September 23, 1955

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Vol. XXXIII—No. 50.

Yb/n Kippur Services


Beth El Sunday, Sept. 25 Kol Nidre G p. m Monday, Sept. SO Morning Service . . . . . . . . . 8 a. m. Yizkor Service 10:.'J0 a., m. Youth Service 1 p. m Mlncha-Neilah Service..3:45 p. m

Beth Israel Hunilsj, Sept. XS

Kol Nidre . . . 0:15 p. m Sermon 6:15 p. m Monday, Sept. 26 Morning Service 7:30 a. m Sermon ...10:30 a. m. Junior Congregation ..10:30 a. m. Ylikor Services 11 ir. m. Ne-l-lah 5:30 p. m

Temple Israel Hunilmy, Sept. U

Johnny Carson, TV star ".'-»s't I turn noinc to kickof ^ >^ ! United Ited Feat c(fx< Campaign at a mail x,nO\l0^ ' l>e helil at 8:.'iO p. m., _/, Oct. j.'«, in the new City Auditorium. i The show to be staged for C.000 volunteers will spark the biggest civic undertaking in Omaha's history in raise $.'1..'!L'.'1,H9 to meet the operating needs of tho 47 Hed Feather agencies and the Red Cross. This Is the first time that a city is trying to raise operating and building fund needs in one drive, a spokesman said, and the campaign will be under s u r v e y Jon MIrck throughout the nation. Tlie program will combine entertalni.ient with interpretation of campaign needs. Johnny Carson is returning to the city where he got his start in radio and television. Tlie 29-yearold entertainer married his UniJoe Micek has accepted the posi- versity of Nebraska coed sweettion of full-time swimming pool heart in 19-19. They have three director at the Jewish Community sons. He made his home In NorCenter, It was announced by Lea folk, Nelir., until he joined the Burkctnoad, chairman of the Cen- Navy during World War II. ter Health and Physical Education Department. An extensive program has been planned for the fall mid whiter months, It was slated by Jim KarbatHch, Center athletic director. London (JTA)—The attack on Mr. Mick has had seven year's <if experience with tho Ited Cross. Jewish culture in the Soviet Union and mass arrests of Jews for possessing Jewish books have not cased despite the "Geneva spirit" Labor Parties Tel Aviv (WNS)— Agreement shown by leaders of the Soviet on A program for the next govern- Government in other respects, it ment, to l>e formed by David Ben was reported in the Manchester Gurion. has been reacl.ed by Is- Guardian by a visitor who just rerael's three major lalwir parties, turned from Moscow. Mapai, Majiam and Achdtit Avo- Tho visitor reveals that hundreds of Jewish homes in Moscow dah. Agreement was readied at a were raided last month by police nine-hour political conference at- units who searched the booktended by David Ben Gurion. The shelves for signs of JewLsli publiplatform on which 'the parties cations, A number of Jews and united Is based substantially on their families were arrested after the searches. the Ben Gurion program. Under the agreement, Mapal is Considerable anxrety e x i s t s as a reto get mnjor portfolios, with the among Jews in Moscow 1 distribution of the rest of the sult of these arrest !, the Manport/olios to bo discussed at an- chester Guardian says. Tlie paper other meeting to be held here this stresses the fact that these are the week. Achdut Avodah was report- first Jewish mass arrests siftpe the ed to have demanded the Ministry "DActflTs' Plot" In 1953 when the of Agriculture post. Mapal, how- anti-Jewish campaign in the Soviet ever, Is reported reluctant to re- Union reached its peak. "And this linquish that portfolio. At the name occurs at a time when hopes were time the three labor parties agreed high that with the new policy of to make all possible efforts to the Soviet Government Jews too h/ive Hapel Hamizrachi nnd the would be permitted freedom to live Progressive Party enter the gov- a full Jewish life," the Manchester Guardian comments. ernment coalition.

Micek Named .8 p. m. Swim Director

Evening Service Monday, Sept. 26 Morning Service ••....••10 a. m. Children's Service 1:15 p. m.

New Service for Home for Aged The rnbbls of Deth Israel, Beth El nnd Temple Israel will initiate a program of rei;ular visits to tlie Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged, Harry Sidman, religious chalnnan of the Home committee reported nt the t'Wp's first meeting of the new season last Tuesday in the Jewish Community Center. Arthur A. Cohn, chairman, pre tided at the meeting. MemlicTij of the committee who attended ore Leo Fox, Harry Sidman, Norman Iiatt, a new member who was Introduced at the meet' Ing; Jack W. Marer, Federation president; Dr. Maurice Steinberg, Herman Friedman, Abe B. Gend lcr, Mm. Allen Zalkln, Mra. David Cohn and Ilnrry DuUoff.

Omahans '• In the News Dr. Morris Marcolln has been reappolntcd n memljer of the Committee on Detection and Educntlon of the American Diabetes Association. Dr. Margolin Is assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Nebraska. He helped organize tho West Central Diabetes Association and If its executive secretary. Dr. Abo Grccnbcrfi, first vicepresident of tho Federation for Jewish" Service-, was re-elected to the board of directors of Bellefolre. a regional child care service in Cleveland, O. CAIRO SYNAGOGUE!! New York (JTA)—Some 15,000 to 20,000 Jews celebrated the Rosh Hashanah holidays In 23 synagogues in Cairo, tho New York Times reported from the Egyptian capital. The Times reported that apprehension w a s in the air, caused by tho Egyptian-Israel situation, but that Chief Rabbi Halm Nnhum had stated on the eve of tho holiday that tho Jews of Egypt looked to the new year "with optimism." A Government representative attended services in tho Great Synagogue here, ns a mark of tho Eovernment's respect for the Jewish community. Jewish community leaders are also Invited to official functions, tho Times Raid. It reported that police guarded nil synagogues nnd a government decree ordered commercial establishments to grant religious holidays to their Jewish employes.

Moscow Arrests Of Jews Reported

Needlework Guild Contributions Tlie Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of the 1935 Omaha Needlework Guild will bo directed by Mrs. Albert B. Newman with Mrs. Richard Wright as co-chairman, Mrs. Edward K. Brodkcy, president of tho Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs announced. Tills Is an annual event sponsored by all charitable groups In the community to furnish clothing nnd linen supplies for needy families. Letters were sent out to all Jewish women of Omaha requestIng contributions. All contributions will be acknowledged In tho Jewish Press. "Tho results of tho ingathering ore looked forward to by nil needy families," Mrs. Newman stated. "To them It means linens, underwear, towels, and much needed clothing. I know that the Jewish women of Omaha will do their share in supporting this worthwhile project." Tho following have cent In their contributions as of Monday:

Jacob Abramson, Louis J. Abramfion, Morris Abramson, Ituth Ackerman, Jacob Adler, Art Anchel, Sam Applemon, Morris Arkln, Herman H. Auerbach, Abe Baker, Lloyd Bank, Julius Barron, Norman Uatt, Julian J. Baumel, Abo Bear, D. E. Bobcr, Rae Bccson, Hyman Belman, Sam Bcrman, David Bernstein, Jacob Bernstein, Robert Bernstein, Max I. Bittner. Dave Blacker, Max Blotcky, Paul Blotcky, Louis Blumkln, William Boasberg, Simon Bordy, Hyman Borsky, Abe H. Brodkcy, David Brodkey, Edward E. Brodkey, Harold B. Brodkey, M. H. Brodkey, Alfred Brody, Frank Brooksteln, Jacob Brookstein, Reuben H. Brown, Sam Cnnar, Isadore Chapman, Harold Chernlack, Jay Chernlack, Louis Chernlack, Isaac Chernlss, A. Louis Cohen, Charles K. Cohen, Max E. Cohen, Ben Cohn, Dave Cohn, Loyal B. Cohn, Frank Comlsar, Sidney Corcn, Philip Crandell, Samual H. Davis, Abraham Diamond, Harry DuBoff, Harry Dvosln, Morton Ehrcnrelch, Mosdomcs: Edward Abrahams, Richard K. Einstein, Aaron EpDen W. Abr.ilmm.son, Norman stein, David B. Epstein, Lawrence (Continued on Page 2.), Abrnhnmson, Isadora Abramson,

fe* Call for Volunteers Mrs. Mike Freeman, chairman of solictations for Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, has Issued a call for volunteers to help in the first combined United Red Feather-Red Cross Campaign, Call Mrs. Freeman, GL •ll'lS. Mrs. Freeman Is assisted by her co-elialrmen Mines. Saul Grnetz, Arthur M. Greene and Henry L. Greenberc.

We must recognize and meet liie challenge of creating a better community, Milton B. Abrahams, president of United Commuiiity .Services, told the members of ..lie Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, at a meeting Tuesday in tbe . .Jewish ('(immunity Center.

In telling the United Community Services' story, Mr. Abrahams compared its functions to a triangle of equal sides. One side, ho said, is fund raising where volunteers go out and sell the public on the needed services in the com- • munity. The second side of the triangle Is budgeting and accounting to see that all agencies receive a fair apportionment of funds. The third side and the least familiar, he added, Is the planning or engineering to improve the services to make Omaha a better place in Rio De Janeiro (JTA)—Carlos which to live. This social planning, C a r m e 1 o Cardinal Vasconcelos Mr. Abrahams stressed, Includes Motto, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has the coordinating of the work of issued a statement assuring Bra- agencies, elimination pf duplicatzilian Jewry that he feels "no ani- ing services, locating unmet needs mosity toward the Jews" and that and a constant effort to raise the "tho divergencies in our doctrines quality of the services. are no obstacle to the communion In conclusion, Mr. Abrahams of Interests wo have in.other sec- said that the f i r s t United Red tors." Feather - Red Cross C a m p a i g n The leader of the C a t h o l i c which will start Monday, Oct. 3, Church made this statement in an lias for us "the deepest meaning Interview with Aron Neumann, and brightest hope for ii finer, editor and publisher of Aonde Va- stronger and sounder Omaha." mos, a Portuguese-language Jew- Mrs. Mike Freeman, who was ish weekly publication, in a move general chairman of the Women's to allay fears provoked among Division of the Jewish Philanthe Brazilian Jews by one' of his thropies Campaign and is now pastoral letters, In which he slated chairman of the solicitations for that tlie number of Jews in Brazil tlie Federation of Jewish Women's "Is constantly increasing" and that Clubs for the combined Commu"they insinuate themselves in all nity Chest-Red Cross drive, inuniversities a.s teachers and stu- troduced the speaker, dents." The pastoral letter, published In the Brazilian press also contained other remarks about Jews which were considered antiJewisli. In his authorized statement to The Fall Series of art cla*ses ' Sr. Neumann, the Cardinal said: for adults will begin Monday, Oct. ' "If I nourished prejudices or dls- 3. from 1 to 3:30 p. m., at the f Ilkei toward Jews, I would merely Jewish Community Center, in our be acting against myself, against new Art Studio on the first floor. the doctrine of the Church and The class will be under the di-, against the greatest personalities rcctlon of Mrs. Meyer Bcber, a of ChrLsianlty, who were Jews." well-known local artist. He added that ho had visited Is- Both lwglnner and advance sturael ind liked "the progress and dents may register. The class will diligence" there. "I was favor- be divided into two groups. Stuably impressed by the fact that dents may use a variety of media the Catholic religion, as well as such ns oil, pastel or water color, other religions, In addition to the Tlie fee will be $6.50 for five . Jewish religion, enjoys complete lessons or $12.00 for ten lessons. Register by calling the Actlvireligious freedom." ties Office at the Center, JAckson 13G6. VnVOVAY NAMKS Montevideo (JTA)—Tho Government of Uruguay named Dr. Pedro Maria di Lorenzo as its Radio and Television first Minister to Israel. Although diplomatic relations between tho Mrs. Nathan Simon and Mrs. two countries were established in Harry Wohlner will appear on 1948, Uruguay hns been represent- Jean "A Woman's ed only by a Charge d'Affaires in View" Sullivan's on WOW-TV at 11 a. m., Israel. Wednesday, Sept. 28. They Dr. ill Lorenzo was formerly will discuss the Golden Age second ranking member of the Club and Its forthcoming SucUruguyan Embassy in Rome. His coth party. • appointment came several montlis after Israel named Matatlahu "Your Neighbor Celebrates" Hlndes its Minister to Montevideo, Tho.naming of Dr. dl Lo- a film about the High Holy Days will bo telecast over renzo was seen here as a sign of the devcolpment of closer rela- KMTV from 1:30 to 2 p. m., Sunday, Sept. 25. The program tions between the two states. Is produced under the auspices of the B'nal B'rlth Anti-DeTUNISIAN MINISTER Tunis (WNS)—Albert Besls, famation League. prominent Jewish lawyer, has "Man on a Bus" will bo prebeen named to ministerial post In the new autonomous government sented over KMTV from 1 to 1:30 p. m., Sunday, Sept. 25 of Tunisia. Tho appointee, president of the under tho auspices of tho United Jewish Appeal. The film Keren Hayesod of Tunisia, was received by the Bey of Tunis, who which portrays the story of approved tho appointment. Besls newcomers to Israel stars stems of on old Jewish family Broderick Crawford, Ruth Rowhose members over tho years man, J. Carroll Nalsh and Walhave been active In tho public life ter Brennen. of Tunisia.

Cardinal Assures Brazilian Jewry

Fall Art Classes Will Start Oct. 3

Pare Two


Friday, September 2.1, 1055.

Beth El Reorganizing Men's Club

fije PuWlahed fcverj ljnda> bj the federation tot ictvisb Service AIU—«. ou-*txiytiou, -4 uv. AUveru*:n? Rale* cm Application. L.ri*uvia. me*—i-ji Nu. *CLfc (Jire*t. Omaha. Ktfcr.. JJLciutcc JMA. rruu tner »<inr»v—tan;- bo. s&t*- et/wt-


liy ISoris Sinohir (Copyright, i9r>ri, J T A )


Bluffs B.B. Lodge To Entertain Vets Six members o£ the Council Bluffs B'nai B'rith Irving Cohen Lodge initiated a new group activity recently when tlicy entertained patients at Veterans Hospital. They were: Lloyd Krasne, president; Louis Passer, chairman of the Armed Forces and Veterans' committee; Sam Bubb, Morris Wohlner and Max and Ed Simon of Omaha. Tbe lodge members decided at a lodge meeting to p r e s e n t Chanukah and Purim gifts to the Jewish patients and to hold a Christmas party for the non-Jewish patients.: The lodge members will entertain at the hospital the second Thursday of each month.

With the Folks At Home

BetfiEl Sabbath evening services will be held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbatl morning services at 9:30 o'clock The Mincha service begins at 6 p. m.

Temple Israel Shabbas Shu.ah services wil. be held this evening in Temple Israel at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney I t Brooks will deliver a sermon on the "Magic Power of Words." Saturday morning services will be held at 11:30 o'clock. Tlic religious school choir will sing the musical portions of the service.

Beth Israel

Traditional Friday evening servSeptember 14: A special Kiddiuh ices (Kabollas Shabbos) begin at was given by Mr. and Mrs-'Oharlci 6 p. m. Sabbath morning servCuss In Honor of the Bar Mitz- ices begin at 8:30 a. m. nnd Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Sabvah of their son James. September 16-18: Rosh Haiho- bath Mincha at 6 p. nv, followed nah Services were held in the by Sholosh S'eudos and Maariv. Home Synagogue with Alex Sand Daily Morning services begin at 7 a. m, Afternoon services at 6:10 ind Sam Poster officiating. In Memorium: Mr. Max Minkin. p. m. Sunday morning services Memorial Services: Special Me- begin at 8:45 a. m., followed by morial Services will be held in The breakfast nnd Rabbi's class in ' Home Synagogue for the following, Bible. Sunday morning Junior who have Yahrzelt in the month Minyan followed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. in. of Tishri: Tishri 3—Sept. 19: Sam Epstein. The Talmud Discussion group TIshri 5—Sept 21: Rebecca meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. at the 10th and Burt St. Ewciback. Tishri 11—Sept. 27: David Synagogue. Draper. TSshri 14 — Sept. 30: Barney Markovitz. Tishri 1&—OcL 2: Hannah foster. Tishri 28—Oct. 14: Philip Saks. Max Minkin Tishri 20—Oct. 15: Lottie SiJServices wore held Monday, virstone. September 28: An afternoon par- Sept. 32 for Max Minkin with Interment at Fisher Farm Cemety will be held at The Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home For The Agpd tery. Mr. Minkin. 88, n Omaha •jnder the auspices of the Beth El resident for 42 years, died SunSisterhood, Mrs. Jack Uramson is day, Sept. II at a local hospital. lie was a resident of the Dr chairman. October 2: The Beth Israel Sis- Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the terhood will entertain ou,' folks j Aged. this evening at 7:30 p. m Mrs. I lie is Mirvived by his wife. William H. Wolf son is in charge' Sarah; a Mm, Ben; four daujchof this activity. Mrs. Max From- ters. Mrs. Kate Babendir, Mrs kln will be m i s t r e s s-of-cer- lien VValdman, Mrs. Roy Hoffman /nonies. I and Mrs. Abe Conn, nil of Omaha; eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.


Monsky Lodge to Meet

The first meeting of the season of B'nal B'rith Ho-iry Monsky Lodge No. 354, will be held Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 8:30 p. m. in the. Grand Ballroom of the Blackstone Hotel. Members of the B'nai B'rith Youth Groups will be on hand to tell of their experiences as delegates to -the B'nai B'rith International Convention. Their program will be evaluated and they will discuss plans and leadership training they received at Camp B'nai B'rith at Starlight, Pa. T7ie program will conclude with a discussion group conducted by B'nai B'rith Youth Organization City-Wide Chairman, Edward A. Rosen and advisors to A.Z.A Chapters one and 100, Louis Canar and Sam Epstein. The meeting is open to all B'nal. B'rith lodges and chapters, families' and friends. Refreshments and a social hour will follow. Hollywood (JTA)—Comic Sam Levenson is a short man but does not brood about this fact. At a dinner he attended recently he found himself surrounded by an unusual number of tall actors. "Don't you feel rather small among all these big men?" somebody asked him. "Yes, I do,' Levenson answered promptly. "I feel like a dime among a Jot of pennies."

Mrs. Hattie Cohn Services were held Monday, Sept. 39 for Mrs. Ilaltic Cohn with interment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Cohn, 88, died Satur<]ay, Sept. 17 in a local hospital. She had made her home at the niakstone Hotel. Survivors include a son, M. L. (Bud) Cohn of Beverly Hills. Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Harry Z. Ttosenfcld of Omaha; a brother. Jake Spicsbergcr of Omaha; a sister, Mrs. Edward Treller of Omaha; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Rose G. Weiner Services were held Friday, Sept 3C for Mrs. Rose G. Weiner with Interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Weiner, C9, died Thursday, Sept 15 at her home. She was a resident of Omaha for 45 years. Mrs. Weiner is survived by her husband William.

B.I. Men's Dance Beth Israel Men's Club will hold a dance Saturday, Oct. 35, Sam Kaplan, president of the group announced. Stanley Diamond has been appointed general ohairman for the affair to be held ir. the Beth Israel social hall. Music will be furnished by Earl English and his prehestra.

Between You and Me

Tlie first meeting of the newly reorganized Beth El .lion's Club ivlll be held Sept. 21) at the synagogue. The dinner meeting will feature An address by tiro. I'otter of tho. Army Corps of Kn^lm-cry. He will upeak on Missouri Hlver flood control. An electhm of officers will also be held* Laying groundwork for the reorganization of the club last week were llarton Grcenberp, Morlcy Zlpurhliy, (standing), and Donald Nogg. According to Ziiiuntky, flic rlub nil) be •oclaj and service In nature, meeting onre monthly.—Dundee NewsPhoto.

Needlework Guild (Continued from Page L) Epstein, Richard K. Epstein, Rose Epstein, Morris Ermann, A. D. Faler, Max Falk, Harold P. Far ber, Robert Fclnberg and A. Feld an. Mmes.: Jacob Fcldman, Nathan Feldman, Abe C Fellman, Charles Frllman, M o r r i s C. Fellman, Harry Fercnstoin, Nathan Fercr, David H. Fertil, David A. Finklc. Donald Fischer, Ben Fisher, Abe Fishman, Stanley Fisk, Isadorc Forbes. Abraham Forman, Albert Fox, Oscar Fox, Abraham Frank, A. D. Frank, Maurice J. Frank, Sam Frank. Sam Freed, Hershcl Kreedman, Mike Freeman. Rose Frelden, Leonard L. Friedcl, Herman Friedlander, Herman Friedman, Isadorc Friedman. Samuel Friedman. Sherwood Fritzshall, Max Fromkin, Robert Fromkln, Carl Furth, Ben G.irclick, Izzic Garsick, Samual Goifman, Jack Gelfand, Arthur Gondlor, John B. Gidinsky, Edward Gilbert, Sam E. Gilinsky, A b r a 1' a m Ginsburg, Harry Goldberg. Marx Goldberg, J. C. Goldncr, Abraham G. Goldstein, Herman Goldstein, Isadorc Goldstein, Samuel Goldwarn, Morris Gordjon. Benjamin Gorclick, Walter E. Gottlieb, Henry Grabois, iaul M. Graetz, Arthur M. Green, Kdward B. Green, Jade M. Green, Meyer Green, Barton H. Grecnberg. David Greenhorn; Edward \V\ Greenbcrg, Elmer GrecnberE. Loon Greenbenr, N a t h a n H. Grecnbcrn. Sam Grrcnl>orf:, Sam M. Grcenberjj, Stephen R. Grcenberu, Arthur M. Greene, Harry Greene, Daniel Greenfield, Max reenficld, Nathan Greenfield, Benjamin Groncr, Morris Grossman, Phil Guggenheim and Samuel Guttman. Mmes.: Jennie Habler, Fred Tahn, Ben Handler, Manning E. Handier, Harry D. Haykin, Dan Hermanson, Mendel Hcrtzberg. Abraham Herzberg, Martin Hoi-zoff, Stanley H. Hcrzoff, Louis Hiller, Richard Illllcr, Isadora Hurwitz, Morris E. Jacobs, Walter Jacobscm, Herman Jahr, Harry Jangcr, Max Kadis, George Ka;;m, Joe Kahn, William Kalman, Howard Kaplan, Jacob Kaplan, Lazar Kaplan, Sam Kaplan, Seymour Kaplan, B. Knslow, Maurice Katelman, Sheff Katskee, Dave Kate, Frank Kate, Archie Knvich, Lazier Kavich, Joseph Kirshenhaum, Max Kirshenbaum, Tevil Klotz, Eva L, Konecky, Rose Koncky, Joseph Koom, Robert H. Kooper, David L. Kraiitz, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Louis Kulakofsky, Reuben Kulakofsky, Fred Kurtzman and Max Kurtzrnan. Mmes.: Morris Landman, Sam Lebowitz, Milton Lchr, Dave L o vine, Saul Levy, Harry Llbcrman, M. Ubcrman, Charles Lieb, Morris Lfnsman, Meyer LIpn, Maurice Lipsman, Joseph Lltt,

Jack Luttbeg, Harry Mnlnshock, Jay Malashock, Robert Marcr, Jnck Marer, Robert Marcr, Gail Marfjolin, Harry Markcl, David Maryanov, Frank Marks, Adolf Mayer, Alfred Mayer, Samuel Mciches, Peter Meyers, Betty Milder, Howard Milder, Owcl Milder, Jack Mirmclstein, Oiarles Mogil, Albert Newman, Jules Newman, Julius Newman, Fannie Newman, Tlieodore Newman, Robert Noddle, Nathan NogK, Harry Noodell, Sophia Novitsky, Sam Oleskcr, Alex Opiwnheimcr, Albert Omcli, Leo Ostravich, Aaron Perimeter, Harry Perimeter, Maurice Pcssen, Nathan Pitkr, Alex Plotkin. Morton Plotkin, Sam Poaka, William Racucin, Ixmis Raduziner, Jack Raznlck, Donald Rice, Joe Rice and Norman Rice. Mmes.: Morton Richards, Carl Rlekes,- Henry Kickcs, Albert Rlmmcrman, Robert Rimmerman. Aaron Rips, Paul Rips, Stella Robinson, David Riseman, Abraham Roffaman, Sclvvyn Roffman, Edward Rosen, Sam Rosenblum, Mor. ris Rosenstein, Dave Ro;senstocl(, Fred R/^enstock, Meyer Ruback, Frank Rulx-nstcin, Africa Rubin, M. Rubin, Irvin Rublnow. William Saferstein, Harry Saltzman, Keith Sanders, Leonard Sega), Edward Shafton, Benjamli Shapiro, Bon Shermim, David Sherman, Irvin Shorman, Isadore Sherman, Abraham Slvufio, Jacob Shyken, Sam Shyken, Harry Siilman, David Silberman, Harry Sllverman, Ervin Simon, lister Simon, Max Simon, Stuart Simon, Milton Simons, I-oui.i Sinner, Morris Singer, Harold Slosburj;, Abe Shuky, Rubin Smeerin, Roljert Smith, Isdore Sokolf ,Ahe Somberf;, Ben Somberj;, Ix>uis Somberg, Ilubert Sommcr, Max Sommcr, Morris Specter. M111 n r d S pcier ' an<j George Spitzer. '' 1 Mmes.: Dave Stein, Julius Stein, Albert Stelnl)er(;, Nathan Stelnberj;, Sam J. Steinberg/ Sam S. Steinberg, Paul Surenky, Samuel Swartz, AfeMn Tatelman, Sam Temln, Isadorc Tretlak, Harry Ti-ustin, Yale Trustin, Phillip Turek, Reuben Vann, Paul Veret, Lsadore Weiner, Louis Weiner, Abraham Weiss, Bernard Weiss, Sam Werthelmer, E. I. Widmnn, Harold Wfesman, H. D. Wigodsky, Harry Willnuky, L. W. Winters, Harry Wohlner, Paul Wohlner, Samuel Wolf, Abe Wolfson, Max Wolfson, Paul Wolk, R i c h a r d Wright, Nathan Yaffe, Lewis Yager, Milton Yudekon, Eli Zalkin, Sam Zlotky, Seymour Zoob. Ben Zoorw.ll, Sam Zwciback and Max Zwelblcman. Misses: Rebecca Bercovici, Jean Gcndlcr, Isabcllc Gerber, Sara Gllinsky, Fannie Grodinsky, Rose Grodlnsky, ElizabcUi J. Hart, Belle Horwich, llarrictt Horwich, Henrietta Kohn. Sally Newman, Sylvia

WASHINGTON MOODS: Is Secretary of Slate John 1 Foster Dulles flexibie in his stand on the Ai.ib-Isracl Issue? . . . Will he realize that by making hi;; rrccnt piojiosals contingent upon an Aral). Isranl pact lie complicates Ins own good intensions, since the Arabs seem to lie determined not to cntoi Into any ,irace arrcement with Israel? . . . Will he he ready to modify certain parts of his poliry statement on Palestine when ho rrnlizcs thai the Aralis are bent on sabotajyinfT it while Israel is Inclined to accept It with certain mortifications? . . . Those questions are now bring asked in Washington whore it becomes obvious that tho Arabs are hostile to tho Dulles proposals which aim tit bringing about tranquility in the' Middle Fast, . . . It is taken for granted that the Secretaiy of State will not let his suggestions hang In tho nlr for too lonn and that he will have to follow them up in some way. . . . He will then certainly have to take them out of the blind alley Into which he himself led them by making them dependrnt on agreement by the Arabs to conclude peace with Israel. . . . It Is clear In Washington by now that tho Arabs Intend to use this stipulation to block Mr. Dulles. . .. Their spokesmen have as much as htatrd that they don't want to conclude any peace pact with the Jewish State. . . . Furthermore, they object to the fact that Mr. Dulles, by his proposals, considers Israel as a state whose existence must be recognized by the Arab r u l e r s . . . . Israel, on the other hand, which has always wanted peace with the neighboring Arab countries. has its doubts only with regard to the part ot the Dulles statement which suggests changes In. the existing Arab-Israel frontiers. . . . This doubt can also be heard in Congressional circles. . , . Some Congressmen are of the opinion that border friction between Israel and the Aral>3 could be eliminated to a great extent If the Gaza strip were ceded to Israel. . . . The Gaza area has become a source of sharp irritation between Egypt and I.rao] although it lies EO far away from actual Egyptian territory and despite the fact that Egypt can have no real claim to It. . . . Some of the Arabs living In tho Gaza strip could be nbEorbid by Israel, while others cnuld easily bo settled In the Sinai area where Egypt wants to settle Palestine Arabs . . . Tills would contribute a £ood deal to tho solution of the Arab refugee problem.

,E. Men to Hear General Potter The Beth El Men's Club has been reactivated with Barton GreenberK as acting chairman. Plans have been made for tho new season. The first dinner meeting iWiH bo held Thursday, Sept 29, at 6:30 p. m. In the social hall of Beth HI Synagogue. Call Bruc* Greonberg, RE 3212, Lou Jess, JA 7755, or Donald Nogg^ HA 8905 for reservation!!. Featured • as guest" speaker will be Brigadier General W. E. Potter.

Rabbi Brooks at O.U. Rnbbi Sidney H. Brooks is again serving ns instructor of Comparative Religion nt Omaha University. Rabb' Brooks's course b Riven each Thursday evening from 7 to-0:40 o'clock beginning September 22. Anyone wishing to register for the courae Li most welcome to do so and should contact the registrarer's office nt the University. The course will survey and compare the major religions of th» world. ,^/ Parllman, Rose Rothkop, Rose R. Sacks, Belle SlegcL Rose Steinberg, Blanche ZIroman and Sarlta Zoorwin. ,, , , . .-

Friday, SepUi>:b-r 23, 1055.



'Figure-Aids' Jay Program

Omaha Sketches

Mr. and Mrs. Invin Nathan of New Rochi'lle, N. Y., nre viaitini "Fun, health and beauty nre the Mrs. Nathan's parents, Mr. an(i objectives oi the women's cla Mrs. Sam Jfomstcin of Omaha at the Center in the Fall and Win- Mrs. Nathan is tin; former Mi:;.': ter physical education program," Helen Ilonistein of Oinnha. Jim Karbaliicli, Center Athlttie Director, said. Kach "figure-Aid" ac- Mr, and Mrs. Eugrcne S. Jacobs tivity will \H; (k?.si;;nt:il to read have left Omahj to make their those objectives. Areas available home in Chicago;. Mr. Jacobs will enroll at the University of Chicago for this program will be fh'* cyrn to work for the degree of Doctor na^ium and swimminc pool wit! of Philosophy. Mr. Jacobs is the an huur of activity in each area son of Mrs. Julia M. Jacobs o per sciiiiitjn. .Scheduled rest periods Omaha. Mrs.ftUKOnoJacobs wil will be an im|>orlant part of the become a member of the nursing prugram I>lan along with a pro- staff of Iiillingr-1 Hospital. gram to eliminate stiff and sore Miss Barbara Minkin, daughter muscles. Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Minkin, Sessions are held Tuesday and of and Karen Kriesfeld, daughThursday mornings from 0 to 11 ter ofMiss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kriesa. rn. ujid Monday and Friday from feld, have left for Ann Arbor, 10 a. rn. to 12 noon. C1;LSS mem- Mich., where they will become bers may plan on formal and in- members of the freshman class at formal calisthenics, group Kyrnu the University of Michigan. Ii tic3 nnd a variety of games: such Chicago, they will visit Miss Mln:a volleyball, badminton and table kin's sister and brother-in-law Dr. tennis. Suitable clothing; for the and Mrs. Robert II. I. SISTKIUIOOD Addison. would be short.'; or slacks Beth Israel Sisterhood will lion aCroup loose fitting; blouse and nonor all new nnd prospective mem- rnarkinf; soft rubber-soled shoe.1; Harold Marer, son of Mr. am bers at a Friendship Tea in the alutitf with a bathing.; suit and cap. Mrs. Robert Marer, is one of the tynagogue social hall Thursday, ^jlora^e space is available for newest singing stars on the West Sept. 2!). The afternoon event. thoje wishing; tit leave clothing.; at Coast it was rojiorted recently in Which will he from one, to three the Center basket room. the Omaha World-Herald. Mr. o'clock In the afternoon, Ls under the chairmanship of Mrs. Arthur One outstanding; feature of tin. Marer, under the stage name of Brad Marro, is j;etting top hilling Pullman. Assisting the chairman "Figure-Aids" will he that mothOrt*hcr committee are Mrs. Lou ers are welcome to bring; their for his recording;:; of "Heart of Asbyll, Mrs. Irving J. Forbes, Mrs. children, with baby-sitting done on Gold" and "A Man Can Only Fly Sam Garrop, Mrs. Sain Katzmun a rotational basis by members of So High." He was recently given end Mrs. Hu y .Smith. Further In the class, or a slight charge will a screen test by (lie MGM Studic formation may he obtained by be made for hiring personnel. In- in Hollywood. Mr, Marer Is a calling cither WA 4-185 or UK 9945. formation will include the number graduate of Central High Schoo ages of children that will be and attended the Universities of Members of the board of the and broug;ht for the first session BO Omaha and Nebraska. Beth Israel Sisterhood will meet that accommodations can be made In the synagogue club room Tues- for them. Dr. Bernard Mai;ld, son of Mr. day, Oct. 4, ut 12:45 p. m. Tho program will he und"r the and Mrs-. Max Majiid, returned direction of Jim Karbatscli, who home for a short vacation from 1'IONKEtt WOMEN with Mrs. Karbatscli will instruct his residency at Indianapolis GenTho first regular meeting of the in the gymnasium periods. Center eral Hospital. ioason of the Pioneer Women wil physical education membership of bo held at the Jewish Community S3.00 per month Is the only re- Benjamin Franklin originated Center In the form oi a dessert quirement needed to enter the the practice of printing letters to luncheon Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 1 "Figure-Aids" fun, health nnd the editor. p. m. beauty sessions. An Ones Yontiff will be given Registration and Information for at tho home of Mrs. Jacob i'cld- this activity can be obtained by man, ,1815 So. 50th Street, Octo- calling Sue Karbatscli at RB 4G03 ber 1, Saturday afternoon at two or the Center at JA 13GG, ciL 26. O'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Sam Jtifkln have Patronize Our Advertiser*. returned from Israel after a summer vacation touring the country and they will report on what they have seen. Just Arrived Mrs. Philip Crandell and Mm From Israel Milton Ncarcnburij. cultural committee chairmen, have p l a n n e d tho program. Mrs. Crandell will Finest in Years give a reading and Mrs. Nei.rcn berg will sing Israeli songs and Reasonable Prices folk scmpi. ORDER NOW Mrs. Feldman will serve refreshments. All members and friends arc cordially invited to attend. 1MIMSSAII Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will hold its first meeting of the Reason in the form of a ret-ucquainled paid-up luncheon at 12:.'J0 p. m., Wednesday, Sept. 23 h> the Jewish Community Center. Hadas >ah Ijoard members will he inliu duccd. The Ileral croup "ill incut ii; the YYVCA. Mis. Donald No.;;: wil present n skit entitled the "Circle Is Charmed." The Szuld ijruup will meet at tin Center and Mrs. I'jihert Silver' man will present the "Circle i: Charmed." Chairmen for the croup arc Mmes. Owen Myerson and Ilus sell Bluraenthal. The Weizmann ^roup will mcc In the Lodge Room in the Center nnd will see the same slut. Chairmen art? Mmes. If. Leo Gencller, Irving Gendler, Nathan Novalc and IrvfriR Novak.

ESRiiGIM for Succoth Festival

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Miriam Shrier DRAMATIC STUDIO REOPENING SOON Readings — Record Pantomime — Plays Class and Individual Instruction Also Morning Creative Dramatic Classes for Children 4 and 5 CALL NOW

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Served Buffet Style! All You Care to Eat

Omission Tho name of the late Mrs. Hymie (Gussic) Alpcnon was omitted from tho condolence list in last week's Jewish Press. Mrs. Alpcrson died December 13, 1954.



Want Ads M M OH TOO* OTA.





to Dine on

Sunday Branch

Betfi Israel Schools

Beth Israel Talmud Torah and Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Newman announce the birth of a son Sunday School classes will meet Mark Jeffrey horn September 13 on Sunday, September 25, 1955. in a* local hospital. Because of the Suceoth holidays, Maternal grandparents are Mr. Talmud Torah- and Sunday School and lira. Bernard Fink and pa- classes will not meet Sunday, Oct. ternal grandparents are Mr. and 2, and Sunday, Oct. 9. Mrs. J. M. Newman. Paternal A special Succoth Party will be p,reat-grnndmother is Mrs. Famiii.' held in the Succa for all Sunday Newman. School children Sunday afternoon, Oct. 2, from 2 to 3 p. m. A son Daniel Mark was born Talmud Torah children will have September 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Sie.Succoth parties during their fried Shattii of Chicago, 111. They their also have two other children, Ron- regularly scheduled classes. ald Brute and Wendy Joy. Mrs. Shattii is the former Ar- Name Omitted : lene Solomon of Omaha. Maternal grandparent; arc Mr. and Mrs. A. The Omaha Chapter of Mizrachl Solomon and paternal grandpar- Women regret the omission of the ents are Mr. and Mrs. Julius Shat- name of the late Mrs. Joseph Batt tii of Chicago, from the list of contributors to the donor luncheon which appeared n*~ eently in the Jewish Press. The Beth Israel P-TA annual affair is the group's greatUcth Israel P-T.A. honored past est source of revenue for its main project, the Children's Village a t presidents nt the September meeting hold In Beth Israel social halL Raanana, Israel. Mrs. Batt was the originator ot Past presidents Mrs. Morris Kut• ler. Sam Kaplan and Mrs. David the Donor Luncheon Circle. Friedman addressed tho members. At the end of the American Plans were announced by the president, Norman Rnscnzwelg; Revolution there were 43 new»» .-•'•. for a I.atke Party to be held No- papers in the colonies. vember 12. Mrs. Morris ICutler and Mrs. Malvin Tepper are cochairmen of the event. The following; committees wore announced: Mrs. David Kreidman, progmm chairman; Mr. Leo Kraft, RUG & UPHOLSTERY membership; Mrs. Norman RoCLEANERS senzweig, publicity; Mrs. A. FeldRUGS - CARPETING man, ways and means; Mrs. M. LAMP SHADES Kutler, Mrs-. H, Susman and Mrs. N. Kaplan, refreshments, and Mr FURNITURE Sam Kaplan, parliamentarian. Cleaned in Your Home! The next regularly scheduled <lwlln9 • Laying • R<palriiig meeting will be held October G HA 25S4 in the social hall of the syna- DON 1ERNSTEIN gogue.

Omaha's Favorite Way

B Si V IIADASSAH Tho Business and Professional Group of Hadassah will hold a board meeting Thursday, Sept. 23, at 8 p. m. at the home of Beverly Bernstein, 2503 Country Club. All B & P Board members please attend.

BAR and Bos Mltzvah congratalatloru also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Mcyen News Stand", 1502 Dodge.


Nathan Levinson

COUNCIL WOMKN The Current Events Study Group of Omaha Sccllo:i, National Council of Jewish Women will meet Tuesday, Sept. 27, at the home of Mrs. Rose iJlumkin, 323 S. 70tli«t. Mrs. Charles Schneider will be hostess at 1 p. m. coffee with Mrs Norman'Batt, Mrs. Louis Blumkin, co-hostesses. Mrs . Edward Levjnsan, who recently returned from a trip abroad, will speak on "Europe As I Saw It." Everyone Is cordially lnvltdd.

r n o u JA I3M lo Insert jour Want Ad In Ths Jewish Press. Carnnt ruts u 00 unU far «u)t U n » Uon. Tba 1'rtu reserves the right to limil 91» on esxb advertisement.

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Frank and Kaslow Head Region Units

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Bar Mifzvahs

UJA Mission

Film Shorts

New York (JTA)—Stirred by l-iirhao! Katz, son of Hovor Hollywood (JTA)- Negotiations and Mrs. Alexander Katz, will cel- Jewish casualties in riot-ridden an1 practically wrapped up for the AZA and HUG members from ebrate his liar J.Ijtzv.'ih .Saturday Morocco and the risinj; clamor of lied llutton:, Ewilehover to the the Cornbelt Het;i'»" came to OirmmorniMK, Sept. 1M at llclh Kl Sy-North African Jewry for emigra- NBC-TV camp in Ihe fall, followha on Sunday, September 11, for nagogue. Friends arc invited to at- tion to Israel, the United Jewish ing weeks of huddles between the the regional meet inns. tenr! the service and the reception Appeal announced that it is form- Jewish comedian and • network The newly elected re^io which will follow in ha! ing an extraordinary overseas executives. What f;ives Hed a dispresidents presided at both meetf Ihe .SyiK!!;o;;ue. study mission of th.1 nut ion's most tinct advnnt.'ico in competition inns. Both members of Omaha prominent Jewish leaders who will wilh oilier TV shows Is his big B.B.Y.O. groups, Carole Frank led Mr. and Mrs. Dave- 13. Cohn an- leave this country for a threc- children draw, making his new 8 the B.B.G.'s, while Howard Knso'clock evening period a natural nounce the Bar Mitzvah (if their luw presided at the A.Z.A. meetson. Marvin, Saturday morning, w o c k-on-the-spot investigation, for him (is against his recent 9:30 in g. Oct. 1, at Beth Kl Synaf;oi;ue. with the aim of reporting its find- segment on CHS, although even in that spot he had a rating docuFeature of the B.BO. meetinc Friends and relatives are invited ings soon after its return. « s i installation of new officers to attend the service and tho re- William liosemvald, g e n e r a l mentation of having kept the kids up. They are: Carole Frank, Omaha, ception which will follow. chairman of the United Jewish president; Phyllis Sukoluf, Dea Appeal, who will head the mission, Moines, vicc-prcsiilent; Joan Dasannounced that it will lie made Hollywood (JTA)—A thcatrlcnl kovsky, Sioux City, secretary; Golden Age Club up of between 40 and 50 leaders film dealing with the life of Louis Kay Diamond, Lincoln, treasurer; whose studies and investigations 13raille, the Jewish Frenchman Phyllis Frecdman, Omaha, reportwill focus with sharp intensity on who developed the system of readSuccofh Party er, and Gloria Azarch, Des Moincs. the Jewkb plight In North Africa ing for the blind. Is being planned sergeant-at-arms. Mis* Iflta I'lltz The Golden A];e Club will hold ind with equal force on Israel's by TV producer Lawrence Schwab, -Plans for the coming A.Z.A.its Suceoth party at 8 p. m. Mon- requirements In the face of mmint- Jr. 'Ihe basis for Schwab's project B.B.G. regional convention, to be day, Oct. 3 in the auditorium of ntj Immigration from Morocco and will be "Windows for the Blind," held in Omaha In December were Miss Peltz Named the Jewish Community Center. Tunisia. In addition to Mr. Koseu- a book by J. Alvin Kugclmnss, A discussed, It was decided to hold Ilcverend Allen S. Stearns will wald, the mission will include Kd- screen treatment is presently bethe iummcr comention in Lin-AZA Sweetheart present a proRram of Hebrew and ward M. W. Warburi;, president of ing prepared. Louis Jourdan, who coln, Neb Yiddish songs. A social hour will the UJA. and Itabbi Herbert A. concluded an engagement on Miss Rita Peltz, 17, daughter of follow und refreshments will be Friedman, the UJA's executive Uoardway recently In "Tho Imvice-president. moralist" has expressed interest in Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz, wasserved. portraying Braille. Film will bo crowned 1953 "Sweetheart" of Jr. BJ. Bowling Mrs. Nathan Simon is chairman AZA No. 1 at their 22nd annual of the Golden Ape Club and Mrs. Hollywood (JTA) •— During a shot In France. ,The opening date for the Junior Sweetheart dance held September J. A, Solomon and Mrs. J. Milton hurricane in Florida, Ida Cantor tt'nal B'rith League has been 10 in the Blackstonc Hotel. Margolin arc co-ordlnntors for the was terribly upset and couldn't The perfect answer to the queschanged to 1:30 p m. Sunday, Oct. Miss PeJtz is secretary of B'nal Omaha Section, National Council a wink. Hut Eddie, her hus- tion, "What's wrong with the 16 nt the Parkway Bowl. This B'rith Girls and is also serving as of Jewish Women. The club is sleep band, w^s Bleeping as if nothing movies?" was given one night lost change was made necessary so as co-chairman of the 1955 A2Asponsored jointly by the Council i;oin;j on. "Darling, this house week by a little man sitting in a not to conflict with Hebrew School B'nai Girls Winter regional con- and the Jewish Community Cen- was Is rocking as if It were colng to Lou Angeles theater. After tho classes This lew time may invention, ter. Wow away," she said, shaking him. trailer wa« over, he whispered to f!rfcre with some of the boys who She was crowned by Miss ThcrOh, go to sleep," Eddie said, his wife: "Always the %oo<l picha\<* already registered for bowl- esn Kahn, last year's winner. ture comes next week. 'we're only renting It." Patronize Our Advertisers. in" had planned to play basAll Sweetheart candidates were kctb-i'l pt the J C C . nfter bowl- presented with necklaces and Miss inq We would \ery much like to Kahn was given a carry-all bag h».-i> - from the boys interested In by the chapter. hsi<' ctball. so th"t other arrnnsepvnts ciin be mni*» for them. They don'd call Mr* Max Sacks. ATWomen's Swim Class TSG2 Terms wJll not Ire set up NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL'S Tlic group of women In the ir— —rl'atcly. ' ' >ro wi'l b-> iKi.-ral wwl:s of iIondoy-Friday. Women's .Learn to LOCAL J-i.llns to cr'-bl'^h nvcrages. Jw;m Class wlil once more be unTs' r u will thi-n b? i?t up accorJ- der the direction of Mary Volcck 1i'" tn nv>r>g?, wth a'x minlwrs1 In" I he Center Pool. Mrs, Volcck rn - c'l i—im, Lrv bwl?r wil handled the swim program at Kellom 'Pool'..-during the summer t V '•":" C""h wed:. while the Jay Pool DirecRANGE T —t vill b» two "jrm-s h.wIH rninlhi. or, Joe Mlcck. took over nil t ..-• w *»': Ovf fi" bowling *•'! vsts in the summer swim prob"- " r->p*, enrh «;"!{. fjnifii. Bn'il B'rith couns?li»rs. I'la Dv1':* Harold IT rim on'l. H-ri-y The croup m?cU on Mmxlay and C">''rk reiu^st p-ircnts tn h?l|> •YMny mornings from 10 a. .1. to A Completely Modern % iiiih s"*>r?Ii *ep ni', an'l instruction 1' noon.




W&yziZvj'An Meet rc3'--^-odIo Get.-16.

Il'iyim will hold their first party of the new season for actives and The .Wish Community Center j pledges October 1. A picnic is Midget Sv, inm.ns rivet for boys | also .being planned for the month and g.rls from seven to fourteen of October. years of a?e WOK postponed from September 11 a October 16 b?- The Jewish Youth Council Is Cfusi* of schedule conflicts. to publish a printed newsTills meet IK ope.i to all mem-planningabout every six .weeks. bers of the Jcwis, Community paper Youth Councilors with Journalism, Center and those people who tool: experience are asked to contact port In the summer swim pro- Howard Koopcr for positions on gram. Events in th? m:et will in-the staff. clude the Huvrnn St -oke. Freestyle, Klcnvntar} Ilackstrulse1 B-ck stroke, Brc st stroke a n MOSCOW HKUVICKS Diving. I^indon (JTA)—A report from InteresteS ywin ;st<Ts will re- .Moscow said that more than 2,000 ceive notice of the m e t in theJews attended the Rosh Hashamall and will be: able to register nah services In the Great Synaby mail also. Information on theKogue tliere. Jewish community thecf can he" obtained in thei"ail<Ts In Moscow estimated that Health and I'liystrnl IMucatiun of- there are today in the Soviet capabout 300.000 Jews of whom fice of the C'i nter. Also a list of 1ital are religious, the report events and competition can b 12,000 .1 icen in the tVntiT Physical Edu- stated. In Warsaw, where more than cation bllllrti[l boards, .",00,000 Jews lived In-fore the Nazi annihilation of Polish Jewry, less HadassaSi Bowling than 100 persons attended the Iladmnh Wi m n's Bowllm: Rosh llashanah services in the League started .Seplember Vi atonly synagofjuo functioning there the Forty Cowl. The league now now. It in estimated that there has ](> teams. Due to vacations are about 10,000 Jews now living and the IIi(;li Holidays, the list in Warsaw, but most of them arc of sponsois, \MH, ,ind losses will not reli;;ious. not be rendy for pulilication until next week. Hollywood (JTA)—One of our Last Monday SsOma Tretiak rolled a 502. The 400 series were best known professors at the Unirolled by Atldie Km ider 468, Lib-versity of California is a. sworn by Sachs, 450, Helen Shukcrt, 418, enemy of coeducation. "It's imposLucille i:iJ5tem 417, Libby Hober- sible," he told a group of movie man 434, Liberty Faier 4.13. Annindustry friends the other night, Kaiman 4'«, Gcrt 7J vitz 432, rtuth "to teach a young man matheSokoloff 420, Sylvia Lewis 428, matics if there's a g i r l in the Estelle Turkic 428, P?arl Marcus class." "Come, now, JProfessor," 424. Jlita Cooper 422, Kvclyn IIo- Judy Holliday objected, "surely bermnn 422, Hetty Muskin 413, Es- tliere must be nn exception to ther Ross 411. Sue Grcenbcrg 410, that." . . . "There might be," snapped the professor, "but he Besi Perimeter 408, Rac Wintroub 404, Min Franks 401, Pauwouldn't be worth teaching!" lino Hoberman 404, Pearl Gross 400, Mcrrima Cooperman 400. The Boston tea party was Anyone eke interested In bowl- planned in the back room of tho ing contact Rose Garrop, WA 9330. Boston Gazette. •

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