July 15, 1955

Page 1

Vol. XXXIII—Nu. 40.

Johnston Key

unati An oi


2nd Session of Pre-School Camp

o.ictii-fi cver> i'riday, 101 «N. atiUi. Otaalia. Metinnnia. Phone JA 13G8

Axinuaj ttau

Aid rkon Cited •"PM 'C U|ooun

The second session of the Jewish tiiiKMiy on tho Mutual Security ap- Community Center'Pre-school Day Camp will begin Monday, July 18 propriation bill was released. Now York (JTA)—American Jews have contributed "«" and will continue until August 5, (food part" of the more than .$1)0,000,000 spent on the Yarkon; Ccdric II. Seagcr, Regional Diirrigation project which will officially open next week with SPOrector for Near East and African at Peony Park. Operations, testified that during Activities for children have In- cial ceremonies near Nirim, southern terminus of the pipeline in , the past year, the United States cluded fun In the wading pool the Nnjfev, it was announced here j y the Israel Bond Organizahas maintained a sustained drive handcraft, park hikes, mid-morn•'tion. The contribution of U. • 3. "to obtain an understanding, for ing snacks of juice and cookies, Jewry was matte through the purthe division of the waters of the parades with their rhythm band chase of Israel bonds, the state* Jordan by Ihe countries concerned and story time. ment said. on an agreed basis for their storMrs. Win! King Is pre-school di Begun in 1952, the completed age, their control along economic rector and is assisted by three Washington (JTA) — U n l e s s pipeline represents the first leg of lines, and for arrangements to In- trained counselors. Miss Catherine amicable relations between Israel a twin project and will bring the sure their equitable distribution." Giles, Mrs. Jean Gustason and and the Arab states are achieved waters of the Yarkon River to the the economic future of Israel Is Mr. Scager asserted that the Miss Minda Friedman. "not very encouraging," according western part of the desort-IIke: conclusion of an agreement on the The bus with the pre-schoolers to nn analysis of the Israel agri- Negev region. The second pipeleaves Peony Park at 11:30 a. m., Jordan water "will offer considercultural economy released here by line, ,iow half-completed, will carable prospect for the rehabilita- and delivers each child to his the Foreign Agricultural Service ry the Yarkon water to the easttion of refugee populations, nnd it home. Hie fee for the three-week of the Department of Agriculture. ern Negcv, near Beersheba. Imwould oj>en up new areas for set- pcrio.1 Is 30 dollars. Youngsters The report points out that Is- plementing Israel's objective of fuller utilization of the country's tlement in Jordan." In his testi- from three to five years old may economic problems could available water resources, the new mony before the House Appropria- be enrolled by cnllingf Miss Bessie rael's best be alleviated if the Arab potions Committee Mr. Seager ob- Blank at the Center—JA 13GC or sition toward Israel were resolved. pipeline will divert the walbr of tho Yarkon River, which empties served that the animosity between Mrs. King—RE 8710. If this were accomplished, the re Into the Mediterranean, north of the Arab states and Israel has not port asserts, Israel could cope Tel Aviv. Approximately 66 miles yet abated. He explained that U. with future economic problems. long, the pipeline will produce 1.3 S. policy has been "to keep secret" "Military expenditures could be million gallons of water per hour. the aid allocated to Individual cut drastically, commercial relacountries, "thus providing the tions could be established with the The opening of tho newly-irriUnited States Government the traditional neighboring Arab mar- gated area of more tban 50,000 maximum amount of flexibility in Tel Aviv (WNS)—Prime Mini- kets, a reasonably adequate water acres will yield crops estimated at Jerusalem (WNS)—Dr. Isrnel the actual implementation of the ster Moshe Sharett, addressing a supply could be obtained," the re- $25,000,000 a year. With the comcampaign rally at Rchovot, de- port says. Kastner, whose criminal libel ac- program." pletion of the second pipeline by tion against Dr. Mnlklel Grucn- The ICA offlel.il testified that clared that if Egypt attempts "to In summary, the report states 1958, both the irrigated acreage wald was recently thrown out of the economic situation in Isrnel "Js close the port of IJilath by force," that while Israel has made "im- and the estimated crop yield will Israel "would not hesitate to use court when the trial Judge held improved." He observed that force to break the blockade, since pressive progress" In agricultural be doubled. -The Yarkon-Nogev that the defendant had largely much German reparations are providing and industrial production, the project will serve to open for setproven his charge of Nazi collob- funds for part of Israel's economic free passage is our right." population hns doubled since 1948 tlement areas of the country until oratlon, Is now facing n charge of development program, but that Mr. Sharett said Israel will re- nnd the food production per per- now considered barren and desoperjury filed agala'it him by Dr. "United States old la still re- sort to "all peaceful measures son has only risen 20 percent. It late. According to present blueGrucnwald. against the Egyptians' blockade" establishes that Israel has a "very prints, 30 new villages will be setquired" to maintain this develop- and that sterner measures would unbalanced economy and an in- tled along the pipeline routes durIn his ruling. Judge Benjamin be the consequence "should our flation which has not been con- ing the next two or three years, Halcvy held that Dr. Kastner, for- ment effort. enemies fall to respond to our ef- trolled." mer head of the Hungarian Jewish "One of the significant factor* forts through International chanRescue Committee, had eollabor American Educators nels nnd peaceful negotiations to The analysis by the Department In the successful completion of the ated with the Nazis, prepared the of Agriculture expresses the view vital Irrigation line was the conground for the massacre of 500,000 New York (WNS) — Nineteen lift their blockade." that United States grants-in-nid struction with the help of Israel Jews and testified at the Nurem- distinguished American educators Similar views were voiced by and German reparations payments bond funds of the huge prc-stressed berg trials In defense of Kurt have accepted appointments as Minister of Defense David Ben cannot Indefinitely at the concrete pipes at Yuval Gad near Bccher, Nuzi war criminal. The honorary chairmen it the Com- Gurion at a Mapal election rally present continue level; also that Israel's Ashkelon," the statement of the court's ruling set off a political mittee for the Dedication of Bar- at Becrsheba. He assured the second generation will not hold bond organization stressed. "More crisis In the Israeli Cabinet when Uan University, the American Uni- gathering that the port of Eilath the devotion and enthusiasm Of the General Zionists, members of versity In Israel. would be completed, assuring pas- the original idealistic settlers who lhan 45,000 concrete pipe sections the coalition, abstained from vot Hie announcement W'as made-by sage to the Indian Ocean, nnd that were dedicated to the establish- have been used In the YnrkonIng on a resolution censuring the Dr. Jacob I. Hartsteln, Dean of tho this would be done "if necessary, of an Independent Jewish Negev project thus far, each secgovernment for its handling of the Graduate School of Long Island with the help of the Israeli Navy, ment tion being 66 inches In diameter, State. case. 16 feet long and weighing over University, who Is serving as chair- Air Force and the Army." At the ten tons." '.,•'•. Dr. Grticnwald'n new move man of the Committee on Aca- same time he Intimated "there against Kastner came after he was demic Participation for the cere- was a likelihood" he w6uld be Emergency Repairs The project will be visited by asked to form a Government as turned down by the office of the monies, which will bo held at the the United Jewish Appeal survey Attorney General on the question University site near Ramat Gan, a Premier when the election Is over: For Center Building mission to Israel of which Paul of perjury action by the govern- suburb of Tel Aviv Sunday, Au- Rumors of Ben Gurion's return Emergency repairs for the Jew: Veret, Federation executive direcment Grucnwald claimed Kimtner gust 7. The new Institution will bo to the premiership have been cir- ish Community Center were iap- tor. Is a member. had lied «t the t r i a l . He was opened for Its first classes Sep- culating throughout the country in proved by the executive commitrecent weeks. tee of the Federation for Jewish turned down because the Attor- tember 20. Service at a meeting held last Fit. ney General held if there l.i to be day in the Regis Hotel. Funds for ony action it would have to come after a decision on appeal has been these repairs were authorized by reached by the Supreme Court. the Capital Funds Committee of the Community Chest, It was reTho gist of Grucnwald's perjury ported by the Federation execu- Starlight; Pa. (JTA)—Liberal complaint, which is to l»e heard on Jewish religion is failing to give tive director. July 31 before the Magistrate Ernest A. Nogg, general chair- American Jews a deep sense of Court In Tel Aviv, Is that Kastner Washington (JTA)—A detailed no concern to anyone outside her man of the Philanthropies Cam- human destiny and the strength of had lied himself when he testified Every contributory fac- paign, announced t,.at $412,865.95 identification that' distinguished at the criminal libel trial that he "memorandum of urgency" on the frontiers. fate of two million Jews' behind tor toward tension by her In of has been raised so far and that their forefathers, Dr. Sidney Mornever appeared before or given n to the powers consulting an effort was being made to reach genbesser of Columbia University sworn affidavit to the Internation- the Iron Curtain and a rcqeust concern with her at Geneva," the memor- the goal set for this year. said at the first B'nal Btfth inal War Crimes Tribunal on behalf that this problem be posed by the andum pointed out. United States nt the Big-Four Dr. Abe Greenberg, Federation stitute of Judaism held here at of. Bccher, talks In Geneva next week, was The memorandum revealed that vice-president, presided in the ab- Camp B'nal B'rith. Reform, Coneft this morning by a representa- for six years the Jewish Labor sence of Jack W. Marer who was senvatlvo and Reconstruction^ tive of tho Jewish Labor Commit- Committee through Its own efforts unable to attend. Other attending were included by Dr. Morgenbesscr tee at both the White House and nnd free labor movement through tho meeting were Hyman Fcrcr, in his definition of the forms of Sunday Radio State Department. The Jewish Its channels, have failed to get re- J. Harry Kulakofsky, Robert H. liberal Jewish religion. to consistent questioning of Kooper, Milton Livingston and Addressing an overflow group The American Jewish Hour I.abor Committee represents more plies of men and women, the Columbia . OO Jewish workers in Soviet authorities on the fate of Joe M. Rice. presented by the Jewish War than SOOO the two million Jews. The JLC The blacktopping of the Center professor charged that religious Veterans Is heard every Sunday tho AFL and CIO. pointed out that although Jews in parking lot is being completed this l i b e r a l i s m underestimated the afternoon over KBON from 0 The memorandum, addressed to Russia want to maintain commu- week, S. Elmer Gross, chairman value of ritual and was unable to to 6:30 o'clock. The program nication with their families outBuildings and Maintenance hold the intellectuals. He called consists of current news and President Eisenhower nnd Secre- side Soviet frontiers, Soviet pol- of for a religious approach that salute to a leading Jewish per- tary of State John Foster Dulles, iciCH make such communication Committee announced this week. would help American Jews live up stated: "There have been expressonality. dangerous. to the ideals of the prophetic trasions of hope and some dim signs dition In his attitude toward social progress that the cold war may, The memorandum urged that In South African Court . "Words We Live By" the new of last, be relaxed. It is our feei- addition to securing free cornmu-^ Johannesburg (WNS)—Designa- problems and which would inspire summer series of tho Eternal at them continually to increase the ng that on the eve of the Geneva hicatlon between families and tion of Simon Kuper, prominent scope Light program Is broadcast ev- conference, of their service to society friends on both sides of the Soviet Jewish leader, to the bench of the our government. In ery Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to consultation with our allies, must frontiers, free emigration by So- South African Supreme Court was and mankind. 12 noon over KFAB. The series to discuss the momentous viet families to visit relatives announced this week by Premier The B'nai B'rith Institutes of features a cycle of dialogues be- seek Judaism are directed by the deof the liquidation of the should also be .K-rmitted. It called J. Strydom. tween Mark Van Doreu, poet problem cultural and spiritual life of two for re-cstablishmcnt.of Jewish cul- One of tho leading members of partment of adult Jewish educaand critic, and Maurice Sam- million ture as "a primary prerequisite," tion of B'nai B'rith. More than 30 the Johannesburg bar, Mr. Kuper Jews behind the Iron Curuels', author and lecturer. The and emphasized that thin means Is chairman of the South African such B'nal B'rith institutes have ain. series will extend untl Septem"The Soviet Union cannot main- "re-opening of Jewish' schools, Zionist Federation Executive. He been scheduled in this country and . ber 4. ' ' ] , , ., .</i"ii tain p r e s i , ' )1 p u b l i c a t i o n ! , semln. Is a former chairman ot the JewU&'libroad this season, eight of "them a' position that' thlrf Is purely Board or Deputfe*. ' ' "•; lilt Camp B'nai B'rith. > iriiuf Mnternnr policy and1 of Met. etc ." Washington (JTA)-Kric Johnston, President Eisenhower's s o cial envoy to the Middle East, received Monday last minute instructions on the Israel-Arab Water development plan from Secretary jl State John Foster Dulles. Mr. Johnston Is .scheduled to leave for the Middle East July 28. Ho will visit all the Arab states and Brae]. lie refused to "elaborate m the details of his trip. This is his fifth visit to the Middle East in the capacity of special negotiator .between the Israelis and the Arabs on the American plan to develop the waters of the Jordan River for the benefit of the countries Involved. An official of the International Cooperation Administration repeated the position of the Elsenhower Administration that the Johrutot. Plan for Jordan River water utilization is a key to settlement of the Arab-Israel dispute, it was revealed here when his tes-

Kastner Faces Perjury Charge

Economic Future Hinges on Peace

Israel Determined To Break Blockade

Ike Asked to Pose Problem Of Soviet Jews at Geneva

Liberal Judaism And Intellectuals




Highland Hilites

July 15, 1955.

Religious News

UIA Spends 46 Million in

The ir-cliland Country Club is Ever; Frtda> bj Uie Federation tot Jewish Senrlce play'm;; host this week for the u u u u u i u tftbriAU. imaei itu act 04 ftUrcb a, «JI». WJ. AJlTenu TIR lulw CD ApfcBasUOR. first timi; Itj the Nebraska Men's fllilifc t k *OIB IB etrett. ere O T I U I . Ketu., )~MfcKm U H , 7:30 p. in., Cauill.llghtlng 1 Amak-ur Invitational Tournament. oop *au——u» to. to aaw - ei .Editor The tourney which opened MonHAftRX HALPERT. New York (WNS)—The agenday will sec the finalists battling cies of the United Israel Appeal for the winner's crown this Sun- Beth El expended $40,000,000 for their Imday. During the week qualification Sabbath evening services will be migration and resettlement proanrj elimination rounds arc beinj' played in Moscow when he pub- held. By N a t h a a Zi|»rln held tonght at 7 p. in. Sabbath grams in Israel during the first licly declared Sabbath was a day morning services will begin at 8:30 half of 1955, it was disclosed here IN M * OPINION . . . of rest stamps him as champion Tills Saturday will be mambo o'clock. The Mincha Service will by UIA National chairman lXwcy I Have deep sympathy for the In a field where *" e reward Is Im- night at tho Highland. A steak- begin at 7:45 p, m. Jewish couple in Boston fighting measurably g r e a t e r . Skill has house dinner will be served from Dally services during the week D, Stone in his semi-annual report tor the right to keep the child brought him victory over the 7 to 0 p. in. and dancing to the are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. to the organization's board of diborn of a Catholic mother. But I world's leading chess titan. Hi* music of Sol Castro anil his mam- Tho Sunday morning service is rectors. can't nee It either as a Jewish ls- dignity and his bo... Ing brought bo hand will fullow. held nt U a. m. Mr. Stone mid the "pressure of «u* or one of concern to Jewish honor to his people and hope to Tile Highland's annual Pop ConImmigration n n ( ] u, e n o w | t o ro. orgtnliatton*. Th« way to tight a the hundreds of thousands of our cert will IKS held Saturday, July s e t t l e productively newcomers law is through repeal and the way faith In Russia who have foi jut- 23, with lilchaid Duncan conduct- Temple Israel from # rtli Africa" had pushed1 to nullify a court's r u l i n g Is ten neither Sabbath nor Yumtov. ing tho Oiiuilia .Symphony Orchesthrough appeaL By Inviting conSabbath services will be held to- "expenditures a b o u t $2,000,000 tra. Tho concert will bo held on tempt through disobedience of the grounds nroiind the swimming night at 7:30 o'clock in the Chape! ahead of budgetary estimates for law the unfortunate couple U riskpool. Mildred Slocum will l>e guest nt Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney H. the six-month period." Thot.c coming low of Uw public support it pelling needs, he added, "have, vocalist. A special dinner will be Brooks will conduct the service. now seem* to enjoy. Nor am I made it necessary for the Jewish served from G to 8 p. m., and moved by the contention that they New, York <\ NS)—The Con- dancing In the main dining room Agency to Incur a $10,000,000 defU would'give th« child a Catholic ference on Jewish Material Claims will follow the concert. A midnight Beth Israel clt during the first half of this upbringing. It founds rather an- Against Germany this week an- supper will also be nerved. year, of which $7,000,000 repreTraditional Friday evening serv- sents long-term loans whilo tho . onulous for the couple professing nounced that scholarships and felices (Kabollns Shabbos) begin at balances are short-term credits." Jewish religious observance to un- lowships in the amount of $135,6:30 o'clock. Sabbath morning dertake raising a c h i l d In the 688 have been allocated for the Disclosing that $28,000,000 was services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Catholic faith without watering academic year 1955-5G to 1RG Jewin the general field of «grl« Congregation at 9:30 a. m. UabW spent down either their ,wn JcwUhnesa ish Intellectuals, victims of Nazism, culture, Mr. Stone noted th.it "this Groner will conduct the Talmud particular throughout the world. Of the 180 or the child's Catholicism . . . nrpect of tho UIA prorecipients, 61 arc students enClass at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Min- gram is of special importance since FuUiiburg, N. Y. (JTA) — The cha at 7:40 p. m., followed by it makes possible the fffective H* KNEW IT ALL ALONG . . .' gaged in preparation for services In tho professional fields, 58 In clause in Federal government proShelosh S'cudos and Mnariv. Daily In a HumiJi Interest piece about operation of the shlp-to-tettlemcnt the late Profenmr Einstein, the graduate studies and G7 are fel- curement contracts which prohib- morning services begin nt 7 a, m. program which Is geared at nvold« lowships for Independent work in its racial and religious discrimin- Evening services at 7:50 p. m. ing long waiting periods In transU IsKell newspaper Davar relates story onee toM by the famous the humanities and creative arts. ation In employment "Is being Sun Jay morning service.- begin at tlon centers by bringing the new. » • * vigorously enforced through the 8:45* a. tn., followed by breakfast comers directly to their homes on) artist Hattnan Struck. work of the President's GovernIt w rather early in the mornJerusalem (WNS)—The Hcrzl ment C o n t r n c t a Committee," and Ilabbl's class In Bible. Chil- the farms." ing when.Struck spotted Einstein Year concluded here this week James P. Mitchell, Secretary of dren accompanying their parents He revealed that of the 12.000 entering a bus on one of Berlin's with an impressive ceremony at Labor, assured tho 19th annual arc Invited to Join tho regular Sun- new arrivals during the first hall day morning Minyan beginning at main streets. He followed and on the grave of the father of political of 1955 about C5 percent went into shaking hands with the great sci- Zionism, with members of Knes- convention of the Rabbinical 8:45 a. m. agriculture, with 20 percent setentist he broke out Into a storm set, Agency representatives and Council of America here. The Tho Talmud discussion group in new development orcog of c o n g r a t i i l a tlorui. Einstein contemporaries of Hcrzl partici- three-day conference Is being nt meets every Tuesday evening at tling tended by COO Orthodox rabbis 8:15 p. m. nt tho 19th nnd Burl and the rest joining relatives In seeraed bewildered by the sudden pating. urban nnd rural nrcas throughout who arc affiliated with tho Coun- St. Synagogue. outburst of felicitation and looked • • * the country. In 1054, he enld, only cil. at.Struck as at a prankster. By Buenos Aires (WNS) — Israeli eight percent of the immigrant* now Struck Wa> confused, but President Itzhak Ben Zvi's book The Secretory reminded his rab- Surgery Might Have went to agriculture. after regaining his composure he "The Lor'. Tribes" appeared here binical audience that social jusasked Einstein whether In.- hadn't this week In a Spanish translation tice, "which Eome economic and Saved Albert Einstein Declaring that "this advance, read tho morning papers. When and which Is so important for the propolitical reformers think they Inis now widely In demand. Einstein said no. Struck excitedly ductive Index of this country, has New York (JTA)—The late Dr, vented" actually has Its roots In • • • toM him that Berlin's entire press the Bible. The Jew, Sec. Mitchell Albort Einstein had a 50-50 chance been made possible by the strong New York (WNS)—Wide ex- said, "has always recognized the of living had ho agreed to undergo support American Jews have been was frontpaging this momim; n "fewrt that tests conducted nt the pansion by ORT of vocational pro- dignity of lalwr. The Jewish pages surgery within 21 hours after his giving tho United Jewish Appeal," Observatory of Los Angeles had grams linked to "the economic have always taught that work condition was diagnosed last April, Mr. Stone stressed that "the next confirmed the theory of relativity. survival and progress "of overseas was noblo and idleness disgrace- according to Eal Ubell, science few months of campaigning In Professor Einstein looked momen- Jewish communities was an- ful. They actually earned' their writer for tho New York Herald communities throughout this countarily Into Struck's eyes and i»- nounced here this week by Dr. dally bread by working as tailors, Tribune* In nn article In Herald try will be of crucial importance marked with lubdued Bmile "I Willltim Haber, new president of carpenters, masons and In similar Tribune, Mr. Udell asserted that to Israel's Immigration ahd rethe World OUT Union central occupations. hav« known this for 20 ycare." Dr. Einstein deliberated too long settlement program and will spell council, on his return from the in the difference between serious ecotcrnational OUT m e o t i h g nt "The Ten Commandments con- "for eome reason" and died of nomic dislocation and ImportAnt SABBATH AT MOSCOW . ancury&m, a ballooning out of the tained one of the first attempts strides towards self-sufficiency." Samuel Rcshevsky, the one-time Geneva. to prohibit excessive hours of la- abdominal aorta. child prodigy, may never get a • • • Dr. Einstein's condition was first bor. They not only prohibited work chance to wrest the chess chamNew York (WNS)—Marian An pionship from Russia's Botvinnik derson, who' recently returned by the Jew on the .Sabbath but discovered six and one-half years and if he docs he could conctlv- from an artistic tour of Israel, de- also forbade hi .i from employing ago during an operation perfonned ably fall, but the class he dis- clared here at a press conference his servant on that day. The serv- at the Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn that ever since returning from the ant, a fellow human being, was by Dr. Rudolph Nlssen. At that timo, however, there was nothing Holy Land the has the feeling of also entitled to n day of rest. (WNS)— 'Die court of "As you know better than I, that could be done surgicaliy to theJeriiB.-ilem "walking in a dream." The famous Delser n.ibbl here wa« the correct the condition. Negro contralto, who was Invited justice to tho laborer pervades Since then French surgical sci- awesome scene this week of the to Israel by the Israel Philhar- much of Jewish literature. The old and now rarely-used ceremony monic Orchestra through the Book of Leviticus requires that entists have developed a method of exorcising a dybbuk from nn Geneva (JTA)—Israel's efforts American Fund for the Israel In- tho wages of a hired servant Khali of removing the nctirysm and re- nfflicted person. to train Arab teachers for the Btitutions, said she was amazed by not be retained overnight. He in placing It with a blood vessel*"taken The "possessed" was a young public schools set up for Israel's the cultural and artistic interests entitled to his pay when it is due. from another human being who The Prophet Mnlachl preaches elo- has .led of another cause. British Jewish woman, a recent Immigrant Arab children were outlined here of the Israeli people. quently ngnlnst those who oppress and AVnericah tmrgeoiw subse- from Turkey, whose ailment hndl by Moshe Avidor, director of the quently took up this technique been diagnosed by her physician Israel. Department of Education, Hammarskjold Hopeful a worker in his wages. a nervous disturbance that was at the 18th International Confer"I could go on and on, but you and combined it with other surgi- •M ence on Public Education. The par- of Pacification of Gaza arc more familiar with these elo- cal advances to a point where they resisting cure. After consulting ley, sponsored by the InternationUnited Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — quent passages than I. •Justice to have cut the operative death rate with a Turkish rabbi and u numal Bureau of Education and the Secretary General Dag Hammar- labor bos become part «nd parcel from nneurysm down to 20 per !x?r of physicians, the woman's husband took her to the Bclscr United Nations Educational, Scien- skjol) declared here this week that of our religious tradition," he cent In some institution. Kabhi and Implored him to exortific and Cultural Organization, ho saw no reason to change his pointed out In Dr. Kinstein's case, the Her- cise tho dybbuk that war, consumKas attracted lending educators optimistic views on the current ald Tribune writer said, tho aorta ing: tho heart and body nnd mind " from 68 countries. had begun leaking blood, leaving of the mother talks with regard to pacification of of his four children. the .surgeons with only 24 hours to Mr. Avidor reported that it has the Israel-Egyptian border at the Lighting candles and with prayHot been possible before now to Gaza strip. perform the operation which under er shawl o ver his stooping shoulopen a teachers' college for Arab these conditions has proved suc- ders, the Bclser Ilabbl asked the He made the statement In the teachers because there has not course of a press conference, and Arthur A. Joseph cessful only half tho time. After woman whether she consented to been nn overall Aral) secondary refc-red questioners on the suban autopsy was perfonned on Dr. the process and weather she obeyed Services were held Wednesday, school system from which to draw ject to tho optimism he had ex- July 13 for Arthur A. Joseph with Einstein, Dr. Thomas S. Harvey, the laws of Torah. The rabbi spoke candidates. Last summer, he said. pressed at an earlier meeting with interment at Pleasant Hill Ceme- pathologist at Princeton Hospital In Ylddkh and his words were Im130 young Arab men and women the press, adding that he saw no tery. Mr. Joseph, 50, a co-operator where the scientist died, was re- parted carefully and exactly to took an Intensive training course cause for altering his views since of a Grocery store, died Monday, ported to have said that tho an- her in Turkish by n translator at the end of which they received July 11 at a local hospital. cury3m had too far for an who attended the ceremony. When teaching; certificates. It was hoped that time. the preliminaries were over, tho Surviving arc: his wife, Goldlc; operation. Asked by a reporter whether he that many of these 130 would enrabbi In firm whisper directed the two children, Holly and Leslie; ter « teachers college which was thought the sudden change in three brothers, Jack and William dybbuk to depart from the body projected, but too few registered Egypt's attitude, as expressed by of Omaha and Henry of Chicago. Monument Dedication of tho woman. There was rerlo «nd the college never cot under Its sudden agreement to an agenda The family of the late Mrs. Ger- silence in the room as tho rabbi way. Many of the special course Proposed by MaJ. Gen. E. L. M. ended his command. Then tho shln Gltnlck will dedicate a mongraduates were then hired as un- Burns, United Nations truce srutrembled visibly. The dybPorvUor, might bo due to moves Mrs. Choya S. Cohen ument in her memory at 11 o. m., woman trained teachers. Sunday, July 17 at Mount Sinai buk was gone nnd Jier husband made at United Nations headquareald ho heard It leave. the Israel educator proposed ters here, Mr. Hammarskjold reServices were held Wednesday, Cemetery, 7705 Crown Point av,, that the International conference plied In the negative. July 13 for Mrs. Chaya Shlfroh Rabbi Nathan Fcldman will offiA dybbuk is a migrant soul fecommend the establishment of a Cohen with Interment at Fisher ciate. Friends and relatives nre In- which enters the body of a Kving fund—under UNESCO administraFarm Cemetery. Mrs. Cohen, 77, vited to attend tho service. person tui<T refuses to leave It tmtion—to provide educational assist- Ike Greets "Israelite" an Omaha resident for 33 years, l exorcised by a religious rite, •nee far underdeveloped countries. Cincinnati (JTA) — President died Tuesday, July 12 at the home Knowledge can keep a cancer Jewish folk lore is rich Mtu Be projected such a fund to pro- Eisenhower has sent his congratu- Of her daughter Mrs. llarry Shra- strike from becoming a cancer kill, stories of dybbuklm and their ejec,*Vfe tongterm loans for the con- lations to the American Israelite, go following a lingering illness. "n»e<American C a n c e r tfodety tion from tho afflicted. Among tb» struction of schools and for the English-Jewish weekly,1tm its hunMrs. Cohen Us survived by three urges everyone to join in tb • Can- literary work* on the theme ii 8. •eveJopmcnt of teacher training dredth anniversary, the periodical sons, Abe, Ralph' and Dan, all of cer Crusade and have a rlfysical Anski'n masterful drama "The announced. , •pqgrams. Omaha, and nine grandchildren. check-up in Cancer Control Month. Dybbuk,"

First Vi of '55


News Capsule

Orthodox Rabbis Hear Bias Action

Chassidic Rabbi Expels 'Dybbuk*

Parley Hears of Arab Education



FrfcUy, July IS, J051S.

Hadassah Official Here for Workshop

fM* TbTM

Omaha Sketches Mr. and Mrs. Saul Libowski announce the birth of a daughter Judy Marlene born June 21 In it local hospital. They itl.so have •Mn Jeffrey Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Claymnn of Omaha are maternal grandparents and Mr. mid Mrs. Mo'-is1 Llbowski of London, England, are paternal grandparents.

Scholarships for Omaha young sters to attend Zionist' youth Mrs. Arthur Rubcl, Nations camps have been announced by Field Consultant for Hadassah Omaha Chapter of Hadassah and will speak at a three-day Hildasthe Zionist Youth Commission. gah workshop to be held Monday In addition to the name.1) pubTuesday and Wednesday, July 18lished last, week, the following 20 at the Btackstonu Hotel. Mrs have been selected: Marcia Fogel Hubel, a Hadassah spokesman said to Camp Ilerzl, Webster, Wis.; tc will . glvo to Omaha Hadassat Camp Tel Yehuda in Barryville, women and leaders of neighboring Second Lieutenant Harry Wise N. Y., will go Shelly Greenberg, with his wl.'c Blanche and f.on Linda Vcret, Ilita Katzman, Barcommunities the benefits of her Michael are visiting in Omaha bara Wolfe, Andy Jean Gross, wide and comprehensive experiwith their parents Mr. and Mrs.Leona Brown, Kaye Turner and ence in membership, program nnd Harry Wise, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Marcia Zalltin. fund raising techniques, Harry Staenbcrg. Lt. Wise is on Mrs. Itubel has probably covered leave from Vance Air Force Base Sol L. Weinberg ha3 received a more miles and spoken to more in Enid, Okla. Welnhcimer Fellowship for gradpeople about Hadassah thnn any uate study at Washington Univerother woman on the national level. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Garon, sity, St. Louis, Mo. He will study 8he comes from a family which formerly of Omaha and now of in the School of Business and settled In America a century nj;o Louisville, Ky., announce the birth Public Administration during tho and /hose members have clung to of a daughter Amy Lou born June fall term. their Jewish heritage ar, n vital 6 in Louisville. This is their first part of their contribution to Amerchild. Mr. and Mrs. Jucob Garon ican culture. of Omaha axe paternal grandparAirs. Arthur Itubrl ents and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Early In her life, she became Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mason of ftnmerscd in the Zionist movement. In which the late Henrietta Szold Grossman of Louisville are maWas then director of education. A Kansas City, Mo., formerly ot ternal grandparents. Her first job was as secretary to world traveler for mnny years, Omaha, announce the engagement the lato Dr. Stephen S. Wise In the The Epstein-Morgan Post, JewZionist Organization of America Mrs. Rubcl has visited many coun- I. M. Wclner and Joe Jacobs, ish War Veterans Joined other of their daughter, Roselle, to Paul tries of the globe. members of the Variety Club, service organizations In sponsoring Cramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. SU Her dedication to the many were in scenes of a documentary the annual outdoor carnival for mon Choikhlt of Kansas City. Mo, faceted program of Hadassah has film "Heart of Show Business" patients of the Omaha Veterans Miss Mason Is the granddaugh* Iwen reinforced by first-hand ob- being made for the International Hospital. The carnival was held ter of Mrs. Abe Katskee and Mi", servation of Hadassah's achieve- Variety Club. A Hollywood crew on the lawn of the Omaha Veter- and Mrs. Ed Mason of Omaha. ' ments in Israel. Sho has visited stopped off In Omah~. last Thurs- ans Hospital Saturday evening, Miss Mason attended the Jun« Mr. and Mrs. Albert Prcmacls Hadassah Institutions from Dan to day taking shots at Boys Town July 10. Post Commander Sher- ior College of Kansas City. Biersheba. She attended sessions and Childrens Memorial Hospital. man Llpsteln, Malvin Tepper, Past A December wedding Is planned, of Aberdeen, S. D., announce the engagement of their daughter, of Knesset (Israel's Parliament) Department Commander M a x and tho Zionist Actions Committee Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Passer of ICaniier and Past Commander Abe Patronize Our Advertisers and absorbed tho cultural life of Omaha announce the birth of a Miller were In charge of the booth. son Kevin Mark bom on the Sharon Kay Miller helped out in the new young democracy, On Monday July 18 from 10- Fourth of July at a local hospital. malting JWV's contribution to the This Is tho couple's first child. Ma- carnival an outstanding success. 12:30 p. m., there will be a workshop on membership, techniques, ternal grandparents are Mr. and The annual picnic of tho Epand approach to now Ideas. Lunch Mrs. Louis Wolf of Mason City, stein-Morgan Post will be held at will be served at 12:30 p. m., andla., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Passer .lanscom Park Sunday, July 31. more program will follow from 1 of Council Bluffa nre paternal More details will be announced in to 3 p. m. On Tuesday, July 19, grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Morris the future, stated Julius Siref, picfrom 10 a. m. until 3 p. m., Mrs.Passer of Council Bluffs are great- nic chairman. Rubcl will concentrate on leader- grandparents. M o r r i s Dine of The community Is urged to listen ship training; for all and all phases Elma, la., Is also a paternal great- to the "Patriotic Voice of Jewry" of fund raising. Tuesday night grandfather. In the American Jewish Hour from 6-9:30 p. m., will bo devoted heard each Sunday evening at 6 to Hadassah business and Profesp. m. on radio station KBON. The sional women. program consists of, current news items and events and a salute to Wednesday, July 20, a session on outstanding Jewish leader. If will bo given for Hadassah leaders Letters have been mailed to you like the program, write to the from Lincoln, Sioux City, Fremont, Council Bluffs, and Grand Island, organizations requesting a list Jewish War Veterans in care of who have been Issued Invitations of officers and a review of the the Jewish Community Center. by Mrs. A. D. Frank, general year's activities for Inclusion In chairman, and her committee, Mrs. the New Year's edition of tho Ml will bvya Bfln Maureen trrmock Irvin Levin, Mrs. Isidore Levlnson, Jewish Press. If the president picture pott card! Maureen Leone, to Lawrence Ed- and Mrs. Phincas Wintroub. All of your group has not received win nnvltz, son of Mr. and Mrs.sessions will be held at the Black- a letter please call the Jewish Cavlrt Itnvltz of Omaha. atone Hotel, and all Hadassah Press office. RUG & UPHOLSTERY Miss Prfmack attended the Unl- women ore urged to attend. CLEANERS tcrslty of Minnesota In Minneapolis. Mr. Ilavltz i'i attending tho l u e s — CAirniNft Wharton School of finance, UniLAMP SHAMS versity of Pennsylvania In PhilaFURNmiM delphia, where he Is affiliated with PI Lnmbdn Phi Fraternity. Cleaned in Yow Homel The wedding Will be held AuI W h g . layta« • UptitUtq gust 28 In Aberdeen. DON NWUTEIN HA M M

Former Omahan Engagement Told JWV Participates

In Vet Carnival

Aberdeen Miss To Wed Omeshan

Please Note



A HoorJiMng Fomff

Delegates Return From B.B. Meet The following guests urtd delegates have returned from the B'nal B'rith District No. (5 Convention, held In Chicago, July 2 through July 5: Mrs. Hurry Friedman, president of Henry Monsky Chapter; Mrs. Morris Franklin, president of Nebraska Chapter, and Mrs. Sam Pollack, Mrs. Aaron Kp»tcln, Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, Mrs. Sidney Znelmer, and Mrs. Ben Blatt. Mrs. Aaron Epstein, was elected to tho general committee of the Grand Lodge. Membership awards tor tho past year were presented to Mrs. Harry Sldman and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan. I A play submitted by tho Henry Monsky Chapter, entitled "Trail by Error," written by Mrs. Casey Reynolds, and under the chalrmanIhlp of Mrs. George Schaplro, received an honorable mention Award.

Thank You Reverend Abraham J. Diamond wishes' to express his appreciation to all his friends who visited him during his recent illness and to those who sent their good wishes. Lena Rchfcld wishes to thank everyone who sent a Unlongram of congratulations on her birthday.

ADlSCHEWin boischt

Delicious wifh J A M TAM CRACKERS!

Rosh Hashonah This Year Will Begin Friday Night, Sept. 16 Greet Your Friends and Relatives with a Personalized Message in the New Year's Edition of the JEWISH PRESS

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday Sanday Brtincb



Served Buffet Stylet All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P. M.


Call JA 1366 Extension 33

• r lot yow »atch TV for JV4 hour*


BhcttUllj fa the blgg-il bargain ih your budgtll

flny, July 15, 1953.



Register Now for Camp Jay C-C By .Sherm 1'usUu

19. Mid-Western Setflert


Gerald Gross, Camp Committee chairman, announced this week Dopyrttbt, 1&&4, by Amtilcan JtwUb Fr*ii T«xt by DANIBL ILAIAR Illuitratloni by MAURICl del BOURQO that 180 Omaha youngsters have been registered for Camp Jay-C-C IH 10So iwe/J TH* SOLO 7Ht PA/tl/WD A/JP CCUXAtSCOUt and that registrations are now beHilBH"eLCCTRIFH!t> ALL CON&i/cr or A. WOLF /AT THS ing accepted only for the first two AMIRtCA, MAMY JBIVr rLOCKCP ALAMO AOOgp A BfUUAHT TO CAtlFOMV/A. OOMf CAMt week session or thc full four week PASS TO JBIVltH-AMZRICAV FOX GOID, OTHSR camp period. N V IV IB It t Those who will serve on thc Jay-C-C staff this year, Mr. Gross stated, are: Omahans Murray Belman, back for his fifth year; Marshall and Michael Denenberg, who will direct swimming activities; Bernie Feldman. who will instruct riflery; Al Fellman. Stan fellman. in charge of religious ac: tlvitles; Marty Gractz, director of IV 1641 A JSMfH-AM*RlCAfi \ campcraft; Jerry Marer, who will CAUtO SAMUfL AHMUTf CM)fAlKO\ direct nature lore, and F. Jay CAOCCID ALL Of A M n / C t ' Pepper. Girls serving on the staff h/ITM ?H* FKMMOHTK, AMD Hill be: Nancy Barron, Sandra FOUHDFP THI HHCVOLMN 6OCHTY M CALIFORNIA] Fisher, in charge of sports and games; Phyllis Kaplan, director of the camp newspaper; Helen ManHollywood (JTA)—Tony Martin vlu, and Sari Shukert. Feme Katehnan, in addition to her chores wasn't Joking when he told an inas-assistant camp director will be terviewer the other day that he'd By Howard Kooper in charge of programming. like to switch from acting to directing. "And the reason Is obvU Out-of-townen Joining the Jay- The Day Camp swimming assem- A Z A 1 0 0 London (JTA)—The Egyptian ous," added Tony. "I'm getting C-C staff will be Judy Fox, Sissy b l h da b o u t Foreign Ministry has prepared a tired of holding In my stomach!" v'^iJ^l "™iT iT™k»V"«^Si » •» "j","wye eparticipants' Kaielman. Julte Pinsker, Sondra|I M* meetAtoIt k M lion o uus weex as tnose AZA 100's social chairman, Al Sherman and Evelyn Slrota? A s - Iwho " ^ had learned to swim proved Forman, has planned a party for reply to the British note of protest against the Egyptian shelling • r r - ^ j ^ - g ^ ^ | t h e l r ability at Peony last Monday. Saturday, _ July 16. The^ club^ is maj), ~ w . ~ — Tame, ... , also to 'have " a"""" pine pong o f"I " I „«_— w e r e three ' planning ' ' *" *""" of the British freighter Anshun at berg. Bunny Ravltz, Howie Koopand a pool tournament The AZAthe mouti) of the Gulf of Akaba who took er.. Jamie Shapiro, Dick Weiner [ coniioeni croup wno i Leadership Training Course In- last week, it was reported in the . and Stan Wldman. Deanne Markoshallow water, then the «tltutc starts Wednesday, July 27 press here. The dispatches said vltz win direct tht craft shop.—--. " •"1 seven •""' continue through Sunday, that tile Egyptian reply is expectgroup — that—Jumped.._„-. ooff U the ven while Bobbie Jo Kelley wfll I n - lfoot F ^ Pdock *•*.*and l™ . ^ the V ' "fboys July 31. then older ed to be delivered nt the British ruct In horseback riding. Struct in horseback riding. Jay-C-C campers will have to who jumped off the low level of Embassy in Cairo within the next . wide and varied program of the tower. Each group was re-B'na.B'rith Girls two or three days. constructive activities that include Quired to swim to the shallows, arts and crafts, campcrait, nature Among those who participated Sunday, July 10, BBG's held The Times of Ixjndon reported that the Egyptian "ote will almost "'•" " •' "'lore, water skiing, boating, fish- were Dave Swift.and Alex Orkow, their Father-Daughter picnic at certainly be based on the contening, hiking, horseback riding, dra- All in all, about thirty-eight have Elmwood Park. The girls along tion that as ships entering the matics, dancing, music sports and learned to do the human stroke with the fathers played baseball Gulf of Akaba pass through Kj'ypgames and Journalism. Social pro- and some have progressed farther and other games. floating and the American The girls are now In the process tlan territorial waters they are grams, like carnival night and to crawL Even those whe already of planning their rush events obliged to ttop for identification Martin and Coy Day, are included knew h»w to swim h a \ e perfected which at the moment look very or inspection. "Since Egypt conin the program. siders herself at war with Israel their strokes to some decree. exciting. the Egyptian Government will

At Day Camp

Y. C.Doings

Egypt Will Reply On Ship Shelling

: Lab-fresh, i i Luscious-* | Chill and! ! Servo!

Next week, some lifesnving claim that ships must also submit techniques will be taught to each to questioning about their destinindividual so that even the non-A.Z.A. No. 1 ation and the nature of their carswimmers will know the best pos Two meml>crs of Mother Chap- go," the Times report continued. sible ways to help save a victim ter, AZA No. 1, attended the 1955"If ships fail to stop when orThe Jewish Community Center vithout entering the water. Red District AZA convention at Elk-dered, it Is Incumbent upon EgypDay Camp will start its closing Cross statistics show that a large hart Lake, Wis., June 24-27. Mike tian shore batteries to fire warnweek Monday with a record en- majority or drowning victims Meyer and Stan Kaiman were ing shots at them and, if such Itiont JA UC« to tnxn I M M l At rollment of 123 children, the camp could have been saved through chosen as two of the delegates shots fall to persuade the ships a The J«wub ITeta. Ournot r&u u 00 c«atj torramUMT* director stated. only the simplest of methods if from Cornbelt Region to attend to halt, then the batteries are en- •loo. Tb* i*rti« rutrvM U» lUbt u Halt He . added: — - - - » • "We • - ?. re B<>"-y l«» I they had been used. the convention. Features of thetitled to fire directly nt the ships," At9 ol ettrji Kdvertliemrnt. DAit and Bos Mitzvah congrata* have" had t o refuse laie cnroUces' annual convention were business the Egyptian note will state. tatlons also for all JewUb boil* and some youngsters who wanted groups, ' • .dershlp training sem- Egyptian Premier Col. Abdel days and special occasions. ' 10 continue for the full month inars, and election of district of- Carnal Nasser, In an Interview after signing up for the first two Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodfl*. ficers. published in today's Dally Teleweeks. However, he continued, we Attending the convention were graph says that the Gaz,i situa- Hot Specials for Cool Rummer. had to limit the number of chil340 representatives of AZA andtion "seems to have calmed down." Reading: By Jim Karbatech dren duetothe size of our staff BBG from eight midwestcrn states The Egyptian dictator added that 14 mons.—Women's Home and the- fact that we use-^public Ilaylm A has clinched the Youth and four Canadian provinces. Egypt's policy '.as always been to ..$2.45 swimming pooL The director con- Council League softbnll champion- A rush affair will be held July make no move but to watch nn Comp OTTM> .. . , | ~ w . . ....$3.00 eluded, for safety reasons and toship by defeating AZA 100 16-6 in 19 at the Highland Country Club. "Israel move to launch an attack 40 Issues Colliers 18 mons.—American .$3.00 insure a good program, we were five innings at Elmwood last Sun- It will feature a buffet supper. across the borders. This episode forced to halt applications. may now be almost resolved," he 78 weeks Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7 3 7 ' day on the center diamond. As Day campers visited Boys Town, usual Art Novak was the winning added, "but the long-term problem 78 weeks Time . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 3 7 Bey of Tunis 8 mons. Readers Digest ...$L00 Kontenellc Forest, the zoo at Rlvof Israel remains," erview, Elmwood Park and other | pitcher even with six errors com 44 weeks Newsweek .......$3.3T Tunis' (WNS) — The Bey of mittcd " behind him. Thc places of Interest. ~ opposition Tunis, en receiving Charles lladMrsr Horwich. WA 3957. did not get one single solid hit. dad, president of the new Jewish Tel Aviv (JTA)—The IsraelFor Rayim A, the batting coup of Egyptian Mixed Armistice Com- FOR circumdsm of your child call Railway Proposed the day wns by Sheldon Krantz Community Council of Tunis, spoke mission censured Egypt tdday for Reverend Abraham J. Diamond. of Tunisian Jews as "my children" shelling srael territory. The conTel Aviv (JTA)—Japanese firms as he hit n homer In thc fifth with Home phone WE 3899—business "hnv • lived for 2,000 years who two on to put the game on ice. demnation came on an incident are !nterested in the construction WE-4953.. r, my , ancestors" and whowhich took place last Mny 30. of a railway from Sdom, on the llernle FVldmnn pitched far thewith BABYSITTER available. Call WE Dead Sea, to the Israel port of losers but had difficulty with his "with the help of God" will "conEilat. or the Gulf of Aknba, Dr. control a;; he Issued numerous tinue to tje respected in my coun3527. Patronize Our Advertisers Dov Joseph. Minister for Develop-w a l k s which I£.'iyim A quickly try." The community council reported ment, announced here. Ho said cashed in on for runs. that the railway would help faThis is the second championship receipt of messages from t h e cilitate the export of pot;isn from in a rcrvv for Rayim. I«ist year un- French Ilesidcnt General and othworks to the Far der thc direction of Dick Vrank. er French officials assuring the the Dead Sea player and coach, and this year un. Jewish representative body of East. France's sympathy for Tunisian New installations at the new3pr E potash pianTat'sdon, have K one|' ™'? ™™™- '"><> V\W<* Jews. At the same time i t was fato operation, using the new car- "PPrecmt.on for his capable job reported by a number of French», I was demonstrated ns the champs men and Moslems living In Tunisia :arricd him off the field. that they had received anti-SemitIn the other came. AZA1 ic literature through the mall, with "international Jewry" and its alleged ambition to establish a worldwide empire as the chief target >t attack. Another source of Our middle name. concern to the Jewish community Sdom. He also said that construe-1 Jerry Slier....... » Created only to pats on to e w is the Knowing dissemination of tlon was boiilnnins on the Negev b u ' t h e v were*about as effective anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propagueiti, who revel In It. ganda among the Moslems here In town of Dlmona, which is intend- ' M t h c s c o r e indicated. the -vake of the recent established mainly to house potash plant i ment here of a distribution ngency

Day Camp Goes Into Final Week

Want Ads

Rayim A Clinches Softball Crown


U £


| C h a p l a i n Training

R rfrorc ^ c w ^ o r ' < (WNS) — Nineteen for Egyptian newspapers nnd WOWl" BOrfe«5 Jewish chaplains*—one of the larg- riodlcals. Istanbul Turkey will e ss tt s jjnn(E: Ijoe ggroups f,new chaplains tanbul ((WNS)— W N S ) — Turkey chaplains — r o u p s oof-ncw

» t o 000 tons of sugar from Israel to c n t c r the military service at Welfare Board's Commission on to.exchange for Turkish cotton. ewish Chaplaincy. Chaplaincy. o n e time since World War II—en- Jewish The nineteen nineteenne new Jewish chap^ T h e exchange agreement wasr o n C ( i a t chaplains' schools this The i ill b ready d for f active tiv duty duty for orientation orientation and training, lains will be d here h Mik lot tra w e ck concluded this week week by MiMi-w(x

sraeli Finance]]. Finance | t w a s announced here by Rabbi I ntlme tp officiate at GI services ehael.Tsur,. of the Israeli TurgMl -olti' tiW'iotkl tor.Tiosti Hashaijah andiYom Kfp-' Mlnbtry/with '-'-*' ^--^-^ « u Josepti"H.'lijoksfelA.' k '--VI;'Y.''"!,•; .(Jh'alriHirt oi'the:NatlAnai Jewish puif In September.

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SHINDERMAN MANAGEMENT •77N.MkMB<ji.Avt. • Chicago • MOhawk 4444t

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