September 16, 1955

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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roih Haihonah 57I6—Friday, September rf, I955

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Vol. XXXIV—No. I

Human Rights-Where Do We By Dr. Nahum Qoldmann, President, World Jewish Congress (During the year 5715 just past, 94 international agencies, representing tens of m i l l i o n s of people throughout the earth, met at Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations, Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations te> consider ways of eliminating prejudice and discrimination. This unusual meeting had a deep significance for the Jewish people, a fact noted by Dr. Nahum Goldmaun, president of the World Jewish Congress who headed a large WJp delegation, in a major address to the conference. Portions of his address arc re-printed below not only because they contain specific proposals in tbe fight against bigotry, EDITOR'S NOTE.) One of, the main aims and values oi the United Nations when it was established, was to serve as a great instrument to give expression to the urges, the demands, the complaints, of discriminated groups, and 'to convince them that a serious effort would be made by the United Nations to improve their situation, to heai their complaints, and to satisfy their just demands, in an orderly constrnet've process. Unfulfilled This solemn obligation has not been fulfilled. After a decade oi' consistent and un-

Meaningful Steps In Civic Liberties By thll Baton Staff Counsel, fhe American Jewish Congress During tbe year 6715, the country witnessed a number of tentative ad' vances in' the field of political liberties which augur well for the future. During the <ame year, however, there re malned in the area of civil rights many problems — which demand continuing effort on the part of all Americans. In the following article, Mr. Baum reviews developments in the field during the past year, emphasizing those problems that will arise in 5716.—Editor's Note. The laws of physics and logic notwithstanding, it is clearly possible in tho field of civil rights to go backward and forward, up and down at precisely the same time. Justifiable satisfaction over events that bave been accomplished dnriug the year 5715 must bo tempered by equally justifiable apprehension over what they may portend. The imperative goal for Jewish organizations remains that of helping forgo clear community insight into the crucial need for full enjoyment of civil rights and assisting in framing a feasible plan for the early attainment of that goal. Our objective in the coming years must be to remedy the dual want of purpose and program thnt has been characteristic of too many of our public agencies. A caso in point is President Eisenhower's message to Congress on H a y 27 urging comprehensive revision of, tho Refugee Relief A c t of 1952. U n questionably, tho President's message represented an encouraging indication of growing sensitivity to demands for NHter administration of our immigration statutes. But public interest in immigration tends to be.spasmodic and oncven. And Presidential support of better immigration practices waxes and wanca accordingly. The broad public protest that followed in tho wake of the inexcusable and summary dismiss sal of former Commissioner Edward , Corsi brought nbout by the cooperative efforts of Soot>t WcLcod and Congressman Francis Walter was thus in some measure acknowledged and even turned to a d v a n t a g e But the President's message hardly constituted a reliable warrant of a fixed Administration determination to redesign the baaio features of our immigration policy. More importantly, at no time during' the year did tho President make any effort to redeem his 1952 election campaign pledges that tho McCarran-Walter Act would be radically and exhaustively revised and particularly that tho infamous National Origins Quota System would be expunged from our statu t e s Belated'attempts to salvage the remnants of our temporary immigration lawn are no longer able to meet our moi>t urgent requirements. Both tho President and tlio Congress must b e madn to realize that no meaningful or lasting solution to our immigration problem can be achieved until Congress brings its'-lf to deal directly and forthrightly with the National Origins Quota Rvslem .ind the numi roiis other inequities entrenched in the McCarran-Waltnr monstrosity. Brickcr Amendment On yet. another front, civil rights a i h a n c e s during tlie past year were heriouMy jeopardized by the attempts, more persistent than laudable, of Senator Brickcr and his cohorts to reintro:liice into the Congress for tho third >j n joint resolution proposing an niirildment to the Constitution, liinit•n;f the treaty-malting powers of the government, and curtailing the President's power in this came area. Whatever else may be said of Senator B a c k e r ' s repeated and diehard attempts to jam-his measure through the Senate, they have in any event removed "all doubt that his proposal is conceived out of a n unending animosity to tho

United Nations rather than out of any regard for tho protection of constitutional liberties. At the time it was first proposed, Senator Briclcer'a measure wa» able to attract support from many quarters in the Senate. But inereased understanding has brought with it increased aversion. It is widely reoognired that if enacted, tho Brick-

er Amendment would co_mpel this country to Htand aloof and alone, separate from the remainder of the world and • incapable of joining in cooperative ventures, no matter how salutory or desperately needed. Administration opposition counted heavily in preventing enactment of the Amendment last year. The danger remains, however, that in order to appease the Bricker faction and bargain for Senatorial support for other parts of its platform, the Administration will continue on a policy of withholding support for ratification of the genocide convention, and of sniping at the United Nations draft covenants on human rights. Segregation In the field of public school segragation, the one area in which genuinely significant advances h a v o been scored in the past few years, the decreo handed down on May 31 by the United States Supreme Court closes one historic phase and opens another. We had waited expectantly for the Court's decision hoping it would constitute a definitive and classic statement of the obligation of all public schools, no matter where situated or what their character, to extend without distinction or discrimination equal services to every child within their jurisdiction. However optimistically it is read, tho opinion in fact falls short of this objective. Although it cannot be regarded as in any sense a retreat from the Court's earlier insistence on the elimination of segregation, the decree allows willful evasion of its underlying purpose. Because the Court failed to specify any fixed date as a deadline for compliance with its decree by tho several states, and because it left open to tho vagaries of local judicial and administrative interpretation what shall constitute reasonable promptness in tho execution of its mandate, the Court has virtually ensured long and tedious litigation before segregation is eliminated. As a matter of law, there would apear to be no further basis for subterfuge or delay in eliminating all segregation. As a matter of practice and hard experience, it in likely that many of the Southern states will now be encouraged to be dilatory, reluctant and grudging, An instance of die-hard Southern mentality already is evident in, the threats .by the state of Georgia to discharge every public school teacher who maintains membership in t h e NAACP. It is increasingly clear that the constant spur and stimulus of a scries of lower court decisions will be required to avoid an infinitely protracted campaign of compliance that would have the same ultimate effect as a program of noncompliance. It is no longer legitimate to sanction; delay merely to work out feasiblo administrative schedules, Given sufficient will and a minimum of ingenuity, administrative- problems have a

(Continued to 2-A)

Services For High Holy Days

Next 100 Years »***•*A Prophecy By Barnett R. Brickner The Tercentenary celebration which has occupied the nttenioh cf the American Jewish community throughout the ' past year is now over. It is only natural that we sIiouU turn our thoughts to tho future and speculate on what lies ahead for thu Jewish community in the next, the fourth century. When we i>cws came to these shores in 1654, we promised Peter Stuyvesant that we would always take care of our own poor. We have not only kept that promise in the United States but all over the world. In fact, philanthropy has been our major concern, It has cost over thrco hundred million dollars a year to take care of the vai>t Jewish network of local, national, and overseas relief; to help with the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel; to defend ourselves against anti-Semitism; to cover our religious needs. In the last seven years this has mounted to over or.e billion dollars, exclusive of money which Jews have con-

President's Message Waihingfon [JTAI—Preiidenf Dwight D. Eiienhower extended, the following greetings to the Jowi of America, through the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, on the occasion of Rosh Hashonah: "On tho occasion of tho JowUh New Year, I extend greetings to, all Amoricans of tho Jewish faith. "I hope that your observance will renew in each of you a devotion to tho causo of peace and a determination to help advance^ the wslfaro of your follow men in accordance with tho ancient spiritual and moral teachings of your religion. To poople of overypersuasion these teachings aro a continuing guide in tho search for justice and good will among nations and a l e t t e r life for men, women, and children everywhere in tho world." Vice-Presidont Richard M. Nixon issued the following


"It Is reassuring, In greeting you on the occasion of tho New year 5716, to know that there is a continuity of recorded time and civilization going back that far, with all it connotes for the human mind and hoart. It has taken strong porsorvance and strong religious faith to como this far along tho way. "May tho New Year reinforce in all our hearts the forvent hope for greater understanding, brotherhood and peaco throughout tho • ; •. . world."

tributcd to the general Coommunity Chests. It has been estimated that the average Jew gives about six times as much to charity-a.s the average non Jew. This generosity does not mean that Jews are richer than other people, but that tradition has conditioned them with a stronger sense of social responsibility and a keener emotional response to human needs. And certainly these needs have been worldshaking in the last two decades. Changing Needs Now that the needs of Jewish life are changing—philanthropy need not play so important a role. The reasons the many. First, immigration, the largest single factor in our philanthropic program, has virtually ceased. Jews now established here have become selfsupporting. Secondly, the government with its vast program of social security "from the ci-adle to the grave," is easing tho burden of private philanthropy, In the third place, Europe has become virtually judenrein; Hitler and the'war took care of that. There remains only Israel and the tragic plight of the eight hundred thonsand Jews in North Africa, many of whom will eventually be resettled in Israel. .Despite the present tensions, I believe the Arab world will come to appreciate that the Jews are peace-Ioving, not belligerent and that they arc in Israel to sta>, as guaranteed under the U.N. Charter; that they do not mean to'expand thcii present frontiers, nor will they permit their contraction; that they are a tremendous asset for democracy and euoi.umic improvement; 'that"Jews and' A.'HIJH are of thu Name rui'i\j that Israel does not wont to be mi island in mi Arab sea, but intergrated into the Near Bant; in other words, that Arabs und Jews need each other. This inoB^'Arab leaders know, but for reasons of "saving face" are not yet prepared to acknowledge. I"l timately, then, a viable, durable peace is inevitable. Israel, still an infant state, will need our nursing for many years to come. It is remarkable how much has already been accomplished with BO little. Nothing like it has even been achieved in history. I believe Israel is destined to grow into a community of two to three

(Continued to 2-A)

Beth El Rosh Hashonah Friday, Sept. 16 Evening Service 8:15 p, in. ' Saturday, Sept. 17 Morning Service 8 a.m. youth Service 11 a. m. Jlincha-Maariv 6 p. m. ' Sunday, Sept. 18 Morning Service 8 a. m. Youth Service .11 a. m. Mincha-Maai-iv C p. m.

Yom Kippur


Sunday, Sept. 2 5 ; . Kol NWro

0" p. m. Monday, Sept. 26 Morning Service 8, a. m. Vizkor Service 10:30 a. m. Youth Service 1 p. m. Slincha-Neilah Seryicu 3:45 p. m.

Beth Israel and Beth Hamedroth Hagedol Rosh Hashonah Friday, Sept. 16 • Evening Service G p, m. Saturday, Sept, 17 Morning Service .7:30 a. m. Junior Congregation 10:30 a. m. Evening Service 6:15 p. m. Sunday, Sept. 18 Morning Service^ 7:80 a. m, Sermon 10:30 s. jn. Junior Congregation 10:30 a, m. Evening Service '.6:15 p. m.

Yom Kippur Sunday, Sept. 25 Kol Nidro Sermon

6s]5 p. m. 0:45 p. m.

Monday, Sept. 26' Morning Service 7:30 a. m. Sermon 10:30 a. m. Junior Congregation . . . . ; . 10:30 a m. Yiskor Services , ,11 a. mKc-i-lah 5:30 p. oi.

Temple Israel Rosh Hashonah


' ,",'

Friday, Sept.'16 Eyi'iiing iSt'rvice

M p. in.

Saturday, Sept. 17 . Morning .Service JO a. m. Children's Scrvicu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 a. in. Story Hour . \ .10-11 a. m.

Yom Kippur Sunday. Sept. 25 Evening Service . . 8 p. in, Monday, Sept, 26 Morning Service . ; . . . . . . . ,>..„. .10 u. ni. Children's Service .'.1:15 p. m.

remitting effort, of great hopes, but of bitter disappointments, no International Bill of Human Eig-hts has come into existence. There is not even a right or opportunity for discriminated groups or individuals to bring their complaints for hearing and examination before an authorized organ of the United Nations. None of the Great Powers shows any inclination, willingness or readiness to fulfil their pledged obligations "to take joint and separate actions to promote universal respect and observance of human rights and freedoms." Worse Today The situation is worse today, in niuny respects, than it was in tbe days of the League of Nations which did establish the right of petition. At the League of Nations there were notable coses in which the World Jewish Congress was concerned, w h e r e such petitions brought about important and positive results. Today, this is impossible. Where do we now stand? Wliat docs the situation demand? Tho experience of the Jewish people, perhaps the most grievously afflicted victim of racial and religious prejudice, leads us to the conviction thnt the battle against discrimination and prejudice cannot be won in the field of generalized propaganda alone or in an appeal only to'good sense and good will.

Action By Law "We believe that action to eradicate discrimination can be effective only in the field of the law, by legislative mens• ures on the international and national planes. To argue thot adoption by Inw 'of a new moral norm must await prior acceptance by virtually the whole population' of a country means its postponement indefinitely. Nothing edu- ' cates so much as law and its operation will create such acceptance. Accordingly, we propose: -(1} That we address- a solemn and earnest appeal to tho'Powers to revise •. their/ policy ou humain rights, within the United Nations. The time has como , tot a new approach;designed to create legally b'inding.instrdmentsi to promote respect for.hjiman rights and to secure their observance; (2) ThatJt.js indispensable that the right of recognized non-governmental bodies to make representations to the UN on policies and acts of discrimination and to ,securo public examination . of -such, grievances, should be establisbed iand accepted by the State Mein, bers of the UN; and (3) That we -urge Governments to adopt legislation prohibiting and penalizing discrimination in their countries. Such legislation would not only protect victims of discrimination and prejudice, but would create new stand• ards of behavior and exercise a power• ful educational influence in their elim. ination. ; Faith in Strength "We should not rely exclusively or ' primarily on an appeal to government*. We should1 not underestimate our own strength. Wo sit here representing many 'millions of people. Never in history -was public opinion, if properly guided and directed, as powerful as it is today. Governments will be the last to follow. Politicians rarely create new orders. What'they do is to crystallize, organize and legalize them. Speak As a Jew I speak here as a Jew representing ' a people whose history is perhaps the most drumntio and tragic expression of .racial and religious discrimination .and persecution, especially during the .Nazi period. ,We have lived for cei>turies, discriminated against and persecuted all over the world, as miml) minorities. We havt survived becaimo' we never gayu up hope or refused to yield to brute' strength and goveni.ment'al power.;.We continued to proteW and to proclaim our rights to equality and freedom. 'fliis history of our people gives UM the moral right to tell you that more .important even than pressures ou gov.cruinents, more potent than . critiuiNiu ', of tlieir shortsigiited and opportunistic policies,.^ ,fajth in our own strength, in .the determination to fight for our just , rights,, andJi'i,the deep conviction thnt we, the people, will finally win the day. Without this hope, the future would be lucre than grim and an explosion worso than the- Second World War would be -Inevitable and would finally . destroy.civilization. With this hope nml real determination to'^o on fighting, there, iti a change- and it is our only chance— to ..reduce the terrible tension , of our period and to band over to u , new generation a better world.

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ftafea-iHE JEWISH PRESS—ftosli H.tKon.K 571*—Friday, StpfemW yf, 1955


Next One Hundred Years (Continued from 1-A) million self Jiusteining Jews, who will make their contribution to Jewish life and to mankind. Hie Future One hundred years from now, I believe, there will be two great Jewish senters in the world — America and Israel; America, predominantly a religious center, and Israel, a sovereign nation with a peculiar de->tiny which God alone has in store for her, to be i light unto the nations—an or lagoyim. Short of world war and Arab-Ibraeli war, both of which I do not believe will come to paaa, American Jewry will become more homogeneous. It will have the opportunity to look Inward, to appraise itself, and to realize that its future will be that of a religious community. I Bay religious, and not theological, advisedly, for traditionally Judaism has always encompassed the whole of life. The vast number of synagogues, temples, schools and community centers being erected today are an indication of this trend. In the framework of religion, the Jew can express what is highest and finest in his being and make his greatest spiritual contribution to America. This Jewish ' return to religion comes at a time when there is a resurgence of faith among all free people, and I believe that Jews will be in the vanguard of those leading humanity back to God. God started a new experiment on this continent, and the Jews have fitted His pattern. St. John Crevecoeur, living in George Washington's time wrote

prophetically in Mb Letters to an American Farmer: "Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men." And here I foresee ont of the Jewish melting pot a new American Jew arising. In his veins raw the blood of all the Jew» who settled here —Spanish and English and German and Dutch and Russian and Polish. His children and grandchildren and greatgrandchildren will have norje of the ghetto characteristics of their forefathers. They will be tall and broad-shouldered, even blond, keen of mind, and what is more important, emotionally secure. They will not be afraid or ashamed of being Jews, for they will be deeply rooted in America. This is the land for which their father died. And these new;. American Jews will have a hunger to know more about their religion and to transmit it to their children. I look for American Jewry to develop a Golden Age of learning and religions culture that should outstrip even that of Babylon and Spain. No soil has ever been so favorable as America for this purpose. Here we have a tradition of sympathy and understanding for religious differences that has never been known in the world before. A New Judaism I foresee the emergence of a new Judaism—an American Judaism, which will not be Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform in the patterns that we now know them, but a fusion of the best in all of them. Rationalism and progressive liberalism will predominate; yet it will be warmed and enriched by

the fervor and color of traditional Judaism. This new Judaism is being accelerated by the movement to the suburbs. It has been estimated that 1,200,000 Americans move to the suburbs every year, and a very significant part of our young Jewish population is represented in the forty million who now live there. The whole of Jewish life is inevitably being affected by suburban living. The young people are not able to maintain three different types of "religion,"' and they will have to settle on the synagogue which will suit the majority. They are, for the most part, college-bred and liberal in their thinking, free from the fanaticism of 'their immigrant forebears. They are religious trail-blazers, striking out on their own. The future synagogue will be small, consisting of several hundred families instead of thousands. This will enable the rabbi and eongregant to have an Intimate and personal relationship. He will be their teacher in religion, their moral guide, their counselor, and per-

sonal friend as well as communal leader. Jewish Academy 1 predict that the synagogue of the future will be a teaching synagogue, a Jewish acaden.y, where the emphasis will not be BO much on moralizing as on instruction. There will be great expansion of Jewish education for adults as well as for children, which will give our religiously lost generation a chance to catch up with the content and meaning of Judaism. ' I foresee the synagogue restored to its former centrality everything Jewish will take place within it* confines. It will again become the trl-part house it once was; the Beth Tefilah (the home of prayer), the Beth Hamldrash (house of study), and the Beth Am (meeting house), patterned very much like the old New England meetinghouse of Colonial days. I foresee a closer, more friendly relationship between the Synagogue and the Church. Today they are different, each going its own way. Tomorrow! though still different, they will walk and work together in mutual under-

standing, with the heightened purpobe that together they must combat the breakdown in private and public morals and the anti-Got1 philosophies. As for anti-Semitism, I predict that it will abate in this country. It may never disappear, because frustration, jealousy, suspirion, and dislilco of tIndifferent arc all part of liumuu nature. Happily, the climatn of American public opinion is suci) that it will not tolerate open and overt anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a social cancer that, devitalizes and destroys the body politic that harbors it. An foi social discrimination, an emotionally secure Jew can ignore it. Assimilation Now, a final word about assimilation and intermarriage. I believe that both are op the increase, and yet not enouirh to be alarming or to threaten our survival. These are the inevitable consequences of living in a free land where our children mingle with those of other faiths. 1 Delieve, however, that, with more intenu'vn Jewish education and better home and synagogue influence, intermarriage will not increase appreciably. I have tried to project the picture, an I aee it, of the America Jewish community of the future (J believe in America. I am optimistic about the future of the Jew and Judaism here. 1 believe

tbat r>e have something very positive to contribute to American thought and life. We are the heirs of a great prophetic faith, whose basic concept is the dignity and the divinity of man. It it the Jewish idea which underscores.democracy and ^ives dimension to the American vision. Our might and our power as a people lie not ill material achievements, but in releasing to America the spiritual potential which is latent in us us the heirs of a moral covenant. With this vision before us, let us face the fourth century confidently; and may God bless America and all its people.

Holiday Quiz QUESTION -. What is the reason for these different types of Shofar notes I ANSWER: The Bible asks us to declare Rbsh Hashanah as a "Yom Teruah" which is often translated as a "day of blowing." The Talmud isn't sure whether the required sounds should be those of sobbing, -which would be done by the "Shevorim," those of the wailing which would be accomplished by the "Teruah" or both of these together. Thus all three possibilities are exhausted. Indeed, life provide! occasions for any of these emotions or a combination and the shofar reminds us of all of them.

Civil Liberties (Continued from 1-A) way of resolving themselves. Our primary objective is to put an end to the continuing deprivation of rights and to ensure that this generation of school . children, not the next, shall be given abcess to a school community in which racial bars and divisions are nonexistent.Enforcement Crucial The significance of any Judicial holding or a legislative enactment is dependent in large part upon the enthusiasm, dedication and understanding with which it is received. The Supreme Court's rulings will not be significant unless they are supplemented and abetted by the determined and undiminished support oi civil agencies, including the Jewish agencies. We dare not grow lax merely because an opinion has been handed down. Enforcement, as we know from our experience with fair employment practices and fair educational practices laws in the various states, is the most crucial problem currently confronting, civil rights agencies. ' In the field of political liberties as contrasted with that of civil rights,-a feeling of optimism may be genuinely warranted. Recent action in the courts and Congress unmistakably indicate that they will no longer give license to excess merely because it is committed in the name of national security. This basic change in mood is no less real because it must be spelled out from many minor advances. None of these gains alone may be conclusive but all of them, emphasize the essential formula of our democracy, namely, that no government no matter how grudging can long remain unresponsive to the will of the American people to achieve and maintain freedom. Hennings Committee dm! of the most noteworthy of these iichances was the action taken last May by the Senate in appropriatinf "i-30.000 for the creation of a sub,conimiftpc on constitutional rights of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The new group is charged with general jurisdiction over matters affecting constitutional liberties and is directed to fill- a report not later than January 31, T)."iC, containing its findings and rec'iinmendations. Chairman Hennings of Missouri, who with Senators Langer and O'Mahoney constitutes the committee, hns already given notice of his determination: "The subcommittee does not intend to row with muffled oars toward concealed objectives. We have heard'.from many sources that the Bill ;>f Rights is being eroded and that individual rights a r e .being1 invaded. Therefore, we would like to conduct an open examination into the v a r i o u s fields embraced within that subject" The appointment of the Hennings committee was quickly followed in the Senate by a surprising unanimous vote adopting the Humphrey-Stennis Resolution creating ah independent Commiiaion to review the entire Federal . . wettrity program. An identical resolution h4s -likewise been passed by the SoUS*, its sponsor being none other • tfian Representative Francis Walter. ," Meanwhile, one investigation into

Judaism In

tbe operations of our security program already is under way. The Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee is conducting a series of hearings into the operation of the loyalty program and has given an opportunity for the submission of sharp and pointed testimony by former Solicitor General Philip Farlman, former Senator Harry ML, Cain of Washington, now a member himsel fof the Security Activities Control Board. Both in his appearance before the Post Office Committee and in other public addresses during the: year Senator Cain has made a series of notable speeches analyzing the defects of the Attorney General's list and summoning public attention to the manner in which the spirit of the Bill of Bights has been infringed by this technique.


The courts have been virtually as diligent as the legislature., In a long overdue opinion the United States Court of Appeals in the Scbachtman ease recently held unanimously that the State Department does not possess plenary and unreviewable authority in determining which citizens shall be per. mitted to travel abroad and which shall not. After yean of suffering arbitrary administrative action the courts have finally instructed the Department of State that the right to travel abroad is "a natural right" that may not be unreasonably denied; The doctrine of passport infallibility has been exploded. The most encouraging aspect of what amounts to a sea-change in political opinion is that it is shared at least partly by established conservatives like Cain, Stennis and Representative Walter. We have reason to hope, there* , fore, that this reversal reflects a'genu- , ine stirring of conscience rather than mere pre-eampaign record-making. Evidence that the threshhold of public tolerance of extremism at least has been reached is abundant and nothing better illustrates it than the retirement of Senator McCarthy from front-page; headlines to back-rage fillers and hin reduction from a mind-shattering shout, to little more than a reminiscent whimper. . ' Path Ahead : We must, of course, be on guard against manufacturing a trend out of a scries of isolated events or even 8 record of achievement ont of a mere trend. Unquestionably, however, recent tentative advances in the'field of civil liberties represent the first meaningful steps taken by official agencies since the appointment of the LaFollette Committee in 1936 to consider means of protecting private belief from official abuses. This is an immeasurable advance in tone and temper, if not yet in substance, over recent Congresses. Certainly, we are yet a long way from full and effective implementation of the Bill of Rights but it is.plain that we are even a longer way from the forfeiture v of , our constitutional rights. Now that the path has been broken toward the more perfect enjoyment of our civil freedoms the will and ingenuity must be found to make that path a well-traveled road and to insure that our civil liberties are again made vital and alive.

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Philanthropist, financier and communal leader, Jacob Henry Schiff translated the creed of Judaism into action. His public activities were inspired by his affection for his adopted country, an affection which^was combined with religious' reverence.

Appreciative of the importance of high'er Jewish learning, he contributed to schools for the training of rabbis and teachers. He supported the Jewish Division of the New York Public Library and created the Semitic Museum of Harvard University.

While- giving generously fo many non-sectarian and non-Jewish philanthropic endeavors and insti- • tutions, he did not overlook the needs of the Jewish community.

The words of a memorial resolution of the American Jewish Committee reads: "He never wearied of doing good and his helping hand and his loving heart were never withheld . . . (He was) a noble exemplar of an American and a Jew, jealous for his country and zealous for his faith and always prepared to do what was in his power to secure justice for his brethren and for all men wheresoever it was dented them and to add to the justice which he thus demanded that goodness and mercy to which the weak are entitled at the hands of the strong."

A founder of the American Jewish Committee, he was active in raising a fund in 1917 of five million dollars for American Jewish Relief Committee and the Jewish Welfare Board when the latter expanded its services to minister to social and spiritual needs of Jaws in the armed services.


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makes fashions, of course !

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N#w Y«ar't EdIHon—THE JEWISH PRESS—Jtoih Hohonsh 571*—Fridsy, * < 1955

A Milestone in Legal History The now-famous Prini: V. McOinlcy libel trial in Newwark, N. J., marks the first time in American court history that a notorious anti-Semite has been brought to justice and convicted for defamation. In view of the farreaching effect of the lawsuit upon all Americans and, particularly, upon the American Jewish community, the American Jewish Congre.18 here makes available, for the first time, a full discussion of the celebrated libel case.— Editor's Note. A lawsuit of deep significance for all Americans and particularly the Jewish community came to a successful end March 31 when a Superior Court jury in Essex County, N. J., returned a 480,000 verdict in faror of Dr. Joachim Printy Babbi of. Temple B'nai Abraham in Newark and' a national officer of tbe American Jewish Congress, in his libel action against Conde McGinley, editor and publisher of the anti-Semitic newspaper Common Sense. This verdict is the largest recovery in a libel action ever received in Ewex County. But the impact of the decision is in no way summed up by the Impressive size of tbe money judgment. The ontcome of Dr. Prinz' litigatiton constitutes unmistakable assurance of the essential balance and stability of American public opinion. f Irritant For the past ten years Common Sen«e'lias been, edited and published in Union, N. J., 'by Conde McOinley, a one-time lunch, wagon operator and short-order cook. Throughout most of this period the publication has indiscriminately loosed, its hostility against such diverse targets- as Jews, Zionism, the Talmud, Dean Atheson, the American Jewish Congress and those who urge fluoridization of public drinking water. If only because of the violent extremism qt their Viejra, Conde McOinlcy and his camp-followers have until recent yean been, for the most part, a source of minor irritation. Lately, however, McQinley has become the darling of some blff-money bigot* who have become tnehanted by the phenomenon in the antl-Semitio field of an operator who- is genuinely dedicated to his prejudices. Vituperation As Common Sense has gained in influence, tlift extravagance of its charges has increased. The paper con* stantly reports "Jewish plots" to undermine Christian civilisation. Testimony by McQinley indicated hi* belle! that American court* have been corrupted by Communists "Jike Justice Vrandcis." Common Sense maintains that Eisenhower is a "stooge" of tbe Marxists and is helping to fulfill the directives of the "Protocol! of Zion." The downfall of our economy is dictated by tho "Communist Jewish Federal Kcservc System." Some of the headlines of Common Sense provide a recognisable symbol of the editor's mentality. In ft special-is, sue that McQinley regards ( s one, of the most important document* ever to havo been published, a banner headlino proclaimed "ASIATIC M A R X I S T JEWS CONTROL ENTIRE WORLD AS LAST WAR COMMENCES . . . THOUSANDS OP PLOTTERS PLAC ED IN KEY POSITIONS BY INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT." The issue featured pictures of 36 prominent Jews, a good number of them member*, of thd Eisenhower administration. McGinley boasted that he ha* attributed 410,000 copies of this issue, and it i s estimated that various numbers of Common Sense ordinarily reach well over 100,000 reader* across the country. •Paper Condemned From time to time various public organization* and state agencies have expressed their revulsion over McGinley's activities. The Americanism Commission, a* well as the National Adjutant of the American Legion, have described them as inimical to the best interests of American democracy. Catholics were warned against Common Sense by tho Holy Name Society which observed that tho newspaper is antiSemitic and that "If it would attack one religion, it would attack all." Such conservatives commentators as t h e Hearst columnist, George E. Sokolsky, havo denounced Common Sense as impairing the fight against Communism by exploiting anti-Communist fears as a cloak for anti-Jewish prejudice. The Houso Committee on Un-American Activities has denounced Common Sense for using patriotic claims as a "poor disguiso for some of the most vitriolic hate propaganda ever to como to tho attention of tho Committee" and has characterized some"" of McGinley's asloeiates as "nativA Fascists and hate racketeers." Finally, tho General Asicrnbly of New Jersey, tho legislature of McGinley's own homo state, passed a resolution to "make known its abhorrence of the organized campaign of prejudice and bigotry and of the author of that scurrilous literature, Condc McGinley." Despite these condemnations, no specific action was ever taken to call McGinley to account until the Prinx

action. Over the yuis Jcwi'-li organizations have grown rduttaiit to urge recourse to liM actions n>» <i nutn^ ul deterring circulation of nice hlandus. It was felt, on the one hand, that an action in libel might be misconstriW as an encroachment upon tree speech; and, on the other, that it might provide a forum and an audience for hatemongers whose message might otherwise be restricted to his own ingrown clique. Rabbi Prinz' succesHful suit demonstrates decisively that not only, is a libel action a form of legal protection perfectly compatible with firm devotion to 'freedom of eipression but that, indeed, it may prove A useful instrument in encouraging the free voicing of dissenting or legitimately nonconformist views. ( Cue History The suit brought by Rabbi Prinz originated when the April 1, 1952, issue of Common 8ense published the following statement; "Red R a b b i Joaohlm Print of Newark, N. J., who not unlike Albert Einstein was expelled from Germany for Revolutionary Communistic activities, is the honorary Vice-Presldent of the American Jewish Congress." Rabbi Prinz shortly thereafter addressed a letter to McGinley denying any affiliation or sympathy with Communist or Communistfront activities and demanding a retraction. McGinley refused to print a retraction. In March, 1953, Rabbi Prins filed a complaint not only seeking damages to compensate for actual loss sustained but also demanding punitive damage* to be imposed at the discretion of the jury as a measure of community Indignation and a* a means of deterring the repeated publication of this or similar statement*. Trial began on March 22 in the court of Judge Howard Ewart/ln the Superior Court of New Jersey in Newark. Rabbi Prinz was represented by Jerome C. Elsenberg of Newark who had, as his associate, Philip*Baum, staff counsel of the American Jewish Congress.' McGinley was represented by Douglas C. Baker of Newark and by Albert W. Dilling and Kirkpstrick W. Dilllng of Chicago, the former "husband and the son, respectively, of the notorious Elizabeth Dilling, author of "The Red Network" and herself three times indicted for seditious conspiracy. The trial itself lasted eight days. The members of the jury—all non-Jews —Included two catholics and one Christian Scientist Every prospective juror who was Jewish was peremptorily challenged by counsel for McGinley. MoGinley Strategy. McQinley'* strategy was to divert attention from the truth or falsity of the libel and instead to seek to convert the proceeding into a sounding board for hi* prejudiced attitude* concerning. Zionism, "Talmudiim" and' the r American' Jewish Congress, During cross-examination of Rabbi Prinz, McGinley's lawyers sought repeatedly to introduce evidence bearing upon what they alleged to be Talmudic and Zionist doctrine. They questioned Prinz intensively about the bona fides of his loyalty as an American citizen in the face of his avowed Zionist sympathies. They sought to establish that Zionism necessarily entailed divided allegiance and questionable loyalty to America, They cited approvingly the platform and propaganda of the anti-Zionist Amerioan Council for Judajim., They sought to emphasize a similarity between the civil liberties and civil right* positions adopted by the American Jewish Congress and those supported by Communist-front organizations. The presiding- judge, however, refused to bo distracted by these atatempt*. His rulings prevented any far-ranging excursion into the nature of Rabbinic Judaism or into the character of Rabbi Prinz's theological beliefs. Judge Ewart further restricted Inquiry concerning the private opinions and views of persons with whom Rabbi Prinz came info contact during his 15 years of public activity in the United-States.

ated wric Communist or Coinmuiiiatdommated. Instead the theory ot the defense was that the term "Red" was intended to be descriptive of a broad range of political views from "parlor pinks" to card-holding Communist Party members. Indeed, while on the stand, McGinley explicitelj denied that ho thought Dr Prinz could be considered a Communist. Legal Significance The cage is legally significant in that it represents a finding for the first time by any court in the United States that falsely to call a man a "Red' 'is, as a matter of law, to be guilty of defamation. As one of his defenses, McGinley had claimed that the statements he made about Dr. Prinz were true. Judge Ewart held, however, that on the evidence introduced by McGinley, no jury could reasonably find that the allegations about Dr. Prinz were true. He therefore directed a verdict for Rabbi Prinz and he instructed the jury that if it fonnd the libelous charge to have been made maliciously; it could return an award of punitive damages even in


the absence of proof showing actual financial loss by the plaintiff. After deliberating three hours and forty-five minutes, the- jury returned with a ten to two verdict—permissible under New Jersey law in civil c a s e s awarding $5,000 as compensatory darn* ages and $25,000 as punitive damages. McGinley failed to seek an appeal during the time period specified in New Jersey and the decision is now final. The value of this litigation cannot be overestimated. An action in libel is designed to afford a means of deter* ring the spreading of lies and of compensating those who have been falsely charged and falsely accused. We have been witnesses, over the past several years, to the uncontrolled and reckless vilification of reputable members of the community merely because they have advocated unpopular or misunderstood political causes. By and large, these persons have been defenseless against character assault. R*bbi Prinz' victory, however, now stands as a substantial deterrent to those who may

rumJl derived from the »«lc of Isr«fl Development Bondi, which «re playing a vital role in lfre expamion of every facet of Israel's economy, «re helping to build thii new bulk deapatehing (lied, now under construction ai the Dead Sea Polaih Worki. A lection of the poueh wprlti can be teen through the frame of the new llructure, which will be uied to itore procetsed potash. Polaih produced al the Dead Sea worki it meeting a M domeitic nred>, with a tubatanliil aurplui for export La«t year, 15,000 lona were shipped to Sweden, Holland, England, Japan and other countries Continued Israel Bond support will help ta> strengthen Israel's hittoric program of economic development through Increased production in itiduilry and agriculture, large-acale exploitation •# •utural reiourcet and rapid construction of roads, harbors and railway*.

(Cahttoued to 4-A)



Democracy In Jewish

Affai airs

. **%

JULIAN MACK (1866-1943)

Impartial in controversy, liberal in outlook, Julian, Mack, jurist and Zionist leader, was not only a distinguished American judge and interpreter of law, but a notable personality in Jewish affairs. , His contacts with Zionist pioneers such as Shemarya Levin and Henrietta Szold brought him into the Zionist fold. Named president of the Zionist Organization of America in 1918, itwas largely due to Mack's guidance and vision, in collaboration with Justice Louis D. Brandeis, that the Zionist movement in the United States moved ahead in membership and prestige.

Witnesses Bishop Theodore R. Ludlow, retired Protestant Suffragan Bishop of the Episcopalian Diocese of Newark, and former Governor Alfred Driscoll of New Jersey both appeared as character witnesses for Dr. Prinz and testified an to his reputation for unswerving loyalty to tho United States and its institutions of government. Witnesses for McGinley included William O'Brien, alleged author of the libelous article, and former officer of the Nationalist Action League; David Gordon, who has renounced his Judaism and is now editor of the antiSemitic newspaper, "Tradition;" Benjamin Frccdman, retired toilet goods manufacturer and founder and main financial prop of tho League for Peace with Justice in Palestine; and Elizabeth Dilling, who was offered as an "expert" on "Socialism, Marxism, Talmudism, Communism,and Zionism." At no time during the trial was there any suggestion that Prinz or the organizations with which ho is associ-


, '"., / > 'iv ,:^£N,1

An,exponent of democracy in Jewish community affairs as well as in national doings, Mack was an ardent supporter of the American; Jewish Congress and upon its formation in 1917, was elected -its first president. Mack's full scope of service to Jewish causes included: the first presidency of YW-YMHA, honorary vice-president of trie Jewish Publication of America, honorary president of American , Economic Committee for Palestine and honorary chairman of the United Jewish Appeal.

NvwYear's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—fteih Haifionah S7I6—frM«y, September «^, l«5»

Bar-Han University to Open (Editor's Note: The establishment ;of a new University in Israel is a prop- er cause for rejoicing among all Jews, traditionally the People of the Book. Bat the sponsors of Bar-Han Univer' sity, which opens for its first classes on September 20, view the University as " having a special meaning in Jewish hisjtory. In this perceptive essay, which appeared originally in Congress Weekly, Professor Sol Liptzin of the City College of New York, reports on that larger vision. Professor Liptzin is on leave of absence as a member of the ' first faculty of Bar-Han University.) On August 7 nn event took pluce in Israel's garden city of Ramat Clan, which may in historical retrospect, prove to be the most creative Jewish aehie\ emcnt of the present year. It was the formal dedication of the fir>.t ten buildings of an Americanuponsored university in Israel, the BarIlan University, named after Meir BarIlan (Berlin), an illustrious scholar and Mizruclii leader who passed away soon after the founding of the Jewish State. This university, devoted to the advancement of knowledge and the en^ riclunent' of Jewish traditional life, will "" forge yet another link between the Land of Israel and the Jews outside its borders. Ultimate Meaning It was in the mind of a Herbrey. -scholar and educational thinker in New York, Dr. Pinkhos Churgin,* that the idea of Bar-Ilan University was born. While Jewish attention was being concentrated on seemingly more important practical problems confronting the young republic, Dr* Churgin boldly faced the question as to the ultimately meaning of the homecoming of the people of Israel or at least of a major sector of this people, to the land of their historic origin. Beyond the four dimensions of space and time, Jews have since Biblical days envisaged a fifth dimension permeating the universe and infiltrating the lives of every individual and every people. It was the dimension of Purpose, which orthodox Jews translate as Gofl. If there was Purpose or Divino Will operating in the affairs of men, then there was meaning in the dispersion of Israel and to its ingathering on its ancestral soil after rich and tragic experiences along the highways and byways of all continents. If the longings and prayers of many, many centuries finally foand contemporary creative realization in Medinath Israel, then this state would not be

true to its destiny, were it to be merely a helf-sated state comparable to a dozen others oC the Near and Middle East. Achievements When the leaders of Israel called attention to the mighty achievements of this little country in industry and technology, when they boasted of its mrreaiiug agricultural oroduetivity, and its constantly more efficient management, the thought that coursed through the mind of the American Jewi»h educator was: not for thin, not for this was Israel re-arihen. Better engineers, technicians, and industrialists were indeed* an asset for any land, especially for a new republic which had to convert sand dunes to flourishing prosperous communities. The world outside of Israel's borders, however, looked to Israel for something more, something that statistics could not encompass and material yardsticks could not measure. For innumerable generation*! mankind had thought of Israel as the land of priests and prophets, and it was by its success or failure in again becoming a beacon of light unto the nations that Israel would be judged. The raising up of priests or rabbinical leaders for the Jewish people waa a project for theological schools. But nowhere was an effort being made to raise up again prophets for this people. A Prophet? For, what is a prophet! Is he not as Professor John F. Albright once explained, a wise and discerning man of the people who forsees the road his historic group must travel if it is to survive, prosper, and give richer significance to existencef Is he not a scholar, poet," or orator, trained in the lasting traditions of his group, who in hours of inspiration invokes, persuades, and cajoles its members until they follow his visions and listen to his adjurations, and thus prove him to have Been a true prophet! Such lay leaders or prophetic moral personalities for the Jewish people can best be trained on the soil of Israel .from among the finest Jewish youth of all lands and with the help of a devoted faculty recruited from Israel and abroad. A community of student* and scholars, numbered not in the tens of thousand* but in the hundreds and living a traditional Jewish life while engaged in the objective pursuit of knowledge and truth, could furnish the proper environment for the development of those rare persons, of which we a n most in

need, especially in the Diaspora: wellbalanced, intelligent, informed and above all kind and decent human be-i ings who could advise, guide and invigorate Jews throughout the world to continue their Jewish cultural experiences and to expand their institutions within the framework of historic Judaism. Community of Students This is the ambitious hope of BarIlan University. For a year or two or four or seven, from the freshman level to the doctorate level, Bar-Ilan University intends to surround Jewish students not only with the best of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, which a carefully selected staff can offer, but also to involve them in Jewish living and doing during their f>tay. Academic freedom—the right to inquire into every aspect of existence and to follow every thought to its logical consequence, wheresoever it may lead—this will be a basic principle of the American-sponsored university in Israel. At the same time, however, the living of a traditional Jewish life with-

in the academic halls by students and! faculty during their years on the campus will be insisted on. For, Bar-Ilan holds thai science or knowledge alone without the vivifying breath of faith or religion will not lead mankind from its present impasse to a brighter future It interprets religion in iU broadest sense, as an awareness that all we do and are has meaning within k universal structure of Purposiveneu or divine direction. If Israel, the bridge, connecting divergent cultural continents, is again to become what it once was—the world's yardstick for moral living—then BarIlan University in the heart of Israel may be the most suitable laboratory and testing ground for that richer way of life envisaged by the dreamers of a Jewish renaissance during the past century, a renaissance which may prove to be the most effective antidate to the estrangement .of Jewish youth from Jewishness throughout the Diaspora. For those ' student* and teachers who wish to give reality to this faith and this vision, Bar-Han University will open its doors on September 20.


Wonder and Change By Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, Executive Vice-Chairman of UJA At this happy time of the new year, 571G, I wisli that I could convey to you a kense of the wonihr und change that I uus privileged to witness just recently in Israel. In tlm ever young, rvcrVhaiiging state of Israel, each day opens a new year of progress, maiks a new milestone in a brave people's struggle for freedom and economic independence. From the Hulfh Lake and Haifa to Beersheba and the Negev— everywhere I was struck by the courage, confidence, constructive planning, vitality and persistence of the people of Israel. The revolutionary new agricultural developments in the Lachish region where new farms are to be linked to new industrial centers; the .completion of the giant-sized Yarkon-.Vegev irrigation pipeline increasing Israel's irrigated lands by one-fourth; the reception and resettlement, with* in hours, in new homes on new farms, of tens of thousands of newcomers from North Africa; the bold draining of 4he northern swamps—these are only some of the highlights of Israel's striking achievements during the past year. When you recall that more than half of the people who are responsible for these modern miracles came to Israel only during the last seven yean as homeless, impoverished immjgrants—victims of oppression and prejudice—the wonderthat is Israel take's on awesome proportions. • American Jewry can be proud of its loyal support of Israel's people and distressed Jews everywhere. The vast funds raised by the United Jewish Appeal since 1939 to save and rebuild 2,500,000 lives are a testament to the wisdom and generous heart of the American Jewish community. - As we enter upon the new year, let us resolve tp continue and redouble onr efforts to secure the foundations of our humanitarian progress, to give hope and life to those still in need.

Threshold of New Era tibility of a new era of peace and good By Philip M. Klutmick /•;• will among nations, B'nai B'rith looks To the-Jewish community and. to ahead to a year of achievement in ful! B'nai B'rith, I wish to extend my hearty filling the goals of its many-faceted iest-good wishes for a year of-peace program. We can anticipate the conand blessing. • /. tinued growth of our efforts in adult ' This Rosh Hashana 5716 is a year Jewish education, in youth work, in full of pleasant possibilities to all'the human, rights and in our community world. We stand on the threahhold of and veterans services. New sights are of a new era in the history of oureiviit ahead for our work with the United zation. For the first time in maiy-it Nations and our efforts on behalf of decade we can see the faint but impress Israel sive outline of plans to end the tenI n . a few weeks the B'nai B'rith sions that endanger mankind. * As a ' Women will dedicate the B'nai B'rith happy consequence of the world power Home for Maladjusted Children near conference held in Geneva last July, Jerusalem, an achievement in which a new spirit has come into the world- we can all take pride. More and more that offers us at least the hope of a men and women are being attracted to lasting peace. In the tradition of our our program and inspired to join our people we can seek no greater blessing ranks. And before the year is out, we than that of "Shalom." In this Beason' shall mark the brightest page in B'nai .we must resolutely prepare ourselves B'rith history "with the substantial com-to strive for peace and to be worthy pletion of the B'nai B'rith Building in .".of its fruits. the nation's capital. In this spirit of This is a year of special significance hope and confidence, we look-forward also for B'nai B'rith. Last week we to a year in which oar prayer of broth had an opportunity to demonstrate erhood, benevolence and harmony foi publicly our faith in this dawning of all may be fully realized. hope. We installed the District Grand Lodge of Europe, the first District to be chartered by B'nai B'rith in many years. By establishing this new European District of more than 20 lodges (Continued from 3-A) •liarely a decade after the end of the seek to encourage a dishonest equation deadliest war in the history of manof liberalism with subversion. kind, we gave'concrete evidence of our Rabbi Prinz' courage in prosecuting belief in a new era for man. It is anhis action, and the decision of the other milestone in the reconstruction American Jewish Congress in helping of European civilisation, for it marks to bring his suit, offer an example of the progress Europe has made in rethe kind of effective education through covering from the effects of World law that is possible under the AmeriWar II as well as its return to a fabric can system. Prinz vs. McGinley will of life which socially and economically stand as an unusual precedent because renders feasible this important act. it establishes the practicality of a libel The installation ceremonies of this action as an effective reply to the cirEuropean District were held in Basel, culation of race and religious libels in neutral Switzerland. It is a comand, in addition, because of its inevitmentary on the history of our times— able deterrent effect upon the smearing and on the fate of millions of our marof civil liberties and civil right activityred European brethren whose memties as Communist-inspired. In a very ory is always with «s—that the Basel genuine sense, Rabbi Prinz' victory is Lodge is the oldest in Europe today. a victory for freedom of belief, expres| t jb now marking its fiftieth year; all sion and association in this country. th« other European lodges that pre,See4ed-iiin the long history of B'nai QUESTION: What is a "Tcrnah?" v^B^^; in'Europe have been wiped out ANSWER: A "Tcmah" is a quick '4'^jfiififk;«Bd-|oMtar|anism. The poigsuccession of nine short notes which | j | ^ | i d j | ^ a f t c e of this .new District, are said to sound like the wailing of a ^^^^[^aSuirnat' lost upon us.' person in grief. Such may also be the 1 :i^W5fe4:by*he .challenge of the po*Bound of the soul crying for penitence.

Legal Milestone



Rabbi and c o m m u n i t y leader, Judah Leon Magnet helped bridge the schism in language v and ideology, at the turn of the century between the older Jewish settlers and the surging mass of immigrants of East European stock. He was among the first to insist that in America Zionism must be interpreted in conformity with the American scene rather than with the theories of national life that prevailed in European Communities. During the first World War, he was a prime mover in establishing the Joint Distribution Com* mittee and in 1916 headed the first commission



that, went to Europe to. arrange for the distribution of American Jewish Relief funds. With the end of the first World War, Magnet Undertook the task of organizing the Hebrew University in Jerusalem which was opened in .1925. His political beliefs frequently clashed with the majority and he disagreed with official Zionist leadership on the possibility of establishing a commonwealth in Palestine. In the period of great germination of American Jewish life, Magnes was among the more sensitive spirits who responded to the challenge of finding a common meeting place for the conflicting ideologies of his people.



The Shofar and Its Meaning By Philip Rubin (Copyright, 1955, JTA) A dramatic point in the Rosh Ilaaliunah morning services is reached with the blowing of the Shofar, the curved wind instrument mude from the horn of the ram. The entire congregation, standing, repeats a prayer three times. There is then a hushed silence that may last as long as a minute. The "baal-tekoa," the shofar-blower, bis countenance veiled by the ta.lith to shut out worldly tight*, is standing there on the "bimah" waiting for the rabbi or prayerreader to give the signals. The signals, indicating the various notes that are to be sounded, are given: Tekiah, Teruah, Shevarim, The notes resound throughout the synagogue while the congregation still is standing. When the echo of the last long note—Tekiah Oedolah—dies away, {here is an afterprayer. Moit Sacred Even women, who in Orthodox Jewish tradition, are generally not obligated to attend prayer service), must be present in synagogue when the Shofar is sounded. For the Shofar-blowing, the stirring sotind of the rani's horn, is a most sacred moment. It is regarded as a divine summons to individual rej>entanc0 and improvement. "Just as you take the Shofar to blow it, renew your deeds and do penance," says the Talmud. To those who have not been brought tip in an Orthodox environment it may be news to l e a n that for a full mouth before the arrival of Rosh Hashanali— during the Jewish month of EIul—tlie Shofar is sounded every week-day at the conclusion .of the morning service in Orthodox synagogues. Dut during that month - the ram's horn Is only sounded once and is only meant to announce the coming period of repentance and to prepare the hearts of the worshippers for it. It is only on Rosh Hash1 anah that Bhofar-blowing becomea the heart of the religions service, assumes a central role and announces' the start of the Ten Days of Penitence, while on Yom Kippur it u blown to announce the end. of the period of penance,- to proclaim God's forgiveness for those who have truly approached him with a contrite heart during this period. Second Day Since'this,year the first day of Rosh Haabanah ocean on * Saturday, -the

Shofar will not be sounded until the second day. It may seem paradoxical that the laws of Sabbath observance should cancel out this sacred ritual. But those who have some acquaintance with Orthodox Jewish law (followed to a large extent by Conservatives) know that any ordipaniy Sabbath day is more surrounded with prohibitions than Rosh Hashanab, that only Yom Kippur is more sacred than an ordinary Saturday because it is regarded as "The Sabbath of Sabbaths.' While cooking, smoking and the handling of certain articles is permitted on Rosh Hashanab it is forbidden on Saturday, and the handling of a ram's horn happens to be one of the things which is forbidden on the Sabbath. Interesting History The Shofar has an interesting history behind it. Jn ancient Judea it was chiefly for signals of alarms and for war purposes—as a signal for the attack, for the stopping of pursuit, for the dismissal of the army or for the return home. When an important event, such aa the accession of a king to the throne, was to be proclaimed the ram's horn was blown. In time it acquired more and more of a religious significance. Already as far back as the days of the First Temple it was sounded on the first day of Rosh Hoshanah and at the commencement of the Jubilee Year, It was frequently employed in the worship of the Temple at Jerusalem, in addition to other musical instruments, Religions Meaning The religious rignificance of the blowing of the Shofar on New Year's Day was intensified when it came to be associated with the proclaiming of God's judgment of the world at the end of time. It was still further deepened through the reminder of God's revelation on Mount Sinai when, according to the book of Exodus, the mighty tones of the Shofar caused/ the hearts of the people to tremble before the near presence of the Lord. And later on the prophet Isaiah declared that the futuro redemption of Israel, which was conceived of in co-jnectio' nwith Israel's repentance,, was to be announced by means of-the'Shofar. Then, too, another meaning was attached to the Shofar,"a significance fbat goes back: to'the first book of the ' DibJe, to Genesis. Tb4s is in connection with the Akedah, tb> binding of Isaac

More Victories for Humanity By, William Rwenw&ld General Chairman, United Jewish Appeal On this Kosh Hashonah, 6716, it is a p71easure to extend to yon the deep appreciation of the United Jewish Appeal for your devoted support of the extraordinary humanitarian programs that are being carried on by the agencies of the UJA. The year just ended was marked by great progress in the face of great dlf' Acuities. Israel's people continued their _ valiant effort to qohieve economic independence and managed at the same time to receive and resettle some 20,000 Jewish refugees from North Africa. The great majority of these impoverished newcomers were established in new. homes, on new farms, in line with Israel's constructive new sbip-to-settlewent plan. * Just this past summer, the people ' of JsraeJ — with help given by you through the UJA—completed and put into operation the mighty YarkonNegev irrigation pipeline. This outstanding achievement, which in its first year alone will add some 420,000,000 in agricultural produce to Israel's economy, represents a giant step forward in - Israel's fight for economic security. In the New Year now opening, dozens of


~ Ntw Y . t r ' i Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roih Hasfionah 5716—Friday. September^. 1955

now villages cin and must be established in the Negcv region and ten's of thousands of immigrants given a real chance to build new lives for themselves. The American Jewish' community, which supplied most of the funds for the $40,000,000 Yarkon-Negev pipeline through support of the UJA, and fianccd as well the resettlement in Israel of many thousands of North African Jews, must help to achieve comparable victories in 6716. For the new year presents this challenge: to strengthen the foundations we have laid, to build on them, to make both durable and lasting. Israel, now ' in its eighth year, is determined to stay alive and to succeed. It refuses to be daunted by the hostility that surrounds it. It persists in its sacred goal of building a haven, of freedom for all who suffer oppression. ' That goal will be achieved if we ' continue to live up to the great traditions of the American Jewish commu nity and the United Jewish Appeal. Working and giving to bring hope and life to those in need, we can answer the challenge 'of this year and this generation. I extend to you my sinccrcst hopes for a New Year of peace and achievement.

when his father Abraham offered to sacrifice him upon the altar, if this were to be God's will, the rejection by God of Abraham's sacrificeof his and the sacrifice of a rum instead. Here the Shofar's connection with the binding of Isaac is intended, on the one hand, to secure the favor of Gorl, and on the Other hand to present to those Who are repentant the image of the noble and self-effacing patriarch Abraham, tlie founder of Judaism, ' Manifold Importance And so the sounding of the Shofar on the great festival of Rosh Hashanah has through the ages gained a manifold importance' replete with strong religious significance. It has become the great symbol of individual penance of God's forgiveness and also of Jewish national redemption. "Teka be 'shofar gadol le'herutainu," sound the great Shofar for our liberation," one of the Bosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayers implores God. No Jewish child that is taken to the synagogue on Rosh Bashanab can fail to be impressed, even stirred, by the ritual of the sounding of the Shofar.

No Jewish boy or girl of elementary school age whose health permits him or her to be present should be kept at home during tlii.i service. It's part of our children's Jewish education,' an impression of Judaism, a stirring of the child's emotions that will remain in its memory forever after. Even if the child does iiot grasp entirely the significance of the Shofar-blowing, it will in the solem.' atmosphere that surrounds it'realize that this is something different from a tooting of the horn by children out for a little fun and will be emotionally prepared to realize it* spiritual significance in later years. Shofar-blowing has been the inspiration of a good deal of Jewish artistic effort in recent times — paintings and plaques by distinguished artists. And no wonder, since it is one of the most inspiring occasions in Jewish religious life which has pictorial drama. Ours is above, all an ethical religion, but it too uses aesthetie means—drama, music, art—to pnt its message across. The artist who uses Jewish themes in his work cannot help but be guided by the message aa well as the means.


With the assistance of investment rupilal from the sule of Israel Development Bondl, lliese Israeli craftsmen of Shlagman's Art Mrtal Works in Jerusalem . fashion intrirate giftware fur'export markets, including the United Stales, Canada, England, Holland, Denmark and Belgium, Shlagman's is one of hundreds of Israeli workshops which have been liuill and expanded with tho aid of Israel Bond dollars. As Israel's industrial production increases with the help of Israel Bond investments, the gap between the country's current' trade deficit and ils ultimate goal of self-sufficiency is being reduced.

To Mirror Community Life CYRUS ADLER (1863-1940).

Before trie ascendancy of national organizations, at the time when leadership on the American Jewish, scene was highly personalized Cyrus Adler, educator and orientalist, stood in the foremost rank of American Jewish' leaders. History it seems reserved for him a great share in the destiny of his generation. Adler perceived with' a rare insight the far reaching changes that were taking place in the American Jewish community and that its significance could only be understood by a presentation of the'facts. With this in mind he proposed to the board of the Jewish Publication Society, of which he was one of the founders, the publication of a year book that would mirror community life and act as a unifying element. Adler contributed much that was distinctive and unique, for by contrast with the other national

figures wh'o were lawyers, financiers and. dfploi ' mats,' he was a historian of Judaism, its literature ' and religious doctrines. ^ ,' His wide knowledge of men and events and hit breadth of v i s i o n fitted him admirably for the' • crowning task of his career as president,of' th» American Jewish Committee. On the occasion of his 70t,h birthday this tribute by President Franklin D. Roosevelt was read: ' "Yours has been a rich and full career of varied activity and great usefulness. As president of the American Jewish Committee, of Jewish Theological Seminary, and of Dropsie College you have touched life at many angles and whether in spiritual, civic or cultural activities your labors have ever been directed tc the happiness of others and the well-being of the community." ., . ".'.'"I


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1 Itn<l Development Bonda ire playing • vilal role In building Israel's tourist iradi. Utilising hracl Bond fundi, ihc Gcncnl Mortgage Dank of Israel hat, during the pail four yean, framed loam to hold operators for the construction t f dawns of lonrltl hotels, including the New Aecidia Hotel I shown above), which hta Jail opened. Tht Arcadia, located In Herilla on the Mediterranean tucotaL consists of 112 alr-condltloned rooms, louniii. a JOO-capsdly dining n w , cfobroomi, an open-air lerrarr, fardena and a private buch. More than M 4 W vUltori art opened in Israel during I9S5, bringing foreign rapiul »M* U * country, and helping la relieve the dollar shortage.




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Union of Spirit

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By Abba Kban, Ambassador of Israel In the annals of Israel, the year 5715 which has now run its full cycle will stand out as a period in which the tenacious efforts of previous years have resulted in steady consolidation of Israel's national life. A great mo men turn of progress has carried us for ward in agricultural production, in duatrial development and the utilization of our national resources. The society of modem Israel has grown in cohesion and maturity and has readied serious levels of achievement in the realm of the mind and the spirits and our scientific advances have brought our country I modest but cherished international renowu. The generous infusion of economic aid by the United States, by grant and by loan, has played a significant role in this development Indeed, American assistance has left 'b. imprint npon ev cry aspect of Israel's growing strength. Agreement* and treaties have been add ed to the already intricate web of the relations between Israel and the Unit' ed States and it is our hope that the coming year will see a further strengthening of our ties with the American peopleIsrael's advances were made against a background of relentless, hostility on the part of its neighbors, an attitude which stands in marked contrast to the. general reduction of international tension. The Arab state* have yet' to agree to a process of direct settlement, and Israel has continued to divert much of her energy to problems of defense and security. Our greatest strength has been the union of spirit with the Jewish Community of America. As Israel moved amongst dangers and pitfalls toward economic independence and spiritual creativeness, the Jewish Community of America ha* stood behind us at all times and shown the full measure of its valor and strength. To the Jews of America I send my brut wishes /for the coming year, confident that the mighty links which bind us together will continue to shine for strong and gleaming bright. .

r«UI)hed Breir VrUay at Omafca, Hebr. Enteml M second-das nutter at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 18T9. SUBSOOPnON PRICE: One Year 14.00 Advertising Rates Furnished on Application. EDITORIAL OFFICE—Jewish Community Center, 101 No. 20th S t , Omaha. PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—1808 So. 25th Street THS JKWISH PRESS IS published by the Federation for J e w i s h Service of Omaha. The opinions expressed in this i Jsewipaper are those of the editor and 'fhauld not be construed as necessarily I /reflecting in any way those of the offii.efn at the Jewish Federation or of any •Individual or group in the community. HA|fttY HAUERT Editor

fk Turning Point It is obvious from all that has happened in recent months to indicate that the' Jews of the world have come to a turtutfg point o£ momentous significai&eV With the New Year 5716 now dawning.this is an especially good moment to assess the past'and to seek an evaluation of the future. With respect, first, to the people of Israel, the facts are these: They have come a long, hard way since 1948 in building their freedoms and in safeguarding their independence—and they hayif <lone this with magnificent help f roW the Jews of America—but Israel's peojftle are today at a turning point TjSere are signs that some greater pt'afeei can be achieved with Israel's neighbors than has been obtained over the^Jrast seven years, the chances are tliatjtt will not be peace as we know it, fhatjit will still be uneasy, but that the incursions and explosions of the past niay*be diminished. If this happens, Israel's people will be in a greater position; than ever before to move even more swiftly toward their goal of economic independence—because so much more;of their energies will be released forthis great objective. Even more than in the past, our help will be the indispensable factor. Little more than one year ago, in'Anpiist.l!).")!, we awoke to the news that Jews had been murdered and terrorized in Morocco. Before too much time had passed", 70,000 Jews had registered for emigration to Israel. For its part, Israel opened its pates and in twelve months 30,000men, women and childreil'from Tunisia &nd Morocco. After one -year, the situation has not eased. Tensions have deepened, and fears have multiplied. Israel's gates are still open —and will remain open—to receive all who want to come. In this respect, ouf hope for the New Year is that yon will continue to make it possible for the Tinted Jewish Appeal to go on with the financing of the great program of rescue from this fear-ridden part of the world. But this is more than a plea for help. It is also a pica for vigilance. The year 5716 may well be a turning point for the Jews of tension-ridden North Africa. Many have left. Many more want to leave. If the present rate of exodus continues, we shall see the dwindling of another once important center of Jewish population. Bat this has its compensation in the fact that in taking in all who flee suffering and oppression, Israel is growing by leaps and bounds as a major center of Jewish population activity and achievement. There is one more turning point that is in evidence. Giving by the average contributor hag been slightly higher than in previous years, and this trend, while heartening, must be strengthened. Wo hope that nil of you will resolve to do this, not only in 5716, but for as long as the needs are urgent and great. Let us at this dawning of the New Year rededicate ourselves to the proposition that all who need ns shall not want.

Holiday Quiz By Eabbi Samuel J, Fox QUESTION: Why is it enstomary to listen to one hundred notes from the Shofar on Eosh Hnshanah? ANSWER: There are two interesting reasons offered for requiring one to listen to one hundred blasts from the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah. One of these traces the number back to the one hundred sobs which the mother of Sisera gave upon learning of her son's tragedy. The other traces the number one hundred • to the Talmudio statement that a mother issues one hundred groans npon the nirth of a new baby. The first of these reaaons would associate the Shofar with cries of repentance and remind us to repent fully lest •we be faced with the sobs of bearing punishment- The second of these reasons associates the Shofar with the creation and birth of the universe. We are thus reminded of the formation of life and the pains with which life is brought out Into this world, so that we «om« to appreciate it bftttfc


Mtm Yiar's Edffien—THE JEWISH PRESS—«ofh H»»Konah 5716—Friday, S.phmb.r I/T t955

Summit of Responsibility

Rabbis' Messages By Rabb! Mywr S. Xirpte Our greetings for the New Year of 5716 are also greetings for the Fourth Century of American Jewish life. It would be possible to build a good case either for a pessimistic or an optimistic prophecy for this Fourth Century, The weaknesses in American Jewish life are apparent to all of us. They have to do with the breakdown of traditional observances, the evaporation of genuinely Jewish influence on the personal and public life of American Jews, the miserably low state of Jewish Learning, and the assumption on the part of a vast segment of American Jews that Judaism is for children only—for adults on special occasions only. The strengths in our community are likewise apparent They have, to do with the not inconsiderable size of the American Jewish community, with an enviable record of philanthropic achievement, and with an ever expanding physical plant of hospitals, homes for the aged, centers, and synagogues. Any forecast of the future of American Judaism must dwell on the difference in character between the strengths and the weaknesses: the strengths are material; the weaknesses are spiritual. This judgment has been given dramatic proof in many communities where Jews have been found willing to pay more and more, providing that Judaism demands of them less and less. Now It is an unshakable conclusion from study of the history of religions that religions which demand, produce. By that I mean to say, that religions whose demands are great on the personal, intellectual, spiritual and practical life of their adherents produce in their followers that feeling of mental and spiritual security which it is religion's business to provide. The more Insistent a religion is in its prescription of the way to a good life, the more likely are its adherents to reach at least the feeling that they have found it. To the contrary, religions of convenience, religions of small demands wither away. Material strengths, then, stack up poorly against spiritual weaknesses, and Jews who greet the

By Eabbi Benjamin Orotter In 'one of the dramatic passage* of the Talmud, the Rabbis speak feelingly of the glory of Jsrael "that hath departed from them and bath been rendered unto the nations of the world." They were referring, in prophetic terms, it may be reasonable to assume, to a peculiar phocnomenon that has affected modern Jews—an abysmal apathy in matters of Jewish learning and scholarship. . There was a time—not too long ago —when the Jewish mother would sing a Torah lullaby to her infant, whispering to him her hoped for his high conquests in the field of learning. She was quite content to endure all kinds of privations ,if the lad gave promise of scholarly achievement. Her son could bring immeasurable happiness to her if he would.' become a renowned scholar because learning, after all, was the "glory of Israel." Today, unfortunately ,this brand of glory baa well-night departed from Israel. The average mother is interested only in having her youngster play the stellar role at a Bar Mitzvah party or a Bas ilitzvah debut; Jewish learning— to her mind—hag begun to partake of the quality of a necessary evil. And so we have this strange paradox—our people are gay at the wonderful parties; but the Almighty weeps . . . "for the glory of Israel that hath departed." Fourth Century in the United States in the year 5716 ought to ponder these facts and judgments carefully and endlessly. An old rabbinic legend tells of a woman weary with illness and old age who asked a rabbi what she might do to find the peace of death. When he inquired he found that her greatest joys in life were hr study of Torah and her daily synagague attendance. "Stop studying," he said, "and stay away from the synagogue for three days." The old woman found her peace in death. The parable is obvious—an obvious warning. Israel may easily find the decorum and peace of death if it continues to shy away from Jewish responsibilities, if it continues to reduce relentlessly the level of Jewish observances, Jewish study, and Jewish living, if it continues to build synagogues and leave them empty,, if it continues to rear a vast but spiritually vacant physical structure. I write this greeting in solemn tones only because the warning is

By BabM Sidney H. Brooks This past year has been marked by striking'extremes in human experience. The imminent threat of war has been at times intense; more recently, thank God, tensions have boon relaxed and a more peaceful mood has permeated human relations than we have known for far too long. Men of science have delved deep into th«. mysteries of the minute in atomic research and concurrently have reached out into the frontiers of a staggeringly immense interplantary space. Whether in human relations or in physical science the potential of human achievement is obvifiusly so much greater than what we hftvo achieved or might havo realized if only we wished to do so. How true the .Psalmist's words: "Thou, O Ood, hast made man but littlo lower than the angels . •• . Thou has put all things under his feet. This sacred season of our High Holidays ought to recall to us both our individual and our collective spiritual potentialities. We can do so much more than we have done that is good, creative and wise. We can be go much, better than we have been by coming closer to an understanding of ourselves, our fellownien and our God. To understand this is, I believe, the ultimate goal of our High Holidays, And to consecrate ourselves anew to • the ideals of Judaism which shall help us to fulfill more completely our destiny as children oi God, ought to be essence of our prayers. ' • May these yearnings to strengthened by the conviction that by our efforts we may yet see the Kingdom of Ood established, here jpon earth. May the New Year bring tba* dream nearer for nil of us. And, as in love and friendship we wish each other life, health and peace, so may we merit these precious blessings by constant and joyful devotion to God, to Israel and to humanity. in place if we share, as I do, an optimistic view of American Jewish life. Let this Fourth Century fill the empty places in Jewish building, in Jewish homes, and in Jewish hearts and minds. And let it be for each of us and all of us, in this year 5716 and hereafter, a time of peace and joy. QUESTION: What is a "HhevorimTcruah?" . ANSWER: A ".Shcvorim-Terunh" is a combination of the Bobbing "Shevorim" and the wailing "Tcrunh" which is used as a combination of the emotions of sobbing and wailing expressed by the troubled soul.

' By Dr. Joseph J. Behwarts Vie* President, BUto of Imel Bonds t

Harmonious Fellowship By Irving M. Engel President, The American Jewish Committee As we American Jews, together with our brethren throughout the world, prepare to celebrate the High Holy Days of the New Year of 5716, we have more cause for hope and optimistic expectation than at any time since the dawn of the Twentieth Century. Mankind's highest aspiration la expressed In the prayer read on both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, looking forward to the day when all humanity will be banded together In a single harmonious fellowship. The events of the past few months have quickened tho hearts of all of us to the possibility that the clouds of war may finally be dissipated. The year that lies ahead will probably be most crucial in determining the direction in which we are moving. We look forward to seeing genuine evidence of the lifting of the rron Curtain, which would go a long way In relaxing the tensions ot> nearly a decade. We hope that the dismantling of this barrier will bring forth a new era of understanding among all the peoples of the world. We look forward particularly to renewed communications between the more than two million Jews of Eastern Europe and their coreligionists in the free world. It is our fervent prayer that this hoped for relaxation of tensions will be directly reflected throughout the Middle East so that genuine steps toward a lasting peace between Israel and her neighbors will be taken during the ensuing year. We have seen some encouraging signs in this direction and we hope the good will of all parties concerned will predominate. Should all this come to pass, we may have much reason for rejoicing, for the world may then be well on the way toward that peace for which all men yearn. < While International tensions abate, we may well dedicate ourselves during this solemn season of the year to work for the achievement of justice for all our fellow citizens In our own land. When we pray that "we be Inscribed in the Book of Life," let us ask that such a life be an abundant one, filled with justice, truth, peace and understanding for every one of our fellow citizens.

The year 5716 finds American Jewry at the summit of its power and responsibility. The shift in leadership and decision from Europe to the United States has been'just as marked in. Jewish life as in tbo general world situation. During the past two decades the JAWS of the United States have been put through a severe testing period, They have lived through and wrestled with the devastation and anguish of the Hitler decade. They have been lifted up by the shattering brightness and revival of the Israel decade that followed that never-to-be-forgotten holocaust. Pinwheel Dassle And now comes a period of equal, if less dramatic, possibilities and obligaBy Mortimer May tions. The cries of the persecuted are President of tht Zionist Organisation not stilled, but they are not legion. The of America pinwheel dazzle of a new and * real On behalf of'the Zionist Organtea» flesb-and-blood Jewish state has worn off. Everything that we are required i tlon of America, and for myself, I take great pleasure in extending warmest to do now has all the mocntousness of Rosh Hashonah greetings to American history but not the same color or Jewry and to our fellow Jews, wherdrama. ever they may be. We-look ahead to. a New Year in which we should be'blessed by an abAmerican Zioniatu are facing the insence of dire emergencies. Yet the coming year 5716 with a sense of ever pressing nature of certain basic progreater awareness of their responsibiligrams,-particularly the continqation of ties. The year ahead presents a new Israel's economic development, must challenge to Zionist consciousness a i d not be shunted aside.' It Is one of the Idealism. most encouraging symptoms of AmeriDespite the trials and unsolved * can Jewry's maturity that it has not problems of the past year, wo all exrelied on glamour or flashing need to perienco tho great joy of proudly sustain iU interest in Israel's future. watching'Israel continue to grow as i Seep Devotion beacon of cnlightment in the Sflddli The understanding and energetic reEast. In extending our special greet sponsiveness w th which American ings to the citizens of the State of I* Jews have embraced the program of rael, wo renew our determination ti Israel Bonds are a welcome barometer stand by their side in their hutorii of high statesmanship and deep devotask of creating a free, democratic am! tion to the ideal of a strong and free culturally rich society, based on th( Israel. We <;;in see now as we survey ethical and spiritual concepts of Jnda the international scene that the policy ism. We are likewise strengthened il of Israel-American friendship is vital our determination to help Israel be to Israel's growth ns a new democracy como free from external harassment, and that our share in giving solid meandevoting herself to economio and culing 'o this alliance must find exprestural development and to enriching sion in the kind of economic partnerJewish life everywhere. We shall bend ship inherent in the purchase of Israel every effort to insuro that the coming I'UIKK year will be ono of peaceful progress It is to the credit'of American Jewand accelerated growth of the Jewish ry that it bus accepted the Israel Bond State. Drive us n major responsibility. We must continue to alert public Through this campaign we have demopinion in this country to the dangers onstrated our recognition of the caconfronting Israel and to combat the pueity of the Jews of Israel to build growing volumo of anti-Israel propaa sound economy and we have taken a ganda. The Zionist Organization of lone step in rccustir.R our relationship America, as a major instrumentality with them. We are achieving a comin helping to safeguard tho economic radeship of ei|iin!« shoring In n venstability of tho State of Israel, will ture that has inseparably linked our continuo to serve as a bulwark of hopes and our destinies. strength in aiding Israel to become se Wp have every rrnnon to welcome the cure and strong and to achieve its goo.' N'ew Ypnr with eonfiiVncr that we have of permanent peace. proved our ability to meet not only Let us all work side by side in ear emergencies, but needs whieh are just rying through to completion our nobU as deeply allied with our future as tho endeavor. most vital force in world Jewry today.

A Challenge to Zionist Awareness


Guardian of Jewish Values ^


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LOUIS MARSHALL (1856-1929). v



A leading lawyer in his day, Louis Marshall achieved a unique position in American Jewish life which has had no precedent. His personality, his leadership, and his wisdom reached and touched every facet of Jewish life. His career is the history of the Jewish Community of his time. f



A native American, he defended and explained the rich culture and tradition of Judaism in terms of law and order, mortality and American values. He played a major role in the relief efforts for the victims of the first World War and struggled to establish the principle of minority rights at the Versailles Peace Conference. A mentor and leader to his generation, Marshall had gained stature in his successful efforts against the policy of the Russian Government which in violation of a commercial treaty


sought to deny travel visas to American Jews and to Roman Catholic and Protestant mission^ aries. The Americafi Government abrogated the treaty with Russia. Having emerged in the front ranks of Jewish communal leadership, Marshall became president of the American Jewish Committee. During his term of office, he carried on unending war against those who attacked or maligned Jews.




The late Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardoza wrote of Marshall: "One feels that he somehow has been transformed into a great civic institution, coordinating the energies and activites of many men, so that with all his^intensely human traits he has acquired, in his own life, a new and, as it were, a corporate personality; He was a great lawyer, a great champion of ordered liberty; a greatleader of his people; • ; V ; / | a great lover of mankind." i ' k^fel



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Edltion—THE JEWISH PRESS—Ro*h Hathonah 57(6—Friday, SepUmb.r \/f, 1955

Communal, Individual Penance :

By P. Nibur

The ten days of penitence, beginning with Rosh Hashonah and ending with Yom Kippur, are traditionally days of spiritual stock-taking for every Jew and Jewess During these days we an.bidden to reflect ou our errors and sins of the past year, to ask God's forghe,ness lor them and to resolve not to rtpeat them Even during the .week-days between the two High Holidays, when ordinary work is permitted, we are asked to ponder o\er our mistakes of the past. The duy after Rosh Haslionah is a fast day, the Fast of Gedalia, to remind us of a crime committed by our ancient ancestors against nn idealistic Jewish leader, Gedalia ben Ahikom, who was assasMnatul in ajneient Israel immediately after the return from the Babylonian Exile Then follows the Sabbath of Kepentanee, and. then the evening preceding Yom Kippur Eve with its "kaporos," or sacrifice of a' fowl for human sm Sin and Penitence The Jewish idea of sin and penitence concerns not only the individual but also the community as a whole. In Judaism imlmdual find community are jndissolubly linked, so that the very prayers that are recited during these Days of Penitence use the plural "we" instead of the singular "I"—"we have ginned, we have done wrong," and so on. In that way Judaism does not intend to shako off responsibility for wrong-doin^ from the individual's shoulders but rather to point out the necessity ot creating a communal climate, fi humanly Jewish environment, in wliuli the temptation to wrong-do'm(t on tin p'rtl of the individual would •be ifi'callv lessened. MortoM i there be sins of which the community itself as an entity may be guilt} Community- leadership may sometimes be very idealistic, concerned only with the material and welfare of each member of the community and not with the. welfare of it.s leaders. But at other times such leadership may ba Verv materialistic, concerned only with MIII^'I iijriri in<li>vmciit on tin; part of

the few who are or top. In the latter

case, Judaism blames not only the few v.ho exploit the maiij for srlfLsh purposes but also the many who allow tliemsdves to be thus explpited, who h,i\e tliemsehes off rebgious ldtalism and thus permitted the creatitou of a materialistic climate of opinion of which they themseUes eventually become the victims. The Community

A Jewish community that does not ailcfjiidUly prowdo for its poor and hick is a sinful one. A Jewish community thdt doesn't make proper provision for the Jewish education of its juung and old is guilty of a transgression and should repent. A Jewish community that gives respect and recognition only to its wealthy men, even though the philanthropic contributions of some of the latter may be ridiculously low in comparison with their wealth, and fails to give respect and recognition to its spiritual leaders— its rabbis, its teachers, its writers and artists—has something to atone for. A Jewish community that is so unsure of itself, of its religious-cultural heritage and of the spiritual values that it is supposed to represent, as to go fishing for approval from the outside, in and

teacher or a Jewish lecture or concert series, giving h e a v y mortgage payments on their buildings—too expensive in the first place—as an excuse. Spiritual Needs And it's not only the spiritual needs of young and old that remain unsatisfied in many an American Jewish community today. Sometimes e v e n the bodily needs of Jews, of whose care we American Jews boast so much, remain unprovided for. We may have enough Jewish hospitals and we may be making adequate provision to find bomes for homeless Jewish orphans, but s in a city like New York, containing nearly half of the. Jewish population of 'the United States, there is a woeful lade of Jewish homes for the aged. O t t e r smaller American Jewish communities, who do make proper provision for their aged, might very well chide New York Jewry and shame it into creating many more old-age homes, even though New York Jewry might in turn chide these communities for doing so little about the Jewish education of their younger and older members. The point of all the above is that at this time of the year, at this solemn

out of season—such a community maybe suffering rom an inferiority complex, as' we say nowadays, and may not be quite a healthy one, but if it doesn't see the necessity pf restoring its self-respect it is also a sinful one. We have many Jewish communities in thfr United States today that are guilty of one or more of the above mentioned sins. We have altogether too many communities who imagine that to give practical expression to their Jewish beliefs it is only necessary to erect expensive, showy buildings — synagogues and centers—in imitation of the richer Christian churches, and that it isn't at all necessary to put spiritual content into these buildings, Too many communities naively imagine that the Jewish youth'of their localities will be ho impressed by the architecture of the synagogue or Jewish center that this .done Mill be sufficient to keep them within the Jewish fold. Too many, alas, find no room in their budgets for an adequately paid professional Hebrew

This is the message, the true meaning of Rosh Hashonah, of Yom Kippur and of the week of penitence that comes in between: Let us muster up enough will power to erase both individual and communal errors and sins, for there is a reciprocal influence between individual and community. It is on this philosophy of communal as well as individual responsibility that Judaism rests.


One of hnwl'i olilril induMnri, lulling, li mikin* nr«. |ali» with iht aid of Stale of lirarl Urvrlopinrnl Bond invntmrnti Shown I W I » « '"»••' worker mowin« rtrdi in one of the miny new •mfirul pondi whirb a w M n | mtnl lo lirerd ind Hurt fiih lor loril roniumplion In addition Is eu»blli»loi 6ih pond,, l«arl Bond fundi .re twlni ulilued i l ihe ««ptrinwntal lulcnerj •l.lion of Tantura. where le.H ire beini conducted »» 1">P™»« f f , , ™ ^ ! develop foodilulfi lo replace warrc feed «nd ftruni eMenllil lo Bub »««• I pnivent d i i c i m WHh Iirael Bond dolUn « I M bfing « c 4 ! • ™%V''" porttlion facililiM. including. Ihe ciUblLnmenl of pom and wharf. ' » " oul tho nation, ihe building or new roadi. the purchaw of mw " I * " " " * lank imrk.. whlrh keep fi.h fre.h L i . n r . and modern fiihlni « « « « ' ' v I " ^ » fiihini Indurtry !• eipected lo «nlcr «he w o r t field >wilhip Ibt m « l lhre« ynn.

Scholar and Philanthropist

Mankind Searches for Enduring Peace While the suffering of our brothers in other parts of the world must remain a source of pain to us, we shall ushir in the New Tear wfth gratitude for the boon of freedom and democThe Jewish New Year 3716 is ushracy which America has offered to all ered m at a time when mankind is anpeoples. The New Year marks the bexiously scanning the prospects', for an ginning of the fourth century of Jewish «ndunng peace. At no* titno, have tho settlement in' this country. We have peoples of the world sought more* inforced over the centuries a community tently for signs that the leaders of the of great pride and dignity which has more powerful the world . contributed substantially to the build* have grasped the need of reducing ining of the material and spiritual reternational tensions and it finding sources of this land. May we continue some formula to settle their differences , as Americans, sharing with our fellow•without resort to armed conflict.'.The citizens of all creeds and races in the Jewish peonle, albng with the rest ofblessings of freedom-and equality, to mankind, join in the prayer that enhance the greatness of America,' through the agency pit the tfnite^ •Nawhile as Jews we also seek increased tions progress will be made in saving understanding of the values of our us and succeeding generations from the Jewish heritage.

season of spiritual stock-taking aud ^penitence Jewish communities ought to bo made aware of their serious.shortcomings, their spiritual failure which is only another expression of the word "sin," and how important it is that they rectify their errors. Surely in t h i s blessed land of ours, in this great democratic country where Jews have every opportunity to nurture, to develop and intensify their faith and culture and1 to provide an example of religious idealism to their non-Jewish neighbors, in this land-where Jews have all the material means necessary to promote Judaism, it should not be too bard to make amends for the mistakes and weaknesses, the sins and transgressions of the immediate past

By Dr. Israel Goldstein President, American Jewish Congress Chairman, Western Hemisphere Executive, World Jewish Congress

Kcourge of'war! ' tfecognize Rights

' Symbol of America * • •' , For those of us who cherish the symBut peace does not mean merely the bol of America as one of freedom and absence of war. Peace, like genuine equality, we have been both heartened democracj, depends in the last analyand saddened by developments in the sis on the scrupulous recognition of the past year. The historic decision of our rights, liberty and' welfare of the huSupreme Court outlawing segregation man individual. It is therefore saddenin the public schools more than a year ing that many nations have retreated ago has not as yet been decisively imfrom their original zeal for promoting planted and the process of desegrcgauimcisal protection of human rights through binding interjiational cove- , tion remains a sjow_ and halting one. \V6 should not permit the Court's stirnants, and it is to be hoped that they ring decision to be nullified by threats will reverse their course'. of lawlessness and defiance. I'mversal peace cannot he attained We must also resolve to continue our , as long as there-arc areas of the world efforts to bring our immigration law in which certain nations continue in into conformity with American demotheir posture of belligerence. The Jewish people must remain profoundly con- cratic principles. The McCarran-Walter act, with its discriminatory and racist cerned at the intransigence of the Arab provisions, has dono incalculable harm states in rejecting direct negotiations to our prestige abroad and to our trawith Israel for an enduring peace. Pardition of open-hearted sanctuary to the ticularly disquieting in this connection oppressed. is the policy of the United States in courting Arab favor at Israel's exAlerted to Danger pense. We must pray that our country's We must rejoice that in the past year •leaders;will alter their unrealistic and an increasing number of Americans short-sighted policy. At the same time, have become nlertcd to the dangers the Jewish community of America must that lurk in the encroachments on their demonstrate its unequivocal support of basic rights and liberties. That a growthe people of Israel by giving them ing body of Americans have envinced unflagging moral and material support.

More Security " W e pray the New "Sear will also bring a greater measure of security to Otir brothers in lands where they suffer persecution or discrimination. We earnestly hope that tho Communist repines will call a halt to their relentless sjnpaign of suppressing the religious cultural life of their Jewish eomoimitles, and that they will moderate heir harsh policy of isolating their communities from contact and inJcation with Jewish conunoni! * f Other land*.

their determination to repel these nndemocratic invasions is on occasion for heartfelt thanksgiving. The New Year is traditionally the season for renewing resolutions and pledges for future conduct but, unless they are succeeded by concrete deeds, they become futile and meaningless ones. We shall pray, therefore, that mankind's longing for peace and security will be fulfilled throupli resolute and dedicated action founded on the principles of justice and human dignity which are at the core of both American and Jewish ways of life.

OSCAR S. STRAUS (1850.1926)


Oscar Straus, jurist, diplomat,' mercKant arid philanthropist served his people by dispensing Jewish ideals throughout the world. In his speeches, •books, his membership in private organizations and public office, he sought to bring peace between Christian and Mohammedan, capital and labor, and between warring nations. "Born In Germany, he was the first Jew to occupy a cabinet post and the first to be ambassador of tl;e United States to a foreign land. ' He was a loyal member of the synagogue arid "engaged actively in the administration of one, of1 the largest Jewish charities in New York, the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

.' ' Intensely interested in th'e American Jewish' Historical Society, he was president from its founding in r 1898 and worked ceaselessly for its development, v A scholar by inclination, Straus delved into historical research! making a s t u d y of hi»-adopted country-, its foundations and the men who laid them. In "The Origin of the Republican Form of Government in the United States," he traced the rite of democracy from the Hebrew Commonwealth as i t y/at expounded in the Old Testament to its interpretation by the oarly Puritans of New England. Throughout his life Straus always reacted sensitively to any trials which beset 'Jews throughout the world and took steps to ameliorate their lot whenever possible.






New Year'. Edilion-THE JEWISH PRESS-Rosh Ha.honah 5716—Friday, September . ^ 1 9 5 5

On the American Jewish Scene By I. M. Green Last September, louimenciment of the Jewish jear 571.") marked the opening of the nationwide celebration of the three-hundredth anniversary of Jewish settlement hi what in now the Viitrd States. In October, President Eisenhower addressed the Tercentenary Dinner in New York, and the celebrations then took on greater momentum. In about 230 American cities, Mayors joined local Jewish community • leaders to mark the 300th birthday of the world's largest Jewish community. Governors in a number of states proclaimed their formal participation, scheduled special Tercentenary assemblies in their capitals, and .convened ' special meetings ,>f prominent citizenry in celebration. The celebration*, which took various forms, were .geared to a single theme: "Man's Opportunities and RespoiisibililieH Under Freedom." <Bcfore the eight-mouth celebration ended, in May,-President Eisenhower again spoko to American Jewry at the dedication of the new home of the Washington Hebrew Congregation. 1 Fair Employment At the beginning of the Jewish year, it was announced that 13 states and 30 cities in the U. A. now have fair employment laws. Later on, a Fair Employment law was passed by the Michigan State Legislature. It was learned, however, that racial and religious prejudice in this country is far from dead. Discrimination in hiring was still Htrong in some large cities such as Chicago nnd IJOS Angeles, while threequarters of no me 123 colleges surveyed had done nothing to eliminate diaerim- ' imitioir in admissions to fraternities and sororit'es. The November elections brought two .Icwi to the IT S. Senate for the first time in 43 >ear»—Richard L. Ncul)'r,"cr of Oregon Laving been elected in acli'itinn to Herbert H. Lehman of J>w Yor'\ a hold-over—and 11 Jowi !i member* of llu- House of Keprenrntniivei, all A tlirm Democrats. In addition, Abraham A. Kibicoff, Democrat, was elected Governor of Connecticut, while Jacob, K JoviU, former Republican Congressman, was choien Attorney General of New'York. Synagogue Primacy. At the General Assembly of Jewian

religious leaders, which was sponsored by the Synagogue Council of America, u statement'was issued naming that "unless the synagogue retains or regains its primacy, Jewish life is bound to atrophy and Jmvs and Judaism are likely to perish." Tiie statement called for "the restoration of the synagogue to centrality in organized Jewish life in America." That American Jews "overwhelmingly" wish to retain their Jewish identity, and that native born Jews display a markod rise of interest in their religion, were among the conclusion* reached by a group of social ttcieiitists at the Tercentenarj Conference on American Jewish Sociology, held in December. The conference ulso revealed that the grmt majority of U. 8. .Town have favorable attitude toward Israel, but have little if any desire to live there. Tn January the case of Wolfe Ijadejinsky, the Jewish agronomist for the U. 8. Government in Tokyo who wai fired from that post by thoAgriculture Department on the grounds that he was a "security risk," caused an uproar among liberal-minded Americans, Jews and non-Jews alike. In connection with Ladejinflky's dismissal, Milan D. Smith, executive assistant to Secretary of Agriculture Benson, released to reporters a letter from a White Russian emigre, applauding the Agriculture Department's action and containing some antiSemitic remarks. Jewish organizations issued strong protests. Finally, Harold Stassen, head of the Foreign Operations Administration, announced that lie had hired LadejinHky to do a land reform job in South Viet Nam, since his agency had again investigated LadejiiiHky and had found him to bo loyal. Anti-Discrimination During the same month, President Eisenhower appointed Maxwell Abbell. Chicago Jewish leader, as chairman of a newly-created five-member committee to prevent discrimination in hiring and hiring procedures against government workers on a basis of religion, race or national origin. A few weeks later, the National Council of the Churches of Christ, in a Brotherhood Month message to its 85,000,000 membtrjf in various Protestant,churches, donounoe'd race prejudice as a "«in." ' The shortage of rabbii in the United

States is "the greatebt problem facing American Jewry,' it was declared at the mid-winter conference of the Jewish Theological Seminary in February. At conferences of Jewish educators and social* workers in Atlantic City, several months later, a similar critical shortage of Hebrew teachers and Jewish social workers was rioted. in February, too, there were protests by Jewish groups, us well as by the New Y o r k Musicians' Union, against the U. d tour of the Berlin Symphony Orcrestra under the direction of Herbert von Karajan and under the management of Gerhardt von Westerman, both of whom had old Nazi records, A series of anti Semitic threats against newly-settled Jewish residents of East Milton, Mass., ended happily with a demonstration of good-will toward Jews on the part of the Christian community there.

The largest and most widely representative gathering of American Jewish leadership in manv years gathered in Washington in March and adopted a five-point program for "the attainment of peace, development and defense in the Middle East." The program wag at sharp variance with the views expressed at the conference by John D. Jernegnn, Deputy Assistant S e c r e t a r y of State, and his chief, George V. Allen, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, How•ever, Israel Ambassador Abba Kban told the conference that United States friendship was Israel's strongest reliance, that occasional disagreements were not permanent divisions. The reorganization of the Israel Bond Drive in this country was announced in March. Henry Montor, executive officer of tha Bond Drive since (Continued to Page 5-B)


The l a n d v e n d "Aguedal" inchori in Haifa B«y ready to load sulphuric *cid from the SOO-lon itorate link n the Fertiliser! and Chemicals plant. The •hipmenl, destined for Turkey, it one of rruny mch export! during the p u t year. Construction or new facilities, with the aid of Israel Bond capital, ha* enabled the huge industrial plinl, largest in Israel, lo manufacture ammonia, nitric acid and other vital industrial chernicali, making full use or Iirael'a own raw material!, such ai phosphate! and •liter mineral! of tha Neger.



•4 id-


Israel's New Immigrants They come out of North Africa and the Sixtoanth Century. People who ne v e t ' l i t an ^.electric lamp. Directly from the b o a t they step into a new civilization and new hornet.

to make things easier for them and help their integration, they are set- * tied together with not so recent . , Immigrants who had already lived for some time in cities, small towns . or ma'aborot, and who had followed the call of the land and settled in work villages under the scheme By David Rlmon (Jerusalem) 'from town to settlement' These Immigrant ships are arriving these d a y s once and sometimes villagers are veterans of a sort, some having lived there for as long twice a week, bringing groups of young * and healthy people, often as a year, having acquired and expanded their own small farms, some surrounded by many tots and babes of-them even living partly from the in arms. There is a happy bustle In the port of Haifa when such a v produce of theic own land. A Multicolored Crowd ship arrives. But there is no noise, As to the Immigrants, they come no pushing and no shouting. There from every country in North Africa, \k, of course, some shouting but even from Egypt, from where they only by way of greeting and the arrive via Italy or France. They ' disembarkation proceeds speedily are a brisk arid multicolored crowd, and smoothly, setting in motion the in which sun-tanned bearded old well-oiled machine of the Governmen in white or brown burnouses ment and Jewish Agency authoriof home-spun wool, rub shoulders , ties. A great deal has been learned with genteel and elegantly dressed from the m i s t a k e s previously Egyptian ladies who speak English made; not only how to help the Imand French fluently as the rest of migrants get settled and absorbed, the North Africans speak t h e i r but also how to deal with the comown guttural and raucous Arabic. plex disembarkation problem. There are women from Tripolitania Today disembarkation proceeds wearing hcelless slippers of red so rapidly that the Immigrants are leather and heavy silver bangles on put through all its stages and fortheir ankles. malities within only a few hours. Then they immediately b o a r d Many of them wear wide, puffed trucks that take them to the places pantaloons of striped cotton or silk of their destination—work villages and many, many yards of striped or on Jewish National Fund land— flowered cotton around their perwhere they are given every opporsons. They look like huge moving tunity to b e c o m e integrated at bundles of material with a woman once. somewhere inside. Their heads are New Villages .surrounded by huge turbans made •The trucks are already there, of garishly colored silk shawls with and off the new immigrants go to long fringes. These are women the new villages where" houses furfrom various p a r t s of Morocco, nished with bedding and beds and those from the cities of Rabat or kitchen utensils arc waiting ( for Casablanca, dressed in m o d e r n them. From the very next day French clothes and speak French, they can already earn their living while women from the mountain and begin work on one of the vast villages or from the ghettos look as Jewish National Fund projects; afif they just stepped out of an Arabiforestation, building of terraces on an Nights' talc. Men are tall and hills or any other way of soil recladark, and many of them are sturdy mation. These villages which are and handsome. The townfolk wear all On JNF land, are not exclusively the blue French beret, but the vilinhabited by newcomers. In order (Contlnued to Page 6-B)


FELIX M. WARBURG (1871.1937)


t, -

One of Felix M. Warburg's mefor contribution* to American Jewish life was his efforts to consolidate Jewish educational and welfare organixations into more effective groups. A banker, philanthropist and communal leader, he was also especially interested in advancing Jewish education and contributed generously to rabbinical colleges. Outstanding among Warburg's social service interests was his work with the Joint .Distribution Committee of which he served as chairman from its establishment in 1914 to 1932. During the rise of Hitler ,to;power in Germany, Warburg founded

the Refugee,Economic Corporation to prqlrhpte and assist the' economic rehabilitation .of refugees and conducted a research program into resettlement possibilities. An outspoken dissenter against'the idea of Jewish dtapora nationalism, he nevertheless devoted a great deal of his time, energy and means to the creation of agencies in the United States and Israel (then Palestine) for the purpose'of developing Jewish settlement there. His .devotion to cultural pursuits and his service TO alleviate the needs of Jews everywhere were, in the spirit of the traditions and teachings of Judaism. . ** . '!>

LX i betas



MJ. tfcw Y t . r ' i Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Rosli S7I&—Mclty. S*p!emb*r I f , t « 5


The Rabbi—Clinical Note ficient in the use of exquisite phrases uttered in tones guaranteed to please not only his congregants, but also the community. He may be a prolific popular writer whose articles and books gain nationwide circulation, or a scholarly author whose colleagues are awed by his profundity. He may be a prodigious community-organizer; active on every civic and philanthropic committee, renowned for his participation in interracial, interfaith activities, famed for his ability to make a persuasive speech at the drop of every politico's hat and every prominent and wealthy lady's hankie. He may be a veritable Circe at luring important and impressive guest-speakers to his pulpit. He may, on Yom Kippur, be a George Whitefield weaving a web of words, artfully devised to heap opporbrium on the heads of laggard temple attenders and produce blind penitence, so that even the cautious and prudent, like Benjamin Franklin, will empty their pockets a t his behest. •=- Times of Need He may be a present help in all limes of need; full, of wisdom and kindness, never too busy to listen, to console, to advise, always ready and able to lend comfort in your sorrow and exult in

By Janice L Gora Our* is a rather hysterical time, and we are an anxious and, consequently, an angry people. We flail about us seeking whipping-boys on whom to unleash our fear-inspired wrath. Of late we have selected, as targets for the poisoned darts of our anxiety-engendered hostilities, the teachers and the ministers. It seems appropriate then to examine tlie function of the Rabbi who, by virtue of popular acceptance and usage, is a minister and, by virtue of literal translation and tradition, is also a teacher. Some of them are, in reality, only one or the other; some aro both; tome are neither and some are far more (all this and heaven, tool). If you have had "exposure" to rabbis over any protracted period, you begin to collect data, to amass theories and experiences, to make comparisons and to arrive at conclusions. These observations, based on over 4 years of such exposure, represent not only a conviction as to what a rabbi oiifjht to be, but a certain knowlege of what a rabbi can be. Brilliant Orator He may be. a brilliant orator; dazzling ia his delivery of sermons, pro-

your joy. He may muember the names of all of the members in your family, including the dog, and always inquire about the health of your old aunt Minnie. He may know how to palliate the. aggrieved loser in a contest for the recording secretary's position in the sisterhood; how to pacify the donor of a new chair for the pulpit whose name was omitted from a recent bulletin; how to avert the resignation of the richest and moist irascible trustee who was not called upon for a few choice remarks at the last men's club meeting; how to subdue and check the powerdrives of those small-minded, self-important men who, not infrequently, seek to exert the authority they lack at home or in business by serving on organization boards. Make Spirit Soar All these are useful and admirable qualities. BUT—he m u s t be able to make of religion what the prophets made of it; something to make men's spirits soar to shining heights of splendor. He must be able, ai a teacher and as a minister, to imbue his congregants with a deepening of faith, a broadening .


of sympathy for the needs of mankind, a heightening of religious idealism, a firmer apiritual inwardness, a closer communion with God. This he can and should dp through Torah. Once he has accomplished this, then inevitably his congregants will translate these ideaa and emotions into action—action exemplified in service. When men's heads and h e a r t s and hands are so engaged, they no longer have need of whipping-boys,'for they are engrossed in the most rewarding of endeavors. They are making man's most noble effort: to live in imitatie Dei. If the Rabbi cannot fulfill this last, but most important, part of his function, all the other skills and talents are of little value. There are more men possessed of the embellishments enumerated in the first part of this Clinical Notet there are some men endowed with the rich and rare qualities explicated in the second part. If you have a rabbi with all of these, take the lid off of your Emergency Fund and get your smartest lawyer to write him an ironclad lifetime contract You are most truly blessed.

I t r u t Bond proceed, ue being ulillud to develop lh« njlnlni of topptr, Itm, ph.iph.le. «nd other minerals in th« Negw. Here, u K l n | Solomon • m t o y b u r EUt, • > o « d re«rve" of 100,000 l o » of, copper bit bten c i U b l M * * , wild M idded polenlUl of J0O.0O0 loni. A proocuini plwt » • " " » " f r " 2 •traction, u d ichedulecl for completion by JM7. will proq«« 6.7S0 teu • ! meullic copper tninnUV, for domeille UK tod for eipnrt.

A Sense of Community Facet of Tradition its continued existence'rests lolely on the desire of the community to keep JWB and the things for which JWB stands. For JWB is one of the ways in which American Jews meet their obligation* to their fellows. As we enter this New Year we, too, look back over the p u t months to examine onr actions, to discover where we might have been remiis or at fault. And what we thus learn is applied to our activities in the future. This is a wonderful thing, this being part of a vast community of people dedicated to service, I dare say that only in America could this sort of a»sociation develop—a union of forces whose goal is tho enrichment of life for those who are not in want, not in dan-ger, not in distress. Deep understanding there must be, to recognus* that among tho vast numbers of Americans there is need for more than the food, clothing, shelter and the amenities which are not difficult today to come by. This, too, demand* a feeling for one's responsibilitiea to other* which is truly in the Jewish tradition. "When we exchange the greeting, "L'8hono Tovah Tikosevu I"—May you be inscribed for a good year!—we imply a more profound sort of happiness for the qoming year than the superficial gaiety of a "Happy New Year." To me, a good year is one that bears promise of increased understanding • among men, of further gains in the search for peace, of new advances in trie science of healing. It is a year in which man ca nfind greater opportunities to serve man. It ii this kind of year which I' earnestly hope that we will enjoy together in 5716.

By Charles Aaron President, National Jewish Welfare • Board It seems to me that the spirit of the High Holy Daj-h—the sense of solemnity and awe with which we approach tlin beginning oC thr New Year—is one (if the most mnstructive and enlighteninir facets .of onr tradition. At no other •,,•11-1111 are «i- so keenly nware of our

ru»|iin!sibilili«s to others, and of the m-cKsity of rising, proudly, to the ehalL'ir-c of liciny Inimi'.n. \Vi> examine what lias gone before, so t'iMt wo may find guidance for our ai't'mis in coining days. There is humility anil u sincere desire for atoneimiil as we recount our errors, but tlieiv is,no ili-spnir. Throughout the Ten Days o£ Penitence, we stand ready tn accept'judgment, knowing that we. have trietl, at least, to fulfill our duties toward Goil and our fellow man. This concern for the welfare of our li-llow man is perhaps an outstanding characteristic of our people—certainly it has contributed greatly to our unbroken history over the centuries. I t hus been exhibited time and again in times of stress, when the community has rallied to the aid of its members who needed iu lp. It continues ,to be exhibited in our day-by-day, living, when we—lev* dramatically, but no less feelingly — unite to provide beneficial services and activities which no onepcrtion can secure by himself. I like to think that the National Jewish "Welfare Board is an expression of this sense of community. Certainly, It is evident that American Jewry shares this feeling to a marked degree1 —JWB wan created by a cooperative action of the Jewish community, and

Bar and Bas Mitzvahs ,

BAB MITZVAHS Steven DIoogoH Justin Lewis Robert Epstein Steven Seglin Justin Greenberg Morris Brodkey

Clark Swartz Donald Noodell Steven Grcenbcrg Richard Stern Emil Bloch John Okun Eugene Dandy


1" 1

"VI t •

Arthur Raznick Lauren Michael Wasserman Allen Sander Ostravlch Laurence David Garrop Bill Horwich Stuard Howard Babcndure Danny Abramson Roy David Katskee Gerald Rosenblatt Ian Herzog Ronald Gordon Martin Meyers Norman A. Krizolman Irvlnn Nathan Jerald Martin Goldstrom Howard Martin Justin Ban John Rlekes Alvln S. Newberg Larry Kohn • Bruce Goldstein Lawrence Roltsteln Arnold Welntraub


Keva Shyken Daniel Hollls Marvin Rubadc Maurice L. Pepper, Jr Samuel Bleicher Matthew Faler Joel Davis Howard Stoler Allan Konecky Bradley Epstein BAS M1TZVAHS


Gall Elaine Tretlak Judy Lazer Nancy Richards Barbara Greenberg Nancy venger Carolyn Stern Barbara Sue Adler Betty Bea Erman Chema Lee Schrager Judith Friedman Sheila Rue Ncfvak Mary Paula Yager Marilyn Kay Hoberman Gail Faye Shrier Anabel Graetz Bethahne Maklesky \ Enia Venger Ethel Sabes Pamela Perelman Janice Katleman Marilyn Bfaun Arline Epstein t Maurine Epstein Sharon Frank Diana Schrelber Irene Winer




Cardoza, a Democrat, was appointed to the * Supreme Court by Republican President Herbert Hoover. There Cardoza pursued his lifelong ideal ' "to do my little share in translating into law th« socialand economic forces that throb'and clam* of for expression." " •

The philosopher-jurist Benjamin Nathan Cordoza defined justice a s , . . "a concept far more subtle and indefinite than any that is yielded by mere obedience to a rule. It remains to some extent, when all is said and done, the synonym" of an aspiration, a mood of exaltation, a yearning for what is fine or high."

Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes paid tribute to Justice Cardoza with the following* " . . , He came to us in the full maturity of his extraordinary intellectual power, and no one on . this bench has ever served with more untiring industry or more enlighted outlook. His gentleness • and self-restraint, his ineffable charm, combined ' with his alertness and mental strength, made him a unique personality . . . "

A devout Jew, his sympathetic concern over the sorrows of the most unfortunate members of .his faith grew as his eminence and his ability to aid them increased. A native American, Cardoza traced his lineage on American soil back to his great-grandfather who heloed drill colonial troops during the Revolutionary War. • ,'"*

', 1

W>w YMr'i EtKHwi—THE JEWISH PRESS—ttit HstnonaK 87It—WJiy. #


P«f« Thr

'These Things Do I Remember' By Herman Potok

suffering of liis people in an angry world, for bnbics unborn and children It is rare for man to weep. To weep unwed, for the bewildered ache that is is to lay bare one's soul, and there is the knowledge that hits people has been Shame in that »or n man. And when it slaughtered not because it wanted to happens that a man does weep, it is for » blinding tragedy that haB crushed . kill or plunder "out because it wanted only to bring a little more of God into him, a time when shame is gone and the world. the only sensation in a numbing ache, And the devout Jew, who is aware an overwhelming emptiness. R a r e l y of his past and known what has gone does a man weep over the past. into the making of his people, weeps Weeps for Part not only for the past but for the presYet there is a point in the Yom Kipent as well. pur service when the devout Jew wraps Awareness of God himself in his prayer shawl and weeps' He remembers what the Sabbath like a child. It is for the p u t that he. meant to the Jew in Europe, and he weeps, for a time two thousand years weeps over'what it means to the Jew old, when the Jew practiced his faith today. He remembers the sanctity of at the risk of hit life, when to ordain the family, the holiness of the festivals, a rabbi meant death and when ten of the indescribable beauty of addressing our greatest, leaders died horribly at God in prayer. He remembers the Jew the hands of the Romans'because they who had no bead to eat but loved his would not abandon the teachings of life, who had no land to live in but their faith. "These things da I rememloved his world, who had no grandiose ber," the devout Jew chants, feeling synagogue to pray in but loved his his heart constrict and his eyes fill God. He remembers the degree to which with tears, "and my heart is grieved." the awareness of God filled a Jew's It is only the Jew to whom the Jewlife, how the center and hub of every ish past is a vivid reality who can weep Jewish act wall motivated by the proon Yom Kippur for the ten martyrs. found desire to do the Will of God. He He knows these martyrs, he sees them remembers these things. And he weeps. before him as living beings, and he Bitter Tears knows their anguish, senses d e e p l y their indescribable pain, their profound He weeps fpr the Jew who is no faith and joy at dying for the people longer a Jew and for whom Judaism and the God they love. And knowing is a dying faith. He weeps for the1 this, and knowing, too, of the many mother who will never experience the times similar acts of martyrdom have beauty of a Jewish home/for the father occurred in the history of his people, who will never know the happiness of the Jew weeps. He weeps for all the a Jewish life. Ho weeps for the Jewish

child who will never truly uiiderntand liis past and who will always senso within himself a vague unrest, a vast hunger; perhaps I should have learned more about my people. lie weeps deeply for the blameless child, for a life he will never live, * peace he will never know, a love he will never sense. H» weeps because he cannot articulate his the things he does are of infinite beauty the things h does are of infinite beauty and somehow he cannot explain them to the new generation. And he weeps f o r a people torn by dissent, confused and adrift, pulling in different directions for different goals, And the tears he weeps are bitter tears, for he knows that it has never; been like thia with his people and that should it continue like this much longer there will soon be n^ one left to weep for the past, no one earing enough to pray for the future. And the devout Jew, in weeping, prays, too. He. prays that the Jew'of today will achieve somehow an appreciation of the yast'iwservoirs of beauty inherent in Jewish life. He prays that


A New Flock of Israel's Youth Take Up Studies at ORT Schools

the Jewish mother will make at least an attempt at building a Jewish home, that the Jewish father will try as best he can to find for himself some meaning in Jewish life. He prays that the Jewish child will be sent to a Jewish sohool where he can learn to articulate his Jewishness, to understand the teachings, the values and the practices of his faith. He prays that the next generation will not repeat the errors of the past generation, that out of the dissent that is Jewish life today, out of the vast give and take of conflicting ideologies and divergent observances, will evolve a faith that will have as much meaning for the-Jew of today as the faith of past centuries had for the Jew of Europe. It is for us, each and every one of us, to determine the degree to which his prayers will ultimately be answered. And it is the extent to which we involve ourselves in the creation of a meaningful faith for the Jew of today that our own prayers may very well be answered during this High Holiday period.

With the New Year, several thousand youngsters In Israel will return to classes at the 34 vocational high schools conducted by ORT. They Will meet hundreds of "freshmen" like these eager and serious heed boy* who Mr€ embarklns on careers as much-needed craftsmen and leehrii* ciiiiii* Already the largest trade schooling program in Israel, ORT will greatly enlarge the scope of training among immigrant youth in the year •head. O R T In Israel receives support of the Joint Distribution Com* m l l l M , • member agency of the United Jewish Appeal.

Untracked Wilderness of International Relations By Dr. Nelson Olneok President Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion From Israel, where he is exploring (he Negev desert aruhaeologically, penetrating the secrets of the anoient past and their meaning for Israel today, Dr. Nelsbn Glueck, president of Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion,' America's only seminary of Reform Judaism, sends a Rosh Hashanati message to world Jewry. , Just as the Negev, long considered an irreclaimable wasteland, today- h o l d * the promise of rich and fertile, devel-' opment, so, too, the New Year'6716 finds international relations, w h i c h long seemed an "untraoked wilderness," offering hope to man's aspirations for peace, be 4aid. Dr, Glueck, world-famous Biblical archaeologist, is making a square-mile by square-mile archaeological survey of the Negev under the aus< ploes of the College-Institute and' the Louis 'M. Rabinowits Foundation of New York. Here is his Rosh Hashanafa message s "To my fellow Jews wherever they may be, I send my sincere New Year greetings, both foi'.myself and for the great rabbinic- seminary which I havo the honor to head, 1 write this from the Negev of Israel where exploration is revealing some hitherto unknown facets of the history of our people. > Areas which are now desert were once ' covered by vegetation; the sands which now Mem trackless were.once eriss-' crossed by roads. The Negev is not un-

inhabitable. It can again be a place fit fertility and the waste lands can become traversable. Even this leas) promising corner of the Holy Land Can be restored as the productive garden it once was, "So, too the world, which has seemed in its international relations an • untracked wilderness, can hope to look forward to settlement and tranquility. The meeting at the summit may well bring peace and harmony, to the man on the plain. "This New Tear comes' at a Juncture when renewed hope has been born ini the human breast- Our American Jewish .community, blessed in its religious and.patriotie'heritage, enters its fourth century of settlement with confidence and expectation. The State of Israel faces some uncertainties, but bravely. Justified fear and anxiety will not obliterate itst wish and efforts for peace. Israel remains the symbol of man's hope and faith' in the future. ' "Jews wilt* greet the New Tear with their assurance of God's protection and of man's basic decency undiminished. The profound spiritual meaning of the High Holy Days will spur Jewry on' to an even nobler dedication and service to God and humanity." Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, of which Dr. Glueck is president, conducts rabbinio schools in Cincinnati and New York at which candidates for the Liberal Jewish ministry are trained for a career in Jewish service*.



Lelb Cellar Leonard Brown Sol Handler' Adolph Moskovltz Mrs. Marsha Dulman Mrs. Rachael Belmont Sara Bailen Mrs. David M. Newman Mrs. Rosa Wollenberger Mn. Ids Sherman * Mrs. Hyman Wlntroub Mrs. Sam Schneider Mrs. Joseph Sokolof Dr. Adolph Sacks Mrs. E. Htmmelsteln Paul Steinberg Jake Kavich Max Fish Harry Reshldc Ben Morgan Louis Schrelbmsn Mrs. Harry Welnsteln Harry M. Ferer Hyman Katske* Mrs, Jacob Shapiro Mrs. Bessie Rotkovltz Arthur A. Joseph Mrs. Chaya S. Cohen Louis Morgan Herman Sllverman Mrs. Betty Karon J. M. Baker Max Lerner Miss H. Grodlnsky Capt. Bernard J. Wolfson Miss Jessie Goetz




EMMA LAZARUS (1849-1887)

Emma Lararus—a frail, gifted poetess and essayist, who awoke to an awareness of Jewish life.when-she saw remnants of the czarist persecutions of 1880 and 1881, awaiting admission to the United States.

Perhaps this native New Yorker Is best remembered for her sonnet, "The New Colossus," which is inscribed in a plaque placed on the base of the Statue of Liberty at the entrance of New York harbor.

This awareness of her people made her not only their spokesman but opened a new avenue down which to direct her literary talents. She put her powers as a poetess and essayist to work presenting the history of her people and trying to ease their predicament iln the new world.'

Condolences William Bogdanoff Mrs. Sam Krirelman Mrs. Msx Levlne Mrs. Sam Foster Mrs. Jacob GoldwsrePhllllp Saks, Mrs. Mary Tclpner Milton R. Frohm Miss Bertha Newman Mrs. Max Shapiro Mrs. Harry Stoler Abe Hoffman v Morris Rosenstcln Jake Kaplan Mrs. Flora Kahn Harry Levy Miss Eva Berg Isaac Roffman Mrs. Rebecca Kalman Mrs. Harry Kutler Harry Welner Benjamin Chalt Harry Greene Mrs. David Feblowltz Morton M. Alplrn Benjamin Green David Blntteln Mrs. Ann Brodsky Joseph Ruback Joseph Llptey Mrs. Max Davidson Mrs. Nathan Seiner Mrs. Lena Diytch Israel Krantz /• Mn. Llbble Rosenthal Morris Kalman Samuel Glventer

A Glowing Awareness

The Closing stanza reads— ". . . Give me your tired, your poor,

;, - t \

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, •

' '


* '

. .


In a short poemr'The New Ezekiel," Miss .Lazarus' adoption of the idea that Palestine should be re-established as a Jewish homeland displayed the fire that now glowed within her.

Snd, these, the homeless, tempest-tost^ to', Sendthese, the homeless, tempest-toit TO,. .


I lift my lamp beside the golden door,!"

. s


S, V,, s




fPersonal Greetings /or Rosh HasHonah

MB, MM MRS. JOE ADLEB and family take this means of expresslnt their best wishes for Boih Hashonah, Yora Klppur, and the whole year to the Jewish community of Omaha.

SIR. and SIRS. MAX ABBITSIAN and family extend to all friend* and relatives their heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


MR. mad MRS. EDWARD EL BBOPKEY and sons. MOUR1S and SHERMAN, extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for a Happy New Year.

MRS. M. BRODKEY. 4903 Underwood, Apt 2, takes this means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous year to her friends and family far and near.

RABBI n d MRS. S I D N E Y BROOKS, daughter, MIRIAM, .-and son, JOEL, extend their greetings and best wishes to the Community for Happiness and Health in the coming year.

: MU. «nd MBS. ABE BEAR and family wish all their relatives and friends a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

SIR. and JIBS. SI. A. BERCOVICl extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

BETH EL SISTERHOOD wishes all Its members and friends, a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD wishes all Its members and friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

THE BIKtJB CHOLBl SOCIETY wishes all its members and friends a Happy. Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

MR. and MBS. ELI BITTNER and family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

»U(. and MBS. MAX BITTNEB and son, DAVID, wish their friends and relatives both far and near 4 Happy New Year.

MR. mad MBS. SAM BLOOM and family take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

B'NAI ABRAHAM LODGE extend their greetings and good wishes to all Its members and friendsfor a Happy New Year.

B'NAI BTBITH N E B R A S K A CHAPTER NO. 346 wishes all Its members a New Year filled with Health, Happiness and Good Cheer.

B'NAI B'RITH HENRY BIONSKY LODGE NO. 351 wishes the entire Jewish Community a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

B'NAI BTHTH N E B R A S K A LODGE NO. 1*45 wishes the entire Jewish Community a Healthful and Prosperous New Year.

SfJC gad BIBS. A. H. BRODKEY and family extend their greeting* and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, HappIness and Prosperity,

K MB. mad MBS. A. B. GENDLEB and family extend their greet* ings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health; Happiness and Prosperity.

MR. and MRS. ALFRED GLASS and son, MORTON, with all their friends and relatives a very happy New Year. v

A Happy New Year to all then family and friends. FROM THE GOODBINDEBS.

DB. and MBS* AY.GBEENBKB0 wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year. KB. sad MRS. PHILIP CRANDELL take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

MB. and MBS. SAM EPSTEIN and LESLIE and BOBBY, 5127 Charles Street take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year .to their friends and relatives.

EPSTDN-MPRGAN POST AUXILIARY, JWV, wishes all its members and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MB. and HBS. BABTON GBEENBEBO and BETH extend to all their friends their best wishes for a New Year filled with Health and Happiness.

MR. W I L L I A M GBODIN8RY wishes all his friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

BABBI and MBS. BENJAMIN GBONEB, DIANE, BAPHAEL, and GLADYS, offer their best wishes for a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all the members of the community and to IClal Israel.

MB. and BIBS. H. GUSS and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. DR. and MBS. ABE D. FAIEB and sons, MATTHEW and JERBY, . take this' means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and rela' tives.

JIB. mad MBS SAM FAIEB and famfly extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

Best wishes for Prosperity in the New Year to all officers and members of the Adas YeshurenB'nal Jacob Synagogue, the Jewish Welfare Federation, and ail our friends in the Jewish community. RABBI and MBS. N. FELDMAN.

MB. and SIRS. MORBIS FIRESTONE, wishes oil their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MB. and SfltS. I S A D O B E FORBES extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and •relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MB. and SIRS. ALBERT FOX extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

H OMAHA CHAPTEB OF-HADASSAH wishes all Its members and friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

MB. DAVE HAHN and m o t h e r , wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New' Year.

MBS. BEN HANDLER extends her good wishes for a Happy New Year to aU her friends and relatives.

The • members of the PEBETZ IIIRSCHBEIN wish the entire Jewish community of Omaha n very Happy and Prosperous New '. Year. We wish also to express our sir.cere thanks to Mrs. J.Cohen for the wonderful job nho is doing as hospitality chaiman. Mrs. Sam Einder, Sec'y.

SIB. and SIBS. JOE IIORNSTEIN wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.

MB. and SIBS. OSCAR FOX extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for H e a l t h , Happiness and Prosperity.

DB. nnd SIBS. HERMAN SI. JAHB and daughter, LEB, wish their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MBS. J. 3. FREIDEN extends her best to all her relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year to all our friends. THE JEWISH PRESS.

CADDfAH CHAPtER Or HONEER WOMEN extend their best wishes to all for a very happy and prosperous New Year.

MB. and MBS. OBOMUC KAPLAN wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Tear.

MB. mad HBS. JOSEPH KOtSB. ENBAUM ana family take this means of expressing their best wlshv for the New Year to their friends and relative*.

MB. and MRS. BAM KLAVEB and son, LINCOLN, take this mean* of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to t h e i r friends and relatives.

MB. mad HBS.' MARTIN KOLM and sons extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity.

MR. ma4 MRS. BEN MORBIS wish their friends and relatives both' far and near a Happy New , Year. .

MR. and MRS. RUBEN SHA* HBO wish their relative* and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


MR. atd MRS. NATHAN STEIN. BEBO. exjend their greetings to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Healthy N«w Year.

OMAHA' SECTION, NATIONAL .COUNCIL -Or JEWISH WOMea extend to you and your dear "ones sincere good wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

MR. mad MBS. NATHAN NOGG wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.

ABE B. OENDLER, President, on behalf of the Zionist District of Omaha, extends best wishes to all for a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

MR. and MBS. SAM H. KUTLER, their' children, CAROLYN and BENNETT, and Mr*. Kutler1* mother, MBS. EVA POLIKOV, ' extend their greetings and* good wishes to their friends and relatives both far and near for a Happy and Prospectus New Year,

HR8.H.F.LEVENSONandfam* , tty extend their best wishes-to /their relative* and friends for a very Happy New Year.

MRS. SOL LEWIS and family take this means of expressing; their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives and to the entire Jewish community.

M SIR. and MBS- NATHAN MAB/CUS and sons, BUD and STEVE,' extend their <prectlngs and good wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives, both far and near.

SIR. and SIRS. HARRY BIENDEL8ON take this means of expressIng thelr-beefc-wjshes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

THE OMAHA CHAPTER OF SIIZBACHI WOMEN wishes all of its members and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

' DR. SAMUEL Z. STERN wishes hii friends/and relatives a Hap* py New Year.

MB. aad MRS. L 8TI8S and sons, JACK and SOL, take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to t h e j r friend* and relatives.


MR. and MBS. HYMAN OSOFF extend their greetings'and. good wishes for the New Year to their friends and relative*. '

BABBI and MBS. MYEB S..KBIPKE and family, take this, means of extending greetings and good wishes to friends far a Joyous New Year. •

DR.aHdHRS.BENTONKUXLER and, their, children, LAURA, ROBERT and DAVID wish their friends and relatives a very happy and prosperous New Year.

BIB. mad. MBS. SAMUEL S. STEINBEBO and family wish all their relative* and Mends a Happy and Prosperous 'New Year.

MR. maa MRS. LOUIS PAFERNY, and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and'relatives-for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity.

, TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTERHOOD wishes all its members and friends a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MBS. JOSEPH TRETMK and family wish their relative* and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MR. and, MRS. D. PARKER and family wish their relatives and friends both far and near a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MR. nd MRS. ABE VENGEB and daughters, NANCY and ENID, wiih all 'their relative* and . friend* a very Happy New Year,

PIONEER WOMEN wish all their members' nd friend* a Happy and Healthy'New'-Year. •

MB. sod MBS. MOB VENOEB , and ton, JERRY, extend their greetings and good wishes to . friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity for ' the New Year.

MR. aad MRS.' SAM RICE and family 'extend their greetings' and good wishes to friends and . relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MB. and MRS. PAUL VERET and ' children,-BARRY, LINDA and JUDITH, Of 120 South 91st Ave, nue, extend to their friends sincere wiihe* for a Happy New . yew.

MB. and MBS, DAVID "SONNY" RICHARDS and children, SANDRA' CORY and SCOTT, extend their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives, both-far and near.

DR.,aad MRS. AL BIMMERMAN and daughters, - BENEE, ALLEEN, and JANE, extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

SIR. and SIBS. BEN L. ROSEN and sons. PAUL and: BILLY, extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MB. and MBS. LEONARD SEGAL and son*, DICK and FK.ED. wish all their friend* a Happy New Year.

w ' MR. JAKE WEINER and daughter MOLLYE wish their friends and relatives a happy, healthy and prosperous-New Year.

Best wishes for a healthy, happy and prusporuus New Year to all our friends and relatives. SIB. and SIRS. L0IJ18 W EI N E.'(, FRANCINE, ItKNKK and RICHARD BARRETT.

SIR. nd SIRS. JAKE WINE wish all their frlendi. and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New ; Year.

WOKKSIEN'4 CHICLE, LADIKS AUXILIARY wish n very Healthy and Happy New Year to all the members Mrs. L. Whllcon, President; Mrs. S. Binder. Scctelury; Mrs Snra Schwartz, Treasurer; Mrs. H.. Ruderman, Hospitality Chairman.

*' '*,

B HaiKoiuli B7I4—FrWay, S*pfemfcen-f7, 195$ New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Ret

Rosh Hashonah Customs By Harry Onahlng (Copyright, 1955) The vast literature which makes up the folklore of the Jewish people has been, for centuries, one of the inspiring forces giving contentment to Jewish life. For countless generations the Midrashio elements of rabbinic literature displays tho labor of the rabbis, not only as authorities of Hebrew law, but as preachers and teachers who sought, through countless folktales, parnbles, legends and learned commentaries to demonstrate the ethical fundamentals of Jewish life. Thus, as the holidays and festivals developed, they, too, wero clothed in the garb of the Midrashio description. Countless significant expositions are bound up with Itosb Hashonah. Jewish legend attributcp many important events to tho month of Tishri, the month in which Rosh Hashonah occurs. Thus, the Talmud tells us that "Habhi Elierer says, in tho month of Tishri the world was created, in Tishri tho patriarchs were born and died. On Rosh Hashonah, Sarah, Rachel and Hannah were remembered on high and concelved. On Rosh Ilnshonah, Joseph left prison; and, on Rosh Hashonah, the slavery of our ancestors ceased in Egypt. In the month of Nisan they were redeemed, and in Tishri they will be redeemed in time to come" (Talmud, Bosh Hashonah lOb-lla). Judgment The tradition that the world is judged oa the Hebrew New Year is also mentioned in the Talmud. Rabbi Heir expressed the opinion that all things are judged on Itosh Hashonah and their fate is sealed on Yom Kippur. Speak* ing in the name of Rabbi Akiba, Rabbi Judah declared i "All things are judged on Rosli Hashonah, but the fate of each and every one is sealed in iU proper season! at Passover, the fate of*grain) lit the Feast of Weeks, that of the fruit* of the trees, and at tbe Feast of Booths (Succoth), that of rain" |Tosefta Rosh Hashonah 1. 13). One of the traditions of Rosh Hashonah is that it is the Day of Memorial when God remembers the deeds of all men. The record of each person is kept in three Inrge memorial books. The tnii'iafc Itoxh HIMIHUIIIII (1<!b) relutcH tliut Ituhbi Kruspnlui, speaking in tinname of Kabbi Vochanan, declared that the three volumes are for three categories of individuals: tmo for the completely righteous, one for the wholly wicked, and one for the average person. The completely righteous arc immediately inscribed and sealed in the Sefer Hachayim, tbe Book of Life; tbe wholly wicked are at once inscribed and scaled in the Book of Death. However, the average person's fate ia held in abeyance from linsh Hashonab until

Tom Kippur. lfg the average person repents properly, he is inscribed on. Yom Kippur. If the average person worthy, he is destined for deatli. A popular commentary explains that Rosh Hashonah takes place in Tishri because, since it occurs before tho harvest (season, it would be favorable for Israel. Inasmuch us the poor are given the gleanings, the forgotten sheaves and the Penh (corners of tbe field), these acts of kindness would influence God in bis judgment of Israel. By appealing to the divine quality of mercy, rather than to the divine quality of justice, Israel would stand a better chance to be inscribed for life. Preparation For an entire month preceding Rosh Hashonab, it is customary to prepare for the New Tear, The month of Blul is dedicated as a month for T'schuvah, repentance. Tradition has it that the month of Elul is an ideal time for repentance. A legend tells us that, after Israel had committed the sin of bowing down to. the Golden Calf, and Moses had broken the first set of the Ten Com mandmenta, be ascended Mount Sinai for a second time to obtain a second •et of the tablet*, and remained on the mountain until Yom Kippur. Thus has arisen the enstom of blowing tbe Shofar at the conclusion of tbe morning services daring the month of Elul, to recall the 4C days spent by Moses on Mount Sinai. An interesting sidelight is that tbe word Elul in Hebrew has the numerical value of 67. The'word "Blnah," meaning "understanding,'^ has the same numerical value. Hence, Rabbi Yaa beti, in his Siddur, suggesting the month of Elul for repentance, point* out that through understanding comes repentance, as it is written "and under standing with their heart, return, and be healed) (Isaiah 6:10). It has been the custom among many of the pious, in past generations, to fasi during the days fiom Rosh Chodes! Elul (the first of Elul) until the end ol Yom Kippnr, a period of 40 days. This too, was in memory of tho 40 days which Moses remained on Mount Sinn, to receive the Ten Oommnndments. There also have been individual: who, because of their piety, made it n practico not to engage in secular con vernations from Rosh Chodesh Elul until tho end of Yom Kippur, This practice was based on the belief that there is nothing better for the purification of tho soul than avoiding idle talk. Also, by keeping from idle talk, the. individual can concentrate so much better on his prayers, It is customary for the rabbi to deliver a special exposition-on the Sabbath preceding Rosh Hashonah. The

tradition for this custom is based on the belief that, when a rabbi or sage sermonizes before the people, their sins are forgiven. Also, when tbe congregation responds "Araei," to his words, God immediately destroys the adverse decree. Holiday Cantor In engaging a cantor for the high holidays, congregational committees are advised to face the responsibility with grave seriousness in their effort to please all tho congregants. Jewish tradition has set up certain basic requirements for a proper ba'al T'filah during tho High Holidays. He must be a man of learning and pious of deed. It is suggested that he be married, have children and be at least 30 years old. These qualities are required because they indicate that a person is usually matured under such circumstances. It is even suggested that the chszen be a person who has the capability of arousing people to devoutness with a joyful melody when required, and with a sad melody when weeping is in order' for confession and repentance. However, it is also urged that the can-

tor not be a person who displays his vanity through his chants. The "Duties of the Heart" ("Chovot IIa-1'vavot" by Judah Ibn Tibbon, Mosad Rav Kook edition p. 376) tells the following story. "A king was once asked how ho lilted the chanting of n particular cantor. It no happened thai tho cantor in question had a sweet voice and his chants were skillfully carrier] out. "'How can his chant-ing be pleasing tome/said the king, 'when he clmntn only for the purpose of finding favor in my eyes and pleasing me? If he intended to achieve only the favor of the Creator, then his chanting would in deed be pleasing to me."' "The same may be said of all cantors and chanters of tbe liturgy who want to find favor b the eyes of men bnt do not have God in mind, their prayers are not accepted by the Creator." Often in the liturgy o+ Rosh Hashonah, reference is made to the Covenant witb Abraham. Jews have come to believe a great deal in Z'chut Avot, (Continued to Page 6-B)

Congratulations Sons Mr. and Mrs. Herman Barren Mr. and Mrs. Owen Meyerson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Friedman Mr. and Mrs, Bernard OsherofI Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiesman Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nerenborg Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rosenzweig Mr. and Mrs. Yale Richards Mr. and Mrs. Ben Helslcr Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein Mr. and Mrs. David Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Cassman Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rosehblum Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Milton Parker Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gorelick Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Passer Mr. and Mrs, Leroy A. Katz Mr. and Mrs. Alvln S. Nogg Mr. and Mrs. Maurice I. Greenspan

Daughters . » Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hart * Mr. and Mrs. Irwin A. Gendler Mr, and Mrs. Morris Boguchwal '•• Mr, and Mrs. Meyer Crandell * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Novak ; Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Malashoch Mr, and Mrs. Barton H. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slutzky Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lewis • Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon A. Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alloy Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Halprin Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ruderman Mr; and Mrs. Louis Paul Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Melches < Mr. and Mrs. Sol Crandell Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Priesman ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zelinsky Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dolgoft Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kahn Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Berg Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Wclner • Mr and Mrs. Saul Libowskl • Mr, and Mrs. Harold H. Kaplan • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crounse -

Pathfinder ofAmerican Judaism


U.S.- Jewish Scene (Continued from Page 1-B) 1951, stepped down and Dr. Joseph-J. Schwartz, retiring head of the United Jewish Appeal, became head of the new bond organization. Toward the end of that month, American Jewry won another important victory against anti-Semitism when a jury in a Newark, N, J., court handed down a $30,000 award against Conde. McGinlcy, publisher of the anti-Semitic sheet "Common Sense," for libelling Rabbi Joachim Prim of Newark. Dr. Prinz had brought suit because the paper had referred to him as "red Rabbi Dr. Joachim Prinz, who, not unlike Albert Einstein, was expelled from Germany for revolutionary, Communist activities." Einstein Dies The death in April of Dr. Albert Einstein, world-famous scientist, humanist and philosopher, who was regarded as the greatest man of his generation, stirred American Jewry deeply. At memorial meetings later on, Einstein's steadfast loyalty to tho Jewish people and to Jewish spiritual values was emphasized. While mourning the passing of Einstein, Jews in this and other countries took pride in the achivement of Dr. Jonas E. Salk, Jewish medical researcher, in preparing a vaccine which would eradicate tho dread polio disease. After his victory over polio was announced, Dr. Salk, who had received a Jewish education at the Bronx Jewish Center, was showered with honors. In May, the convention of tho Rabbinical Assembly of America heard a warning that inter-marriage, divorce, indifference and ignoranco threaten the foundations of Jewish life in this conntry. The Assembly was told by Kabbi Reuben M. Kate that Jewish family service agencies, like those serving other groups, "are overburdened with tremendous case loads and neverending waiting lisU." Toward the end of May, Rep, Eugene Eiler, Kentucky Republican, again introduced in Congress an amendment to tho Constitution to recognize the "law and authority" of Jesus Christ.






The proposed new amendment was identical with one introduced a year earlier by Republican Sen. Ralph E. Flanders of Vermont, who later withdrew i t Thirty Catholic, Protestant Bhd Jewish organizations backing Edward J. Corsi, ousted State Department expediter of the refugee act, at a meeting in New York in June, asked for'roform of both the McCarran-Walter' and Refugee Relief Acts. -Sen. Nenberger told the rally that America's present immigration policy had destroyed the concept of this country as a haven of refuge for the persecuted of the earth, and said that the present law is the work of men who think thero is "sonir magical super-raco ordained to rule mankind." A week later, it was learned that Sen. "VVatkins' bill incorporating President Eisenhower's program, for revising the Rcfugeo Relief Act of 1953, is having tough sledding on Capitol Hill. At tho conference of tho National Community Relations Advisory Coun cil in Juno, one of tlie problems raised was tho shift of Jewish population t« the suburbs. This, it was said, creates new opportunities for bettering groups relations, but it may also create hostil ity. The proposal that women bo ordained as Reform rabbin, made by Rabbi Barnett Brickner, presidont of tho Control Conference of American Rabbis, at its convention in Juno, aroused interest throughout American Jewry. Reform leaders were divided on the subject. June also saw the untimely death of Edward A. Norman, president and founder of tho American Fund for Is-' rael Institutions and a leader in other Jewish organizations, who died at the ago of 55, The convention of- the Zionist Organization of America, held in Washington in June, revealed a rift between tho Administration and a group beaded by the veteran Zionist leader, Louis Lipsky. There were rumors that the Lipsky group would secede from the ZOA.


ISAAC LEESER (1806-1868)


r Intrepid and s W d f a t t pathfinder in Amen* can Judaism, Isaac Leeser devoted himself to .the education of Jews in Judaism and to the in* terpretation of Judaism to the non-Jew. His universal letters and Jewish publishing endeavors during the formative years of the Jewish community life in the United States won the respect of friends and enemies alike. Together with Rebecca Gratz, he founded the first Jewish congregational Sunday School to remain in continuous existence which developed into the Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia.

X ft

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'i- A firm believer in the teaching of;Hebrew*' • and the-Hebrew-point of view, Lesse^wdrjcpd-tb,' \ , • found a'college thatwould also traih'rabbis for • the American pulpit.

J "" < •





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,.He joined hands with his fellow citizens of all faiths,' working diligenfly for the establishrnjeht'of , a Jewish way of life in America that would remainyfirm on its foundation. In all his work Leaser's zeal, modesty, kindliness; and courage .captured the admiration of critic, and-compatriot alike* -



,.Vtamttaued from Page 5-B)

Hashonah Customs

M«rit of the Fathers, the principle that one is blessed because of the achieveinents of hi* ancestors. The Talmud tfejlf Of an incident descriptive of this priiMiple. On one of the occasions that l«Fl»el shmed, while in the desert, Moses stdpd before God sad ottered many pHytn, bnt somehow his numerous petitions were not answered. Finally, he declared: "Remember Abraham, Isaac' and Israel Thy servants" (Exodus 32:13), and his petition was immediately listened to. (Shabbat 30a). ' That in why there is so much significance in the following words which are uttered during the Itosh Hashonah eve penitential prayers: "Remember the Covenant with Abraham and the Binding of Isaac and return the captivity of the tents of Jacob and save us for the sake of Tliy name.'' On Hashonah, Jews appeal to the Clod of Abraham who was'prepared to sacrifice his beloved Bon to God. They also remember the story of Hannah who gave up her seven sons. In her final moments she-declared to her children: "Go and say to Abraham your father, 'you have built one altar, but I have built seven altars'" (Gittin 57b). And so on Rosh Hashonah Jews, ia recalling the Binding of Isaac and the sacrifices of Hannah, utter in their prayers that they have built thousands, tens of thousands, indeed millions of altars, to preserve the unity of God. The Torah reading on Rosh Hashonah is taken from Genesis 21 which

tells how Sarah's prayers were answered on Itosli Hashonah. The Haftorah, or Prophetic Mother's prayers were also answered on Kosh Ifaslionah. It has been a custom for many centuries for people living in villages and hamlets to eome to the JarpiT towns und cities to observe Kosh Hashouah and Yoia Ivippur. This is not so with the other festivals and holidays. This custom is based on the thought that "in the multitude of j/cojilo is the kind's glory." The custom }ia.s its counterpart in secular life, too; for, when a king was crowned, folk gathered in the capital from all parts of the kingdom to witness the ccromonies. And so it is when Jews are ready to. hail the King of kings; they gather in the large cities coining from the towns and -villages. Modes of Prayer Prayer attitudes are manifested in various ways. There are some who pray silently. They do not stir from their place during the entire service. They are tranquil and utter their petitions ia whispers. There are others, however, who cry out in their prayers and even make strange gestures with their eye* and hands and even with their entire being. Rabbi Israel Ba'al Shem TOT, founder of the Chassidie movement, describes the latter type of praying Jew in bit volume "Keter Shem Tov." When a man is drowning in a river a n d splashes about trying to pull himself from the waters that overwhelm him, those who witness the scene eertainly will not ridicule his splashing. So;

when a man prays with gestures, there is no reason to make tun of him, for he is trying to save himself from the raging waters that engulf him and distract him from his prayers. The blowing of the Shofur ou Rosh Hashonah is inspired In' many ideas. The keynote h set l>y ihe following "With trumpets und sounds of the Sliol'ar shout ye before the Kin;?, Hie Lord" (Psalms 'JH-.IJ). The ijjo^t common significance of tin; fe'hofiir is

that it recalls the ram which was sacrificed instead of Isaac. Many are the traditions connected with the .Shofar. The Torah was given to the sounds of the Shofar, as indicated by the verse: "And when the voice of the Shofar waxed louder and louder" (Exodus 19:19). The walls of Jericho fell to the sounds ot the Shofar: "And it came to pas», when the people heard the sound of the 8hofar, that they shouted with a great shout, and the wall fell down flat" (Joshua 6:20). The Messiah will be heralded with the sounds of the Sbofar "and the Ix>rd wDl blow the Shofar" (Zeefcariah 9t14). Tradition has it also that, when the exiles of Is-

rael are gathered, it will be to the sounds of the Shofar. "And it EIIHII come to pass in that day, that a (.'reut Shofar will he blown; that they shall come that were lost in the land of Assyria and they that were dispersed in the land of Kfjypt; and they shall v.or ship the Lord in the holy mountain ;it Jenj^alenj" (Isaiah liT.J'J). Maiiuonidcs, the famed JewUli philosopher who stands oul as one of tin1 leading eoiliiieJs of .Jewish ];iw, vivii.lh points to the oi{.rnificniice of the Shofar blowing ceremony : "Awake, 0 ye hleep ers," he writes, "awake from your slum ber, and rouse from your lethargy.

Scrutinize your deeda and return in repentance. Remember your Creator, ye who forget eternal truth in the trifles of the hour, who go astray all your years After vain illusions which can neither profit nor save. Look well into your souls and mend your ways and your actions; let each of yon fqrsske his veil path and his unworthy purpose, * and return to God, so that He may have mercy upon you" (Hilehot T'shuvah IH4). The ideological principle* of the

Marriages Lois Ann Greenberg and Manfred E. Kreltstein Dorothy H. Krieger and Marvin J. Suvalsky Phyllis Eileen nifkln and LyneJ) Lee Appe) Je;:n Mario Levenson and Jack Kdward Duitcli Grayce Untriff and Paul .Sacks Goldie Hiiinli'j1 and Joseph Bemstim Hetty Lincoln and Frank Black Penis Sherman ami Hai-vcy Jacobow }'(•] nice Klain fiful Michael Shnitfg A<Mi- (."piasanov and Robert Wolt Son>n Goodman and Dr. Harold Margolin l>tty Epstein and Leonard Rosenblatt Adeline Streich and Harold Kcchtcr Joyce Rita Ilmnner and Allan Wclnstcln Seena Wolppr and Saul Greenborg Maurine E. Sherman and Harold H. Ksrp Judith Esther Milder and Howard Dee Vann

High Holidays are impressive. The Jfidraahie element* have contributed much to the observance of these days in which the Jew has found much spiritual security. They have always •helped Jews develop the sense of be-

Sue Lui-je and Bruce M. Roten Shirley Jean Schoenbrun ajxj Dr. R. Neal Schnelderman P.ogcne Barbara Afanvitr and Zan D. Falsen Monica Hclcne Joffc and Danny L. Togt\ Joaimo Marjorie Simon Bnti Paul Irvin Wolk Phyllis Potash and Jerome Wnsiserman Beverly Mlnhln nnd Dr. Robert Addl»on Barbara Ann Kite end Howard S. Dandy Enid Levey- and Laurence Pollack Ruth Halpern and Dr. Sidney Nearcnberg Dorothy Ann Greenberg and Aivin Egsteln Flora Schrier and Zcph Tclpncr Ruth Slavln and Merle Potash Shirley Rosenberg and Barton Roehman Lois Shapiro and Nathan Novak

longing to the Eternal People. The folk tales and parables, the commentaries and ethical homilies hare pre. served those who observe the holy days with that spiritual amor with which Jews nave sustained tkmlreg ' nigh on to forty centuries.


Israel's New Immigrants (Continued from Page 1-B) lagers are still dressed in homespun burnouss, heelless shoes and turban of several colors. Select Immigrants This is a new type of immigration, a selected immigration under which the very old, the invalids and the permanently disabled cannot come, unless they immigrate togsther with the family which is to support them, or else have relatives in Israel who undertake to care for them- The flood of Indiscriminate immigration first from D.P. camps of Eastern and Central Europe, and then from Iraq, Persia and Morocco, had been for some time a threat to the young state of Israel's economic structure. It s a p p e d the State's strength in no mean measure by creating a maze of economic and social problems for which Israel was u n p r e p a r e d and uneguiped. It took almost five years to cope'with these problems and having almost died from 'immigration indigestion,' Israel is now a sadder but wiser State. This is why the temporary slowing down of immigration, although in itself an undesirable phenomenon, was looked upon as a blessing in disguise. It gave the authorities and the National Institutions the necessary respite in w h i c h to realize what mistakes had been made and to remedy them. It also provided the possibility to train and increase specialized personnel to help with the absorption. During these years of stress, when large numbers of immigrants were no longer forthcoming, things became sorted out. The old immigrants' camps where newcomers could remain idle for long periods and live at the expense of the State, were liquidated. Instead, ma'abarot were initiated as a transitory stage. But they did not prove to be a happy experience either.

At present a new system has been adopted under which the prospective immigrants undergo a selection by social workers and by medical authorities in their own countries, and only then, with a clean bill of health and within a certain age limit, can they come to Israel. People Who Never Lit an Electric Lamp These people who had never before boarded a ship, lit an electric lamp or spoke on the telephone, have suddenly been transplanted from their Tunisian villages or the hills of the Moroccan Atlas, to Israel on board of an Israeli ship. Without a word, almost stunned into silence, they undergo the DDT sprinkling, the perfunctory customs control, the checking of documents, etc. After a short while one can already see them squatting in the port shed, sipping tea and munch,jng the rolls which arc given theftt after they disembark. Children play round the bundles, y o u n g mothers nurse their babies, and everything is dominated by the guttural, staccato speech of the North Africans, who all can understand each other, no matter from which country they come, but can hardly understand Or be understood by those who speak the Ara-» bic of tho Arabian peninsula. The newcomers find at their arrival a nucleus of older settlers to make them feel welcome and at home, and who usually speak their language. From the very next day, integration begins. Bringing the children to school or kindergarten. Then in the evenings there are Hebrew lessons, a club, a meeting to explain things to them. Before the first week is over, the new immigrants are already well within the mill called absorption, and all the children as well as the grownups have already learned a few essential words of Hebrew.


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The B. A. "line!/* now flag-ship of the Zlm Israel Navigation Company, Ltd., of Hatta, will arrive ia New York Thursday, Oct. 27, on her maiden voyage from Israel, It Was announced by (he American-Israeli Shipping Company, Inc., D. 8. representot l m at the Zlm Maes. o Xtwf 10,800 gross ton, turbine-driven liner will Inaugurate the only all-year ronnd ' direct passenger service between the United States and the Holy Land. She will aeomnmodafri 818 passenger* In ultra-modern first and tourist class quarters. 33M 8. 8. l a n d win sail from New Xork on her first Eastbound voyage Friday. Xttfc 4. Bf mld-Feftrnarr, *be 8. S. Israel will be Joined by her slstersMp, the 8. S. Xbe M a llnan wffl offer • MJUnc la eaea direction every three week* then-

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* f t w Ytir'i Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Ro.h H«iKen«ti 57lt-Friday, 4 7 , 1955 president, Boh Shapiro, secretary: Howard Kooper, treasurer; Allan Forman and Harold Friedman, sgts. at arms. Century Chapter's Annual Initiation Banquet was held at the Blaskstone Hotel early in January. Mike dinar, Marty Soplilr, and Bob Epstfin were chairmen of this affair. / stirring speech on Jewish youth was given at the banquet by Aaron Zuckcr, District BBYO Director. ' Following this speech. Mike Canar, newly elected president of the pledge class, prcented Howard Kooper and Jerry Rosen with gifts expressing the appreciation of tho pledge-class for the guidance they had given thorn.

Jerry Rosen

Century Chapter OfAZA President, Jerry Ilotrn. Vlcc-1'resldcnt, Howard Kooper. Secretary, Irving Belter. "Treasurer, Stuart Kutler. Sgts.-at-Arnij, Ranald Simons and Dob Shapiro. Alrpli-In-Training Instructors, Marvin Friedman t.nd Mike C«nar. Chapter Historian, Steve Rtlkes. Scooting alng the highway! of Jewish life, AZA 100 has made remarkable progress during the 1951-55 Youth Coundl fiscal year. This progress i« due to the effort! of In many commiteemen, its active membership, and its excellent advisorshlp. In September 1954 twenty-five boys expressed their desire to become a part of AZA 100 by Joining as "Alephs In Training." Being tho biggest pledge class ever to join AZA 100. these new member* gave our chapter the spark that was needed to start the year pff in good fashion. After completing their pledRshlp, they became active "alcphs" and helped the club progress. The acml-annual election of officers, was held In December of 1954. Marvin Freedmnn was elected president; Jerry Rosen, vice-

At the winter convention, held in Sioux City AZA 300 was well represented. In fact, they retired the Cornbeii Region Attendance Trophy. Centurymen participated in all other convention activities. The Ninth Anna! King Dance. was held at the West Highland Country Club in April. This gala affair was headed by Allan Forman, Howard Kooper, and Bennett Hornsteln. An estimated 200 people attended in their semi-formal garm. Members and their guests saw Harold Friedman crowned as King of A Z A for 1955. During the fiscal year, Century Chapter has been carrying out the B'nal B'rith Youth "Five-Point" program. These five points are Religious, cultural, community serv. lo» and athktio activities. Our Religious program is observed by such activities as attending service* in mass:, having a religious speaker and discussions at meeting!. A prayer is a part of the opening and doting ceremonies of every meeting.

on civil defense by Dean Noyes, the Omaha Civil Defense director, rounded out our cultural projects. President, iiltu Kutzmun. In September of last year, our Treasurer, Leonu Brown. newly organized pledge program on Aleph-In-Trainlng program was Sgt.-At-Arms, Puula Block. organized. The "School of AZA" Keporter, Dena Lugraan. was formed and officers of the Historian, Mur&liB Foldmun, pledge class were elected. After Youth Council Representative, six weeks of thorough training In the customs and activities of Lt-ona Brown. Mother Chapter, the Alcphs-InTikvas Ami's first event of the Training were graduated from the year was' the annual ALL GIRLS "Schxil of AZA." MIXER at which movies from the This year's rushing activities by Sweetheart Dance were shown. As a fund raising affair, T. A. Mother Chapter included three very successful events. The rush gave a PENNY AUCTION folprogram began with a banquet at lowed by a mixer. Half of the prothe Highland West Club. Dave ceeds were sent to our Israeli projBeber an alumnus of Mother Chap- ects, Tsofun and JNF. ter and Carol Gast, the baseball The mid-term officers were inand football couch at North High stalled at a luncheon at the home School, were guest speakers. A of our advisor, Mrs. Jacobs. month later our second rush event, On Februarj 12 T. A. held their a bowling party at the Rose Bowl social affair of the year. It was a was held. Guest speaker was Halph Scavenger Hunt. Nogg, an alumnus of Mother ChapOn March 5 there was a slumter and a very prominent B'nal ber party at which the girls began B'rith official Our last rush event was the Twenty-second Annual the year us voted by the Chamber AZA No. 1 Sweetheart Dance. of Commerce and a prominent One of the most Important leader In B'nal B'rith. Other events In the Mother Chapter AZA events during the weekend IncludNo. 1 year Is the annual Parent's ed a mass attendance at a synaWeekend. The outstanding part gogue and a date party. So with the successful compleof the weekend Is the Founder's Banquet. This year the Founder's tion of the Twenty-econd Annual Banquet wan held at the Fonte- Aleph Zadik Aleph No. 1 Sweetnelle Hotel, the guest speaker was heart Dance, the AZA No. 1 year Leo Hill the outstanding man of comes to an end.

Quiz Box

Tikvas Ami

(Jury tiitnluk

Aleph Zadik Aleph Number One Aleph (iodol (President), Gary Oltnlck. Aleph S'Cnn (Vlee-Prcsldent) Stan Kalman. Aleph Mazklr (Secretary), Jerry Gordman. Aleph Gltbor (Treasurer), Mike Meyer. Aleph Moreli (FledgemMter), Mike Mogil. Aleph Shotare Godol ( H u d S g t At Arms), Steve. VnudceL*. Aleph Shotare Kotone (Ass't S g t At Arms), Arnold Winer. Aleph Sopherlm (Chapter Paper Editors), AUen KrUwImaa ami Lowell Burner. Aleph Kohec Oodol (Chaplain) Jack Orach.-

Cultural activities included panel discussions, apeaken and ADL The AZA No. 1 year began with committee work. Under Commu- a $650 profit on our Twenty-first nity Service, Sam Bebcr, Chapter Annual Sweetheart Dance. Miss No. J.00, received a citation for Theresa Kahn was c r o w n e d outstanding human!tary served for 'Sweetheart" for the ensuing year. the tremendous amount of work After the successful completion of contributed to the Cerebral Pal the Sweetheart Dance the live fold soy Drive in Omaha. The chapter and full committee of social, athalso participated In a canned goods letic, religious, community service, drive for an Omaha colored Chil- cultural, and ADL took over the dren's Home ** club's activities. AZA 100's athletic program has Among the social committee's been carrld out mostly by Youth activities for the year were a pre1 Council sponsored activities; such election stag at Harry's Restauat bowling, baiketbailf baseball, rant, a ghost party for Holloween, swimming, badminton, handball an auction party, a pre-oonventlon and ping-pong However, our club party, a baseball party and a rope had »uc'i Inter-mural activities as hike at Camp Brewstcr following bowling, plng-pon;, miniature golf It, and a stag following each and basketball. An Athletic Stag, President, Phyllis Freedinsii. ut which we had access to all the monthly mass attendance at a synFJnit VUr-rrrnldrnt, C n r u l n facilities ot thi; Jewish Community agogue. Of course the high point Frank. Center, was held during the win of the social year for AZA No. X as well as for tho Jewish Youth Second Vice - J'rcMdrnt, Joyce tcr. Council is our annual Sweetheart Canar. Tho Ccnturymen's Social com- Daneo. This year, the TwcntyItecordlng Hrrrrtnry, Klto Prill. mittee has been operating at full Corresponding Secretary, Elalno throttle during the year. A Box necond Annual Aleph Zadik Aleph Number One Sweetheart Dance F.lkrn. lunch party, a Play-money Card was held at the Blackstonc Hotel. Treasurer—Kllren Epstein. Party, a show Boat Party on a I Financial Secretary—» h 1 r 1 e y boat which was rented at Carter Tho highlight of tho evening was a very Inspiring Grand March preI SlUff. Lake, a Treasure Hunt, a Dinner I Youth Council Iteprcsentath e— Party In the Cameo Room of the ceding the crowning of the twenI Toby Itaznlck. Flreilde Restaurant, and the elab- ty-second Sweetheart dl A Z A I Youtli Council Alternate, Made orate King Dance, were the high- No. 1. In the athletic field, Mother • lyn Mlrorf. light* of the social program. Chapter began the year with an • 8crgrants-at-Arms, Sandra I'ellCentury Chapter has set up spc< Inter-dub football gome. An AZA I man and Judl Olmplc. cial committees; such a* courtesy, No. 1 team took first place In its .Jm Historian, In* Margolin. n o 11 f I cations, publications and division in the Youth Council ! , _ , Importer, Diane Singer. transportation, Bowling L e a g u e , while another ',1. B'nal B'rith Girls was organized Members of Century Chapter team gained second place In Its 'July 27,1951 are active not only on the chapter A constitution for the new club level, but also on the regional, division. Mother Chapter's entrant was drafted September 16, 1954. district and national levels. At In the Youth Council B League in Basketball achieved first place In this constitution the g r o u p the district convention held at changed from annual elections to resort In Wisconsin, four members laurels. While in wrestling Aleph semi-annual. of AZA 100 attended. Howard Stan Wldman gained first place In September brought ; 12 new Kaslow, a past-president of our his division. Other athletic events members to BBG. Instead of be- Chapter, was recently'elected pres- Included a ping-pong tournament ing colled p l e d g e s , theso new ident of the Cornbelt Region of and an Inter-dub free throw tourmembers were called MITs, which AZA. He Is also district secretary nament, Tbe zenith of our athleof AZA; and sub-chairman of tho tic year was a basketball game sUndU for members-ln-tralnlng. The MITs attended meetings National Civil Defense Committee, with High-Y, a non-Jewish High twice a month under the direction of AZA. Marvin Freedman, an' School Youth organization, during of MIT Mother Phyllis Freedman. other past-president of AZA 100, Brotherhood Week. A dance folAt these the MITs wrote a MIT holds the office of regional secre- lowed the game and the, proceeds long; and elected officers In addi- tary, Alcph Kaslow and Aleph were donated to the B'nal B'rith tion to their other activities. The Freedman Jusl> recently attended Building Fund. • For,-this event MIT officers were president, Mud- the National BBYO Convention at Mother Chapter received national dy Mlroff; vice-president, Maxlne Camp B'nal B'rith In.'Pennsyl- recognition,. Zweiback; secretary-treasurer, vania, They wero delegates from The religious actlvitcs of A Judy Freed; reporter, Florence the Cornbojt Region. No. 1 Included book reports, disShrago; sergennt-at-arms, Lynn You can see that along the busy cussions, and monthly^mass atSinger, and head of the Calling highways of American life, AZA tendances at various synagogues. Committee, Marilyn Dvorkin. 100 ha.i done Its best In working The AZA Sabbath, during which The BBG's traveled to Sioux to promote a better community the Alephs participated In the City October 8 to attend their life for Jewish youth In Omaha, scrvvices was the outstanding first regional meetinK. At the Our members sincerely wish to event of the year in the religious meeting Carole Frank was elected thank all those who have helped field. regional, Sandra In till-, emlenoi; and especially In Community service,'Mother Krizlcm'an was elected regional our advisors: Lou C.innr, Phil Kul- Chapter has been exceptionally reporter, and Shirley Rnznlck was Icr, Joe Upton, und Pelsy Alper- active. AZA No. 1 began the year appointed regional secretary pro son; nnil Ed Rosen, BHYO Chair- by washing car windshields and man; nnd Sherman Poskn, Youth leaving notices In support of the temp, proposed Increased levy for the BBG's participated In S t a g e Council Advisor. Parks nnd Recreation Commission. Nite held nt Central High School Jerry Itohcn. Xliis was one of our most successApril 2. Their skit won second ful community service events. p!ace. Alcph* from Mother Chapter also U!?ct;ons were held nt the JewIIv Rnhlil Hitmuel J. Fox worked free of charge at the Isish Community Center May 15. QUESTION- Why Is tho opening •On May 22, a combined Installa- of the Ark nnd the removal of the rnel Bond office and nt tho Nation, formal initiation and Mother's Refer Torah from It delegated (is tional Conference of Christians and Jews office. Another very Day Tea was held at the homo of ah honor? ANSWKIt: Generally Fpc.-ikinR, successul project was n comic book Judy Kutler. Summer Regional IJBYO Con- the Torah wns the properly of tlie. drive for Children's Memorial Hosl people of Israel as n whole nnd vention was held in IV, Moim-s not the special possession of the pltnl, several hundred Comics were June 12-14. The Omaha BBG's learned few or tho wealthy min- collected. In addition to our other took first place In baseball at this ority. Thus, it liec.'imo customary community service proJecU Mothconvention. to honor n number of people in r Chapter periodically helped out at tho Blood Bank and the Civil District BBYO Convention nt. handling It to nhow that it brings Defense Offico Tho last commuSwartz'i Resor^Elkart Lake, WIs., honor to those who study it, nbldo by it and live with It. Some com- nity service project of tho year was attended by six girls from mentaries trace this custom to an was painting safety slogans on Omaha. Interesting historical development. downtown street corners In coA leadership training Institute It was once etistomnry to hide tho operation with the Omaha Safety was held at Camp JCC July 27- Scfcr Torah In homes because of Council. 81. for all BBYO members. Two the hostile attitude of non-Jewish neighbors who threatened its BBG's attended the Institute. Cultural nnd ADL projects Insafety. Taking It out of the house B'nai B'rith girls attended the in which it was kept to bring it cluded movies such as "Make Way national convention held at Camp to the synagogue for the reading for Youth," "Planning Your CaB'nai B'rith in Starlight, Pa., Au- was a task delegated only to a reer," and "The Challenge." An gust 15-25. Serena Dwoskln and most trustworthy Individual. From outs.anding project was a Rumor Phyllis Freedman received scholar- that time on. It is claimed, the re- Clinic conducted by Seymour Kapship! from B'nal B'rith to attend moval of tho Scroll from the Ark an, the Regional ADL director. wat always considered an honor, Several discussions and a speech (Ht ooovenHon.

Mtgg Klta KaUmnn work on their Stage Night skit. At a later date, T. A. voted not to present a skit because of the lack of time or Interest of the girls. Athletically the girls sponsored the Youth Council ping-pong tournament. The winners were Matlee Katleman, first, and Leona Brown, runner-up. T. A. took first place In both the Youth Council Volleyball league and the Youth Coundl bowling .leagtie. Religious committee was on the ball this year also. T. A. attended services twice a month at the various synagogues. April 22 T. A'. invited BBG to attend services

with them with an Oneg Shabbat to follow. By IUbbl Samuel i. Fox* May 11 five T. A. members atQUESTION: Why is it tended the Young Judaea regional ary to have special clothes lot" I convention fn St. Louis. Sabbath? To conclude the year the anANSWER: The prophet Isaiah. nual spring dance was held in the in speaking of the Sabbath tells House and Gardens Room at the the people "and you shall bonojj Blackstone Hotel. At the "Fern it." (Isaiah 58:13). The rabbjs, irj Fantasy" a loving cup was pre- Interpreting this passage say sented to Leona Brown as the best "your clothing of the Sabbath' shall not be like your dothinglot T. A. of the year. the week" (Tractate Shabboa, Rita Katzman and Leona Brown H3a). From this It has been unreceived scholarships from Youth derstood that a Jew should always commission ana Hadassah to at- wear something special for the Sabbath. New clothes are first .to tend Camp Tel Yehudah, the Na- be worn on the Sabbath. • ,tional Young Judaea camp in Barryville, New York, and the NationHollywood (JTA)—Bandleader al Young Judaea Convention. A graduate member of T. A. Matleo Ted Lewis, who will be the subject of a film hlogrnphy this fall, will Katleman journeyed to Israel this mark his 45th anniversary in show summer. business starting this November. July 24 was the scene of a At that time he'll be at the Cocoanut Grove in Los Angeles. AlSo, wiener roast at Mandan Park for the Freshmen, and August 21 was Ted will mark his 40th wedding anniversary to his wife, Adah.. a tea honoring the Freshmen. Both have been active in various charities and philanthropies. Hollywood (JTA)—Jack Benny was being honored by the Beverly Hollywood (JTA)—Adlat StevHills Police Department when an enson was staying overnight n t ' a officer exclaimed: "What a dull small hotel in Palm Springs. When week we've had I No burglaries, he came into the dining room for no murders, no fights, not even breakfast In the morning, the only any traffic violations If this keeps other ' guest present was Jerry up, they'll be laying some of us Lewis, who rose from his tctt. off." 'Sit down, sit down," said Steven, , , "Don't be such a pessimist," son deprecatlngly, Jack told the officer. "Something's "Why?" asked Jerry. "Can't. 1 bound to happen. I've still got take the salt shaker from the nWf, faith in human nature." table?" " >".*'•>

. A?,.

New Year's Greetings From Hymie Milder And Associates




Skelly Dealers

B'nai B'rith Girls

Acme Transfer Company 5(J26 S, 24th St. Al'i Parking 14th and Dodge Belitz Service 29th and Vinton Bellevue Skelly Service 1008 W . Mission Blackstone Terminal 36th and Farnam Sts. Bryant's Service (Skelly) 2601 N. 24th Capitol Garage 202 North 19th St. Cherry Garden Garage 3701 Leavenworth Claxton-Skelly Service.... 19th and Missouri Ave. Commodore Garage 24th and Dodge Davenport Garage 1814 Cuming Street Don's Skelly Service 21st and East Locust Easy Parking Company 1415 Dodge St. 15th and Harney Sts., 1622 Howard St., 107 S. 18th St., 14th and Douglas Sts., and 14th and Farnam 18th St. Parking 18th and Dodge Fairway Auto Service 25th and " O " Sts. Fournier Motors 4526 South 24th St. Hadan Auto Service.' 8516 Blondo Wayne Hogg (Skelly) 38th and Farnam Hutchinson Skelly Service 6901 Railroad Ave. Louis Illis Service 42nd and Center Sts. Irvington Mercantile Co Irvington, Nebr. Frank Kavka (Skelfy) 18th and Burt Sts. Joe Kosiski 47th and "L" Sts. Henry Krogh Service .8601 Maple Street



Fuel OH


Quiz Box






Milder Oil Company Hymie Milder—President 26th and Dorcas 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE — SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS



Charles Laushman t, 816 Center Street Mike Leemers S-S (Skelly) 8701 Country Plaza Loop Parking Co 19th and Cass Sts. Maple Hill S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7076 Maple Meeks Rent-A-Car .801 South 16th St. Roy Menchetti 3502 "F" St. Jvionsky-Louis Co.. .4950 Dodge, 21st and Douglas Mormon Bridge (Skelly) 30th and McKinley National Tire & Battery Co 1502 Capitol N. A. Nelson 2402 S. 24th St. Joe Nigro Service I Nh and Pacific O'Connor Service Sta... 1402 N. Saddle Creek Rd. Otto's Service Station 41st and "Q" Sts. Paxton Auto Service 14th and Harney Sts. Public Parking C o . . . , 14th and Harney Sts. Pierce and Thomas.. 102 E. Locust, Carter Lake, la. Reno Service Station 3229 S. 24th St. Ratner Super Service 428 So. 24th St. S&M Service 18th and Chicago Sandy's Skelly Service. > 40th and Dodge Sts. Stock Yards Service Station 33rd and "L" Sts. Tipton and Lee (Skelly) 20th and Harney Tuttle Garage 4426 So. 24th St. West Side Garage 5636 Center Monte White K-F Motors, Inc.;32nd, Leavenworth Wilson' Truck Terminal 27th and " M " Sts. Wrasse Raditor Shop 3804 "Q" Sts. Young's Service Station, ,27th and St. Mary's Ave<




JA 2111



"I !'•• ,




K*W Y«ar'f EJIHon—THE JEWISH PRESS—ResK HaiKonali 5716—FrW.y, Stpfembai to bowling. The Debs helped at community service, by stuffing animals, taking orphans to town, and sending gift packages to poor families. Several girls entertained at the Jewish Old Peoples Home The annual Debka-Deb Stjl<* Show "Vanity Fair' was headed by Janie FUlman and held at Brandeis Depaitmuit Store. Pro ceeds from the show were tint to the Jewish National Fund and Tsofim.

Officers w i J1 be permanently elected m September. "Pro-temp" officers i i o now o f f i c e as full).-..

Dcbka-DcUi come out with top honors when they won Sta^e-Nij with their skit "Variety is the Spice of Life " The formal initiation of tijhtccn pledges was held at the home of Midge Grecnbirg. B a i b n a Wulfe was honoicd by rceciwng the be->t Ml« Midge Oieenbere pledge cup A farewell party A,-it fjiun f'->r Sheldon KranU all outgoing Een;ors in both dub Debs v/ent to religious seiviix-> many times during the winter and following each attendance held an President, Midge Greenberg. Oneg Shabat. Vice-president, Lora Franklin. l'rcshlint, Sheldon Krantz. Second Vice-president, Shelly During tlii" summer, Mid^c VIce-FrcnIitent, Dick Raskin. Orrenberg. Gifcnber;:, tecietaiy of th^ soutliSi'crrtury, Bob Joseph. Secretary, Sharon Smith. v i s t region and I,ora Fi.inklin Tn-usuri'r, Marty Greene. Treasurer, .Mania Zulkin. pic^idtnt of the region attended First Sj,'t. of Arms, Paul Sbyken. Due* Se<rctJry, Jojn Majrr. the National Young Judea ConSecond S(;t. of Anna, Dave GoldSeri;rantPi-at-Ann!>, S.illy anil vention at Camp Tel Ychudah And> Joan Grus^. liiey wcie greeted by Baibara stein. Youth Council Rep., Chuck RaWolfe, Linda Veri't, K.iy TurnReporter, M.cllj G r i m e er. Mama Zalkin and Andy Jean vltz. IIKforLnt, il.irlur.i Mroilkiy. oYuth Council Alternate, Marty Gro^ who had been spending n Her nisc of it-» lari'o mrmhciship Well. month at Camp Tel Ycliudah. Ucbka Deb. iluid' d (Kilt into two Dcbka-Debs held two rush afcummittcts with Bunny Uautz and To look back into Rayim's pasi Suzio LIpp cerving ns the two fairs for incoming freshmen girls. year of 1954-55 will always be One affair was an outdoor barberhairmen /or the two croups. pleasant task as it proved to be The ulrls started the year with cue and the other was the annual our .nost prosperous in our ye young four years of existence. a Pans Cafe p n t y at the home of rush tea September 4. The year commenced with the Handra Zalkin Tl«> social >ear was Hollywood (JTA)—Of orators, incoming of seventeen pledges highlighted hy the "KING NIZPEddie Cantor said: "What they TUNi:" dance held annually at the which brought the total memberJewish Community Center. A par- lack in depth they give you in ship to seventy-one, making It the length." ty was n^on foi U.ijim Fiaternity Hollywood (JTA)—Harry Rich- largest boy's organization in the In order to give the boys an op- man, who's become a real art stu- Youth Coundl portunity tf) speik with UMtini; dent, was asked by Sophie Tucker The theme for the year seemed young Jiideans from out state. the other evening why he confines to be a new idea Then diniid (I ince held at himself to drawing and painting to be new ideas and a higher the Fontcnclle Hotel In April. people in the nude. Richman re- zenith for committee work. Complied: "Oh, I suppose it's because munity Service is a prime example The gnls plitjrd volley'' ill 'lur- I was born that way." of that Again this year, Rayim's iiv; tin? winter and finished in KOCTraveling Troupe performed a wvl They nKo paitinpitcd Patronize Our Advertisers. such places as the Jewish Old Peepies Home, the Children's Hospital, and the Vet's Hospital. Dick Speier, who directed the show, will always remember the many smiles it brought to the many patients they entertained. Rayim then became the firs* organization to join * • • the Volunteer Service, founded to g e t volunteers .for community work. Our members helped them by working at the Goodwill Serv 313 So. 15th St. ices for several afternoons.. Jus recently, Kayim held a car wash under the direction of Howard Weinberg with all proceeds going to the newly formed Omaha Youth Phones JA 2000—AT 2455 Commission. Two hundred twelv dollars and sixty cents was raised to help this worthy group begin their fight against Juvenile delin quency. •» The Youth Council has never seen a sweep as Was carried on by Rayim's athletes last year. Every from league beginning with baseball and carrying all the way to the annua spring track meet was dominated by one of our entries. That included baseball, basketball, bowling, handball, ping-pong, wrestling, swimming, volley ball and track. This great showing earned Rayim the Olympic Trophy, a m u c h treasured item in the Youth Council. Along with the trophy; John Goldncr was awarded the Youth Council's Best Athletes Award. Inter-fraternity athletic stags were common also, as our members parAccept Our Best Wishes for a Happy took in basketball, swimming or baseball. and Prosperous New Year The only other trophy given in the Youth Council to an organlzation is the Stage Night Trophy. Kayim, thanks to Jerry Marer and Bob Wintroub, were able to win the third year in a row, and retain permanent possession of the trophy. The religious committee, under HARRY COHEN the able chairmanship of Larry Zacharia and Paul Shyken, gave 5 3 6 - 8 West Broadway Council Bluffs, Iowa many interesting discussions and reports. Two examples are a panel discussion or the three phases of Judaism and an interesting report explaining Passover. A committee which has always been active in Rayim Is the cul tural committee, this year headed by Mike Ban. Shcrm Poska gave an important report on how to pick a college Rayim also con' tinuad Its series on having professional men speak to us on deciding upon a profession. A safety Council Bluffs, Iowa movie on careful driving was shown and many discussions on A Bank for Young Men and pertinent topics were given. One of the m o s t important Men With Young Ideal points In our program is brotherMEMBER F.D.I.C. hood. It Is p. committee on which every member serves on and works for. This year, two new annual events were installed under this committee. One, a week end spent at Camp Maha where we lived in close bond, and two, Rayim's annual skit night where'each class puts on a skit for a coveted tn> phy. Our Rayim honk, honor, and DON SHANE, MGR. CARL HOFFMAN. MGR. hand shake are only a few of the many small but important things that bring our organization closer Extend together. Rayim's parties and other social events were again something to look forward to. Parties with such Attend These Theatres Regularly ' theme3 as Treasure Hunt, Heaven and Hell, The Tropical Trot, which . Whsr» Your Can Relax in Comfort was an open mixer, and Hill Haven were enjoyed and will be re>'Alw«jfi ffct Itst b Stag* and SCTMB EBttrraimMM membered by all who attended The annual picnic with our par*

Debka Debs

Council itteli dub's . ctivltiei. Moreover, the first nut * series «t survey* eonTo climax the end of the sum- Youth Council accomplished this ducted on teen-age problems, th* mer season, the girls held a hen by publishing a "Youth Council second was n college program toe party at the home of Maureen Zev- News" Also, a portion o( the Jew. all graduating seniors. * Ish Pros- was devoted to Youth In accordance with the tTnlted Council doings. Jewish A|>pea. the Youth Council The religious piogrdm was h -ii took part in the Philanthropies li.-'hti.'d by tin annuil Tnankv.v Dliw ni^ -MTV!,_•' which .iltiiij' I I'm Ann.ul Sla^c Night compeb \ f l l K J l U a , v w II (i *<fM l T i tition v. is 'ii-id in the Central High rreslilcnt, Art Novak. •VIUJI A'nlitiiiiin LJCII organizaVice-President, SUin Kulnun A s I I - . I I u H i . V u i t n < i i n ,1 u l L in -Ai itc '<n(_c!cd, and produced f> i . i ,i f i l l ) i i , I n - |.| ' . j i h l t i i i -I.'! r II ihe srow {) »,' i n 1 f )i h ' h IJ >* ^ i l l I i J-. Heporter. Hownnl Hi



Youth Council

I'nsiiliiit Phyllis l ! . m > t i i n . Vice-President, M u r 11-1 Kosenhlatt. Hecurdiii;; und C o r r e s p o n d i n g *>^, IMJIIL I t Hindu. Irt j^iiri r—Jt inii> ddlilstt in. S|;t -t*t- \ n n i , M.iur<in ZeWt/ Y. C Kiiiris.iil.ilm>,, L i n d a K'lvlih and Judy Ban. A ;>• i 'Hi.' :ii ;i i I,, II >t!.ir has I)' n olcitLd dr.i' v..l\ a M h >\d the Jib ul M.t'i'iii Viic-pn Kk'it She is L'.'iili K j i i r h , aiu,'hti_r of Mr



th" •i i Jewish Y outh full nio.-r. '.n i <> 11 < u .' t ha Jr.' isli i-. t ' n l r tii • If"idt r hip I , 11 i l l l't n i Youth Ai: I) i i : n m 'ii> and Mrs. Lazifr Kavich. The adpru^mms |>"' Mlt I '111' visor of the group u Mrs. Donald first •.' ti t o f o i i it i l l , i s Hi' incoming fi i n n n t j i l l " Y u Mh BUS* Pfcyllli Bernstein ents was again held, giving our Cuunnl Club1 Tlu nunoil snncparents a chance to meet the rest Nogg, the former Miss Ozzie Katz. tioned u "Joir. a Club progrdin of Rayim's big family. Current projects have been the Including rushing events sponOur social year was climaxed by making of a scrap book contain- sored by the individual clubs. A the Rayim Formal Dinner Dance ing the club's record of events. calendar commit too . was estabwhich was held under the chair- Newspaper articles and pictures of lished to co-ordinate the 'dub acmanship of Gene Kohn and Dick the girls and about their club have tivities. Raskin at tr.t Highland Country been in the World-Herald and the Members or the Youth Council Club, .uwardt were given to: Jewish Press Letters explaining supplemented their special inter" M o s t Outstanding Freshmen," Rohanue, its purpose and (unction ests by attending classes on modPaul Shyken and Chuck Ravltx; have been sent to every Incoming ern Jazz, mechanics, water skiing, "Most Outstanding Sophomore," add dramatics freshnuns parents. In this way it Bob Joseph: "Best Athlete," John Three methods were used to inIs hoped that the parents will gain Goldner; and highlighting the eveform the public of Jewish Youth a better undemanding of their ning was the announcement of Activities. Each of the organizaRayim's Third "Dream Girl," Miss daughter's part in a Jewish Youth tions sent news letters to their Coundl d u b and in th« Youth members' parents, telling of the Bonni* Haykin.

1i n IU I

"i . Ml-

I") i , ( , l

1 1 1 , 1 l | - I FL , j




I I,,


/c dur Ad\eitlsrn.

To Our Many Friends and Patrons



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AT 1226

New Year Greetings



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Best Wishes For A Happy Mew Year


A Happy New Year • • •

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R. H . Kooper, President

R. H. Brown, Treasurer

A. D. Frank, Vice-Presiednt

J. R. Wolf, Vice-President

Max Agor Art Antony Thelma Applebee C O Banqston n ' , '. Paul Blumer . Connie Bosco Rna Catalano Don Dixon Ed Fletcher Gordon Gross


Paul Grossman Roselle Handler Howard Kaiman Diane Klima Richard J. Kohan , , ii( Margaret Leary

Sylvia Parilman Dorothy Pitzl Dorothy Roach Sam Rochman Dorothy Rosenthal KI D Nancy Ryan




| Marshall Lee Meyers Richard Miller Jim Murphy



Corrine Smith Phyllis Spellman Joy Swanson Martin Staenberg

' COMPANY, INC. REALTORS Baird Building —1704 Douglas, Omaha 1209 Federal Securities Building. Lincoln






New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Ro«h H«$honah 5716—Friday, September

Federation for Jewish Service, 5715

Paul Vcrct Executive Director

Ernest A. Nogg .Secretary

The Jewish Federal ion of Omaha has alwnya been more than n fiscal or administrative apparatus. Throughout fifty-three years of service, it has become thoroughly saturated with the spirit that characterizes the Omaha Jewish community. This spirit is one of conscious Jewishness, ileslrini; to perpetuate J e w i s h life and Jewish tradition in our community. The Implications of Jewish life and the meaning of Jewish living have not merely been a wishful philosophy Jn our community, but rather a crystal-clear beacon by which the Federation charted its course. This spirit of Jewish living *nd Jewish practices Is manifested Almost In every aspect of Federation activity. Hurcau of Jewish Education Tills attitude reflects Itself forenost in the Jewish education propram in Omnha. Jewish education here is fostered and sponsored jointly by the Jewish'Federation and the synagogues, through n community Bureau of Jewish Edu* cation. This type of approach •>hccs proper cmphnsls on the importance that our community atInches to a city-wide program of Jewish education, designed to r-:ich the maximum 'of Jewish children.

reached a new high during the past year. There hns also been an improvement in the staffs of the various schools, which resulted In better instruction. Jewish Community Center Not fur behind In this philosophy is our Community Center, which is the common denominator of Omaha Jewry, serving as it does the collective Jewish group in Omaha. There has been a pronounced intensification of Jewish content In its programming. Emphasis lias been placed on Jewish Identification, J e w i s h problems-, Jewish arts and values, all of which help to maintain the dignity of Jewish living today. .

During the year 1031-55 there •*.cre enrolled In the schools, supi 'irted by the Federation, a total •A 981 children. It Is estimated 'hat somo 87 percent of school children are In attendance. Average enrollment In the respective schools during the year were as follows: Beth El Talmud Torali-200; Beth Kl Sunday School—179; Heth Israel Talmud Torah—154; Beth Isarel Sunday School—194; Temple Israel Religious School—175, and Shtinro ' Zlon Talmud Torah—21. The number of pupils attending the schqols

Dr I'iilllp Sher Honorary President

Dr. Abe Grcenberg First Vice-Presldent

Robcrt II, Koopcr Second Vicc-I'resldcnt

pie of the Book, finds tangible expression In the form of our Jewish Community Library. A veritable* treasure of books, records, and films of Jewish Interest and content Is at the service of the community. Increasingly, we arc becoming aware of its importance In the community, helpful in planJack W. Harer, President of Omaha Jewish Federation ning many Jewish cultural activities and projects for schools and of camp program, but rather as sion; Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkey, Mrs. an integral phase of camping ex- Louis Katz, Mrs. Eve L. Konecky, the community at large. and,Mrs. Morton A. Richards, coThe Jewish Community Library perience. The finest Jewish tradichairmen of the Women's Divitoday is recognized as one of the tions were maintained through sion; Jerry Marer, Jerry Ferer most complete Jewish libraries in services, both Sabbath and weekand Rita Katzman, co-chairmen of the country. In addition to the day, Jewish music, Jewish dance, the Youth Division; and hundreds wide selection of Judalca books, Jewish stories, and Jewish observupon hundreds of volunteer workthe library also maintains a Mo- ances. In this respect, the camp ers and solicitors. • : There,has been too, during the tion Picture Department of films certainly offers a wonderful op-, '. : past' year, more planning for mem- of Jewish Interest; a collection of portunity to complement the pro- •'•'••-->,••'• J e w i s h P r e s s During 195*55 the Federation; hurs of our community particu- recordings of Jewish interest, film- gram of religious schools by- furlarly for our children, through prof strips, pictures, and other program nishing a natural atmosphere tot continued the publication of the grams of junior activities, which, and educational "aids. Many bib- J e w i s h l i v i n g a n d J e w i s h : e x p r e s - Jewish Press, which; has served at provided satlsfyng outlets for the liographies and helpful references s i o n . ' ; '•'•• •. \ ... :,••' '•::••> •....•.'.,'••': :•'•. a medium of Jewish news, locally, nationally a n d Internationally. leisure time of our youngsters.' were prepared and made available A total of 189 children were at Participation on the part of chil- to teachers! club leaders, and stu- camp this summer. Included was Through the codluinnis of the Jewish Press, life in the community is dren and teen-agers in the physi- dents..':.. • '. -.• '. •. •" •.. .' ; a group of teen-agers -who s recal education program has been Dr. rhllip Slier Home for 'Aged ceived a special camping period, constantly reflected; activities are brought to the' attention, of thu increased considerably. One hunThe fulfillment of the Fifth This experiment met with condred and seventy children attend- Commandment, "Honor Thy Fa- siderable success,, which again is community and material of Jewed the Center Day Camp at Peony ther and Thy Mother," also found focusing our attention on the ish, educational and cultural value brought to the readers with reguPark. expression in the Dr. Philip Sher urgency of securing a site for our larity. . Jewish Home for the Aged. During Our Jewish Youth Council, the own camp. A camp of our own Fed. of Jewish Women's Clubs 1954-55 the Home served 66 Inorganized Jewish Youth Commuwill open up new vistas for teenUnder the leadership of Mrs. nity, embarked upon its 22nd year dividuals. Since the Homo was age camping, young adult campof contlnous existence with a rea- founded, it has served altogether Ing, camping for the aged, family Edward 10. Brodkey, Jewish Women's organizations continued to sonable and encouraging program 138 residents. camping, and winter camping. perform important tasks through of bringing up the Omaha Jewish The residents of the Home arc Our Federation has always be- the Federation of Jewish Women's Community of tomorrow, teaching enjoying a varied program of rec- lieved that its camping program them how to plan together and live reation ; a program of occupational must be wholesomely Jewish, so Clubs. As In the past, they participated together, and in the process train- therapy Is now being planned. that through their camping exing intelligent leadership for the Through thin Home, Omaha Jewry periences Jewish children may in Community Chest, Red Cross, future. is making an Important contribu- benefit not only from the general Needlework Guild, and other fundtion to the welfare and comfort advantages that camping offers, raising and community functions. Jewish Community Library A Holiday Party program at the Since we believe that .he future of its aged and infirm members, but in addition may be more firmDr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for of the American Jewish commu- who are,In need of custodial and ly attached to Jewish tradition and Aged waj, continued In which all nity lies in the fostering of Jew- congregate care. living. women's organizations participat- Camp Jsy-C-C ish knowledge, and Jewish culJewish Philanthropies ed. A Public Speaking course was ture, we have-been doing someJewish content at Camp JayThe Jewish Community of Oma- also held. thing about It, The Jewish con- C-C during Its11055 encampment ha gave expression to1 the age-old Jewish Family Service cept of AM HASEFEU, the Poo- functioned not as a thing'apart tradition of ZEDAKAH through During the past year, the Oma1U annual Philanthropies Cam- ha Jewish Family Service Departpaign. It is through' this yearly ment had a service case load of all-in-tone drive of the community about 151 families and Individuals. that Omaha Jewry l i a b l e to do An. Increasing number of local its share for the United Jewish families came for help with probAppeal, for our civic-protective lems related to their personal and agencies, our national Jewish hos- s o c i a l adjustments. Transients pitals, our cultural and religious coming through Omaha are taken institutions, and help preserve and care of by- the Family Service maintain Jewish life in Omaha, in Department. Other problems conAmerica, in Israel, and through- sidered are' employment, contact with Jewish patients in State Inout the world. At this time, the drive raised stitutions,' and applications for adabout $422,000, contributed by mission to the various .national some 4,300 subscribers. The cam- Jewish Hospitals, as well as to the paign itself is still in. progress, Dr. Philip Sher/Jewish Home for since its objective is to reach ev- Aged.' ery Jew In Omaha for his share Contemplated for the new year in this great human enterprise of are Parent Education' programs, and a coordinated program for the the Jewish Community. This eff°rt was achieved under care of Jewish aged in the com' , the capable leadership of Ernest munity. • A. Nogg, General Campaign Chairman, and Mrs. Mike Freeman, As a functional F e d e r a t i o n , slon. Associated with them in the which encompasses all facets of • Fifit Major Station in the Midwest campaign were Samuel S. Stein- Jewish .i^rvicc, we have tried to berg, Initial Gifts Chairman; Har- have .' 'alanced approach . to all • First "Live" ?4-Hour Service the task of meeting rery Sldman, Chairman Men's Divi- needs

sponsibilitie.5 that are ours. While building and strengthening our own community in Omaha, we have tried to be equally aware of our problems in the United States, as well as abroad and In Israel. Federation Kourcl Tile following are officers of the Federation: Jack W. Marer, president; Dr. Abe Greenberg, first vice-president; Robert H. Kooper, second vice-president; Harry Trustln, treasurer; Ernest A. Nogg, secretary; Paul Veret, executive director; and Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president. .Members of the executive committee are: Milton R. Abrahams, David-.. E. Beber, David Blacker, Mrs. David Brodkey; I s a d o r e 0hapma.i, Harry B. Cohen, Arthur A;: Cohn,- Led Elsenstatt, David Feder, Leo Fox, Mrs. Mike Freeman, Dan Gordman, William GrodfniKyy'S: Elmer Gross, Ben E. KasioW, LOUIS Kate, Mrs, J. HarryKulakofsky: Morris Levey, Dr. Morris Margolin, Jules M. Newman, F. Ralph Nogg, Louis Som-

berg, Samue; S. Steinberg and Marvin E. Treller. Ex-officio members are: Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, Rabbi Natnan ralaman, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey, and Federation Past Presidents: Sam Beber, Hyman Ferer, Morris E. Jacobs, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Milton Livingston and Joe M. Rice. Department chairmen are: Milton R. Abrahams, ADL Advisory Committee; Dr. Morris Margolin, Bureau of Education; Gerald S. Gross, Camp Jay-C-C; Arthur H. Goldstein, Community Center; Arthur A. Cohn, Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home; Louis Katz, Family Service; William GroSInsky, Free Loan; Ernest A. Nogg, Jewish Philanthropies; F. Ralph Nogg, Jewish Press; Arthur Novak, Jewish Youth Council President; and Mrs. Edward E.- Brodkey, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Nathan L. Nogg Is chairman of the Budget Committee; S. Elmer Gross.-chalrman

of the Committee on Federation Properties; Harry B. Cohen, chairmaa of Legal Committee; and Da vld Feder, Pledge Redemption chairman. Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Federation, has continued to serve (lie community, working with a st-aff including David Or kow, Superintendent of the Dr Sher Home; Leonard GurvitZ, Di rector of Center Activities; James Karbatsch, Director of Health and Physical Education; Sherman Pos ka, Y°uth Director; I"erne Katieman, Children's Activities Direc tor; Mrs. Arthur King, Pre-School Director; Joseph Micelc, Swlmmlnf Director; Mrs. J. Lewis Yager, Di rector of Family Service, and Solo mon Goldfarb who succeeded her In July; Harry Halpert, editor of the Jewish Press; Miss ICalah Franklin, Administrative Assistant; Mrs. Sam Collck, Federation Financial Secretary; and othei members of the staffs o£ the various Federation department.



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N t * YMr1* fdfflw-THE JEWISH ««SS~*wh H.thewti I7l»-fH<Uy, Sepfwhw J / . W S

««>c V i

current projects, ten work villages titudei. Today, our schools are school d o all t h e printing f o r H a will arise along Israel's northern recognized by the government and dassah Institutions, frontier to add to the agricultural by the people of Israel as the out- Funds for t h i s project In O m a standing vocational schools in the ha a r e derived f r o m t h e a n n u a l output of the country. Donor affair, which w a s held D e In addition, we are planting country. The Brandeis Vocational Cen- cember 5 a t t h e Paxton Hotel and hundrecU of thousands of trees in featured Rozlyn Zimmett a n d A l Reddens, H n . Dsvtt Bndker. B'.'t Mazmil, the site of our nwv ters in Jerusalem Include the Alice Morgan. Contributions t o Hadasftesarsiy Pnwtdent, Him. I. HarCommunity Health Center; imd Sc-ligsberE Vocational Hij;h School sah Gift Fund g o t o HMO and V E . where last year they had on enEin Karem, the site of our new ry gaUlcobky. YOUTH ALIYAHi rollment of 236 girls and boys. Medical Center. Hn. Horrli As the official representative i n Box collections wore made In the The Hotel Management Institute, the United S t a t e s of t h e Youth Spring and Fall under the direc- on the grounds of the Ilamut Aviv FWt Tlee-KmUeat, H n , Meyer Aliyah (Immigration) movement. tion of J. N. F. Chairman Mrs. Hotel in Tel Aviv, where students Hadnssah h a s helped resettle and David Stein, assisted by the group (;et on-the-spot training In the Se*»nd VJce-PrwUent, H n . J. J. rehabilitate In Israel more than chairman, Mmes. Meyer Linda, Aljo hotel and tourist nnd allied trades. Friedman. 00,000 Jewish youth refugees from Pradcll, Alvln Nor.K. Robert Krom- The Mechanics and Precision 72 countries. Founded In 1934 b y Ilfrd Vlee-Praddeat, H n , Kjinkin, William Freidcn anil Sidney Instrument Workshop has a Btud»» WlBtroub. dent body of 53 apprentices and Henrietta Szold, Youth Aliyah h a s Goldberg. has continued to produce physical graduated thousands of skilled Vlio Presidents, M i n e s . Abe —Claud* Corat«b« Hurt*. Mrs. Jack Kaufman was chap—CUnd* COMUblt VhMl, Mrs.Lar.min Mrs. Belman Mrs. Bear Bear, Hynun Belman, Max GreenInstruments. The Printing School young people, w h o constitute a Mrs. Greenberg ter chairman for the trees, and her Mrs. Brodkey berg; and Carl Lagman. medical healing, teaching and aot which Hadassah's funds have assistants were Mmes. Seymour has hnd a student body of 33 ap-force i n agricultural, Industrial The out-patient division now UADASSAH MEDICAL Recording Secretary, H n , Harry :omprises 20 clinics, sees between research. Truly a "Vision I n t o redeemed now live thousands of Zoob, I. D. Ziegman, Sam Green prentices and the pupils In tho (Continued on P a g e 4 - O ORGANIZATION self-supporting families who have I). Wlgodsky. Our hospitals in Jeru s a 1 e m. 300 to 1,000 patients per day. The Reality." and Miss Ida Spring. Treasurer, Mri. M o r r i s " Btal- Beersheba and Safed are not only Hebrew University Hadassah MediThe Omaha Chapter through made a real contribution to the VOCATIONAL EDUCATION economic upbuilding of the counmaster. maintaining their services but dis- cal School, having reached its full voluntary contributions have ful- try. Because of Hadassah's efforts Through the vocational educaFuiancUtl Secretary, Mrs. Jack tinguishing themselves and mak-complement of classes for the illed their pledges. Mrs. Julius the Haifa Industrial nrca, built on tion project, Hadassah is helping Kaufman. ing medical history as well. Every whole six-year period, now lines Stein, chapter medical c e n t e r to create productive careers for Corresponding Secretary, Mrs department of the Rothschild Ha- up with grade A American medi- chairman, was assisted by Mmes Nachlol Hada&sah No. 1, Is the ranking heavy-Industry center In Israel's future workers In IndusAlfred Frank. dassah University Hospital chums cal universities. Last year com- Benjamin Perelman. Max Trom- the entire Middle East With the try and in agriculture, In dty, vilAuditor, Mrs. M. F. Lcvenson. with innovations and advances. memorated the 100th Anniversary kin, Julius Katzman, and Mi". Ju- aid of Hadassah, the malarial lage and maabara, young people Parllnmcntarlun, Mrs. Sntnuel Nineteen new departments and •f the first Rothschild Hospital, in lia Zuker. Tremendous strides PURCHASING AND SUPI'LILS: swamplands of the Hulch are row are being trained in our various N. Wolfe. laboratories have been added. This Jerusalem. being converted into fertile coun- schools to earn a living In fields Vlterton, Mniea. Irvln C. Levin year marks also, the introduction in medical care have been made This department acts as the of- tryside. Because of Hadassah's In which they have particular apA. I): Frank, Nathan NogR, Julius of an orthopedic surgical service since the institution was taken over ficial purchasing agent for our Stein, Islilor Lcvinson and Morris in the leprosarium; and also of a by Hadassah in 1918. In Hadas- many services in Israel. A few sah's medical work truly vision ia of the items that have been purM. Franklin. polio rehabilitation unit. A new orthopedic service has been set becoming reality. chased for all of our services are up at the Government leper hosFunds for HMO from the local as follows: A vanguard deep therpital, to restore the use of limbs. chapter were raised through the apy X-Ray machine, m i c a r t a The Halm Lassky Hadassah combined efforts of Chapter Chair- sheeting, blood bank equipment, President, .".Irs. Abe Hear. Hospital at Beersheba has expand- men, Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, Mrs. lathes, abrasive belt finishing maVice President, .Mrs. Ira Whiteed to 135 beds. This hospital Max Canar and Mrs.; Morris Katie- chine, equipment for the Isotope book. serves the whole area south of man and their committee, Mmes. Laboratory, equipment for the new Vice President, Sirs, Envln SlNebraska and Western Iowa Distributors for Rehovoth, including the Nesev and T. A .Tully, Fred Brodkey, Joe Dental School, all types of drugs • BU8CO ALI>MKTAt SELF STOUING COMBINATION inun. provides, also, the only first-aid Bernstein, Max Greenberg, Ar- and chemicals used for research STORM AND BOKEEN HASH Recording Seeretary, Mrs, Saul • BUSOO COMBINATION DOORS station and blood bank In that thur Grossman, Sidney Katleman. purposes. Oraetz. • JtUSOO rORCII ENCLOSURES section of the country. When com- Albert Wohlner, Morton Richards, Last year the emphasis was on Corresponding ,S«eretarIen, Sirs. pleted, the institution will be aand Samuel Rothenberg. Mrs. Dagift dollars for supplies as no imKobert Felnbcrg anil Mrs. Seymodel of its kind, well equipped to vid Brodkey was chapter fund- port licenses were granted. Israel mour Zoob. service the rapidly increasing pop- raising co-ordlnator. Mrs, Leo asked that all types of supplies Treasurer, Mrs. Louis Albert. Weltz was chairman of "the Ha- previously sent from the United ulation. Financial Secretaries, Mrs. Win. dassah Gift Fund for the benefit States be purchased In I s r a e l Det Mozmll, the unique com' PoLat'k nnd MrH. Jacob Friedman. of HMO 4VVE. , thereby creating employment for munity health center, continues to Directors, Mines. Albert Wohlthe Israelis and building up their MEDICALCENTER! develop. Nursing students are now ner, Albert Fox and Sam KothenConstruction h i s begun on theIndustries. \ . ;.v---"- ..•:;'.••' doing practical work with the DeOMAHA, NEBR. 1702 CUMING ST. bcrg. Last.year the, Purchasing and partment of Family Health at first building of the Hadassah-HeEx-offlcio, Airs. Sidney Hollh. PhonesJa. 6500 brew University Medical Center, Supplies chairman was Mrs. M. A. JBetMazmil. I Besides the community health the Henrietta S z o l d School of B e i w W ^ assifted by Mmes. Max lit Lincoln — 11 Hi and 9 — Phoiw 2-2046 I work nnd the Lusker Child Guid- Nursing. Other buildings :yrillsoon Shapiro, Theodore Sanford, Gilj mice Center of Hadassah, our exist- f o l l o w . - - . • " • • - '•:•:• • : • , ; • - • • ; ; • • berti-reideiv Jack Levey, J. Milton Margolin, Yale Glnsburg and President, Mrs. H^min ISelman. ing medical services to children In- One of the new exciting features Harry Ferehstein. VIce-Presldent, Mrs. David clude the Nathan Straus Health of the Medical Center has feeen; JEWISH NATIONAL TREE AND Center, where the school hygiene plans for the ShOom-or housing Fredrlcks. ;''<:.•:'• GIFT JFDNDl :; Vice-President, Mrs. Harry Fer- department cares for some 30,000 development for the Medical CenHadassah i s now entering its ter. Between 300 and 1000 famichildren annually. enst<;in. thirtieth year in JNF. Since 1926, Thece has been an increase In lies will be part of this Shikun. Treasurer, Blrs. Nathan Turner. The Center will consist of aHadassah has contributed to JNF the number of public health nurses Recording; Secretary, Mr. Loa Kraduating f r o m the Henrietta 430-bed hospital and university, an more than any other single volunLewis. Szold Hadassah Nurses' Training out-patient department and newtary organization in the world. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. School, which i s gradually inte- buildings for the medical and This money has made possible the Max'PIatt. 'jrntinj into its curriculum ad- nurses training school. This new redemption of nine tracts of land, Financial Secretaries, Mrs. I!:-:: vanced studies which will emulate $10,000,000 Center will serve as an totaling more than 100,000 dun-j>-:-»o-\ Zooraill and Mrs. Milton Mint/.. those observed at Yale and else- advanced medical base for develop- ams; and the planting of more Directors, Mmes. T. A. Tully, where. ing the most modern techniques than 1,000,000 trees. On the NachV WlUsm Frelden and Ben Ferelwit' ~ - -f"*' n' * " *° 'Vi'* t '

Omaha Chapter




Theodor Herzi





313-23 N. 15Hi St. CoH JA 5604 for

Home Improvement Company



Chaim Weizmegnn





Ex-offlclo, Sirs. Maurice Newman,'

Henrietta Szold



Pcrsldent, Mrs. Max Greenberg. Vice--President, Mrs. William Railuzlner. Vloe-PresMent ana Liaison Officer, Mrs. Sidney Katleman. Treasurer, Mrs. George Bernstein. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Arthur Grossman. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. II. D . Marks. Financial Secretaries, Mrs. Max Falkland Mrs. Daniel Llntzmao. Directors, Mmes. Joseph Soshnlk, M a x Grossman and Arthur Friedman. Ex-offldo, Mrs. J. J. Friedman.

symbol of a,b«1?«f so profound that wither indifference nor .hostility could dim i t . . .

, *











• . - • : • • : •



• And then (halt command t h . children of Itraal, •hsf «h*y brtng unto that purs olivs oil bsatin

B&P Group



for t h * light, to cauta a lamp to burn contin-

President, Mrs. Carl Lagman. Vico-Fresident, Mrs. C h a r l e s

'ualty 2 1 . In -ths Tent of meeting, without t h *

Vice-President, Mrs. Ob a r l e s Boss., Vlee-Presldcnt, M i s s Dorothy Bosenthal. Treasurer, Iska Rothholz. Financial Secretary, Lee Greenberg. Recording Secretary, Alice Hecger. Corresponding Secretary, Beverly Bernstein. Historian, Myrtle Freeman. Parliamentarian, Mrs. P h i l i p Schwartz. Directors, Mrs. Eve L. Konecky, Elizabeth Hart and Mrs. Julia Ja-

hti lorn (hall tet It In order, to burn from eve-


vail whifch l l before the teitimony, Aaron and

ning fo morning before the LORD; It shall be • •tatute for ever throughout their generation! on th* behalf of the children of Israel.




Ex-offlclo and Counselor, Mrs. Philip Schwartz. Advisor, Mrs. Morris Grossman. Thd pnst year Hadassah's theme has been "Vision Into Heality.' Vision is part of our people's long history. Vision Is part of l i f e itself for without it "the people perish." It Is the vision of a healthfu land and people which inspires our medical work; it Is the vision of a rehabilitated and happy y o u t h whichi animates our participation / in Youth Aliyah; it is the vision of a uselul and productive citizenry which! stimulates our vocational educational program; It is the visIon of a Jewish people united, secure in the knowledge of Its brUllant-")past joined.'to" Its meant ful future, that motivates our dedication to Jewish idealism; i t is the vision: of freedom and justice triumphant that impels us t o serve our cpra country, the United States of America. And it is the vlsion'of Theodor Herzl, founder of the modern Zionist movement, and of zold, founder of Ha, -that Influenced u stofind our ffM&withln the Zionist m o w -

HIS LAMP, which hat hung In lynagoguej all over the world line* t h * origin of t h * Bible itself, it animpirlng symbol of the profound, unc*a«ing faith of a great people and their, untiring efforts toward a better tomorrow.

In thirty scattered lands, (his lamp of faith burns with the same inspiration for all those on whom its light falls, bo thoir place of assembly a synagogue of stono or a tent of goatskin. It has boon so through the ages. W e need look no furthor for a bettor symbol for ihe uncertain times today than fafth like this . . . the knowledgo that man, with tho help of God, con solve his own p'roblems . . . that lasting peace in tho world will como to us only when tho principles of charity and justico govern tho actions of man.




- '

'' ' ' • ! .





Mavy this new year bring the answer to prayers of man of all faiths for a peaceful sblutlon-of the world's problems . . . that Rosh Hashonah will bo recorded as tho beginning of a new ora for man . . . that within it he will reach a greator dignity through a more complete realization of the purposo for which ho was Intonded.


imaha Public Power

New'i Edttfon—THE JEWISH PRPSS—Rosh Hathonah 5716—Friday. September ffT 1955



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AT 4485 M^^

N»w Year*. Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Ro«h Hailtonafi 57?o—frlday. SaptamW VF, 1 « 5 Bernstein, projects; Mrs. program, Badassah help* to inform Maurice Newman. Sidney Hollls. television chairman for the chap- Charles Fredkin, J. Harry Kui- Lagman, Miss Myrtle Freeman, it* membership, so that they may Leon Fellman Harold Cooperman, ter. "The Hadassah Story," local- akofsky, Carl Lagman. and EveMrs. Jean Kaplan and Mrs. Sally be on the alert to protect our Charles Fredkin, and Messrs. Mor- ly produced and written by Elaine Konecky. Mrs. Morris M. Frank(Continued from Page 2-C) heritage at home, and understand ris Stalmaster, Hyman Osoff and Jabenis was on Station KBON for n was elected a Director on the Meyers, in-gathering of gifts. Judith Epstein was the guest of and political development of the democracy as a force for freedom. Ray Simon. Mrs. I. F. Oberman hirteen consecutive weeks. Regional Board. country. In recent years Youth A brochure, "Know Your Candi- was chapter chairman. Publicity was handled by Mrs.' Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky was the B & P Group at their October American Affairs meeting. Miss Allyah's rescue work has b e e n dates' was enclosed with the Oc- Again partial scholarships were C;iri Lawman. focused an the ghettos of the Mid-tober Bulletin. American Affairs given by the Omaha Zionist Youth "lljd.issah H i g h l i g h t s . " the •U'Cted as delegate to the World Rena Gross was 13 & P American dle Ea»t, North Africa and the committee had asked pertinent Commission to attend the Senior Omaha Chapter Iladassah Bulk- Zionist Con^re^s to be held in Affairs chairman. Under the direction of memberItoa Curtain countries of Europe, questions of our candidates run- Barryville, New York and Camp tin was published under the direc- sntel next year. ship chairman, Mrs. I. Datisky, a where, there are still many perse- ning for office in the November Judaea C a m p Tel Yehudah at tion of Mrs. Carl Lagman. editor- il & I' HADASSAH: cuted children waiting for rescue. 2 election and the questions and Herzl at Webster, Wisconsin. To in-chief and the bulletin chairmen. Under the able leadership of membership party was held in Youth Aliyah has just opened an- answers were given in this bro- Tel Yehudah: Shelley Greenberg, Mrs. Philip Schwartz, president, Scptem!>er. other Immigrant Training Center chure to help our members under- Linda Veret, Rita Kat/.man Barb- Minis. Sol Ciamif.ll. David L. i & P Hadas.sah carried out a Mrs. Fannie Grccnbcrg, cducaFretlricks, Irvin Kubinow and Eva tinn chairman, arranged for a Heat HUlda. In this settlement, as stand who and what they were ara Wolf, Andy Jean Gross, Phyl;(^vy successful year. . Kom-cky. brew Class that meets at Beth El lit the others in which the program voting for. lis Bernstein, Leona Brown and All quotas were a c h i e v e d The telephone committee funcoperates, teen-age boys spend a Hadassah women participated in attending on their own were Kayc tioned under the chairmanship of through the one fund-raising proj- every Tuesday evening. Several of full day alternately studying, Red Cross Drives, Civil Defense. Turner and Marcia Zalkin. To ect held January 19, l'J55 at the our members have completed the working and playing. The Center Easter Seal Drive, Cancer Drive. Herzl Camp: Sarah Milder, Mar- Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, assisted by Blackstone Hotel in the form of Hadassah Honors Course. IJ also serving as an integrating Community Chest, Jewish Philan- cia Fogel, Arnold Fellman and Mines. Harry Marks, Benjamin the B & P Hadassah Round-Up, An Israel Bond Club has been Knhn. Isadora Sherman, Harry the annual Card Party and Ba- formed under the chairmanship of force for the parents. thropies Inter-Club Council, and Richard Zacharia. Goldstroin. Henry Appel. Hilda zaar. Mrs. Charles Ross and Miss Miss Evelyn Levy. In Omaha, Youth Aliyah quota the Council of Equal Job Oppor- Hadassah Bowling — fumi-raisHoffman, Milton Mintz and Chas. Dorothy Rosenthal, fund-raising B & P is participating in all of is alloted through the Jewish Phil- tunities. inj; project for Youth Commission chairmen, were assisted by Mrs.the vital activities and projects of anthropies. Mrs. Julius Stein was Mrs. A. D. Frank was Chapter is greatly responsible for making Fredkin. Chapter chairman. In the past American Affairs Chairman, as- thu Ciimping piogmm possible. Luncheon arrangements were Fannie Sherman, prizes; Miss Re- Hadassah and will continue to take Mrs. Stein and her committee have sisted by Mines. Joseph Soshmk. Mrs. Uarncy Hoberman was chap- made by Mrs. Jake Wine, chapter becca Bcrcovici, ticket*; Mrs. Evean active part In all of the chapchairman, assisted by: Mmes. Dave Konecky, publicity; Mrs. Lillian ter's work. s<-nt hundreds of bundles of cloth- Ray Simon, Robert G. Faier, and ter bowling chairman. rtosenbaum, Irving Schneiderman, ing to Israel. Miss Hena Gross. Public Relations The Membership C o m m i t t e e Harry Mendelson and Sidney Goldwere by Mrs. Abe Bear. EDUCATION: headed by Chapter Chairmen Mrs. berg. Decorations were handled by Education for creative Jewish ZIONIST YOUTH: Aaron Hips and Mrs. Irvin S. Le Mrs, Arthur Goldstein and Mmes. living has alwavs been an Ameri- Zionist Youth Commission is a .Mil and assisted by Mmes. Ervin Harry Altsuler, Seymour Goldston. can project °f Hadas<;nh. The potent f o r c e for enriching the | S l m o n | Jn-n p w l l i p Gary Gross and Charles Kimmel. shcrman ever-growing work of study, dis- hearts and minds of the youni: Rosenblatt, Arthur V. Friedman, Visual Aids were under supervicussion and book review groups, Jewish community of tomorrow Win. Alberts, Hymle Gcndler and sion of Mrs. Albert Rimmerman. honors courses, are designed to It works to inspire American I. Dnnsky, presented new members CO-ordlnator for non fund-raising (quip its members to understand Jewish youth to make their own to the chapter. was Mrs. Meyer Rubin. their Jewish cultural heritage. creative contributions toward the The Mountain-Plains Regional Chapter programs were arTiiis Avork, led l?tst year by Mis. achievements of Zionist ideals and Hadassah Conference was held at Piiul Veret and her committee. the enrichment of Jewish living in ranged by Mrs. Harry A, Wise, Colorado Springs, CoL, May 14 Mines. Phil Gerelik, Morris Gross- America. The functioning body of assisted by Mmes. Morris Fell- to 17. Delegate* attending from man, Albert Fox, Joe Guss and Youth Commission is composed of man, Seymour Goldston, Oscar Omaha were Mmes. Max Green" and SidEdward Fannie L. Greenberc started off representatives from Hadassnh. berg, Sidney Katleman, Ervin Siwith a Leadership Course for Ila- the Zionist Organization of Amer- ney Novak. mon, Albert Fox, Abe Bear, jassah board members. A monthly ica and the Youth Organizations. Elaine Jabenls was radio and Oneg Shabot was held throughout Its alms are to imbue the Jew Lsh the year by the chairman of Edu- youth with the knowledge of their cation, Zionist Public Relations Jewish Heritage; to elicit a strong To All Our Friends and Patrons and American Affairs. interest in the development of a Three outstanding Open Ones rich Jewish life wfthln their own Shabots were held duirng the year. community, as well as take part On April 30, Mrs. Lorenn IS. Hahn, in civic and American affairs and Representative from the United prepare them for leadership. May you and yours b« bltswd with htalfli and States on the TJ.N. Commission on With the help of our professionthe Stntus of Women, was the al director, Mrs. Melvin LemmerhappliMis tnd may thh ytar bring you all you guest speaker. This was held at man, four Junior Young Judcae dailra far a rich*, fuller life. the Jewish Community Center. groups were organized last year Mrs. Maurice Newman led a and the two Senior Judea groups board study group on the History were strengthened. The following of the Jews each month before men and women composed the (he regular board meeting. Book Zionist Youth Commission l a s t Omaha, Ktbrada 324 So. U * St. plates were presented to those who year: Dr. Joseph Soshnlk, chairhad participated and completed man; Mmes. Morris M. Franklin. J. H. Kulakofsky, Ethel Levinson, the Hadassah Honors Course. I. F. Oberman, Carl L a g m a n . AMERICAN AFFAIRS: from Through its American Affairs Meyer Rubin, J. J. Friedman.


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Fed. of Jewish Women's Clubs President, Mrs. E d w a r d E. Brodkcy. First Vlcc-I'rculdent, H n , Henry A. Ncwmnn. Second Vlcc-F r e • 1 d a n t, Mrs. BHke Freeman. Secretary, Mr«. Lloyd Friedman. ' Parliamentarian, Mr*. L o u i s Katz. Executive Secretary, HIM Halab Franklin. Committee Chairmen are: Bond* of Israel. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky; Children1* Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Richnrd IliUerj Citizens Com. mlttee Juvenile Court, Mrs. Ernest A. Nogiii Community Calendar. Mrs. Nathan L,. Nogg; Community Chest, Mrs. Mike Freeman; Goodwill Industries, Mrs. Moe Uniman; Historian. Mrs. Edward Levlnson; Hospitality, Mrs. Dave Cohn; Infantile Paralysis, Mmci. Irvin Sherman and Jerome'Milder; Jewish Home for Afjed, Mme».; Harry Sidman and I. B. Zlegman; Jew. ish Philanthropies, Mrs, Edwin E. B r o d k e y ; Leadership Training, Mrs, Arthur H. Goldstein; Nat'l. Conf, of Christians ;& Jews. Aux, Mrs. David Bernstein; Nebraska Tuberculosis Assn., Mrs. Ben Slutzky; Needlework Guild, Mrs. Albert B. Newman; Omaha Safety Council, Mrs. Morton A, Richards; Publicity, Mrs. Stanford Llpscy; Services to Armed Forces, Mmes. Moc A. ,Veneer and Jacob Garon; T e l e p h o n e , Mrs. Paul Grossman; Veterans H o s p i t a l , Mmes. Albert Steinberg and Max Grccnberg, nnd Volunteer Bureau, Mrs. Alfred Sophlr. The Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, composed of 17 Jewish women's organizations, carries out community-wide functions, promotes inter-club friendliness, understanding and good will amongst each other. During the past year the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs assisted i l the sale of Israel Bonds. Mrs. J. liarry Kulakofsky, chairman, reports that during the year 124 women bought bonds, totaling $41,050.00. Of thlr figure, there were 24 sponsors—women who bought $1,000 bonds; 11 women earned charms for having bought or sold $2,500 worth of bonds, and Mrs. Kulakofsky comploted a full bracelet of 12 charms. The Community Calendar under ' tho chairmanship of Mrs. Nathan Npgg made Ereat effort In streamlining the Calender. All organizations were notified of the set dates, and they were all asked to request dates for (special functions In writIng, which were In turn were confirmed In writing by the Center. In addition, our three Sisterhoods agreed to hold their meetings on the same day, thereby having one Sisterhood Day. A "Community Calendar" appears In the JEWISH PRESS each week showing the events for the coming week. The Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar wns under the chairmanship of Mrs. nichard HlUcr and Mrs. Ernest A. NORB. and assisted by Mrs. Albert Steinberg as collection chairman nnd Mrs. Edword Z. Rosen as booth chairman; 627 of our women contributed cash and merchandise amounting to 51,400.34. The effort that went Into gettlnK that many individual contributions was well rewarded by our being the top booth of the bazunr. Thp Community Chest was headed by Mrs. Dave Cohn, chairman; Mmes. Edwin E. Brodkey and Herman Friodmnn, co-chairmen nnd assisted by 163 women who raised 510,549.44 in our old section C. This represented 8C.8 per cent of our quota, which was a little higher than the average percentage in the residential districts, and quite a bit more money than has been raised in our territory In the past The Home for the Aged with Mrs. Harry Sidman as chairman reports that parties were held at the Home for all the holidays and that tho folks at the Home look forward to these affairs and en Joy them thoroughly. Mrs, Irvin Sherman and Mrs. Jerome Milder, co-chairmen of Infantile Paralysis Committee secured twenty women to stuff envelopes for tho cmevgency drive and twenty women for the regular drive this spring. Theatres wcro also staffed for tho March of Plmcs. Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, lead [(Continued on Page 6-C). L



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Women ' (Ctootlnued from Page 5 - O er»Wp training dulnnan, arranged • public speaking course, conducted; by Ray Clark, which met three tl*e» for two hour sessions. Mn. Albert B. Newman, chairman of the Jewish Charities Section of the Needlework Guild, colfepttd $1,596.00 for this fund. Our shire 1» used for the new America) families and the Home for the. Afed, . fttt. Mike Freeman headed the Idfcesrful Philanthorpies Campaign of the Women's Division. Cothtirme>\, were Mmes. Edwin E. B«>dkey,.i Louis Katz, Morton Rlthard* and Eve L. Konecky (B.& P), Ruth Goldschmidt spoke at; the Workers meeting. Joey A4arns told an appealing story to nefcrly 7 0 0 women who attended th« cfty-wide meeting last spring »tihc Beth Israel Synagogue. BarturVHart? spoke to the Business and Professional Unit The Women's Division to date has raised JC0.836 S1? from 2,609 cards.

Our boys to the service were chairman, faithfully again remembered by the Federation under th« ^i« ( T ^fr" h l p of Mrs. Hoe Venter and co-chairman, Mrs, Jacob Garon. Chanukah packages to all of our local boys in service, Borne 50 to 60 of them, were sent; as well as Passover packages to our 36 overseas boys and Passover cards to our 20 boys In this country. A check-list package was sent to Korea as requested by the Jewish Welfare Board. Mrs. Ben Slutzky, chairman of Nebraska Tuberculosis Association, reported that four organizations staffed the T.B. unit so far and that ^ibout 30 women were supplied for a one day stuffing of envelopes for the T.B. drive. Mrs. Albert Steinberg, chairman, and Mrs. Max Greenberg, co-chairman, of the Veterans H o s p i t a l Unit, reported that our member organizations have s p o n s o r e d monthly bingo parties at the hospital. A number of volunteers work at the hospital in various departments. The Federation Women, as usual, contributed to the annual carnival held at the hospital this summer, but since the carnival was on Saturday, the booth was staffed only In the evening.

called our membership for reservations for each meeting, and our phone list for special functions. The hospitality chairman, Mrs. Jack W. Marer, was responsible for arranging all of the lunches for our meetings, with the aid of three of the organizations. In January Omaha was host city to the regional convention of the Conference of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. Hospitality and arrangements were the responsibility of the Women, and the committee, headed by Mrs. Marer, arranged for five luncheons and a banquet. In January we served at the Father and Son Banquet held at the Center w i t h Mrs. Stanley Fisk and her committee in charge. The Conference of Chiiitiuns and Jews h e l d a Brotherhood Luncheon in February and a dinner was held in April at which time Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke was the recipient of an award, and at both functions we were asked to participate.

T^e Ked Cross was under the leadership of Mrs. Ajon Farbcr t n i . M r s Hubert Monsky; 13 of our; organizations supplied 150 Mrs. Moe Linsman represents v o r h r s who raised $3,611.62, the Federation Women on the which put the Federation Women Goodwill Auxiliary Board. In second place. ' Mrs. Paul Grossman, telephone

The foregoing report has brought out the way the Federation unites all of the Jewish Women of our community for the activities in which cooperation and joint elfo-t are required. Also the Job the Federation Women do in promoting harmony a m o n g our affilnted groups, and In streamlining nil of our community activities.

Experts Prefer

The following organizations arc affiliated with the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs and listed are the president and representative of each: Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood, Mrs. Joe Guss, Mrs. Jack Bramson; Beth Israel Sisterhood, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, Mrs. Herbert Meiches; Bikur Cholim Society, Mrs. Jake Wine, Mrs. Louis Slporln; B'nai B'rith Nebraska Cr. No. 346, Mrs. Morris J. Franklin, Mrs. Harold Slegel; B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Ch. No. 470, Mrs. Harry Friedman, Mrs. Aaron Epstein; Chesed Shel Ernes, Mrs Lewis Neveleff, Mrs. Harry Sidrr.Kij Epstein-Morgan. Post No. 260. J.W.V. Aux, Mrs. Delmai Klein, Mrs. Edward Simon; Hadassah Chapter of Co. Bluffs, Mrs. Oscar Greenberg. *Irs. Edward Teppermnn; Hadassah Chapter of Omaha, Mrs. David Brodkey, Mrs. Sam H. Green; Ladies Free l o a n Society, Mrs. Sam Klaver. -Mrs. Lewis KBls; Mizrachl Women, Mrs. M a t t h e W Poliakoff, Mrs. Ben Handler; National Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Mrs. Louis Sogolow; National Women's Committee of Brandeli University, Mrs. Joe Zwclback Mrs. Harry Rochman; Pioneer Women, Mrs. Jacob Foldman, Mrs. Harry nichlln; Pioneer Women, Kadimah Chapter, Mrs. Rnymon Corey, Mrs. David Wine; Tempi Israel, Mrs. Bernhardt L. Wol Mrs. Julius Newman; nnd Workmen's Circle Auxiliary, Mm. Louis Witkin, Mrs. Sam H. Binder.



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Hollywood (JTA)—Georgi* Jessel, presiding over a banquet in hi honor in Tel Aviv, suddenl. stepped off the dlas and warble* "Making Whoopee." As the ban quet was breaking up, the'President of Israel said to him, "Georgi I never knew you could sing tha ell." "I can't Ring at all," protested Jcssel. "I was just Imitating Ed die Cantor."


S7«4-JFrW*y. fepfemforJ# IUS

Mrs. Lloyd Friedman

Omaha Section of Council Women President, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman. Ways and Mrjnt Vlrc-Frr sident, ^^r8. Bldary Srhwarlz, Social Welfare Vicc-rrcsidcnt, 3Irs. Albert Claer. Kilucutlon Vlce-l'rcftlclcnt, Mrs. Louis Shrlcr. Public Itcliitlons Vice-Presldent, Mn. Mi'Mn Uolgoff. Membership Vlce-I'resldpnt, Mrs. Homer Farber. Dues Secretaries, Mrs. lUrry Haykln and Mrs. Harry Welnlxrg. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. I.oulj Llpp. llccordlng Socrotary, Mrs. Btchurd Illller.

Bndget SwjreUry, Mrs. Jerald Bosen. , Treasurer; Mr«. Jerome Milder. FarUamentuian, Mrs. I. HWelner. Directors, Mrs. Sidney Brooks, Mrs. Ilarold Fsrber, Mrs. Louis Katz and Mrs. Sam Z&chsrla, Regional Treasurer, Mrs. Edward Levlnson. Mrs. Lazar Kaplan, auditor. National Council of Je w i a Women is an organization dedicated to "Faith and Humanity," to this purpose over 103,000 women In 245 sections are so dedicat ed. The social needs of our fellow citizens are served In two ways through our program of service we attempt to alleviate immediat distress; and through our program of education and social action v, s'.me for .s>ci,il and legislative re form to corrc-ct or eradicate th< evils. Thus we attack social illi throunh a joint program of short ran^'o assistance- and long-rangf reform. Council's social legislation pro(;ram has been active in man fields of endeavor. On the national scene we have sought to im prove immigration laws, to wor for civil rights for all people, t strengthen civil liberties, to advance the welfare of our people ir housing, education and social security. In many states Council ha; been in the vanguard of social re form in such fields as child labor, mental health, and FKP. For three years we have been engage In a nation-wide community campaign for freedom.

deavored to call attcntlaf to the values of individual liberty and to promote respect among p e o p l e whose opinions differ. Our slogan, "Speak Up, Freedom Needs Exercise" haj now been adopted by many organization who, too, have realized the d a n g e r that has threatened oui inalienable rights. Through our overseas program we have officially assumed sponsorship of the Department of Education at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem a n d contributed 550,000 for the development of teachers and teaching techniques. We have to date brought 107 students to the United States In our scholarship program. These students avail themselves of the most advanced training our universities can give them and they then return to their own countries to help in the social reconstruction and education of their own communities. Another aspect of our overseas program is our Shlp-A-Box program which suppliei nurseries in Israel and North Africa with the essentials needed to start these young boys and girls in a good life. Our latest project in our overseas program Is our volunteer lay leader assistance which brings an outstanding w o m a n to this country to acquaint her with the work of Council Sections and how volunteers play such an Important part in the various communities.

After fpsndtnj four t o five months tnfaMd sodai workan la in our country visiting many of the In Education w« nutnUIn « • Council sections, she returns to her own country to help organize office in Wuhlniton, D. C, with « (Continued cm Page 7-C) a volunteer group to help the

To All Our Friends and Patrons

Best Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR •





The purpose has been to he] people know and understand their constitutional liberties, and to encourage their use. We hav* tn-


Season's Greetings



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N t w V u r ' i Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roth Hashonah 5716—Fridiy, September <ff, 1955

Council Women

Scholarship Fund, and Mrs. David Beber of the Golden Age Fund. Bach year a symbolic plate is given to each of our members who have contributed $17.50 or over to our Funds and Dinner Dance and are £0 honored In our Year Book. Mrs. Stuart Muskin Is our Council Plate Club chairman.

(Continued from Page 6-C) paid observer attending all sessions of Congrcsj and who In turn keeps ua informed of the latest happenings In our Nation's capitol We also maintain a trained observer at the United Nations. Our Serial Wrlfiiru members are Informed of all legisSecond Vice-President of Sociiil lative acllon and often are colled upon to take action when there Wclf ire is Mis Albeit Cliff One of the projTts we arc ni'M pi mid is a need. of U our Golden Age Clul). Tills The Omaha Section, National club is foi out scnor citi/ens ant Council of Jewish Women, carries mi_cts lh» fourth Monday of f i d out this three-fold program of month at. the Jewish Community Service, Social Action, and Educa- Center In coop rition uith the tion in the following ways: doicttJon of JevMsh Stivice VVnya und Mentis offer facilities for companionship First vice-prchicknt of Wa>a anil and the exploring of new hobbies Our Golden Ago last year pubMeans b Mi* S.ilmj S d m . i r t / She and IK.T chfiirniiin arc re- lished their own monthly bulletin supnsihle for all the funds raised !<nd honircd each other on their to curry out our program. Special birthdays. A turn-about e v e n t nffairs incliirli- our Annual Supper took place lost April when the Dance wnieh 1 i,t yr.n vu? chairolden Agers entertained t h e i r nianed by Mis Stanley Fisk, Mrs respective children and grandchilE. Leo No,;i; and Mrs I. II. VVeln- dren and over 170 people attended. er. Arrangements were handled We hope eventually to meet weekby Mrs. Kichard Killer and Mrs, ly and in time to have a lounge Richard Seitner. Funds raised by that our Golden Agers can use our dance are applied to our Na- every day of the week, Mrs. John tional Quota and used In carrying Solomon Is our Golden Age Coordinator with Mrs. Milton Margoout our National committments. Our Overseas Luncheon e a c h lin as her co-chairman. Chairman year raises money for our Shlp-A- of the Golden Agers Is Mrs.'NaBox program and this year our than Simon. chairmen are Mrs. Sam Greenberg, A new service and one which Mrs. Aaron Levitt and Mrs. Morrli we arc continuing is our aid, both Shapiro. financially and by providing volunLast year a rummage sale was teers to the Omaha H e a r i n g held for the first time and was so School. Mrs. Edward Z. Ito»en is successful we are having another our chairman. Wo continue to this year. Mrs Herman Friedman send Volunteers to Children's Meand Mrs. Maynard Greenberg are morial Hospital the second WedIn charge with Mrs. Edward Z. nesday of each month and to proRosen In charge of the Motor vide three supervisors on other Corps and .Mrs. Nathan Novak, days. Mrs. Robert Silverman Is telephone chairman. The dates for our Hospital chairman. Each year this event are October 24 and 39. we have a party at the Veterans Our standing committees In- Hospital and Mrs. Max Rosen Is in clude: bake sale, Mrs. Louis Albert charge of this event. We also have and Mrs. Owen Mcyerson; gift an annual party at the Home for, shop, Mrs. Joe Harwich and Mrs. the Aged. Mrs. J. C, Goldner con Yale Gotsdiner; personalized sta- tlnues a* our Well-Baby Clinic tionery, Mrs Harold Farber, Mrs, chairman and w« are very proud M. M. Krupimky, and Mrs. Elmer that Council is now manning four Novnk; score pads, Mrs. Phil La- tations for the Visiting Nurses ser and Mrs. Stuart Simon. Over- with this program. Our Cotnmunlall Ways and Means Chairman Is y' Cooperation' chairman is Mrs. Robert Levine and she will see Mrs. Sum Zacharla. that Council Volunteers help In Our three funds are used to proevery community drive, mote our program further. Mrs. Edwin i.;. Brodkey Is chairman of Our Shlp-A-Box program will be the Motile Schlmmel Fund: Mrs. chalrmaned by Mrs. Harry AltsuAl Fox of the Marion S t o l e r ler and her vice-chairmen are Mrs.

Stanley Herroff and Mrs. Robert Levine. Last year 19 boxes were sent to our Shlp-A-Eox nursery. Mrs. Julius Newman is our Service to Foreign Born Chairman. Council sent three D. P. children to Nursery school under this program during the past year. Council is proud thut the United Communltj Services asked us to becom. a financially non-participating member Mrs Ajon Farbi r is our Community Liaison officer and our many representatives to the various groups will report to her. Our Community Service deleBates are Mrs N. Julian Hips, Mrs. .SKlii"y Iii xjits Mrs Stanley Perlmeter, Warner Froham, Mrs Edward Levlnson and Mrs. H. L Greenberg. Our Federation for Jewish Women's Clubs representative, is Mrs. Lou Sogolow; InterClub Council, Mrs. Richard Miller, and Citizens' Committee for Youth, Mrs. Donald Schoenbaum and Mrs. Edward Milder. Education Third VIce-Presldent of Education is Mrs, Louis Shrler. Our education chairman Is Mrs. Charles Schneider, Study Group chairmen are Mrs. Dave Lewis and Mrs. Seymour Abrahams. Our Current Events Study Group meets the second Wednesday and f o u r t h Tuesday of each month and is open to everyone. When Important legislation is pending a Call to Action committee follows through to see that Council's voice is heard. W« have a State Legislature chairman who represents Council at the State Legislature. This year our entire local scholarship program has been revised under the capable leadership of

Mrs. Sidney Hrooks. A brochure was sent to each of our members fully outlining our Scholarship Loan Program and explaining who Is eligible to apply for this loan. Earn applicant is investigated and then an Awards commit tee made up of prominent citizens decides on the most dcscrviilg candidate. This scholarship program has been renamed the Marion Stoler Scholarship Fund in memory of our Lite pirsidint Mis I H i r y Stulfi Tills v< ui IIIII MiiiunStolor Scholarship lias hocn given to Miss Annette Kn,fjv. k\ AnMJiie Interested in applying; should contact Mrs. Sidney Brook;; for furthnr details.

a yearly event. Our hospltalit chairman Is Mrs. William Nas and telephone chairman for oui Study Groups 1J Mrs. Henry Res nick. Public Kelatlona Fourth Vice-Presldent of Publi Relations is Mrs. Melvln Dolgoff Each year a Year Book is published listing the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of oui members. Tills year, Mrs Stanley Hfrzoff Is our Year Book chairman

Through our monthly bulletin out membeis are Informed of all the Section's activities and th piogiam and date of our monthly meeting This year, Mrs Norman Mrs. A. V. Vengor is our Board Denenberg nnd Mrs. Yule Rich Arrangements cli a i r m a n . Mrs. ards are our bulletin editors. George Spltzor Is over-fill lunchAll publicity for the Section eon cholrmiin and her various will UP channeled through Mrs luncheon chairmen for the year Maurice Blank, and the Scrapare1 Mrs. Jack Ban, Mrs. Edward book will be kept by Mrs. Adolph Green, Mrs. Phil Katzman, Mrs. Trojt William Raduzlner, Mrs. William A very Important committee Is Ktilrnan, Mrs. Leonard Krasne, our telephone committee which Mrs. Oscar Sutln, Mrs. Sam Goodtelephones our members for the man, Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey, meetings and for other special ocMrs. Al Sophlr, Mrs. Abe Slusky, casions. Mrs, William Nash Is our Mrs. Walter Jacobson. Mrs. Henover-all telephone chairman. ry Greenberg (Eleanor) Is decoraAll courtesy notes will be taken tions chairman, care of by our courtesy chairman. Our over-all program chairman Mrs. Max Wolfson. this year is Mrs. Stanford LIpsey. Membership Our hope U to present stimulatFifth VIce-Presldent of Meming and entertaining programs and bership Is Mrs. Homer Farber. to bring out the various aspects She is In charge of all member* of our over-all program. ship activities of the section. Her Mrs, Ed Gilbert U our religious co-chairmen are Mm, Arthur i chairman and in charge of Coun- ler, Mrs. Iiadore Elewltz, and cil Sabbath, Last year, for the Mrs. Leonard Goldstein. Retention first time, Council Sabbath was chairman i s . Mrs. Ernest Nogg observed in all three of our syna- and Dues Secretary for new memgogues and we plan to make this bers is Mrs. Norman Smerrin. A

large-scale membership drive is now being conducted and membership is open to any Jewish woman In the community. Through the above program we hope to carry out the ideals of Council. We believe that an active, participating member gains as much for herself as for Council; and will therefore learn the true meaning of the purpose of the National Council of Jewish Women—Freedom, our Heritage; Human Welfare our Goal. Hollywood (JTA)—According to Tony Martin, a Hollywood starlet the other evening upset precedent by asking Jascha Heifetz for an autograph Instead of giving her own to wilcieyed bobby soxcrs. The starlet's disarming request of Hclfctz read: "It doesn't matter, whether you write it or print it, Mr. Heifetz. I copy all my autographs over anyhowe alphabetically In my scrapbook.'



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,' W ^ Y M V I EdWww-THi JEWISH PRESS—Roih Huhonah 5716—Friday, September Vt, 1955 Woman Is dedicated to the follow- wa» a representative (rom me Moetzet Hapoalat. ing Objective!: Kadimah meetings were held 'To assist in the upbuilding of Israel a« a Democratic State; to the third Thursday of each month

HI *l

tu •1 et $( le

8! 01 w w lr

promote and support the program and institutions of the Moetzet Hapoalot; to develop among American Jewish women an •:•. : .rstanding of the life and neei . of women in Israel, with particular concern for the working women; to awaken the Jewish national consciousness of American Jewish women, to strengthen the bond with the Jewish people of Israel and w i t h Jewish communities throughout the world; to educate American Jewish women for greater awareness of their responsibilities on the American scene; to cooperate with women's organizations in their program for women's social and economic equality in the U. S. and throughout the world; to foster and promote the education of Jewish Labor Zionist lines; to actively participate in the maintenance of the follt-schnols and other educational institutions of the Labor Zionist Movement; to participate in the activities which promote the influence of Labor Zionism; and to cooperate with other organi/'itinns which furthe the development of the State of Israel.

people, and to encourage religious, pared and served the dinners tot the Men's CJub monthly meeting*. Among Its most rewarding U>

tion are capable of meeting thi demands i>cca>sary to make goot and useful citizens in all the walk: of life. The outstanding project, the Children's Village and Kara School at Kanaana, Israel. The Omaha chapter began it: 1931-I£fj5 season with a mectini on Septcmhvi 15, 1931. All thi chapter's meetings were held the Jewish Community Confer. The members of the chaptel have assisted in the Christina: Seals and Easter Seals campaign They have taken part in the Jcu ish Philanthropies dnve and wh n ever possible, are willing to ass in civic affairs. Mrs. Wiilianm Epstein, the retiring president, takes this opportunity to acknowledge very gratefully the assistance given by th various committees and t h e i Mrs. Sidney Goldberg chairmen, by Mrs. E. Wcinben Corresponding Secretaries, Mrs. and Mrs. Jennie Adlor of Cal fornia, by all the other members Sam Kntzman and Mrs. D a v e and friends of the chapter, and to Frank, Miss Kalah Franklin and Miss Jo Parliamentarian, Mrs. Dan anne Simon for their readiness t Gordman. help whenever called upon. The Beth Israel Sisterhood consisting of 395 members Is dedicated to fostering and furthering the highest ideali of Orthodox Judaism, to promote closer fellowship among its members, to preserve the traditional Ideals, modes • Honorary President, Mrs. Lewis and worship and observance of our Nevelrff. Frenldent, Mrs. Sidney doldbers;. First Vlce-Presldent, Mrs. Henry AppeL Second Vine-President, Mrs. Arthur I'urilman. Third Vlce-Freildent, Mrs. Ku ben Katncr. Treasurer, Mrs. Morris Shapiro. Recording Secretary) M n . Nathan Kaplan. Financial Secretary, Mrs. Sidney Feldman.

at different members' homes, with programs consisting of speakers, films, and social hours following Kadimah members participator not only in notional projects _o Pioneer Women, but contribute! immeasurably to local civic en terprises by actively giving theii effort, money, and energy. Tin chapter participated in the 193Community Chest Drive and 1955 Red Cross Campaign. They gave to the annual Children's Hospita Bazaar and the Annual Needle work Guild.

Kadimah members entertained the residents at the Dr. Philip .Mrs. Matthew M. I'ollahoff Slier Jewish Home for the Age •f;SIr». Raymond Corey and arranger! a program for the hospitality, Mmes. Sol NOKE a'ld veterans at The Veterans Hospital II. Franklin; rcprcscntativfs to JNF Council nnd to Zionist Cwin•II, Mmes. II. Franklin, Irving Stern and Miss Kalah Franklin; representatives of Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, Aim. M. Frfeftident, Mrs. Raymond Cony. M. I'olhtkoff and Mm. Ben HanFirst Vlcc-rresidcnt, Mrs. IsaHonorary President, bin. SL dler; board members at large, Mmes. Lewis Neveleff, Nathan ilore Falk. Brodkey. President, Mrs. Matthew SI. Resnlck, Ben Soslmlk, A. KaUkce hrrond Vice-Presldent, Mrs. Ben and Sophie Itothkop. Follakorf. W Inn. First Vlce-Presldent, M n . ShelThird Vim-President Mrs. Hen Mizrachl Women's Orgnnization don Curen. 14 plan. of America, the orthodox branch S e c o n d Vlce-Presldent, Mrs. HfcntAing Secretary, Mrs. Irvof the Zionist Organization, has a During the year of 1954-55 we Herman Franklin. ing Forbes. busy program in Israel. It has have completed the following acThird Vlce-Presldent, Mrs. Sol more than 50 projects consisting Corn spending Secretary, Mrs. ivities: M llvln Tvuper. of schools, youth centers, nurFinancial Secretary, Mrs. Harry series, and farm schools where the We had a bake Kale and a ruml i n i m l u l Secretary, Mrs. Benmage sale. We sent boxes of cloth- Paskowitz. tun Kutlir. young people, native and refugee, Dues Secretary,' Mrs. Alex Sand. are given education-and training. Treasurer, Mrs. Itlehard Splegal. ing to Israel and held our annual Recording Secretary, Mrs. Leo card party. We had a donor lunchHistorian, Mrs. IJuvo Wine. The students In these schools ' I'ublldty Clialrmnn, Mrs. Eu- on at the Highland Country Club. Kraft. are provided with housing and all A tea was held at Brandeis Store. Corresponding S e c r e t a r i e s , thc neccsitles of life. They arc gene Uraun. : We also entertained a visitor Mines. Frank Sekar and Mrs. Win. given a secular, religious and techEpstein. ICjdimah Chapter of Pioneer rom Israel, Mrs. Kopernick, who nical education and upon graduaTreasurer, Mrs. Sam Collck. Committee Chairmen: Membership, Mmes. Harry Lewis and Sam Stone; programs, Mmes. Irving Stern and Haskel Brandstetter; telephone, Mmes. Allen Steams and Max Arbltman; donor luncheon circle, Mmes. Joseph Batt and Ruth Ackerman; children's village, Mrs. Jacob Goodblnder; reveARNOLD ROBINSON nne, Mmes. Lett Is Gerellck and L o u i s Paperny; JNF boxes, JIDIIEY TAREN JOSEPH STERN Mmes. Joe Batt and H e r m a n Every member of our organization Franklin; JNF trees, Mrs. Ben Handler; publicity, Mmes. Uen Eljoins In expressing the wish for a senberg and Frank Sekar; synagogue collections, Mmes. Mary Happy New Year. May it be a yssr Zalk and B, M. Broun; decorations, Mrs. Frank Sekar and Mrs. brir'h v.i;,'; !;r.ppiness and joy Tor IRON & METAL CO. Ell KaRiin; d o o r , Minn, Rose Fogel and Wra. Kp*U'In; desnert 1302 Webster Street WE 0745 luncheons, Mmes. Max Arbltman, B. Grosnman, and A. Llp^man;

Kadimah Chapter, Pioneer Women


Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Women

soda), and educational activities. During the past year, the sisterhood participated in all synagogue functions, which included the Annual Dinner, at which time special recognition rind honor was bestowed upon Morris Jacobs, King of Ak-Sar-Ben. The Sisterhood afsisled in making the "Know Thy Neighbor Sabbath" a memorable evening lor every religious-minded person in the? community. The Sisterhood presented its annual ".Mother-Daughter Banquet," "Linen Shower Luncheon," "Book Reivew Luncheon," and "Donor Luncheon." This organization pre-



Beth Israel Sisterhood

New Year's Greetings To Our Many Friends • • •

tivities, is playing host to the Junior Congregation. During tHi pact year, the Sisterhood served lunch to an average of 80 children week" ly, after Sabbath morning service*. Other important work included the distribution of Gianukah candles, Gift Shop Service partldpa* tion in community project*, Susday School, Talmud Torah, and PT-A. The Sisterhood aEaln ierve4 as host at a Succoth Party, held at the Jewish Homo for the Aged, as well as the city-wide Women'* Philanthropies Luncheon, held fct I3cth Israel Synagogue.

3227 Homey St.

WEbsttr 1234

Happy New Year


720 Lcawnworrii

Phone Harnty 6333



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New Year'$ Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Rosh Hashonah 5716—Friday, September J-7; 1955

n wh=n it was mimed an Honor of Girl Scout Week. A group o tion our chapter co-operated fully United States and Canada regard- Jewish and Christian faiths as well Freedom which supports Radio man Relations Laboratory which Club of America by the Woman's teachers, friends of this year' with the United Nations Week less of race, color or creed. In as national holidays. It goes a Free Europe. was held in March. Home Companion Magazine. The Womans Citizenship Award win Committee and served as host to the entire country there are only step further and suggests pro- Along with other Civic groups Plans have been made to preHonor Roll Awards are presented nor. Miss Thresa Clark cave tin visiting foreign students. We lire 200 free beds available for' the gramming for democracy aids use- we co-operated with the Omaha sent each elementary school prillto clubs in recognition of "dis-St. Francis of Assisi Doll in he. proud of the citation awarded to treatment of arthritis; the Leo N.ful in observing the holidays. Urban League in developing a Hu(Continued on Page 2-D) tinguished community service and honor. The National Associatio B'nni U'rith Women by Secretary Lcvi Hospital has 116 of these free Two excellent human relations improvement." Mot: sky Chapter for the Advancement of Colorei of State John Foster Dulles, prais- beds! This hospital is more than records, "Little Songs on Big iubwas one of three in tlii? state People INAACi') awarded us tining the organization for its efforts a treatment center, it is also re- jects" and "Little Songs about the of Nebraska and theonly Omaha Ralph liunclie Doll. The Mldwes to make known the principles of nowned for its research work, United Nations" were given by our organization to IK;so honored, Athletic Society added the Jackii the United Nations Charter. B'nai where pain alleviating life-saving chapter to the Joslyn Memorial The chapter was ci!d for its ix- Robinson Doll. Sam Derek ot Fre I-J'rith is a constituent member of discoveries for the treatment of Museum for use in their children's tensive human iel;it OMS program mont cave us the Justice Loui: the Co-ordinating Hoard of Jewish arthritis have been discovered and classes. Human relations materials nnd its community seTvice. as well Brandeis Doll, and U'nai U'rit Organizations which has consult- developed. Mrs. Barney Hober- were also presented to the Harrison Public School Library. A comas for its broad philanthropic proj- Nebraska Chapter No. 310 purative status as a non-governmental man is Leo N, Levi Chairman. chnsed tlie Emma Ivizerus Dol body with tho Kconomic and So- In co-operation with the Anti- mittee of Monsky Chapter memects. Monsky Chapter was presented This unique human relations pro cial Council of the United Nations. Defamation League Plain States bers attended a hearing of the (lie first annual Sidney G. Kus-gram features the story of ner Since W-J7 the B'nai B'rith Worn- regional office an expanded ADL Labor and Public Welfare Comworm Citizenship Award as thesonulities who have made out' ens Supreme Council had accredit- program was developed. The ADL mittee of the Nebraska Legislaoutstanding chapter in Women's standing contributions of scrvici ed observer status with the Unit- Memorandum Calendar and Desk ture to testiiy in behalf of a legisDistrict Grand Lodye No. 6 forto their fellowrnan. A story-tellei ed Nations. Pad was given to principals of all lative bill which would have esthe advancement of the program presents the dolls and tells th< Children at the Bellcfuire Home Omaha p u b l i c and parochial tablished Fair Employment Pracof the 15'Mui IJ'rlth National Com- story of the person an their con in Cleveland were the recipients schools, presidents of s e r v i c e tices Commission for Nebraska. Mm. Harry Friedman mission on Americanism and Civic tributions to society, emphasizin of many useful Chanukah Gifts clubs affiliated with the Women's The ADL Committee also obAffairs. T1K> placque was present- that though they differ in race, re sent by the members of our Chap- Inter-Club Council and members t a i n e d signatures on Truth ed at the District Convention held ligion and creed, their common at ter. The ChiKl Welfare League of of the Omaha Adult Education Scrolls and collected Truth Doltributes of service are the sum America made u study of the top Committee. This compact i t e m lars giving both moral and finanin ChlcaK" In July. The Labor Industry Committee and transcends all b a r r i e r s . ten institutions in the U n i t e d lists all the major holidays of thecial support to the Crusade for of the Omahn Branch National Through this project, this vita) States In order to set standards 1211 Howard St. Association for the Advancement brotherhood message was present for child care work, chose Bellced to nearly ten thousand (10,000) Pnttldrnl, Mrs. Hurry I'ricdnian. if Colored People (NAACP) and children and adults In Omaha falre' as one of the "Top Ten." United Packinghouse Workers of We nre justifiably proud of our first Vlrol'reslilrnt, .Mrs. Hur- Aincrlcn, honored the Chapter Lincoln and Council Bluffs. Undei Bellefaire Children's H o m e in the fine leadership of Mrs. Arthui ry Siilnuin, along with fourteen organizations, Cleveland for the outstanding job 811:1111 il Vlrc-1'rpshlcnt, Mrs. firms and Individuals for their part Goldstein, this project will con' It does in helping unhappy, troutinue to flourish. <lror|{c Cohen. In aiding "the cause of freedom bled youngsters find their way into Third Vlro-I'realdcnt, Mrs. Har- and human relations." happy and useful lives. Mrs. BernT h e s e c o n d annual Woman'f ry Smith. The award wan presented during Citizenship Award was presented ard Goldstrom will serve as BelleKrcortlliiK Scrrfitnry> Mm. Ben Freedom Festival held in obto Miss Thresa Clark. Principal faire Chairman. Watt. servance of the first anniversary of Conigan and Robplns ElemenThe B'nai B'rith Chlldiens' . . . to our fellow American! of the Hebrew faith. C(irrr«|ion(IIiiK Secretary, Mr». of the Supreme Court decision tary Schools, at the Highland Home in Israel is patterned along Cirorge Kdmplro. From your ancient religion jprang our code of morals ending segregation in the public Town Club. The occasion alsc the lines of the Bellefaire Home. Flniinilul Secretary, MM. Sidney schools. The award for Monsky honored the Omaha Public School and our conception of the rights of man. As the This year will see the children in Znelmi'r. Chapter was the'addition to thesystem. Mayor John Rosenblatl a new and enlarged B'nai.B'rith source of the basic ethical philosophy upon which i t DUPH Secretary, Mn. Sam Kal- "B'nai B'rith Dolls for Democraextended greetings for the city. Chlldrens H o m e In Jerusalem, hai grown great, our country owes you eternal nun. cy". Project of a Ralph Buncho The citation is presented annually where amidst pleasant surroundthanlci. Treiuurrr, Mr*. Max Krlzelnian, doll representing ' "the similarity In February by B'nai B'rith WomNentlnel, Mrs. t'linrles Fluher. between the Chapter's action and en, to air Omaha woman "In rec ings and with a competent staff, child victims of Nazi and other Historian, Mr*. Milton Mint*. Bundle's Ideals." ognition of outstanding service In oppressions will be rehabilitated (iiinrdlnn, Mra. Bernard tiold As,a part of ,the observance of community And civic affairs for through skilled psychiatric treatstnini. the American Jewish Tcrcen en-'the Improvement of human rela MFMriSh Tnmtrov, Mm. Hiibcn Itatner, ary. a special Pncg Yom Tov WAR tions and the advancement of citi ment Phone 2-2577 At our Leo N. Lev! Coin ShowCouncil Huffs, Iowa Strn. Charles Stem and Mm. A.sponsored by tho Chapter at Beth- zenshlp responsibility." er and Tea, Mrs. Myer Krlpke, <!lrv IKTR. El Synagogue. As part of an observance of addressed the Chapter on "TendMnnitrre*, Mrs, Seymour , Kap- Our "Dolls, for Democracy" proj. Our Omaha Phone Is HArney 7868 United Nations Week, the foreign ing Our Vineyards," the same talk Ed Carlson Harry Trustin cct showed..remarkable growth. <i?n«ril Ommlttccwomaa, Mm. Father John' Klllornn of St. Bene- students' attendirtg the Colleges she gave at the Detroit Annual T. "Jot" Smith and Universities of Omaha were Jewish Book Fair. Money raised frrm Kjiiteln. Norman Rosenxweig dict'* Church udded the Blessed entertained at a United Nations at the shower was used to pur- Yale Trustin pur!n.v (ho. piist yenr U'nal Mnrtln DePorres Coll to the col- Buffett Supper in the home o chase special hospital equipment. AWWWWWWWWHWHWWWW I' '"fh Henry Monslcy Clinpler No. lection. .The Girl Scouts of Oma- Mrs. Joe Guss, This party honor- The Leo N. Levl Memorial Hos"TO r-c?licl several nwnnh. The ha presented us tho Juliet Lowe Ing students' from other' lands has pital treats patients suffering from 2319 No. 18th St. :'• T ' T cli'rAPfl nntlonul recogni- Doll as' port of their celebration become an annual event. In add! arthritis, rheumatism and allied 2300 BlocV No. 18th St. diseases. It Is the only national hospital dedicated to tho f r e e treatment for arthritlcs from the


B'nai B'rifh Henry Monsky Chapter 470


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Wishes You

New Year Greetings ^ > \ f-

Sincere-Wishes for a Happy New Year to All of Our Jewish Friends


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New Y..r*« Edition—THEMEWISH WESS—RoA Hiifaoiub S7l«WMdUy, S.pftmW ^ 1955

ATOMS FIGHT CANCER the Community Chest, Reii Cross, Fla«nioal SecreUry, Mm. Wm birthday of the folks at the Home stein- -flowers; Mrs. Abe Krantz— Radioactive isotopes from atomic Easter Seals, Cancer Drive and Epateln. by giving a party once a month table letting and decorations; Mrs furnaces aid in treating tome canvarious other local endeavors. We Recording Secretary, Mr». Jick honoring all who have had a birth- Harry Sidman and Mrs. Harry cers, in locating others, and a i (Continued from Page 1-D) provided workers to stuff envelLlppett, fund raising. Kalinsn. tracers in basic cancer research, day during that month. Itcfreshcjpsl in Omaha a copy of a book- have also supported the B'nai opes for the' Tuberculosis CamCorri'spondtng SfrretaO', Mrs supported by contributions t o the ments are served and entertainlet entitled "The Rabbit Brothen," B'rlth National Jewish Hospital in paign and staffed the Chest X Ray Louis Siporin. American Conecr Society. Patronize Our Advertisers. by Robert Krau*. Thi» picture Denver. This hospital has won in- Mobile Unit. We gave continuid ment for the evening is provided. For the p^st thirty years, the Colored movioj arc t.'iken of tlie and story booklet was published ternational acclaim as a tuber- support to the Omaha Opportunity Bikur Chulim S<x"ie:y of Omaha by the A D L and i* designed for culosis treatment and research Center. Mis. Sol Miroff will be guests arid shown fit e.ich parly, j an organization dedicated to helpthe use of third and fourth grade center. 'community co-operation chairman .Meetings are held tim tecmd • ing the sick and needy of our comstudents in combatting prejudice The TochLsUr Center at the (Under the chalrm-inship of Mis munity, has continued its program Monday of each month at the Jew- j and In building healthy intergroup Mayo Clir K in Kochester, Minn., (Dan Gordman we will continue our of helping less fortunate. ifh Community Center. An an- ! relation!. Mr*. Harry Wise will scr\Cb ii c r< li ;ious, social and (active participation in the Civil continue to serve aa ADL Chair- cultm i! t nt( r for patients and ; Defense Program. Periodic visits to hospitals and nual Succoth and Purim Tea n ' man convalescent homes are made, and held. t h n r f i n I s uno come to the | This past year we affiliated with when requested, kosher foods are The Veteran* Affairs Churman c i n e fieri til over the country. the Wonwns Inter-Club Council Necessary funds to support the ! provided for Jewish patients in and h»r committee continu< d th n Tl ( l i n n Hi th Desk in the clin- | Mrs. Charles Stern will continue medical funa of this ur^im/ation j hospitals. Monthly visits to the outstanding work at the Vctduns ic it i If i n a social service 'to serve as delegate to this civic are raised by tu\j fund raising State Hospital in Lincoln are Hi'I'itdU in Omaha and I incoln ucincr who hill 3 countless numevents which are K'VHI during k'anization i mdile. Ri'freiliinents and gifts are Monthly p i r t i t * w i r e lidd i t the l)< rs Oui cl iptcr supported these Chamikah und in the month of Oir Ch tptu dii'l ti.i1 n t h e r presented to the Inmates at each OnuliA Ho pit JI, bi monthly i ir f jjdls throu h a donor fund. jChapliii aii'l Lr«l/>s in Omaha June. visit. [ifs a t thr- L'muln Huipitil Sub M <s Irving Davis is Itochester jspoiwjicil fauccesiful Ijlo'jfl IJiink Chairmen for (lie various comTile medical bills for supplies mittees are as follows: Mrs. Allan bciifil jnb foi ii(C(lc(\ IIILI 1/11 ( C tnh i i lull in n Sirs. Juke Wine Day at the Red Cross Blood Ccnand equipment used at the Home vu n j n cut (I Sp* (i tl h Jlni ty Zalkin—parties for the Homo for The Henry Monsky Foundation itcr. Mrs. Milton Margolin is for the Aged is paid for by this the Aged an<" the State Hospital 1 f d md dec i iti IT "" \ t i t [ i o - is ids) irvio.fl through a chap- Blood Bank Chairman. organization \.i' I for "Ir' C I m l s l r r n n i ter donor fund. The Foundation In Lincoln; Mrs. Dave Rainlck— Our members are participating His i Kii 1 Vm lit urc \ c t i .lib through drmlt Institutes of JuTwo years ago, a group of mem- hospital visitation; Mrs. Phil Smith •*, f In the Bowling Program with great ,f ch tint l bers raised enough money to pur and Mrs. Einar Abramson—Sucd mm umi 1 it deepening and »n- enthusiasm. T h i s year will see the chase an oxygen tent for t h e coth and Purim teas; M n . Cecil V L c > | i it tl iullv \ th the ric:hinri the Jewish cultural and bowling league greatly enlarged. Home. Last year, a luncheon was Izenstatt—card party and lunchI i I 1 i) i il C n[ i n i . n u Kl 1 JUS hriitaie. Camp B'nai Mrs. Sam Garrop is chapter bowlgiven and suftldtnt funds were eon arrangements; M n . M a x Honorary President* Mrs. 1!. "i i rd a citv K I '<» Is P. nth Ijcatcd in the P o c o n o ing chairman. raised t o purchase air condition Shames and M n . Ben Wine-^regr ' 1' i I P il'i it tl i 131 u k t ; IC Mjunt iiir> neir Starlight, Pa., was A play "Trial by Error," writ- Xeveleff. Ing uWU for the auditorium and ular luncheon meeting; Mn.Myftr President, Mrs. JakS Wine. 1'it 1 i( tin d \ u< the I iml in i d n 1 nil is maintained by ten especially tor our Pald-Up dining room erf the Home. Linda- memberihlpf Mr*. P a u l I'r th i i I n n illv 1 i n n the Hcmy Monsky Foundation. Membership Luncheon, won hon- First Vioe-Preddentj Mrs. HarThis August, • dessert luncheon Katzman—phone; Mrf. Wm. Eptl H t i l \\r h 11 t r t n uc to Ih C mp ofifis a complete six orable mention in a Women's Dis- rf Sldmu,: vn$ given and a large lum was ••i r t i I ir i n [ M i d i i I [ I » < I t \ t i t h c imp session. The trict Grand Lodge No. 6 PlaySecond Ylce-Presldent, Mrs. My- railed t o help pay on the 14,000 I I i I ! Oil t i l l II ( m p I n i \t ith p r o g r a m d r a w s writing Contest The play was er Linda, mortgage due on the elevator at t H t I n ii 7j ith \ c l deeply from our rich Jewish heri- written by Carolyn Reynolds, asThird Vlco-PnsUent, Sirs. Ha> the Horn* which wai underwritm 1 ti idition in order to sisted by Mrs. George Schapiro. I i 1 lit 11 n ( ( ntf in h n 1 1 rjIJppett. ten by th« Bikur Cholim. cr ff ( i n n W e i l / n u n 11 l e i ih< Ip e a c h c i m p e r c r e a t e a m e a n OUr chapter had a program saTnuxarr, Mrs. Chas. Bos*. Bikur Cholim celebrates t h e II \ n i l 1 I rl Mft l i n 'i I i i s ' m ful hf is T y o u n g A m e r i c a n lute to Brandels University and to 111 ' i nt t h n i] t < T I i i ' i i ' J ' its President, Dr. Abram Sachar, c il li n « i 11 Hi II ii it I his "00 if r e c a m p provides fa- former National Director of the I iili ( 1 I ' m II n < m J in i i i h l i fui b i t h y o u t h a n d a d u l t s . B'nai B'rith Hlllel Foundation. ) in i d tl I l i l k l l u i i nl iti J I it | \ f j i t i n s t i t u t e s of J u d a i s m a n d Together with Nebraska Chaptvi H I i i . \ null in Mi N i Hjilel S u r i m i a a r e scheduled In ter, our Joint fund raising event th n 1 11 I i I I i l Pi )J t-t-. fid.ti n t o tiii y o u t h c a m p s e s - was an outstanding success. A C"i in in i - H e o n u n M u 'si i W j i k is p r o g r e s s i n g o n t h e Thanksgiving Card Party and BaAM 1 i n I n I will 1 ' i en t o B n il Ii n t h N a t i o n a l H e a d q u a r - zaar was held at the Blackstone To Our Many Friends and Patrons tr il (.'0,1111 n t i f the II n i l t e i s Hinldin* in W a s h i n g t o n , D . C , Hotel. Each guest received a comlm'li ' "M 11 ii t in I r 1 u h u l i « i ilso p u r c h a s e d u n d e r bined recipe and year book feaFROM uhicn i i in pi int I I tl ' I i p c •> i f t h e H e n r y M o n s k y turing favorite recipes of B'nai i i ti. p i m d i t n n tr i ' I " M i t i < ii • I l u s building, when B'rith Women. This year's fund i if li I it i f j ipl ted will t i k e i t s p l a c e w i t h raising event will be Sunday, Nov. I i \ t f i t l t 1i i Hi ( n iISM J I I I L i b r a r y , t h e 27.' The Monsky Chapter Bake I M S DOUGLAS c i 1 i 1 Jin n Hill <i I n u t h oni m In t i t u t e a n d m a n y Sale also proved very successful. ] i h " in 1 1 unM I in I • I j t l e i buililin of n a t i o n a l a n d We arc able t o meet our basic alMR. AND MRS. HYMIE ZOR1NSKY AND FAMILY in l i TI n t 1 ) tlir x in Hi «i ntf n t m l f u n c . I t will b e a n locations to the many fine philanI v n n l i i I IJV th \ eti i il shnnc to the noteworthy thropies of B'nai B'rith and t o c t u ii < ut (j it i ' •> i1 (1 i » '( i inti Imtions of Jewry to the cul- over-allocate where needed. For vill 1 < i n i d i il i I I I n n t ill i o u t h mid development of this we received an honor certifif ] ! it'i t n of tli " " U I J I S I )i \i ii( i I shibits of historic doc- cate at the District Convention. i ' I i M 0 oi i c in pl i il i M i ent'i and works of art will be Other Chairmen In addition to trfo r l kindle i r i n dioi ofIi ic ti iikn' o n '1 |S P' l y t 0 serve as graphic re- the officers who will serve this f i tl •> 'rc-,t ii n Irrs that interfaith under- year are Mesdames Ben Zoorwill, id I in of this piojrtt | t nding is the basis of the Amer- William Abraham, Sam Geifman, O r ^ i n ' I I tip met on ilt i \c in Wiy of Life Richard Speigal, Morris Kutler and , ., " ,d al 10 . m H l ' f l l , fliinugh its ' Career News" pub- Stanley Shapiro. I ^ ii ui A 1JJ\ ui neded li ri hi u (•> Hid shi ts wire he it ons and other mediums, the Hollywood (JTA)—Jerry Lewis , t I; | imip to thi B n ii I> n u B n t h Vocational Service I i tii (n Ki n II i in I '1 B ire IU h i s done outstanding was Introduced to a gentleman in tfic lobby of a Chicago hotel. "ParI r i i A I- ( )h< n s fu i di work in helping our young people don my not getting up," said the , iii ioip ill cirtmi to plan future careers. Expanded man. "You see, I'm ailing from i his ytvir. I use of these excellent materials In arthritis." Jerry beamed. "That's perfectly all right I'm Lewis V t >i ir M U tlif foima O-nnha Is being planned. Our co-operation was given t o from Los Angeles." '\ i f i B n n B n t h Girls Chapt - Hi" D strict President of i n , ' s l l i a n o r Lpstein, was | if rst speaker for our first j v tin We also helped to spon•. r A7A Chipters No 1 and No 100. In April the AZA Chapters jit nnted a p r o r n m to our Ch-'pt r We arc indeed proud of thf e Uixurioui rnop|< flnbh. M M I I I 1IM47. fri Ttouth Groups A Donor Fund honors the B'nai NowRCAVlctorbringiyourlchPr* get new "4-Plut" Plctur* Quality TJnth Hillcl I oundationb which Tincia) cabinetry with all the chirm (or the brightest, cl>arett plctur* and authenticity that only master in TVI New 2-tpealcer Balanced nro located on over 200 COIICRC craftsmen can create But the new Fidelity Sound... new "High-Side" c-mpuscs in the Lnited States and 21-Inch RCA Victor Oial/ml D<luu Tuning! See RCA Victor's new Car (H The ne\ ly r t - i b h h e d j jives you far more than beauty. You Chalfont Deluxe today. IIIIlcI Foundation at the Hebrew Set th* BIO CHANGE IN TV BY RCA Victor todayl Lnncisity in Jcrusakm is flourAlfc cttul IH •u/vilr* fM VJcfor latHri Urrltt Ctmhtit ir.hinc. In December the B'nai B n t h memhn<; of I nplind opened their first Ihllel rouniHtion which will ser\'c the thousands of Jewish 6054 MILITARY ; RE 6366 students attending uni\cisitics in London. Hlllel Tound itun nvetheie lifdous, cultural and social needs of the Jewish student away from home Our cluptcr prcrentef3 top iri of lhe fust IIilM little Book to the Jewish Federation Library, Beth-El, Beth-Israel and Temple Israel Libraries, and the Omaha Public Library. The book, entitled "What Is This Jewish Heritage?" by Ludwig Lewison, is OMAHA, NEBRASKA first in a fccricsof books to be published by the B'nai B'rith Hillcl RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA 4829 Dodge RE 1317 Foundations, desirpied to stimulate discussion and further study of the

Monsky Women

Jewish heritage a m o n g college students and thoughtful people of all ages. Through our Donor Funds we



Bikur Cholim Society



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Htw fttr't

Epstein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary



Pioneer Women Itesldent, Mrs. Jacob I'< lilmnn. Financial Secretary, Mrs, Frank iiublnstcln. Corresponding Secretary, Mrn. Sam Rlfkln. Recording Secrotnry, Mrs. Sam Novuk. Treasurer, Mrs. If. Wohlner. Chairmen arc: publicity, Mrs. Leonard I'lnkavltz; lionils, Mrn, Marian Bumli'iln; Naliiinal 1'iinil, Mrs. Sam Okun; telephone, Mm. II. Illchlln; mcmlir.rnlilp, Mrs. •). Kaplan; cultural, Mrs. Milton Nearenbnrt; mid Mrs. I'hilip (.'ranrell; Representatives of Jewish Women's Federation, MM. J, Keldm«n and Mrs. 8am Itlchman; and committee 'or Israel Supplies, Mri. 8. Binder and Mrs. Bam Novak.

sj &'

1'reBldent, Mrs. Dnlmar Klein. Senior Vice-President, Sirs. Jack Sajlan. Junior Vlce-VrcKldent, .Mrs. Meyer Kaplan. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Abo Miller. Treasurer, Mrs. Danny (iooclmun. Clinplaln, Mrs. Nate Murcus. TrliHtecM, Mrn, Herman SUvcrman, Mrs. Max I'Irsch and Mr«. Max Itili;raile. Guard, Mis. Abe Kapliin. l'atrlotlo Instructor, Mrs. Etlvvanl Blrnon. Chairmen are: Child Welfare Mrs. Julius Kiref; bulletin, Mrx. Sanley Kaplan; Clvllan Defense, Mrs. Milton Margolin; program, Mrs. Julius Hlref; publicity, Mrs. Nate. Marcus; refreshments, Mrs. rhlllp Miller and Mrs. Harry Rlchlln; Overseas Packages, Sirs. Milton Margolin; telephone, Mrs. Abe. Kaplan; Omaha Veterans Hospital, Mrs. Aaron Kpsteln; Lincoln Veteran Hospital, Mrs. F r a n k Colin; Servicemen's and Veteran's Service, Mrs. Mlkn Nlsker; Community Cooperation, Mrs. Julius Stein; Welfare, Mrs. Kdward Morris and Mrs. Paul Crounse. In April of 1954 wo held an Israeli Day Party at Dr. Shcr's Home for the Aged. Our chairman Yetta Stylan did her usual splendid job. , Memorial Day services were held at the gravesfae bf Sister Lena Shafcr In May, 1954. Chairman Charlotte Beldner arranged a beautiful service, the tint this auxiliary has ever held. In June of the same year, Flag Day, our major annual fund raising affair was held. Senior vicepresident, Llbby Kaplan, fund ratsIng chairman did her usual outstanding job, ably assisted by a very fine committee. The Annual Pott and Auxiliary picnic was belt at Riverview Park In July. Miss Joanne Simon was in charge and a very good tune was had by alL On November 1 and 2 our Rummage sale took place. Chairman was Yctta Saylan. Llbby Kaplan, Rose Abrahams and Shirley Klein were co-chairmen of our annual fund raising Card Party which was held at the Jewish Community Center on November 15, 1951 In December and January awards were presented to all char-

ter members and 10-year members. Ann Epstein, Or/iaha VAVS chairman, r e p o r t *ithere were monthly bingo parties™ Hie wards at the Omahi! Veterans Hospital. In Decembei the Auxiliary were hostesses for the hospital coffee hour. We presented 381 gifts of stationery to the patients at Chrislm;].s time, and helped the Po.^t. in OK.' Annual Christmas party lit the hospital. Sara Alberts, Lincoln VAVS chairman, reports on the trip made to the Lincoln Veteran's H'j>pilal. Cigarettes were distributed. On December 23, Ifl.'il, patients receiver! Chrisunas gifts from the auxiliary consisting of Cards and stamps. Ann Margolin, chairman of overseas packages, reports that 22 Chanukah packages were sent to all servicemtin who were ovexcas, and at Purim, 18 packages. Thanks to Harriett Feliman who procured all tho Items for the packages and worked on the packages along with Dr. Milton Margolin and Ann Kaplan. Jennie B e a r , , Americanization chairman, presented an American Flag to the Western Hills school on February 23, 1955, in behalf of the auxiliary. Jr. Vice-Presldent, Dorothy Plotkin, . membership chairman, reported that special emphasis was placed this past year on retention of members. Dorothy and Charlotte Beldner on the retention committee did a fine job. Dorothy Plctkln, Child Welfare Chairman, reports that homemade toys, candy and books were presented to the, Child Saving Institute in December. Two children are being sent by the auxiliary to

Pioneer Women Is part of a national organization that has spread all over the country. It was found ed In 1924 when there was a shortage of v.ater in Galilee. Mrs. Ben VJI, Israel's'first lady .wrote an American friend in New York ask. Ing her to get in touch with some friends and arrange to lend them a hundred pounds to build a cistern. It was this loan that made possible the, establishment of the American Pioneer \Vomon, the'slfier organization of. the Israel) Working Women's Council. Pioneer Women maintain children's homes, day nurseries, and home and reception centcm forlmmigrant women as well as trade and vocational schools In Israel. In the last five years Pioneer Women,s the women's Labor Zionist Organization of America, has -hipped to Israel 1,000,000 pounds of ciothlng or an average of more than ono garment for each of the 1,500,000 men, women and children Chest, Red Cross, and helped in in that country. their drive*. We also contributed Clothing is collected from Jew- to the Jewish National Fund and ish and non-Jewish people and or- Children's Memorial Hospital ganizations throughout the world. Wo arc also active in National Tho items- are assembled In a Fund council which is headed by warehouse in New York and are Mrs. Sarah Okun. sorted and bailed for shipment to The Zionist council is headed by Israel. Mrs. Sam Rifkin and Mrs. H. Omaha Pioneer Women have Bondarin, who is also head of Isthis past year shipped 50 large raeli Bonds. boxes of clothing. The clothing, The membership committee is some new and some used, ranged headed by Mrs. J. Kaplan. from baby layettes to overcoats, Our annual picnic was held with dresses, and men's apparel Chair- the Jewish National Farband and man of the clothes drive was Mrs. the Poale Zlon at Elmwood Park. S. H. Binder and her co-chairman Tho picnic chairman was Mrs. S. was Mrs. Sam Novak. Okun. The year 1954-955 has been a rcaj accomplishment for Ploneor Women. Our main proceeds came' from an ad book. The committee was headed by Mrs. H. Wohlner and her co-chairman, Mrs. Sam Okun, which were distributed at the Annual Donor dinner held at the Jewish Community Center. Other projects of the past year, were the Child Rescue Fund headed by Mrs. J. Fcldman and a flower tag day also headed by Mrs. J. Feldman. The Pioneer Women hold regular luncheon meetings the fourth Tuesday of every month. Board 3 STOPES meetings are held every month. The advisory committee consists of ex-presldents, Mrs. H. Bondarln and Mrs. Phiiip Crandell. . The Oncg Shabat Is a literary AND MATERNITY SHOP gathering held onco a month at "Everything from Heaven to 7" the homes of various members. Wo have a local speaker, readings In South Omaha 24th and M lone by vnrlous members, folk In Omaha 35th and Leavenwortfi songs and discussions of interest. In Council Bluffs 33? W. Broadway Locally, we contributed to Jew-j I s h Philanthropies, Community I



. .


Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Ro»K Ha.nonan' 5716—Friday, StpUn&tr ff,- f95S the Funtime Sunday sessions a the J. C. C. JWVA members have worked with the volunteer group for the handicapped children. Our Servicemen's Service Chairman, Edna L u t t b c g , contacted servicemen stationed at Offutt Air Base for placement during Passover and the High Holidays. Special orchids to our telephone co-chairmen Fannie Pirsch and Jennie Belgrade and their committee which consisted of Ruth Cohen, Yetta Saylan, Ida Simon Betty Itabinowitz and Esther Rosen; our welfare committee Sarah Fcltman and Betty Rabinowitz; our refreshment chairmen Ida Simon and Retta Saylan and our religious chairman, Ruth Cohen; Kthei Miller, and Joanne Simon for their unfailing help at all times; and Libhy Kaplan, Ann Margolin and Rose Abrahams for taking over whenever emergencies arose. .Extra special orchids to all the members of the Auxiliary who have helped in the successful compleion of the projects undertaken this past year. I would like to express my thanks at this time to all my off! cert and chairmen for the won derful cooperation I have received this past year. You all, individually and eollectlvey did a terrific job. I am particularly grateful to all the past presidents for being so very helpful to me whenever I called upon them for advice, or help. To all tho members of the auxiliary-1 wish to say thank you for giving mo the opportunity to be president of this very fine group. If I have helped the auxiliary in any way to march forward, I have

Temple Israel Sisterhood f resident, Mrs. Uc-rnhiirdt Wolf. Firat Vlce-l'rebidunt, Sirs. Kdwurd Gilbert. Second Vlce-I'resldcnt, Mrs. Lazar Kuplun. Third Vice -President, Mrs. Miiurlco Frank. Four Vlco-I'resldent, Mrs. Marvin Treller. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Herman Friedman. Corresponding Secrctarj', Mrs. twofold in return—in experience; in making the acquaintance of so many fine women; in knowing I have been part of the effort to help ou: veierans, our servicemen and our community.

Edwin Brodiey, Dues Chairman, Mrs. Richard miter. Treasurer, Mrs. Alfred Sophlr. Auditor, Mrs. David Goldman. Parllraentarian, t i n . J o s e p h Levey. As the second year of occupancy of the new Temple Israel begins many changes and plans have been made by the Sisterhood. A new administrative plan has been inaugurated with the establishment of a third and fourth vice-president. This is in accordance with the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. This year we are honored to be the host city for the conference of District 20 of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. Delegates and visitors from seven states, Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, South Dakota, New Mexico and Nebraska, will attend

this convention which will be held October 16 through the 18, with headquarters at the Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. Hugo Dalsheimer, President of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods will be guest speaker. Mrs. Carl N. Ettinger of Cedar Rapids, la., is the President of District Number 20. Mrs. Clarence L. Bergman is General chairman of this convention,

and Mrs. Sam Zacharl* Is her chairman. Mrs, Adolf Mayer la

recording secretary for the trict. Other active members 1H district include Mrs.'Ben thai, St. Joseph Mo., speaker* rcau; Mrs. H.ins, Lorsch, City, Mo., proguim chairman; Ruth Jacobson Des, Monies, third national vice-president (Continued on Pago 4-D)







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Nebraska Consolidated Mills' Company 314 SOUTH 19TH OMAHA, NEBRASKA





• '

JEWISK membership and administrative Tefflple Sisterhood ofservice. Sirs. Kaplan is also budget



Co'- Financial, .Secretary, Hn. v Harry Fereuteln. Treasurer, Mrs. Al Fiedler. chairman and ways and means •(Continued from Page. 3-D) Auditor, Mr.. SI. A. BercoilcL Tempi* Sisterhood* and Mrs. M. chairman; membership chairman Purliamt'iitariun, Mrs. M. A. Mrs. Harold Pollack; house and Lewtwen, Des Meines, la, bulleWnger. floral fund chairman, Mrs. Leo Directors, 1951, Mrs. J. II. KulWe are looking forward to a Nogg. ukofsky, Mrs. David Shermuu and most Interesting year ahead. Third vice-president Mrs. MaurMrs. Irvln C. Levia. Serving under the first vice- ice Frank, heads the department, 1SJ33, .Mrs. A. D. president, Mrs. Edward Gilbert, de- on advancement of Judaism; house Frank, Mrs. D. IS. CulitiU und Mrs. partment of religion and educa- of living Judaism, Mrs. Adolf 1'hlnfus WfntrouU. tion are: Mrs. William Mayer, chairman; Y E S Fund and The fall season of 1U35 marks grara chairman; Mrs. I^arry Platt- Uniongrams, Mrs. Joseph Horwich, the bc-Kinninn of thu 27th year of ner, co-chairman; Judaica Shop, chairman; Mrs. Harold Kasin, coactivity for the Beth El SisterMrs. Willima Kaiman, chairman, chairman; Telephone, Mrs. Al Gilhood. The aims mid purposes of Mrs. Hymie Milder, co-chairman; insky, chairman; Israel bonds, Mrs. the sisterhood are the strengthenreligious extension, Mrs. Morris Stanley Slosburg, chairman; house ing of traditional Judaism by furF ipp, ghjirman; religious school, committee, Mrs. Millard Krasne, thering the spiritual, material and Mm. Mervin Lemmerninn, chair- chairman; hospitality. Mrs. Harsocial interests of the synagogue m in;- youth activities, Mrs. Max old Slosburg, chairman; congregaby advancing Jewish education Wolfson, chairman; nursery school tional dinners; Mrs. Clarence among its memlxTs; by assisting 1 •.nd nursery school fund, Mrs. Bergman, chairman. Mrs. Maynard Mm. Joseph Cuss in every way possible in bringing Mjnlcy Katclman, c h a i r m a n ; Creenbcrg, and Mrs. Ben Sticfler, its youth closer to the synagogue Mrs. Iforrlj i. Franklin !>i iyer, Mrs. Edward. D. Brodkey. co-chairman; luncheon, Mrs. Harand Judaism, and by strengthen ('iiirman; cradle roll, Mrs. Robert ry Altsuler, chairman; telephone, ing the religious life of the local Ifiine, chairman; religious dis- Mrs. I. Liberman, chairman, Mrs. Jewish community. c iii';e, Mrs. Sidney II. Brooks, Joseph Meyer, co-channian; hisThe membership of the group is rlnircnan; family education (Study torian. Mrs. Lloyd Fncumun, 530 women, who under the direc( onp), Mrs. Calvin Newman, chairman. tion of the first vice-president, are President, Hn. Joseph GUM. r1' irraan. Fourth Vice-P r e s i d e n t . Mrs. divided into 14 circles. Every memS( cond Vice-Prosiilent, Mrs. La- Marvin Treller heads the depart- First Vlce-Praideat, Hn. 8am ber is called on to participate in President, Mrs. Morris i. Frank2 ]• Kaplan, heads the department ment on human relations; Mrs. Ban. synagogue activities. The circle lin. Second Vice-president, Hn, Era- chairman, together with the exFlr»t Vioe-Presldent, Mrs. Wra. mt Not*. ecutive committee and s p e c t a ) Stone. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Sin] events chairman, plan and execute Second Vice-President, Mrs. Joa Best Wishes for a Graetz. the various fund-raising v projects Upton. Correapondln*; Secretary, Mrs. throughout the year. Third Vice-President, Mrs. BarArthur Grounun. Funds raised are used for the old SlegeL Financial Secretory, Hn. Harris maintenance of the Sunday School, Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. to provide scholarships to s e n d Goodman Cohen, i Roltsteln. young people to synagogue soon ^ Hccording Secretary, Mrs. Nate Treller is also chairman of inter- sored summer camps, and to beau- Kraft. falth activities; community coop- tify and furnish additional equip- Financial Secretary, Mrs. Ben Kaplan. eration, Mrs. Julius Newman, ment for the new building. Congregational dinners, annual Treasurer, Mrs. Bun Manvit*. chairman; peace and world rela"• "• Ventilating — Air Conditioning Ooardiu, Mrs. Charlie SoUdder. tions, Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, chair- ball, cart party, luncheons,-Book Sentinel, Mrs. Al Temln. Sheet Metal Wcr!t of All DescrlprioM man; publicity, Mrs. Edward Lev- Review tea. Country Dance, ice cream sodal, style show, and TorHlttorUa, Mrs. Joe Mayer. inson, chairman; courtesy, Mrs. Phone JAckton £775 1407 Davtnport Street Sam Zacharia. chairman;'»ick and ah Fund donor tea will provide Tnisteesi Mrs. Joe Levlnsky, cheer, Mrs. L Rosenthal, chairman. opportunities for the members of Mrs. Sam Zwerllng and Mrs. LonThe administrative board in- the entire congregation to partici- Is WoUnar. cludes Mrs. Morton Hiller, Mrs. pate in social events this year. Nebraska Chapter has again Jack Marer, Mrs. H. A. Newman, Sisterhood members serve on completed another successful year Mrs. Harry TrutUn and Mrs. Mil- Sunday School and Talmud Torah in:the various projects of B'nai committees and plan and assist in ton Livingston. FOR ALLB'rith. Agaln this year we will have a the celebration of all Jewish noli' We held a general meeting and PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS book review, bake sale, supper days. A Sisterhood committee is a board meeting once a month! dub and congregational dinners in charge of the nursery school At the beginning of the year a TWINE AND CORDAGE and teas following services. These which is rated one of the best B'nai B'rith Girls Group was orare a few of the scheduled events nursery schools in the dty. It recCUPS AND CONTAINERS of the coming year. A meeting was ommended by several pediatricians held August 13 at the home of and approved by Omaha University the Dr. Sher Home for the Aged. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Our Gift and Book Shop makes Mrs. William Fogel, program for credit to practice teachers. chairman, and together with her Our monthly programs present- available many articles and books ITEMS AVAILABLE IN BULK OR RESALE PACKAGES committee an interesting program ed at our regular meetings, fol of traditional Jewish meaning. Our was planned for the coming year. low a designated theme and are sisterhood, together with the other The regular Sisterhood meetings designed to be educational as well sisterhoods in the National Wom.•ill be held the second Tuesday of as entertaining. A series of eve- en's League of the United Syria-, 9TH AND HARNEY STS.. OMAHA :ach month at the Temple Social ning study groups were held last gbgues of America, helps support Hall,-70th and Cass sts. The first year, and plans are being made for the Jewish Theological Seminary meeting will be October 1L As a similar series this coming year. by raising funds for scholarships this paper goes to press our Fourth Our• community cooperation 'or rabbinical students. Annual Dinner Dance was held at chairman represents us the the the Temple September 10, under Women's Inter-Club Council, at the geenral chairmanship of Mrs. the Federation of Jewish Womcns* George Spltzer. The dance was Clubs, and at the Veterans Hosheld In the Temple Social Hall and pital. They bring matters of local Best Wishes for a 'atio. This marks the first event and national importance to the using the Temple Israel beautiful sisterhood's attention and stress social actions on occasions when Patio. he group can take steps] along Mrs. Julia Jacobs will again be those lines. Our group sews for in charge of the Ministers' Insti- the synagogue, for Israel, and for tute.

Beth El Sisterhood

Nebraska Chapter No. 346 Bnai B'rith



ganized with the Nebraska Chapter as one of their sponsors. We have an advisor from our chapter that meets with the girls several times during the month. "They are progressing nicely. In November a very successful fund raising affair was held Jointly with the Henry Morisky Chapter, and we are very pleased to state that we met our allocations for this year. Again this year Nebraska Chapter and Henry Momliy Chapter held the "Annual Women's Citizenship Aware Luncheon" and the a w a r d was presented to Miss Thresa Clark, principal of one of the OmaJia Elementary Schools. This luncheon was held during Brotherhood Week. Also under our A. D. L. frogram we presented books to the South Omaha Library.

Parties were held with the Henry Moiuky Chapter at the Veterans Hospital in Omaha. We also sent them a subscription for several mag<izine3 and flowers at Kaster time for their altar. We also held several parties at the Veterans Hospital in Lincoln. The B'nai Brith Women's Bowling Ix-a^ue ii continually growing by leaps am. lxjumi.i and again this year we are very proud to have one of o'.r members serving as uri officer in the W D. G. L.

Under the leadership of one of our members a very successul "B'nai B'rith Blood Donor Day" was held. Our annual Purim Party at the Dr. Sher Jewish Home for the Aged was held in March. A Jovely program wu held and the Chapter served hamentachen and tea. Each resident was presented with a gift We had a Leo N. Levi Dessert Luncheon in January and we were very grateful to our women to be able to send thf hospital a very nice check this year. We" also sent new clothing to the Beilefaire Home In Cleveland. Again this year, monthly Bingo

No, 6 Bowling Aitodatton, Our members hav« also served as volunteer workers on Community Chest, fled Cross, and March of Dimes. Before our year is completed our Sewing C\rc!e will bold their annual Bazaar Luncheon. Hollywood (JTA)—According to Sophie Tucker: "A youthful figure is something you get when you ask a woman her age." Patronize Our Advertisers.


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N»w it»t>t Edftfon-JTHf JEWISH PRESS—Rosh HashwiatrS1\b-trU»y, S»pf«mfc*r


Civic functions were participated Chaplain, Warner Fron^m, Trustees, Milton Cackln, E<l Dol- in by many Cornhusker L o d g e goff and Hurry Slnf. members. These functions IncludUnder tlihe direction of prcsi- •d tlit Rid Cioss D i n e , Communidint W j i i m l i u h i m , C\JInhuikti ty Chest work, blood donor proLoJ ;e CMitiniuil it-, v. nk in njth 1 K il <m 1 n il on il 15 n i l i nl/i .>f ,. i en-, n l t i e March of Dunca f i n , i'u i i . in in i II v a \ o u n i' ( i i i i , i i , n mans Kroup tiie wowin;; pain; 'Jin I i-t an'iuil C jmliu I'oi tn it -o ufii n ii( )iii|i nv <i ^u( l y , l ' i h n l i n f ; touin.imcni vi i r ft.i 1 11 i lil'i I iin'i i k i ll n id DiccmlKi 2tj, 10)1 at the t i b uu i l)i t. tin ii iti HI ind a li/jse Bowl Alleys. Norman Halm -pu.t "f i >•>]><> ill )ii "< ii tlu IJ> and Jerold Rosen were co-chair\ mU I ir Ilii- - !•• 11 ju t p i - i i d men of tiie affair. This not only \ L . \ f K -, r l , mi it* I fli i m i n i - marked n first for Cornhusker k i n m i thi dtti lid uic,' .it u f ' l - ljul c, b i t also inaugurated Die ] n Iv M l' i lii i nil t 'i -, s iov i i j n ^ l> j*v lirij.' alhy C)vci two hunK in, I ,iri S K , M I ,imi C ipl i n Hy in u k i up u in ' i d n J nun iiid women paiticipit(d Shrlcr. l!i jtlu . Jin lid / lin-.i \ i ("nil I for Hie six Jiundred dollai's in 'I nc Vi-tii m-> and Annul 1 u i a husUer Lotl^e mainstay for many prize money. All profits w e r e Cunimitlte ,ilua>s c ills fin m inv > u -> h MUI]I I tnc in t >il iti in of turned over to the B'nai B'rith hours of work and. the year 5714 iflu l f ii Hi 1'i'jl 11 i JII in p ic K i('e finm siiw tne j )l> nl> y ii inclli d by < 'i nr- JJI.IK! of l!l")'l. The first nii'Mini' .Several inemhcrs of the Cornmnn Dr. Sam Tiirkel. Dr. Leon of (no > * \\ is Iw id S(i>tiinl)ir H hiiski i LtKife u u e n lined offiKt'llmun did u superb Job with the |3T>1, and thinks to the fine woilt cers of the Greater Omaha B'nai Hillcl Foundation Committee. And of bjlh Or Itilph 'luikcl and Dir- U'rith Bowline Association. Yale speaking of "Doctors," wo mustn't win Marcus, program committee Richards Is the new president; forget the tremendous work that co-chairman, a near record uttend- Morton Trachtenbarg, general secwas turned in by Dr. A. A. (Jreen- ance was achieved. retary; Dave Rice, treasurer; Jusberg, Chairman of the Monsky Foundation lost year, and for the President, Ilnrry Wrlnbprg. First Vice-President, Sara II. coming year, too. Folluk. C o n s c r vat ion of membership Second Vlcc-Prcsldent, L o u l chairman Sol Dolgoff did outCanar. standing work as did Nathan TurItccordlng Secretary, 8am Ep- ner on the Vocational Guidance •teln. Committee. Treasurer, I-cwl» Asbyll. As in previous years, one of the Financial Secretary, M. F. K«- best Jobs was turned in by the gan. Lodge Welfare Committee Otto Warden, David Ilalin. Morganthau and Carl Lagman. Cuanllnn, K. I. Widmitn. Both men have agreed to continue in the tame capacity for next year. Chaplain, David E. Qreenbrg. Honorary Chairman of Truiteel, Sidney Holtis on the Adult EduTOHi and Homey Streets JAckson2323 Dr. A. A. Oreenbtix. cation Committee and Max Glvot Truitees, Ralph No^lT. Earl S « - of the Women's Chapter cooperajal, Ed Rosen, Harry Collck and tion Committee both did outstanding work. Marvin Trcllcr. Of course, the Henry Monsky GrcetinKs and best wishes for Lodge Is extremely Interested in the year 5715 to all of you from the "Teen Ager." The B'nai Youth all of us of the Henry Monky organization, under the guidance Lodge. of Edward A, Rosen with Lou Ca^he past year was a most trie- nar chairman. Sam Epstein and cessful ono under the leadership of Earl Slegal had an active year. David E. Greenberg. On the Executive Committee of FOR HIGH CLASS HOMES In fact, the Lodge remained he Lodge and doing fine work in "tops" in District Number 6. many departments last year were Make Your Selection From Program chairman Harry Wain- U w l s Aibyll, Alfred Frank, Morthe Largest Display in Omaha berg led our participation in many ris Shapiro, Dean Frankel, Gene civic and Americanism affairs, be- Rich, Ernest Priesman, David. sides presenting events for the In- Richards, William Abrahams, Sid terest of the Lodge itself. Sneider, Lou Jess and many others One of the year's outstanding . • • all the active members of AT 7649 1309 Fanram events was the presentation of the. the Monsky Lodge. Americanism Award, which went to Robert H. Store. The presentation was made at a luncheon attended by more than 400 clWc and business leaders of Omaha and Council Bluffs ns well an the rest of the two states. In charge of President, Jerold Rosen. the affair was Harry Collck, who Vlce-P.-esldenU, Horley . Zlpurreceived the plaudits of the mem bershlp as well as outsiders for a sky, Harold Fox and Wlllia EpFROM strln. Job well done. Recording Secretary, E l l i o t Another much-dl»cusscd event Drown. was tho fund-raising staf* which Corretpondlng Secretary, Barry was attended by 313 members and — AT — friends. Chairman Marvin Trailer Alloy. Financial Secretary, Dave Rice. and his nssitanU F. Ralph Nogg Treasurer, Malcolm Traehtenand Edward A, Rosen termed the 1424 DOUGLAS JA0466 stag a "great success" and arc bar«;. Warden, Buben Battner. looking forward to another one Guardian, Hy Kamlsar. coon. mour Kaplan helped Arthur Goldstein and Hi rold Slosburg do an outstanding job with this department. And, of course, we can't forget the Job done by Larry Piattne and Robert Bernstein in athletics. And while we're passing out so much praise, all of the Henry Monsky l/)d,;c nu.nb-'is IMIUV i u fine Jjl>:> done this p e t y< ir by Merwn Ij(nui(.nn in on Aid J\J Israel; Sam Pollack on membership; Edward A. Rosen and Hy .Slirior on Indoctrination of new members, ufoly assisted tiy the <!< Hue tciim of 1/ H<rrnj<i H i n y DuIJoff, Joe Honistcin, Muses K;t-

Prosperous New Year



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In the Coming Year May You Find the Blessings of Continued Health and Prosperity


• t h\7 Year Greetings






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Our Beit Withes for • Happy and

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B'nai B nth Henry Monsky Lodge 354

to Our Jewish Friends

the Lodge at the installation of officers ii> June of this year. Brother Jerold R o s e n was installed by phone from his bed at the Methodist Hospital

tin Priesman chairman sponsors' committee! Lee Bernsein, publicity; Milton Belzer and AI Feldman, league secretaries Anothtr fiibt v,tis maikod up by

Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year






SINCE. 1918

3141 FARNAM ST. Ketp Your Eyi on tht New





B'nai B'rith Comhusker Lodge

Best Wishes for a







Earl Slegal led the "Breadbrcakers" through an outstanding year. The "Brcadbrcakers" is a group of active Lodge members who meet every Wednesday for lunch to discuss affairs of the Lodge, both past and future. Plains States Regional AntiDefamation League director Sey-

Nebraska Lodge 1445, B'nai B'rifb President, Marvin F. Kaplan. First Vlc« - President, William Btone. Second Vice-President^ D a T e Blelehor. Treasurer, AI Hoffman. Financial and Corresponding Secretary, Phil Kutler. Recording Secretary, Abe Kaxlowsky. Chaplain, Ezra Beldner. Trusted, Max Sacks, AI Orach, Martin. The Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 B'nai B'rlth has completed another year of service to tho Jewish community and to Omaha. As in tiie past the Nebraska Lodge participated In such civic activities as the Red Feather Agency drive nnd the Red Cross Blood Donor Drive. The Jewish Community was served by the Lodge through Its participation In the Israel Bond Drive nnd by Its members contributing to such organizations as the UJA. As part of its normal B'nai B'rlth activities and Its belief that the future of Jewry is In the bands of the coming generation the Nebraska Lodge participated actively and supported the local Chapters of tho AZA and BBYO, On a national scale, tho Nebraska Lodge has supported the fine work of Its ADL and Hillel Foundation as well as such worthy institutions to mention but a few as the Leo N. Levy Hospital and the Denver T.B, Hospital. "On behalf of the Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 B'nai B'rith I as Its president wish to take this opportunity to wish the Jewish Community of Omaha n Happy New Year. May all your prayers be answered and may the Light of Israel burn brighter and stronger in the M o i n g year.

Best Wishes


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Prosperous New Ye&r


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N ^ Yor'i EJIHoo—THE J£WJSH:FHK5-«<«J« Haihonak S7lt-*rM.y, Sapttmto J*71911 abled to make substantial contribution* to the building fund for the new Talmud Torah. In the planning stage as this is written is a gala New Year's E\e dance for the further benefit of the Talmud Torah building fund. The in jnthlv cl. »1 i n t. i,s oti fi red \ar,<.d ent(.rtd.n;:i< rit Ij trie | Men's Club me nb>"\, i.n'1 tn.'lr

geerad Viee-FuwMent, I. J. Kwtt. • XfcM l

Treasurer, Blue Greenfield. * *«6»NUIIK Secretary, Norman X<w«azwelr. Ctmspoodliif Secretary .Harry 8. Lewis. : _ ruUnuntarlan, Harry SIrer. * TrmtMitJ Bachard Spiegal, Dan Q'ardnun, and Arthur Gould. The board members of the Beth Israel Men's Club for hte coming year are: Eugene Braun, Dave Befcet Ate Klopper, Morris Kutler, Harry Sidman and Habbl M. M. Poiiakoff. The outstanding affairs of the Men's Club were the Fall and Spring Series of the Dance-of-the'Month. Stanley Diamond and Har17 Siref were tile chairmen of the two series, and they were assisted


8am Kaplan by Eugene Braun, I. J. Kraft, Milton Belzer, Dave Beber, Art Gould. Barney Drevich, Dan Gordman, Dave Dworkin, Jordan Lagman Leo Kraft, Max Greenfield, Kichard Spiegal and Norman Rosenzweig. As a result of tho efforts expended on these affairs the Belh Israel Men's Club was again en-




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We Wish You a



friends. One of the highlights of the dinner meeting .series was a television reception in full color. Lyle DeMoss of WOW-TV and radio station WOW treated the organization to a showing of the Furd Television Playhou.iP, a "live" program, and also presented some of the cariy color programs preserved un film Among other personalities presented was Patrick Corrigan, who was sheriff-elect of Douglas County at the time. For the first time, on April 21. the Men's Club dinner meeting welcomed the ladies to a joint gathering. At the May meeting the liar and 13as Mitzvah eonfirmants of the past year at Beth Israel Synagogue were honored with a dinner a'l individual gifts. Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman of the Bureau of Jewish Education of Omaha, addressed the celebrants. Jack Marcr, Federation president, and Harry Sidman, Beth Israel Synagogue president, c o n v e y e d their greetings to the boys and girls. The gifts were presented by the chairman of the evening, barney Drevich, and Maureen Epstein accepted on behalf of the young people.

Abe Gcndlcr

Zionist District Of Omaha President, Abe B. Gendler. Vice-Fretldeiit, Dr. Joseph Sosbnlk. 8ecreUry-Treasurer, Harry JU1-

The Zionist District of Omaha during the past year continued Its support of the Zionist Youth Commission, Omaha Zionist Council and took an active part in the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. Mr. Gendler attended the CenAs in past years the Men's Club tral States Regional Conference of furnished the ushering staff for the ZOA held In November In Friday evening late services and Rock Island, HL for the High Holyday services. Attention was focused at the Max Greenfield was the chairman conclave on anti-Israel propaganda of the religious committee and being disseminated in the United ushering staff last fall and spring, States and ways and means of and Norman Rosenzweig is contin- combating this propaganda were uing this important chairmanship explored. A resolution was adoptthis year. As part of the religious ed at the conference calling upon activity, Mr. Greenfield and his the United States Government to committee conducted the special guarantee Israel's borders by Men's Club Sabbath Services Feb- means of a formal treaty between ruary 4. Dan Gordman delivered Israel and the U. S. Districts were the sermonette, and several mem- called upon to increase their supbers of the organization assisted port of the Daniel Frisch ZOA with portions of the service. House In Tel Aviv,. Israel, which In July, a "Bring - your - o w n is a cultural center designed to steak" Fry, followed by a late ooffee hour, was arranged under the to relieve the difficulties encountdirection of Leo Kraft and Sam ered during the busy sessions of, Kaplan. A Men's Club committee, Talmur Torah and Sunday School under the able leadership of Mor- classes, with very satisfactory reris Kutler, conducted the Annual sults. As in the past, the men's Synagogue Picnic at Peony Park organization is making extensive August 14. plans to continue in the future in Men's Club committee under its primary role as a social and the co - chairmanship of D a v e service group which Is exerting its Dworkln and Abe Klopper arrang- entire efforts to build Beth Israel ed a parking and safety program Synagogue.



promote American-Isnteli friendship and the Kfar SUvtr, the agricultural training village in the Negev. The village, sponsored by the Zionist Organization of America, v.ill train young Israelis in modern American methods of agriculture. The training village will be opened in the fall. Senator Estes Kefauver, on his recent visit to Israel, described the ZOA House in Tel Aviv as a laboratory for the promotion of American ideals that is quite unmatched in the whole of the Near East. Mr. Gendler. Hyman Osoff. a past president and Harry Halpert. also attended the Mid-Year conference of the region held In Des Moincs in March. The Des Molncs Zionist District, Hadassah and other Jewish communal groups honored Dr. Joseph Dunner, chairman of the Political Science Department of Grinnell College, for his outstanding work in behalf of Zionism and his contributions to Jewish community life. A featured speaker at the conclave was Dr. Sidney Marks, national executive director of ZOA, a former professor of Law at New York University, who analyzed the geo-political significance of Israel's position In the Near East. Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota was the principal speaker at the testimonial dinner honoring Dr. Dunner which highlighted the mid-year conference. Our district under the leadership of Mr. Gendler is participating in the national program of the ZOA. This program is aimed at cementing American-Israel relations through an exchange of cultural information and student fellowships. The program is also designed to alert American public opinion against the vicious antiIsrael propaganda being spread throughout the cation by the proArab lobby. A feature of the program is the encouragemnt of private investments in Israel by American businessmen to increase the industrial capacity of the new democratic state In the Near East Attorney G e n e r a l Herbert Brownell at the national ZOA convention held in June in Washington, D. C, assured the delegates of American friendship toward Israel and commended the ZOA for its work on behalf of U.S.Israel friendship.

Post SnrgcM, Dr.*. MUtra Hsrgolla. Adjutant, Melvtn Tepper. Quartermaster, Arthur Satkla. C h a p l a i n , lUbbi Sidney H. Brooks. Sergeant-at-A r u n , Max Belgradt. Religioui Chilrnun, David DaLln. rout Historian, Mryer Knpl&n, Publicity, Eugrne Rich. • Tru»t*e«, Nate Msrcus, Abe 8. Miller and Max Itonn. Epstein-Mor£nn Post in January of 1953 presented a friable respirator to the Omaha Vetcriins hospital. This respirator has mnde it possible for polio patients to leave the hospital on furlough to vlBlt their families and has been a factor in more speedy rehabilitation. This year the Veterans' Day Dance will bo held November 27 at the Dlnckstone Hotel. In charge U Milton Goldberg, and the group's goal Is to equip two rescue squad trucks with portable reslsltators. Membership under the guidance of Marvin Kaplan has been lifted to a new all time high. This year JWV emphasized a "Back to God' movement. Thousands of prayer cards were printed and distributed to restaurants and hopsltals. These cards contain Grace for the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths. Community response was so favorable that more cards have been printed for further distribution. Religious chairman David Dubin

arranged tor W V S*t*ath Scrv. lces at petb lev at Beth Israel Synagogue and Twnpta Israel. Temple Israel. On Memorial WMk*nd tt» port Religious chairman David Dubin secured JWV 'grrnvt jn«rtar« tat (Continued on Page M » , arranged for JWV Sabbath Serv-

May We Express Most Sincere Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year


To Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons



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Commander, Sherman I.lptteln. Senior Vice-Commander, Milton Goldberg. Junior Vice-Commander, Marvin Kaplan. Judge Adroeste, Paul Crounse.

Telephone REgent 2700



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KCNON "o •

r/ >.' ,-, • N.w Y««r'i Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Rosh H«Iionah B7J6—FriJ.y, S.pUmbir-+7, I9SS

Epstein-Morgan '(Continued from Page 6-D) mil Jewish veterans and decorated >4helr graves. Memorial Day Servi c e s were held at the graveside of I'jlate Herman Goldstein. ** Milton Goldberg and Mel Tepper handled JWV's program of brins;I'jng entertainment to tire Veterans' ;31ospital here in Omnlia as well as 'An Lincoln. Tliclr efforts produced i'B series of good shows and parties ;;for the hospital patients. "«' Under the direction of Abo Milkier and Max Kannor, the Nebras;-ka-Iowa Department Convention ,:was hold at the Jewish Community ;.)L'cnter. Delegates from Sioux City. '.'Des Moines and Omalia exchanged • Ideas and elected new officers. •-Abe Miller of Omaha's JWV was named Department Senior VlccCommander. . This year tbe Post added a new community service. It has undertaken to pay the cost of medication for a TB patient recently released by the Veterans' Hospital/ The Post went a step farther by assisting the veterans to obtaining g a i n f u l employment. He was selected on a non-sectarian basis. ; On July 31, JWV held its annual picnic at Hanscorn Park. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sireff headed the committee. The "American Jewish Hour" became a reality in Omaha as JWV made arrangements and sponsored this half hour of Jewish culture. Heard every Sunday at 6 p. m., over Radio Station jKBON. The American J e w i s h Hour Is packed with drama, news 'end folklore presented In an entertaining manner. > ••- Past Commanders Abe Miller find Max Kanner attended the Fifth Regional Conference at St. 'Louis, Mo. Also this year, JWV aided a (Institute veteran to reach his destination, contributed to several " local charity drives and conducted 'a series of informative programs for Its members.

Mm. J. H. Kulnkofsliy

Omaha Zionist Council President, Mrs. J. II. Hulukofsliy. Vlce-Prcsldent, Joe Radlnmvskl. Secretary, Mrs. Mux Grossman, Treasurer, Hyman Osoff. The Omaha Zionist Council, which is a chapter of the American Zionist Council, Is composed of representatlvcsi of all the Zionist organizations in Omaha, repJWV here in Omaha is a growing group of mon. It has been teamwork find cooperation that lias allowed the Post to conduct such an extensive service program. In the new year ahead JWV will seek to increase Its membership and its funds. JWV will seek to Increase its service program to the community. JWV will seek to work hand-in-hand with other Jewish organizations In making Omaha a better place for more people. And so as the curtain rises on 5716, a most healthy and happy New year from the members of Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260, JWV, the Patriotic V o i c e of Jewry.

Accept Our Very Best Withes for a Most Happy and Prosperous

New Year

PEOPLE'S DEPT. STORE Council Bluffs, Iowa

A Happy New Year from A Strong Bank Since 1856


mentation being based on site of each organization. In addition a number of members at large are invited into the Council to assist in Its work. The Zionist organizations represented are: Farbund, Hadassah, Kadiniah Pioneers, Mizrachi Men, Mlzrachi Women, Pioneer Women, Poale SSion and Zionist Organization of America. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday evening of each month from September through June The function of the American Zionist Council, and therefore of the Omaha Zionist Council, is to Interpret Israel to America, to bring about a closer understanding between the two countries. In carrying out this aim many fields of activity are entered Into, such as the press, radio, TV. Contacts are made with our own government through our senators, congressmen, the State Department and the President, the United Nations, schools and universities and many organizations, both Jewish and non-Jewish. During the past year, the Council has continued its close relationship through personal visit und correspondence with our Senators and Congressmen, whenever bills were pending in Congress which concerned the good and welfare of the State of Israel. In our own community, vc bent our efforts to bringing Israeli speakers who appeared before a number of non-Jewish civic groups, being convinced that the spoken word by, people coming directly from Isrcal Is of the greatest benefit In presenting the true facts about Israel to the public. In the Fall, we brought. Raanan Sliver. Director General of the Office of the President of Israel and also President of the Jerusalem Rotary Club. He appeared before the Omaha Rotary Club, the Omaha Committee on Foreign Relations and the Political Science Department of Omaha University. He also spoke, through arrangements made by the Council, in Lincoln, Fremont and Council Bluffs, We also brought Uriel Gomey. District Attorney of Tel Aviv, • who bad been engaged for six months in the Harvard Law Research project' for Israel, to speak to the Law Department at CreJghton University and tho Omaha Bar Association. In the Spring, we arranged an extepslve tour for Hugh Orgcl, Information Attache of tho Israel Embassy In Washlngtn. In addition to a press conference and personal-visit with the editors and publishers of the Omaha WorldHerald, Radio and TV appearances, Mr. Orgel addressed a Church Youth Group, the Dundee Klwnnls, Omaha Lions Club, the faculty and studenU of Omaha University, and tho Board of Governors of the Federation for Jewish Service. Omaha was Included In a tour of the Asian-Near East Town Hall Panel sponsored In early April by the Council on World Affairs. Israel was not Included in the Panel but the local Council was represented at the sessions hero and took measures to counteract the falio propaganda promulgated, theer by the representative on the panef from Iraq, i' Early In March an extraordinary conference was called In Washington by Dr. Nahum Goldman, chairman of the American Section ot the Jewish Agency to which the'

Omaha Zionist Council was invited to send representatives The President of the local Council attended. Delegates from sixteen of the major Jewish oigamzdtlonk in the country convened to consider urgent issues confronting Isuel and of concern to Amn Ran Jewry. The paramount ISMI^S discussed were the crying n< < 'I for peart and the .seeming change in policy of the U. S. government \is-a-vls Israel at the moment.- as was implied In tho sending of arms to Iraq and the omission of Israel from any Middle East Defense Organization. Representatives of the U. S. State Department and of the State of Israel addressed tbe delegates, frankly setting forth their positions and the reasons underlying them. The conference closed with a resolution urging determined efforts on the part of the U. S. to effect direct peace talks between Israel and the Arab states, suspension of arms shipments to the Near East until there has been a peace settlement with Israel, and Inclusion of Israel in Mld-Enst regional defense plans. The conference also counselled continued economic and technical assistance to Israel and the Arabs with a view to raising standards of living, facilitating resettlement of refugees and stabilizing democratic Institutions. The parley also pledged itseli to continue to promote friendship between ovir democracy and the democracy of Israel. In line with policy established at the' First Zionist Assembly held In December, 1953, the foundation has been laid at Omaha University for a Student Zionist Organization, sanctioned by the University and sponsored by the Omaha Zionist Council. It is hoped that during the coming year, an active.

Beth Israel P-TA President, Norman Roseniwelg. V i c e - President, Mrs. David Frledmun. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Harry Louis. C'orrripondlng Secretary, Mrs. M. H. Busman. Treasurer, Mrs. William Wolfson. Beth Isiael Parent-Teacher Association has worked diligently to fulfill Its program of service to the children of Talmud Torah and Sunday School. The P-TA has supported the youth program of the H e b r e w School system. The following clubs were sponsored: Club Tovim, Tovim Jr., Club Taryag, Boys Arts and Crafts, Girls Arts and Crafts, Norman Rosenzwelg Camera Club and Club Dar D K. The P-TA actively engaged in the Synagogue Y o u t h Organization convention held in Omaha this articulate group of Jewish students will be organized on this yast year. Funds to support P-TA activifoundation to play a vital role In Zionist work on the campus. ties and to rake monies for the As a result of the efforts of the Talmud Torah Building Fund were Council, tliis year, for the first time In a number of years, an raised through many varied proIsraeli student will be on the cam- grams. In Lincoln, studying in the School Sale of Chonukah and Passover pus' of the University of Nebraska candies were carried on under the of Agriculture on scholarship from chairmanship of Mrs. Nate Berg the university. and Mrs. Robert Endleman. The role of interpreting Israel's A lavish Latke Party was held problems and aspirations to the In December under the able leadAmerican government and people Is more urgent than ever. Convinced that the existence of a sturdy democracy in the Middle East Is good not only for the Jewish people but for the free world, the Zionist movement in this country must continue to build support for the young State of Israel. To this cause and purpose the Omaha Zionist Council to dedicated.

New Year's Greetings Omaha Lace Laundry, Inc. ERNIE WINTROUB


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ever before in Alamito's50-year his-

was chairman. The conducted the annual ' _. rah picnic held at Elmwood Park. The Beth Israel P-TA l»'|Trtud and happy of the result* of t h e pas t > ear. Tho officers of tho past jcars aie indebted to th* many who unselfishly gave of thele time and efforts We regret that it Is not possible to list all their nune». The present officers look forward to an equally iuccessful and pnjoyable year helping to build a new Talmud Torah Building t » help bullfi our children. . . .



Gaining in Popularity Every Day

ership of Mr*. Max Greenfield end Mrs. Malvln Tepper. In March, the P-TA presented the film, "Francis Goes to West Point" at the social hall. Chairmen were Mr. and Mrs. Abe Klopper, assisted by Mr. and Mi s Morris Kutler, Mrs. Eli Kagan, Sam Stone, Sam Kaplan and Irving Stern. Morris Kutler and Harry Lewis conducted a paper sale in May assisted by ninny of the young boys of the school system. An ice cream social was held this spring under the able leadership of Mrs. Abe Feldman. The affair was an outstanding social and financial success. The P-TA staged the annual Lag B'omer Picnic David Friedman


•*?# ?New Year's JEdittonr-THE. JEWISH PRESS—Ro«fi Ha.KonaK $716—Friday, September

Cteimtaa, Abe C d m . Vlce-Chaimuui, Bea • Becprtinj SeereUrj, Sam Blf.

M*. •s. P<wto-Zlon Secretary, Harry Biftfneplfeller, feke FeUmu. ,. Ws&onaJ -fund Chairman, Sam Louta Friedman. and f i n a n c i a l , l o t Badinorolcy. Executive Board, Isadora Forbes,

^ » n u MlroWftt, Hmea. Abe Cohen, f a k e and Sarah Okas. Fariwod Labor Zionist Order branch 54, Poale-ZIon, is happj to report that the organization mem ben were vary active last year in all activties pertaining to Jewish Hie in our community, as well with world Jewish problems. We have taken an active part in the philanthropies campaign including tonds for Israel. We cooperated with the Center u. making the Yiddish Series a success. We celebrated the IOth birthday of the president of Israel; at the .same time we inscribed the name of our financial

Best Wishes for a

HAPPY NEW YEAR All Makes Typewriter Co. Steel Files —Desks — Chairs—Safes

secretary, Joseph Radinowski in the golden book, thereby raising a good sum for the Jewish National Fund. We cooperated throughout the year with the National Labor gurups for progressive legislation. Our meeting are held monthly at the JOC combining business and social activities. Our group honored the martyrs and fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto. We are members of the Community Chest and the Ked Cross. Our meetings are open to the public.

Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club President, Jrscph lUillnou'slii. Vice - President, Mrs. Nathan Marcus. Secretary, Hen Martin. Treasurer, Mrt>. Sam Cauar. Literary Director, Natluin Martin. Welfare Chairman, Mrs. Abe Schneider. Our organization is a member of the World Yiddish Culture' Congress. We buy all their publications of Yiddish L>>)ks ,ui 1 d'dicate ourselves to help keep up Yiddish culture. We cooperate with the Yiddish Cultural Series of the Jewish Community Center. We participate in the memorial service to honor the marlyrs and fighters of the epic battle of the Warsaw Ghetto. Our meetings arc held semi-monthly. The program consists of discussions, readings and singing of Yiddish folk songs.

2550 Farnam


Temple Youth


Murray Ilose

United Synagogue

President, Murray Vk-i'-PresloVnt, Diane Fellman. Ki'rordlnK S e c r e t a r y , Bunny Itavlt/.. Corresponding Secretary, M 1 k e Krinan. Treasurer, Sully Kay Mrirkovitz. Serjeants-at-arms, M a (1« 1 y ll Mlroff ami Mllle Mi.-M. lli'liiirtiT, Brrdlne <Jreen. members. Hlstnriaii, liny Turner.

A rush dinner was the first function which began Uie new year for USY. At this dinner the guest speaker was Rabbi Myer S. Knpke, who also participated in the initiation of the nine new officers who would serve USY in the following year. The regional convention was held In Minneapolis, which was attended by several USYers. Also during the mid-winter vacation Des Molnes, la., played host to a conclave at which Omaha gave its President, Sidney Klopper. support Vice-president, JUUee Katie Every Friday night during the man. past winter USY sponsored a SabSecretary, Bruce Bloom. bath service which was open to Treasurer, P»y»lo Shyken. all Jewish youth. The service was Sgt-Bt-Armt, Jerry Stone, completely conducted by USY Beth Israel SYO is open to young men and women of high of distributing honots for the Sabschool age. During (he past year bath and Holiday Junior congreSYO met regularly for social, edu- gation services. The club members cational and recreational activities ran three booths at the Purim Members took p a r t In bowling Carnival and had special holiday tournaments, dances, debates and programs. The two outstanding many other events. Two very suc- social affairs of the club were cessful booths were operated by "Hernando's' Hideaway" and their the d u b at the annual Beth Israel "Pineapple Fling." Advisor to the Youth Carnival. The Beth Israel club Is Irving Stern. SYO was host to the I$51 MidWest regional Synagogue Youth Organization convention. C l u b members housed and entertained President, Bill Katzman. delegates from many Mid-Westorn Vice-President, Marlcnc !•>!-:' cities. Rita Katzman wns elected ~n:tn. president of the region, S i d n e y Secretary, Ed Levey. Klopper is vice ,ind PaySKt.-at-Arm», Larry Elenltz. sie Shyken is secretary. Samuel During the past year Club Tov Stone i;; the group's advisor. im, a club for eighth and ninth graders and members of the Senior class met regularly in the recreation room of the Talmud Torah. President, Eddie Kidman. The club took a leading part in Vice-President, Donna Kalman. the annual Purim Youth CarniSecretary, David'Swift. val. Dances, bowling tournament* Secretary, Judy Stevens. and wienie roasts were enjoyed by* Tri'asun-r, Madelyn DolRoff. Beth Israel Club Taryag is" op« Tovim members. Larry Elewitz to boys and girls in the intermedi was awarded the Beth I s r a e l ate and junior grades of the Tal- Jacket for meritorious achievemud Torah. The club was In charge ment and service.. Many .of,the Tovim members will be eligible to Join the SYO. leaving several openings In Tovim for the new club1 season. Irving Stern Is advisor to club Tovim.

Beth Israel Clubs


Beth Israel Syo


Club Tovim


1809 Douglas St.


President, Hurtle Greene. Vice-President, Dick Einstein. Secretary, Diane Lintzman. Treasurer, Martle Well. The Omaha Temple Youth Group has successfully completed its third year as a member organization of the National Federation of Temple Youth. Leading the group 'or the past twelve months was president Sara Pepper, who was assisted l>y vice-president Susie Lipp, secretary Jane Brodkey, and treasurer Martio Greene, lloldin;: the important jobs of committee chairmen were Linda Veret, pubIcity; Gwen Stoler, religious; Rockie Cohn, social; and Dick Kinstein, program and cultural. The group started the year witli an open meeting for the purpose of showing prospective members how the youth givup functions. Several of the following meetings dealt with the study of other rcigions and included a visit of the .'earl .Methodist Church Youth jroup to the Temple Israel, a noted speaker on Christian Science, and the movie on "One God." Highlighting the year's activities was the Missouri Valley Region Winter Conclave which this year s hold In Omaha. Chairman

Programs and committee reports were given at each bi-monthly business meeting. Also, such events us skits, speakers, movies, and informative discussions ;wcre resented during the year. Outside participation of USY'crs included Friday night ushering, participation In choir and choir Concerts and Sunday school teaching. Advisers for USY this year were Mrs. Maurice Sachs, Mrs. Sam rcene and Mr. Al Frelrich, who helped so willingly to forward the progress of USY. As in the past yean, USY along with the other two religious youth groups in the city, sponsored the 'hilanthropies Phling. King and quean P h i l a n t h r o p i e s were crowned at this event and a turn was made to the Jewish. Philanthropies Drive Five USYer1! received scholarships from the Sisterhood, which enabled them to attend USY Camp at Altkcn, Minn. •

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The Boys' Arts and Crafts club meets every other Sunday afternoon during the school year in the craftsroom of the Talmud Torah. Members under the direction of Leo Kraft have built airplanes, railroad and ship models. The club's display at the Beth Israel Open House drew many complimentary remarks. Marshal Kaplan Is treasurer of the club.



meet rigid-flavor and quality standards, the farmer's ship-

Boys1 Arts. Crafts

Club Dar-D-Kay is the youngest member of the youth club family. Boys'and girls in the third grade of Sunday School and Primarj grades of Talmud Torah are eligible. The Club meet? every other Sunday afternoon for singing, dancing, story-telling and arts and crafts. Miss Shirley Noodell is the dub .leader.

ployi a staff of experienced comulfanh who regularly visit it produced. Their friendly counsel assists the dairymen in

The Beth Ifrael Girls' Arts and Crafts Club meets every other Sunday evening during the school year. The girls have experimented with self-hardcnjnz cl.iy, pointings', paper mache, cut-out pictures and plaster castings. Club members have brought home many interesting items such as Chanukah menorahs, Passover plates and many other useful items. Club leader Is Mrs. Philip Blum.

The Beth Israel Camera Club spent most of its second year shooting, developing und printing pictures. The club's fu'.ly equipped darkroom has many fine examples of th<? work of the club members. For the nexi club season, plansare being made to tjur places of interest in and about the city in Order to give the bo>» and girls an opportunity to snap Interesting p clures D.rector of the Cim?ra Club is David Dubin.

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Girls1 Arts, Crafts

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Club Taryag

To Our Many Friends


of the regional get-together was Marvin N Lanmtrnoan, Direc- 5foutb Group advisor, Babbi SidJoan Abrahams with Sara Pepper, tor of Education and Youth Activi- ney H. Brook sassists th* group U Dick Einstein, Silvia Greene, and ties *t Temple, serve* as Temple religious und cultural program*, Martle Greene assisting her. Approximately lit teen agers attended the conclave this summer for Temple Youth Groups. Joan Abrahams, Sandy Fiedler, Jane Brodkey, Sara Peppei, and Martie Greene attendee the region's summer conclave at Marshall, Mo. Each year the National federation of Vemp.f Youth holds three Leadership ' ( r a i n i n g Institutes which this yi'ai, Sara IYpper, and Martie Greem attended Lnst sum 1819 Farnam JA S244 mcr Mara, Gv.en Stoler. and Joan Abrahams WIT. selected to attend j Famous for Saturday Evening and brought back useful ideas for strengthening the group. The TemSmorgasbord ple Sisterhood sponsors the institute each yeai

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