' V V JIWV* — FTV., I » «, ,ll. JWV A i t ) . 1.
J**!*'*1 jiriai •* * *
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Isadore Goldntrln
Goldstein to Head T.T. Building Drive
Isadore Goldstein, veteran leader in religious and educational activities, has accepted the chairmanship of the Heth Israel Talmud Torah Uulldlni; Fund campaign. It was nnnounced by Harry ; United Nation.", N. Y. (JTA) — Sidman, president of the SynaThe United States Government, gogue. which appropriated $1,200,000 in The program of buildini: expan1955 for the work, of the United sion, Mr. Sidman explained, has Nations High Commissioner for been necessitated by a great inRefugees, Is prepared to ask Con flux of families who have moved gross "for n further substantial into tho neighborhood with n contribution1 for 10.W If otlftr consequent increase In the attendgovernment- * do their share, it was ance of children in the classes of announced here by Jacob Watis- the iJeth Israel School System. tein, U.S. delegate to the General "Our present facilities," continAssembly's Social, '.'ultural and ued Mr. Sidman, "are hopelessly Humanitarian Committee. Inadequate to meet the additional ' Mr, niaustein, who Is honorary needs of tho congregation. Unpresident of the Atnr>ricnn Jewish der Mr. Goldstein's leadership, we Committee, made his maiden iinve every hope of carrying on speech during the General Assem- our campaign to a successful conbly as the opening speaker'on the clusion," Mr. Sldmnn stated. alinual repor'. delivered tills The executive committee of the morning by Dr. fi. J. van Heuven campaign includes in addition to Goedhart, UN Hh;h Commissioner Mr. Goldstein, Mrs. Lewis Nevefor Refugees. On Iwhnlf of the off mid Maurice Kuizmnn as viceUnited States. Mr. Ulausteln chairmen with Rabbi Matthew praised the Commissioner's work Pollakoff as chainnan of general and called for further ('ovemment- solicitation. A complete list of HI nid. tho expanded committee will bo announced after the next meetIng.
Blaustein Makes Maiden Speech
Global Report
MOItK Oil. DIHCOVKIIKI) .JcriMplcm (JTA)- Dr. Dov Joseph, Minister for Development, rushed off to Helctz, site of Israel's first oli well, Monday reportedly to Investigate the discovery of a major oil find in a still lower stratum of rock than the one in which tho first well was found. . Reports reaching here from the Negcv drilling site say that technicians and oil geologists ort the slto are "mad with joy." Some reports state that the quantity of oil at the*Helctz formation is now believed to be four times as (treat as orlglnnljy thought when the first well was brought In late last month. . The Lapldoth oil company, which brought in the gusher, was understood Monday to have signed a contract with tho Minister of Communications for transportation of crude oil from Ileletz to Haifa whore Israel's refineries are located. JMUiEHT SHU" .Haifa (JTA) — Israel's newest and largest passenger liner, tho Ccrman-bulit "Israel," docked at Haifa with 237 passengers and a cargo of 4,000 tons of German EOods, which like the ship itself arc reparations payments.. The entire port was lit up as the vessel was docked in the early morning hours by three tugs. Both the ship and tho port were decorated with flags In celebration of the arrival of the vessel which will become the'flagship of the Israel merchant marine.
Fed. Women to Solicit for Drive
Germany Is Topic At O.U. Instiluttf . Dr. Huns J. MorgcnthHii, pro lessor of political science and di> rector of the Center fur Study o< American Foreign Policy ut 'the University of Chicago, will discuss "Germany and Western So curity" at the Recond session of the Institute cm World Affairs nt 8:15 p. m. In the University of Omnhn nudttorlum. Dr. Mornenthau tnm;ht internntionnl law af the Universities of Geneva, Frankfort, Madrid and Paris lK!fore coining to tlie United States in 1937. . Tho thrme of this year's institute is "Since the Summit." \ Tho Federation for Jewish Service Is one of the co-sponsors of the institute. Arthur II. Goldstein chairman o' the Jewish Community Center committee, Is n member of the Institute's advisory committee.
IHI.I.l'KillT IIANNI'lt Jerusalem (JTA) -The Government of Israel banned a proposed Iiullfi;;ht In the municipal stadium nt Ramalli Gan, a suburb of Tel Aviv. The decision was adopted unanimously at a Cabinet meeting. . Earlier, Israel Chief Rabbis Isaac Her/of; and Yltzhnlc Nissim protested to the city administration of Itani.'ilh Gan against the staging of the bullfight. Their message declared that such a conteil would be "against Judaism's morality." A private promoter has applied for permission to rent the stadium for a bullfight.
More than ir>0 volunteers from the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs have offered their scrvic— to a section of the gone, tation division of tin? Unit Feather-Red Cross C a m i Mrs. Mike Freeman, .section \c3\ man, stated. They will begin their housn-tohouse canva.'.s Mouthy moniint;, klckoff clay for residential and small business solicitation. This year as in the past, Mrt>. Freeman said, members of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs are happy to be a part of this effort to raise funds for needed services. Two departments of the Federation for Jewish Service, namely the Jewish Community Center and Family Service benefit from the campaign, she added. Mrs. Freeman's district chairmen are Mesdamcs Arthur M. Greene, Saul Graet/. und Henry L. Greenbcrg. Team captains are Mmes. H a r o l d llrodkcy, Calvin Newman, Louis Alberts, Milton Waldbaum, Phil Fox, II, Fercnsteln, Sam Green, Norman Lincoln, Sam Iiennan, Ted Sanforcl, Milton Abrahams, Nathan Turner and Thomas Haykln.
Supervised Bridge Play at Jay Oct. 27 Dave Aekerman, an expert in the Gnren method of bridge play, will teach a new type of bridge instruction at the Jewish Community Center beginning Thursday, Oct. S0 p. m. O 27 at 7:' 7'S0 Th new ten-week course will feature actual play of hands with supervision and explanation of fine points as they occur during the game. Those .Interested In registering for the course may call the Center Activities office at JA 13G6. Fee for the ten-week course is ten dollars for ten lessons.
Golden Age Club To Hear Speaker E. H. Dunaway, Omaha district manager of the Social Security Administration, will d i s c u s s "Know your social security heneits" at the next meeting of the golden Ago Club. Tho meeting will be held at 1 p. m., Monday, Oct. 21 In the Jewish Community Center. A question and answer period will follow Mr. Dunaway's talk. Refreshments will be served. The Golden Age Club is sponsored jointly by the Omaha Section, Nntiona! Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Community Center.
otild ) — Ihe Biitlsh Government tun»idiin that the \v"j[cva".l atjng a situation in tho Middle East which could fc -.M'ael full-scale war, Prime Minister Sir Anthony ..need last week-end In an address before a mass meeting of "•"the Conservative' Party in Bournemouth. Sir Anthony charged that Moscow, by permitting Communist countriesto supply arms to Egypt, was violating the "spirit of Geneva." Sucli purchases, he declared, would increase the arms race between the Arab countries and Israel, which in turn could, lead to war between them "because there is always the danger that the one which believes that it Is today the stronger may be tempted to strike first." (From Washington it was reported that American government" officials are seriously worried over the Soviet arms deal with Egypt as well as over the fact that Assistant Secretary of State Allen, DavicI lirn-Uiirlon who recently flew to Cairo* failed to convince Egyptian Premier Nasser to cancel tho deal. It Is said that Premier Nasser declined even to tell Mr. Allen the quantities o£ arms Involved. Jerusalem (WNS)-Davld BenGurlon again became Prime Min(Washington has also been inister of the Republic of Israel formed that Syria is considering Wednesday when the Knesset following Egypt's example in acgave its approval to his designa- quiring arms from Communist tion of a Cabinet representing a countries and that Saudi Arabia coalition of five Israeli parties. was also offered Communist muniCabinet portfolios were divided tions. The possibility was foreamong the five parlies'as follows: seen that the Communist countries Mapai, 9—Prime Minister, For- might also offer munitions aid to eign, Defense, Finance, Education, Israel in exchange for oranges or Labor, Trade and Industry, Agri- other Israeli products.) culture and Police; Mapam ,2— (In Jerusalem, 'Israel charged Development and Health; Ahdut Egypt with Initiating a new round Avodah, 2—Communications and of guerilla warfare and warned Interior; i-Iapool Ilamizraehl, 3— that If it does not stop, Israel will Religions, Post and Welfare, and take all necessary steps to protect Progressives, 1—Justice. herself. "Egyptian war acts in tho In addition, Hapoel Hamizrnchi course of the past few weeks repwill also get the Vice Ministry of resent a further stage in Egypt's Education and Ahdut Avodah, the hostile policy aimed at destroying Vice Ministry of Agriculture. The Israel," said a Foreign Ministry Progressives will be allowed to spokesman. He charged that Egypt place nn "observer" in the minis- and Syria have.been maintaining terial economic conference. Prime Arab gangs on Syrian, Jordanian Minister Mosho Sharett resumed and Lebanese territory for the purils former post of Foreign Minis- pose of attacking objectives in Is« ter. rael.)
Ben-Gurion Again Premier of Israel
HOI.AIt ENERGY Jerusalem (WNS) — The first steam produced from sunshine to be collected without the aid of lenses or mirrors was announced In Jerusalem this week. The Inventor, Zvl Tabor, is director of the National Physical Laboratory of Israel. This development, it is claimed, will simplify and cheapen the method of collecting solar energy and will thereby open up new possibilities for the economic utilization of sunshine.
Rabbinical Program Inaugurated at Home for Aged
Art Technique Taught at Center The technique of creating a beautiful painting in ten easy lessons Is being taught by Mrs. Meyer Beber nt the fall series ol art classes for adults at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Beber, well-known local nrllst, Instructs the class each Monday afternoon from 1 to 3:30 p. m. The next session will bo" held Monday, Oct. 17. Both beinner and advance students may register. Those now attending the class are: Mrs. Seymour Cohn, Mrs. Irving Herzog, Mrs. Julius Knlj!man, Mrs. David Maryanov, Mrs. Harold Pollack, Mrs. H e n r y Rlekes, Mrs. L. Rosenberg and • Mrs. Louis Shrier. There are still a few openings To register call the Activities office at the Center, JA 1366. Tho fee Is $12.00 for ten lessons.
Sunday Radio Dr. Jonah B. Wise will speak on "Man's Faith" on the- Message of Israel program' broadcast over KI3ON from 12:05 to 12:30 p.m.
RabM Sidney II, Brook* of Temple Israel, standing; &t extreme right, Inaugurated the new program of regular rabbinical visit* to tho Dr. Philip Slier Jowlnh Home for the Aged Ust Tuesday niternoon. Babbl Brooka dlscuued "The Place of the Aged In Our Communal I.lfe and the Historical Back(rounl far Re»pect of the Aged and Learning. .
"The Season of Gladness," the story of a poor village porter whose native faith taught respected scholars a lesson in piety will be hoard on the Eternal Light program over KFAB from 11:30 to 12 noon.
rut Tw«
JMiagr. October 14, 1MB.
Fremont News
Ufte Pubunhcd Ever}
D> the Federate*} lei Jewish tknfee ai ua-.fti.iL fitbr-ifc* m^w u« Act 01 usitit b, U?D.
By Fultk Irwin Larry Kavieh, ton of Mr. and Mrs. David Kavici will celeb
Rabbi Nldmon to Visit
• '
Fed. Clubs' Boofli Planned for iazcier
Needlework Guild Contributions Mrs. All>ert II. Newman, chairman of the Jewish Federation Agencies Section of the Needlework Guild Drive, isifued an urgent request this week to all women to send In their contributions now. In addition to tlio:,e previously listed, the following have contributed through TiK.sday: Mmes. Hyman Albert, H a r r y Bernstein, Daniel Be/miin. Jerome Blcicher, David M. Chapman, Julius Chnfianov, Lyman C'olm, Tinny CooiicriDfin, Ruben ilp-.tein, Sol kpstein. Simon F e Id in .'in, Charles L. Fellman. Alfred Fieiller, r^Torlon Frank, H.'irry A. Franlcel, Morris J. Franklin, Ed Frcdrlcks, Irving F. Gendler, Albert K. Gilinsky, Stewart Gilinsky and Dan A. Gordinnn. Mines. Morris Green, JJniry L. Greenbergr Peter GrccnbTg. I.eonnrd D. Herman, Bertha Il'-rsco'., Joe B. Honist<'ln, .1,-irtt Jacobmn, William Joseph, Meilach Ktitzmnn, Sam Katzman. Abe Kiotz, Abraham Krantz, Harry Krantz, Myer S. Kripke. Morris Mvey, lyman Ix-vine. Isidor Iz-vinson, Sol L^wis, Abrjihnm Lipsnian, Karl N. Ixjiii-, J^onartl M. Lwtt-eg, .Tficoh Mrni'rlson and Maurice Micklin. Mines. William Mild-r. Sol -liroff, Joseph Morgan, Harry Neesman, Brn Newman, R;ilph wgg, Sol NOKC, Nathnn Novak, lurry It. Nystrorn, David Orkow, lymmi Osoff, Sol Parsow: MnU- . rice Pepper, Harold Pollack; Eu•nc D. Rich, David Richard-;, Hynun Richard?:, Philip ninf;le. JcnIc Ro'ienblatt, Sam Roscnr.tcin, Berthold Itosentlial, Israel Rosenthai and Jarob P.osenthal. Mmes. Howard Ross, Sadlo Pjitheiibcrg, .Sam II o t h c n berg, /Ibraham Ruhnitz, Charles SchneiIcr, Jade Schrager, Harry Se?all, Rlcliard Seitncr, Jules Shailro. David Shukert, Ben Sltitzky, Mfred Sophir, Jo;;eph Sosiinib, Horrls Stulmastcr, Jay Stoler, tolwrt Swart/, Sam Sivartz, Leo aub, Benjamin Waldman. I^eo iVaxenberg, IXJUIR Wblirbook, AlH?rt L. Wohlner, Alex Wolpa. Isldor Zlcgler and Irvine II. Ziegman.
The Federation of Jewish Worn Siiml.iy, Oet. ](», tiie Fremont en's Clubs will again sponsor then Lndjy of Ii'nai Ii'rith will be ho.-1 own booth at the Childrens Meat the Ii'nai B'nth Southwestern morial Hospital Bazaar which Wi'L regional fx-minrir which will in ' be held Monday, Nov. 7, from ' held at tiie Pathfinder Hotel in ' a. m. to 9 p. m., at the FonU-nell Temple Israel Fremont.' Hotel. Mrs. Richard Ilillcr am Mrs. Ernest A. No;;:; are chair Worship services will be held Open IIOUK' will 1K> held nt tin man and co-chairman. Vice-chair- this evening at Tenipic Israel at Seth Israel Religious Sch.wJ dur men are: Mesdames Edward I*. p. m. Rabbi Kidney 11. Iirooks wil n;; week of October 30. ParBrodkey, Isadore Chapman, Haml I» r e a c h on "The Fantasy of ; •nts the nnd all who are interested in Chernlack. Alfred Fiedler and Al Child's World" from Questions to i Jewish education for our chil Answers on Iti-iijrious Maturity. bert Steinberg. IUIJIII Nutljan Frldman (plcare invited to attend. Tiie Items for the bazaar arc bein;1 Saturday morning worship serv- dren tund alxivr), of Ii'nai Jurotn collected now and arc bcin;; taker ices will be held at 11:30 o'clock hours are from 3 to 5 p. m. Ailns yrsliuron .Synagogue will to the garage entrance of the home for adults anil members of the reUir Dr. DiUlp Slur Jtnlnh Our. pre-,id.?nt, Aimer Krasne, is vlUl Of Mrs. Albert Steinberg. CasV ii;;io'.is school. The youngsters will Homo for tiie Aged Tucsdny, contributions may be mailed to provide the music under the direc- nteri'str[1 jn tiie formation of an Oct. 18. He nlll be IJio nrrond 'lnH education class anil plans are Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg or Mrs. Rich- tion of Mlis Ida Gitlin. eing m.ide lo have the class start rnbM to brlnj; a sjilrltunl mraard H. Hiller. Mrs. Henry A. Newxace to DIP follis at till' lionir In 'November 1. man Is vice-president of .the Fed- Beth Israel the nirtvly liistlllllrd program of eration of Jewish Women's Club's mhlilnleal vJsll.ii. in charge of this project. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct late Friday evening services this evening at 8 o'clock. Mineha and Kabbalath Shabbos Services at 5:15 p. m. The Southwest Rrj;!on;il Council COUKCIL WOMEN Saturday mornin;;—8:30 a. m. f B'mil B'rith, comvr'vAnx Iodj;t'5 Chairmen Mmes. M a y n a r d Ncbr.'sska. Iowa and South DaGreenberg and Herman Friedman Junior Congregation— U;30 a jn. Saturday afternoon, Rabbi's Tal- ota, will convene in Fremont, issued a last call for articles for Fonner Centra] ilii:h nclit -Icbr., Sunday monitjjf;, Oct. 3G. the Omaha Section. National :nud class at 5:1" p. m. Mineha, or Its fall conference. There will mntes held a reunion in CamCOundl of Jewish Women's Rum- illo-.ved by Khalosh S'uedo-j and je u Etminar-workshop on diffcr- bridge, Mass., when H a r v a r i inaBC Sale to be held Oct. 21-23 M.-:ariv begins ut !>:<I5 p. m. Sunday murning breakfast Min- •nt projects, with professional con- playe<l Cornell last weekend. Jerry at 1914 N. 24th St. cman, a .student at Omiell ultnnts in charge. Harry Yudcoff, CaH Mrs. Nathan Novak, RE on and Rabbi's Bible Class at { Detroit, Mich., outslanding eom- University, cime to visit Bob 9273 or Mrs. Edward Z. Rosen. S:-15 a. m. Children's Talis and :nunal worker and civic leader, Goldstein nnd Topper Teal, stuWA 0883 to have your articles Tcfih'n Service followed by break- ill deliver the main addrc-ss at dents at Harvard. They were fast at 8:30 a. m: picked up. Joined by Marvin Fcrenstcin flnd Week day morning services at 7 :ie noon lunciieon. Assisting Mrs. Rosen are Mmes. Mr. Yudcoff is a past president Sheldon Rips, who are attendinc Stanley Fisk, Gerald Cros.;, -Lloyd i. ra. the Massachusetts Institute of if District Grand I-odge No. C; Bank, Harold Brodkey, Millnn! Week day afternoon and evenin:: also served ar. district director Technology. Spcler, Julius Goldner, Arthur ervices at 3:43 p. m. The boys then visited Misses if membership during 1D14 and Kulakofsky, Harold SlosbiirR, DavID55. He Is a past chairman of Sara Pepper, Marilyn Rice and id Bernstein. Joe Honvich and Betfi El he district finance council and is Doris Raduziner who arc attend badore Libcrman. Servicr-s Friday evening will be- now serving as a member of the n Brandcis University at WaltMrs. Novak's committee consists ;in at 8:33 p. in. Rabbi Myer S. national fund raising campaign Jiam. Mass. They all are '55 gradof Mmes. Ernest A. Nogc, Millard Criplie will deliver the sermon cabinet. He Is vice-rhairmnn of uates of Central except M1J;S Margolin, Ben Lewis. Harold Tantor Aaron I. Ed,;ar and the the Structure Committee of the Raduziner who was graduated in Cooperman, Richard Holiermnn. Lk-lh Kl Synagogue Choir will Supreme Grand Lodge. 1554. Justin ManvitT:, Trvin Knimnn, render the musical portions of tiie Ben Novicoff of Lincoln, regionIrv Wohlner, Sheldon Harris. ervicc. Miss Barbara Minkin, dauchtrr Melvin J. Freeman, Gilbert FrelSabbath morning service will be al president, will preside at all the den. Ben Simon, Henry Riekes. t 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation sessions. AH lodges in the coun- of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben M. Minkin, was plcxlsed recently to Alpha cil will send delegates lo tlic conEdward A. Roren. Jack Green •ervicM are al 30:30 a. m. MinchaNorman Cain, Fred Cassman. N .la.iriv Services wij) be at 5:30 ference. Lodges in pie Omaha area Epsilon Phi Sorority at the Uni- Epsfein-Morgan Post Julian Rips, Norman Rips, Ted i. m. Sunday morning services arc Include Henry Monsky,. l^xlgo, versity of Michigan, where she is Tlio October mectinR of EpsteinCornhuskcr Lodge and Nebraska a freshman student. Cohen, Jerome Grossman, Paul 13a.m. lorcan Post 200, JWV, will bo Grossman, Bruce Groenberjr. DanDaily services are at 7 a. m. and Lodge. Lieutenant and Mrs. Alan C. edicated to the memory of tho ny Fogcl, Phil Fox. Edward Ztrrin- p. m. Kohn arrived in Omaha Tuesday late Herman SUveaman. lonj; ncsky, Ben Shapiro, and I-eonanl for a visit on tlieir way to Frank-* live in JWV, who passed aw.iy re* Krasnc. furt, Germany. Mrs. Kohn is the ?ntly, A one minute silent prayer BKANDKIS WOMKN former Miss Joano Jacobs. In •III lionor his memory. Mrs. Warner Frohman. first The mcelliiK will be licit! nt tho tlieir lionor. Miss Julia Jacobs vice-president of the Omnha Chap- A daughter April Lynn was lx>rn mother of Mrs. Kohn will enter- CC Thursday, Oct. 20 at 8 p. m. ter of the Women's Committee of o Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. ICahn By DavM Oriinv The nnmuil dance o' the Eptain nt an open house at her home. Branrtcls University, announces October 8 at a local hospital. The eln-MorRan Post, tire fund rulithat a series of membership teas couple also has a son Denn;.*:. Mrs. October 5: An afternoon of 118 N. Mill Av.{ Saturday, Oct g event of the Post, will be held vrill be held this fall. Th.. first tea K,ihn is the former Miss Esther names was presented by the Beth 15 from 5 to 9 p. m. t the Blackstone Hotel SaturiH Sisterhood. Mrs. Jack Brarason. will be held at 12:15 p. m., this j Martha Wolfe. lay evening, Nov. 20. Commandafternoon at the Highland Town' Mrs. Sam Papier of Denver. chairman, was assisted by Mes- Colonel find Mm. Benjamin T Sliermnn Llpsteln hns desigdames J. Bernstein, R. Bordy, M. Stern are hosts to their dauchColo, is maternal grandmother, Kntzmun, A. Marcus, S. Newman. tcr nml crandson, Mrs. Robert ated the event an V e t e r a n * ~ L • . J . i ;lolo. Mrs. Frohmnn rohmnn is i* nested by her p .,,,, m n , ^m,](an)PT is Jack Kalin IL'Summers and J. Stein. Dance. Senior Vice Jaffcr nnd David who are visitlnu Thanksgiving co-chairmen men Mrs. lenry Newman o f Kan^ ,, a ( ommander Milt Goldberg In Ooctober 9: Standini; room only from Miami, Fla. -and Mrss. ISM Eisenslatt, O»marne of the dance will present was the order of the day at The mittec members ore Mmes. Harreport. Ticket Chairman, Nate Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Z. Faier Blkur Cholim Society Simchath MLs3 Mildred levy's name apola Zelinsky. Donald Nogg, Ronarcus is mailing dance tickets to aM Cohn. Hubert Monslry. Reulicn of Fort Smith, Ark, announce tiie Torah party this afternoon. Mrs. peared in the Trumpeter column he members. He urges every birth of a daughter Susan Gail Allen 2alkin, chairman pr««?ntc<l of the Omaha World-Herald in nn Brown and Harry Rochman. cmber to do his thnro in selling Tliose interested in attending born Sept. 25 at a Fort Smith Benson Girl Scouts in a projjram item nn old books owned by read- he tickets. For nny additional future teas are requested to call hospital. Mis. Faier is the for- of son^ and dances. Tills troupe, ers. Miss Levy thought that it cketa call Nate Marcus, GL 0973. Mr». Frohmnn. RK 0GK0. or any j mer Miss Margot Stein of Fort under the direction of Mrs. C. M. would be interesting to discover All members nre urged to pay {Smith and Dr. Faier was former- Morey, included the following: what old volumes Jewish Press member of her committee. Sandra Bloom, Susan Davidson, readers have. The Press will be eir 1956 dues enrly this year, ly of OmahaItatemenls nre In the mall, rePaternal grandparents are Mr. Sharon Karr, Diane Morcy, Joyce happy to cooperate. Arden In'urcd and Mrs. t->m'Faier and maternal PerKon, Carol Davidson, Nancy Some of Miss Levy's books are orts Junior VIce-Commnndcr 1 arvln Knplan, In charge of m m Heller, Carol Ann Bloom and Rozgrandparent. ; are Mr. and Mrs of the Jews" 11830) by icrchip. K. Ariirn, Ihr: ncnly ap- Julius Stean of Fort Smith. anne Ziporin. Refrcshmentii of "History Raphall; several books of commenpointed area manager for the State strudel, lckach, chocolate cakes tnrios of the Talmud In Hebrew of Israel Bonds Organization, is in Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Bern- and fruit, the latter especially (1830); Chatter Box, and Chatter Lutheran Hospital a* tho result of stein announce the birth of a son wrapped by Mrs. Jake Wine, preschildren's books compiled Jn a fall Sunday miniln;;. He suf- Andrew Paige born Sept. 29 at a ident of the Bikur Cholim Society, Book, fered a dislocated and fractured local hospital. TkTrs. Bernstein is was served by Mesdames Zorin- 1883-87. Kirk, Katzmnn, Lent, Epstein, right shoulder !>.:-ne. the former JIlss Ethel Burstein. sky. Kaiman, Goodbindcr, Upfman. ZiIn spite of his injuries, Mr. ArPaternal f^-andparcnls are Mr porin. M. G. Cohen, A. Bernstein, The director of the midwest disden addreiied a ivjnK-n workers' and Mrs. George Bcrnstdn nnd trict committee for labor In Israel bond moeting held 'i-'onday at tin? maternal grandparents are Mr. Ed Mason. Lincoln, P. Smith, Rocor, Waldman, Schwartz, Ban. will address the first meetuifj of home of Mr.-i. Morrli Grossman. and Mrs. Lou Turkel. Hornstein, fiendlcf, Guss, Rul«n- Final plans ore being made for io season of the Farband Labor stein and Rejmick. the JJeth Israel Men's Club Dance lonist Order Branch 54, Poala Zionist Council to Meet which will bo held Saturday, Oct. Ion nt 7:30 p. m., Sunday, Oct. 15, from 9:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. 5 the Jewish Community Center. The regular meeting date of the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rlfkln will Hollywood (JTA)—"My. ances- at the .Beth Israel Soda] Hall. Omaha Zionist Council lias been Albert Simons tors," boasted tho blueblood EO- Stanley Diamond, Chairman for cport on their visit to Israel. A changed from the second Wednestills affair, announced. Music will uffet supper will bo served nt day to tiie third Wednesday of . Word iias been received here of i dcty woman to Groucho Marx at ench month, Mrs. J. IL KulaJcof- the death of Albert Simons of Los a party, "came over on the May- be .furnished by Earl English and :30 p. m. Mrs. Abe Cohen and his orchestra. 're. Beyla Raznick are-In charge , flower." sky. president of the group, an- Angeles, Calif. He is survived by his wife the Groucho nodded. "It's a lucky This dance Is free to all men's ' arrangements. nounced. . Reservations" will 130 accepted The next meeting will be held former Miss Mcrrlam Wiesman of' inu they did," he said quietly. club members and their clients. ,Gf| your party, topclhcr onw until G o'clock this.evening. Call at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Ocf. 19 in Omaha; a son Marc Alan and a ; "The Immigration I brother, William. and plan to attend this affair. ml J. Feldman, ItK 09.18: ' ' ' tlii Jewish C>omm>jnity Center. much stricter now."
B'nai B'rifh Region Meet in Fremont
Omaha Sketches
With the Folks Af Home
B.I. Men to Hold Dance October 15
Guest Speaker to Address Farband
M i a * Oebter U, UK.
Organizations B. I. 8ISTEUHOOD 1 Beth Israel Sisterhood will pra« sent Its Annual Book Review Luncheon Tuesday, Oct. 25 at, 1 p. m. in the synu^ogue social halL. Tlie event, open to the public, will feature the review of "Mar* Jorie Morningstar," by Herman Wvuic, who is also Uie author ol "The Caine Mutiny." The novel will be reviewed by Mrs. John Jesse, well-known to Omahans for her skillful dramatization ol her book reviews. A lunch will be served prior to the review. Free baby sitter serv» ice will be provided for youngsters. Reservations can be made with Mrs. Clarence Bergman pictured on tbo riglit is going over or- book review chairmen, Mrs. Juliuf runRcmcnts fur the regional convention of Uixtrict 20, National I'V»I- Ilornstein, GL H030, and Mrs: Set cratlon of Templo Hlsti'rlioods, with lier comuilttcu im'mlxTs, BIr«4 Ash, WA 2807. Also handling reservations are Hiua ZaolLarla (left) and Mm. Henry Newman (center). Not shown Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, GL 3360, " in Mrs. iU-rnhariit Walt, Temple Israel Sisterhood president. and Mrs. Arthur Farilman. WA 4485.
MON8KY CHATTER will also be completed for the proB'nai B'rith Henry Monsky donor chapter luncheon to be held Chapter No. 470 will sponsor a ot 12 JO p. m. Wednesday, Oct. 2fi party at the Omaha Veterans ot the Brandels Store Auditorium. Hospital Monday, Oct. 17, from Mrs. Samuel W. Hartley, national 2:30 until 4 p. in. These parties ILidassah member, from New York will be Riven cadi month by the City will lie j;uest speaker. chapter on the third Monday v! MlZItACHI WOMKN each month. Mrs. Charles Stern The rejjular meotinj; of Omaha and Mrs. Kichard Wright urc co-Chnpter of Mizrachi Women on chnirnien. They will welcome help Wednesday, Oct. 19. will be prefrom memlKTS who would like to ceded by a one o'clock dessert serve on this cojnmiltoe and help luncheon. The business meeting entertain our disabled and ill vet- will be devoted to the 'all collecerans. tion of JNF blue boxes. Mrs. The chapter is also pleased too Harry I'askowitz and lier commitannounce (lie follonini; appoint- tee will lie In charge. Mrs. M. M. ments made by the district office Poliakoff tuks that in memory of of the Veteran's Administration the late Mrs. Joe Batt, the memVolunteer S e r v i c e s of B'nu bers will do their utmost to brinjr B'rith. Mrs. Charles Stein will their boxes fo this meeting and serve ot the Omuhu hospital and avoid prolonj'int; the collection Mrs, Aaron Kpstcln at the Lincoln The meet Inn as usual will be held hospital. In tin? Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Stanley Shapiro is alterAt this meeting contributions nate for the Lincoln Hospital. will be taken for the bazaar to lie B'nal U'rith Henry Monsky r;iven by the friends of the ChilChapter No. 470 Adult Education drens Memorial Hospital. The KADIMAU VUAITEK Group will hold its first meetlni; Federation of Jewish Women's Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer of the year .it the home of Mrs Clubs will have a booth at the Women will hold their meeting Morris Kutler, 1718 No. OStli St., baznnr. at tho Temple, Monday evening, at the home of Mrs. Millie Wine, Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 8 p. m. Miss The JNF Trees chairman re- him. Joseph N. Koch of Dallas, Theresa Clark, principal of Cor- ported that the following have Tex., member of the National Fed- Oct. 17 and will be followed by a 0025 Pacific St.. Thursday, Oct. program which will Include the eration of Temple Sisterhoods' ex20, at 8 p. m. Guest speaker will rignn school will speak on "Thepurchased trees to be planted In Public School system and Your Israel: Mrs. J. Abramson, In hon- ecutive board, will be guest speak- Omaha Piano Quartet, a drama, be Dr. Floyd Rin& who is a ChlJd." Miss Clark was chosen or of the recovery of Dr. Maurice er at the region.il conclave of Dis- "The Builders," by the Temple pvomlnent Omaha psychiatrist. outstanding woman of the year by Sachs; Mm. J. Ahramson, In hon- trict 20, National Federation of Youth Group and a. youth forum lis topic to be "How to Keep the U'nal B'rith chapters last year or of the Gulden Wcddinrc anniver- Temple Sisterhoods, to be held In featuring Mervin Lemmerman of Mentally Well" Hostesses for the evening will sary of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Omalia from October 1G to 18. Omalia and Irving Lcvitas of Kanbo Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, Mrs. AbeGreen; Mrs. Ben Ilurstcin, In hon- Mrs. Koch will speak at a banquet sas City, Mo. Members of (he Oinsburi; and Mrs. Ilershcl Freed or of the recovery o' Mrs. A. F-p-to be held Tuesday evening, Oct. piano quartet are Mpies, Harry man. Mrs. Solomon Gold!tirb Is stcln; Rabbi and Mrs. M. M. Polia- 18, In tho Blackstonc Hotel. * Trustin, Harry Roscnfcld, Harry o'lult education chairman. Registration of about 125 dele- DuBoff and Abe Fcllmon. The koff, In honor of the recovery of was formed ten yenrs ago i\W AUXIMAUY Mrs. I-ewis Neveletf and Mrs, Mor- gates Is expected for the conven- quartet The a n n u a l Epstein-Morgan ris Cherrick of Baltimore, Md., and tion, a spokesman stated. Dele- and they perform at social funcl-ndies Auxiliary No. 200, Jewish Mrs. Morton Richards; Mrs. R/ise gates will represent Colorado, tions. Luncheons to be hold Monday War Veterans Ilummar,e Sale Will Foj;cl, for the recovery of her Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Tuesday are open to all sisbe held Monday and Tuesday, Oet crandson, Irving Cassman, of and New Mexico. 17 and 18, at 1918 North 21th St. Freeport, III.; Mrs. noso Fonel Mrs. Clarence Bergman, local terhood members. The convention Anyone wishing to have their rum- and Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Kpstein, chairman, announced that there will close Tuesday evenini; with a mage picked up, or anyone wislv for the recovery of Itnbbl Myer will be an opening service at 8 banquet at the Blacksione. Ing to volunteer their cervices at S. Krlpkc; the chapter, in honor p. m. In Temple Israel to be fol- Mmes. I. Llbcrman and J. Meythe rummoKc sale, please call Mrs. of Moe F. Knnan; Mr. and Mrs.lowed by an open reception for er are reservations chairmen for Pelmer Klein, president, HE 7858, Frank Seknr, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin b o t h delegates and sisterhood the conference. or Mrs. Jack Saylan, vice-presi- Goodman, Miss Jean Gcndler, in members. dent, WE 2071, by Friday, Oct. 14. memory o ' Sarah Wclnstein. A buffet supper will be served Mrs. J. Milton Marnolln, chairMrs. Tonl Katskee, Mrs. Michael man for overseas packages, is Cohen of Philadelphia, P a , in preparing Chanukah packages to memory of Ruth Shapiro; Mr. and FAMILY C1.VJX TO MEET be sent to Jewish Omaha service- Mrs. Benjamin Sherman, In mem- The Kutler-Ciplnlco Family Club men stationed overseas. Anyone ory of Auj;usta Karp of Des will meet at 8 p. m., Sunday, Oct. konwing a Jewish Omaha service- Moines, la.; Mrs. Sol Lewis and 1G at the home of Mr. and Mrs. man stationed overseas, please call family, In memory of Bessie ItothMrs. Margolin. GL 4G6S. so that kovitz; Mm. Sol Lewis and fam-Ben Kutler, 112 N. 38th S t the Auxiliary can include the serv- ily, Mrs. Ben Handler, in memory iceman's name and address on the of Dr. Bernard Wolison; the Announces the Chanukah list Misses Mildred nnd Evelyn Levy; Affiliation of The monthly' bingo party for Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kavich, Mr. the Omaha Veterans Hospital was and Mrs. Harry Sidman, Dr. and RUG & UPHOLSTERY bold Thursday, Oct. a Mrs. Abe Mrs. Krnest Wohl of Bridgeport, Knpliin, Mrs. Wm. Abrahanw, and Conn., in memory of Esther Susie CLEANERS Mrs. J. Mlltnn Margolin attended. Batt; Mrs. l>eo Ostravlch, in memRUGS — CARPETING HADASHAII • ory of Jennie Levine. LAMP SHADES Paul Vcrct, executive director Mr. and Mrs. H. Osoff, in memFURNITURE of the Federation for Jewish Serv- ory of Rose G. Wciner; The Omaice, will Rfiealc on 'The Women's ha Chapter, Mizrachi Women, In Cleaned in Your Homel Army in Israel." at the first Onef? memory of Rose C. Wolnor; Mrs. FOR A QUICK SALE OR Utdlnq • Laying • Repai»l»t Shabbat of the season of Omulia Max Arbltman, Mrs.* J. Goodnm- DON BERNSTEIN HA Chapter of UndnKsnh at 2:15 p. m., der, Mrs. B. Grossman, Mrs. Ben A GOOD BUY IN HOUSING Saturday. Oct. 15 at Beth El Handler, Mrs. Sol NORB. and Mrs. social hall. Morris RosenRteln, In memory of Mrs. Maurice Alperin Is Renera! Hose G. Weiner. The Chapter, chairman of this affair. She will Mrs. Ann Bernstein, My. anil Mrs. be assisted by Mmos. Arthur Gold- Sam Kpstein, Mrs. Rase Fojrcl, in WE 8820—Office GL 2713 — Home stein, Sam Turkel nnd William memory of Bnrbarn Ann Epstein. Frelden. Members of the Chapter nnd Everyone in Invjlcd to attend friends are placing the name of end refreshments will be served. Ksther Susie Batt on a memorial Omaha Chapter Ifadassah Board plaf|uc, where Knddish will be said Meeting will be held Monday. Oct. for her and her Yahr Zclt will be 17, at the homo of Mrs. Hyman kept perpetually in the synaRORUC Dolman, 120 So. 50th St. Co- of the Children's Village In Raanhostcsscs will be Mrs. Isador Lov- ana, Israel. enson and Mrs. Max Greenberi*. At this meeting, plans will be Breadbreakers to Meet made and delegates will be selectThe Rreadbreakers of Henry ed to attend the Hadassah National Convention to be held Oct. 30 Monsky Lodge of B'nai B'rith will hold a luncheon meeting at 12 throuch Nov. 2 In ChieaK°- This will be Hadassah'a 41st National noon, Wednesday, Oct. 10 and 20 Convention. Dessert and coffee at the Dundee Dell. A guest speakServed Buffet Stylo! er has boon invited to attend. The will be served. meeting will end*promptly at 1 p. All You Care to Eat The Iladossoh Group Boards m. See for yourself how All members of the lodge arc will meet Thursday, Oct. 20. Plans Invited quickly, how easily to attend. will be made for the national conDromedary Mixes give vention. -Dessert will bo served. NOON TO 3 P.M. you the finest cakes and The Her^ Group will rnect ot the cookies you've ever home of Mrs. A. S. Wohlncr, 2327 bought or baked! N. 53rd St., with Mmes. Max JA 130ft* to lmcrt jwur w*nl Ad Shapiro and Al Fcldman on co- iPhono Tht Jewub rrt*«. Curnnt rate It 60 centJl for tacii Uutl* hostesseit. lion, TI)B I'rtJHi rrtrrytM the rljjht lo limit The S/old croup will meet at >lz« on cMth ndvtrtluemrnt. tho home of Mrn. Harold Cooper- BAR and Bai Mitzvah congratumnn, 672 Parlcwood Lane, with lations also Joi all Jewish holiMrs. Dan Lintsman as co-hostess. days and special occasion!!. Tlio Wcllzman group will Rather tfeyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge. «t the home of Mrs. Nathan TurnHOTEL BLACKSTONE «•, 3311 Itoward St., with Mmes. M0I,KE; Meet mo at the Beth Israel David Shukcrt nnd Charles FcllLatko nnd Cnnl Party Novemman n.s co.hostesKOs, KflllMlJUS"' At these board meeting", plans ber 12.
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Teetis on the Town
Basketball Bar and Bas Youth Council Varsity League Set at 'J' Programs Mitzvah
after the game, vie sou at La Hi Oang, Barb Ucrkct 'n.Sid RosenWell, we're back ij.:uin! Thanks Ca.sa's kids for keeping u.s sooo busy with blatt, Rita I'eltz 'n Mike Meyer, Mike Mo;;il. Arvin Cohen, Willard all your dates, partita 'n .such. Of Miss Phyllis Katzman. daughter course you're doing it all on our Plotkin 'n Judy Cohen, Benline Greene 'n Jim Spit/er, Jeff of Mr. lend Mrs. Phil Kutz.muii. account! and Miss litclle Sclmliuan, daughWe're just busting with news, Swai tz, D'.:rnie Giossman. Nelson ter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry SchulGordman, Maureen Ze\llz. JVancy BO here goes— man, will celebrate their Ba.s Lewis. Mike lilatt. • Out and about Friday night we Sunday mo-e football, more Mitzvah ;it a joint bervke Friday spotted Toni K a p l a n 'n Larry cheers, evenin;:, Oct. 11 and Saturday biuiu-n bones and fun Zacliaria, Nancy Richards 'n found oodles morning, Oct. 35 at Beth Kl Synaof kids at the RayimMarv Frcedman. Siizi Wolfhon 'n AZA No. 300 football came. With ;ue. Friends and relatives arc Steve Silver, Howie Koo|><r 'n Ilayim victorious (*er No. 100 invited to attend both services Marlene Swartz and Bob Kpstein 32-0. 'J"lic frethmcu played also and t!i'..- receptions which will fol'n Linda Kavich. Also Friday nii;lu with Itayhn winning: a;rain by a low. Barb Wolf had a small lien party. score u('.' Outstanding players Saving a real good time were Mur were J. Hosen, Murray Mayer, M. Mr. and Mrs. D. I). Weinberg Rosenblatt, Ilancy Lewis, Jeanie lilatt. Howie Lipton for JW) and announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Goldstein, Judie Han. and Phyllis Diclt Kinstein, Al Corey. Stove son, Maynard, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein. Ro.scnlyl.itt for Kayim. Hut j^o l'JIward Dolgoff announce the Bas Seen Cheering Certral to mi- football game is complete without Mitzvah of their daughter, Caroother grand victory were Joyce a cheering section! Some of the lyn, nt a joint service at Beth Kl Koom "n Warty Green. Suzl Wolf- loyal supporters were Larry Gilin- Synagogue- Friday evening, Oct "Son 'n Bob Joseph. Nancy Vcnger slty and his motor-skooter horn, 21 and Saturday morning, Oct. 22. , 'a Mike Ilcrzog, Judy • I-azer 'n Arnie Han, Stu Kutler, Bab Ad- Friends and relatives lire Invited ler, Nancy Richards, Jo\co Koom. to attend both services and the ; Steve Silver, Marv Joseph. Joel KUer, Toni Kaplan, Clicrna Joodi Lewis, Suzl Li'pp, Dodi Sha- receptions which will follow. piro, Colcman Greenberg, Jimmy Schrager. Phyl Abrahams, Toni Fellman, Gail Trctink, Ifuward Friedman, .fudi Plattner, Suzi The 11,-ir Mitzvah of Frank Nor,Kaslow 'n Ginny Kramer. Bob Ep- Wolfson, Judy Lazer and Marlene man Goldberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. stein 'n Phyl Bernstein and Howie Freedman. Harry Goldberg, will be celebratKooper 'n Mur Rosenblatt. Susie Lipp, BunnyRavitz, Bon- ed at Beth Israel Synagogue this ' After the game found many, nie Haykin. Janie Fellman, Midge Friday evening and Saturday many people at "what was the Grcenberg and Judy uteenberg morning. All friends and members name of that show?" Somebody's wound up the week-end by hav- of the family arc cordially invited ins; dinner at Caniglia's. to attend the services and the reBlues wasn't It? : • Others who were to be found at Well that about does it for this ception following the services. the.gome wearing their poor little .veck. Keep busy so we'll have lots voices out were Stan Kaimrm 'n »f nows for ymi next week. The Bar Mitzvah of Robert S. Diane Singer, Mike Meyer 'n Ritn See Yal oESi son of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. I-co Jiuli, Dody, Suzl 'n Joodi Nogrf. will be celebrated this evePcltz, Elaine Jangcr n Maynard Rosen. Jerry Gordman 'n Linda ning nnd tomorrow morning at Rosenbaum, Al Selgcl 'n Joni Temple Israel. Marx*-Bonnie Spleglc 'n Ix-e SiFriends and relatives are invltmon, Dick Einstein 'n Judy Lewis. 'd to attend the services and the Evey Levy, Ronny Fishman. receptions which will follow. My Ifuule Kooper A spur of the moment party ;. held Saturday night .it Susie!I AZA NO. 1 Martin Car) Ricks, son of Mr. . Lipp's home entertained Iiunny Mother chapter will hold nn nd Mrs. Morris Hicks of Missouri Kavitz, Bonnie Haykin nnd Janie uvenii;;ht stag, .Saturday, Oct. 15, Valley, la., will celebrate his Bar Fellmnn among others. Crashers at Camp Brewster, Mitzvah Friday evening and Saturwere John Goldner. Shel Krantz, AZA NO. 100 day morning, Oct. 21 and 22 at Mike Yudolson. Sine Cohen. Thirteen b<»ys pled:;ed last week Hflh ,Km<-l .Synagogue. Friends Steve Rosenblatt, Don;; C»hn. jnwl their training has begun. A ml relatives are invited to attend Murray. Rose, Jimmy Friedman lump, conlist has opened to the the services and the receptions and Murray Newman. jmrmbei:; of the clun. Prizes for which will fi>lluw. Gorging themselves, with pizza!'he cvintcst will be presented for first, second, and thin1 places. USY to Meet Committee appointments f"r the (.Mining c o n v e n t i o n were anUnited Synagogue Yuuih will •Mim-ed at the last meetini;. III its first meeting of the wa-' son from 7 to 1) p. m.. Sunday, it'NAl i : i : n n (JIHI.S the Oct. 10 in the social hall of Beth Tin; li'nai B'rith Girls' vin Twenty-five teen-age lmys ,-int! ••Sp.Hjl; Hop" will be October 29 Kl. The entire Jewish Youth Coungirls .participated in a Ixnvling al the Jewish Community Center. ?il is invited to attend., clinic last Monday at the Music Kay Markovitz and Maddy Miroff The .-innufil 3053 United SynaBox. Kven though time did not are co-chairmen fur the dance. gogue Youth convention will be permit the showing of films as Shelly Grcenberg. Phyllis Bern- hrlil in Lincoln during the Thanksplanned, excellent instruction WIIS stein and Kileen Epstein are can- giving vacation. All those planavailable in the persons of Hoy didates for Queen of Black Magic. ning to attend must be present at Dean, Sam Katzman and Phil Candidates for the'kirn,' of Black the meeting where convention Katzman, all outstanding lxnvlei-s Magic are Man- Freedman, Mike plans will be discussed. Refreshments will be served. Fundamentals were the order Lazer and Jerry Ferer. New officers of the freshman pf the day as the youths were instructed on stance, delivery and MIT class are Rosaline Siporin. B.B. Women's Bowling follow through as well as aiming president; Alice Kurz, secretaryand bowling courtesies. At the treasurer; Carol GomlXTg, report"A" DIVISION* W. clinic, Mr. Dean Rave a few in- er;i Connie Nichols, Omaha notifications; Georgianne Mozzy, Shukort.H troductory remarks concerning Midwest Water Heat variations of bowline techniques Council Bluffs notifications. Korney Paint Co. . . and demonstrated correct follow Debs held a pledge meeting Omaha Jobbing through motions. Thursday afternoon. Debs will gic'H Beauty Salon Youth Council bowline; starts also hold a regular meeting SunStorz Brev/Ing Co. . . this Sunday at the Music Box for day. Wolf Bros. the boys and the following TuesAt their last meeting the memday at the Mi^sSc Box for girls. bers of Debs'decided to go back Philip's Dept. Store . . The first sessions of bowline will to their old system of one big Job Evans Uniforms be for establishing averages with club, disbanding the idea of two Fireside Restaurant . Kllie Schloff, 203; Rose Oruch. regular competition being sched- split groups. Now Debs is running •JG5; Kudlce Cantor, 174—AIM; uled for the following Sunday as one big club with rotating comjcrt Zcvitz. 175—402. The same procedure will l>e used mittees. "B" DIVISION in the girls' league on Tuesday KAVIM W. U afternoons. Octolwr 2. Rayim had their in- ioriiliclm Jewelry 10 5 duction ceremony nt David Gold- Sest Appliance 10 5 stein's home. Tills year Rnylm in- Klsh Furs 0 5 ducted ]1 new pledges. They arc -ouls Mkt '... 8 John Okun, Jeffery Blank, Steven Smith Pontlac 8 Grcenlwrg, Larry Hobennan, Da- Hinky-Dinky 8 vid Wintroub, Robert Fellman. Lyn's Florist 8 A no-host testimonial dinner In Philip Gerelick, Sheldon "Cohen. 8 honor of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Mike Kurtz, Bernard DeKovcn Roberts Dairy Colony Club 7 Kaplan will be held at 7 p. m. to- and David Lincoln. Vcnger &Som( C morrow at the Fireside Restau- Rayim's community service comrant. Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan will be mittee worked for the community Babytown 3 Stores . . . . . . C C leaving Omaha short!) for Seattle. chest setting up chains at the au- Hamilton Pharmacy 5 Wash., where Mr. Kaplan will as- ditorium for the community chest Mogen David Wine Imperial Beauty Salon . . 5 sume the post of Director of the drive. They also worked at the •Northwest Region of B'nai B'rith's blood bank. Anti-Defamation League. SYO Convention K0HANM3 .. The dinner is being planned by Harold Cohen, advisor to the Omaha lodges and chapters An election meeting was held theRabbi Synagogue Youth Organization •nd the Anti-Defamation League at the home of Phyl Bernstein Division of the Union of Orthodox Wednesday Oct. 12. The results Committee of Omaha. of this election will be published Congregation of America in New For reservations, call Mrs. Ar- in next week's edition of the Jew- York, announced that the Annual thur Goldstein, GL 7093. ish Press. PJans arc being made S. Y. O. convention will be held in for the first fund raising project Kansas City, Mo. . The Herald was the first news- to be held sometime next month, paper in New York to give de- rtohnnue pins hnve been ordered of October. The adoption of nn tailed descriptions-of the gowns and are symbolic of the club's >raeli orphanage will be a cur•worn by women nt soda? affairs.' spirit. They will arrive at the end rent Israeli project
Y. C Spotlight
YC Boys' Bowling To Start Sunday
Fete for Kaplans Tomorrow Evening
'Friday, October 14, 1055.
111MOIt MAG Howie Kooi>er, editor of the Youth Column of the Jewish Press, announced that the Youth Council will publish n hinmir mn;;a/iinstrictly for teen-agers. The publication, to include stories, poems cartoons and playlets, will be written by Youth Council mrinb'-rs. Articles or drawings can be contributed by any teen-agon;, they are to bo dropped into the press box In the Youth Council Office. Tile deadline for the fii-,t issue Is Friday, Oct. 21.
Sl'KKO KKADIVG Speed reading, a newly instituted program sponsored by the Youth Council, will start Wednesday, Oct. 2G. Focusing on speed reading and the Improvement of reading comprehension, this tenweek course will also Includo improvement of study techniques, the teaching of skills and techniques of taking examinations. Special t r a i n i n g devices and movies will be utilized In this program. The fee for this course Is four dollars. High schoolers desiring to register for this program should contact the Youth Council Director nt the Jewish Community Center. flOI'.V.SIXING A comprehensive pre-college counseling protrram, to include material aid and counseling Information along with a well developed testing program, will again he offered to high school youths. Other features of this program are educational and informative program.':, availability of a complete college catalog library and iource files for vocational and career materials. There I;; no charge for Ibis program. A nominal foe of 52.00 Is charged to seniors In high school to cover partial expenses of the testing program. High school seniors are now registering for this testing program, which will begin the week of Oct. 17. Further Information on this program may lie had 'mm (he Jewish Community Crntor, JA 1.TC6. IMCAMA OKOUP "Drama At The Jay" a Youth Council sponsored group, is starting its second season of play proiluctions at the Jewish Community Center under the direction of Pat Lcmmem. Slated for production on the night of November 12 Is two outstanding one net plays. "Star Bright" will feature Sandy Lincoln Julie Kurtz. Barbara Bercutt, Lonl Wine and Maxlne Jabenis. Another playet. "Thin Adopting Business" Is now being cast. Tryouts and rehearsals arc held n the auditorium each day after school. Those interested in acting r the more technical nspecLs of the theater ohouldn't miss this opportunity to participate-. There is no charge for this program.
Mrs. Fellman, President Of ZBT Mothers'Club Mrs. Leon Fellman was elected president1 of the Zeta Zeta Tau Mother* Club at their meeting October 7 In the Highland Town Club. Other newly elected officers are Mrs. David Katlcman. vicepresident and Mrs. David Hoberman, treasurer.
Hadassah Bowling W. L. Youngstown Kitchen ....10 2« General L'lectric 9 3 Silk Shop 7 5 R. C. A. Victor 7 5 Plyalnnd Park 7 5 Metz Beer •....-7 0 Nogg Bros 5',i 65S Superette Market G G Maglcolor Paints 6 G Cooper Construction . . . . 5',4 G',a Fireside Restaurant . . . . 5 7 Sllco Products 5 7 Edwards Jewelry . . . . . . 5 7 Brodkcy Jeyvclry . . . . . . 4 8 Watson Bros. . . , . . i 8 Mystic Beauty Salon . . . . 2 10
Last Monday evening (he team captains and last year's leaders In 1 I! ' V.inity Basketball I.caguo of tile Jcuish Communily Center formulated plans for the coming .a: on. Limly P.ml, Sieve Lustgarten, Al Clayman and Kd Belgrade along with Physical Kduea1 ion ir-|.,.(;ior Jim Karhatseh, drafted :'iyeis |.> make up the re.spcctAv tiMins of the four-team league. These players iuchidi' most of las! year's players plus .some new people ill Omaha tliat am all anxious to begin. The Marling date is set at Novrmber 17 with tv.o gaincs,scheduled for every Thursday in the gym starting at 7:.'i() and H:.':0 p. m. Tin; league will have one full round'of pre-fceawm play for player evaluation, and (hen (he regular season will start ,'iflirr Christmas. Any players interested in joining a team in this league are a-iked to contact Jim Karbatsch at the Jewish Center by calling JA l.')GG, e.vt. 20.
Jay Midget Swim' Meet Sunday The Jewish Community Center Midget Swim Meet will be held this Sunday at 1 p. m. In tho Center p.*>l. Over 1,200 entry blanks have hern mailed to Center memtors and children in the summer swim program In an effort to swell the entry list. Scheduled events include the human s t r o k e , freestyle, breast stroke, baci: stroke, elementary b.ick stroke and diving. Age divisions have been set at two year levels bi'ginniiii; with seven and eight-year-olds. The top age limit U fourteen. This is an invitational meet and award certificates will be pr,.>v-nted t'> first, i:ecind and third placo winners of each event.
Consecration Exercises To Beheld at B.I. Annual Beth Israel School System Consecration Kxerekes for beginners in Talmud Torah will bo held Sunday morning, Oct. 10 at li a. in. ill I he synagogue. Youngsters who will be consecrated are; Shane Ariler, L'laine. Blniamow, Marvin Braun, Joan Brook.itein, Harry liruniMigraher, Allen Cohen, Marcia Cohen, Annette Charney, Donald Fox, Sidney Friedman, Steven Ccrbcr, Alexander Grossman, Larry (jlniplv, Paul filventer, Charles Ichowicz, Philip Itkln, Steven ICatz, Lawrence K a u f m a n , Marc Kraft, I-arry Lefitz, Pamela Lincoln. David Lilt, Stephen Mulnlck, Iklward Manhalmer, Janis Melches, Iloberta Mcyerson, Arjc Nnchmnn, Bruce Poster, Hence Rubin, Ira Ituzniclc, Joseph Jlelr.,1, Betty RosenzwcUr, Jerry Smith, I.eon Shrago, Harry Silver, Jack Silver, Marty Sokolof, Rosalie S'le.irns, Arleen. Stern, Klcne Staler, Marshall Turkel, KIJen Zelinsky and Marsha Zweiback.
Beth El Sunday School Beth El Sunday School classes will begin this Sunday, Oct. 16. First session students meet from 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. Second session students meet from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. All Sunday School students will report directly to the Chapel for assignment. For further information call tho Both El synagogue office, GL 3221.
Jr. B.B. Bowling Junior B'nal B'rith bowling will start this Sunday at 1:30 p. ni. In the Parkway Bowl. Cost for bowling will be 75 cents for two games plU3 the charge of rental for bowling shoes.» Teams will be made up after several weeks of bowlinu in ord«r for league members to establish bowling averages.
B. I. Sunday School , The Beth Israel Sunday School will resume classes Sunday, Oct. 16. Consecration Services for beginners in Sunday School will be held at 10:30 a. m. Sunday, Oct. 23