June 17, 1955

Page 1

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tnitreo i» Second-Claw Mattel at **o*iattic*. Omina. Meora***. anew Act « lfc?w.

fubilr+ea every Imcay, 101 ti, HUUi, Umafia. Htlinuka, I'hout Ik 1300

AOUUOJ it*u 4 tfouus topjr 10

Gamps Open Mon., June 2 7

Stmn Fellman, Bob Wintrotib, and Jerry Mirer (left to right) . the best among Nebraska's high school debaters. '

>'s Talented Talk Gets National Honors Three golden-tongucd 18-yearolds will represent Nebraska high •choalers in the National Forensic League tournament in Kan Jo.se, Calif., next week. Stan Ffllman, Robert Wintrotib, end Gerald Marer will compete •gainst several hundred other students in 11)0 national.'! folluwinc their victories in liic Kan.sa.s-Ncbraska tournament. Stan nnd Bol> qualified in the debate section, but Stan will also compete In oratory and poetry readlns: nnd Hub in extemporaneous Kjienkinn. Jerry u'on his qualification through extemporaneous speaking and will test his glibness in radio newscasting. The hij-li school debate topic is: "Resolved, that the United States Should Initiate a policy of free



Day Camp

Advance registration for Camp Jay-C-C which will open its 1055 season on Sunday, July 31, has soared to 94. The four-week camp will end Aug. 28, Gerald S. Gross, Camp Jay-C-C Chairman, announced today. Two Sessions The camp seuson will consist of two periods of two weeks each, he said. Campers may register for the full season or for cither of the two periods. The camp will be held at

In response to parents' requests, the Pre-School Day Camp opening Is postponed until June 27, to coincide with the opening of the Center Day Camp. This is done in order not to cause Inconvenience to many parents who are sending their older children to Day Camp. Registration for Pre-Sehool Day Camp is now going on. This unit will be limited in numbers because of the very specialized nature of )ts program. Parents desiring to enroll their pre-schoolers are urged to contact Miss Besse Blank, Camp Registrar, at once. The Pre-School Day Camp will t)e held from S a. m. to 12 noon daily, Monday to Friday. The' program Is geared to the needs and interests of pre-schoolers.

Center Day Camp will open' Monday, June 27, with an experienced staff to insure the campers a fun-filled camp session. The outings will continue at Peony Park for a period of four weeks, ending July 22. , Three Head Program Leonard Gurvitz, Center Activities Director, will be Day Camp Director. Feme Katleman, in charge of Center Children's Activities, will be Program Director;

trade with friendly nations." The National tournament will begin on June 21 and continue through June 24. These three June graduate!, of Central High School were members of their schools' winning debate team. Stan nlso advanced as far us the sectional round in The American Legion's National High School Oratory Contest on the U.S. Constitution. Their debate coach was M. C. Wyler. The boys arc the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Fellmnn, Louis Wlntroub, and Jaek Merer.

Israel Budget Has First Surplus Year

Jerusalem (JTA) — The Israel Government's fiscal year of 195455 was the first non-defldt year in 23 Parties File for the history of the country. The Treasury showed a surplus of 34 Tel Aviv Election million pounds, having taken In Tel Aviv (WNS) — When the C58 millions and disbursed 624 electorate of this democracy ROCS millions. to vote on July 20 for a new Parliament It will have a choice of 23 parties. That number filed lists with the Central Electron Committee hended by Chief Justice Shimon Auranat. The previous hl^h w,K Iwunly-one. A card from President Elsenhower congratulated Mm. Fannie Newman on her 92nd birthday, Neo-Nazi Resigns June J5. The card said, "Please Bonn (JTA) — I-eonhard Schlue- accept my sincere congratulations tcr, neo-Nazi publisher and' re- on your birthday. May pood health cently apjwinted Minister of Kdu- be yours through many more hap. cation :. id Culture of Lower -Sax- py years." Mrs. Newman was enony, resigned this week-en.1 in the tertained at a birthday luncheon face of continued protests of edu- and dinner by her family. cattai authorities, students, news.She Is an active member of the papers and the public. Last week, Golden Aj;e Club sponsored Jointly a f t e r the protests developed, by the Omaha Section, Council of Schluctcr went on "leave" pending Jewish Women, and the Jewish an official Investigation. Community Center.

Ike Congratulates Fannie at 92

Egypt Guilty/ Says UN Sherman l'o«ka to lend Jay-C-C Camper*. Camp Brewster, nt Bellevue. Sherman Poska, Center Youtli Director, will direct Camp JayC-C. l i e served as Assistant Camp Director in 10.14 and 1953. Prior to that he served as Program Director of Camp Jay-C-C for two years, Aquatic Director, and Supervisor of the Boys' Division. MI»* Kntlrmun to Assist Feme Katleman, Director of the Center's Children's activities, will be Program Director, nnd also serve as Assistant Director. Miss Katleman Is an experienced camp leader nnd served in many capacities in former camping seasons. Registration for Camp Jay-C-C has been unusually good, Mr. Gross reported. Provision has again been made for a Unit for older boys and girls. Koom Left for n Few The fee for the four-week' season is $100; for the first two weeks, $05.00; for the second two weeks, $55. The first two-week period Is nlmost filled up at tills time, and registrations will be (Continued on Page 4.)

The United Nations Mixed Armistice Commission found Egypt guilty of a "flagrant violation" of the armistice agreement. Israel's complaint was that the Egyptians rnortared an Israeli truck in the desert area about 60 miles southeast of Gaza, on May 18. It was the commission's 17th decision in Israel's favor since the major clash of Febr. 28, Twelve decisions have gone In Egypt's favor during the same period. It found, in addition, that Egyptian troops opened fire on the U. N, team which investigated Incident on the spot.

Art Exhibit Ends Sunday Only three days remain to <(•(> the fabulous collection of Jewish ceremonial objects on exhibit at tile JiiBlyn Memorial Art Museum. Tim collection on loan from tho Jewish Museum In New Yorli City Is being displayed through Sunday, June 19, In connection ivltfc th« Herman Aiicrbaeh Memorial.

I.en (iur\ltz , . . Day Camp Director. Jim Karbatsch, -Center Physical Director, will .supervise the swimming and athletic programs of the Day Camp. Many of the former popular counselors are returning. They in- ' elude Sonny Bclman, Bernle Feld-. man, Jerry Marer, Sari Shukert, Nancy Barron, Marsha Waxenberg, and two junior counselors, Carole Frank and Linda, Veret. ... Deanne Markovttz will be craft specialist. Phyllis Kaplan, Howard Kaslow and Jamie Shapiro will serve as Junior Counselors. Variety of Activities Mr. Gurvitz announced that the Day Camp program will include arts and crafts, swimming, nature lore, games, dramatics, singing, and trips to various points of interest. Children may register for either _ the full month at a fee of $42, o r ' for a two-week period at a fee of $25. The fee includes transportation, swimming, trips, crafts, In- " suranco, n hot lunch, and a midday snack. Youngsters will be picked up by (Continued on Page 4.)

Robert Storz to Receive B'nai B'rifh Americanism Citation Robert H. Store will lx> honored Tuesday noon • s the recipient of the fourth annual Henry Monsky Lodge Americanism Citation. Harry Collck, Chairman of the Lodge's Americanism Committee, announced today that the citation would be awarded at a luncheon in the Kontenelle Ballroom, Tuesday noon. Swanson, Jacobs, I'ettls 1'ant Winners The award Is given on the basis of contributions to community and civic betterment and for general advancement of citizenship responsibility. Previous Winners of the award were W. Otto Swanson- in 1952, Morris E. Jacobs In 1953, and E. F. Peltls, last year. Mr. Pcttis will present the award to Mr. Storz. Dr, Abe Greenberg will bo the Toastmaster, an* Mayor John Rosenblatt, David E, Greenberg, President of the Lodge, and Harry Trustln of the Federation for Jewish Service will give greetings. Ralph Nogg, Past Lodge President, will give the invocation nnd the benediction.

Post I/Cglon Commander


Vice President of Storz Brewing Company, Mr. Storz was the 1943-44 Commander of Omaha PostNo. 1, The American Legion. » His most recent civic contribution was heading a campaign to raise $4',4 million for the Clorksoa Memorial Hospital building fund. A noted fund raiser, Mr. Storz served as President of the Oman* Industrial Foundation when that organization raised Its capital of one million dollars. Fund Raiser Par Excellence He has served as the first and only President of the World War II Memorial Park Association ami assisted in the raising ot the money to purchase and develop thc~parlt. Mr. Storz has been a member of the Board of Governors of Ak-Sar-Ben since 1946 and Is a member of that organization's Building and Grounds Committee* , |

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Friday, June 17,1935.

Federation Leaders Plan August Meeting * W ) PridMj by Uu federattea for Jewish Service .on. AawtuimTriAUs o

The officers of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs met at .1 luncheon meeting on Tuesday afternoon ot the home of Mrs. Edward K. Brcdkcy, Fresldent. The following were present: •Mines. Henry A. Newman, 1st (Vice President; lire. Mike Freejman, 2nd Vice President; Mrs, LJoyd Friedman, Secretary; Mrs. | Louis Katz, Parliamentarian, and jMlss Kalah Franklin. Executive Secretary. Plans for the summer meeting to be held on Thursday, Aug. 25, were discussed. ,

•OUi m n t i . OTQA) So. l&t» Btrtrt.


Religious News Temple Israel Sabbath service* will be held at 8 p. m, I t t t r . RabU Sdaey H. Brooks will conduct th» services •ad deliver the charge to the Bar IBtnah eelebnnt, Howard Staler.


Sunday Radio "Are You Satisfied W i t h You?" will be the subject of Rabbi Itoland 13. Gittokohn's address over Iladio KOIL on Sunday, Juno 19. at 9:33 a. m. RabU Glttclsohn of the Temple Lrael in Boston; Mass., is presenting the current scries of Message of Israel broadcasts.

For service a ritatlou Ham Cohen of the NAJV presrnU award U> Itobbl Myer Between You and Me Bvlfcbratl THE GRADUATION SEASON: NAJV Presents Service Traditional Friday evening serv- With the graduation season upon ice* (Kabollu Sbabbos) begin at us, it is estimated by competent 6:30 p. m, with morning Sabbath Jewish organizations that about Citation to Hcihbi Kripke

services at 8.30 a. in. and the Junior Cbutregatlon at 20 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduet the Talmud class at 7:15 p. ' m. Sabbath ICncba at 7:43 p. m. la followed by Sholesh S'eudoa and Haarrr. Daily morning services begat at 7 a. m. and afternoon services at 725 p. m. Sunday morning fCtviees are at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and the Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning. Junior Mbqraa it followed by breakfas at 8 3 0 a.m. Tfce Talmud DisaasSoa group meets Tuesday evenings at 8 p. m. at the 19th and Bart St. Syna{ocne. The Beth Israel Junior Choir meets every Sunday at 10

three out of four Jewish high school graduates go on to college to prepare themselves for their future vocations . • . Jewish parents are, naturally. Interested In choosing a college where their children can get the best possible training geared to their career plans . . However, many of them ore at the same time interested In selecting a school which can offer adequate facilities for the latiifaetlon of the Jewish needs and Interests of their children . . . The B'nal B'rith, which maintains Hillel Foundations for Jewish students in about 200 colleges a.J universities, supplies BK 'ormation on colleges where Jewish religious and social activities are being conducted by the stodents on the campuses . . . It BetfcB also provides Information on the Sabbath evening services win be large number of colleges and uniheld tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath versities which offer regular credit monrfac services will begin at 8:30. courses in Judaic studies in one tt The JCncha Service will begin at several of their regular department'; • • . For some Jewish stu7 3 0 n. i t IMrjr services during the week dents the availability of facilities are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. for kosher meals Is a major factor The Sunday morning service Is in their choice of a college . . . Kxcept for Brandeis University held at 9 a. m. and Yeshiva University, no college or university provides kosher food for its students . . . But several Hillel foundations serve kosher meals daily or several times each week, In most cases on a cooperaWashington (WMS)~American tive basis - . . Such services exist Jewry probably will not be numer- it the Hillcl Foundations at the ically larger in 1070 than it is to- following universities: C o r n e l l , day despite the general population George Washington, Harvard, BIncrease in the United States dur- linoLi, Maryland. Michigan, Ohio ing toe last decade, according to S t a t e , Oklahoma, Pennsylvania Be> B. Selgman, former director ml Queen's (Canada) . . . In • f the Office of Jewish Population ities like N e w York Chicago, and Research. ithcrs where there are many kosaTJie noted demographer made r restaurants, kosher food is BO tfce prediction in an article ap- irpblem for students wtio obserw pearing In the April issue of the he dietary laws . . . The B'nal National Jewish Monthly, publish- fVrith also supplies Information an ed by B"nai B'rith. He points out 'raternitles and sororities in which tfmt about 75 percent of the total Jews are welcome, and on Greek American Jewish population lives letter societies which have a preis) 13 large communities where the dominantly Jewish membership... average family size and birth rate Incidentally, I have been asked by ere smaller than In rural areas. the American Physical Therapy According to Mr. Seligman. other Association to draw the attentionfactors on which his prediction is if Jewish yooth3 that there is based show that the average size currently a critical ne«J for 3,000 for Jewish families is 3.1 or less physical therapists . . . The Asi> contrast t o the D. S. average sociation, which seeks to interest of 3.7 persons per family: that high school graduates in studying American Jews are generally old- physical therapy as a career, er than their neighbors, and have aims that our present shortage fewer, children. rf physical therapists will have xipled by 1900, if the physical Mr. SellKni.in quotes Nathan Goldberg, another Jewish demog- herapy school enrollment eonrapher, as assertng that the Jew- inues at the present low figure . . C o l l i e s or universities offer ish birth rate Itself is declining. four-year program in physical H e says that although an average therapy, with the first two years Of 2.2 children per family Li required for the general population devoted to general study (liberal to renew Itself, the average num- arts). Including humanities, and fcer of children per Jewish family the social, biological -and. physical Is "much fewer." and would have sciences . . . to be even larger than 22. Losses Hollywood (JTA)—Mnton Berie from intermarriage and assimiliation generally are also proportion- ent a wire to a lifelong rival an he lattert opening night, reading, ately large. Mr Seliejnan predicts that, un- 'I can't be there in spirit ut Tot omlng in person." der the best of conditions, "the Jewish population in the U. S. 15 years from now would probably kely, the best prospects are for be n o more than six million. This future population somewhere be> assume* that outright assimilation ween what we now have s a d a s win not make the sharp inroads ipper limit of six miWon Jews by that everyone says It win, nnd 1970. The most probable ilfuathm, that Jewish growth will follow the however, will be one in same pattern as genera) popula- will Just hold oar own stt tion growth. But since this Is un- levels."

Hollywood (JTA) — Faulette Goddard saw the first week'* rushes of a new picture and conv plained that they didn't suit her, The cameraman bad alto photographed her in Cecil B. DeMUle"« picture. "Reap the Wild Wind," one of Paillette's favorites; s o they went to a projection room and had "Reap the Wild Wind* shown. When i t WJS over Paulett* said, "I looked gorgeous In that picture. Why can't we get th* same result in this one?" "Well, you see. Miss Goddard.* said the cameraman, "I'm ten years older now."

A citation for "valuable service representing the parent organizato Jewish war veterans" was pre- tion, made the presentation at a sented to Rabbi Myer Kripkc at meeting Sunday at the Jewish the annual meeting of the Nebraj- Community Center. Sherman Lipstcin, Commander ka-Iowa Department of the National Association of Jewish Vet- of the Omaha Post, reported on the activities of the local unit with John Rosenblatt also spoke I erans. The Epstein-Morgan Post similar descriptions being given by In the Department eJocHonsy was host representatives of the Des Moines Abe Miller of Omaha wat d S a n Cohen of Milwaukee, Wise, and Sioux City. l a . Posts. Mayor Senior Vie* i

No Population Rise Predicted for 1970

Cost of Electricity Down 28% Since 1946 The fwo graph lines obov« fell a mighty big sfory. Yes, it's * face. The average cost per kilowatt hour for the e k e trie energy that lights your home , . . washes and dries your clothr» a . .cooks your meals . . . deam mar rags . . . air conditions your benac . . . and serves you silently. day sad inch*, has been reduced


Aad because the average cent •

of electricity is lower today tbsso ever before, our customers are as* ing more and more elcctridtv to do dozens of new jobs. Jnst taisslr o{ the many new a c t yea have nude of electricity right in own borne. Yes, electricity is your U m t bargain in better living. Let itafe even more for you I

Btetrreity do«f 10 much—«o»b to I1MU.

. June 11,1955.


Monsky Lodge to Install Officers at June 25 Party Invitations are In the mail for the Installation Dinner D a n c e , June 25, honoring the newly ejected officers of B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Lodce No. 354. Harry Weinberg wni serve us President diiriiij; the 1955-Sfi year. He and other lenders will take over their duties following the Installation in the Grand Ballroom of the Blackstmic Hotel on Saturday, June 25, at 7:30 |>. m. i'ollnlc I>anre. Chairman Sam Pollak, the new 1st Vice President, i5 also Chairman of the Dinner Dance. Other offieer.s are Ruben Lippet (ind Louis. Canar, 2nd ami 3rd Vice P r e s i d e n t s , respectively; Lou Asbvl, Treasurer; Sam Kpstein, Recording Secretary; Moses Knffan, Financial Secretary; David Hahn. Warden; E. I. Wiilman, Guardian, and David K. Grcenhcn;, Chaplain. Ralph F. NoL'g, Earl Siegel, Edward A. Rosen, antl Hurry Collck are Trustees, with Dr. A. A. Greenberfi serving in an honorary capacity. Reservations for the d i n n e r dance, which Brother Den Brilh Ed Schlmmel of the Blackstone Hotel promises will please the most discriminating gourmet, are $4.00 per person. Reservations can bo made by calling; Sam Pollak, HArney 1950, or Moe Kagan, ATlantie 3210. Checks should be (nailed to Mr. Kagan at the Morris Apartments. Hank Winder's orchestra, curfcnUy appearing at the Sioux City, U-, Country Club, will play for ttie dance which will immediately follow the 8 p. m. dinner and Installation ceremonies.

Sisterhood Outlines Meeting Programs The Program Committee of the Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood met recently at the home of Mrs. Leon Schmldnuui to formulate plans for the 1955-56 programs for the monthly meetings. Mn. Seymour Collision Is Program Chairman, and her Co-Chalrjnen arc Mrs. Leon Schmldman and Mm. Selwyn Hoffman. Attending the meeting were the Mcsdamcs Joseph Guss, President of the Sisterhood; M e y e r S. Kripke; George Elsenberg. Music Chairman; Sidney Sneider; Norman Whitman; Wallace Elkon; Bruce Greenberjt and Max Grossman.

l'rejldenl-eloct Ilarry Weinberp.

Omaha Sketches Mr. and Mrs. Ben Martin and (jrandson, Lee Martin, left for San Francisco to" attend the weddins; 6f their granddaughter, Maureen Martin. Miss Martin will be married to Morley Mcyerson of San Farnclsco on June 25 at the Sir Fronds Drake Hotel. Mr. Sam Geifman has returned from Mexico City where he spent two weeks visiting with his father, brothers and sisters. He spent a vveek with his daughter and sonin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Root, and his grandson, Jlmmie, in Los Angeles.

Larry Roffman Receives MD

Ex-Omahan to Wed New Yorker Omahans hearc. this week of the wedding flans of Mjss Lois Osheroff and Stanley L. Levlne. The engagement was announced by the !jn<U'-U>-iK_''s parents, Dr. anil Mrs. Irvvin Oi.heroff, lontwi- Omahans now living in Cliica^o. Mr. Leviin? Is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. San ad Levine of New York City. Miss Osheroff attended the University of Missouri and will be graduated this month from Die Parsons School of Deslcn in New York City. Mr. Lcvine is a ffraduatc of Brooklyn College and the University of Southern California Tlie couple will be married early in September.

Emigration Seen As Solution for 160,000 Jews New York UTA) —Tens of thousands of Jews In various parts of the world, including Israel, will continue to need assistance from the Joint Distribution Committee "for lonj; periods to come" despite the /act that 1954 was In some ways a year of stability for the JDC and Its overseas assistance programs, Moses A. Leavitt, Executive Vice-Chairman, said In his report. Mr. Leavitt emphasized that no area of the world was able to re* fleet any marked decrease in the number of men, women and children who require JDC aid. He pointed out that although there was "substantial progress," the world still "presents a. picture of continuing large-scale need which cannot be expected to disappear overnight and which continues to bo JDCs responsibility." During 1954, the report shows, the JDC spent $25,680,255 for aid to more than 164,000 needy Jews In 25 countries overseas. For the current year the orcanization has adopted a budget of $29,403,000 to aid on estimated 160,000 overseas. JDC la cooperating closely with governmental, Intergovernmental and voluntary agencies In "ceckinc solutions for the problems of the refugees."

Larry E. Hoffman, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Itoffman of Council Bluffs. la., received his medical degree from the University of Iowa, June 10. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, honorary fraternity. He was affiliated with Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Epsllon PI. and Phi Beta Pi, Civil Service Lists a medical fraternity. Two Job Openings Dr. Roffman will leave June 26 for Houston, Tex. where he will The United States Civil Service interne at Jefferson Davis hos- Commission has announced examipital. nations for Savings and Loan Examiner at $4,205 and 55,060 a year in the Home Loan Bank located throughout the c o u n t r y , and Transportation Specialist (Freight and Passenger) at $3,410 to J10,800 a year, in the Department of Defense in Washington, D. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Morrb Green will ents. Coming from Los Angeles vicinity. celebrate their 50th wedding an- arc Dr. Donald Green and Mr. and Further information and appliniversary on Sunday, June 2G, with Mrs. Norman Green and their fam- cation forms may be obtained from a family dinner at the Fontcnclle ily. The Green's daughter, Evelyn, 404 Post Office Building. her husband, Philip Natenburg and Hotel. A Kiddush hi their honor will Uiolr family or Chicago, III, will Dr. Green Visits be held this Saturday morning, also bo here. The Green's son SiParents in Omaha June 1& s t Shaaxe Zlon Sytia- mon lives in Omaha. togae. 19th and Clark S t AU The Morris Greens live at 1545 Dr. Don Green Is spending two No. 19 S t friends and rclatlvcir are cordially weeks in Omaha visiting his parinvited to attend. ents Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green Three of the Green's children on the occasion of their 50th wedand their families will spend next ding anniversary. Dr. Green, a weekend In Omaha with their parresident In medicine at Wodswortb General Hospital in Los Angeles, Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 Calif., Is a graduate of the Creiehof B'nai B'rith, will entertain at ton School of Medicine. the monthly party at the Dr. VtuM IX UM to tt»n Join Wut At Philip Sher Home for the Aged on Ik TM J«wut> rnub Joan Sofcolof CUKot n u » M> emu t o «d> m»M- Monday, June 20, at 2:30 p. m. Bea. Tl» M a rtMrrca to* tteta u Umn Mrs. David Itoscnbaum, Enter- Receives Degree tainment Committee Chairman, BAB and Ban Mitzvtth congratu- will read some Jewish poems by Joan Cay Sokolof, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Izadore Sokolof, relatknu also lot oil Jewish holi- Sholem Alcchlm. day* and ipcda) occasions. Friends and members of B'nai ceived her bachelor of science deMeyers News Stand. 1503 Dodge B'rith ore invited to come and en- gree In education this week Iron) joy themselves with our folks of Ohio State University. the home. Hollywood (JTA)—In an Inters view with the press, Tony Martin, whose famous tenor voice has earned him millions, stated: "1 never smoke. Srtioklng destroys the control nnd the quality of the B'nai B'rith Girls honored grad- voice." A newsman Inquired: "But didn't you endorse a cigarette? I t uating high school seniors at a June 9 luncheon at Harry's cafe. F.ecms to me I remember some ads . . . " Each graduate received a gift. The following day, the Youth "Ah," said Tony, "do you recall Club held » pre-conventlon rally what I sad? These cigarettes do attended by representatives to the not Irritate my throat.' Quite true. I never smoke them." AZA and BOG convention.

Morris Greens Celebrate 50 Years of Marriage


No First Night Jitters for •1 Seymour, Hiller, Rosenberg When the curtain rises on "The Country Girl" at the Civic Auditorium Music Hull next Friday evening, two Omaha Jewish people will see the fruits of their labors, while a third will still be playing his role. To most Omalians, the actor on the stagt; is Seymour Goldston, to theatre fans he Is Ken Seymour, and from June 24 to 28, he will be Larry, the stage manager, in the curr-'nt Omaha Community Playhouse production of " T h e untry Girl." lie plays a supporting role with the stars Henry Fonda and Dorothy McGuire. Mr. Seymour has hf.d leading roles in Playhouse productions of "The Heiress," "Father of the Bride," "The Distaff Side," and "Secret Service." Mrs. Richard Hiller Is serving as Co-Chairman of the Production

Freeman Renamed UCS Chairman Miite Freeman was re-elected Chairman of the Family and Children's Division of United Community Services nt Its annual meeting last Monday. Mr. Freeman is a past Chairman of the Family Service Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service, and served as a member of the Federation Executive Committee.

Beth Israel Picnics Sunday

Committee with Mrs. John B. Pea« cock, sister of Henry Fonda. So* is a member of the PlaytvwiMl Boaj-d. Assisting with the pub* licity is Millard Rosenberg. ) The return of Omaha's most' celebrated stage ana screen pan sonalities to the stage where thejf, tried their first Thespian wings M all part of a project to raise fund* to rebuild the Omaha Communitjr Playhouse. This play, as are ail Playhouse projects, is directed and produced t / Kendriek A. Wilson. : Opening night, June 24, will ba strictly formal. Tickets on the main floor for the opening peiw (ormance ate $10.00. Seats on turn main floor for the June 25, 28, 37, and 28 performances are $4.00, with the rear seats on the mate floor and the loge seats at I3.0CL Seats in the tower balcony apo $2.00 and the upper balcony, 91.001 Mail orders are being filled at the Omaha Community Playhouse, 40th and Davenport St. Ticket* will go on sale at the auditorium box office on June 20.




Beth Israel Talmud Toroh will hold its annual picnic Sunday, June 26, at Elmwood Park, at 10:30 a. m. The program will include games and contests. Pop and popsleles will be served and free prizes will be Given. Norman Rosenzweig in Chairman.

Omaha's Favorite W a y to Dine on

Sunday "Tin Gnatmtf Nam* In Koriiar Foacbf

Salesman Waiifed Splendid opportunity available with oldest and largest Home Improvement Company in Mld[ west .Closed, protected territory. Must have car.

Sunday Branch

Served Buffet Styfol All You Care to Eat



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frtizy, f'tat! 17, 1855.


f F»fe

BarMitzvah Goldner Wins Best junior Athlete Award

Howard Stolci, son of Harry Stoler, will celebrate his )!;ir Mitzvah tliis Friday, June 17, at Temple Israel. Kric-nd^ find relatives me invited to attend the iiervice-.; and the rec-ptiu.'i which will follow.

• John Goldner was presented the Harry Trustin Award for the Outstanding Junior A t h l e t e for 1954-35, at the Youth Council Conclave June 9. • He won the award on the basis of his sportsmanship, participation end, ability as determined by the Athlete Selection Unit of the Center Physical Education Committee. Goldner was a three-time winner of the Youth Council Badminton Tournament, a member of the Championship bowling team, and an outstanding Youth Council basketball and softball player. He was' also a member of the Central High golf team

(Continual from Pane 1) buses at 9 a. in. and returned at 4:.'J0 p, m., at the following convenient locations: Beth Kl, Beth Israel, Temple Israel, and the Jewish Community Center. Parents are urged to make Immediate registration, since Day Camp facilities are limited. Registration may be made at the Jewish Community Center, or by calling JAckson 13G6.

Hollywood (JTA) — G e o r g e Burns was chatting with one of the oldest living Jews in California, and of course the question came up. "To what," said George, "do you attribute your long life?" For »portsman«hlp and ability "Mr. Burns," said the old man. . . John Goldner wins the prize. "you can write it down that my secret of a long and healthy life All-day outings for boys in 7th, is to cat some garlic every day." 8th and 9th grades will be sponThe United States has about ''Ah," said George. "But why do sored by the Jewish Community 400,000 divorces a year. you call It a secret?" Center during the. week of June * 20, under the personal supervision of Jim Karbatsch, Center Physical Education Director. Tea Boy* • Day 'Each day, ten different boys will <cavc the Center at 8:30 a. tn, in a station wagon, and head for a fishing spot ( e a r Omaha. The day's activities will include fishing, hiking, softball, swimming, lunch, and the use of available recreational facilities. The group will return to the Center at 4:30 p. m. 'Requirements- for joining this group are:' Center membership, some fishing gear, a swim suit, a lunch and written parental permission. A registration charge of 50c will be made to cover expenses. Urine Your Friend* Mr, Karbats.h will accompany each group. He will supervise the program and take all precautions concerning safety and fatigue. Immediate registration for this •activity .is urged. Group registration for the outings may be made to enable children to go with tlicir w!lh lor . friends. » • ' >nin9> For additional information contact Jim Karbatsch at JAckson 13G6.

Sub-Teener Outings Set Next Week

Never Too Old to 'Learn to Swim' Now Is the time to register for tho Adult "I^enrn to .Swim" class on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 to H p. in. ut the Center pool. Instruction starts June 27 for men mid women from college ui;e up. The emphasia will l>c, on having fun in the water, ability to navigate and twimmer safety. Registration will continue through next week.

WAIinUIlG HONOREI* Cincinnati (JTA)— Edward M. M. Warburg, president oi the United Jewish Appeal, was awarded an honorary degree here Sunday at the 71st commencement of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Mr. Warburg was cited as "One of the country's most distinguished humanitarians" who helped make 11 possible for the UJA to save and aid more than 2,300,000 persoas since 19.19 and under whose chairLast year about 75,000 Amocl-' manship the UJA raised close to cans were saved from dying of 5300 million. He was awarded the cancer. This figure could have Doctor of Humane Letters degree. been doubled if every case nadkreen property trartei in \imt, \h» American Cancer Society say*. ' Patronize Our Advertisers



Book Council Awards New York (WNS)—The 1935 cash cwar for best works of Jewish interest were announced this week at the annual meeting of the Jewish Book Council of America at which Prof, Mordecai M. Kaplan, of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America delivered the keynote address and Rabbi Ely E. Pilchik of Newark, N. Y., chairman of the Council, presided. . The awards wont to' Louis Zara, Ne»v York, for his novel "Blessed Is the Land:" to Nora Benjamin Ktlbic, New York, for her "King Sdloi., MI'S Navy," a juvenile; to Alter Esselin, Milwaukee, for a book of Yiddish poetry, and to Gabriel Prcll. New York, for a volumt. of Hebrew.. poetry. The first t o rccclvcVi S250 each and the latter two $100 each.

NewNegevDam Tel Aviv <JTA>—A new dam. 550 feet Ions .is ncaring completion at Mushabei Ssidch. In the Southern Neyev. David Fox. director of the Israel Government's soil conservation department. The dam <ii; bo part of the network of dams and reservoirs designed to trap flood waters for irrigation purposes, now being constructed in that desert nrea. The new dam is being built with financial aid from the United State Operations Mission in Israel. I t is estimated that the arca'R water conservation project will provide enough water to irrigate an additional 23,000 acres of Negcv land Patronize Our Advertisers



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your child g«ts careful «Bufr attantfon.


help your child to ge» •long with others end malts new frtencU.


Jay-C-C (Continued from Pago 1) taken on a waiting basis only. "Seventeen years of camping expcrience have taught us many t hollies," Mr. Gross said, "till of which resulted in our having a camp of winch we are all proud. It is important that registrations he completed before \\i« end ol June to enable us to do the beat planning possible for the 1955 Camp season." llcgbiter Now The staff has been assembled, and will be announced In the next Press Issue. All members of the staff were chosen because of their special interest and experience, and ability in participating In a camping program, Sherman Poska, Camp Director said. Registrations may be made with tho Camp Registrar, Miss Besse Iilank, at the Jewish Community Center, and should be completed at once. Individual conferences with parents are now being arranged to enable the Camp tn b* of maximum b e n e f i t to all campers.

•Joiwl «taff directs <he children at p]*y.


DAY CAMP PEONY PARK June 27-July 22 For Information, Coll JA 1366

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