tCmerca *J tJtcurid-Utntu oirit,*. OmU
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Bob Store deceives Amen "It is a great privilege to serve ono'a country, state and communlty," Robert H. Stor/. exclaimed as he accepted one of Omaha's most prized civic awards—the B'nal B'rith Americanism Citation from the Henry Monsky I<odi;c. Mr. Storz was presented the Award recently at a luncheon Where more than 400 of the city's business and civic leaders were on hand for the occasion. Governor Victor E. Anderson of Nebraska Was one* of the dignitaries present at the ceremony. "Anyone who does not do public service work is missing a grejt? deal of what Ufe has to offer," Mr. Storz stated. He is vice-president of Storz Brewing Company of Omaha. His dvlc service has touched many people In our area and probably everyone In Omaha. One of his greatest contributions to the betterment of Omaha has been his effort* in helping to raise $4,500,000 for the new Bishop Clrirkspn Memorial Hospital. Governor Anderson and Omaha Mayor John Rosenblatt congratulated Mr. Store. Thc.dtatlon was presented by E. F. Pettls who received the.award last year.
Corsi Assails U.S. Immigration Stand
Chicago (JTA) — Emphasizing that the refugee problem "is not a Jewish problem," Kilward J. Corsi, former U. S. Commissioner of Imnilcr.ttion, told a Combined Jewish Appcil dinner here that "there is a hard core of men In Congress who do nut want immigration at all, and who mislead tin; American people concrninfi the whole problem, playing on old fear;; and prejudices. "Israel has done a remarkable Job, with American public and private aid, irt that quarter. Rather, It Is a Catholic and Protestant problem, An extremely small fraction of the 20 million refugees of the world arc Jewish. Israel has shown us what can be accomplished, With a population of only ' one and a half million persons or so, she Is currently receiving 30,OOi) persons a year. The United State*, with a population of 145 million, takes In only the same number. That is a commentary."
News Deadline
During the summer months publicity will be accepted until ~> p. m., Tuesday for inclusion in that Friday's issue of the Press. Please type the releases to facilitate handling of the copy.
Asbury Park (WNS)—A resolution by D r . J J a r n e t t R . Backer calling for the ordination of women as rabbis was deferred for one year by the Central Conference of American Rabbis at its 66th annual convention here p e n d i n g study and consideration of this radical departure from tradition. Leader of the opposition was Rabbi Samuel Froehof, former conference president, who urged careful measuring and caution "before brushing aside two thousand years of Jewish practice." Rabbi Hrlckner, who was not averse to a year's deferral of the issue, said women, "have a special spiritual film\s.H to l>e rabbis" and that ho believed "many women would be attracted to this calling." Dr. Hrickner was re-elected president.
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Jerusalem (WNS)—•Minister of Defense David Ben Gurlon will return to the post of Prime Minister after the elections to Knesset July 26, according to rumors circulating in this city. It Is being bruited about that Moshc Sharett will retain his* post as Forelgfl Minister, a portfolio he has been holding since the llrst Israeli government was formed in 1918. Evidence cited In substantiation of the rumors is the fact that repairs arc boln&f rnndo in the offices Hen Gurlon occupied when holdini; the top post. Hen Gurlon's official residence Is Sdch Boker. but he hns l>een living in Tel Aviv, sent of the offices of tlie defense establishment, since resuming the office of Defense Minister. As Premier Ben Gurlon would have to IKAQ AUMS Washington (WNS)—John Jcr- live in Jerusalem, negan. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Af- PIPELINE BLOWN IT!' Tel Aviv (WNS)—Egyptian infairs, testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. that filtrators have again blown up the the State Department sees no main water pipeline In the Negev, threat, to Israel In American mllt- the second such incident In a week. It was disclosed here by military tary aid to Iraq,; • Mr.. Jorncgan assured the com- officials who said Israel was talcing mittee that Arab states, such as a serious and grave view of the deIraq, that are linked to Turkey prcdecatloru "because they prove and great Britain "are not going the actions are carried out: by to engage In adyenutre against" trained Egyptian army personnel," Meanwhile' the Israel-Egyptian Mixed Army Commission/, voted, condemnation of Egypt.for having laid a mine in Israeli territory, where three Israeli soldiers Were wounded, two seriously. In the explosion. Simultaneously the commission censured Israel for retaliating wl th fire when the explosion, separate sovereignties, extending over a vast expanse, replete with all the potentialities of political and economic strength" and that "never since the golden age of the Sunday Radio Caliphates had the Arab world commanded such'elements of acThe new Eternal Light sumtual and potential power as those mer serios will offer a cycle of. which had now come within Its ten dialogues over KFAB from grasp." 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon', The The Israeli diplomat and his scries entitled "Words We Uve country's chief delegate to the By" will feature Mark Van United Nations said "there Is Doren, poet and critic, and nothing exceptional In Israel's Maurice Samuels, author and modest opportunity, nothing which lecturer. The scries will exshould be envied or begrudged by tend until Septemlier 4. those more lavishly endowed." He It was Incorrectly stated in said the "long, majestic dream of successive Jewish generations has last week's Press that KFAB Is now affiliated with Columbia. now completed its cycle of fulfillment," that "the Middle East The radio station Is an atfllintc of the National Uroadcastlng which, by every circumstance of tradition, should help to lead the Sydtem. world towards -universal peace, is itself plunged In the turmoil or Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewish regional strife" and that "world War Veterans, will present a statesmanship still has much to "Tribute to Greatness" — the to In helping the kindred peoples story of Barney Ross, over of our region to establish peace KI3ON from C to 6:30 p. m. on the basis of mutual respect for The Week in Review—a news political independence and tcrri summary will make up tlie clostorlal integrity, as our Charter ing portion of the program. provide".' I s r a e l . ' . - .
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Ambassador Eban Calls for M.E. Peace at U.N. Parley San Krancisco (WNS)—Ambassador Abba S. Eban, addressing the U. N. celebration of its tentb anniversary, drew upon Judaism's Impact upon world cultures and upon Israel's present place In the world as he made a plea for peace In the Middle East based on mutual respect between Israel and the Arab states. Pointing out that Israel did not exist when the United Nations was founded a decade ngo, Mr. Eban stressed that "the presence of Israel In San Krancisco today marks an act of historic remedy." He dwelt on the decimation ol Jewry on the European continent <md observed that l e a d ' s participation In U.N. affairs today "ilJustratci the sudden recuperation of the Jewish people from the lowest point In its historic fortunes to the dl(;nl(y and opportunity which it had tenaciously pursued for two thousand years." Reminding his distinguished audience that "Israel's accession to' slatehood within her meagre limits of territory was accompanied In this very century by tho liberation of our ni'lxhbnrinc; people In nine
o c c u r r e d . - '
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U. N. Instrument Of World Peace (livisiveni'hs.
KtiKH CAUTIONS London ( W N S ) - P r i m e Minister Anthony PMen, In a nationwide radio broadcast on the tenth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, cautioned that the Arab-Israel conflict constituted a threat to world peace and that the recurrent Arab-Israel conflicts had reached the "flash point of danger." , . At the same time' the Prime Minister referred to the peace efforts of U.N. truce chief General Burns and said the Canadian General and his truce observer* merited "thanks and encouragement" in view of their "specially difficult
Rabbis Defer Action On Ordaining Women
New York (WNS)—Observance in San Francisco of the tenth aimiversury of tlie United Nations occasioned wideband hopeful statements by Jewish leaders about the international organization both as an instrument of world* peace and as • symbol of mankind's striving to escape the pitfalls of atom and
Global Report
Robert H. Bton
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District Award for Monsky Chapter B'nal B'rith Henry M o n s k y Chapter No. 470 will be presented the first annual Sidney G. Kusworm Citizenship Award as the outstanding chapter in Womea's District Grand Lodge No. 6 for the advancement of the program of B'nal B'rith National Commission on Americanism and Civic Affairs. The plaque will be presented at the District Convention to be held July 3 to 5 at the Sherman Hotel, Chicago, 111. Mrs, Seymour Kaplan, president o! the chapter during the past year, will accept the plaque for the chapter. Similar awards will bo made each year by the Nutional Amerlcansm Commission to the outstanding lodge and chapter In each of the seven District Grand Lodges In the nation and Canada. The annual award Is named after Sidney G. Kusworm ol Dayton, O., treasurer of H'nal B'rith and chairman of the National Commission on Americanism and Civic Affairs who founded the Commission thirty-five years ago. Tlie Henry Monsky Chapter will be cited for Its extensive human relations program Including presentation of the annual Women's Citizenship Award, support of the United Notloai, entertaining of foreign students, support of the Omaha Opportunity Center, participation in a wide variety of civic drives, sponsorship of Blood Bank day« at the Red Cross Blood Center, support of the Crusade for Freedom and development of the "Dolls for Democracy" program, The chapter was also selected this year* as an Honor Club of America by the Woman's Homo Compan(pn; the only Omaha club to be so recognized.
Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of
th0 American JcwWl
said the Unlted.Natlons ten years after its founding "warrants the Intensified devotion of all nations and a profound reafflrmation of 1U principles by all peoples" because "It bas been an indispensable forum for mankind, and the means of developing the conscience of men and achieving peaceful solutions to their problems." The United Nations, he declared, has demonstrated that it is possible to move forward resolutely towards the cherished ideals set forth In its charter although "much remains to be accomplished." Rabbi Irving Miller, chairman of the A n . e r i c a n Zionist Council, voiced hope for continued efforts by the United Nations to bring about a Just and speedy peace settlement in the Middle East. The attainment of a permanent peace In the Middle East, Rabbi Miller asserted, "will truly demonstrate to all peoples the value and potency of the United Nations as • force for enduring peace and give hope and comfort to all mankind." Philip M. Klutznlck, world president of B'nalB'rith, sold the con* slant pressure by the United Nations for cooperation among the nations In matters of economic, social and political affairs as well as its emphasis on human rights has nelped to avert war, adding that without the United Nations tensions between nations during the decade would have reached explosive points on several occasions. The fact that not a single one Of its sixty members had withdrawn since Its founding a decade ago-"demonstratcs the tremendous underlying doslre of all peoples for peacs and trust In the ability of the United Nations to bring it about," .Mr. Klutznick pointed o u t Irving M. Engel, president of th> American Jewish Committee, pledged his organization to giving maximum support in translating the principles of the Declaration of Human Rights Into "binding agreements."
ZOA Repudiates Charges; Reply Assailed by Leaders New York (WNS)—Mortimer May, president of the Zionist Organization of America, declared here in a statement repudiating the charges recently levelled against the organization by Louis Lipslsy th'nt It was regrettable that he "should have chosen to air his grievances In so destructive a manner" instead of submitting them "in the deliberative bodies of our organization, to nil of which he has been cither appointed or elected, and where his words arc treated with the respect and consideration due him." Declaring that "Lipsky and those of his friends for whom he speaks have preferred not to avail themselves of such opportunities" and that" "they have consistently lx>ycoUed our meetings and our activities" because "snlplnf! from the sidelines Is evidently more to their liking," the statement said In part: "Tims, Mr. Lipsky never attended a single meeting of the ZOA's Inner Committee, to which he was named by the administration ho so violently assails; nor has he bothered to participate In
the work of our national executive committee and national administrative council. His jingle appearance—by special invitation—-at * recent meeting of the national executive committee failed to discloso any constructive contributions to the program and policies of the ZOA. Indeed, there was general disappointment over the negtP tlvc approach reflected by his re* marks. Cleveland (WNS)—A statement associating "themselves with the statement by Mr, Lipsky in It* analysis of ZOA affairs and In his summary o{ the proposals made by our group at the joint committee'* meetings" was Issued here . by Louis E. Levinlhal, Ezra Z. Shapiro and Dewey Stone who simultaneously referred to the ZOA's reply to Lipsky through Its president Mortimer May as "a crude patchwork of evasions and self. serving encomiums." Declaring that the ZOA presldent In his reply "evades the basic issues and contents himself with (Continued on Page'2.) ';",
f htetm
Abramson Heads Workmen's Loan HAJOnr HALPERT.
Off the Record By Nathan Zlprln
sity, these young men didn't hide behind a cloak of anonymity but were accepted instead on their scholastic merits. While this record is a feather in the cap of the high academic standing of the institution. It also points up the tremendous strides that have been made to American life. It wasn't so long ago that Jewish young men and women had to fight bitterly against the odds to secure a medical education. We would like to believe that tbc new situation Is solely the f r u i t of the effort against discrimination over the years. "
ONE FAITH I N TWO WOBLDS Recently in Israel a psychologist was giving intelligence tests to children in a village of Yemenite Jews naar Jerusalem. AmMg the objects employed in the tests were pictures ^wito glaylny lywTft111*^^*^ which the children were expected to detect. One (bowed the head of a man with one eye missing. The psychologist showed the picture to one of the youngsters, a sharpeyed lad with yarmelke and peoth, and asked him what was wrong with it. Quickly he shot back ••the peoth are miMlng," a reply which stamped him aa mentally deficient in the ^ye* of his examiner. The finding pf deficiency was met with resentment since it ' (Continued from Page 1) was more'natural for a Yemenite persona] allusions, -the statechild to detect missing peoth.than ment points put that "the negotiations, as everybody knows, were • ' m i s s i n g - e y e s . • •" '-•;'-.-•. • .. ••'."''.-..'.' This reminds me of an incident initiated not by us but by Dr. Nahum Goldmann as leader of I witnessed some months ago. Y i World Zionism and by Dr. Neuhad the prlvilego of being Invited mann for the ZOA" and that the to a. dinner of hassldic-rabhia in "purpose was the recovery, if posi>ne o f N e w York's hotels. The sible, of a united front in We ZOA, audience consisted of outstanding to bring leaden and members who hassldic personalities: and , their are participeting-to other major families. Many of the men wore Zionist enterprise* but who, lor. long kaftans, most women sheltlen various reasons had lost their inand all children peoth. In the lob- terest in the ZOA;.and of greater by stood men and women drinking importance, to consider a revision in • the curious spectacle of a hassl- of the functions and programs of dic » u r t amidst Broadway, I t the ZOA." The statement said the was getting late and the younger' most significant thing about May** children were becoming restless. letter "is the complete failure to One; a youngster of about five, discuss, let alone reply, to the perched himself sleepily against a three points that were made by lounge when he was approached our group, which were Intended to by a couple whom he magnetized servo as the basis fpr rcinvigorwith blue eyes and dandng peoth. ating the ZOA in its program, polThe couple looked upon the child icies and operations. We have no , as Upon an escapee from antiquity. desire to prolong this controversy. Thcii there came the inevitable Nevertheless. Mr. May's statement question—what did be intend to suggests obvious conclusions to our croup and other like-minded Zionbecome when he grew up. "I will ists." be a talmld chochem," was the lad's proud reply. The cyncism was now gone from the couple's eyes as husband and wife walked away smarting under the burning lashes ot the sage retort. Since they, were not psychologists it Is doubtful they thought the youngThe Workmen's Circle Dramatic ster deficient or Inferior just be- Club and Ladies Auxiliary will cause he hadn't given a stock an give a tea for the residents of the swer, such as wanting to be a cop Dr. Philip. Sher Jewish Home for or Davy Crockett. More likely the Aged at 2 p. m., Sunday. they just learned a lesson in other- July 3. - . • • • l i c a ; ; , ••; • .- -. '••".'•": ; . . . - • . - . " • .' ' v . Louis Wltkln, director of the dramatic club, will give a Yiddish : :..THEy ; SAX:ErSBO..v..;. • . V reading -from the works of Sholom Are.Bgs a cure to sterility and Alelchcm.: Mrs. Jennie . Rifkln and an aid to fecundity? No sdenUsf Mrs. Sam Zwerllng will offer seworth bis salt would risk his repu- lections Of Jewish folk songs. Members of the arrangement tation with an affirmative nod to the Question. But In the Israeli' committee are Mrs, Sam Novak and Mrs. S. H. Binder. Hostesses •/ town of Margaliot in Upper GaliJ e e tbJsJs aiaith-which will not will be: Mmes. N. Lcrman, Sarah down, It Was recently disclosed by ScKwartz, Louis Wilkln, -M a x : a correspondent of the Israeli Crounse, Bertha Ruderman, Yetta newspaper Davar who visited thei Orenstein and Sam Sussman. The public Is cordially invited to area, a region rich In fig trees. The residents of the town, Iraqi attend the ten. and Persian Jews, suddenly noted Half of all cancer deaths In the that .the birth rate had perked up crazily and that women who had United States occur in people ununtil now walked under the shad- der G5 years old. Of this number, ow of barrcness were now rais- 3,r>00 are children under 15. Join ing eyes proudly to heaven. Be- the American Cancer Society Crufore long the legend became a cer- sade. tainty—the secret lay in the figs. And now, no longer is fig-giving a • «lgn of rejection and reprobation in ;Marga!iot but of blessing and fulfillment. Utti, by American Jtwltb
ZO A Repudiates
Workmen's Circle Tea at Aged Home
SIGNS OF TIIK TIMES . . . Of some 3,200 students at tending medical schools in New York State over forty per cent arc Jews. This represents an increase of ten 'Per cent over the last decade. Harvard medical school has thirty Jewg, Boston U. 27 and Tufts 27. Yale medical college has 17 and the medical schools of Philadelphia have between 10 and 20. Ycshiva lTnivei"Sity, whose Albert Einstein Medical School opens this year, bad twenty-two of its students admitted this year to various medical and dental schools, 12 to the Albert Einstein school and 15 to various colleges and universities throughout tho country. Coming • s they do from a Jewish univer-
Isadorc Abramson was elected president of the Omalin Workmen's Ix>un Association nt their annual meeting he-Id June 27. Other newly elected officers arc: I t Guss, vice-president; Mayer Frank, treasurer; and H a r r y Staenberg, secretary. Named to the board of directors were: Ben Lindenbaum, Nathan Resnick, Ben Miroff, Hairy IMchlin, Jal;e Kaplan, Sam Iteiss, Sam Canar and Mrs, Rose Ginsburg. This marks the first time a woman was ever elected to the board of the association. The financial report, a spokesman stated, shows that the association i making progress with a considerable number of members taking • Ivantnge of the services of the organiaation. During the summer months, the association meetings will be held every second and fourth Monday of each month at the Jewish Community Center.
With the Folks At Home By David Orkow ' June 20! Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silver presented the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the Aged with n rare copy of a special limited edition, of. .'My Models Were Jews"— ft painter's pilgrimage to many lands. This book is a selection ot 178 paintings, water colors, drawings and etchings by Lionel S. R e l s * .
June *7: The beautiful flowers this week in all the public rooms of home for the aged were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Jules Shapiro, in honor of the wedding of their daughter, Natalie Joy, to Mr. Jeremiah Philip Lebow of Chicago, III Sam Altsuler, one of our residents, is the bride's grandfather and attended the ceremonies at the Blackstonc Hotel. June 20: Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Slosburg donated a radio to Home, for the AKed, • July 2: Mrs. Beckie Trcller, one of our residents, celebrated her birthday today by treating «ll of our folks to u special cake dessert. July 3 : The Workmen's Circle Auxiliary will entertain at 2 p. m., today, with n program of Yldibsb content Everybody is welcome. July i: Independence Day celebration. Smiling always with a never fading serenity of countenance, and flourishing in an immortal youth. —Barrow.
Torcrfi and Israel Jerusalem (WNS) — Premier Mosho Sharett, addressing a corner-sjonc ceremony of the Academy of Higher Religious Education in Israel, declared that Torah is a most important factor in the existence of Israel. Present at the ceremony was America's Ambassador to Israel, Edward B. Lawson and Mayor Robert Wagner of New York, who was a c c l a i m e d throughout the country on his visit to Israel.
Friday, Jnly I, 1035.
U.S. Wheat Arrives In Israeli Fort
Religious News 7:11 p. m., Candli-Ughllng
Beth Israel Traditional Friday evening services (ICabollas Shabbos) begin at G:30 o'clock. Sabbath inurninj; services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 6:30 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 7:45 p. m., followed by Shelesh .'i'cudo;; nnd Maariv. Dally mornini; services begin at 7 a. m Afternoon services at 7:55 p. m. Sunday morning cervices bei;in at 8:45 n. m., followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class In Bible. Children nccompanyini; their parent:; arc invited to Join tlie regular Sunday morning Minyan beginning nt 8:45 a. m. Tho Talmud discussion croup meets every Tuesday evening nt 8:15 p. m. at the 19th and Burt S t Synagogue.
Beth El
Tel Aviv (JTA)—A i.liipnicnt of J0,000 Ions of American wheat has been brought to Haifa, in tho freighter S. S. Eugene. Three moro shipments of surplus American ngriciiltur.nl products for which Israel has contracted will arrive* before the end of this month. Under a scries of Israel-American agreements tome $19,500,000 worth of agricultural goods will be paid for by Israel in Itg own currency. Half of this sum will bo returned to Israel in tho form of long-term loans for development projects and the other half will be used at the discretion of the Unit» ed States Operations Mission in Israel. Products purchased from America will include wheat, rice, cotton, tobacco, fodder, butter and cottonseed oil. ' • United Nations grants and tech* nical assistance to I s r a e l Will amount to $400,000 in the current year, Dr. M. Shaar, resident rep* rcscntatlve of the UN tffdfnicaj assistance program, informed Pre* mier Moshe Sharett The technj* cal aid program includes provision of 12 new experts who will remain in Israel 41 months.
Sabbath evening services will be held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30. The Mincha Service will begin at 7:45 p. m. Irving Shapiro, a senior in the Daily services during the week are held at 7 a. m, and 7 p. m. College at Medicine, University of Nebraska, was elected president of Tho Sunday morning service is Phi Eta Sigma, a medical frater* held at 9 a- m. nity. Other newly elected officer* ares Richard Dworsky, vice-president; and GuJnter "George" Kahn, Temple Israel secretary-treasurer. The election Sabbath service* will be held to- was held at a banquet June 18 night at 7:30 o'clock in the Chapel honoring graduating seniors. at Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney H. Outgoing president Sidney Lee Brooks will conduct the service. Rubin will Intern at Veterans Hospital in Los Angeles. Another graduating senior Paul Wesley Saltznvin will intern at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. Don Al Rubin ChefiU is the outgoing secretarytreasurer. Services were held Sunday, June Incoming freshmen In the Col2G for Al Rubin with interment nt lege of Medicine are: Frnnklin Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mr. Ru- Pepper, University of Nchmika; bln, C3, died Wednesday. June 22 Gerald Brodkpy, Harvard Univerat his home in Chicago, III. A for- sity; Jerry Spitzer, University of mer Omaha orchestra leader, lie Nebraska; nnd Ephraim Axelrod, had played at the old Empress University of Wisconsin. Gardens here in the 1920's. At the time of his death he was associated with radio stations in Chi- Turboprops for Israel Tel Aviv (JTA) — El Al-Ioracl cago. Survivors include his wife, Lil- National Airlines signed o contract here for the purchase of lian of Chicago; three sisters, Mrs. Nellie Van Dorn of Lincoln, Mrs. three huge pa.«enger aircraft for Theresa Kopaid of Chicago and .use on the line's Tel Aviv to New Mrs. Rose Alarflsi of Omaha; and York, Tel Aviv to London and Tel a brother, E. I. Rubin of San Aviv to Johannesburg routes. The new 93-passengor planes Francisco, Calif. will be Bristol Britannia turboprop craft of the new "Whispering Giant" model, so nick-named beMrs. Bessie Rotkovitz cause of their relatively quiet opServices were held Wednesday, eration. The planes, scheduled fo* June 29 for Mrs. Bessie Rotkovitz delivery in the spring of 1957, will witb. Interment at Fisher Farm cut flying time between Tel Aviv Cemetery. Mrs. Rotkovitz, 66, a and New York from the present former Omaha resident, died Sun- 18-20" hours to 12-13 hours. Similar day, June 2fi in Los Angeles, Calif. time savings will be made on other Mrs. Rotkovitz had made her routes. home in Los Angeles following the death of her husband five years RESEARCH STEWED TO ago. He had been a H e b r e w During the decade of progress teacher. just ending, the American Cancer Surviving are: two daughters, "ociety sponsored 2,025 grunts in Mrs, Lester Doucct of Omaha and nid, 297 institutional research and Mrs. Herman Merkin of Los An- special purpose grants, and G13 gles. research fellowships nnd scholar grants to accelerate the search for Patronize Our Advertisers a cancer cure.
Shapiro. Medical Fraternity Prexy
16. Mordecai Manuel Noah T«*t by DANIEL ELAZAR
CAM OMLf euccno m I«RAII .
-nnr A M C0 Twwnry tteurj
Frfctoy, July l.JBM.
Omaha Sketches
Brunner-Weinstein Wedding Sunday
Anti-Semites Hit at Jewish-Christian Tie
Rife-Dandy Nuptials atB.E.
New York (WNS)—InternationForbes with tlie othert this week Mi.s.T Joyce Drunner and Alkm al anti-Semites are sounding a began workim; Hi the well child Weinstein were married Sunday. new note by denouncing tho Jew- Miss Barbara Ann liifc, daughclinics of the Visiting Nurse Asso- Juno 20 in a garden ceremony at ish foundations of Christianity, at- ter ot Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Rife, ciation ,the Ited Cri/. s Hlo-xl Cen- the home of the bridegroom's par- tacking Christian churches and and Howard S. Dandy, son ot Mrs. ter and .St. Joseph's Hospital Polio ents Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wcln- world leaders for adhering to Old Joseph Dandy, were married TuesRi'liabilitalion ward. An article stcin. The bride is the daughter Testament ideas, nnd by calling day, June 21 in the rabbi's study alwut 'lie girls' participation ap- of Adolph Ilrunncr and tiie late for a new religion free of tlie Jew- at Beth IJ1 Synagogue. Rabbi Myer ish lej^uey, according to a new S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron Edgar peared in the Youth Activities col- Mrs. lirunner of Chicago. by the World Jewish ConMr. and Mrs. Murray J. Kilncr umn of the Evening World-Herald. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr a n d analysis Institute of Jewish Affairs officiated. of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, unCantor Ell Kagun officiated be- gress' of anll-.Si'niitic propaganda abroad Marlene Rife, sister of the bride, nounce the birth of a daughter neath a canopy of white satin deewas majd-of-honor and Donald S. Naomi Sue born June 17 in Monorated with t;r«'n and white glad- during l'XA. brother of the bridegroom, A second IJA study, published Dandy, treal. Mrs. Kitner is tho former ioli. was best man. under the same cover, is u survey Miss Charlotte Brookstein of OmaHarold Weinslcln was his broth.After a honeymoon trip to the ha. This is the couple's first child. er's best man und Miss Jackie of the treatment of war criminals cast .the couple will make their Maternal grandparents arc Mr. Glasser of Chicago was mald-of- In West Germany in the past year. home in Omaha. and Mrs. Jacob Bruokstein of honor. Attendants wore Mrs. Har- Tiie review discloses that tho atMlllburn, N. J. (JTA) — Mrs. ry Fcur of Omaha and Mrs. Har- titude of tho German Government Omaha. Louis Kraemer, the first woman old Smiler of Chicago". Herman toward Nazis guilty of war atroci- Cousins' Club to receive the degree of Doc- Weinstein of Omaha and Max ties has been inconsistent and un- The Cousins' Club will meet A son Steven llulc was horn to ever clear. Private and Mrs. Edwin Gorelick tor of Philosophy from ifcshlva Stoller of Chicago served as ush- The new propocanda angle which with Mrs. Nathan Simon at the June 20 at a local hospital. This is University, confessed this week ers. Bernie Grossman was candle excoriates the Jewish roots of Blackstone Hotel tor a 12:30 their first child. Private Gorelick that she had a slii;ht advantage. lighter. July 6. Those unable has been recently de- luncheon, if stationed near Lcmont, HI. Ma- Her decree in clinical psychology Tlie bride wore a b a l l e r i n a Christianity to attend please call Mrs. Simon, veloped in two Internationally- HA ternal grandparents are Mr. and was achieved with the aid of three length gown of dupioni silk in pale circulated 3915. publications, Nation EuMr§. Jacob Turek of Omaha und people who taught her more about yellow with white accessories. She ropn, the central organ of the neoMrs. Jerry Nomon of Tulsa, Okla., "realities of psychology" than any carried a Bible with a white orchid Fasclst movement published in Hollywood (JTA) — The lady teacher or text—her three sons, and stephanotis streamers. is patcrninl grandmother. Coburg, Germany, and Der Weg, groped her way down the aisle of aged 6, 12 and 15. buffet dinner was served In a leading forum of Fasicm, Pan the movie theatre. She stopped, Kraemer said that "rais- theA garden following the ceremony. Germanism and militant anti- hesitated, then walked trier to Jan Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Muskln will ingMrs. three sons provided me with Out-of-town included Mr. Semitic propaganda, published In Peerce in an aisle seat aid tapped receive friends and relatives at a an Ideal field laboratory for learn- and Mrs. H. F.guests Stollcr and family Buenos Aires, Argentina. Nation him on the shoulder. When he open house Sunday, July 10 from ing something about the realities turned, she asked: "Pardon me, 6 to 10 p. m., to welcome home her of psychology." She also had to of Spirit Lake, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Kuropa castigated Church.Hl, Tru- did on your toei on my way mother Mrs. Morris Grossman. learn a few things about budget- Harold Smiler, Miss Evelyn Meyer man, Benes and Roosevelt for their out Ia step few minutes ago?" Mr*. Grossman la returning to ing time too, for in addition to be- and Miss Jackie Glosser, all. of so-called "Jewish spirit" Der Weg "Yes, you did," Peerce said anwidened the attack by decrying the Omaha after an extended tour of ing a mother and Ph. D, candi- Chicago. New Testament which, the anti- grily. Europe and Israel. date, she has been serving since For her wedding trip the bride Semites said, Is Jewish In large "Good," said the lady. "Then a> clinical psychologist for chose a two-piece gray and white measure "or permeated by Jewish this is my row." Dr. and Mrs. Robert Addlson, IMC the Jewish Child Care Association suit with white accessories. The thinking." daughter and son-ln-latv of Mr. and and the Jewish Vocational Service couple will moke their home In Mrs. Ben M. Minkln will arrive in ' Omaha today to spend the fourth of Essex County. of July weekend here. Dr. and Mr. Kraemer is a Newark atNippcrsink Entertainers Mr*. Addison make their home in torney. Chicago.' Mrs. Addison Is the forDESERT TAMERS Top notch entertainers who have mer Miss Beverly Minkin. appeared at leading night. clubs BEEOSUEBA, Israel (IIP)— and hotels around the country will The formidable tank of tamDelegates from the Henry Monmake the midwest summer resort ing an entire wlldcrne»s «ky Chapter who will nttend the mil • on end is one of the circuit of Nlppersink Manor and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Stacker of regional B'nai B'rlth convention the trcmendoiM undertaking* Oakton Manor in Wisconsin. in Chicago are: Mmca. Marry St. Paul, Minn., announce the en- Those appearing in the "suntan which d o 1l a n and men Friedman (president), S;im Pol- cagement of their daughter Marup to July 9 are Joanne face together lack, Seymour Kaplan, Harry Sid- lene to Dr. Herbert Singer of San- circuit" Val, Harvest Moon Festival winta Monica, Calif., formerly of in the Inva man and Aaron Epstein. Tho conner! Simmy Box, young comic; slon launchvention will be held from July 2 Omaha, Nebr. Marty JJronson, TV singer; and ed by prOKto July 5 in the Sherman Hotel in Miss Stacker received a B. A. rcsa into tho degree from the University of Min- Maxie Furman. Chicago. main strongSome of the coming stars tennesota, where Eho is a member of hold Uiat Is • Gently seasoned.. tatively scheduled for the two reRabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke Alpha Epnllon I'M sorority. Dr. sorts are: Sonny Mars, comic; tho Arnlja. An open flank to .Sinner received a B. S. degree home-made taste! with their daughters left Monday lh« Negcv, tho Araba area Bobby Sherman, comedy pantofor Poughkcepsie, N. Y., where from Crcightun University and his mimist; and Carl Van Moon, Harntretehes from tlio nouthern O Protein-rich and they will attend the Bar MiUvah M. D. decree from the University vest Moon Festival winner. end of tlie Dead Sea to Klof their nephew, Howard Michael of Nebraska, College of Medicine. These star acts will be alternated lath, Iarocl'a •outlicrniost tow In calories. He is a member of Alpha Omega outpost. Building roads and Weiss. each evening to offer entertainAlpha and Sigma Xi medical hondeveloping thin area and Hi The Kriplte'a son, Saul, left ment for both week and weekend rich mineral content aro IsTuesday for the United Synacoyue orary societies, and Phi Delta Ep- guests. raeli' pioneers backed up by silon medical fraternity. Camp llamah »t Conover, Wis. Stanley Llpsey nml finnily, formerly of Omaha, will arrive here oortietime in July to visit with friends and relatives. Mr, Lipsey Is vice-president and cencrul manager of a Chicago auto jmrts company.
New Jersey Mom First Wonran Ph.D. At Yeshiva U.
Bits from Israel
Former Omahon Engagement Told
Michael Katz, son of Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Katz, left Sunday for Minneapolis, Minn., from Where he win depart Tuesday for tho United Synagogue Camp Hainan at Conover, Wis. Stephen Grcenbcrg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grccnberg, has received his Bachelor of Arts degree ' from the State University of Iowa. where he majored in speech, radio and television. Mr. Grcenberg was also commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force Ilcserve. He wan initiated In the Alpha Delta Sigma Chapter of the national professional advertising fraternity. Mr. Grecnberg is attending University of Omaha this mimmer and will return to the State University of Iowa in the fall for graduate work. Barbara Joffe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Joffe, will leave today for a month's visit in New York City. Dayton, O., and Chicago, III., will be stopping points on her trip East to visit friends and relatives. Sam and Lillian Blttner, son and daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ell Iilttncr of Omaha, were among who received degrees during tho month of June. Mr. Bittncr was graduated from University of Omaha whero he received a Bachelor of Arts degree. Miss Bittner was graduated with distinction from Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N. V. She was awarded n graduate asslstnntship for the coming year ot the Knstman School. • Miss Lynette Forbes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Forbes, was one of the sixteen teen-age girls who last week completed two weeks of training ns Junior Red Cross summer volunteers. Miss
NCRAC Opposes Public. School Religious Teaching Atlantic City (WNS)—The National Community Relations Advisory Council concluded its plenary session here with the re-election of Bernard II. Tracer to the chairmanship and the adoption of a statement In opposition to all forms of religious teaching in the public schools other than that regarding the role of religion in the history o f mankind. The session also adopted a comprehensive set of recommendations for Jewish community relations programs for the .year 1955-56. Particular stress was made in tlic recommendations of the need to support full racial integration in the public schools In the spirit of the recent Supreme Court decision, and th'i elimination of segregation in housing and other aspects of community life. Among the resolutions adopted was one expressing regret that some Jewish community relations agencies are not cooperating In Joint coordination processes.
Workmen's Circle Will Hold Picnic
upwards of {1,000,000 In State of Inroel Bond investment* allocated to tiie achievement of this single eflftcntial project Of modern desert taming.
The Workmen's Circle Family Branches 173, 258, tho dramatic club and the ladles auxiliary will hold their annual picnic at 2 p. m., Sunday, July 10, in Fontenelle Park. An afternoon of fun, games and RUG & UPHOLSTERY prizes arc planned by the comCLEANERS mittee. Members of the committee are: Max Crounse, Sam Suss•UGS — CARTCTINO man, Max Katz, Mr. and Mrs. Sam U M f SHADES Novak and Mrs. Sarah Schwartz. HMNITUM All members and their families la lorn Horaol arc Invited to attend. Those who • M i s * - I«yto9 • topolrU* arc planning to attend the picnic HA ZSM ore reminded to brine their picnic OON H U M I f l M baskets.
GEFILTE FISH Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
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BAR and Bas MiUvah congratulations also for all Jewish nolidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. Hot Specials for Cool Summer Rending: 14 mons.—Women's Home Camp $2.45 40 Issues Colliers $3.00 18 mons.—American $3.00 78 weeks Life $7.87 78 weeks Time ..$6.87 8 mons. Renders Digest ...$1.00 44 weeks Newsweek .$3.37 Mrs. Horwlch, WA 3957.
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Tho cornurstone of ouf ^ business. We create II, renew H, -and dispense it liberally. p y Surely you'rV In the market. market. ^?*" *
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Y.C. Soffbd League |
Friday, July 1,19.15.
THE TERCENTENARY STORY Copyright 163*, by Amerle&n Jew lib
17. Judah Touro T«xt by DANIEL ILAIAR
Illustrotioni by
By Jim Karbatscb
' Last Sunday at Elmwood soiro good and bad Softball in the Yout Council League was played a Rayim A won over AZA 1 with a icon.' uf 10-0 and AZA 100 out lasted Rayim B 23-19. •••' On the Center diamond, Art Novak of Rayim A pitched a one-hit ter- with some very good support from his team both on defense iuirf fiffense. John, poldner, especially, came up with some good ball handling, grabbing five ground balls without nn error. Altogether, the team bad only one error. AZA 1 pitcher Ray Klrke was better than usual as he struck out fout nnd had good control with only scattered walks. He gave up only seven hits, but Rayim A bunched them together and took advuntage of four errors to end the gumc In five Innings under the JO run, five inning rule. AZA 100 had a ten run second Inning and chipped away in the other six to amass 23 runs off of pitchers Oberman and'Sherman of Rayim B, Speedy Zweiback accounted for five of the runs slamming In home runs. He only wenl up to the plate once without scor ing u homer. Rayim B almost caught up with the'century squad as they got two him along with seven walks and scored seven runs in the fifth inning. That made, the score 21-18 Both clubs went scoreless in the sixth and 100 got two in the s enlh while they nipped a rally by Rayim B and held them to only one run.
"AMP in HIS MIL , HUMAHITABIAH Igrr MOtJtY FO* The K8MCTIOM O» HOMtt AMP ptvtLLiNas oureit>* Turnout Of JtRUtALSM— TO CKIATg A HMW C/rf.
News Capsules
Bar Mitzvah
Safeguards Urged For Med Schools
The liar Bltzvah of Allan Ko London (WNS) — Because he necky, son of Mrfi. Hose Konecky. braved serving Israeli cognac to Washington (JTA)—The Amerwill he celebrated this .Saturday his Arab guests, the Italian Consul morning, July 2, at the Beth Israel ican Jewish Congress called on tha to Jordan has been declared perSynagogue, 52nd and Charles U. S. Congress to ptiss a bill grantsis. All members of the family and ing Federal aid to medical schools, sona non grata and asked to refriends arc invited to attend the turn to Italy, according to British services nnd the Kiddush follow but urged, at the same time, that press reports* such a measure should include ing tho services. • • • safeguards against discrimination because of race, religion or nationFlorence, Italy (WNS)—Prediction that "there will be a return al origin. to sanity and maturity in all In a statement submitted to the fields" of human endeavor was Health and Science Subcommittee made here by Bernard Berenson, Atlantic City (JTA) — Some of the House Committee on Inter- / Jewish scholar and the world's cities in the United States have state and F o r e i g n Commerce greatest authority oh Italian Renlost more than half of their Jew- which has been conducting hearaissance art, as greetings poured ish population within recent dec- ings on Federal aid to the counin from every corner of the world ades in the moss movements to try's medical schools, the Amerion the occasion of his ninetieth the suburbs, it was established can Jewish Congress pointed to birthday. He said he was not afraid here at the pleanary session of the great need for expanded medlof the atom bomb and "if there the National Community Rela- cal school faculties and expressed Miss Bonnie llayUa is any threat to civilization It is tions Advisory Council. A discus- the hope that the severe shortage more likely to come from boredom sion of this subject at the session of doctors will.bo alleviated by that will result from a totalibrought out the following facts: Federal support «f medical educatarian welfare state and from the tion. exclusion of individual enterprise 1. In recent y e a n , the Jewish '•We, jjolleve," however, the and of the spirit of adventure. populations of metropolitan cenBerenson was born in Lithuania. ters have been moving away from statement said, "that such support 1 should not be given without inHe was ten years old when his Rnyim'i Fourth Annual Formal tho central city neighborhoods In parents settled in Boston. held recently at the Highland West which they have lived Into new cluding Safeguards against dis* # • club was highlighted by the an and growing suburban communi crimination. The Intended beneRecreational swimming periods ficiaries are not t h e medical nouncement of the new "Qrcam ties. at..the Center pool have been arWashington (WNS)—A bl-partl- Girl," Bonnie Haykin. Mis.i Hay2. This has markedly affected schools that will receive the funds ranged so that those using the pool san blue-ribbon commission to rekin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs the extent of Jewish participation for construction of medical school will have the opportunity to swim at their convenience, Jim Kar- view , the McCarran-Walter Immi- Tarry Haykin will serve as 1955- In community-wide enterprises, re facilities,' but rather the medical ducing it within the cities and students who will receive the batsch, Center athletic director, gration Act was urged by Senator 56 Dream Girl. John F. Kennedy who said he training and the people they will announced. The officers for the coming se- greatly Increasing it in the subur- later serve. The government has would propose a bill to that effect Because of the great number of So as "to take this controversial mester arc Sheldon Krantz, presi- ban communities. an obligation to ensure that these children taking lessons, restric- subject out oft politics and "pro- dent; Richard Henry Raskin, vice3. Many of the suburban com- beneficiaries are selected on a nontion* on recreational periods have vide a detached and dignified re- president; Robert Joseph, secre- munities Into which Jewish fam discriminatory basis. If it perbeen difficult to set, but it Is port on which a large part of the tary; Martin Greene, treasurer; illes have moved were formerly mits the medical schools receiving hoped that the following schedule Congress and the public .can 'aysie Shyken and David Gold- wholly or almost wholly non-Jew federal funds to do the actual se- ' will be convenient for all, he added. agree." stein, scrgennt-at-arms; Justin Ish in composition. Older resi- iceting, It must instruct them that, Children taking lessons arc alCharles Ilavitz, Youth Council rep- dent? thug find themselves with in doing so, they make no distinclowed to use the pool from 3:30resentative, and Martin Weil, al- Jewish neighbors for the first time. tion! based on race, religion or naSan Francisco (WNS)—An Is» ternate Y. C representative, 4:30 p. m. Monday through ThursSimilarly, In many coses, the Jew- tionoal origin." •ael-sponxored suggestion for the day on the days in which they do Awards for service to the club ish families for the first time find erection of a permanent memorial not have a lesson. by underclassmen were presented themselves In neighborhoods that Children with yearly, monthly in recognition of UN's close asso- to Payslc Shyken and Chuck Ra- aro predominantly non-Jewish In or family memberships are allowed ciation with this city, where the vi tz, as the' "Most Outstanding character. International organization w a s to use the pool from 3:30-4:30 p. founded in 1945. was unanimously Freshmen" .of the fraternity. Bob 4. Meanwhile, new groups have m. Monday through Thursday pro- ipprovcd' as the week-long cele- Joseph received the "Most Out- moved into the neighborhoods forvlded they are not taking lessons. bration of the UN anniversary tandlng Sophomore"'award. The merly occupied by the Jewish famNew York (JTA)—A total of Sunday recreational swim will ended amidst hoped for greater In- "Most Outstanding Athlete" award ilies that have moved to the out- 22 degrees and diplomas In course, be from l-2;30 p. m. starting July ternational amity In the next dec- went to John Goldner. lying surburbs. These newcomers the largest in the institution's 693. '' tt is open to all those with ade, Moscow's Molotov twice reGifts were presented to the out- generally arc of lower' income year history and five honorary current swim cards except those fused to commit himself on the going "Dream Girl," Judy Krantz: levels and often comprise groups degrees, were conferred by Ycihl- . taking lessons. Others may buy a question whether the Soviet Un- and to past, presidents Robert that have been the victims or dis- va University at its annual com- • one-swim ticket for the session. ion would permit emigration of Goldstein and Gerald Zolle Marer. crimination in housing. ; monccmont exercises here. " The Adult mixed swim is scheduled Jews wishing to Join relatives in Edwin Bcrcovlcl, club historian, 5. Jewish-supported w e l f a r e , seven. divisions of the University t for Tuesday and Thunday eve- Israel. Pressed for an answer on gave a report on the club's activi- health and recreational facilities awarded 132 Bachelor of Arts denings from 7-9:30 o'clock. Please two successive press conference, ties during the past year. and Institutions such as commu- grees, 31 teachers diplomas, IS note that Sunday swim time has Mr. Molotov said "that question Gene Kohn and Dick Raskin did nity centers in these neighbor- Bachelor of Religious Education could best be looked into by the been changed from 11 a. m. to 1 an excellent Job as co-chairmen of hoods in many cases have for years degrees, two Master of Science deappropriate representatives." P. m. the dance, ' offered their services to residents grees and 15 graduate degrees *• • • Entertainment was furnished by without regard to religion or race. among others. ADULT SWIM CLASS he Don Rice Combo. They now find themselves serving The following honorary degrees New York (WNS)—Formation Registration is still being taken An alouette was held on the a clientele which includes a con- were awarded: New York State for the adult "Learn to Swim >f an Institute for Ethical Studies golf course preceding the dance stantly diminishing proportion of Attorney General Jacob IC.Javlts, Class" at the Jay Pool Monday in the Atomic Age was announced and house parties were held at the J?ws. At the same time, the Jew- Doctor of Laws; Herman Wouk, and Wednesday evenings, from 7 lere at a press conference at the new dream girl's '• home and at ish populations In the suburbs eon- author of "The Catne Mutiny," to 8 ,i. r... The class will be under 'cwish Theological Seminary of Gene Kohn's. tinuo to.demand tho services they Doctor of Human Letters; Dr. tne direction of Jim Kurbntseh mcrica by Dr. Louis Finkclsteln, have been accustomed to receiv- Carroll V. Ncwsom, New York and Stress will be on fun and fcafe- Chancellor, and Admiral Lewis L. ing from the Jewish institutions State Associate Commissioner for ' Hollywood (JTA)—The trend in Strauss, Chairman of the Atomic t y in-the water. Biblical pictures U on, and Holly- and agencies that they support Higher Education, Doctor Humane All adults from college age and Energy Commission. Dr. Kinkel- wood has found the formula of hrough thoir contributions. Letters; Max Stern, founder of the tip are Invited to attend after rog- itein said the group was formed mixing pageantry, sex and reSome of the .s[>cakors at the University's Stern College for "lstration at the Center office. The in the premise that "the most ligion very profitable box office cession deplored the growth in Women, Doctor of Humane Letwrploxing and urgent problems of Class will extend through July. jur time lie in the neglected do- >alt. Every time the Bible offers some places of predominantly Jew- era, and Rabbi Oscar Z. Fasman, i good, sound story, -Hollywood ish neighl»rhoods In new suburban president of Hebrew Theological lains of ethics and theology.' PILLS CANT CUKK CASCll.l milds a. picture around It. More communities expressing the fear College of Chicago, Doctor of DiNo cancer has even boon cured iftcn .however, they lift a small that "middle class ghettos" may viriity. by pills or powders, by quack* or Hollywood (JTA)—A very rich vissage from the Bible and Ignore be in the making. This was "wonder doctors." The American [novie producer who built one of he story. coupled with the recognition, howHollywood (JTA)—Gcorglc JcsCancer Society urges all cancer :»ur greatest studios, has a beautlA recent m o v i e , supposedly ever, that Jewish religious pracpatients to seek competent medical ul but very extravagant wife to tased on a Biblical Incident, was tices and observances made it nec- sei's uncle recently took his test help. vhom lie is devoted. In his will he ldverlised as "Karth shaking In essary for Jewish families to live for naturalization papers, and was leaving her most of his money. ts magnificence! Cast- of thoti- in reasonable proximity to temples i.skcd, "Who [& the President of :he United States?" "EisonhowWHAT IS CANCKIt? •ith no conditions attached. When lcolor! Three dimensions! Grent- and synagogues. ;r," Georgie's lyiclc answered. Cancer is defined as an "uncon- is lawyer pointed out that she ands! Stupendous! Glorious Tcch'Could you bo President?" was the trolled growth of cells." If detect- light marry again, the movie st story ever filmed!" Hollywood (JTA)—YelitkM Me- lext question. "No," replied Uncle ed early, this can be cut out by lagnate answered, "If she docs, 1'Mdic Cantor attended the opon- nuhin tells us that he clipped this •lax. Nodding encouragingly, the surgery or destroyed by radiation c'll need the money." ng of the picture. He wired the ad from a theatrical trade paper: [uestioner asked, "Why not7" In most cases, the American Canroducer of the film: "Saw the "Violinist wants pretty yuung lady "I'm too busy right now in my eer Society says. Patronize Our Advertisers Loved the look." ianlst to play with occasionally." uslness," explained Uncle Mnx.
Summer Swim Schedule at U
NCRAC Probes Suburbia Swing
Bonnie Haykin Rayim Dream Girl
Yeshiva Graduates Its Largest Class