j£T J5JI"ici*!w iSl OMAHA.
Fed. Executive Board fo Meet Tho Kxcmtivn Committee of the Koflerntion for Jewish Service will hold its meeting Tursri.'ty eveninc, October 11, nt 8 o'clock in th*.' Jewish Community Center, JucU W. Marcr. Federation p r e s i d e n t , announced.
Tova ICannl
National Fund Dinner Oct. 12 Abe Tuvlm, executive director of the Foundation for the Jewish National Fund, and Tova IU»nnl, native Israeli singer, will highlight the annual dinner meeting of the Omaha section of the Jewish National Fund to be held at Beth Ki Synagogue social hall at C:30 p. m. Wednesday evening, Oct. 12. Mm. M. F. Lcvcnson, chairman, J» assisted by Mrs. David Broditey, Abo Cohen, Mrs. Raymond Corey, Jin. Jacob Fcldman, A. B. GcndTier Mrs. J. H. Kulnkofsky, Mr.i. Matthew Pollakoff and Joe Radinowiikl. flcservations may bo made by calling Mrs. Maurice Newman, WA 3700, or Morris Fcllmim, WA 7257. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, spiritual leader of Beth El Synagogue, will be chairman for the evening. There will lie no solicitation of funds. Reservations for the dinner are $250 per person. Mrs. Gladys May will be piano accompanist.
Arden Heads Bond Office Robert K. Ardcn has arrived In Omaha to take up his duties a.s urea manager of Israel Bond office with headquarters here. A graduate of Sorbonno In ParlK und the State University,of Vienna, Mr. Ardcn has visited almost every country in the world and was a correspondent for European newspapers. Ho lias mastered ten language:). Fleeing Nazi tyranny, Mr. Arden arrived in the United State:; In 1931, the only survivor of a family of eight. lie has hud a wide newspaper experience its a reporter for the New York Times and editor of the Southern Israelite.. Mr. Arden
S. Kaplan Accepts Seattle ADL Post
Religious Program For Aged Home Rabbi Sidney It. Brooks, spiritual leader of Temple Israel, will Initiate the program of regular visits by Omaha und Council Bluffs rabbis to the Dr. Philip Sher JewUli Home for the 'Aged Tuesday. Oct. 11. The program was arranged by Harry Sldmon, religious chairman of the home for the aged committco.of tho Federation for Jewish Service, Arthur Cohn, chairman of the home committee, announced. Other rabbis who will participate are;-Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, of' Beth El Synagogue; Rabbin Benjamin Groner and Matthew Pollakoff; of Beth Israel Synagogue, and Rabbi David Korb of B'nai Israel In Council Bluffs.
Sunday Radio The scco..i pogaiD of tho "Bible In Action"' series will be broadcast over WOW-Iladlo at 11:15 a. m. It will commemorate Columbus Day and will be devoted to tho contributions of Immigrants to tho upbluldlng of America. Guests will be Spyros Skouros who came to our shores as an Immigrant lad; the Italian ambassador to the United States; and a newly arrived Immigrant youth. - A special dramatic documentary "Decision for Freedom" will replace the Eternal Light program this Sunday over KFAB from 11:30 to 12. noon. It is sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the International Rescue Committee., Gregory Peck will star in this film describing "Oiicration Brotherhood."
Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel Cabinet decided Monday to acquire whatever arms are needed to maintain a balance of armaments with Kcypt, which last week announced that It was obtaining arms from Czechoslovakia in' a "munitions for cotton" swap. The Cabinet decision was hammered out at a two-hour extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet called to deal specifically with tho question of Egyptian urms acquisition. Premier Moshc Shnrctt reported on the various developments in the arms situation, including the steps taken by Israel in relation to the I3ig Powers to Insure Israel's security. The Cabinet, in n communique issued ufter tho meeting, expressed deep concern about the anticipated boost in Egypt's weapons stores and underlined Its l>ellef that if the present K»P between Israel's armament and Egypt's deepened, Egypt would be encouraged to new aggression. The communique stated that during the Cabinet meeting Egyptian Premier Niisscr's tit.itements thnt Israel had obtained huge supplies of arms wen? denied us beini! "devoid of foundation." It wns stressed that Egypt's arms budget alone was three times as great ns Israel's and that the figures presented by the Egyptian Premier were exaggerated out of ail proportion.
Robert E. Anlrn was commentator on International affairs for the National Broadcasting Company and was cited by tho Ainerlcnh Academy of Public Affairs for outstanding service us a commentator and analyst in 1939-40-41. He has also worked in Hollywood as a scriptwriter for Charllo Chaplin, Columbia Pictures and United Artists. Mr. Anlen originated the "Famous People Hound Table" radio program on which appeared such well-known stars as Eddie Cantor Sir Cedrlc Hardwlckc und the lato John Garficld. A native of Vlonrni, his first book "lite lied Danger" was published In 1927 after a visit to Ilussia the year before. Mr. Arden Is accompanied by his pedigree collie, "Mr. Chips."
Hanson Baldwin Institute Speaker Hanson Baldwin, military editor Of the New York Times, will dls, cuss "Tlie Summit and Western Security" at tho opening session of the 1953 Annual Institute on World Affairs of the University of Omaha. The lecture will bo presented at 8:15 p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 12, in tlie university auditorium. The Federation tor Jewish Service Is a co-sponsor of the Institute on World Affairs. Washington's Farewell Address was first presented to the American public In the columns of tho Philadelphia Dally Adviser.
Seymour H. Kaplan, director of the B'nai B'rlth Anti-Defamation League Regional Office located in Omaha, has accepted a promotion to tho Seattle, Wash., ADL office. Tlie transfer will take place the latter part of the month. His successor hns not as yet been named. During his four year tenure In the local office, he served as consultant to the Nebraska Governor's Human Relations Committee, resource person for church youth training conferences, lecturer at Teachers Workshops and consultant In human relations education for school systems In Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota, the region served by the local office.
• United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Israel Ambassador Abba Eban, addressing the United Nulions General Assembly Monday, appealed "to all peace loving stales" not to rewurd "Arab belligerency!' with arms and to refrain from disturbing the military balance on which the Arab-Israel armistice has "precariously" rested for seven years.
Ivry Oltlls
Israeli Will Open Musical Concerts Ivry Gitlis, Israeli-born violinIs, will be the first artist appear, ing In the current Tuesday Musical Concert Series Monday evening, Oct. 11, in the Music Hull of the new City Auditorium. He is the first Israeli artist to appear in Omaha. Mr. Gitlis received his musical education at the National Conservatory of Music, w h e r e lie won Its first prize. Following that be has appeared at a nutnlwr of concerts with the London Philharmonic and the London Symphony Orchestras. Ivry Gitlis bad his official debut In Paris in February of 1953, and was acclaimed by both the critics and the public. Tlie following two years he tins made a number of appearances In London, Vienna and Italy. Mr. Gitlis was born In Haifa, Israel, where his talents were discovered nt the age of ten, at his first concert debut there. Admission to the concert scries is by subscription only.
Benson Admits Ladejinsky Error Washington (JTA).— Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson said that he had made a mistake In deny'r"j security clearance to Wolf Ladejinsky, Jewish, land reform specialist. The Secretary Was called before a Senate Civil Service subcommittee, studying tho Ladejinsky case and similar security questions. Mr. Ladejinsky was denied security clearance by the Department of Agriculture last January although he had been cleared by the State Department and had worked as an agricultural attache In Japan for several years under the State Department. Subsequent to Sec. Benson's ruling Mr. Ladejinsky was hired by Harold Stassen, the former head of the now defunct Foreign Operations Administration and wa3 given a post in Indochina.
During the 1951-55 season, Mrs. Seymour Kaplan served as president of B'nai H'rltli Women's Henry Monsky Chapter. Having assisted in a number of community projects, she Is presently a member of the Omaha Youth Commission. Tho Omaha D'nal B'rith lodges and chapters In conjunction with the Omaha ADL Advisory Committee of which Milton R. Abrahams is chairman, are planning a no-host farewell dinner honorIng Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan. It will take place v. "tober 15 nt 7 p. m. in the Cameo Room of Fireside Inn. The committee in charge "of arrangements includes Mcsdamcs Arthur Goldstein, Sam Pollak, and Max Sacks, and Messrs. Harry Goodblnder, Phil Kutler and Mcrvin Lemmcrman. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Goldstein at GL 7003, or Mrs. Poliak at ISRAEL. DOCTORS Jerusalem (JTA)—Protracted HA 1950. negotiations between the Israel Government and the physicians It CAIRO FIRST employs, which had Invoked slowLondon (JTA>— For the first downs and even strikes by the time in its history the government- physicians, ended hero this weekcontrolled Cairo raulo broadcasted end with the signing of an agreethe Kol Nldre opening in Yom Klp- ment by Minister of Communicapur services, It was reported here tions Zaltnan Arannc, representfrom the Egyptian capital. The ing the government, and Dr. I. prayer wns broadcast from the Avigdor, of the medical association. main synngouge fn Cairo.
"It Is Indeed hard to comprehend how any government which values Its moral position can give or sell arms to governments whose primary international objective Is to harass, besiege intimidate, and if possible destroy a neighboring state with which they refuse to establish peace," Mr. *£ban said. "It certainly cannot be righteous for any power to do that which is wrong for an^ other power to do. Can It be assumed that Israel, or indeed any state in like circumstances, would lie content to wait passively while a hostile neighbor, asserting or practicing n state of war, strengthened- himself for the decisive blow?" he asked. Reiterating Israel's desire for peace with tlie Arab countries. Ambassador Khan told tho UN Assembly: "There are no problems outstanding between Israel und the Arab states which would for so much as a 'few weeks survive a mutual decision to solve them by n e g o t a t i o n . The tragedy of the Middle East lies iipt only in the Arab refusal to envisage peace and mutual recognition, but, even more acutely. In the painful consciousness of the rich potentiality which lies so close to our common door. "If we arc denied this fair prospect of conciliation; if conflict and controversy are forced upon us, we shall deploy ourselves accordingly," Mr. Eban warned. "Some might B'li that our efforts to consolidate our statehood and defend our interests during seven years of relentless siege have not been unsuccessful. But the vision which attends us when we enter this hall of peace, Is the vision it regional harmony and cooperation. However vigorously our neighbor* now, reject this prospect, we are convinced that it must finally prevail. "It was in that spirit that my delegation last year proclaimed from this platform its readiness to fortify the Armistice Agreement* by new pledges of non-aggression, and of mutual respect for political Independence and territorial Integrity. We do not regret that suggestion, we uphold it stilL Similarity, Israel's cooperation is assured for any well-founded effort from outside our region to stabilize 'its security and to advance its progress." NAVY CHAPLAIN Washington (WNS)—The Navy last week designated Lt. Samuel Silver, Jewish chaplain of the Marino Corps, "Chaplain of the Year" and presented him with the /annual Four Chaplains' Award at the dedication of the Four Chaplains' Memorial Fountain at National Memorial Park. The citation to Rabbi Silver, who was wounded in action In Korea, said that "as the only Jewish chaplain in the First Marine division he, without regard to his personal safety, made frequent trips to the front lines and spent many days nnd nights with the men under heavy artillery and mortar fire In order to bring them the strength and consolation of their faith as well as many physical comforts and food." •
_• •. -
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Friday, Oetobe* 7, 1056.
Religious News
MHIsked Era? Prtd»J Dj the redontSoa loi Jewish Service
Regional Zionists To Convene Here
Zionist leaders from five stales will gather In Omaha Sunday. Oct. 23, for thd 'annual convention of tlie Central States Region of the .EdStot HARRY H A L P E i n . Zionist Organization of America. Twenty Zionist Districts in MisBeth Israel souri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Harry Sidmun, president of theSouthern Illinois will be repreBeth Israel Synagogue, announces sented at the convention to be In the very miil.st of the discussions on world disarmament that the first late Friday evening held in the Blackstone Hotel Tiie when the Foreign Ministers of the four great Powers are preservice of tbe season will take Omaha Zionist District, of which paring to discuss a lessening of world tensions, tlie Egyptian place Friday, Oct. 14, ut 8 p. m.A. B. Gcndler is president, will • Government has seen fit to make a move which if earried to Habbl Wenjamln Groner will con- be host to the convention. duct the 6Crvice and Cantor Ell completion can only lead to an arms race between it and the Foremost on the conference gan and the Beth Israel SynaState of Israel. Wo refer, of course, to last weeks announcegogue choir will lead In the re-agenda will be a review of Amerment by Egypt that it will purchase heavy arms, weapons which ican policy in the Near East in cital of inu cal portions of the are not needed for defensive purposes but only for war, from the light of Secretary Dulles' reervice. the Communist government of Czechoslovakia and from Soviet cent statement with regard to that Friday evening service at 5:45area. Russia. p. m. Saturday morning service at As this is being written, George Allen, American Assistant A dinner at 6 p. m. will bo open Dr. James G. Heller 8:30 o'clock, Ylskor Memorial Secretary of State in charge of Near Eastern Affairs, is in Cairo ervice at 10:15 a. m. Mincha at to the public and will be addressed by national leaders of the organattempting to dissuade the Egyptian Government from carryi:45 p. in., followed by Maariv, ing out this arms deal with the Communist countries. We ferlakofoth nnd children's parade at ization. Serving on the committee ore: vently hope Mr. Allen will succeed in convincing the Egyptian p. m. Sunday morning service rtt 8:30 o'clock. Junior congrega- Abe B. Gendler, president of the Government that playing with Russia in thia respect is playing tion at 1030 a. in. nnd Mincha at Zionist District of Omaha; Sam with fire, as a New York Times editorial puts it, since the RusRice, In charge of dinner arrangeDr. James G. Heller, chairman :15 p. m. sians and the Czechs will not ne!l them arms without attaching ments, and Gene Rich, publicity. of community relations for the certain conditions which will bring the Communist Trojan horse State of Israel Bond Organization into their country. will address the meeting of theBeth El However, should Mr. Allen fail in his mission—and lit this Omaha Bond Committee ut 8 Sabbath evening services will p. m. Tuesday, Oct. 11 in Parlor moment his success looks far from certain—an unfortunate arms • held tonight nt 7. Sabbath race between Egypt and Israel will inevitably develop, an arms B of the Regis Hotel. lornin;; services will begin at 9. race which will be forced upon the Jewish State. Up to now An outstanding leader in civic The Mincha Service at 5:30 p. m The "Harvest Festival" dinner the Israeli armed forces and military equipment have hern far nnd religious affaire. Dr. Hellei and Maariv nt G p. m. dance Kponr.oi'ed by tho Beth El stronger tlian that of Egypt. It is this greater strength of Is- was formerly national chainnai Daily cervices during the week Synagogue Sisterhood will be held rael which has managed to prevent full-scale warfare between of the United Jewish Api>cal are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.Saturday evening, Oct. 2'J, at the the two countries, which has maintained the balance of power in chairman of the United Pale.stin The Sunday morning service is Beth E | social hall. Mrs. Maurice the Near East, to the preservation of which America, England Appeal; chairman of the Admin held at 9. Sachs and Mrs. Joseph Hornstcln islrative Council and vice-presi•and Prance pledged themselves. Should Egypt's accretion of dent of the Zionist Organization Yl/Jtor Memorial service at are eo-chainr.en of the dance com. 10:30 a. m., Saturday. Sunday mittee, and they will be assisted military strength from the Communist countries upset that bal- of America. by ticket chairmen Mrs. Robert morning service at 9 o'clock. «nee, th; Western powers will have to take sleps to restore it Dr. Heller was chief rabbi of th Kooper nnd Mrs. M. A. Venger. by selling to Israel all the offensive weapons it may need for historic Isaac M. Wise Temple in "A full course dinner under the this purpose. Cincinnati for 32 years and he isTemple Israel supervision of Mines. Harry FerenAll of us would be happier if Israel mid Egypt would not still n member of the Kxccutivi stein, Sam Stern, Leo Fox, Reuben Sabbath and Festival services become pawns in the diplomatic chess game that is now being Board of the Union of American for tho conclusion of Succos and Bordy, Jake Bernstein, Sam Green * Hebrew Congregations and a forplayed between the democratic and Communist world. But, as Slmchaa Torah will be conducted and Phillip Rosenblatt will be the Times editorial states, "if anything is certain it is that in mer pi'esident of the Central Con- at Temple Israel by Rabbi Sidney served from 8 to 10 p. m. ference of American ilabbis. the long run Premier Nasser could do no greater disservice to II. Brooks Friday evening, Oct. 7. Krnie Prlcsman and his orchesThe Omaha Committee consist- Tlie services will begin at 7:45tra will furnish the music for the Arab world than to bring Russian influence into the Middle Ing of Messrs. Dave Blacker, Dr. p. m. to accommodate the young- dandng, and t vv o professional East." Al« Grcenberg, A. B. Gcndler, er children of the Religious danoe instructors will perform nnd Knr] Louis, Jack Marcr, Joe lUcc, School. Rabbi Prooks will conduct assist guests desiring to learn new Morton Richards. Sam Ilifkln, a special ceremony of consecra- dance steps. John Rosenblatt, Paul Vcret and tion for children entering tho ReThe dccoratioai committee InSomuel N. Wolf, with Gene Rich ligious School for the first time. as public relations director, has Hakoffos will be observed nnd cludes Mesdames HniTy Rochman, Julius Ochs Adler Aaron Rips nnd Arthur Conn, also By David Orkow Issued Invitations to all "Guard- Kiddlsh will bo received In the September 24: A special klddush New York (WNS)—Major Gen- ians" (purchasers of 51.000 Bonds) Sukkah in the Temple Garden assisting at the event are Mrs. Julius Stein and Mrs. Louis Alwas given by Sam Poster in hon-eral Julius Ocha Adler, vice-pres^ to attend. following the services, bert. or of the. birth of a great-grand- dent and general manager of the son. The parents of the new arriva! New York Times and publisher of Morning Sabbath and Festival are Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weinberg, the Chattanooga, Tenn., Times, services will be held Saturday, now residing In California. died here Monday at the age of 62. Oct. 8 nt 11 n. m. During the memorial prayers. Ylzkor will bo reSeptember 26: The beauftiul Gen. Adler, a noted figure in the flowers In the dining room of the American newspaper publishing .Tlie newly decorated Highland cited. Town Club in the Hill Hotel win world, had been decorated by sevHome were donated by Mrs. Lewis The regular meeting date of the eral governments for his work in reopen Thursday, Oct. G for the Shcminl Atscrcth — Saturday, Neveleff. Omaha Zionist Council .has been September 27: A new resident. two world wars. The National fall and winter season. Oct. 8. changed from the second WednesJewish Hospital of Denver was A cocktail hour at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. < Sarah Lcvlnson was wel SImchath Toruh — S u n d a y . day t o the third Wednesday ol among the many communal proj- will precede tlie dinner on opening corned into our midst. each month, Mrs. J. H. KulakofOct. 9. September 29: Boris Korncy ects on behalf of which he wasnight. Every Thursday evening has sky, president of the croup, anactive. been designated as family night gave a special kiddush at Tho Dr. nounced. with spedal menus for members Philip Sher Jewish Home for the The next meeting will be held of the fnmily. Aged on the occasion of the namat 8 p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 10 in A supper donee will be hold ing of his great-grandson. lUhock Mrs. Louis Bfotcky the Jewish Community Center. Weinberg. Sam Poster, one of our Services were held Tuesday, Oct. Friday, Oct. 21 at the town club residents is maternal great-grand- 4 for Mrs. Louis Blotcky with in- following the Ak-Sar-Ben ComaThe Epstein-Morgan Auxiliary BTATEUBWT IIKJUIUKD HY TUB ACT father. of the Jewish War Veterans will terment ot Fisher Form Cemetery. tion ceremonies. September 30: Tho Succoth hol- Mrs. Blotcky. 74. an Omaha resihold their annual luncheon-card AND JULY * , 1MI (TITLE X>. XI iday celebration began at the dent for over 70 years, died nt her party at 1 p. m., Monday, Oct. 10 ED BTATES CODE. BECTlOrC Home in Our Succa, which was home Sunday, Oct. 2 following a In the Brandels Store auditorium. euowiMo THE owKtnauii-, UAH". AOEMEHT, A n n CIRCULATION off beautifully decorated by members brief illness. Contact Mrs. Jack Saylan, vice- TUJ: JEWISH I-JU2B1 puMUbrt »t*kl» • 1 OmUii. N t b l u U , October I, MM. of the Bikur. Cholim Society, Mespresident in charge of fund rais- Tb« She was the wife of Louis Hunt* and addrtaSM ot tha pobdames Meyer Linda, Chnrlra Ross. Biotcky. ocretired Omaha fruit ing, for tickets at WE 2071 or dirr, rtjtor, minijlnt mx/ir aod builThe Workmen's Circle Dramatic ftan manaetn sr«: Harry Sidmon nnd Jake Wine. .„!'"•.""*'• ^M"»U«n lor Itmlth Otrrtee, and liquor dealer. Club will hold a holiday supper •Irs. Delmar Klein, auxiliary pres- 101 N. 20ih St., Omaha. ident, RE 7858. Tickets will also October 2: The Beth Israel SisOther survivors are: o son. Dr.at 5 p. m., Sunday, Oct. 9 in the •- JMIlor. aunt. •i terhood entertained our folks with Myron Blotcky of Los Angclc3, Labor Lyceum, 3l£t and Cumins be available at tho door. UAIpul, 101 Hi SOih Si.. an evening party. Mrs. William H. Calif.; a sister. Mrs. Arthur Kat- sts. *r, P«uJ Vtrrt, 101 M. Drawings for door prizes will be 2OU* t Wolfson was chairman of the af-skee of Omaha: a brother. Harry A literary program Is being held and all winners must b. pres- T owmn: (If oww4 by * corporation, fair; Mrs. Max Kromkln acted as Monsky of Castalia, In.; threo planned by dramatic director, nt to receive prizes. Free baby- 111The nun* SJMJ addruj j m mint n t be rt*Ud and i o Jnunedtauir Uttnntoder Utnnd bte bt n*mc* and d toastmistross nnd introduced Miss grandchildren and one great- Louis Wltkin. and choir director, sitter service will be available **i*o 4 •44rct»ei of ctockhuldcn khld owni&c'cr ' boWCarolyn Kagan. Cantor Eli Kagan grandchild. ta« l per cent or tnort at loui amount of from 1 to 4 p. m; Sam Zwcrling. •lock. If DOt ©WU*d by A OOnonUJoo, tb« and Rabbi lienjamin Groncr. ProMrs. Saylan said: "All women ttMsnm A short business meeting will aod *ddrtt:*ei or 11M UwGvWtuu own* fessor Hans Baer was piano ac« civet). civet). If If owned owned by by a. a. p<utfi*r* n mtut b« t 'ho would like to spend an after- •iftlp follow the program. Jlna, 1U nunt iftlp or orJ othtr othtr umncoriwr*Ud Jl r a a - > umncoriwr*Ud companist Mrs. Sydney Goldberg, " **n M lfc*t of 1e a * innoon of cards, calorics and con-5£L** Hostesses. for the evening will vuual member, trout b* givtn.) president of the sisterhood, and N*rae—Addmu be Mmcs. S. II. Binder, N. Lcr- ersation make up a table a tho other ladies' of the sisterhood JJJ Oommooltr CenUr ft Wtlfat* man. H. Resnlck and S. Rudcrman. ilan to attend." *4raUoo, IOJ H. 2OUi S(.. OcnaJd. served refreshments in tho main J a r * W. HATTT, prtei&cnU 101 tt. 20th All members are urged to atdining room. Th" tables were St., OoUha. Beth Ei Sisterhood will hold its beautifully decorated with flow- Torah fund luncheon at 1 p. m.tend. 101 N; 3«Mh et., Omaha. ers, fruit and cake and candy. Robert JL, KqopfT. aecoAl Tuesday, Oct. 11, in the synagogue 101 If. Mil, flC/Omaha. Beer and pop was donated once social hall. Mrs. Ernest Nogg and JUrrr Tru»Uo, tr*uunr, 101 N. 20th St., Omaha. Mrs. Sam Wolf are chairmen of •gain by A. Fisher. ErciMrt A. Nogf, MCrtUry, 101 N. 30th OtruhA. October 3: E>ections were held the fund. The AZA-BBG winter conven- fit-, Or. Philip mi»r. hootx+ry prtildtnt, 101 at the home for synagogue offiRabbi Ralph DeKovcn, director tion will be held In Omaha Decem- U. 20th fit, Omaha, Paul Vent, exacutin director, 101 H. cers. Sam Foster was elected Gab- of education of Beth El Talmud Final plans are being made for ber 2G-28. Committee chairmen 30th Omaha. bal and Sam Gilman, vicc-Gabbai. Torah, will discuss "The Life Blood the Beth Israel Men's Club Dance are: Ina Margolin, housing; Mad- TbaSt., known twndhotdef*. motifAC***, *od Mouritr bolder* owning or hokllac X October 5: Beth El Sisterhood, of Our People." which will be held Saturday, Oct. die Mbroff, registration: Rita Other per cent or nort of total amount of bo bnOi under the chairmanship of Mrs. nlMFM d wuuuua are; ( l i A native Chlcagoon, Rabbi Dc- 15, from 9:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m.Peltz, dating; Judl Glmplc, trans-' norlcMFM. «r Oder a eew a n o o u , M Hat*.) Kona, Jack Bramson, entertained our Koven studied at the University of at the Beth Israel Social Hall, portallon; K a y . Markovitz, pub- there Th* artrar* number of ODDU* of •«** folks with an afternoon program Chicago, the Hebrew University in Stanley Diamond, Chairman for licity; Florence Shrago, luncheons; u n u of thU pubtieaUott H M cr <iuim«jt*d, U f ih mafia or <AhwwU*. to paid «abof games. Jerusalem, the Hebrew Theological this affair, announced. Music will Diane Singer, athletics; Sandy r l x (b *n tfarfnx tbt twtva twttva month* taaetiim ~PTM»4th« &ut ihown than n n an: i ! <Tw« { !»• _ October 9: The i-lmchath Torah Seminary in Chicago and the He- be furnished by Earl English and Fcllman, 'orcnslca; Shirley Shiff. d trmn dallr. *Mkiy. Party, under t h e sponsorship of brew Yesbivah in Israel. mixer; Eileen Epstein, formal, and his orchestra. tiiwt&ily umwmna The Bikur Cholim Society, will be Mrs. Lou Sogolow and Mrs. Tms dance Is free to all men's Joyce Canar, banquet. held a t the home this afternoon. loracc Rosenblum and their Circle club members and their guests. w tUMftt. BBG's have started an Israeli tin. Allen ZaUcin if chairman of No. 6 will be in charge of the Get your party together now, dance class headed by Laurie SOIh <Ur t S t Mr. )«U.M « > ma (hu the program. • • ...."..• STI.VIA P*IIIIJ«AN. and plan to attend this affair, - Orach and .Ina 'Margolin. . . . . •Bit n * t l KM ) acp Adam.
5:37 p. in., Candlelight lug
HOI- 60. sui Bbnt.
An Israeii-lgyption Arms Race?
Guardians to Hear Dr. James HeEIer
B.E. Sisterhood "Harvest Festival'
With the Folks At Home
Highland Hilites
Zionist Council Changes Meeting
JWV Auxiliary Card Party Mon.
Workmen's. Circle Plan Supper Fete
B.I. Sisterhood Torah Fund Fete
BJ. Men to Hold Dance October 15
AZA-BBG Winter Meet to Be Here
Needlework Tea To Be Held Tues. The annual Ingathering tea for the Omaha Needlework Guild will be held Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 11, from two to five o'clock at the Dundee Presbyterian Church, 55t.h and Underwood Avc. An invitation Is extended'to everyone to attend. Mrs. Albert B. Newman, secretary of the Omaha Urnnch of the Needlework Guild, is chairman for the Jewish Chnritlea Section, which la a project of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Mi*. Richard Wright is table display chairman. Contributions continue to come In. although n number of donors have not yet responded to the call. Ms. Newmai. asks everyone who ha», not already contribrted to do co Immediately. The Needlework Guild Is an annual event sponsored by charitable groups In the community to furnish clothing and linen supplies for needy families and Institutions. The following have mailed in their donations since the lust list appeared In the Jcwisr Press: Mmcs. Max Arbitman, Bessie Ban* Meyer Beber, Jacob Bercoviel, M. A. Bercovlcl, Maurice Bernstein, Louis Blotcky, Eugene Braun, Edward D. Brodkcy, Edwin E. Brodkey, Ethel nrodltey. Fred,Brodkey, Abraham N. Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Jacob Cohen, Sam Cohen, Bennett L, Colin, Michael D. Colton, Aaron L Edgar, Ben Elscnbers. Leo Eiscnstatt, John A. Farbcr, David Fcdcr, William Feller, Herman Franklin, Elizabeth Fried, J. J. Friedman, Adolph Frohmon, Harold Garber, Nathan Glmple, Leonard Goldstein, Paul Goldstelii, Snm Gorellck, Max Greenhorn, Isadoro Grossman and Hyman Cuss. Mmes. Helnrlch Juul, Ell C. Knlmnn, Samuel Kaplan, Harold Kn«in, Morris Katleman, Sidney Katlemnn, Louis Katz, Bernard Kaufman, Benjamin Klalrnan, Louis Kohll, Millard IL Krasne. Max Krizclman, Manuel Kruplnsky, Joe Kurz, Sam Kutler, Morris Lcibcn, MnthlaH F. Levenson, Irvln C. Levin, Harry Llppett, Milton Livingston, Philip Lubmon, Sam Mnnvitz, J. Milton Margolin, Samuel Meiches, David Miller, Charles A, Monasec, Edward II. Morris. Julius I. Novak, Sidney Novak and Isadore F. Oberman. M m t t David C. Platt, Isadore 3. Plotkln, David Potash. Sarah W. Potash, William Rnduziner, Milton Sam Kesnlck, Samuel A. Rice, David W. Rosen, Philip H. Rosenblatt, Hubcrc I. Roscnblum, Hnrry Z, nosenfeld, Morris Rubcneteln, Morris Ruderman. Donald Schocnbaum, Isaac D. Schwartz, Max Shapiro, Morris M. Shapiro. Louis Shrier, Bernard Sicgler, David Sllvcrman, Nathnn Simon, Louis Slporin, Stanley J, Slosburg, J. I. Solzman, Harry L. Sommcr, Sam II. Stern, Tollman A. Tully. Harry Wciner, Benjamin Wine and Jlymle. Zorlnsky.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Jack Root of Los Angeles, Calif., -nnounce the birth of a son Johnny David born September 28. They nlso have a ton James Leon. Mrs. Root is the former Miss Harriet Gelfman of Omaha. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Root of California. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Geifman of Omaha. Molshe Geifman of Mexico City, Mexico, is paternal greatgrandfather.
TI S5STEUHOOIJ Mrs. D. Howard Farrull, former president of the Omaha Community Playhouse nnd well-known book reviewer, vill review "Marjorio Morningsitar" written by Herman Wouk at the regular Temple Israel Sisterhood meeting at 1 p. m., Tuesday, Oct. 11 In the social hall. A board meeting nt 11 n. m. will precede the luncheon. Krs, BemMr. and Mrs. Marvin Spector of hardt Wolf, sisterhood president, Alice, Texns, announce the birth will preside. • of a son Tommy Aaron born August 28. Mrs.'Spector is the forCOUNCIL WOMEN mer Miss Phyllis Ostrowsky of The regular monthly luncheon Omaha. They also havo a son meeting of the Omaha .Section, Philip Michael. Mrs. Sadie OstrowNational Council of Jewish Wom- sky of New York City i? maternal en, will be held In the Lodge room grandmother. Paternal grandparof the Jewish Community Center ents are Mr. and Mrs. Barney ut i2:30 p. m., Thursday. Oct. 13. Spcctor of Lubbock, Texas. Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, president, nnd Mrs. Spcctor of Wichita Falls. Texas, nnd Mrs. Roslnsky of will preside. A skit entitled -No Voice is Omaha, are great-grandparents. Lost" will be presented. It is directed by Mmcs. Millard Rosenberg and Stanley Silverman. Members of the east arc: Mmcs. Robert Silverman, Sam Weinsteln, Albert Fox. Robert Levine, Marvin Taxman, Morris Llpp, LeonPlans nre being made for the ard Fricdc), Allen Blotcky, Stan- annual c o m b i n e d fund-raising ley Silverman. Millard Rosenberg, event of B'nui B'rlth Henry MarFloyd Perimeter and Louis Katz. sky and Nebraska Chapters. The Luncheon chairmen nre Mrs. card party and bazaar will be held William Kalmnn and Mrs. Sam Sunday, Nov. 27, nt the Blackiitone Goodmnn and their committee. Hotel. Each guest will receive a Mrs. Henry Grccnbcrg Is decora- copy of an all new Bnai B'rith Recipe and Yearbook. tions chairman. Mmcs. Harry Sidman, Joe LipNational Council of Jewish Women, Current Events Study ton, Joe Levcnsky are co-chairman Group will meet Wednesday, Oct. of the event. Serving on tho year12 at the home of Mrs. N. Tl. IKKKI committee nre Mmcs: Ben Knrtman. 71G No. 5Cth St. Mrs. Zoorwill, .Sidney Zneimer, Ben Morris Shapiro will be co-hostess Blntt, Max Krizclman, Sol Dolgoff, Harry Friedman, Max Sacks, for 1 p. m. coffee. Milton Lewis, industrial secre- Goodman Cohen. Sam Manvitz, tary of the Urban League, will Sam Zwerllng, William Stone, Ben give a book review on Africa. Mr. Kaplan, Seymour Kaplan, Charles Lewis has been In Africa and Is Stern, Sol Mlroff. Julius Stein. familiar with its problems. Every- Stanley Shapiro, Milton Mintz, Harry Smith, Charles Fisher, Nato one is welcome. Glmple, Ruben Ratner and Bertha Ellis. B. I. SISTERHOOD The October 11 meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will fea- as a door prize. Table settings and decorations ture a hat showing from The Aquila Court Hat Salon. The ona will be taken cure of by Mmcs. o'clock luncheon meeting will take Jack Joseph, Sam Garrop, Dan place "in the synagogue social hall. Gordman, Ben LcfitZ and Nathan Mrs. Ruebcn Ratner, program Kaplan. The luncheon will be archairman, has arranged for Mm. ranged by Mrs. Henry Appcl, Mrs. Ella Harms to show some of the Sam Epstein and Mrs. Frank Colovely hats from Aquila. Sister- hen. hood members Mmcs. Harold Baby sitter service will be availBloom, Herbert Mciches, Morris able. Shapiro, Ir Elcwitz, and Juliui Reservations can be made with Hornstcln will model and one of Mrs. Robert Endclmnn, PL 3551 the lovely bonnets will be given or Mrs. Harry Scgall, PL 0718.
Bazaar Planned By B.B. Chapters
T.I. Sisterhood District Conclave The District Conference of Temple Sisterhood, will hold their convention In Omaha, October 16 to 18 at the Blackstono Hotel. Mrs, Clarence Bergman, local chairman, has announced the following Temple Israel Sisterhood members will assist he' at this six-state conference: Mesdames Henry Newman, Bernhardt Wolf, Sam Zacharia, general conference committee; conference secretary, Mrs. Adolf Mayer; financial secretary, Mrs. Morris Jacobs; registration and credentials, Mesdames Ed Gilbert, Maurice Frank, Joseph Meyer, Jay Malashock, Henry Newman, Lazar Kaplan; information, Mrs. Julius Newmun; timekeeper, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman: piirliamentarian, Mra. Sidney Brooks; displays, Mrs. Hymle Milder, Mrs. Wm. Kaiman; hotel reservations, Mrs. Milton Yudelson. Monday luncheon, Mmcs. Stewart Gilinsky, Lazar Kavlch; Tuesday luncheon, Mmcs. Herman Goldstein, Alfred Mayer, Harold Cherniak; Monday evening buffet, Mine.1;." Maynard Greenberg, Ben Steifler, Millard Krasne, M. Krupinsky, Harold Pollock; serving, Mmes. J. Goldener, Millard Speicr, Edward Rosen. Don Urodkpy, Arthur Greene; table setting committee, Mmes. Oscar Sutin, Hownrd Milder. Harry Neesman, Ben Lewis, Ted Cohn, F. Raymond Colin, John Lent; flowers nnd decorations, Mmes. Milton Abrahams, Edwin Brodkcy, Paul Verct, Herman Friedman, Jack Mnrer. Transportation, Mmcs. Stanley Fisk, Bernhardt Wolf, C. L. Bergman, Lou Llpp, Al Sophir, Lazar Kaplan, Oscar Sutln, Richard Ililler, Jay Malashock, Ed Rosen, Paul Blotcky, Harold Brodkey, Iz Wclner; reservations, Mmes. I. Liberman, Joe Meyer; Tuesday evening banquet, Mmes. Milton Livingston, Abe Hcrrberj;, Dave Rosenstock, rules committee •— Mrs. Morton Hillcr, cocktail hour •— Mrs. Isadore Ziegler, hospitality, Mmes. Dave Fcder, Sam Appleman, Lou Llpp, Ben Shapiro, Jack Marer, Ed Schimmel, Harry Trustin, Dave Goldman, Harry Rosenfeld, Abe Brodkcy, Isadore Ziegler, Nate Mantel, I. Rosenthal, Carl Furth, Hyman Fercr, Wm. Feller, Fred Rosenstock. Paces, Mmcs. Robert Levine, Morris Llpp, Stanley Malashock Cha.i. Rosenstock, Stanley Slosbunj, Millard Rosenberg, Noraan Sleral; publicity, Mrs Edward Lcvinson; ushers Mmes. Stanley Perimeter, Warner Frohman, • Bob Kngel, Leo Eiscnstatt; Sunday eve-
SAM Mothers' Club Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club will hold their first meeting of the fall .season at a 1 p. m. lunchcon Wednesday, Oct. 12, at the SAM house in Lincoln. Lincoln mothers will serve as hostesses. For reservations and added information call Mrs. Charles Fellman, KE 3410, or Mrs. Max Rosen, GL 5149.
Children's Home To Open in Israel Tuesday, Oct. 11, will mark a special milestone in the history of the B'nal B'rith Women. The new Children's Home in Israel will be formally dedicated. The home is situated on the Judean Hills nt Bait V'gan, and replaces the war scorched home in Jerusalem. It is fully equipped to help emotionally disturbed children and has a staff of highly specialized physicians, psychiatrists nnd nurses. It Is the only public institution In Israel devoted to the core of maladjusted children. Tho B'nal B'rith Sewing Group wIU meet Monday, Oct. 10, at 10 a. m. nt tho Beth El Synagogue, The members of the group bring their own lunch and sew as long ns they like. Mrs. A. L. Cohen is chalrmnn, her phone number is AT 4263. The group meets on alternate Monday mornings, and makes' RiirmcntB for the B'nal B'rith Children's Homo in Israel.
Flower Week by Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold their annual Flower Week starting Monday. Oct. 10. Mrs. Sam Novak, chairman, stated that contributions are needed for the many worthy causes served by the fund raising. So, she added, when n committee member rings your bell—give generously. Committee members are: Mmes. II. Rlchlln, M. Sternenberg, J. Kaplan, I. Forbes, A. Cohen, S. Richman. N. Martin, S. Rlfkln, Harry Shrago, H. Wohlner an* Sarah Okun. ning reception, Mmes. Harold Slosburg, Ed Milder, Arthur Kulokofsky, Morris Pepper. All Temple Sisterhood member* are welcome to attend sessions and social affairs.
BRANDEIS Charcoal Casual by Roblee
Misses Gertrude Hollander, MnrJorie Kaplan, Evelyn Levy, Mildred ' Levy. Marilyn I'lotkin. Frances Rutsteln and Beatrice Sommcr.
Ladies' Bond Unit To Meet Monday Omaha's 19SS "Bonds-for-Israel' campaign is setting off to n flying start, spearheaded by the Women's Division and honorary chairman, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofeky. Chairman Mrs. Morris Grossmnn, co-chairmen Mrs. Isidor Lcvinson and Mrs. Samuel N. • Wolf and Mrs. Hyman Bondorin, Chen chairman, havo Issued invitations to a workers' meeting. It will bo held at 1 p. m., Monday, Oct. 10, at Mrs. Morris Grossman's home in Elwood Apis., 4915 Dodge fit. All women's orgnnlza. , tions have been requested to send representatives, to this meeting to meet with their 'fellow-workers and become acquainted with the campaign goals and procedures. Robert Ardcn, the new area manager for the State of Israel oBnds Organization, will outline' the "achievements and need* of Israel" and discuss the political situation affecting the Jewish • • democracy. '.''
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JastOneof Meaty Styles
Roblee adapts the popular new shade In men's wear to the smartest looking casual you'll see this season. Super-supple leather, almost weightless, with a thick, springy sole—easily the most comfortable shoe you'll ever wear. tt* NCHT {HOlt KM (MM
Men's Shoes—Fourth Floor .
Teen Tattler
, October 7, IBM.
Hadassah Bowling \v.
•.. H 1 man. Other .surprisers were Jud General Electric 1 Ban 'n Howard Upton, l.inda Kav Younjjstown Kitchens ..8 7 2 ich 'n Bob Epstein, Mur Rosenhlat Silk Shop 6 ,'i 'n Howie Kooper, Jeanne Gold RCA Victor f> 4 stein 'u Jimmy Friedman, an< Playland Park f. 4 Barb Wolf 'n Bernie Grossman. Metz B.-cr 5 4 .S'ome of the kids we spoin-i Supcrrtle Market Saturday iiiglit at the - Uh —mo Cooper C'MI .ti uction .. 4'j 4U vies were John Goldner, Steve MaKu-nlur Paints . . . . . . 4 5 Rosenblatt, DOUJ; CY.hn, L a r r y "iroskk- Re:,t 4 3 Zacharia, Sieve S i l v e r , Marty 3'.j li'.j Green and E'lie Singer 'n Stev Non; Bros 3 (>• Colin, and Jamie Sehapiio 'n Krai iilco Products David:.on. Edwards Jewelry . . . . . . Vi G .'} (» Joyce Koom had a small j;ot Jrodkey Jewelry '2 7 together at her home but we saiv Watson Briib ily.stic Beauty Salon . . . 1 8 too many name.-} to mi'iHEon any. High Series Also, feen at the "fil" Club stuffing themselves with food were A. Snelder, 40(1; 1). Rubin. 458; Nancy Blotcky 'n Coley Green- :. Schloff. 4(iO; K. Jacob.cn, 457; berg, Nancy Friedlandc-r 'n How- .1. Circenbcrj;, 437; It. Cooper, ard Goldstein, Joodi l^jwis 'n Dic.li •158; L. Holxnnan. 4!2; E. I'urkle, Einstein. 111; G. Zevitz, 4:i7; It. Wintroub, Well, kids, anioiif; other things 29; S. Grccnben;. 429; P. Holwrthat's about, it for this week- we ruan, A'22', L. Faier. 419; S. Ix' would like to wish Gwen Stolnr a 116; P. Marcus, 410; H. Shukert, 115; M. Cooperman, 4W; S. Treswift recovery! iak.. 40H; It. Sokohiff, 4()G; I See Ye next Friday, • rnss, 401; It. Pit lor, 4[)1; K. AaTill then, Suzi, Judi, Dody & Joodi. iyll. 400.
By Howie Hooper 111 ya, Kids, Wanna know what's (;oin£ 01 mound town? Just pick up you: Press every Friday and read our new column. "The Town Tattler." To begin with, we'd like to introduce ourselves. We are Suzi Wolfson, Judi Plattner, Dody Shapiro and Joodi Lewis. To start the week o(f ri,<;ht. Central won it's third victory Friday night. From our porch on the bridge we" saw crossinc, to the Came, Marcia Zalkin 'n Mike Lazer,- 1 Joyce Koom 'n Art Novak, Biff Bobrick 'n Lenl Wine, Barb Krodkey 'n Dick Einstein, Judy Gcecnbcri; n Gene Kohn, Dody Shapiro 'n Bill Cooper, Marlene Swartz '» Dick Raskin, 1-ois Moskovitz "n Norman Wine, Suzi Wolfson 'n Dick Stern, and Laurie Oruch and Gordie Elowitz, Also seen cheering their team on to victory were Mo Zevitz, Judy Ban, Jeanne Goldstein, Llmla lCavIch, Muriel Rosenblatt, N a n c y I.ewis, Kvcy Levy, Ina Margolin, Judi Plattner, Ton! Fellman, Nanci Vengcr, Jeanne Silver. I'hyl Abrahams, Judce Ijizcr, Mnrlcen Friedman, Sandra Frecdman, and Marv Joseph, Joel Pltlor, Tanny Ilorwnz 'n the rest of the new toys cheering section with Mike Moj;il, the new cheer leader, who was dolnc a great Job! Tlicre's more- Jimmy The Bikur Cholim Annual SucSophlr Mark Samuelson, Howard oth Tea held Monday. Oct. 3 at Kaslow, Marv Frt'edman, Nelson Gordman, Bob Epstein, H o w i e the Jewish Community Center honKooper, Mike Canar, Hob Joseph. ored all new members of the Marty Green, George Bialac, Mike society. Paul Veri't, executive director Herzog, Larry Zacharia, Sieve I'.osenblatt, Steve Silver, Chuck Kav- of the Federation for Jewish ServIte and Chuck Wise. ice gave nn interesting account Some dates Friday nlt;ht were of his recent trip to Israel. Mrs. I^'wis Neveloff, honorary Carol Frank 'n John Gohlner. illdge GrecnborK 'n Coley Green- president of the Bikur Cholim berg, Bunny Havitz 'n Don;; Colin Society presented Mr. Veret with Fran Davidson 'n Jerry Ilo^cn, and a check for $1,000 on behalf of the organization to apply on the eleBobbie Adlcr 'n Beak JOIN*. Having loads of fun at I^nni vator inorlg:if'<' at the Jewish Wine's party were Shirley Sliifi Hume for the Aged/which was un'n Sid Rosenblatt. Judy Kutler 'n derwritten tiy the Bikur Cholim Gene Kaplan, Jerry -Ferer and Society. This money was raised at a sp"eial event card party held Hay Klrke. Saturday afternoon some of the it the Paxton Hotel in August. gong appeared on KMTV's Teen Following arc the now mcmlxTK Party, represeiilim: Central. They honored at thU tea: Mewlames were Nancy Richards 'n Ste\r Max Krl/clman, Ben Novak, Ed Frjodman. Judy Ban 'n Dick Spei- Mason. J, Ohrsnau, Morris Malcr, Joodi Lewis 'n Dick Einstein kin, Sam Goifman, Joe I^erncr. Fran Davidson 'n Jerry I'.osen M. Halprin. M. Treller. Nathan Janle Schaplro "n Janle Kcllman Srglin, Marvin Helzcr. Max Beland Suzl Lipp 'n Marv Joseph grade. Jules Shapiro, Nate Brown'. Congratulations to Pliyl Bern- Dave Silvormnn. Nate Glninle. N;»stein on her 15th birthday, at a than Bi'lzcr H Lipsman, D. Kapsurprise party given by L i n d a lan, Art Abrums, Harry Marks. Kavich and Mur Rosenblatt we L. Wohlner. L. Wclsberg. Mnx found "living it up" Fats Forman Arbitman. Mrs. Uose O>mlsar, G. nnd Phyl, Nance Lewis 'n Murry Cox. H. Harper. R. Schwartz. B. Mayer, Mo Zevltz 'n Nelson Gord- Alt.snlcr and C. Waldman. A third generation member was also enrolled," young Rose Ann Siporin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Siporin. Sunday. Oct. 9 at 2 p. m., the BOHANUK The girls of Rohanue held their liiktir Cholim women will enterl i n t meeting of the school year tain the? residents of the Jewish with their new members at the Home for the Aged with a Simhome of Jeanie Goldstein. The coth Tornh Party at the Home, girls feel very fortunate to have A program has boon planned nnd acquired twenty-six new members refreshments will be served. All who are as follows: Phyllis Abra- friends and relatives are cordially .Itams, Barbara Adler, Judy Brook- invited. Stein, Judy Cohen, Betty Krrcon. Gayle Foldman, Tony Fellman. Sandra Freedman, Joy Friedman. Marlcnc Friedman, Maxlno Jnbenls. Tony Kaplan. Dale Kasln. Joyce ICoom, Judy Lnzer. Gloria The Douglas County Chapter of Ostron, Judy Plattner, Elaine Raskin. Nancy Richards, Marlene the American Red Cross will hold Rosenthal, Cehrna S c h r n g e r. Its first'aid class at 1 p. m. ThursJeanie Silver, Edie Singer. Gail day, Oct. 20 In the Jewish ComTretiak, Nancy Vender and Suzi munity Center. Classes will exWolfson. Diane Fellman was tend for eleven weeks nnd Is open elected as Rohanue's representa- to the public./ Joe Mlcek, Center tive for the winter convention swimming Instructor, will teach the course. * that will be held in Omaha. Instruction will be in standard' civil defense nnd Red Crous DEBKA DEBS Sunday, Oct. 2, Debs had their procedures for coping with Injuries first regular meeting with the such as bleeding, broken bones, new pledges. The officers of the shock, artificial respiration, frost-pledge class were announced by bite, heat strokes, transporting inpledge-mother, Shelley Grcenbsrg. jured persons nnd burns. In urging Center members to They are: Barbara Greenlwrg. president: Carolyn Stern. Vice- enroll, l/cs Burkenrond, chairman Pendent: Lynetfe Forbes, Secre- of the Center Physical Education tary-Treasurer; Barbara Garber. committee, said: "This is one more step that cap be taken to prepare notifications chairman. The girls also voted on going ourselves for any emergency and back to one club and having two to make us better citizens." Registration for the class can aeparate groups. A skit was presented on the his- be made nt the Center, JA.13GG, tory of Debs and one of the char- or by calling the Red Cross at ter members, Adreano Milder AT 2723. Registration will be limited to 30 persons. tallied to the girls.
Members Honored By Bikur Cholim
K G Spotlight
Red Cross First Aid Class at Jay
B.B. Women's Bowling "A" Divklon ihukcrt's
vorney's Paint Co Angle's Beauty Salon . . . . Omaha Jolibini; illdwost Water Healers .. •hilips I>pt. Store .Volt Bros torz Brewing CM lob Evans Uniforms . . . . 'ireside Restaurant Helen Tnrnoff, 532; Slooni. 191-474. "IV DMslon
\V. 10
L. 2
7 7 7 G G 5 7 5 7 5 7 4 8 4 8 Flora
VV. I..9 3 ..8 4 linky-Dinky , .. 7 .. 7 -yn's Florists .. 7 inith Pontiac .. 7 Jc.st Appliance .. G G vish Furs .. G G /enger & Sons .. G G toberls Dairy labytown 3 Stores . 7 ,'olony Club 7 Imperial Beauty Salu 8 .. 4 Iamilton Phannacy 8 .. 4 logen David Wine 8 .. 4 Myrna I>»ss, 173- 451; Madlyn iernstion. 107—442. iorshclm Jewelry .. »uis Mkt ,
Bar and Bas Mitzvah
Alan Levine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hymun Lcvine, a freslunan at University of Illinois in UrbaiM, «'as Robert Nofit;. non of Mr. nnd p!.?d;;i;d to l'iii Kpsllon 1'i FraterMrs. K. IAHJ Noj;t; will celobr.U*. nity. his Har Mitzvah Friday evcninif Oct. 14 and Saturday morning, Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Bcldncr'and Get 15 at Toniple Israel. Friends children IJ'Tn.M'd and Lyune ari* and rclativfs me invited to nlli ni:ikim; their hoine ftt 9880 the coronvjiiics mu\ thr receptions vvdM (iv., (l'ac), LIK Angeles, which will follow. C.'jlif.
Frank Norman CJoldbi-rj;, ',<m of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cioldht-r will cek'br.-ite Iiis Bar Mitzv Friday evening, Oct. 11 nnd Saturday morning, Oct. J5 at IJ«.'tl Israel Synai;(tj;up. Friends and Kali bmvllnj; will be In full relatives are invited to attend the win;; for the Junior Youth Counc*'n.-nionics nnd tlie rcccptioiui cil I.".i|;ue startinf: October 23 at which will follow. he Jewish Community Center auilitoriiim. The first session is being Mr. and Mr.s. I'liil Kiit/man nn- :ield at Iho Center in order to lounco tho Has Mit/.vah of their Di-ientalo youm; bowlers with a daughter, ThylHs, nm\ Mr. and linlc sponsored by the American Mrs. Harry Scluilmun nnnuunce Junior liowllnj: Coni;reb3. tho Has MHzvali of their cluur.h- The clinic will Include films and Icr, Kstelle, at a joint celebration ilm Ktrlps, iniiividual instmction Friday evening Oct. 24 and Sat- ind an oppoitunity for each parird?iy morning, Oct. 15 at Beth icipant to roll u few balls. At this clinic, registration fur the Junior •'A Synruiojjuo. , Friends an<i relatives arc In- Youth Council liovvlInK I/Oafuo ;itcd to attend Iwth .sorvicoa and will take? place. Cost of the rejlshe receptions which will follow. rratlon is 23 cents with tlie clinic :X;IIII; held at no charge, All bowlini; will l>e at the Music B.I. Youth Clubs I5ox Sunday aflcrnnons from ]2:30 mill 2 p. m. The leagues will be Fieth Israel Youth Clubs will mixed with bowling Inslnietion open their 19J5-.1C season • durini; 'ivailnblo ;it each xpssion from he last two weeks In October. eaijue secretary Tanny Horwlch. Membership lists will bo found on This Is not a closed leacue so he Talmud Torah Bulletin Board. II children In the sixth, seventh All those interested are asked to md eighth urades are Lulled to up as noon as iK>:;slb!e. lirin;; their friends for the clinic competition. Hollywood (JTA)—Upon being complimented on his witty aftorlinner speeches. Jessel told the 'rime Minister of Israel, "I know a girl in Hollywood who is nn even >ettcr after dinner speaker than 'm supposed to be. Hy that I ncan that every time I see her. he's after dinner!"
Bov/ling Clinic for Jr. Youth Council
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Branch
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Curri-nt rate !» GO crim for es/rh tna«T« tlon. Tlir 1'rtat resrrvt* Ui« richt Ui Umlt Ilz< on t&eii ^ r t r t l s e m r n t .
BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also fot all Jewish holidays and special occasions, MeyeA New* Stand, 1502 Dodge. IDEAL GIFT for Bar or Bas Mitzvahs Is a magazine subscription. Gift card furnished free. Take advantage of the special offer this month. For full Information call Mrs Ilorwich, WA3957.
Served Buffet Stylo! All You Care to Eat
Folk Dance Group At Center Sunday The Omaha International Folk Dance Group will hold its first sesion this year Sunday evening, Oct. i, from 8 to 10:30 o'clock, in the itidltorium of the Jewish Comnunity Center, and will hold its ;es;ilons cveiy Sunday evening hereafter, Karl and Barbara Edler, wellnown recreational leaders, will lircct the group. Both have had considerable experience in <lirectng folk dance groups. The Sunlay evening sessions will be de'oted to Instruction of new dances nd n review of dances already learned by the group. Each month the group will stress the dance of a particular nationality, and joined with this activity will be the study and appreciation of |>e<>ple and customs from all over the world, the Edlers explained. During the next few weeks the group will take up "Old Tyme" dances from the British Isles. The only fee to defray the cost of each session will be 25 cents per session.
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