August 19, 1955

Page 1

Vol. XXXIII—No. 45. Veret Reports

Rayitn Aids Youth Commission

Social Semitism

Moroccan Jews Receive Aid Paris—Despite upheavals nnd uhrcst and the recent outbreaks of violence, the medical, welfare rind emigration programs supported by the American Jews on behalf of their follow Jews In Morocco have Buffered no abatement, l'nul Vorct, executive director of the Federation of Jewish Kervico of Onmha, reports. The lliRhlluht of Mr. Verol's Visit to Paris as part of a study group sponsored by the United Jcwlnb. Appeal was a session on the present situation in North Africa as it affects the Jews of that area. Samuel I Inner, of American jQlnt Distribution Committee reporting on the work of A.IDC In Morocco, announced the completion of a now tuberculosis center fdr 100 adults In Ben Ahmed near Casablanca and the openlnt; this fdll of a kindergarten for 500 JewMi children In Fez. He said that tho medical programs of A.TDC now care for nn.OOO children, the majority stricken with trachoma |(a blinding eye, scalp ringworm and tuberculosis. Considerable headway in counter-acting these diseases has been made. he Rai'l. Thirty-thousand children arc now receiving nourishing food In AJDC-3upported schools and kindergartens Including l.IiOO who ottend the OUT school. Ho mlded that the summer camp and holiday programs sfwinsorcd by AJ DCare cortlmutnR despite the tension and unrest in the country. Tlie study tour ended with a Visit to AJDC-supported Installations nrmmd Paris. Members of tho group 'lrnt saw the OUT •chool where 600 young men and women are taught such skills n.i welding, machine operation and repair, sewing nnd clothes doslirnini;, then vlxlled n summer colony for D underprivileged French JewUh children.

Global -.{''Report

Steps Urged for . . .

Xew V'ork (\VN>S)—American industrial and business lead1 i'H were urgi'tl to take steps to eliminate social anti-Semitism in thin country in u report by Dr. Jolm Kluw.son, executive vicepresident of the. American Jewish Committee, which has just jech made public. Dr. Slawson believes that Indus* trial and business leaders consti. ute a group on the American scene that is pivotal in the effort Habbi Ralph DeKoven has been to eliminate discrimination. "As appointed Director of Education of pacesetters and fashion molders, Beth El Schools and his wife a they play a paramount role In esteacher in the Beth El Talmud tablishing the nation's s o c i a l Torah, it was announced "by Dr. standard:," he points out. • JHe Joseph Soshnlk, staff committee therefore urgea 3<rwtah groups ta chairman of the Beth El School this country "to encourage inBoard. ,. creased Involvement of these leadIn community projects devoted Rabbi DeKoven has devoted his to achieving basic human relaprofessional activities for the_ last tions goals.' ten years to Jewish education, tie comes to Beth El from Ahavatb 'As the American corporation Achim Congregation in Atlanta, continues to. expand In size and scope, the opportunity for the in- dividual entrepreneur may gradually contract," Dr, Slawson says, "Should this occur, top managerial posts would become increasingly Important for Jews of ability, because of their relatively upward economic mobility. The National Association of Manufacturers and the Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. could play significant roles in this endeavor." A. survey conducted by Yhe Am* orlcan Jewish Committee, Dr« Slawson reveals, established that forty per cent of adult Jews prefer to live in prodomlnanUy Dewish neighborhoods while only 21 per cent of the children prefer such environments. The survey, • known as the Wverton study, also established that In seven of ten Jewish homes anti-Semitism was a repeated topic of family discusItsbbl Ralph IHkoven sion. One of three Jews interGa., where he was in charge of viewed expressed the feeling that ' he lives hi an unfriendly environ* ' one of the laregst conservative ment. schools in tho United States. 'Jews may attribute to nonRabbi DeKoven received his sec- Jews, attitudes that the latter do ular and Jewish education at the not'have, at least not. to the dc- ' University of Chicago, the Chicago gree imagined," Dr, S l a w s o n ' Theological College (Bet Midrash states. On tho other hand, he" LcTorah), the Hebron Ycshlva in points out that as Jews are becom- , Israel and tho Hebrew University ing more integrated Into Ameri-'- * In Jerusalem. He is n member ot can life, their resentment against the Educator Assembly of America nnd of the National Council social anti-Semitism |s Increasing.' for Jewish Education. Mrs. DeKoven has taught; Hebrew for many years, Including work on the staff of Ahavatb, Achim Congregation in Atlanta, The DeKovenu have two chil- •• Geneva (WNS)—In an effort t» dren, Elinor, who starts her junior increase its own energy sources' year In the University of Nebraska and become Independent of others nnd Bernard who will enter Cen- In this respect, Israel. will. build.' tral High School as a freshman. its first atomic pile within the next four years, Dr. Walter Eytan, director general of the Israel For-. c'lEh tiilntatxy MV\ Vicafl ©5 the Israel delegation to the IntcrriaSunday Radio tion Conference on the Peaceful The American Jewish Hour Uses of Atomic Energy, declared! presented by the Jewish War here. 'cterans is heard every Sunday A plea for greater help from tho afternoon over KBON from 6 'know-how" nations in tho field'Ot to 6:30 o'clock. The program atomic energy for peaceful purconsists ot current news and poses was made by Israel at tho salute to a leading Jewish per- conference. The appeal, indicating sonality. that Israel seeks help in establishing an atomic power station, waS "Words We Live By" Hie now made after n report was submitted summer series of the Eternal on Israel's experiments in producLight program is broadcast ev- ing uranium and heavy water. ery Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to It was also reported that Isruel 12 noon over KFAB. The BDries has discovered a process for the features a cycle of dialogues be- extraction of uranium from rock tween Mark Van Doren, poet phosphates In the Negov desert, and critic, and Maurlcfl Sam- is experimenting with the use of uels, author and lecturer. The solar energy and has worked out series will extend until Septem- a method for enrichment of heavy ber 4. water by a process that docs not require the use ot clcctvlcul saww.

Rabbi DeKoven B.E. Schools Head

—Iixntti by KMTV.

Shrlilon Kruntt. (center), president of Itaylm Fraternity, Is shown jinwiitlni; Carl Kelly (right), chairman of the board of the Oninlia Youth Commission, a cluck for $212.fiO while Illrhard Itasliln, llujlm vice-president, looks on. The cheek was given by ICaylm to tlio youth cinmnlHslon Tuesday t-vpnlnj; at a meeting nf tho commission In tin- City Council room of City Hall to help In 0«i flgUt against Juvenile delinqueiiey. The Hum WHS raised by tlie youngster** wlien they lield a ear wash und wax marathon at tlie Jewish Community Center parking lot August II and H.

Center Pre-School Work Starts on To Open Sept. 7 Center Kitchen The Jewish Community Center Pro-school has an cxcltlnt; procram planned for the new term .starting .September 2 for youngsters ranging from three to five years old, Mrs. Winl King, director of pre-r-chool activities announced. All holidays will be celebrated, some of them with parties for the parents, nnd a graduation ceremony will culminate the program. Mrs. King said that she Is anxious to form a parents' group this year. Programs scheduled for the parents' croup Include pre-school films, guest speakers chosen by the parents and "talk tests" on problems and difficulties with children. The Center Pre-school will be held Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday and handicraft, painting, wnter-play nnd cooking will be included In the activities. Cab service for every child enrolled will be aijaln be offered this year, for additional Information, call the Center nclivitle.1 office, JA 13GG.

A.>ni.MON IN CLAIMS ;Ncw York (JTA)—The Conference on Jewish Material Claims .'Against Germany Issued a report TevcnllnK that during the years - 1954 and 1955 It has allocated over $1,000,000 for the care' of aged victims of Nazi persecution. The grants during 1935 for this purpose will amount to $702,281 and Will aid In the construction equipment, repair and "maintenance of homes for the need In 17 countries throughout the Jewish world. It i» estimated that 1,800 nr:ed victims of Nazi persecution will bene- Jerusalem (WNS) — Premier fit from these grants. During 1054, Moshe Kluirett formally submitted 0367,810 was expended for the caro fib; Cabinet's resignation to Presio/ the rtged. dent Itzhiik Hen Zvl on Monday and David Ben-Gurion Was asked liy tho President to undertake the ^ 'tin, VIKiKS PACT ** "Chicago (JTA)—The conclusion formation-of a new coalition GovOf an American-Israel mutual fic- ernment. Until Bcn-Gurlon succurlty pact to further peace and ceeds in formliiK u new Cabinet, progress In tho Near Knst was which may take scvrnl weeks of Urged In n statement adopted by interparty negotiations, it is ex'"Ulc lcxecullve Council of the pected that 'he .Shnrolt Cabinet American Federation of Labor, will remain in office «s a careWhich just concluded its session taker Government. here. Immediately afler the resignation of the Shnrctt Cabinet, the third Knesset, chosen In last ZIONISTS MKItGIJ Jerusalem (WNS)—A decision month's general election, met for to merge the Mizrachl and Hapoel a brief Inaugural session. Joseph Hamizrochi world movements was Sprinzak, Speaker of the last Partaken this week at the final ses- liament, was re-elected to this ofsion of the Joint world conference fice. of tho two religious Zionist move- In an article in Sunday's "Daments. The 200-odd delegates vot- var," Mr. Iien-Gurlon warned that ed to amalgamate all sections of it would be difficult to form a tho movements nnd re-elected oil coalition because of the demands members of tho central commit^ of tho various parties. Telling of tees of each movement to a new his negotiations with various amalgamated central committee. groups, Ben-Gurion revealed that The next conference of (he merged the General Zionists have refused group will be held within two to Join the Government In view of years. the faction result*.

Ben-Gurion Asked To Form Cabinet

Work started Wednesday on tho modernization of the Jewish Community Center kitchen with workmen tearing down the wall between the serving room and the old mimeograph room. Robert Kooper, Federation vicepresident and chairman of the subcommittee in charge °f the project, announced that contracts have l>een let to complete the modernization of the kitchen and serving room. New equipment will include now lighting, floor covering, work tables, cabinets, electric stoves and refrigerator. Mr. Kooper said every effort is being made to have tho kitchen as modern as possible and an easier and more pleasant place In which to work.

Top Union Leaders leave for Israel New York (JTA)—A joint AFLCIO delegation of nine top trade union leaders left the U. S. by plane Tuesday for a ten-day visit to Israel. Their trip Is sponsored by the American Christian Palestine Committee and by the National Committee for Labor Israel. On arrival they will be guests of the Ilistadrut, Israel's Federation of Labor. This grojip Is the second joint AFL-CIO delegation to visit Israel as guests of (he labor movement. While In Israel, the parly will inspect trade union activities, labor management relations, and welfare work done by Ilistadrut. They will be met in Tel Aviv by Moshe Bar-Tnl, IILstadnil's representative In New York who Is now In Israel, Walter Ilcuther, president ot CIO, nnd Joseph Biornle, president of the Communication Workers of America, will go to Israel in time to attend opening day ceremonies on Labor Day of the Philip Murray Memorial Center at Elath, on the Red ,Sea. The CIO's Philip Murray Memorial foundation contributed 5100,000 toward the construction of this Culture Center, and Ilistadrut in Israel shared in tho cost of construction with a similar amount. Reuther and Blernte: will bo accompanied by Judge Simon Soiieloff, XI. S. Solictor General and Governor Theodore R. MeKeldln ot Maryland, who have botfn Invited by CIO to make the trip and witness tho ceremonies.

Israel Plans Atom Pile in Four Years [


Friday, AuguaV IS, 1658.

Library Lane f"

fnhHrtnrt C w ] JTriOay tqr the Ifoderutlon loi Jcwlnb Service

* « • fc wiiarnwioiL M.HJ. AdvcruiuaOtuuj OB Ap&acMkja. MUUXl*. HUM >u3 ho. <DU eirtrt, '>~iiiii». Mcbt.. JACJut r IMS. «u»> -ne» miorm • 4HOt Bo. Vtl- Btrxt.



Between You And Me By Boris Smolar {Copyright, 1955 JTA) "AlOMXO AC1E" 8IDUNES: Tlifi ""Atom-tor-Peace" conference, which is now taking place in Geneva, has lifted the curtain on Jewish •dentists In Soviet Russia . . Since World War n, when IMoscow began to eliminate Jew* from its foreign service and other positions ot importance. Jewish names were completely missing from the lists of Soviet delegations abroad . Now, however, about two dozen such names appear among the Soviet scientists who have submitted important papers oh nuclear energy to the Geneva parley This is the first time in many years that the Moscow government has included Jews on an important delegation sent abroad . . .And no wonder . . . Glancing through the papers submitted by these Jews at Geneva, one must come to the conclusion that Jewish scientists in Russia played a major role in advancing nuclear science in their country . . . Thus, it seems that without their participation in the Geneva d e l i b e r a t i o n s , Moscow would not have been in a position to make an impressive showing . . . The names of the Jewish scientists were hitherto not ' known at aU In the Jewish world . . . There to S. 2. Bokrtein and S. M. Felnberg; I. L Gurevich and P. E. Nemirovsky; F. L. Shapiro and 1 M. Frank; S. V. Hlrschfield and P. I. Dolin; D. F. Zaret»ky and D. E. Grodzensky . . . There are also M. I. Pevzner and P. E. Spivaek; M. Y. Kate and B. G. Yerusallmsy; V. A. Baum and B. V. Ershler; G. A. Badt and N. Bach: A. P. VinoRradov and A. AShlick , . . And n number of others . . . Their papers deal with all phases of atomic science . . . One wonders wh:' Jewish writers and Cither intellectuals have "disappeared" in Russia nnd why :ill Jewish cultural institutions there

have been closed down just at u time when Jewish scientists contributed oo much to Hie country, as has now been revealed for the first time . . . • • • THIS AND THAT: To Bernard Postal, public information director of the National Jewish Welfare Pictured above (left to right) Mines. Bloubar^, Hereof and l'ranli. Board, we are obliged for the following interesting items . . . Due to make its debut this fall is the monthly Jewish Dif-cst, which will digest the best from the world's Jewish press . . . David H. White, editor of the Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, will be its publisher . . A national Jewish organiza- Miss Miss Jenny Feldman will hanuc l.'irls will help with table tion is making a survey of the ef- be commentator at ttie "Around setting. fects of Life Magazine's article the Clock Fashions" and annual The clothes will be furnished by on Judaism . . . That synaEOgue on card party to be presented by J. L. Brandels & Sons nnd modeled wheels riding the roads of North Omaha Chapter of Jlndassuh at by the following Hadossali memCarolina has been so successful 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Auj;. 23 at bers: Mcsdarncs Keith Snundcrs, Stanley Katleman, Elmer Novak. that its sponsor, the North Caro- he Highland Country Club. lina Association of Jewish Men Mrs. Irvine llcraog Is general Elmer Gross, N. Julian Rips, Joand Women, is planning a second chairman of the affair and is as- seph Kirshenbaum, Edward Milone, with an additional circuit- isted by Mrs. Alfred Frank, tick- der, I.eoiiard Goldstein, Arthur riding rebbl at the wheel . . . A t chairman; Mrs. Harold Slos- Kul/ikoftiky, Calvin Newman, .Shelreplica of the mosaic from the an- hurg and Mrs. Henry Greeniicri;, don Lincoln, David liebf.-r, Harry cient Beth Alpha synagogue In fashion show chairmen; Mrs. Nor- Alt.suler, Sidney Sclnvarlz, Jerome Israel, which dates from Talmu- man Cain, decorations nnd table Colin, Jerome Milder, Norman dlc times, will be part of the dec- setting chairman; Mrs. Edwin E, Rips, Bill Lohrman nnd Seymour orative motif in the new Atlanta Brodkey, refreshments, and Mrs, Cohn; Misses Jane Brodltey nnd Jewish Community Center . . . A H.-irry Duboff, music. Members of Phyllis Bernstein nnd two youngnew mural honoring the immortal Rayim will bo in charge of car sters, Philip and Joseph Greenkini: nnil Dcblia Debs nnd Ho- berg. 'our Chaplains of World War H, including Chaplain Goode, has been commissioned for the memorial lounge of the Pitlsburch YM-YWHA. which is beinrj established in honor of Hyman Roi;aL

'Around the

By Hadossolt

Omaha Sketches

By Koacllo rerlis Smith "The Second Scroll," a novel by A. M. Klein, was published In 1951. Although it is not 11 now book it is a worthy one, n.s is attested to by the. larr,e number of, readers who have borrowed It from thf Jewish Community Ll« brary. The author, a C;m:nlSim proles* sor and i>uot, is one uf the finest wt-itera past or present, to comd into our ken. This Is Die true story of A. M, Klein's search for his uncle Me« lech Davidson, citizen of Itntno, Russia. After fl series of Kotno pogroms Melrch's tone of bitter* noss Ix'comes Increasingly evident in I1I3 letters, and soon comes Uie shocking news that Melech has t u r n e d Bolshevik. Bolshevism meant tho denial of the name and thereafter no one in the Klein household daro.<\ fciwuk <.\t "VM No more was lieard of Melech mil twenty years later, on the eve of tlie author's departure lor Kurope, when there arrived from Bail, Italia,—a fluent, heart-rcnd« ing letter. In this masterpiece of tlie horrors inllictod by the Hit" lers be pours out the Indignities ndurril In the thelto of Kamfr. ets, Poland. The author almost but never lulic, succeeds in finding hi« un« ?lc, who was alwuys Just a step; ihoatl of him at Home, at the V*« lean, in the chetto of Casablanca md in Jc*rusal(?m. 'Hie visit to the putrid smelling mellah of Casablanca Is reason) enough-for reading this book. Tn» uthor1? stomach churned at tb» rotting filth and so did mine on reading. And what of Uncle Mclechlt From Safed the author wrotp, "Ha left no bclon^lnE!. \ few sheets, of manuscript, drafts for a liturgy . . were his sole legacy. Sec GUMS lal, pace 389." A line from Gloss Hal reads* 'Grace before Poison." He wa« some uncle, that Meloch.

Marvin Treller, tiTJsfec and a past president of Henry fre of B'na: B'rith, will serve as a member of the district finance council representing the southwest region, it was announced by Sidney J. Karbel, president of B'nai 6:58 p. in., Candli-lightlag B'rith District Grand Ijodgc No. 6. Tlie finance council is the steering committee co-ordinating the Temple Israel und raiding activities for all B'nai Warner Frohman will conduct B'rith ni^ncies and philanthropies. services this evening at 7:30 in the chapel of Temple Israel In the abMartie Greene and Snra Pepper sence of lUbbi Sidney II. Brooks represented the Temple Youth 8TATK DKPT. DIPLOMAT who is on vacation. Group at the National Federation Chicago (WNS) — Morris M. ! trc of Temple Youths' summer LcadBernbaum of this city, who for •rsliip Training Institutes held the past twenty years has been Berii Israel during the past two weeks in Occwith the American diplvmintio Miss Annette KosownUy Traditional Friday evening serv- nomowoc, Wis., and Saratoga, Cal. service, has been appointed DirecThe Workmen's Circle Dramatic iccs (Knbollas Shabbos) begin at tor of the Office for Latln-Amcri" The institutes this year had the Club will celebrate the birthdays 6:30 o'clock. Sabbath morning can Affairs nt the State Departof five of its members at a 5 p. m. services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior theme, "We Speak For Judaism." ment. Mr. Bernbaum, who Is 45 dinner Sunday, AUK. 21 at the La- Congregation at 9:30 a. m. Sab- Miss Pepper was the Missouri Valyears old, recently returned from bor Lyceum. 31st and Cumint; sts. bath Mincna at 7 p. m., followed ley Federation of Temple Youths' Caracas, Venezuela, where ho wan Members whose birthdays will be by Shelesh S'eudos and Maoriv. regional entry In the national serfiecretary of the American c e l e b r a t e d arc: Mrs. Sarah Daily morning services begin at 7 mnnctte contest. Sessions at the Tlie Marion Stoler Memorial first •Schwartz. Mrs. Max Katz. Mrs. p. m. Sunday morning services be- two-week Institutes highlight cul- Scholarship has been awarded to Embassy. Bertha Huderman, Sam Novak gin at 8:13 a. m., followed by tural, religious, social and recrc Miss Annette Kosowsky, daughter ational programs f o r ' Temple uid Sam Zwerllng. breakfast and Rabbi's class in Biof Mr. nnd Mrs. Isadorc Kosowsky, JEWISH MAYORS The musical director, Mr. Zwcr- ble. Children accompanying their youth groups. New York tWNSl—Two ling, will lead the croup in slncin parents are Invited to join the The Temple Israel Sisterhood or a year's study at the Univer- brothers-ln-lnw arc' now mayor* Jewish folk songs.' regular Sunday morning Mlnyan ends two local Temple Youth sity of Omaha. Tlie scholarship la of two different dtics in North Mrs. Sam Novak and Ben Mir beginning at 8:15 n. m. Group leaders to these leadership awarded by the Omaha Section, Carolina, it was reported this week off were elected dekcates to at- The Talmud discussion £r°uP training institutes each year. In National Council of Jewish 'Women by tlie National Jewish Post. They tend the annual conference ot the which meets every Tuesday eve- th<; fall Mr. Greene and Miss Peparc Emanucl Joshua Evans, mayor Midwest District of the Work- nlm; at 8:13 p. m. nt 'he 19th and pe'r will report to the youth croup each year as a memorial to Mrs. of Durham, and Leon Schneider, Harry Stoler, former president of men's Circle U> -be held in Des Hurt Sts. Synagogue will be con- and to the congregation on their who has just been elected mayor Molnes during tabor Day. Gastonla. Mayor Evans was into ducted by P.abbl Matthew M. Po- experiences at the institutes. Mr. the Omaha Section from May 1953 ot year elected to his third two-year Greene attended the institute at until her death in 1951 liakoff. without opposition. Durhsnv MOSCOW WAKNS Oconomowoc, Wis., nnd Sara Pep- Mrs. Sidney If. Brooks is chair- term New York (WNS) — A sharp' man of the scholarship committee the population of which Is 75,00(V • per went to Saratoga, Cal. has only 100 Jewish families. warning against 'nnti-Semitlfm in Beth El and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman 13 preslast month's Issue of "OrijanUa ident of the Omaha Section. This Sabbath evening services will be Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown scholarship Is awarded annually ttanal Life," an official organ ol the Communist Party of the So held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath of New York City have been the to a worthy Jewish Btudent to Viet Union. Since this is Uio firs morning services will begin at 8:30 house guests of Mr. Brown's sister further his or her's education. The time in many years that an articli o'clock. The Muicha Service wil and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. student must show high scholastic Josef Mayer. of this sort has appeared in a So- begin nt 7 p. m. standing In previous schooling. The viet publication, it is regarded as a Daily services during the week Mr. Brown Is also the brother scholarship Is granted for etudy in Abraham Eisenstcln wlU arrlwt sign of a new, more lenient policy are held nt 7 o.' m. and 7 p. m. The of Mrs. Bertha F. Slutzky und Joe the following fields: for general in Omaha next week to join tho toward Jews than has existed Sunday morning service is held at Fink of this city. nnd scientific study, for nurse's staff of Beth Israel Talmud Torah, since 1949 when the Soviet cam training, for study in the arts nnd It was onnounccd by Rabbi Ben* paign against "cosmopolitanism" in for graduate study. Jamln Groncr ot Beth Israel. literature affected primarily JewAny student interested In apply- Mr. Eisensteln comes to Beth' Monument Dedication ish literary critics and writers. ing for the scholarship for next Israel after serving an principal In year may contact Mrs. Brooks. the United Hebrew School System The family of Sarah Lewis wil Max Silverstein ISRAEL'S REP CH0S9 dedicate a monument in her ot Dallas, Tex. Ho Is a craduaM Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel's Moff memory nt 10:30 a. m.t Autf. 21, Newark, N. J. (WNS)—Max Beth El Nursery School of tho Mizrachi Teachers Training CoJIenc of Jerusalem, Israel. Dovid Adorn—the Israel oqulvaleni at Golden Hill Cemetery. Canto, Silverstein, co-founder of thi of the lied Cross Society—cele Aaron I, Edj;ar will officiate. American nnd World Jewish Con Monday, September 19 has been Harry Sldman, president of Beth' brated Its 25th anniversary wit" Friends and relatives arc Invite eress and former Grand Master o: set as the opening date tor Beth Israel Synagogue, In commenting" B'rith Abraham, died here lasl El Nursery School. School ses- upon the new appointment soldi the opening of a national confer- to attend. week at the age of 7C. Mr. Silver- sions will be held three days a "We ore very confident that Mr, «nco here. AmonE the cuosts at the convention were Mogen Dovii The family of the lato Mrs. stfin. n lawyer by profession, was week on Monday, Wednesday and of the secondary and junior divt* 'Adorn representatives from man Sarah Kutler will dedicate a mon- for many years a patron of. "Stoshl- Friday from 9 to 11:45 A. m., for eions of our Talmud Torah, will b* countries aboard, the president o' ument to her memory nt l l a. m., v» University. In 1936 he was n children from three to five years Eisenstein, who will be In charga the Red Cross League nt Geneva Sunday, Aug. 21 at the Golden member of the presidium of the old. Parents can call Mr«. Morris a great asset to the enhancement •nd Dr. Emil Sandstroem. choir- Mill Ccm etcry. Friends and rela- first World Jewish Congress in C. Fcllman, WA 7237 for addi- of Jewish education in our comGeneva. tional information. ... , '. , munity.'! .. . .••-.•' tives dre asked to attend. of the Swedish Red Crosf

Religious News

Personalities In The News

Workmen's Circle To Fete Members

Staler Scholarship To A. Kosowsky

Eisensfein Named To Belli I Staff



Fitter, AntMt IS, US8.

Registration Open For T.I. Nursery

Thank You The members of the Blkur Cholim Society wish to thank all of their hostesses and patrons who helped make the second annual August fund raising dessert lundi eon and card party a success. Proceeds from this affair are to bo used to pay off tlie debt on the elevator at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Additional patrons and hostesses were: Mesdames Max Katz, Dave Potash, Max Kaplan, N. Veitzer, Harry Lefkowltz, Goldenbcrg, Sam Freed, Max Shames, Goldle Cohn, Jake Brooksteln and Wm, Weiner.

Mrs. Stanley Katclmon, chairman of the Nursery School Committee of the Temple Israel Bisterhood, lias announced that registration la now open for the fall semester of the Temple Itrael Nursery School. The fall eemester will begin Monday, Sept. 12. Sessions will bo held daily, Monday to Friday, from 9 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. In the modrn, new nursery school facilities of the Temple. Parents Interested can call Mrs. Katelman at WAlnut, or the Temple office, KEfjcnt GC3G.


Monsky Women To Hear Ed Rosen

Sin. Danny Fofjel

Joffe-FogeS Wedding at T@ Miss Monica llelenc Joffo and Danny L. Fogd were married Sunday, Aug. 7 at Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney H. firooks officiated. Parents of the couple are Messrs. and Mmes. Melvin A. Burnt and Lou Fogcl. Mra. Sanford Brophy waa mitron-of-honor. Bridesmaids were Mlnef Dole Kasln, Tevee Bernstein and Maxlnc Rabiner, the latter of Storm Lake, la. Miss Linda Joffe, the brldo'B sister was junior bridesmaid and Handy Turkcl waa flower glrL Gerald Spitzcr was best man. Michael HellKrrg of Chicago, Jerry Gaer nnd Stanley Widman ushered. Arnold Joffe nnd Stuart Fogel were candle llchtera. A reception followed the ceremony at the Temple. The bride's lone-sleeved (;own of white chantllly lace over satin was made with n chapel-length train nnd her veil fell from a halfhat of matching lace embroidered with need pearls. She carried on orchid nnd a white Bible. The honor a t t e n d e n t was gowned In white nylon tulle over bltiHh. pink tnffeta and the bridesmaids in blush pink lace over taffeta. All carried sheaths of dubonnet and pink gladioli. After n trip to Lns Veens, Nev., and Los Angeles, Calif., tho couple will moke their home at 4910 Capitol «v.

B'nnl n'rlth Henry Monslty Chapter No. 470 will hold its annual paid-up membership luncheon Wednesday, Aug. 24 at 1 p. m. In the Cameo Room of the Fireside Restaurant. All members and new members who pay their dues on or before this dato will be luncheon guests of the chapter, Mra. Harry Smith, membership chairman has announced. Guest speaker will be Ed Rosen, past president of the Henry Monslty Lodge, a member of the Ilod Cross gallon club, and currently chairman of the B'nal B'rith youth Organization of Omnha. Reservations for tlie luncheon may be made by calling Mrs. Harry Smith. WA 2G96 or Mra. Aaron Cpsteln, PL -1100. A social hour Is planned after 1he luncheon anil members ore asked to brim: their own cards and mah Johns; Bets.

Temple Dance Additional committee members have been named for the Temple Israel Dinner Dance which will be held Saturday, Sept. 10, In tho Temple social hall and patio. Serving on the various committees are: Mesdames Ted Cohen, Oscar Sulin, Sidney Brooks, Millard Krasne, Edward Rosen, Lloyd Hank. Maurice Pepper, ICdwIn Hrodkey, Herman Friedman; Ed Milder, Leonard Krasne, Lazier Kavlch. Dave Dlalac, Herman Jahr, Sherman Lipsteln ond Arthur Greene. Tickets at ten dollars per couple may be purchased from any member of the Sisterhood Hoard.

Want Ads rtimt JA m e u> inMrt rotn W«nl Ac a The Jewub i'Tttu Gamut rate U fio c*nu for emeu tnierJon. Tb» Vttat reserves Uit rlgbl to limit tlM of «nch advertisement.

New Year Cards Hollywood (JTA)—According to BAR and Has Mitzvah congratuHarry.nichmnn, the only people lations also for all Jewish holiwho •' know all the answers ore days and special occasions. Jobless politicians. Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday

Sunday Branch


Mrs. Paul I. YVolk

Simon-Wolk Nuptials at B.I. Miss Joanne Marjorie Simon and Paul Irvin Wolk were married at 7 p. m., Sunday in the chnpel of the Beth Israel Synagogue, llabU Matthew M. Poliakoff and Cantor Ell Kagan officiated. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Simon nnd the bridegroom the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Wolk. The bride wore a ballerina gown of blush pink taffeta fashioned with a long bodice, scoop neckline and short sleeves. With it, she wore a matching pink hat. She carried a. white motherof-pearl prayerbook with Eucharls lilies nnd stephanotiir. Mrs. Max Sacks, who was the matron-of-honor, was tho bride's only attendant. She wore a dress of Dior Blue, ballerina length, In chantllly lace nnd nylon net over taffeta with a matching Dior Blue hat. She carried a cascade arm bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. Dr. Marvin Simon, brother of tlie bride, was the best man. Ushers were Eugene Simon and AI Temin, Tlie mother of the bride wore a light blue cotton lace dress over taffeta styled with deep neckline trimmed with taffeta braid and rhlncstones. With It, she wore a corsage of American Beauty roses with feathered white carnations. The mother of the groom wore a. powder blue Chantllly lace dress over taffeta. She wore a corsage of Hoself pink roses, A reception was held In the Beth Israel Social HalL After a wedding trip to Colorado, the couple will live In Omaha.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice I. Greenspan announce the birth of a ton James Marshall born Monday, Aug. 15, at a local hospital. They also have another son Bennett. Mrs. Ben Garrop IJI maternal grandmother and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenspan of Minneapolis, Minn., are paternal grandparents. • • • A daughter Kay Naomi was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grossman of Grand Island, Nebr., on August 13. Mrs. Grossman Is the former Miss Ariene Cooper of Omaha. Maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Henry Cooper of Omaha and paternal grandparents arc Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Grossman of Lincoln. Mrs. J. Ruback of Omaha Is mor temal great-grandmother and Mm. Osteroff of Lincoln is paternal great-grandmother.

Highland Hilites

The Hawaiian Beachcomber Party will be held tomorrow evening, Saturday, Aug. 20, at the Highland Country Club. The program will feature swimming, dancing and a Hawaiian feast Lady golfers will have the opportunity to deck themselves out as their favorite characters from "storybook land" Wednesday, Aufo 31. "Fun Day" will tee off at 8 a. m. and luncheon will bo served at 1 p. m. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes and event3 of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Golf day will be held Tuesday, Aug. 30 followed by n dinner in the evening.

Miss M. Gerber , To Wed Kcmsan > Hyman Gerber announces Uw engagement of his daughter, Miss Marilyn to Yale. J. Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan of Wichita, Kan. Miss Gerber is the daughter of the late Mrs. Hyman Gerber. Mr. Kaplan attended the University of Wichita and was graduated from Creighton University's' School of taw. He is affiliated With Phi Alpha Delta, a national law fraternity, and Pi Lambda "'hi, national social fraternity. The couple plans a fall wedding,

Nebraska Chapter Garden Party > Nebraska Chanter of B'nal B'rith will hold a paid-up membership garden party at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Aug. 31, at the homo of Mrs. Josef Mayer, 2G03 S. GOth 8t. An original skit will be presented by members of the chapter and a community sing will follow. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Joe Lipton, chairman, and. Mrs. Max Sachs, Mrs. William Stone, Mrs. Robert Rlmmerman and Mrs. Ben Kaplan.


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BBYO Delegates to Starlight Conclave

Friday, August 19, 1653.

Expert R e p o r t s . . .

AZA Sweetheart Candidates

Strategic Value Of M.E. Declining New York (JTA) —Tlie strategic importance of the Middle Kast as the c:vntt-r a/id hub of KK'IKII communications

Pictured ubove are Miss Serena Dwokkln, Miss Phyllis Frced-> man ,and Marvin Kreedman, delegates to the ll'nal B'rith <iirla and MZA Convrntion and Leaderalilp Training Institute, which Is being held from August 13 to August 80 at Camp U'nal B'rith, Starlight, Fa. The delegate* are attending tbc convention-Institute on scholarships from B'nal D'rlth Men and Women. Ed Kosen In chairman of the B'nal R'rlth Youth Organization Advisory Committee which admUuiters the trlioUrtlilps.

Hactassah to Start Bowling Sept. 12 Hadassah Bowling will start Monday, Sept 12, at tho Forty BOWL Any one interested in bowlIng with Hadassah please call Ruth Sokoloff, WA 7141, or Rose Gar-

top. WA9330. New office™ presiding this year are: president, Ruth Sokoloff; aecretary, Rose Garrop; recording secretary, Lynn Feuer; treasurer, Kitty Asbyll, and, publicity, Ann Schulman.

• :


BALK MEDAL Washington (WNS>—The bill awarding Dr. Jonas E. Salic a $2,500 gold medal for developing the anti-polio vaccine which bears his name became a law last week when President E i s e n h o w e r •igned It. Patronize Our Advertisers


YX. Doings

RAYIM Raylm fraternity will assist Hadassah August 23 by parking cars at Hadassah's style show and card party. A Sunday outing is planned for September, where parents, pledges and members will get together for a picnic and sports. Doug Conn is to be commended for his golf .play in the city tournament* '


declining as a result ol te(.'hno!o£;lcal advances, according to an article bj J. .S. Raleigh in the current issue of Middle Eastern Affairs, publication of tho Council for Middle Eastern Affairs. Tho article voiced doubt o! the efficiacy of the "Nothcrn Tier" concept of regional defense which, the writer said, so far has proved more of a liability than an asset to the free world and to Middle Eastern stability. The advent of the air age, he said, has "caused a sharp decline in tho importance of the classical waterways and the strongpolnts which guard them," such as the Suez Canal and Aden. Other the region itself, the strategic value of the v a r i o u s routes and strongpoints has become more elastic, and while the area as a whole remains an essential link in any global air communications network, "Its Importance Is slowly declining with the ever-expanding flying range of both military and transportation planes."

Pictured above are two of the six candidates for the Zttid mini Sweetheart Dunre to bo held HiplemlirT 10. They are Mis* lllta l'rltx (»f It) nnd MWi Klulno Jangrr. Miss lvltf, dauglitrr of Mr. and Mm. Kolth l'cltz. In u past vice-president of H'nul It'rlth Girls and Is presently serving as (secretary. Ml™ VeHz lia* brrn • member of Central'* Junior Honor Society for tfiroo yenri. MUt Jungcr, daughter of Mr. mid Mm. Harry Janger, Is past trcaaurer of H'nal Il'rlth Girls and lias al<<» Im-n a number of the junior Honor Hoclrty for three yearn. supplied with anti-Zionist literature and that they are constantly being furnished "with information required to combat Zionism." Tho students arc also requested to de-

liver anti-Zionist lectures outside of the universities In which they, study, as well as to place pro* Av:ib arnl anti-Israel articles to t h t American press.

ARAB STUDENTS Washington (JTA) —Ara,U • students In the United States ar^ directed by the Arab League to'ect'vely participate in anti-Israel propaganda in this country, a broadcast from Cairo monitored l»erc revealed. Tlie Egyptian broadcast disclosed that the students have been

TIKVASAMI Tikvas Ami will hold a rush tea from 2:30 to 4 p. m. tills Sunday. Aug. 21, at the home of Miss Paula Block, 4523 Mayberry St. AZA NO. 1 AZA No. 1 will hold a party Thursday, AUK. 25 for freshmen, their parents and regular members.



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