Vol. XXXIII—No. 32.
Ernest To The amount of $379 was pledged •• • Tuesday evening at tho Jewish Youth Council Philanthropies dinner held in the Community Center auditorium. This represents a 30 per cent Increase over last year Initial Gifts and the division expects to raise ?2R6,73S.O0 *800 this time. Men's Division . . . . 11.C27.50 Women's Division 4G.8G4.80 An audience of 150 youngsters H. & v. Unit 2,253.50 heard Ernest A. Nogg, general Children's Div. . . . 1,255.50 campaign chairman, tell of how High School Div. . . Omaha Jewry has provided lead379.75 Miscellaneous . . . . ers not only In our own commu2,310.00 nity but also sent them on to the national scene. Tola! to Date . . . $351,426.0:; Mr. Nogg Illustrated his point by mentioning leaders who art serving on a community-wide ' «s Mayor of our city, King of Ak-Sar-Ben, president of Childrcns Hospital and president ol United Community Services. Washington UTA)— The For, You arc the leaders of tomorrow he Informed the youngsters who eign Operations Administration's proposals for the Mutual Security must now realize your responprogram for the fiscal year U S sibility to your commvmity. Indicate that half of the developThe money that goes Into the ment assistance funds for Israel Philanthropies Campaign comes will be made available on terms of from the hearts of the people of repayment and that approximateOmaha, Mr. Nogi: stressed. The ly half of the assistance will be in Federation for Jewish Service di- the form of surplus agricultural rects the distribution of those commodities. It is also proposed funds to some 200 l>eni:ilciory that technical cooperation projects agencies of the campaign, lie de bo continued at the same levels clnred, and that a few new projects in Mr. Nogp; spoke of tho services Industry and ralninc ho underfor the youngsters Mich ns the taken. Jewish Community Center and the The FOA report said: "While a Talmud Torah.* for Jewish oduca tlon which receive funds from tlm precise and final determination of the level of aid to Israel In fiscal drive. Touching on the state ot Israel, year 10JG cannot be made at this he asserted, American Jewry wan time, it Is clear that Israel's conlargely responsible for the estab- tinued economic progress will perlishment of the new nation. A state mit the level of aid to ire further which has opened wide its gates reduced. In the peak year of 1953, to oppressed Jews throughout the aid to Israel under Mutual Securworld, Mr. Nogg added. What I am ity legislation totalled $70.2 miltrying to do Is to make you re- lion for economic development and alize tho magnitude and scope of J2.C million for technical cooperaour Philanthropies Campaign and tion; In 1951 the totals were $52 the Importance of the role you million and SI .5 million respectively; in 1055 development asploy In It, he concluded. sistance Is programmed at $40 Mr*. Mike Freeman, general million, of which $20 million will women's chairman, was n guest be on a repayment hasls, and $1.4 at tho speaker's table, Paul Shy- million Is programed for technical ken of Haylm gave the opening cooperation. It is proposed that blculng. the economic aid program be continued on a reduced scale during fiscal year 195G, with, however, some increase In techlcal co-operation."
Austria Advised To Settle Claims
•Washington (WNS>—The State Department hn« advised Austria to wattle the Indemnification issue with Jewish negotiators before the new Austrian State Treaty is prc•entcd to the V. S. Senate for ratification, according to a letter received by Sen. Herbert II. Lehman from Thurston B. Morton, Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs. "The Department and the American Embassy in Vienna have viewed with sympathy the claims ©f victims,of Nazi action, and have expressed' their desire to seek n speedy and just (solution to the problem of claims of Individuals and with respect to heirless property In Austria," Assistant Secretary Morton wrote. Sen. Lehman In remarks on the Senate floor •aid ho was "pleased" that the State Department agreed with him as to "the wisdom of concluding a satisfactory agreement."
Haifa Center Haifa (JTAJ^Conatnictlon of a $200,000 Haifa Community Center Was begun hero with a corncrBtona joying ceremony attended by United State* Ambassador Edward *J. Lawion, Canadian Ambassador Terence Mncdermont, Minister of Posts and Telegraph Joseph Purg, Mayor Abba Chou»hl and Mizrachl leaders front tho V. S: and Canada. Funds for the project were rawed Jointly by the American nnd Canadian Mizrachl Women's; organisations.
Beth El Annual Meeting Sunday The annual meeting of Bct v El Synagogue will follow a dinner to be given at 6 p. m., Sunday, May 22, in the social hall of the synagogue. Hairy DuBoff and Mrs. Samuel S. Steinberg are general chairmen in charge of arrangements. An Interesting and entertaining program has been prepared for preBcntation at the affair.
Center Athletes Will Be Honored
Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz hus iiKKUnlcd executive, leadership of tho Israel Hond campaign. A foremost leader 111 tllo field of large-scale, rrwun and resettlement of Jews in Israel nnd ?\m> where during the puHt decudo and a half, I)r. .Schwartz HUCce.edfi Henry Mirntor nn Chlt'f KxeeutlVR Officer of tbn I-i'ael ISoml campaign. Dr. Kchwnrtx l<i Vlrn-rrcHlilnnt of tho new Development CoriKiratlon for Israel, which will carry on tlio sain or Israel Ilonds In tlio United States and other parts of tlio free world.
U.S.-lsrael Pact Asked by Javits Washington (JTA)—Tho conclusion by the United States of a mutual defense agreement with Israel was urged here by Attorney General Jacob K. Javits ot New York State, a Republican leader, following1 his meeting earlier this morning at the White House with President Elsenhower for a private discussion of a number of matters, Including the Arab-Israel situation. The suggestion that the U. S. Government 6hould enter into a mutual defense arrangement with the Jewish State was voiced by Mr. Javits at a dinner of the United Jewish Appeal here. Such an arrangement, he said, would serve notice on the whole Near Kast that Israel Is there to.stay. Mr. Javits also urged a reaffirmatlon by the United States of the 1950 Tripartite Declaration guaranteeing the present Israel-Arab borders. In his speech, tho Attorney General reminded Secretary of State John Foster Dulles that he was expected to announce a reappraisal of the United Slates Near Kast policy soon after September of last year. "Such an announcement is urgently required," he said, "nnd the atmosphere for it Is exactly right," IJe added that President Eisenhower has "a. real capability for improving the Near East situation and our aim should be to encourage Uiat capability to ho utilized effectively."
Llndy Paul, former Center health and physical education director, will be the guest speaker at the Annual Athletic Award Night, 7 p. m. Tuesday, May 24, at the Jewish Community Center. Although Mr. Paul has entered private business, he has sustained his interest In the Jewish Community Center athletic program by continuing to serve on the athletic committee. Les Burkenroad, chairman of health and athletic committee, stated. Approximately 100 Center athletes will be honored during the evening. Special awards will be given to those who were Instrumental In helping to develop the athletic programs and volunteered their Bervices BO that others might participate. There will be awards in basketball, swimming, volleyball, handball, track, badminton, bowling, Softball and others. Sponsors of the Center championship athletic teams in the various age groups will also be honored. The Athletic Selection Committee is choosing outstanding athletes In tho grade school, teenage and varsity categories for the 3. J. GrcenberR Award to be presented by Ducky Greenbcrg, the Trustln Award to be presented by Yale Trustln, and the Burkonroad Award, presented by Les Burkenroad, chairman of the health and physical education committee. The public Is Invited and all participant1! will be notified by mall to nttend and receive their award. Refreshments will be served at the end of the program.
Camp Registration Filling Up Rapidly Forty-nlne children have already registered for Cump-Jay-C-C, Gerald Gross, Camp Chairman, announced this week. "Since our space Is limited at the Camp, parents who plan to send their children to Camp JayC-C this .summer urged to mail in their applications without delay." Registrations are being accepted on a first come-first served basis. It is expected that the camp capacity will be reached before the end of the month. Mr, Gross also reported that a superior staff of trained and experienced counselors will be at Camp this cummer. * Camp Jay-C-C will open July 31 and will continue until August 28. Campers may register for either two or four weeks.
Sunday Radio, TV outstanding artists in their fields; a pen and Ink drawing by Ben Shohn nnd a group of ceremonial objects by Louis Wolpert, a contemporary silversmith working in Jerusalem. A coffee hour will follow the presentation. Hosts and hostesses will bo Messrs. and Mmes. Jack W, Marer, Paul Veret, Robert Kocper, Ernest A. Nojjg, Harry William Grodinslty, the first Trustln, Robbl and Mrs. Myer ICripke, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey chairman of tho Auerbach Memorial Committee, will make the and MIBSCS UOSO and. Fanny presentation, ftabbl Mycr S. Krlp- Grodinslty. Mrs. Meyer Beber headed tho ke of flcth El Synagogue wi:: tell the background of tho various -ob- gift committee which Included Mrs. 3. H. I<ulakofsky and Robbl jects. The gift includes wprk by two Mycr S. Kripkc, A group of modern Jewish. Art pieces will be presented to Joslyn Memorial Art Museum by the Federation for Jewish Service at 2:30 p. m., this Sunday. The collection will be given In memory of the lato Herman Auerbnch with funds derived from his estate. The presentation ceremony will be held in gallery D of the museum.
OOPJ 111
Day lamp June 13
Philanthropies Box Score as of May 18
U.S. Plans for Aid To Israel Outlined
fUD.Uheo everj «ruay, 1U1 ft. Xvth. OmBlia NctraJki. I'Uwir JA 1306
Itabbl Louis L Newman of Congregation Rodeph Sholom In Hew York City will discuss "Being Angry at Life" over KOIL from 9:35 to 10 n. m. This program Is part of tho Message ot Israel series. Frontiers of Faith under the auspices ot the Jewish Theological Seminary will present "Mrs, Steinberg's Partner in Heaven" over WOW-TV from 1 til 1:30 p. m. Tho Eternal t i g h t program will be broadcast over WOWRadio from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.
Pre-School Day Camp, limited to children who arc at least three and a half years old and not y e t In kindergarten, will open Monday, June 13, and will continue for a period of six weeks. The camp it sponsored by the Jewish Commit* nity Center, The Pre-School Day Camp will be held daily, MoT»4ay to 3?riaay, from 9 to 11:30 a. m. at Peony Park. The program will be especially geared to children of preschool age. Included In the pro* gram will be sand play, games, nature study, stories, rhythms, water-play In a portable pool, and carefully supervised recreation at the playground equipment. A carefully selected staff of trained pro-school teachers, under the direction of Mrs. Winifred King, Director of the JCC PreSchool, will guide the children in safe, healthy group play aud group living with their playmates of the same age. Registration will be accepted for cither a three-vreek period l<sv $3fl, or for a six-week period at a special rate of $50. The fees, payable in advance, include transportation, materials ami a liftVit s n n A ta Une mid-morning. Children will be returned home in time for Junch. Four centrally located pick-up points will !>£ arranged lor tiie convenience of the children. The enrollment in this camp will be limited nnd interested parents are urged to make immediate registration for the Pro-School Day Camp. For further information, call coll Mrs. King, Prc-School Day Camp Director at GLendale 7143, or the Jewish Community Center, JAckson 13G6.
Golden Age Club 4th Birthday Fete The Golden Ago Club will hold its fourth annual Birthday Party at 1 p. m., Monday, May 2S, -tX ttvi Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the Aged. The program will include movies taken at the "Turn aljout P a r t y held last montt» at the Jewish Community Center, a birthday cake, games and surprises. The Golden Age D u b 1« co-sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section and the Jewish Community Center. Representatives from Council will be Mrs. D a v i d Beber (chairman), Mrs. Edward Levinsoh and Mrs. Nathan Simon.
Discrimination New York (3T.M—Because the Lake Placid Club, a resort hotel In Lake Placid, N. Y., maintains a discriminatory guest policy. State Attorney General Jacob K. Javits has refused to appear there as a, speaker at the annual conference of the New York State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Mr. Javits advised the AntlDefamatlon League of B'nal B'rlth. that he had declined an Invitation to address the educators becauso "as Attorney General the State policy against cxclusiotv ot avtf, person from places of public accommodation due to nice, creed or color Is a vital law enforcement obligation to roe, avul \ want to do everything I can to see that It Is honored, not only in letter but In spirit."
Results of surveys made for tUt American Cancer Society show that about two of every two American adults still do not know cancer (s curable. ,
PnWtlkoa I n ] tnUmj b) the Federation tai *e\vUb Service
k *• Mnm ii « • • aiatui «• UnuJU U u r j u . vsxm w w i l lUrcC t U7O. .uu. u. ura uraru>:tiiluui on A-Ptuatksa.
Beth El H.S. Confirmation
fridty. May 20, 105S.
Obituary Mrs. E. Himmelstetn
Temple Israel Confirmation
Services wore held Sunday, May Confirmation will bo observed 15, for Mrs. Kutchc llimmclsteln at Temple Israel on the «ve of with ' -tt-nnont at Golden 11U1 Shavuoth Thural.-iy, May 2C, at S HAJUIY HALPERT Cemetery. JIrs, Hiinmclstein, 7J, o'clock in the evening. It.'ibM Sidan O;naha resident fi/r 54 years, ney II. Uronlis will conduct tho died Saturday, May 14. services assisted by the members nue. include a son, Kdward of Hie Confirmation ClaEJ!. Fol"Hie. confirmands uro: Dlanne of Survivors City, Mo.; a daughter, lowing the services, the confirFeilman, daughter of Mr. tnd Xfrs. Mrs.Kansas Kaplan; a bi.'.ter, Mrs. N. mands will IK? honored by tltelf Saul Fellraan; Nancy Friedlaisder, Perils,Ilori of Omaha*, a bi^olher, parents at a reception in the social daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Ilyman both of New York City; and six hall of tlic Temple. Yale Richards was elected pres- Friedlaj-.dcr; Brcnda ICatrman, grandchildren. of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Members of the Confirmation ident d the Greater Omalia B'nal daut^htcr Katzman; Btmny Rii\iU, daughter Class ore: George Tlialac, son of B'rith Bowlins Association at a re- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ravitz; Pea! Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. David Binlae; Nancy cent meeting held in the Highland and Murray Hose, son of Mrs. Gol»-—- • « Blotchy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ser\1cf?s were hfld Tuesday, May Paul lilotcky; PCUT Brodkcy. son West Club. Other officers elected da Rose. 17, for Paul Steinberg wjtli interof Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. TlrodJZabttf "rtff'fl Grocer. Cantor were: t«o Wt-itz, first rice-presi- Graduates are: Drannc Markodausiiter of Mr. and Mrs. ment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. key; I-ee Jahr, dauchtcr of Pr. *"tt Kagaa and the Seth lane* dent; M Oruch, second vice-preE- vitr, Abe Mnrkovit*; Marilyn P-ice, leintyrj;, 35, died Friday, May 13. and Mrs. Herman Jahr; Judith Ckotr, will conduct tbe aervfce thh ident; Sol YnTfe, third vice-presi- daugiiter of Mr. and lira. Samuel He is survived by his parents, Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TtUky evtstiag at 8 p. m. dent; Wort Trachtenbcrc, secre- A_ Rice; Fyllis Rubinow, daURbtcr Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Steinberg;; a Ben Lewis; Joan Mayer. daugVitcr TtudMoaH iriday evesua*; serv- tary, and Dave Ilicc, treasurer. of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kublnow siiter, Mrs. Joseph Weinberg of of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Mayerj ices (Kabcdlu Shabbo*) be*ta at In all, 317 B'nal B'rith men par- and Uene Sach. dflughter of Dr. Silver Sprinfis, Md.; and a brother, Eleanor Itosnlck, (Jaucbtcr of Mr. Sam Steinberg of Redondo Heach, and Mrs. Henry F. Kcsnlck; Ste730 p. aa. Safabata mornlne terv- ticipated In the 1S54-53 bowling and Mrs. Maurice Sachs. ices becb) at SdO a, tt. Junior Con- season, which malccs the associa- Parents of these students will CaKf. phen Simon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simon; Martin Sopliir, sea gresatlon at 930 a. m. Rabbi tion tho largest in Kebrasho, a honor their children at a reception which will follow, the cervices. Monument Dedication of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sophir} Corner wilt conduct Die Talmud spokesman stated. and Linda Vcret, daughUr ot Mr. Class at 7 p. a . Sabbath Mlncfaa Division winners were: Major Friends and relatives are invited The family of Uic late I^onard and Mm. Paul Verct. «t 7JO p. in, followed by Shole&he Classic, Midwest Heaters; Minor to attend. Klein will dedicate a monument S'eudas and Ibulv. Daily morn. Classic, Borshelm Jewelry; "A" In bis memory at 12:30 p. m., SunIng ?rvloe« toxin at 7 a. m. After- Division, Wayne Auto; Parkway flay, May 22. at Pleasant Hill cem- Press Commirtee noon services at 7 JO p. m. Sunday "B", Harvey's Chicken Supreme; etery. lU-bbl Sidney Bi.x>ks will morniaj services tefito at 8:45 a. and Kelley "B". It & S Sboea. Ralph F. Nopx, chauroan ot Of officiate. m, /oUmwd br breakfast and Rab- Major Claisic division walked Jewish Press Oomralttee, handed bf'i JMU fa Bible. Sunday morn- off with high team game, series, out specific assignhwnta to oom* in, gtaaor JCnyan followed by individual same and series. Court-Martial for Israel mittec jnembers for studying imflh Baiter. May It breakfast; »tart* at 8:30 a. m. ods for improving tbe Press at A Tbe new season will start ott Soldiers Crossing Gaza meeting AZA No. 1 CMl Defense Proheld Monday afternoon. with a stag one week before bow£r*m. 130 p. m.~Ccnter. The Talmud rWiaiwino poop ling starts in the fall. Tel A\iv <JTA)—Three Israel Committee members who attend* soldiers who inadvertently crossed Belli toad Pacer Sale. meets every Tuestlay at 8 p. m. at For registration in next wemaa't ed the msnion were Mrs. Morria 19th and Bart S t Synagogue. Beth teacuet, contact Mart Traenten- Auerbach Mejnorial Presenta- tbe border into tbe Egyptian-held C Fellmnn, Richard Goldman, Gnfca strip Saturday will be court- Jnmes Lipsey nnd Edward E. M tion, 2:30 p. in.—Joslyn Memorial. Israel Junior choir meets every b RE 5802. Beth £1 Annual Concregational martialled, according to an Israel Sunday ttUtm. y Army announcement here. An Dinner, 6 p. m.—B. K. E P t i a n cutpost opened fire on Jack W. Marcr. Federation brad Teeti-Agets Mond»y, May 23 Tanpfelsrad Hadassah Chapter Board Meet- the Israel patrol car, dnnolidiinj; prraident, nnd Paul Veret. exocuTo Serve on Frontier the vehicle, but the soldiers were tive director, also attended. ing, 12:30 p. m.—Homes. Sabbitb Servicei wlO be held at saved by the intervention of a Golden Age Club, 1 p. m,—Sher Jerusalem (JTA) — Same 400 Temple l a n d Friday evening at 8 captain who is a member of the o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks teen-ajers between IS and 17 will Home. JUST ARRIVED! Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m,— United Nations Truce -Supervision Mil preach on "Who Needs Confir- »ee "national service" In Israel'* Center. Organization. mation?"' In anticipation of Con- frontier settlements, it was anA Shipment of An Israel military spokesman Tuesday, May 24 firmation, Rabbi Brooks will Offer nounced here. The experiment, Pioneer Women Luncheon, 1 p. declared that not only would the prayer* of eomccratlon for the in- which cnlls for three weeks of nx—Center. Fin© Urael and soldiers be court-martiidlcd, but service for all students •piratlon of conTirmands and their compulsory n the eleventh grade—the equi- National Council of Jewish that the Government would offiDomestic Made parent*. of the Junior year In high Women Study Group, 1 p. m,— cially express Its apologies for Ihe Service* are at 11:30 o'clock valent T'PHiLLIN technical armistice violation to school—was organized Jointly by Home. SaturCy morning. Rabbi Brooks the Ministry of Defense and head- Beth Israel P-TA Election and SloJ. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, chief ol win deliver the ncrmoncttc and quarters o! Gadna, the Israel par- Installation, 8 p. m.—B. I. the UN truce set-up. Egypt, meanKhUush for the connrccatlon will amilitary youth organization. Also Fine Stock of Annual Athletic Award Ni^ht, 7 while, cosnplsined to toe JEgyptixuifollow the services. The Religious Israel ISixcd Armistice ConimisAs announced by the Ministry of p. m.—Center. Pretyer Sbcrwli School Choir, under the direction slon about tbe incident, reeking Wednesday, May 25 ©f Miss Ida Gltlin, will sing the Education, the plan calls for the B'nal E'rith Monsky todce, 8 an emergency meeting of the Special for Gar Mttsvdi Bey* high uchool bays to work four crvioe. group. at agriculture and oilier p. m.—Center. The Festival of Shavuoth •will be hours pursuits as well as two bours Latin American Dance Class, 8 <elebratcd by Confirmation Serv- a day ofdaily REASONABLE PRICES TV American Cancer Society is drill. The remainder of p. m.—Center. ices Thursday evening, *I«y 26. at their time will b« spent on culCenter Orchestra, 8 p. m.—Cen- the only volunteer agency support8 o'clock, and the morning festival tural activities. ing a comprehensive program of ter. NATHAN LEVINSON service will be held Friday. May Beth Israel Talmud Tomb education, service to cancer pahe program, which was first AT 4*5t 27, at U o'clock. tients,'and research for the con- 3014 Webster proposed by Defense Minister Da- Board, 8 p. m.—B. I. trol of cancer. Thursday, May 26 vid Ben Gurion, will, if successful, become a permanent program. The Jladar.tnh Group Board, 12JO BeffiB Defense Ministry vjsualiztt this as p. m.—Homes. Services Friday evening will be- a program under which Israel's Center Art Class, 1:30 p. m.— gin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. youth would learn at first hand Center. Krlplte will deliver the sermon. the security problems of the borEREV SHAVOUTH — Center Cantor Aaron £. Edgar and the der regions aJ1(] problems connect- closes at 5 p. m. Beth El Synagogue Choir will ed with immigrant absorption. It render the musical portion of the is also seen as a means of binding together the various elements in ADL Director to Take service. Sabba'j morning service will be the population and. finally, of Riv- Port in Teen Conference at 8:30 a. m. Juniar ConjfrcRation ing the youth training along the Seymour II. ICapIan, director of Senrfoes a n at 10:30 a. m. Mmchn- work-prepnredness p r o g r a m of the Anti-Defamation League of Masriv Service will be at 7:15 Carina. U'nal B'riUi regional office in Omap. m. Sunday morning services ore ha, has been invited to participate •at 9 a.m. in the Annual T-Tcen Setting Op Dally services are at 7 a. m. and 1 Conference being held this week,7 p. m. end. The Conference, an event of the Omaha YWCA, is being held at B'jut Israr.1 Sliavuotli Servkrs: The B'nal B'rith Youth Council Camp Brcwstcr for the Y-Teen 7:30 p. m.. Thursday, May 26 lias undertaken a city-wide comClub leaders of all Omaha and 9 a. n>, Friday, May 27 munity service project to help ouglas County schools. 7 JO -. m., Friday, May 27 Oakview, a home for Negro boys Mr, Kaplan will lecture on "ProJ 9 a. m.. Saturday, May 28 located ,-it the edrje of the DouRlas Wammins; for Democracy in Your I 10 a. m., Saturday. May 28 County Line. The home was startSchool Club," and will demonstrate i (Yisfcor Service). ed when Mrs. Grtines Partridge ADL's "Rumor Clinic." began caring JOT a few children whose parents worked.'Then she toolc a child permanently. The number of children Jirew until her borne became overerowJcd. Mrs. fbQDe JA ISAfl to mscn rout ff&nt hA Ttx iemch I'rcm. Henry M.wky Lodge of B'nal Partridge began a search for-a Ourrrnt niu u 00 e m u tax eaeti IctcrB'rith will hoirl il s election of of- new home but it was a difficult jon. Tht nv* ntervet the rteW to UoX ficers a' 8:"0 p. m. Wednesday. one. Since most ot the boys were tfzi ol eftCb aatcrtittmttit. Way 23, in the Jewish Community placed In the home by juvenile BAH and Bos Mitzvnh congratulations slso tot al) Jewisb holiCenter. Refreshments-and a so- authorities, many people considdays and special occasions. cial hour will follow the business ered the boys as problems. She finally located the farm where she Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge l»?ctin,T. lives with her husband and "Don't sit hack! One of your now WOMEN WANTED—Several c privileges as a member of the lodge thirteen boys. to address, mall postcards. Spare •is to -select your officers and trus- •When members of the B'nal time every week. Write Box 161, tees," Harry WcinberfT, first vice- E'rith Youth Council aKkcd Mrs. Belmont, Mass. president of the lodfie, stated. Partridge if they could .help In any •Thin makes it the most important way, Sirs. Partridge said that EXPERIENCED practical nursing see it.., own '* triccling of the year, for if you canned foods and clothes would under physician's direction «t Jiavj any gripes this is your op- come in very handy. Volunteer your homo for bedridden or conportunity to elect the men who In teen-agers will collect these Items valescent patients. Day or night your opinion can do the Job you Sunday, Jitay 22, by a house to duty. Mrs. Betty Hlrsch, 642 N. fcel should be done," he concluded. house canvass. 47lh St. Call GL 4138. o » m Ko. aant t mmmt, >
Hot Bo. W - ELrtrt-
Confirmation (mil graduation ceremonies^ Xur students in Urn Beth El Hif,h School of Jcwi&h EdiU* Studies will be held Friday cveniii& May 27, ot Belli KJ Syna-
Bowlers Elect Yale Hfciierds
Community Calendar
\ B'rfth Youth To Aid 'Oak View
Monsfcy lodge To Elect Officers
Want Ads
Friday, Way *«, 1W5.
Organizations Mixrochi Women Mmes. Mary Za!k, Ida Brown and Bessie Bclui liave joined Omaha Chapter Mlzraehi Women Donor Luncheon Circle. They en(ertiiincd at a dessert luncheon lost Thursday at l i e home of Mrs. Zalk. Mmcs. J. .Coodbinder, M. 13rodkey, and Txnils Paperny, will join the Circle and entertain tit the Jewish Cornmunlly Tuesday. May 31 at a dessert luncheon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Goodblnder Is chairman of the Bessie GolEfeld Children's VIIlaEe and Farm School in Raanana, Israel, wMch share* In the revenue from these parties.
Hadassdb The Omaha Chapter Hailassah board meeting will be held Monday, May 23, at 12:30 p . m., des«ort luncheon at the home of Mrs. Hyman Belman, 120 So. 50tH EL, with Mrs. Alfred Fiedler and Mrs. Max Ganar as co-hostesses. Other group boardj will meet Tbundcy, May 26, at 12:30 p. m. rV luncheons at the following Chaim Wemnann Group will meet at thfhom* of Mre. Maurice Newmin, 5151 Decatur. Co-liostCM win be Mrs. David Gross. A regional conference report will be given by Mra. Charles Krcdkin. TTieodor Herzl Group will meet • t the home of Mrs. Sam Itothenberg, 1301 So. 52nd St. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. M Swnrlz and Mre. Albert Fox. Henrietta Szold Group will meet at the home of Mm. J. J. Friedman, C8-1 Parkwood Lane. O>hostcss will be'Mre. Abe Hoffman.
Press Seminar Waltham. Mnss. (JTA1—A decision to establish a seminar on Jewish Journalism, with presidents and publicity directors of all national Jewish organizations Invited to participate in discussions of tho place of the English-Jewish press in American Jewish life, was adopted here at the 13th annual convention of the American Association of English-Jewish ' newspapers, ot which Jacques Back, editor and publisher of tho Jewish Observer of Nashville, Tcnn., was elected president.
Wiener Roast B'nai B'rith Young Adult Group will hold n wienet roast at Hanscorn Park PavlUion at 8 p. m., Saturday, May 21. Anyone wishing a ride mny contact Joan Wiseman, WA 9297. All young adults are invited to attend
Omaha's Favorite Way
to Dine on Sunday Sunday Branch
Served Buffet Stylet All You Core tp Eat NOON TO 3 P. M.
Porfrcri Parade at Had. Installation Omaha C apter will hold their f nal mcctini; and inetallntion, V, odntsday, June i, at 12:30 p. m. uncheon at the Jowish Coinmun ly Center. Mrs. Sainuel N. Wol , past president of Omaha Chn tcr Iladassah will be the installing officer. Mrs. Horr Wise, chapter pro~ nr;im chairn an and" Mrs. Morris Fcllman, co chairman, have orranged "Portraits on Parade" program. It will feature an unusual niodo of cxhihUriE art by the Omaha Chapter Hadassah in conunclion wit^l the Federation for Jewish Service. Local Jewish women who are creative artiftjj will exhibit some of their own! work. "Portraits on •arado" willlbe narrated by Mrs. Norman Whljman. Models will be metrnters of: Omaha Hadar-sah. Mrs. Milton jWoklty will be art advisor. Other pron|am chairmen assisting' are the i Mcsdames Seymour Goldston, EfWard Zorinsky and Sidney NovaML Hadas.iah Jtttends an invitation to the entire Community. You may brlnj; your friends.
Attention Women Volunteers Please make every effort to complete the solictation of your Philanthropies pledge cards this week. All completed cards thuuld be turned in tills week. Mra. Mike Freeman, Women's Chairman
Pioneer Women To ffistoll Officers
The Pioneer Women's Oruanizaliono, Omaha Chapter, will hold its last Ones Shabbat of the season at JL:30 p jn., Saturday. May 21, at the home of Mra. Isidore Forbes, 1720 N. 51st. The program will incude a reading by Mrs. II. Wohlner and Isr.aeli and Jewish folk Bongs by Mrfi. Sam nichman and Mrs. Milton Nearenberg. Newly elected officerc will be installed. They are Mrs. J. Fcldman, president; Mrs. Frank Rubinstein, financial secretary; Mrs. Sara Novak, recording secretary; Mrs. Bam nifkin, corresponding secretary; Mrs. H. Wohlner, treasurer. New Chairmen are: Mra. Sarah Okun, National Fund; Mrs. Herman Bondarin, Israeli Bond; Mrs. P. Crandcll and Mre. Milton Nearenberg, program; Mrs. J. Kaplan, membership; Mrs. H. Ricklln, telephone; Urn- MltrvSfi of Kevn Shyken and clothes for Israel, Mra. 6. II. will be celebrated this Friday Binder. evening and faturday morning at tho Beth Israel Synagogue. He la ZBT Mothers to Meet the son of Mrt and Mrs. Sam Shykpn. All frientls and relatives arc Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' Club cordially invited to attend both will hold their annual luncheon Rervlces and tfee rewptions follow- meeting «t 1 p. m., Wednesday, ing. June 8, at the Highland West Club. All wives and alumni are Invited to Arnold We! ltraub, too of Mr. attend. For reservations call Mrs. and Mrs. UM, or Wclntrauh, -win Sam Steinberg, WA 9754, or Mrs. celebrate his Jar Mitivah Friday Ben Minkin, RE 7G49. evening. May 20 end Saturday mominjr. May 21 at Beth El Synaue. Orient and rclativci ore Engagement Told invllod to uttc id both services and Former Oinaham, Mr. and Mrs. the receptions which will follow. Ben 1 Stein, now of El Paso, Tex., announce the engagement of their Mr. and M: . Sidney Ilollis an- daughter, Phyllis Ruth, to Alan the B^r Mltzvah of their Tromer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jules ion, , Daniel,, Saturday S y morning, nig. Tromer of Long Beach, N. Y. No wedding date has been set. 8 at flethh El Synagogue. May 28 S Friends and relatives arc invited to attend the Service and the reception which livill follow.
Ralph Bunche Doll For B.B. Collection Omaha Sketches A Rnlph Bunche doll will be added to the "B'nai B'rith Dolls for Democracy1 by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACPJ at a 3 p. m. meeting Sunday, May 22, at the CIO Hall, 2502 M Street. "The presentation of the newest addition to the "Dolls for Democracy" collection will hicliUBlit the seventh annual Musical Fiesta coBponsored by the NAACP and the United Packing Workers America. The program has as its theme "Freedom Day" in honor of the May 17 Supreme Court decision calling for an end to segreGation in the public schools. Mrs. Harry Friedman, president of B'iiai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will accept the doll in uchulf of B'nai B'rith women. Rev. E. T. Streeter, President of the Omaha Branch NAACP will make the presentation.
Mrs. Invin Dubilsky of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, is a bouse guest of Rabbi ana Mrs. Benjamin Groner for the Shavuoth holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann, former Gmalians, have returned to their home in Long Beach, Calif., lifter visiting friends and. relatives here. Hanley Bloom of Santa Monfea, Calif., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dave Estrada. lie is a U Omahan.
SAM Moriien* Ciub
Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club will honor the mother* of senior boys graduating this June at a tea 1 p. m., Tuesday, May 24, at -the home of Mrs. George Spitzer, 51*4 Franklin st. All alumni mothers are Invited About five per cent of lung can- to attend. Please call Mrs. George cer cases are cured today. Over 50 Spltzer, WA 8116 or Mrs. Albert per cent could be cured it they Gaer, GL 8915. were diagnosed early enouKh, the Ameriran Cancer Society says. Patronize Our Adverti«ci»l
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B.I. Dinner-Dance Beth Israel Men's Club will hold their next dajiee ol the month at G:30 p. m., Sui! dayf May 29 in the social lull of Beth Israel. Tills dance the last lof the Siring series •will be a dlmiirr dance. DancfoR willt)e to the music of Emle Priesma(» and his orchestra. Reservations nlay be made by callin C KE £288 or AT 8444.
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Rayim A Clings to Y.C. Softball Lead ,
y liia
The first two weeks of the Youth Council Softball League find, HayIni A in the lend wilh two wins Last Sunday at Elmwood Eait diamond, they defeated tlielr hapless brothers, Raylm B, to the tune of 21-12, Art Nova!:, winning pitcher, held the opposition to five hits, but eight walks and timely hitting forced the s c o r e to twelv. (or Raylm B. Ravitz and Baker just .couldn't hold the line a t Raylm A totaled eighteen hits behind John Coldncr who had four in »lx A B's. AZA 1- finally overcame AZA 100 in a wild and wooly ball game totaling thirty-three scores with the * lather Chapter scoring 21. A big first Inning for the Century Club with ten runs didn't look big a t all after AZA 1 came to bat in the second to score seven. After that, AZA 1 chipped away in every Inning while AZA 100 scored one in the third and two-hi the fourth. Final score wa* 21-13, Little Stuart KuUer, pitcher for AZA 100 stand* on top of the batting heap with three hits in five official times at bat for a nifty .600 average. His nearest: rivaJ-U John GoMner who has garnered four hits in nine times at bat for w .444.
Women Bowlers Elect Mrs. Frank , Mrs. Max Frank was elected president of Omaha Women's B'nai B'rith Bowling League at their annua. banquet held recently at the Fireside Restaurant Other officers are Mrs. Lou Singer, tint vice-president; Mrs. I. W. Forbes, tecend vice-president; Mrs. Myron Tarnoff. treasurer; Mrs, Al Oruch, executive secretary; Mrs. Harold Block, jecording secretary; Mrs Nathan Kraft, publicity; and Mrs. Herman Weinsteln, scrReant-atarms. Trophies w e r e presented to members in both the A and 1! divisions, Mr*. Max Sachs presented a pantomime b a s e d on a poem, "About Bowlers," written by Ruth Klein. Those who wish to bowl in the coming season call Mrs. Oruch at OH 1546.
P-TA Election Beth Israel P-TA will meet Tuesday, May 24 at 8 p. m. in the social hall of the synagogue. Election and installation of officers Will' be held. Refreshments will bo served at the close of the meeting. Hostesses for the evening are Mrs Sam Kaplan and Mrs. Ilnrry Lewis
B.I. to Hold'Siyum' J l special* "Siyum" uill bo held Jn the Beth Israel Synagogue Wednesday, May 23. at 7 p. m. The Senior class is celebrating the •omplction of a reading of a portion of the Mishnah. All parents and friends are inrited to attend.
Youth Council Doings 3 / Midge Grccnlwrg DKI1KA DEBS Congratulations to Lora Franklin svho Ls president of the Southwest Region of Senior Judca and Midge GrtfnbiTK who is secretary. Final urrann''ments ure beinj', made for the Del) Dinner Dance to be held May 21 ut the Kontcnelle Hotel in the Ill.ick Mirror Room. TIKVAS AMI Girls from T. A. atlen'iinf; Senior Younjj Judea conclave during the weekend of May 13, 11, 15 were Rose 1-anman, Fayna Munvitz, Mat! Katleman, Loon a Brown and Shirley Goodman. T. A.'s dinner dance to be held in the Fern Room of the Ulackstone has been named "Fern Fantasy." T. A. has been lnTitcd to attend services at the First Presbyterian Church Sunday, May 22. AZA NO. 1 Feature of the May 15 regular meeting was a discussion on "Israel—it's position today." This discussion was led by cultural committee chairman Lowell Bautner. AZA NO. 100 Century Chapter will Include a religious program In its next meettig to be held May 22. The pro""_ gram which is being planned by Steve Riekes will include a panel discussion on "Should we keep Kashruth In our homes.' ' RAYIH Rayim Fraternity held its first
annual class Skit Niuht last Saturday at Jack linker's house. The FresiiiTian class was mvanled the trophy. Doui; Culm, junior class, iias ix?corne a celebrity. Doug played [;ulf with Kd FurRul at the Highland Country Club. lie received tiiis opportunity by winning a national contest. The Ruyim Softball team is defending its title with two victories in two starts. 11IM1 Miss Phyllis Frecdman was elected president of li'nal B'rith flirts at their second annual election of officers held last Sunday. Other officers are: Carole Frank, first vice-president; Joyce Canar, second vice-president; Ilita^ Peltz, recording secretary; Elaine Falken, corresponding secretary; Toby Ilaznick, Youth Council representative; Maddl Mlroff, alternate; Sandi FiHmnn and Judl Glmple, serfieants-at-nrms; Itia Margolin, historian, and Diane Singer, reporter.
B.I. Paper Sale
May SO,
Campus News Dick Tollman of Zeta lieta Tan was chosen as the new secretary of the Innocents Society a week ago at the Ivy Day. Dick, now a junior pre-law .student majoring in political science, is planning on Rrailualini; in three years. Among his other activities, he is now the news editor of the Nebi'a.skan, (he student newspaper; a metnher of Corn Cob.>; a member of Delta .SIRIUH Ilho, debate and sj>cecli honorary; a member of the university debate team; past historian of ZIST; and a member of the Student Council. 'Omniums In Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity received honors at the annual Parents' Day held recently. Larry Epstein had highest freshman scholastic average, 7:3 out of a p^-.inlc 9; highest uppcrelassman was Alan Heeger with 8.5 out of 9. Marshall Becker was adjudged best athlete. Larry Schwartz, president of the pledge class, was named best pledge. Freshman activities award went to Larry Epstein. SAM has had three members elected to the student council. They are Marvin Breslow, Marshall Becker, and Bemle Wlshtvow,
Beth Israel P-TA Is sponsoring a Paper Sale to take place Sunday morning. May 22. Prizes will be awarded to the Talmud Torah and Sunday School class bringing in the most paper. Proceeds from B.I. Clubs the paper sale will be turned over to the Talmud Torah building The following Beth Israel Clubs fund, Paper should be tied with will meet Sunday from 4 to 5:30 a strong cord or packed in a card- p. m.: Boys Arts and Crafts, Girls board carton. Arts and Crafts and Dar-D-Kay.
Business Men Swim Period Tuesday and • ... sday afternoons h'Ave Uwvi set .\sWe ' v business men In this year's summer swim schedule. .Swimming instruction wiJI be avai'''"e ihiriiv. Im.j one hour swhn period for men only. Jue Mieek, C e n t e r swimming instructor, will be on hand.
Conclave Co-Chairmcn Malice Katleman and Bemie Oa-. tervlch have recently l>ecn named co-chairmen of the 1935 Youth Council Conclave. The Conclave Is held to give recognition to work of the seniors. A King «nd Queon of Merit arc chosen in appreciation of their outst,i:.ding effort. Kovod Keys are also given to members of Youth Council who have contrifr* uted k> Youth Council projects. The Conclave this year will b» held June 9. Patronize Our Advertisers!
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