VOI. AAAIH—»«p. 37. JIIIC umuuL HeblMUL
Federation Group Approves Repairs At the June mectini: ot the Ex CCUtlvc Committee of the Fcdera tlon for Jewish Service, S. Elmer ' Gross, chairman of the building and maintenance committee, re ported on the surfacing of tin Parking area on the cast side o the Community Center building • A g'irfaco of asphalt will pcrrni tte Use of the area for parking •nd port of it for recreation pur posci. Upon completion of surfacing; the parking spaces will bo marked with white lines. TTio committee approved a resolution creating a Herman Aucr1 bach Memorial Fund to receive funds and items of historical value t o be added to tlie memorial cxJilbit now port of the Joslyn's permanent collection. The committee ct Mrs. Meyer Beber, Mrs. J. H Kulakohky and Rabbi Myor S Krlpke will continue to function to •elect objects for the memorial fund. Arthur A. Colin, chairman o( the committee for tho Dr. Plilllp Shcr Jewish Home,for tlie Aged, announced that the home has 45 residents and five vacant beds. Mr. Conn ami Mr. Gross reported on the condition of the home. At their rccommcndntlon, the sum of $1,600 was nllotted for painting »nd cement work needed to keep the bu!l.:lnfs In irpalr. The committee agreed to coIponsor the World Affairs Institute to be heir) at the University of Omaha some time in October. Jack W. Marcr, Federation president, presided. Members attend ing wore: David I-.'. Heber, Mrs. David Bnxikey, Mrs. Edward K. Brodkey, Arthur A. Cohn, Leo ELsonstntt, Leo Fox, Mrs. Mike Freeman, Dr. Abe Greenbcrg, S. Elmer Gross, Ben K. Kaslow, Louis Katz, Robert H. Koopcr, J. Harry Kulnkofsky, Mrs. J. Harry Kula kofsky, Ernest A. Nogg, F. Ralph Nogg, Sam S. Steinberg and Paul Verot.
College Grads June ' Lawrence P. Pollack, B, C— •Unlvenlty dntfebnuka, College of Agriculture • . Donald R- Sllvcrman, B. A.— University of Nebraska, College of Arts and Sciences. D a n n y L. Fogel, Gerald C. Krantz, Jerry S. Kniplnsky, Leonard Singer, Marvin .L. Steinberg and Howard D. Vnnn, B. S.—Unlvcraity of Nebraska, College of Business Administration. Fred Kohm, B. S.—University of - Omaha, College of Business Adsiilnlstrullon. Sol Louis Welnberg (with distinction In Economics) B. A. — University of Omaha, College of Arts ami Sciences. Marshall Norman Forbes and Manny Goldberg, B. S.—Creighton University, College of Pharmacy. Arthur E. Lefltz, B. A.—Crcighton University, School of Law. Sidney Lee Rubin nnd Paul Wesley Saltzman, M. p.—University 01 Nebraska, College of Medicine, Honors: The late Dr. Adolph Sachs — Alumni Achievement Citation — Crclghton University. Medical Kculdrncyi Abraham Edward Alpert, M. D. —In radiology, University of Nebraska, College of Medicine. DEFKN.SK: TKKATV AHKKD
Wnahlngton (WNS)—The Zionist Organlazllon of American concluded its fifty-eighth annual convention with the adoption of a resolution colling on the Government of the United States to exercise its Influence toward effectIng direct negotiations between Israel nnd the Arab states and to enter Into a defense treaty with Israel as a nienns of strengthening Middle Eastern stability.
Omahans In the News
Central H
'0 uioDun
vray Jmday, ]04 ti, jtoth. Nebrftsfca. n u n t JA u u
Uunau Kau t 81IIEU Oopf U
Tells ionist Rift
Seven j/romiiK'iil members of our Membership in the Natlona Jewish community were named to Honor Society was awarded to the committees by Mayor John Kos following eraduatltiG tenters at enblatt whose job it is to chart Central High School: Eugene Du tlie growth of Omaha. lioff, Bernard Feldman, Marvin Mt'inben* of the Mayor's CityNew York (WNS)—Louis Lipsky, in a statement explainwide Planning Committee include Fercnstcin, R o b e r t Goldstein why lie und a number of other prominent Zionist* were David Mucker, Federation board Karen Kricsfeld, Gerald Marer, member; Kabul Sidney II. Iiroolcs Deanne Markovitz, Jack Oruch, ining the current convention of the Zionist Organization of of Temple Israel; Samuel W. Sara Pepper, Sheldon Hips, Mi- America, declared tlie move became imperative when the ZOA! Grcenberi;, Morris E. Jacobs, Fedadministration rejected a series of proposal wliosc objective it eration past president, and Jack chael Solzman, Robert Wintroub, W. Marcr, Federation president. Jerry Zlesman and Eugene Zwel- was to restore unity in the ZOA. Named to the advisory conunit- back. Mr.the Lipsky he had long felt that ZOA said was "losing It* sensa toe were Richard II. Hillcr" nnd Members of the class who reof direction, that it was being con. Kphraim L. Marks. fused as to its functions, that It ceived scholarship Include: Bernwas pursuing a purposeless existLou Sombcrg, member of the ard Feldman, Columbia Univerence; that it was avoiding through Federation Executive committee, sity; Stan Fellman, Mldand Col Marvin Parilman, who received fear the courageous tackling of a was elected vice-president of the lego and Ripon College; J a c k problem which was being created Board of Regents of the Unlvcr Oruch, University of Denver; Sara a Bachelor of Arts degree at Ye- for the Zionist movement as a shiva University Tuesday, will resity of Omaha. Mr. Somberc has whole by historic circumstances turn to his birthplace to teach at Pepper, Northwestern University; been a member of the board for M o r r i s Schrago, University of Beth El Talmud Torah. He to over which it had no control" and three years, that "it was taking up fragments Omaha Regents a n d Creighton the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving of projects, trying to give them t, Milton Livingston, president of University; R o b e r t Wintroub, Parilman. uniqueness they did not possess, Announcement of Mr. ParilMajor Appliance Company, is one of the appointees named by Gov- Ripon College; and Kugene Zwei man's appointment was made by and was being lost in a maze of ernor Anderson to the newly cre- back, Cornell University and Uni- Sidney Hollls, chairman of the activities which did not add Up to Beth El school board, and Dr. Jo- a program, but helped to maintain ated Omnha Parking Authority. versity of Nebraska, alternate. seph Soshnik, chairman of the the facelessness of what was once Mr. Livingston is president of Chila creative Zionist organization." staff committee. drens Hospital and Temple Israel. Pointing out that in December He Is a past president of the FedRabbi Myer S, Kripke, spiritual eration for Jewish Service. leader of Beth El, said: "It,1s of 1&54 Dr. Nahum Goldmann, as leader of world Zionism, "after noteworthy that a native Omahan Is returning to his own city to many preliminary meetings sucserve after studying at a worthy ceeded in in bringing together Jewish institution. This points up leaders of the ZOA administration NKW YORK MAVOK the need to send out other prom- and leaders of the liberal Zionist Day Camp registration for the Tel Aviv (JTA)—New York's ising boys and girls In the field of groups to discuss the problems first period from June 27 to July Mayor Robert F. Wagner became Jewish education with the expec- with a view to the restoration, ot 8 has been closed. There are still the first recipient of an honorary tation that we will benefit direct- unity within ZOA ranks and at a few openings for the second pe- degree from Bar-Ilan University, ly by finding personnel for our preliminary to tho consideration ot riod from July 11 to July 22. The the American-sponsored Mlzrachi schools. We are very happy to a radically revised program, funcfee for the second period of two university which will open its doors welcome Mr. Parilman as a mem- tions and procedures." TUal as a weeks Is twenty-five dollars nnd to Its first (students this Fall. In consequence there Was meeting beincludes swimming, transportation, Jerusalem, later, he visited tlie He- ber of our staff." tween the liberal group and a sub^ crafts, lunch, snack, trip;], cook- brew University where president committee appointed by the ZOA outs, and insurance. Benjamin Mazar presented him executive committee. L i p sky's statement points out that the libDay Camp opens tills Monday with n copy of the famed Dead Sea at Peony Park. Campers will be Scrolls, which include the Book eral group submitted a number of of Isriah. picked up at four points; the Cenproposals which "raised a , possiter, Beth El, Beth Israel and TemTel Aviv (JTA)—Two hand gre- bility of some agreement, but as ple Israel at 9 a. m. and returned LONDON CONCLAVE nades were thrown through the the discussion continued o v e r to the game points at 4:30 p. m. London (WNS)—A wide pro- windows of a house near the Jor- many hours it became evident that Parents of children who arc reg- gram designed to bolster Jewish dan border Monday, but mirac- the ZOA leadership -was disinclined' istered for the first two weeks ore religious, cultural and education- ulously injured no one, it was an- to raise the Issues Involved at the urged to have their children at the al life In West European countries, nounced here.. Tlie grenades ex(Continued on Page 2.) proper pick up points before the to check the growing Incidence of ploded In a room in which three bin Is scheduled to arrive. Coun- inter-marriage and conversions adults and two small girls were selors will be aislgned to each and to increase vigilance against sleeping in a house at Neve Yapoint to assist the campers on and the revival of overt anti-Semitism, mln, near Kfar Saba. off the busses and to make the was adopted here at the concludAn army spokesman also rebus trip more pleasant with sing- ing session of the five-day Coning and games. sultative Conference of Jewish Or- vealed that all telephone lines and the water pipeline to Kissuflm, an Asbtiry Park, N. J. (JTA)—The' Each child should bring with ;nnizatlons. ' Israel settlement near the Gnza ordination of women as rabbis, a him every day, including tlie first strip border, were severed by ln- departure from Jewish tradition, day, a bathing suit and a towel, .SOUTH AFKIC'A iltrators from Egyptian territory. was propose 1 hxrfe by Dr. Bwmett plainly marked with the camper's Capetown (WNS)—Daniel F. Kissufim is located some two R. Brickncr, of Cleveland, in his name. If the weather permits Mnlan, former Premier, told a miles from the frontier. presidential address, which opened campers will swim every day. Jewish delegation he received at MaJ. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, United the 66th annual convention of the Parents having any questions his home in adjacent Stellcnbosch Nations truce cWcf, Monday Central Conference ot American concerning day camp are urged to that "there is no such thing as a ilamed large concentrations of Rabbis. coll • Oie Day Camp Director at Jewish question in South Africa." Arab refugees in the Gaza strip Adoption of the recommendaThe delegation eamo t& present for the current tension along the tion, which surprised most of the JA 13G5. Malan with a certificate of his Israel-Egyptian border. He de- 400 rabbis attending the four-day Inscription in the Jewish Nation- plored broadcasts nnd newspaper gathering, would constitute a comll Fund's Golden Book. articles on either side which in- plete innovation In Jewish pracSunday Radio Dr. Mnlan said Jews had made cited toward violence or favored tice, even for Reform or Liberal New series presented by Jew- "remarkable contributions" to the solution of the present situation Judaism which the conference ish War Veterans will be welfare of the country and have through force. He said that he represents. Rabbi Brickncr assert- ' broadcast over KBON from C been "a powerful influence" for hougbt that the friction was ed, however, that nothing In Re'mutual respect nnd goodwill fun- caused chiefly by marauding from form prohibits the acceptance of to 6:30 p. m. (See story.) damental to the national unity" Arab territory and maneuvers by his plan. Itabbl Roland B. Gittclsohn of South Africa. Israel forces close to the borders. The rabbi did not ask immediate action on his plan. He asked of Temple Israel, Boston, Mass., that a committee be appointed {o will discuss "Finding God in UJA Support Pledged report at the next convention. But an Iron Lung," on the Message he did not disguise his general apNew York (JTA) — Increased of Israel program over KOIL proval of the Iden, asserting that • upport for the United Jewish Apfrom 9:30 to 10 a. m. This will women "have a. special spiritual bo the last Message of Israel peal was pledged here Sunday at Tlie June edition of Architec- fitness to be rabbis, and I believe program to be heard over KOI I. the annual meeting of the UJA as the station will no longer Council of Jewish Organizations, tural Record in its religious build- that many women would be at« attended by more than 2,000 dele- Ings section carries n item about traded to this calling." carry ABC programs.
Native Omahan To Teach at B. E.
Center Day Camp Opens Monday
Global Report
Frontier Flareups On Israel Borders
Reform Proposes Women as Rabbis
Architectural Lauds Beth Israel
"Operation Hebrew" the story of Hebrew language integration in Israel will bo hcurd over ICFAI) from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. This program in the E'crnfll Light series which comes from the Columbia Broadcasting System will be the first program of the series to be carried over KFAB. All future Eternal Light programs will Dc hc^rd over KFAB, which Is now affiliated with Columbia.
gates. William I t o s o n W n l d , general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, who was the principal speaker at the gathering, called for *'un« remitting effort behind tho 1955 UJA campaign" In order to help the people of Israel, and save Jewish lives In other countries. Ho hniled the opening of tho new Yarkln-Ncgov pipellno In Israel as "a great engineering miracle" that will mako productive 70,000 wore acres of land in Israel and enable that many more families to settle there.
Beth Israel Synagogue. In the article the synagogue design Is described as part of o "great effort, uniquely American In form »nd Bplrit, to establish a conscious and creative synagoguo for our country." In 1953 tho synagogue was nwarded tho medal of the Kansas City Chapter of AIA. Isadora Goldstein, who headed the building committee, commented "it Is a credit to the Omaha Jewish community that the money raised came not only from Beth Israel members but from many
In advancing his yropos&l, Uab« bl Brickncr cited similar move* by "many Protestant denotnina* tlons." He said "the Harvard Unt« versity Theological School wtt\ now ordain wojncn, and the Gen* oral Assembly of tho Presbyterian Church just recently broke a 16T« year-old trauitlon by voting t* ordain women as ministers." Another reason for the novel idea which the speaker mentioned] was tho current scarcity of rabbte, as reported by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. lndU
Friday, June !4, 195J.
Monsky Lodge To Insfcdl Officers
Religious News
Utt M c n t t o s to* *«wfeh Serrfc* t at Jt&ixl> 6, urt»>
7:41 p. in., C'aiicllill|;lilliij;
Beth El
Record university, When he entered the Yeshlva in 1912 the etriiio was still such a freih subject of discussion that it seemed the daring was but of yesterday. The story as I heard it was that the students demanded a more dignified approach to the maintenance problem. What the student maintenance fee was at the time of the strike can be gleaned from tho fact that my weekly stipend from the Yeshlva in 1912 was all of fifty cents delivered each Friday afternoon in a fifty-penny wrapper. The more advanced student.-!, many of whom are now holding highest positions In the rabbinate ond Institutions of learning, received all of three dollar's a week. This chapter lithe colorful life of New York's Jews merits preservation end gathering into history since the unique urea known as the Kast Side Is rapidly yielding to alien change and the tellers of the story are of the dwindling tribe.
Bj K U k u Clprta AT ITS LOWKST Wettbrook Pegler'B propensity to qu-rtel wMb the dead Is an old •IhMBt with the star of the Hearst Ktss*> He ha* defamed countless #ead In the p u t and now he has turned his strange avarice on Ein- ctttn. Row long will It take before 1M turn* on Mow* am) on Jesus Mid an the Ken and visionaries of all faith* whole paths did not follow did carvinjiT The Ptglcrs of the world are never possessed of humility. What they do not underttaad they would destroy. Peeler can't comprehend Einstein's greatness either as a scientist or humanitarian. Bat the impudence in Fetter does not permit him to admit to incomprehension, and so bit black pen hat sullied the zreatcst man of the age, and of all agea perhaps, as a crackpot who. deceived the world with an obscure Jargon. Pegler can't bear the idea of the world having These -recollections came back heaped adulation* on Klnttfln in to me as I belatedly came across life and In death, an obsession an address delivered by Dr. Neuwhich propels him to boasting mann at the Founder's Day exerthat tie realized he waj inviting cises at Dropsle College, and Dr. contempt by .daring' to Question Neumann, I hope, will correct me whether the world really and sinIf I am in errbr. However, It was cerely mourned the passing'1 of not alone that moment of recollecEinstein. Frightened a t this point tion that troubled me. Going back fey the enormity of his Impudence, to my Yeshiva student days nnd Pejler goes for hechsher and for- pondering the policy of bigness tification to Ben Stolbcrg's esti- which has since been characterizMate of ungrateful immlerant. But ing our educational institutions, I calling Einstein an ungrateful im- could not but read with added mignnt and the author of an ob- mpanlngfullnera Dr. Ncuman's obscure Jargon is not enough for this servatlon that "in this era of mass defller of pen. He hinted at some- psychology It Is perhaps salutary thing more sinister and more con- to sing the praises ond to chant temptible when weeping crocodile- the virtues of Emallnms, especiallike over Kzrn Pound, the Ameri- ly in the domain of learning and can poet and anti-Semite who es- scholarship, where the goals to be caped treason's penalty only bc- sought are individuality of personeauso he w u declared legally In* ality and originality of thought sane while possessed of .sufficient arid research." Unity to go on with creative Work. It seems to us thnt one who Jrctends anguish over a traitor's languishing in forced asylum is lacking in the mea-iuremenU by which to Judge greatness or even Jargon.
Personalities In The News
Prghtr'* memory will be forgotten even tefore the ink dries on VALK LAW DEAN the sheets using his dung. Einstein New Haven (WNSi—Eugene V. and his jargon will remain for tl).' Rostpw, Professor of Law, was ages. named this week as Dean of the TIPNUNG BACK Yale Law .School, it was announced Or- Abraham A. Neuman. presl- here by Yale University president lent o* Dropsle College In Phila- A. Whitney Grkwold. The new HRdelphia, was—I believe—a member pointce succeeds the late Profes-/the Isaac Elchanan Yeshivn stu- sor Hi"*rry Shulman, who tiled suddent group which made history denly March 20. done h> five decades ago with a Professor Itostow nt forty-four itrike against the Institution, fore- is believed to be one of the youngrunner of what Is now Yeshiv.i est law school deans in the coun-
Zionist Rift (Continued from Page 1) convention In Washington." A second meeting on the proposals took place June 14, two days before the opening of the ZOA convention, "At this second and last met ting," the IJpsky statement asserts, "the ZOA representatives rejected the three • points that were made" and that "after all the assurance* that were given that some feasible way would be found to restore unity in the ZOA, and to help rake the prestige of the ZOA, In the last analysis the ZOA administration Was unwilling to go further in the direction of revision which had been indicated over a period of •bout a year." The proposed three-point program called for a high level commission, to bo named by the convention, to make a study of the ZOA problems in all their facets, suspension by the ZOA during the period of th« study of all Its special propaganda in connection with the General Zionist Party in Israel
and the election of Mortimer May to tb* presidency, with the liberal group having the privilege of non»in&tlnjg the chairman of the executive committee, and to name one that would be acceptable to the present ZiOA d i A t t a i
try. lk»rn in Brooklyn, N. Y., Professor Itatow studied law at Yule where he was graduated magna cum laude In 1937. He was cditor-ln-chlcf of the Yale Law Journal one of the leading publications In the field of jurisprudence. Within a year after graduation, he was appointed assistant professor of lav.1 at Yale Law School, with a full professorship in 1911. D C SALK HONORED New York (JTA>—Dr. Jonas E. Salk, discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine, was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the City College of New York at. Its 100th commencement exercises. In addition to the honorary degree, the ninth such award made by the college in this century, CCNY also presented Dr. Salk with a medal struck especially for him. The medal was presented by Dr. Euel G. Gallagher, president of CCNY, of which Dr. Salk is an alumnus.
Sabbath evening services will be held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin nt8:30. The Mincha Service will begin at 7:45 p. i. Daily services during the week are -Kid at 7 a. in. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service is held at 9 a. m. Krjinour Goldston
smple Israel
Goldston Feels Opening Magic
S.ibbdth services will be held at to p. m., in the chapeJ of Temile Israel. Seymour Kaplan, rei gional Anti-Defamation League di) rector, in the absence of Rabbi The magic of opening night and Brooks will conduct the service. playing in a brand new house has excited the imagination of Seymour Goldston who will portray Traditional Friday evening servthe role of Larry, the Btage manager, in the Omaha Community ices (Kabollas Shabbos) begin at 6:30 p. m. Sabbath morning servPlayhouse production of "Country ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Girl," which opens this evening in Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi the Music Hall of the new City Groncr-will conduct the Talmud Auditorium. Mr. Goldston has one Class at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Minclia at 7:45 p. m., followed by of the two parts cast locally.
Beth Israel
Sholosh S'cudou and Maariv. Daily morning services begin at 7 a. m. Afternoon services at 7:55 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m., followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Children accompanying their parents are invited to join the regular Sunday morning minyan beginning at 8:45 n. m. The Talmud discussion group meets every Tuesday evening nt A veteran of World War II, he 8:15 p. m. at the 19th and L'urt h e l p e d open the first Armed Street Synagogue. Known to playhouse goers as Ken Seymour, he has taken leadIng roles in many playhouse productions. His sparetime is devoted to his activities at the playhouse and at Beth El where he sings In the choir and helps produce skits and playlets. Mr. Goldston worked at a local radio station during 1916-47 doing dramatic bits and announcing.
Forces radio station in Tokyo. His dramatic training Includes participating in community playhouses in Philadelphia, Trenton ond Norristown. Pa. A native of Trenton, N. J., Mr. Goldston has settled his roots here in Omaha where he lives with his wife, the former Ethel Kadis, and their two children Marc and Sheila. He is in charge of advertising and sales promotion at the Micklln Home Improvement Company. How docs it feel to work with two famous stars such as Henry Konda and Dorothy McGtilre? Mr. Goldston says that it Is quite .in experience. You can Jearn a lot from working with them, he said, for not only do they play their own parts but react to your lines which is a considerable help. In closing the discussion, Mr. Goldston said that perhaps there Is some misunderstanding about attire for opening night. Formal dress is preferred in the downstairs sections only on opening night.
ADL Director Sey.nour H. Kaplan, director of the ADL regional office located in Omaha, has been invited to Join the faculty of the First Iowa United Christian Y o u t h Movement Tramlrig Conference, to be held on the campus of Grandview College in Des Molnes. During the weeklong conference, Kaplan will teach courses in human relations as well as In traditions of the Jewish religion. Kor the fourth consecutive summer, he has been invited to give a three-day lecture course in human relations teaching a i d s to the teachers attending the A n n u a l Teachers Human Relations Workshop sponsored by the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.
Women Rabbis
(Continued from Page J) eating1 that in the last decado new Reform temples are being created Workmen's Loon at the rate of 30 a year. ImmediTo Elect Officers ate endorsement of Rabbi BrtekThe Omaha Workmen's Loan ncr'sj Idea came from the presiAssociation will hold its annual dent of the Union, parent body of meeting at 8 p. m., Monday, June American Reform temples. Rabbi 27, in the Jewish Community Cen- Maurice N. Elsendrath. "Even our ter. After election of officers and sages would sanction It if they directors for the ensuing year, a were alive in this age of complete social will be held and refresh- equality of women,** Dr. Etseodrath said. ments will be served.
With the Folks At Home By David Orliow Jun< 19: Day brought much gaycty,Father's gifts, telegrams and many visitors to our fathers and grandfathers at Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. Juno 20th: A special Kiddush was given by Mr. nnd Mrs. L K. Schwartzman of Lincoln, Nebr., In honor of the wedding of their son,Martin. Tile Messrs. Schwartzman were both honored nt the morning service nt the Homo Synagogue. Ilermnn Nichols, one of our residents is grandfather of the groom. Juno 20: Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 of B'nal B'rith entertained our folks with an afternoon party in the olr-conditioned auditorium and dining m m . Mrs. Dave Rosenbaum was MC of the program which included: songs by Mrs. Dan Cohen accompanied at the piano by Mrs. A. C. Fellman, and readings from Sholem Alelchem by Mrs. Dave Rosenbaum. Mesdames Abe Kaplan, Jake Kaplan and Seymour Kaplan, all members of the auxiliary helped served the refreshments. Juno 21: David Orkow, Home Superintendent, attended the second Annual Conference On Arrln and Planned Maturity at the Unl versity of Omaha. Juno 23: Mr. and Mrs, Samuel GUman, our new residents, were mnde welcome. July S: Pre-Independence Day Party will bo sponsored by the Workmen's Circle Auxiliary at 2 p. m. July 41 Imlopcndcnce Day Celebration with fireworks visible from the e.ist terrace.
The newly elected officers of IJ'iml B'rith Henry .Muiisliy Ixxlf;e No. 351 will be formally installed at nn installation dinner-dnnce io be hold in the grand ballroom of the Ijlackbtone Hotel at 7:30 p. m., tomorrow, June 25. Dinner will be served nt 8 p. m., followed by dancing to (he music of Hank Winder and Ills orchestra. Chairman Sam Pollak, announced that invitations have been mailed and guests ond friends of B'nal B'rith members are welcome. .Reservations are four dollars per person and may be made by calling Sam Pollak, HA 1950, orMose* Kagan, AT 3210. Checks shoud be mailed to Moses Kagan in c a n of Morris Apartments. Reservations will close today. . The following officers will be installed: Harry Welnberg, president; Sam IL Pollak, first vie*president; Ruben Lippett, second vice-president; Louis Canar, third vice-president; Lewis Asbyil, treasurer; Sam Epstein, recording secretary; Moses F. Kagan, financial secretary; David Hahn, warden} Elias I. Widman, guardian; David E. Grccnbcrg, chaplain; F. Ralph Nogg, Kdward A. Rosen, Harry Collck, Marvin TrcUcr, trustee*; and Dr. Abe Grccnbcrg, honorary chairman. .:
Orthodox Group Opens Bond Drive New York (WNS)—A special campaign to raise $1,000,000 in State of Israel bonds so as "to defend Israels economic frontier! against Arab boycotts and blockades" was launched here this week at a dinner attended by more than one hundred prominent business and religious spokesmen of New York's Orthodox Jewry. Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, new vice president and executive head of the Israel Bond Organization, toW the gathering that Israel facca Arab thrents of annihilating the young nation, and that "Americans must recognize Hie urgency ot providing the fullest moral and material support in order tliat Israel may continue in ii_s peaceful aim of solidifying her economic foundations." Rabbi Mordccal Kirshblum. president of the Mizrachl Organize* tion of Ani(-ric.'i, declared that "one nerd nrtt be o Zionist to participate in an active and material way to nlil the new Jewish state," adding that "every religious Jew has u .stoke in the everlasting freedom of Israel and must, therefore, do his utmost to assure the comIni; of the day of Israel's total Independence, economic ns well as political. He snld it was "especially incumbent on pious Jews "to supiwrt Israel through the purchase of bonds because "the upbuilding of Israel Is an net of fnlth in Israel nnd Is spiritually and religiously motivated."
Israel's Security Foremost Problem Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel's *ecurity Is still the nation's foremost problem, David Ben Gurion said here addressing a Mapat-sponsored meeting of attorneys and other professionals. It was dangerous to think that war cannot break out, the Israel Defense Minister ctatcd. Ben Gurion called for settlement of the NCRCV nnd for the in-
tegration of the Israeli people which was characterized as being split Into various tribes and landsmanshaftcn. He also stressed that he favored a better election system to ensure a democratic, stable government for Israel. Emphasizing that the Israel Defense Army Is greatly improved, Mrs. Jacob Shapiro highly trained nnd well equipped, Services were held Monday, Juno he nevertheless went on to »ay 20. for Mrs. Jacob Shapiro with that It was not only the army Interment at B e t h Homcdrosh which would decide Israel's stand, Hagodel Cemetery. Mrs. Shapiro, but rather the nation's total 80, an Omaha resident for 44 strength, its moral and economic years, dietl Sunday, June 19, at her position. home. Survivors include her husband, An American dies of cancer Jacob: three sons, Ben and Max every two minutes. Reduce this of Omaha and Harold of Los An- toll by joining the American geles, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Her- Cancer Society Crusade to control man WasTier of Msdlson, Wis.
rridajnVOK U, IBM.
n n IBWISB rum
Milder-Vann Wedding Sal
Former Omahan I Omaha Sketches To Wed in Sept.
Council Women Hail
BeHi Israel Picnic At Efmwood Sun,'
New York (WNSJ—A statement hailing the United Nations Matlec Katlcmnn, daughter i Dr. am' Mrs. Irwln Osheroff, ol as the symbol of mankind's hope The Annual Beth Israel Sundajj Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katlemar. Miss J u d i t h iisther Wild, left Tuesday for New York Citj Chicago and formerly of Omah for peace and survival in the yea: school and Talmud Torah picnlfl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howan enroute to Israel. Miss Katlema announce the engagement of theii ahead was issued here by the NaMilder, and Howard Deo Van will 8i>ond seven weeks in Jsra daughter ixris to Stanley L. Lc tional Council of Jewish Women will be held this Sunday morning^ son of Mr, and Mrs. Ileuben Vnnn under the auspices of the Jewisl vine, son of the late Mr. and Mrs in celebration of the tenth anni June 26, at 10:30 a. m., in Elm* Sumucl Levine of New York City, versary of the international organ wood Park. Norman Hosenzwelg, were married Saturday evening al Agency Summer Institute for 8:30 p. m. In Temple Israel. Miss Oshtroff attended the Unl ization. chairman of the Picnic Committee* study tour. The statement said the Nationa Rabbi Sidney Brooks and Kobb She was accompanied by he verslty of Missouri ajid will bi Council of Jewish Women "be- announced that prizes will be dl*# Myer S, Kripke officiated at the mother to New York City who will graduated from the Parsons Schoo lieves that this significant anni- tribuled to all the children. Them double ring ceremony, beneath also visit in Washington, D. C. of Design In New York this month. versary which we commemorate will be games, races and contest* c a n o p y decorated with whit Miss Katleman will fly to Paris Mr. Levine was graduated from this year marks the establislirnent with prizes for the winners of eacH chrysanthemums and greenn. June 30 and then board the S. S Brooklyn College and from the of a firm foundation of United event Pop and popslcles will ba of Southern California The bride's g o w n of Ivorj Artsa, an Israeli chip, at Mar- University Nations experience in the solutloi distributed to all the plcnicerfc An early September wedding 1: of seilles and will arrive In Israduchess satin was styled with world problems and the under- The picnic is sponsored by tho planned. July 12. sheer nylon net yoke and a neai standirs and faith of the world's Beth Israel Sisterhood. Upon her return in September, Off-shoulder bertha of importec people. We of the National Counpolnte de Venice lace which ex she will attend the State Univer- Mrs. Blumkin Donates cil of Jewish Women are proud In case of bad weather, an UI< tended into a deep "V" In th< sity of Iowa in Iowa City. Miss to Join in pledging our support and door picnic party and film festival Katleman was president of TiltMink Stole Door Prize back, long tight sleeves, and the strength of our membership has been arranged in the soda! vas Ami club in the Jewish Youtl dose fitting bodice. Slio earrie building the United Nations In hall of the synagogue. Mrs. L Blumkin, owner of Ne- in two -vhlte orchids and ttephanotls, Council. She la a June graduate braska the years to come. We firmly beFurniture Mart, donate Patronize Our Advertisers ' The same gown was worn b of Central High School. lieve that this next decade will the mink stole she had won to th« make Mrs. Owen Meycrson, sister of thi the United Nations the great Nebraska Lodge of B'nai B'rlth. Mrs. Raymond A. Brown an Mrs. Blumkin was the winner of force for world peace that Is so bridegroom, at her wedding. Miss Helen Sue Vann, slater of daughter Susan will leave thi: the mli;k stole door prize at the ardently desired by all." weekend to Join hor husband Priv lodge's fund raising affair held rethe bridegroom, was maid of hon or. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Lee ate Raymond Brown who is sta- cently. Mizrachi Women Kamlser, Mrs. Owen Meyerson, tioned in the Philippine Islands. The officers of the lodge, th. RUG & UPHOLSTERY listers of the groom, and Miss Bar- Mr. nnd Mrs. Morton Ehrenrelci und raising committee and the en- Tlie Omaha Chapter of MizCLEANERS bara Roffman. Miss Judy Bolkei will accompany their daughter am lire membership wish to thank rachl Women will hold its donor granddaughter to the west coast. •UO5 — C A t m i H S was flower girl. Mrs." Blumkin for her generosity. dessert luncheon at 1 p. m., ThursLAMT £HABO Jay Joel Milder, brother of thi A. lodge spokesman stated tha day, June 30 at the home of Mrs. bride, was best man. Ushers wen. Three Omahans have been elect this was not the first time Mrs. frank Sekar, 2815 Charles at FUIMITUU Leo ' Kamlsar, Owen Mcyerson, ed officers In Pi Lambda Phi Frn Blumkin had done this for on pre- Mrs. George Kaplan and Mrs. C l m t d hi Tflt Larry Albert, and Doran Jacob:!, ternlty at the University of Okla vious occasions the had returned Frank Sekar are hostesses of the homa. They are Avnim Green riies or cash equivalent so that fund raising; luncheon. AH memthe latter of Dcadwood, S, V. berg, son of Dr. nnd Mrs. May- it could be used again. H*. K M bers and friends are Invited to at- DON KRNSTflM For her daughter's wedding Mrs. nard named vlce-presi tend the affair. I Milder chose a Dior blue silk Us dent; Greenbcri» Bernie Newberrf, Bon of Mr. sue crepe sheath gown combined Mrs. Jack M. Ncwberg chosen Tarn Tain Crackers with * deep yoke of French lace and assistant nnd Fred Se- Tarn Tnrn Crackers make an and back drape. Mrs, Vann wore pal, son oftreasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard deal "ivaker-upper" for lazy Kiinjbelgn alencon laco gown with a Segal elected to executive council. ner appetites at breakfast,, at round cup decollctagc neck, sheath lunch or dinner and any time* Inskirt, and matching taffeta back between. Served with juices, with pouf bow. Both wore orchid cor- Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Knhn an milk or any other beverage, Tana nounce the birth of a daughter sages. Crackers add their own unOut-of-town guests were: Mrs. Pamela Jean, June 10 in a local Tain isual taste to snack-time treats. Helen Bolker, Los An/;eles, grand- hospital. They have one other 3no suggestion, in particular that mother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. auj;hter Linda Helen. Maternal das delightful eye-appeal ns well Joseph Bolker, Los Angeles; Dr. randparcnts are Mr. and Mrs ns taste appeal brings Tain Ti>m and Mrs. Norman Bolker, Biloxl, "-Tallinn Shcrsky of Louisville, Ky., Crackers to the table topped with Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taper ind paternal grandparents are puffs of sour cream and floating and family, Beverly Hills; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kahn of n a bowl of cool, refreshing ManSidney Aekerman, Fargo, N. P.; Omaha. schewltz Borscht. Marshall Kushncr, Sherman NefA daughter Barbara Ann was sky, and Mrs. Sophie Monsky, jorn to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B com; Mr. and Mrs. Robert berg, Fremont; Leonard c , une 8 at a local hospital. The tarty, picnic, « . m New York Cily; Mrs. Paul Black, ouple also has a con Michael snack or luncbeon— Dallas; and Nell Miller, Kansas Kric. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Berg of maha are paternal grandparents Once you start City, Mo. Mrs. Anna Kclberg of Los AnAfter the ceremony, a buffet ind you can't stop supper was served followed by gles Is maternal grandmother. mtmchia* dancing in the social hall of the Mm. Jules Wail of Studio City. Temple. 'allf., will return home this weekThe couple left on a wedding nil after visiting here with her trip to Los Vegas nnd Like Tahoe. isler, Abe Bear and brother For traveling the bride chose an iliiuriceMrs. She is the foraqua linen sheath by Anne Fog- ner MissKntelman. Marion Kafelman. • arty, an embroidered mntclunn hat C R A C K E R S and black patent accessories. Jack Kntz, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. "rank Katz, was recently named ilm director at KMTV.
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l i n e JEWISH
Y.C. Softball League
15. The j,rws Move Westward Tmt by DANIEL ELAZAR
IHmlrotloro by MAURICE del BOURGO
By Jim KarbaUch - The ' outh Council Softbui: league . .'ntinued last Sunday af tjtr a 'eek lay oft because of the AZA convention In Des Moines, Iu '. AZA 1 outlasted Rayim B in a Wild ball game totaling 13 errors And Strangely enough the victors committed nine of them. The •core wai 17-16 with Rayim 13 gathering 11 hlti, but they were out Mt by AZA 1 who had 17 base hit*. FROM nio OH. tta ctmrRfynauB GKATX -AMP IT U1A-G TWe CARLY JKHH*M f*AIL» . Jerry Sherman, pitcher for HAO B*GUV TO MOWS UretrThMKa ~ AMD tlftor/mtie rwr/tcu nx/ft TKAWHG Acrvsry tUAxcas, *v nor. tmo io»ofM> M4/w0i w e <swev BAM A*U> Demon AREAS Rayim B, and Jack Baker both e&emm umsrtftM « ? « s m n i v « MHO SH1PAHB EtVVOS* *MO FOUHDG& 7H£ft* A H S A/ S t S M A a T7&UW. homered with one on. Stan WldMOiyrXtoMITftY, ALABAMA' • m»n m the winning pitcher. He came oa in the third Inning after Kvcry scvei\ minute* as\ AKWTW Ray Kirke lo»t his control and Surplus Pact Signed ; can is saved from dying of cancer. walked ten men. With early diagnosis, twice u Washington (JTA) — I s r a e l In the AZA 100-Raylm A game, The liar Mitzvah of Allan Kosigned an agreement with the many could be saved. Join the after five innings Rayim A. was necky, son of Mrs. Kose Konecky, on top 15-4 and according to the will be celebrated next Saturday United States Government to pur-American Caneer Society Crusafle to control cancer. ten run, five inning rule the game morning, July 2, at Beth Israel chase $3,000,000 in U.S. surplus ended. The winning battery was Synagogue, 52nd and Charles agricultural commodities under Art Novak and Jamie Shapiro s t AU members of the family and the Agricultural Trado Developwhile -the losers stood by Stuart friends are invited to attend the FORD FOR SALE ment and Assistance Act of 1951. Kutler, and Speedy Zwciback while services, Klddush and reception 1*55 mini Falrto* *-O—t Udm. Repayment will be in Israel fully «|»lpp«4 I.0M HI Jeff S w a r t z and Kenny Freed which will follow. pounds. Tho agreement cowrs caught „ '••-." W9 U H Urt 22,000 tons of wheat, 40,000 tons Next week's schedule calls for Call HA 2099 of feed grain, and transportation games between Rayim A and AZA thereof. 1. on the Center diamond and Tho purchase will meet the Rayim B meets AZA 100 on the emergency created by drought East Diamond at 10 a. m., Sunconditions in Israel and crop failday, June 26 The Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewure. It brings to a total of $13 mil- At this point Rayim A Is on topish War Veterans, will sponsor a lion the sum of purchases In this with four wins and one loss while \:eekly 30-mlnutc radio program AZA 100 and AZA 1 are tied for dealing with personalities, organ- Diane Slnffrr . . . baseball tropliy category in the fiscal year. Ambassador Abba Kban signed on besecond with three wins and twoization* and events in Jewish life. half of Israel wjth John D. Jcrlosses. Rayim B Is still looking The program will be broadcast evnegan, Deputy Assistant Secreery Sunday at 6 p. m., starting for their first *Hn. tary of State for Near Eastern this Sunday over KBON. The show Affairs, affixing his signature for Is part of the post's public service the Stale Department Mr. Khan program and is released by the napaid tribute to the American astional Jewish' War Veterans' ofB'nal B'rith Girls walked off sistance program. fice in Washington, D. C. One week Is left for further with the top regional office and Even if you've never btlted, Post Commander Sherman Up- garnered athletic honors us well scheduling in the Youth Council new Dromedary Cake Mixn ISRAEL BA.KRRU stein and past department comSoftball League. So far, July 17 give you perfect rc»ula it at the regional VUG Convention Washington (WNS)—Arab opwill be the last game barring mander Max Kanner were instru- in Des Moines. firtt try , . . give you exclusive position was n factor in Spain's further postponements due to In- mental In making this unusual •dvontjgo no other c*lt« Miss Carole Frank, first viceclement weather. If no more games program available to our commu- president of UISG was elected decision to bar Israel from the mil, no ether mtlhoi forthcoming Mediterranean Olymare postponed, then a Youth Coun- nity. Cornbclt regional president and pic Games at Barcelona, it was _ ever hid before! cil Softball Field Day w i l l be Phyllis Freedman, HI'Cj prexy, war, disclosed here by a spokesman for scheduled. This will be a one day named rej>orter. Six of the girls the Spanish Kmbasjiy. activity where Individuals compete from the Hodl Chapter (Omaha Indicating that Spain felt the against one another in the various Iif!G) was elected to represent Arab countries would not wish to skills of softball, and it will take the Cornbclt region at the district participate in the sport event If place at Elmwood Park Sunday, Ijundon (WNSi- -Foreign Sec- convention to l>c held in Wisconsin Israel were a contestant, the July 24, at 10 a. m., on the East retary Harold MacMUlan told Par- this weekend. spokesman said that while "The and Center diamonds. The baseball team captained by Spanish Government has looked at liament last week in the course of Competition " will include bunt- a foreign policy debate that Great Miss Diane Singer captured the Israel with good eyes" the Jewish WHITt CAKE MIX • TEUOW CAM ing, base running, fielding and Britain was viewing the Israel- regional trophy. Other team mem- state has intimated •'unfrS<:n<l«- MIX • DEVIL'S fOOQ MIX • HOMVT throwing. One form of team com- Arab situation with "considerable bers are: Kobcrta Grossman, ness" by its failure to grant full •H sriCE CAM MIX petition will be used in the- infield's anxiety" because of its "special Elaine Falken, Judy Freed, Joyce diplomatic recognition to Spain. relay and the infields of the van historical interests in that part of Canar, Carole Frank, Harriet (jj) Keshit... »«f c*if M mtttf ous teams will be timed in throw- the world" and "its special obliga- Breslow, IJerdine Green and ShirPatronize Our Advertisers ing the ball from bases in three tions under the Tripartite De- ley Shiff. The tropby is on display in the Jewish Community Center. consecutive rounds. claration" of 1950. In the throwing competition, JnMaxine Zweiback and Diane Referring to the "unhealthy at divldials will be Judged In pitch mosphere" in the Gaza area where, Singer also brought back a trophy ing, outfielder's throw to home he said, "one violation breeds an- for winning the doubles championplate and In the fielding competi- other and the situation dally be- ship in the bandminton tournation. Competition will not be re- comes more dangerous," the For-ment. Members of the club were stricted to Youth Council team eign Secretary blamed both sides recipients of an nward for having members only, but more generally for breaking the armistice. Mr. the best scrap book. to all member; in the Boys Youth MacMillan c a u 11 o n cd against Council. thinking that the British Government did not take seriously its obligations under the Tripartite l)cBeth Israel Schools claration, but he rejected a proposal by Ki'iincHh Younger. MiniBY OWNER Open Registration ster, of State In the Labor Government at the time of the issuance Queen Anno b r i c k , 5323 Enrollment applications arc now being accepted for the September of the Declaration, that the dec- Wcitern av. 2'/i-»fory, full term at Beth I.sr.iel Talmud Tdrah laration lx? converted into a pact. Mr. Younger pointed out that basement, attachod garage, and Sunday School. Five gra of Instruction will make up the when the Tripartite Declaration lot 75x150 ft., I'/J batht. Sunday School program. Children was issued it was the intention of th<! Urifijli Government to give from the age of fuur will be ac- it Hi'? force of treaty but that toCall REgent 0731 ' cepted into Sunday School classes. day "one has to appreciate that Youngsters aged seven.can .b^. this is not understood and acrolled in the beginners' grade of cepted in thp Middle East" and the Talmud Torah. that "not only Is it not accepted Application blanks arc available by very many of the Israeli people, at the Talmud Torah or.synagogue hut I l)elievc alsa that it is not acoffices. Registration can also be cepted by the Arabs, which is perarranged by calling the registrar haps very much more dangerous." I have an oil and gas • t RE G28H. If it was really the intention of the British Government to con- lease in Kimball, Nebr. sider tho Declaration as the AZA No. 1 equivalent of a treaty, he argued, They are going to drill a Sixteen alcphs attended the there can be no "very great ob- well on it in 30 days. Will stacle in turning it into a treaty.' AZA summer convention held in sell p a r t interest for Des Moines, In. Mother Chapter's $1,000. newspaper, the Kibitzer, edited by Mike Meyer won the best paper •ward. The track team placed secCall GL 0864 ond with Stan Widman taking two l*hoot JA 13f.« tc inaerf Tout W&nt Jit or Write first and two second places in the a llje Jt>wi5b iTcsa. Curifnt ratf t» to cent* for rarj] insetcompetition. Stan tvho was previ- JOO. Tti« f r w i rtsrrvct tb* rtcbt u> Uan TAMBURELLO ously elected to the inter-city baseball team placed on tne regional BAK and Bos Mitzvab congratu7025 Lafayette St., all-star softball squad, Gary Gitlations also for all Jewish holipay on your ga* bHI Omaha, Nebr. nlck was elected regional seTKeantday* and special occasion* •t-arma Meyers New? Stand, 1502
Radio Programs Presented by JWV
B'Aai B'riHi Girls Win Region Prizes
Softball Schedule
British Parliament Debates Pact
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