June 3, 1955

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UmabA. Hebrulut acdtf Act «

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i.*ut>iu>tic-n ever; Kriduy, 101 fl, autb, OwiUia. Nebraska. Hiolie /A 1300

JWY Markers For War Dead A tcinn of Jewish Win- Veterans Of the Epstein-Morgan Post headed by Nobr.-Ia. Department Commander Max Kanner and Post Commander S h e r m a n Llpstein, placed --w JWV markers on the graves of the Jewish War dead In Omaha cemeteries Jast Sunday. Other members of the team were Abe S. Miller, Paul C..,uriM\ Marvin Kaplan, Milton Goldlwrg and Max Belgrade. The new JWV markers replaced, American Legion 4parkeps that have been In place. The local Post is taking ever the decorating of the JWV graves from the American Legion. The Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewigh War Veterans held its annual Memorial Day Services at Golden Hill.Cemetery at the gravesite of late Herman Golflsteln; a member W the Po»t who died in 1053. The Assembly wag called by Paul Crounso, Officer of the day. The Commander's charge was read by Nebr.-Ia. Department Commander Max Kanner und Post Commander Shermnn Llpstcln. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, of Templa Israel was In charge of the religious portion of the program. Rabbi Brooks who tl Post Chaplain c.ave the principal addr'esH.


AiiDtuu iUt* « tJiui^t Oop7 ID


•e Held Wednesday

KuliM Sidney If. Ilrimki

Rabbi Brooks Will

Address OU Grads

Rabbi Kidney H. Brooks, spiritual leader of Temple Israel, will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon to the 1055 graduating class of University of Omaha at 5 p. m., .Sunday, June 5 at University Stadium. Kabbl Brooks Is an instructor of Comparative Religions a t the university. Kabbl Brooks will also participate in the graduation ceremonies of the College of Medicine of the University of Nebraska to be held at 3 p. m., Saturday, June 18 in tlie new Municipal AudiThe roll call of the Jewish War torium. He will give the opening Veterans {lead was read by Past invocation. Commanders Abo S. Miller and Nate Marcus. Aaron Shaefer, Dcpt. Sf,'t. of Arms placed the floral wreath on the j;nive. The Kaddish was said by Dave Cordon, a brother of Herman Ciold•tcin. Taps were sounded by DaRichard Fellman, President of vid Kavltch. Tlie colors were advanced by Milton Goldberi;, Mar- the Jewish Youth Council during 1952-53, was named Kditor of the vin Bernstein, and Max Ilelnrade. The firing squad consisted of Mar- Daily Nebraskan, the student vin Kaplan, William Abrahams, newspaper of the University of Yale Halperln, Art Salkin and Nebraska. lie Is tlie son of Dr. and Mrs. Leon Fellman. Dave Dubin. According to university sources, he Is one of the few men selected for this post after completing his second Vear of studies. Mr. Fellman was also recently elected to memboruhip In the Innocents Society, senior, men's hon-

Richard Fellman 'Nebraskan' Editor

Y. C. Conclave at Center June 9

Highlight i of the 1955 Youth Council Conclave to be held Tthursdhy, June 9 at the Jewish Corrimunlty Center, will be the naming of Kinu and Queen of Merit and Kovod Key recipients Youth Council officers and presidents of the clubs have been named to march In the processional. These include . Midge Greenhorn, Joan Krasne, Deanne Markovltz, Sari ^Shukert, Marilyn Itlce, Sandra Krizelman, Jerry Marer, Hob Goldatcln, Stan Wldmnn, Jack Oruch, Howard Kaslow, Marvin FreedBiart and Bob Meyer. Tlie Outatandlng Junior Athlete of the year will also be named. The Informal dance will be held from 9 p. m. to 12 a. tn. with music hy Dan Burns. Tickets may bo Purchased at the door. The entire Youth Council and their parent* arc Invited. Rlrlmrd Fellmnn Admission Is one dollar for couples and 75 cents for sthgn and orary for activities and scholarship •tagcttcs. and was chosen as secretary of the group. OKNKIIALS TO BE IIONOIIKI) He was one of the founders of New York (JTA)—The United Raylm while in high school and Jewish Appeal will present cita- nerved as Its first president. He tions to fivo American generals also served as chairman of tho prominent in the United States high school division of the Philanoccupation of Germany nnd Aus- thropies Campaign. In 1951 he traveled to Europe tria and their chief civilian advisers on Jewish affairs, William as a Boy Scout for an InternaRosenwald, general' chairman of tional jamboree, which he attendthe UJA nnnounced here. Tlie ed as an Euglo Scout and as a presentation will be made at the winner of the Eternal Light national UJA two-day conference Award, the first given in the State which will open In Washington of Nebraska. Currently nt the University of June 4. Senator Herbert H. Lehman will also be cited an the first Nebraska, he Is a member of Zola director-general of tho United Na- Beta Tau, where he is a former tions Relief and Rehabilitation Ad- historian. He Is also u member of (Continued on Page 2.) ' ministration..

Claduates are: CLNTUAI, HIGH SCHOOL Hoys Allen Ahruhamson Jack W. Baker Liigenc Alan DuBoff Bernard H. Feldman Stanley Arnold Fellman Marvin '.. Ferenstein Kenneth Jacob Freed Harold M. Friedman Norman Harold Garrop Robert V. Goldstein Don Wolf Greenberg David J. Hcrzog Sidney L. Klopper Jcrold L. Kohill Harold Kosowsky Bennett Kutler Alan Justin Levlnc Gerald Z. Marer J; Robert Meyer Bradley R. Nichols Jack Bernard Oruch Bernard T. Ostravlch Sheldon I. Rips Abram Rundell Phillip Gerald Schrnger Morris I. Shrago Frederick J; Simon Jerome David Simon Jerome Singer Michael Bonnet Solzman Sheldon Edward Sterenberg Stanley J. Widman ' Robert Hurlan Wlntroub Marshall Norman Zalkln Jerald Lee Zicgman Eugene M. Zwelback fllrln Joan B. Abrahams Nancy Sue Barron Frances Jr?.n Brown Rosalie Cohen Sharlcne Joan Fischer • Mnxinc Janet Freed Shirley Ann Goodman Muriel Rae Green Ellen B. Greenberg Silvio Green Therese Knhn Matlec Katleman Sharon Lee Korney Annette Kosowsky Judith Esther Krantz Joan Phyllis Krasne Karen Krlcsfeld Sandra Krizelman Marda Kruplnsky Rose Joy Lagman Fayna Fern Manvitz Deanne Ruth Markovltz Betty Jo Meek Barbara L. Mlnkln Sara Lee Pepper Shirley Ann Raznick •Marilyn Ann Rice FylllsMae Rublnow Ileno Adele Sachs , Harriet Rose Shapiro • Sarah R. Shukert Suzanne Joyce Simons Fayann Sokolof • : Donna Rae Steinberg Phyllis Joy Stolnberg Gwen Audrey Stoler Sandra Zalkln NOKTII HIGH SCHOOL ' Esther Ecrman 1'ItATT IIIOII SCHOOL Uoy» , Fred Marcus Jerry Raduzlner Floyd Harlan Turkel '.. TECHNICAL IIIOII SCHOOL Hoy» Edward Blend Herbert Kalman Girls Shirley Poster Chana Wehlroth

Cerebral Palsy Drive The United Cerebral Palsy Association of Omaha will open its fund drive June 15. Mrs. Karl Louis, association president, said the drive will continue through June. The Omaha (;oal will be 25 thoueand dollars, The money will be used in the enre of local victims of cerebral palsy.

Kai.i Lee IVjiper and liobert

V. (Joldstciu, graduating sen. iors at Cenlral High .School, will apeak on behalf! of Omaha's Jewish high school graduates at JJaccnlaureate Services ut 8 o'clock, Wednesday evei , June 8, at Loth El SynaEight-one Jewish boys and glrli will be honored at this annual program sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service. Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Isr. 1 Synagogue Will deliver the baccalaurrate address. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temjrfelsrae! will give the Invocation and the closing prayer and benediction. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth El Synagogue will conduct the serves. , • •» —CUuda OouUbM Photo.

His* Sara Pepper

The Beth El Synagogue Choir under the direction of. Cantor Aaron Edgar will take part in the ceremony, Jack W. Marer, President of the Federation for Jewish Service, will extend greetings on behalf of the Federation. J. Robert Meyer, Prosiacnt of the Jewish Youth Council, will also ipeak. A reception by the Beth "31 S' s. terhood will follow the service. Dr. Philip Sher, honored PresU dent of the Federation for Jewish Service, is the originator of the Baccalaureate Service.

High School Div. Soars Past 90% A whirlwind campaign of the High School division of the Jewish Youth Council lias in two short weeks secured 90 per cent of IU pledge cards for a total of $679, It was reported by Rita Katzman. Jerry Ferer and Jerry Marer, co» : —Claud* Con«t«b)e Photo. chairmen of the division. Returns of individual clubs show Tlkvas Ami with 100 per cent, BBG with 92 per cent, Dobka Debs with 97 per cent, AZA No. 1 with 95 per cent, AZA No. 100 with 90 per cent, and Rayim with 97 per cent. ' Marvin Freedman, sollctatlons chairman, reports that only 35 LANGUAGE CIIAIIt cards are outstanding In the high Now Haven, Conn. (JTA)—A school division, for a total of 292 new chair In Semitic languages cards collected out of 327. and literature has been established at Yale University by Louis M. Rablrtowltz, prominent philanthropist of Ncv/ York City, It was announced last week-end by Edgar S. Furnlss, Provost of Yale University. An appointment to the Dr. Stephen S. Kaysor, curator new professorship will be made In of the Jewish Museum in New the near future, according to Mr. York City, sent his congratulaFurniss. Mr. Rabinowltz In 1952 tions to Mrs. Meyer Bebor, chairwas a recipient of a Yule Medal, man of the Aucrbach Memorial gift committee. The Aucrbach Memorial, a gift t o t h e Joslyn Art, PACT ASKED New. York (JTA)—Dr. Israel Museum nnd a loan collection of Goldstein, president of the Amer- Jewish ceremonial objects, from, ican Jewish Congress and honor- tho Jewish Museum, are on disary president of tho Jewish Na- play at the Joslyn. The loan collectional Fund of America, called tion will remain at Joslyn until upon the American Government June 19 and the Auerbach gift Is lost night to conclude a mutual an addition to the museum's persecurity pact with Israel "as the manent collection. best guarantee of peace and prosIn his letter, Dr. Kaysor said, perity In tho Middle East." "my best wishes for further endeavprs in the field of Jewish art to which you and your group havo BOND CHAIRMAN New York (JTA)—Morris W. made such an outstanding contribution . . ." Berinstein of Syracuse, N. Y,, who Tho loan collection includes has been In the forefront of national leadership. In fund-raising items from the Jacob Schiff and for Israel during the past decade, Felix Warburg groups In tho Jew* has been elected national cam- ish Museum. Both exhibits may paign chairman for Israel bonds, It be seen at tho museum during regwas announced today by Abraham ular opening times. Mrs. Bebcr gave a gallery talk Felnberg, president of the Development Corporation for Israel, to the Omaha Artists' Group last Wednesday at the Joslyn explainwhich recently assumed responsibility for the sale of Israel De- ing the history nnd use o£ tlie ceremonial objects. ' „j velopment Bonds in the U. S.

Around ' The Nation

Museum Curator Praises Art Exhibit

i '

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fnbUsbcd ever; rriilsi} bj the Federation (or Jewish Servic aUKcn&Uoa, ft ou. Aaveru^.ne /latet on AprliMiUon. . >inc»— l.jj fa. Slum firen. n n m . Kttr.. )AUs»oi! UCO. v c» ljj fire bo k a W rruu ibop kaarnt—Wit no. 351*tit



Letter to Public Poise The Sunday (May 20) World-IIc-rald re-printed interview.., with Egypt's. Premier Na.sser and Israel's Prime Minister Sharett by Edi tors of Newsweek Magazine. Let us reappraise the piously hypocritical answers given by Premier Nasser in the /ace of the following facts Of record: If the Arab governments really supported United Nations' policies on Israel, as they falsely pretend to do, they would support the following decisions of the U. N. among others. L Recognition of the State of Israel as constituted by the U. N. on May 11,1949. 2. Renunciation of any doctrine of a "state of war" or belligerency. (Security Council resolution, Sept. 1,1951.) 3. Readiness to extend the Armistice Agreements by negotiation Into final settlements. (General Assembly resolution, Dec. 11, 1948.) 4. Acceptance of the present boundaries of Israel and the Arab States as laid down In the Armistice Agreements, together with all other provisions of those agreements. (Security Council resolutions on Nov. 1,1948, and August 11,1949.) 5. Integration of Arab refugees into the economics of their host countries pending a final settlement (General Assembly resolution, Dec. 2, 1950.) 6. Acknowledgment of the historic fact that the Arab decision to launch hostilities against Israel created a threat to international peace and security. (Security Council resolution, July 15, 1948.)" Let me also point out Nasser's brazen effrontery In pretending that Egypt wants peace with Israel in the face of the following public expressions of Egyptian policy: L On January 28, 1955, Major Salem,, Egyptian Minister of Na> tlonai Guidance,stated publicly: "Even if Israel should fulfill ail United Nations resolutions it .(Egypt) will not sign a peace with her." , - ~ . 2./On October 15. 1954, the official mouthpiece of the Egyptian regime, "El Gomhouna," wrote: ' ~ "Egypt and the Arabs must turn In the name of humanity and culture to all nations of tne world who will aid in wiping Israel off the face of the map.' 3. On Nov. 16. 1934, the "Saut el Arab" (The "Voice of the Arabs"), the official broadcasting station, declared: "Egypt sees Israel as a cancer endangering the Arab people*. Egypt is the physldan who can uproot this cancer. Egypt doe* not forget that it is her obligation to take revenge and she is mobilizing all her forces m anticipation of the hoped-for day." All this is not a matter of pretty words for an interview, but rather one of public record. Sincerely, * Myer S. Kripke. Rabbi of Beth El Synagogue. Editor's Note: This U a'copy of a letter sent this week to tho Omaha-World-Herald for their Public Pulse column. SciMife Kepovt Sratvs • • •

Solution of Arab Refugee Problem Is by Resettlement Washington (JTA)—A permanent, solution of the Palestine Arab refugee problem "can only be found through rehabilitation and resettlement," a report of the Sen ate Foreign Relations Committee to the Senate declared last weekend. The Senate committee's report underscored "the committee - has repeatedly expressed its deep concern over the lack of progress in this direction." The document declared that "the committee was therefore encouraged to learn (hat final negotiations arc nearing completion for - , two large-scale resettlement projects. One of them will provide for 60,000 to 70,000 refugees in Sinai, at an estimated cost of $50,000,000. The other is the Jo/dan River Valley development project, which will benefit about 1DO.0O0 at an estimated cost of $90,(XK),000." The Committee said the Administration was hopeful that a start could be made on these projects in the fiscal year of 193(i, and it added its belief that if they could be brought to fruition they would be a great contribution to lessening tension in the area. BKK8IE.SK PREMIER Jerusalem fJTA)—Prime Minister U Nu of Burma arrived in Israel Sunday for a one-week visit, which rapidly took on the character of a national holiday. The Burmese Premier, who was accompanied by his wife. Is the most popular Asian leader here because •vf his efforts to have Israel invited to the Bandung conference and his attempts to soften the anti-Israel resolution adopted at that conference. Rcporls hero that bis proposed visit to Cairo had Ibeen cancelled'because he refused t o bow to Egyptian pressure . against his visit to Israel gave a - heightened sense of immediacy to his long-time role as Israel's best Iriend in Asia.

Referring to development assistance for Israel, the committee said "although Israel has made signl ficant economic progress and American assistance has been reduced, it is not yet feasible to terminate that assistance." The report also said that one of the principal United States objective's Li the development of projects which would result in the strengthening of the economy of the area as a whole and added that "should opportunities p r e s e n t themselves, funds authorized by the bill could be used for such projects on o regional basis."

ADL Director During the week, Seymour 11. Kaplan, director of the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai B'rith regional office located in Omaha, lectured at the Annual Kansas YWCA Conference held at Camp Wood in Elmdale, Kans. The weeklong conference was attended by YWCA staff from communities throughout the ctatc. He led discussion groups in "Plannlni; for More Democratic Communities," nnd demonstrated ADL's "Rumor Clinic." A feature of the camp period was the showIng of the film, "Heritage," jointly produced by the Catholic Youth Organization, United Christian Youth Movement (Protentant), and the Anti-Defamntlon League of E'nal B'rith.

Monument1 Dedication The family of the late David A. Finkle will dedicate a monument in his memory nt 2:30.p, m., Sunday, June 5 at Eeth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron Edgar will officiate. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the service. ••. I

Friday, June 9, 1SA5.

Community Calendar

Religious News

Beth El Talmud Torah Graduation

Pioneer Women, 1:30 p. m.— Center. Jewish Youth Council Conclave, 9 p. m.—Center. Kadimoh Board Meeting, 8:30 p. m,—Home,

Beth El Talmud Torah Graduation Ceremonies will take place I-Yiday evi ning, June 10 at Sabbath Eve services, which begin nt 8:15 p. m. A feature of the ceremonies will be the presentation to outstanding students of the Dr. Philip Slier awards in Jewish Education. Graduates are: Barbara Adler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adler; Barbara Bercutt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bercutt; Betty Krman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Erman; Lynctto Forbes, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. I. W. Forbe.,; Justin Lewis, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lou Lewis; Nancy ltichards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Richards; Nancy Vcnger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Vimger. Parents of the graduates will be hosts at a reception in their honor following the services in the Eoclal hall of the synagogue. The congregation and their friends aro cordially Invited.

Beth Israel to Hold Ice.Cream Social*

O.U. Prof to Speak To Farband Group

Sunday, June 5 Temple Israel Ice Cream .Social —T. I. lieth I;,rael Ico Cream Social— D. I. 7th Grade Cirl.s' Club Parents Luncheon, 3:30 ji. in.—Center. Tuesday, June 7 National Council of Jewish Women's Board Meeting, 1 p. m. —Highland West Club. Wednesday, June ft B'r.al ll'rith Nebraska Chapter Sewing Circle Dessert Luncheon and Bazaar, 1 p. in.—25th and J Sts. Omaha Zionist Council Meeting, 8 p. in.—Center. Jewish High School Baccalaureate Services, 8 p. m.—Beth El. Thursday, June 9


p. m.i

Temple Israel Sftbbath services will be held at 8 p. m., at Temple Israel this Friday. Ilabbi Sidney H. lirooks will conduct the services and deliver the charge to the liar Mitzvah celebrant, Maurice L. Pepper. • Saturday morning services will be at 11:30 o'clock and the Bar Mitzvah celebrant will assist Ilabbi Brooks witJi the services

Beth El

Services Friday evening will liegin at 8:15 p. m. Itabbl Myer .S. Kripke will deliver the .sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Talmud Torah Choir will render the musical portion of the service. Sabbath morning service will bo at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. MinchaMaariv Service will bo at 7:30 p. m. Sunday morning services arc at 9 a. m. Mrs. Abo Feldman, chairman of Alfred Sugarmnn, Assistant Prothe Beth Israel P-TA Ice Cream Daily services are at 7 p. m. and fessor of Speech a t University of Social committee, announces the 7 p.m. Omaha, will discuss "Rabbi StcphIce Cream Social will be held Sunen Wise—A Voice for Justice," at' day afternoon and evening, June Berfe Israel the lost regular meeting of the S, from 3 to 7 p. nt. at the synaof the Forband Labor ZionRabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor season gogue grounds. Ice cream and ist Branch 54, Poaie Zlon to be cake will be served. Coffee, pop Eli Kagnn and Beth Israel Choir, held at 7 p. m., Sunday, June 5 in and pop corn also will be sold. All will conduct the services this Fri- the Jewish Community Center. are Invited to attend. Prizes will day evening at 8 p. m. Traditional Supper will be served at 7:30 be given to the winners of the Friday evening services (Kabolticket gelling contest Proceeds go las Shabbos) begin at 7 p. m. Sab- p. m., Abe Cohen, chairman, anto the Talmud Torah Building bath morning services begin at nounced. Mrs. J. Fcldmnn and 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at Mrs. A. Cohen are in charge of arFund. 9:30 a. m. Rabbi Groner will con- rangements. duct the Talmud Class nt 7:15 Guests nre invited to attend and p. in. Sabbath Mlncha at 7:45 p. m.. may nuke their reservations by followed by Sholesh S'cudos nnd calling JA 3891 until Friday eveMaarlv. Daily morning services be- ning nt 7 p. m. (Continued from Pace 1) the varsity Debate team; a mem- gin at 7 p. m. Afternoon services, ber of Delta Sigma Itho, debate 7:45 p. m. Sunday morning services honorary fraternity; a member of begin at 8:45 a. m., followed by Com Cobs, men's pep grouji; and breakfast nnd Itabbi's clas3 In Bia former member of the Student ble. Sunday morning Junior Minyan followed by breakfast, starts Council. . Washington (JTA)—With a plea Mr. Kellman will IK? a senior at 8:30 a. m. to the Congress that it reaffirm next fall In the College of Arts The Talmud Discussion group the "great tradition of sanctuary" and Sciences, where he is majoring meets every Tuesday evening at 8 in political science and pre-Iaw. lie I». m. at the 19th und Burt Sts. in America, President Eisenhower last week-end urged that it adopt plans to graduate at the end of Synagogue. ten specific amendments to the three years. Beth Israel Junior choir meets Refugee Relief Act of 1933. He Before hl.s appointment by the every Sunday nt 10 a. m. asked that action be taken during Board <jf Student Publications as the present Congressional session. editor of The Nebraskan, he was By enacting the chances he recnews editor and n copy editor for ommended, the President said, two semesters. Last year he was Congress "would permit effective cited by Newsweek magazine as administration of the Act by the one (if the ten top editorial writexecutive branch-of the Governers in the field of college newsTel A.'lv (JTA) — Two Israel ment and greatly aid the success paper work. soldiers were killed in a new out- of the program." The President'* break of automatic and mortar message reported that "during tho Dramatic Club to Hold fire along the Gaza strip border, last year and a half, substantial a military spokesman revealed progress has been made in setting Birthday Fete Sunday here. At the time of the announce- up the complex organization reThe Workmen's Circle Drama- ment here late Monday afternoon, quired to administer the technical tic Club will celebrate the birth- Egyptian fire was still preventing requirements of the Act." But he days'of Bon Miroff musical direc- evacuation of six others who were went on to add that experience tor), Morris Goodman, Mrs. S. wounded. • has demonstrated that administraZwerlini;, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Suss-, The incident occurred just be- tive improvements are not enough. man, Max Lcvine and Mrs. Sam fore noon Monday when the Egyp- A number of the provisions o' the Novak at a dinner to be held at tians opened up on the Israel set- Act, he asserted, require amend5:30 p. m., Sunday, June 5 in the tlement of Eih Hashkisha, opposite ment if the Act's objectives are to Labor Lyceum, 31th and Cum- the border. Later, the f i r i n g be fully achieved. • ing sts. spread to the Nirim area, south The suggested amendments InA business meeting will precede of Kin Hashlosha, and Israel artil- clude a proposal that unused quota the dinner. All members nre urged lery went Into action, the military numbers in various categories be to attend and an .interesting pro- spokesman said. made use of, possibly for orphans, gram has been planned. The GaEa border was the scene on a world-wide basis; that definiof an exchange of artillery fire tions of- the terms "refugee," "reSaturday, which was set off by settlement," "escape" and "exEgyptian firing upon •>- Israel pa- pellee" be liberalized; that ^retrol. Also, during the week-end, quirement of a passport be waived an Lsracl soldier was wounded where it is deemed feasible; and Ben Morgan when the vehicle in which he was that organizational sponsorship be Services were held Tuesday, patrolling the border hit a land- accepted as sufficient. May 31 for Ben Morgan with in- mine. terment at^ Golden Hill Cemetery. At Mevoot Beltar, in the JerusaMr. Morgan, 47, died Monday, May lem Corridor, a Jewish watchman Cyanide Supplier Freed 30 in a local hospital. was wounded by a gang of infiltraFrankfurt (JTA)—Dr. Gerhard Survivors include his wife Ann tors from Jordan. Peters, whom a local court had of Omaha; two sisters, Mrs. Julius found to bo an impenitent Nazi Wollt of Omaha and Mrs. II. SehulZionist Council to Meet who supplied at least 5,000 pounds man of Chicago. of a special brand of potassium in Omaha Zionist Council will elect the" full knowledge that it was to its officers at the closing meet- be used to asphyxiate human beLouis Schreibman in;; of the season at 8 p. m., Wed- ings, walked out of a court hero Services were, held Wednesday, nesday, June 8 in the Jewish Com- a free man this week-end. He June 1 for Louis Schreibman with munity Center. Mrs. J. II. Kulakof. was charged with collaboration in interment nt Golden Hill Ceme- ;ky will preside. the murder of at least 300,000 peotery. Mr. Schreibman died Monple, most of them Jews, at the day. May 30 in a local hospital. First reports of an American Auschwitz death camp. Survivors include two daughters, Cancer Society study of Borne Peters will return to his post as Mrs. Clara Chesncau nnd Mrs. 187,000 men between 50 and 70 a management executive In a Ben Morgan, both of Omaha; four years old showed the death rate chemical plant near Cologne. His sons Dave, Isadore, Jake and Na- among regular cigarette smokers trial here resulted in acquittal and than of California; a granddnugh- was 52 per cent above the rate for the reversal of six previous guilty er and two great-grandchildren. men who never smoked. verdicts.

Fellman Named

Eke Asks Revision Of Refugee Act

Two Killed in New Outbreak in Gaza


JTIoay, Jnnti 9, J955,

Mrs. M. Franklin on Had. Region Board Mrs. Morris II. Franklin was fleeted to Uic hoard of director* at tho ninth annual MuuntaiuPlalns regional conference of Iladassah held last month at Colorado Springs. Mry. Krvin Simon of Omaha was nani'd membership chairman. Mrs. J. Harry KulakofMky was elected delegate to the World Zionist Congress to be held in Israel In 1956. Alternate to tin- World Zionist Congreia is Dr. I.U11 llahn Of Denver. Other regional board members mid. officers are: pre.'sident, Mrs. Julius Meer of Denver; vice-presi dents, Mrs. Nathan Ikrn;.teiH of Lincoln, Mrs. LuuLs Newman of Albuquerque, Mt&s Miriam Furrjman of Denver and Mrs. Sam Elotsky of Sioux City; becrctary, Miss Tillic Flax of Denver; treasurer, Mrs. Louis Cibull of Trinidad; directors, Mrs. Bernard Diamond of Denver, Mrs. U y Silver of Colorado Spring, Mrs. K. A. Kahn'of Cheyenne, and Mrs. Ilolf Landsboff of L o s , Alamos. Appointed to tlie Board was Mrs. Jack Tober of Colorado Springs as bulletin chairman. Dr. t i l l ! llahn of Denver, speaker's bureau nnd Mrs. Sam Slotsky'of Sioux Ci youth activities.

Israel Philharmonic Performs for Pope Rome (JTA)—The Israel Philharmonic played a precedent breaking private concert before Pope Pim XII last week, the first orchestra ever to do co for Pope Pius. The private concert was given at the request of Conductor Paul Kletzky, who asked that the orchestra be permitted to perform as a gesture of gratitude for the help given by the Itoman Catholic Church to victims of Nazb;m nnd Fascism. A special communique issued by the Vatican following tho Papal audience said that "His Holiness expressed appreciation of the significant homage," rind confirmed that the request had been made : "to renew the recognition and gratitude for the Immense work of human assistance performed by His Holiness In the rescue of a great number of Jews durinc the second World War." 'Die wording of the official Vatican announcement stressed the fact that the orchestra Is "composed of Jewish artists bclonninf; to fourteen different nationalities." When the Pope entered the kiri;e consistory hall, accompanied by two Cardinals, he raised his hands i n blessing over the orchestra which was standing in silence. Mr. KIctzky then asked permission tu piny and, when he received it, announced that the orcehstra would play the second movement of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony. Beethoven Is one of the Pope's favorite composers.

British Elections London (JTA)—Barnett Janner, honorary president of the Zionist Federation here, was re-elected as a Labor Member of Parliament for Leicester Northwest In Britain's parliamentary elections last week, one of a number of Jews who were returned on both Labor and Conservative tickets. III s son, Grenville, who was contesting his first election on behalf of the Labor Party, was deceated. Another Jewish communal leader who was returned by his constituents was Sir Henry D'Avlgdor Goldsmld, who won the newlycreated electoral division of WaiBall West for the Conservatives. Sir Henry is president of the Jewish Colonization Association. Among Jewish M. P.'s reeiected, all cf them Laboritos, were Emanucl Shinwell, David Wcltzman, Sidney Silverman, Julius Silverman, Maurice Edelman, Maurice Drbach, who Is general secretary of tho Trades Advisory Council which deals with discrimination in employment and business, a n d Foale Zion leader t o n Mikanlo, who Is one of Aneurin Bevan's closest aides.





Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Grossman announce the birth of a con Michael Adrian !>orn Monday, May 23, at a local hospital. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Simon 6* Lincoln, Neb., and paternal f-rnndparents are Mr. and Mrs. I'iiiiip Gn;rj?;m of Omaha. Mrs. Grossman Is the former Bcttle Jane Simon of Lincoln. This Is the couple's first child.


Chscaigoan to Wed Chag A'shvuoeth Allan Weinstein By Sirs. Morrl» Speckle* Announcement was made of the engagement of Joyce Rita Brun nor, daughter of Adolph Brunncr and the late Mrs. A. Brunner of Chicago to Allan Weinstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan: Weinstein of Omaha. Miss Brunner attended the University of Illinois and her fiance,I.' a veteran of World War If. The couple plan a early summer wedding to be held in Omaha.

flora Schrier Engagement Told Council Women National Council o Womrin, Omaha Section, will hold Jfnr. Joseph 1.. their first summer board meeting at J2 noon, Tuesday, June 7 in the Highland West Club. All new officers and chairmen are nsked to attend this meeting. Mru. Lloyd Friedman and Mrs. Eelward Levfnson will conduct a Mrs. Joseph L. Zwcibaclc was workshop on aspects of programelected president of the Omaha ming. Chapter of the Women's CommitFor reservations call Mm. Abe tee of Brandcis University at their' \fcnfcr, WA 8320. seml-nnmial meeting held last Tuesday at the Blackstonc Hotel. Kadimah Chapter Other 'nevly elected officers are: Mmes. Warner Fcohman, viceKadimah Chapter of Pioneer president; Jay Mnlashock, second Women will hold their donor vice-p r e s i d e n t ; Reuben Brown, luncheon at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, third vice-president; Robert II. June 7 at the Highland West Club. Koopcr, secretary; Jack Schraccr, Mrs, Huliert WIntroub Is donor corresponding secretary; D a v e chairman. Members of her com- Iloscnstock, financial secretary, mittee are Mines. Dave Wine, Abe ami Ernest Nofrc, treasurer. Bear, Raymond Corey and Dan Mrs. Hyman Ferer, retirinc presGordman. ident of the Omaha chapter, preA interesting proirram has been sided at the meeting. A film on planned with a social hour to fol- the university, narrated by Ben low. Grauer, was shown.

Brandeis Women Name President

Perch Hirshbein The next meeting of Perctz Hirshbein will be held at the home of Mrs. Ben Gerelick. Mrs. Eli Hiltncr was a piest at the meeting held recently at the home of Mrs. Yetta Orcnstein. Mrs. ltubenstein served as chairman. Donations at this meeting amounted to $3-1 and will be distributed among several Jewish organizations, Mrs. Cohen Rave a reading and n vote of thanks Is extended to Mrs. Cohen for her fine Job as hospitality chairman.

Truman Sees Peace Prospects for N.E.

Freedom Pledge London (JTA)— Iran's Minister of tho Interior has reaffirmed a guarantee of freedom to Jews, Christians and Zoroai-trlans, according to a Teheran radio report monitored here. In a statement to the Iranain Parliament, the Minister of the Interior was reported to have said that 'in accordance with the Constitution and the country's laws, minorities which practice Zoroastrianism, Judlalsm and Christianity will enjoy complete freedom and respect, within the framework of the law.' The statement, the report added, was part of the Parliamentary proceedings relating to the outlawing of the Bahai sect In Iran, which the Iranian Government describes as composed of "seditious elements and Illegal groups." According to the latest available figures here, the Jewish population of Iran numbers 75,000, of whom more than half live In the capital city of Teheran.

Denver, Colo (JTA)—Former President Harry S. Truman has urged the Denver community to i;lve Its wholeheartedly support to the local United Jewish AppealAllied Jewish Campaign. The former chief executive made Ills plea In on interview with Adolph Kiesler, Denver philanthropist reported In the Intermountnin Jewish news. Mr. Truman said that the UJA has NEW SETTLEMENT "done a wonderful work" and addTel Aviv (JTA)—The first seted that It Is "entitled to the wholehearted support" of persons of all tlement In the Laklsh development region, southwest of Jerusalem, faiths. was opened at Otzcm when the Questioned as to his views on settlers recent immigrants from current Middle East problems Mr. villages in the Atlas Mountain of Truman replied, "I just had a lone Morocco, began to work on their talk with Eric Johnston, American permanent homes. Formal dedl special emissary to the Middle cation of this first settlement hi East, who gave me great encour- the region had been delayed by OKcment about the prospect1! of the sudden death of Prof. Itzhak workinc out peace between Israel Elazari-Volcanl, one of Israel's and the Arab nations. There is no foremost agricultural pioneers. reason why it can't be worked out. Temporary dwellings were ready It can be done." He also recalled his recent speech In Chicago in for the new settlers, whose families average six people. A water which he depicted a (Treat water and power development In the upply had already been assured Middle East which would pave the and a kindergarten, school,, clinic way for the peaceful coexistence and cooperative'store were stnndng when they arrived. Plans calls of Israel and her neighbors. for erection of 21 such settlements and nn urban center, Kfar Gat, within this year, the entire project Officers Installed to cost some 520 million.' Joseph Radinowskl last Saturday installed the new officers of ho Omaha Chapter of the Pioneer Beth Israel Clubs Women's Organization. He also The CAMERA club will meet spoke on Sluivuoth. Sunday evening, June 5, from 6 to 7:30 p. m. Club Taryag will discuss final Visitors plans for the South, Sea Dance at Mrs. R. Bloom and her daugh- their regular meeting this Sunter Bcrnice, formerly of Omaha, day evening, Juno 5, from 5 to have arrived for a two-week visit 7:30 p. m.' , here. Miss Bloom Is a mode] in Chicago. . | Patronize V>ur Advertize™!

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Si 'irier of Uncoln announce the en£.'i[;ement of their daughter Flora to Zeph Tclpner, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Telpner of Council Bluffs, la. Miss Schrier teachs in an Omaha public school. Her fiance is attending Creighton University. An August 7 wedding date has been set.

Manischewitz Gefilte Fish for Summer Menu One of the most important secrets of keeping cool during the ;weltering summer months is often no more than a matter of elementary arithmetic. B y subtracting calorics from your diet, y o n COW add immeasurably to your cdhifort. It's as simple as that—and a recent study of the caloric Coi* tent of va-ious protein foods ie> veals that Manischewitz Gefitte Fish, while high in nutrition, is low iri caloric content. Made with a traditional blend of lake-fresh, luscious whitcfish, pike and carp, gently seasoned to bring out the full, fine flavor of the fish, Manischewitz Gefilte Fish is available at your grocers and super markets.

ZBT Mothers'Club Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' Club will hold their annual meeting at 1 p. m., June 8; In the Highland West Club.. All alumni, wives, members are welcome. For reservations call Mrs. Sam Steinberg, WA 9754 or Mrs. Ben Minkin, RE 7G49.

Gently seasoned... homemade taste!

From Egypt Moses led us forth frurri misery and hate, And our Holy Torah wo accepted with thanks and an historic fete! For generations we endured the struggles that were cars, But our Creator helped u* always with his Almighty powers. •Slaves we are no longer. And we have our blessed b r a d . Now that we are stronger, We can work towards oox ideal. Unity shall be our afro,And our land In peace shaB grow.

With h e l p from the Lord, blessed be His name, Homolessness shall Jew* never Again know.

Former Omatan To Wed in East Mrs, Efcrafina Frledler, formerly of Omaha and now redding In New York City, annornieet the forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Bella to Edward A. littler, son of Mr. odd Mm. Robert MHler of Wyckoff. N . J . Mis* Frledler attended Central High and the City College of New York. Her fiance was graduated from N e w York. University. Tho couple to planning to be married June S In Patterson, N . J. <• They will honeymoon In Bermuda, and will reside In New York City.

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rut rrar

JCC Hep Cats to Entertain Parents


Bar & Bas Mifzvah

Y. C. Doings

.Friday, June S, 1D59,

Campus News

By Midge (irwiitH-rgr AZA NO. 1

Maurice 1.. Peii|>er, :,on of Dr Dur ujrini; the last week of classi and Mrs. M. L. 1-Vppcr, will cele- everything quieted down on tl Mother Chapter held Its semi brate his Bur MiUvali this Fri- campus and at the Zeta Di-ta Tn annual elections Sunday, May 29 day evcnln:: iirni fjatuc'l.iy morn iis well. Hesults of the election are as fol- itif; at Temple Israel. Friends and Ar nnuncement nuncement was made la lasi lows: President, Gary Gitnick relatives 'are invited to attend the •Saturd. day that Howard Vanji, Vanji ,-i Vice-President. Stan Kaiman; Sec- services and receptions which will lirad •day latini; nt-nior in the College retary, Jerry Crunlman; Treasurer, follow. of I. u.';incss Ariministration. was Mike Meyer; I'lixi.nemastcr, Mike narni (1 by Alpha Kp:.ilon Kho, a Mogil; Co-Kditors, Al Krizelwan Friday evening. June 10, am iiuiiorary honor frat"rnily in the field dl and Lou ell ISaumer; Senior Ser Satunlay morning, JUIH.- 31, Sam- telcvi.sittn and radio, as tiie M-nioi Reant-at-Anns, Arnle Winer uel UleleheV, sun of Mr. and Mrs. -•i "most likely to MIC Chaplain, Jack Oruch; I'.Tionu David 13. lileicher, v. ill celeb rat Vumi recently rcrcutly rere Delegates, Gary Gitnick and Mike his Bar Mitzvah nt Temple Israel in t levl.sion." Vann d from a 1trip to N New York t urn Meyer; YC Representatives, Gary In his honor lii.s parents will ie City whore h' attended Inside Gitnick and Jerry Ferer; Alter ceive the con(;rt.';'ation after botr Adv•erasing Week. nate, Stan Kaiman; J1KYC Kep resentativc.-, Gerry Ferer, Mikt services. It wrts also announced that Dick Mogll, Allan Sicgiil, Stan Kiihnan ••ell man, a junmr in pre-law, was Alternates, Willard Plotkin, Jerry The Bar Mit/vah of Marvin Ilu- nunled as the editor of the Daily Freedmaji. back, son of Mr. antl Mrs. Kdwarc tra:>kun, the student paper, for Kuback. will be observed tliis Fri- ic Fall term. KAV15I evening and Saturday murnlnf In Intramural baseball ZliT put Kayim fraternity offers its con- dayBeth Israel Synai;of;uc, 52nd ant ) a f;ood fight and captured secgratualtions to the following mem- at Charles Sts. AU relatives and bers: Lee Martin. Dick Einstein, in a nre cordially invited to ut- Id place in its leaj^i^ losingplace Mike Lazer, John Goldner, Shel- friends both services, and the recep- ird fought contest for first 1 don Krnntz, Murry Newman and tend id advancement into th' all-UniJamie Shapiro who were chosen tions following. •rsity final?. to the Central High Register Staff Dr. and Mrs. Abe Fnier anof 1955-56. Dick Spier and Bill Cooper were elected to offices of nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their the Central High Players. Lee son Matthew" will be celebrated at Martin was awarded a office in Beth El Synagogue Saturday, June the Inter-Amerioan Club. Marty 1L Friends and relatives arc in Greene, Murray Newman and vltcd to attend the service and Atlantic City (WNS) — Some Jamie Shapiro are newly elected reception which will follow. A re- 400,000 children of school nge arcAwards Arrive officers o r the Science Club. ception for the Bar Mitzvah cele- attending Jewish schools throughUnfortunately, at lost week's President Bob Goldstein will speak brant will also be held Saturday out the United States, it was reAnnual Athletic Award Night, the at the Baccalurcate Services for evening at 7:30 o'clock at the ported here at the annual confermedals and pins for second place Jewish graduates of Omaha nigh Falers' home, 108 S. 51st at. No ence of the National Council for bowling teams had not arrived. schools June 8 in Beth-El Syna- Invitations have been issued and Jewish Education at which 300 Now they arc available to the gogue.,Those who acquired parti friends and relatives' arc invited Jewish educators were present. Junior Curves team. Debs Nebs in the, fall play are Gene Kohn, to attend. This figure, it was stated, was n and AZA 1 High Five. If you ere Bob Joseph,- Phil Barron, Bob new high in Jewish school attendon one of these teams, your medal Brodkey, Dick Raskin, Marty nce. is waiting-in the Physical Educa- Weil, Mike Lazar and Bill Cooper. Joel Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. About 30,000 pupils, or nine perIrving Davis, will celebrate his tion'office at the Center. cent of the total, attended Jewish May. 29, Century Chapter held Bar Mitzvah Saturday, June 11 at all-day schools, as compared with There were also a number of award recipients who were absent its elections. Henry Rosen was Beth Israel Synagogue. two percent of the total attending from the affair. Their medals arc elected Aleph Godot; Howard all-day schools a generation ago. also available at the Physical Edu- Kooper, Aleph S'gan; Irv Belzer. Dr. Samuel Dinln of Los Angeles cation office, but each medal must Aleph Masker; Stuart: Kutler. lauded the all-day school in his be picked up by the recipient In Aleph Gisbor; Bernard Bloom, cport. person. AU award winners were Martin and Martin Lipp, Aleph 'Hie crucial shortage of Jewish notified by mall except wrestling Sophir; Ronald Simons, Aleph Washington (JTA)—Israel Am- eachers In all Jewish communities Shot; Bob Shapiro. Aleph Shtare champions. tvill be the subject of a national Koton-'Thc new YC representative bassador Abba Kban and Harold conference to be held in the Fall, Arnold Ban, regional meetings rep- tassen, director of the U. S. For- it was announced Philip W. resentatives are Jerry Rosen and Ign Operations Administration, [-own, president of by Rosenzweig Installed the American Marvin Freedman and historian Is nade known Monday that they \ssociation for Jewish AsB.I.P-TAPrexy lave exchanged letters containing he lay body which metEducation, Steve liiekes. the (jreements on an additional National Council. David with The Beth Israel P-TA's new ofKudav-9,700,000 in economic aid made iky, TIKVAS AMI ficers were installed at n meetpresident of the National At T. A.s Spring Dance it was vailable by the Foreign Oitera- Council, urged the extension of ins held in the synagogue social ions Administration to Israel for lewish education to the adolescent hall last Tuesday evening. Sam announced that itita Katzman is he fiscal year endiiuj June 30, years and emphasized the imthe new president and J^eona Kaplan, president of the Both Is953. Brown the host plpdj^c of 19.">-5G. rael Men's Club, installed the folx>rtance of Hebrew, as a second lowing officers: president. Norman ?. A. is planning a mother-dauKh- This brin;;s expenditures of the anguage to English, ns a means Rosenzweig: vice-president, Mrs ter dinner to lie held at the Fire- "oreij;n Operations Administra- jf maintaining cultural relations Dave Friedman; treasurer. -Mrs side Restaurant on Wednesday. ion for projects and commodities vith the Jews of Israel. n Israel to a total of $10,000,000 Win. Wolfson; recording secre- June 8. lt'N'AL IJ'KITII Y;iRI,S 'or the fiscal j;ear. In a letter tary. Mm. Harry Lewis, and corCITV responding secretary, Mrs. H. S" • BBG's sponsored a swim meet o Mr. Sta.ssen, Ambassador I-Jban •IXHNION Haifa (JTA)—A decision to proSunday. May 29. First place win- •xpresscd tiie Israel (iovemmi'nt'fi Susman. ner of the 20-ynrd free style swim ipprcciatlon "of this renewed ved at once with the construcwas Judy Kutler. Second place vidence of friendship and con- ion of five more buildings on the was won by Diane Singer. The dence on the part of the j;overn- iite of Tcchnion City, the new Temple School ampus of the Israel Institute of 40-yard free style was won by iient of the United .States." Technology at Haifa, was taken at ' Temple Israel Religious School Judl Kutler; Roberta Grossman Ambassador l-."bnn also signed an meeting here this week-end of announces closing dates for the j[on second place. I'at Greenfield term. The final session of the Sat- won first place in the back-crawl Kreement with U. S. official;; that he Technion's board of governors. mill make available SMOO.000 in The structures include the cenurday division will be held June swim; Roberta Grossman won sec31;' the Sunday division classes ond. Ina Margolin won the breast- urpltis ui:riciiltui'al Kii|)pli<'S to ral auditorium, which will be conclude June 12. The Hebrew De- stroke swim. Pat Greenfield won rael. liepaymcnt will be Israel innied for Sir Winston Churchill, •urrency. 'i'he nurccment covers i technical high school named-for the undor-Wiiter distance swim. partment classes close June 8. I'heat, rice, and other commodities. \lexandor Konoff of the United tates, an agricultural building tamed fur Dr. Walter Clay LowEgypt1 Reported to Have lennilk American soil conscrvawho Is currently teaching RABBD FRIEDMAN, NEW UJA Rejected U.N. Peace Bid itionisl Hit; Tcchnion, and a dining room Ribbl Herbert A. Friedman, United Nation:;, N. Y. (JTA) — ml i;oil mechanics laix>ratory. dittingulitied •piritua) Inder In line with the general world and oritor, will he. inducted at Executive Vier-Chairman trend to resolve deep differences of lh« United Jcwioli Appeal by discussions "tit the summit," •t the. UJA Nation*! Catti Secretary General Dag IlnmmnrMobilization to 1»« brld fill* skjold was reported here to have urdiy cvrntilft and .Sunday, attempted to get Israel and Egypt June 4 and S at ihn .Sheraton together at a high level conferPark Hotel in Washington, ence in Paris. However, according JVC The new UJA executive head, who §uecee.(l» Or. to the report here. Egypt has reJotepli J, Schwartz, will direct fused Mr. Iliirnmarslqold's atUJA's fund rainniE effort" in tempt to bring about face-to-face brbair of thr wrlfirr, ie.ttJetalks with Israel. mrnt and rrhahilititiun programa of UM'» comiiturnt Mr, Hammarskjold left for Paris a Rene i en, United Israel in connection witli his duties of Appeal, the Joint DiMrihuorganizing the conference on tion Conu/iitter and New peaceful uses of atomic erengy to York Atfocistion for New American*, A member of the be held in Geneva in August. It is OJA National Campaign Cabunderstood that he was anxious inet, be has participated for to discuss the Israel-Arab conmany year* in 4JJA*» top level flicts with Egyptian anil Israel ofnational planning. , ficials "above the ambassadorial i'honr JA 13fl6 to insert fouz WfiJit Ad Since 1932. Jtabbi Fried- L. level." in Tim itwutti i'rtfta. man ecrveil a» ipirituol leadCurrent rate la DO ccnl* for tnch tn.ittRABBI HERBERT A. FRIEDMAN TJie I'jTfia rtttrvt* tli* rlfilit to UmJt er of Temple Enianu-EI li'nai At a press conference here Mr. Ion. Jcshunm of Milwaukee WisExecutive Vice-Choirman Hammarslcjoiil, while disclosing lie ol carh advenincinrri. consin. From 19(3 to 1932 lie UAH ond Bas RliUvah congratuUnited Jewish Appeal nothing about his reported high wai tplritual head of Temple level move, did discuss the Israel- faUons nl.^o for nlJ Jewish hoIJEmanucl of Denver, Colorado. Serving after World War I! us A*ti>tanl dnys and spcdaJ occasions. Arab conflicts and declared that there were "some hopes" in re- tfeyers Newo Stand, 1502 gard to that area of world ten- ,VOMEN WANTKD—Several Elrla sion. '\ to address, mail iwstcarda. Spare of the Hitler era. t i m j every wcel:. Write Box 1G1, -k l'alrimtoo Our Bclinont. Mass. .The. Center sponsored seventh grade girls' club, the J. C. Hep Cats, have planned u luncheon honoring their parents Sunday, 3une 5. The affair will be held in the Jewish Community Center au ditorlur.i and will begin at 1:30 p. m. Mary Yager will act as mistress Of ceremonies and Phyllis Uelzer Will deliver the blessing before Die ineaL. Speakers include Carolyn Dolgoff who was the first president: of the group when it originated last Fall, and Janice Katlcman. the club's new president. Following the addresses, the girls will entertain their parents with a skit portraying the club's actiwties during the year. Other forthcoming activities of the group include two picnic-baseball games; the first event will be June 4 when the challengers will be the Center's seventh grade boys' club and the second will be June 19 at which tlnvvthe Cen ter's sixth grade girls' club will be the hostesses. A practice for these games was held last Sunday at Central Grade School.

Religious Schools Reach New High















Y.C. Softball League II} Jim KmlutMh A'/.\ 100 tronipt-il over Rayim li to the score of 27-11, and AZA 1 f|iic-al;ed by Itayirn A 1-1-13 in the Youth Council .Softball League last .Sunday at Klinwood. AZA 100 had a regular batting •rarlli-c a.s they garnered 1H hits in a barrfiKi- of extra base hits off the luckless pitchers Ifejv.og mid Shapiro. Only two men failed to get a hit as their teammates lilatt ind Ka.slow batted a perfect score Tor the day. It was a five inning ball gaiiu- which saw the .score In the first go up to 13-G in favor of AZA 300. Hayim A almost gathered up a victory in tlwlr half of the .seventh against A'/.\ 1 by scoring three runs witli no one out on hits by Wintroub and Goldstein and a walk to Marer. Hut after tho Ccn.ury Club forced a man at second md catcher Swartz caught a pop« up the uprising was quelled. Kutler pitched a good ball game for AZA 1 uml hnd good support as only one error was scored against the victors. Rayim committed four errors, two of them Aith men on base.

Berii El T.T. Luncheon Following tho Junior Congroga" ion services Saturday, June 4, th» innual Sabbath Luncheon will b* tendered to pupils of tho Beth El Talmud Torah by the Beth El Sisterhood. Certlficfttos of honor nd prizes will bo awarded to piliils for repilnrlty of attendance rid for participation In Beth El

Talmud Torah Choir.

Israel to Receive U.S. Surplus Food

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