October 21, 1955

Page 1

Vul. XXXIV—No. 2.


Dinner Will HighligSit Zionist

AltMISTICK VIOLATION Jerusalem (JTA)--The Israel Government once again protested ag.iin.it Ef;ypt'«n refusal to live London f (JTA)—The Egyptian Washington (WNS;—Provision up to the terms of tho general Council o Ministers has approved by the U. S. of jet planes and armistice agreement In the Nita new military service law pro- tanks to Isracl»to offset the arms zana—El Auja—demilitarized zone viding for compulsory military between Israel and the Sinai Pen service for all malo citizens at Egypt Is to receive from the Communist bloc of countries was urged instila. age 18, it was reported here. Pointing to Sunday's attack on Cairo dispatches also reported this week on the Administration two United Nations observers by that a fund-raising drive to ob-by 15 Representatives from' New Egyptian troops In the zone, an tain money from Egyptians for York. Israel Foreign Ministry spokes- purchase of arms under contract Wrtr!;fitti|i • Hotel. man underscored that Egypt con from Communist contrics is being Tho Congressmen also, urged '"iniiisf. ii-aderH from five states tlnues tri keep troops In the zone conducted by the government that the U. S. embark at once on will i;allier this Sunday nt Hie in violation of the armistice pact Government officials, led by Prem- establishing a security pact with Illnck.sturm Hotel for this oil day and n special agreement recently ier Gamal Abdal Nasser, are re-Israel "guaranteeing tho Integrity jnrley. Twenty Zionist districts in hammered out by UN truce chief portedly contributing a month's of her borders and that of her MisKuuri. Kansas, Nebraska, Iown Moj. Gen. E. L. M. Hums to re-salary to the campaign, university mid B..POMTII Illinois will be repmove both Israel and Egyptian faculty members nnd sports or- Arab neighbors." !••;-••:-,l. troops from the Nltzana area. ganizations have announced do- The question of the flow of 'i (". Levin, dinner chairman, nations to the fund, and the army Communist munitions into tho fi-i ; A. II. Ondler, president of says that the first day's contribu- Middle East was reported to have ItlVKIl l'LAN been given serious consideration t;: • Omaha Zionist District, urge Washington (WNS) — A r a b tions totaled close to $1,500,000. at a meeting of the Nrtional Sei-!• nrinbers of the community t<i agreement to the Jordan River curity Council. Earlier Israel Am«tlend the dinner nnd to make Knbbl Joseph S. Rliubow plan was forecast this week by bassador Abba Elian conferred tlifii' reservations by calling Mr Eric Johnston. President Eisenwith George V. Allen, Assistant '..lin. <1L 2515 or Mr. Gendler, hower's personal trouble-shooter Secretary of State for Near East(;i, IMTJ. Reservations are three to tho Middle East, who declared em Affairs. Mr. Elian was reportdn'ii :-n p"i- person. In Rome on the eve of his dcapred to have asked Mr. Allen what S in lile" \i ehalrman of reserJerusalem (WNS)—Premler- the Department Intended to do by turo to the United States that he vation firnnii:>Miients: other mem left tho Middle East "without the designnto David lien Gurlon, who way of following up tho assertion bci,4 of the arrangements comtnit- Mother Chapter of AZA, aslightest doubt" that both sides was prevented by sudden Illness that mutual fears could be best lei- are Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, Hy- member club of the Jewish Youth now consider his plan as the "only from presenting his new coalition remedied by a security puaranteo nimi O.;off mid Joe Hornslein and Council ,will paint safety mark- logical and equitable approach to Cabinet for Knesset approval this rather than by an arms race. Mr. ers on G'l downtown street corners the problem of developing a river week, was reported resting com- Elian presented Israel's views on Eugene Itieh. Rabbi Shulmw was educated nt this Sunday morning as one ofsystem." fortably In his suite at the Presi- the implications of the new situaijarvard University anil the Jew their community service projects. Under the proposed Jordan Riv- dent Hotel here. tion. At the same time it was asKb Institute of Reunion. He Harold [Caiman, chairman of AZA er plan, the states of Israel, Lebserted by Israeli sources that IsDoctors ministering to the next served as chaplain in tho US Army No. l's community service com-anon, Syria end Jordan (ire to dirael was seeking to purchase arms Premier said Mr. Den Gurion Is through the existing reimbursein Kurope during World War.II mittee, stated that the entire club and was awarded the Bronze Star. will take part In thi.i project to vide the waters of the 200-mile expected to make a recovery but ment channels In order to redress that they would not let him work the imbalance of power created • lie Is a member of the American help make pedestrian* safety con- long river. Meanwhile the State Depart in the future with the same tempo from the flow of arms to Egypt Academy for Jewish Research and scious. as he did in the past. ment was reported to have voiced the American Association for I'c The youngsters Rot tho green from the Soviet bloc. lillcal Science. A veteran Zionist light from the Department of concern over Intimation that, un- The list of Ministers which the lender nnd spokesman. Rnhbl Shu- Street Transportation to go ahead less there Is Arab agreement for Premier-designate expected to (In New York City, tho New bow has been n delegate to thowith the project and an Omaha regional water cooperation, Israel submit to Knesset, representing a York Post quoted Egypt's Premier World Jewish Conference heH In merchant contributed funds with will have no other alternative but four-party coalition, Is: Mr. Ben as having told of its correspondGeneva. Switzerland. which to buy paint and stencils. to resume the suspended Benot Gurion, Mapal, Premier; Moshe ents that he considers himself on Harry Hatcher, director of theYuacov project. Sharett, Mapal, Foreign Minister; a crusade not alone against IsDr. Joseph Dunner, chnlnnan of I^GVI Eshkol, Mapal, Finance Min- rael, but acainst international the Political Science Department Omaha Safety Council, helped the ister; Mrs. Golda Mycrson, Mapal, Jewry and the wealth of tha of Grinnell College and honorary boys make their plans for painting Survey Commission . Labor Minister; Perotz Naphtall, Jews.) president of the region, will intro- a four-foot kng white line on each curb which will be marked safety Set Up by Federation duce Rabbi Shubow. Mapal, Minister for Trade and Industry; Behor Shltreet, Map.il, The opening jession of the con- line nnd another on tho street clave will begin nt 10 a. m. Milton marked death line, Tho young- An enlarged Bureau of Jewish Minister for Police; Kaddlsh Looz, SOBKLOF1' SAYS . . . J." Silborman of Chicago, vice- sters will stencil their safety re- Education to serve as survey com- Mapai, Agriculture Minister; Zalchairman of National Administra- minders on the cornel's from IGth mission to cooperate in tho pro-man Arrane, Mapai, Education tive Coune'l.-ZOA, will address the to 17th streets and from Dodge to posed survey of Jewish education Minister; JvTordecia Namlr, Mapai, In Omaha was approved by theMinister without portfolio. luncheon meeting at 12:30 p. m. Farnam streets. Executive Committee of the FedA workshop seminar will follow New York (WNS)—U.S. Solideration for Jewish Service last the luncheon nnd will feature Hen tor General Simon E. Sobeloff, adGolden Agers to Hear Thursday evening. Zlon EmanticI, director of the dressing an Israel bond dinner a t American Zionist Council of Chi- 'Our Greatest Asset' Jack W. Marcr,. federation prestho Waldorf-Astoria Hotel tencago. ident, presided at the meeting. dered in honor of Israel's Ambas"America Conserves Her Great- Committee members who atsador Abba Eban and his wife, deest Asset" is the topic for the next tended are: David Blacker, Mrs. that the policy of "firm meeting of the Golden ARC Club David Brodkey, Mrs. Edward E. Mayor John Rosenblatt has clared friendship for Israel" enunciated to be held at the Jewish Commu- Brodkey, Arthur A. Cohn, Leo Ei- proclaimed Monday, Oct. 21 aslast year by President Elsenhower nity Center at 1 p. m., Monday, senstatt, Leo Fox, Dr. Abe Green- United Nations Day In Omaha. remains as one of the central facOct. 24. K.i II. Dunaway, Omaha berg, Ben E. Kaslow, Louis Katz, Tho date is the anniversary of the tors In the U.S. approach to the signing of the Unlttd Nations "'The Soviet Agricultural Econ- district manager of the Social Se- Robert H. Kooper, J. Harry KulMiddle East proBtem. omy" will be discussed by Dr. dnlo curity Administration, will tell of akofsky, Milton Llvington, Dr. charter. Asserting that Secretary of Johnson of the University of Chi- how the concept of social .security Morris Margolin, Ernest A. Nogs, The proclamation urges all cago., ana Dr. William V. Lambert has changed from that of provid- Louis Somberg nnd Harry Trustln. citizens to observe the day In a State John Foster Dulles "Is care,- . of the University of Nebraska, at ing relief to our older citizens to manner "demonstrating faith In fully examining the possible efthe third session of the Institute that of preventing poverty "and the United Nations, thereby bring- fects" of the Cairo-Moscow arms On Wor^d Affairs In the audito- making our older folks self sup- Center Bridge Class ing forth a better public under- deal on Israel's security and on rium of the University of Omaha porting. standing of Its aims nnd accom- the stability of tho Middle East, Beginner and advanced bridge plishments." Mr. Sobeloff disclosed he was "perBt 8:15 p. m . Wednesday, Oct. 20. A question and answer period 'Doctors Johnson nnd Lamliert will follow Mr. Duimway's talk. classes at the Jewish Community axry S. Byrne, chairman of the mitted by tho Secretary of State ;entcr will start at 7:30 p. m., wtrc among the American cx- Refreshment* will be served. Omaha Committee for the United to say to you that fundamentally , perta who toured the Soviet Un- Tin; Golden Ago Club is spon- Thursday, Oct. 27, under the di-Natolns, stated his group Is rank- lie is convinced that mutual fears rection of David Ackerman. The ion during the summer. The theme sored jointly by the Omaha Secing plans for a public observance can best bo allayed not by an o* this year1/! Institute is "Since tion, National Council of Jewish ee for tlio course is ten dollars. to Include tree planting ceremonies arms race but by collective arrangements committing decisive • the Summit." Women and tin; Jewish Commu- Call the activities office at theat Memorial Park. Center, JA 13GC, for registration. •The Federation for Jewish nity Center. Jack W. Marer, President of the power to the deterring of aggros- . Service Is one of the co-sponsora Federation for Jewish Service, sion by anyone against anyone." > of tho institute. Arthur II. Gold- JCZKKIKUS I'KOVHKVK urges all members of the commu- The "recent increase of tension in • gteln, chairman of the Jewish London (WNS) — Sir Austin Sunday Radio nity to participate in the observ- the nrea arising from tho willingness of the Soviet bloc to offer • Community Center committee, Is Harris, vice chairman of Lloyd's ance of UN Day. Dr, lonah B. Wise will speak arms and from tho unfortunate n member of tho institute's advis- Hank, declared hero that reading on the "Miracle of Religion" readiness of Egypt to accept them the ISlble Influenced him into beory committee. makes It all the more urgent to coming the first London banker on tht." Message of Israel pro- NEW siiri's ron ISKAKL o give a loan to the Anglo-Pnlcs- gram to be broadcast over Jerusalem (WNS)—The Minis- strengthen stability by a treaty" tlnu I3ank, now the Israeli nation- KBON from 12:05 to 12:30 try of Transportation disclosed or treaties that will Ruarantce p. m. al bank. here this week that German ship- against any attempt to alter fron- ' This happened twenty-two years yards are to build 21 ships for Is-tiers and demarcation lines ' b y A historical fantasy entitled ago when he read Chapter 37 of rael as reparations goods In theforce" Mr. Sobeloff declared, add* Ezeklel nnd the prophecy of the "A Visit from .Lord Baltimore" next two years In the total value iiiK that Mr. Dulles' recent su|5« ' gcstlon of a security treaty "ac- " Irving Epstein has been ap- "dry bones," meaning Israel, tak- the story of tho fight for civil of $41,500,000. pointed an assistant city attorney ing on new life. The banker made liberties by a small town ediSix of the ships will be ready lilcves added urgency In the llghl tor will be presented on the It was announced by City Edward the disclosure at a luncheon here l>y tho end of the year. These, to- of the events of tho past tw« this week In connection with a Eternal Light program over ;etlier with five that are already weeks." The Solicitor General reFotfarty last week. • Mr. Epsjeiri,: 28, is a graduate :»c and n half million pound loan KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 completed, will give the Israeli ferred to Israel as a "natural ally noon. of Cfelghtbn Law School and was [hat Llnyd'a Hank has undcrwrltmerchant marine 38 sea-going ves- of America and tho other demo:en for* the Jewish-Agency, cratic nations." admitted to the bar In 1948. sels. , The throat of an arms race it the Near East as a result of Soviet offers of arms tr Arab state; will be discussed by Rabbi Joscpl S. SIIUIKJW, spiritual leader of Temple Bnal Mosho, Boston, Mass., at n public dinner climaxing the apjiual convention of the Central States Hi-iilon.' ZionH Organization nf America (] bo held at 7 I>, in . HIM Sunday. Oct. 23 (it tho

Downtown Safety Markers by AZA 1

Illness Delays Cabinet Approval

Friendship Basic For U.S. and Israel

Mayor Proclaims Monday UN Day

Soviet Agriculture Institute Subject

Omahans In the^News


Published fc-verj frtdaj bj tbe Federation loj Jewish Service £ OC ABGUCBtKK. Ntbt.. litckrer JJSM.

. «VtrU* -not *flo«**—twit so. iai" st



Needlework Guild Contributions


In addition to those women who contributed previously to the Needlework Guild Drive, the following contributions arc reported. All those who have not respond ed as yet are urged to send in their donations this week. Mrs. Albert B. Newman chairman, hopes that It will not lie necesiary to have another follow-up. • Mmcs. Sam Alpereon, Allie Ba bendure, Harry Bcarr, Jack Bel mont. Leo Bercutt, Sidney Block, :.. Herman Bondarin, Jacob Burstcln, Jack E. Cohen. Abe II. Cohn. Hans Dansky, 'sadore Dansky, Heine Delrogh, Harry Eiscnstntt, Isadore Elewitz, Harolu Epstein, Morris Epstein. Sam Epstein. Ilobert G. Faler. Louis Fellman, Bernard Fink, Irving Frccdmnn, Sam Friedman, Charles S. G c n d 1 e r, Sidney Goldberg, Gussic Graetz, Joe J. Grecnberg. Elmer S. Gross, Gerald S. Gross, Paul Grossman. Richard F. Cummers, Charles Cuss, Sam H.ihn, Irving "Herzng, Meyer L. Halprin. David Hobcrman, Samuel J. Horwich ami Louis Hurwitz. Mmes. Harry Kaplan, Jean Knplan, Sam Kaplan. Maurice Katzman. Boris Komey, Ilyman Kraft. Michael Krasne, Louis E. Lipp. Jerome J. Milder, Benjamin Miroff, Stuart Muskin, Lewis Ncvelcff Ernest A. Nog;;. M. Polonsky. Harry Ravitz, Max Rickes. Norman D. Rips, Abraham Ro^hman. Harry Rochman, Jerold Rosen. Samuel H. Rosenberg, Horace IKocenblum. Harry Schulmnn, L. Segelman. Joseph Tretiak. Morris A. Vcnger, Victor Weiner, Norman Whitman, Louis Wintroub, Phlneas Wintroub, Louto Wolilner, Bernhardt Wolf. Misses Tena Feltman and Lena Kohen.

Youth Councilers In Central Show The Jewish Youth Council is well represented in Central HU;h School's three-act comedy. Life With Father, to be presented Oct 25 nod 27 in Control's auditorium Gene Kohn plays father while PhiJ Barron and Eob Brodkey ure double cast as Harlon, the youngest son. Others in the cast are Dody Shapiro, Nancy Friedlandcr. Madalyn MIreff, Dick Rnskin and Bill Cooper. Assisting in the production in various capacities are Joan Marx. Lora Franklin. Sully Freeman. Judi Gimple, Judy Greenberg, Midge Grconberg. Robert:' Grossman and Barbara Pitalis. Others working on the production arc Jerry Rosen. Lynn Sinner, Arnold Wclner, Judy Freed, Felicia Friedman, Dena Logman, Phyllis Abrahams, Beverly Bloom. Judi Cohen, Fran Davidson. Sandy Fellman. Tony Fellman. Lynette Forbes, Marvin Freedman, Shelly Green, Bob Joseph, Judy Lazor Judi Plattner, Elaine Raskin, Lrsly Smith, Carolyn Stem, Gail Tretiak, Linda Vcret, Suzi Wolfson. Marcin Zalkin and Norman Plotkin.

Judaism Academy " New York (JTA)-Ar.-Academy for Liberal Judaism to train and Ordain Liberal rabbis in a fouryear course in New York has been established, it was announced litre.- Between 1922 and 1953 a full Liberal rabbinic course was Offered a t the Jewish Institute of Religion in New York, but since tbe merger of Hebrew Union College o l Cincinnati with the JIR. Jteform rabbinic students spend their third, fourth and fifth years at study at the Cincinnati Institution, and ore ordained there. Director of the new Academy ft Vr. Louie I. Newman, Rabbi of tpongregaiion Rodeph Sholom. I Tb» Acadanv will be opened

News 0:15 p. ra.,

Beth El Services Friday evening will begin-at 8:15 p. m. llabbl Myer S. Kripko will deliver the termon. Cantor Aaron I. Edcnr nnd tlie Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of tlie service. Sabbath morning service will be nt 9:30 a. m. Junior Congregnllon services are at 10:30 n. m. Min cha-Maariv Scvices will bo ai 5:15 p. m. Sunday morning sorv ices ore at 9 a. m. Daily services are n*. 7 a. tn. nnd 7 p. m.

Temple Israel Worship services Friday evenin[,'. ot 8 p. m. Rabbi Brooks will CIIM; "Should Women Be Rabbis and Canton?" a comment on recent discussion of the place of women in Jewish tradition and,in ilX'ral religion. Onm; Shabhat nnd informal discussion following service. Saturday morning at 11:30, Adult nnil Religious School Scrv lee.

Beth Israel

Dr. Lewis A. Cosrr

Brandeis Prof to Discuss Conflict Dr. Lewis Alfred Coser, profes KOr of socioloia' ot Brandeis University, will discuss "Parent-Youth Conflict in Modern American Society" a f the fail meeting of the Omaha Chapter ot the National Women's Committee of Brandeis University at 1 p. m., Monday, Oct. 21, in Die Blackstone Hotel. Dr. Coscr has nn extensive background In the field of international politics and sociology. He studied at the Sorborme In Paris. France, nnd came to the United States In 19-11 by means of a special visa granted him by the President's Advisory Committee. He has served as editor of "Modern Review," and is a noted author In the field of sociology nnd literaure. Mrs. Joe Zwclback, president of he group, announced that Mrs. Ilyman Ferer, a member' of the national board of directors, will resent "a report on the recent convention. Reservations for the luncheonmeetim; are being taken by Mrs. Jack Shrago, GL C289. and Mrs. iVarner Frohman, RE 0G8G.

Riibbi Benjamin Groner, Cmor Eli Kngnn, nnd the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct ate Friday Eve jing Services this evening at 8 p. m. Mincha and Kabbalath Shabbos Services 5:15 p. m. Saturday morning. 8:30 a. m. Junior C gregation. 9:30 a. m. Mincha, followed by Shalosh Solomon Graetz S'ucdos. and Maariv begins 5:30 Services were held Friday, Oct. p. m, Saturday Chlldrens Tails and Tefilin Serv- 4 for Solomon Graetz with intericnt at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. ice followed by breakfast, 8:30 r. Graetz, GO, died Wednesday, a, m.. Sunday. Week day morning Services at Oct. 12 at Veterans Hospital. He Is survived by his wife, Isa7 a. m. ! of Omaha; a daughter, Mrs, D. Weekday afternoon nnd evening ri. Burkman of King City, Cal.; a Services ot 5:30 p. m. rother, Leon of Omaha; two slsThe Talmud Discussion Group :ers, Miss Sussle of Omaha and meets Tuesday cvcnln,; at 8 p. m. rs. I. Lipp of San Francisco, at the 13th and Burt Sts., Syna- Cal. gogue.


Beth Israel P-TA Mru. David Frejdmnn, program director of Beth Israel P-TA, has announced an outstanding speaker his been invited to the next regular meeting, Nov. 3 at the Beth Israel social hall. Guest speaker will be John M. Sheldon, supervisor of adult education in Omaha. Mr. Sheldon's topic will be "Past, Present and Future Education." Everyone is urged to attend. An unusual door prize will be awarded. Refreshments and a social hour will follow.

Sam Roffman Services were held Friday, Oct. 4 In Council Bluffs, la., for Sam loffman with interment at Golden Jill Cemetery. Mr. Roffman, 53, lied Thursday, Oct. 13. Survivors Include his wife, Ruth; wo sons, Larry Edwin of Houson, Tex., and Blaine Yale of Iowa ity, la.; a brother, Roy of Om.ila; and a sister, Mrs. Sam Sacks if Council Bluffs, la.

Hadassah Bowling w. u

'oungstown Kitch . . . . Jnited Auto Sup . . . . . ,Ictz Beer ICA Victor .. A dance and supper will be held Jogg Bros at the Highland Town Club at 10 iilk Shop Mnyland Park p. m. this evening following the Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation. Supper ?ooper Construction . . will be served at 11:30 p. m. Ernie jupcrette Mkt Priesman and his orchestra will tfngic Color Fia . . . . Vntson Bros supply the music. 'iresldc Restaurant . . Steak House dinner and dancing iilco Products Is on tap for Saturday night and Mwards Jewelry . . . . . a continental bu'fet dinner will be Irodkey Jewelry . . . . served Sunday at 5:45 p. m. ystle Beauty Salon . .

Highland Hiiifes

with a public ceremony next month. Students will be divided into two categories: pre-rabbinlc and graduate rabbinic candidates. Ordination will be awarded at the completion of four years of graduate work or its equivalent. The faculty will include a group of visiting professor* and Instructors.

11 4 11 4 9 6 9 C 8',4 G',4 8 7 8 7 1 7 ,<j 7H 7 8 7 8 , 7 8 6 9 6 0 G 9 5 10 3 12

Tea for Israel Consul Invitations have been Issued by Jrs. Sam N. Wolf for a tea honorng L D. Unna Vice-Consul of the tate of Israel to be held at her home today, O c t 2L Mr. Unna will address a Israel bond meetg here.

Friday, October 21, less.

Sisterhoods Adopt Arms Resolutions

With the Folks At Home

"In view of the receipt of ami by the Arabs from Communist na tions nnd their possible use aguins Israel. Ho it resolved that tin Democracies l>e sympathetic wit Israel's needy for sufficient tirms for its M.'If protection," was one of the resolutions passed at the sing srsMoii of the district con vention of the Nation?] Federation of Temple Sisterhood.';, Tuesday, Oct. 18, at the Blackstone Hotel.

ily David Orkniv Rnbbl Nathan Fcldmun of B'nai Jacob Adas Yr-shuron Synagogue visited the Dr. Phelip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged Tuesday, Oct. 18 and conducted the second In the .series of rabbinical visits, R.-ibbi Feldman's theme was "Tlie Torah und What It Signifies." We will be pleased to welcome Rabbi David Korb of Council Bluffs next Tuesday morning at 11 n- m. The community-at-large Ls welcome to nttend these RCSsions in the synagogue of the home. YAHRZEIT: Specinl Memorial Services are held in the Home Synngoguc for those who arc inscribed on our Memorial Tablets. During the past week, services were held for: Philip Saks—Tishri 28-October 14th. Lottie Silverstone—Tishri 29— Oct. 15. During the month of Chesvnn, services will be held for the following: Chesvan 2—October 18—Sadie Fish. Chesvan 5—October 21—Irwin Stalmastcr. . Chesvan 5—October 21—Joseph J. Greenberg. Chosvdn 7—October 23—Sarah Farber. Chesvan 7—October 23—Herman Knisne. Chesvnn 13—October 29—Mrs. Morris Gross. Cbcsvan 15—October 31—Ben Hanglcr. Chesvan 18—November 3—Balls Sadofsky.

Other resolutions passed wore on Immigration opposing McCarran Waller act, desegregation genocide and the rededication to plritual meanings nnil teaching and strengthening this knowledge n thought and need in home, com munal and synagogue life. Officers elected for the regional re: president, Mrs. Ben Rosenthai, St. Joseph, Mo.; first vicepresident, Mrs. II, R. I-orsch, KnnE.-IS City, Mo.; second vice-president, Mrs. J. Ben Simon, Denver, Colo.; recording (secretary, Mrs Samuel Marcus, Wichita, Knn.; treasurer, Mrs. Max Littwcen. Des Mcines, la., nnd corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ide Droknr, St. Joseph, Mo.

Consecration Exercises At Beth Israel The annual Beth Israel Sunday School Consecration Services for leginncrs in Beth Israel Sunday School will be held this Sunday, Oct. 23, at 10:30 a. m. in the synngogue. Sunday School classes will meet on n regular schedule. Students taking.part In the Consecration Services will be taken to the Synagogue iy their teachers. All parents nnd friends are cordially invited to attend.

Gitlis Displays Artistic Elegance

The following beginners will be consecrated: Louis Wolfson, Daid Berman, Karen Jabcnis, Da nltn Schwartz, Louie SchScrn, .lichcllc Rosenzwclg, M o n i c a Parker, Terry Mandell, Zorine Friedman, Lynda Frank, Gail Diamond. James Brese!, Karen Wine, Deborah Schwartz, Dcbby Canfield, Jeffrey Belzer, Janice Meyerson, Sandra Llpsman, Ellen Kaufman, Sara Kntzman, Hownrd Gould, Mark Gershnter, Alan Charney, Nnncy Burstein, Steven Bernstein, Barbara Bergman, Steihnnlc Morris, Joel Lewis, Laurence Kay, Gordon Katz, Larry Knlski. Joseph Flotowltz, Barbara Fishbaln, Caren Chorncy, Wm. Bernstein. Janlne Landow, Francine Wciner. Eddie Trachtenbarg, Kenneth Wiseman, Harriet Mnnhlcmcr, Barbara Fisher, Maureen Glvant and Ciela Dinkle. Otlicrs are: Bryant Poster, Harey Josen, Marilyn Rosenberg, udy Pitlor. Sharl Litt, Alnn Goldnnn, Bobby Frank, Alnn Bernstein, Marilyn White, Ellsse Stern. David IGitz, Howard Halperln, Ed<lie Cohen, Mark Wolpn, Terry Wiseman, Robert Winter*. Jay ^oldberi;, Susie Endelman, Ronald Rubin. Bruce Pnssmnn, Helen Gcrshuter, Jeffrey -Cooper, Edward Kalskt, David Bloch, Mnrk Sorkln. Maynard Rosenberg, Michael Gendler, Donnld Wiseman, Sheldeen Strauss, Paul Landow, (Men Blank and Ellen Winters.

Ivry Gitlis, Israeli violinist, of whom we had hoped to hear some Israeli compositions at opening night Monday of the Tuesday Musical Club offered a standard program containing Beethoven's "Kreuttcr Sonata," Bach's "Chaconne," Pnganlni's "D Major Concerto" and pieces by Szymanowsk!-Kochanski and Wicniawiiky, His technique is stupendous; ho is able to piny with unusual speed. However his rapidity often effects the musical substance of a composition, a fact which is somei m e s disturbing. Beethoven's 'Krcutzcr Sonata" particularly In the second movement lost part q£ Its dignity. What we also missed in his otherwise fine violin tone was the deepness and sweetness vhlcb alone make the unusual rtlst. Those qunlitles would have made the performance of the brllHa'nt Paganlnl concerto nn impressive event so exploring tho Italian sentimentality which imbues the lyrical parts of the work. Tlie last numbers of tlie program, three nolo pieces and two extras "Romance Andalouso" by Saint Saens nnd "Li caprldeusc" iy Elgar were rendered with nil tho elegance nnd virtuosity of a great artist and were enthusiastically received by the audience, A part of tho success of tho concert goes to Vladimir Padwn, who is a good and reliable piano accompanist

Monument Dedication

Veret Will Address Beth Israel Men's Club

The family of the late Philip ka will dedicate a monument in his memory tills Sunday, Oct.* 23 at 2:30 p. m., at Fisher Farm Cemetery. Friends nnd rclativco re invited to attend the memorial service. The family of the late Benjamin :nd Rose Green will dedicate monjments In their memories at Both El Cemetery Tuesday morning, Oct. 23, at 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will conduct the scrvk*. 'liends and relatives arc invited to attend the memorial service. The family of tho late Milton R. Frohm will dedicate a monument in his memory at 3:30 p. m., this Sunday, Oct. 23, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Friends and relatives are ittvlted to attend the memorial service.

Paul Veret, Executive Director >f tlie Federation for Jewish Service, will bo guest speaker at the Beth Israel Men's Club's first dinner meeting of the season at 7 p. m., Thursday, O c t 27, in the syna« gogue social hall. Mr. Veret will speak on his recent trip to Israel. Reservations may be made by calling the synagogue office, RE 6288. A sodal hour will follow.

Center A i t Classes The Fall scries of art classe* 'or adults a i the Jewish Community Center arc.under tbe direction of Mrs. Meyer Beber. The class Is held each Monday afternoon from 1 to 3:3jJ o'clock. Both beginners and advance students may register at the Center. The fee is 12 dollars for ID lesson*.


Friday, October 21, 1953,



Kutakofsky-Cohn Wedding Held Saturday in Gary. Ind. and Yale

Wedding Sunday

COUNCH, WOMKN National Council of Jewish Women, Current Events Study Group will meet r Tuesday, Oct. 25 at the home o Mrs. Edward Levinson, 1811 So. 53rd St. at 1 p. rn. Mrs. Bernard Grwnberg will discuss "Morocco—Hot Spot." CIRCLE AUXILIARY Tlie Workmen's Circle Ladies' Auxiliary will hold their nnnunl Card Party nt 7 p. rn.,. Sunday. Oct. 30 at the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cumins St. Mrs. Sarah .Schwartz i.s chairman of the affair. Hostesses are Mrs. S. (Mama) Binder and Mrs. N. Lcrman. Coffee and cake will be served. Admission is 50 cents per person. NFJ1UAKKA CIIAITEK B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 346 regular meeting will be held Thursday evenini:, Oct. 27. at 8:30 o'clock, at the South Omaha Synagogue, 25th and J Sta. Mrs. William Stone, program chairman, will present Paul Vcret. -Executive Director of the Federation for Jewish Service, who will •peak on "B'nal B'rith In Israel." Members and friends arc cordlnlly Invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. NONEEB WOMEN Mcsdames Jacob Feldman, Sam Novak and 1L Wohlncr left yesterday to attend the 14th biennial convention of Pioneer Women to be held In Toronto, Canada, next week. They ore president, recording secretary nnd treasurer respectively of the Omaha chapter. The regular meeting of the group that was to be held Tuesday, Oct. 25 has been postponed. B & V IIADASSAII Mrs. Morris Grossman, who has recently returned from an extended trip abroad, will address the members of the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah at 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 27, In •he Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Grossman has chosen as her subject, "My Glimpses of Israel." The program will also include the tinging of Israeli songs by Mrs. Stuart Miwkln. Miss Ahuva Gcrjhadcr, chairman of t h e American Affaire Committee, will lead a discussion on the progress .Of the United Nations in observance Of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the U. N. Mrs. Eve L. Konecky, program director, urges all membcre and friends to attend this meeting. Hostesses for the refreshment hour are Mrs. Sarah Dansky, Mrs. Julius Newman and Miss lioseile Handler.

Mrs. Samuel \V. Hartley

Zionist Women fo Hear Mrs. Hartley Mrs. Samuel .W. Hartley, a national Hadassah leader, will addresB the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah meeting at 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 26, in Brandcis store auditorium. A graduate of Hunter college, Elie also attended the Jewish Theological Seminary. In 1949, she was named chairman for the celebration of World Jewish Child's Day and under her direction members of Hadassah, Pioneer a n d Mizrachi women banded together to sponsor programs to build bridges of friendship between American nnd Israeli youth. Mrs. Hartley is currently a member of the Youth Allyah and Vocational Education Committee of Hadassah. By popular request the singing trio composed of Mmcs. Sam liorwlch, Max Rosen ami Al Rimmerman will give a repeat performance of their vocal selections presented at tlio style show. All H a d a s s a h members are urged to. attend. A special invitation Is being issued to members of Mizrachi, IMoneer Women and Kadimah groups to attend this meeting.


Mr. nnd Mrs. Justin Manvitz announce • the birth of a Bon Todd Steven born October .14 at a local hospital. This Is their first child. Mrs. Manvitz is the former Miss Marilyn Lerner of Rock Island, I1L . Maternal grandparents nrc Mr. and Mrs. William Lcmer of Rock Island, III., nnd paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Manvitz of Omaha. Mrs. Hyman PKHKTZ IIIKSCIirSKIN A regular meeting of the Peretz Manvitz of Denver. Colo., formerHirschlwin Club was held at the ly of Omaha, la paternal greathome of Mrs. J. Kaplan Mrs. Hen grandmother. Gcrcllck was chalrlady. Gurats Included Mrs. S. Lcrman, Mm. S. Sussmon nnd Mrs. II. Wohlner. Omahan Pledged Mrs. Wohlner gave a reading. Do- Miss Dcannc Markovltz was nations at this meeting amounted to $39. which will bo distributed pledged to Slgnv.i Delta Tail Sororto various charitable organiza- ity at Washington' University, S t Lou Li, Mo., it was announced this tions. week. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Cohen at 1124 No, 40 St. All member!! arc urged to attend.

Miss Marilyn Grrber J. Kaplan wt'iv married Sunday afternoon in a family ceremony In the cha|iel of IJeth Israel Synagogue, lliibbi IJonjamin Groner officiated and A dinner was held in the Black Mirror lioom of the Hotel Fontenclle following the ceremony. 'hie bride is the daughter of Hyman Gerber and the late Mrs. llymun Gerber .the bridegroom i.s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Kaplan of Wichita, ICans. The bridal gown was of Cliantiliy lace and crystalcttc over taffeta in a soft candlelight shade. The bodice featured a lace yoke with a scoop neckline and short sleeves. The princess style skirt was of ballerina length . A pearl crown held the bride's elbow-length illusion veil and she wore short matching gloves. Mrs. Marvin Gerber, sister of the bride, was matron-of-honor, and Sandra Kaplan, Bister of the groom, was maid-of-honor, the latter of Wichita. Judith Anne Gerber, niece of the bride, was Junior bridesmaid. Robert Kaplan, brother of the groVnh, was best man. The bride's brother, Marvin Gerlwr, was an, usher. For her son's wedding, Mrs. Kaplan choose a light blue sheath dress of lace. She wore blue accessories and an orchid corsage. The bride chose a black and rust tweed suit w'th rust accessories for tlie honeymoon trip to the south. The couple will make their home in Omaha.

New Wives' Group Phi Delta Epsilon fraternity affiliated with University of Nebraska Medical school announced the inception of its counterpart, the Phi Delta Epsilon Wives Club. The 'irst meeting was held Sept. 2G with the election of Mrs. Irving Shapiro as president and Mrs. Donald Chef eta: as secretarytreasurer. Other members arc Mmcs. Donald Silvermnn, Phil Alberts, Jerry Spitzcr, Richard Dworksy and Joseph Beck. The group was formed to do voluntary work at the University Hospital. The first social event wUJ be a barbecue Saturday, Qct. 22 at Camp Brcwstcr. Patronize Our Advertisers.

BAR aixf~Baft Mitzvah congratulatlona also foi ol] Jewish hoHdayi and special occasions. Meyert New« Stand, 3502 Dodge. MOISFIEl All is forgiven, I'U brine the Maj Jong set to the Beth Israel Latkc and Card Party November 13. FAIOBX


Omaha's Favorite Way

to Dine on Sunday

Council Rummage Sale Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, will hold their Rummage Sale October 24 and 25 at 1014 N. 24th st. Rummage sale chairmen Mmes. Maytiard Greenberg and H e r m a n Friedman, announced, that the following are helping with the sale: Me3dames S. Herzoff, J. Horwich, B. Wolf, N. Novak, M. Greenberg, IL Friedman, S. Zacharla, H. Pollack, A. Kulakofsky, L. Bank, L. Llpp, M. Cohn, L. Kavich, H. Fosberg, S. Gilinsky, L. Kaplan, R. Levine, E. L. Nogg, B. Cohn, M. Platt, E. Lcvinson, O. Sustln, R. Silverman, A. Steinberg and S. Fisk.


Don Bernstein

HA 2554

Sunday Branch



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Mrs. Michael Kulakofoky

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Miss Carolyn Rachel Coin of Gary, Ind., and Michael Kulakofr,ky of Omahu, were married Saturday Oct. 15 at 7 p m. in Temple Israel in Gary. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Colin ot Gary,, and the bridegroom the son of Mr. arid Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky of Omaha. MLss Judith Ann Cohn, sister of the bride and n Junior at University of Wisconsin, was ier only attendant. Al Kempa was best man. Because of a recent death in the brido's family, the ceremony was performed in the presence of the immedaitc family only. Those from Omaha who attended were Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulako'iiky and Mrs. Philip Saks. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Abraham I. Kay nnd Mrs. Ethelyn Kaplan of California; from Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Smith and their daughters, Sarah and Judith Ellen; from Glencoe, 111., Mr. nnd Mrs. Leroy K. Belzer. A bridal dinner followed the ceremony at the Gary Hotel. The couple left for Colorado Springs for their wedding trip nnd on their return will reside In Gary.

your family

MEMORIAL UNVEILING will talc* place on Sunday, Octobtr 21, 1955 . .» 1.00 P.M. • t Gold.n Hill C t m . f . r y Rtltffvti and frlandi *r« Invited ' to affand

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n u jewisn PRESS

Teens o/i fAe Town

frta«T, October" 21, 195a.

Bar and Bas Junior Bowling Clinic Mitzvah

Y.C. Programs

The Jewish Community Center's I'KH-COI-LEGK TESTING Junior Bowling Clinic will l>e held Hi gang. This waa sure an ex- Greene, Tony Knpjjii :i ljirry Rita Katznian, co-chairman of again this Sunday at 12:15 p. m., the Youth Council's Pre-CollcEQ citing week-end with tons of Herman, Nnacy Blulck) n Steve in the Center auditorium. Films parties everywhere. Friday night Rosenblatt, Chernri SchraiyT Program for hij;h SCIKXJI seniors, was a big disappointment to every- John Okun. Uremia Katzinan 'n Maynurd Weinbern, .son of Mr. will be .shown to aid beginners and announced that testing wUl be conducted thin Sunday nt 1 p. m. one, being smashed by Benson. Murry Newman, Tanny Horwicl and Mrs. D. D. Weiabert;, will cei- advanced players. But we still saw plenty of kids 'n Barb Norjd, Doug Colin 'i ebrate his Har Mitzvah, and Caro- Sixth, seventh nnd eighth grad- in room ,*i6 of the Jewish Commucheering our team on. They were Bunny Ttnvitz, Mike Luzcr f'i lyn Dolgoff, daughter of Mr. anders will be able to enroll in the nity Con tor. Mib.s Katzman comMarcia Zalkln, Nancy Lewis. Judy Marcia Zalkin, I^ora Franklin t Mr.-;. Kdward Dolgoff, will cele- Junior Youth Council Bowling mented that teenagers mny still Ban, Shelly Green. Pave V/iclma Mike Ban, Dale Kasin 'n Jeff brate her IJ.H MitzvaJi, at a Joint League which will begin the fol- register for this projjnim by fillLaurie Oruch, Linda Kavich, N; Minnie, Barb Adler 'n Jerry Sher- ceremony at Beth Kl .Synaf;o;;ue lowing Sunday at the Music Box. ing out and rt'turninf: tho envi-lupe Friedlandcr, Dena Ionian, S man, Mur Rosenblatt 'n George Friday evening, Oct. 21, and Sat- This year the league will !x' un- application mailed a .short time der the auspices of the American np.o. rcna Dwoskin, Stuart FOEC-1, Sally Bialac, Sally Freeman 'n Shelly urday morning, Oct. 22. 7V:>tiiif; wi\\ bo comJiicteil on Freeman. Jcanie Goldstein, and Krantz, and Nancy Friedlander 'n Friends and relative.-! are invited Junior Howling Congre.sg and each Barb Wolf. Dates at the i;.im( Howard Goldstein. t«i attend both service.s and the participant will be required (<> en- ibiit'quent d.'ito:; fur lho-.(» unublL* roll in the AJBC for a reiaslration to attciifJ the f.cs.siun Sun'lny or were Steve Rosenblatt ' n J a n c rece]>tions v\hieh will follow. Harriet I3rcslo\v had a j;reat fee of 2.1 cents. The regular bowl- for those not. r<:j;i-sleml as yut. Adams, Jolin Goldner 'n Lou Vop.cl party Saturday nitfht and seen Jamie Shapiro 'n Barb Unj;or there were Al Krlzclman Mr. and Mrs. Sidney .Sneid':-r ing fee will lw 70 cents which inGene Kohn 'n Judy Gior-iiberc Harriet Epstein, Serena D«o-,kin announce the liar Mitzvah of their cludes two lines of bowling and Mur Rosenblatt 'n, nob Epstein 'n Dave Widman, Diane Singer 'n son, Martin, and Mr. and Mrs. shoe rental. The Youth Council jiponsored and Maureen Zevitz *n Beaky Stan Kaiman, Bonny Speinal 'n George Cohn announce the Has clas.s In Spce«. Keadlnj; .scheduled Joffe. l.ee Simon, and Harriet lireslow 'n Mitzviih of their daughter. Eden, don Smith, Mm of Mr. nnd Mrs.to start October !-'(.» Ptill has room at a joint service at Brth El Syna- Harry Smith, will be celebrated for several i.iore meniber.-i, Fea•', Friday nlRht there were parties Jerry Ferer. l all over town and of course we all Sunday afternoon Barb Adlcr K'>!*ie Friday evenini:, Oct. 2H, and nt the Beth Israel Synnrjojrue turing the latest trainiiif; devices Friday evening nnd Saturday and films, the ten-week course, heard about Janlc firodkey'.s "Kiir- had-a hen party and a few kids Saturday morning, Oct. 29. Friends and relative^ are invited morning Oct. 28 mid 21t. No invi- one nl(;ht per week, is de.sij;ned to prlse party." Her house was that nvere in attendance? were Nancy Vendor, Joyce Kiwm, Phyl to attend both services and the tations have been sent out. All increa.se the student's re.-tdinj,' rate packed with Rocky Colin 'n Dick receptionj which will follow. friends tind relatives are invited ami comprehension while at the Einstein. Art Novak 'n Runny Abraham, and Nancy Richard;. Congrats to John Goldner anil to attend the services and recep- 'same time develop his studying Ravltz. Sandy Fiedler 'n Steve Cohon. Susie Llpp 'n DOUR Colin. Jamie- Shapiro for heinfj chor.en The Bar Mitzvah of Martin tions which will follow the serv- •inrt test takinr; techniques. Tho fee for the course is SI .' nil covers Midge GrccnbcrK 'n r>ick Raskin. as Hussars to March in the Com- Ricks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mix'ices. eo:it of niateri.-iLs and supplies. Sandy Foldman 'n Jerry Radizl nation Ball. Keep in step boys. Ricks of Missouri Valley, will Times ruiuiin' out Her and of course Janle Brodkey take place this evening and tomorWalter Edwin Wise, son of Mr. Sy Ya 'n Joel Pitlor. row morning, Oct. 21 and Oct. 22 and Mrs. Harry A. Wise, will celeTHKATMKNTS Tl;STi:» D'ody, Judy Susie, JWHIJ.. Another fabulous party Friday at Heth Israel Synagogue. All brate his Bar Mitzvah n! Temple Hormofics, secretions of duetk'.su night was Judy Kutlers. People friends nnd relatives are invited Israel Friday evening and Saturaiul.s such IKS the adrenals, pituiwere going In nnd out so we tried to attend the .services and the re- day morning, Oct. 28 nnd 29. tary and Hex ijland.':, are useful to get some names of kids wh« ceptions which will follow the Friends and relatives are Invited tooLs for treatinj; specific typ<-s of were willing to stay. They were services. I'y Hoivlo Kooper to attend the service- and recep- cancer, says the American Cancer Norm Wine, 'n Lois Moskowitz, tions which will follow. No invi- .Society, now conductini: its annual Stain Kaiman 'n Diane Singer. DKIIKA DKIIS campaign for funds. The I!ar Mitzvah of Roger K-l- tations have lx;en issued.

Y. C. Doings

Jerry Ferer 'n MmJily Miroff. Elaine Janger 'n Miki; Meyer. Bonrfc Spolgal, Lee Simon. Musine Zweiback, Harriet Kpstoin, and Sallfc Markovltz. Saturday night If you saw people running around looking IM-Iiiml buildings and other queer places they were at the Itayini Treasure Hunt. We want to tell Tanny Horwlch that he did a fine Job planning the party, a-s everyone had a great time. Seen looking f»r the treasure were Art Novak '» Fran Davidson, Barb Urodkey -'n Jamie Shapiro, Edde Kinder n Steve Fisk. Nancy I^wis 'n Chuck Wise. Linda Kavich 'n Marty

I>-l;s (lis-cussed the Senior Judea Conclave to ]>c held in Kansas City November 4, 5. G. Shelly Grcenlierg has been chosen cochairman from Debs. We Ji.'id a guest shaker, Avrum Moles 'r«m Israel. He has l>een in the United States just three njf 'nibs. 'led^e-s nre going to services en masse at Temple Friday, Oct. 28. The picnic for Hayim's families will be held at Rivcrview Park pavillion this Sunday. AZA NO. 1 Tomorrow, the Ak'phs and their dates will attend a hayrack party. Mother chapter's lli alcphs in training (ire as follows: Marshall ISernstcin, KonnM Grey, Larry Ilornstfin, Milt Katskce, Kd Levy, Justin Lewis. Allan Ostravlch. Dan "The first week of the Junior Abramson. Stevi; IJolijpff. J-arry B'nai B'rith Bowling League C"' Elewltz, A l l e n Epstein, " Don under way last Sunday at the Noodcll. Art R a z n i c k. Jerry Parkway Bowl at 1:30 p. m .Then; Schwartz, and Dennis Shulmnn. Gary Gltnlck has recently earned were 108 boys and girls bowling. After" next Sunday's b o w I i n y:. a very high forensics ratine. Jlnrteams will bo made up and each ld Kaiman war. named athletic team will be assigned a sponsor. chairman of the AZA Cornbelt ReThere will be seven meniliure on gion. Stan Kaiman was Tecently each team. The two low Ixiwlers lcted president of the liliYC. Stan as also placet! on the Central each week will be "doj;." Two games will be bowled each week. Ii»h "O" Book staff. IMHIANIIK Cost for bowling is 75 cents. Ibuhanuc's new officers are: Roger Smith was high man In presiili'nt, I'hyl Ilernstein; first • the league with a 278 series. IIIN vice-president, Mur Rosenblatt; games were 141-137. Marvin Conn had the high gam^ second vice-president, Linda Kavich; recording secretary, Judi ©f the day . . . a 143. Donna Kaiman was" high In the Ban; corresponding s e c r e t a r y , Wally Cheralack; treasurer, Mauglrli' division with camc-s of 137reen Zevitz; dues treasurer, Nancy 82 for a 219 series. Bowlers f r o m last season's »c\vls; historian, Jeanle Goldstein; league are asked not to br>wl this Y.C. representative, Diane FcILSunday, Oct. 2.3, as that now bowl- rnan; Y.C. alternate, Nancy Richsen;eants-at-arms, Jennie ers will establish their averages. ids; Teams will be made following this Silver and Judy Iirooksteln. ComSunday's bowling. For registra- mittee chairmen ore social, Chartion in the league call Mrs. Mm lotte Brodkey; - athletic, Judy Lazcr: Israeli. Toni Kaplan; comSacks, AT 0G62. munity service, Elaine Raskin; program. Barb Wolfe, and religB.B. Women's Bowling s, Marleiie Friedman. HBO "A" DIVISION" The last nrrancements for the W. L. JBG "Spook Hop" have been comShukerts ..35 3 peted. Tlio Spook Hop is Oct. 29. Midwest Water Heaters ..10 8 .SITti'ATION VEIMAVB Korncy Paints 10 8 London (JTA)—Dr. Abraham Angles Beauty Salon 10 8 Cohen, retiriiiij president of the Storz Brewing Co 8 10 Hoard of Deputies of liritlsh JCTVS, Omaha Jobbing 8 10 condemned the attitude of some Wolf Bros. 8 10 ewish organizations in urging the Philips Dept. Store . . 7 11 cwkh population to -remain in Bob Kvaiw Uniforms . . . . 7 11 Nortli Africa and fight for its Fireside Ifetnurnnt 7 11 rights. "B" IMVLSION * Addressing the Board on a reBorsheim Jewelry 12 C port describinj;; the situation in Smith Pontiac 11 1 North Afrlcc as "perilous." Dr.. .Klsh Furs 10 8 Cohen warned that the Jews in Hlnky Dinky Stores 10 8 North Africa were living in n Best Appliance 10 8 itorm center. Experience had Louis Mkt. 9 9 hown, he commented, that in such Babytown 3 Stores 9 9 circumstances, Jews were the vicLyn's Florist 0 9 ims of disorder. lie said that it Roberts Dairy 9 0 was easy, from the^safe distance Hamilton Pharmacy 9 9 of I^indon and New* York, t o Rive Colony Club 9 9 advice to people who were livinc M. Vender & Sons 8 '10 on the slopes at a volcano that Mofion David Wine . - • 6 10 might erupt at any time. Imperial Beauty Salon . . . S 13



Jr. B.B. Bowling

A Completely Modcrr



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NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL 1104 W.O.W. Building, Omaha. Nebraska Confett closet Midnight, October 27.1955

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