Vol. XXXIH-No. 42. S
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SS* «££!"*<**« 'ml OMAHA, NKHItASKA, FKI»AY, JULY 29, 1955.
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Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel will culture and 13,000,000 for electrireceive 280,000,000 marks — the fication projects. Now York (J'l'A)—The American Jewish Congress, Jewish equivalent of 570,000,000 — from The Treasury head reported that Labor Committee, Jewish War Veterans Organizations, the cenGermany under on agreement by the end of this month Gertral Jewish religious boilies and 31 o<; the local Jewish Commusigned recently between German many will have paid 1,37',000,000 nity Councils—which together comprise the National Commuofficials and Plnclms Sanhir, di- marks—the equivalent of $.'(10,nity IlcliitionH Advisory Council—have addressed identical letrector of Israel's Treasury, Mr. 000,000—In reparations goods. The ter:; to'the Majority and Minority Leaders in the House and Saphlr nnnounceil Jicre upon his largest single category of goods, Semite urging prompt enactment in this session of Congress of return from a trip to the United those used for development purtotalled G70,0OO,O00 marks 'an adequate housing measure" States, Mexico, Britain, Switzer- poses, in value. Fuel oil purchases from and a bill to provide Federal funds land, France and Germany. British Commonwealth countries, to aid medical schools. Of the total of 280,000,000 mnrlts for which Germany paid, amountIn reparations payments, Mr. Sa-ed to 300,000,000 marks. In .addiAt the same time, the Jewish orphlr disclosed, 103,000,000 will be tion, Israel received 200.000,000 ganisations urged the Inclusion of u*ed for basic industrial develop- marks worth of wheat, raw maLondon (JTA)—The Egyptian a provision which would bar such ment, 58,000,000 for expansion of terials and transportation charges. regime of Col. Gamal Abdel Nas- Federal, aid to housing projects or the shipping industry, 58,000.000 ser celebrated lost weekend the medl.:al schools which practice fdr Industry, 32,000,000 for irriga- Commenting on his trip to the third anniversary of the military segregation or other forms of dls- .'_ tion project*, M.OOO.OOO for ai;rl- United States, Mr. Saphlr said coup which unseated King Farouk crimination. "Such a provision by thnt the new management of the with a parade and threats to In- way of amendment can in rio sense Israel bond campaign had sold vade Israel. The most blatant be regarded as extraneous," tha ' $14,400,O00 worth of bonds in the threat was made by MaJ. Gen. Ab- Jewish groups pointed o u t "Abfirst half of lftW, some $2,000,000 del Hakim Amer, Minister of War sence of such a guarantee In a more than in the like period Inst Louis Somberg, a member of and commttniler-in-chief ot Egypt's housing bill would directly foster year. He said that the United Jewish Appeal had also showed a 15 the Executive Committee of the armed forces, who threatened the and finance racial discrimination. percent Increase In receipts for Federation for Jewish Service, will invasion if It becomes necessary This would be unthinkable in light Camp Jay C-C, sponsored by this period. Reporting on the $30,- head the mercantile division of to "maintain peace by force," ac- of :he baste protection against '' the Jewlsu Community Center, will 000,000 two-year loan he negotiat- the joint Red Feather-Red Cross cording to dispatches from the such inequality to which the Amer- • ©pen Sunday, July 31 when 120 ed from the Hank of America of Egyptian capital. lean people are entitled." youngsters will swarm over the San Francisco, he said the money campaign. Lloyd II. Mattson, drive campsite near Bellcvuc road, Ger- was needed to meet Israel's for- chairman announced this week. Earlier, addressing a huge mass Bernard H- Trager of Bridgeald Cross, chainnan of the Cen-eign currency debts and as a gen- This year's campaign which will meeting to which Chief, Rabbi start in October, will raise oper- Haim Nahum and other Egyptian port, chairman ot the NCRAC, ter camp committee announced., eral reserve. Sherman I'oskn, camp director, Mr. Snphir concluded his com-ating funds for the 47 Red Feather Jewish leaders had been Invited writing on behalf of the organizations urged the members of the services and Red Cross, plus 5-yenr Stated the program will Include with a generally optimistic building fund needs for agencies. Premier Nasser pledged his armies Senate Committee oi" Labor and this year for the first time water ments to defend "the whole Arab world" picture of Israel's financial situaPublic Welfare "to vote approval Mr. Somberg, a veteran Comskiing and a miniature zoo for na- tion. He also said there are signs against "Israel aggression." He as. turo study. Another innovation that investment from abroad in munity Chest campaigner, will lead sertcd that "Palestine was . the of these bills In committee and the division which contacts auto- most horrible international crime that they be amended to Insure the this year, Mr. Poska added, will motive, merchandising and food in history." be the naming of cabins after out- Israel Industry would increase. admission to the facilities to be products firms. Standing Jewish \<e -sonnllties rangHe told the 40.000 persons In aided will not be limited because The division chairman Is vice- the audience that Zionism was of race, religion or national oriing from the Bible to our modern president of the Omaha Univerday. alone In responsibility for this gin." He drew attention to the fact sity board of Itegents and a board not .Morning and Sabbath services The Egyptian dictator that "the necessity for Including member of Children's Hospital and "crime." will ho held in nil outdoor chnpol, said: "Israel Is the result of im- such an antl-dlscrimlnatlon proviChamber of Commerce. He Is pressupervised by Stan Kollmrin. direc- Bob Epstein, son of Mr. mid Mrs. perialist efforts to disrupt Arab sion is highlighted by the overtor of religious activities. The Sam Epstein, will leave Sunday ident of the Omaha Downtown unity and prevent Arabs from be- whelming evidence that many of services will be conducted by the tor Puniee University at Lafay- Parking Association and past pres- coming a single powerful bloc" the nation's medical schools da campers. ette, Ind., to compete in the Na-ident of the Associated Retailers. Meanwhile, it was disclosed here discriminate. Sunday, Aug. 7 has been desig- tional Junior Amateur Golf Tour- Mr. Somberg is president of Na- Sunday that the British Governnated M Visitors' Day with visit- nament to be held there August telsons Inc. ment turned over to Egypt two UJA HEAD ing time from 2 to 4:30 p. m. 3 to C. •'• destroyers early this month. The New York (JTA)—Rabbi HerA pre-camp training course for Mr. Epstein, a Junior nt Central OKT APFEAI. destroyers were built at the end bert A. Friedman, executive viceGeneva (JTA)—An appeal to all of World War II and never saw chairman of the United Jewish Apcounselors started Wednesdny at IIIi;h School, is a member of AZA the campsite under the direction 100 In the Jewish Youth Council. Jewish communities and to all war-action. Two similar destroy- peal, departed via plane to begin ol the camp director. He was one of the two NebraS- Jewl.ih fund-raising organizations ers were turned over by the Brit- an Intensive five-week survey of kans who won the district qualify- to allocate more funds for Jewish ish Navy to Israel about ten UJA—financed welfare, settlement ISItAKL ON AGENDA ing rounds last week at the Happy vocational training conducted by days ago. and rehabilitation programs in IsUnited Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — Hollow Country Club with a score the ORT was Issued hero this week rael, Western. Europe and other Israel-Arab •conflicts and tensions of 78. Mr. Epstein will also par- b y W o r l d O R T U n i o ;n h e a d q u a r areas. •••'. -. . • .-..'• ,' • will again be debated by the next ticipate in the National Junior t e r s . The recently Installed UJA exDr. Aron Syngalowsky, chairsession of the General Assembly, Chamber of Commerce tournament ecutive head will v i s i t Israel, w,blch Is scheduled to open here to !» held August 11 in Columbus, man of the world executive of the France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sept. 20, according to the provi- Ga. He qualified for the meet in ORT, also made public the text of and othei' areas where UJA fund* sional agenda for the Assembly the district CC tourney held In a declaration adopted at the reare expended through its chief conHeatrlee, Nehr. The young golfer cent 75th anniversary ORT Con- Chamber of Commerce directors m'adc public this week. M. Grecnberg, Louis Hiller stituent agencies, United Israel The first Item touching upon the has some more tournament tro- gress held here in which ORT or- Samuel and Micky Krupinsky have re- Appeal and the Joint Distribution Palestine proLlcm will come up phies under his belt Including the ganizations around the world are ceived assignments from Chamber Committee. A highlight of Rabbi with the report of the .Security winning of the State High School urged "to Increase their efforts In president A. V. Sorcnsenfor the Friedman's visit to Israel will be Council early In the 10th regular championship at Highland Coun- the service of Jewish work, Its coming season. Mr. Greehberg will his Inspection of the Jewish Agensession of the Assembly. So far try Club in May. He was runner* propagation and Its culture atid head the committed on street traf- cy's famed ship-to-settlement pro- , this year the Security Council at up in the City High School tour- technical elevation." The declara- fic and parking; Mr. Hiller, fire gram Whereby newly arrived imney helil also in May at Dodge tion recalls "with veneration and iU meetings has handled only one Park, prevention, and Mr. Krupinsky will migrants from Moslem and other Council Bluffs. gratitude" the founders of the issue, "flic Palestine Question." the chairmanship of the areas are resettled, within hours, ORT In 1880 and all those who had share In new homes and new settlements: been its leaders and workers since transportation committee. that time, "among thorn the tens of thousands killed by the Gerstanding of the United Nations," mans in the years of the Hitler TO UK NAMKO •NNcw York (JTA) — Jacob anil for helping "to make the prin- regime." BURNS IIEAI'I'OINTKD and I assure you of my continued, Blaustein, honorary president of ciples of the United Nations CharUnited Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — support In your highly responsible the- American Jewish Committee, ter vital and real to the citizens post," , Arab circles here have expressed will bo nominated by President of tills country and to the world disappointment at the reappointSunday Radio Elsenhower to the ten-member at large." ment of Ma. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, TUItKS WISH TO MEDIATE United States delegation for the The American Jewish Hour chief of staff of the United Truce Istanbul (JTA) — Newspapers tenth session of the United Na- H'NAI Il'IEITII CITED tions General Assembly which Washington (JTA (-Secretary presented by the Jewish War Supervision Organization in Pales- close to the Turkish Government opeas In New York. September 20, of State John Foster Dulles has Veterans Is heard every Sunday tine, for another year's term. It have confirmed Turkey's interest the AJC reported here. awarded a citation to Ii'nai B'rith afternoon over KHON from 6 was indicated that Egyptian For- In mediating between Israel and • Arab states. Two such newsIt Is expected that Mr, Blaus- praising the organization for Its to (j:.'IO o'clock. The program eign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi dur- the teln's nomination, iUo:.g with the efforts to make known the prin- consists of current news and ing a trip to Canada last month papers, "Milhyet" and "Tercuman" other nine nominees, will lie sent ciples of the United Nations Char- salute to a leading Jewish per- attempted to bring pressure to gave front page space to a statehear on the Canadian Government ment by a Foreign Ministry to the Senate for confirmation Iw- ter, it was disclosed nt Ii'nai B'rith sonality. to have Gen. Burns removed at the spokesman who admitted tha relore Congress adjourns. The dele- headquarters hero, A citation was ports were true and added that so "Words We Live By" the new end of his first year's term. Ration, In which Mr. Blaustein will also awarded to the Ii'nai B'rith summer series of the Eternal The reappolnlment was an- far no official approach has been - be an alternate representative, Women by Secretary Dulles. will be headed by Henry Cabot B'nai B'rith Is a constituent Light program is broadcast ev- nounced by UN Secretary General made to the parties involved in the Lodge, Jr., U.S. Ambassndor to member of the Coordlnntiiu: Board ery Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to Dag Hammarskjold, last week. In dispute. the UN. of Jewish Organizations which has 12 noon over KFAB. The series a letter to Gen. Burns, Mr. Ham- "Milliyet" also reported that n cycle of dialogues be- marskjold wrote: "I have deeply diplomatic circles in Lebanon, Iraq The American Jewish Commit- consultative status as a non-gov- features Mark Van Doren, poet appreciated the efforts which you and Jordan favor Turkey's movt. tee announced that it had received ernmental body with the Economic tween and critic, Maurice Sam- have made (luring the past year Ben Horin, Israel Charge ffAIn citation from Secretary of State and Social Council of the United uels, authorand and lecturer. The to maintain and to strengthen the falres In Ankara, refused to comJohn Foster. Dulles for Its work as Nations. Slnco 1917 the B'nal Rerlcs will extend until Septem- worK of .the Truce Supervision Or- ment on his government's'position, • a •voluntary • organization during Il'rlth Women's Supreme Council ber 4. , ganization. I extend to you.my but i^id that such an offer would •; the past•• ton>. years In' bringing has had accredited observer status best wishes in your further efforts be given careful consideration. about "everywhere a truer under- with the United Nations.
Egypt Threatens To Invade Israel
Somberg to Head Campaign Division
Gamp Jay CC To Open Sun.
Bob Epstein Off to Nat. Golf Meet
Omahans In the News
Around The Nation
Global Report
race Tw*
Friday, July 20, 1053. 1
Highland Hilites Ever} Ifrida, bj the VtdenHno iui Jewish Service
Golfing activities continue t o highlight ( ihe programs at tho Highland Country Club. A Mcrijjandise Handicap Touniatncnt which was postponed one woek duo to the Nebraska .State Tourney will be- held this Sunday and next. The first IB holes are to bo played this .Sunday an * the second round the following Sunday. Registration may bo made with Henry Williams. Tuesday, AIM;. 2. the Pari-Mulu;il Golf .Stag will he- featured at the club. Tho first round of this handicap tuoroament must l« com. pletoil before August 7, it wns announced. The pairing of partners will be posted in tho Golf Shop. This Sunday the Continental Buffet Dinner will bo served from 5:15 to 7 p. m.
Between You And Me
By Boris SmoUr WASHINGTON VIKWS: The United States Government, which (Copyright, 1955, JTA) keeps an eye on developments hi PROSPERITY TRENDS: Reports Israel, has prepared a report prefrom Jewish communities In vari dicting that Israel will depend for ous parts of the country indicat many years yet on financial aid that the federations and welfare from abroad . . . This is primarily funds arc this year raising more due to the fact that even under than Jast year . . . The averag the best of circumstances, Israel increase in Jewish fund-raising in will have to Import one-third of its tha communities is estimated to be food from other countries , At about seven percent over Jut present Israel Is importing about year's campaigns . . . Tills la ac- fifty percent of its basic foodtually the first time since 1948 stuffs and will this year have to that most of the communities spend about $60,000,000 In foreign have succeeded in reversing the currency for this purpose . . . The downward trend In fund-raising of U. S.-report takes Into consideraeach of the last seven yean . . . tion Israel's seven-year plan for development, -jut asImproved economic conditions in agricultural serts that even if this plan is comDenver (JTA)—A newly incorthe country and the re-appraisal pletely successful, Israel will still porated School for Reform Judaism of the campaign structure and have to Import more than six milwill open here in September, Its methods by many cities are re- lion bushels of wheat annually, as 'acuity composed of parents of the sponsible for the new trend . well as other products . . . By that children In the school, It was reAmong the first communities to time there will be 2,000.000 Jew* ported in the Intel-mountain Jew* top last year's income were Phil* in Israel experts estimate . . . The Ish News here becauso according adelphia. Cleveland, Miami, Hart- report lauds Israel's efforts la'the :o Stanley Buka, a board member ford. St. Paul Lynn, Patterson, field of agricultural development, of the new school," . , .tho Tcm« but claims that while the populaTucson and Portland, Maine plo (Emnnuel) is not teaching the kind of Hcform Judaism that we The stimulus for a thorough re- tion of Israel has doubled since were taught as children. They aro examination of campaign; meth- 1948; food production has risen only 30 percent i . . It considers teaching too much Zionism and ods 'vas given communities by the nationalism rather than stressing Council of Jewish Federation and insufficient water for crops : Israel's basic problem, and it points that Judaism Is a religion. The CJFWF to the benefits which Israel.will Welfare Funds Leaders of tho new Sunday has analyzed campaign organiza- have from the Jordan water deschool, nlmost all of them morntion and methods to see whether velopment plan, if it is accepted by Ijers of Temple Emanuc-1, Bald that they had been adjusted to changed the Israel Government... The reconditions . . . Out of this re-ex- port cites the fact that foreign Mr. and Mrs, Sam Levinc with Who goes to Israel to work un- he school wns not a project of the American Council for Judaism/but amlnatlon came the most wide- exchange their son Dov and daughter Mirfor this year were iam are visiting this week witl der tlits program? Mr. Levino an- iiry added that a modified form spread changes instituted In many budgeted heeds swered, some go because they f the ACJ curriculum would b« by Israel at 346 million y e a n . . . UJA leaders are especial- dollars . . . Against this sum Israel Mrs. Levine's aunt and undo Mr. want to live In the Jewish homely happy over the fact that the will have 84 million dollars in in- and Mrs. Joseph Adler of our city. land. Others are JCuropenn refugees used and text books will be purcampaigns in the communities ate come from Its exports, about CO What makes these visitors un- who have not sunk their root;; In haced through the Council. •Asked about the nature of ln« going go well this year . , . It can million dollars from German rep- usual? Perhaps it's their history be seen from the reports they re- arations and perhaps 74 million Mr. and Mrs. Lcvino were both America, he continued. The chal- traction with regard to Iurnel, lenge for n.itivo Americana is that Mrs. Herman Stoln, principal of ceive that the spirit of the fundborn, raised and educated In the raising campaigns in the commu- dollar! in United Stntes grant-in- British Union of South Africa. In in Israel there nre greater op- the new school, snid flint the subnities is the best since 1948, the Id . The remainder will have 1949, they left their home in portunities for nil-round training, ct would be taught "historical' year that Jewish fund-raising in !o come from the United Jewish Capetown to settle in Israel. What the opportunity to rise to the tup ly." .She nlso described herself n» this country reached extraordinary \ppeal, the sale of I.snip] bonds, makes a young couple uproot more quickly nnd the challenge of vociferous on the subject thnt this peaks . . . themselves and Ihrlr young daugh building a new country, Mr, Levine new school docs not represent a ttid other pro-Israel drives. ter from a comfortable existence outlined. plit In the Temple." Neither the where the civilized niceties such as •emplc's rabbi, Joel Zlon, nor IU With the nail >,,nl election being babysitters and dishwashers are held in Israel this Tuesday, Mr. resilient Philip Mllcstein were in taken for granted? Denver at the tlmn of the nn« Levine was prodded into venturing ouncoment nnd were, therefore, Mr. Levinc replied that he hnd a few predictions. The Mapai, the cited about that expression of merBy Nathan Zlprln for comment. Leaders cy by our lawmakers. The pres- i>ecn an active Zionist since he predominant labor party, would )finavalfcihle the school project hud Informed A reader who say my recent ence of only seven Jews among was eleven years old nnd tho crea- remain the strongest followed by }anbl Zion of their plans before piece about Samuel Reshevsky's the first group of 1,243 to enter tion of the State of Israel pre- the General Zionists, liberal con- ic loft on his vacation. Observing the Sabbath in Moscow under the law shows more than sented a challenge of happier liv- servatives, who would pick up a few scats. The splinter parties during the recent chess tourna- mere words why Jewish leadership ing In n Jewish homeland. • mont there writps that Reshevsky was never too excited about the Jewish life in South Africa, Mr. would probably lose n few seats in Levinc said. Is organized similarthe Knesset, Israel's one houKe tome yean ago participated in a project. ly to that of the United States. parliament, he opined. chess contest in Yugoslavia where • • • Then the 'cu-stion was raised as be had an excellent chance of win- The State Department is ada- There are Jewish boards of eduning the flnit prize. But the tour- mant In Its determination to re- cation, synagogue councils, a group to who the next prime minister slmlliar to our anti-defamation would be. Mr. Levine said that he nament was to end on the High turn the Nazi archives to Bonn Holidays and Resnevxky left for even before it has had the op- league, talmud loralis and Hebrew understood that feeling within the 7:25 p. m., Csndtollgntlaf; day schools, he ndded. In the Un- lominont Mnpal Party was that • home and his pew in America. portunity to make a thorough ion of South Africa, there ore four study of the material at hand. It Anglo-Jewish weekly newspapers David Ben Gurlon would take a I may get my knuckles rapped Would appear the least the keep- and one Yiddish newspaper, Mr. firmer lino with the Arab states on this story too. but I'll stick to ars of the archives could do is to Levinc pointed out. News cover- nnd would not bo prone, to yield emple Israel my guns. The American Jewish preserve them through microfilm. age, well, he pondered, more em- to pressure from the western Sabbath services Will be held toCommittee Is making large-scale Is It feared deciphering of the nr- phasis Is plaaxl on international powers. In September, Mr. Lovine with light at 7:30 o'clock In the Chapel plan* for 1956, when it celebrates chives may disclose that many who news. Most of the synagogues are the fiftieth anniversary of its should have been hanged are high wha'. we would call orthodox with Ills family will return to Israel t Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney K, founding. The plans envisage a up in the world today. where he will once again take up irooks will conduct the service. the women antl men seated (sep- dutlC3 series of activities throughout the In the Zionist office. The arately, but many are half way year designed to stimulate Jewish function of the office Is to handle Beth Israel Iwtwccn orthodoxy and conserva- settlers culturtl and religious manifestain Israel from South Afrltism, he reflected. tions throughout the United States They are found housing and Traditional Friday evening serv• • • What is the attitude toward job3. Tourists nnd investors arc ers (Kahollas Shabbos) begin at Jews in South Africa? The Na- also assisted by I he Zionist office. :30 o'clock. Sabbath morning; There has been a torrent of Louis Witkln was elected drational now in power Is An important phase of his work rvlces begin nt 8:30 a. m. Junior words On the Refugee Relief Act. matic director of the Workmen's friendly Parly toward the 300,000 Jews i« handling the three millions of 'ongregntlon at 9:30 a. m. Rabbi but I could never get myself ex- Circle Dramatic Club at o mcct- in the country, Mr. Levine report- dollars that is raised by the Unit- roner will conduct the Talmud! ng held Saturday. July 23. ed. The Jews and the Boers (de- ed Jewish Appeal and Zionist funds lass at 7 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha Other newly ilecled officers scendenls of Dutch sellers) are on in South Africa. SlncO the South t 7:30 p. m., followed by Shelcsh are: Sam Sussman, president; flood terms but during World War African union is In the sterling '(•lidos and Maariv. Daily mornMorris Goodman, assistant dra. II Nnzl propof;anda was fruitful bloc the money must be turned ig services begin at 7 n. m. Evematic director; Mrs. Sam Novak, in South Africa nnd the National into goods for transfer to Israel Ing services nt 7:35 p. m. Sunday The Epstein-Morgan Post No. recording secretary, publicity and Party adopted an anti-ccmltic at- which makes the procedure more lornlnr; services begin nt 8:45 260 and Auxiliary of the Jewish welfare committee; Mrs. S. H. titude and allowed only Christians complicated t h a n transferring; m., followed by breakfast and War Veterans of America will hold Binder, treasurer and hospitaler; in "the party, he stated. But all money. Inbbl's- class in Bible. Children .their annual picnic Sunday, July Sam Ziverling, mu&icnl director; this has changed now, Mr. Levine When the Ivivines return to iccornpanylnR their parenta nr» 31 at Hanscom Pnrk pavililon. The Max Crounse, and Ben Miroff, went on to say. they will move into their vitcd to join the regular Sunday picnic will start nt 4 p. m. with trustees; Sam Sussman ond N. Mo3t of the South African Jews Israel, ew homo In Herzliza which is ornlnG Mlnyan beginning at 8:45 games for U.e children if the Lerman, stage directors; Mmes. ore of Lithuanian stock bavin;; about m. eight miles north of Tel weather Is clear. In the event of S. H. Binder, Nathan Lennan, settled in the country for a genThe Talmud discussion Kroup rain, the picnic will start at 5 Sarah Schwartz and Zctta Oren- eration or more. They are strong Aviv. icets every Tuesday evening at •, p. m. in the. pavililon. stein, serving committee and host- in their traditional Jewish belief* :15 p, m. at the 10th and Hurt All members, their families and esses, nnd Sam Novak, prompter. and Zionism, ho said. :ts. Synagogue. friends are invited. Bring your The next regular meeting will Mr. Levine, a barrister by trainpicnic dinners and Ice cream and bo held at 9 p. rn., Saturday, July ing, (barrister is a British term for effaEI pop will be furnished at the pa- 30 in the Labor Lyceum, 31th nnd lawyer) Is in the United States Herman Silverman viUion. Cuming sts. AH members are on a special fissignment on a Services were held Wednesday, Sabbath evening services will bo Members will be able to listen urged to attend thfs meeting. twelve month leave from the July 27 for Herman Sllycrmnn eld tonight nt 7 p. m. Sabbath to the American Jewish Hour, the South African Zionist offico in Tel with interment at Golden Hill omlng services will begin at 8:30 Jewiah magazine of the Air spon- About 33 per cent of all breast Aviv, Israel. He Is executive di- Cemetery. Mr. Silverman, 67, died 'dock. The Mlncha Service wiU •ored by the Post, by the means cancers are cured. The American rector of the New York office of Tuesday, July 26. gln at 7:30 p. m. of portable radios. Cancer Society says that 70 per the Patwa department of the Jew- He is survived by his wife, Bess; Dally services during the week Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sircf are cent could be cured with early ish Agency which assists technical two tons, Don of Omaha and Rob- re held at 7 a. m. and 7 p m , picnic chairmen for the Post and diagnosis and prompt treatment and professional people find em- rt of Houston, Tex.; three broth- The Sunday morning service if Auxiliary. ployment in Israel. Support the ACS Crusade. ers and a sister. > held at 9 a. m.
Split in Denver Reform School
Visitor Tells of Jewish Life in South Africa
Off the Record
Religious News
Workmen's Circle Elect New Officers
Vet and Auxiliary Picnic Sunday
Friday, Inly tB, «,„.,.
Hadassah Chapter Plans Card Party
Library Lane •
By Itvscllo Perils Smilh "The Troublemaker," by Ann BIrstein, is classified as a novel but to me ils fabric is not cohesive enough for it to be so termed. Rather, its contents lean toward the category of chametcr-ilelinea tlori, since the book has almost no plot, although it docs bullil up to a disappointing climax. • In this middle class Jewish household we have twelve year old Cookie, vho, according to Mama is a "troublemaker." Olhers are the likeable Rachel who is workIng her way through night school; fat and ugly Ithoda who attends day classes ot college; suave Papa a traveling fund-raiser for orphanages, and short frowzy Miimn. who alternately scolds and spoils her family.
Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will hold its annual card party at 32:30 p. m., Tuesday, Aug. 23 -it the Highland Country Club. The dessert luncheon effuir will feature a "Around the Clock Fashions' show with styles furnisheri J. L. Brandeis & Sons Department Store. Mrs. Irving Hereof;, chairman, is assisted by Mrs. Leo White cochairman for the affair. A door prize will be awarded.
Shabbas Nachmi Ity Mrs. Morris Spockter Our people have endured enough tragedy and fear; Our Land is ours to enjoy, tho obtained at price so dear. Of courage and help our need is still tremendous, Hut v.e need not despair for God, our Creator, Is ever with us. Strangers we need no longer ask for a home, And with dignity we face the world, never again to roam. Shabbas Chazon is already past, Be united, brothers, and we will be successful, Our Land will last.
T.I. Sisterhood
Omaha Sketches Dinner-Dance
Summer Recipe
! ;
Mr. and Mrs. William Appel of Temple Israel Sisterhood wiB Boston, Mass., arrived in Omaha hold its fourth annual dinner yesterday to spend a two-week Calorie-c o u n t i n g during the stay here with their aunt and un- dance Saturday, Sept 10 in tM social hall of the Temple, warm summer months is not the Cookie is a combination brat and exclusive prerogative of weight cle Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appcl and Serving on the ticket committee Child progidy. For example, Aunt watchers. A properly balanced, brother and sister-in-law, Mr. andunder the chairmanship of Mri, Rose asked Cookie to play with calorie-wise meal can go n long Mrs. Morris Appel. Max Walfson are: Mmen. Millard her boys. way towards helping you keep Rosenberg, Jack Lent, William "Mama gave a dry proud laugh. cool, whether or not you want to Katman, Joseph Levey, • James Mr. and Mrs. Leroy A. Katz an You're Bending Cookie out to play A. t shed weight. trainee the birth of a son Allen Samuelson, David Orkow, Joseph with children?' she said. They're One of the finest foods for this Mrs. Bertram Sliver too dumb for her. And the same purpose is Munischewitz Gefilte Robert born July 5 in a local hos- Meyer, Stanley flsk, Robert thing In school. Every month she Fish, because it Is high in nour- pital. This is their first child. Ma- Conn, Ed Gilbert, George Spltzetv gets AA without moving a finger. ishing proteins, yet low in heat- ternal grandparents are Mr. andHarold Kasln, Howard Milder, NorBut does she Uke school? No. She producing calories. Gently sea- Mrs. Milton Nearenberg and paman Siegel and Louis Lipp. bates i t " soned' to an exclusive Manischew- ternal grandparents are Mr. and Itz recipe that enhances the lake- Mrs. Dave Katz, all of Omaha. There Is an episode when Cookie Patronize Our Advertisers fresh, luscious flavor of choice is getting ready lor bed. She freshwater fish, gefilte fish as Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rubin of leaves her clothes strewn all over Miss Sally Rosinslty of Lo3 An- Manischcwitz makes It contain Kearney, Nebr., and their sons the floor and Mama picks them Daniel and David visited Mrs. Ru- • Gently Masoned. up,' folds them and putt them geles, Calif,, nnd Bertram A. Sil-only 70 calories per 214 oz. porlM«Hudt tutel ver of San Francisco, Calif., were tion. " bin's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Somehow, this book Is not quite married June 19 at Sportsman's The menu below provides a re- Luttbeg this past week. Mrs. Rusuccessful. A feeling of reality Lodge in Los Angeles. Tlie bride freshing, cooling low-calorie meal bin is the former Miss Barbara about the characters and events is Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.that can be prepared in a mere Luttbeg. The Rubins' son David was born May13 of this year In lacking. To Illustrate; Cookie Isadore Hoslnsky, formerly of matter of minutes"., Kearney. cornea :: home , to find Mama Omaha and now of \JC>I Angeles. Flahlct Chefs Salad Mrs. Faye Gralnlck, cousin of 1 pint jar Manischcwitz Fishleta, stretched out on the sofa, moanIng that Papa has "killed" her. the bride, was matron-of-honor. drained Mr. and Mrs/ Paul Crounsc anCookie believes that Papa has Iirkiesmalds wen.' Misses Sherry Hard cooked egg—quartered nounce the birth of a daughter Lake-fresh, really poisoned Mama, and sheSllvennan, Roberta Goodkin and .Slivers of Cheese Joni Raise born July 13 in a local luscious... sits up with her all night long, Mrs. Marilyn Cliernlss. Tomato Wedges hospital. The couple has two sons "protecting" her from Papa. The Ronald Tcnnlcr was best man Carrot Curls James Frederic and Marc William. chill and serve! truth wan that Mama was intoxl and Hurley M. Rosinsky, Larry Cucumber Slices Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Morris ft cated and Papa didn't want Cookie Reder, Howard Chcralss were Crisp Lettuce Omaha are maternal grandparto know i t Papa had tried to al ushers. Arrange Ingredients attractively ents and Mrs. Sam Rifkin of our lcvlatc Mama's toothache by tell Two hundred persona attended in Individual salad bowls or in one city Is paternal grandmother. Mrs. ing her to swish some bourbon on Including guests from Omaha, New large salad bowl. Serve with your H. Friedman is maternal greatthe tooth, whereupon Mama cwal- York, San Francisco, S t Louis, favorite low calorie salad dressing. grandmother. lowed half a bottle "by mistake.' and Lake Charles, La. Tastes differ, of course, und it The couple Is making their home may he that you will like "The In Los Angeles. Troublemaker." One virtue this book has: It In easy, light reading, which may bo what you are look Open House Ing'for in these days of summer Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rife of 6023 RUG & UPHOLSTERY heat CLEANERS Poppleton Bt, nnnounee an open will b«y Tills new book Is available ot the house will be held Sunday, July RUGS — CARPETING Jewish Community Library. 31 from 2 to 5:30 p. m. at their one raxor bla<Jd LAMP SHADES home, honoring their daughter and FURNITURE son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dandy who were married recentCleaned in Your Homel ly. No Invitations have been is(Isdlsg - Uylag . R^Mlriag Maurice Pepper, Jr., son of Dr.sued and all friends and relatives DON (EINSTEIN HA 2554 and Mrs. Maurice Pepper, wishes are cordially Invited to attend. to thank his friends who sent a Unkmgram c o n g r a t u l a t i n g him upon the celebration of hisCousins' Club Picnic Bar Mitzvah held last month. A Refrsslting The annual Cousins' Club picnic will be held at 3 p. m., Sunday, Summer , July 31 at Benson Park. All couMonsky Chapter . Drink! sins, second cousins and friends The following members of theere Invited to attend. Executive Board of the Henry Moiuky Chapter No. 346 of B'nal B'rith, met at the home of Mrs. George Cohen to make plans for the program for 1955-56. 0 uuEi-runE HHU'IIUK JJ Attending were Mrs. Harry or 250 Friedman, president, and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Aaron Epstein, •bctrlc «hav«fj Mrs.-Harry Wise, Mrs. 6ol Miroff and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan. Delicious with TAM TAM CRACKERS! The members nlso laid Initial plans for a paid-up membership luncheon, to be held Wednesday, Aug. 24. The place and further plans for this luncheon will be announced in the very near future. New members will l>e guests at this affair.
Former Otnahan Married in L. A.
• • • ' • .
; ;
• ' • • •
Thank You
. A Nombhlw Food I
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
Cousins' Club to Meet Mrs. Hyman Fried will entertain the Cousins' Club at 12:30 p. m. luncheon Wednesday, Aug. 3 In the Simian Room of the Blackitonc Hotel. Those who nre unable to attend call Mrs. Fried at RE 449G.
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BBYO Leadership Institute Starts
Friday, July 19, 1955,
Builders of Pipeline to Productivity
' The first Leadership Training Institute of the Cornbelt Region Of B'nai B'rith Youth Organiza tion Is being held from July 28 to 81 at Camp Brewster. AZA and BBG representatives from Lincoln, Sioux Falls, Sioux City, Dcs Moines, and Omaha will attend. -Leadership training seminars Will emphasize the chapter program and Jewish life in America. Social activities such as campfire get-togethers, dancing, skits, Sabbath and Havdalah services will inake up part of the program. Guests yrfll include Dr. Abe Greenborg; riational board mem ber of B'nal B'rith; Dick Sllbermim. District No. 6 AZA Presl ! dent; Harvey Lorberbaum, a past director,,of Cprnbelt and North Star Regions and present director ©(^.Wisconsin Region; , Seymour Kaplan, regional ADL director Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, past president of Henry Monsky Chapter; Mervln Lemmerman, school director of Temple Israel; Irving Stern school director of Beth Israel; Dr. JLewis Ifagcr, Psychologist at the Veterans' Hospital; Lenny Gurvltz, Center program director; Sol Goldfarb. Center Family Service director; : •. Sherman Poska, Center Itrmel eel<-brated the "Covenant of the Water" list week when President Itzhak lion Zvl pressed Youth ActhrJUes director; Jim the button which brgan the flow of water from thn Yarkon Itlver springs in ItoKli Haayan to the Karbatseh, Center athletic direc- Hegev. Prime Minister Sharett declared Hist "Israel Li taking a glnnt «trp towards agricultural selftor; E<J Rosen, chairman of the sufficiency with the inauguration of the Yarkon Negev Irrigation pipeline." In pointing- out that this Omaha B'nal B'rith Youth Com- "bold enterprise" will result in "new homes and farms for thousands of Immigrants and hope of high mittee: Lou Canar, advisor of prosperity for the entire region," Prime Minister Sharett said that "capital from Independence and I)eAZA 100 and Sam Berek, prom- velopment Isrmel Bond Issues, together with funds from American Oranls-ln-ald and the United Jewish inent r.'nai B'rith leader of Fremont. ^ .•: ; •;"'. •'•:;; :• '"J.V '• . Appeal made possible this great event in our history." The topic* for the seminars in dude the following: revtew__of pledge programs, duties of officers, parliamentary-procedure, the why RAHH of belonging and participating, Jerry Greenberg and Dave Rice ELECTION BOMBINGS Tel Aviv <JTA)—For the first how W program. Journalism. Is- were elected advisors of Raylm TelAviv (JTA)—The Israel Cab- time in history Monday, the inraeli singing and dancing, public for the coming year. Raylm mem- inet, at Its last meeting Sunday habitants Nazareth, Israel's allspeaking,: Sabbath services, song bers John Goldner and Doug Cohen before the national elections Tues- Arab city,ofwere to get fresh leading, what Is Judaism, Jewish qualified for Publliik Golf Tour- day took a vigorous stand against drinking water asable: they needed it. problems, and the Jewish teenager nament The fraternity heJd its the bombings which have taken Tho city was cut into a main and community responsibilities. first rush event-of the season July place during the election campaign water supply line of the Mokerot The leadership training program 1G at the home of Howard Wein- and which reached a high, point Water Company, ending "waterIjrss originated In North Star berg. The following day, Rayim when a bomb was thrown early loss days", hi Nazareth. Previously, gion in Minnesota and has spread was host to the Youth Council at Saturday into the home of Israel water was distributed only weekrapidly to every region of AZA a watermelon feast celebrating the Ilokach, former Minister of In- ly in the city. The project cost an and BBG. The purpose of the In- baseball team'n victory In (he soft terior, who Is the Gener.'il Zionist estimated $1:55,000 part of which stitute is to build strong lenders candidate for Mayor of Tel Aviv. was born by the city and part by for AZA and BBG chapters and ball league. The apartment was damaged by the Israel Government. This Sprint; to help build better leaders for the All those interested in recelvlnc the blast. and Summer the Israel Army had American Jewish communities of Hayim formal .pictures contact been trucking in water to supple, tomorrow, according to Mnrvin Tunny Horwich, WA 3917, this ment the failing springs which Mr. Kokach was not hurt, but a Frecdmnn, chairman for this week. physician who was called to ex- used to supply the city's water. year's Institute. amine him shortly after the bomb Turning the valve that linked Mr. Freedman was recently D'NAI II'IUTI! Ulltl.S Nazareth with the countrywide elected secretary of the Cornbclt B'nai B'rith Girls held their first Incident ordered him to remain in water system, Premier Moshc Region. He i.i a past president and rush party last Thursday. The next bed and forbade his participation Sharett said that It was "a happy secretary of AZA 100 and is now rush party will be a tea to be held n five election'meetings scheduled occasion to see the inhabitants of for the day. 'Die incident was the this city lieavint; a slj;h of relief serving as pledgemaster. Marvin, August 28. •:,'•"' principle feature in all election as their toil of drawing and carson at Mr, and Mrs. Irving Freedspeeches delivered tcxiay and yes- ryini; water in buckets comes to nan, is a junior at Central High A Z A N O . 1 School where he has been a mem- Mother 'Chapter held a rush af- terday by leaders of the General an end. "He also told his listeners ber of the Junior Honor Society talr Jast Wednesday at the High- Zionist Party, who declared that that wnter development "Is the for two years. He attended the dis- and Country Club. Guest speak- "the bomb will not frighten us." pivot of this country's developtrict convention held recently at ers were coach Carol Cast of North The bombing of Mr. • Itokach'.s ment." Elkhart Lake, Wis., and in August High School and Dave Bcber. home is the third such Incident inwill Attend the notional conven- charter member and brother of volving General Zionist meetings tion at Camp B'nai B'rith, Star- he founder of AZA, A skit was and personalities in recent days. light Pa., as a delegate from >rcsented by Stan Kalman and •OKTTNE TO CHAItlTV Cornbclt Region. ikc Mogil. Chicago (JTA)—A Jewish imHamburg (JTA)—The 10,000 migrant from Hungary who lived in a rented room here left mow ton passenj'er carf;o ship, the Zion, slid down the ways hero after behan half his estate or $2,200,006 to charity it was revealed when his inn launched by Mrs. Hermann will was filed in probate court. A Mans, wife of Dean Mnas, one of childless widower, Kmanuel. 1-ebo- the staunchc-st friends the Jcw.s wltz made his fortune in a dre.ss have bad In Germany for the past manufnclurin;: business rind later few decades. The Zion and her sison the stock market. He was 08 ter ship Israel, launched last March, are the largest vessels to years old when he died July 7. His will divided an estimated fly the Israel flag. Hotli were built il ,360,000 in equal shares nraniiR n West Germany (is reparations he National Jewish Hospital in payments to Israel under the Denver, the Jewish Federation of terms of the Luxembourg AgreeChicago, the Shrine Hosiiit.il As- ment. sociation and the Illinois Masonic The Zion has accommodations Hospital. "Mr. Lehovvitz believed for 312 passengers in first class that both the Shrine and Masonic and tourist accommodations and hospitals had done KO much good can carry at the same time some that his philanthropies should ex- 5,000 tons of freight. The 500-foot tend boyond his own religion, "his Ion;; vessel also has a .synagogue attorney explained. The will also with seating capacity for 50 perleft $750,000 to various relatives. sons, a cinema, n swimming pool and a variety of other recreational facilities. The vessel will be NltAKI, UOV SCOUTS Washington (WNS)—Vice Prcs- placed on Haifa-New York and dent Nixon last week received the Hnifa-Halifatf runs. first delegation of Israel Boy Scouts to visit the United States.The nine-man delegation is totirin(; various Scout camps in the U. S. prior to a visit to Canada, where they will participate in the 'Farband Labor Zionist Branch Two Omahans, Suzanne and guzette Estrada, daughters of 9fr. eighth World Scout Jamboree, to 54 and Pioneer Women will hold •ad Mrs, David Estrada, arc among the students pictured nbovo x> held in Ontario. Two members a joint picnic at 2 p. m.. Sunday, who left New York City recently for one year of study at tho He- yl the Scoiit delegation nrc Isrnel July 31 at Klmwood Park. Dinner brew .University In Jerusalem. Tliry trill take part In a program of Arabs, representing respectively, will be served starting at 3 p. m. 1 study'upecifleally deslngcd for Amerlean <*ollpg* students who will Iho Israel Catholic Scout AssocJa-i for a nominal fee. Soft drinks will Hedrtve credit ton-Brdsitlielr degrees from• their liomc colleges for lion and the Israel Arab'Scout be free. There will be games for association. work taken at tbe Hebrew University. everyone.
K G Doings
News Capsule
Biblical Nazareth Gets Wafer Line
New Israel Ship Has Synagogue
American Students Leave for Hebrew University
Farband-Pioneer Picnic a t Elmv/ood
Blues Beat Whites In All-Star Game At East Uoyd Fldd last Saturday night, the seven inning AUStar game lasted nlmost three hours as the Y, C. Blues defeated the Y. C. Whites, 21-H before a croup of parents and friends. The lilues, coached by Dave Belzer and Kniie .Solzrnan, capitalized on errors and walks in every inning with some timely hitting that ran their total to 21. Although both teams ha . eleven hits, the Ulues failed to conic up with effective hitting when it was needed and the Whites held onto the ball n the clutch. Mike Solzman came up with tho play of the day In the second inii when lie scored a double play afte/ niakini; a put out at, first nd getting the runner at second n a run down. Art Novak continued his winnlni; ways after starting tho game, retiring In favor of Stuart Kutlcr and then re-entering the game in he fifth to quell a threat. At that point the score was 14-11 In his avor and then his teammates pulled away to leave no doubt as o the outcome. Players for tho All-Star Game were chosen by a committee of he team coaches and the Center physical education director who livldod the coaching chores for the anie. Losinc coaches were Phil [•Cutler mid Jim Karbatsch. Members of tho Blue team are! Noddle, SS; Sle,';al, 2B; Goldner, II; Horwich, I.F; Schrager, CF; Friedman, IB; Mnrer, C; Kahn, HF; Novak, P; Kutler, P, and Mogil. White team members were: •Crizelmnn, SS; Schwartz, C; Soh> nan, IB; Krnntz. LF; Canar, 3BS tViilman. P-CF; Kaslow, 2B; O»« rovich. ItF; Kirke, P-1D; Blatt, :F, and Hosen. 21!.
Shapiro Triumphs In YC Field Day I!y .Jim Knrb.-il-K-h Despite a small turnout last iumlriy at rJImwood 1'ark Kast li.-imond, the scheduled Youth 'oimcil Softball Field Day went ff In Rixjd fashion as participants vere able to measure their softlall prowess in various .Softball uiMlumentuls. Jamie Shapiro came up with the lest overall score taking third In ia.se running and amassing a total if !>2 points out of a possible CO in lUtflclding, infielding and bunting. )ut of the four events, he had two rats, a second and a third. Individuals were scored on a taxis of ten on their ability to eld the ball and make fast accurate throws to the designated arget depending upon their poition on the field. In the bunting ompctitlon, the object was to ilacc a pitched ball between flags <it In the Ideal bunt position with hree nttempls allowed. Ken Freed and Harold Friedman •overed the base paths in the Idenic.il times of 11.4 seconds with )ave Goldstein marking 11.5 and amle Shapiro at 11.6. In outfield, Shapiro scored seven out of en, Goldstein lias a six. Infielding aw a tie score Iwtwcen Itay Kirke nd Al Krizem.'in both with 17 out f n possible 20. Shapiro scored 16 nd Stuart Kutler was third ithl4. Bunting proved to be the most itcrcstlnc c o m p e t i t i o n . Jam. • Shapiro scored a 19 followed by Sillier and Itavitz with 18 and 14 espectively.
B'nai Jacob Shul Guest Cantor The B'nal Jacob Adas-Yeshurin 'ynngogue nt 3028 Cuming street as engaged Cantor-Tesslcr from 'rnguc, Czechoslovakia, for the irlhcoming HIKII Holidays. Cantor Tessler Is well-known In Europe and the United States for its beautiful voice, a synagogue pokesmnn stated. Last year,. 24,000 Americans led of lung cancer, about seven imes as many as In 1933. Early election with chest X-rays twice year can cut that toll. Support ils effort by contributing to tho mcrican Cancer Society.