August 26, 1955

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Vol. x x x i i i — N o .

Violence Erupts /n Gaza 5f r/p •Jerusalem (JTA)--The relative relaxation ot the Egyptian-Israel tcnsljn in the Gaza arm was .suddenly broken Monday liy an unprovoked .Egyptian attack on tin Israeli patroi lending to serious border clashes The Israel Government' complained to the Mixed ArmUtlco Commission and requested ail Immediate moctinjj of the commission. The attack on the Israel patrol took place in tlic Mcfalslm area, in Israel territory. The Israelis repulsed the Kgyptians and captured one of their military posts Jn the Gaza strip which they held lor several hours. They evacuated tho post when United Nations ob•ervcra arrived on the scene. It was learned that the patrol was on open land when attacked and was forced, In the circumstances Which, developed from the attnclt, to sweep in and take the Kgyptlan post. There were no casualties reporjed on the Israel side. Later, an Israel military spokesman announced that Egyptian posts along the Gaza strip shelled the settlement of Naclml Oz Monday afternoon. The Egyptians, uslitff 80 and 120 mm mortars, scored a number of hits In settlement areas and a number of houses suctttlncd damage No casualties were reported by the Israelis.

Global Rep ort CKIIMANY ItKAUV Tel Aviv (WNS)—West Germany Is now ready to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, though German authorities would not Initiate a move in this direc tlpn because of tlie delicacy of the question, it was declaretl here by Dr. Nahum Goldmnnn, chairman p( tho Jewish Acency and president of tho Conference on Jewish Materlnl Claims Against Germany. Dr. Goldmanrt revealed that he had met German Chancellor Kon jad Adenauer recently while Imth were vacationing in Switzerland and that they discussed the new proposal!) for Individual compensation to Nazi victims as well ns proposals for making better use of. tho terms of the German reparations pact Nazi victims whe for merly lived In the territory of what Is now East Germany will be able to benefit from a new rcR tlph for payment of compensation to individuals which will be presented to the West German Parliament next month, Dr. Gold mann gold. KEl'OBT 'Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel Cabinet heard a report yesterday based on the Investigations of thi •pedal commission of inquiry lnt< tho recent El Al plane disaster, which recently returned from its on-the-spot check jn Culuaria an<" Greece. The report, according to th newspaper, "Maariv," said that th< piano had been pushed 33 miles inside Bulgarian territory by strong winds. It also reported tha the Bulgarian fighter planes ha1 not only hit the Israel airliner in tho air, where it exploded, bo that they had also fired at it afto it was downed—causing its complete destruction. The inquiry commission's full report is expected V bemado public in the near future. Tho inquiry commission, which was sent for on on-the-spot investigation Immediately after th' downing of the Israeli airliner by Bulgarian fighter pianos, was composed of government and airline experts. They were permitted by • the • Bulgarian authorities to remain on the tito. of the crash for about unlf nn hour only.










™»5i iter Prospect;

For NE-Says Ike WuslimgUm (JTA)—Tlit State Dupumnent Monday puV* islied the report submitted by President Kisenhovver to the Jongrcsse on U. 8. activities lit tlie United Nations and;the.' tand taken by tlie American delegation there toward various ; ••problems, including the Arab-Is-

Omahans In the News

I'retty, dark-haired Illana Bpltzcr, 11, of Haifa, currently a patli-nt nt tho Jewish National Homo for Aitiimatic Children at Drnvrr was thrilled when ttvo of tho touring Israeli air cadets vldltcd

Milton Livingston, a past presllent of the Federation tor Je.:ish Service, was appointed chairman if the Area Redevelopment Committee last week by Alma F. Ja»bson, head of the Mayor's CityiVide Planning Committee. The job of charting the futurp rowth of the city Is before the ommlttoea making up the .over* .11 planning group.

Sherman Poska, South, ActtytIes Director of the Jewish Community Center, was recently electsecretory of the Omaha Youth Commission.



Broadest Gov.. Asked; Center Pre-School Herat Spurns Request Will Open Sept. 6 Jerusalem (WNS)—Formation of a now government was placed the hands of David lien Curion when President Itzhak lion Zvi culled on the first Israeli Premier to form a coalition government on tho broadest possible basis. Mr. Ben Gurion told newsmen he expected tc form a coalition of parlies that participated In Israel's first provisional government n 1918. This was taken to mean Inclusion of all parties except right-wing. Hcrut and the Communists. The program on which Mr. Hen Gurion hopes to form the coalition revolves in the main on increased Immigration, particularly from North Africa, Intensification of colonization, Integration >f the newcomers into Israel's social structure, strengthening of the country's security arrangements and vigorous observance of the armistice pacts. While speculation was high on the composition of the new government as tho President was In constant consultation with various party .Tenders, the country was stunned by disclosure that the rlght-winc Herat Party turned down tin Invitation from President Itzhak Hen Zvl to discuss the political situation. Ilerut leaders said they rebuffed tho President be« cause they were offended at not hrvvinB t»en invited In proper sequence for consultations. They claimed Herut should have been

The Jewish Community Center re-School will open Tuesday. Sept. C under the direction of Mrs, rVini King. Youngsters from throe :o five can he enrolled by contactnil the Center Activities office, JA l.'JCG. Sessions will be held each Monday, Wednesday anil Friday nnd children will bo brought to the Confer In tnxlcabs. Birthdays and holidays will be celebrated by the youngsters attending the Center Pre-school, Mrs. King pointed out. JKWISII AfJENCV

Hen (iuilon . . . to form. second on the list of party Invitees since It emerged the'second strongest party in the recent elections. The President first called In tho representatives of the parties in tho present coalition. At the same time the General Zionists were reported to have advised the President that .they were not prepared to enter any coalition before they studied the problems facing the next Cabinet The religious parties expressed willingness to Join a coalition, but they said they wanted a government pledged to fostering "the Jewish way of life" in Israel.

Jewish Quarter in Morocco Attacked by Arab Rioters Casablanca (JTA)—An. all-out attack on the Jewish quarter in tho Moroccan town of Mnzagan was carried out Monday by Arab rioters as part ot their insurrectionary movement ngalnst the French administration in Morocco. The Arab mob etormed the Jewish section where they burnea Jewish homes and looted Jewish stores. Tho Jewish Inhabitants, anticipating riots, bad left their homes a day earlier and sought shelter elsewhere. Thero were, therefore, no Jewish casualties, but damage to Jewish property is reported to be very heavy.Jewish house* were burned down by Arab mob* also IrtSafl. Bocause of the fact that tho rioters

havo sabotaGod tho communication lines between Casablanca ant other Moroccan towns, it was im possible Monday to get a full pic turc of what happened to Jewish families in various sections of Morocco, However, from Oued Zom it was reported that one Jew was among the Europeans killed In tho riots on Saturday. Many of the 250 Jews living in Oucd Zem were evacuated Saturday to the Civil Control Office in the town, which is protected by French soldiers. United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— No Jews or Jewish property ar being attacked or harmed bccausi of onti-Semltlsm In Morocco, Ab ' (.Continued'on Page 2.)': •:'!

•ael problem

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The report established that "de- ! ipite the ottco bitter and always measy relations between Israel nd the surrounding Arab states,', he prospects for a resolution of he area's problems appeared lomewhat brighter" during the last year. Pointin,; out that a large maorlty of the meetings of the,United Nations Security Council during last year were devoted jfo various aspects of the Arab-Israel . problem, President Eisenhower ;ays that they "cvidocced'not only continued bitterness of relations In the1 area, but also the Active intervention of the Soviet Union, through' the use of the veto, to In- . sure that disputes remain unsettied." "However," the President con- , Inues, "the parties themselves showed increasing Indications of self-Imposed restraint, ani it 1> noteworthy that elsewhere than In he Council definite progress was achieved t o w a r d reaching an agreement between Israel and the neighboring Arab states designed o improve the economic well-bong of the Palesetine area and to resettle Arab refugees." The President stresses the fact , that relations between Israel and the Aral) countries continue to te governed by bilateral armistice agreements and differences between the signatories are handled ":iy mixed id amil&Uce "Although the enforcement procedure continued to function In a generally satisfactory manner during the year, three major dlsputci were brought to the Security Council" President Eisenhower points out. He refers to the Syrian-Israeli dispute over the Bnot Yakov water*, the Israeli complaint against Egypt's blockade of the Suez Canal, and the Jordan complaint against Israel's ittaek of the Nahalln village.-

Jerusalem (JTA)—The plenary session of the Jewish Agency approved in principle a draft budget of 138,500,000 Israel pounds for the coming year to cover the requirements of the Agency in the fields of colonization, immigration, youth aliyah and other activities, The session also elected a special commission to work out practical plana tor bringm.? over 45,000 new Immigrants, mainly from North Africa, and to plan for additional 5,000 Immigrants. The newcomers will be transferred from their ships direct to settle- New York (JTA)—A troupe of ments. -. Jewish actors Is now, for the first: •

Yiddish Performers In Soviet Capital

time in many years, giving public performnnces in YlaflAsh In theatres and public parks in Moscow, the Associated Press reported from tho Soviet capital. The report "says Misses Phyllis Freedman and that the performances are meeting Serena Dwoskin will relate with approval on tho part of the some of their expercnees while public. • at tho B'nal B'rlth Youth OrAnother press report from Mosganization convention held at cow says that for the first time In Starlight, Pa., on Joan Sulli- seven years a Yiddish concert Wai van's program "A Woman's given this week in the Pushkin ' View" over WOW-TV at 11 a. Theater in Moscow by the Jewish m., Wednesday, Aug. 31. singer nnd monologist Sldl Tal. She Is the second Jewish actor permitted so far to give Yiddish Tho American Jewish Hour performances. The first was Sol presented by the Jewish War Veterans is heard every Sunday Lubimov who has given several Yiddish concerts since the beginafternoon over KBON from 6 ning of this month. to* 6:30 o'clock. The program The report emphasizes that there, consists of current news and salute to a loading Jewish per- are no Yiddish theatres at present In Moscow and that only Individual sonality. Jewish actors have been given the opportunity to nppcaT with Yiflfiish "Words We Llvo By" the new programs before the public. The summer series of tho Eternal audience at Miss Tal's performLight program 1$ broadcast ev- ance consisted mostly of middleery Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to aged Jews, many ol whom spoke 12 noon over KFAB. The series among themselves in Russian, the features a cycle o' dialogues be- report says. Thfe chairman of tha tween Mark Van Doren, poet evening greeted the audience with and* critic, and Maurice Sam- the words "Sholcm Alelchem" but uels, author and lecturer. The delivered his speech In Russian. series will extend until Septem- Most of the recitation^ by MIssTaJ were from Sholera AlelchcraV ber 4.

Radio and TV

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TB* trvnsa rusa

KgMand Hifites

tubtkthtd Ever? t'Tldaj Dj tbc Ifedenlloo lot Jetrlsb Service «. cUiAcnuuao, »« uu. A4verti*-r>» / u t u Co Application. rii. .lltu—irf ka. Sum wrtrt, 'VVJK^. HMa.. "jiuAw ISU Miep Afloiffb—-!««• 6a 3.M1- ei


Morocco Attacks

N.Y. Post Blasted For Ad Circular New York (WNS)—A resolution condemning the New York Post for seeking "to undermine the good name of the Yiddish press" in this country through "unethical" ad solicitation methods was adopted here by the Jewish Writers Union following similar protests by the Jewish Daily Forward and the Jewish Day, tv.o of New York's leading Yiddish dailies. The controversy arose over a circular by 'he Post's advertising department allegedly socking to gain advertising customer? at Die expense of tho Jewish press. The Jewish Writers Union termed the circular "unethical" and a "misrepresentation. It accused the N. Y. Post of "hiding the truth" •when it failed to mention that it reaches tome but not all Jewish readers while the Jewish press is read entirely by Jews. The circular was denounced editorially by the Jewish Day-Morning Journal, which cautioned the Post It was in grievous error If it thought it will or can inherit the Yiddish press. The Jewish Daily Forward, fn a letter to the Post, called the circular "misleading" •«nd of "a much lower plane than the methods used in ordinary business practices." Patronize Oui" Advertisers.


Between You and Me tlier increase in the proportion in tho profr.ri!il'>n5j, managerial positions and in small busiiH'6i;cs . . . TIIK JEWISH SOKNK: A very The educational level Increased iiilercstint; nummary ol u study markedly . . . There was a rising on the growth of American Jewry number of Jewish ndults who had during the last ten yeans has just attended college, and even gradbeen published by the National uate schools • • • Increasingly, JewJewish Welfare Bunnl . . . It es- ish people joined (synagogues and tablished that the Jewish popula- a creator percentage of children tion has crown during that period attended Ifcbrew nnd Sunday, in almost all Jewish communities txhooln . . . In sv>^« «f occasional . . . Jewish families became larger internal diversity, Jewish commuin size . . . Numerous Jews moved nities became more unified and] out of the more densely populated Ijettcr coordinated . . . The Jewish city areas to the outskirts nnd into comrnvmity centers made n marked the suburl>3 . , . Many bought their contribution to this development own homes . . . By 1954 they . . . Fund-raising continued to be showed a higher percentage of a central factor In this regard home ownership tlian did the gen. By nntl large, Jewish commueral population . . . The proportldn nal growth was opportunistic, but of those In tho working class there nre encouraging signs at shrank considerably, with a. fur- long range planning aa a basis for future growth, « • * COMMUNAL AFFA1IIS: All kind of sur%cva on numy aspect* of American Jewish life have been conducted by various organA blue eyed, sandy haired native izations . . lately . Why not a survey On of Israel Is visiting in our city. He Jewish communal property in tM» a Joshua Surotzkln, nephew of . . . It )s no exaggeration Hyman Osoff. This Is ^f^. Sorot- country? to stnte that buildings and other kfn's first v i s i t to the United property belonging to Jewish inlates and he will attend the stitutions throughout the United graduate school of engineering of States arc worth billions of dolNew York University starting In lars . . . However, no national Intho fall semester. He is a chemi- ventory seems to have been mado cal engineer at a basic chemical of this property by any central producing plant in Haifa, Israel. Jewish body, although such genMr. SoroUkln received hia train- eral Inventories have been taken ing at the Haifa College of Engi- by the Catholic and Protostnnt neering known as Tcchnion Insti- centnil bodies . . . Data released tute. ' by the Protestants reveals that What Impressions lias he gath- the Protestant Church has been ered on his first visit here? Well, putting up new buildings during he remarked, he likes our way of the last fc-w years nt the rate of about a half n billion dollars a Ufe and our politeness. I can see, year . . . The American Jewish he added, that Americans like to community Is. of course, small In work and have the know-how to comparison with the Protestant community . . . However, Jews in produce efficiently. Mr. Sorotzkin said t h a t he this country arc not very much behind In the erection o5 rxrn studied English as a foreign language in Israel public nnd high buildings for Reform temples. Conschools which accounted for his servative synagogues, Jewish hosrelative ease in handling the lan- pitals, homes for the aged, Jewish centers and other Jewish instituguage. tions . . . And the value of the new On the subject of our current buildings put up for such Jewish heat wave, he compared it to the institutions during the Inst ten climate of southern Israel which years runs into many millions ol is not a desert area. Wheat nnd dollars . . . JcwlsB center* alone com are grown there and with have acquired new bulldjncs dursufficient water the area will pro- ing the last 10 years worth 33 duce several crops during the year. million and their property In buildHis parent1;, who immigrated ings alone Is estimated by the from Russia In the lD20's, live on Jewish Welfare Board to be worth a farm in the cooperative agricul- 75 million dollars . . . Not to speak tural village of Tel Mond which is of new synagogue buildings and about 20 miles north of Tel Aviv. synagogue centers that have been There they grow oranges for ex- built during the Inst few years In port, vegetables and have tome the suburbs of almost every city chickens and cows. ' in this country . . . In New York/ Mr. SoroUkin la for the most Jewish organizations have, in th» part financing his studies here last 10 years, acquired buildings to* the fashionable Fifth Avenue secwith an assist from the chemical tion , . . Located in that section plant from which he Is on a leave are the headquarters of the Amerif absence. ican Jewish Congress, Jewish La» bor Committee, National Committec for JLnbor Israel, American Friends of the Hebrew University, American Committee for the Haifa Tcchnion, and «\hcrs . . , The Jewish Agency is also located in Arnold ICalman, son of Mr. and that section in a building of its Mrs. William Kalroan, a fourth own . ; . The Israel Consulate and ear theological student nt the He- the Israel delegation to the tinned rew Union College In Cincinnati, Nations aro located In two buildO., will conduct the High Holiday ings in that nelghborhod . . . One Services at Congregation Emnnucl can .also find there the Jewish in.Statcsville, N. C, as a student Museum, to which the Felix Warburn family cave its former resirabbi. Mr. Kalman was recently named dence as a g i f t . . . A national indirector of the Junior High School ventory of Jewish communal propof tho Isaac Wise Temple in Cin- erty in this country should become a project for organizations cinnati. engaged In conducting surveys on He has received a degree as American Jewish life. Bachelor of Hebrew Letters nt the Hebrew Union College with honors and was co-winner of the Mother Hirsch prize tor scholarship. Tliis summer, Mr. K»iman, was awarded a master's degree with honors at the University of The family of the late Betty Omaha. Hiff thesis "Jewish Education in tho United States" was Coreilck Naron wishes to thank chosen for publication. Copies arc their friends nnd relatives 'or their available through the Hebrew kind expressions at gympathy on Uhton ColJcgc. -' "•'••' their recent bereavement. By Boris Similar (Copyright, 1355, JTA)

Monsky Picnic to Hove Horse Show

' (Continued from Pace 1.) durrahman Anrgay, head of the Moroccan Office of Information and Documentation, said hero Not only the Istqlal. Moroccan Independence Party, but the Moroccan people themselves have the friendliest feelings toward Jews. Mr. Anegay claimed He declared that he had no details about reports that, in the current riots in Morocco, Jewish homes had been wrecked, shops looted, and some Jews Injured. "However, we can assure the world that any unfortunate suffer, ing by any people in Morocco has nothing remotely to do with antiSemitism, but is only the result Of the general situation' that has been provoked by the French colonial regime/ Mr. Ancgay said. "We can say absolutely that almost never have Moroccans at tacked Jews as such."

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"Mr. and Mrs. Golf will be held at 2 p. m, Tuesday, Aug. 30 at the Highland West Club with dinner '. following at 7 p. m. This is a regular monthly Eummer feature oi the club. "Fun Day" organized by the lady golfers will start at 9 a. m., Wednesday, Aug. 3L Some of the entrants using storybook themes are "Daisy Crockett," "Alice in Wonderland," "Old Woman in the Shoe" and "Little Miss Muffit" Prizes wffl be awarded and luncheon will be served at 1 p. m.

A none show will be one the stellar attractions at the B'oai B'rith Henry Monsky Lodge picnic to start at 10 a. m. Sunday, Aug. 28 in the north picnic area of Peony Park. Henry Kaufman will exhibit a three-galted American saddle bred hone and a parade hone that appeared In the Tournament of Roses In Pasadena A hackney pony owned by -Frank Lernmer named Robbie win also be shown. A Tennessee walking horse owned by Jim Torrenee will be on display. Sa.n Saltman, chairman for the affair, •announced that a grand prize-arid" awards for winners of athletic events will be presented. Soda pop and ice cream will be supplied by the lodge. : Members of the picnic committee Include: George Shafer, president of the Breadbreakers; George ScbapiW, Ralph Nogg, H a r r y Weinberg, Harry CoIIck, Joe GUM, Ed Rosen, Rubin Llppett and Yale Ginsberg.

M, 1P55. •

Beth El Schools To Resume Classes Talmud Torah classes for Beth El students win begin Tuesday, Sept. 8. Sunday School classes will start after the High Holy days, Sunday, Oet 16. Registration for both Talmud Torah and Sunday School fa now in progress, and may be made by telephone. The school office is open dally from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. The number is Glcndale 3221. Registration will also be held Sunday, Sept 11, from 10 a. m. to 12 noon, n the Beth El social hall. It Is not necessary to bring your child. Talmud Torah enrollment is open to boys and girls from six years through nine years of age. Sunday School enrollment is open to children of four years and older. Jewish educators agree that In order to imp.irt even an elementary knowledge of our priceless heritage and language, it Is es•enfial for tho student to enroll at a very early age, a spokesman said.

B.I. Talmud Torch Will Open Sept. 6 Beth Israel Talmud Torah Masses will start Tuesday, Sept. G and WoJnesd.-y, Sept. 7. The Beth Israel Sunday School Division will open Sunday morning, Sept 11, Additional registrations for the religious schools will be accepted for a short time only. Parents interested in enrolling their children are requested to get in touch with, the school office, RE 6288. Children seven years of ORO and older arc eligible for enrollment In the primary grades of the Talmud Torah division. Children four years of age and older may enroll in the Sunday School. There will be three pre-kindergarten grades for children under five.

Religious News «:« p. ta., CudkDglitlng

Beth B Sabbath evening services will bo held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30 o'clock. The Mlncha Service will begin at 6:45 p. m.. Dally services during the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service is held at 9 a. m.

Temple Israel. David Bleicher will conduct services this e v e n i n g at 7JO o'clock In the chapel of Temple Israel in the absence of Rabbi Sidney U. Brooks who is on vacation.

Befft Israel Traditional Friday evening services (Kabollas Shabbos) begin at G:30 o'clock. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation nt 9:30 a. m. Sabbath Mineha at G:45 p. m., followed by Ehelesh S'cudos and Maarjv. Weekday services begin at 7 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m., followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Children accompanying their parents are invited to Join the regular Sunday morning Minyan beginning at 8:45 a. m. The Talmud discussion c rou P which meets every Tuesday evening at 8:15 p. m. at the I9th and Burt Sts. Synagogue will be conducted by Rabbi Matthew M. Poliakoff.

Monument Dedication

. The family of the late Mrs. Meyer (Goldic) Raskin and Mrs. L<?ib (Sarah) WoIKon will hold a double monument dedication nt 4 p. m., this Sunday, Aug. 28 at Fishers Farm Cemetery. They were mother and daughter. Rabbi Wednesday, Aug 17: Dr. Philip Sidney It Brooks will officiate. Shor was welcomed into the Home Friends and relatives are Invited as a resilient. to attend the memorial service. Saturday, Anff. SO: A Special Kiddush was given by Mrs. J. Ruback, one of our residents, In hon- The family of the late Hannah or of the birth of Kay Naomi Poster will dedicate n monument Grossman of Grand Island, Nebr., in her .memory at 10:30 a. m. this on August 13. Mrs. Rubaek is ffio Sunday, Aug. 28 nt Mount Sinai maternal great-grandmother. She Cemetery. All friends and relatives was assisted by another resident nre invited to attend the memorial of the Home Mrs. Fannie Jacob3. service. a great-great aunt Memorial Services are being field during; the Bloalh of Elnl for High Holiday Tickets the following: Tickets for the High Holiday 1 Elul — August 19: Dorothy Services at B'Nai Jacob Adas Milder. Yeshurun Synagogue will be avail2 Elul—August 20: Morris Gross- able In the mornings nnd evenings man. beginning this Sunday nt Adler's 5 Elul — A u g u s t 23: Hannah Delicatessen, 1513 N. 24th at, and the synagogue office. Solig. 19 Elul—Scpt<rmbcr 6: Mn.~Y«- Cantor T e s s l e r of Prague, Czechoslovakia, will sing the mushudas Slegel. 23 Elul—September 10: Rebecca ical portions of the High Holidays s e r v i c e . / ' "•'•'"•'• '" . ' Glasttnati Epsteifl. '

With the Folks At Home

Native Israeli in Omaha for Visit

Efaiman Gets High Holidays Position

Thank You

A k f M t M, 1954.

Temple Israel Dinner-Dance Sept. 10

Mrs. Katz to Head Beth El Nursery Mrs. Alex Katz will serve as head of the Beth El Nursery school staff this year, it was announced by Mrs- Morris G Fellman, chairman of the 13c t)i El Nursery school commit tco. Sessions will bcf;in M o n d a y , lept. 12 and will bo hold from 8 to 11:45 a. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week for children from three to five years old. A "model nursery school" will be held ut 1:30 p. m., Thursday, Sept. 8 for the mothers of all youngsters registered In the school In the nursery school rooms at the synagogue. A "mothers committee1' will be set up at this time nnd plans for the semester will be disMiss Beverly Bernstein cussed. Excursions to local points of Interest to pre-schoolers, a program 1 of religious activity for the Sabbath and festivals, painting, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Bern- rhythm hand, nature and science •tein announce the enjjaf;ement of play and dramatic work will be their daughter Beverly Ann to Jo- part of the many faceted sched•iph James Frank, son of Mr. and ule , of' events. Outdoor activities will Include use of slides, bicycles, Mr*. Sam Frank. Both Miss Bernstein and her fi- sand box and swings. ance attended the University of Several openings are t*UU availOmaha. Mr. Frank also served able. Mothers who are interested with the United States Air Force. in registering tlielr children can call Mrs. Fellman, WA 7257.

Miss B. Bernstein Engagement Told

Temple Nursery Will Open Sept. 12

Library Lane

Pictured In tho patio of Temple Israel making final plans for the Fourth AnJlDal Temple Iirflel Dinner Dance to lie Bponsored by the Sisterhood gulurday, Sept. 10, are (left to right) H n , Joseph MtiHiKt, dinner chairman; Mrs. llaroUl Urodkey, table setting chfclrman; Mmes. Paul Blotcky mnd Ed« ward Milder, decorations co-chairmen; Mrs. Max Wolfgon, ticket chairman and general co-chalrnuui} and standing, Mm. Grargo Spltzcr, over-all chairman for the event. The evening will feature dinner, dam Ing t o tlio music of Ernie l'ricsman's orchestra and cttrtfa.

B&P Hadassah Garden Party by Plan Get-Together Nebraska Chapter The Business and Professional Women's Group of Hadassah will hold a Get-Acquainted Party, at the Paxton Hotel, Thursday, Sept. 8 at 7 p. m. Dinner may be had in the main dining room at 6 p. m. On the program will be a Bkit "Hadassah Do-It-Yourself," written by Eve Konecky. Cards and Mali Jong will follow. A lovely door prize will be given. In charge of thi3 affair is Mrs. I. Dansky, B and P program chairman, assisted by Reb-cca Bercovid, Leo Grecnberg, Beverly Bernstein and Sally Meyers.

The " T e m p l e Israel Nursery School will bejjln {all sessions By Kosclln Perils Smith Monday, Sept. 12. Sessions will be held Monday through Friday "God on Trial," by Itabbi Harry from 0 to 11:30 a. m. R, Illclimond, is a book of good The nursery school staff will In- sense. This is a series of sermons elude Mrs. Jeanettc Bear and Miss delivered on the Intcrfalth Chapel Patricia Graham. Mrs. Hoar for- Hour programs broadcast from merly taught nursery school and Wichita, Kansas. religious school In Philadelphia, The title of the book Is misleadnnd also served as secretary of the ing In that God is not on trial Board of Jewish Education there. here; His goodness permeates the Miss Graham Is a jrraduatc nur- book. The title was taken from a sery school teacher from the Uni- special sermon given after the versity of Nebraska, nnd h a s Bobby Grcenleaso kidnapping and taught In Lincoln and Detroit. She murder. also attended the Merrill-Palmer Itabhl Richmond asks, "In the School, which is one of the lead- presence of a God of mercy, the ing pre-school educational training sorrow nnd suffering of the parcenters in the United States. ents of Bobby Grecnlease seem inMm. Stanley Katclman, chair- explicable. How are we t o reconman of the Temple Sisterhood's cile their woo nnd ngony with a Nursery School Committee, an- iod of love?" nounces that there still arc a few Life herein is compared t o the vacancies in the school for the fall s e m e s t e r . Interested parent"! story of Jacob wrestling with the circumstances of adversity all the should call Mrs. Katclman at Walnut 8533, or the Temple office, Re- night through, until the adversary Is conquered. gent 663G. Some of the titles are, "Suppose You Were God?" "A Jew Views a Christian," "Is Religion Necessary?" "Ways of Marringc," and •What Makes Life Worthwhile?" Omaha Chapter Mizrachi WomOne sermon gives attention to en Donor Luncheon, will be held the festival of Passover, unique In nt 1 p. m., Wednesday, Aug. 31, at that the exodus delivered a people tbe Jewish Community Center. from an oasis In slavery to freeProceeds from the luncheon will dom in a desert. The Jews thus benefit the Children's Village nnd delivered preferred suffering withFarm School at Haanana, Israel. out water and food to enduring an Among the Omihans who have existence under the whiplashes of visited Israel and praised the a Pharoah. Children's Village are Mrs. J. II. How easy to become a Christian, Kulakofsky, Mrs. Myer S. Kripltc, nnd how hard to remain n Jew. Mrs. Herman II. Auerbach and The sermons pinpoint this theme Mrs. Lena Grossman. time and again. On the door committee are Our books In the Jewish Com' Mines, nuth Ackerman, William munlty Library are of old vintage Epstein, and Rose Fogcl. The and new. luncheon committee consists of the Mmes. Mnx Arbitmnn, H. Frnnklln, J. Goodblnder, B. Grossman, A. Llpsman, Sol Nogg, and M. M. Pollakoff. Mrs. Frank Sekar will l>e In Charge of decorations. Mrs, M. M. Mrs. I. J. Friedman and Mrs. Ira Pollnkoff will be chairman of the Whitebook are general chairmen affair. Mrs. Philip Crandcll Will in charge of arrangements for the give a reading. Following the pro- Omaha Chapter Hadassah'fl Medigram, a social hour will be held. cal Organization and Vocation EdThose members whom the call- ucation Captains Meeting to be ing committee failed to reach may held Thursday, Sept. 8, (it 12:30 mnlio reservations by calling Mrs. p. m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Ruth Ackerman, JA 1926; Mrs. Flsk, CG7 No,, 63rd Street. The Joe Batt, RE C72G; Mrs. M. M. meeting will be preceded by desPollakotf, B E 1561 not later than sert. Guest speaker for the afterSunday, Aug. 28. noon will bo Dr. W. J. McMartln. Dr. McMarlin and his wife visited Temple Sisterhood Israel on a recent tour of Europe plans for the programs for the and the Middle East. He will speak coming season of the Temple Is on his Impressions. Group chairmen assisting are: rael Sisterhood were made at a recent meeting of the program Mmes. Sidney Kattanan, Jos Soshcommittee nt the home of Mrs nlk, William Itaduziner, T. Tully, William Fogel. Serving o n the Joe Bcrrtstein, Fred Broclkey, Al conimittco »ro Mmes. Millard Itos- VVohlner, .Sam Rothenberg, and Al tnberg, L l o y d Bank, Morris fox. About 100 captains will atKirschenbaum, Seymour Kaplan tend. Following the speaker, Mrs. SidSidney Brtfoks, Edward Gilbert and the co-chairmen Mmes. Larry ney Katleman will conduct a workshop on I t M. O. and V. ¥/: fclatther an<J' William Pogcl, ;

Mizrachi Women Donor Luncheon

Nebraska Chapter of B'nal B'rith will hold a paid-up membership Garden Party nt 8 p. m., Wednesday, Aug. 31, at the home of Mrs. Mayor, 2G03 So. GO st. Mrs. William Stone, program chairman, has arranged for an original skit to be presented by Mmes. Max Sacks, Phil Kutler, Sol Martin, Abe Bear, Dave Blclcher nnd Al Orach. Mrs. Joe Lipton, membership chairman and her committee Mmes. Nathan Kraft, Sol Lincoln, and Irving Forbes will be In charge



of refreshments. All paid-up members, including new members, are cordially Invited to attend. For reservations' call Mrs. Al Temin, REgent 9115. In case of rain, the garden party wll Ibe held at the South Omaha synagogue, 4 4 « S. 25th st. Patronize Our Advertiser*

Omaha's Favorite to Dine on Sunday Sunday Branch




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Hadassah HMO Meeting Sept. 8


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AZA Sweetheart Candidates

Omaha Sketches

Friday, Augiisl 20, 1053.



Mr. ;m<l Mr;. Moe M. Shapiro and their daughter have returned from a month's stay in Miami ISeach, Fla. Whik- there llicy fli'-w- to Havana, Cuba. MI-K. Hannah Aronoff of Brooklyn. N. Y., stuppf-d off tins week in Omaha to visit Mr. stn<l Mrs. Louis Woirifr and family. Mrs. Aronoff is retui niru: from* a tour of Canada and Alaska. Kdith Nnuen of Sioux Falls, S. IX, is now making h'-r hnme In Omaha. Miss Nauen attended the University of Nebraska when; she was a member of .Sifirna Delta Tau. She is no stranger to Omaha havini; participated in U'nal B'litb Youth Organization conventions held here. Miss Niwen was CornPtetured above are (left to right) Blisses Carole Frank and belt regional president two years Joyii- Canar, two ot the six sweetheart candidates vying (or the ago. rrnuv to be presented at th« AZA Mwrtthf»rt Dance. The dance Joseph Weisburd of Minneapolis, oJII be lii-ld Saturday, Sept. 10, in the ballroom of the Btaekstone Minn., visited this week with Mr. Hotel. *. and Mrs. Frank Seknr ot our city. Mlw Frank, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frank, Is president nf ll'nal B'rith Ulrls regional district and vice-president of faer cliaptrr. Mbw Canar, 16, daughter of Mr. and Bin, Louis Canar, la serving a« chapter pledge, mother.

Omaha Girls at Judaea Conclave

Tunisian Cabinet To Have 2 Jews Tunis (JTA)—Two members of the Jewish community in Tunisia will be Included in the Tunisian Cab'nct as state secretaries when th« Kranco-T u 1.1 s I a convention which provides for semi-autonomy (or the Tunisians will go into effect next month, it was authoritatively reported here. The two will be named when the present Cabinet presided over by Tahar Ben Atnnvir. will undergo certain changes. M'Ktt often mentioned as likely Candidates for.these two posts are Andre Bnrouch, industrialist and director of the newspaper. "Lo Petit Matin," and Albert Bessis. an attorney, former president of the Tunisian Keren Kayemetb and a member of the Tunisian team Which negotiated the new conventions with the French Government. The flecisio t to name two Jews to posts in the new Tunisian Government his aroused hostility in Moslem religious circles which claim thai such appointments would "violate the Islamic character of Tunisia." . Meanwhile, the local Aliyah Commission has decided to suspend further registration of candidates for emigration t o Israel until Sept. 15 because of the larfjc number of Tunisian Jew*'-*already registered Departures for Isrnel will tiot. however, be interrupted and twice weekly many families, most of them larijc, will leave Tunis for Haifa, via Marseilles, as hitherto.

• News Nuggets 6YHIA KIDNAPS TOl'ItlSTS Jerusalem. (JTAl—An Israeli army spokesman said tonight that four American citizens on a lour of the Middle East were kidnaped by Syrians. The Israeli spokesman gave the names as Paul Meier. Arthur Rlslngcr. Fred Freudcnhowcr, and Tom Freudenhower. The •pokesman did not give the hometown or other particulars. The offhlal announcement said: "This afternoon an automobile was found north of Kin Gev—eastern shore of the sea of Galilee— owneiJ by four Americans who were on tour of the Middle East. An Investigation showed the four were • abducted after they were bathing In the sea of Galilee Saturday last. The kidnapers were 'armed'Syrians who had penetrated Into the demilitarized zone. Some personal belonRinj:s and documents of the abducted men s*erc found on the spot." KLAN LEADER Comvay, S. C (JTA)—The robed and hooded leader of the Ku Klux Klan »aia last night that his organization WHS formed to "fight Patronize Our Advertisers,

WITNESSING THE LOADING of • printing pre>> aboard Ibo S.3. ExceHeucy ut Jersey City lor shipment \o Boj» to-vm Jerunalera were I. lo It Habbi Alex I.inrhncr, principal of Yeablra Molfla Torali V'odalh, Brooklyn, N.Y., Michael Mar. golln, 16, of Ilo)» Town who U here on an rxrhange ftudeal icllowBbip, and Albert t . Kunlrr, publlslier of Classic* IlliU* Irutcd. The large four-color press is part of a complete plant being sent to teach the printing trade lo a group of one-hundred gifted Immigrant boy* vho ore l>elng trained lor future «no» munlty leadership at this unique Israeli educational In*liluUo*> established in 1919 hj a group of American educator*.

Attention BB Bowlers

Bar Mitzvahs

Misses Lora Franklin and Midge Grecnberg left for the National Bradley Epstein, son of Mr. and Senior and Young Judaea ConvenNfrs. Harry Epstein, will celebrate tion to be held at Camp Tel YeOpening alill r e m a i n on his Bar Mitzvah Saturday, Sept. huda at BarryviHe. N- Y., this week. Shelly GreenberK who Is al- three B'nal B'rlth b o w l l n i : 3, during the morning service, The Midget Swim Meet will ready at the camp will also attend te,UTi3. New and old members which begins at 8:30 o'clock. ie held at 1 p. m. Sunday, Sept. the national convention. can sign up for a team by call- Friends and relatives are cordially 11, at the Jewish Community Camp Tel Yehuda was the only ing Mort TrachcnbarE, KK 5«02. invited. Center swimming pool. camp in this arra that was not afThis la planned to climax the fected by the flood. 'Hie camp proCenter Da> camp, and Camp ;ram was carried on as usual with AZA No. 1 Jay C-C swim programs fbr the the Qnviha girls participating. Swim Sessions Stopped Future plans for Mother chap. summer. Events for swimmers Miss Franklin will participate in in ace groups of 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, the national debate tournament. Swimming sessions on Tuesday ter in.the line of communty »crv« and 13-14 are on the schedule She is the Southwest llcgioniil and Thursday cveniiiKs and on Ice Includes a safety slogan cam. palRn. The chapter him tcCcWeA Tile younger divisions will be President. Sunday afternoons at the Jewish permission from city, officials to rcquireJ to do the elementary Community Center pfwl will be paint safety slogans on street corback stroke and the o l d e r groups the back crawl, Diving discontlned from A u g u s t 22 ners. Thi-; project is being planned competitor will Include the throucli September 11. The usual by chairman Harold 'Kaiman. V& was also chosen student manager front, b.ick and two optional decline in attendance at the end of the Central High football team. dives. Tlie summer Youth Club Semin- of the summer calls for a cessaCV'rt!fical*'s will IK- awarded ar at Aik<:n, Minn., will be atPatronize Our Advertisers. lo first. second ami third place ilr-cl by Karen Forbes, Marlene tion of these periods. winners in each event. Friedman, Carol Gombi.Tg, Judy ller and I'aysie Sliykon. These delegates' left yesterday for Minneapolis and St. Paul. They are spending today, and tomorrow in Minneapolis.-and will be in camp "mm August "28 to September 1. Under the Direction of The delegates will attend workshops, study croups, skill sessions Starlight. Pa. (JTA)—Teen-ace and social activities. Irving Stern. delegates to the 11th annual con- Youth Activities Director at Both \i Accepting vention of IVnai Ij'rith Girls here Israel Synagogue accompanied the have rejected, by a 2 to l margin. group. ' delegates are attendEnrollments for the the idea ul women serving as or- ing under the sponsorship of the dained rabbis. The tally was a re- Ririh Israel Sisterhood. School Year 1955-56 sult of an Informal survey among some 160 delegates from all parts Piano Lessons for Children and Adults, of the United .States and Canada, repri'sentini; a cross-section of Beginners, Advanced and concrefjatlonii! affiliation. Professional Students The convention, in its annual discussion program, also took the position that the establishment of Phone JA 1366 or WE 8681 the State of Israel presented no problems of ••dual loyalty" and that American Jews owed their political loyalty to the United 101 N. 20rh Street States, but had cultural and spiritual ties with Israel. The closing session of the parley elected Sharon Ulanck, 18-year-old collcffe, freshman from Vancouver, feqluring 13. G, international presldenj. She "HOLIDAY is the first Canadian ever to bold liBG'a top p e t . OH ICE"

Midget Swim Meet Set

Youngsters Attend Summer Seminar


BB Girls Opposed To Women Rabbis

Professor Hans Baer



Rosh Hashonah

A l l NEBRASKA the evils against the white man" among which are Negro, Christian OH DISPLAY and Jewish organizations. ' E. L. Edwards of Atlanta, Ga., addressing a crowd estimated at 1,500 in an open field about eight ... „ it opens a holt (toy early! miles from G-mvay listed tbo National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Sat- noon, Sept.3, thn Knights of Columbus, and the B'nai ll'rith A n t i-Defaniation League as groups which bring on evil. Edwards, who claims to W the imperial wizard of the new "U.S. Klan, Knights of the Ku Klux i'boot JA UG6 to iucn ram Want Klan." Bald he want* to maKc his iO Tb» Jtwtfi* ifeaa, r&tt to SO C*ot3 tm c*cb t&9n organization "strong and vicious" j oCumni a Tta ^rcsf r*j errf» tbt ii tjt to limit enough to fight off these "evils." flM of cAcb BdvcrtitexD'nt. £ Ho said his organization will reHew Year Cards main within the law, but, he ehout- BAH and Has Mitzvah congratued, "this Is a white man's organ- lation* also for all Jewish bollization fighting, for. white suprem- .,days and.special occasions. acy.'" Meyers 'News Stand. 1502 Dodge

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This Year Will Begin Friday Night, Sept. 16 Greet Your Friends and Relatives with a Personalized Message in the New Year's Edition of the JEWISH PRESS

Can JA 1366 Extension 33

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