McKeldin WilB Speak At Israel Bond Fete r
Omaha's 19.>5 ' Bonds-for-Israel" campaign will be kicked off at 7 p. in., Thursday, Nov. 10, nt the Fonlonelle Hotel with i. Spunsors and Guardians Dinner, nt which. Governor Theodore II. McKcldin of Maryland will be the principal sjienker, Jack W. Marer. dinner chairman, announced tills week.. Elected In 10.">0 by the largest majority ever given any candidate for that office, Governor McKeldin had previously served for five yean, as mayor of Baltimore. In that po*'. I'1-' was responsible for many si;;nifie;ml governmental reforms and Improvements. A graduate of the University of Maryland and a holder of honorary degrees from six colleges and unlvcrritlc!!, Governor McKeldin first • achieved prominence as a lawyer and public speaker, lecturing throughout the country and teaching public speaking at many schools. • The governor was selected recently ns the first president of the newly-formed America-I s r a e 1 i - Friendship Society, an organization composed of national leaders of all faiths in the fields of art. business, education, lalwr, literature, politics and religion, who believe that there Is a need for n continuous and non-political expression of the friendship which exists between the two countries. The society engages In activities concerned with cultura' and intellectual Interchange between the "S. feoplcs of the United States and Itrnei. I In IMS and 1049 he was chairman of the Brotherhood Week for the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and Ins gained recognition nationally as an out standing exponent of. tolerance and mutual understanding. Governor McKeldin has lioen ex trcrhcly active In mobilizing pub He support for Israel's program of economic development and Immigrant absorption.
Dr. Margolin Heads Survey Commission Dr. Morris Margolin, head of the Bureau of Jewish Education, was elected chairman of the citywide Jewish Education Survey Commission, nt a bureau mectlnj! held last week. The commission will cooperate with a representative from the American Association for Jewish Education who will conduct the survey here durini. the month of February. Enlargement of the bureau war authorized )>y the Executive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service to serve as a city-wide survey commission. All local groups Interested In Jewish education will be invitee to have representative.! on the commission.
French Envoy Institute Speaker
Soviet Ships UnBoad Arms Jerusalem (WXJS)—Premier Moslie Sharett is expected to stress the danger which looms over Israel as a result of the Izech - Egyptian a r m s deal when he confers in Geneva with the Big Four foreign ministers, it was disclosed here as the- Premier departed for Geneva via Paris for talks whose object could have a momentous bearing on the question of war or peace in the Middle East,
Israel Rosses Defense Fund (•ov. Xhfloclorn McKrlilln
Fed. Women's Unit Reaches 77.7%
Rabbi Attacks 'Dual Allegiance'
The need for n strong and alert Zionist Organization of America to turn back the spreading of ri fabric of lies alraut Israel In the United States was hammered home by Rabbi Joseph S. Sliubow at a dinner Sunday evening which concluded the Central States regional convention held in the ISlackstone Hotel. Rabbi Shulww, who Is spiritual leader of Temple B'na Mosho in Boston, denounced those organizations who are i.ttemptlng to attacli the stigma of dual all i a n c e to American Jews. He quoted the late Justice Louis D. Mm. Albert B. Newman, chair- Hnmdel.i who said by becomln) man, Jewish Charities Section, ol Zionists American Jews are also the Needlework Guild Drive urges becoming better Americans. all those who have not as yet sent The rabbi traced the concept of In their contributions to do eo Im democracy to the Old Testament mldiarely. in which is stated that man is In addition to those women who created In the Image of God. contributed previously, the folA pupil of the late Stephen Wise, lowing contr!btuion3 are reported Mmcs. Seymour Colin, John Rabbi Sliubow said that early in his life he became Imbued witl Faier, Henry Fisher, Morton L. Fisher, Jacob Fregger, Morton the ideals of Zionism. So much no HIHer, Jack Hyman, Seymour he spent his honeymoon at a ZionKatz, Nathan Kort, Edward Lin- ist convention. He brushed aside the Idea that coln, Stanford Lipscy, Harry L6bel, Max Mngld, Sol Martin, Max the Zionist organization has served
Needlework Guild Contributions
-M. Moskowltz, Harold Pollack, N. Its purpose with the establishment Julian Rips. Maurice Sachs, Bar- of the Jewish state. Do we neglect ney I.. Stark, Herman WcUwtQUi a baby, ofU>r,U has beep,born and and MU» Harriet McnJelson, {Continued on Page,2):
irett to Confer
M. Couvc de -Murville, French Ambassador to the United States, will discuss "France and the Western Security Program," at 8:15 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 2 in University of Omaha auditorium. This will be the fourth program In the urrent series of the Institute On World Affairs hehi at the university. The theme for this year is "Since the Summit." The Federation for Jewish Service is one of the co-sponsors of the Institute. Arthur II. Goldstein, chairman of the Jewish Community Center Committee, is a member of the institute's advisory committee.
Tel Aviv (JTA)-Israel's voluntary "arms for defense" ci-iipaiKn •eached G.H million Israel pounds ($3.6 million) Monday as increased tension was reported along the northern Syrian frontier. The arms for defense campaign which began spontaneously imThe women's division section of mediately after Premier Moshe the United Ited Fcathcr-Hcd Cross Sharett'H appeal last week to Jews ,'anipaii;n manned by UK) mem- throughout the world to aid be>er« of the Federation of Jewish Icagurcd Israel, swept across the Women's Clubs reached 77.7 per- country in n wave of public fervor and enthusiasm. In addition to cent of Its quota Tuesday night. cash, many people donated JewelReports from campaign head- ry, prized personal possessions and quarters showed Mrs. Mike Free- even wedding rings.. man's unit with $1,711 of Its $2,200 target. More money was In but London (JTA)—Syria and Egypt not yet audited when the report have signed a mutual defense pact was made. pledging each party to support The women's report was made the other in any conflict with the as the campaign chairman, Lloyd State of Israel. Dispatches from H. Mattson, announced the drive's Damascus reported that the pact closing was l>clng moved ahead provides for a Joint military com>no week to G:15 p. m., Thursday, mand in peace and war and for Nov. 3. foundation of a joint war chest to Tile delay was granted upon which Egypt would contribute 65 request of section and division percent and Syria 35 percent. leaders for one more week's time There would also be a defense to do a one hundred percent job, council composed of the foreign and defense ministers of the two the campaign chief declared. countries. Syrian officials said "If the volunteers come through that they are now negotiating a as they predict," Mr. Maltson similar pact with the Lebanon said, "we are certain to be over nnd would seek the adherence to the-top November 3." the pact of King Saud of Saudi The mercantile division headed Arabia. Both Syria and Saudi by Louis Somberg had G.I percent Arabin were reported to be neturned In at the last official re- gotiating with Czechoslovakia for port. Itlchard Hlllcr, an Initial the purctiase of arms. gifts vice-chairman, was up to 78 percent of his quota. '
U.S. Intervention in Near East Urged Washington (JTA)—The American Christian Palestine Committee told Secretary of State John Foster Dulles Monday that only llrect Intervention In the Near East can stem the threat of war there. The organization urged the United States to take the initiative to secure the integrity of existing demarcation lines between Israel and the Aral) Stnes and warned that "only an immediate guarantee by the United States of the territorial status quo can lead to an abatement of tensions In the ;a." It also recommended that the Western Powers Invoke the spirit of Geneva and call ujwn the Soviet Union to prevent an arms race.
While in Paris, Mr. Sharett will confer with the Israeli Ambassadors to London and Washington. Mr. Sharett's flight Is believed Indicative of the seriousness with which he views the situation in tiie Middle East. In two major pronouncements last week, one in Knesset and the other before a UJA delegation, the Israeli Prenier made It unmistakably clear that if war breaks out In the Middle East blame will rest on the Soviet Union. Although nothing lias been divulged about the nature of the talks he is to hold In Geneva, Mr. Sharett will, it is bcllevod, seek to secure arms from the West to counter the Egyptian purchase of arms from Czechoslovakia as well as a defense treaty. Soviet penetration in the MiddTC Kast through the sale of arms to the Arab countries will be discussed by the Western foreign ministers with Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, but according to a London report the Big Three are expected to turn down Israel's plea for enough arms to balance Communist shipments to Egypt. While Soviet ships were unloading with arms in Alexandria, the Moscow radio termed as "a com-. plete Invention" a report that the Soviet Union had offered to tell arms to Israel.
The American Jewish Committee, at its national executive board meeting Sunday, urged the United States to take Immediate steps to prevent changes in the balance of arms between the Arab States and Israel pending security guarantees. It called for "Immediate" implementation of the Dulles proposals for Arab-Israel peace, warning that the Communist arms shipments "have drastically changed the timetable" and now ".nakc it Yale Gets Wise Award imperative to defeat the Intent of New York (JTA)—Dr. A. Whit- the Kremlin to exploit unrest in New York (WNS)—Formal dedication of the Albert Einstein Colney Giiswold, president of Yale the Middle East." lege of Medicine of Yeshiva UniUniversity, was prevented with the versity was marked here Sunday 1954 Stephen Wise Award by the nt a ceremony attended by more American Jewish Congress at n than 7,500 people. luncheon nt Stephen Wise House Highlight of the ceremony wai here. Dr. Griswold accepted a a message from President Eisenbronze plaque and a $1,000 check hower and presentation. of a on bchulf of his university, which plaque by the college's first cfciss was honored for Its "outstanding contribution In the field of Jewish New York (JTA) — Proposals of fifty-three students, among that specific plans be studied for them three women, to Dr. Hnns scholarship and culture through the publication of its Judaica Sc- the teaching ofcourses "about re- Albert Einstein, son of the famed ligion" as a curriculum subject in scientist for whom the school was ries." the public schools without com- named. Inscribed on the plaque promising the Constitutional man- was a pledge to uphold and qracdate of separation of church and tice "the spirit of warm humanity state were accepted by the Antl- nnd scientific integrity exempliSunday Radio Defamatlon League of B'nai B'rith fied by Albert Einstein." The Bible In Action series Sunday. At a meeting of the ADL with its motivating theme of executive, Henry Epstein, Deputy The first medical school to be . the dynamic relationship be- Mayor of New York and chair- established In this countr. under Jewish auspices, the Albert Eintween the' Bible and contem- man of the ADL national program stein College Is a non-sectarian committee, declared that the institution. porary living will be broadcast over WOW-Radlo from 11:15 "ADL Is not opposed to further to 11:30 a. m. The scries Is pre- study of specific plans to detersented by WOW-Radlo In co- mine whether the objective facts DISCRIMINATION about religion can be taught to Chicago (JTA)—Jewish job ap« operation with the American plicants in Chicago have "lesf public school children." Zionist Council.
Einstein Medical School Dedicated
Religion in School Discussed by ADL
The executive committee, however, expressed both Its "doubts whether children In elementary grades arc qualified to discuss masters of faith In objective terms." The League drew a sharp distinction between "teaching religion as an instrument of indocThe Eternal Light program trination of sectarian dogma and will bo beamed over KFAB the possibility of teachng 'about rcllclbn." •giia'frci: .from. 11:30 to 12 nofijs, ,-,.-; , . Richard Seder will discuss the topic "I Speak for Judaism" on the Message of Israel program to be heard over KBON from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m.
than half" the chance of non-Jews to be placed by employment agen« cies, according to a survey com ducted here by the Chicago Bu< , rcau of Jewish Employment prob* : Iems. A study of the experience* ; of 5,582 applicants to a commercial i employment agency disclosed that, while 20 of every 100 Protestant' applicants were placed, only nine] of every 100 , Jewish applicant*! ;#«iyj ; e>lmtually • placed b/ tlafc same agency; • y • j
>M««r. Oewftertt.IMS.
Larry KreR to Speak, Beth El len's Club Meet
fres* r Friday to UK Pe«*ntJaa tot Joriab tkrctc*
Federation Clubs Collect for Bazaar
The Federation of Jewish Women'* dubs are collecting items for their booth which they will have nt the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar. The bazaar will be BARRY HALPKH1 EdlU» held Monday. Nov. 7 at the Hotel Fontenelle. Mrs. Richard Hlller, chairman of the committee, stated: "If you have not been contacted, please deliver your items , the women's Zionist organization of America, to the narage entrance of Mrs. Al» will mark, its 43rd year of dedicated humanitarian Kt-rvicc at its bert Stc-inlwrc's home. G2O5 GlenHint annual convention to ho held in Chicago October 31 to Nowood." vember 2. Twice during the organization'a formative years no Contributions may b • mailed to convention was held. Mrs. Ernest A. Nocc. 67G N. 57th More than 3,000 delegates and guests, representing the orav., who is oo-chalrnan of the committee. Itaiiiration's 300,000 members in the United .States and its ter(Continued from Page 1.) and iricl<-up captains ritories will assemble to deliberate and map HadaKsuh's vital cease our reEponsibility to it, he are:Calling Mmes. Harry Altsuler. Morprograms in Israel and America. asked? ris Arkin, Sam Ban, Abe Bear, Founded in 1912 by a handful of American women to proa broken reed, tlie rab- Clarence Benrman, Sam Berman, Rabbi Groner to HpraU vide medical assistance to what wag then an isolated Jewish bi emphasized, foi rather than Robert Bernstein, Paul Blotcky, community in Palestine, Iladassah has emerged as one of the trying to Improve the lot of her Edward K. Brodkey, Fred BrodI>ea."ants the Egyptian dictator is key, R. M. Canar, Isadora Chapmost important voluntary women's groups in the world. buying urcnis from communist man, Harold Chernlack, Bennett In the United States, Uadassah helps to preserve our chercountries. Israel Is the bulwark Colin, Samuel Davis, Sam Diaished heritage of freedom and democracy by disseminating inof democracy In the Near East, mond, Richard Einstein, AJon'F. formation on a non-partisan basis on the vital issues of the day News und Happenings at The he stressed. Israel will remain a Philip Feldman, Abe Felland strive* to foster a creative Jewish life which incorporates Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for mark of honor in Uie history of Farber. man, Alfred Fiedler, Stanley Fisk, the loftiest features of Americanism and Judaism. humanity, Uie rabbi concluded. Herman F r i e d m a n , Maurice) the A|;ed: In Israel today, Iladassah maintains on a non-sectarian Delegates to the convention Frank, Mike Freeman, Robert I)y David Orkow basis seven hospitals, scores of community health and maternity passed a resolution stating that Fromkin, Harold Garber, Jack ••enters, a program of vocational education for young adults October 21: Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe the sale of communist arms toGelfand, Stewart Gilinsky, Sidney. and special projects for youth rescue and rehabilitation. Not Krestul of Jacksonville, Florida, Arab states pose a threat to sta- Goldberg, Herman Goldstein, L. content with these achievements, JJudassnh has undertaken to visited our Mrs. Mina Krestul dur- bility in the Near East and called Goldstein, Arthur M. Green. Max Gerald Gross, Chas. build m 12 million dollar Medical Center to eerve as n (shining ing the past week nnd cave Our for n mutual security OErceincnt Greenbcrg. Guss, J. M. Horwich, Irvine Kaibeacon in the Near East for building a healthier and happier Folks a special Kiddush bi herbetween U.S. and Israel. The res- man, Howard Kaplan, Seymour honor. olution also asked that U.S. arms nation. Katz, Jack J. Kaufman, David IK? sold to Israel. • As the opening of the convention draws near we extend to Special Memorial Services were Mayor John Rosenblatt was on Krnntz, Leonard Krasne, M. Kruheld this week in the Home SynaLeonard KuUikofsky. M. our own local chapter our best wishes for continued Buecess in gogu'1 for: hand and welcomed the delegates plnsUy, I-ashinsky, Rolwrt Lcvine, M. Uns* its humanitarian endeavors. to Omaha. Irwin I^cvin presided Irwln Stalmaster—October 21. 1^ Lipsey, Alfred S. Abe B. Gendler, president of man, James Joseph J. Grecniwn;—October and Jerome Milder, Charles the Omaha district, greeted the Mayer, Monasee, Henry A. Newman, ilnr» 21. delegates and guests. Mrs. J. II. Mrs. Sarah Farber—October 23. Kulakofsky, honorary president old Pollack, N. Julian Rips, Edward A. Rosen, Al Rosen, Jcrold Herman Krasne—October 25. of Hadassah, also spoke. Rosen, Millard RosenbcrR. L W« October 25: Rabbi David Korb Abe 13. Gcndler and Sam Klcc Omaha will. join 500 commu- of Council Bluffs, Iowa, visited us were rcelecled to the executive Rosenblatt, Ilarry Schulman, Ben nities throughout the nation in today. His topic was "Die Differ- committee and regional officers Sherman, Robert Silver-man, Nathan Simon. Harold Slosburg, 5sO5 p. m, Candleliglitlng participating in a Freedom Anen- ence between Judaism and Other were also reelected. Stanley J. Slosbui-R. Miss Beatrice da program. Plans for the Omaha Religions in Relation to It's LongN. Sommer, Mrs. Albert SteinFreedom Agenda procram were evity." Rabbi Korb illustrated his berp. Mrs. A. A. Steinberg. Mrs. made at a recent conference called topic with historical facts and P-TA Lotke Party at B.I. Beth Israel Abe Vender. Mrs. llari Wetes. by the I^CTirue of Women VOUTS demonstrated that the Je-vs nre Mrs. Dave Wine, Mm. Btrnhnrdt Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Cantor Fifty Individuals representing nine the only believers of an ancient Beth Israel Parents-Teachers Wolf, Mrs. Sam Wolf. Mm. Max Ell Kafian, and Beth Israel Syna- civic and educational organiza- faith who have survived being con- Association will hold a Lotke ami Wolfson. and Mrs. I. B. Ziemrir. gogue chair will conduct late Fri- tions attended the planning ses- nucred without becoming com- Card Party Saturday, Nov. 12 in day evening services this evening sions. Among them were repre- pletely asiimulated. Beth Israel social halL Co-chairat 8 p. in- Mincha and Knbhalath sentatives from B'nal B'rith Henry men of the affair arc Mmes. Mor- Mrs. William Epstein is eollooRabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth ris Kutler and MalvSn Tepper. ln>; itrans from 0>e Mizrachl WIMTIEhahbos Services at 5:15 p. m. Moniky Chapter No. 470. Saturday morning at 8:30 a. rn. The program will consist ba- Israel Synagogue will be with us Tickets are one dollar per person. on's Orgnnlaztlon. Tuer,dny, Nov. 1 to continue the Junior Congregation at 9:30 a. m. sically and coffee will be served of n snrlcr! of discussion scries of spiritual programs by LotkcK during Uie evening. Door prizes Beth Israel News Saturday afternoon. Rabbi's groups held throughout the city the rabbis of our community! will be awarded. Talmud class at 5-15 p. m. Min- with each rrroup mcctins; four to Beth Is;-ael clubs will meet this cha, followed by Shalosh S'uedos KIX times. Resource materials Sunday: SYO at 7 p. m.; Boys and Maariv begins at 5:15 p. m. will consist of Hie Freedom AgenDeb Sitter Service Arts and Crafts at 4 p. m. and Sunday morning brc.-ikf.i-st Min- da pamphlets which will be used Cirk Arts and Crafts at 4 p. m. yon and Rabbi's Bible Class atas discussion guides; The Debka Deb pledge class is Club Tovim will meet tomorrow 8:45 a. m. ChiJdrens Talj; and The purpose of the program is Mrs. Sam Faier starting a Baby Sitting ServiceTcfilin Service followed by break- to increase community underAnyone Interested please call at G:15 p. m. Services were held Monday, Oct fast at 8:30 a. m. standing of civil liberties in the 24 for Mrs. Sam (Ubby) Falcr chairman Harriet Schloff nt RE Beth Israel School of Adult Stuwill start Its new semester Week day morning Services at context of tody's "cold war" prob- with Interment nt Pleasant Hill !>2B7. Rates are fifty cents an dien Monday, Nov. 7. The curriculum 7 a. in. Week day afternoon nndi lems in order to maintain nation- Cemetery. Mrs. Faier. 81, died hour of which fifteen cents ROCS will Include beginner's Hebrew, to our club treasury. evening Services at 5:20 p. m. al security and preserve individual Saturday, Oct 22. intermediate Hebrew, ceremonials The Talmud Discussion Group liberties in conformity with the und rituals nnd Medieval Jewish .She is survived by hor husband, meets each Tuesday at 8 p. m. at principles of a free society. history. For further Information two soas. Dr. Samuel 2. the 19th and Burt' St. Synasogue j The University of Omaha will S.nn; and enrollment call the synagogue, of Fort Smith, Aric, and New Linen Shop offer an "Knowldcge o' Llvintj" Faier office, UK G288. Rabbi Benjamin Dr. Herman I. Faier of \jjn AnI adult education course on the geles, Oil.; four daughters, Mrs. Selim Heffes, who for seven Groner, Abraham Elscnstcln, Samyears has operated n linen shop El Freedom Agenda subject matter I. W. Rosenblatt of Omaha, Mrs. in IJites Park, Colo., has opened uel Stone nnd Irving Stern win Services Friday evening will be- beginning with the February term. Sara Prrismnn of San Francisco, n new shop nt 1508 Douglas st. conduct the courses. Cal., Mrs. Tillio Moxkovitz or Mr. Heffes makes his home in Belli Israel Talmud Torah Sengin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Omaha, nnd Mir,s Ksthcr of Oma- Brooklyn, N. Y. He has mastered iors will take u leading role in Kripkc will deliver the sermon. ha; five grandchildren and three six languages inclutlini; Hebrew conducting the late Friday eveCantor Aaron I. E<Ijjar and the great-grandchildren. and Arabic Beth El Synagogue Choir will renning services November 4. der the musical portions of the service. Yjrk (WNS)-Of the 100 Sabbath morning service will bo New inakini: history in the world at 9:30. Junior Cnnfcre;;rition serv- people today seventeen Jews, It was ices are at lOutO a. m. Mincha- disclosed recentlyare by I>ook MagaMaariv Services will l>c at 5 p. m. zine in an article by Donald RobSunday morriinc services are at inson, former chief historian for 9 a. n . Ihe U. S. Military Government In Daily services arc at 7 a. m. and Germany. fl p. m. Compiled on behalf of Look magazine, the Jewish names on the list constitute 17 per cent of Temple Israel the total as against the minute Worship services tniRht at 8 in proportion of Jews to Uie t^taJ Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney H. population of the world. Brooks will deliver a sormon. Serv- In the field of public affairs, the ices Saturday mominn at 11:30 author includes David Bon Gurion •{clock for adults and memb™ of o f I s r a c , Picm Mcndes.Fran the religious school. | former French Premier, and Irvs Brown, AF1, representative In Europe. Speaker at 6.1. P-TA The other Jewish names on the John M. Sheldon. supervisor of list are: Rene Meyer of France, adult education in the Omaha pub- Lazar M. Kaganovich of Russia, lic school system, will speak at a David Sarnoff of the U n i t e d meeting of the Beth Israc! Par- States, Arthur II. .Sulzbercer, pubents-Teachers Association Thurs- lisher of the New York Times, Dr. day. Nov. 3 in Beth Israel social Edward Teller, designer of U. S. nuclear weapons, John Von Neufcn A sodal hour will follow 'the mann of the U. S., builder of meMrs. lUrry Ferenatein (dinner committee), leO, and Mrs. Harry Bocfamu (oo-ctutnnu of tim chanical "brains," Peter Kapitza, decoration eaomlttoe), standing, left, «ro %bawn Uniting over M M of the decoratlou for the Harvest meeting. Hostesses for the evening Soviet physidst; Niels Bohr, Danwill be Mines. Sam Stone and IrvFestival with Mrs. Robert Hooper (Cfr-chalraua «f tke dance Aff-if^Htrr) Vnwllnt. imt Mn. Artlmr ing Stern. A door,prize will be Uh physidst, Dr. Jonas Sailt, Am- C«ta (co-ehalmaa •* the deewatl«s coumUtec). The Festival wUI 'ie y Uil (liliinisi nWit.— erican bacteriologist. •warded. Hmrbb, • • . Stouts • • » kauori4. Krui -ix
uuo.iuuaiuiat.iiii BaUot
SOU ettw. -v-juu. »et». " » I - BUML
Larry Krell, Oslof Probation Officer of Douglas County Juvenile Court, will deliver the main address at the next inccctlng of the Beth Kl Synagogue Men's Club meeting. The dinner meetlnc is scheduled for C:30 p. m., Wednesday. • Krell will address the croup on oKlems concerninr; the juvenile ocurt in Douglas county.
Hadassah Dedicated £© Hyreraitify
Rabbi Attacks
Wifh fhe Folks At Home
Religious News
'Freedom Agenda" Will Be Held Here
Outstanding List Incfudes 17 Jews
M i a * OeMker U. Hit.
BarandBas Teens on the Tdum Mitzvah Martin Sncldcr, son of Mr. and Mr*. Sidney Sadder, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah, and Eden Colin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cohn, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah, at a Joint ceremony this evening, Oct. 28 and Saturday morning, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives ore invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ginsburg announce the Bar Mitzvah of their ion, Hobcrt, nnd Mrs. Alice Hceger announces the liar Mitzvah of her •on, Gerald, at a joint service Friday evening Nov. 4 nnd Saturday morning, Nov. 5 nt Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives, arc invited to attend both cervices and the receptions which will follow. The Bar Mitzvah of Roger Eldon Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith will bo celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue Oils evening and tomorrow morning. Oct. 28 and 29. All friends and relatives are invited to attend the services and the receptions that will follow the services. No Invitations have been issued. Ne»t Saturday morning, Nov. 5, the Bar Mitrvah of Meyer Coren, the son of Mr. and Mrs. enry Coren will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Corcn invite all their friends and relatives to lie present at the services, which will •tart at 8:30 a. m. and the Kidtlush Immediately followinc the cervices.
Hi You-all, Friday night the "Eagles" kinda uh—lost to Creighton Prep by a score we will refrain from mentioning, but the boys were In there trying and that's what really counts. Losing the game did not prevent the teens from enjoying tliemselves at several parties. Jeanie Goldstein had another one of her tremendous open houses where we found the kids having a great time. Also we hear Patsy Greenfield had a get-together that was loads of fun. Then too, Friday night the Omaha Police force started a large scale campaign against reckless and troublesome teenagers. They kept sharp watch on all the main trouble spots of Omaha. We urge your cooperation In helping them make Omaha a safer place in which to live. Saturday night many of the kids attended the repeat performance of the 61th Aic-Sar-Bcn Coronation which was very beautiful and awe inspiring. They danced to the wonderful music of Harry James. The Hussars who were fabulous, Including of course Jamie Shapiro and John Goldncr. They had a pizza party afterwards to celebrate their grand exhibition for the whole realm of Quivern. Saturday night was the first AZA 1 party of the yoar and it really proved successful. The kids all had tons of fun on the hayrack ride, singing, keeping hay out of their clothes, and looking for somebody's shoe. (Can't recall the name—bad memory we guess.) After the ride the kids roasted hot dogs at Florence Stables. Sunday Rayim had a parent-son picnic at Ulvervlew Pavllllon
Walter Kdwin Wise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wise, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah this evening and Saturday morning nt Temple Israel. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the services and receptions which will follow. No Invitations have been Issued.
Y. C Spotlight >
fly Ilttvvlo l£no|M .r ttBU At the last meeting of the BI3G Mil's, elections were held. The following are the officers for this terra: president, Hosannc Siporin; secretary-treasurer, Alice Hunt; reporter, Cnrole Gomberc; notifications, Connie Nichols and Georianne Mczey. BBG's arc proud to have two Eirl* representing them as officers In the BDYC. They arc Kay Mnrkovitz as treasurer and Ina Margollng as secretary. BBG'i have nlrcady started practicing for the coming volley ball tournament. AZA NO. 100 Century chapter has its activities for the new year In full swing. The freshman Aleplw-ln-trainlng have begun the pledge classes every Monday. The .social committee, headed by Mnynard Tloscn, has planned a party for Nov. 26. HAYIM Community Service committee Is going to entertain the Invalid children at children's home. Nov. G is Ilayim's next party.
hicii' Was a big j Let's not forget BBG's Spook Hop Saturday night. We think It will be lots of fun so let's sec just everyone there. That's about all for this weekbe good now and have lots fun next week.
Talent Night will be held November 12 in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium, Mike Mogll, chairman, announced. Admission will be 35 cents. Those who are interested in taking part In the program can contact Mr. Mogil.
Father-Son Stag Sunday at Center
Twelve teen-agers are enrolled in the "Speed Reading" course, Art Novak, president of the Youth Council, announced. The second session will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. Students may still enroll at tlie Youth Council office. The fee for the course is ten dollars which covers the cost of books and materials.
This Sunday at 3 p. m. la the tip-off for the Midget Basketball League of the Jewish Community Center. The opening event will be a Father and Son Stag to be held in the Center auditorium. Features of the stag will be an amateur wrestling exhibition and a father nnd son free throw basketball tournament, also sports films on basketball and entertainment will be shown. The purpose of the stag Is to enroll players in the Midget Basketball League and to acquaint fathers with the program. Last year there were eight teams In the league and competition was very close. Champions In their respective divisions were Gerelick Motors nnd Pacific Fish. The league is open to Center members in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades with two divisions separating the older and younger boys. After a scries of practice sessions in which the boys will learn basketball fundamentals, the competition will begin after dividing the boys up Into teams with each team having a sponsor. League play k scheduled for each Sunday at 3 p. m. and will extend through the winter months.
John Rk'kes Bob Singer Marvin Cohn . . . . Buddy Herzog . . . Bradley Epstein . . Howard Martin . . Matt Faler Frank Goldberg . . Mike Green Meyer Coren . . . . Jerry Cipinko Eden Cohn Enid Vcnger . . . . Jim Krasne Jerry Rosenblatt Bob Nogg Bobby Gross . . . . Francis Rife . . . . Keva Shykin . . . .
Game* Series 286 148-138 247 125-122 244 131-113 240 133-107 233 135- 98 233 125-108 219 117-102 209 107-102 208 104-104 206 117- 89 203 116- 87 201 105- 96 200 113- 87 125 114 109 108 103 100
A movie projection class will be held Nov. 2 in the audio-visual Hie Boston Gazette, leading room of the Center at No. 30 p. m. newspaper which espoused the There is no charge for this pro- cause of the American Revolution. never had more than 2,000 circugram. lation. Youth Coundlcrs may still enroll in the pre-college testing program, it was announced by Joel Pitlor, Rita Kntzman and Jerry Gordmnn. The testing will be followed by educational and voca-
tlonal counseling and is adapted to fill the needs of students who will be graduated from high school next June. The fee for the testing program Is two dollars.
Take just *4 minutes to prove to yourself: CAKE MIXES outbake any other method ...any other mix! #Just one minute for preparation • • . three minutes for mixing! EXCLUSIVE NEW INCREMENTS, d e veloped solely (or Dromedary, auka the bi( difference In q u a l i t y . . .
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OUTLET LINEN SHOP OPENING SALE ON Fine Imported Linens, Handkerchiefs, Table Cloths, Embroidered Sheets Pillow Cases and Gifts 1508 Douglas
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ASK •YOUR GROCER FOR DROMEDARY While Clc.s Mix ••Yeliow'Cake Mix •Devil's Food Mix • Gir.ger bread Mi> • Pound Cake f/ix - H o n e y '«' Spice Cake M:.
BRANDEIS Cabin Craft Bedspreads Styled by Decorators
Rohanue will hold an exec meet ing Oct. 29. Plans for Rohanue's first party arc now in progress. Rohanue feels fortunate to have acquired another advisor. She is Mrs. Edwin Brodltey.
Spook Hop Tomorrow On October 29, the BBC's will present their mysterious and cxcitlrTg dance, the Spook Hop. One person from each club is a candidate for King nnd Queen of Blade Magic. The candidates are: Jerry Fercr, AZA 1; Marv Frcedman. AZA 100; Mike Lazer, Rayim; Phyl Bernstein, Rohanue; Eileen Epstein, BBG; Shelly Greenbcrg, Debs. Hollywood (JTA)—"Frequently,' says Edward G. Robinson, "a philanthropist Is one who gives it away when he should be giving It back."
"Monogram" Embroidered Initial on a fine Cabin Crafts' Range Cloth and banded with Feathertufting. Custommadc look at a moderate price. Washingmachine washable and pre-shrunk, it requires no Ironing. Full or twin size in the same colors as "Coin Dot"
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"Coin Dot" Range Cloth Bedspread with embroidered dots. Row Pin",. Natural, Tarquolte, Bran, Charcoal, Walnut, Ccladolt Gmut, China Red and Moss Graefl
Full or twin size 45rtO Matching; Draperies, pair
14.V5 .12.93
"Herald" bedspread with band of Feathertuft- | O AT ing, same as "Coin Dot" but with plain top IZ*/9
Allow 2 Weeks for Delivery Linens—Sixth Floor
FrMsy, October III. 1KHJ.
Omahon Engaged
Hadassah Members
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Capln of Nogales, Ariz., announce the Off to Convention By Mrs. Morris Specktcr engagement of their daughter Miss MONSKY CIIAPTEB Members of Omaha Chapter Frances Margo to Burton Lee Hadassah will attend the 41at an« The next regular meeting of Accept God's traditions now. Robinson, son of Mrs. Ida Robin- nual Hadassah convention to lie B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky ChapIn humility, pride, and joy, son of Omaha. ter No. 346 will be a party (or the held In Chicago October 30 to NoOur Creator will be your constant guide, Miss Capin attended the Uni-vember 2. They are Mmes. David Beliefaire Children's Home. The And even be of help to you, dear boy. versity of Southern California Urodkey, Hyman Ilclman, Abo affair will be hejd at 1 p. m., Wedand University of California at Bear, Max Greenberc, Carl Lagnesday, Nov. 2 In the Jewish ComToday can be yours with untroubled mind, Los Angeles. She was affiliated man, J. II. Kulukofsky, Meyer flu» munity Center. All persons who Just accept the teachings of God. with Alpha Ensilon Phi. Mr. Rob-bin. Leo Weltz. Arthur Goldstein, will attend are asked to brine Then your tomorrows will forever shine. inson attended the Universities of Ervin Simon, Jack Kaufman, DaChanukah gifts for youngsters Your yesterdays be devoid of regret. Omaha and Nebraska and wan af- vid Sherman, Sidney Katleman from six to 16 years-of-age. filiated with Zcta Beta Tau Fra-and David Fredericks. Be good and kind to everyone, The program will have as Ha ternity. theme "Tending Our Children's And never forget God, Mines. Arthur Goldstein and KrA January wedding in Nogales Vineyard." Mrs. Mycr S. Kripke, And the Lord will bless and keep you, son, vin Simon will be member of the is planned. authoress of a number of chilAnd grant you a full and happy life. panel in the membership workshop dren's books, will be ccust speakOn this, your liar Mitzvah Day, a start. er. Mrs. iCripkc'c new book, "Let's and .Mre. David lirodlcey in tho Delight with your Mother, Father, and Brother,' Talk About Right and Wronc." fund raising techniques division. This cs^mc-s from your grandmother's loving heart, will be published soon. Some of VV. A distinguished arra; of Amor* To you, in Israel, a B'rocha. her other books are "Rhymes to General Electric 13 5 ican and Israeli leaders will adTo Martin, with love, from Grandmother. Play," "Rhymes to Pray," and Younnstown Kltch 13 5 dress sessions of ti..k four-day par"Let's Talk About God." These Cixjper Canst. . . . 10!i 7 ley. They are Abba Khan, Israel books arc used in a number of Metz Beer 10 8 ambassador to the United .States; Sunday schools as a text. HCA Victor . . 10 K Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, IJnice MeB.D. Groups Plan Bazaar Silk Shop . . . . Mr*. .Bernard Goldstrom ii; 10 8 Daniel, former director of U.S. Plans arc progressing for the Playland Park chairman for the Bcllcfaire proj10 8 operations in Israel; Dr. Iluell Galcombined annual fund-r a 1 s I n g NORC ]iro». . . . ect. Mrs. Abo Ginsburg and her 9% 8'i- lagher, President of City College event of li'nal B'rith Henry Mon- Watson Bros. committee will be in charge of 9 of New York City, Herman Wouk, sky and Nebraska Chapters. Tire Superette Mkt. the luncheon. Mrs. Nathan Kaplan >J disllnciikhcd nuthor and others. card party and bazaar will be held Fireside lies. . will report on the new n'nai B'rith 9 .Sunday, Nov. 27 at the Blackstnno Magic, Color . . . Children's Home In Israel. Mnf. 10 Gcorge-Cohn Li program chairman. .Silco Products . Brodkey Jewelry T> 13 31 Miss Lora Franklin, daughter of Hotel. Mmes. Harry Sldman and Jo- Edwards Jewelry VI Mr. and Mrs. Morris M, Franklin, Mystic Beauty Shop . . 4 U seph Lipton, over-all co-chnirmen B. K. HISTEIUIOOD will make her debut as violinist Beth El Sisterhood will hold its with the Oiniiha Symphony Or- announced the following commitregular board meeting at 11 a. m. chestra at Its first concert of the tee heads: Mmes. Max Sacks, Tuesday, Nov. 1 In the Beth El season to be held Monday. Oct. 31 Philip Kutler, Max Krizelman and Social Hall prior to the luncheon in Joslyn Memorial Art Museum. Aaron Epstein, year-book co-chairmeeting. Miss Franklin, 17. will be the men; Mmes. Sol Miroff and "Will You Join Us, Alice" a fan- youngest member of the orchestra. Charles Scudder, recipes; Mmes. tasy by Doris L. Pcrtz, will Ix; A senior at Central High School, Sol Dolgoff, Joseph Levinsky and presented at the regular luncheon she is vice-president of Debka Goodman Cohen, bazaar and meeting qt 1 p. m., Nov. ] at Ilcth _- ,.)H, a nieml)or club of the Jew- Mmes. W. S. Abrahams and Sol EL All new members will bo ish Youth Council. Miss Franklin Martin, jewel pone. guests. -Program chairmen in is also regional president of Sen- Ticket chairmen are Mmes. charge are Mr*. Seymour Guld- ior Young Judea. Stanley Shapiro and Al Oruch. In aton. Mrs. Selwyn Hoffman and charge of party arrangements are She is ii') newcomer to the mus- Mmes. Sidney Zneimer and Abe Mrs. Lee Schmldman in cooperation with membership chairmen ical scene having been concert Hear. Mrs. Sam Manvitz Is decMrs. I/KMiard Gould and Mrs. Jt>-mistn-ss of the Central Hi^h orations chairman and Mrs. David . . . a luxury r»nch-rcsort School Orchestra for four years Blelchcr is treasurer. acph Soshnlk. and the All-City High School Orobserving the dietary l*w»! The cast consists of all new chestra. Miss Franklin was also a members to Betb El Sisterhood in- memlwr of the University of OmaWtitc for color folder: cluding Mmes. Krncs* J. Hochster. ha Orchestra. Mrs. Ben J. Gershun will enterme St rcirrvttion Harry Ravitz, William Nash. Meytain the Cousins' Club at a 12:30 Served Buffet Style! informatioa er RoKcnbaum, Herbert Wintroufo. p. m. luncheon Wednesday, Nov. All You Care to Eat Hubert Uosenl-um, Max Jiittner. Stanley Fellmrjii. sun of Mr. and 2 at her home, 200 Kceline av., Harold Wolfson, Leonard I'rir-drl Mrs. Charles I . Fellman. a fresh- Council Bluffs. la. • Either Dokow, and Mrs. Donald Noun. Mrs. I-eon- man at the University of Nebrasard Gould will be narrator. Mrs. ka, has won himself a major supNOON TO 3 P.M. Reservation Mgr. Milton Margolin and Mrs. Carl porting role in the university playMatters and their Circle 10 are In era' production of "Stalag 17." DESKi 04 charge of the luncheon. While at Central High School,"he JG & UPHOLSTERY BOX 21 SI played the livid In "Hilly Build" TUCSON. ARIZONA nd a supivu-ting role, ill "She CLEANERS COt'NCII. WOMEN , The Omaha Section. National ;tix,ps to Conquer." RUGS — CARPETING Council of Jewish Women, will Mr. Fellman and Holiert Meyer LAMP SHADES hold their Overseas "Luncheon at teamed up as debate partners tc! 12:30 p. m., Tuesday. Nov. 15 in win their timt college debate. FURNITURE Beth Kl social hall, it was announced by Mrs. Morrir M. ShaCleaned In Your Home! piro and Mrs. Sam Greenlxri;. ZBT Mothers DUdisg - Loytag • Repalrftg Meyer Cohen, The program will include piano Maniging Director HA 2554 The Zela Beta Tau Mothers' Don Bernstein •elections by professor >Ian.i Baer and a skit "I Rememlx'r" written Club will meet at the frat house in by Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. It will 'Jncoln Thursday, Nov. 3 for star several Council members. A lunch. Mothers of alutnnl arc weldoor, prize will be present^!. come and should call Mrs. I,eon Tickets may 1M obtained from Fellman, C.I. :KK>1, if they wish to the following: Mmes. AIl*?rt Stein- it tend. berg, Uichard Kinstein, I-«> Uncer. Morton Kricdlander, Joe Zv.rilj.ick, Patronize Our Advertisers!. Edwnrd Z. Rosen, Gerald Gross. Alfred Sephlr. Max Omar, Charles Runenxtork, Harold Sloshing, David Orkow, William, lladuziner, Julius Katzman, Arthur Adler. Abe Bear, Ilymnn Ferer, Iz Klcwllz, Aaron Rip*. David Holierm;in, Lee Schmidmnn, M. II. IVssen. Maurice Newman. Kdward Af Rosen, Iz Chapman, Thewlore Newman, Ku^cne Hich, Hy Slider, Henry Gree;nber£, Klmer Groenberg. Howard Milder, Morris" Kr,man and Heuben Lippett,
On My Beloved Grandson's Bar Mitzvah
Hadassah Bowling
Omaha Sketches
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Cousins' Club
Sunday Brunch
JWV ArXILIAKY The next regular meeting of the Epstein-Morgan Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans will be held nt the home of Mrs. Sarah Feltman and Mrs. Hetty Hahinovyitz. Iti'me JA I3C to insert y&ur Want Ad 4804 Harney st. •n The Jewifcb I'rci'it. Current rat? la £0 crnt* for *Acn Inner' All members are urged to at- lion. Tue I'reM rccerve* tlie rl£lit to Umtl tend and hear the committee re- rlM OD e«eh a/JrtrlUfmcnt port on th^ recent card party and BAR and lias Mitzvah congraturummage sale. lations also for all Jewish holi days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Lincolns Move IF YOU like to shop witiTea.se, and be sure your gift will please. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln and family have moved to Los An- Order a magazine subscription for Bar Mitzvahs and Chanukah. geles. Calif., to make their horn? Gift card furnished. Mrs. Horthere. wlch, WA 39.>7. ZELDA: Finish this sentence in 2^ words Mrs. George Kaplan wishes to or less. I'm goinc to be a t the thank all her friends and rcls Beth Israel Lotkc and Card dves for their kindnesses during Party''Nov. 12. •' " her recent illness. MKYKB
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