May 13, 1955

Page 1

Vol. XXXIII—No. 31.


u Becona-CUtu Mattel «1 umUlA. ttebrkMkA unnflf Act af


Loan Repaymen t Told At Fed. Bond Meet The completion of the payment^ Of the first year's installment of the $325,000 loan made l>y the Federation for Jewish Service early this yearfor the purpo e of confolldatir -, short-term loans of the Israel Government, was reported by Harry Trustin, treasurer of the Federation, at the Joint meeting of the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee of the Federation, held Monday night at the Center. The amount paid was 969,000. Mr. Trustin Indicated that the loan Is to be repaid over a fiveyear period. •Jack W. Marer, Federation president, reported on the allocation of fund* from the 1934-55 Phllanthroplei Campaign, In the absence of Nathan It Nogg, Budget Chairman. A total ot $418,349 w u distributed among local, natlorjal, overseas and Israel agencies. Ernest A. Jfogg reported on the campaign progress, supplemented by report* of Harry Sldman, General Men's Chairman, and Mrs. • Mike Freeman, Women's Division c h a i r m a n .





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.•":•: Mr. Marcr and Mr. Kooper reported briefly on building Improvement progress.: The meeting wa» concluded with a talk by Hugh Y. Orgel, guest speaker. (See gtory on page 2).

New U.S. Policy On Arming Arabs Washington (JTA)—The disclosure here tlint Iraq Is to bo the only Arab stnte that will receive arms from the United States under the new Mutual Security program was received here this week with mixed reaction. Under the new program, the Administration docs not plnn to grant free arms' to Israel or to any neighboring Arab states except Iraq. This decision Is being Interpreted as a key development in the re-appraisal of Middle Eastern policy which was promised by the Administration'last December, In some circumstances it is believed that the Administration decided to limit the arms program because of the unfavorable reaction which arose on all sides. There was a lukewarm reception In neighborIng Arab countries and strong opposition in Israel. Widespread Congressional concern developed on the advisability of putting arms Into the Nenr East in advance of an Arab-tarnc] settlement.

'Man on a Bus' Over WOW-TV Sun. "Mun on a Bus," a special United Jewish Appeal motion picture will have Its Omaha premiere on WOW-TV this Sunday, May 15, from 4:30 to 5 p. m. Academy Award Winner Broderick Crawford will head the all-star «.ast Including Ruth Roman, J. Carrol Nalsh, Walter Brennan, Rosemary DeCamp and Kirn Charney. "Man on o Bus" tells the dramatic story of a group of immigrants and settlers lit Israel who are caught in the Negev desert when their bus breaks down.The 24-hour delay gives each immigrant a chance to tell the poignant story of the chain of events which led to his being on the bus In Israel

Youth Council Philanthropies Dinner May 17

The Youth Council Philanthro^ pies Dinner will be held nt the Jewish Community Center at G:30 p. m., Tuesday, May 17. Plans for the dinner are Hearing completion, it was announced by Jerry Marer, Jerry Fcrer and Itlta Katzman, co-chairmen of the Youth Council Division. A guest speaker will be on hand. Nearly fifty workers were pros cnt at the kick-off meeting held Tuesday, May 10 at the home of Rita Katzman. Mrs, Mike Freeman, chairman of the Women's Division, spoke to the Youth Council workers. \> Representatives from Y. C. clubs arc: AZA No, 1—Jack Oruch, Jerry Gordman, Stam Widman, Gary Gitnick and Stanley Kalman; AZA No. 100—Howard Knslow, Marv Frecdman and Mike Erman; BBG —Joyce : Canar, Carole Frank, Elaine Janger, Ina Margolin and Rita Pcltz; T.' A—Marda Tj)\&man, Fayna Manvltz and Annette Kasowsky; Kaylm—Marv Fercrfstein, Jerry Kohll, Mlko Ban, Tanny Horwich, Marty Greene, Phil Barron, Pnyslo Shyken and Hurray Rose; Debs—Joan Abrahams, Shelly Green, Sandy Lincoln, Janlc Fcllman, Fnyann Sokojoff, Bunny Ravltz, Linda Kavlch and Marlene Swnrtz.

• The Administration Is trying to Justify singling out Iraq for arms because of Its oil resources and Its strategic location, because of Jt» new alliances with both Pakistan and Turkey, and because Iraq's frontier is not contiguous with Israel. Since appropriations for specific countries are not earmarked In the legislation, It is highly doubtful that there would be any Congressional drive to eliminate the authorization for this Tho Federation for Jewish Servpurpose. ice will present a group of modern Jewish Art pieces to be added to the pcrmuncnt collection of the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum. The collection will be given In memory of the late Herman Auerbach. William Crodlnsky, tho first Rabbi Benjamin Groner, spiritual leader of Beth Israel, will chairmnn of the Auerbach Memorial Committee, will make tho speak at tho Hebrew Educational Aljiance in Denver, Colo., Monday presentation at 2:30 p. m. Sundny, evening. May 23. He will address Mny 22 at the museum. The gift Includes work by two the United Synagogue Division of tho Allied Jewish Community outstanding artists in their own fields, a pen and ink drawing by Council Campaign of Denver. This Is the rabbi's first speak- Ben Shahn and a group of ceremonial objects by LIUIWIR Wolpert, ing engagement in Denver which was initiated nt the Invitation of a contemporary silversmith workNnthnn Rosenberg, executive di- ing In Jerusalem. rector of Denver's Jewish Council. The gift wnB selected by a comIlahhl Groner will discuss "Is- mittee headed by Mrs. Mycr Beber. rael's Pressing Needs." About 300 Committee members arc Mrs. J. members of the division arc cx- I. Kulakofiiky and Rabbi Myer S. Ix'cleil to attend. Krlpke,

Joslyn to Receive Auerbach Exhibit

Rabbi Groner Will Speak in Denver

Omahans In the News Myron II. Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hymlc M i l d e r , was named JTIrst Vice-President and Chairman of tho Board of Directors of tho Omaha J u n i o r Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Milder Is vice-president of the Milder Oil Company. A Jaycce for seven years, he is presently executive assistant to the President of Junior Chamber International. Mr. M11 d e r has served as guardian of Henry Monsky Lodge of B'nal B'rith. He hat been Post historian of Omaha Post No. 1 ^ A m e r i c a n Legion and International Director of Nebraska Jayceca, Mr. Milder Is a member of the Omaha City Planning Commission and has been active in Klwanls, Young Republicans, Urban League and Antl-Defamatlon League of B'nal B'rith. ; Miss Kathle.; Noy, a buyer at Brandels S tore, was elected Monday as president of the Women's division,- Chamber of Commerce, for the coming year. :. * Miss Ney, a resident of Omaha for eight years, Is a native of Harrlsonbiirg, Va, She has been active in the Women's Division and In the Toostmistresg Club. She re* eently took first place In the regional Toastmistress speaking contest. Judy Rosen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Rosen of Omaha, was elected delegate to the national convention of Alpha Knsllon Phi which will be held at Mnrlwr Springs, Mich., in June. Judy, a freshman at Northwestern University, Is a memiwr of Omicron Chapter. She was one of two delegates elected to attend this convention.

Global Report RUMANIAN VISAS Jerusalem (WNS) — Applications for exit visas from Rumanian Jews who desire to Join members of their families in Israel are again being accepted by the Rumanian Ministry of the Interior after a lapse of two years, it was indicated here this week. Although no Tisas have been Issued as yet, it Is expected the visas will be handed out to per«ons who can be re-united with their•families.

. VUBIUUM mrt mail, un A. num. uuuu IUU • uoiiu* amua. Nattuk*.H>oo# 1A utt emeu UOPI 10 I M I

P v^T^thropies

At$l03,326 •

Philanthropies Box Score as of May 11 Initial Gifts . . . . . . . . $249,495 Men's Division 7,495 Women's Division . . . 41,682 B & P T t ......... 2,084 Children's Dlv. 775 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . 1,795 Total to date


Cairo Radio Attacks Israel London (JTA) — T h e United States, Britain and France were bitterly attacked this Week In a broadcast from Cairo which Indicated that the' Washington policy of appeasing the Arab countries at the expense of Israel is falling to appease Egypt. The broadcast sold that the Arabs do not expect the forthcoming meeting of the Big Three Foreign Ministers at Paris to kittle the problems between the Arab countries and Israel, "jit the creator of Israel, they cannot remove it from existence—the only settlement satisfactory to the Arabs," the broadcast stated. "The settlement of the refugee, ArabIsrael frontier, and Jordan water questions cannot possibly become the basis of any relationship between the Arabs nnd Israel for the simple reason which is closely con nected with Israel herself and her ambitions," the .. broadcast declared.

Tlie amount of $303,326 was reported in by Ernest A. Nogg, General Chairman of the 1955 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, as of Wednesday noon, "We ard now entering the final phase of our campaign," Mr. Nogg said, "we have almost reached the two-third mark of our campaign goal. "All divisions are Intensifying their efforts to clean up their cards with all speed possible and increases which arc necessary in this . campaign." "• In the meantime, Harry Sldman, General Men's Chairman, announced that his division swung into action following a breakfast meeting of a number of enthusiastic workers held last Sunday morning. Mr. Sldman reported that the cards In his division were being processed by tho solicitors and that more than 30 per cent of his campaign goal has already been reported with a very substantial ' Increase. Sam Steinberg, Chairman of the Initial C"ts Division, reported (hat $249,499 has already been registered in pledges. The workers in his division have undertaken to clean up all the cards within the next ten days. Mrs. Mike Freeman, Women's Division Chairman, expressed confidence that the cards in that division, which represent the largest number of prospects, are coming in steadily and that her co-chairmen and advisors and workers are all engaged in a swift clean-up and follow-up operation. The High School division, conducted by the Jewish Youth Council held a meeting Tuesday evening, at which plans for the Youth Council Drive, were mapped out, Mrs. Mike Freeman addressed the meeting of the workers' group.

The Egyptian radio reported that the results of the Bandung conference include Slam's suspension of diplomatic representation with Israel and expansion of Arab economic cooperation with Asian countries. (The first Asiatic Legation will bo opened in Israel next week when Burmese Minister U Kin Mating Galch opens his country's legation. He has previously represented Burma at Belgrade. It is expected that the Burmese The Jewish Community Center's Legation will be functioning fully before U Nu. Premier of Burma Cinema Club Scries will close its and friend of Israel, visits this season with the French film clasISItAEl, TO EXTORT sic, "The Well Digger's Daughter" : v ^ Bonn (JTA)—Within the frame- country.) : to be shown this Sunday, May 15, work of normal trade outside the In Joslyn Concert Hall. The film German-Israel reparations pact, AUSTRIAN TALKS In French with English sub-titles,. tho West German Government has given Its approval to the importaVienna. (JTA)—The long-await- ". . . is sheer delight . . . the most delightful French comedy that has . tion from Israel of $1,700,000 worth ed meeting between the Austrian of citrus fruit, of peanuts and pea- Government and representatives come this way" reports the New nut kernels worth $1,000,000 and of Jewidft and other organizations York Times. This unusually touching comedy ' of eggs worth $100,000. This Is by interested in restitution for vicfar the largest authorization to tims, of the Nazis opened Monday drama centers around the birth date for the import of goods from with the Austrian Government of an illegitimate child to the old, the Jewish State. Payment will making no new offer of any sub- well-digger's daughter, the antics be half In German goods and half stance. At the. conclusion of the of the wealthy paternal grandparIn foreign exchange of which Ger- meeting, there was little optimism ents, and the charm of the well many has a large surplus. among the four delegates repre- digger and his assistant. senting the Jewish Committee for Admission is by series ticket or single admission 75 cents may be Assembly Hears Threat Claims on Austria. purchased at the door on the eveTo Communal Life ning of the performance. Show tlmo is 8:15 p. m. Highland Park, 111. (WNS)—The Sunday Radio, TV foundations of Jewish life In the United States are being threatened Rabbi Louis I. Newman of IRON DEPOSITS as never before by intermarriage, Congregation Rodcph Sholom In United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— divorce, Indifference and ignor- New York City will discuss Israel has several deposits of iron ance, it was reported here by Rab- "When God Plucks His Flow- ore, one of which may produce a bi Reuben M. Katz of Frecport, ers" on the Message of Israel yield of as much as 15,000,000 tons, Long Island, at tho fSSth annual program over KOIL from 9:35 according to the latest survey of convention of the Rabbinical Asworld Iron resources just published to 10 a. m. sembly of America, the national here by the United Nations Deassociation of Conservative rabbis. Frontiers of Faith under the partment of Economic and Social Rabbi Katz said that Jewish auspices of the Jewish TheologU Affairs. service agencies, like those serv- cal Seminary will present "An The largest of Israel's deposits ing other religious groups, are American Ballad" over WOW- is nt Markhtcsh, about 25 miles overburdened with tremendous TV from 1 to 1:30 p. m. southwest of the southern end of case loads nnd never-ending waitthe Dead Sea. This deposit, the ing lists. "To counteract these dissurvey reports, has a minimum o( The Eternal Light program turbing trends, wo need positive five million tons—and possibly as will be broadcast over WOWaction to keep the ideals of Jewish much as 15 million tons—of ore family lifo alive and apparent to' Radlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 containing 27 to 46 percent iron,, ' our people," he stated. . i noon. with an average of 35 percent."

'Well Digger's Daughter1 at Joslyn Sunday



Religious News

Ifrtdaj Dj the Federation loi Jewish Service * • < uno«i t u t a o l Juice ». ITU. 'HIM >ui J*>. lOU Klrert, **",uii~N<i>r..' u u » OD A U t u emu HOP Marco—tow So. i l l - etreel


Friday, May 13, 1053.

Fremont News By Scnoon Fiillli

Mr. nnd Mm. Morris Iliihenduro of Fremont minounce the con7:08 p. in., Cnnillcllglillng firnv.illnn of their u;nii',m>r, Heneo Carol, at 2 p. m., Sunday, Mny 29, nt Beth Israel Synagogue in Temple Israel Fremont. Following the services, Services will be held at Templt an open house will bo held in the Isrnrl at 8 o'clock Friday evening. Community ]toom of the C'ity AuRabbi Sidney If. Brooks will ditorium, Broad and 9th sts. preach on "The 1/a.cncc of Jewish Marriage," the background and Abner Kraisnc was doubly honmeaning of the ceremony, In the ored at a recent meeting of B'nai light of current community dis- B'rith nnd the synagogue board cussion of the subject He was elected president of both Services arc at 11:30 a. m., Sat- groups. Louis Babendure was peurday morning. Rabbi Brooks will clected treasurer of B'nni B'rith deliver th, sermonette and Kid- lodge; Harold Wohlnor, treasurer dusb for the congregation will fol- ot the synagogue; Benson KnUk, low the service; The Religious secretary of both lodge and nynaSchool Choir, under the direction gOBue; Mose Krasnc, chairman for of Mitt Ida Gltlin, will sing the UJA. The synagogue Is being reservice. modeled and painted.


Israeli Attache Tells.. . .

Israel Exclusion From M.E. Pacts Discussed

The arming of the Arab States ply are being forwarded. Eric John•Dd the exclusion of Israel from son. President Eisenhower's sepMiddle East treaties are the two dal" envoy, has for the past two major point* under discussion in years been attempting to work -Washington by Israel and the out an arrangement acceptable to State Department, Hugo Y. Orgel, both the Arabs and Israel, Mr. Information Attache at the Israel Orgel pointed out Mr. Johnson is Embassy in Washington, told the trying to settle the question of members of the Federation board water rights with the bone of conDr. Morris Margolin ' of governors and executive com- tention being the quantities of Beth El water allotted and the use of the mittee Monday evening. Services Friday evening will beSea of Galilee as a reservoir the League Hatred gin at 8:15 p, m. Rabbi Myer S. The feeling in Israel concerning attache stressed. It is hoped that ! Kripke will deliver the sermon. the Turco-Iraq pact is that the this will be settled in the near fuCantor Aaron L Edgar and the Arab League may be' slightly ture end that the settlement will Beth El Synagogue Choir will swayed toward the West, but the lea*to an casing of tension In the By Doris SmoUr Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman render the musical portion of the league's Hatred Israel is unabated. Middle East, he emphasized. of the Jewish Board of Education, service. COMMUNAL TRENDS: Mr. Orgel stated. So that arming Israel Today Sabbath morning service will be The 1955 United Jewish Appeal the Arab states is a threat 4o the Israel today, Mr. Orgel laid, is will be guest speaker at the Beth new democracy in spite of the roughly comparable to the United Israel Men's Club at 7 p. m, Thurs- at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congrega- drive—still under the direction of day, May 10, In Beth Israel social tion services are at 10 JO a. m. Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz who will good intentions of the State De- States about 100 years ago in that Mlncha-Maariv Service will be at soon take over the direction of the partment, he added. It is hoped both nations faced the problems hall. Toe Bar and Bas Mltzvahs cele- 7:15 p. m. Sunday morning serv- Israel bond campaign—is now go« that as a result of the Washing- of Integrating the influx of ImmiIng strong all over the country ton talks a place In the Middle grants and settling Its border sit- brants of the past year will be ices are at 9 a. m. Daily services arc at 7 a. m. and Numerous big gift meeting* East treaty organization can be uations. The U. S. had to win the honored at .this time. They are: 7 p. m. nnd campaign opening dinner! found for Israel, the attache land from the forest and Israel has Robert Epstein, Steve Seglitt, Donshow that more contributors « i * opined. to conquer the desert. The U. S. aid NoodcU, Eugene Dandy, Arbeing reached, nnd more money 1» Water Talks depended on foreign capital until thur Raznick, Larry Garrop, Dan Beth Israel being raised, than for the past Aside from these discussions of the turn of the century and Israel Abrahamson, Gerald Rosenblatt, Rabbi benjamin Groner, Cantor several years . . . The campaign primarily political nature, water strives for economic independence Harold Levey, Martin Meyers, Ir- Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel is reported to be firmer than i t development negotiations for reg- in a much shorter period of time, win Nathan, Larry Conn, Bruce Choir, will conduct the service Uus was a year ago . . . In New York Goldstein and Kena Shyken. ional use of the area's water sup- heneflected. Friday evening at 8 p. m. the UJA drive has passed $8,000,* Others are Marvin Ruback, Joel Mr. Orgel wan introduced by Traditional Friday evening scrv- 000, with 53,500,000 In innugural Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. who ex- Davis, A l a n Konecky, Marilyn ros (Kabollus Shubbos) begin at contributions alone . . . The Miaplained that Harry Levin, Coun- Braun, Arlccno Epstein, Maureen .15 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- mi Jewish Federation drive lx>came selor for the embassy, who was Epstein, Diane Schricbcr, Sharon m begin at 8.30 n. m. Junior one of the first In the country to originally scheduled to speak was F r a n k , Irene Wciner, J e r r y 'Jongrcgalion ut 10 n. m. lUil go over the top ns It passed its Schwartz and Gerald Lelir. unable to be present. (ironer will conduct the Talmud 1934 total on April 15 . . . TheA native of London, England Other guests attending will be Claw, at 0:45 p. m.; Sabb.ith Min- Miami campaign, traditionally the) Sunday, May 18 Mr. Orgel has made his-home in ack W. Marcr, federation presl- cha nt 7:15 p. in, followed by first Inrge metropolitan drive to Center Cinema Club, Film, The Israel for the past 18 years. Prior lent; Paul Verct, federation execu- hole she .S'cudos nnd M n a r i v . get under way eaeli year, raised Well Digger's Daughter," 8:15 p to accepting his embassy post five ive director; ami Ilnrry Ilalpcrt, >a»Iy morning Lervice** Ijeg'in ut this year over $1,250,000, which la m.—Joalyn. months ago, he was a staff mem- •ditor of the JewrJi I'rrsi. a. m. Afternoon i.<-rvice:» at 7:30 $100,000 better than last year . . , Monday, Hay 16 ber of the Jerusalem Post, nn Kngin. Sunday morning f-.eivice.s be- The Allied Jewish Appeal in PhilRosen .ltions can be made !>y Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m.— lish language daily newspaper in railing the synagogue office, RK in at 8:45 n. m. followed by hreakwhich 6lart<d drlvQ p Center. Israel. He is married and has two D288, until Wednesday, May 18. ast and Unbbi's class In Bible. adelphia, l six weekii ago, has now Tuesday, May 17 daughters. This is his first visit to Sunday morning Junior Minyan nl>out National Council of J e w i s h Omaha. He has found the U. S. to followed by breakfast, starts at passed the $2,000,000 mark and is better than 50 percent along tho Women's Luncheon, 12:30 p. m.— be a big. friendly country with u 8:30 a. m. way toward its 1054. total . . , Highland West Club. general lack of information about Tho Talmud Discussion group Similarly Cleveland, which started Youth Council philanthropies Israel. meets every Tuesday evening at its campaign on April 17, is now Supper. 6:30 p. m.—Center. 8 p. m. at the 19th and Hurt sts. nearlng the $2,000,000 mark, the Wednesday, May 17 New members of the Family Synagogue. current total being close to SO Mizrachl Women, 1 p. m.—CenBeth Israel Junior Choir meets percent of the overall sum raised Service Committee were familiarter. ized with the workings of the de- every Sunday at 11 a. m. In 1954 . . . The Jewish CommuCenter Orchestra, 8 p. m-—Cenpartment of the Federation for nity Federation In Cleveland is ter. Jewish Sarvice last Friday aftcraiming lit better tnan $4,255,000 A new B'nai B'rith Youth Grou; loon nt UJA Sets in Morion B'nal B'rith Women, Henry Monand there is hope that the combeing formed In Omaha. A pre- lit tee. a meeting of the com sky Cha", ter Adult Education, 8 p. munity will go over the top by a Cash Mobilization liminary meeting was held April m Home. good margin . . . In Los Angeles The Family Service Department Highland Ladies StagctU 8 p. 2 and Edward Rosen, Henry Mon New York (JTA1—The United the campaign of the Jewish Com* m.—Highland West Club. ^ sky Lodge BBYO chairman pre- as been for many years an in- Jewish Appeal Monday set In mo- munity Council is running very egral part of the Federation for tion n 60-day nationwide cash Sigma Alpha Mu Alumni Club sented Bnai B'rlth's views. close to.n 10 percent increase over At'the following meeting held Icwish Service. The department mobilization to offset the growing last year, with more than $2,100,. Stag, 805 p. m.—Blackslone HoApril 17, Manuel Dcsnet, regional instantly strives to provide clanger of n return hy Israel to 000 raised to date . . . The opening tel. BBYO director, was guest speak- services to those who are in need tont camps for its mounting influx campaign In S»n Francisco this Thursday, May 18 Hadassah Executive Board, 12:30 er. Temporary officers were elect if them, Mrs. Louis Yager, direc- of refugee newcomers from Tunisia month produced a total of $530,ed to serve until September when or of the Family Service Depart- nnd Morocco. William Rosenwald, 000 in opening eltts, establishing a. p. nu—Home. general chairman of the UJA, sig- C percent Increase and putting the Temple Study Group, 1 p. m.— B'nal B'rith will officially consider ment, stated. The range of problems with nalled opening of the emergency campaign near the half-way mark acceptance of the new Omaha T. L hlch the department in Intcrcst- CO-day drive with n special mes- . . . The campaign of the Jewish Beth Israel Men's Club Dinner. chapter. The organization Is a coed group for members between the d in helping people Includes such sage to all campaign affiliates that Welfare. Fund of, Baltimore is close 7 p. m.—B. L 'aried areas ns maritnl adjust- warned ol "tragic consequences In to 70 percent complete With conages of 18 and 35 years ,pf age. .Evening Art Class, 7:30-n, m.— ent, parent-child relationships, Israel nnd North Africa unless the tribution!! now totalling about Those interested In joining can Center. B 4 P K^dassah, 8 p. m.—Home. contact Miss Clara Katz, member- dolescent adjustment, personal need i.s met promptly and in ?2,000.000 for a 7 percent increase applness ami vocational guidance. full." Jewish War Veterans and Ladies ship chairman, at HA 7902. l over lasl year In Pittsburgh, The counselling program, Mrs. The next meeting will be held Auxiliary Meeting, 8 p. m.—CenAt the same time, Mr. RosenUnited i d Jewish J i h iunday. May 15 at 8:30 p. m., at 'ager stated, "consists of nn ob- wald announced flint the UJA will the campaign of the U ter. Fund got under way on April 10 Kadlmah Regular Meeting. 8:30 the home of Harry Richman. A ?ctive effort to understand the hold a National Cash Conference with more than $.'540,000 for a 0 social hour will follow. The first lic-nt, his problem nnd the factors Juno 4 nnd 5 at the Sheraton Park p. m.—Home. social outdoor activity will be u olh within the client himself and Hotel in Washington, to assess the percent increase over Inst year •rithin the environment which may dollar drive at Its half-wny mark . . . Dallas is showing a C percent wclncr roast to be held May 2L ? accounting for his difficulties." and to set the stage, for n multi- Increase, and In Denver the cammillion dollar finish. The two- paign goes forward with n 7 perAtlanta is runMonument- Dedication month cash drive, which will come cent Increase .LL'TZNICK TELLS within the framework of the Ap- ning 5 percent ahead of last year The family of the late Mrs. B. Tel Aviv (WNS)—Philip Klutz- peal's year-long campaign, will in- nnd St. Paul Is way ahead of last The annual mcctinc or the Beth El Synagogue Kill be held at n Rachel) Rosenbaum will dedicate Ick, president of the American volve a totn! of 3,300 communities. year with a 30 percent increase nd world B'nai B'rith organiaamonument in her memory at 1 . . . Newark expects a 12 percent dinner Sunday, May 22, at 6 p. m. Mr. Rosenwald, In opening the to the social hall of the Synagogue. ). m., Sunday, May 15, at Mt. Sinai ions, told newsmen here at the cash drive, told campaign leaders Increase and so do numerous othHarry DuBoff and Ms. Samuel -cmetery. Rabbi Benjamin Gron- onclusion of the 28th annual con- in his coast-to-coast message: er cities. (Copyright 1055—JTA) S. Steinberg, general chairman'of r and Cantor Eli Kagan of Beth cntion of the B'nai B'rith of Israel 'Israel's tremendous progress of arrangements, with their planning sraei Synagogue will officiate. hat the State of Israel needs a recent years can be washed away :reat flow of capital investment •'riends and relatives are invited to committee Including MmM. M. A. lollars to reach its economic goals. if there arc Insufficient dollars for Plea for World Peace Vengcr, Robert Kooper, William he services. Addressing one of the conven- the reception, settlement and ab- Marks Anniversary Alberts, A. D. Frank, Arthur Cohn, ion sessions, Mr. KluUnlck praised sorption of the present large tide Harry DuBoff and Phinras Winhe B'nai B'rith movement in of impoverished newcomers from New York (WNS)—Pleas for troub, are makln,; dinner and en- Berii Israel Paper Sale Israel for its activities in inte- North Africa. A shortage of funds world pcacx, support for Israel tertainment arrangements. Belh Israel Talmud Torah nntl grating recent Immigrants Into at this time, would mean the col- and the strenRthcnlnE of humanU Reservations Mil be accepted lunday School will hold their an- Israeli life. He appealed for great- lapse of the recently introduced tarian values were voiced here last Until the capacity of the social hall mal paper Bale Sunday morning, r understanding between Araeri- nnd eminently successful ship-toscttlcment program under which week by Jewish spokesmen at a is reached. A dinner ticket in the May 22. For Information concern- an end Israel Jewry. the newly-arriving • immigrants public meeting at Town Hall sponSisterhood Book of Events will ad- ing the transportation of the paper sored by tho American Jewish mit one. To make reservations, call Morris Kutler. collection George Jean Nathan: "The gland have been fiolng to specially-pre- Congress to commemorate the please call the Synagogue Office, chairman, at JA 1578 or the sy- : the only thing secretive about pared agricultural colonies within tenth anniversary of the liberation hours after their debarkation." nagogue office, RE 6288. CL 3221, omen."—(JTA) of the Nazi concentration camps.

BJ. Men Will Hear Dr. M. Margolin

) Community Calendar

Family Service Committee Meets

BWi B'rith Forms New Youth Group

Beth El Annual Meeting May 22

Belween You and Me

Friday, May U, Itfta.


Through the Looking Glass*


Monsfcy Chapter Wins Honor Award

Mizrachi Women A dessert luncheon at 1 o'clock will precede the regular meeting of the Omaha chupter Mizraclu" Women Wednesday, May 18, at tlie Jewish Community Center. At this meeting the nnnual collection of cash for the purchase of linens will be taken. Mizrachi Women's Organization of America has fifty projects in Israel, Including the Bessie Uotsfeld Children's Village in Kaanana. The members of the local chapter have always been generous with their contributions, stated Mrs. Harry Paskowitz, financial secretary. Mrs. Abraham M. Danzig, regional president, from Kansas City, Mo., will be guest speaker. Rational Council of Jrwish Women, Onmlia Section, will present their summer style snow "Through the looking Olaaa" at their do*-, lag meetior of the year at 1 p. m, Tuesday, May 17, in the Highland West Club. Forty Council members will model the, fashions. The meeting will feature tlio Installation of officers. Pictured above nre from left to right: Mrs. Ily Shrler, program cbalrmaBi Mn. E. Robert Ncwmiin and Mrs. Leo ElsensUtt, style show chairmen. Not shown nre Mrs. Gerald Bosen, arrangements chairman; and Mrs. Ben Silver, Installation chairman.

JWV Auxiliary

A regular meeting of the EpPictured above from left to right are Mmes. Aaron Epstein and" stein-Morgan No. 260 Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans Seymour KupLtn, past prciildcnta, and Mrs. Barry Frledmaa, newly will be held Thursday, May 19, at Installed president of r'wii U'rlUi Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470. (he Jewish Community Center at They are holt'lng un Honor Club Award presetted to B'nal B'rlth 8 p .m . . • . • . " - . ' '• , • ; . . • ' • • Henry MonnUy Chapter by the WoDKUi'i Home Companion MagaPlans are being made for the zine. The Honor lull Awards are presented to etobs in recognition annual Flag Day Sale to be held of "distinguished community service and Improvement.? The.chapTuesday, June 14. Volunteer work' ter was the only Omaha club to receive the sward tola year. B'nal era will be needed. Anyone wish- B'rlth Henry Monaky Chapter waa cited for Its extensive human reIng to help, please contact Mrs. lations program and Ita community service as well as far Its brond Jack Saylan, WE 2071. philanthropic projects. Mrg.jJullus Stein, community reMr. and Mrs. A. B. Frank of 120 lations chairman, was in charge of Mrs, Charles Hyatt, outgoing Hollywood (JTA)—When Danny S. 54th st, will be at home Sun- the Israeli Day Party held at the 6th Grade Girls president o( the Kenncsth Israel day, May 15 to honor Mrs, Frank's Dr. Kaye was In Italy, he sent a picPhilip Shcr Home for the Aged, The next meeting of the Center's Sisterhood of Minneapolis, Minn., parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol H. Katz April 27. Mrs. Max Rosen and Miss ture postcard of tbe Venus dc Mllo Nancy Baron presented a musical sixth grade girls' club will be held back to his young nephew living In will be guest speaker at u lunch- of Israel. at the Jewish Community Center Brooklyn. On the back of it he'd Mr. and Mrs. Katz, former Omaprogram featuring Yiddish songs. con given in her honor by the hann, are visiting at the home of Refreshments were served. The fol- this Sunday, May 15 at 3 p. m. AD members of the board ofjthc Beth one of their daughters Mrs. M. F. lowing members assisted: Mmes. members ore urged to-attend as written: "See what will happen to Israel Sisterhood. The 1 o'clock Levcnson. TKey plan to return to Julius Stein, Max Ilosen, Sara plans for tbe remainder of. the you If you don't stop biting your Fellman, Betty Itabinowitz, Frank year's activities will be discussed. nails?" program will be held nt the home Israel in June. Cohen, Max Belgrade, Ccle Bush of Mrs. Sam Kntzman Wednesday, Pfc. Leonard DcPorte, son of and Martha Bordy. Mny 18. Mrs. Bess DcPorte, 5821 Charles The regular monthly Omaha VetThe purpose of Mrs. Hyatt's trip st. Is home on leave after 18 eran Hospital party was held to Omaha In to explain nnd nid the months of duty in Korea. Pfc Dc- Thursday, May 5. Those assisting Beth Israel Siaterliood In the or- Porte is attached to the U.S. Army were: Mrs. Aaron Epstein, Mrs. Quartermaster Con's. Frank Cohen and Mrs. Meyer Kaplan. A case of cigarettes was Mr. and Mra. Irwin Sherman nn- also presented to the patients. nounce the birth of a ton, Mark Ian born April 22 in a local lios- Hadassah plfal. The couple has two other The Omaha Chapter Hadassah sons Michael and Stephen. Pater- Board will meet for dessert lunchnal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. eon Monday, May 23, at 12:30 p. Dave Sherman and maternal m. at tlie home of Mrs. Hyman grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Leo Belmnn, 120 So. 50th St. CoWaxenljcrg, all of Omaha. hostesses will be Mrs. Alfred Fiedler and Mrs. Max Canar. IOO Second Lieutenant Maynard Tn- Please note: The group board tclman of the US. Air Force is meetings will take place Thursday, ...m COSTS visiting; with his father in Omaha, May 26. The Installation and chapM. Tntclmnn Is on a change of station leave and will report to ter meeting oC Omaha Chapter HaT«ll(3i Larado, Tex., for Jet training this dassah will take place June 1 at mry tnmtitn the Jewish Community C e n t e r . Tuesday. Watch next week's Press for furnanaui iiattt ther details on the above meetings. Mitrletfj *ii»ifHollywood (JTA)—In n crowded movie house, Jerry Lewis was Just nbout to sit down In one of a pair of empty*seats when he was the only cake nines packed in gold foil to protect their perfect freshness! abruptly pushed off balance by a woman trailing behind him with Mrs. Charles Hyatt her husband. Before he could reMr, and Mrs. Rudolph Lurlc of Bsnlzatlon of regional division of cover, the couple had plumped Bloomlngton, III., nnnounce the enthe Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- Into the scats. "Sorry, my friend," gagement of their daughter. Miss gregations of America, Women's said the husband, "we beat you!" Sue, to Bruce M. Ttoscn. Mr. RoBranch. "That's all right," said Jerry. sen Is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Hyatt was the first presi- "I hope you and your mother en- Mrs. Jacob Rosen of Omaha. RUG & UPHOLSTERY dent of the Twin Cities Chapter of Joy the show." . Miss Lurte is a graduate of the CLEANERS that organization and has served University of Illinois, where she on the national board as vice-presiRUGS — CARPETING was a member of Alpha Ejpsllon dent. She has served on the Twin LAMP SHADES ^hl Sorority. Cities Kashruth Council and is FURHnURI Mr. Rosen was graduated from secretary of the newly formed he University of Nebraska, where Ily Mrs. Morris Speekter. Twin Cities Orthodox Syna[;oi;ue Cleaned in Yoar Homel he was a member of Zeta Beta On your seventh year, State of Tau. 'Organization, srarfhra • Uyl»g - Rapohtef Israel, Invitations have been extended HA 25S4 Mrs. Sam Gclfman, aunt of the DON BERNSTEIN to the executive boards of ortho- I congratulate and wish you fiance, attended the engagement well. dox sisterhoods in Lincoln, Freparty, held In Bloomington at the mont, Sfoux City, nnd Council With Justice and good fortune. home of Mr. Rosen's brother-inBluffs. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abe May your existence be blessed. JUST ARRIVED! And a hope that you shall bloom I. Pollock. Dromedary Cake Mixes And grow filLi e'er my thankful Served Buffet Stylel A Shipment of breast. A completely new shortenlnfi;— All You Care to Eat Fine Israel arid completely kosher, of course—has From Hnman's shall you always be safe, been developed for Dromedary ltione JA lana to mien JTOUT Vfu» Ad Domestic Made Tb« Jawtflb Vitu. Cake Mixes, to odd a fluffy Hi;ht- A prayer that penpc shall be a Current rate t* 60 cvtit* fof cadi Uuer. NOON TO 3 P.M. T'PHILLIN loa Th« l*re«i reserve* tun «eht to llmM your lot, ness, a rich, moist, tender quality Izo of eacn Advertisement. to cakes that no store-lwuRht And no more battles will be OAR and Bas Mltzvah congratufought. shortening can impart A special lations also for all Jewish holiAlso Fmi. ..'i of pro-creaming process was develdays and special occasions. oped r- a super-blending process Our fallen heroes can never be Prayer Shawls Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge forgotten, that produces a super-smooth cake batter with 150 fewer mixing This free land for their broth- WOMEN WANTED—Several girls Special for Bar Mitzvah Boys ers strokes than other ealte mixes reto address, mall postcards. Spare quire. The twinpack—an exclusive With their blood they have betime every week. Write Box 161, gotten. REASONABLE PRICES new convenience feature found Bclmont, Moss. only In Dromedary Cake Mixes— Blessed be Uic Holy Land, IOUSEWORK Wanted—Woman NATHAN LEVINSON divides each box of Dromedary And ever able to offer the sufHOTEL BLACKSTONE interested in full-time houseCake Mix into two separate, scaled fering AT 4252 work. Lives out No cooking. Call 3014 Webster glassine packets—a distinct ad- A loving, helpful hand. JA 1366 Sunday morning. vantage on many counts. :

Guest Speaker for Omaha Sketches BJ. Sisterhood




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Award Night CampusNews Bar & Bas Mitzvah May 24 at 'J 1 1

The annual Atheltic Award Night will be held Tuesday, May 24, at the Jewish Community O n ter, T^ea Burkenroad, chairman of the Center Health and Physical Education Committee, announced Louis Paul past director of phydca education, will be guest speakt-. Max PlaU, member of the health and physical education committee, will icrve as mastcr-ofceremonies. At Award Night, approximately 100 Jay athletes will *-J hono.jd for service and accomplishment. Participants in bowling, basketball, softball, trmck and other sports in the Jewish Community Center program will be included. The highlight of the evening will be the awarding of (he top three trophies to the outstanding grade school, high school and varsity athlete.. Bucky Grecnberg will present the J. J. Greenberg Memorial trophy to the top Midget basketball player, while Harry Trustln win present the Trustln trophy to the outstanding Youth Council athlete and Les Burkenroad will award the Burkenroad trophy to the leading s:n!jr ath leic.

Award Night Is open to tho pubHe, and all award winners will be notified to.attend and receive their a w a r d . Refreshments .will be served at the end or the program.

Girls' Swim Meet At Center May 29 A swim meet for girl swimmers and beginners will be held Sunday. .May 29, at the Center pool. Arrangements have been made so that a large number of entrants can participate, James KarbaUch, center physical education director, stated, The meet will start at 10

a. m. Pat Greenfield, director of the meet, announced the following events: 20 yard freestyle, 40 yard freestyle, 20 yard backstroke, 20 yard breast stroke, 80 yard relay, underwater distance swim and diving competition. A special section for beginning swimmers will be Judged on form in standing dive, crawl stroke and elementary backstroke.

AZA 100. Royim A Win League Openers IV Jbn KirbaUrh In two games Sunday at Elmwood Park, the Youth Council Sof >a)l League began this year's activity with lop-sided scores, .jme good fielding and wild pitching. At the center diamond, AZA 100 tromped over Bayim B 1 9 4 . Trailing 4-5 in the third Inning, the Century club paraded 17 batten to the plate and took the field with 13 zuns on the board. Both clubs tallied in the fifth, but the ten-run rule ended the game at that point Pitcher Stewart Kutler also led h|s team at the plate by marking five i b-I's with a .1000 batting a v c r a f for the day with a single and a tr'jle. RaylnvA jumped off in the first inning with seven runs across the plate to defeat AZA 1. 11-1. These runs were tallied through five walks, an error and two base hits. The Mother Chapter committed three errors in the fourth to help Rayim A to four more runs. Al Krizelman scored tho only run after getting a single and advancing on a walk, error and fielder's Choice. Al also made the fielding gem of the day at shortstop by snagging a hot line drive to his right and doubling off a runner at first base.

Beth El Picnic Children of tho Beth Kl Sunday School are invited to attend the Lag Bs-Omer Picnic Sunday, May 15, at 11 a. m. in 'Elmwood Park. Children will meet at the picnic area of the,. Park. Tiiey are to bring their picnic lunch with them. Sports events, games, and storytelling will be part or the program.

Sigma Alpha Mu will liold its annual Parents' Day Sunday. May 15. Besides parents of die members of the fraternity, all parents ot hij;h school senior boys ure invited. The program will start at 2 p. m. Those attending will bu entertained by the Sigma Alpha Mu chorus and octette. A cu speaker will al.o be pn-Miit.

Ivy Day, May 7, Sigma Delta Tou had three ot their r. "iris masked us Mortar Ko.niR Gail Katskee was masked as president. She belongs to Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman scholastic honorary society: Alpha Knsilon Uho, honorary Radio-TV; vice-president of All Unttersity Fund; secretary of Student Council and University Symphony Orchestra. Shirley Rosenberg is member of Alpha Chi, advertising society; Theta Sigma Phi, Journalism; Kappa Tau Alpha, Journalism; president of Tassel, vice-president of Red Cross, Publicans Board, and Alpha Lambda Delta. Janet Cordon Is secretary of Builders, second vice-president of SDT. Alpha Lambda Delta, managing editor of the Cornhusker. Nebraska Sheethear finalist, and vice-president of Young Democrats. Helen Sherman wns one of the leaders of the Ivy Chain.

Recipients Named for Stephen Wise Awards New York (WNS)—Elmer Davis, noted author and news analyst; Professor Franz Boehm, distinguished German Christian Democrat; Louis Llpsky, veteran American Zionist leader. And Yale University have been named recipients of the Stephen Wise Awards for 1954, It was announced this week by Dr. Israel Coldstcln. president of the American Jewish ConRrpss which grants the annual awards. Mr. Davis received the award for his defense of civil liberatles; Professor Bochm for his contribution to general Jewish welfare; Mr. Lipsky for his role in the building of Israel through a half century of leadership in the Zionist movement, and Yale University for Its work in Jewish scholarship. The awards, rach boarinc a cash value of $1,000. are made annually for outstanding service In four major areas to which the late Dr. Stephen Wise dedicated his life.

Friday, May 13, 1935.


I..iiwr<'nco Uoitstcln, son of Dr. and Mrs. Morris Roit.stein, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, May 13, and Saturday morning. May 14, ut Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.

Mr. und Mrs. Isldor Wclntraub announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Arnold, Friday, May 20, and Saturday morning, May 21, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Friday evening, May 13, the following Bas Mltzvahs will be observed at the Beth Israel Synagogue: Marilyn Braun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Braun; Arllne Epstein, daughter of Mr. Jack G. Epstein; Maurine E p s t e i n , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Epstein; Sharon Frank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Frank; Diana Schrclber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schrelbor, and Irene Winer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winer. V Friends and relative* are Invited to attend the service and the reception which will follow. Kcva Shyken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shyken, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at Beth Israel Synagogue Friday evening, May 20 and Saturday morning. May 2L Friends and relatives arc invited to attend the services and receptions which will follow.

Educational, Health Survey by UN Group

United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Israel's concentration on the absorption of Immigrants, and the country's dependence on foreign loans, voluntary collections abroad nnd other such means for the financing of social welfare development programs, have made It impossible for the Jewish State thus far to plan educational and health services on an overall basis. These views were presented in a survey today to the Social Commission, a unit at the United Nations Social and Economic Council, which started Its three-week session here this afternoon. The survey deals with programs ot social development around the world. Miss Katleman Heads Israel Is one of the 18 member nations of .the Commission and is Beth El Council represented at the present session Miss Janice Katleman was elected president of (he Student Coun- by G. G. Lotan, of the Israel Lacil of the Beth £1 Talmud Torah. bor Ministry. Other officers are: Justin Lewis, vice-president; Marilyn Katzman, secretary; Steve Could, treasurer. Discrimination Walls All pupils of the Talmud Torab Tumbling, Says Aide are members ot the student council, which Is divided Into ten units Wellington (WNS) — Maxwell of fifteen or more .children of the M, Rabb, Secretary to President same age group. Each unit is led Eisenhower's Cabinet, declared by a leader and an assistant leader. here at the concluding session of The -unit leaders arc: Justin the American Jewish Committee's Lewis, Sheila Novak, Louis Rich, National Executive Board meeting Bonnie Tarnoff, Susan S a ' c h s , that enlightened American public Steve Cculd, Harlen* Rlmmcrman, opinion is tumbling down the walla David Forbes, Marsha Rosenblatt, of discrimination and prejudice and that attainment of that obBarry Lewis and Judith Nogg. The assistant leaders arc: Alan jective can be reached "by examOitravlch, E d e n Conn, Janice ple and precept, rather than by Katleman, Arnold Manvilz, Mari- shrill exhortation that leads only lyn Kateman, Ronl Meyer, Frances to frustration for nil." Rife, Jerold Novak, Maureen BorMr. Itabb won pre.rntod with a scroll and «i>ecial citation, "for hl» den and Jeffrey Silvcrmnn. devoted efforts and resourcefulness in carrying forward President NJWB Elects Head Eisenhower's high resolve that all New York (JTA)—More than Americana 'regardless of race, col] 50,000 Jewish men and women in or or creed, shall enjoy to the full the United States Armed Forces their birthright of equal opporwere served by the National Jew- tunity." ish Welfare Board during 1954, it was reported at the annual meeting of the organization's board of DR. HAlAl CHAIR directors held at the Waldorf-AsHarrlsburg, Pa. (JTA) — The toria Hotel. Charles Aaron of Chi- State of Pennsylvania plans to cago, was re-elected president cf establish a Chair of Preventive the JVVH for 1055. Medicine nt the University of ho report emphasized that In Pittsburgh In honor of Dr. Jonas spite of the fact that 19M was the Salk, discoverer of the successful first full year In five years that antl-pollo vaccine, Gov. George M. America ivas not' engaged in a Leader announced this week-end. shooting war, the need for the The Governor revealed that on JWB's reliKoi's, morale, recreation- May 10. at a ceremony at which al and welfare services for Jewish the bill establishing tho chair 3I's and hospitalized veterans dur- would be signed, he would also in B the year was greater than at award Pennsylvania's Medal of any other time since World War Meritorious Service, the state's II. • highest honor, to pr. Salic,

Y. C. Doings liy Midge Grecnbi-n: DEBKA DEBS May 13, 14, and 15 a uroup of the Debs will leave for the Senior Jvidca Convention to t>e ht'Ul in SI Louis. Debs congratulates Muriel Green, who had the lead in the1 Senior Play at Central ami Ellen Grecnberg who had ;i bvipiwrtini', role. Charlotte HmdUcy ti.-d for first place in a •national musii; contest. AZA NO. 1 Forty members, their parents, and their guests attended the thirty-first anniversary Mother's Day Uanqi.ct held Sunday. Highlighting the evening were the presentations of awards to the best athlete, Stan Wldman, nnd Best Aleph, Jack Oruth. May 28 the members of Mother Chapter will attend a pre-election stag; May 29 they will hold their semi-annual elections. AZA NO, 100 , The social chairman,' Harold Friedman, is planning the preelection stag to be held next week; the elections will be the following week. Bob Epstein, who shot a 35 below par, set an Intercity record in high school golf competition.

Society to Revise Bible Translation Phlladcphla (JTA)—'Hie Jewish Publication S o c i e t y announced that It has undertaken revision of the translation of the Bible which was first published by the Society in 1917 and now serves aa the approved version for Kngllsh-spcnkiiu; Jews throughout tho world. In making tho announcement, Kdwin Wolf, 2nd, president of the Jewish Publication Society, said thai the revised trant&vUun VilU bo based on tho Hebrew of the traditional, preserved Masoeretlc text, and will bo in every respect u Jewish \nt*-Ypv(-'V.v\tavi. "i\ \i\\\ have the prcsont translation as its starting point, and will take advantage of modern Bibllcul scholarship, as will as that ot ttie ancient sages, and will be phrased in a dignified nnd fitting English which will be readily comprehensible the JPS president stated. Ho revealed that i editor-in-chief of the work the Society has chosen Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky, Professor of Bible at the Hebrew Union Collegc-JcwlBh Institute of Religion.

Hollywood (JTA) —Playwright Moss Hart picked up the phon* one day and proceeded to have his ear blasted by a big studio boss. Water Solution to Help Hart listened patiently for som« while, but finally managed to inIsrael-Arab Tension terrupt: "Calm down. If you're not Washington (WNS)—Dclcarlng careful, you'll get ulcers." that "it is doubtful If direct in- " I don't get ulcers," the studio tervention by outside powers mogul screamed, "I give thcml" would bring about a "solution of this dispute," Assistant Secretary, of State Thruston B. Morton this week gave it as his opinion that a settlement of the Israel-Arab dispute can only be achieved by the countries concerned; An agreement between Israel and the Arab states on a fair division of the water resources of the area would be "a matter of great .Importance In this regard," he said. In a letter to Rep. James Roosevelt, California Democrat, Mr. Morton stated: "The Department does not feel that Its policies regarding delivery of military equipment (to Iraq) coastitute discrimination and abandonment of our policy of impartiality in United For Reliable States relations between Israel and and Personalized the Arab states."

Anti-Semitic Leader Assails Dr. Einstein Washington (JTA)—Gerald L. K. Smith, anti-Semitic leader, appeared before a Senate immigration sub-committee to delenil the present Immigration laws which have been branded as "racial" , y former President Truman nnd modification of which was urged by President Eisenhower. Mr. Smith said that "there Is-a passive resistance to migration when we feel we are going to get another Einstein." He told the subcommittee that Dr. Einstein "personified" those people "who hold themselves In contempt of Congress."

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Ethel Merman: "Don't wear gloves when catling on your girl; you'll feel better without them."— (JTA)

Near East Aid Plans Told Washington (JTA) — Information on American military and economic rtid plans for the Near East In the new fiscal year have lx?en revealed here by Ttep. Alvin M. Bent ley, Michigan Republican, who is a member of tho Foreign Affaire Committee. Hop, Iicntley said, in n speech prepared for delivery before the Jewish Community Council of Detroit, that "the Administration program for fiscal I95G, which begins next July 1, contemplates direct military assistance to only one country in this particular area, and that Is Iraq. The reason for this is based entirely upon recent defense developments between Iraq nnd some of her nonArabic neighbors. No direct military assistance is contemplated either to Israel or to the other Arab states."

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