August 12, 1955

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Veret Visits CampNearMars Marseilles, Franco—Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Fedora tlon for Jewish Service ot Omaha, stopped off here on his tour of Israel and Europe to visit Grand Arenas, reception camp for North African Jews en route to Israel, where they will make their permanent homes. "Mr. Veret is chairman of a *tudy group organized by the United Jewish Appeal to enable directors to see at first hand the needs of the Jewish communities of Europe, Israel and North Africa and the work being done on their behalf with funds raised by the UJA, which Is the major beneficiary of the Federation for Jewlib Service of Omalia. .The group spent 11 days In Israel touring the country seeing the welfare and reconstruction activities of the Jewish Agency and the American Joint Distribution Com'mitteo chief beneficiaries of the UJA. Before coming to Marseilles they stopped off In Rome, where they witnessed the programs spon•ored by tho JDC on behalf of the needy Jews of Italy. More than 2.8O0 North Africans were In the camp at the time of •Mr. Veret's vjsit. "Jt was a moving experience to see these men, women and children, two-thirds of them from Morocco, only a few days removed from violence nnd bloodshed, lodged in safely and being prepared to not up lilt amongst tlvir brethren hi Israel," he said. "Nobody can tell for certain ' what will eventually happen in North Africa nor what the future will bring to the 500,000 Jews rcidinR there. It was gratifying therefore, to speak to these people nnd to know that they were changing from the uncertainty of their former lives to tho promise of surety and security that awaits them in Israel." Set up In 1917 as a reception camp for emigrants on their way to. Israel, Grand Arenas is situated on the outskirts of Marseilles. In general, migrants stay at the camp for only a few days until they arc REFOKM KDCCATOK8 New York (WNS)—Formation of a now organization designed to co-ordinate the work and thinking of supervisors of Reform Jewish religious schools was announced hore by Dr. Maurice N. Kiscndrath, pcrsldent of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Named the National Association of- Temple Educators, the new Croup will function under the auspices of. the Union's Commission of Jewish Education, of which Rabbi Solomon B. Freehof, of Pittsburgh, Is chairman nnd Pr. Emauel Gnmoran director. The Commission Is Jointly mlmlnlstercd by the temple union nnd tlin Central Conference of A m e r i c a n Rabbis,

Sunday Radio The American Jewish Hour presented by the Jewish War Veterans Is heard every Sunday afternoon over KI30N from 6 to 0:30 o'clock. The program consists of current news nnd salute to a lending Jewish personality. "Words We Live. By" tho new summer series of the Eternal Light program Is broadcast every Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon over KFAB. The series features a cycle of dialogues be, tween Mark Van Doren, poet and critic, and Maurice Samuel:;, author and lecturer. The series will extend until September 4.

placed on .ship:;, Since 1917 more than 200,000 men, women and children have passed through tho camp on then way to Israel, Last month, more than 2,000 arrived jn the camp, till of thom from North Africa, and about 3,000 including holdovers from previous months, left for Israel. Transients live in barracks and are served by a staff of 3S. A feature of the camp is the hospital which contains 30 beds and is staffed by two doctors, two nurses, cooks and maintenance personnel. Before visiting the camp the study group mot a ship at the Marseilles dock, newly-arrived from Morocco with 250 emigres who were taken to the camp at Grand Arenas.

First Woman Cantor Named Oceansldo, N. Y. (WNS)—The appointment of the first woman ever to be named a cantor of a Jewish house of worship was an-' nounced this week by Temple Avodah, n Reform synagogue In this I/on|; Island suburban community. The new womnn cantor, Mrs, Betty Robbing, ,11, was unanimously appointed by the trustees of the congregation. Mrs. Robblns will sing her first service September 3, the eve of Kosh Ilashanah. A spokesman for the School of Sacred Music of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion In New York City saiil she might well be the first woman cantor in 5,000 years of Jewish history. Mrs. Rubhins, n refugee from Nazism, has lived In various countries before coming to the United .States In 1914. Horn in Greece, she received a religious education In Danzig, Poland, nnd was soloist In the choir of tho German synagogue In that city for six years. With her parents, she fled the Hitler invasion of Poland in 1939 nnd emigrated to Australia, where she continued studying music. There In 1943 «he met and married Sheldon nobblns, then with the United States Air Force, and returned with him to the United States In 1944. Mr. Robblns is now an inspector for the New York Health Department.' Mrs. Robblna, mother of four children, has been leading soprano with the fifteen voice choir of Temple Avmlah during the past few years. Tho congregation numbers 200 families.

Ivavy io

Landy Case New York (JTA)—The Navy Department's refusal to commission I'Jugcne Landy, the 21-yearold Jewish youth who graduated last Friday from the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, Long Island, witli second highest honors, was ridiculed by newspapers from all part of the country regardless of political differences among them. The Navy Department refused Mr. Landy the commission on the grounds that his mother had been a communist and that ho was 'close to his mother." Most newspaper comments praised Navy Secretary Charles S. Thomas for stepping in on the case and ordering an Investigation of tho circumstances of the Landy case. Earlier, Sen. Herbert H. Lehman Issued a blast at the Navy's action and demanded an Investigation. The Daughters of the American Revolution, which had awarded Mr. Landy a plaque for academic achievement, announced it would not withdraw tho award. The youth, who has won a scholarship to study admiralty law at Yale Lai. School, sailed oil a Sun Oil Company tanker for a 30-day voyage to earn money to continue his studies at Yale.

Air Attack Victims Buried in Israel Tel Aviv (JTA)—An entire country mourned ns the 58 victims of n Bulgarian air attack on an unarmed El Al Constellation passenger plane was laid to rest In a common grave in the new Tel Aviv cemetery. Leaders of the nation were among the thousands who participated in the moving services as rabbis, two Catholic priests and a Protestant cleric performed the religious services. The victims, In unmarked coffins were laid to rest In a long, common grave which the Catholic priests sanctified. Meanwhile, the Swiss Government Informed the United States that the American protest against the wanton assault ot Bulgarian airmen had been delivered to Sofia, nnd the Bulgarian Government, in an amazing public confession, admitted that trigger-happy Bulgarian fighter pilots hnd shot down the Israeli passenger liner without having first given it ample warning to land. The Bulgarians promised compensation to tho families of their victims, payment to Israel of the cost of the plane and measures to prevent a recurrence.

Center Kitchen be Renovated The .Hum ol' $20,000 was uUocated for renovation of the Jewish Community Center kitchen and serving room by the executive committee of tho Federation for Jewish Service at their meeting Monday afternoon. Members of the Federation, of Jewish Women's Club were on hand to look o\er the plans. A special subcommittee headed by Robert Kboper, Federation vice-president, assisted by Harry Trustln, Federation treasurer, and S. Elmer Gross, chairman of the Center Buildings and Maintenance Committee, submitted the All organizational copy for final plans which were approved the Rosh Hashonah edition of by the executive committee, A resolution was also adopted the Jewish Press must be in our hands by Friday, Aug. 19. asking the temple and synagogue* to cooperate with the women'! or. Letters were sent last month to organizations presidents re- ganlzations In permitting them the use of their facilities while the questing the news releases. Center kitchen Is undersong 3«pairs. Under the plans adopted, the serving room connected to tho auditorium will be enlarged by removing the wall which separates It from the mimeograph room. This will nearly double the size ot the serving room. The dumb waiter will be electrified to ease the handling of the food from the kitchen below. New electric cooking equipment and Ramat Gan, Israel (WNS) — cupboards will be installed In the Israel's newest institution of high- kitchen. er learning, Bar-Ilan University, The plans also include a storage was dedicated here last week at cupboard to be built in the alcove in the auditorium alongside of ceremonies attended by more than the serving room. 2,000 guests. Including Premier Jack W. Marer, federation presMoshe Sharett, members of the ident, presided at the executive Israel Cabinet and Parliament, meeting. Others attending were: representatives of 50 universities Milton Abrahams, Mrs. David from all parts of the world and Brodkcv, Mrs. Vttwitrd E. Brodkey, Harry 13. Cohen, Arthur A. the entire diplomatic corps. Cohn, Leo Eiscns'tatt, Leo Fox, Greetings from President Elsen- Mrs. Mike Freeman, Arthur II. Elmer Gross, Mrs. J, H.~ hower were read in which the Goldstein, Kulakofsky, Ernest A, Nogg, HarPresident expressed the hope that ry Trustln, Solomon Goldfarb, Althe new university "will follow lan Marer, Mrs. Henry Newman ' the example ol its sister Jewish and Mrs. Jake Wine. institutions in the United States and that the name Bar-Ilan will come to stand for the highest traditions of academic learning In

Attention Organizations

Bar-Han U

In Israel

I s r a e l . " .• ,• •


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The new university, which was established by tho American Mlzrachl organization as an educational link between Israel and the Un!ted*Statcs and which is named after Rabbi Melr Berlin, late leader of the world Mlzrachl movement, willopen on September. 20 as a liberal arts college offering undergraduate courses leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sciences. Professor Pincha3 Churgln, formerly of New York, is the first'presl^ dent of the university. More than 150 students, Including 30 from the United States, Britain and Canada, have registered for the first academic year. Tho American Mlzrachl organization raised $5,000,000 to establish the university. Eight buildings of tho planned total of twentyNew '.lOrk (JTA)—The publica- tions—Israel's Ministry for Cul- four have been erected on the tion of a new Hagtiadah telling ture and Education, Israel's Chlet forty-Ilvo-acre campus at a cost the heroic story of the Warsaw Rjib'jinatc, the Hebrew University so far of 52,000,000.

'Hagaddah' Proposed On Warsaw Ghetto uprising has been proposed by Dr. Isaac I. Schwarzbart, director of the World Jewish Congress' Organization Department, as a method of Immortalizing the epic event and of making the observance of Its anniversary a perpetual Memorial Day for world Jewry. The projected Hnggadah would be read In Jewish homes, schools and at commemorative ceremonies throughout the globe on the anniversary of the uprising —the 27th day r,f NIsan—In the same manner that the Passover Haggadah Is read each year by Jews everywhere to signalize the Exodus from Egypt. In announcing the proposal, Dr. Schwarzbart disclosed that he has approached four central institu-

at Jerusalem, nnd the Synagogue Council of America—with the suggestion that a Joint committee be organized to prepare such a. Haggadah. He Is currently preparing the first draft of a "Haggadah of Warsaw" that might serve as a basis for the committee's work. Dr. Selnvarzbart expressed the opinion that the effort to Include in the Passover Hnggadah a "ritual of. remembrance" for the six million dead is not in consonance with the Passover spirit. "There la no common denominator between tho Haggadah devoted to the! joyous celebration of liberation nnd' freedom nnd the commemoration of tho destruction ot one-third of our people," he said.

APPOINTMENT. OPPOSED New York (WNS)—Opposition to the appointment of Mrs. Betty Robblns to tho post of cantor ot 0 Reform temple in Oceanslde, Long Island, was expressed this week by the School of Sacred Music of the Hebrew College-Jewish Institute of Religion, nn Institution for the training of cantors of Reform synagogues. The school based Its opposition on the fact that Mrs. Robblns, regarded as the first woman cantor in Jewish history, has had no cnntorlal training. De claring that the olflce o£ cantor Is a sacred calling, the school voiced the opinion that only those who have been adequately trained for it should be opnomlccl to olli ciate nt synagogue services.

Around The Nation

NIXON TO yiilT ISRAEL Washington (WNS)—A goodwill tour of Israel and the Arab countries will bo made late this Fall by Vlce-Prcsfdent Richard M. Nixon, It was learned here. It is understood that during his visits the Vice-Fresident will attempt to strengthen tics between the United States and Israel, on the one hand, and tho United States and the Arab countries, on the other. Mr. Nixon, it Is said, will tell both parties that the United States tavors tho development o! ench, but will'not support one at the expense of the other. Before sailing last week-end for the Middle East, Tlep. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., of New York announced he will make an unofficial offer to act as a mediator between Israel and the Arab states. Tho Congressman will seek to persuade Egypt to invite Israel to attend tho second meeting of tho Asian-African conference In Cairo. INTERFA'TH CATIIKDItAL Boston (JTA—The ninth annual Jewish service was held Sunday at the Cathedral o" the Pines, an Inter-faith chapel at Rlndgo, New Hampshire, dedicated to tho memory of American civilians ondl military personnel who died in United Slates ware. The Cathedral hns been host to 36 Tellglova denominations, each worshipping in its own fashion. At the service Suncjay, a pair of bronze mcnOTnVVs IlnnWng an ark wero dedicated. Rabbi Albert Yanow of Brookline, Mnss., conducted the service while the ser* mon was delivered by Rnbhl Ro< land B. Glttelsohn of Boston, j





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Friday, August 11, 19B3.


Global Report

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DlltKCT U N K Jerusalem 'WNS)— Israeli and Jordanian rei>rcs<.vnta(lves agreed last week tn establish direct field telephone lines between military commanders nn both tides, it wa« announced liere. It was also revealed that tlio negotiators have agreed in principle to brini; area commanders as well as local commander* Into cooperative contact to halt or prc* vent incidents. New truce arrangemcnls will be extended along the entire Israeli-Jordanian armistice line. In the IK'bron area a mixed team of Israel and Jordan surveyors last week began marking the Israel-Jordan border there. An Arab radio broadcast heard here stated that tome 4,000 dunarn* (1,000 acres) of land would be added to Jordan territory as a result of this demarcation.

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Between You And Me By Beri* Smetar (Copyright, 1955, JTA). (H0HWIO BBONTi The Intensified Arab propaganda in the United States Is' now meeting strong wtlntanrw from Lebanese Christian* tnthla c o u n t r y . . . Leading In the anti-Arab fight are the Maronltes who publish a number of newspaper* In this country They insist on conclusion of peace with I s r a e l . . . The Maronitea are the largest single group In Lebano n and number about 450.000 in a total population of XJBOJXO Together with other Christian g r o u p s — Assyrians, Armenians and Melkltes— they constitute a Christian majority in Lebanon . . . And they are not at all happy with the treatment the; receive . . . In fact, they fear for their very existence, being a Christian Island In a sea of Moslem countries . . , They, therefore, welcome the emergence of ^another non-Moslem state —Israel—especially since this state borders directly on Lebanon . . . And they sincerely favor the concluding of peace between Lebat and Israel . . . What they cannot say openly In Lebanon, because of intimidation by the Arab League, their relatives in the United States proclaim here and In Canada • . . Tbemare twice sa many Maronltes living' abroad as there are In Lebanon, and the Lebanese-Americana send financial support t o their brethern in Lebanon Just as American Jewry sends financial aid to Israel . . . The present fight of the Lebanese-Americans in especially directed against the Arab Information Center which the Arab League recently established in New York to penetrate the American press with propacamla anrt to Influence the American public opinion . . . In Uieir publications. In Arabic and In English, they point out that the claims of Arab propagandists that they speak for 300.000 American citizens of "Arab descent" is completely unfounded. . . . Ninety-five percent of these Americans are Christian emigres and refugees from Syria and Lebanon, mostly Maronltes, they emphasize . . . And they stress that

these Americans come from a non Arab community which fouRht for centuries to preserve the non-Arab and non-Moslem character Lebanon . . . They cliarce the Arab League with preventing Lebanon from concluding a peace with Israe and suggest that the Jews an< Maronltes in this country co-ordi nate their efforts in fifihtinp; Arab League propaganda . . . * « • COMMUNAL AITAHtSi Ameri can Jewish communities will now have an opportunity to meet a new dynamic leader of the National Committee for Labor I s r a e l . . . IT is Dr. Dov Biegun who took over the reins from Isaac ITamlin, for mer national secretary of the or ganization . . . A noted economist he was educated In continental and British universities and speaks 13 languages fluently, Including Eng lish. Hebrew and Yiddish . . . DuIng World War EC Dr. BIcgun served with the British armed forces in France, the low countries and Norway . . . He was a membe* of tbo British War Crimes Investigation Unit of the British Army on the Rhine . . . H e enjoy* a reputation as an excellent orator and has to his record the raisin); of loan* in various coun tries for the Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Agency, in conJunction with the Stale of Israel . . . He has also organized largescale Investments In this country and In Latin America for Ampa and Israel Industries . . . The monopoly held by Arab and proArab elements at the Summer Institute on Kenr Eastern Affairs at the University of Michigan was broken afler lone an'l tedious negotiations . . . Vov the first time Israel Ambassador Afitoa T'ban has also been invited to lecture before the 1,500 students attending the Institute . . . At no time in the past %vere Jewish groups able to plnce a pro-Israel speaker there, while Arab nnd pro-Arab lecturers have always been part of the program . . . Credit for the change Is due to the Jewish Community Council of Detroit and to some Jewish leaders in Ann Arbor. Mich.

Obituary Max Lerner

Religious ..-, News

MttBOCOO Jerusalem (JTA) —- R e p o r t » reaching here from Morocco assert that "Jewish lives are In rtm« stent danger" there, and that conditions for Jews have become "!»• tolerable" in a number of Moroccan dties. In Rabat, Jewish stall* and shops have been closed for two weeks for fear of Moslem gangs, one report said. A pica for speedy assistants for some 70.000 Moroccan Jewi who have registered for immigration to Israel was voiced hero by Rabbi M. FinKertmt ot .Algtar* who reported on the situation of North African Jews to the Joint world conference here-of the Miz. rachl and liapoel liomlzrachl movements. Rabbi Flngerhtjt called for a "non-selective" Immigration policy in Israel, warning that "wo may he unaWe to accomplish tomorrow what c m bo accomplished today."

Service* were held Sunday, Aug. 7 for Max Lcrncr with interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. 7:M p. m., Lerncr, 7fi, a resident of the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the Aged, died Thursday, Aug. 4. He was a retired clothing store owner. Beth Israel Survivors include two sons ArTraditional Friday evening servthur of San Krancisco, Cal., and ices (Kabollas Shaubos) begin at Joseph ol Omaha; and a daughter, Mrs. A. E. Perlis of Council Bluffs. fi:30 o'clock. Sabbath momine services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 9:30 a. nv. SabMiss H. Grodinsky bath Mlncha at 7:15 p. m., folServices were held Sunday, Aug. loived by Shclesh S'eudos and 7 with interment at Pleasant Hill Tlie conference sot up a com:emetery. Mir;s Gnxiinr.lty, 73, Maarlv. Daily morning service; mission to consider the problem Omaha's first professional socia begin at 7 a. m. Evening services of North African immigration snd worker with Jewish groups, died at 7:15 p. m. Sunday mominfl to discuss with the Israel GovernThursday, Aug. 4 nt a local hos- services becin at 8:15 a. m., fol- ment nnd the Jewish Agency «rpital. lowed by breakfast and Rabbi's licnt measures to brinp North She was director of the Jewish African immigrants to Israel ImWei/are Association of St. Paul, class in Bible. Children ncconi- mediately. panylnE their parents are invited Minn., for 35 years until her re tirement ci^ht years ago. Miss to join the regular Sunday mornGrodinsky had niade her home In ing Mlnyan beginning at 8:45 n. ra. S t Paul and Omaha. She was the The Talmud discussion group daughter of the late Rabbi Henry Ladies Day Buffet Lmwhtcn •wHl which, meets every Tuesday eveGrodinsky. ning n't 8:15 p. m. at the 19th and be held Wednesday, Aug. 17 at (he> She is survived by three broth- Hurt Sts. Synagogue will be con- Highland Country Club. This Saters. Abe of St. Paul. David of Chi- ducted by Habbl Matthew M. Po- urday evening dance night and a cago and William of Ornnha; and Uakolf. Btcakhousc dinner v.M be Imtured, two sisters, Fannie and Rose of Saturday, Aug. 20 the Hawaiian By San! Carson possible was a Jew, Dr. J. Robert Omaha. Beachcomber party will be held. Oppenhelmer. And now, at Geneva, .'(JTA. O r m p a n d a r i for United where the United Nations has Beth El >T»tk>ns) Drought world science together for Sabbath evening services will be United Nations (JTA)—All eyes on nll-out effort to translate atom- Capr.B.J. Wolf son end ears are turned for a two- ic enqrgy Into beneficence, Jews Services were held Friday, Aug. held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath momlnjr services will begin at 8:30 week period to the United Nations again play an extraordinary part. 5 for U.S. Air Force Captain Dero'clock. The Mlncha Service will European headquarters at Geneva. 1HGH HOLY DAV81 Alex Sand When the last General Assem- nard J. Wolfson with Interment at begin at 7 p. m. Capt. There, last Monday, the interna bly here voted to call the confer- Pleasant Hill Cemetery. will once again return to the Dr. Daily lervices during the Week Philip Shcr Jcv-Jsh Home for the tlonal conference on the peaceful ence which opened In Geneva Au- Wolfson, 28. died in a St. Louis, Uses of Atomic, Eneriry convened Eust 8. an advisory committee was Bio., hospital resulting from com- arc held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. i n ; Aged as Cantor for Rosh Hasfor two weeks of sessions In which eastblished to help Secretary-Gen- plications following an operation. The Sunday morning service is heW hanah nnd Yom ICippur. He was a graduate of Harvard at 9 a. m. A SPECIAL KIDDrisn was giv'the world will learn from its lead eral Darr ILimmamltjoIrt orEanize en this week by Mr, and Mrs. Ing scientists how rnodern man the world meeting of scientists. On University prior to entering the Harry SIdman. proposes to heerl (be rtneient Jewish that committee were representa- CreiRhton School of Medicine from Temple Israel MAX PKLTZ, one of our resiphophet'g call for turning swords tives of seven nations. Out of which he was graduated In 1950. into ploughshares. At Geneva, the tho seven, Mvo were famous Jews He had served In the Air Force for Sabbath services will be held to- dents, returned to the home from w o years nnd was to have attendthe hospital nfter a successful . J e w V brilliance in science has scientists—Dr. I. I. Habi representnight at 7:30 o'clock In the Chanel converged with thn traditiona ing the United States, and Dr. :d Stanford University. nt Temple Israel. Rabbt Sidney H. cataract operation. Surviving are his father nnd Brooks will conduct the service. NEW EESIDKNTS are Harry Jewish desire for peace. Bertram! Goldschmidt represent mother, Mr. and Mrs. Judah L. Jcrber, Mrs. Bessie Schwartz and ing France. Vital Roln Wolfson former Omahans now of Mrs. Lena Spring. From the beginning of the atomVS. Bflejratlon Chicago, HI., and two brothers. IN SIEMOKITJM) i c era. scientists who were JewWhen the conference was called Mrs. Pearl Faltz. ish played nn Important—some be. to order in Geneva, the United Nathan nnd Justin, both of Los AnMr. Max Lerner. lievc a vital role; Now at Genera States—as befits the most power- Celcs, Cat when the means nre being organ- ful of nations—was represented by ized for the use of nfomle energy the largest delegation of oil, a Fun {or the kiddles, games nnd Miss Jessie Goetz for peace—instead of for destruc- delegation comprising 324 outprizes for everyone, will be In store tion—Jews arrnin play a role far standing Americans. Head of the Services were held Wednesday, for nil B'nal B'rllh members, their above their minority status. entire delegation is a Jew, one (VUfj. 10 for M:ss Jessie Goclz with families and friend?, at the Old Albert Einstein's special theory Interested in higher Jewish educa- Interment at Pleasant Hill Ceme- Fashioned li'nai B'rith Henry MonThe annual Beth Israel Family «f retotivlty had aided world sci- tion. Rear Admiral Lewis L. tery. Hiss Goetz, 74. died Monday, ky LodRC No. 354 picnic, Sunday. picnic will be held this Sunday o f t ence In its reach toward the Strauss, cliairman of the United August 8 at home. She is survived August 28 at Peony Parlc CTOOOA Aug. 14, at 2 p. m , in the • mysteries locked in the atom. States Atomic Energy Commission. by her sister Miss Laura Goclz of The picnic will start at 10 a. m- shad? North grove of the Peony Einstein's famous letter to Frank- And an official member of the Omaha. Free rides on the merry-go-rounds Park picnic area. PJcnlcers will .' lln Delano R/>or,<;vcIt motivating delegation's top croup of five men for the kiddies will be one of the brine; their own lunch nnd pop will • t h e placing of America's vast in- Is Dr. Hal)!. eeome a member of the United treats of the picnic. Ateo free be distributed free. TJiere will bo dustrial and monetary powers beI3ut those officially on the dele- Nations. Israel Is represented at drinks and Ice cream will be games, contests and rates lor the hind the scientists who finally gation or among Its advisors are the conference in Geneva by 10 s d - served. young folks nnd prizes will be • produced the atom bomb—and not the only participants. There ntlsta. Of the slightly more than The committee is arranging a awarded to all the winners. A free Hater the hydrogen monster of de- are many other 'American scient- ,000 scientific papers presented talent scout program and commu- gift will also be given to an the • •tructlon. Dozens of Jewish s d - ists represented through special to the conference, six have origi- nity singing. A spoon and egg con- children pmeirt nt the picnic. The ' entists, many of them refugees papers, reports and abstract*. Of ated in Israel. No more than test, dish and cup race, a three affair is being supervised by the from Nazi and Fascist persecu- these, it has been estimated that bout a third of the papers sub- legged race and a soft bi>U games Beth Israel Men's chib. Morris \ mitted to the conference arc being arc just a few of the games E Kutler is the chairman of the tion, worked on the many teams 62 nre Jews! picnic committee. ithat produced the atom bomb. I n Israel is one of the youngest In- read for on-the-spot discussion— Planned. • overall control of the principal dependent nations In the world, h remainder will ba printed »s Mony surprise* and prizes are Everyone is cordially invited to part of the proceedings. laboratory that nude the bomb one of the more recent nations to in store for all those attending. attend.

Highland Hilites

The Jew and Hie Atom—for Peace

At Home

Surprises, Prizes Planned for Picnic

Beth Israel Family Picnic Sunday

Aupai U . IMS.



Hadassoh Library Lane B&P Chairmen Named

Omaha Sketches

By Bosilln Perils .Smith Mrs. Tess Pierce and Miss Syl1955 USY convention which "Shakespeare and the Bible," The Business and Professional via JluUtowitz of New York City be held in Lincoln will be disby Hamilton Coleman, Is one ofWomen of Hadnssab held their first summer board meeting of the year arc guests of their cousins Mr. the newer books in our Jewish and Mrs. M. F. Kagan of Omaha. cussed. Community Library. The author recently at the home of Mrs. Carl Lnijman at un informal buffet Both visitors are accomplished was a dying man when he wrote Misses Phyllis Freedman and this book and the reader must real- supper, pianists. Mrs. Piorce, an alumna be that the philosophy of a man Mrs. Carl I.Tj'jnan, president of of the New York College of Music, Serena DwoskJn have received suffering Is sometimes altered to the Ii. & P. Group announced the is also a composer. Some of her scholarships from B'naf B'rith alleviate his emotional upheaval. appointment of the fallowing memcompositions are "Valse Capricie- Henry Monsky and N e b r a s k a of the standing committees: use," "To a Hose" and "Rain- Chapters to attend the National Hamilton Coleman. a Shakes bers courtesy, Mrs. Jennie Rosenblatt; drops." She is the newly elected B'nai B'rith Girls Convention and pearian actor, having been told American affairs, Ahuvah Gersliapresident of the Oxford Piano that he had an incurable disease* ter; education, Mr3. Fannie L. Teachers' Guild in New York. Mrs. Leadership Training Institute. Tbe turned to Christian Science appar Greenbcri;; HMO, Miss Itebccca Pierce has appeared on radio net- Convention-Institute will be held enUy, or to one- of the other Bercovici; vocational education, works for many years with the August '16 through 26 at Camp "thought' cults, and then proceed- Mrs Jean Kaplan; purchasing nnd B'nai B'rith near Starlight, Pa. Sylrostes Trio. ed to mould Shakespearean philos- supplies, Miss Uena Gross; hospi Misses Freedman and Dwoskin ophy to match his way of thlnkinc. tallty, Mrs. Sally Meyers, Miss The author Is convinced that Mollye Wclner and fJello Siefiel; Mr. aand Mrs. Alvin S. Nogg an- appeared on Jean SulUvan's TV. Shakespeare not only plagiarized fund raising, Mrs. Charles floss program "A Woman's View" Monnounce the birth of a son Lawfrom the Bible, but that he defi- nnd Miss Dorothy Roscnthnl; Israel rence Randcll born July 28 at a day, August 8 over WOW-TV, nitely agreed with the passages tio local hospital. The couple also has where they explained the BBG Miss Evelyn Levy; Jewish borrowed. Throughout, he tptaks bonds, Miss Carolyn It. Calm a daughter, Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. program and were interviewed national fund, Miss Iloselle Hanof the illusory nature of material dler; Nathan L. Nogg ere paternal about their prospective trip. meeting, Mrs, existence, then usc.i correlative Philip Inter-faith grandparents and Mrs. Sam FrieSchwartz; liaison of finer, quotations from Shakespeare and Mrs. Charles Itoss; medical center, del Is maternal grandmother. Mr. from the Bible In order to expound Miss Julia Zuker; membership, and Mrs. William Lustgarten are . lib theory. Mra. I. Dansky; program, Mrs. Eve maternal great-grand-parents . L. Konecky; public relations, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene It. Cohn of Thug, from Shakespeare: T h e quality of mercy Is not Julius Newman; telephone, Mrs. Milton MosJcowitz won an AkRose Schik; youth ally ah, Beverly Gary, Ind., announce the engage- Sar-Ben breeders' award for his (trained; It droppeth as the gentle rain BcrnBtein; Zionist public relations ment of their daughter, Miss thoroughbred horse Royal George. 6-room duplex for rent, and representative to Zionist Coun- Carolyn Rachel to Michael Kulafrom heaven awards are presented to gas heat and attached gacil, Miss Mildred Levy; Zionist kofsky. Miss Cohn is a graduate The Upon the place beneath-' breeders of Nebraska-bred horses youth activities, Mrs. Julia Jacobs; And from Deuteronomy 32:2, the which won races at the Ak-Sar- rage, at 3664 Cass St. of Indiana University, specializing publicity and bulletin, Mrs. Cor] corresponding passage: Den. track. "Ak-Sar-Bon Is conTdy doctrine shall drop as theLagmnn. Also appointed to thein speech and hearing therapy. She stantly interested in the growth Inquire at 1404 N. Mth Board were Fannie Sherman and has also attended the University rain, and improvement of thoroughbred Lillian Dernstein. or Call WE 3505 Vy speech shall distil as the dew, of Wisconsin in Madison. breeding in Nebraska," James P. As the small Tain upon the tenMichael Is the son of Mr. and Lee, chairman of the Ak-Sar-Ben Plann were formulated for B. der herb, Mra. J. Harry Kulakofsky. He isRacing Committee said. Mr. MosAt the showers upon the grass.' & P. Hadassah's "Get-Aeg.ualnted a graduate metallurgical engineer kowitz has a string of nine thorParty," to be l.cld Thursday eveAt I «ee it, Shakespeare wan from Renssclaer Polytechnic In- oughbreds which he enters in races too great a writer to find it neces- nine Sept. 8 at the Paxton IIoteL stitute In Troy, N. Y. Since Ills throughout the country. «ary to pilfer from the Scriptures. graduation three years ngo, he has Also, since there Is nothing much been associated with the U. S. Re- Miss DIanne Fellman, daughter new under the sun, I contend that duction Company in East Chicago, of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Fellman, anyone can take nny p.lvcn book 111., nnd for the past year has been win attend a two-week camp sesof fofty intent and discover similiving in Gary. sion at the United Synagogue lar Ideas In the Bible. couple plan to be married Youth Camp in Oitkin, Minn., from This Is a book to be leafed B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky in The the fall. August 16 to 30. More than 100 Chapter No. 470, will hold a sumthrough Unfitly, n s one mlRht Idle high school members of USY from through an nlbum of photographs mer board meeting Wednesday, throughout the midwest region are There's not much to net your teeth Aug. 17. at 1 p. m., in Harry's Temple Dance scheduled to attend. Plans for the Into, but If you want a cursory re- Restaurant. view of Sfmkerspenre nnd the Bible. Plans for the coming year will Ernie Prlesman's orchestra will Interspersed with a religious com- be the mnin Item of business. furnish the music for the Temple mentary, this I.', it. Mrs. Gerge Cohn, program Israel Dinner Dance to be held chairman, announced that the com- Saturday, Sept 10 in the soda] mittee composed of Mrs. Seymour hall and patk>. In addition, proHappy hint for Wolfson Memorial Kaplan, Mrs. Aaron Epstein and fessional dancers have been enRUG & UPHOLSTERY Mrs. Sol Ml.-off, met to outline gaged to present mambo demonmidnight snackers: CLEANERS Contributions are belnc made plans for programming for the club strations, it was announced by Your favorite for a "garden of trees" (100) to beyear. Their plans will be brought Mrs. George Spitzer, general chairRUGS — CABPETTNG planted In Israel in memory of up for discussion at this meeting. man. LAMP SHADES cheese KOSHEI the late Air Force Cnptain Bernard Mrs. Harry Sidman, fund raising rmif fURMlTORE The decorations committee Is 1. Wolfson who died recently in a chairman, and outline plans for headed by Mmcs. Harry Xloscnfeld St. Louts hospital. It was an-the annual will Cleaned in Your Home! fund ralsInK affair to and Paul Blotcky. Tickets arc ten nounced by Mrs. M. F. Levenson. lie held November * M I » 9 • tayfi? • lepatrisf 27. • dollars per couple and may be ptirpresident of the Jewish National DOM BERMSTEIN HA KS4 Fund Council of Omaha. The late Memliership chairman, Mrs. cliascd from any sisterhood board Capt. Wolfson was a native of Harry Smith will lead a discussion member. on membership and plans will be Omaha. made for the membership lunchC R A C K E R SJ Contributions will be accepted.] eon for nil paid-up members. by JNF chairman ot Hadassah, AH officers and committee chairPioneer Women. Mlzrachl, Poale- men are urged to attend this ImZion, Farband and Kadimah. portant meeting. Mrs. Harry Friedman, president, cordially invites nny Monsky Chapter member, who Former Omahans' is interested in serving on a com"The Greatest tas in *v.\ir h:i:'" Daughter Wed in L.A. mittee to attend and participate In nil discussion.1!. Miw Louise Paiotf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvlnn Pazoff, and Stewart Marpolis, son of Mr. and Mirw. Charlotte Yacht and Harry MarRolls were married June 26 in Lon Angeles. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Pazoff, parents of the bride, arc Omaha Chapter of Hndassah will Delicious wifh TAM TAM CRACKERS! former Omahans. Mr. and Mrs.hold Its "Around the Clack FashFlresteln of Omaha attended the Ions" and card party at 12:30 wedding-. p. m, Tuesday, Aug. 23 nt the Highland West Club. Dessert luncheon will precede the fashIon show with clothing furnished by J. L. Brnndeis & Sons and modeled by Hatlassah members. Mrs. Alfred Frank Is general ticket chairman and is assisted by Mcsdomfs Dan Llntzman, Lowr By Mrs. Morris Spccktcr Singer, Sam Gcifman, Jock SchraBlessed arc thou. dear sisters; Rer, Charles Fredktn, Edward, ZoPYou have worked so hard, with insky, Louis Alberts, I. M. TreServed Buffet Style! with toil-worn hands. tiak, Max Rosen. Carl Legman and All You Care to Eot Dried out the swamps, destoned their committees. the fields, Everyone- need's It. And all for our Holy Land. Hollywood (JTA)-Phn Silvers JvJOON TO 3 P. M. We deal In If and hava an overiuppr/. saw a sign In o Kosher delfcatwWith courage and strength my sen window: "Sandwiches like Please toko some off our hands. chaverot. mother used to make before she Your work you carry on. took tip bridge and cigarettes." A good' future we await withi God's help. For la It not stated we ore His GENOA CrtY. WISCONSIN own? JUST 1 HOUR FROM CHICAGO f m t 3* 1380 to Boat jotiJ Wat »' There Is still a lot of work to do. For Full Information: TIM Jntisb Press. We know that you are willing. Currtns rau U 60 unti for «teb tatttSHIHDERMAH MANAGEMENT Pioneer women will do its ooa TM Proa » n UK HCU to w > MOho«***44» fU» of —€b tanltmtul share. BAR and Bos Mitzvob congratuHOTEL BLACKSTONE And our Land will be a joyous lations also for all Jewish holi• dwelling. day* and spcdal occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 DodS*.

Gary Girl Engaged To M. Kulakofsky


Monsky Chapter Plans Program


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A Nourishing Food I


Hadassah to Hold Fashion Show

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August 12, IBM.

View Of The Promised Land J

Tlie B'nni B'ritli Men's league, the largest In tlie city, will get underway TuewV.\y, Hevtt. Q. T^'cVj^ teams making up the classic division will roll at the Hose Bowl, The remainder of tlw> league wlU play nt the Forty Bowl and at Parkway. The B'nal B'rlth Bowlers' Stag will precede the Btort of regular bowling. The stau will be held at 8:30 p. m., Tuesday, Aug. 30 In tho Blackstone Hotet All B'nal B'rltti , bowlers arc invited. Teams for the.league ore being; formed now. If you nro Interested In 5o\n\ng cx.ntacl Mori TrachYenberg, RE 5802.

'.Camp Jay C-C called St. George or the Dmgon By Sturm Poika Campers then attend two differ During a typical day a camper participate! in many interesting ent activities in the morning fol and varied activities. HI* day lowed by lunch. A rest period nil gtarts at 7:30 a, m. when the camp er lunch prepares the camper to bugler, J a m i e Shapiro, blows the activity periods to follow. Tin revellee. After stretching and shak- evening meal is followed Ijy specia ing the cobweb* out of hi» bead, he yawns, gets up to wash and programs, cabin activities or camp brush his teeth, dome youngsters out. Tlie camper day ends will get up earlier to go on early morn- taps. ing horseback rides, while many Girl campers are: Carolyn AUcr campers are so energetic that they ton, Judy Davidson, Diunne Denen get up before the bugle call. Camp- berg, Helen Khrenrelch, Frances e n do stay in their cabins, how- Erman, Marilyn Hrbek, July Janever, until the wake up bugle call dk. Donna Knlman, Kay Goldis made. Flag raising and early stein, Lynne Mlnkin, Toby Ueismorning announcements are made baum, Evelyn Joan Rdsenbaum, around the flag pole. The assem- Deanne Shapiro, July Sherman bled campers also hold an early July Ann SeiEler. morning service at this time. Stan Others are: Kathy Adler, Susan Fellman is the director of relig- Ash, Carol Ann Altsuler, EUen ious activities. After breakfast Bank, Neena Beber, Karen Brodand singing campers go back to kcy, Kay Corcnman, Arlenc Eptheir cabins for cabin clean-up; stein, Harriet Falk, Sherrie FelnCabins are inspected by the camp tech, Aviva Feldman, Karen Fellnurse. George Kahn. affectionately man, Lora Freeman, l i n d a Gelfand, Susan Gllinsky, Barbara Glvot, Sheila Goldston, t<ols Greenberg, Sue Herman. Frances Hornstein, fcobol Hurwltz. Susan Katzman. Sharon Koom, Fenny Krasne, Janet Lefkow, Joan Levin, Linda Positions are open on the Jewish Lleb, Rosalind Morria, Judy Nogg, Community Center swlnimlng team Gloria Raznlck, Sandra Richards, for boys and girls in ages seven Carol Rothsteln. Eva Sand. Lynn to 16. The team will participate Saunders, Jo Ann Shrier, Susan In the Park and Recreation Com- Slutzky. Shelly Sommer. Suzanne mission's Swim Meet to be held Sutin. Eleanor Yager. August 28 at Miller Park. The Boy campers are: Joe Bordy, only requirement, Jim Karbatseh. Buddy Epstein. Joe Erman, Jerry athletic director stated, is a cur- Faler. Mntt Faler, Marc Fellman. rently valid swimming member- Frank Goldberg, Del Gordon, Steve chip. , Gould. Scott Haykln. Danny HollLs, Try-ouis will win be n<? held nciu at ai 8a p. m.. Try-outs m. Gordon Hollis, Steve Kfltz, Jerri' Monday, Aug. 15 nt the Cenicr I^ohrman. Robert Lohrman, Mipool under the dlrecllon of the chad Mnrkovitz. Adrian MInkin. athletic director. In the coming Jimmy Nash. Donny Tlifas. Ijjnny meet, the croups will lie divided Rifas, Onry Itnsenbaum, Edwin •" Kidman, SU'vc Sloan. David .Swift. according to age so that there will be room for a large participation Louis Wolfo. Richard Arlan. Joey of swimmers, n "spokesman said. Iiassman. l-arry Batt, John Roldes. The competition will include Richard Kngel, Tommy Fellman. events - featuring the free style. Jerry Ferenstein, Donny Goldstein. strokes. Entrants may qualify Marc Goldston. Robert Gould. Joo breast stroke, back and butterfly Grecnberg. Phil Orecnberg. Bobby Gross. Howard Hahn. Bruce Holwistrokes for any or nil events. man. Stevie Hoborman, Stuart CENTER POOL Hurwltz, I^orcn Ivcner, Paul KillLast Thursday and Friday. AUK. man, Sandy Kasln, Wally Koslien:. 4 and 5. the Center pool was closed Jimmy KraRne. 1-arry I^fitz. Karl due to a failure in the chlorlnstlon Robert system. In the interest of publir Luefshuetz. David Lilt. Marty safety, the pool was shut down by Milder. Cory Richards. order of the Center Health and Ricks, Jerry Schneider. Hnrlcy Schrafjer. Rol>ert Slutzky. Jeff Physical Education Committee. Swart*. Howard Welncr, Roliert HEALTH CLUB The Center Health Club will be Weinstcin. Without a masseur from August 15 to September 1, when Tom Osbome. club manager, is away on vacation. Steam baths and shower* will be available at the club Montreal (JTA)--Thc peril of and keys and towel's may lie had at the basket room. The vacation- Intermarriage to the survival of Ing Mr. Osborne will review his the Jewish people in the Western studies In physical therapy at world was spotlighted here by I>ouis Rosenberg, noted economist. Chlcnpo and Hot Springs. Ark. In a .statistical study of mixed marriages In Canada published by the research bureau of the Canadian Jewish Congress. "Although the rate of intermarriage III Canada Is far lower Jerusalem (WNS)—As n result than among Jews In the United of the final tabulation of the vot- States. Britain and A u s t r a l i a . ing for a new Parliament on July nevertheless al»ut one out of eight 26. It was officially announced that marriages in which Jews take part the Mapal (Lalxjr) Party, which is a mixed marriage. In other ran first in the elections, will get words, for every 88 marriages per40 Beats In the new Knesset under formed in Canada In 193.) in which the proportional representation both the brides and grooms were Jews, there were 12 marriages in syS'em. The rightwing Hcrut Party, which a Jewish ;;i£l married a nonwhich ran second in the popular Jew, or more likely a Jewish man ballottlng. received 15 seats, while married a non-Jewish girl. Anoththe General Zionists Rot 13- The er fact now to light is that National Religious Front, com- ovit of all households with Jewish posed of the Mi/racl.l and Hapoel men or women at the head, some Hamimichi parti™, will have 11 ten precent have a non-Jewfch teals In the nev Parliament. Tlio man or woman also at the head— Achduth Avodah Party will ^.ave intermarried households," Mr. Roten scats; the Map.-jm Party, nine; scnlltrg stated.. Agudah. six; Communists, six; The intermarriage Aguaan. s>*; communists, six; infermarrlarre rate has nas risen Progressives, five, ond the three in Canada from less than 5 perArab sintes together, five seats, cent In 192G-30 to over 12 per Six croups which offered slates cent In 1953. Tlie rate has been In the election failed to receive growing steadily except for a drop one !n that Onp percent Dercent of Of the thp Valid \]t\tC and ftnd iri Srt the *lif* Tinr-irtri 19M-45, 1O.lvl_4r> hn» nftnr tlmf one i»;r«?ni *JL me valid vuitu vote von-* ami me period peri'-iu ly-li-1*^, but nut after alter mat consequently, under" the propor- date the increase resumed and by tional representation systern. re- 1932 had again reached thc-preceived no representation In the vlotis peak of 11.1 percent marked Knesset Of a total of R7G.085 votes in 1911. Jewish rnen figure in Ineasf In the nationwide elections. t'ermarriaRC more than twice as 22,856 ballots were invalidated. often as .Jewish women.

Positions Open on Jay Swim Team

Intermarriage Rises in Canada

Mapai -Gets 40 Seats in Knesset

B.B. Teams Line Up for Bowling

Chatm Alttr, 12, and hit grandion, Maurice, 3, are part of a Ihreagtmratlon, levenfnember family that rec«nMy arrived In th» UnlUd Stain with thi a o l t t a n o or United Hlaa Servlea, the Jawlih International migration agency. The othera ara Chalm's •on, Falwal, 38, Felwel'a wife, Either, 38. and their children, Helena, 7f Paula, o, and Berthe, 2. The tamliy v/ae acaUered dup* In0 th« war, Feiwel having Ijeen deported to forced labor In Siberia by the Ruulana, The family hae been reunited with Mra. Alter'e three elitere, who live In Brooklyn, N. V. Became of the overaubecrlbed Pollih quota — the family It originally from Poland — the Altera had to wait tight yeara to Immigrate to the United Statee, but early thle year United Hlaa eucceeded in making the arrangement!.

News Nuggets SOVIET JKWS AKKIVK Tel Aviv ( J T A ) - E i g h t elderly Jewish men nnd women, between he ages of 61 and 80, arrived lere from the Soviet Union, The Jlght, who travelled by air "via Vienna, came from territory annexed by the USSR since the second World War. Among the eight was 80-ycar>ld Bathya Sojer, who at the last nintite changed her mind and reused to lx>nrd the ill-fated El Al airliner shot dawn by the Bulgarian.* ten days ago. lOSI'lTAI, ItlSC'KIMINATION Chicago IJTA)~The Chicago City Council was asked last week•nd l>y the American Jewish Concress to pass n pending ordinance ) pnihibit .discriminatory admlsion of practices of hospitals here, 'lie pending ordinance amends the City Code Kovernini; hospitals and trohiuiLs bias by hospitals In the idmission or equality of care of he use of the hospital's facilities 10 any person localise of race, •reed, color, national origin or nc'-stry. In n wiminanicatlon to the City Council. Rabbi Ahroii O[ilier. prcsilent of the Chicago division of til'" Imericaii Jewish Congress, stated: Incredible an it sounds, it Is n net that residents of Chicago are :oo often denied emergency treaticnt In .some hospitals because hey beloni: to certain races or lcnomlnation<s. Tlicre have been ases where the delay 111 causing he patient to IK' taken to a more i i i n t hospital proved fatal."

Soviet Statement Disputed by AJC New York (JTA)—The American Jewish Committee Issued an analysis of the statement on Jewish religion in the Soviet Union made public here last month by the Soviet delegation to the United Nations. "Analysis by AJC specialists showed that references to the Soviet law in thL document were carefully culled from a few permissive sections of a sweeping anti-religious decree issued by the Soviets twenty-six years ago," the American Jewish Committee pointed out. It stresses the fact that the .Soviet statement made no attempt to deal with "documented evidence that Jewish cultural and religious Institutions in the U.S.SR have been systematically liquidated; nor did the Soviet disclaimer mention the fate of 'missing' Jewish writers in Russia, or what happened to extinguish Jewish communal life in Hiorbidjnn which was proclaimed a, Jewish autonomous region more than twenty-five years ago." The AJC emphasizes that although the recent Geneva Conference gave hope to the world that the "cold war" mrjy be eased, a large part of "the acid test will be whether Communist policies change significantly to demonstrate respect for human rights and the sanctity of the individual." "Klenvntary justice demands that the Kuviet Union release all Jewish leaders jailed because of their communal activities; return deported Jews to their homes; per. mit freedom of religion* worship and education: allow Jewish religious c*xnmuuities and cultural instltutioiK to administer their affairs freely; allow emigration to those Jews who wish to do so." the American Jewish Committee says, referring to a resolution which it adoplcd to tills effect last January.

Reform Institute Planned for Israel Cincinnati IJTA)—A statement denying a newspaper report that Dr. Nelson Glueck, president ol Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, who Is now on an archeologlcal mission In Israel, will become a rabbi of a Reform conpjcEatlon to bo established there this year was issued hero by HUC-JIR. Tho statement reads: ' "Some months nf:o the College" institute imnounccA ttmV \K -*VA c»» tnbllsh. In Israel, the American Jewish Culliirel Institute, a branch of HUC-J1U. Tills latter Institution wirt wA \K a 'i>ni«rr-RaW<>n. I t will be a school for research for Kraduate students, and for those College-Institute si udents who wish to come there to cntcli the spirit of the prophets of old, by which they were able to utter thfi great thlcal truths, the only verities that can save our world today. "Through our projected cultural center of American Judaism In Palestine, we hope to bring the spirit of American Liberal culture to Israel, and to demonstrate to tho Israelis how we have tried to effectuate a KynUv-sis o { t\\e Uwiit ideals of America. The Institute in Israel will Include u chapel. 'The College-Institute is co-optiiii' with Vho WorM Umwn «l Progressive Judaism and with othr Liberal Jewish agencies in tho United State.-s toward creation of an inMv'.eiimis 'MWrin Jewish movement in Israel. I!ut the Anierctm Jewish Cultural Institute Is nil entirely separate ondeMvor. Dr. Ciluerit would certainly have confided In us if he had any plans for •slubllshing or leading a congregation in Israel."

Israel-Arab Peace Not Yet in Reach"

United Nations, N. Y. (WNS) — The present armistice • between Israel and the Arab countries must \H? maintained and strengthened 'HO long as the goal of real peace n the Palestine nrea, unfortunately, must be recognized as not yet within reach," Prig Ilanwinnik* IIKITONS ANI> JKWH Jold, .Secretary Cieneral of the UnltLondon (JTA)—Twelve percent Niitinns, declared U\ls week ta if all people who replied to a P<>!' hi" annual report to the General if readers of Hie Daily HeraM. the Assembly. abor Party ne\\'spi'ji>or In this "It should be one of the principal )untry, are prejudiced against abioctives <>f the UnUcd N»,Utm» ?ws, the newsp:tpr'r disclosed tbift In the coming year so to influ.'eeltend. Tlie poll was undertaken ence conditions In the nrcn as to ifter the news broke »f a college create a basis on which the Parties in Cambridge considering whether may find 11 iw.wMe t o consWci a accept or reject a bequest tied inore lasting nettlement," said the aiili-Semillc and anti-Negro Secretary General. He emphasized :onditions. tho necessity of finding some soluThe poll also found that more tion for Vho proYflem ot Arab lhan half—52 percent—of the refugees and asserted that tbe Jor"eaders liked all Jews. Replying Scour Swim Tests lan River development plan may o another query, more than half necause of the laice number of provide the basis for such a solu)f the Dally Herald's readers said boy and girl scouts in the Center tion. :hat they would approve of tlieir swirii progr/im, a special testing The Middle East, the Secretary •hlldrcn marrying Jews.. session has been set aside for [cnernl asserted, Is loalng out on tlms" wanting to pass their ficouf technical assistance from the Unitswimming tests. The charge, for ed Nations because H Is gnarled In Kaplan Addresses non-ineinljerrf Is 2"< cents each andplitical disputes which hamper Kansas Youth Group the scouts must furnish their own U.IV. efforts to ameliorate social [ Seymour II. Kaplan, regional di- counselors. and economic problems. eclor of the Anti-Defamation The dates i>el for this arc Auucaguft recently returned from the gust 29 and 31 from H to 9:30 IOWAN rfAMKD >cond Annual Tr.ilnlnK Confcr- p. ni. Both scout headquarters Sioux City (JTA)—Gov. Loo A. nce of the United Cliristian Youth have been notified of this special oepji has appointed Mcvcr S. •lavement of Kansas he'd at Elm- arrangement, and they in turn Ix'vltt, of Sioux City, chairman of lale, Kans. Mr. Kaplan was n have notified their leaders of the n committee to study the pro*nember of the conference faculty. various troops. KveO though the lern of employment discrimination Ie $poke on traditions Of the Jcw- sco'.ils must furnlsli their own in Iowa on crnun'ta ot t w o V\TO\ u religion and on pr/>Kranm {or counselors for testing, n lifeguard, rcllRlon. Mr. I^rvltt. a finance cornnprovlnp; relfitionshljis In the certified by the Hed Cross, will be pony executive. In active In Jewish '"mmunity. on duty If tcstlnjr aid is needed. affairs.

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