Vol. XXXIII—No. :
o.Mcrec aj decorid-Ci&u Alalici ai r Nh taati Art of
Kaslow Youngest Regional Prexy
Jerusalem (JTA>—American Independener Day was observed here Monday with speeches emphasizing American-Israel friendship and the aid which the Jewish State is receiving fn>m American Jewry find 'he United States Government. Toild Kollek, General Director at the Premier's office who Is In charge of the American grant-inald- received by Israel, said that "the prudent nnd honest manner in which Israel has utilized.American aid has won this country a great deal of goodwill In the United States." Mr, Kollek - had high praise for American ex|>erU and the staff of the- United States Operations Mission which, he said, advised and helped Israel in nearly e v e r y sphere of economic activity. He declared that American experts who vlnlted hero have become among the best of Israel's goodwill ambassadors upon their return home, and he expressed Israel's deep gratitude to- these Americans. The high Israel official stated that, In the last four years, U. S. granti-ln-ald to Israel have totalled J220.O0O,00O. Thesef unds. he said, had been matched by Israeli "counterpart" allocations aggregating 237,000,000 Israeli pounds. American aid, he said, amounted to 23 per cent of Israel's total foreign currency budget In the fiscal year 1932-53, and to 12 per cent during fiscal year 1953-5-1, aiding materially toward Israel's economic stability and Independence.
Claims in Iraq Jerusalem (JTA)—Preliminary s t e p s toward establishment of claims of Jews here who emigrated from Irafj, leaving holdings valued at many millions of pounds sterling in their old homes, were taken here by Primo Minister Moshe Sharclt. The Jews with claims acalnst Iraqi holdings — including real property nnd frozen bank accounts —are among the 100,000 Iraqi Jews wlu canre here In special nirJlfts In 1953, bringing their entire families with them. Mr. Sharctt appointed a special Public Com. mlttee to aid tho Iraqi emigrants In rqepvering their,abandoned as, *pts. The commltteo consists chiefly of banking and local experts.
• uoiuia IS """'"
Paul Verct, Executive Director of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service, was select" ed an a member of a Study Mis- »ion of- the United Jewish Appeal, which will survey its programs and activities in Israel and Europe, Jack W. Marer, F e d e r a t i o n president, announced. The Survey Mission will include executives of fifteen communities from the various parts of tho United States.
Executive Director To Report Findings
study committee.
Fourth Observed In State of Israel
Annuu i i t u B UOP7
•sit Israel 4 Mission for UJA If
Howard Kaslow, son of Mr. and Mrs. lien Kaslow, was elected to high offices in tlie region mill district of B'nal IJ'ritli Youth Orfinni/.jtion. IIo was named president of tho Cornbclt Region of AZA nt tho fonvrntinn held recently in l)cs Moines, In. At the district convention held June 24-27 nt Klklon Lake, Wis., Mr. Kaslow was chosen district secretary. The district, the lnr«>'.it one in the nation, boasts of n membership totalling over 3000. La.it year, ho attended the national HHYO convention and was secretary of a This August, Mr. Kaslow will participate In Betting up tho cultural progrnm at the national convention to bo held at Camp B'nal B'rith, Starlight, Pa. The youngest regional president to take office, Mr. Knslow Is a Junior at Central High School. A member of the Junior Honor Society for two years, he was recently selected by the Kxchangc Club of Omaha as the "outstanding sophomore" at Central. He Is a past president of AZA No. 1 and president of U'nal IVrilli YouIh Council which he helped organize.
every uriaay, iui A. ZOUL Nebnalu. Pbonf J* U06
Solomon Coldfarb
Goldfarb Heads Family Service The appointment of Solomon Goldfarb, of Detroit, as Director of Family Service of thoJ3moha Federation -for Jewish Service was nnnounced by Jack W. Marer, Federation president. Mr. Goldfarb replaces Mrs. J. Lewis Yager, who resigned recently. Staff member of the Jewish Community Centers of Detroit for the past three years, Mr. Goldfarb,specialized In case work and group work services. A World War II veteran, Mr. Goldfarb received his post-graduate training In'psychiatric casework at the University of Michigan, and was a psychiatric social work Interne at the Wayne County General Hospital and Consultation Center of Michigan. The Family Service Department of the Federation gives aid and advice to families and children, cares for transients, serves as an employment bureau, nnd services Jewish inmates In Nebraska state institutions. The department takes care of the casework at the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Homo for the Aged and bundles the DP program of the Federation. v In addition, Mr. Goldfnrb will engage In setting up a program of "Parent Education nnd Family Living" in the community. This is a nev development In family agency programs, and has done much to Improve family relationships In many communities. Mr. Goldfarb will also carry certain administrative responsibilities In the annual philanthropies campaign. Mr. Goldfarb and wife, Geraldlne, are now in Om'ahn and are residing at 608 North 50 Street. Mr. Goldfarb may be reached at the Jewish Community Center, JAckson 13G6, Extension 21, .
A community-wide meeting will be Held upon the return of Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Federation of Jewish Service, from his tour of Israel and Europe as a member of a Study Mission of the United Jewish Appeal, Jack W. Marer, Federation president nnnounced.
Egypt Wants New UN Truce Chief Washington (JTA)-State Department circles Indicated that the United States Government has complete confidence In Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, United Nations truce chief in Palestine, who Is now trying to bring Israel and Egypt together on steps to relax the tension In the Gaza area. The rcafflrmatlon of U.S. support of Gen. Burns was expressed while Egypt Is seeking to have Gen. Burns replaced. Members of the American delegation to the United Nations have emphasized that they see no reason why Gen. Burns should not be continued in his present position, and UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold hnd made It clear that he intends to retain Gen. Burns. Meanwhile, the Israel-Egyptian talks at Gaza, hold under the chairmanship of Gen. Burns, are In suspension. They were held,for two days last week but it Is not certain whether they will resume as scheduled. Egypt's Foreign Minuter, Mahmoud Fawzl, was asked over a coast-to-const radlotclevlslon broadcast whether he had requested that the Canadian government withdraw Gen. Burns. He gave an answer which was taken by correspondents who questioned him over the air as a virtual admission that he had done exactly that. -Reports of reactions of Western diplomats in Cairo and Jerusalem were to the effect that the West "deplored" Egypt's efforts to oust Gen. Burns. While the Cairo press was attacking the UN truce chief ns being "pro-Israel," Big Three diplomats in both the Egyptian and Israel capitals were reported convinced that Gen. Burns has ben impartial and that he was still the best possible go-between.
Israel's Coalition Topples As General Zionists Abstain Jerusalem (JTA)—The hand of the murderous past of World War in Europe reached out and brought down Israel's Government ,in the bitter aftermath of one of the most sensational court actions in the young nation's history. At week's end, Prime Minister Moshc Sharett led a new coalition cabinet —without General Zionist participation—which will govern the country until (he general elections of July 20. The Government crisis began with a criminal libel action brought by the State against Malklel Cruemvald, an Hungnrlan Jew, who had published accusations against Dr. Israel Kastner, former head of the Hungarian Jewish Rescue Committee and now a Government official. Grucnwald accused Kastner of having collaborated with the Nazis in the extermination of Hungarian Jews, in
order to save an "elite" of 000, including his own fnmlly. He also accused Kaslner. of having helped a Himmler deputy to escape conviction in n war crimes trial. After an action that dragged on for more than a year, Gruenwald was acquitted on all major count's, the court holding that Kastner was, In fact, guilty of betraying his people. Immediately, the public prosecutor announced that he would appeal the decision of the district court. Government critics Immediately Joined the fray, denouncing the action of the prosecutor In appealing the case, and charging the
Paul Veret
Federation Gets First Sher Grants The Federation for Jewish Service has received the first annual grant from the Dr. Philip Sher Endowment Fund, which will benefit two Federation departments, Jnclc W. Marer, Federation president announced. The fund was established in 1954 by Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president of the Fed'.rctlon. The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged received the amount of $200.00, an annual grant in sacred memory of Mrs. Philip Sher. The Jewish Community Center received the amount of J200.00 earmarked for conducting "Oneg Shabbats" for Jewish boys and girls at least three times each year, this grant to cover the cxpenso of having cultural programs and refreshments. 7 The Dr. Philip Shcr Prize which was Instituted this year at Brandels University was .awarded to Sidney Hurwitz, a university student. The award Will "be presented annually, to the student submitting the best essay on ''Racial and Religious Mutual Respect" ^ t - a letter to Dr.' Sher, the President of Brandcls University. Dr. A.: L; Sachar said: "Your benefaction has stimulated interest In a very Important field and I know that In future years, you will have endless gratification from what you have done." '
Parley Assails Spring Valley, N. Y. (JTA) — The proposal by some Reform rabbia to ordain women as rabbis was termed hero "a blasphemous attempt to transform the rabbinate to a social service agency." The attack on tho proposal was made at the 13th annual conference of tho Rabbinical Alliance of America, an organization affiliated with tho Orthodox rabbinate. Addressing the delegates, Rabbi C. U, Llpschit;., national director of tho Rabbinical Alliance, took Issue with Dr. Darnett Brickncr, president of tho organization of Reform Rabbis, who described women as having "special spiritual and emotional fitness to be rabbis." Rabbi Mendel Feldman, president of the Rabbinical Alliance, told the delegates that "the trend towards the Synagogue, Temple and Church, in these trying days,
"Tlie Federation Board unanimously agreed that It would be to Omaha's advantage to have Its Executive Director observe first hand the various programs sponsored by the United Jewish Appeal in Israel and Europe," Mr. Marer said. The UJA, he added, In our community receives its support from the Jewish' Philanthropies Campaign. "We felt, too, that Mr, Veret will be able to see personally, and to bring bnck to Omaha and the neighboring •communities a concrete picture of the achievements made possible through the United Jewish Appeal funds In Israel and in Europe, as well as essential Information on the present-day needs and the tasks faced by the United Jewish Appeal agencies In the year ahead," Mr. Marer stated. In Israel While In Israel, tho group wiil meet with President Ben-Zvl, and members of the Israel government and the Jewish Agency. They will participate in the official opening of the gigantic 66-mlle Irrigation pipeline which will bring water into tho arid Negev, the southern triangle of Israel. Tills pipe was constructed with UJA funds. During his stay In Israel, Mr. Veret will visit Kibbutz Ramat Zvl, a settlement In the valley of Jezrecl north of Ain Harod, which is named after the late Henry Monsky. The mission will also survey immigrant villages and new settlement developments; agricultural and Industrial programs. They will study the needs'of the immigrant population and the progress made In their absorption Into Israel's economy, In Europe Ih France, the group will' tour refugee, child-care, old-age and rehabilitation programs maintained by the Joint Distribution Committee, which also receives Its funds from the United Jewish Appeal, Plans Include a review of JDC operations in other European centers. The Study Mission includes directors of the following communities: Akron, Atlantic City; Colum. bus,'Dayton, Denver, Fort Worth, Houston, Los Angeles, Louisville; Memphis, Norfolk, Omaha, San Antonio, Trenton and Youngstown. Julius Blsno, former Omahan, who is director of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Council, will represent his community on this survey. The group Is scheduled to leave New York City Sunday, July 17, on El-AI Israel Airlines, and will return to the United States on or about August 11.
Tourist Visas
Jerusalem (JTA) — American tourists wishing to visit Israel will no longer need. to obtain Israeli visaa In tho United States. The Cabinet decided that visas will be granted to tourists here an arreplete with tensions and anxie- rival—and gratis. The new decree , ties, poso a serious threat of dilut- will go Into effect as soon as It is ing- traditional 'Judaism of. its ra- pubUhcd In the Official Gazette,.
Government with "covering up" for Kastner. Two non-confidence motions on the issue—one by tho right-wing Herut party and the other by the Communists—were beaten In the I tlnnni Ainm/mle " (Continued on P o m 21
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July 8, 16.ro,
Netu Market Place in Tiberias PnUklMA Every ttidaj Uj the redenUoo tor Jewish Service g g , „ u,,,^, W t M U U „„,„ UM «n 01 «Uucs «. ism Mtuif oo Apnneauen. mud. T~iAt». Kebr, l l d m lies. So. tail lOth Stroct. ;Y HALPERT Editor
UN Report Reveals .Economic Progress
Religious News
I United Nations, N. Y., July , j(JTA)—Israel has made tremen7;S1> p . rii., CaiH nous strides in every phase of economic activity since the State was established, and the plans for the future call for stupendous ex- Temple Israel . -penditurcs, including nearly two 'and a half billion dollars in forSabbath Eerviws will be held to[elgn currency plus investments in night at 7:30 o'clock In the Ciiapel local currency totalling more than at Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney II * Mlllon Israeli pounds. Brooks will conduct the service. 1 TTiese were among the facts and figures revealed here by a comprehensive report issued by the Beth Israel UN's Department of Economic Traditional Friday evening uervend Social Affairs. It Is a report ices (KaboUas Shabbos) begin at glowing with statistical material 6:30 o'clock. Sabbath morning showing that Israel la a dynamic services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior economic entity recording genuine Congregation at 9:30 a. m. Rabbi progress despite an increase in Groncr will conduct the Talmud population that grew through Im- Class at 7:13 p. m. Sabbath Minmigration totaling 660,000 new- cha at 7:45 p. nx, followed by comers between May, 1948 and De- Shelesh S'cudos and Maariv. Dally cember, 1954. morning services begin at 7 a. m. I' Israel's total national Income, at Afternoon services at 7:55 p. m. current prices, tripled; between Sunday rtbrnlng services begin at 1950 and 1953. going from 337,000,- 8:45 a. m , followed by breakfast 000 Israeli pounds in 1990 to and RabbTs class In Bible. Chil.1.050,000,000 In 1953; and there dren accompanying their parent* ,was a further" rise of 30 percent are invited to Join the regular Sun;In 1954. Much of this Increase was day morning Miriyan beginning at ,due to a rise In prices. However, 8 : 4 5 a . i n . • :" •.••.-•:•• • I even discounting that price rise, -The Talmud discussion group \there is still shown a 42 percent meet* every Tuesday evening at ' national Income increase over the 8:15 p. m. at the 19th and*. Burt years 1950-1953, and a 15 percent St. Synagogue.
in 1954. Total gross investrrmts, the report declares, "wa* at a very high level" equalling about 45 percent of the naSabbath evening services will be tional Income in 1930, but declin- held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath ing gradually to 30 percent in 1954. morning services will begin at 8 JO Foreign grants In aid, and for- o'clock. The Mincha Service will eign investments, especially from begin at 7:45 p. m. the United States, Israel Bond Daily services during the week loans and contributions from Jew- are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. ish organizations abroad have The Sunday morning service Is played a vital part in the Israeli held at 9 a. m. economy and arc depended upon , t o continue to play their determinant role, the report shows. Of Red Cross to Have la total of $140,000,000 worth of New Chapter House 'bond investments for the entire Middle East, in the years 1941The American Red Cross will 1953, 90 percent—or approximate- have a new Chapter House. Aaron ly 1126,000,000—was in the nature Levitt, Chairman of the Douglas • of Israel Bonds. Of a totn! of County Chapter, announced SaturI I533.O90.O0O of "Institutional re- day the purchase of a three-story Imlttances" to the entire Middle building at 432 South 33th s t East during those snmc years, over Red Cross will move its head80 percent—or well over $480.- quarters from 208 Sotuh 33rd s t , 000,000—came from American giv- January 1, 1956, said Mr. Levitt. e n to Jewish institutions in Israel. Mr. Levitt said the new quarters Even in governmental aid from the will give 30 per cent more floor United States, Israel did not fare space for Red Cross services plus badly by comparison with the rest greatly increased parking faciliof' the Middle East, the report ties. The Blood1 Center will remain state*. at 2549 Farnam s t Supervoltage X-rays in ranges up to 5,000,000 volts are being used successfully in treating cancer. Aid ,. New York (JTA)—Judge Bern. ard v. Rosenblatt, Zionist leader, this vork by giving to the Ameri• was re-elected president of the can Cancer Society Crusade. i Foundation for the Jewish Nation•1 Fund of America at a session of which devotes itself to the raising :1he board of directors at the Bilt- of funds for land development moro Hotel, Dr. Harris J. Lcvine, projects In Israel through wills president of the Jewish National and insurance policies with the fjnd, announced here. The Foun- Jewish National Fund as the benedation Is an agency of the JNF ficiary.
JNF Foundation
The noted American artist Nota Koslowiky painted tills view of the new market place In TJ-' berlaa. It In here, he nald, one meets Jews from every part of the world, buying, MUlng or jiut promenading and gnzlng; at the nicrclianillso on the Kiosks. AeroM the lalie are vUlble the Syrian mountains.
Personalities in the News C.S. CHESS STAB New York (JTA)—Samuel Reshcvtky, star of the United 'States chess team playing the Russian champions in Moscow, has not only toppled the Soviet ace, Mikhail Botvlnlk, but has also taught the Russians a lesson hi Sabbath observance. While the U.S. team seems hopelessly defeated thus far—the total scores standing 11 to 3 in favor of the Russians—Reshevsky*s playing ngolnst Botvinlk has been the highlight of the Moscow matches. Both of these leading players arc Jews. Reshevsky had refused, last Friday, to start a new name, according to a report from Moscow in [he New York Times, because he «>ul(l have had to continue the ;ame on Saturday—and he inilsted on observing the Jewish Sabbath even In Moscow. Ho played Bolvinik ui;ain on Sunday. The three games played between Reshevsky imd Botvinlk EO far, ?nded with draws in the first and hire! cames, and a victory for the \merlcan Jew in the second. [.ADEJINSKV SatisfacWashington (JTA) ion with the fact that the Delartment of Agriculture has now ixpungcd from iUs record the "BCurity risk" charges made against lim last December by Secretary if Auriculturc Ezra Taft Benson r as expressed by Wolf Ladejinky, Jewish agronomist Mr. Ladejinsky was dropped r rom the Agriculture Department is a result of those charges, but vas hired by another government igency, the Foreign Operations Vdministration, and sent to Sai;on to act as land adviser to the Free Vietnam government Durng the height of the Ladejinsky furore last December, an Assistint Secretary of Agriculture made mblic an anti-Semitic attack gainst Mr. Ladejinsky by a White ;ussian emlfixe In Connecticut.
OW Fortress Surrounding Tiberias
r~ Bout tf the crusaders In the twelfth century, the fortress haa massive wan*, round tower* and Wdmiiiu'iMT corridor*. IJkemany other andent landmarks In lane!, the .fortress felt the heavy ffcrant Bf war (taring "toaeT* war 'of liberation. Thl« I* a reproduction of a painting by Nota KoslowJ*y aad tra* painted la the Tiberias area when the artist apeat a year to IsneL
LABOR I.EADUK New York (JTA)—Expressing himself as "enthusiastic" over achievements in Israel, David Dubinsky, president, of the International Indies «Gnrincnt Woikers Union, declared that the Jewish State deserves the help not only of Jews but of "nil Anifrlc ins who understand the in'.'.'Jitiiii; of fn.edom and liberty." He returned from fin overseas trip (lurin;; which he had MM.'iit nino d.iyi, touring Israel, eai;er to see that country fur the first time. "I left Israel," lie declared, "inspired by cverythinu I f;nw there A small land with ^rcat problems. Israel has recorded tremendous achievements In the r.hort jicriod of its existence. There simply aren't enough words to express the enthusiasm with which one la infused upon seeing that brave little land for the first time.
Premier Praises 'Energetic1 Labors New York (JTA)—"Love" for Uie people of Israel and warm appreciation of their "energetic" labors in building their land were exprcDsed here- by U Nu, Prime Minister of Burma, who Is now visiting the United Stales. Mr. Nu had spent a week in Israel on his way westward, and had refused to visit Egypt after the latter country's diplomats had indicated In advance that they wanted him to stop In Cairo but skip Israel territory. One of the three most powerful of Asian leaders in the neutralist bloc—the two others being India's Pandit Nehru and Indonesia's Premier Satsroamidjojo—Mr. Nu has been an outspoken friend of Israel since the Jewish State wa3 founded. "I had a very nice visit In Israel," he told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency correspondent. "I spent seven days there. Israel Is wonderful." Asked for his Impressions of Israel, Mr. Nu declared: "I was particularly Impressed by the energetic labors of the Israeli people. They are turning stones into building materials. They are ininc up the land, erecting cities, constructing roads, making gardens out of wilderness. You know, I love people who are brave. What the Israelis are doing is brave, wonderful, courageous." The Burmese statesman said he was particularly Impressed with the work being done in the collective settlements, the Kibbutzim Ho had been through a number of kibbutzim, part of the time escorted by Israel's Prime Minister Moshe Sharctt For every 10,000 population, on an average, five persons will be saved from dying of cancer in 1955, but 14 will die and 45 will be treated for cancer. Give to the American Cancer Society Crusade.
KomurJ Nahshon
Nahshon Accepts Minneapolis Post Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nahshon with their son Amlkam will leave soon for Minneapolis, Minn., where Mr. Nahshon will take up the post of assistant director of the Mln« ncapolls Hebrew School system. He served as director of Education of Beth Kl Schools for the past two years nnd Mrs. Nahshon taught in Beth El Talmud Torah. Mr. Nahshon Is an alumnus of Hebrew Teachers College in Jem» salem and Columbia University la New York, where he received decrees of Bachelor of Science and Master of Art?. He soon will receive a decree of Doctor of Education from Columbia. Mrs. Nahshon is also a graduate of Hebrew Teachers College and Columbia University. They have both served in the field of Hebrew education for many yean In the United States and Israel.
Coalition Topples (Continued from Page 1) Knesset. But the General Zionists, although they were members of the coalition in the Cabinet, abstained from the vote. Their explanation offered later, was that they had not been consulted by the Attorney General. Premier Sharctt, however, declared that the Issue wns not whether KastnCr was guilty or Innocent The issue, ho said, was the breach of collective responsibility by the General Zionists In view of their membership in the Government coalition. When the General Zionists refused hln demand that they resign, Sharctt submitted his own resignation— thus bringing about the fall of the entire Cabinet. President IUhak Ben Zvl, after consultations, called on Mr. Shai* ctt to form a new Government. He did so by reconstituting the old coalition—minus the General Zionists.
Friday, July 8, Una.
Manvitz-Faigen Wedding Sunday af Blacksfpne Hotel Miss Ro^enc Ilarbara Mnnvib and Zan D. S'uiyen of Hack Island IJ1,, were married at G I), m., Sunduy in the Ulackstone Hotel JSallroom under Q canopy decorated with white gladiola:;, astors, woodwanlia and banked with palms and candelabra. The Reverend Alex Kntz and Cantor Aaron Ei[;ar officiated. A dinner followed In the ballroom. Parents of the couple are Mr. nnd Mrs. David Manvitz and Mr. find Mrs. Leon Fai^cn, the latter of Rock Island, 111. The bride was gowned in Cliantllly lace styled with scoop neckline and full skirt with chapel train. Her fingertip illusion veil wa» held by a half hat of Alencun lace and she carried white orclmLi, roses and feathered carnations. Matron-of-honor was Mrs. A. L. Halpem, Rock Island, sister ot the bridegroom. Miss Helen Manvltz woi maid of honor for her sister. Mis* Franct-ne Glatstein of I lock Island and the Misses Fayna ManVlUt and Rita Olesker were bridesmaid!. Honor attendants wore sea blue trystallctte, bridesmaids a paler shade of blue. Their gowns featured pleated bodices nnd brief U&ckctts. The honor attendants carried deep pink roses nnd delphinium blossoms, the bridesmaids lighter pink roses with delphinium. Gerald Dockterman, Hock Island, was best man. Ushering were Justin L. Manvltz, brother of the bride; Harrison Kavcnsky anil Arthur Hill, both of Ituck Island, and Morton Zube, Hustinc.i, Nebr. The bride's mother wore a (;own of petal pink laco nnd tulle over taffeta. The groom's mother was downed In blue chiffon. They both wore orchid corsaceii. Attending from Xtoclc Island, HI., were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Halpern and daughters, Hinda, Sur,an nnd Deborah, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gerald Dockterman, Charles Whitebook, Morris Folgcn, Samuel Grccnblatt, William Lerner, Bernard Sax, Sydney Abraham. Herbert Spector and Ira Weindruck. ALso attcndlnR from Rock Island were Mllo and Albert Docterman, Harrison Kevcnsky and Arthur
ma Iowa guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charence MoUenhof, Lchigh; Mrs. Hymen Chrcnen, Des Moincs; Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene and Seymour
Oshman, Cedar Rapids; Mr. nm Mrs. Sheldon Sitrick, Davenport Mr. und Mrs. Bernard Goldstein, lleltcndorf; Mr. and Mrs. James Lemson ami daughter Joyce, \Va terloo; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Krasno, Audulxan. Herbert Faigcn was from Chicago. Denver, Colo., piiest;; were Mr. and Mm. Gerald Harris. Out-state Kobraskanr, attending were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zither, and sons, Morton and Robert, Has tiii'is, nnd James Stewart, Norfolk. " After a wedding trip to New York City and the East Coast, the couple will live in Rock Island.
MLsx Noodi'll
MissS.M.Noodel Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noodell announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Shirley Mcrna Noodell, to Jerome Sheldon Spitzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Georp.c Spitzcr. Miss Noodell Is a student at the University of Omaha, where she is enrolled in the College of Education. Mr. Spitzer is n graduate of the University of Nebraska where he was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity. He will enter Nebraska's College of Medicine, wliere he will be a member of Phi Delta Epsllon medical fraternity. No wedding date has been t c t
Omaha Sketches Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Welner announce the birth of a daughter S w a n Teri born July 3 in a local hospital. The couple also has a son Eric Lynn. Mrs. Ida Robinson Is maternal grandmother.
Omaha is great-grandfather Mrs. S. Goodman of Kansas City is great-grandmother.
Sander Lee Bernstein was graduated this June from the Vnlverslty of Omaha. He received a deMrs. Allen Kohan is recuper- gree as Bachelor of Fine Arts. ating from surgery nt St. Joseph's Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sherman Hospital. announce the birth of a son Marc Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Marks Edward born June 9 at a local hosentertained their nephew Martin pital. The couple also hag a son. Schwartzman of Lincoln and his Alan Ricky and a daughter, Marbride the former Miss Phyllis lone Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Sol SherAdclc Lipsky of Louisville, Ky., nt man of Omaha arc paternal grando cocktail party in their home parents. July 4. Among the out-of-town Mr. and Mrs. S. Temln were visguests were Mr. and Mrs. David Kavltch of Lincoln. The couple ited by their daughter and son-inwas married June 2G In Louisville law, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Abramson and they will make their home In of Hlirevcport, La. Mrs. Abramson Is the former Miss Mamie Temin. Lincoln. After spending the Fourth of July Mrs. Irving I. Parilman has re- holiday here, Mr. and Mrs. Abramcentley returned from a two-week son flew back to Shrcvcport. visit to New York City where 6ho Mr. and- Mrs. George Llpp of attended the graduation of her son Marvin from Yeshiva University Kansas City, Mo., were guests of nnd Teachers' Institute. Mrs. Par- his mother Mrs. Lena Llpp over llman also visited relatives In Ja- the Fourth of July weekend. maica, Ccdarhurst, L. I., and New Two former residents of Council nrk, N. J. Bluffs, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hoff- Chomiss stopped off in Council man of Kansas City, Mo., announce Bluffs to visit their mothers Mrs. the birth of a daughter, Elaine Harry L. Chernlss and Mrs. HerPatrice born June 30 In Kansas man Krausc. Mrs. Edward CherCity. Mrs. Hoffman Is the former nlsa Is the former Miss Shirley Miss Beverly Ann Hurwich of Lou Krauso of Council Bluffs. The couple and their sons Michael and Omaha. Maternal grandparents ore Mr. Jeffrey ore enrouto from Miland Mrs. Jack Hurwich of Omaha waukee, Wis., to Fresno, Calif, and paternal grandparents arc Mr. where Dr. Chemiss will Join the and Mrs. Max Hoffman of Kansas staff of the Fresno Veterans lli« City, Mo. Morris Wlnlroub of pltal»
Omaha Hadassah To Hold Workshop
Youngsters Off for Stay at Camp Herd Three Omaha ""youngsters were awarded scholarships by the Zion* 1st Youth Commission to attend Camp Herri at Webster, Wis. They will leave here July 17 for a throat week stay at camp. The youngsters are: Sarah Milder, daughter of Mr. and Mi's. Leo Milder; Arnold Fellman, son of Dr. and Mrs* A. C. Fellman, and • Richard Zacharia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bam Zacharia.
Omaha Chapter of Hadassah wil present a three-day workshop on leadership training July 18-20. Mrs. Arthur Rubcl, national field consultant for Hadassah and one of the most widely travelled and. best informed personalities on Hadassah affairs will be Hues speaker. j Mrs. A. D. Frank, general chairman, und her arrangements committee, Mmcs. Irvin Levin, Isidore Levinson, Phineas Wintroub, ask all IIada.';r;ah members and par tieularly activity chairmen and (Troup officers ib plan to attend the training course. Further details wijl be published next week.
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Miss Edith Frank
Miss; Edith Frank To Wed in Spring Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frank announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Edith Sybil, to Alvln Comlsar, son of Mrs. Frank Comisar. Mr. Comjaor U in the Navy and U stationed in San Diego, Calif. He will be discharged in March. A spring wedding; Is p l a n n e d .
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Rayim Tops Y.C. Softball League
Friday, July 8, 1935.
18. Jews Settle In Mid-West
THE TERCENTENARY STORY Copyright, 1*54. by America* JewUb prcw
Illuitratlom by MAURICE d i l 0OURGO
By Jim KarbaUcb MIB37 CHICAGO Raylra A took advantage o, their co-sponsored league brothc irs SAW A 010 Raylm B last Sunday and made r srttAeosve AMBK/CAV Jih-S /-v 16-fs/ short work of them to end the To -THS M/pgame in five Innings by the score trStr. of 17-7. Pitcher Art Novak let up a little as compared to last week but utill won handily with the help «f catchers Jamie Shapiro and Jerry Marer. Actually, it was the weak fielding of Rayim B that lost the game .for them with a rash of misjudged fly balls and erratic infielding. In the game on the Center diaof Jti\t? etrrtcp IN mond at Elmwood, AZA 1 outlast* Sr. L OUlf INIQI6 — AHO AM APVMCE SHARP ITS FfterjSivifM House irx>/oM'r TAX£ Lous rot* THC JEWS WHO strriee BY iaSO. ed AZA 100 with a score of 17-1& •J£M&//-AM£HICAHff IN ClUC/fJNATlOenl TO BCSM BulLPISS A 3YH4&OGUS The victbn committed five errors semeo w DETROIT. H/THIN 2 tEARS (1819) nt SYKASOGtlSM\SBUILT, in the third inning but settled down and let only one more go by. Ray Kirke and Stan Wldman pitched for the winning club while Stuart Kutler was tabbed as the Attention Shalom Uv'rakhah! loser. BB Bowlers Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel NahEven with ten errors In the ball New York (JTA)—The Joint sh'on arc taking this opporgame, there was some good hitPostcards have been mailed Committee announced Suzctte anil Suzanne Estrada, ting topped by Norm Garrup's Distribution tunity to express their best a grant of $500,000 over a five-year to prospective B'nai B'rith daughters of Mr. and Mrs. David wishes to home run with none on. their many friends In period for the development of sobowlers for the 1955-56 season. Estradn, will leave Omaha July 10 Omaha, to the parents and chilcial work training facilities in the Those who have not received for New York City enroute to dren of Jielh Kl Schools and to state of Israel. The grant, accord cards and wish to bowl contact Israel. The ijirls will sail July 14 the entire Jewish community. ing to Edward M. M. Warburg, Mort Trachtenbarg, RE 5802. with a group of American and Ca- Shalom uv'rahhahl DC chairman, Is to be made in nadian college students who are commemoration of the completion taking a special one year study of 40 y e a n of JDC relief, reconcourse at the Hebrew,University By Lennle Ourvltx struction and resettlement nrtiviIn Jerusalem. Good weather, a celebrity and ty on behalf of needy Jews over- Rohanue 'Rush* trips highlighted the first week at seas. Rohanuc, a newly organized Their curriculum will Include on " ••.••".' . ' - • • . . •the Jewish Community Center Day The expansion of existing social Senior Judea club for high school intensive study of the Hebrew language and literature, the Bible, Camp held at Peony Park. training facilities In Israel, teenagers, will hold its first "rush Jewish history, tales tlnoKraphy Last Wednesday, • Verne Gagne, service The Beth Israel Men's Club will Mr. Warburg indicated, is to be party" at the home of Linda Ka- (geography of Palestine), modem the world's heavyweight wrestling carried 'out in cooperation with vich, July 19. Chairmen for the champion, visited Peony and de- the Hebrew University and the club's rushing activities arc Muriel Jewry, Semitic and oriental lan- hold Its steak fry and wiener roast guages and cultures and the gen- tomorrow evening Sept 9, nt 9:30 lighted day campers with his feats Israel Ministry of Welfare. T h e Rosenblatt and Judy Ban. eral humanities.... o'clock at the west end of Elm* of strength. The teenage members chose the DC decision to grant 1300,000 The weather has been good and for this expansion follows a scries name Rohanue at a recent meet- The girls look forward to a visit wood Park. , the youngsters have been swim, of preliminary discussions between ing because of the significance of with their sister,.Mr».-Moshe Ml- The program will include game* shael, the former Miss Barbara mine daily, playing gomes and representatives of the JDC and meaning, "our spirit." At this Estrada, who with her husband and music at 11 p. m. to be held in completing many craft projects. the interested Israeli organizations. meeting Phyllis Bernstein, daughSeveral groups participated in During these discussions, agree- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bern- are now making their home in Tel Beth Israel Talmud Torah build* ing. •_,•••" exciting trips. Last' Thursday, ment was reached in principle on stein, was elected president "pro- Aviv. counselors Bcmie*Fcldman, Sonny the contemplated expansion, in- tem" for the summer months. They will live in dormitories at Those attending are asked to Belm-in and Marsha Waxenbcrg cluding a decision that the exthe Hebrew University and will bring their own food and soda pop took their groups on a cook-out to panded social service training fa- The group plans an active and receive college credits for the will be supplied, Members are Elmwood Park. They explored the cilities would be established with- constructive program for teenage courses taken. The girli received urged to bring their friends with park trolls and lunched in the in the framework of the Hebrew Blrls. partial scholarships from the them. American Friends of the Hebrew area. University. A spokesman stated: "We are University for their academic counting on you to furnish the Last Friday, Deanne Markovitz, Further discussions to prepare B'nai B'rith Girls standing. 6nri ihukcrt and Nancy Barron he way for the opening of these most important Ingredients for thU Omaha (,'irls who represented the took I heir campers to the zoo at expanded facilities will be held in They will also RO on guided bit; party—the people to enjoy the Rlvcrvlew Furk. Each group will September. Actual teaching under Cornbelt Recion at the district tours of the "land of the Bible." fun!" have at least one trip-out during tlie flew auspices is scheduled io convention have r eturned with each period of camp. twgin before October }95G; It is high praises of both the AZA and Today 85 per cent of all skin Camp enrollment is at a new an this basis that the JDC ap- BUG conclaves, cancers are cured, but 95 per cent high with both periods being filled, iropriatlon has been made, Mr. Cornbelt BUG'S won third place could be cured. Regular physical the camp director announced. in the volleyball competition. Sanexaminations can prevent cancer Warburg added, pointing out that the program is designed to help dra Fcllman took third place in deaths, the American Cancer SoRUG & UPHOLSTERY overcome the critical shortage of the story telling contest and Phyl- ciety says. All-Star Game CLEANERS Israel personnel adequately trained lis Freedman also took third place IUGS — CARPETING The Youth Council All-Star in modern service and social wel- in discussion. The girls were taught how to LAMP SHADES Softball game will be played un- fare techniques. FURNITURE der the lights Saturday, July 23 •Throughout JDCV history, we get along, with members of the at East Boyd Field. The All-Star have constantly set ourselves the dub and ways to better their clubs. Cleaned In Your H O I M I players will be selected by a com goal, not only: of meeting emersliding • Loylag • Upohtat mlttec of league coaches and Cen gency situations; but of preparing During the three years of the DON IERNSTEIN HA M M ter Physical Education Director. overseas Jewish communities, as Korean struggle*, cancer killed 20 times as many Americans as the quickly a s . possible for the. day Jim KarbaUch, Center Athletic director, said. It is expected that hen they can assume full re- war did. Join the fight against it lome Of the strongest contenders sponsibility for their own assist- by giving to the American Cancer for the handpicked roster will ance programs without outside S o c i e t y . • . ; • . ' • • • ' • • ' • • • '••-.• '"• • . ' . ' come from the league leading aid," Mr. Warburg said. 'Today, nearly all welfare agencies in Raylm A squad. The Sunday morning following Israel, governmental and volunthe Ail-Star game all players will ary alike, arc in serious need of have a chance to prove their soft- such trained social work speball mettle in a field day at Elm- cialists as group workers, casewood Park beginning at 10 a. m. workers, and medical' and psyPlayers from each squad will com- chiatric social workers. This new pete as individuals in various con- IDC grant -./III, we hope, lay the tests involving softball ability. 5,-isis for an Important permanent Among the events will be pitch- contribution to the health and weling, running and hutting contests fare of Israel's population." with judgin. also beinf; done by In the United States today canthe -Softball committee for the hav* an ifoulh Council- Participation is not :er kills more children between supply, W»ai» limited to members of softball he ages of 3 and 15 than any talc* torn* off learns only, but.to member of the .tlier disease, the American Cancur hamfi. cr Society reports. •Kbulh Council.
JDC 5-Year Grant For Social Work
Estrada Girls to Study in Israel
Day Campers See Wrestling Champ
Beth Israel Men To Hold Steak Fry
Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
Day Camp Swimming
Want Ads
About twenty children at Center JA 12r.r, tc uuen four Want Ad Day Oimp have learned enough rhor.c The JtwiAh t'rttt. 'about swimming to enable them to Current rate u W) etnta for each incer. t'rtr.t rtitrvta Uie xlgbt 11 Unlit »tay on top in deep water after 00. ol Tbe each advertisement. bavins successfully passed the 3AR and Bus Mitzvah congratutest of Jumping off of the sevenlations also for all Jewish holi* foot-dock jind swimming to shore. days nnd special occasions. The objective for swimming at Acyors News Stand. 1502 Dodge the Day Camp is to teach each child the human stroke or com- ot Specials for Cool Summer Reading: monly known dog paddle so that the youngster can progress to 4 mons.—Women's Homo Comp 52.45 Other stroltes with confidence and enjoyment. 0 Issues Colliers ;$3.00 Friday mornings have been 5 mons.—American •...••$3.00 ...$7.87 scheduled for swimming assem- '8 weeks Life blies where children who , have '8 weeks Time, . . . . . . . . . . . S G . 8 7 mons.. Readers Digest. • . .$1.00 passed the test can prove their 93.37 ability before their respective 44 weeks Newsweek Mrs, Norwich, WA 3957. groups.
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