w«*t I t *4> loniif flM Krt» oad MHiml


n i l r u i t n a to »irr r « i » s * . • • i><o<i<

taw Miuat JBorrunw I M U W Rgi*

of tptciolV frtotto' poptr, prwffnd vlfh ko&* mumMl onl/, to pmtt* Klcllng. h*tp you tvrn yc>v coUi evt ol * • p«li wM> !h# QitoUti ol *o*«l

n«H wlih rktinmi. Sdkfly koilwf . . . cWat

)uiitlt/ for takit tehm, tt pn&x* tr, ftvffw catti fimi yav ton

Koshor, too... yet cos»» no moral




VM»y, April %», 1»6S.

Mother-Daughter Fete May 5 at B.I. four generations of Ectli Isnin families will be represented nt tin Sisterhood's annual Motlier-P.nifjli tor Banquet to foe la-Id Thursday evening, May 5, in licth Israe Synagogue Social Hall nt 0:30 \>, m Co-chairmen Mmos. Stanley l>\a mond, Jack Levey, Sydney Goldberg, and Henry Appcl nnnouncer that Mrs. William Glrni>le will reji resent and speak for the creatgrandmothera. Mrfs. Frank Cohen will give the grandmother's pointOf-Wew, and Mrs. Sam Kuplan wil respond for tho mothers.- Miss Marilyn Braun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Braun, will "defend" the daughter'*, while Miss Aviva Feldmnn, daughter of Mr and Mr*. Sidney Feldmnn, will answer for tho granddaughters. Invocation will be given by Mis.s Diane Groner, daughter of Jtabfoi and Mrs. Benjamin Groner.

Omaha Sketches


Mother-Daughter Affair at B.E.


Mother-Children T.I. Affair May 7

Cousins' Club

The Cousins' Club will meet at 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, May 4 in "The Seven Ages of women," a Beth El Sisterhood will hold Its the Blackstone Hotel, Mrs. Maxplaylet, will be the feature of the Mother-Daughter Dinner at C p. Simon announced. For further In- "Mother-Children" day program to in., Wednesday, May •! In Beth Kl formation call Mn. Simon at GI bo held by Temple Israel Sister7114. socl/il hull.

Harry Tmstln, treasurer of the hood, Saturday, May 7, at 12:30 Mrs. Albert G. Himmr-rman nnd Federation for J e w i s h Service, p. m. luncheon at Temple Israel. was elected a director of tho Na- Mrs. LouU IlurvvlU arc; co-chalrProgram chairman, Mrs. Sydney tional Jewish Welfare Hoard at a mcii for the iiffnir. Brooks, has announced the followA ticket for admission Is includrecent meeting held in New.York ing cast: Mesdamcs Robert Silvered In the .Sisterhood Highlight City. man (narrator), Charles Monacey. Events Book. Additional tickets The Mldwer t Branch Board of A. Jon Farber, Adolph Frohman, are two dollars for adults and one the National Women's League of Murray J. Blank, sun of Mr. Huttle Mantel, Miss Amy Brodkey, and Mrs. Maurice A* Blank, was dollar for children under 16. Mrs the United Synagogue of America Miss Terry Nogg, Miss Nancy honored nt the recent convoca- Louis Hurwltz, GL 1901, Is in will meet In Omaha Tuesday. Blotcky, Miss Ann Friedman, and May 3. tion at the University of Omaha. charge of reservations. Mrs. Slionimn Llpstcin, Miss ElMrs. Morris Fellman will bo one Mr. Blank,' a freshman In the Delegates from twenty-four sis- len Davis, and Miss Charolotte of the hostesses nt tho dinner. School of Business Administraterhoods, affiliates of the Nation- Brodkey, accompanist Mrs. Hertion, was placed on the Dean's Names of other hostesses and par- al Women's League In this area, bert Well Is luncheon chairman. ticipants appeared In last week's are expected to attend. Honor Roll. Mrs. Oscar Sutin, table arrangePress. Upon graduation from high The momlne session will be held ments chairman. A service at 11:30 nchool, he had received II scholarat the home of Mrs. A. D. Frank, a. m. will precede the luncheon. ship from the Retailer's Associamidwest branch president, at 10:30 Rabbi Sydney H. Brooks will hontion of Omaha. a. m. The delegates will be guests or all three generation families at of Beth El Sisterhood for lunch- this service and will present coreon at 12:30 p. m. In the social sages to them. Second Lieutenant Marcel Kahn The nominating committee of hall of Beth El Synagogue. spent this week visiting In Omaha. The luncheon will be under the Entertainment In the form of a He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.Omaha Chapter Hadassah, consistB'nai B'ririi Seminar magic show will be t'iven by Dick Joseph Kahn of Omnhn. Lt, ICahn, Ing of Mrs. Alfred Frank, chair- direction of Mrs. S t m Ban. HostBoard members and officerr, of esses will be Mmes: T. A. Tully, man, nnd Mendatnes Morris Stalwho was called to netive duty in Snolcr Cartoons will also be shown. mastpr, M. F. Levenson, Joseph Nathan Turner, Leo Waxenberg, B'nal B'rith, Henry Monsky ChapJanuary, Is stationed at Turner Committees working with the Soshnik, Albert Wohlner, J o e Harry Wigodsky, Al Wohlner, ter and Nebraska Chapter, will eo-.chalrmcn are headed by Mrs Air Force Base, Albany, Ga, Bernstein and Mrs. Jennie Rosen- Samuel Wolf, I. B. Zlegman, Mor- hold a seminar following the in*. Eugene Braun, decorations; Mrs Watt have presented the following ley Zlpursky, J. J. Frieden, J. J. stallatlon luncheon Wednesday, Ben Lcfitz, telephone: Mrs. Jack Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Pinko- date of officers for Omaha Chap- Grcenburg, Max Greenberg. May 4, at the Highland Town Club. Levey, tablet; Mrs. Henry Green- vltz left thin week to spend n Mrs. Hyman Israel. President of ter Hadassah to be voted on by Following luncheon, the afterberg, Mrs. Sam Berman, Mrs. Ar- month'n vacation with their dauchthe members-at-large at the May noon session, an analysis of proj- Women's District Grand Lodge thur Parilman, communications; ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ects and synagogue activities, un- No. 6, B'nal B'rith will conduct meeting. Mrs. Sam Epstein. Mrs. Sidney Bernard Chesler of San Pedro, Candidates nro: president, Mrs. der the leadership of Mrs. Arthur the seminar. Any B'nai B'rith Kwaltek, Mrs. Sam Turkel, ar- Calif. They will be entertnlned at Stillman of Minneapolis, Branch member la welcome to attend. rangement*; Mm, Max Greenfield, an open house on May 1. En route David .Brodkey; vice-presidents, Leadership Training Chairman, Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, Mrs. J. J. Mrs. Irving'Forbes and Mm. Har- they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Friedman nnd Mrs. Phlnons Wit- will be held In tho social hall for old Bloom, hostesses. Parker of Las Vegas, Ncv., anrl troub; recording secretary, Mrs. tho joint boards. For Reliable Reservations can be made with their daughter. Miss Evelyn PinkHarry D. Wlgodsky; treasurer, The delegates will be guests of the co-chairmen, or by calling the ovltz of Los Angeles, Calif. and Personalised Mrs. Morris Stalmastcr; corre- Beth El Sisterhood for 6:30 p. m. synagogue office and must be )n sponding secretary, Mrs. Alfred dinner at the home of Mrs. M.- 31. by "May 2. Admission la $1.75. Mr. and Mr*. Norman A. Roson- Frank; financial secretary, (new Brodkey, sisterhood president. The blum announce the birth of twin office) Mrs. Jack Kaufman; audi- evening session will be devoted to sons, Scott nnd Jonathan, born tor, Mrs. M. F. Levenson; parlia- Midwest Branch conference planCall SAM FRIED April 15 in a local hospital. Tho mentarian, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf; ning. HA 0194 twins arc the couple's first-born. directors, Mmcs. Irvln C. Levin, Maternal grandparents ore Mr. A. D. Frank, Nathan Nocg, Julius Some 35 per cent of mouth canAn Work and Part* B'nai B'rith H e n r y Monsky and Mrs. Oscar Taub of Omaha Stein, Isidor Levlnson and M. M. cers are cured today, About 65 per Fully Guaraateed and paternal grandparents arc Mr. Franklin. cent can be cured If the cancer is Chapter No. 470 and Nebraska 1133 S,29t*St. Mrs. J. II. Kulakofsky Is -hon- detected soon enough, the AmeriChapter No, 346 will hold an In nnd Mrs. Murray nosenblum of orary president. can Cancer Society states. stallatlon luncheon Wednesday, Brooklyn borough, N . Y. May 4, at the Highland Town Club at 1 p. m. Mr*. Hymun Israel, President of B'nnl H'rith Women's District Grand Lodpre No. C, will be tho installing officer and guest speaker. Moinfay Hem 10 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. The event will mark the fifteenth anniversary of Nebraska Chapter and tho tenth anniversary of the founding of Henry Monsky Chapter. Charter members will be especially honored nt tho lunchcon. A birthday party theme will predominate, Mrs. Israel Is from Waukcxha, Wise., and Is a past president of the Wisconsin Southern Council of B'nal B'rith. She has been president of the Temple Emanuol Sisterhood In Waukesha. Mrs. Hyman Is an active worker for tho Boy and Girl Scouts and in P-TA. She U chairman of a weekly radio program "Brotherhood In Action," A neW fashion for lingerie . . . where both the radio station and M n . Israel give free time. engraved nylon tricot to put Reservations for the luncheon may be made with Mrs. Sol Martin you in a new mood for dreaming! or Mrs. Georgo Spllzer, co-chairmen of the event.

Women's League Board Will Meet

Hadassah Slate For New Term ,


B.B. Luncheon To Mark Founding


Munsingware Originates

Mrs. Delmar Klein Heads JWV Aux. Installation of officers of Ladle* Auxiliary of the Epstein-Mown Post No. 260 of the Jewish W«r Veterans of the USA' was hold Thursday, April 21 at the Jewish Community Center. Newly Installed officers ore: president, Mrs. Delmnr Klein; senior vice-president, Mrs. Jack SayJan; junior vicorpresident, Mrs. Meyer Kaplan; recording secretary, Mrs. Abe Miller; corresponding secretary. Mm. Nathan Fellman; treasurer, Mrs. Danny Goodman; chaplain, Mrs. Nate Marcus; conductress, Mrs, Sarah Feltmnnj trustees, Mrs. Max Belgrade, Mrs Herman Silvermnn and Mrs. Max Plrsch; guard, Mrs. Abo Kaplan; patriotic Instructress, Mrs. Abo Bear, and historian, Mrs. Cclo . Bush. Mrs. Dora Stein, community relations chairman, was In charge of the annual Israeli Day Party held at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged Wednesday, April 27. Mrs. Max Itoscn and Mljs NoncyJ3nrron presented a musical program of Jewish and Hebrew songs.




Intaglio—the first engraved nylon tricot for sleepwear and lingerie . . . an utterly new dimension alive with shimmer and sheen, completely opaque. In white, pink or blue, sizes 32-38. A. Street length gown.. .8.95 B. Long Gown ..'.


C. Pajamas—long lacker with wide sash, harer •pants. .14.95

I'-rlday, April 20, 1055.


Judy Cohen, Judy Wohlner, Pamela IVrelman and Judy Katz. Parents Invited Mctnltrrs of the Midwest Water To Track Meet Ilcatf-r.s team were awarded tn>jihios fur their high team came—• A special invitation has been By Midge Greenberg Hayim came through anaiii last The third straight lx>w)ins; sen 077 and for Ilicir hi|;h team series Mund;ty at the Jay i;ymn;isium to extended tr> all parents of ] BAYIM son was climaxed tor the membei; --1.27'J. They rue: I-arry Hober- win seven Olympic points and the Youth Council members. At a U'nai li'rith Bowling! man, captain, Clark Kwartz, Dusty Voiith Council Volleyball Tourna- niretim; of the Youth Council Jack Lleb w<jn second place in of the Junior K the city and state ping-pong tour. League u ith a banquet at theGrei.-nbi'ik', K'mi .Meyer. Marilyn ment by defeating AZA No. 100 li Athletic Committee last Sun' nament. In the state contest he Fireside R'.'staur.int. Trophies wen.' Wcinborjr and l-Vancif Ciinporman. by clo:,e scores of lb-lG and 15-12. day, the proposal to invite all lost to Jerry Sherman and lost in awarded the leadiiu: teams and Tru;)liiL's were presented to the ByVirluo of their triumph, Olym- parents to the Y. C. Track Meet the city to Steve Simon. All three individuals. Mike I'latt, president follmvini; cirls and Ixiys for hiiih pic points ticoreti were Rayim V2, was unanimously accepted. The •re Ilayim fraternity members. In of the league, acted as master of game!) and .series: AZA No. 100 7, AZA No. I, 3. meet will be held al 10 a. r.".., addition, Jack took second in the ceremonies. Illlfli Imllvlilunl fiamc Points were awarded according to this .Sunday at Crclghton Unlstate chess contest with Shel Rips Judy Wohlncr, daughter of Mr. Mike l'latt—213. the playoff game between the A_ versity. Jcanno Silver—187. placing fourth. Committee chair- and Mrs. Al Wohlner, was presentand 13 divisions. men are working on the Rayim ed a Ixmling ball for having raised Siul l'laee Individual (iamc FINAL STANDINGS formal.to be held at the Highland her average more than any mem- Clark Swarlz—207. A IMvbilon Country d u b June 18. B. Welll ber In the league. Runners-up, Nancy Richards—1G8. spoke to the fraternity on engl Phyllis Kutzman and Stuart Fogcl Iligh Individual Hcrin Rayim AA Clark Swarlz—385. Rayim A neering as a career at the last were presented trophies. AZA No. 100 meeting. Rayim welcomes into Its Meadow Gold Dairy finished (he Susie Wolfson—309. The Jewish Youth Council SoftAZA No. 1 ranks Steve Silver and Mike Laz- season in first place. Members 2nd lUgb Individual Series ball League will get underway at B Division tr. Some members of the frater- Of that squad included: Mike Platt. Eddie Wintroub—349. 10 a. m., Sunday, May 8 at ElmAZA No. ltiO nity plan to attend the AZA No. 12 Dennis Schulman, Sharon Frank, Jeanne Silver—30C. wood Park. The league will include AZA No. 1 A trophy was also presented to Sweetheart Dance in Sioux Cit Barbara Adler, Bonnie Tarnoff and Beverly n double round-robin schedule with Rayim Bloom, league secretary. Manna Coren. five teams entered in the league. Souvenirs were presented to all AZA NO. 1 Gene Jaeobson, sponsor of the in attendance. Key rings with emCancer as a killer has risen from They are two teams from Rayim, Alephs of Mother Chapter will Meadow Gold Dairy, was presented blems of the Star of David and eighth place in 1900 to seoond two from AZA No. 100 and one attend the Sioux City AZA No. 12 a trophy by Mike Platt, captain of the Ten Commandments were giv- place today, says the American from AZA No. 1. Sweetheart Dance, Saturday, April the team. en the boys and silver bowlerettej Cancer Society. This year each team will be reg* 30. Volunteers from the club Trophies were presented to thepins were awarded each girl. istered with the Omaha Softball* helped at the Red Cross Blood second place Fireside Restaurant enable, at The Junior B'nal B'rith will re- ages of 11 through 14 and sixth, Association which will Center and at the Beth Israel team. Team members are: Bill sume bowling activities next fall. seventh and eighth graders areleast one team to IK1 In the City Synagogue. AZA No. 1 welcomes Katzman, captain, Harold Forbes, All boys and girls between the Tournament. eligible to participate. a demit from AZA No. 100, Al Slegal.

Junior Bowlers Honored by B.B.

, Y.C. Doings

Rayim Wins Y.C. Volleyball Crown

Y.C. Softball To Start May 8


BBG BBG will hold a steak fry at Fairmont Park in Council Bluffs Shirley Raznick and Shirley Shift arc planning a house party after the steak fry. Serena Dwoskln was' c h o s e n as Philanthropies chairman. The girls are also busy practicing baseball, volleyball, and swimming so they can enter in the convention which will be held early this summer. The BBG swimming meet is under the chairmanship of Patsy Greenfield. AZA NO. 100 Advisors Joe Llpton and Phil Kutler arc coaching the AZA No. 100 Softball team this year. One of AZA No. 100's community service projects this month Is helping •t Beth Israel Synagogue.

B.B. Women's Bowling "A" DIVISION \V. IOmaha Jobbing 53 40 Midwest Water Heaters . . 50 43 Wolf Brothers 50 43 Fireside Restaurant . . . . . 47 4G Philips Dept Store 46 47 Shukerts 44 49 Meyers News 42 51 MystleBcauty Shop . . . . . . 40.53 Evelyn Temln, 477; Rose Oruch, 180-482; Rcva Singer. 210-483; Toots LeVinc, 197—486; Helen Tarnoff, 18J—490; Helen Shukert, 200—500; Flo Brookstein. 501; Diane Rubin, 183—525; Ann Schulman, 192—525; Ruth Gelfand, 201—528; Milly Grccnbcrg. 189— 528; Rac Wintroub, 189—528; Ruth Kraft, 206—540; Phyllis Turck, 2-5-10 split Wolf Brothers won -the 'high team series with a.2,429. ', "B" DIVISION W. L. Lyn's Florist ,fz...'... 58 35 Angle's Beauty Salon . . 49 44 Colony Club . ; 48 45 Smith Pontiac 47% 45% KJJIII F u n



Korne/s Paint Co, . . . 45% 47% Mogen David Wine . . . . 39 54 Hamilton Pharmacy . . 3 9 54 Betty Perclman. 165—463; Dot Feltmnn, 170—461; Ruth Fox. 161--444; Eve Wintroub. 160—431; Lottie Bloch, 159—411; Ludlle Rosen, 405 arid the 3-7 split. Jess Ginsburg, 152—104; Rose Sabcs. 3-7-10. As a climax to a terrific bowling season, we will hold our annual banquet Tuesday. May 10, at 6*30 p. m. in the Fireside Restaurant. The American Cancer Society points out that the only approved means of curing cancer today are surgery and radiation by x-ray or radium.

Want Ads Phone JA UGS to uuert jwn Waul Ad la Tin JrwIUi ITCH.. Current rate 1* CO ctnla tor ttch InstrUon. Tne Pren rtatrra tht rifitil to Umll ttxt of e&ch adygrtlwrneotv • • •

BAR and Bos Mitzvah congratu,• latlons also for all Jewish boll• day* and special occasions. Meyers'News Stand, 1502 Dodge

Time For & Fresh TMY tuivjviD... truly a mirscle. For thdr loved one* d!td la the Nszl horror. Tbeir homo-tbeir very world-wu dettrojvd. , Yet they clang to their fihh la deliverance. Then four jetntgo. a second mimde: they arrived in the Promised Land. An East European dictator stats declared them too old to be weful and let them go to Itnel. But Tbe Book ho holdf so dwe to bit beart UUi of a Usd of milk and honey, not of the htrdiWpi and handicap! sewcomen might find. And to iht tlmi it rlpt for a fresh mlracUoni that you can makt. With your help bneTs progrea and the prognss of hundreds of ThmnfTv?! of fts fanmignuits hive beta imsrlng, Of tbe 750,000 who bm arrived in seven yean from laadi of fear tad


oppression—thrtt-fourtii hive been permanently housed and provided a chance for Klf-iopport. But what of Iht othtrs—thost who still slrhl to make a nnv slant You can speed their (ettlement on tbe land, create work and opportunities for them and aid those who are sick sod handicapped. Above all. for 5,000 old folia willing ia dreary, duty immigrant towns, you can bring back cheerful days is modem Inttitutjom that offer can, companionship and useful work. Think of lbs miracle of tt-what living In dignity and peace again can mean to these elderly ones and an tbe others who need help. It is your mlraclo to bring about so easily—by jiving gtatfouily to the Uailed JewUh Appeal. Ohv laJaymonj ti*a ever.

lav* dial build Ilvts-Wkll* td»r. It still (l«»


In Omaha United Jewish Appeal Receives Us Support From Jewish Philanthropies Campaign

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