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Vol XXXIII—No. 4H. MM.
Knesset Votes For Brim
ain»t cop/ Ui oenu
For migration
Jerusalem (JTA) Tin- Israel* Parliament, recalled In a S|iei'ial session to consider tlie North African situation, voted acceptance last week of the Government-Jewish Agency plan for the immigration within the nex; 12 months of 45,000 Jews from North Africa Pmil Vcrct, Kxorutivx' Direcand their resettlomcnt in the Jew- tor of the !•'cdoration for Jewish State. ish .Service, will report on his The plan was submitted to the recent trin to Israel and Kurope , Knesset by Premier Moshe Shnr- as a member of u United Jewett who described the movement ish Appeal Survey Mission, of the North African Jews as "a Jack W. Marcr, Federation •acred duty." ,Hc said the plan president announced. called for transfer of 10,000 Jews The community-wide meetwithin the first two months and ing will be held nt 8 p, m.. then on immigration of 5,000 Wednesday, Sept. 21 in the auditorium of the Jewish Commumonthly. If, hovever, the lives of North African Jews were endan- nity Center. Mr. Vcret' served gered, he said, "then Israel will do as spokesman for the group. her Utmost to bring them nil In." Lev! Eshko), the Minister of Finance, told the Knesset that the North African immtartUInn placed a great responsibility both on Israel and the Jews of the world, especially Ame. lean Jewry. He informed the Knesset that the GovJerusalem (JTA) — The Israel Itabhl Herbert A. Friedman, left, Kxeoutivo Vlcf-Chalrman of ernment Intended to levy now taxes to bring in an estimated 25 Army of Defense will give a good tho Unite J Jin Ish Appeal, Is shown a* he conferred In Jerusalem million Israe' pounds- in 12 months account of itsef if It Is again faced with Uuvld Bin Gurion lute In August. In addition to Inrai-1, KubM Friedman visit, u crlalft-rldriun as a "sacred fund for the rescue with the "supreme trial" as It was Of North African Jewry." J>Icw seven ^ears ago when it was born Morocco when! li« reported tens of thousands o' Jew:, ore anxious taxes estimated to brine in 12-13 during the invasion of the newly- to leave million pounds hnrt already been established Jewish State by seven Introduced, he said. Arab armies, Premier-designate Orders have already boon placed for construction or 2,000 dwelling David Ben Gurion declared here, units to house the new immigrants, addressing a commencement paMr. Eshkol announced. rade of armj officer cadets. Mrs. N. If. Greenberg, who reThe four-hour debate that folMr. Ben Gurion who, with the cently became a member of the lowed developed much support for exception of the short period when Beth Israel Five Gallon club by donating .her the Government plan and also dinsliicrnbln criticism. Menachcm Bel- be was not in the Cabinet, has Saturday, Sept. 10 20lh pint of blood to the Red been the civilian head of the army gin, leader of the Herat party, Slichos Service . . . Midnight. Cross, was honored in connection sharply criticized the Govern- from its birth, took this opportunFriday, Sept. 16 with the two-day bloodathon sponment fo"r establishing n "quota" ity to warn Egypt and the other nosh Hashonah Service , , . 6 sored last week .by -the Red Cross for North Africa and demanded Arab states that despite the fact p. m. the unrestricted, immediate Im- that "we pray and hope" for pence, and WOW-TV. .Saturday, Sept. 17 migration of 250,000 Jews from "If we are faced again with the suMrs, Max Sacks, president of Morning service . , . 7:30 a. m. North Africa or. at least, of the preme trial we will stand up to it Sermon 10:30 a . m . tho Gallon Club, presented Mrs. 120,000 Jews registered the-e for with greater force and better abilJunior Congregation, 10:30 a. m. Greenberg with a Red Cross Immigration Into Israel. He as- ity than seven years ago." He Evening service 6:15 p. m. sorted that at the tempo of the plaque in behalf of B'nai B'rlth. praised the nation and the army Sunday, Sept. 18 Government plan. It would take The presentation was made durfor remaining continuously on the Morning scrvlco . . . . . . 7 : 3 0 a, m. •oven years to transfer the Jews Sornion . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 a. m. ing Jean Sullivan's Friday morning alert in the face of almost "dally from North Africa to Israel. Junior congregation, 10:30 a. m. program. Mrs. Greenberg has been and nightly trial" by Arab marauSpeakers for the Panic Mizrachi ders, and stressed that "only a few Evening service . . . . 6 : 1 5 p. m. active In all Red Cross volunteer also demanded n higher rate of days ago (the army) again proved services. Immigration, even at the cost of n its fighting superiority on the land The event, which marked the BeriiEl return to the maabarot (labor and In the air." station's sixth birthday, raised 438 camp) system. Saturday, Sopt. 10 pints of blood for the Red Cross He emphasized that year by Slichos Service ' . . , / . . .midnight blood center. year the Israel Army has improved Friday, Sept. 16 Among eight donors who apIts equipment Its training and Its Rosh Hashonah Service , 8:15 peared on the special program organization. But, although these p. m. which opened the bloodathon were factors arc Important, he assertSaturday, Sept. 17 Mrs. Ben Zoorwill—her fourth ed, the most essential element Is Morning service 8 a. m. pint—and Rabbi Mycr S. Kipke— Tel Aviv (WNS)— Israel's coun- the spirit am vision which "perYouth services . . . . . . . 1 1 a, m. his 12th. tcrmeasurcs following E g y p t's meates the heart of the fighter Mlnchn-Maarlv ..6 p. m. bloody attacks were purely puni- and moulds his strength." He untive and not vengeful, Major Gen- derscored the role of the Army In Sunday, Sept. 18 eral Moshe Dayan, Chief of Staff helping the new Immigrant fit Into Morning service . . . . . . . 8 a. m. of the Israeli Army, declared in a the life of Israel, educating him, Youth services . . . . . . . 1 1 a. m. Radio speech carried by the Army pa- Improving his health and morale Mlnchn-Maariv 6 p. m. Per. The giving of the Law to and training him for civilian setMoses will be presented In a Declaring that there was no way tlement as well as military duties. play In modern terms over to prevent infiltrators from com- He noted* that the security of the Temple Israel KBON from 9:30 to 10 p. m., mitting acts of sabotage, stealing state did not rest on the army Friday, Sept. 16 Thursday, Sept. 22. This High and murder, the Chief of Staff alone, but also on the ingathering Rosh Haslionah Service, 8 p. m. Holy Days program Is spon•aid "wo can set a high price for of immigrants from abroad, their sored by tho American BroadHuturilny, Sept. 17 our blood, a price so high that the settlement on the land, the rehaCasting Company under the Morning service, 10 a. m. Arab governments across the bor- bilitation of the land anil the deauspices of the United Jewish velopment of industry. Story hour, 10-11 a. m. der wJU feel obliged to take unAppeal. Youth service 11 a. m. popular measures to punish the marauders themselves." The puniTho American Jewish Hour tive reprisals, he said, are designed OLYMPIC COMMITTEE presented by the Jewish War to warn the novernment and peoNew Yok (WNS)—Colonel HarVeterans is heard every Sunday ple of the country concerned that ry D. Hcnshel, head of the-Amerafternoon over KBON from>6 Xsrael would react firmly if they ican Committee and Chairman of to G:30 o'clock. The program did not Impose discipline on them- the New York Olympic Commitselves. At the came time the Army tee, declared here at n press conThe High Holy Days as seen consists of current news and Chief of Staff noted that the pres- ference that the International though the eyes of Jewish artists salute to a leading Jewish personality. ent bonier situation was a serious Olypmfc Committee was crmiss in will be on display in the lobby of one and that It could last ten or its duty when it declined, on tech- the Jewish Community Center. "The Poor C o m m u n i t y " nical grounds, to consider Israel's Thirty prints will be exhibited on even twenty years. nppeal ngainst her exclusion by the aspects and the significance adapted from tho original story Spain from tho Mediterranean Rosh Haslionah, Yom Klppur and of a legendary Rosh Hashonah 70 PER CENT CURAIILB happening will bo broadcast Only 15 per cent of rectal can- Regional Olympic Gnmes held last Succoth. cers are cured today. Early diag- month in Barcelona; Mrs. Roselln Smith, Center 11- from 11:30 n. m. to 12 noon nosis and prompt treatment could Colonel Hcnshel said that n let- brarlnn, stated that library ma- over KFAD this Sunday. Tho program will open the 12th Increase cures to 70 per cent, the ter he had written on the subject terial mid nudlo-vlsual nlds perAmerican Cancer Society says. Giv- to Mr. Brundage of the Interna- taining to the High Holidays are year of the Eternal Light seing tn (lie Cuncor Crusade can tional Olympic Committee had re- available to club lenders and re- ries. help inrilie this possible. mained unanswered. , . , ligious school teachers.
Veret to Report On Israel Mission
Ben Gurion Warns Egypt and Arabs
Holiday Services
Israeli Reprisals, Punit've Action
Pictorial Exhibit Of High Holy Days
Red Cross Cites Mrs. Greenberg
Friedman Asks Cash Outflow New York (JTA)—Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, executive vlpopresJdcnt of the United Jewish Ap. peal, called on American Jewry this week to raise $10,000,000 in cash in the next six weeks to finance the Immigration into Israel of 16,000 North African Jews within 60 days. Kabbi Friedman declared that ' both the French authorities in Morocco, and the moderate leaders of the Arab nationalist movement are "doing their best to protect the Jewish minority." Ha pointed out, however, that Jewish lives and property have been lost in the general rioting and bloodshed, and Jewis.. fears for the future arc on the rise. Tho UJA executive Jiead reported that several thousand Jews are today homeless because their houses were burned and razed in outbreaks that took place at Mazagun, Oucd, Safi and Casablanca. Several thousand more Moroccan Jews he added, arc in a Jewish transit camp in Casablanca "without homes, property, means of livelihood and only a burning desire to get to IsracJ." Rabbi Friedman noted that tho muunting immigration from North Africa is giving Israel "numerous economic problems but Israel's people are shouldering these difficulties with ready willingness. They know they must act at once. I hope American Jews will respond In the same way." David Feder, pledge redemption chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, stated that in answer to this need for funds now a special effort will be made in tha spirit of the High Holy Days to ' collect outstanding pledges, Mr. Fcder also expressed his appreciation for tho cooperation ha has received during the current campaign. KEUTIIKU SAYS Haifa (JTA)—CIO president Walter Reuther told a group.of'' workers at the Kalser-Fraser plant here last week-end that 'there's a sense of solidarity with Israel among American workers. We will fight with you if neces- ' sary. We need something like your Histadrut and the spirit of your country's people In tho United States." Mr. Reuther and a delegation of CIO leaders wore touring Haifa area factories and docks, where they were warmly received by the Israeli workers. A reception tendered by Haifa's workers in his honor later heard the American labor leader declare that tho United States must help Israel, because whenever freedom is threatened, the United States is threatened also. At n reception in Acre attended by both Jewish and Arab notables, the CIO president said, "tho way In which Arabs and Jews live together here is a pleasant example of how both nntlons can cooperate on n larger scale." ASCII CONDEMNED' Rio de Janelero (WNS)—Tho Christological novels of Sholem Asch were condemned hero at a public trial sponsored by the Couiu' cil of Jewish Education of th8 United Zionist Organization. The two-day trial, which drew audiences of more thnn 1,000, waf under tho chairmanship of Dr. S. Malamud, with Dr. Z. Yosem us complainant and A. Pcskln as defender
JetotsI) • J ^ J ^ M r t e t i Brer? rrldaj ftj the rederaUoo lot Jewtsb Hervlce r « • • * INirMlnniiiii|"It.u>i?"lLlreiTlmi'JIt/iM °°°*' "" ' *u* "***" oo Appncatton. Muan*, -tiiin mi iia. tau, girtn. '"^JU . lltix.. lA.ci.icr ue<««•< »HO( U n a - i O O t Bo. Wll1" BtrtM.
Moroccan Jews Promised Equality New York (JTA)—The American Jewish Committee expressed the hope that French Morocco's nearly 350,000 Jews — most of whom now have the inferior status of proteges of the Sultan — will have equal rights along with their Moslem neighbors when the French Government carries out its plan to give the North African protectorate a representative government "We are encouraged both by the actions of the French Government and the declarations of nationalist leaders tn French Morocco,'* asserted the AJC in a statement released by Irving M. Engel, presi dent. "When the French Government included two representatives of French Moroccan Jewry in the Aix-Les-Bains discussions, this was a major step forward in the recognition of the tights of Moroccan Jews to have a voice in helping determine their future and the future of their country, "Recent declarations by Moroccan nationalist leaders that the Jews of Morocco will have equal rights are most heartening. Of course, a number of major changes will have to be mad* in the structure of the present Moroccan theocratic state which discriminates against Jews In several ways. "The Jews of Morocco have suffered a great deal from the recent disorders. AK responsible sources confirm the fact that these unfortunate incidents were the result of a general state of unrest in Morocco and, with a few exceptions, were not directed against Jews as such The principal goals of Moroccan Jewry are equal economic, to-lal, religious and cultural rights; political representation; and freedom of movement. No obstacle should be put in the way of those who wish to leave and they shoul<; be given the right to emigrate to Israel and elsewhere with their belongings."
Temple School fo Resume Classes Temple brae] Religious School sessions will resume tomorrow and Sunday m o r n i n g s . Grades 5 through 10 will meet at 9:30 a. m. tomorrow, -and grades Kindergarten through Grade 4 will meet Sunday morning at 9:45 a. m. Hebrew Classes will begin during the week of September 19. All Hebrew classes rriect from 4 to 5:30 p. m. Attending Hebrew classes one afternoon a week will be religious school students in grades 4 through 8. The Aleph Class for beginners meets Thursday, Bat's Class. Wednesday, (lime! Class, Tuesday, and Dalct Class. Monday afternoons. Religious School sessions will not be held Saturday, Sept. 17, in observance of Itre;h Hnshonah. Regular classes will take place Sunday. Sept. 18. Parents desiring information on school registration should call Mervin N. Lemmerman, Director of Education and You.h Activities, at the Temple office, P.Egent CC3G.
Manischewitz Fish Matchless freshness is an important factor in the taste and quality of gefilte fish as Manischewitz makes it. Only selected fresh eggs, candied and delivered from the neighboring farms direct to the Manischewitz plant, arc used in the exclusive Manischewitz family recipe; they are individuall y , opened and inspected in the presence of a kashruth supervisor wbo Is always on the premises. And the fish itself—a blend of choice freshwater varieties—is in the jar, cooked, vacuum-sealed and ready for shipment; often within as little as an hour after it is caught .
Religious News 6:24 p. m., G'andkliglitlujj
Temple Israel Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will conduct services this evening at 7:30 p. m. in the Chapel of Tem pie Israel.
Beth Israel Traditional Friday e v e n i n g services (Kabollas Shabbos) begin at 6:30 o'clock. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 o'clock. Junior congregation at 9:30 a. m. Sabbath Mincha at 6:45 followed by Shelesh S'eudos and Maariv. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 6:55 p. m. Sunday morning services at 8:45 o'clock. The Talmud discussion group meets each Tuesday at 8:15 p. m. at 19th and Burt under the direction of Rabbi Benjamin Groner,
Beth B Sabbath evening services will be held tonight :.t 7. Sabbath morning services a t 8:30 o'clock. The Mln cha service begins at 6:30 p. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. and Sunday morning service at 9 o'clock.
Obituary Mrs. Joseph Baft Services were held Thursday, Sept 8 for Mrs. Joseph Batt with interment at Fisher Farm Cemetery.'Mrs. Halt, 71, a longtime resident of Omaha, died Tuesday. .Sept. C at her home following a lingering illness. She is survived by a son, Al Batt of-Omaha; three daughters, Mrs. Louis Bordy of Columbus, Nebr., Mrs. Dave Herman and Mrs. Harry Paskowltz, both of Omaha; a sister, Mrs. Herman Franklin of Omaha, and seven grandchildren
T.I. Dinner-Dance Tomorrow Night Professional dancers will give a demonstration and exhibition of the marnlto a t 10 p. m. at the Temple Israel Dinner Dunce and Card Party to be held Saturday, Sept. 10, at the Temple Social Hall and Patio. Tile buffet dinner service will start at 7:30 p. m. and continue until 9:30 p. m. Final committee memt>ers have been announced by Mrs. George Spitzer, over-all Chairman. Assisting are Mrs. Joe Marsfi, dinner chairman, and food preparation, Mmcs. J. C. Goldner, Sol Krizclman, Maurice Frank, Steffen Diamant, A l f r e d Sophir, Millard Speier, David Bleicher, Stewart Gilinsky, Richard Gummers and Marsha Levine. Assisting at the buffet table will be Mnies. Sidney Brooks, Milton Yudeison, Sam Zacharia, James Samuelson, Alfred Sophir, Lloyd Bank, Ifoward Milder, Louis LJpp, Julius Newman, Sander Brophy and Lucille Gross.
Reception for Mew Beth Israel Staffer A reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Eisenstcin will be held in the Beth Israel Synagogue Immediately after services Oils Saturday, Sept. 10 at 11 a. m. The reception in the form of a kiddush will be sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs. Benjamin Groner, Cantor and Mrs. Eli Kagan, Mr. and Mrs. amuel Stone, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stern. Mr. Elsenstein arrived in Omaha last week to join the staff of the Both Israel School System. Mr. Eisensteln was the principal of the United Hebrew Schools System of Dallas, Texas, and Is a graduate of the Mizrachl Teachers Training College of Jerusalem. idsraeL The public Is cordially invited to attend the reception.
Zionist Council To Meet Sept. 14
rrlJay, September 9, 1055.
Global Rep ort RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION New York (JTA)—Jewish congregational affiliation In the Unit cd States has risen by 10 percent ir; the last year, according to the Yearbook of American Churches published by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA here today. The statistical breakdown of the various faiths In America pub' llshed by the Council listed 5,500,000 members of Jewish congregations in this country, as «'ij;ainst n total of 5,000.000 in last year's count. The Council's figures for American Jewry apparently assumed that virtually every Jew in the United States was affiliated wilh some congregation. AUSTRIAN 8ETTLKMKNT New York (WNS>—Humnnitartan c o n s i d e r a t i o n s alone jromptcd Austria to reach agreement with Jewish organizations to pay the sum of approximately $22 million to Jewish victims of Nazism, it was asserted this week by the Austrian Information Service in its current Issue of Austrian Information. The publication said the settlement was made "on the basis of humanitarian considerations and despite the fact that the Austrian Government disclaims responsibility for the c r i m e s committed against Austrian* of Jewish exractlon after the absorption of Austria by the German Reich in 1038." JDO AID New York (JTA)—The Joint Distribution Committee provided assistance to 165,850 needy Jews In Israel, Europe and the Moslem world in 1951, the organization disclosed last week-end. The largest group aided—95,930 —was in seven Moslem countries of A.sla and North Africa, where more than one of every six Jewish men, women and children received JDC help. Mnlben. J D C s welfare program in Israel, aided 25,750 men, women and children in a network of old-age homes, custodial care centers, hospitals, sanitaria, sheltered workshops and other Institutions throughout the Jewish State. In 1955 JDC hns allocated a major share of Its budget for Its Malben program.
The opening meeting of the year l!)55-5fi for the Omaha Zionist Council will be held Wednesday evening, Sept. 14 a-, eight o'clock in the Blackstone Hotel, Apartment 713. Plans for the year's work will be outlined and a brief review of events in the Zionist world which has transpired since the last meeting in June will be given. Election of officers will be MILITARY FLANK Mrs. Abe Kavich held. Mrs. Kulakofsky. president Tel Aviv (JTA)—Two Israel Services were held Thursday, of the Council, urges all members fighters forced an American milito attend. tary transport to land at Lydda Jcpt. 8, for Mrs. Abe Kavich with airport yesterday when It violated interment at Golden Hill CemeIsrael air space over the Haifa tery. Mrs. Kavich, 55, a former area. After the American plane resident of Omaha, died Tuesday, failed to heed a radio order to "ept. 6, in San Francisco, Calif. land, one fighter fired a short Survivors include her husband, machine gun burst ahead of the a son, four brothers and four sisThe Workmen's Circle Dramatic plane, which then landed. Club will hold its business meetThe plane, Its crew and passening at 5 p. m. Sunday, Sept. 11, In were permitted to leave after Monument Dedication Ihe Labor Lyceum, 31th and Cum- gers Interrogation by Israel officials. ing sts. Following the meeting, Col. David Petereen, American air The family of the late Mrs. the birthdays of four members will Mary Telpner will dedicate a mon- bo celebrated. They are Mrs. Sam attache In Israel, was present during the Interrogation of the crew ument in her memory at 12 noon, Sussman, Louis Gitlin, Max Katz by Israel officers. Sunday, Sept. 11, at Beth El Cem- and Mrs. Harry Resnlck. etery. Friends and relatives are Choir director, Snm Zwerling Is invited to attend the memorial irogram chairman. All members 8ECUKITT FROOHAM . service. Washington (WNS)—The arbiare asked lo attend. trary nature of the security program makes it possible for securThe family of the late Mrs. Sam ity officials with anti-Semitic bias Smead will dedicate a monument to pin security risk lalwls on Inin her memory at 2 p. m., Sunday, nocent Jews, Will Moslow of the Sept 11 at the Golden Hill CemeAmerican Jewl.sh Congress testitery. Friends and relatives are inThe Beth Israel Sunday School fied Oils week before a Senate vited to attend the memorial serv111 open this Sunday morning, Subcommittee investigating the ice. ept. 11. The first session will Federal security program. Mr. Mnslow, counsel for the leet from 9 to 10:30 n. m. and The family of the late Morris the Eecond session will meet from American Jewish Congress, made P.osenr,tein will dedicate a monu- 10:30 to 12 noon. New registra- the assertion In reply to a query ment in his memory at 2:30 p. m., tion applications will be accepted by a committee member whether Sunday, Sept 11, at Fisher Farm n opening day. antl-Semltlsm was n factor in the Cemetery. Friends and relatives The Sunday School will not meet security program. The AJC spokesare invited to attend the memorial September 18 because of the Knsh man pointed out that evidence of service. Hashanah Holiday. Sessions will nntl-SomitIc prejudice wns found be resumed Sunday, Sept. 25. In the Fort J'onmouth firings. He said many Jewish employees were Baer Reappointed fired nt Fort Monmouth ond that Professor Hans Baer. director of some were reinstated only after the Center Piano Studio, who Jewish groups pointed that n distaught piano instruction partproportionately large number of time last semester at Dana ColJews had been' branded as rir.ks, lege in Blair, Nebr, has been reMemorial Services will be held adding that a Fort Monmouth senamed piano instructor for the t Beth El Cemetery, 84th «and L curity officer charged with harschool year 3955-56. . .,, itroets, Sunday, S e p t II, at 11:30 bOrine . anti-Jewish bios, was reClasses at the Center Piano . tn. Families and friends . are moved from his post following dcStudio In Omaha will continue and (teked 'to cornc. t o , pay their ret nionds by Jewish Rroups of govern* new students win be accepted. jrierit /pvfc'w. of iho'canos. ' ....
Workmen's Circle To Meet Sunday
B.I. Sunday School Open Sept.IT
Beth El Annual Memorial Services
Beth Israel Annual Memorial Services Rabbi Benjamin Groner announces that the Annual Memorial Service:; will take place this Sunday, Sept, 11. Services at the Golden Hill Cemetery will start at 11 u. m. Services nt the Beth Ilamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery will begin at 2 p. m ( nabbi Groner and Cantor Ell Kagan will officiate at the services at both cemeteries. Itubbl Groner, in commenting about the significance of Beth Is» rael'a Annual Memorial Service* Raid: "Participation In this service represents a most dignified oppor-> tunity for the mcmbership-at« large to pay tribute to the de« parted leaders whose vision and devotion have made Beth Israel pre-eminent among the synagogue! of the Middle-west."
With the Folks At Home September 1: A Special Kldduih was given by Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz to honor their daughter t o n ralne on her engagement to Art Stein of Sioux City, la. Max Peltr, one of our residents, Is Lorraine's) grandfather. September 2: A. Fisher has donated wine for the Rosh Hashanah holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Gavcriman of St. Louis, Mo.,-are spending the Labor Day week-end In Omaha, Mrs. Gavenman is a daughter of Mrs. Bessie Friedel, one of our residents. S e p t e m b e r 4: Mrs. Bessie Schwartz is away for a few day* visiting her son and daughter-ln« law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz. September fl: The social season started with a birthday party for those residents who had birthdays during the months of July, August and September. Included amongst the celebrant* are: Pcslw Cohen, Anna Nachschoen, Goldie Spivak, B e c k I • Trellcr, Morris Ackcrman, Sam Z. Cohen. Ceorgc Pick-Patrick, Aaron Rnginsky and Oslas Weidmann. Th«;e birthday parties are given by the Bikur Cholim Society. Mrs. Mary Wine is president of the society and Mrs. Allen Zalkin Is In charge of these affair*. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the liikur Cholim Society. Coming Kvrnts: September 28— An afternoon party In scheduled to l>e held under the auspices of tho Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood. Mrs. Jack flramson is chairman. KpwJaJ Donation: An alr-condla tioner was donated to tho Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged by Dr. Philip Sber.
Registration Open At B.E. Sun. School Registration for Beth El Sunday school will open this Sunday, Sept. 11 from 10 a. m. to 12 noon in tho recreation room of the synagogue. Sunday School sessions will begin October 1G. A limited number of students of six yean; and older will still be accepted for Beth El Talmud Torah. Call the jiynaeoguc office, GL 3221.
Trusrin Named Harry Trustin, Treasurer of the Federation for Jewish Service, has teen named to the 1956 biennial national convention committee of the N a t i o n a l Jewish Welfaro Board, It was announced In New York City by Charles Aaron, JWB president The committee Is con> posed of 200 Jewish community leaders from all parts of the country.
Rabbi's Brother flabbi Irwln Groner, brother of Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue, has accepted hi* first post as spiritual leader ot B'nal Jacob .Synagogue in Little Rock, Ark. Rabbi Irwln Groner was recently graduated from the Hebrew Theological College of Chicago.. . ' '' ,
. September 0, 185S.
Council Women To Hear Abrahams Milton Abrahams, president o the United Community Services WiJl upeak on the V C S Story, a the regular meeting of the Oma ha section, National Council o Jewish Women Tuesday, Kept. 20, one o'clock luncheon in the Lod Room of the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Mike Freeman is pro gram chairman for the day. An Council's Community service volunteers, which include Chil dren Memorial Hospital, Well Baby Clinic, Omaha Hearing School, Veterans Hospital, Home for the Aged, Golden Ace Club, and community cooperation clmirman, wil be honored nt this meeting. • Luncheon chairman for this meeting are Mrs. George Kpitzcr, oralsted by Mrs. Jnclc Il.in and Mi*. Edward Green. Mrs. Henry Greenbcrg is decorations chairman. Mro. Stanford IJpsey is j;eneriJ program chairman for the year, and is assisted by u committee of Mesdames: Louis Slirier. Arthur Goldstein and John Solomon. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, president, will present t n 0 year's anticipated budget nt this meeting.
Graetz's to Mmh 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Leon Graetz will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at a family dinner to be given by their children nt 7 p. m., Saturday, Sept. 10 ot the Highland Country Club. Out-of-town guests will include: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Theodore and daughter, Judith Ann; Mines Joseph Cohn and Miriam Stern of Chicago, and Mm. Nathan Cohn of Los Angeles, Call/. Mrs. Theodore is the former Miss Isabclle flractz of Omaha.
Kadimch's Bake Sale at Brandeis Kadimah's annual Bake Sale will be held September 12 at J. L. Brnndels & Sons Department Store. Contact Bei-nfce Falk. RE 8290 or Kay Corey, RE 3988 If you need to have your cakes picked tip. Kadlmah Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold their first meeting of the fall season September 22 nt the home of Jdrn. M. Kagan, 552 S. 58th Rt. The business meetIng will be following a social program.
Library Lane Miss L Peltz Ily Itosclle Perils Smith 'The City of Hope," by Samuel H. Goiter, is among the inspiring new books available to patrons of the Jewish Community Library. Mr. Goiter, born in Russia Cl years ago, was determined upon coming to America, that he would avail himself und others of every educational, spiritual and physical opportunity possible. The author's phrase, "If the cause is right, the money will come from somewhere," threads its way through the book from the time Mr. filter first comes to Duurte, Calif., to the then small sanctuary for tuberculosis patients until, under his leadership, in spite of opposition from many quarters, the City of Hope emerges equipped to do battle against cancer, leukemia and heart disease in addition to TB. The growth of the City of Hope was slow and often discouraging; still the Jewish workers for this non-sectarian pillar of mercy never faltered, even during the depression, when funds were indeed difficult to raise. The prophet, Micah, uttered the credo of the Citj of Hope many centuries a^o when he said, "And what doth thy God require of tlioe except that ye love mercy, that ye judge wisely, and that ye walk humbly with thy God." The author himself became n cancer victim and thus from Us own proximity to death he arose nil tho more surely and sympathetically to strengthen those similarly afflicted, and to help lift the curtains of ignorance surrounding this "sacred cow" of n disease. There Is a fine chapter on doctors which explains why the doctor-patient relationship has deteriorated. For example . . . "the doctor had become so preoccupied with his new technical skills, which in turn led to specialization, that he lost the personal touch. Why had he not been able to combine the two?" Mr. Goiter believes that history benra out the fnct that human progress stems from affliction. His struggle and his success confirm his stoic attitude.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz nn nounce the engagement of thei daughter AH53 Lorraine to Ar: Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morri. Stein ol Sioux City, la. Miss Peitz attended the Stat< University of Iowa and her fiance has served in the armed forces for two years. No wedding date has been set.
Mizretchi Women The first meeting of the season will be held at the Jewish Community Center, Wednesday, Sept. 21. A dessert luncheon at one o'clock will precede the business meeting which starts at 2 p. m The newly elected officers will assume their posts. A program wil be presented. Following are the donors of the 1955 Donor Luncheon: Mmcs Ruth Ackerman, Max Arbitman Al Axelrod. B e s s i e Behn, I Biumkin, Wm. Bogdanoff, M Brodkey, Ida Brown, Sam Colick Ben Eiscnberg, Wm. Epstein, Nathan Fcklman, Rose Fogel, H Franklin, Rose Freiden, Louis Friedman, I. Carsick, L. Gerelick, Isadore Goldstein, J. Goodbinder. Sarah Gorelick, Meyer Green, B Grossman. Ben Handler, Geo. Kaplan, Meilach Katzman, Fannie Korney, Ton! Katskce, A. Llpsman, Joe Morgan. Sol Nogg, Julia Novak, II. Osoff, L. Papemy, Harry Paskowitz, Sam Platt, M. M. Po liakoff, Nathan Resnick, M. Ros•nsteln, Frank Sckar, B. Soshnik, Clara Tretiak, Mm. Weiner, Mary Zalk and Allen Zolkin.
JWV Auxiliary To Meet Sept. 22 Epstein-Morgan Post Auxiliary, JWV, will hold its first regular meeting of the season at 8 p. m. Thursday, Sept 22, in the Jewish Community Center. All members are urged to attend. All members who have articles for the rummage sale contact Yetta Saylan, WE 207L Tickets ore on sale for the JWVA card party to be held October 10.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Failc announce the birth of a daughter Fylis Lory, born August 12 at a local hospital Maternal ftrandpjjrents are Mr. and Mrs. D.ivid Lincoln of Omaha, and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jake Falk of Los Angeles, Calif. This is the couple's first child. Mrs. Falk is the former Mis:: Shirley Lincoln. . The senior Mrs. Falk is here for a three weeks' visit with her chil dren. A son Daniel Lawrence was bom Sunday, Aug. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fo;: at a local hospital. The couple has two other children Jani Ellen and Jonathan Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Philip II. Rosenblatt are maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. David Fox of Council Bluffs are paternal grandparents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Maynard Greenof Mount Vernon, N. Y., for> inerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a son David Asher. Mra. Greenberg Is the former Leah Mcndelson. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Mendelson and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenbcrg of Cedar Rapids, In.
T.I. Sisterhood District Conclave The district conference oi Temple Sisterhoods will bo held In Omaha, October 16, 17 and 18 at the Blackstone Hotel. Delegates will represent Colorado, . Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico and Nebraska at this conference. Mrs. Hugo Dalsheimer, of New York, National President of Temple Sisterhoods, will preside at the conference. Mrs. Clarence Bergman is general chairman of the conference and Is assisted by Mrs. Sam Zacharia, Mra. Eernberdt Wolf and Mrs. Ilenry Newman.
Served Buffet Stylo! All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P. M.
MIRIAM SHRIER DRAMATIC STUDIO Readings — Record Pantimime — Play* Clan and Individual InstructicMt ' Abo Morning Creative Dramatic Claucs for Children 4 and 5 ' CALL NOW
5221 Military
Holiday hint: whatever you bake
MAKES THE CAKE! Outbnkes any other method . . . any other Mix I New Dromedary gives you exclusive advantages no other cake mix .. .no other baking method ever had before: TWIN PACK • MIMCU SIIORrENIIIC • Pflt-CRUMtO MM FREE FAN LINERS . , . and Dromedary it koitier — yet costs at morel Tell your grocer jro» want Dromedary . . . la U s package m a t h s @ that tells fault's kosher!
Council Women The Omaha section of the Naional Council of Jewish Women will bold their first iegular board meeting of the year Thursday, Sept. 15, at the home of Mn. Sydney Brook*. Mra. J. M; Horwicb will be co-chairman for one o'clock coffee. Mrs. . Lloyd: Friedman, president will outline the year'* plans. Mrs. Abe Venger is Board Arrangements chairman.
Cleaned to Yoor Horn! •Hndln, • Uylnfl • R*palrSnf DON BERNSTEIN HA 15S4
GL 9320
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on /Sunday
Temple Israel Sisterhood will offer three courses In Judaism starting in November. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, Temple spiritual leader, will teach the courses. The Bible Study Group will study the Torah, its fables, history, law and poetry and its religious significance. Sessions wi'l be held nt 1 p. m., the first and third Thursday of each month with the last session on April 19. A dessert luncheon will be served. The Young Couples' Forum will feature basic Judaism—an informal discussion of Jewish belief and practice. Classes will be heW the second Wednesday of the month at 8:30 p. m., November to April. Functional Hebrew, a beginner1! reading course will be held at 10:30 a. m., each Wednesday, November to April. The registration fee Is one dollar per person for each course.
TO: All Employees of School Districts of the State of Nebraska, and County School Officials, Who Are or May, be Members of the School! Retirement System of the) State of Nebraska. f
Re-opening Soon
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Katleman of Los Angeles, Calif,, formerly of Omaha, visited friends and relatives here this week. They left Tuesday for Chicago, II).. and will stop In St. Louis, Mo, and Kantras City. Mo., on their return trip home.
Temple Courses To Start in Nov. j
Sunday Broncb
Engagement Told
Also: Pound Cake Mix • Gingerbread Mix ' Honey V Spies Cake Mix
: the only cake jnues packed in gold foil to protect their perfect freshness!
Let your own tasto prove fo you that
No One Can Make
Gefilie Fish As Good As
MANISCHEWiTZ Makes if! Made la tbt ndcra new Maoiichewiti kothcr food pilot « VJneknd, N. J. u» »tuoeiu • uits I* IUTIM
Pursuant to the provisions ot L. B. 330 of the Sixty-Seventh! Session of the Legislature Of Nebraska, notice is hereby givenj to each of you that you may, vote ot a referendum upon tbi, following question: "Shall service in positions ' covered by the Nebraska . School Retirement System A be covered by the Social \ Security Act?'r To be eligible to vote in such referendum, you must be em-l ployed in a position covered byi the School Retirement System' Mid be a member of it, and yon must have been employed ta> tuch position on the date ot thi» notice. . i Ballots will be available to employees of Class I School Dt*-I tricts on December 17, 1955, a*: the offices of the county super-l intendents of the counties in which such districts are located.1 Ballots will be available to em-)1 ployecs of Class II, Class UJ, Clas3 IV, and Class VI School Districts on December 16, 1855, at the office of the superintend* ent of schools in such districts. I An absent or disabled voter will, upon application in advance to hi3 county superintendent or, superintendent of the school In. which he is employed, as the case may be, be sent on absent' voter's ballot. f Voters will mark ballots accord-] ing to specific instructions provided therewith and mail caid ballots to the Supervisor ofi Social Security Referendum, I Room 2311, State Capitol Build-] ing, Lincoln 0, Nebraska. Ballot! to be counted must be pottmarked prior to midnight Da» ccmber 17, 1955. .. Dated this 6th day at t gi. September, W5& • ,
F. A. Herringtoa s Supervisor of Referendum
B'naiB'rith Bowling
Summer Recipes
"B" DIVISION IUg;h Games and Sorit'H Milt Cackin, 183— 536: Harvey Illntz. 185. -A" DIVISION IllCh Gaunt* and Series Jack Schragor 540. Lou Klein 518, Bob Passer 190—520. Bennett Baduziner 200—517. Lee Bern Bteln 917.
UORiCIIT COOLER 1 qt. Mankchewitz I3ui-,cl-.t, elnilod it cup sour cream Club soda xBorsclit cubes Strain boracht or mix in i blender at liiKh speed for ',4 mln utc. Vliip together with the sour cream. Place 1 bor&cht cube In each glass and fill %full with the borscht mixture. Gradually Til glass with club soda. James Joseph Guss, son of Mr xBorscht Cubes—fill ice cube and Mrs. Charles Guss. will cele- tray with i cups Manischewitz brate his Bar Mitzvah at 8:30Borscht and freeze. a.m.. Saturday morning. Sept 10, BOBSCIIT SHAKE at- Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to at-1 qt. Manischewitz Borscht, chilled 2'cups buttermilk tend the service and the recepMinced chives tion which, will follow. Strain borscht or mix in a blender at high speed tot % minute Astan Jews Combine thoroughly with buttermilk and chill. Serve In tall glasses New York (WNS)-Tho city of garnished with a sprinkle of Tashkent, capital of Soviet Asia, minced chives. now contains aty""00 Asian Jews and "scvet »,d" European Jews wh acuated Ouiz Box to TashKent durin • . j War II, By Rabbi Samuel i. Fox and who remained mere, it wax reported this week, by the New QUESTION: Why Is i t cusYork Time*, tomary to have a guest at the Thnre arc three or four syna- Sabbath table? gogue* in the city, the paper's ANSWER: This appears to bo Tashkent correspondent stated. an old established custom, dating beyond TalmudJc times. There were throughout the course Of Jew H:gh Holiday Tickets Uh history the wayfarers and the Tickets for the High Holiday poor who 'had no place for the Services at B'nal Jncob Adas Yesh- Sabbath meal. It became a reurun Synagogue arc available in sponsibility of the community t o the -nornlnga and evening), at Ad- accept them as guests. In many lert Delicatessen. 1513 N. 24th St.. communities the local authorities ani*. the synagogue office. actually compelled the people of Cantor T e s s l e r of Prague. the synagogue to take these guests Czechoslovakia, will chant the home on Friday night Rabbi Jacob Emden sharply criticized peomusVal portlom of the services. A Slichos Service will b held ple who refused to accept thin at midnight, Saturday, Sept, 10. responsibility as falling to fulfill their religious obligation. It wait n custom in Eastern comGraveside Prayers munities to collect food on Friday Gulden Hili Memorial Asiocla- afternoon for the poor and the tlon las made arrangement^ for stranger fso that n<- one would be ft without ndrqunte Subbnlh the •'?cital of grave*id<> prayers to be midfl at thr rciur^t nt visitor-: food. In some sects in Israel toduy Thh service will be cunlinucd un- this custom tins been reinstated and many a housewife will not til Yiwn Klppur. cumidei her Sabbath preparaHollywood (JTA)-Tin; lawyer tions dtiiif until she makes sure Wan explaining the ense to the hat she* lias niven some food for jurorx. among which was Crra-Rio the poor. Some believe this cusJesscl. Indicating the dazzling tom emphasizes that the Sabbath blonde defendent, the attorney itself is a worthy guest and can•aiJ: 'This young lady is suing a not t>c appreciated unless one has gcntlemnn for damages because a Sliest at his table. he stole a kiss. You are to decide how much she should bo awarded Any questions?" NEAR BETH ISRAEL Jesscl raised his hand and BRISK HOME Bilced: "How can « e decide the Value of her kisses without a samrhis Ixauiirul home in Counple?" try Club has prestige and dl|»nlty 2.'ixl5 living room with marble fire place, lart;e iliniiiR room all carpeted. Compact kitchen with loads of bullt-ins. Ceramic tili> bath with colored Cnobt M U w u uu«r fool rtaw' « fixtures. licautiful screened ID int. irwiu P M I . patio. All tiled basement with Jijrreot ret, tt 04 ccnti fui ner. u a n Ooij TIM Hr*M re*erv« ID< ncbr u UJE «?con(| fire place, also !i bath. alxt ai earfc vlYtrinrnxt>\ All this or just 524,950. and it New Vear Curds list won't last. To nee, call SATi and Bas Mit7vali congratu- Nonnrm Mnrsh. WE 4015, or lations also for all Jewish holi- Kd McGill. GL 91»:J. days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand. l.r>02 Dodce
Bar Mitzvahs
^ , —— \.
retorting wit. With the Nazi invasion of his homeland, Borge, who had all of £uruiic in laughter at his lampoonlnf: of Hitler, esTROH HIDDEM CELLARS (Copyrlcht, 1053, JTA.) caped to become a citizen of tho TO SWANK SALONSI United States. Although he had Hollywood—CBS Television has TEL AVIV (UP) — The ngnEed the exclusive services of become tho highest paid star of |>h«nomlnal growth of I»comedian Victor I3orf;e. Umlcr staj;e, screen, radio, and motion r&el's expanding tfxtila Industry fa u dramatic u ila the terms of the nurecment. Vic- pictures In nil Seandanavla and ascension from tin d!i tor will star in two special pro- much of IJurope, he s u d d e n l y cellura of iirurns and make ijuest appearances learned that In: would have to build y e a n ago on Kcveral network yerk'S. his reputation over aftain . . . start. where It «o<The special programs will pre- Inn wilh the .study of the English retly producr-il sent the droll Danish Jewish pian- laniru.'ice. His instant popularity unfforuu toist cumedian in typical one manwon him repeat cni:ae,cments in ths "lll performances, mid will be ,-mioni; nillht clubs, radio and television. n e w It the hi(:hlii:hts of the season's spe- Currently he is staniiii; on IiroiidAniiy, to thr cial iirof;raminlnij beiii;- devised by way In "Comedy of Music," which fashionJ'ulu CBS. Is now In its second capacity audi• b i t %*Since Victor ISorgc's recocuition ence year. Ions of the clothing worltl as one of Ami-rlea's foremost muwhero International dress desician cornedians, he has m-'uic Hollywood (JTA)—Judy Holli•linera view und Kradu tint liuest appearances on many toj) ilay tells us: "Jlcmcmber, when you young republic'^ fa--Jiiom im television programs, amoni; them are trllini; peoplq your troubles, among the most pronilsing of any country. On tho evo of "Toast of the Towii" anil "I'ei'hon half of them aren't interested nnd to Person." th i re-fhtabUtthmtnt of Isrnrl the other half are Kind to see you're and wlille Ifritiili forcrs wern Before his success in America, finally cetlinr; what'B comlng'W •till in the country the teitlle Victor was hailed as Copenhagen's you." Industry wan assigned tho twwuwwwwwvwwwwwwwwmwtwwwi Important tank of undercover production of uniform* anil klta for Jewlfth force*. Toduy, with the aid of many hunt!* red* of thousand* of dollara from State of lararl Dond Invcatnunta the clothing InNewest and Most Complete Line duatry ha» expanded to becomt on* of tiie country's foremost Cards for Friends and Every Member har. currency camera tbroagh aalea of a wide variety of of the Family Items rsnfiiur (ram aport elothej to rainwear.
Oils from Israel
WOMEN WANTKD To soil new gift idea—photo china -full or part time--liberal commission. Call PR 0857.
Film Shorts
Jewish New Year Cards j
A Completely Modern
Built-in ELECTRIC RANGE OR ONE OF THESE lt»m ( i t • / f I t w
••••f(cf«r«ri Cr«il«y Mgltolra OtMral ElKtrU
NOTtl I I rou purdUM AH eletirtf ranitr durioft I t a omtnt [KrWd tuA ttiould b« • vrinnFr. p u f lull IMir> chu« prlr« will be refubdt d in Ucu of Ui« pritr
Magic CM Iltctrla Pkllco ICA Eitatt T«fp*a Elcctrli
HERE'S ALL YOU DO A jury of Omaha housewives, who now cook electrically, hai predetermined the order of preference for these 10 BIG ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRIC COOKING. \ FIRST—you ara to arrange thne 10 advantages of electric coolinir to that their order matches that of the order of preference predetermined by the Jury. .
THEN—la J5 words, ar l * u , tall w k y iim'i
Ilk* »o cook en a modtri •ItetrU n » f t . Thai's all \M. Is ID Itl
Under the Direction of
Professor Hans Etaer Is Accepting Enrollments for the
LET YOUR NEIGHBOR HELP YOU! She may win ens of them
1502 Dodge
Patronize Our Advertisers.
Want Ads
Friday, Sfptimhtr 8, 1955.
Nationally famous make. Complete with bake racks, cook set, and thermostat.
Tulle to your friend or neighbor w h o now coolu electrically. She can help you decide the proper order of preference of the 10 big advantages of electric cooking. If you wio one of the pritei, she will win, too. Be sure and have her sign your official rntry bl.inlt.
School Year 1955.56 Piano Lessons for Children and Adults, Beginners, Advanced and Professional Students Phone JA 1366 or WE 8681
Get complete Information and official entry blank from any Nebraika-lowa Electrical Council Appliance Dealer, Thil i l a local eonfoif—ipomorod by iho
NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL 1104 W.O.W. Building, Omaha, Nebraska Contest dotes Midnight, October 27,1955