August 5, 1955

Page 1


Veret iHlecirs President Jerusalem - American 'Jewry, through ll.H generous financial assMancc, has provided crucial ami Indispensable aid In Hie carrying out ot modern Israel's "historic mifslon" of reviving the neglected •oil >t the Holy Land and providing ionics for the Jewish homeless from the corners of the earth, President It/.hak Bcn-Zvi told Paul Verct, Executive Director of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service, and fourteen other executive heads of community campaigns affiliated with the United Jewish Appeal. . Mr. Vcret was elected chairman of the study mission by the executive directors making up the croup at start of the tour. the executive directors, together with two members of the IJJA executive staff, were Riven a private reception by the President whlla touring Israel on the first leg of a four-week survey of IJJAf i n a n c e d migration, settlement, welfare and rehabilitation programs overseas. Meeting Israeli's President in his simple, one-story frame home In this Holy City, Mr. Verct bean! the Chief of State of (his young republic make a moving appeal for peace In the Middle Kast. "We are a people <jf peace," the aged President said. "When we meet our greeting Is Shalom, nn ancient Hebrew word meaning 'Peace.' Kv«ry day In our prayers we ask 'for peace. We hope for, we seek peace with nil our neighbors." A "virtual miracle" has ocetirefl In ' Israel, Mr. Ren-JJvl declared, pointing out that in J91H, when tho State of Israel w;is born, critics warned that there was no room for more Immigrants in th<" little country, no further "absorptive capacity." Yet, In the seven following years, Israel's Jewish population has more than doubled through Immigration, rising from 650,300 to 1,380,000, and the nation nas succeeded, with the aid of, Jewry overseas, in providing homes and Jobs for the hulk of the 730.000 newcomers. Warning that Israel's mission is no( yet completed, the President told the executive directors of VJA-affiliatcd community campaigns that much land here was Jtill empty and barren and that many Jews in various parts of the world hoped for peace ami a new way of life In Israel .If Israel Is to I continue to absorb those in need of new homes, he said "evevrythlng depends on the aid of world Jewry, and particularly of (Continued on Page 2)

Radio and TV The American Jewish Hour presented by the Jewish War veterans Is heard every Sunday afternoon over KliON from G to 6:30 o'clock. The program Consists of current news and solute to a leading Jewish personality. "Words We Live By" the new summer series of the Kternal Light program Is broadcast every Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon over KKAB. The seriesfeatures a cycle of dialogues between Mark Van Doren, poet nnd critic, and Maurice Samuels, author and lecturer. The series will extend until September 4. . "Let There He Light," a documentary film will be telecast over WOW-TV Saturday, Aug. 0 from 2:4:5 to 3 p. m. The Story alms for a better iinflerptnmlinj; ot Judaism.

Mrs. Ferer Elected


The Cl...... ' ' 'II » Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies C'impaijjn take this opportunity of thanking all thu;;e who contributed and helped in this year's Drive, Mrs. Mike Freeman, chairman Mrs. Edwin K. Hroilkey Mrs. Louis Katz Mrs. Morton A. Richards Mrs. Eve L. Konecky, co-chair men.



ecsds In Section Aviv (WNS)—Israel Just week marked another land* mark in its democratic process when more than 850,000 of its citizens went to the polls to register their political preferences in an election.wliie.h witnessed the re-emcrgence of Mapai as tho country' leading political party and the strongest of the thirteen parlies that are to the-third Knesset. " 4

Blaustein Confirmed

Rayim to Scrub for Youth Commission

Mrs 1I\ntun Fcrcr, a past pi dent of the Omaliii Chapter, IJrandeln University Women's Committee, has heen fleeted to tho national fiourd of directors of tho Women's Committee of Ilrundcb University, ueeonling to word received hern. The announcement inn made l>y Mrri. Joseph Zwelbaok, president of ifif! Omnhn Chapter. Mr«, I'erer •till Npenll to thn Minneapolis chapter today on the subJert of life membership.

Mmes. Kaplan and Nogg Elected to Youth Commission Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, of B'nnl n'rith Henry Monsky Chapter, and Mr. Alvln Nogg, of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, were among twelve members elected to the executive committee of the Omaha Youth Commission. The executive committee will draw up by-laws for the commission nnd make plans {or five standing committees: counseling, community education, recreation, legislation and enforcement. The Omaha Youth Commission Is n citizens' group organic*! to help prevent juvenile delinquency. Its membership Is open to representatives of civic, service organizations and individuals interested In helping the youth of Omaha. At a recent organization meeting members decided on an individal basis to support the Park and Recreation department's budget for the coming year. The budget is now being considered by the City Council. Others elected to the executive committee are: Carl Kolley, Omaha Soft nail Association! Howard Kennedy, Park nnd Recreation Commission; Walter Korisko; tn« Reverend I^o Kulin, Catholic Youth Organization; David Majors, American Federation of Labor; MKS. Marlanna McKndden, Metropolitan Community Council; Police Sgt. Ronald Secer; Mrs. Hurry (Jchneiderwind, P.T.A.; tho Rev. J. II. Taylor, nnd Walter Scott. Dundee Kiwnnis.

Sam Berek Named UN Day Chairman Samuel I. lierck of Fremont, active lender in civic and IJ'nai H'ritll work, has been appointed Stateman Chairman for United Nations Day by Governor Victor Anderson of Nebraska. JVIr. Berck asks nil Jewish organizations in Nebraska to give their full support to the observance of United Nations Day to be held Octolwr 24. Tjiis year mark* the tenth anniversary of thG founding of the U.N. . .'

Membera of Rayim Fraternity of the Jewish Youth Council will roll up their sleeves this Sunday nnd wash and wax automobiles with the proceeds going to the newly formed Omaha Youth Commission, it was announced by Howard Weinberg, chairman of the club's community service committee. The Jewish Community Center parking lot from 9 a. m, to I p. m. will be the scene of scrubbing and polishing with tho funds going to combat juvenile delinquency. The youngsters will charge a fee of five dollars for a complete Job of washing and wnxlng. Many civic organizations have pledged their support to the youth commission including the Jewish Community Center, the Henry Monsky Chapter of B'nai B'rith. the Epstein-Morgan Post of Jewish War Veterans and the National Council of Jewish Women. Omaha Section. Sherman Poskn, Youth Activities director at the Center, one of the founders of the commission, was a member of the Committee of Seven who met to set up the commission. Other Rayim members assisting in this project lire Paysle Shyken, Chuck Ravitz, Philip Barron, Art Novak, Shel Krantz, Dick Raskin, Jerry Sherman, Ervin Taub, Steve Cohen, Larry Zackarla and Larry Herman. Posters have been placed in downtown department stores, drug and grocery stores.

CIO Asks Israel Be in M.E. Defense Washington (WNS)—The Congress of Industrial Organizations, at Its executive board meeting here this week, adopted a resolution urging the United States Government "to use its influence to achieve the inclusion of the State of Israel in the free world's Middle Eastern defenses" since inclusion of "the democratic State of Israel would help not only the military and economic' defense arrangements of the area hut would make possible the extension of the demoocracy's bastions within the Middle East as a whole." Declaring It was obvious that the leaders of the Arab states must recognize reality by facing the fact of Israel's existence, tho resolution noted that "American insistence upon Israeli integration into the Middle Kastren defenses will have a decisive influence" strengthening the barricades the free world against Soviet-inspired infiltration of aggression. The Hague (WNS)—Queen Juliana of tlio Netherlands has confided to Chief Rabbi Dr. Samuel Rodriguez Perelra that she Intends studying Hebrew under the tutelage of an experienced Jewish teacher. Tho Queen made the disclosure while visiting with the Chief Rabbi new Jewish homes for the aged here. Queen Juliana told the Rabbi of her plans as she wag shown the Scroll? of the Law in one of the instutlons.

Washington (JTA>—The Senate confirmed tho appointment of Jacob Blaustein, honorary president of the American Jewish Committee, as a member of the American delegation to the forthcoming tenth session of the United Nations General Assembly. Mr. Blaustein, an alternate, was named by President Kisenhower.

Israel Protests Plane Shooting Jerusalem (WNS)—A sharp pro. test against tho "shocking recklessness" of Bulgarian forces In shooting down an Israeli passenger plane that carried fiftyeight persons to death was presented this week at the Bulgarian legation in Tel Aviv by Walter Eytan, director genera) of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, . The note said the Israel /Government "has heard with amazement and horror the Bulgarian Government's:statement.-that Bul-i giirlan security forces opened fire" on the plane since there could have been no difficulty in Identifying the unarmed civil airliner of the Constellation type. Tho "action of the Bulgarian security forces," the note, said, "can bo understood only as deriving from wanton disregard of human life and of the elementary obligations of humanity." The Israel Government demanded "full satisfaction" from the Bulgarian Government for the grave international offense. It also protested against Bulgaria's refusal to refuse entry to an Israeli inquiry commission. Tho El Al plane was on the Vienna-Lydda leg of a flight from London when It was shot down by Bulgarian anti-aircraft fire. Bulgarian sources said the plane had strayed over Bulgarian territory, but Greek border patrol officials ;ald there be no mistake in detecting that plane was a civilian passenger bearing cratt. , News of the tragedy coincided with Tisha B'a observance in Israel and ther-! was deep mourning and sadness through the land apart from consternation over the wan.ton killings. Adding to the tragedy was a report that five of the passengers who perished were Russian Jews who had been permitted to leave for Israel for reunion with relatives. Twelve of the victims were American Jews bound for Israel on vacation and family reunion. .

^ surprising developfi ot ments of the election were the gains made by Herut, .extreme rightists who drew over 13 percent of the total vote and will have a representation of sixteen In the new Knesset,, Mapai, which arew close to thirty-two percent of the vote will have forty seats, In another upset, the General Zionists, who wen; ousted from the govern* ment, coalition shortly before the election, trailed with a percentage of 10.9, a five percent drop which places tho General_ Zionist Party as the third ranking body in the new Knesset with a representation of fourteen. Mizrachi and Hapoe] Hamizrachl received a vote of 9.5, with a representation of 12 deputies; Mapam received 7 percent of the vote,

entitling it to.8 members in the new Parliament; Leachdulh Avoda captured 8 percent with an anticipated representation of 10 in Knesset; Agudah and Poalo Aguda received 5.14 percent, with an e*timated representative of six dcuuties; the Progressives received 4.6 and the Communists 4.91, with each to have five deputies. While Herut leaders were rejoicing over their political victory, the leaders of the General Zionist Party could find no single excuse for the defeat. Dr. Perctz Bernstein, leader of the General Zionists, saiJ the voters were "mistaken in their judgment" and he blamed the rout on the fact that party had been singled out "unrestrained attack" \>y att' political parties. Herut leader Arieh Ben EHezer, on the Other hand ,was jubilant over his party's gains, declaring that the result showed a "voters" revolt and predicting a Mapai decline. Golda Meirson, who appears to have won 6ut In her race as mayor of Tel Aviv against Israel Rokach, voiced concern over Herat's gains. She ascribed the gains of the rightist Herut to the attacks which the General Zionists and Leachduth Avodah were carrying on against the Mapai government. The new Knesset win meet on August 16, After electing a Speaker and a deputy speaker, it will adjourn until after the High Holidays. Negotiations with respect to the formation of a new Cabinet and the composition of the new government coalition HTO expected to begin as soon as the election results are fully analyzed by Mapai leaders, whose chief standard

bearers, Mosne Share tt and David

Ben Gurlon, are vacationing after

the arduous campaign.

Parking Authority Heads Take Action A. V. Sorensen, chairman, and MUton Livingston, vice-chairman of the Omaha Parking Authority have asked i- legal lirm to seek a ruling from the Nebraska Supretne Court on the legality of the bill enacted by the stale legislature establishing the Authority. The action, which will take eight to twelve months, is a routlnt measure, in such cases, a spokesman announced. The Authority Is charged wftfc tho responsibility of determining whether or not It Is practical to construct a 1,300 car parking facility under tho Pouglas Cbuntjr Courthouse and abutting street*.



frlfoy, August (J, isfi&'

Highland Hilites This Saturday evening the MidStumner formal dinner daneo will be held at the Highland Country Club. A counnet dinner of special delicacies will be served from 7 to 9:,')0 o'clock followed by dancing to the music of Kdrty Haddad and his orchestra. The second "Mr. and Mrs. Golf' pro[;rnm will bo held at 2 p. m. Tuesday. Aug. U, followed by dinner Ht 7 p. 111. The Highland entertainment committee announces plans for fl "Hawaii™ Beachcombers' Party" to be bold Saturday. Aug. 20 out' doors nt the pool and on the porch.


Between You And Me

By Boris American Jewish Committee and .(Copyright, 11)33, J.T.A.) the Anti-Dcfamatlun League, are THE ISRAELI SCENE: For Hi beginning to take seriously the first 'Jme since Israel came inU fact that Jews are not Ix-lns; adexistence, the country's actual in mitted Into certain clubs. . . . come in foreign currency exceed ed In 1954-55 the government1! Until now this type of anti-Jewish discrimination was c o n s i d e r e d forecast by 52 million dollars. . merely a potty annoyance and of And the contributions of Amei no real consequence. . . . In fact, can Jewry to the United Jewish Appeal played no small role in many Jews considered it below their dignity to sock admission this significant development. . The Israel Government built its Into a club where Jews were not budget on an expected income welcomed.... A number of studies, 346 million dollars in foreign cur- however, have now established I'ast Department Commander rency. ? . . However, ,the actual that social discrimination is not Max Kn nner find past Post Comincome turned out to be close to Just social, but also affects Jews mander Abe Miller will nttend tho 398 million dollars.. . .This pleas- economically. Jewish War Veterans Fifth Rebusiness ant surprise was due to a num- firms require their Many gional Convention In St. Louis, executives to ber of factions... . First Israel exMo., as delegates of the Iowa-Neports—both visible and- Invisible— Join leading clubs where big deals bnislcn Department and Knstelnare discussed and made. Tills brought In five million dollars Morgan Post. JWV. The convenmore than anticipated in the budg- precludes Jews from holding key tion will lie held Aiif;ust 5, 6 and et. . . . Then Germany paid Israel business positions If they are ad7 nt the Chase Hotel in St. Louts. 35 million dollars more in repara- mitted to such clubs. . . FurtherPost Commander Sherman Lip* tions than the SO million envis- more, the spirit of anti-Jewish disEtein conducted JWV burial servcrimination prevailing in the club aged in the Israel budget ice nt the crave of Herman SIIaffects ahe mentality of business Similarly toe UJA and the bond vcrman who died last week. MnX campaign brought to the Israel executives who are members. Kanner, Abo Miller, Yale Halperln Treasury about 22 million dollars These executives subconsciously and William Abrahams were color more than the government had ex- practice anti-Jewish discrimination bearers and honor guards. The B'nai B'rilh Henry' Monsky pected. . . . There were also other in their own enterprises. . . . They late Mr. Sllvorman was a charter items of income in Israel's foreign would not promote their Jewish Lodge No. 354 will hold a o l member of Epstein-Morgan Post. 7:1? p. m., Candlellglitlng currency budget which exceeded employees to high positions for the fashioned B'nal B'rith picnic at 1 fear that they would not be socialthe original estimate. . . . On the a. m., Sunday, August 28 In Peony other hand, Israel figured on 74 ly acceptable In places where their Park, it was announced by Sam million dollars from U S . grants- firms are interested in maintalng Beth El in-aid, but received about thirty contacts . . . Thus social anti-Sem- Saltzman, picnic chairman. Sabbath evening services will be itism, to which Jews In this country Mr. Saltzman and Iiis commit held tonight nt 7 p. m. Sabbath CASAHLANX'A CLASIlfcg minion dollars less. , All in all. have tended to be indifferent tee arc arranging a day pro- morning services will begin nt 8:30 Casablanca, Morocco (JTA) — Israel's foreign currency Income turns out to 1« more than mere gram of events for B'nai B'rith o'clock. The Mincha Service will More than 2,000 Jews have moved during the year was about 338 snobbery. . . . Furthermore, some members, their families and begin at 7;15 p. m. out of their homes In the old naof the studies established that the million dollars. . . . This figure Dally services during the week spells out Israel's success in meet clubs where Jews are not welcome friends. The program will include are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. tive section of Casablanca as a Ing her foreign currency needs are the places where important games for adults and youngsters, The Sunday morning service is result of the continued clashes between Moslem Nationalists and end, for the first time, in obtain- decisions arc made for the entire swimming, baseball and the |ike. held at 9 a. m. the French administration. Moslem ing sums beyond the minimum to community. . . . These basic deci- Prizes will foe awarded to all winextremists consider the Jews prosions often affect rhe economic ners. A grand door prize Is also meet pressing current needs. French and ore making the old I t enables the Israel Treasury to ind political life of all elements being planned. Soda pop and Ice Temple Israel quarter of the city unsafe for Jewmaintain a reserve toward future if the population In tbc commu- cream will he supplied by the Ish life and business. repayment of foreign currency lity. . . . They nre reached at In- lodge. Sabbath services will IK held tonnnal "aftcr-foti'-in'v; hours" In Although leaders of the Morocdebts, which amounts to over 400 night at 7:30 o'clock in the Chapel Mr. Salzmrin requests all memmillion dollars. . . . This success. :1UIH where Jews have no cntre. • bers to reserve Sunday, Auf*. at Temple Israel. Rablii Kidney II. can Nationalists continue to assure thu Jews that the demonstrahowever, is still only a partial one. Brooks will conduct the service. , The Jewish part of the popu- for the picnic. Further details tions In Morocco are directed only *, . . It will not foe complete until ation has therefore no Kay In will be published In the Press. against thc'French, it has become Israel is able to cover her needs :hesc decisions and no way of inBoth Israel clear that tho demonstrations are at least for consumption and ex- luencing them. . . . The result is taking an anti- Jewish turn. Young port requirements—through her hat a power structure is being Traditional Friday evening servMoroccans roam the streets of tho own efforts. . . . It must be taken Jevcloped by certain clubs which ices (Kabollas Shabbas) begin at old native quarter here shouting into consideration that the bulk of nevitably forces upon Jews eco(Continued from Page 1) C:30 o'clock. Sabbath morning anti-French slogans, but at the the 1954-55 income came from lomic and political decisions withsources which Israel did not con- out even consulting them . . . . the Jewish community in Ameri services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior same timi? they also attack and Congregation at 9:30 n. m. Sab- loot Jewish stores. trol: American Jewish aid, repara- Therefore, Jewish organizations tions from Germany and VS. engaged in fighting bigotry will The Executive Directors went to bath Mincha nt 7:15 p. m., followed by Slielesh S'cudos and r grants-ln-aid. . . . ! rom now on stress the importance work within hours of their arrival Maariv. Dally morning servlce3 NO VISAS NKEI1KD • • « In Israel after a 36-hour night New York (JTA) — Effective fighting social anti-Semitism from New York, beginning their begin nt 7 a. m. Kvrnlng services THE A M E R I C A N SCENE: ind not merely Ignore it by or- tour with a series of conferences at 7:30 p. m. Sunday morning Monday, American citizens need no longer apply for an Israel vis* Jewish organizations, such as the ;anizing Jewish dubs. . . . at the Jerusalem offices of the services begin at 8:4T> n. m., fol- Itor's visj, it was announced by tho Jewish Agency, which uses funds lowed by breakfast and Rabbi's Consulate General of Israel and received from UJA through the class in Bible. Children accom- the Israel Government Tourist OfUnited Israel Appeal for Immigra- panying their parents are invited tion, immigrant absorbtlon and to join the regular Sunday morn- fice. American tourists will now ng Mlnyan beginning at 8:45 n. m. have their passports stamped at CUDGELS AND TBAYF . . . Americanism with a cane to the land settlement. Tho Talmud discussion group their point of entry In Israel. I have been taught never to great American Adloi 'Stevenson. Bcrl Locker, Chairman o( the which meets every Tuesday eveTlili- new policy was adopted by argue with a woman or a rabbi DEATH IN THE SKY . . . Jewish Agency Executive, told the ning at 8:15 p. m. at the- 19th and the Government of Israel o> part for In the first instance there must If the Geneva conference brought American group that immigration Hurt Sts. Synagogue will be con- of tlie overall program to enbe succumbing to charm and in the hope to a prayerful world, the to Israel was continuing at the courage tourism to Israel. At a second to scripture. My succumb- tragedy over Bulgaria's red sky, steady rate of over 3,000 per ducted by Rabbi Matthew M. Po- later date, the government, plans ing-to-women-days are unhappily wherq fifty-eight civilian passen- month and that the vast majority llakoff. to extend this facility to other vanishing, but my weakness for gers were silenced into death as of the newcomers were going dicountries. Regulations pertaining rabbis Is still undiminished. large- they winged to Israel, has thrown rectly from the immigrant ship to to health, currency and customs ly perhaps because I have expori it into confusion of purpose of the new homes in farm settlements or remain unchanged. Americans takenced the miracle of escaping ; curtained rulers. Geneva gave pioneer towns on the day they ing jp employment In Israel and rabbinic fate. However, my weak- promise. Bulgaria could well serve reach the country. Mrs. Betty Maron those who plan permanent or temness for the rabbis is not such as as an example of disparity hoServices were held Monday, July porary residence have to apply for The Directors heard Raanan to keep silent when I behold twwn promise and performance. 5 for Mrs. Betty Goreliek Maron a visa as heretofore. We-itz, head of the agency's dethem walking in what in my The Israeli plane strayed from partment of agricultural settle- Ith interment at Beth El Cemehumble opinion is a wrong path. its path, and the men and women ment, report that three years ago tery. MI-.I. Maron, 44, a former CANADIAN FIRST in it joined the millions in the red resident of Omaha, died Saturday, Ottawa (JTA)—David CroU, I have dee!-- respect for the lands who paid wilh life for devia- Israel suffered from a severe fuly 23 at Tulsa, Okla., alter a member of tho Canadian House of shortage of vegetables, fruit, eggs Orthodox rabbinate—in fact, if tion. Thus the fifty-tight who and milk, whereas today, with the inhering illness. Commons has teen named to the census were taken of American perished have become a symbol of Survivors include four sons, Ed1 Jewry I would register as an Or- the struggle for the right to devi- aid of 400 new villages set up since vln with tho U.S. Army, Marvin Canadian Senate, becoming tho the birth of the State, all of these first Jew in Canada's history to thodox Jew—hut a memorandum ate from the chalklines. white and ot Council Bluffs, Sidney and on my desk from a rabbinic or- red, laid down by the dictators products once so strictly rationed Philip, IKJIII of Omaha; and two hold a scat in the Upper House of are now In good supply. Parliament. Ills departure from ganization makes me wonder and the conformists. grandsons. Commons leaves Leon D, Cresthol whether our Orthodox herdsmen The nation's young farmers, he of Montreal the only Jewish memcan ' be trusted with their sheep. revealed, have now launched a new ber. The memorandum, from the Rabdrive to make the country self- J. M. Baker Mr. Croll, who became the first sufficient In cotton, sugar beets J. M. Baker, n former Omahan, binical Alliance of America, is a and other Industrial crops hitherto died July 31 in Denver, Colo. He Jew to serve in a Canadian promost Incredible bit—a warning unknown here. Is survived by two sons, Al of Den- vincial cabinet when he was named that the organization plans forcMinister of Labor In Ontario, is a ing the Anglo-Jewish press into The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Continuing their 12-day tour of ver and Phil of California; a native of Russia. He worked bis Accepting only certain kinds of Club will hold Its regular meeting Israel, the Directors conferred daughter, Mrs. L. Franklin of New way through a Canadian law ads under the threat of having Its at 9 p. m. Saturday, Aug. <3 in the with Minister of Finance Lev! Esh- York; and six grandchildren. school by selling newspapers and members cancel their subscrip- Labor Lyceum, 30th and Cuming kol, toured Israel's vast southern began his political career by tions in the. event there is no com- '•is. frontierland of the Negev and vis- Monument Dedication achieving the post of Mayor of pliance with the decree. Installation of officers for the ited schools, new farming settleThe family of the late Mrs. Max Windsor, Ontario. When the secThe cudgel, it seems to this cor- coming season will take place with ments, youth villages and other in- (Jennie) Levine will dedicate a ner, is an ugly instrument of fore- Louis Gitlin serving as installing stallations In a study tour designed monument In her memory at 10:30 ond World War broke out, he enIni people Into obedience, let alone officer. to give them a detailed under- a. m. Sunday, Aug. 7 ot the Gold- listed a^ a private although b» was nearly 50 yean old. He is acreligious obedience. It Is as ugly A social hour will follow the standing of the seven-year-old en Hill Cemetery. Friends and »s when it was used by that business meeting and installation. State's achievements and prob- relatives arc invited to attend the tive in Jewish community work, especially in organizations devoted dimmed star who offered to teach All members are urged to attend. lems. service. I to furthering Israel development.

[Conner and Miller

Attend Meet

H. Monsky Lodge Will Hold Picnic

Religious News

Global Report

Veret Hears

Off the Record


Workmen's Circle To Install Officers

, August 5, 1955;


Bikur Cholim to Hold Library Lane Af fair of EPaxtonTues. JU'cord utteiuiunce and support i r^r* of the second animal August s p e - | | / v clal fund raising dissert luncheon I "* and card party of the Bikur ChoJim Society to be held Tuesday, Aug. 0 at 1 p. m. at the I'axton Hotel air conditioned hollruom was urged by Mrs. Jake Wine, president of the organization. One of th«j main projects of the Bikur Cliolim has lieen to provide funds to meet medical expenses at the Jewish Home for the Aged. Monthly trips to the stale mental hospital are made and refreshments arc distributed to the inmates, a great number of them from our Proceed.1! from this event will he Used to help pay off $3,500 still owed on the- new elevator at the home for the nf;cd, which was underwritten by the niktir Cholim Society. Last year, enough funds were Mrs. JuJto Wlno raised to buy several nlr conditioners which were placed in the dining hall nnd the auditorium of the Homo. The following rue patrons and hostesses: Mesdames Klncr AbrainBon, Jack Alberta, S. Altsuler, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Malley of Max Arbilmnn, M. Urodkey, S. Ucrkeley, Calif., ure visiting Mr. Canak M. G. Cohen, Meyer Colnic, and Mrs. David B- Gross of our Heine Dclrogh, Hose Epstein, Win. city. Mrs. Malley, the former Miss Epstein, Nate Feior, I-eo Fox. Namoi Gross of Oniaha, is the Mao Frcld, Ilose Frleden, Max daughter of David Gross. After Fromkln, Sam Glventcr, I. Gold- their stay here, Mr. and Mrs. stein, J. Goodbinder, Sam Good- Malley will travel to New York man, Abe Greenhorn, N. II. Grcen- City and from there they will sail bori», Fred Bahn, Cecil Izenstatt, for an extended trip to Israel and Jock Kaiman, L. Katz, Mcilach Europe. Katzman, Paul Kntzman, Abe Krnntz, Abe Kr.inlz, Ann Lehman Mrs. Jacob Freggcr of Omaha is and Harry Lewis. spending the summer months with Mmes. Joe Levin/iky, Morris her daughter and son-in-law Mr. Levey, Myer Linda. Harry LIp- and Mrs. Julius Kaplan of San pett, A. Lipsman Milton Livings- Pedro, Calif. ton, Den Lustgartcn, Jack Marer, Hymle Milder, I>ew!a Neveleff, Mr. and Mrs. David Glazer and Dave Parker. I* Paperny, N. Pit- their two children Marlene ani !or, M. Poliakoff, Alex PloUiln, Michael ot Galesburg, 111., stopped Dave Raznick, Sam Hips, Chas. off to visit Mrs. dozer's .parents Ross, Harry Sidman, V. Slporin, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Parilman of Phil Smith, Nathan Stclnberc, Leo Omaha on their way home from a WnxcnHcrj;,• Nate Weinstein, Ben two weeks' vacation at Estes Wine, Jake Wine, Alfr-n Zaikln, Eli Park, Colo., Mrs. Glazer is the forSiJilkin, J. Zorlnsky nnd Joe Zwci- mer Mis3 Dorothy Pnrilman. back. All friends nnd members of the Joan Abrahams, daughter ol Mr. Bikur Cliolim Society are cordial- and Mrs. Milton Abrahams, will ly invited to attend this dessert attend a two week session a t the luncheon. Please brinn your own Camp for Living Judiasra to be cards anil make up your own ta- held at Saratoga, Calif., from Aubles. A pleasant and enjoyable ITUst D to 21. More than 125 colafternoon is promised to all those lege and high school students from who will attend, a spokesman said. throughout the nation will con' veno fur this the eighth annual Cunp Leadership Institute sponsored by the National Federation of Temple Youth.

Omaha Sketches

Temple Sisterhood Dance Committee Committee chairmen for the Temple Israel Dinner Dance to bo held Saturday, Sept. 10 In the temple social hall and patio have been announced by Mm. George Epltzer, general chairman. Dinner at this fourth annual affair will be served from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Dancing nnd cards have been planned as a part of the entertainment. The chairmen are: Mrs. Max Wolfson, tickets; Mrs. H a r o l d Brodkey, table setting; Mmcs. Harry Rosenfeld arid Paul Blotcky, 'decorating; Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, publicity; nnd Mrs. Joseph Mar flsl, dinner arrangements. Mrs. Lnzar Kaplan Is Ways and means Vice-president for the sisterhood.

Hadassah Board Meetings in Aug. Hadassah groups will hold their summer board meetings during this montlu The Chalm Wcitzman proup with Mrs. Hyman Bclman as president will meet August 9 nt the home of Mrs. Henry Ferenstcln. Co-hostesses will be Mmes. Joe Bernstein and Maurice Newman. The Henrietta Szold Chapter with Mrs. Max Greenberg ns president will meet at the homo of Mrs. Louis Cnnnr August 16. The Theodore Herzl group with Mrs. Abe Bear ns president will nicot nt the home of Mrs. William Wolfe August 16. Mrs. Louis Alberts ond Mrs, Jack Ban will be co-hostesses. Patronize Our Advertisers

lege years at Cornell University, the broad scope ol his inherent inquisitiveness matures surprisingly By Kosclle Perils Smith fast- ns his philosophy begins to •'The Diary of David S. Kogan," take form. with an introduction by Meyer As David's health slurts to fall Levin, is among the new books he become', even moie introrppcavailable in the Jewish Commu- tive. Now the book becomes painnity Library. The diary begins in ful reading .11 the reader idmtifi David's twelfth year in 1011 and himself with the author David )•> ends, with his untimely death, nine brave in hi', toimtnt. iitdl talking years later. Within this kaleido- of the need for 1'ItPuinJtructionscope of the life of a Jewish boy Ism" in Isiarl, as he Mowly loses In Yonkers, the only child of un- all vitality in the left side of 1; usual parents, the reader finds an body. amazing depth of feeling nnd litAt the beginning <jf hi-, illness erary ability. he writes, "I finally know what David S. Kogan possessed a sen- pain Is in the world, solid unendursitive nature. His comments on able pain. My left hip has been movies, books, the theater, human. paining me for a week, but walkIty In general, girls, politics, and Ing home from service—and then, the characteristics of God, are In bed—it sent shots of excruciatmost original even during his nd- ing nature through my nervous olcscent probinj; for the meaning system. I hated my body and that of life. Later on during his col- part of it. I realized there lire

many parts to it, but could not tell that other part of me what to do . . ." As he realizes that his days are limited he roads all the more avid^ ly, listens to tsood music Intently, has fine talks with his parents, nnd falls in love all over again. David Ko(;an wanted to be a wrili'r and David Kogan was » wiitei Otherwise his diary couldn't have ttiMfd me so. Hollywood (JTA)—Writer Ben Hecht had tin important lunch date with Jack L. Warner, big bosi of Warner Bros, studio. "How did il. go?" asked Hecht's wife when he returned home. "Fifty-fifty," reported Ben. "I showed up Mid Warner didn't."

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Cadet Sol B. Stiss, son. of'Mr. and Mrs. Izzie Stiss, is a t Reserve Officers Training Corps summer camp at Fort Sill, Okla. He wa» selected commander for a day of the 130-mnn Battery A, It was reported In last Friday's Evening World-Herald. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alev Aylet of Clayton, Mo., announce the birth of a son Joshua Jacob born Thursday, July 28 nt the Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Aylat headed the Israel Bond office hero in Omaha before taking a similar post In St. Louis. Dr. nnd Mrs. Mayer Moskovitz oT Columbus, O., announce the birth of a daughter Julia Itac born July 23 In a Columbus hospital. Dr. Moskovitz, a former Omahan, Is interning at a hospital there. Mrs. Bert J. Moskovitz of Omaha is paternal grandmother and Mr. nnd Mrs. Nnte Cramer of Denver, Colo., nrc mnternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Falcr of Omaha, arc maternal greatgrandparents.

Registration Open For B.E. Nursery Registration Is now open for Beth El Nursery School which will open September 12 at Beth El, It was announced by Mrs. Morris C. Fcllman, chairman of the nursery school committee. . The school is for children of three to five years of age. For further Information I call Mrs. Fcllmnn at WA 7257.

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Jewish Scientists In Atomic Parley

Old Market Place in Tiberias

United Nations, N. Y. IJTA)Out of about 600 scientists fron all over the world who will K.IMU at -Geneva August 8 for the twoweek International' Conference on the1 Peaceful Uses of Atomic En ei-fiy. a total of 104 arc Jews. This fact, rather astounding to many diplomats here because of the disproportion between total Jewish population on the one hand and Jewish eminence In science on the other, emerged as most of the U.N. top echelon members of the secretariat departed for Geneva. The conference in Cencva, while itrictJy scientific and Just as ftrictly non-political, was convened at the behest of a General Asscmlby resolution adopted here last December. Officially in charge of^the conference Is the Secretary General, Dag Hammmaniltjojd. From the very beginning of the planning of the conference. Jewish participation loomed large. The General Assembly had voted that ThU old market plure nm-nn In Tllwrlns waa painted by llin noted nrtUt Nota Koslotrsky when Mr. HammarskjoJd select seven he visited tiio land of the Millie. Tlie market place. IK located In the Arab quarters of the old city and member nations to name repre- luces Lake Kinfnth. sentatives on an advisory committee, 01 the seven, two were faI.SKAKL COUItT mous Jewish scientists—Dr. 1 I. Orthodox Zionists Bey of Tunis Jerusalem (WNS)—A Tel Aviv Rabl of Columbia University, representing the United States), and ordinance limiting the sale of pork Dr. Bcrtrand Goldschmldt; of Discuss Merger Decorates Rabbi ami other non-kosher food prodParis, representing France. Jerusalem (JTA)—The third Tunis (JTA)—The Bey of Tunis ucts to storekeepers not of the As the conference opens In Ge-world conference of the Mlzrachi, Monday conferred one of his i;ov-Jewish faith was voided here by neva next week, thf United States Z i o n i s t Orthodox organization, ernment's highest decorations will hove the largest delegation— opened here Sunday and the third upon Chief Rabbi Cohen. the Supreme Court on the petition a total of 324 outstanding men, international conference of the The ceremony took place when a of a Jewish butcher who contendmost of them scientists. The Haooel Hamlzrachti the labor wing Jewish delegation culled on theed the ordinance was unlawful. American delegation is headed by of the organization, opened in TelBey to pay its respects on the oc- The petitioner Samuel Mendela team of five; among these five Aviv at the same time. Both will casion of the Aid el-Kebir, impor- son, contended the Tel Aviv city two arc Jews—'Qcar Admiral Lewis discuss a proposal to merge. The tant Moslem holiday. The holi- ordinanc- was In violation of basic L. Strnuu, chairman of the Atomic Mizrachl' Women's World Organ- day first fell on Saturday, but the and a virtual act of "race disEnergy Commission, and Dr. Rabl. ization opened here Monday and Bey permitted the Jewish delega- crimination." Judged by names, appearances, all three groups Joined in a single tion to postpone its call so that it personal actions^ and other such congress here Tuesday. ; would not be in the position ot criteria—since a sclcntlsU's reThe Mizrachl parley heard Leon having to break its own Sabbath ligion is not inscribed on his for-Gelmah. world chairman of the observance. mal record for this conference— Mlzrachi movement, and Rabbi A number of Jewish commua total of 62 of the Americans in Mordecni Kirshblum, chairman of nities in Southern Tunisia have, to Geneva are Jews. the American Mizrachl organiza- all intents and purposes, been The next largest Jewish croup tion, support .the merger proposal, liquidated through emigration of seems to appear in the Soviet asserting that the time was ripe (heir members to Israel, it was delegation, of whom 12 are believed for such action. The parley opened reported here. Among the comia be Jews, In addition, two other with eulogies of the late Yocl Las- munities In this category are: Zir. iron curtain ' countries—Poland ter of Britain and Rabbi Pinchas zis, MfMlenine, Foiim-Tat-iouine and-Ukrainla—nppcar to have one Ingbcrman, both of whom were .nd M-'itni-'ita. On the island of flylnK to the conference on the El Djcrlia, whoso Jewish community Jew,each In their delegations. Surprising t o some diplomat* A) plane downed by Bulgarian gun- is said to dale back to the time here—although not to those who ners last week. of the destruction of the First have kept abreast of atomic *ciAt the Hanoel Homizrachl con- Temple • of Jerusalem, a Rrcat ence developments—Is the size of ference n majority of the Israel many Jews have icft fur Israel, the Israel delegation. Israel will and all of the South African and have 10 scientists at Geneva. They Canadian delegates favored a full arc: I. Dostrovsky of the Wcis- merger, arguing that Ideological BBYO in Belgium mann Institute of Sccnee at fle-differences between the two OrthoWashington (JTA) —'For the hovoth: Y. ^ehrer,- of the Israel dox Zionist groups were not sharp, RUG & UPHOLSTERY Atomic Energy Commission at Tel An outright merger was opposed time, Jewish youth in BelCLEANERS Aviv: B. Shapiro and G. Rose, of by the Lamlfneh group within the gium have formed a chapter of the Department of Bichemlstry of Israel movement,,on ideotoical the B'nai B'rith Youth OrganizaRUGS — CMPE11HG by BBYO the Hebrew University-Hiidassah grounds. The American delega- tion, it wus announced tAMf SHADES 1 Medical School at Jerusalem; -L tion also opposes a full merger, headquarters hen. . Organized in FUlHirURI Llpkln. H, Thleborger. S. Amlcl. offering instead the establishment Brussels with a charter memberL. Winsbcrg. I. Stern, and I Feiga of joint councils of the two auto- ship of 20 yaunv; men and women, Cleaned in You? Home) nomous movement to work togeth- it will function as fl chapter im-nrbinding • toying • lepolrlng er in such fields as: education, ber of B'nnl B'rith Young Adults. 0 O N (ERNSTEIN MA 255< Crematorium Scene fund-raising public relations and President of tin; new youth group » 22-year-old medical student, youttj-Work. • Of Tisha B'av Service Tlico Brat. ,• The women's Mizrachl meeting It was Jinn'Minccd at the same Munich (JTA)—American Jew- began a discussion "of four major ish soldiers, together with German problems facing the group on a time that In Sydivy, Australia, 50 Jews and former DP'«, gathered worldwide basis: strengthening r e . boys of high s c h o o l age have Omaha's at the crematorium in the in-liglous life in Israel and In theformed a chapter of Aleph Zadek famous Dachau concentration Jewish communities a b r o a d ; Ali'pli. President of this group is Favorite Way camp for a Tlsha B'a- service con- unifying women's religious Zion- Peter Summer. A chapter of B'nal ducted bv Rabbi George Vidn, U.S. ist organizations throuhout the IJ'rith. Girls Is nlso being organto Dine on Army Jewish chnplaln of the world: strcmjtlieninff the existing ized in th -same city. Munich area. Chaplains from the Mlzrachi women's groups, and orSunday neighboring cities RUO attended ganizing new women's groups in Rayim the religious ceremony. countries where they do not now O t i c ' speaker wai Bavarian exist. August 1, n.iyim took its Incom State Secretary Dr. Joseph PanThe Mizrachl conference Li at- ji freshmen to see the Omaha holzer. a devout Catholic and tended by somi. 100 delegates, Cardinals play the Toledo team. Sunday 00 staunch anti-Nazi who left Ger- while >he J-'ibor Mizrachl meeting Afterwards refreshments were many after Hitler's advent. v-en has 320 delegates. The. Mizrnchl served at the lionie of Murray Brunch Into hldin., in a French monastery delegates c«tii> from Israel, Unit- Newman, Atfrtp". the war and m w riT("iitI> ed States. Uritain, Australia, ArSteve Rosenblatt, Rayim mem had th.1 courage to \oluntepr as gentina. Fr.'incf, Belgium, Holland, her, played with the Budweiser defense counsel for ihf late Dr Denmark. Canada and Mexico. baseball team in (lie city playoffs. Served Buffet Style! PhilipP Auorb'ich at the heli:ht Half of the delegates at the labor of the frenzied rimpii r 'n ac.iinst i(o meeting crime fr«wn abroad, Alt You Care to t a t him. At the Dachau service. Dr PamVil'cr spoke rnovin-'lv nlxmt Jewish buffeting in pl.1"1, :ucl> »' Committee Chairman ic mscn you) Want NOON TO 3 P.M. • Dachauo illt Jewish


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For Sweetheart Dance

Olrffn\ feU t» t AOO: the ("»•* rc

•r*tjnljul (JTA) ^Irmil II ilihi S The Mother Chapter of AZA has t|M ot frutt tulvrn Satan and the I-iy O j n r i l chosen its committee ch;ilrnien t o BM< and Bas Mltzvah congratulations also foi all Jewish holiOf Turkey tried I>r I-.rtie| (. ild- manage Its twenty-second annual days and special occasions steln, president of Hi'1 Americm Sweetheart Dance. They arc: Mike (tfeyere News Stand. 1502 Dodge Jewish Congress, at a receplion Meyer, ad solicitations; Sfnn Kai here. Leading members of Tur-marJ. grand march; Gary Gitnlck, FOR RENT unfurnished or fur" key's Jewish community, includ- arrangements and ad book; Jerry nished three-bedroom house al ing M. Nasil, president of the Lay Ferer, publicity and housing; Mike 145 N. 33d St. Council, attended. Mogil, photography; -Alan J<rizelDr. Goldstein was also the guest mafl. transportation! Larry Kahn MARIUEP COUPW: with no children want tcurcnt n four-room of honor at d reception tendered and Bernle Ostravich. gifts: Jerry apartment house near !>'M and earlier by Istanbul's Mayor K. Go- Gordmnn. <ickctn; .and VVIIIard Clwrles Sts. Call UK (i288. k Plolkln, parly-

Israel Line Reroutes Flight Through Italy New York (JTA)—Tlie 101 Al Israel Airlines In New York announced today th-'it the .South Afrlnu A\rv,'iiV'-» •^1'1^ ^^(- ^\Mvan nirne "Alitalia" have placed ut its dis|x>s;il twi p,-ifisen;;er pianos for Use until h'A A] is nhle to replnee \\\e tirtit p^iii^rr ii^iot rtown hy the UuU^irinns-. "Kl;ie Airlines Is mainaining nil of its flijjlits between New "York, Kurope, Israel and outh Africn," the st.'iU'inent said. 'None of Kl Al's trnnsntlnntlc llKht-s have in the past, are now, or will in the future ho routed near the Bulgarian frontier urea where the incident occurred. The only Kl Al flisht which until now has operated through tho area ha» been the local European fll;;ht bc» tween I^ondon. Paris, Vienna, Istanbul ami Tel Aviv This M«M. has now been rerouted throUEh Italy. "Tlie iniiiiiiKcment of Kl AI« Israel Airline* ta \nuud «< U\« w y ilemLshod record of safely malnalned by its crews durlni; s i x :ears of operation over million* ot nMes i w l en5oye4 V>y Veti* tH housands of passengers. I t will spare no effort to obtain full s i t i s . fnction from Bulgaria for this outHollywood (JTA)—Danny Kayo snys he taw a foreign cor that wag obviously mane for export. The name on the radiator had nn Knglish subtitle.

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