Vol. XXXIII—No. 51.
Omahal Community Onlaha will embark ^>n its first three-pronged Ked FeatluT and Itj'd Cross Drive Monday, Milton Abrahams, president (if ll»! United Community Services, told the exceutlvc board of the Federation fur Jewish Service nt their meeting Tuesday afternoon in the Jewish Community Center. For the first time in the nation, a city will try to raise operating and building funds for Ked Feather agencies and also meet the needs of -.the IU'd Cross In one. campaign, lie italed. In a Btatement by Lloyd 11. Mattson, chairman of the first United Red Feather-Tied Cross Campaign, he said: "We must meet all these needs in one drive this year, If Oinnhn in to prevent further spread of welfare problems!" . For thr past several years, he pointed out, we have suffered setbacks In our lied Feather and lied Cross campaigns. We have also had an Increase of multiple nppenls. "And we have paid tin- price of these failures," he explained, "because, ngencics have had insufficient funds to hire enough trained personnel to adequately meet the growing demand for services." 'Hie result, Mr. Matt.son eontln-" ucd, has been a breakdown In faml)y life which has bronchi on more juvenile delinquency and other family problem*. Omaha's first step in fighting back, he said, was tlir* agreement signed last June to join the city's two largest drives, the Community Client and It<d Cross. The agreement was signed by Mr. Abrahams, UCS president, nnd Aaron I/evltt, then chairman of
Saccoth Services Beth El Friday, Sept. 30 8:15 p.m. Sat., Oct. 1 9 a. m. Junior Cong ..10 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv . . . . . . . . 5 : 1 5 p. m. Sunday, Oct. 2 9 a. m.
Beth Israel Friday, Sept. 30 5:45 p. m. Sat.. Oct. 1 8:30 a. m. Junior Cong 10:30 a. m. Evening 5:45 p. m. Sunday, Oct. 2 8:30 a. m. Junior Cong 10:30 a. m. Evening ..5:H5 p. m. . Daily services will be held 7 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Temple Israel Friday, Sept. 30 7:15 p. m. -• Children of the Temple religious school will brine offerings of fruit Into the sanctuary. Kiddush will follow the services and will be held In the Succa In the Temple garden. Sat., Oct. 1 11 a. m.
the Douglas County Chapter, of American Itetl Cross. However, combining the two drives didn't solve the whole problem. Mi1. Mattson'nutcd. ".Something also had to ho done about our most serious welfare need -the deleriorallai' agency buildings." "Twenty-five years of neglect Is the reason for the rundown bulidIn:1 conditions," he explained. "First the depression, then World War II restrictions prevented any building programs. To avert a rash of building drives after the war, the United Community Services board attempted to provldo for huildim; requirements through a central fund built up gradually with allocations from the regular Chest drives. "Hut this plan failed as seven of nine post-war campaigns fell short of their goal." Mr. Mattson said a crisis developed the last year as many agencies—notably youth organizations -were forced to cut back services at a time the Increasing youth population brought a need for more agency programs. If we fall to moot the drive's r;o.il, Unviha will be faced with separate building needs for 17 agencies with capital funds problem1!, Mr. Mattson pointed out. The Jewish Community Center building is Included in the capital fund'! campaign for a tentative allocation of $22,995 for building renovation.
Bible in Action Over WOW Radio The- Bible In Action with Its motivating theme of the dynamic relationship between the Bible nnd contemporary living will be broadcast over WOW-Uadlo BtartIng this Sunday at 11:15 a. m., Mrs J H. Kulakofsky, president of the Omaha Zionist Council announced. The 13-wcck scries presented by WOW In cooperation with the American Zionist Council will be heard at the same time each Sunday morning. It departs from the usual format of religious program* by featuring outstanding guests who will point up the manner In which vital problems of the dny should and can be faced In terms of the ethical precepts of the Bible. Rabbi Irving Miller, chairman if the American Zionist Council, will serve as moderator. The first program which will be broadcast this Sunday during the festival of Succoth will have as guests Kzra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture; Abba Khan, Israel's Ambassador to the United States and head of the Israel Delegation to the United Nations, nnd ilaymond Massey.
Omaha Jewry Asked to Remit $80,000 by October 10 An emergency collection campaign to raise $80,000 In cash from campaign pledges was approved by the Federation Board, In response to an urgent plea from the United Jewish appeal, Jack W. Marer, Federation president, announced. The plea was contained in the following telegram which Mr. Marer received: "Situation In North Africa desperate. National cash campaign started to move ten thousand Jews by October fifteen to Israel. Cash needed toward transportation. We ask your community to raise $80,000 cash by October tenth as Omaha's share. Program depends upon your Immediate response. Please undertake Immediate cash effort to avert disaster." Sol Luckman, National Cash Chairman United Jewish Appeal. Subscribers arc urgently requested to make Immediate payents on their 1955 pledges so that the fund* may be rushed to Ilic United Jewish Appeal, Mr. Marer said.
Jewish men, women and children of strife-torn North Africa are finding new hope and a new life in southern Israel, Paul Verct, executive director of the Federation for Jewish Service, explained in his first public report on his recent mia. sion to Israel and Europe last Wednesday evening in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center.
Paul Veret (left), executive director of tlio Federation for JmvL h Service, Hpokrftman of tlin United Jewish Apprnl Survey MIHHIOII, U filiovvn extending greeting* on hchnlf of the purvey group to Joftt'ph HprlnzaU, Speaker of the Knesset (parllitnient), at Mr. Sprlnzak'n offlee In Tel Aviv, Israel. (See story at right.)
The Federation for Jewish Service will he honored on the IJrandels Salutes show this Sunday, Oct. 2. The program will be televised at about 3 p. m. over WOWTV. The starting time hinges on the conclusion of the World Series baseball game which will precede the Branded program. Taking part on the show will 1)0 Jack W. Marer, president of the Federation, who will tell of the Federation objectives, activities and plans for the future. Mrs. Morris Jabcnls, well-known local television personality, will narrate special films showing activities In the gym, swimming scenes, nursery school, the Golden Age Club and camp activities. Sherman Poska, director of the Jewish Youth Council, will discuss work done by the Federation which aids in the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Art Novak,
Fed. Approves Education Survey A city-wide Jewish Education Survey for Omaha was nproved by the Jewish Federation Board ut Its meeting held Tuesday, Sept. 27, upon the recommendation of the Jewish Education Bureau. Dr. Morris Margolin, Bureau chairman, explained that the survey will be conducted by the American Association for Jewish Education, and will cover all phases of Jewish Education in Omaha. The Board also authorized the enlargement of the Camp Site Committee to study a camp site which wan inspected by Al Sophlr, Camp Site chairman. Endorsement was given to the forthcoming Bonds for Israel campaign. Robert Arden, Bond Director for Iowa nnd Nebraska, announced that Bond fuctloas were planned for November 6 and December 3. The following wero present: Milton II. Abrahams, Mrs. Edward Brodkey, Arthur A. Oohn, eo Eisenstatt, Leo Fox, Mrs. Mike Freeman, Dan Gordman, Dr. Abe Grcenberg, William Grodlnsky, Gerald Gross, Ben E. Kaslow, Louis Katz, Robert Kooper, Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky, Dr. Morris Margolin, Ralph Nogg, Joe M. Rice, and Alfred Sophir. Jack W. Marer presided nt the meeting.
."Several times a week,' Mr, Veret said, "boats stream into the harbor of Haifa; slowly winding their way into the bay, loaded witli Immigrants who hnvo embarked in Marseilles, France. The harbor of Haifa maker, a magnificent gateway to Israel. And nt Its entrance, like a statute of Liberty, lie the ruins of that brave ship' Patrin, two black masts, and some rusty superstructure protruding from the green waters of the bay; a memorial to those hundreds of refugees who chose to blow up> their ship and themselves In 1940, rather than face British interment in Miyirltlus."
Vision nnd I'limnlng The newcomers are going to settlements, as yet unpopulated, Mr. Veret pointed out, but plotted out president of the Youth Council; In udvance and planned out to rev Stan Kaiman, vice-president; and ceive the contingents of new imCarole Frank, secretary, will also, migrants. "What planning and vision it takes to prepare for these take part in the program. new people," he stressed. For Hay Clark, popular television while the; were still at the otag^ personality, will be moderator. ing area in Marseilles, France,' Each week I'randeis Store hon- awaiting thei" next move, plans ors an organization for its part had been developed for their par-' in making Omaha a finer city ticular resettlement," Mr, Veret in which to live. Tills is the sec- related. ond year of television salutes "But let's follow one group of sponsored by Brandeis. trucks which turned onto a road1 toward the fantastic Negcv, tho souyi of Israel. In the distance wo saw, almost in complete isolation, a cluster of buildings. To the right we saw outlines of tlic Gain strip. And before long we drove Into a settlement of empty wooden barTel Aviv (WNS)—The discovery racks, ready to receive their of oil in Israel In considerable guests and new settlers. Quickly, quantities wa.-i officially announced they jump off the trucks, and are last Friday by Development Min- directed Into specific homes. And ister Dov Joseph. He revealed that each one of these structures, dithe strike had been made at Helctz vided into two rooms, has provi(Hulelkat) in the Negev, 30 miles sions for two weeks, a kerosene, south of Tel Aviv, about six miles burner and stove, a water purrip from the border of the Egyptian- right outside the door. And they\ proceed to carry in such luggage held Gaza strip. The first strike was claimed to as they have, and for the first reveal oil In "commercial quanti- time in their lives, they need not" ties" anil there were indications cringe and bow. They arc in their • that other drillings in the area own land." would bring In more wells. Israel's Permanent Houses oil strike, which may mark a revo"We stand by, and before you lutionary turn in the economic sit- know it, engineers come in. And uation of the Jewish state, was as If by pre-arrangement the cemade by the Lapidoth Oil Com- ment crushers and machinery go pany, a joint venture of the Meko- into action. They are constructing roth Water Company — Itself an the first permanent house in the enterprise set up b ythe Histadrut, settlement. And patiently, they Inthe Israel Labor Federation—and volve the new Immigrants In tho of the American-Israel Petroleum building of House No. 1, construcCorporation. ed with Israeli clay and cement. "The same day, an agricultural unit moves in. They scatter among tho families and proceed breaking the ground for agriculture, and Instructing the new settlers A succa Is being constructed In on-how to plant vegetables, which the Jewish Community Center grow fast under the warmth and parking area for the Golden Age kindness of Israel sun. And thus a Succoth Party to be held at 8 new settlement was born In a p. m., Monday, Oct. 3 In the Cen- land where no one will force them ter. (the immigrants) off the sideReverend Allen S. Stearns will walks, or Imprison them In the present a program of Hebrew and dark labyrinths of the North AfriYiddish songs. A social hour will can mellah-ghetto." follow and refreshments will be "This operation, which is truly served. kaleidoscopic is the new method of Mrs. Nathan Simon Is chairman immigration, known as 'From Ship of tho Golden Age Club and Mrs. to Settlement.' It is the quickest J. A. Solomon and Mrs. J, Milton way of absorbing the Immigrant Margolin arc co-ordinators for tho into Israel. It was devised in th* Omaha Section, National Council anticipation of a normal Immigraof Jewish Women. Tho club la tion flow of perhaps 10,000 a yenr, sponsored jointly by the Council certainly not more than 20,000. and the Jewish Community Cen- For Israel, in seven years of In(Continued on Page 2.) ter. . . •
Oil Discovered Bn NegeY Area
Succoth Party for Golden Age Club
, September SO, l»
New Hope and Life
(Continued from Page 1.) dependence has increased aimos threefold, and this increase while fc « ftlUl *i '"*ir'.r Hcbl U U? necessary to meet the needs o auu aim. w K emptying IJP camps und othei emergency immigration situations, BARRI BALPER1 Editra was still indigestible and difficult to cope with." . . "I^ist year, this operation 'From Ship to Settlement' could not have Ix'en done. The areas The Federation for Jewish Service represents u eonsolidawere parched and dry." . . . tion of all Jewish social services in Omaha, eliminating competiWuli-r Is 1-lfe tive and wasteful duplication of efforts and funds. Tlie Keilera"Hut today, they had tin: WAtion operates several departments, two of which, the Jewish TKIt- And i.. Israel, they nay Community Center and the Jewish Family Service are financial MAYIM-CHAY1M, whicli means participants in the United Community Services of Omaha. water is life. And today, these Tbe Jewish Community Center works for youth character areas had water, and had LIFE. bci'ding, helps promote health and physical fitness, provides Whore did this water come from?' wholesome recreation and helps develop a responsible eitizenThe answer came to us on our sbip, IU facilities are widely used by many worthwhile commufirst day in Israel. Wo were guests Abe 'fuvlni nity activities of all creeds. of the Government at a spectacle Ham Brrtil The Jewish Family Service is an over-all family and childwhich, I Iwllove, will never be erased from our memories. We eare agency dealing with Jewish persons in need, and consedrove up to a small settlement, crated to the preservation of family life, and helping these peoRosh Haayin, some ten miles out ple who have difficulties and problems. of Tel Aviv, to the very sources The Federation for Jewish Service, supported by the United >f the River Ynrkon. Tills river Community Services, fits faito the comprehensive net of agencies lowly meaJidercd into the Mediamis ted by the Bed Feather Campaign, whose objective is to Tlie annual dinner meeting of terranean, wasting its precious A celebration honoring the tenth of the United Nations make Omaha a better place for its citzens by strengthening the the Omaha section of the Jewish waters into it. Hut that afternoon, anniversary be featured at the October 5 economic/moral, spiritual and physical welfare of the commu- National Fund will be held Wed- we watched President lien 7M will meeting of Henry Monsky Chaptef nity an a whole. Therefore, it is my hope that we can give suppress the lever in a gigantic Men- to bo held at 1 p. m. at the Jewport to the coming Bed Feather-Red Cross capital needs cam- nesday evening, Oct. 12, nt Beth orah. You could hear the deafening ish Community Center. Sam Berek El Synagogue, Mre. M. F. Lcvenroar of the pumping station, and of Fremont, slate chairman for paign:—--< son, president, announced this see seven columns of fresh, sweet United Nations Day, will be the Jack W. Marer, President water gush through the seven- guest speaker. His topic will be Federation for Jewish Service. iveek. candclbra, the ancient 'Women's Hole in the United NaAgain this year, Mrs. Levenson hninchcd tions." emphasized, the program will be symbol of Israel." "And thf water gushed into ti n informative one and there will A dessert luncheon will precede pipeline, 0 G inches in diameter, be no solicitation of funds. the meeting. Mrs, Abe Ginsberg;, tvhlch carried it for a distance of Abe Tuvinr., executive director 15 miles straight into the (iry and social chairman, stated there will f the Foundation for the Jewish parched Negev, bringing It to bo specin! festivities In honor of National Fund, will be the prin- 'ime 75 settlements, most of Ihe tenth birthday of the United The 1955 Annual Institute on appear November 0. and his topic cipal speaker at the dinner meet- ivhlch were founded within the Nations. World Affairs of the Uqivcrsity of U "Southeast Asia Since Geneva." ing, lie has had a long and active last years, nnd bringing with it Mrs, Harry Wise, A. D. L. chairThe closing institute speaker, on career in Zionist affairs. Mr. he hope for new settlement*, such man, will introduce the. £ue*t Omaha will be co-sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service, Ar- November lf\ Dr. Hans Kohn, will Tuvim is the father of famed as whose birth we witneR;ed a speaker. Mr Ik-rek has appeared thur H. Goldstein, chairman of the ^peak absut "The World and tlie ilm comedienne, Judy Holiday. throughout the United States for ew days later." Federation Center committee, an- West." Dr. Kohn Is professor of In the years preceding the es- "With our own ryes we sawthe past 20 y e a r s addressing nounced this week. The institute History, City College of New York. tablishment of Israel, he was one groups and organizations on subwill offer top ranking authorities All lectures of the Institute be- >f the key executives of the Amer- United Jewish Appeal dollars, and jects dealing with "Americanism," in the fields of government, inter- gin at 8:15 p. m., in the univer- ican Zionist Emergency Council Bond dollars working together "Brotherhood" nnd the "United national relations, history, and phi- sity's auditorium. Tickets are be- carrying on the struggle In Amer- bringing life to land, and hope to Notions." beings. This Negev-Yarlosophy. ing mailed to Jewish Federation ica for Jewish statehood and human kon water pipeline started two He Is past regional B'nal B'rith The Institute's theme this year members for whom there is no adcognition of Israel. and half years ago, and constructs president, and past B'nai B'rith Will be "Since the Summit" ;in;i mission fee. For additional inforIn his present post, he has con- ed at the cost of 40 million dollars District No. C committMinan. He will be offered each Wednesday mation contact the Jewish Com- ducted an intense program to have of UJA and Bond monies was a is serving as B'nai B'rith District evening from October 12 to No-munity Center. the Jewish National Fund made clear proof of your share In Is-co-chairman on -Americanism and vember 16 at 8:15 o'clock, in tlie the benificiary of bequests in wills rael, and showed how your dollars ivic Affairs and is u member of university's auditorium. tlie regional advisory board of the and insurance policies, He hasworked." A. D. L. of B'nal B'riUi. He Is eturned from a recent trip tills Hanson Baldwin, military editor Mr. Ve:ct also reviewed Israel's chairman of the Fremont Flag ummer to Israel and will include of the New York Times, will be economic proj;rcs3. lie pointed to Committee, member of the regionis observations in his address. tbe opening speaker Wednesday. the potash and bromide deposits al planning committee for the Girl Oct. 12. One of the nation's torefound at the Dead Sea, discoveries Scouts and the executive board All swimmers in day c a m p , most civilian authorities on mili- ranch ar.d summer swim programs of copper, manganese and glass f trie Covered Wagon Council of tary affairs, Mr. Baldwin will dis- as well as other Center members Goldner Named Y.C. components in the Negev, and he Boy Scouts. He has served as cuss "The Summit and Western liave been invited to participate Athletic Chairman tire factories which supply tlie tate chairman for the United JewSecurity." needs of Israel, Greece and other ish Appeal and state chairman on in a Midget swimming meet to be John Goldner of Jlayim has been Dr. Hans J. Morgcmhnu, direc- held October 16 at the Center countries. He stressed that Israel's tor of the University of Chicago's pool. The meet wi'.l include events ppointed Youth Council Athletic adverse trade balance has been Americanism for the Nehraska Center for th? Study of American for novice and advanced swim- Chairman. The announcement of greatly reduced in three years de- unior Chamber of Commerce. Ho 3 the author and producer of over the appointment was made this spite the flow of Immigration. Foreign Policy will speak on "Ger- mers. 50 patriotic pageanU. many and Western Security." Oc- Competition will not be mixed •eek by Youth Council President Jack W. Marer. federation presMembers are asked to bring a tober 19. ident, presided at the meeting. and age divisions 1o? events have Art Novak. rucut to hear this outstanding Dr. William U, Lambert, dean of been set up. Distance swims have Tbe athletic chairman has the peaker and to participate in our the University of Nebraska College been set for various age groups, responsibility of working with United Nations Birthday Observof Agriculture and Dr. Gale John- ranging from 20 to CO-yard chairmen from each club in coance. Baby Bitter ncrvlce will bs son, agricultural economist of the events. The meet includes compe- operation with Physical Education rovided at the mcetine. University o<* Chicago, will conduct tition in the human stroke, free- Director Jim Karbatsch to bring to the Youth Council boys a vaa symposium on "The Soviet Agri- style, eiementary back stroke, New members of tlie Beth El cultural Economy." October 2o. back stroke, breast stroke and div- ried and Interesting competitive as well as recreational bchedule Talmud Torah Staff, Rabbi and Di|. Lambert and Dr. Johnson, bath ing. of athletics. Mrs. Ralph DeKoven, Mr. and visited Russia this summer. Entry blanks for the meet will with Mr. Goldner on Mrs. Simon Schichor and Marvin The French Ambassador to tli."soon bo mailed and further infor- theWorking Youth Council boys' athletic Parilman, be lionored at a re- The Cornbclt regional Uiited States. M. Maurice Couvc mation Is available at the bulletin program will be Ray ICirke of ception towli: be held in the Succali onvention will be held In Omaha .. de! .Miirviile. will talk on "France boards at the Center physical edu- AZA 1, AI Noodle AZA 100, Larry tliis evening, Sept. 30, following December 2T> to 28. It will bo and the Western Security Pro- cation department. Herman and Chuck Ilavitz of services. under the co-r.poniorahlp of AZA, gram," i.ovembe- 2. Rayim. Members and friends * of the No. 1, AZA No. 10O and B.B.G. Dr. Diosdado Yap, editor and Congregation are urged to attend Pledficmastcr Mike Mogil Is bepublisher of Bt.t.ian Magazine, will Sabbath and Suecoth Services Fri- ginning n six-week training peD.l. Suecoth Forties day evening and meet the new riod for Mother Chapter alcphs-lnBarbara Epstein A special Suecoth Party will bo members of tlie Talmud Torali training. Miss Sandra Fcllnran and Dick Barbara Ann Epstein, the three- held in the synagogue Suecah for staff. Speier, two of Central High's Playmonth-old daughter of Mr. andall Sunday School children, Oct. rs Traveling Bureau, were feaMrs. Willis Epstein died Friday, 2, from 2 to 3 p. m. Workmen's Loan Meets ured In the Youth Activities colFour new Memorial Tablets will September 23. Talmud Torah children are Inumn of the World-Herald for their She is survived by her parents: Omaha Workmen's Loan Assobe dedicated at Yizkor Services on vited to visit the Succahs nt the Shemini AUcrelh, October 8. in a brother. Ronald Steven: and following homes Saturday, Oct. 1, ciation will go,back to its regular art In bringinc entertainment to Beth El Synagogue. Tablets were grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Dave between 1 and 3 p.m.: RnbbLund meeting dates of Monday evenings Omaha groups. made according to a design ap- Bernstein and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Benjamin Groner, 1812 North of each neck beginning Monday, proved by the Beth El Memorial liam Epstein. 52d St.; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sand, Oct. 3. The group wfll meet a t Highland Bowling Committee of which Mrs. Morris 5124 Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. Sam the Jewish Community. Center. Katleman Is chairman. Stone, 1C07 North 52. nnd Mr. and The association meets to make The Highland Bowling Lcaguo Max Shrago The tablets are gifts to the synaMrs. Irving Stern. 1320 North 54. loans, accept payments and towill start its new season at 10 gogue in the memory of Minnie Services were held Sunday, Sept. In addition, parties will be held take in new members. For addi- a. m., Sunday, Oct 1C at tho and Morris Goldenbcrg, S a r a h 25 for Max Shrago with Inter- In'the Suecah for Talmud Torab tional information contact Harry Forty Bowl. Perelman. Dora and Samuel Rickes ment at Mount Slnal Cemetery. children during the week of Sue- Stacnbcrij, secretary of the group, The five dollar entry fee will at JA D0D5or GL2501 and Ida and Julius Sherman. Mr. Shrago, 68, died suddenly Fri- coth. be used for purchasing prizes for At the same service, on Shemini day, Sept. 23. special events during the season. Atzereth, new plaques recently af- He b survived by his wife. Belle; ALPER8ON GETS Registration cards must bo Former Omahan fixed to memorial tablets of theone daughter, Mrs. Jack Belmont; SCHOLARSHIP mailed to the Highland Country synagogue will also be dedicated. three sons. Sam and Abe, both of Paul Alpcrson, a student of Miss Harriet Mcndelson, for- Club in time to reach there by The plaques are In memory of Omaha, and George of Sioux City, Omaha University, received n merly director of Community Sta- October 1. David Z. Davis, Harry Lipsey, la. World-Herald Retailing Scholar- tistics at the Jewish Community . Morton Llp&ey, Ruth Miller, Israel ship. Paul is the son of Hymle S. Center, was chosen to head a new Hollywood (JTA)—According to Rochmart, Sarah Rochman, Phillip The first daily in the United Alpereon. _He Is working towards group of Mizrachl Women's Or- Eddie Cantor, If the poor man canSaks, Isaac Segal. Rosalind Sher- States appeared In Philadelphia In the decree* of Bachelor of Science ganization, of America in L05 An- not always get meat, the rich man geles, Calif. 1784. man -ind Joseph Tretlak. In Retailing. cannot always'digest it. PnbUsfced Even Friday bj Uw trederattoo tar Jewish Service
Marer Urges Support
Derek to Address Monsky Chapter
Institute on World Affairs At Omaha U. Begins Oct. 12
Midget Swimming Meet October 16
El to Honor New T.T. Staffers
YX. Doings
BE. Will Dedicate MemoricS Tabled
FfMajr, September M , 18SS.
r u t Tbrtm
m mnsB rust
Krasnes to Mark | 25th Anniversary !
Needlework Tea At Dundee Church
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krasne will A large response to the annual Needlework Guild Roll Call was be hosts at a dinner in celebration reported by Mrs. Albert B. NewA regular luncheon board meetof their twenty-fifth wedding annl« man, chairman of the Jewish Feding o[ the Ikth El Sisterhood will versary Saturday evening, Oct. 1» eration Agencies Section, a projbe held at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, in the Cameo Room of the Fire* ect of the Federation of Jewish Oct. 4, In the social hull. Women's Clubs. side Restaurant. 1 Chairmen in charge are Mrs. A. C. Fellmnn and Mrs. Morris The Ingathering Tea will be held Out-of-town guests who will at* Feilman usststrd by the followlnn: Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 11, 1955 tend are: Mrs. J. Zelinsky, Mr, and IWmea. David Cohn, finorcc Cohn, from 2 to 5 o'clock at the Dundee Mrs. Sidney Raskin, Mr. and Mrs. Sum Cohn, Geori;e EiKcnbcrg. KlPresbyterian Church, 55th nnd Al H, Lowe, and Mrs. J. Knox of kon, II. It. Forbes, I.co Fox. J. J. Underwood Avc., and everyone is Sioux Ci.y, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Hy Frieden, G i l b e r t Krlcdcn nnd cordially invited to attend. Levin of Rock Island, Hi.; Mr. and] Stuart Fried. Mrs. J. Brcslow, Lincoln, Ncbr., The following have sent in their and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fink of contributions since the last tesuc COUNCIL WOMEN Denver, Colo of the Jewish Press: A board meeting of the Omaha Mesdames: J. Abraliamson, Section, Notional Council of Henry J. Abrams, Leo Abramson, Jewish Women will be held at 1 Frank Jack Alberts. William Alp. m., Thursday, Oct. 6 a t the Miss Marilyn I'lotUIn berts, Alfred Axelrod, Sam Ban, home of Mrs. IXHIIS Shricr followMarvin Cohn, son of Mr. and Clarence L. Bergman, Joseph I*ea Ann Mason ing n dessert luncheon, Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. Dave B. Cohn will celebrate Bernstein, Dave W. Bernstein, Friedman. Council president, anhis Bar Mitzvah Saturday mornSam 11. Binder, Harry Aaron nounced. Mrs. Sam Zticaria will ing, Oct. 1, at Beth El Synagogue. Urodkey, Harry Burnstcln. David be co-hostess. Friends nnd relatives are invited Charney, Don Cohen, M e y e r Three Oninha members liave to attend tho service and rccep* Cohen, Sam Collck, Meyer Cranbeen given regional appointments. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Plotkln tion which will follow. dell, Sam Kpstein, William EpThey are: Mm. Louis Katz. servannounce the engagement of their stein, Julius Falkensteln, Phil ice c o m m S t t e e ; Mrs. Sidney Mr. and Mrs. John Mason of Feldman, Steve Fcldman, Leon E. daughter Marilyn to Edward A. Patronize Our Advertisers. Brooks, membership; and Mrs. Kansas City, Mo., formerly of Fellman, Hymnn Ferer, Frank Ginsberg, son of Mrs, Ben GinsEdward Levinson, public relations. Omaha, announce the engagement Flsliberg, David C. Fogel, Rose berg and the late Ben Ginsberg of of their daughter, Lea Ann, to Jo- Fogel, Jack Fox, I^eo Fox, Joseph Des Moines, la. NEBKASKA CIIAPTKM II. Freeman, Yeshla VI. Frrgger, seph Solomon, son of Mrs. Sam A board meetini: of the NebrasStuart K. Fried, Lloyd D. FriedMiss Plotkln attended the Unika Chapter No. .'J1G of Il'nal B'rith Solomon of Kansas City, Mo. man, Abraham li. Gendler, Arthur will be held, Thursday, Oct. G at Miss Mason In the granddaugh- Goldstein, J a c o b Goodblndcr. versity of Omaha. RUG & UPHOLSTERY The wedding Is planned for De8:15 p. m., nt the South Omaha ter of Mrs. A. Katskee and Mr,Ilngina Gottlieb, David Grecnberg, CLEANERS 18, at Beth Israel SynaSynacoRue. and Mrs. K, Mason of Omaha. Gary Gross, Bertha Herscovitz cember RUGS — CARPETING gogue. December 25 has been chosen as and Jacob S. Hess. LAMP SHADES Ttie Nebraska Chapter of ll'nal the date for the double wedding Mmcs: Julius Ilornstcin, Max FURNITURE B'rith SewInK Circle will hold its of Lea to Joseph and her twin annual Bazaar nnd Card Party, sister, Iloselle, to Paul Cramer. Horowitz, Joe M. Horwich, Max Cleaned In Your Home) M. Joffe, Kdward Kahn, Alex 'Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 1 p. m. at dlnding . Layfeg • Repalrlaf Katz, Dave Katz, Martin Kolm, the South Omaha Syn«E<Wie. Lc-onard Krasne, M, E. KreltDON BERNSTEIN HA 2S54 Cake and coffee will be served. stein, Arthur Kulakofsky, Carl Door prizes nnd cards will follow. Logman, J- H. Lent, William A. The public Is cordially Invited. Levey, Sarah Levinson, I,copold For tickets nnd reservations, conLevy, Max London, Joe Lorkls, Sol Two Omaha freshmen coeds at tact Mrs. S.im Manvitz, GL 1S15. the University of Oklahoma were Mann, David Manvilz, Morris mimed charter pledges of the 40th Margolin, Abe H. Markovitz, BenA regular meetini! of the Ep- chapter of Alpha Epsilon Phi, na- jamin Mnrtln, Marilyn H. Meyer, atein-Mornon Auxiliary No. 260. tional social sorority for Jewish Edward E. Milder, Emma J. Milder, Leo L. Milder, Abe Mozer, Jewish War Veterans, will be held women. at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 5, at Charter pledges and founders Albert Nepomnlck, F, 1 i z a h e t h the home of Mrs. Kdward Simon, include Miss Phyllis Steinberg, Neveleff, Jack Newberg, Calvin 3809 Davenport St. All members daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Newman, Henry A. Newman, are urged to attend this impor- Steinberg, and Miss Judy Krantz, Maurice Newman, K. Leo Nogg, tant meeting:. Final plans for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Max Novak, Sam Novak, Albert fund raising card party' to be Krantz. Miss Krantz was also A. Oruch, David Oruch and Hyheld Oct. 10, nt Brandels Store elected to serve as vice-president mnn Oruch. Auditorium, will l>e discussed and of the charter pledge class. Mmcs.: Ben Perelman, Max C. also plans for the coming rumPlatt, Samuel Platt, Melvin S. ma RC sale. Miss Harriet Shapiro, daughter Plotkln, Nathan Resnlck, Samuel President Mrs. Delmar Klein of Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, has Richman, Ben L. Rosen, Isadorc Beautiful Brick announces the election of Mrs.been pledged to Alpha Kps'lon Phi W. Rosenblatt, Harry Rubensteln, Cecil Izenstat as historian, nnd Sorority at the University of Ari- Phil Saks .Edward Schimmel, Gary Georgian Colonial Home Served Buffet Stylel the appointment of Betty Rnblno- zona in Tuscon. She Is a fresh- Sherman, Tilllo Sherman, Sam 1838 N. 53rd St. Wltz and Sara Feltman as welfare man in the College of Fine Arts. S^lff, Edward L. Simon, Jacob All You Care to Eat co-chairmen. Miss Shapiro is a graduate of Slosburg, Louis Sokolof, Ben Centrally air-conditioned, 4 Soshnik, Dr. Muriel Steinberg, Mesdames Ann Epstein, Ruth Central High School. Joseph F. Stern, Sam Trctiak, bedrooms, 2'A bafhi, newly Cohen, and Gertrude Kaplan atNOON TO 3 P.M. Nathan Turner, Nathan Veltzer, c a r p e t e d and decorated, tended the monthly bingo party Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Rosen held September 1 at Omnha Vet- announce the birth of a son David Isadore Harold Welner, Sam Wclncorner lot, beautifully landerans Hospitnl. Mrs, Kpstcln, Michael born September 12 in a steln, Leo Wcitz, David Wine, Ben VAVS representative, announced Lincoln hospital. Mrs. Rosen Is Wintroub, Krnest B. Wintroub, scaped, underground lawn Mary Zalk. thnt Mrs, Jack Saylnn Is a sprinkling syttcm, 6 blocks fo former Miss Niclty Sarah J.W.V.A. permanent volunteer the Misses: Charlotte Abrams, Min- Benson High, 3 blocks to Beth WeUberg. This Is the couple's worker a t . the Omaha Veterans first child. nie Elscnstatt, Sally Gendler, Hospital's mail department Friday Slobodlsky and Fannie Israel. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Rosen arc Sarah mornings. Wczelman. paternal grandparents and Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Welsberg arc the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Adult Swimming Coll for Appointment Mrs. Harry Marcus ore paternal HOTEL BLACKSTONE great-grandparents nnd Mrs, Men- Adult swimming classes ars be- RE 9012—AT 1521 ing held Tuesday and Thursday del Rosen of Kansas City, Mo., 13 Beth Israel Sisterhood will be paternal great-grandmother. Mr. evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock hostesses to the residents of thennd Mrs. Ben Mlroff are maternal in the Jewish Community Center swimming pool. • Dr. Philip Slier Home for thegreat-grandparents. These sessions are to teach Aged at the home for a special swimming as well as to help swimSuccoth Party. The affnlr. under B.B. Women's Bowling mers Improve their strokes. The the chairmanship of Mrs. William class Is divided into skill groups Wolfson, will be held Sunday, "A" DIVISION Oct. 2, nt 7:30 p. m. Miss CaroW. L. with Instructors on hand to direct lyn Kagan, daughter of Mr. and Shiikcrts 9 0 the swimmers. Mrs. -Moo Kagan, will do a tap Midwest Water Heaters 0 3 Tills is n mixed class nnd there dance: Mr, Hans Eacr will accom- Agnleg Beauty Salon 5 4 Is room for about ten more stupany Canton Ell Kagan; and Mrs. Omaha Jobbing 5 t dents. Registration can be mnde nt Max Fromkln will be mistress of Philips Dept. Store 4 5 ceremonies for the evening. Mabbl Korney's Faint 4 5 the Center before each class peBenjamin Groner will extend Store Brewing Co 4 5 riod. The Adult Recreational Swim greetings. Refreshments will be Wolf Bros 3 6 See for yourself how served. Fireside Restaurant 3 6 period follows' this class which quickly, how easily < extends for one hour. The pool All friends and relatives of resi- Bob Evans Uniforms 2 7 Dromedary Mixes give Is open to nil adults holding Cendents of the Home arc invited to "B" Division you the finest cakes and ter Bwlm membership cards which attend. Louis Mkt 7 2 can cookies you've ever be obtained at the Center for Hlnky-Dlnky 0 3 bought or baked! Cousins' Club M. Vengcr & Sons . . . . . . . . C 3 three dollars per month. Mrs. David Finklc will enter- Borshclm Jewelry . . . . . . . . 0 3 5 4 tain the Cousins' Club at 12:30 Kish Furs 1 Koihtr, too-.they h u t M i f ' 5 4 p. m. luncheon Wednesday, Oct. 5 Lyn's Florist ! . . . y«iDr«medary costs n» nonl . . . 5 4 Dions JA 1.100 la Insert your Want Ad In the Blackstonc Hotel. Those Beet Appliance 5 4 In Tho Jewish I'rcflx. who arc unable to attend call Mrs. Smith Pontlac rate la 00 cent* for fjwh InscrColony Club 4 S Uon.Current Finkle, WE 1M0. The ITCM rwnre* the rlirtt to limit Hamilton Pharmacy 4 5 •Ixo on eO£h advertisement. ______ * ^" ASK YOUR! GROCER FOR DROMEDARY Hollywood <JTA)—Jaclt Benny Imperial Beauty Salon • • . . 3 6 BAR and Bas Mltzvah congratu: White Cake'Mix ••.Yellow Cake Mix • Oeyil's Food Mix • Ginger . . . . 3 6 lations also for all Jewish holionce remarked: "It Is better to Roberts Dairy ;• hread^Ma:.-.' Pound Cake M i x ' H o n e y ' n ' S p i c e Cake K m give than to lend . . , and it costs Baytown 3 Stores •• 3 6 days and special occasions. about the same." Mogcn David Wlno 1 8 Meycr6 News Stand, 1502 Dodge.
n. K.
Bar Mi+zvahs
Miss M. Plotkin Engaged to lowan
Former Omahan Engagement Told
j Omaha Sketches
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Branch
B.I. Sisterhood To Entertain Folks
Bake it easy... bake it sure High and light... home-kitchen pure!
outbake any other method ...any other mix!
Want Ads
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Friday, September » , 1855.
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