May 27, 1955

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H.S. Grads To Be Honored


One Pint

'Baccalaureate services for Jewish graduates of Omaha high •chools will be held Wednesday evening, June 8, at 8 o'clock in Beth £1 Synagogue, under the auspices ot the Federation (or Jewish S e r v i c e , Dr. Philip Sher announced. Dr. Sher, honorary presl dent of the Federation, Is the originator of the union baccalaureate service, 'Eighty graduates will be hon«red at tbe service*, which arc held annually with the cooperation of all synagogues of the com triunity. ' 'A reception honoring the gradu •tcs will be held after the services in the Beth Kl"s social hall.




Jewish Museum Art on Display Examples of tlie finest specimens of Jewish ceremoiiiul ar{ are on display at Joslyn Art Museum, in connection with the observance of 300 years of Jewish settlement in America. TI19 exhibit may be seen at the mjiseum Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., and Sunday afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. The museum Is closed on

Philanthropies Box Score as of May 27 $300,155.00 Initial Gifts Men's Division .... 14,014.00 Women's Division 50,026.80 B. ftp. Unit 2,474.50 Children's Dlv, . . . 1,351.00 High School Dlv. . . 599.25 Miscellaneous 2,475.00

Total to Date . . $371,695.55

Stoler Memorial Scholarship Set Up B'nai B'rith Blood Day June 2

The Marlon Stoler Scholarship, a memorial in commemoration of the late Mrs. Hurry Stolor who Omuha n'nal Il'rllli lodges ontl rluvptcrit will sponsor B'nnl served ns president of National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha n'rlth Day at Hie Itnd Cross Hood Center Thursday, Juno 2. The Seel Ion, from 1053 to 1951, has Mood center "III be open to donors from II u. in. to 0 p. nl. Donors been set up by the Omaha Section. may come In with or iiltlintit inipi'inlrncnls. For further Information ronlnrt the Kid Crosi Illooil Crntrr by railing AT 2723, or Mrs. The scholarship is in the form Slnx NacliH, AT UWVi, ami Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, <>L 4008. Others of n loan for worthy Jewish stu dents to Iw grunted for study fit nthNtlng In H'nal IVrltli I)uy nt tho blood center are: >»•«-« ii ra .-w tlie college level in graduate work. in the Jirt.s. und nurses' training. Applicants must bo residents of the Omaha area for two years, high school Graduates with hii;h scholastic standings affiliation With the Jewish religion and who tlinli lliir the olio HIIIIUII ulxive are in peed of financial assistance. .'Students-may attend any school of their own choice. Anyone in terested in obtaining an applica tion can contact Mrs. Sidney II. Brooks, scholarship award chair man, at WA 9891, or any of the fojlowing c o m m i t t e e members: "Honor Thy Dead" will be the Mmcs. A. V. Venger. Julia Jacobs, theme of Omaha's Jewish War FlttST SETTLEllS .Paul Grossman and Miss Hose Veterans for tho Memorial Day Grodinsky. New York (JTA)—A flagpole ceremonies. commemorating the arrival in New Teams of members will decorate York over 300 years ago of the all Jewish War Veterans' graves Soviet-Jews in Israel first group of 23 Jews was pre- with flags and markers. Memorial Day services will be London (JTA)—Fifteen elderly sented to the city last week-end Jewish men and women from Czer- by the New York Joint Lcglsla- held at 11 a. m., Monday, May 30, at the graveside of the late Her' tivo Committee to commemorate nowltz arrived In Tel Aviv by air and were reunited with sons and tlie tercentenary of American man Goldstein at Golden Hill daughters they had not seen for Jewry. The presentation of the Cemetery. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, JWV years. It was reported here by the 72:foot flagpole Bet in a sevenfoot high granite base was made Chaplain; Max Kanner, Iowa-NeLondon press. braska Department Commander; : For'years, the report says, they by Gov. Avcrlll Harriman. Abo Miller and Nate Marcus, past had persistently written to MarA bronze plaque on'the base commanders will take part in the shal Stalin, Marshal Voroslillov and later Premier Malcnkov, ask- reads :"Erccled by the State ot ceremonies.. New York to honor the memory ing permission to join their famMarvin Kaplan, Milton Goldberg ilies in Israel. Nothing happened of the 23 men, women and chil- and Dave Dubln will lead the color until police in Czcrnovitz sudden- dren who landed in September bearers and firing squad. l y called them in and collected 1C51, and founded the first Jewish their photographs. "Two days Ja- community in North America." BOND HEAD tor they were called again and The legislative committee, . ap* New York (WNS) — Abraham Jianded their passports, exit JKT- pointed by Gov, Thomas E. Dewoy Fclnborg, civic leader and philknits, transit visas, and Israel des- last year, Is headed by Judge Jo- anthropist, was elected president tination visas, all arranged in Mas. seph M. Proskauer. Present at the of the Development Corporation COW the day before. In three hours ceremony were civic leaders and for Israel, the new Bole underwritthey had Bold their belongings and representatives of the three ma- er of srael bonds, at a meeting of took the train to Vienna from more than 100 key American Jew-, where they flew, the report con- jor faiths. ish business and communal leadcludes. ers here this week-end. Mr. FeinSOLAR FOVVEIl berg is president of the American Jerusalem (JTA)—Harry Zvl Committee for the Weizmann InTabor, 38-year-old physlcst who stitute of Science, chairman of the 'Operation Cowboy' has been in Israel only six years board of trustees of Brnndels UniTel Aviv (JTA) — "Operation announced this week the develop- versity and chairman ot the N. Y. Co\»boy" a project under which ment of twfl devices for the con- section of the Hairy S. Truman Israel cattle destined for meat version of solar energy into elec- Library Committee. consumption would be crazed on trical and mechanical power. Mr. open ranges, has officially begun. Tabor's devices have been highly Several hundred head ol cattle. commended by Prof. Blackelt, of Including steers bred here, In the London's Imperial College and one United States and In Turkey, were of Britain's top scientists, who has Sunday Radio released last week for grazing on stated that the British National Research Corporation Is prepared Rabbi Louis I. Newman of a 20,000-duniim plot of land near lo develop both .systems. Congregation IWdeph Sholm In Klnneret. New York City will discuss Mr. Tabor's devices convert 10 The project Li being financed "Looking Into the Future" over through funds supplied by the percent of tlie energy of the sun'ii KOIL from 9:35 to 10 a. m. United Slates Operations Mission rays into mechanical and electrilierc. The cattle are to maze in cal power. This compares with an This program Is part of the Message of Israel scries. the open for an entire year and average conversion of 25 percent of will be transferred seasonally from the energy ot fuel oil lo power Tlie Eternal Light program one section of the range to anoth- Mr. Tabor who Is director of the will bo broadcast over WOWer. Israelis In charge of tlie cattle National Physics Institute of Radio from 11:30 a. m. to 12 have been trained for their work Israel's Scientific Council, will by Texas cowboys brought here shortly build a pilot plant for us- noon. ing his processes. for the purpose.

Global Report

Memorial Day Services by Vets

Native Omahan Named Editor Of Havana Post A native Omahan, Milton Guss has been named Editor of the Havana Post In Haviina, Cuba. Mr. Guss, a Marino Corps veteran of World War II,- was senior dosk editor of the Evening Star of Washington, D. C, before he accepted his new post. He is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Guss of Omaha. His brother, Charles Guss, U president of the Chemical Products Corporation, while his other brother, Joseph Guss, Is vice-president of the Mlcklin Home Improvement Company. Milton Guss attended the University of Omaha and was graduated from the University of Missouri where he majored In journalism. He is a former high school and Omaha U. baseball player and still plays a little softball.

Halt Sought for Gaza Violence Jerusalem (WNS)—Ambassador Edward B. Lawson of the United States visited Premier Moshe Sharctt last week-end to discuss the still tense situation along the laza border strip which a day before was the scene of a two-hour artillery and machine gun battle between Egyptian and Israeli soldiers. According to informed sources, Mr. Lawson advised Premier Sharctt to adopt a policy of 'moderation" and to cooperate fully with MaJ. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, Canadian chief of the United Nations truce staff. It was also reported here that the American Ambassador to Egypt, Henry A. Byroade, was simultaneously asking Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser for cooperalon In preventing further Incidents along tho Israeli-Egyptian border. The tense situation along the aza strip, where the killing of three Israel officers and the wounding of two others by an Egyptian landmine began a series of clashes, was discussed by the Israel Cabinet on Sunday. Present at tho Cabinet meeting was Abba Eban, Israel Ambassador to Washington and bead of its delegation to the United Nations. VETKBAN3' SII1UNB Washington (WNS)—ThNational Shrine for the Jewish War Dead, located here at 1712, New Hampshire Avc., was dedicated on Sunday by Vice-President Richard M. Nixon. The shrine was erected by tho Jewish War Veterans whoso national commander, Joseph F. Ban- of Washington, spoke at the dedication ceremonies.

Monday. The collection will r main at Joslyn until Sunday, June 19. "I urge every one to our Jewish community to avail themselves ot this unprecedented opportunity to view this important and beautiful collection," said Rabbi Myer 3 . Krlpke. Loan Collection ' The loan collection, Including Items from the Jacob Schfff and Felix Warburg collections of the Museum of Jewish Art in New York, was sent to Omaha for exhibition in connection with tha formal presentation of the Her« man H. Auerbach Memorial, a gift of a permanent collection to tho Joslyn Museum by tho Federation for Jewish Service, Funds for tho purchase of the Aucrbach group of art objects were part of a bequest left to the -Federation by Mr. Auerbach. upon his death In 194& It includes a Torah crown, breastplate and pointer; tnezuzot. Kiddush cup and Chanuklah, the work of Ludwlg Volpert, distinguished silversmith working In the Bczalcl Art Museum In Jerusalem; a calligraphy of the Hebrew alphabet by Ben Shawn, noted LIthuanlan-born American artist; a handsome example of Yemenite gold-thread embroidery, especially c o m m i s sioned for this exhibit, and a filigree silver splcc-box, inherited from Mr. Aucrbach's great-grand-. • mother, and presented by Mrs. Auerbach. Formal Presentation About 150 attended the ceremony last Sunday afternoon In ' Gallery D when William Grodlnsky made the formal presentation for the Federation for Jewish Service. "We hope this is only the ' beginning; that additions will be made Jn the future as our community recognizes the importance of such collections," said Mr. Grodln. sky. Director Eugene Kingman accepted the gift in behalf of ths Joslyn Board of Directors, headed by Casper Y. Offutt, and thanked the members of the committee, Mrs, Meyer Bebor (chairman), Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky and Rabbi Krlpke for the care an* thought exercised, in assembling art objects of such merit. IUbbl Krlpke Tell, lUbbl Kripke gave a gallery. alk descriptive of the purposes nd use of tho varied traditional ceremonial objects displayed both In tho loan pxhlbit and in the permanent gift group.' These Include aluable curtains for the Ark, >hylactcry casts, Sholar, alms box, . Passover plate, candlesticks, Cha- . nukah lamps, and other items, ome of them several hundred 'ears old. There also was on display "tho recently published book on Jewish Ceremonial Art, written by Dri "Stephen S. Knyser, curator of th» ilusoum of Jewish Art In New York, who chose tha Items in the local loan cxhlhlt. In. It arc ltv« eluded photographs of some of tlW articles now on display in Omaha. Mrs. Jack Marer, wife of the president oj the Federation :d Jewish Service, and Mrs. Edward '•• 2. Brodkey, president of the Fed. ration of Jewish Women's Ot> ': fanizatlons, presided at the ooSte* hour which followed. \_^


Friday, Hay 27, 1953.


Omahans Jn the News

Bar & Bas Mitzvah

Omaha Sketches J

Marvin Kubrick, son of Mr. and Pvt. and Mrs. Raymond A, Mrs. Edward Rubaek, will celeMiss Joey Margolin, daughter of Brown announce tile birth of a Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin, re- brate his liar Mitzvah Friday eve- daughter, Susan Gail, born May =u3 taau ceived the University of Nebraska ning, June .'1 mtil Satunlny morn- 1H at a local hospital. This-is the 1 BAJUtT HALPERT Editoi Theater's "Best Aclri .^ award for ing, June 4 at Beth Israel Syna couple's first child. 1954-55 last week. The award wa g'igue, 52nd and Charles sts. Maternal grandparents arc Mr, given for her portrayal of CounFriends and relatives urc Invited and Mrs. Morton Ehrvnreich and tess Aurella In the "Madwomen paternal grandparents are Mr. and to attend the services and recep- Mrs. David H. Urown. of Chaillot." Miss Margolin was also named tions which will follow. to the Nebraska Masquers at the Carolyn Kagan presented the annual Masquers banquet held reFriday evening, June 3. and Sat- following students Jn n donee recently In Lincoln. Friday. May 27 urday morning, June 4, Maurice L. cital at her home studio Thursday, t:Vt p. m., CandlelifhUa* Pepper, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Shavouth—CENTER CLOSED. Mias Marsha Morris, daughter Maurice L. Pepper, will celebrate May 28, at 7 JO p. m.: Lynn BeldSaturday, May IS of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Morris, was his Bar Mitzvah. In his honor, his ner, Pam Childers, Nickie ChiN Shavouth—(Wzkor). named to WAOKIYA, the senior parents will receive the congrega- den?, Linda Ciplnko, Sheila Gold. Beth El ston. Crystal Gould, Kay Harris, Sunday. May M women's honorary leadership sor- tion after both services. Karen Harris, Laura Kuller, RanBeth Israel Men's Club Dinner ority at the University of Omaha. Services Friday evening f o r di Turkel and Sheryl Wallander, Miss Morris was also honored by Ehavuoth and the Sabbath will be- Dance, 6:30 p. m.—B. I. Alpha PsJ Omega, national drama Daniel Holjis, son of Mr. and Monday, May M gin at 8:15 p. m. Five pupil* will Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Parker anDECORATION DAY — Center honorary fraternity, and received Mrs. Sidney Hollis, will celebrate be confirmed and four pupils will its bemyactress trophy for 1954-55. his Bar Mitzvah Saturday morn- nounce the birth of a son, Garret be graduated from the Beth El closed. ing, May 28 at Beth El Synagogue. Steven, Itorn April 30 In a local Tumday, May 11 High School of Jewish Studies. Mizrachi Benefit Luncheon, 1 At the ninth annual regional Friends and relatives are Invited hospital. The couple aiso has a Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver conference of the Mountain-Plains to attend the service and the re- daughter, Monica Susan. Maternal the charge to the Confirmands p. m.—Center. Region of Hadassah, held at Colo- ception which will follow. grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. and Graduate!. Cantor Aaron E. Wednesday, June 1 rado Springs, May 14 to 17, Mrs. Aaron Singer of Chicago and paEdgar and the Beth El Synagogue Hadassah Chapter Luncheon (all J. Harry Kulakofsky was elected ternal grandparents are Mr. and Choir will render the musical por- groups), 12:30 p. m.—Center. delegate from the Mountain-Plains Mrs. David Parker of Omaha. tion of the service. Ladies Free Loan Society, 2 p. m. Region of Hadassah to the World Sabbath morning service will be —Center, Zionist Congress to be held In Lieutenant Norman Oshcroff Latin American Dance Class, Israel next year. Only past regionBy Benson Faille at 9 a. m. Junior Congregation will arrive in Omaha this week-' al presidents are eligible as deleservices at 10:30 a. m. Mincha- 8:30 p/'m.—Center.' end to spend five days with hit Editor's note: Mr. Falik is cor- parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Oiheroff. gates and only 32 delegates attend Maarlv services at 7;3O p. m. SunThursday, Jane 1 respondent for the triangle cities day morning services arc at 9 a. m. Temple Israel Study Group, 1 from Hadnsrah. Lt. OsheroM will then leave tot of Norfolk, Columbus and FreMnr. Morris M. Franklin, out- mont hit new assignment at Ft. SOL Daily services are at 7 a. m. and p, m.—T, I. Temple Israel Congregational going President of Omaha ChapOkta. 7 p jn. FREMONT Dinner, 6:30 p. m—rT, I. ter Hadassah was elected a DiSICAVCOTH SERVICES Mrs. Al Harding was elected A / 3 C Howard B. Stern will arArt Class, 7:30 p. m.—Center. rector of the Mountain-Plains Re! Friday, Hay 17 president of the local chapter of rive Friday from Cheyenne, Wyo* Beth Israel P-TA Meeting. ft:30 gion of Hadassah. 9 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. p. m.—B. I. Mrs. Irvin Simon was appointed Hadassah. at a recent meeting. to spend a month's leave with Ma Saturday, Hay 28 Other officers elected were: Mrs. parents, Mr, and Mrs, Samuel K, Regional Membership Chairman. Morning: service—9 a. m. S a m Weinberg, vice-president; Stem. Airman Stem has Just com:' Jr. Congregation—10:30 a . m . Mrs. Max Chosen, treasurer; and pleted his training In Supply At the Southwest Regional I Ytekor—ll a. m. School at Francis E. Warren Air Senior Judaea Convention, held in Mrs. H. M. Krupinsky, secretary. Mincha-Maariv—7:30 p. m. Memorial services will be held at Force Base. S t Louis, Missouri, May 13-15, Jake Kavich Miss Lora Franklin, was elected the newly decorated synagogue at Service* were held Sunday, May President of the Southwest Region 10 a. m., this Saturday. Beth Israel 22, for Jake Kavich with interment of Senior Judaeans and Miss Midge Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor at Fisher Farm .Cemetery. Mr. Grecnberg was elected secretary. COLUMBUS Eli Kagan, and Beth Israel Choir, Kavich, 80, a Fremont business The Southwest Region of Senior Mrs. Louis Bordy has recently will conduct the Shavuoth services man, died Friday, May 20, at an Judaea will hold its convention in returned from a trip which took The Workmen Circle, Brandt this Friday evening at 7:30 p. m. Omaha hospital. He had been a Omaha next year. her to Florida and most of the 2S8, will hold it's nnnunl Card ParSabbath morning service! begin at resident of the Dr. Philip Sher southern states. Her mother, Mrs. ty Sunday, May 29, at 5 o'clock 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation Jewish Home for the Aged. Sally Freeman, daughter o f Mr. Batt of Omaha and her brother-ina t 10 a. m. Yizkor Services will Mr. Kavich, founder of the Ka- and Mrs. Mike Freeman, was elect- law accompanied her on the trip. in the afternoon. It will be held at the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cumbe held at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner vich Furniture Company in Fre- ed to the Student Council of CenCongratulations and best wishes ing Street. Card games of your will conduct the Talmud Class nt mont, is survived by seven chil- tral Hich School. to Steve Bordy, son of Mr. andchoice will be played. Tickets are 7 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 7:30 dren and nine grandchildren. Mrs. Louis Bordy, and to Benita fifty cents per person. A light supp. m. followed by Sholesh Seudoi Mervln N. Lemmerman, Director Kavich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.per will be served at C o'clock for and Maariv. Daily morning servof Education of Youth Activities Phil Kavich, upon their graduation a small charge. ices begin at 7 a. m. Afternoon Max Fish at Temple Israel, has been elected from high school. They will attend Everyone Is urged to attend as service! 7:40 p. m. Sunday mornServices were hold Thursday, vicc-chairnuin of the Omaha Chap- the University of Nebraska. the proceeds will co to a charitable ing services begin at 8:45 a. m. May 19, for Max Fish with inter- ter of the National Association NOHFOI.K organization. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's ment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. of Social Workers. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levin have The committee In charge of arclass in Bible. Sunday morning ish, 76, a resident of Omaha for recently returned from a trip to rangement arc Milton Nearenberg, Junior Minyan followed by break- more than 50 years, died WednesHoward J. Kaslow, son of Mr. 'hicago. We are happy to report chairman. Joe Feldman, Ben Gerefast, starts at 8:30 a. m. day, May 18, at the Dr. Philip Shcr and Mrs. Ben E. Kaslow, was that their son David Is recovering lick, Max Belgrade, Sam Kaplan cited by the Exchange Club of The Talmud Discussion group Jewish Home for the Aged. * from a recent operation. anil Morris Goodman will assist Omaha as the outstanding sophomeets every Tuesday evening at 8 the chairman. Survivors include a brother, Sam p. m. at; the 19th and Burt St. of- Omaha: a daughter, Mm. Na-more of Central High School Wednesday afternoon at an Exchange Synagogue. than Sekerman of Los Angeles, Club luncheon. The sophomore Beth Israel Junior Choir meets Calif.; and two grandchildren. award is presented annually in every Sunday at 1Q a. m. recognition of "outstanding schoJacob Arnovits lastic achievement." Jewish education is a partnerTemple Israel Past recipients of the -award ship of parents, the synagogue con. Jerold was elected presiServices were held Monday, May have been Larry Schwartz and grcgation and the community as a dent o! the Cornhustter Lodge of The Festival of Shavuoth will be 23, for Jacob J. Arnovits with inwhole. Dr. Morris Margolin, head celebrated ,at Temple Israel with Urment a t Pleasant Hill Ceme- Jerry Zlegman, both of Central of the Bureau of Jewish Education B'nai B'ritli for the coming year, Other newly leceted officers are! services' at 11 a. m. Friday morn- tery. Mr. Arnovils, 81, died Fri- High. of the Federation for Jewish .Serv- vice-presidents, Morley Zipursky, ing. day, May 20, in Duluth, Minn. ice, told the members of Beth Harold Fox and Willis Epstein; Edward M. Stein has received a Services will be held at 8 o'clock Survivors include hit wife, Net- temporary appointment as assist- Israel Men's Club and their guests recording secretary, Hy Comlsar; Friday evening. U? of Calumet, Mich.; a daughter, ant city prosecutor, Edward Fogr last Thursday evening. eorresi>ondini; secretary, Harry Sabbath morning services are at Mrs. Herbert L. Weil of Omaha; Dr. Margolin outlined Its aims Alloy; financial Bccretary, Dave arty, City Attorney, announced. 11 JO a. m. Saturday. This service a son, Joseph of Houston, Tex.; a Mr. Stein replaces Herbert Bol- and stressed the need for under- nice; treasurer, Malcolm Trachwill be in commemoration of the brother, Morris-of Detroit, Mich.; goff who resigned last week. Mr. standing and eoojwration lwtween Unhurg; warden, Hucben Itatncr; Tercentenary of the Jewish settle- a lister, Atrs. Goldle Ickovits of Stein is a graduate of Creighton p.frents and teachers. Jewish edu- guardian, Elliot Brown; chaplain, ment in America, Members of the Chicago, III.; and three grandchilcation prepares our youth for liv- Warner Frohman; trustees, HarLaw School. Religious School will participate in dren. ing in the Jewish community nnd ry Goodbinder, Ed Dolgoff and the service. The Religious School develops an understanding of the Milton Caclcin. Choir .under the direction of Miss Brandeis Story Jewish people throughout the cenHarry Resnick Lda Gitlin, will smg the service. •The lirandeis Way to Brother- turies, he, added. Well-trained Services were held Tuesday, May hood"- an article written by Hay youngsters become good citizens Nebr. Lodge toXold B'nal Israel Shavuoth Srrvicn: 17 for Harry Resnick with inter- Clancy appears In the June edition in the community and lead well Fund Raising Party 9 a. m., Friday, May 27 ment at Golden Hill Cemetery. of Coronet Magazine. How Bran- balanced lives as spiritually en1 7:30 p. m.. Friday, May 27 The Nebraska Lodge of B'nal Mr. Resnick died Monday, May deis University came into being riched Jews as a result of Jewish ' 9 a. m., Saturday, May 28 and the story of Its remarkable education, Dr. Margolin pointed B'rith will hold its nnnunl fund 1C at a local hospital. ' 10 a. m., Saturday, May 28 out. The responsibility for this raising affair in the form of a gala Survivors include his wife, Rose; growth Is told. Brandeis U. is 1 (Vlskor Services). daughter, Mrs. Dave Frank of America's only Jewish founded education belongs to all In the card party at 8 p. m., June 12 in the B'nai Abraham social hall, Toledo. 0 , ; two brothers, two sis-nonsecttirian institution of higher community, he continued. learning in the nation. Our democratic Ideals of social 25th nnd J sts. Monument Dedication ter; and two grandchildren. A mink stole will bo given as a equality and justice are derived Cousins' Club from Jewish Ideals, Dr. Margolin door prize. Tickets arc one dollar The family of the late Mendel Y.C. Conclave each and the ticket holder need The Cousins' Club will meet told the audience which Included Forbes^will d o l i o t c a monument in his memory ;it .') p. in., Monday. The l'J55 Jewish Youth Council with Mrs. Ben Abrahamson at a youngsters who had celebrated not be present to be eligible for May 30 (Memorial Day) at Fisher Conclave will lie held Thursday, luncheon at 12:30 p. m., Wednes- their Bar and Bas Mltzvahs dur- the prize. Refreshments will be served. Farm Cemetery. Rabbi lirnjamin June 9 at the Paxton Hotel. The day, June 1 In (he Blackstone Ho- ing this year. Religious education should not Groner and Cantor Ell Kngan will informal dance, held to honor tel. Those who arc unable to attend please call Mrs. Abrainson, stop at the age 33, for what we Mr. Sinai Officers officiate. Friends and relatives are ';ra<lu,itinj; seniors, will begin at 3 p. m. and will close at 12:30 AT 8488. want is a maximum rather than invited to attend [lie services. a. m. with music by Dan Bums a minimum of education, he emBen LSndcnbaum was elected phasized. president of the Mount Sinai CemMrs. Eva- (.Alplrn) Stc-in will Quartette. Presentation of King ZBT Mothers' Club Jack W. Marer, federation pres- etery Association nt a recent dedicate a monument in memory rind Queen of Merit titles will be Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' Club ' «f her father, the late A. B. AI- give*n 1o the outstanding senior will hold their annual meeting at ident, congratulated the celebrants meeting. Other officers arc: Abe boy and girl, Kovod Keys will be and enunciated the spiritual se- Klrshenbaum, vice-president; Jopirn, at 2 p. m., Sunday, June 5, 8 p. m., June 8, in the Highland at Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myer awarded. West Club. All alumni, wives, curity nnd positiveness of Jewish seph Klrshenbaum, treasurer, and Harry Staenbcrg, secretary. Board S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron EdThe dance Is opened to the pub- members nre welcome. For reser- living. Maureen Epstein, daughter of commissioners are: Dave Fcldman, gar will officiate. Friends and ic. Admission Js S I M for couples, vations call Mrs. Sam Steinberg, rotative! are invited to attend the stags, or fitagettes tickets may be WA 9754 or Mrs. Ben Minkln, RE Mr. and Mrs.-Aaron Epstein, spoke Sam Fellman, H. Guns , Klwa for the celebrant*. 7641 Homsteln ond Max Klrshenbaum. purchased nt the door. service. M

Ifridaj bj U>e Federation for Jewiab Serrlec

BUMI ai UDHUL i m u u . aaau u u i u u JUKS a. u?a. M.IM. ldwUi:Bf l u i w OD Application. Ha. JOtB BtitM, T~-»l>«. Nibr.. JACJucc U K .

Religious News

Community Calendar

Triangle News


Workmen's Circle Annual Party Sun.

Jewish Education Jerry Rosen Heads Is a Partnership Cornhusfcer Lodge

May t 7 , M M .

TO nwua new

Local Artists" Work Mizrachi Women

At Had. Meeting

The following members of the Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Women "portraits On Parade," fealtir- Donor Luncheon Circle, Mmes. J. ing an unusual mode of exhibiting Goodbindcr, L. Papcrny, and M. art, will be presented by the Oma- Brodlcey are taking reservations ha Chapter Uudasaah in conjunction with the Federation for Jewish for a 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday, Service, as the program for the May ,'il, at Hie Jewish Community installation luncheon meeting of Center. Omaha Chapter Hactesah at 12:'M) Mrs. Abraham M. Danzig of p. m. Wednesday, June 3, at the Jewish Community Center. Mem- Kansas City, Mo., addressed a b e n of the community arc invited j;rotip of prospective members at the home of Kabbi and Mrs. Bento attend this open meet inn. jamin Groner Wednesday evening, Local women exhibiting original May JH. Mm. Danzig, wife of Kabwork o r art are: Mmra. Meyer bi A. M. Danzig, is regional presiBeber, I. W. Kosenulatt, Gary dent and a national vice-president. Gross, I>eo Waxcnbori;, Louis Shrier, Alfred Frank, Harold Garbcr, Abe Markovitz, Nathan Si- courtesy of the Center Library. Mrs. W. S. McMartin, who has mon, David Fertil, Edward Milder just returned from Israel, will and Harry Mcndclson. brinf: greetings from the HadasMrs. Norman Wliitman will be narrator of "Portraits On Parade." cah Hospital staff. Officers for the year 1055-5C ..Members participating in the exhibit of Jewish art ore Mcsdamcs: will be installed by Mrs. Samuel N. Sol Kutlor, Benton Kutler, William Wolf, Past President of Omaha Nash, William Frieden, Mnx Bltt- Chapter Hudassah. nor. David Bleicher, Louis HurMake your reservations now for witz, David Fredericks, Seymour Uils outstanding event. Bring your Zoob, Morey Landman, Leonard friends. KrlcdeL Bernard Balaban, SherFor reservations call: Szold man Upttcln, Harvey Aronson, Group, Mrs. Hnrry Marks, R1C Richard Goldman and Ted San- 1595; Mrs. Benjamin Kahn, KE ford. 6003; Mrs. Isadorc Sherman, WE Milton Wolsky will be art ad- 0706; Herzl Group—Mrs. Harry Goldslrom, WA 5G73, Mrs. Henry v.V.r, Icrordcd music from the Israeli Appcl, GL 5C38; Welzmann Group Symphony will be beard as a back- —Mrs. Hilda Hoffman, RE 2918; ground during the presentation of Mrs. Milton Mintz, RE 2910 and "Portraits on Parade" through the Mrs. Chas. Frcdkin, HA 1193.

Omahan to Wed Georgia Miss

Hiss Elinor Stroletz Mr. and Mrs. Isadorc Stmletz of LaGrange, Ga., announce the engagement of their daughter, Elinor Ifelene, to Bernard E. Grcenberg of Omaha, the son ot Mrs. Hyman

nun ibM«i

B&P Hadassah The Business A Professional Women's Group of Hadassah will hold their final meeting and installation at 8 p. m., Thursday, June 2 at the Jewish Community Center. Eve Konccky, Past H & P President and past regional officer, will install the officer:; for tlie coming year. Interesting highlights of the ninth Annual Had;issah MountainPlains RiT.ionul Conference, held in Colorado Sprint;;;, May 14 to 17, will be given by Mrs. Carl Lagman and Eve Konecky, who attended the conference us delegates from the I! & P Group. Refreshments will 1« served. All interested are invited to attend.

Pioneer Women ) To Install Officers Omaha Chapter of Pioneer Women will install their officers at tta Oneg Shabbat at 1 p. m., Saturday, May 28, at the home ol Mr, and Mia. I. Forbes, 1720 N. 51st. • Joe ICidinowski will be the installing officer. Mrs. Leonard Pimtovltz, who has recently returned from a visit to California, was named to the post of publicity chairman. A musical program Is-planned and members are asked to invite their friends to attend.

Engagement Told

Former Omahans, Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Roslnsky, now of Los Angeles, Calif., announce the engagement at their daughter Sally to E.\ Grcenberg. Bertram A. Silver of San FranMiss Struldtz attended the Uni- cisco, Calif. A wedding date ha* versity of Alabama and the Uni- been set for June 19. versity of Georgia where she was n member of Sigma Delta Tau Before 1945, less than $1,000,000 sorority. a year was spent for cancer research. Since then the American Mr. Greenberg was graduated from the University of Nebraska Cancer Society alone has devoted where he was a member of Beta about $35,000,000 to that work. Gamma Sigma, honorary and Zeta Beta Tap, social fraternities. He has recently returned from Korea where he served as a lieutenant with the 24th Infantry Division. After a July wedding, the couple will reside in Omaha. The Great**! NomW tnKothw foods Patronize Our Advertisers


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Y.C. Softball League

Friday, May 27, 1853.

Y. C. Doings

B.E. Confirmands In Shavuoth Fete

A. 55." A. No. 1 Twenty members of the fraternity participated in the Cannot At the Shavuoth and Sabbath Kood Drive Sunday for the Oak Service to bo held at 2:15 p. m. Ily Jim KiirliatMh view Home for lioys. This Com in Beth El Synagogue, portions of Itayim A was upset at Elmwooc munlty Service project, sponsored the service will be conducted by Ia=t Sunday to the tune of 14-1 by the Rnal B'rith Youth Council five confirmands and four gradby AZA 100 even though they out was very successful In that it col- uates of the high school of Jewish hit their opponents 12-9. The lected over 30" articles of clothin studies. Speaking for the Concaliber of ball played was greatly and over 1,200 cans of food foi firmands will be Brcndn Katzman, improved as only six errors wcr the 13 boys at the Oakview Home. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil made In the sown innings of play A delegation from B. B. Y. C, Katzman, and Diane Fellman. It was a costly mistake in tli made the presentation Thursday daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Fellman. Speaking for the Gradseventh inning by pitcher Art No-evening. . : vak of Rayim A that gave AZA Mother Chapter will bring an- uates will be Phyllis Rubinow, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin 100 the surge for the upset. Ho other term to an end May 29 when was a hero when he doubled with the club holds Its semi-annual elec- Rubinow. Parti of the service will be led by members of the conbases loaded, but over running sec- tions at the "Jay." : firmation group, Nancy Friedond base enabled Jerry Rosen to lander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. slop the ball on him for the first Morton Friedlander; Bunny Ravv put out in the inning. Even though Congratulation! are In order for itz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HarSchragor walked with two out ry Ravitz, and Murray Rose, son alert fielding by Mike C a n a r Joan Marx ,Elaine Janger, and of Mrs. Golds Rose, and by memsquelched the rally and the ball Rita Peltz, they all made A Ca bers of the graduating class, Degame. Hitting for AZA 100 waspclla Choir. Phyllis Freedman i anne Markovitz, daughter of Mr. well distributed as six on the team second page editor of tho Regis- and Mr*. Abe Markov! tz; Marilyn hit at least once during the game. ter. Deanne Markoyitz's baby pic- Wee, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Zwelback, Friedman and Mayer all ture won first prize at the Central Samuel A. Rice, and Ilenc Sachs,

—Worid-ner.U Fboto.

Undjr F u l (left) and Steve Stella smile happily as they hold their awards. *

Paul and Seglin Award Night Honors

High baby picture contest Carole hit two for four. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Maurice AZA 1 overwhelmed Rayim B Frank made Exchange editor, Sachs. 24-9 in five innings on the Center Parents of the confirmands and diamond also last Sunday. Jack T.I. Students to Mark graduates will receive In honor of Oruch scored eight runs batted in their children following the servon a grand slam home run, a triple .'•'• and a double; both with two on. StudenU of Temple Israel Re- ice. In the la»t inning, Ray Klrke, ligious School will celebrate the pitcher for AZA 1, overcame his 300th anniversary pt Jewish settle- School age children enrolled in wildnest to retire all three men ment in America at a special pro- the American Junior Red Cross last yea* filled and shipped .168,700 via the strikeout route. gram this Saturday. • :••:.'• So far In the league, AZA 100 The Saturday, Division will hold gift boxes as goodwill gestures to and Rayim A ore tied for tho lend a special Tercentenary Service at children in 56 foreign countries. with two wins and one loss. AZA 11:30 a. m. Members of the Stuhas won one and lost two, while dent Council will assist Rabbi SidRayim B has not had a winner In ney H. Brooks in conducting the three starts. ".. ••:.".••... ".:,- :•;': service. Susan Speicr and Jerry Frank of grade 6, will present talks on American-Jewish heritage. Beth Israel Social The Religious School choirs will present a musical rendition of Beth Israel Ice Cream Social 'ill be held Sunday, June 5 from "the New Colossus," At the Kid to 7 p. m. Mrs. Abe L. Feldman dush following the service, the stuis chairman. Mrs. Arthur Parilman dents will partake of a special is ticket chairman. Others on the 3O0th Birthday Cake inscribed with planning committee arc Mesdamcs: the Hebrew letter Shin, symboliz David Friedman, Morris Kutler, Ing the 300th anniversary.

Climaxing a year of Center ath- leadership, team play and Individletic activities, a surprised guest ual ability during the midget basspeaker and former Center ath- ketball season as the captain of letic director Llndy Paul w a s •warded tthe Burkcnroad Award the Fireside Restaurant team. Ills as the outstanding senior athlete. generalship on the floor easily disSteve Seglin received the Green- tinguished him in every game as berg Award for the outstanding the team's leader. Samuel Kaplan and Irving Forbes. midget athlete, which was preW i n n e r of the Burkcnroad The following are on the calling Beth El Luncheon sented by Bucky Greenberg. Award, Llndy Paul, was recog- committee: Mesdames: M i l t o n This year the Harry Trustln nized for his participation in al- Goldberg, Sam Rosenslein, Leo The annual Sabbnth luncheon for o Gently seasoned.. Award will be presented at the most all of the senior athletic ac- Kraft, Phil Lubrrmn, Isadora I<cw- pupils of Beth El Talmud Torah Youth Council Conclave to be held tivities. He was a member and is, Robert Endelman, William ill follow junior congregation homemade taste! June 9 at the Paxton Hotel. That captain of the Varsity basketball Wolf son, It. S. Susman, Harry iervices Saturday. June 4. The elsnight the outstanding junior ath- champion? and -an outstanding Lewis, Marvin Gilinsky, Nathan erhood Isr In charge of luncheon © Protein-rich and lete will be recognized alone with softball player in one of the city's Kaplan and Joseph Lint/man.' arrangements. low in calories, Other Youth Council members who softball leagues. Certificates of honor and prizes Tickets are 33 cents and are will receive awards of merit for ivailablc from students of the vill l>e awarded to pupils for rci:- © Full pound I •ervlce in the Youth Council. Ucth Israel School System, or may larity in attendance and pnrticiPareve! lation In the Talmud Torah Choir. ic purchased at the door. More than 200 parents and Parents of IJeth El Sunday youngsters saw individuals and Lake-fresh, school pupils are invited to attend teams'win awards in softball, bailuscious... he Sliavuoth assembly which will lee t ball, badminton, volleyball, held at 10:30 a. m., Sunday, iwlmming, bowling and o t h e r Sunday morning and afternoon chill and serve! Club Tovim Junior will meet May 29 In the synagogue r,ocial from 11 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. has «ports. mil. The program will include a laturd.iy evening, May 28 at 8:30 been set aside for a family swim Max Platt, a member of the ath letlc committee, served as master. period, a t the Jewish Community i. m. in the recreation room of the notion picture entitled "Moses Center swimming pool, Jim Kar- Talmud Torah. Plans for attend- nd the Ten Commandments." ' of-cercmonies. Medals were the order of the batsch, athletic director an- ing the Camp session at I-onc nounced. This new summer sched- Lake, Minn., will bo discussed (it day for team champions and tournament winners, but s e r v i c e uled has been Instituted to pro- his meeting. All members are awards were also given to Matlec •Idc a swim period for the entire rgM to attend. The following clulw will meet Katlcman. Rita Katzman, Fred family. Simon, Mike Yudclson and Wil- Competitive swim periods with unday, May 2'J: Hoys Arts and RUG & UPHOLSTERY "Lifts, Girls Arts and Crafts and liam Plotkln for the volunteering no age limits have been arranged CLEANERS of their time and energy with such for Tuesday and Thursday after- •ar-D-K.'iy. difficult jobs as record keeping, noons from 4:30 to 5:15 o'clock. RUGS — CARNTING program leadership and'organiza- A diving class will be held Friday eth Israel Classes LAMP SHADES mornings from 11 a. m. to 12 noon. tion within tltelr own groups. FUKNITUIE Steve Seglin, Creenberg Trophy A special feature of the summer There will be no classes in the program for men only will be u Cleaned in Your Hornet winner, wai recognized for his (eth Israel Talmud Torah Thurs-

Family Swim At Center Pool

Beth Israel Clubs


recreational period on Tuesday and ay, May 2G, Erev Sliavuoth. ^lading - laying • RnMlrty Thursday afternoons from 1:30 to DON IEDHSTEIN HA 25S4 B.I. Assembly 2:30 o'clock. Patronize Our Advertisers Joe Micck, certified water safeBeth Israel's annual promotion ty instructor, is In charge of the and award assembly will take pool. place Sunday morning. May 29. Sunday School pupils will attend their rejularly scheduled classes Beth El Choir and the special ceremonies will take place during regular class Members of the Beth El Talmud time. Torah Choir, under the direction Talmud Torali promotion exer- of Cantor Aaron Edgar, will rencises will be held June 12 at 10 der the musical portion of the services Friday evening, June 3. a. m. The I. Goldstein awards will be Members of the congregation and presented at this time. Winners friends are urged to attend this The cornerstone of our v Of the Rambnm, story, poem and lervice. business. V/o create it, renew it, . essay contest will be announced. Jacket awards will be announced and dispense it libcrall/. Surely you're' and.Grace and blessing books will in tho market. be distributed to oil children in ITtone J A 1ZC6 to insert rout Waul. Ad the primary grades of Talmud I Tne Jewish I'resti. Torali. An invitation is extended to Current rste Ij t o eptitf for eacft InntrThe k'rtea reacrv« th* rlebt to Umll all parents and friends to attend .on. u« 01 each fidvenjflrraenL GENOA CITY, WISCONSIN this affair. ( BAH and Bas Mitzvah congratuJUST 1 HOUR FROM CHICAGO Annual graduation exercises will lations also for all Jewish holiFor Full Information: take place Sunday, June 12 at 2 days and special occasions. p. m. In the synagogue. A list of Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodga. SHINDERMAN MANAGEMENT all the fjraduates will appear in fJJ N. Michigan Ayr • Chicogo • MOhowk 4«<*« next week's press. WOMEN WANTED—Several girls to address, mail postcards. Spare Beth Israel Talmud Torah time every week. Write Box 161, classes will not meet on Memorial Bolmont, Mass. Day, Monday, May 30.


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