May 6, 1955

Page 1


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'God, Man & Devu Fed Boards Will Hear Film at Center Sun. >x.^ 7,050 So Far; Embassy Counselor Ahead of Last Year The Hoard of Governors and (he Executive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service will assemble nt a joint meeting, 8:15 p. m., Monday, Mny 9, In the Jewish Community Center, Jack W. Marer, Federation president, nnflounced. "This meeting Is to be hold In line with our desire to Veep the representatives of the Omnhn Jewish community posted on importAnt developments in our communal life, and on Important problems of the doy," Mr, Marer snld. Kmliuiy Counselor Yehuda Harry Levin, Counselor Of the Israel Embassy in Washington, will be guest speaker. A South African by birth, Mr. levin emigrated to Palestine in J927. After the establishment of the State of Israel, he became Mr. Vihiiilii Harry Lfvinn Israel's Consul General in Australia nnd South Africa, lie has been In Washington since 1950, as the Counselor of the Israel Embusy. Mr. Jjtvln will discuss the Im- KAIIIIINIC.U. AKSKMIIL.Y portant developments which have Highland I'.ul:, 111. (JTA)—The taken place within Israel nnd on suggestion that "instruments of the international scene, oftectlnK consultation" be established among the State o[ Israel. the three wini;s of religious Ju Ciunpiilcn Import In tho United States was A rr"!'""1'1 report on the 1 !».">!> mafic here. Monday nt the openPhilanthropies Campaign by Kr- ing session of the four-day 55th nest N»KK, General Cam[>al|;ii annuiil convention of the nnd his associates, Ham binicnl Assembly of America, asStcinbern. Initial Gtftn Chairman; sociation of COO Conservative rabHarry Kidman, Men's Division bis. Ilttbbi Aaron II. lilumcnthnl, chairman, und Mrs. Mike Free- vice-president of the assembly, man, Women's Division chairman, told the 300 rabbis nt the convenwill be submitted to the member- tion that "it would be highly defthlps of the boards. sirable to establish the Instruments of consultation between PbLIO VACCINE ourselves and our colleagues to the Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's chil- right and left of us. Heretofore dren will not be Inoculated with our policy has been to consider antl-pollo vaccine this year ber only those projects concerning cause of the embargo on the ship- which ail tMVee groups might ment of vaccine from the United agree." States, a Ministry of Health spokesman sold. Since there,is no hope -that tho vaccine will arrive ISItAKLSCHOOL PLANNED iri time for this season, he said. New York (JTA)—The Amerithe entire program will be delayed can Friends of the Alliance Isuntil next February. ' raelite nnnnounccd that the Al.Meanwhile, Israel scientists are liance will build a 51,000,000 comattempting to manufacture nntl- bination high school and junior pollo vaccine according to the for- college in Tel Aviv, The anmula discovered by Dr. Jonas Salk. nouncement .was made at the anHowever, most experts In Israel, nual meeting of the organization while of the opinion that Israel by Marcel Franco, president. The has the technical facilities to pro- French ''Government, tho Israel duce the vaccine, believe that It Government and the Tel Aviv muwould he much cheaper to 1m- nicipality have promised their cooperation, he re|>orted. pprt It.

Global Report

Registration Opens For Camp Jay C-C .Registration for the 1955 Camp Jay-C-C iicnsun has officially begun, with mnny plans for Improved camping made for this summer, Gerald S. Gross, chairman of the Camp Committee, announced this week. •Tlie 'ennip season will bn from July 31 until August 28, un<l will again be held at Camp Hrewstcr. The fee for the entire season will be $100; the fee for the first two weeks will lie $fi5; the fee for the second two weeks will be $55. Mnny important nnd substantial Improvements were made on tho camp grounds this year, Knrly Acceptanco As usual, Mr. Gross staled, campers will bo accepted In order of their registration. There hns been considerable interest and applications have been coming in dolly, h« added.

"We hope to make' camping at Jay-C-C an important nnd helpful experience In the lives of our boys and fjlrls attending camp. CampIng has a profound Influence upon the character and personality of our children and we hope to make the most, of the wonderful opportunities at camp," Mr. Gross stated. ' Clone SIIIMTVIHIUII

The Camp Committee will make every eCfort to Insure :\ most enjoyable camp si.'ason for the children and will KIVO close supervision to the operation of the camp and to the general welfare of each and every camper, he said. Applications are now being accepted tit the Ciimp Office nt the Jewish Community Center. Further Information may be obtained by calling JAckson 1366.

"God, Man, and DcviJ," a Yiddish motion picture depicting the eternal struggle between God and satan, will be presented at 8:15 p. m , this Sunday, May 8, In the Jewish Community Center, This will be the concluding presentation of the current .Yiddish Cultural Series. The story evolves around a kindly pious Torah writer whose path of life suddenly changes when the devil disguised as a seller of lottery tickets,!orccs a winning ticket upon him. The motion picture was adapted from Jacob Gordln's play of the same name. Admission is by series tickets and Individual tickets may be purchased at the door on tho evening of the performance for 73 cents. Louis Witkin Is chairman of the cultural series and members of the committee are Mrs. Miriam Bondarin, Mrs. Philip Crandell, Mrs. Jake Feldman, Abe Cohen, Max Crounse, Ben Mlroff and Joe Radinowbky.

The Jewish Philanthropies Campaign which opened officially April 28 has already passed the 50 per cent mark this week, having raised the amount of $257,050 as of Wednesday morning, Ernest A, Nogff, General Campaign chairman, an* Bounced.' "Wo are well beyond the initial phase of tho campaign,-"

••Mr, Nogg said, "and from now on we will have to work unceasingly toward raising the complete quota of $460,000, the very minimum we must raise In this year's drive. The amounts raised thus far came largely through three campaign functions held by the Initial Joey Adams, popular comedy Gifts, Women's Division and [ti star of television, radio, stage and Business and Professional Unit motion pictures, had his audiences The Men's Division has begun its roaring with glee at the rich, warm activity, and the Youth Council typically Yiddish anecdotes lost Division Is planning a quick camWednesday afternoon and evening paign In keeping with the tempo at meetings of the women's and of this drive. • Initial gifts divisions of the. PhilanComplete Coverage Goal thropies Campaign. "It Is our objective to reach ev•Way of Thanking' ery possible prospect In the com"This Is my way of thanking you munity to obtain everyone's supfor what you are doing," ho re- port In this campaign," Mr. Mogg* marked. emphasized. "Through this annual • In moments of seriousness that drive we are combining some 200 was interspersed with his story- appeals, and our response must be telling, Mr. Adams exclaimed: geared to tho size o£ the drive. "Jews used to go to Israel to die, Increases Needed now they KO there to live." "A "The preliminary reports show beacon light of freedom has been United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — established In the Near East," lie that we have a substantial InThe 29-miUou Aslsm-African con- added. The comedy star who re- crease on the cards. It is very ference at liunflunn, Indonesia, urgent that we continue getting may have turned into a boon for cently returned from a trip around a 10 per cent Increase on every Israel, instead of n defeat in ab- the world with his singer wife subscription in order to be able to sent In, It was indicated here. Itc- Cindy Heller compared the spirit meet Omaha's share In the support ncirts reaching here, chiefly from In Israel to that of other countries of the many agencies that depend Arab sources, indicate that the he visited. Israel, he pointed out, on us." Arab League sponsored resolution with her Biblical heritage speaks Joey Adams, noted radio "and TV at Handling, which on the surface about the future whereas other personality, addressed the meetPlaced the Asian and African countries still cling to past glories. ings of the Initial Gifts and the Proud and Free countries in the Arab League corHe found a wonderful people in Women's Division. Mrs. Barbara ner, may have opened the tloor for Harr spoke to the Business and possible/ mediation of tho Israel the little nation who arc proud and Professional Units. free, a nation whose population Arab conflictIt Is undcrslool hero that not has tripled in seven years.. To only India and Burma arc now In- cope with this expansion,''they TIRADE AGREEMENT Buenos Aires (JTA)—Israel and terested In Israel-Arab mediation have made the desert bloom buildbut also Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, ing highways, homes and industry Argentina signed a new trade Thailand and perhaps Indonesia. there. It Is wonderful, Mr. Adams agreement here calling for * In connection with these reports observed, to be living in an era three million dollar exchange of It Is pointed out as significant a where you can sec a Jewish home- goods. The agreement was signed foreign- broadcast by the Radio land. The dividends of giving ii by Israel Ambassador Arleh KuTeheran on April 21, while the the laughter and freedom of tho bovy and Argentine Foreign Minister Dr. Jeionhno Rcmorino, in Arab League was presumably people ot Israel, he concluded. scoring a triumph with Its antiAt the afternoon meeting, Mrs, the presence ot the Israel Finance Israel campaign at Bandung, had Mike Freeman, general chairman Minister Lcvi Eshkol and four Arhinted that mediation would bo in of the Women's Division, expressed gentine economic advisors. Under the terms ot the new accord, Israel order* her thanks to her co-chairmen for will make all payments in goods; their efforts on behalf of the cam- under the former Israel-Argentine New York (JTA)—The wajm paign. trade pact, she paid 70 percent of Dr. Abe Greonborg, Federation her bill In hard cash. support given to the Arab posi(Continued on Page 2.) tion at the recent conference of 29 Asian and African nations at Bandung by Chinese Premier Chou En-lai and other Communist delegates was cited by Mortimer May, president of the Zionist Organization of America, as a warning to the Western powers of their shortsightedness of appeasing the Arabs at Israel's expense. "Religious and cultural Instltu- . Aware of the fact that some 1,200 prospects will need to be tlons in America and In Israel; "Hospitals and welfare institucontacted by the Men's Division of the Philanthropies, Harry Sid- tions, which bring cure and relief Sunday Radio, TV mnn, division chairman, has Issued to our own Omaha Jews; "And our Homo for Aged, our a call for workers to attend a speRabbi Louis I. Newman of the Congregation llodeph Sho- cial breakfast meeting Sunday Talmud ToraHs and S u n d a y lom. New York City, will dismorning, May 8, at 9:30 o'clock In Schools, and welfare agencies in Omaha." cuss "A 'Purchase I'rice' for the tho Jewish Community Center, Support Needed Soul" on the Message of Israel dill to Workers Stressing that the Philanthropies program over KOIL from 9:35 Campaign is one which supports In a special .communication to to JO n. m. prospective workers, Mr, Sldman everything that Jews of Omaha are deeply Interested In, Mr. SidThe Ktental Light program stated: "This campniun Is In reality 200 man urged tho workers to"'glv» will be broadcast over WOVVItmlio from 11:30 n. m. to 12 drives combined Into one. Through a little ot your time to help put over tho biggest campaign oC this campaign we support: noon. v "Jews in Israel, In North Africa, Omaha Jewry." "We need every person who U In fact, throughout tho world, During the month of May Frontiers of Faith is produced wherever they arc in noed or In Willing to share In this humanitarian effort. With sufficient mantrouble; under the auspices of the Jew"Anti-defamation agencies Itt the power, we will IKS able t o reach ish Theological Seminary, The programs will bo televised over United States, which defend and our prospects in n short time and WOW-TV from 1 to 1:30 p. m. protect Jewish rights In our own help brinR the campaign to a successful conclusion," he said, country;

Joey Attaint Say*...

'Israel Looks 1 To the Future

Repercussions of Bandung Conclave

Men's Div. Breakfast Meet at Center Sun.

tut Two


JLVVISII ijitt8s

Philanthropies Banquet by Y.C. ? ITrtdaj Dj Uu frederutton lot Jewteb Service eubtcnpuca, «4.u not m m i


ODUUJL ftcbrwuc*. uooci u * a d « fcurcfc S. HTJ* nu, r,piute«

t»Ot 8a an1- Street


Confirmation Services f o Be At B'nai Israel Seven children will be confirmee at 2 p. m., Sunday, May 22, B'nai Israel Synagogue of Council Bluffs, la. The conflrmandj are: Myra Cohen, daughter Of Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Cbben: Jolene Friedman, daughter erf Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Friedman; Artist Goodman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goodman; Ronald Gordon, ion of Mr. and U n . Richard Gordon; Phyliu Butfteln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blnstein; Darlene Meyenon, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Leo Meverson; and Elaine Sclo, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph Selo. Rabbi David L. Kerb will offld ate at the Confirmation Service. Leon Frankel, president of the •ynagogue, will greet the conflrmandj In the name of the congregation and present them with Bible*. Mrs. Herman Krause, president of the sisterhood, will present the confirmation diplomas. A musical program of piano and vocal solos will be included. Each conflrmand will deliver an address on aspects of Judaism. The service will be followed by • reception given by the mothers in the soda) hall of the synagogue

With the Folks At Home LAO J 1 OMKIt: This holiday will b celebrated Monday, Mny 3, nt 7 p. m. This affair is beinj; sponsored by Kadimah Chapter of Pione?r Women with Mrs. Bernard Kaufman as chairman. The nniversary of Israel's independence ' was celebrated at th Home with a gala party under thrleadership of Mrs. Dora Stein, community relations ehalrrnai of the Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary who sponsored the party. A program of Jewish and-Hcbrew songs were presented by Mr*. Max Rosen and Miss Nancy Barron. Refresh metrts were served by the ladles of the Auxiliary. MAT BIBTIirMr PARTY: The Bikur Chollm again sponsor the monthly birthday party Monday, May 16, at 7 p. m. Those who have birthdays In May will he honored. They are: Mrs. Ming Krestu;. Mrs. Bessie SegUn; Mrs. Sara Gendler, Mrs. Tonl Stern, Mr. Max Lcrncr and Mr Bam Altsuler. .All at the families and friends are invited to attend. , VFliOWEBS: The flowers found in'all the public rooms of the Home for the Aged this week were donated b; : Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn in honor of the Bar Mltzvah of 'their son Larry; The Greenhprr Family of Greenberg Insurance Company upon the occasion of the opening. of their new offices on Famam Street JTAHBZKIT: Special Memorial Services iv!ll be held In the Home Synagogue, 3801 No. .'52nd Street, for the following: Joseph Kosowsky — 10 May 2.

Beth Israel to Hold Lag B'Omer Picnic Beth Israel Religious School System, will celebrate Lnf; B'Omer, with a picnic supper Tuesday, May 10, at 6:30 p. m., in Benson Park Talmud Torah classes for Tuesday afternoon and evening have been cancelled, so that all students and their parents can attend. Families will provide their own supper, pop, «nd prizes for all the children, will be furnished by th- P-TA. In the event of rain, the picnic supper will be held In the synagogue social hall.


Religious News 7:08 |i. m., Candleiightluf;

Beth El Services Friday evening will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron L Edgar and the Beth £\. Synagogue Choir will render the musical portion of the service.


•. •••'. • .-/-';. • .

Sabbath morning services will be at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congrega Uon services are at 10:45 a. m. Mincha-Maariv Service. wUl be at 7 p. m, Sunday momlnz services at 9 a. m. Daily services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p.m.

Beth Israel Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kagan, and the Beth Israel Choir, will conduct the service this Friday evening at 8 £. m. Traditional Friday evening services (KaboHas Shabbos) begin at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 9:30 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 6:45 p. m.; Sabbath Mlncha at 7:15 p. m., followed by Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. Dally morning services begin at 7 a. m. Afternoon services at 7:20 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunda; morning Junior Minyan followed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. The Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening nt 8 p. n.. nl the 19th nnd Burt St. Synagogue. Beth Israel Junior Choir meets 'very Sumlny nt 11 a. m.

Temple Israel Services will be held nt Temple Israel at 8 o'clock Friday evening Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will preach on "Wonien of Valor," the story of a nodal reformer, a poet' ess, and an angel of mercy in tribute to mothers in Israel. Sabbath morning service Is at 11:30 a. m , Saturday. Families with three or more generations present will be blessed by Rabbi Brooks in c special ceremony and will be;. presented a symbolic flower. A Temple Sisterhood luncheon will follow the service at 12:30 p. m. and a stirring program entitled "The Seven Agts of Woman" will be presented as a tribute :o all mothers and children.

The Jewish Youth Council uil hold its ,'innu;il I'liilHiitiiropu-s ban quet Tuesday, May 17 at C:.SO p. m at the Jewish Community Center. This event will highlight two weeks of intensive camprtinniiif through the individual youth council clubs and the syna^o^ue you.I groups. Each organization will devote time from it:, next meeting U. a speaker and a discussior. upot the merits of the Philanthropic? drive and •' importance of individual participation of Hie cam palgn. The dinner will include nn guest speaker. Youth Council presldent. Bob Meyer, announced tin co-chairmen will be Rita Katzm;ui Jerry Ferer, Jerry Mnrcr of T. A AZA No. 1 and Rayim respectively The Individual committee chairman are: Mike Meyer, publicity; Bob Wlntroub. solicitations; Juily GreVhberg and Phyllss banquet; Mary Freedman, collections; ThercseKahn, kick off program, cuiu Sheldon Rips, tabulator All Youth Council clubs ore represented by these committee chair man. The individual club chairman are Gerina Dwoskln, B. 13. G., Marsha Fcldman, T. A.; Allen Krizelman, AZA No, 1; Mike Erman AZA No. 100, and Mike Ban. Rayim; Nancy Barron, Independent girls and Jerry Singer, Indepcnd ant boys.

Israel Looks (Continued from Page L) vice-president, brought greetings for the Federation. Anniversaries Noted Ernest A, Nogg, general campaign chairman, noted that Wednesday was the. seventh birthday of Israel and that this year marks the silver anniversary of united fund raising in Omaha. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, the first women's und raising chairman, lit the candles atop the Ingeniously devised birthday cake. Mrs. Donald NO accompanied by Mrs. Abe Felljnan at the piano sang "Happy Birthday." Mrs. Louis Kntz, women's co-c h a 1 r m a n, introduced Joey Adams to the more 700 ladies attending the dessert luncheon. Mr. Adams was introduced at the men's meetlnc by Jack W. Marer, Federation president.

Israel Official Visits Unicameral Ashcr Zidon, Deputy Secretary of the Knesset of the Israel Govrnment, arrived in Omaha early this week en route to Lincoln to study the structure and procedures of the Nebraska Unicameral Mr. Zidon is on a six-month tour at the Invitation of United States Government to become acquainted with our legislative structure. A native of Poland, he emigrated to Israel In 1936 jnd has been a member of the government staff since the Inception of the provisional government

He Is the author of three Hebrew books, one of which "Tlic Knesset—In Theory and Practice" may soon be translated into English. Mr. Zidon is married and with his wife, two «on5 and u daughter make their home in Jerusalem. Upon completing his survey of he Nebraska Unicimoral a one IOUSC legislature similar to the Knesset, he will leave today for Denver. Colo., to continue his ,-lidy of our legislative bodies. lis Itinerary includes visits to >xas, Florida nnd Ottawa, Cunida. This Is his first visit to the United Slates and he said that he was Three generation families will warmly received and officially welK honored at the Mother Children comed liy the members of stale service to be held nt 11:30 Satur- egislatures. day, May 7 at Temple Israel. Itabbi Sydney II. Brooks will present SF.W I). B. ItCILDINO loral tributes to each three genNew York <JTA>- Over 5100,eration family. Following the serv- XX) in checks and pledges for the ice a playlet, "The Seven Agefi of lew B'nai B'rith building was Women," will be the feature of the landed to Philip M. Klutznick. Mother Children Day program and (resident of the organization, at a uncheon, at 12:30 p. m. inthe Tem- lomecoming reception held for •>lc social hall. Reservations may ilm in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel be made with the luncheon chair- icre. "The new building is being man Mrs. Herbert Weil, or at the erected In Washington nt a cost of ""ere plo office. more than one million dollars.

B'nai Israel

Services this evening at B'nai rael will be dedicated to Mothers' Day. Fourteen youngsters of the Sunday School will participate in the services. Rabbi David Korb A'ill speak on '"Hie Jewish .Iothcr." Itcfreshmcnfs will be served fol•jwins the services. Saturday morning services v.' be held at 9 o'clock. • *•

Temple Will Honor Three Generations

Friday, May fl. 1055.

Obituary Mrs. Sam Schneider Services were held Wednesday April 27 for Mrs. Sam .Sohneirioi \s itij inifmieni nt Mt. Sinai C'eme I cry. Mrs. Schneider, 57. n res! dviil of Om.-ilia for 28 years, dieii April 27 at a local hospital follow ini; a lon|; iJlM<-!;;.;. She is Mirvivcd by her hu>.ban<l. Sam; three daughters, Mrs. Mon~ rc./o D. Rosenberg, Mr;;, Louis Fedmnn, both of Oninhn, nnd Mrs Yale Ktilly of Hastings, Ncbr.; c ter. Mis. Virlor Weiner of Omaha, and Kc-ven cmndchildreii.

Mrs. Joseph Sokolof Sei-vircs were Iipld Sunday, Ma 1 fur .Mrs. Joseph Kokolof with ir ((-rmont at Fi.shf-is Farm Cctrn tery. Afrs. Sokolof, 45, n native of Sioux City, In., and a resident ''1 Omaha for 40 years, died Thursday, April '28. Survivors include her husband Jo5;rph; two daughters, Misses Florine nnd Mardee. and four Bis teri.

David Kline David Kline. 00, a native of Omaha, died April 21 in San Pctro, Calif. Interment was in Los AnKcles, Calif. Survivors include his wife and two children, and two brothers, Dr. Max Kline and William Kline, both of Los Angeles, Calif.

Dr. Adolph Sachs Services were held Thursday, May 5 for Dr. Adolph Sachs with interment at Forest Lawn Ce tery. Dr. Sachs, 69, died Monday. May 2. He is survived by his wife-, Ruth; a (JnuRhler, Mrs, Arthur Weaver, and one grandson.

Home for Aged Committees Told

31st Anniversary AZA No. 1 Banquet Loo Hill will be the curst speaker ;it AZA No. ]'K thirly-first Anniversary 11,'incjuct Sunday, Mny 8. The LKJii'-iuet will be held in the lilack Mirror HooKl of the Hotel Fontfiiellc nnd will txijin nt 6 JO p. m. Mr. Hill was the recipient of the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce I) i a 11 n K u 1 s h e ci Service Award ds the "Outstandinn Younrj Man t.f Nebraska" for VJI'.I. lie Is president of 'he Tlfcreth Isr lei .Syna|;o(;iie in Lincoln und president of the Cornhuskcr Council of Coy KcjiitH. Mr. Hill is vice president of the? Lincoln Ktwani.s Club and n board ineml>or o{ tho LJncoln Chamlwr of Cemincrce. He is a niC'inher of the Niitional I'roi;rnm Committee of the Anti-Dcfnm.itlon Ix>npic of B'n.ii H'rith. Tlie bamiuct b part of n threeday iinniversnry week-end cclebrntlni; the founding of AZA In Omaha in 1924. Friday night, miinbcrs of the club will attend services ut Temple Israel. A party at Camp Brewstcr will be featured Saturday night preceded by attendance at the Cardinal baseball gome.


Community Calendar FrM.y, JUyfi A, Z. A. No. 1 'Anniversary Week End. . Saturday, May 7 A. Z. A. No. J Anniversary Week-End. Sunday, May 8 1 MOTHER'S DAY. General Men's Workers Breakfast—9 a. m.—Center. Yiddish Cultural Series—Film— "God, Man and Devi)."—8;15 p. m. —Center. •. . " A. Z. A. No, 1 Banquet—6:30 P. m.—Fonlenelle Hotel. Manduy, May 9 Bikur Chollm—1 p. m —Center, Workmen's Loan Association —» 7:30 p. m.—Center. Board of Governors and Execu« Live Committee—8 p. m.—Center. Turs<l«y, May 10 i LAG HOMER. ' Beth El Sisterhood—1 p. m.—« B. E . Beth Israel Sisterhood—1 p. m. - B . I. Temple Israel Sisterhood—1 p, m.—T I. Beth Israel P-TA Picnic Supper —6:30 p. m.—Benson Park. ; , Wednesday, Why U < Brandeli University Bi-Annual—i

Arthur Colin, chairman of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged committee, announced the appointment of subcommittees at a meeting held Tuesday afternixjn. Hnrry DeI3off and Nnthan Nof;B will head the unit on udmissions njid fee revision. IJCQ FOX and Mrs. David Cohn were named to the house nnd yard supervisory group. Harry Sidman will head the synagogue subcommittee. Bikur Cholin representatives will be Mrs. Lewis Neveleff nnd Mrs. Allan Zalkln. Doctors Abe Fcldmnn nnd Morris Steinberg arc members of the medical supervisory group. 1 2 i 3 0 p k . ' n i , . ' . ' ':••"•• •'• .' > . - • ' • -'. -.•'.•.'• Morris Wlnlroub.was accepted Omaha Zionist Council—8 p". hi, for admission ns a resident of the Criti " :• home. Latin-American Dance Class—8 A three-year comparative finanp. m.—Center. cial report covering operation of Center Orchestra-^8 p. m.—Oen« '•'the home was studied at the meet' Thnrsday, M»y it * Nationnl Council of J e w 1« W Women's Board—1 p. m.—Home, Pioneer Women's Board —1:30 p. m.—Center. Center Art Class—1:30 p. m.—»• Center. •• . . Don IlaiTimnnrl nnd Ralph Dahl Kadimah Board—8:30 p. m.—t were m.'idf honorary,members.of Homes., : he Hi.'niy Monsky J-<od£e "BreadEvening Art Class—7:30 p. m.. Bre;ikprs" nt a luncheon mocllnir Center. WHn*.-ficlay nftcrnoon- They vfir- honored for (heir mnny con! ributlnns made lo D'nni B'rith riMscs. KarJ Sicfjal, president of the lrciu\-lirvi'kom. presided lit the Ticket sales for the Tuesday ceremony. Ho Ktatt-d that these ononiry memberships were an ex- Musical Concert season will be rsslo of appreciation for nil that closed this month due to the prog« 'heso two individuals have done to res? of calpfl, a spokesman announced. The concerts this ytar. id B'nnl B'rith projects. will be held In the Music HaU ot the City Auditorium oncl reservations arc limited to the main floor and lofto scats. Two newcomers to Omaha nu« dlencea will be nmong the perform* Omaha Mothers of J9r>l> will be era. They are Ivry Gltlls, Israeli lamed at a Mother's Day lunch- lolinlst nnd Irene Jordon, Mctitw eon this afternoon In the Fon- polltan operatic Boprano. Other lenclle Hole! eponsored by the As- artists who will appear arc Arthur Rubinstein, Rudolf Firkushy and loclalcd JU'tallers of Omaha. Mayor John Rosenblatt will ex- William Primrose and Gcorne Lon* lend congratulations to tho moth- don. ers selected as outstanding In the Season tickets ore on Bale at home. In volunteer work, in edu- downtown stories for seven doh cation and in business. Rabbi Sid- lam. Checks should be mode pay* ney H. Brooks, spiritual leader of able to The Tuesday Musical Club, Temple Israel, will be on hand for Mrn, Tavld Carson, • treasurer! the occasion. 10221 Hiclibry et, .'. '•'••'_^j












Honored by Bread-Breakers

Tuesday Musical Set for Auditorium

Omaha Mothers Will Be Honored


Friday, May 6,

Kadimah to Install Council Will Hold Style Show May 17 Omaha Sketches Mrs. Ray Corey A summer style and installation of officer!; will be featured ot the luncheon meeting of the Om:s.ha section. National Council of Jewish Women, \ \i. m., Tuesday, May 17 al JIii;hlanil West Club. Mrs. E. Ilobert Newman and Mrs. Leo Elstenstatt are in char>;e of style show arrangements. Mrs. My Shrlcr is program cluiirmnn. Mrs. Gerald Itosen is arrangements chairman and Hit, Ben'Silvsr Will Iw installation chairman A past president, Mrs. I. Rosen thai, will give the opening prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, newly elected irealdent, will report on the year's nrtlvitle.j. Council Plate club members will Ire announced The models participating In the Style show are: Mines. Edward D. Brodkey, Stanley Kisk, Hubert Cohn, Norman Denenberi% Sydney Epstein, Harry Altsuler, Itobert Bernstein, Win. Ko;;cl, Harold Garber, Howard Kaplan, Aaron Levitt, Stanley Maypcr, Henry Writes, Richard Siitner, I,re Sloan. N. Julian flips, Leonard I'rledel. Richard Goldman, Millard MnrKolin, Stanley Mnla.shock, Don NOSK, Elmer Novak. Charles Ronenstock, Eddie Zorinsky, Sheldon Uneoln, Harry Duboff, Nate llorWfch, David Cohn, Jacob Abraham, «on, Ted Cohn,, Sol Vaffe. Philip Feldman, Wm. Knlman, Alfred Sophlr nnd E. Leo

Bar S Bas Mitzvsh The Bar Mitzvah of Bruce Gold•teln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldstein, will be celebrated this Friday evening a n d Saturday morning, at Beth Israel SynnROEuc, 52nd and Charles st.i. All friends and relatives are cordially Invited to attend both services, and the receptions that will follow. Friday evening, Mny 13, the following Bas Mitzvahs will be observed at the Beth Israel SynaMr. and Mrs. Eugene Uraim; ArMr. an dMrs. Eui; Braiin; Arllno Epstein, daunhter of Mr. Jack G. Epstein; Mnurlne E p s t e i n , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Aaron Epstein: Sharon Frank, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Max Frank; Diana Schrclber, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Schrelber; and Irene Winer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winer. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the service and the receplon which will follow. Janice Katleman, daughter o f Mrs. David Katleman, nnd Pamela Pcrelman, daughter of Mr. nnd Mr«. Harold Perclman, will celebrate their Bas Mitzvah at n joint service Friday cvenlnc, May 6, and Saturday morning, May 7, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends nnd relatives arc invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Dr. and Mrs. Morris Roltsteln announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Lawrence, Friday evening, May 13, and Saturday morning, May 14, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.

B.E. Sisterhood To Hold Election The Beth El Sisterhood will hold Its concluding meeting of the season nt 1 p. m. Tuesday, Mny 10 in the synagogue social hall. Mrs. M. H. Brodkey, (sisterhood president, will present the annual report. Officers nnd directors for the coming year will be elected.

Correction It was Incorrectly announced In the Press that Mrs. Sam Knlman was elected corresponding secretary of B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No, 470. Mrs. Kalman was elected dues secretary. Mr3. George Schapiro Is the new corresponding secretary and Mrs. Sidney Znelmcr, financial secretary.

llabb. Myer S. Krlpltc of Beth K. SynagoRuo uttended this week tile 5J11I annual convention of the ltnbbinlcal Assembly of America, held in Highland Park, 1J1. Tile Rabbinical Asssembly incljdi1;; in its membership conservative rabbit who are graduates of tlie Jewish Theological Seminary of America, together with others who have been ndrnlttet" to membership following ordination in other American, European, nnd Israeli seminaries. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Priesman announce the b i r t h of a daughter Kim Raphael born April If! in a local hospital. The couple also hai two sons Allan Stuart and Harlan William. Mrs. " T r y Prlesman Is paternal grandmother.

Mrs. Raymond Corey will be installed as president of Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer -Women at an 8:30 p. m. meeting to be held Wednesday, May 11, at the home of Mrs. Harry Siref, 732 N. 75th st. Other newly elected officers to be installed are: Mrs. Isadore Falk, first vice-president; Mrs. Hen Wine, second vice-president; Airs. Ben Kaplan, third vice-president; Mrs. Richard Spiegel, treasurer; Mrs. -' 1 Gorodetzer, recording secretary; Mrs. Abe Bear, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Benton Kutler, financial secretary, and Mrs. Dave Wine, historian. Mrs. Sidney Sncider will be the installing officer. Mrs. Irvine Forbes, installation chairman, has announced plans to honor all charter members and past presidents of Kadimah and would like them to contact her at WA 2573.

A daughter Linda Ann was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zelinsky Wednesday, April 27, In a local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zelinsky of Omaha are paternal grandparents and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Barney Brotninn of Jtoek Island, 111. Mrs. Polly Brotman of Rock Island is The Mountain-Plains Region of Hadassah will hold Its Ninth Anmaternal great-grandmother. nual Conference, May 14, 15, 16. and 17 at the Antlers Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colo. Yehuda Harry Levin, Counselor for Embassy of Israel, Washington, D. C, will nddrcs3 n city-wide open meeting as Omaha Chapter, National Wom- part of one of the conference sesen's Committee of Brandels Uni- sions. versity, will hold Us "Bring a Attending the conference ns Guest I.uncheon" nt 1 p. m., Wed- delegates frr : Omnha Chapter nesday, May 11, at the Blnckstone Ilndossali will bo Mrs. J. Harry Hotel. Kulakofsky, n past regional presMn.\ IVHp Feldman, program ident, who will preside at one of chairman, announced that a film the sessions, and Mendamcs Mnx In color will be shown. The motion Grecnberg, Sidney Katleman, Morpicture entitled "Story of Iirandeis ris Fcllman, Ervln Simon, Albert University" is narrated by Ben Fox, Abe Bear, Ira Whitebook, Isadore Oberman, Morris M. Grauer. Election of officers will also be Franklin, Charles Fredlcin nnd Mrs. Carl Lagman nnd Mrs. Eve held. • L. Konccky of the Business & Professional Women's Group. Council Study Group Mrs. Sidney Katleman Is Omaha Current Events Study Group it Conference Chairman. tiie National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha section, will hold its last meeting of the year Wednesday, May 11, at the home of Mrs. Norman Siege], G492 Cuming street, at 1 p. m. Mrs. Floyd Perimeter will speak on "Comic Installation ot officers and final reports will be featured nt the nnd 'IV Influence on Children." regular Temple Israel Sisterhood dessert luncheon meeting" to be held nt 1 p. m., Tuesday, May 10 at Temple Israel. Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, president Last minute preparations nnd of the sisterhood, will preside. A hurried final arrangements kept board meeting nt 11 a. m. will prethe Zeta Beta Tau House popping cede the regular meeting. during the last week ns final plans w.rc made for ZBTs nnnual Whoopee Daze. The big weekend in Bikur Cholim to Meet Alpha Theata's big spring rush Bilcur Cholim Society will hold weekend, nnd boys who are sen- its dessert luncheon meeting nt iors in high school from all over 1 p. m., Monday, May 9, at the the mid-west will be nt the Chap- Jewish Community Center. Arter House in Lincoln. rangements and plnns for the June A new rug has recently been luncheon will be mnde. added to living room and new The Bikur Cholin birthday parpieces of furniture have been given ty for residents of the Dr. Philip to the House. The gifts were given Jewish Home for the Aged by the ZBT Mothers Club nnd the Sher will be held there at 7:30 p. m., Omaha Alumni Club of ZBT. Monday. Mny IB. All members are Last Wednesday, Dick Follman urged to attend. was initiated Into Corn Cobs, men's pep fraternity at the University. They form the nucleus of the Nebrnskn cheering section. Dick was one of 10 men chosen for membership this year, Other ZBTs In Corn Cobs are Doran Jacobs, outgoing ti.asurer, and Neil Miller. Howard Vann recently returned from New York City where he was a participant In n national weeklone program called "Inside Advertising." He Is an advertising major and a graduating Benior.

Omahans to Go to Had. Region Meet

ircsndeis Women Guest Luncheon

Temple Sisterhood To Install Officers

Sigma Alpha Mu will hold a parents' day gathering Sunday, May 115. Parents of all high school senior boys are cordially invited to attend. A chorus representing SAM will be included In n Ivy Day sing conteat on the Nebraska campus this Saturday.

Zionist Council to Meet Omaha Zionist Council will meet at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Mny 10, in the Jewish Community Center. A report will be given by the nominating committee. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will preside.

Face rbrea

Mrs. Cdri Lagman

I Condolence Heads B&P Unit Nathan Steinberg has contributed one hundred doilurs to Jewish Philanthropies honoring the memory of the late Mrs. Ida Sherman. Mr. Steinberg, a resident of Omaha for C5 years, offers this gift in commemoration of past kindnesses of a dear friend.

0&P Hadassah to Fete Home Folks The Business & Professional Women of Hndassali will entertain the folks nt the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, with their annual Mothers' Day program and party, Sunday, May 8, at 2 p. m., under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Hart. Mrs. Phil Schwartz, president, will bring greetings from the membership. Miss Sylvia Cllne will offer a piano selection. Miss Julia Zukcr will sing a number of favorite melodies accompanied by Mrs. Fan Boasberg at the piano. Readings will be given by Misses Suzanne Sutin, Kay Goldstein, and Kathy Adler. Refreshments will be served by the following committee who will nssist Miss Hart; Mcsdomes LU Bernstein, Jennie Rosenblatt, Iska Rothholz, Beverly Mattcy, Jean Kaplan, Sally Meyers and Julia Jacobs. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend this party for the senior members of the community.

B'naiB'rithGiftto Opportunity Center B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 and Nebraska Chapter No. 346 have made a contribution to the Omaha Opportunity Center. B'nai B'rith Lodges and Chapters in Omaha arc furnishing a kitchen for the Opportunity Center over a three year period. Tills pledge was made last year when the Opportunity Center was being established. The Opportunity Center Is located at 501C California st. Schooling facilities and therapy are made available to any handicapped child not accepted in the public schools. Children of nil races and religions are welcomed. Twenty-seven crippled and mentally retarded children nre now enrolled and have an opportunity to learn skills and receive schooling designed to meet their Individual needs.

Mrs. Carl Lagman was elected president of the Business and Professional Group of Hadijsah at a recent meeting. Other newly elect* ed officers are: first vice-president Mrs. Charles Ross; second vice* president, Miss Dorothy Rosenthai; treasurer, Iska Rochholz; financial secretary, Lee Greenberg; recording secretary, Alice Heeger; corresponding secretary, Beverly Bernstein; historian, Myrtle Freeman; parliamentarian, Mrs. Philip Schwartz; directors, Mrs. Eve L. Konccky, Miss Elizabeth Hart and Mrs. Juilla Jacobs and counselor, Mrs. Philip Schwartz. Mrs. Lagman, Mrs, Charles Ross and Mrs. Konecky ore delegates to the Mountain-Plains Regional Convention to be held May 14, 15, 16 and 17 at Colorado Springs, r Colo,

B.I. Sisterhood To Install Officers The final luncheon meeting of the 1954-1055 season of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will take place Tuesday, May 10 in the synagogue social haa The 1 o'clock affair will climax the year's activities with' the installation of hew officers. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Installation ceremony. The newly elected officers are: Mrs. Sidney .Goldberg, president; Mrs. Henry Appel, first vice-president; Mrs. Arthur Parilman, second vice-president; Mrs. Rubin Ratner, third vice-president; Mrs, Morris Shapiro, treasurer; Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, recording secretary; Mrs. Dave Frank and Mrs, Sam Katzman, corresponding jecretaries; Mrs. Sidney Feldman, financial secretary and Mrs. Dan Gordman, parllmentarian. Mrs. Lewis Neveleff, who is honorary president, will retain that position but will not be, present due to illness. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Ben Lefltz and Mrs. Stanley Diamond. Baby-sitter service will be available. Patronize Our Advertisers!


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Rayim Sweeps Y.C. Track Meet


' FrlJuy, Hoy e, 1855.


Youth Council Doings By Midge Gr

I Junior Spotlight

be held during May and June. The next meeting for this group will l)o May 21.

Zweiltack of Century Chapter will appear in the Senior Play this 7TII (iltAI)E BOV8 By Feme Katlcman l)i:i!KA DEBS Rayim dominated the Youth week. Maiviii PYeedman repreThe 7th grade boys club, sponCouncil Track Meet last Sunday Sunday, May 1, Debs held their sented Central HUrh School as a FI;NXAND sored by Uie Jewish Community The last meeting of tliis year's at the University of Creighton election meeting'. The new offi- senator at th<! Student Congress Center and led by Berate Fcldman, track. Meet scores were Haylm cers are: president, Midge Grecn- ot the National Forensic League. "Funland" was held Sunday, May held a Tine-Pong tournament in 1. For their final program of the 7?, AZA No. 100 18, and AZA No.berg; first vice-president, Lora season, the group member par- the Center Canteen at their last X I t One new record was set this Franklin; second vice-president, ticipated in nn outiiifr at Klmvvood meeting. Danny Hollis was Uie B. D. G. year In the 440 relay when Rayim S h e l l e y Greenljerg; secretary, victor; second piace went \o Mika with Rosenblatt, Einstein, Gold- Sharon Smith; treasurer, Marcia Madeline Mlroff and Berdlne park, Markovitz and there was a three* stein and Herman teamed up to Zaifcin; dues treasurer, Joanle Green received V.: S. Y. scholar- J. O. IIKI" CATS way tie between Marvin Rubacfe, beat last year's record by .3 sec- yi^-j serseants-at-arms, Sally ships to attend camp his sumISuddy Herzog and Karl LuefTlie Center sponsored seventh ond also held by Rayim. The recmer. The B. B. G. steak fry will schuclz ior third place. The next ord now stands at 511. Stan Wid- Freeman and Andy Jean Gross; re- be held May 11 and the election grade girls' club held elections at meeting for this club is scheduled porter, S h e l l e y Green; Youth their last meeting Sunday, May 1. man tied-the record in the 100 meeting will bo May IS. for May 14. Janice Katleman was chosen presiyard dash set In 1950 by Jerry Council representative, Janle Felldent of the croup; others elected Bemstlen at 10.8. Second place man; alternate Youth Council repBAVIM in the 100 went t o Larry Herman resentative, Susie Lipp, and his- Rayim fraternity completed two were: Gall Shrior, vice-president; HATS OFF torian, Barbara Brodkey. InstallaFrances MIntz, secretary; Luliclh Hats off to Karen and Mara with a time o r 11.6. community service projects this Shwidelson, treasurer; and Estelle tion will be held Saturday, May 7, Fellman who arc members of U M week; one project at Uie blood Winners In the 100 yard dash at 1 p. m. at the home of Marilyn Shulman, sergeant-at-anns. Next cast of "Tho Kemarkabe Mr. P e n . were Stan Widman of AZA No. 1, Rice. Debs are holding their an- bank. Rayim's track team won meeting of the group will be Fri- nypacker" which will bo present* first place; Larry Herman of Ray- nual formal Dinner-Dance May 21. handily over all opposition during day, May 20, at the JCC. ed by the Omaha Community im, second, and Jack Baker of The co-chairman for the dance ore the Y. C. meet Individual winners Playhouse. were Al Cory, Larry Herman, Al 6TII G B A D E ' G I R L S Rayim, third. Other winners were; Dene Sachs and Silvia Greene. Levine, Doug Conn and Gene The sixth grade girls' club at in 220 sprint, Al Cory of Rayim. Kohn. Members participating in their last meeting Sunday, May B.B. Women Bowlers Stan Wldman of AZA No. t and vanity sports at Central arc Steve 1, challenged the J. C. Hep Cats to AZA NO. 100 B'nai B'rlth Women bowlers will Irv Bolzer of AZA, No. 100; in 440 Rosenblatt, Larry Herman, Shela baseball game and picnic to take hold their banquet at 6:30 p. Bk During the past weekend a delerelay, Steve Rosenblatt, Dick Elenstein, Dave Goldstein and Larry gation of AZA No. 100 members don Krantz, Doug Conn, John place Sunday, June 19. These sixth Tuesday, May 10, at the Fireside graders are also making plans for Restaurant. Herman of AZA 1O0; in 880 run, went t o Sioux City to see AZAGoldner and James Shapiro. a Parents' Day program, wrincr Alan Lcvine of Rayim, Steve Ros- No. 12 : crown Joante Leflcow New officers will be elected and roast, and a swimming parly to trophies will bo awarded. Sweetheart of Sioux City.-Speedy enblatt of Rayim, and Howard Patronize Our Advertisers! Upton of AZA N o . 100; football throw, Doug Conn of Rayim, Al Corey or Rayim, and Steve Rosenblatt of Rayim; softball Stan Wtdman of AZA No. 1, Kohn of Rayim, and Mike C* of AZA No. 100; shot put. Kohn of Rayim, Howard Goldstein of Rayim and Jack Baker of RaJnim; broad Jump, Larry Herman of Rayim, Ai Corey of Rayim and David Goldstein of Rayim.

YC Softball Opens At Elmwood Sun. Youth Council Softball League will open this Sunday at Elmwood Park. All games will be played on the east and center diamonds and will start at 10 a. m. The league will consist of five teams, two from Rayim, two from AZA 100 and one from AZA 1. Schedule ot games are listed below with teams designated by number. They are Rayim A, No. 1; AZA 100 AA, No. 2; AZA 100 A, No. 4; and AZA No. 1, No. 5. Schedule for May 9: 1-2, east diamond; 3-4 center; May 15, 2-3 e a s t 4-5 center; May 22, 1-4 east, • 3-5 center; May 29, 1-5 east, 2-4 center; Juac 5, 1-3 east, 2-5 center; June 12, -2 east, 3-4 center; June 19, 2-3 east, 4-5 center; June 26: 1-4 east, 3-5 center; July 3, 1-5 cast, 2-4 center; and July 10, 1-3 cast, 2-5 center.

New Swimming Instructor Named Joe Mlcck has been appointed swimming Instructor at the Jewish Community Center pool. Lea Burkenroad, chairman of the Center Health and Physical Education Department announced. Mr. Micek has had seven years of experience in Red Cross water and safety programs. He Is president of the FJrst-Aid Safety Instructor's Club, director of the Pathfinder Club and a member of Omaha Firemen's Reserve.

Water Safety Class The first part of the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor's class got underway last Wednesday at the Center pool with 21 students Teceivinir instruction from Wayne Koskl, sufety services director of the Omaha Red Cross Chapter. Classes are held each Wednesday from 7:30 to 10:30 a. m. Registration for the course j s still open. Contact Mr. Koski at the Red Cross off ice. Joe E. Lewis: "It there isn't any hell, where has all the business gone to?"—(JTA)

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M R l imiHO nouNDur ii underway in X Isnel'i northern hills. Cowboyi, American style, are ridln', roptn" and bnndia' the yearlings In the Und where Prophcu spoke out for freedom. Bat the businesi i t hand is freedom (till —for freedom can only grow in a Und that feedt itielf. And Israel'i modem-Rinded people are determined that their cheriibed toil, so long neglected, ihall again be aMand of plenty. From north of present-day Dan to south of modern B e e r s h e b a - t b e drive is o n for increased agricultural production, with United Jewish Appeal help. But the g n a t irrigation pipelines that are

to water Israel's arid louth can g o through only if there are funds enough. Fundf, loo, are required to make good l i e promise ot Israel'i new commercial cropi: pcanuu, f l u , cotton end range-fed cattle la the Galilee hills. Above all, transforming ytstetdaj'e tefugcei into today's self-reliant farmers requires great sums. In seven years, nearly 100,000 newcomers have been tcttkd on the land, but thousands more must be settled this year. As ihii imaginative program flouriihes, so flourishes freedom- So give today, to save and build lives, and aid democracy. Give generously, through your local campaign.

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