Vol. XXXIV—No. i.
Freeman, Somberg Units Go Over Top "Mrs. Mike Freeman and Louis Somber!; reported thel. units over tlie top at the United Hed Feather-Red Cross Campaign dinner meeting last night. Mr. Somberg's mercantile division climbed up over its quota of $107,500. His division readied 102 per cent by Wednesday morning. Mrs, Freeman's section of the . Women's division cleared its 42,200 target .Tuesday by $72. The section manned by 150 members of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs was on of the first in the division to go over the top. Mr. Somberg's section chairmen Included.Ed Rosen, Herman Gold•tcln, Morton Richards nnd Leonard Kulakofsky. The Initial 'gifts section headed by nichiird Hlller readied $70,915 Wednesday morning. This included $35,351 for Hed Feather-Red Cross operating needs and $41,] 44 lor building needs. The operating lum was a G.5 per cent increase •ver last year v
Global Report AltMS LIST Geneva (JTA1—Israel will submit to the United States n list of the defensive arms considered necessary for defense against aggression it was learned here Monday. The list, It was learned, will Include aircraft, nnti-tank and anil-aircraft guns and similar we,'polls. It is understood that tali;s are going on with Britain and France for the supply of such
GAZA n.AUKIJl'S ..eriisalcm (WN8)—-Three new shooting Incidents were reported In the southern half of the Gaza strip ax the Israeli Foreign Ministry revealed that Kgypt has Ignored "repeated U.N. requests" to evacuate positions one mile within. Inside Israel at the end of the El Auja demilitarized zone. Tho new Incidents occurred In the area of the Nirini and Becrl jc-tlemcnts, where fire was opened from an Egyptian position on an Israeli patrol which did not return the fire, l a t e r an Israeli patrol encountered armed Egyptians on Israeli soil near Bceri. The Egyptians retreated across the border after a brief exchange of fire. La'.er Egyptian planes made four stortles over Israel. In the meantime there were reporta of heavy concentration of I Egyptian troops In the Nitzana aren, Invasion lino toward Tel Aviv and Beershetm, but Israeli officials said - the Government would not be "provoked Into war • by tho Nlteana situation." ISRAEL'S MAIDEN VOYAGE New York (JTA>—The brand new 10,500-ton vessel "Israel" flagship of the Zlm shipping company, entered New York harbor on her maiden voyage, to receive tho port's traditional welcome for a newcomer. Tho vessel, built In Germany ns Israel reparations, brought some 300 passengers on the voyage which Inaugurated the first aliyear-'round scheduled Haifa- New Yoik p.iy.iWiser «cnlce.
Omahans In the News J, Hurry Kulakofsky, past president of Federation for Jewish Si'i vir<\ Wii.s named snemtnry of tho Downtown OinnlKi Association, it w;is ntmounccrf Friday. Tho association lias launched n lonj; range prom )tion proj;ram to make the "hcarl of Onuiha more attractive to visitors, .shoppers, potential husincssc:! nnd workers." Ilol)ert Koopor, Federation vlcc-prosidont; Milton• Livingston, n past president of the Federation and Mr. Kulnkofuky are on the hoard of directors. •
Gov. Anderson Purchases Bond
Southeast Asia Institute Subject ".Southeast Asia Since Geneva" will be discussed by Dr. Diosdado Yap at the Institute on World Affairs at 8:35 p. ni., Wednesday, Nov. 9 In the University of Omaha auditorium. Dr. Yap Is editor and publisher of the Hataan magazine nnd chief of the Washington bureau of the Manila Chronicle. Porn In the Philippines and educated in the United .States, he served In the U. S. War Department speaking on the Far East at Army camps in 1912. The Institute's theme for this year Is "Since the Summit." The Federation for Jewish Service Is one the Institute's co-sponsors. Arthur H. Goldstein, chairman of the Jewish Community Center Committee, is.•*• member of the institute's advisory committee.
(IOV. Theodore MrKi-lilin, l'rlrul|i:i] N|H-u!irr
HADASSAIf CONVENTION Chicago (JTA)—A program of action for American Jews to follow tor assist Israel in the present crisis Wiis outlined hero Sunday by Mrs. Rebecca Shulman, president of Hadassah, to the opening session of the four-day 41st annual convention-of the women's Zionist organization of America. The program asked American Jews to; 1. Urge the United.States Government to lessen tension in the Middle Knst. and minimize the possibility of an Arab-Israel arms race by entering Into n mutual defense treaty with Israel; 2. Redouble economic assistance to Israel to assure the uninterrupted development of the country's agriculture and industry; 3. Make available professional and skilled labor to accelerate the upbuilding of the country and to fill key civilian posts; and 4. Strengthen Israel's economy through tourism. Mrs. Shulman asserted that "we cannot send heavy tanks. Jets and submarines to offset the danger to world peace created by the Communist-Egyptian pact, but the avenues of economic aid arc wide open."
Sunday Radio The IJible In Action series •/Ith its motivating thcrric of the dynamic relationship between the Bible and contemporary living will be broadcast over WOW-Radio from 11:15 to 11:30 a. m. 'Die scries is presented by WOW In cooperation with tho American Zionist Council. Ttfibbi Maurice N. Eiscndrath, president of the Union of American' Hebrew Congregations will discuss the "Price of Peace" on the Message of Israel program heard over KBON from 12 .Of to 12:30 p., m. The Eternal Light program will l>e broadcast over KFAU from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.
Jack W. M.irrr, Dinner Chairman
Israel Judge to
WIV tkillS.
I'lvmlrr Mo'ihe Sharelt of Ism<*i S understood to have pointed our TO Secretary of State John Foster Dulles at their meeting hen; Sunday that .Israel Ktaud* alone, without even one International guarantee to rely on In the present,crtsl:i despite the global umi political issues Involved.. For Israel, he is said to have stressed, the stark and primary Issue Is the issue of survival. No other interests stand comparison on the pidiie of morality or history. ,
4, 1055.
. Dr.
Center Clubs for Girl Grade Schoolers Grade school clulra for girls are being organized at the Jewish Community Center. The program will Include Oneg Shabbats, dramatics, crafts and special activities. •» Fifth graders will meet at. 1:30 p. m., this Saturday and sixth graders at 3:1)0 p. m. Seventh graders will meet at 1:30 p. m., this Sunday and eighth graders at 3:30 p, m. The initial meetings will be held at the home of Miss Sandra Fisher, 4U67 Cumlng St., who is one of the group advisors. For further information contact the Center Activities office, JA 13G0.
Veret to Address Kiwanis on Israel Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Federation for Jewish Service, wll! discuss the "Israeli-Egyptian Situation" at a noon luncheon meeting today of the Downtown Klwanls Club In the Hotel Fonteneile. Mr, Veret who returned In the fall from a survey mission to Israel, has been making a series of talks to civic groups explaining the role of Israel in the Near East, Ita problems and aspirations for peace in the area.
Dr. Moshe Landau, a Justice of tlie Supreme Court of Israel, will arrive In Omaha Friday, Nov. l i . During his vfcit, Dr. Landau will address a convocation of law students and faculty at Crcighton University, Monday, Nov. 11. He will then speak at a luncheon meeting of the Omaha liar Associatlono aj the Paxton Hotel. Jack W. Marer, Federation president, will serve as luncheon chairman. Tlie judge will be Interviewed by Phil Allen over WOW-TV at 12:43 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 13, and that evening will address tlie Unitarian Forum at 7:30 p. m. Arrangements are being made for Dr. Landau to speak in Lincoln and pes Moincs by Seymour Kaplan, head of the Plain States regional office of the Anti-Defamation League. Dr. Landfill was born In Danzig and received ills legal education in London, England. He came to Palestine In 1933 and upon the establishment of the State of Lsrael in 1918-was appointed district Judge In Haifa. In 1933, Dr. Landau wad called to the Supreme Court of Israel. He Is an expert In the complex land laws of the Near East and serves as chairman of the Committee for the Reform of tho Land Law. The committee advises tho Israel Government regarding the introduction of modern land legislation to replace the obsolete laws derived from Ottoman Law, A veteran Itotarian, Dr. Landau Is a member of the Board of Haifa Rotary Club and chairman of Rotary's International R e l a t i o n ? Committee, An enthusiastic musician, ho cofounded the amateur Haifa Symphony Orchestra and Is also chairman of the Jerusalem Chamber Music Society.
New Art Classes At Center Mon. A new series of art classes, under the direction of Mrs. Meyer Beber, will begin Monday, Nov. 7 at the Jewish Community Center. Classes nre held every Monday from 1 to 3:30 p. ni. In lounge B. Both beginners nnd advance students may register. Students may use a variety of media such as oils and water colors. Call the Center Activities office for registration, JA 13GG.
Jack W. Marer, chairman of the gala dinner sponsored by the Omaha "13onds-for-Israel" Committee for Guardians and Sponsors of Israel (purchasers of $1,000 or more) announced that preparations for the event have teen completed. Tho dinner will be held at the Fontenelle Hotel, Thursday, Nov. 10, and will start promptly. Governor Victor K. Anderson who was invited to participate in the affair, sennits regrets to Mr. Marer stating that a previously scheduled meeting of Governors in Lincoln makes it impossible for him to attend the Omahn dinner. However, in order to express Ills sympathy with Israel, he authorized Mr. Marer to announce His purchase of a State of Israel Bond. Principal speaker at the dinner will be tlie Honorable Theodore Roosevelt McKeldih, Governor of the State of Maryland, one of the staunchest supporters of Israel. Governor McKcldln has just returned from a sojourn of several months in Israel where he conferred with top government officials and traveled extensively to get first linnd Information. Governor Mclveldin, a leading Republican, is making his first appearance in Omaha since returning from Israel. Noted nationoally as an excellent speaker Gcverror McKcldin's report promises to b» onp of the moM Interesting events which should attract a record attendance, a Hond spokesman stated. Albert A. Levin, a prominent Cleveland, O., lawyer, a nationalJy-known lay leader will round out the evening's piogram. Chairman Jack Marer as well as tlie members of the Omaha "Bonds-for-Israel" Committee and the women's division headed by Mesdamcs J. Harry Kulakofksy, Morris Grossman, Isldor Levlnson, Samuel N. Wolf, and H e r m a n Bondarln are hard at work to get a record attendance and make this tho most successful Bond campaign In Omaha's history, now that Israel is facing one of it's mast, critical moments becauso of the armed Arab-Communist conspiracy. '. •. . TECHNICIANS AND MJOS London (JTA)—Egypt': has already received 15 Soviet MIG jet planes under tho Czech-Egyptian arms deal, the London Daily Express'reported here. It said that planes, together with tank's, were delivered secretly. Armaments from Czechoslovakia 1 have thus far been delivered to Egypt In one Egyptian, one Soviet aiid three Rumanian vessels, the paper reported from Cairo. With the ormnments, it said, came six Russians and eight Czechs who will show the Egyptians how to us and maintain the equipment. LEADERSHIP SESSION Jerusalem (JTA)—The 60-man study mission of the United Jewish Appeal concluded its visit to Israel last week-end with a call to the leadership of the American Jewish communities to attend an extraordinary session November •18 to plan action that "will meet .the needs of tho times." Tlie statement issued by tht mission declared that "while the Israelis are responsible -for their own defense, American Jewry must assume full responsibility for the settlement and colonization of newcomers."
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Publtaheti Ever} VriiU) bj tbt Vedcratluii lot Jewiib Senrtor unit*, u* —*•»•! .1 u « o j u i i *• tnriatjL tHbi-**A UMU u r n t f a M«rc* A. U3b HARRY HALPER-I.
Religious News 4:56 p. m , Canil!<l!f;litiiiK
Temple Israel Worship services tonight will start at 8 p. m., in Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney H. lirooks will deliver a sermon "'Why the World Needs Judaism." Services Saturday morniiiR for adults and members of the relicioui school will bo;;in at 11:30 o'clock.
Beth Israel • Rabbi Benjamin Gronrr, Cantor Eli Kagan, the Talmud Torah Senior class, and the Ucth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct late Friday Evening Services this evening at 8 p. m. Mineha and Kabbalath Shabbos Services at 5 p. m.. Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m,. Junior Congresation at 9:30 a. rn. Saturday afternoon, It a b li iV; Talmud class 4:30 p. m. Mlnrtia. followed by Shalosh S'uedoj' and Maariv begins at 5 p. rn. Sunday morning brealtfast Minyon and rabbi's Bible clar>s at 8:15 p. m. Children's Talis and Tefilln Service followed by breakfast at 8:30 a. m. Week day morning Services at 7 a. m. Week day afternoon and evening Services at 5:10 p. m. The Talmud Discussion Group fneets Tuesday at 8 p. m at the I9th and Burt St. Synagogue. • Next week the Junior Class will take a leading part In the late Friday evening service.
Beth El Services Friday evening will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Both El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning cervice will I* at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m Mincha-Maariv Services will bo at 5 p. m. Sunday morning services arc at 9 a. m. Daily services arc at 7 a. m. and 7 p.m.
Obituary Mrs.
Vera Solson
Services were held Sunday, Oct. 30 for Mrs. Vera Sotson with interment at , Beth El O r n e r y . Mrs. Solson. 82, nn Omaha resident for 34. years died Friday. Oct. 28 at a local hospital. ;! Survivors Include two sons, Nate Karpin ot Fremont. Ncbr., nnd Allen Kohan of Omaha; three daughters, Mrs. Harry Brown of Lon Angeles. C.Iif., Mrs. Vaurio Karpen of • Chicago, III., and Mrs. Jake Roxenbloom with whom she made her home In Omaha; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
David Cooper
Services were held Monday, Oct. 31 for Mrs. David Cooper with Interment at Fisher Farm Cemetery Mrs. Cooper, resident of Omaha for more than 75 years, died Saturday, Oct. 29. She was the widow of David Cooper. She Is survived by two daughters, Miss Harriet Cooper and Mrs. Gertrude Mozer of Omaha; a son, Eugene W. Cooper of Omaha, and a sister, Mrs. Agnes Wol: iky oj Sioux City, la.; twer grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Patronize Our Advertisers.
Veterans Day to Be Observed by JWV Members of Kpslein-Mornan Post i'ld Ladies Auxiliary. Jewish War Veterans, will pay tribute to Veterans Day by attending Friday nlnht services at the Beth El Synagogue Friday, Nov. 11. David Dubin, religious chairman, said: "It is fitting that wo should f.how our respect for Veterans Day by joining our community In prayer." All members are urtied to attend the Veterans Day services at Beth El Synagni;ue, nnd wear their JWC caps nnd tics. The annual fund raising event of the Post will be the Veterans Thanksgiving Dance to be held Saturday. Nov. 26. tit 9 p. m. in the niackstonc Hotel Ballroom. Milton Goldberg, Senior Vlce-Commandcr, announced that Mai Dunn and tils Orchestra will play for the dance. Tickets have been mailed to the members. Nate Marcus, dance ticket chnimvui, urges all mr-mbers to make .in extra effort to cell their tickets. Tills year the Post is committed to the inirelia.se of two resiiscitators nx a ;;ift (o the Omaha Fire 3cp;ir(nient nml the community. Onler your additional dance tickets from Kate Marcus, GI» )073.
I. Adult Institute
To Open Monday 'Hie Beth Israel Institute of Adult Jewish Studies is scheduled to open Monday, Nov. 7 at 8 p. m. There are a number of openings in all classes. All who are tnter•sted in attending nny of the courses offered can register at the Synagogue office. ' The following courses are being offered: Beginning Hebrew, A. KisenEtein—8 p. m. Intermediate Hebrew/ Irving Stern—8 p. m. Ceremonials and Rituals, Samuel Stone—9 p. m. Medieval Jewish History, Rabbi Bcnjiimin Groncr-—9 p. m. There will be no charges for attending any of the coursoc. excep the cost of the text books. All are invited to attend.
Center Sports The Youth Council Basketball I.ea::tie starting date has been get for November 15. The "Bi' league will play,at 7 p, rn., and the "A" league at 8:15 p. m. . Junior Youth Council bowling Is held nt 12:30 p. m. each Sunday at tjie Miisic Box. Junior bowlers rnny still register by contacting Jim Karbatsch nt the Center. The Vnrslty Basketball Ix-ague will start'its pre-tcason play November, 17. Yaffe Printing will meet Star Auto at 7:30 p. m.. followed by Lustys vs. Belgrade Independents game. -The Girls' Youth Council Athletic Committee announces tryouts for a pep squad will be held Monday. Nov. 7 In the Center handball courts.
Minkins Move to LA Mr, and Mrs. Sam Minkln nnd family have moved to Los Angeles, Calif., to make their home there. It was incorrectly stated in last week's Press that Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln were moving*
Lotfte Party Nov. 12 The Beth Israel Parcnts-Tcachers Association will hold their Lptke and Card Pnrty at 8:.T0 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 12 in the synagogue Eoclal hall. HoIIywodo (JTA)—"Giving unti it hurts," remarks director Mcrvyn LeRoy, "is not a true measure of charity. Some are more easily hurt than others."
FrMij, Navanber, 4, 1835.
HigWand Hilites
Monument Dedication
The Highland Town Club will feature this Saturday a steakhouse dinner at 7 p. m., and dancing at 9 p. m. to the music of Charlie Jenovesi's Band. A family stylo chicken dinner will be nerved at G p. tn. .Sunday. The ladies buffet luncheon will be held at 12:43 p. in., Wednesday, Nov. 1G. On Thursday, Nov. 10, a family dinner will be served from G p. rn. Sutuitlay, Nov. 10 is Mom bo nli;ht with the music of Sol Castro and his band.
The family qf the late Mrs. Fannie Shapiro will dedicate a monu* ment In her memory at V a. m., this Sunday, Nov. 0 at Golden HIU Cer otery, 5024 N. 42nd at Friends und relatives are invited to nttend the memorial tervice. The familj of the late Mrs. Harry Stoler will dedicate a monument in her memory ot 2 p. m.f this Sunday, Nov. 6 at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, 4216 Itcdick nv. Friends nnd relatives are Invited to attend the memorial service. Patronize Our Advertisers.
Mattlirw M, l'oUakoff
With Hie Folks At Home News and Happenings nt the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for he Aged by David Orkow. Rabbi Matthew M. Poliakoff will visit us Tuesday, Nov. 8 to continue our pro-am of spiritual meetings at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged« October 27: Residents attended Beth Israel Supper Club Meeting. Messrs. Sam Gilman, Sam Poster, Herman Nichols and Solomon Silverman, accompanied by. David Orkovv, Homo Superintendent, were tile j;ue.<;ts of Harry ijidman nt the first supper club meeting of the Beth Israel Mens' Club. Paul Veret, Federation IJxeeullve Director, was the guest speaker and discussed "Israel the Military Camp." A special Kiddush was given by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Temin in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Terry Lee Temin held in IJurbank, Cul. October 29: Special memorial services were held in the Home Synagogue for the following: Mrs. Morris Gross—Chcsvan 13 —October 29. Mr. Ben Handler—ChesVan 15 —October 31. Mrs. Baila Sadofsky—Cbesvan 18—November 3. November 1: Rabbi Benjamin Groncr of Beth Israel Synagogue visited our folks Tuesday and discussed the "Broclics in Mishnais."
Y. C Spotlight
The Omaha Israel Bond office wishes to apologize to all the good friends who came to the luncheon at the Highland Town Club Wednesday noon. The scheduled phone broadcast of an address by Dr. Dov Joseph was not heard because of technical difficulties.
Top of the NEW CROP Sde The Finest Peaches You've Ever Tasted: FOOD CLUB SLICED OR HALVES
PEACHES No21/1 Can 30c
& Filper pitted. The sensational new process that produces moro beautiful slices and halves with all the luscious natural flavor retained.
AZA NO. 100
Kd Snelder, clmirmun of the cultural committee, is planning a program Tor n future meeting. He plans to l.avc a speaker from different phases of professional careers spenk on their "occupations. AZA "NO. 1 A t a pledge meeting last Sunday, mother chapters freshman elected their officers. The pledge classes headed by president Allen Epstein will plan, the next party. Larry Elcwltz has been named new religious chairman. Ullfi The 19th of November BBG iii planning an overnight ot Camp Brcwstcr. The girls will be at the camp for both dinner and breakfast. A religious program will be lielxl during the camp. Florence Sin-ago Is chairman of the event. BOIIANDE Itohanue held a meeting October 27, at the home of Nunci Vengcr. Some of the i;irh will work nt the blood bank. Volley ball hi being concentrated on by the athletic committee. HAY1M At the Rayim's last meeting representatives from the University of Nebraska, talked to our members. On Oct 31, the fraternity held a community service project at the Hafti B. Monroe Hospital. The members gave a Halloween party for the children. On Nov. 23, following the Y. C Seervlces, Rayim will hold a party. Rayim is very proud to have Paul Shykcn heading Y.- C Services. DEBKA-DEBS Twenty-five girls from Debs will Journey to Kansas City for the Regional Senior Judea Conclave. Nov.! 4, S.'B.- • '•' r fi *: -•: '
Food Club, l> Heavy Symp No.2'/i C o n . . .
Food Club 46-01. Con
Food Club Delicious
Pitted Cherries &...2<-35c
CKED-R-TREAT Food Club's Finest Cheese Food 2-Lb. Loaf
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Food Club Placed Manzanltfa
STUFFED OLIVES& You Serve Hie Best When You Serve Food Club!
Frtd»y, Novoaker 4, U55.
nwin run
Organizations BarctndBas
B. I. 818TEK1IOOD Dean Noyes, head of civil defeme for Omaha and the surrounding area, will be cue it speaker at the Beth Israel Sisterhood luncheon meeting to be hold at 1 p. nu, Tuesday, Nov. 8 in Beth Israel sojlal hajl. Mr. Koyes will discuss "What Is Civil Defense?" • and show films on aspects of civil defense. Baby sitter service will be available. RcsiTvations arc bclnc taken by Mm. Robert Endelman ami Mrs. Harry ScfialL
WOMEN The board meetini; of the Omah* Section, National Council of Jewish Women, will be held at 1 p. nx, Thursday, Nov. 10. at the home of Mrs. Julius Newman, IC11 S. 33rd st. The meetini: will be preceded by a dessert luncheon. t i n . Isadore Elewilz will serve as co-hostess. TEMPLE 8ISTFJUIO0D The next regular Temple Israel Sisterhood meeting will be held • t i p . ra., Tuesday, Nov. 8 in Temple Israel. Dr. Floyd Uinp;, psychiatrist, will discuss "Psychiatry and Religion" with rttibbl Sidney H. Brooks. Mrs. Harry Altsuler Is general luncheon chairman and will he as•istcd by Mcsdamcs Charles Stern, Edward Maklesky, Itobert Colin, Bol Krlzclman, William Wolfe and Sam Weinsteln. In charge of table settinn will bo Mines. Mllto.i Waldbaum, Millard llosenberi;, John Lent, Hannah Orloff, Harry Unlasliock and John Rosenblatt. A board meetini; nt 11 n. m. will precede the regular meeting.
Births A brother and sister, both former Omahnns, became parents of sons recently Just a week apart. Mr. nnd Mrs. Byron Krasne of Uncoln and Dr. and Mrs. Simon Hcrshorn of Wichita, Kan., announce the birth of sons born October 29 and 22 respectively. Mrs. Krasne and Dr. Hcrshom are brother and sister. Grandparents are Mrs. Benjamin Hershorn, widow of the late Benjamin Hcrshorn, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Mose Krasne of Fremont, Nebr., and Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Finkel of Council Bluffs, In. Mrs. Byron Krasne Is the former Miss Helen Hcrshorn and Mrs. Simon Hershorn Is the former Miss Arlccn Finkel of Council Bluffs, la. A son James Alan was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott Krnntz Tuesday. Oct. 25 at a local hospital. Maternal - Rrandparcntfl arc Mr. and Mrs. David Blalnc and paternal i*randparents are Mr. nnd Mrs. David. Krnnlr_ Maternal Kreat-Brondparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Colin and Harry Lozurus Is paternal Rrcat-Erandfathcr.
Mitzvah Myra IJpp, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Llpp, and Hetty Weiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Weincr, will celebrate their 13ns Mitzvnhs at a joint service this evening and Saturday morning fit Temple Israel. Friends anil relatives are invited to attend both services t.and the receptions which will follow. Robert Ginsbun;, ton of Mr. and Itrs. Henry Gin.sburi;, and Gerald cdcr, Eon of Mrs. Alice Heejier, will celebrate their Bar Mitzvahs at a joint service, this evening, and Saturday morning at Beth El Synai;o[;ue. Friends nnd relatives nrr Invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
Study Group to Hear Robert Arden, head of the Israel Bond office, will discuss the recent investigations Into communism in Hollywood at the next meetini; of the Current Events Study Group of Omaha Section, N a t i o n a l Council of Jewish V'omen. Mrs. Mnx Wolfuon will be hostets for 1 o'clock coffee at her home, 678 Purkwood Lane, Wednesday, Nov. 9. Everyone is welcome. Members are asked to briny ft friend.
Convention Delegates
Delegates from the Business ind Professional Women's Group if Hadassah who attended the 41st annual national convention held recently In Chicago were: Mrs. Carl Lagman, president of the B&P group; Mrs. Charles Ross, first v. p.; and Mrs. Julius Newman, community c o o p e r a t i o n chairman. The names of Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Ross were left Mr. nnd Mn;. J. Bercovici anof the list which appeared in nounce the Unr Mitzvah of their last week's Press. son, Martin, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rothcnbcri; announce the Has Mitzvah of their daughter. Attend Convention Naomi, at n joint service at Beth Sydney Goldberg, president Kl Syna[;o(^ie Friday evening. of Mrs. Israel Sisterhood, Mrs, Nov. 11 nnd Saturday morning, SamBelli Katzman nnd Mrs. Max Nov. 12. Froml'.in attended the regional Friends and relatives are Invit- convention of the Women's Branch ed to attend both services and the of the Union of Orthodox Jewish receptions which will follow. Congregations 0J America held in Minneapolis, Minn., October ,'il to This Saturday rnornlnp, the Bar November 1. Mrs. Fromltin read Mitzvah of Meyer Coren, the son a paper on "Fund Raising" and led of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Coren will tlie discussion at a workshop. he celebrated at Beth Israel Synacopie. Mr. and Mrs. Coren Invite all their friends and relatives to be present at the services, which will start nt 8:30 n. m., and at the Klddush immeditnely following the services.
NO SKILL NEEDED lust mix and bake
Meeting Change The meetini; date of the executive board of Beth Israel Sisterhood has been changed to Monday, Nov. 7. It will be held at 12:45 p. m. in the meeting room of the syiiaRogue.
Council's Overseas Luncheon Tuesday Noon at Beth El Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, will hold their Overseas Luncheon at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Nov. 15 in Beth El social hall, It was announced by Mrs. Morris M. Shapiro, general chairman, and Mi's. Samuel Grecnberg, co-chairman. The program will include piano selections by professor Hans Baer and a fikit written by Mrs. Arthur Goldstein entitled "I Remember." Members of the cast are Mcsdamea Norman Whitman, Carl Furth, Leo Kosenthal, I. Rosenthai, J. II. Kulakofsky, Paul Blotcky, Ben .Silver, Harold Farber, lister Goldman, Julius Newman, Fannie Newman, Nathan Novak, Phil Schwartz, Edward Levinson, Charles Schneider, Albert Fox, Lloyd Friedman, William Fogel, Leonard Frledel, Stanley Silverman, Owen Meyerson, Louis Katz, Joseph Hornstein, Jacob Bernstein and Leo Alexander. Several members of the cast have boan affiliated with the section almost from its inception. Committee chairmen Include:
Mrs. Sheff Katkee, dccorationsi and Mrs. Maurice Blank, publicity. Mrs. Morris Klrshenbaum is ra charge of props. This annual Overseas Luncheon raises funds for the Council'* "Sliip-A-Box" program, which p r o vidcs articles for nurseries in Ith • rael and North Africa, Mrs. Hy Shricr will direct tht Play. /
Diabetes Group Meets Dr. C. W. Daeschner, assistant professor of pediatrics at Baylor University's College of Medicine, will address the annual meeting of the Greater Omaha Lay Section of Nebraska Diabetes Association, The meeting will be held at 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Nov. 10 In the Medical Arts auditorium on th« second floor of the Medical Art* Building, 17th and Dodge sts. Dr. Daeschner will discuss dia» betes, its complications and pre« vcntlon. A question and answer period will follow. The meeting it open to the public.
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Don Bernstein
MtytfCohM. Managing Director
B'nai B'riHi Bazaar Arrangements arc being made for the combined fund raisin;; event of B'nal B'rltli Henry MonKky and Nebraska chapters. The card party and bazaar, an annual affair, will be held November 27 ut the Blackstone-Hotel beginning el i^.m. The Card party will feature fhon« JA u t o to lutert rout fVul Ad The Jewuli i'reas. card gunies, Mqh-Jong and other inCunrnt U 00 ttnu for t u n tnur* attractions. A special room will be UOD. Tti nt« ITes* ruervcj tba tiehx to U t f net aside for men only. Refresh- •lifl OQ c*cb BdrertiMmenL ._ ments will be served. Many love- BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuly and useful items have been collations also for all Jewish holilected for the bazaar according to days and special occasions. Mmcs. Sol Dolgoff, Joseph Levin- Meyers News Stand, 1502- Dodge sky and Goodman Cohen, Bazaar IF YOU~Ilke to shop with case, co-chairmen. nnd be, sure your gift will please. Order a magazine subscription for Bar Mitzvahs and Chanukah. SDT Mothers" Club Gift card furnished. Mrs. HorAbout 150 mothers and daughWlch, WA 3957. ters attended Parents' Day SunYOU'IIE n "Yellow Rose of day at the Slfjma Delta Tau IFTexas" or a "Marjorle Morninnbouse In Lincoln. star,'1 you'll have a hot potato Mrs. Charles Sherman of Lin(lotkc) mnmbo at the Beth Iscoln was elected president of Sigrael P-TA Lotkc Party, Nov. 12. ma Delta Tau Mothers' Club. Other newly elected officers are: EXPERIENCED sales girl wanted. Good pay. Outlet Linen Shop, Mrs. A. A. Steinberg o' Omaha, 1508 Douglas st, next to Omavice-president; Mrs. Nathan Moser ha Theater. of Lincoln, secretary, and Mrs. E. day or night duty for bedridden Kntukee of Lincoln, treasurer. or convalescent patients. Mrs, The next meeting of the mothBetty Hirsch, 642 N. 47th i t ers' dub will be held In December Call CL 4138. at. the home of Mrs. Steinberg.
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the Bewtikl New CAMEO
CHEVROIB7 Telecast
Tonight-KMTV Channel
xtm iiratl Bond Svppl«n*n(—Nov«mb«r, 1955
DO YOU KNOW THISMAN? You should. Let me introduce him: He's an Israeli. He's all Israelis. In fact, he is Israel. Take a good look at him. See those marks on his back? They may be scars "from a Nazi concentration camp. They may just be grime from his work. No matter what, they are marks of distinction: He is Israel which works incredibly hard against incredible odds-yet with unshakable faith in ultimate success. He is Israel, a nation born in travail and living in travail. He is Israel, the promised land of five thousand years ago-a dream dreamed in exile, now a reality. He is Israel wherein repose the ashes of six million brethren, victims of history's most inhuman persecution, silent witnesses to the promise that no Jew shall ever be tortured or slaughtered again just for being a Jew. Take another good look at him: there, but for the grace of God, are youl Now you know this man. Dare you stand by, idly, without giving him a helping hand? Not a handout. But help to help himself. To help all Jews, Which includes you and me.
- •-«'
-robert •.arden
BONDS provide capital for:
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THEY ARE LIKE LIFE INSURANCE. Bonds will be redeemed in full upon death of registered owner
THEY CAN BE CASHED IN ISRAEL AT ANY TIME to pay Tourist Expenses to invest in approved businesses to contribute to charities
Israel's Answer to GM: A "Gedillik 1956"
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