June 10, 1955

Page 1

Vol XXXIII—No. S3.

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OMAHA, NllltltASKA, I'1!II>AV,

u<i£>icG every irriuay, IOJ ft, uaUa, Nebraska, rtiant JA 1

AUDUU itau « u o u u t tilt) Kit Uopy 10 ' OMI*

122 Nogg Reports Crucial Period

For Center The Jewish Community Center Day Camp for children from five to eleven years of ai;c will Iw held at Peony Paik from Monday, June 27 to July 22, Arthur Goldstein, chairman of tho Center commit tec announced today. Reglstra tlon is limited nnd parents arc urged to register their youngsters how. Further Information may be obtained by calling the Center Activities office, JA 1306. Three full time Center staff members will supervise Day Camp

Larry Chapman To Study at Oxford Lawrence Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrt. I. Chapman, will be among 140 students selected from throughout the world to take part In a ipecial «lx-wock session «pon-, sored by the Institute of International Education. Mr. Chapman, a Junior in the College of Liberal Arts at Northwestern University, will study at Oxford University,

this year. Leonard Gurvitz, Center program director will .servo as Camp director; Miss Kcrnu Katlernrin, children's director, will be program director, and Jim KarIjalsch, athletic director, will mijwrvlse swimming find other athletic portions of the program. Special trips anil cook-outs so popular with the campers will be included in the activities such as athletics, arts and crafts, nature lore, hiking, dramatics and games. Buses will pick up campers at four locations at 9 a. m. and return them at 4:30 p. m. The pick tip points will be the Center, Beth El, Beth Israel and Temple Israel. Lunch will be served at 12 noon and an.additional snack at 3 p. m. There will be two, two week camping periods June J7 to July 8 Mid July ll-2t. The fee Is 25 dollars for a two-week period or 42 dollara for the entire month. This fee includes transportation, lunch, snacks, insurance and no other charges Will bo made. * • The full fee must accompany each registration in order fo insure enrollment. > OAZA Washington (JTA)—State Department elemenU arc inclined to give favorable consideration to a recent proposal by IJgypt for a demilitarized zone bordering the Cifiy.ii strip, It was learned from official sources. The Department feels that tension might be diminished if both sides followed the recommendations of Gen. K. L. M. Ilurns, chief of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization. Specifically, these proposals Include establishment of joint patrots, barbed wire barriers, mutual agreements between local commanders, and use of well disciplined troops. American Ambassadors in Israel and Egypt arc under Instructions to keep in close touch with the governments concerned on the Gaza problem.

Lawrence Cb»pm»n Oxford, England. His course will deal with British politics, English literature and the integration of tne two subjects. ' In addition, Mr, Chapman has chosen "Dominant Twentieth-Century Political Philosophies" as a , special field of. study. Leading British writers and members of Parliament will participate as Ice* turcrs in the program. . Mr. .Chapman turned down his acceptance at Sorbonne University of Paris, France, to study at Oxford. ' At Northwestern, ho was one of fourteen junior men recently elected to Deru, senior men's honorary; )tfr. Chapman was chosen on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character and service. 116 was also one of four men selected by the university to found a (Continued on Pace 2)

Center Youth Director Discusses Juvenile Aid Sherman Poslc/i, Director <if Youth Activities of the Jewish .Community Center, participated in ml Initial meeting Tuesday eve. nini; of a seven mun committee . whose nlm is to form a Juvenile Aid Committee. The new croup will meet Wednesday, June 35 :it the Center. A program to net the backing of civic, church and recreation groups is necessary, the committee agreed.

The Philanthropies Campaign this week reached the $403,122.80 mark, showing a 4V4 per cent increase over last year, Ernest A. Nogg, General Chairman of the 1955 campaign, reported, This-Is a crucial period In our drive, ha emphasized, calling for an Intensified effort to reach all contributors so that tho goal set for this year may be attained. "Wo are hoping," he a d d e d , "that every prospect not Vet solicited will, when called upon, find

Philanthropies Box Score as of June 10


Total to Date . . $403,122.80

It possible to Increase his gift In line with the Increased r?eds of this year's campaign." On the national scene, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports, tha United Jewish Appeal has raised $31,296,000 in cash In the first five months of this year's campaign. The sum Includes $5,500,000 which was contributed at the concluding session of the two-! a glided filigree case which origi- day national conference hold in nated in Vienna in the 19th cen- Washington. tury. A wooden hammer for Kibbi Herbert A. Friedman of knocking on doors to call people Milwaukee, who was officially here ' to the synagogue that was used as the new executive vice chairin Poland during the 19th century is also on view. Two beautiful man of the UJA, called on AmeriTorah Ark curtains made of bro- can Jews "to reppralse their thinkcade and silver lace that date ing and giving at a time when back to the 18th and 19th cen- hundreds of thousands of Jews in turies make up part of the loan overseas lands are still in need, many of them still in jeopardy." collection. The program of the United JewThese and many more pieces ish Appeal, he asserted, must be that form a link to our past and ol such scale "as to assure dynamremind us of our traditions may ic support to wipe out Jewish sufbe seen at the, Joslyn. fering in critical areas overseas In a modern theme, the Herman and to establish Israel as a wholly, Aucrbach Memorial, a part of self-sustaining land in the Middle Joslyn's permanent collection, that East." was recently presented to the museum Is also on exhibit. Here the work of the contemporary artisans may bo compared with that of their predecessors who exercised their talents to adorn the holy' Torah and fashion ceremonial obNew York (JTA) — Religious jects. prejudice is more difficult to overcome than racial prejudice, and interrellgtous cooperation Is more difficult to achieve than interracial harmony, according to the' sixteenth annual report of the Commission on EeUglouB Organizations of the National Conference of Christians nnd Jews released last week. Bob Meyer, President of the .Surveying the obstacles In the Jewish Youth Council, and Joan path of lnterroligious cooperation, Krasne, its s e c r e t a r y , were the report points to "perennial crowned King and Queen ot'Merit factors" as well as"spcclal aspects at the Youth Council Conclave of tho current scene'' which crcata held yesterday evening In the Jew- group prejudice and obstruct good will. Among the perennial facish Community Center. tors, it blames "old and deep, Kovod Keys, awards for service rooted emotional attitudes" stemin Youth Council programs, were ming from tho history of religious presented to Sari Shukert, vice- conflict which are passed down president of tho Youth Council "from generation to generation." and officer of Debkn Debs; Pe- It also lists among the enduring anne Markovitz, Council's corres- difficulties the fact that ''tho ponding secretary; Jack Oruch, clergyman more frequently than past president ot AZA No. 1; Jer- the layman finds It difficult to a c ry Mater, past president of Itnyhn cept tho realities of our pluralistlo nnd this year's chairman of the culture." High School Division ot the PhilBarriers to harmony among anthropies CnmyalKn; MaUeo KaAmerican groups may also emerge tleman, past president of Debs as by-products of current Intern**., and chairman Of the Conclave, and tlonal disputes, tho report sayi, •' Stan Wldman, past president of As on instance, the statement oV, (Continued on Page 2). (Continued on Pago 2), j,

Jewish Museum Art Will Leave Joslyn The mantle of time seems to unfold as one views loan collection of Jewish ceremonial objects on exhibit at the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum. The collection from the Jewish Museum in New York City will remain on exhibit at the Joslyn for just one more week and will close Sunday, Juno 19. The loan pieces include a bronze Sabbath lamp which dates back in time to the fifth or sixth century. Another object on exhibit Is a Meglllath Esther written in Hebrew on parchment covered with

Mayor Will Address VetsAnnualMeeting The Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewish War Veterans and Auxiliary will be host to the Nebraska-Iowa Department Annual Convention to be held at the Jewish Community Center Sunday, June 12. Registration will.begin at 1 p. m. with the program scheduled to begin at 1:30. p. m. John Rxienblnlt, Mayor of Omaha, and A. C. Eichbcrg, Administrative Assistant to Victor Anderson, Governor of Nebraska, head the list of dignitaries who will address the convention. Election'of department officers will feature the business portion of the meeting. Max Kanncr of Omaha Is the retiring commander of tile department. Delegates frrun Sioux City and Dcs Molncs JWV Posts will Join the Omaha Post for tile convention. Ml members of the Post anil Auxiliary arc urged to attend this important meeting. Please wear your JWV caps. A display of books ami pictures depicting the activities of the Jewish War Veteran and the individual Posts oC the Department will 1)0 shown. Past Commander Abe Miller is convention chairman. The Ladies Auxiliary will serve refreshments, •

—Photo by Hurt Richards.

Object* In this ensn make up part of the loan collection of Jewish ceremonial pieces nuw on exhibit at the Joslyn Art Museum. On the lower shelf are Torah liendplccvH miulo of stiver that were fiMhlaned during the 18th century In Kuropn nnd the Near East The center piece In the, lower shelf in a silver Tornh breastplate that dates buck to 1820 and was mndn In KusHln. A portion of a Torah ArU rurtaln In shown Just nlwvo the ulftpluy rnw.

Initial Gifts . . . . . . $324,600.00 Men's Division , . . . 17,173.50 Women's Division . 52,278.80 B. & P. Unit . . . 2,707.50 Children's Div. . , 1,413.50 High School Dlv. 084.50 Miscellaneous . . 4,265.00

Report on Racial, Religious Prejudice

Meyer, Krasne Crowned King Queen of Merit

Mayor John ICosenblatt The June meeting of EpsteinMorgan Post will bo hold at the Jewish Community Center, Thursday evening, June 10, nt 8 p. m. Plans for tho annual picnic jvill be formylateii at this meeting. This will be the last meeting for the Boason. Regular meetings will resume In September. Refreshments will be served.

\f rmiM


fires: Nhilafeed Ever) trrldnj 0} Uie Federation tor Jewish Si-nice

UUJL ftcbi<4i£. IUKMI UH u i u u&jcfe ft, utffc. ur itatcj CO Appiicstlcu. t'lrirl. - w ^ u . Me&r.. JAttitc U u tu* Gt rut Aaam»—4Wt 8 a tu* Gtrol.

Between You And Me TERCENTENARY E C H O E S : The nine-month observance of the American J e w i i h Tercentenary which has now come to a clote has regretfully left no deep Impressions . . . It did not provoke great interest among Jewi and attracted almoit no attention among jion-Je~s . . . The ambitious project* of which there was K> much talk when the Tercentenary committee was formed did not materialize . . . Nothing came of the plan to build an annex to the Library • of Congress in Washington to house material pertaining to Jewiih history . . • Nor was a Tercentenary postage stamp issued, as originally planned . . ., The only project which seems to' have materialized is the publica-

I Omaha Sketches Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dolgbrf announce the birth of a daughter Barbara Jean born Hay 28 in a local hospital. The couple also has a ion Howard Bruce. Paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Harry Dolgoff of Omaha and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Berger of Kamas City, Mo. Mrs. Seymour H. Kaplan and son David are visiting in Peartail, Tex., where they are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalkowitz. - Dr. and Mrs. H. Marvin Camel of St. Louis, Mo., announce the birth of a son Marc Howard born May 30 In St. Louis. They a leu have a daughter Lisa Martha. P ternal grandmother Is Mrs. II. Camel of Omaha and maternal grandmother is Mrs. E. Ilalin of Walerbury, Conn.

Fremont News By Benson Falik Last Wednesday, the minister of the Presbyterian church in Fremont, Dr. V. R. Gilbert with three teachers and: 41 students of the Vacation Bible School visited the Fremont synagogue. Benson Falik, religious school instructor, spoke do Judaism, its customs and ceremonies. Tuesday evening, June 14, the children of bur Hebrew and Sabbath Sci-ool will celebrate their annual "Honor Roll Day." All children will receive certificates of Honor and Ronald Wohlner, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wohlner, will receive the grand award which is an inscribed trophy for his devotion to his Hebrew school. Following' the ceremonies, refreshments will be served and the children In the higher erodes will Jiold a party and dance to which non-Jewish friends lire invited. Congratulation'; and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Al Harding on their 14th wedding anniversary. Editor's note: Mr. Falik was admitted to the Drxlce County Community Hospital last Sunday where lie underwent a minor operation. H e wa» unable to visit Norfolk and Columbus for items for his column.

Chapman fo Sfudy (Continued from Page 1) • e w junior honorary on the campia. Mr. Chapman is currently servfrig as treasurer of the Northweste r n Student Governing Board; A •ffielo member of the Junior Class Counci. and a member of the Junior Class executive council. . He is a member of Phi Epsilon Pi, a social fraternity. Mr. Chapman is a graduate of Central High School.

7:-J p. in.,



By Boris Smolar 1955, JTA)

Religious News

tion of a 10-volume history of American Jewry, which will take two years or more to bring forth , . But this is a matter for which the Jews in tills country did not have to wait 300 yours . • • It could have been done any year • . . It is possible that the uninspiring atmosphere that prevailed around the Tercentenary committee- was due to the fact that it did not have sufficient funds . . . On the other hand, the failure of the fund-raising effort is perha. i itself an Indication of the Indifference that prevailed toward the Tercentenary . . . At a time when Jewish communities and institutions in tills country raise 250 million dollars a year for all kind of philanthropic and communal activities, the problem of raising a few million dollars for Tercentenary projects should not have been too great . . . The only high point of the nine-month celebration was the appearance of President Eisenhower at the Tercentenary dinner in New York . . . However, credit must be given Ralph E. Samuel, national Tercentenary chairman, who devoted a good deal of time and energy to achieve what was achieved . . . If there were a Tercentenary medal coined—as was the case when the Jews celebrated 250 years of their settlement In this country—Mr. Samuel would richly deserve such a medal for his efforts^ since the National Tercentenary Committee was established.

With the Folks At Home June 1: David Orkow, Home Superintendent, returned from Atlantic City Conference on the Aged, which was part of the Natlonoal Jewish Conference on Social Work and Communal Programs. June 4: Many members of the community helped celebrate Samuel Sommer's 94th birthday at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Amongst the out-oftown t j e s t s were Mr. Sommer's children, Harold Sommcr of New York and Hannah Gilinsky of Denver. ' '.•' '.'• ' •'••.' ane 20: B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will entertain the Residents on Fathers' Day with a party at 2 p. m. This affair Is being held Monday, «o as not to Interfere with any private family celebrations that may have been planned. Mr*. Dave Rosenbaum is in charge of the program. Coming KvrnU: The Workmen's Circle Auxiliary are planning an Independence Day party Sunday, July 3rd, at 2 p. m. Jn Mcmorlum: Max Fish, Jake Kavich and Sara Weinslein. Y a h r z r l t : Special Memorial Services were held in the Home Synagogue for the following: Israel Sailowsky — Sivan 1 — May 22. Dora Chait—Sivan 1—May 22. Morris Tumor—Sivan 14—June 4. Joseph Bush—Sivan 14—June 4. Malcia Gross—Sivan 19—June 9.

Prejudice Report (Continued from Face 1.) fers the Arab-Israel conflict, noting: "Because the nnti-Zionist campaign is not infrequently filled with anti-Semitic propaganda, we have sometimes witnessed the unhappy wedding of a rightly concerned Christian conscience with unfair attacks upon another religious group." The picture is not entirely negative, however, and of a positive nature the reports lists a number of factors promoting intcrreligious understanding a n d good will. Pau-onixa Our AjlvartUcxx.

Beth Israel Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor EU Kagan and lieth Israel choir, will conduct the ser-'icec this Friday evening nt 8 p. in. Traditi'onal Friday evening services (Kubollas Slmbbos) becin nt 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services becin at 8:30 n. m. Junior Congregation at 9:30 a. ro. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Mincha al 7:15 p. m. followed by Sbolcsh S'eudofl and Ma.iriv. Daily morninj; services in al 7 a. rn. Afternoon services at 7:50 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m., followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan followed by breakfast, starts at 8::SO a. m. The Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening at 8 p. :n. nt the 19th and Burt St. Synagogue. Beth Israel Junior choir meets every Sunday at 10 a. m. Late Friday evening services, at the Beth Israel Synagogue, will be resumed in the fall, after the High Holidays.

Temple Israel

'Friday, June 10. 1055.

Othahan Weds In >Des Moines Maurine E. Shennan of Ornah. and Harold II. K;irp of D e .• Moines, la., were married Sunday, May 2<J, at a ceremony attended by their immediate family in the Hotel Savory In DPS Moines. Rabbi Irvine; \/einj;art of De;j Moines and llabbl Nathan Gaynor, the bridegroom's brotlif-r-ixvlaw, officiated. 'Hie bride is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Sherman of Oinaha and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Karp >f Dcs Moines. The bride's ballerina 1 e n i: t h (town of white imported I'Vench "haiitilly scalloped lace over tafeta, was stylod with a scoop neck, cap Icevcs and a long torwo Iwdice, with a full Eklrt. She carried a white orchid on a white prayer book. Mrs. Nathan Gnynor, sister of tho groom, was matron-of-honor and she wore an lee blue gown of nylon organdy over taffeta also styled with a scoop neck and full skirt of ballerina length. Dr. Ba::ll Karp of New York City attended his brother as best man. Following the ceremony, a dinner and reception were held at the hotel. After a western trip, the couple will make their home In Des

Sabbath services will be held at ' •..-•• . 8 p. m. at Temple Israel this Fri- Molnei. day evening. Rat*) Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the services and deliver the charge to the Bar Mitzvah celebrant. Saturday morning services will Mrs. Harry Weinstein be at 11:30 o'clock and the Bar Services were held Sunday, June Mitzvah celebrant will assist Rab5, for Mrs. Harry Weinstein with bi Brooks with the services. Interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Weinstein, 7G, a resiBeth El dent of t/ie Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Services Friday evening will be- Home for the Aged, died Saturday, gin at 8:15 p. m. The services will une 4, at a local hospital folinclude the Graduation Ceremonies lowing a brief Illness. 'Hie widow for eight pupils of the Beth El of the late Henry Weinstein, she Talmud Torah. Tho services will was a resident of Omaha for 38 bo conducted by Cantor Aaron I. 'ears. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Survivors include a son, Nathan; Choir. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will a daughter. Miss Jcanette, Ixith of. deliver the charge to the gradu- Omaha; three grandchildren and ates. three great-grandchildren. Sabbath morning services will cin at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Congegatlo.i services arc at 10:30 a. Harry M. Ferer m. Mlneha-Maariv service will be Services were held Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. Sunday morning une 2, for Harry M. Ferer with services are at 9 a. m. Dally services are at 7 a. m. and interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. Fcrer, 71, died Monday, 7 p. m. May 30, in Los Angeles, Calif. He was a former resident of Omaha. Mr. Ferer Is survived by his wife, Clara of Los Angeles; three daughters, Mrs. P. N. Krasna, Mrs. useph Llnsman, both of Los Angeles, and Mrs. L. A. Kavich of Sunday, Jane 12 Omaha; a sister, Mrs. Joseph MarIowa-Nebraska J. W. V. Exhibit gules of Omaha; a brother Her—District Conference—1:30 p. m. man of Los Angeles; and five —Center. grandchildren. Beth Israel Talmud Torah Graduation—2:30 p. m.—B. I. Temple Israel Ice Cream Soda! Hyman Katskee —5 p. m.—Temple Israel. Monday, Jane IS Services were held Wednesday, Bikur Chollm Society—1 p. m.— une 8 for Hyman Katskee with Interment at Fisher Farm CemeCenter. tery. Mr. Katskee died Monday, Wednesday, June 15 June 0. Civil Defense Day. Tliumday, June 10 He la survived by his wife, C'aroMurachi Women—1 p. m.—Cen- inc of Omaha; nnd a brother, Herman of Kansas City, Mo. ter.Temple Study Group—1 p. m.— T. I. Beth Israel Men's Club Dinner . Sunday Radio —7 p. m.—B. I. Ii & P Hadassah — 8 p. m. -• Rabbi Roland B, Gittelsohn of Home. Temple Israel In Boston, Mass., Jewish War Veterans and Ladies will discuss "The Aloof ConAuxiliary meetings—S p. m.—Cen- science of Mankind" on the ter. Message of Israel program over Kadimah Regular Meeting—8:30 KOIL from 9:30 to 10 a. m. It p. m.—Home. will be a tribute to the late Albert Einstein.


Community Calendar

Merit Royalty (Continued from Pace 1.) AZA No. 1 nnd leader in Center athletic activities. Yale Tnistin presented the "Trustln Award," nn award for the best Youth Council Athlete of the year, to John Goldner. Mr. Goldner has been active In every phase of the Youth Council sports program. He Is a Central HiRh vanity Ictterman and has been the sparkplug of marry of the Rayim championship teams. The winner last year was Stan Widman.

"Light Against the Dark" the dramatic story of the twentyfive Japanese cirls who were scarred by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and brought to the United States for plastic surgery, will be presented on the Eternal Light program. The Eternal Light series, under the auspices of the Jewish Theologic i l Seminary, is presented by the National Broadcasting company and is beamed ovcr"WOWRadio from 1130 a. m. U) 12 noon.

ADI Official To Talk Here Oscar Cohen, national head of tho .program division for the AntlIMaination lx-a(;ue of final IJrith, will address a noon luncheon mcetini; today of the Omaha ADL Committee, at the Jewish Community Center, Ho will talk on the late-it ;'evi'l<ijinicj)ts in the Jewish defense acrncy field. The meeting will be conducted by Milton R. Abrahams, chairman. Horn in Canada, Mr. Cohen was eduraterl at tile University of Toronto nnd Columbia University, He served in the Canadian Army in World War II nnd was discharged wilh the rank of lieutenant colonel. While in Canadn, he served as the executive director of the Canadian Jewish Congress and in l'.flU lie went to Detroit to assume directorship of* the Jewish Community Council for that city. He !>ocame associated with the ADL in April 1919 as national head of ts Community Service Division. Among those attending t h e meeting today will be Jack Marcr, president of the Federation for Jewish Service and Dr. Abe Greenberg, first vice-president Others attending wil be Lou Somberg, Ralph Nogg, Mrs. Harry Wise, Calvin Newman, Edward Rosen, Rabbi Sidney Brooks, Leo Etsenstatt, Mrs. Sam Pollok, Warner Frohman, David C o l d m a n , Rabbi Jr^er Kripke, Mm. Arthur Goldstein, Harold Skwburg. Harry Goodblnder, Louis Lipp, Ephralm Marks, David iieber, L e o n a r d Boasberg. Nathan Noeg, F r e d White, Rabbi Benjamin Croncr, Morris Levey and Sam Wolf.

Nebraska Lodge Officers Installed Leo Hill and Ben Novlcoff, both of Lincoln, Nebr., installed the nirw officers of the Nebraska lge of B'nal B'rith last week. Mr. Hill is general cwnoiittoeraaa of District No. 6 and Mr. Novlcoff is regional president. The newly installed officers arc: Marvin Kaplan, president; Bill Stone, firet vice-president; Dave lilcicher, second vice'President; Abe Kazlowsky, recording secretary; Phil Kutler, financial secretary; and Al Hoffman, treasurer. Trustees arc Harold Slcgal Al Oruch, Abe Bear, Sol Martin, Ben Martin and Max Sacks. The lodge will hold its annual fund raising affair next Sunday, June 12. The affair will be • card party at which a mink stole will be given as a" door prize. Admission is one dollar per person and refreshments will be served. Everyone is Invited to attend.

Workmen's Circle To Hold Fete Sun. The Workmen's Circle Dramatkr Club will celebrate n combined delayed Mothers' Day with Fathers' Day at a banquet nt 5:30 p. m., Sunday, June 12 in the Labor Lyceum, 31st and Cuming sts. Mrs. S. II. Binder will ceprcscnt the mothers and "Mrs. N. Lcftnan the daughters. Max Crounsc will represent the "fathera" and Loui« Gitlln the "sons." Mrs. Sam Novak will greet Iho mothers and Louis Gitlln will greet the fathers. A program of Jewish {oik song* Is being arranged by the musical director Ben Miroff. •. Members of the arrangement* committee are: Mmes. Sam N o vak, S. H. Binder, N. Lerrrmn, Yctta O r c n s t c i n and Sarah Schwartz. Mrs. Sarah Schwartz and Louis iltlin who are leaving to attend) the wedding of Mr. Gitlln's «on Paul will be honored. AH members ore urged to at* tend this affair.

Monument Dedication • The family of the late Isadora Chinltz wil] dedicate a monument in his memory at 12:30 p. m., Sun» day, June 13 nt Pleasant Hill Cenn ctery. Rabbi Benjamin Crone* ami Cantor Eli Ksgan ot Beth Is* racl Synagogue will o f f i c i a t e . Friends and relatives ore invited to attend the services.


Friday, Jane 10,19W,

Monsky Chapter Officers fo Meet The first meeting of the newly elected officers and newly appointed ihalrraen of the Henry Monsky No. 470 Chapter of B'nal Brith, will be held Thursday, June 10, at 1 p. m. in Harry's Restaurant. Officers for the year are: president, Mrs. Harry Friedman; first vice-president nnd fund raising chairman. Mrs. Harry Kidman; xccond vice-president and procram chairman, Mrs. George Cohen; third vice-president and membership chairman, Mrs. ITarry Smith; financial secretary, Mrs. Sidney Zneimcr; recording secretary, Mri Ben Blatt; corresponding: secretary, Mrs. George Schaplro; dues secretary, Mrs. S a m Kaiman; treasurer, Mrs. Max Krizelman; sentinel, Mrs. Charles Fisher; historian, Mrs. Milton Mintz; s;uardifln, Mrs. Bernard Goldstrwn, and trustees, Mre. Reuben Itatner, Mrs. Charles Stern and Mrs. Abe Ginsberg. The following arc chairmen of Standing committees: overall, Mrs. Stanley Shapiro; publicity, Mrs. Ben A. Zborwill; Leo N. Levi Hospital, Mrs. Barney Hoberman; donor, Mrs. Wm, Abrahams and Mrs, Sam Geifman; Rcllrfaire, Mrs. Bernard Goldstrom; telephone, Mrs. Richard SpciKcl; AntiDefamation League, Mrs. Harry Wilt; v e t e r a n s affairs, Mrs. Charles Stern and Jlre. It. S. Wright; bulletin, Mrs, Seymour Kaplan; Rochester Center, Mrs. Irving Davl*; social. Mm. A. Ginsberg; Martyr* Forest, Mrs. J. • Tretiakl Federation, Mrs. Aaron Epstein; sewing, Mrs. A. L. Cohen; civil defense, Mrs. Dan Gordman; community cooperation, Mrs. Sol Miroff; Dolls for Democracy, Mrs. Arthur Goldstein; and district officer and advisor, Mrs. Sam Pollack. There are still several appointments to be made nnd the names will appear in the Press.

Annual Luncheon Of Bikur Cholim The annual June luncheon and card party of the Iiikur Cholim Society Will be held Mondny, June 13 at 1 p. m. In the- Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Jake Wine, president, has urged all members and friends to attend (his luncheon as it is one of the principal means of raising funds for their work. One of the main projects of Bikur Cholim has been providing funds to meet medical costs at the Jewish Home for the Aged. Monthly visits are made to the State Mental Hospital at Lincoln where gifts nnd refreshments are presented to the inmates. Mrs. Cecil Izcnstatt, chairman of the luncheon and her committee have promised a pleasant and enjoyable afternoon for all who attend. Please bring your own cards fcnd make up your tables. Following is the list of hosteases f-. this luncheon: Mesdamei Jake Wine, Jack Kaiman, Paul Katanan, Louis Slporin, Hairy SIdman, Harry LIppctt, Jake Goodbinder, Myer Linda, Ann Lehman, Allan Zalkln, Sam Goodman, William Epstein, Charles Ross, M. O» Conn, Einer Abramson, Ben Wine, Max Shames, Phil Smith, Meilach Katzmon, Cecil Iztnstatt, Abe Krantz, Mollic Franklin, Dave Uncoil), Dave Parker, Sam Freed, S. Canar, Lewis Ncvoleff, Dave Raznlck, Manj. Groncr, Heine Delrogh, and Ed Mason. Reservations can still bv made by calling Mrs. Jake Wine, WA 6660/ or Mrs. Myer Linda, HA 7110.

Want Ads FHo» JA UM (0 Hum JTOIT Want AH m TIU j c n i u ntMt. Carrot n u to 60 cents tor f u n inser* Uoa. Tb« Pram roerva U» rlshl to UmJI akt* of e*cii mdrertiieroent.

BAR and Bast Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. WANTED TO RENT—3-bedroom house or apartment near 49th and Farnam for small professional family heeded for July 1 oecuprncy. Call GL 3221.

Temple Ice Cream Social

Mizracht Women To Elect Officers The Omaha Chapter of Mi2rachi Wo-iien will hold election of officers at 1 p. m. Thursday, June 16, at the Jewish Community Center. 17iii' will be the final meeting of the season. Mrs. Izadarc Elewitz will conduct the installation. The meeting will be preceded by a dessert luncheon at 1 o'clock. The meeting date was changed due to Civil Defense Day being on Wednesday. The najne -of Mrs. Lewis Gereliek was inadvertantly omitted from the members who joined the Donor Luncheon Circle and entertained at tiie Center May 31. The following have purchased Miss Phyllis Tnrchen trees for planting in Israel: Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, in honor of the recovery of S a n d r a Krecdmnn and in honor of the recovery of Fred White; Mra. Kosc ^el, in honor of the recovery of Morris M. Shapiro; Mrs. Sol Nogg, Mr. and Mrs. Max Turchen of in honor of 80th birthday of Jo- Sioux Falls, S. D., announce the seph Haykin; Mr. and Mrs. Max engagement of . their daughter Arbitman ,in honor of grandson, Phyllis Jean to Sol S. Rosinsky, Jonathan Allen; Mayme Temin son of Mrs. Sam Rosinsky of Abramson, In honor of birthday of Omaha. mother, Mrs. Rebecca Temin; the Miss Turchen attends the UniChapter, for the recovery ot Mrs, versity of Nebraska, where she Is Joseph Batt; Mr. and Mrs. I. affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau Gorjick, for the recovery of Dr. Sorority. Philip Sher; Rabbi and Mrs. M. M. Mr. Rosinsky formerly attended Polakoff, for the recovery of Philip the University of Nebraska, where Hyman of Baltimore; Rabbi and he was a member of Zeta Beta Tail Mrs. Benjamin Groner, Mrs. Ben Fraternity. He is now attending Handler, for the recovery of Mrs. University of Omaha. Lewis NeveJeff. rV The couple plan* an early AuMrs. W i l l i a m Bogdanoff, In gust wedding in Sioux Falls, S. D. memory of her husband; Mrs. William Bogdanoff, In memory of her s o n / A b e Bogdanoff of Kansas This Sunday, June 12, has been City, Mo.; the Chapter, Mrs. Rose designated "Pick-Up D a y " toe Fogel, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein, Kadimah Chapter of P i o n e e r Mrs. II. Franklin and family, Mr. Women's semi-annual rummage and Mrs. Dave Bernsiien, Mrs. sole. M. Bro key, Mrs. M. Hcrtzberg, Please call Mrs. Raymond Corey, Mrs. H. Albert, Mrs. Rose Frelden, RE 3988, Mrs. Bernard Kaufman, Mrs. Sol Nogg, Mrs. J. Goodbinder, PL 7265, or Mrs. Maivln Tepper, In memory of Mrs. Ida Shermani PR 0539, if you have any items for Mrs. Rose Frciden, in memory of the sale. <4HJ| mother, Rachel Goldie Plotkin; Mrs. J. Fcdman, Mrs. Sol Nogg, in memory of Rose Schneider; Miss Joanne Simon, Mrs. Ben Handler, In memory of Max Fish; Miss Joanne Simon, in memory of Ben Morgan.

Sioux Falls Miss i Engagement Told

Miss Carol Altsclmlrr (left) of the Temple Ilellgfous School Re cms to have caplfvatcd the co-chairmen of th« Temple Iftrud "Circus Ice Cream Social." Accepting tivUctn arc Mrs. I. M. Llbrrman (center) end Airs. Maurice J'Vank. The lew cream ftoclal, co-Bpocaorf'tl by thf* Sisterhood and the nfudrnt council of the religious sclwol, will be held tit I* Sunday, June 12, at the Temple from 5 to tt p. m. Afutisting' the co-chairmen ure Mctulunir* l-.a7.ar Kaplan, Edward Gilbert, Leo Nogg and BernIianlt Wolf. The program will Include a merry-go-round, pony rides, and rcfrfK'-imrnts of hot dog*, pop. Ice cream and home-made cake*.

JWV Auxiliary New Yorker Weds Flag Day Program Saul Greenberg s' Auxiliary of the EpstelnMorgan Post No. 260 of the Jewish War Veterans will sell mlnature V. S. flags on Flag Day, Tuesday, Juno 14, with proceeds to be used solely for their program of veteran service nnd rehabilitation. Volunteers wlshlnfj to take part in the nronram may contact Mrs. Jack Saylan at WE 2071, The Auxiliary will hold Its final regular meeting of the season at 8 p. m. Thursday June 10, to the Jewish Community Center. All members are urced to attend and a social hour will follow the business meeting. The Auxiliary held its regular monthly party at the Omaha Veterans Hospital l a s t Thursday. Members assisting were Mmcj. Jake Kaplan, Aaron Epstein and Frank Cohen.

Miss Secna Wolpcr, daughter of Mrs. Theresa Wolper of Bronx, N. Y., and Saql Greenberg, son of Mr. anrf Mrs. Fred Greenberg of Omaha, were married Saturday evening. May 28, In New York. Rabbi Jerome IL Kallenberg officiated. The bride wore a pink cocktail dress of nylon tulle with a crown of tiny pink and white rosebuds attached to a pink veil and she carried a white orchid on a prayer book. A dinner for the Immediate family w u held at Phil Gluckstein';; in Manhattan. The bridegroom's parents were out-of-town guests. The newlywed* will visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenberg in Omaha some time in July. The couple Is making their home in the Bronx.

Kadimah Rummage Sale

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Y.C. Softball Rained Out Sun.

Jewish Religious Art

The regularly scheduled games in the Y o u t h Council Softball League were rained out last SunHay at Etaiwood. Even* though the rain had ceased during the night, the fields were not in condition for safe -Jay. Games scheduled were Raylm B Versus Raylm A and AZA 100 Versus AZA 1. At the present time, the standings find Rayim A and AZA 1 tied for first with three wins and one loss; AZA 100 Is second with two and two, while Baylm B is not In the victor's column after four games. The games postponed will be played at a later date pending a meeting Of the coaches. Next week, due to AZA convention to be :itld In Dec Molnes, no games will be played. At this point In the season, Howard Kaslow leads the batten with a ..eajthy .800 batting average with /our hits in five times at bat. For batters with over ten times at bat, Murray Mayer has .439 and Stuart Kutler has .454.

B.I. Talmud Torah Graduation Sun. The Beth Israel School System will hold its Talmud Torah graduation exercises Sunday, June 12, at 2:30 p. m. at Both Israel Synagogue, 52nd and Charles. The graduates and their parents are Beverly Bloom daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bloom; Marlene D. Friedman, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Dave Friedman; Frank Norman Goldberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goldberg; Bruce Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldstein; S t a n l e y Greenfield, "son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenfield; Diane 'Groner, daughter I Rabbi and Mrs. Benjamin Groncr; William M a y e r Katzr.ian, son oT Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katzman; Sidney Kloppcr, ion of Mr. and Mrs. S. Abe Kloppcr; Alan Robert Konecky son of Mrs. Rose Konecky; Roger Eldon Smith, ion of Mr. and Mm. Harry Smith;, and Judith Lee Wohlncr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Wdhlncr. A reception will follow the exercises. Members of the community are invited to attend the exercises.

, , New Dromedary Mix A new Dromedary product, the Honey 'n Spice Cake Mix, is now making its debut in Omaha.food stores. The new mix is blended with choice tropical spices and the finest honey from Yucatan special-, ly selected for Its rara and delicate flavor. V This new member of the Drotho~ dary family Is packaged In the exclusive twin pack of two-separate sealed containers which allows you to use one-half of the contents at a time if you wish keeping the other packet fresh and scaled for later use. Other features Include a jpedal pre-creaming process, « new miracle shortening, free pan liners and a metal foil outer wrap that seals In the freshness. Like all Drom-iary products, the Honey 'n Spice Cake Mix hears the "V" seal of the Union or Orthodox Jewlsn Congregations of America —a complete assurance that they are kosher.

BarandBas Mitzvah Samuel Blelclier, con of Mr. and Mrs. David Ii. Uleicher, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah this Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel. Friends and relatives are invited to ntlend the ilccs and the n-ofptKHii which lull follow Iwfh service.,. Friday evening, Juno 17, at 8 o'clock, Howard Stolcr, son of Mr. Harry Stoler, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at Temple Israel. In his honor his father will receive the congregation after the services. Matthew Faler, son of Dr. and Mrs. Abe Falcr, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, June 11 at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the service and the reception which will follow.

—Photo by Mori lUrturdi.

These piece* of Jewish ceremonial art are on view at the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum. They form » part or the loin collection from the Jewish Museum In New York Olty. Included in this portion of the exhibit are a Sabbath lamp dating back to the 5th century, a beautiful HcgUlath Either from Vienna, and a unique jbammer for knocking on doom to call people to nervine.

Global Report URANIUM FOR ISRAEL Washington (JTA)—The United. States and Israel entered into a pact promoting the peaceful use of atomic energy under which six kilograms of uranium are to be leased to Israel for research purposes- This atomic fuel will .be used in Israel for the roactor or reactors to be erected there. An arrangement for the transfer to" Israel of "uranium, in the specified amount, enriched up to a maximum of 20 per cent in the isotope U-235 was initialed this week-end nt the State Department. Signatories Included Admiral Louis Strauss, chairman of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission; George V. Allen, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, and Israel Ambassador Abba Kban. I'KEMJKK I ' L E D U E S

Jerusalem (JTA)—Premier U Nil of Burma completed ft nineday visit of Israel and flew from Tel Aviv to Istanbul: by El AlIsrael National Airlines. Just before the visit ended, Premiers U Nu and Moshc Sharctt, at a press conference, issued a statement of friendship of' their two nations. The Burmese statesman also declared that he would be happy to act as a mediator bcween Israel and the Arab states, but only if he were asked by both sides. He stressed that he has not yet been asked to act in such capacity by either side.

Y. C. Doings By Midge Grcenbers; RAVIM Raylm Fraternity will .hold Its fourth annual F o r m a l DinnerDance, which is under the direction of Qcnc Kohn and Dick Raskin, June 18 at the West Highland Country Club. The announcement* of officers, best athlete, outstanding freshman and sophomore members, arid "Dream Girl" will bo made. DEBKA DEBS Debs will hold their nnnunl Farewell Parly for the Seniors sometime during the month of June. The Debs have volunteered their s-'rvices to help the Jewish War Veterans with their drive for funds. Dody Shapiro and Nancy Frledlander made,the cast for the Central High fall play. Congratulations are also in order for Karen Kricsfeld and Sara Pepper who have made the National Honor Society. ' B'NAI B ' l t r n i GIRLS The cultural and religious committee showed the f i l m "The House I Live In" at their lost meeting. The girls will attend services this evening at Temple Israel.

Beth Israel Midgets The B:th Israel Board of Education Is sponsoring the Beth Israel Team in the Omaha M i d g e t League. Practice games are held every Sunday morning at Benson illgh field at 10:30 o'clock. Phil Lubman Is coach, Stanley Greenfield is team captain.


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The Graduating Class of Beth El Talmud Torah has chosen Lynnette Forbes and Betty Ennan to represent them as speakers at tho graduation ceremonies, which will take place at services at Beth £3 Synagogue tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Participating in the services will be: Barbara Adler, Barbara Bercutt, Justin Lewis, Nancy Rich* ards, Dennis Schulman and Nancy Venger. The class will be presented by : Samuel Nahshon, Director of Education, and diplomas will be given to the graduates by Dr. Joseph Soahnlk for the Beth El "oard of Education. Dr. Soshnlk will also award the Dr. Philip Sher prize* in Jewish Education. The processlon and recessional will be lea by Cantor Aaron L Edgar and t h i Beth El Synagogue Choir. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will deliver the charge to the graduates. A reception In honor of the |rad« nates will be held following th» services In the synagogue social hall.

The Bar Mitzvah of Joel Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs, Irving Davis, will be observed this Saturday, June 11, at Beth Israel Synagogue, 52nd and Charles. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend the service and the Klddush SALE VACCINE^ Jerusalem (JTA)—Tho Israel following. Government medical laboratories will proceed immediately with the" Promotion Exercises manufacture of Salic anti-polio vaccine, the Cabinet decided here At Beth Israel T.T. Sunday. Tho -vaccine is expected The Beth Israel Talmud a willhold Its promotion exercise* to. be rcacV for distribution by Sunday, June 12, at 10 a, m. at tho next Spring. Meanwhile, the Cabinet has also synagogue. There will bo a presentation of certificates of honor allocated funds in the event that and promotion. T h e following it becomes possible to purchase awards will be given: Goldstein vacdne stocks from the United Scholarship awards, "Rambam" States. Dr. M. Btesh, director gencontest awards, Jacket project eral of the Israel Health Ministry, awards, Grace and blessing books who Just relumed from a visit to to Primary' grades, special swards tho United States, where he attempted to negotiate the purchase to primary grades and annual per- of Salk vaccine, reported that the fect attendance awards. • U.S. Is not prepared to export Parent* and friends arc cordial- vaccine at this time. lie pointed ly Invited to attend. out that Israel's laboratories are able to produce the vaccine. Hollywood < JTA)—When Oscar Levant was undergoing psychoanalysis, Vladimir Horowitz asked him why he continued with It when It appeared to tw doing him so little good. "Oh, well," said Levant, "it gives me some place to fto every day."

Hollywood (JTA) — G e o r g e Burns swears Grade was stopped for speeding the other afternoon by a motorcycle cop. "What's the idea of driving fifty-five miles an hour?" asked the policeman. "I couldn't have been driving fifty-five miles an hour," replied Gracie, "because I haven't been mit an hour yet!"


Speakers Chosen For Graduation


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