November 11, 1955

Page 1


Shqrett on Extended Visit to United States prevails in the £1 Aujq demilltarl7cd zone where, according to the Isralel Foreign Ministry, Ecypt was still maintaining a "prohibited -^timber" of troops. 'Hie presence of Egyptian troops In excess of tho agreed numbers, a Foreign Ministry spokesman pointed out, constitutes "a direct threat to civilian life ir the demilitarized zone on the Israel side of the International frontiers." Arab news reports etalmed heavy fighting und heavy Israeli casualties, but this w<m denied here ns a figment of Cairo's imagination. However, there were miner incidents—Eftypn f'rfh^ on on Israeli patrol inside the Gaza strip nnd an attempt Morton Richard* to blow two houses In Sde Ilemed, an Israeli settlement along the Jordanian frontier. An Israeli spokesman also denied Egypt's claim of having shot down an Morton IUchards, a section leadfsraeli war plane, ater Cniro claimed driving hack Israeli er in the mercantile division of the United Red Feather-Red Crow planes. Campaign, turned in a goal-breaking total of 132 per cent of his f' J?r. Hans Kohn, an outstanding quota to top his division. The divi. authority on Euroi>e today will sion, headed by Louis Somber;;, "<U#cu*s "The World and the West" dime up with $114,258 on closing - at the concluding session of the night for 106 per ceni. Other sec• Institute on World Affairs to bo tion leaders In the division to ex.{ Mild at 8.15 p. m., 'Wednesday, The fifteenth nnmuil Jewish . ecd their quotas were Edward Jfov. 16 In the auditorium of the YouIh Council ThnnksKlvIng Serv- Rosen'With 103 per cent ulirl Her,,'University of Omaha. ice will bo held at 8 p. m., Wed- man Goldstein with 110 per cent. Dr. Kohn was born and eclticat- nesday, Nov. 23 in ,TJotli Israel The division contacted merchan, ed In Prague- and received his doc- Synnqoguo. Following' the service, dising, automotive and food prod" tor of laws degree there. As a n reception will take place in the ucts firms, prisoner of "war after 19H. he social toftll. Paul Shyken Is YC chnirmnn for Mrs. Mike Freeman's section spent five years in Russia ind witsecond place honors in nessed the post-revolution transi- the affair nnd ho Is assisted by garnered the door-to-door canvass with n Howard V/clnbcrg. - tion and struggles. qucta-uustlns of 104.9 ' -The Federation for Jewish Serv- Arthur Novak, president of the per cent of aperformance $2,200 goal. Memice Is one of tho Institute's co- Youth Council, along with presi- Iwrs of the Federation of Jewish •ponsor*. Arthur I t Goldstein, dent, of tho youth, groups, will Women's Clubs provided the perchairman of the Jewish Commu- participate In tho services. sonnel. (See story on women's nity Center committee, is a mem- Member* of the Youth Council, page.) ber of the, Institute's advisory cdm- their parents and friends Are InRichard Hlllcr's section hit vited to attend the service. , rolttee. $82,220 to help the initial gifts di•r vision rake $1,065,856 for 1015 per cent. No section quote was set. These results helped bring the campaign total to $3,023,400, or 91 per'cent. Lloyd IL Mattson, drive chairman, vowed the remaining {300,000 would be raised "soon Washington (JTA)—Israel Am- other side. I think these are ele- as possible" under direction of a bpssador Abba Eban in a lengthy ments which will tcno. to cause the special committee of which Morris meeting with George V. Allen, As- countries concerned to stop and E. Jacobs Is a member. sistant Secretary of State, for think," Mr. Allen said last night Results to date meet the $1,563,» Near Fastern Affairs, described in a statement on a television pro- 009 500I for operating needs of tho Monday the character of new de- gram. 47 Red Feather services and Red fenso problems of Israel as backTho oustondlng amount la Stato Department press officer Cross. - ground for Israel's forthcoming repart of the $1,759,150 quota for Lincoln White said Monday that building repair and replacement • '' (quest for VS. munitions to balance ,it.!jl l tfie flow of Communist arms to he Is not In a position to give any needs. James L, Paxton, Jr., president 3;Tj i j tjjypt- It WAS Indicated that Am- details on the estimate made List bassador jEban would present o night-by Mr. Allen that $75,000,- of Faxton-Mltchell Company, was announced as chairman of next formal irms list to the State De- 000 to 1100,000.000 is involved In year's drive. This la the first time partment soon, possibly this week. tlio arms'transaction between a campaign leader has been sep. ''It was learned here today that Czechoslovakia and Egypt. Mr. cured a year ahead. jftlj ft<U*t*of V.S, arms needed by the Allen rovcnled, among other Milton R, Abrahams, United Jewish Stato Is now being drawn things, that no proposal has been Community Services president, Ijpp* by Israol und fa expected .to discussed involving the sending of> matic the announcement. He hailed {-Arrive In Washington this week. United Nations military forces to the early acceptance as indicai Cor presentation to the VS. Gov- the Arab-Israel front to prevent tive of a now spirit engendered by ernment A demand for jet tlght- the outbreak of an Arab-Israel this year's tremendous effort. , « s will be stressed by Israel toc- war. • •• • • • - . • Mr. White said that the United B'NaiJacobs-Adas ciuse of <he knowledge that tlic central Item In the Czcch-Egyp- States' Government has definite g , ttan deal was MIG fighters and fofornjatlon: that "several" ship- Yeshurun Raise Funds loads • of' Communist munitions, > bombers, totalling between 100 have been delivered to Hhe Egyp- The sum of five hundred'dollars * ~" and 200, of types so far unavall- tian Army and has received re- was raised by the members of the t. able to Israel, It is believed that ports that Soviet bloc mMHairy B'nal Jacob-Adas Yeshurun Synaanti-aircraft guns, radar vequlp- technicians are in Egypt. He also gogue for children's rescue opera, ment. Jet Interceptors and ships made-known .that the State -De* tions and activities, oiid was sent -5; .. and equipment for Anti-submarine partmctit fa In "constant touch" to the Joint Distribution Commitr defense will bo asked of tho U S . . with Egypt and Israel In view of tee of the United Jewish Appeal. Some sources here said today the gravity of the situation and It will be used )n their special chilthe United States probably will that the Department is continuing dren's rescue and rehabilitation supply some anti-aircraft, anti- to explore ways of prcvcnfinR war. programs, Joe Adler, president of tank and other armaments, to were "active- the Synagogue announced this Israel If investigation shows they ly The;explorations forward," he Bald. Asked week. are needed to balance the Commu- IX agoing "The membership of our.synarcaffirmatlon of the 1950 Tri' nlst weapons being received by partite Declaration was planned, gogue has always been interested Egypt A basic hope of the Unitin aiding tho Important activities ed States Is to do everything pos- ho replied? "AH ways and means of tho United Jewish Appeal agensible to prevent a dangerous arm; o' being helpful" were under con- cies especially In the field of child race In tho tense Middle East. sideration- He stressed that con- saving activities in many lands," centration "at the moment" was • "We are going to be strongly op- on the United: Nations and said ho Mr. Adlcr said.' posed to nny side which is guilty assumed It would continue in that Rabbi Nathan Feldman Is spiritof aggressive wqrfare against the direction, ual leader of the congregation. , Jerusalem (WNS)—Foreign MJ lister Voshc Sharett will leave 1M* week for an extended visit to - the United States, where he will • consult with Israel Bond and Unit, ed Jewish Appeal leaders, it was disclosed here following n weekend Cabinet meeting where Mr, SharWtt reported on his mission to Geneva. The Cabinet session also ' received a report frora Premier . Bavld Ben Gurion on tlso security • situation. -&nmedlately after the Cabinet s meeting, Mr. Sharett left for Tel '. Aviv, where he addressed n session <tf the Knesset committee on se'"* «irlty and Internal affairs. Mrs. OoMlo Meyerson wag designated 4 trf conduct the ForelRji Ministry in ,JHr. Sharett's absence, ' -While the heavy fighting of last fnmk has abated, uneasy quiet

M. Richards Tops Division in Drive

'World and Wesf Will Close Series

Y.C. Thanksgiving Service Nov. 23


100-200 MiGs and Bombers In Czech-Egyptian Arms Deal

&ar to Present Aleichem World' Fed. Board to Meet In Emergency Session The Uoard of Governors of the Federation for Jewish Service will meet In emergency session to discuss the ltlest developments in the crisis facing Israel, it was announced by Jack W. Marcr, Federation president. The meeting will bo held at 8:30 p. ra, Monday, Nov. 14 In the Jewish Community Center. Dr. Mosho Landau, n Israel Supreme Court Justice, will speak.

Israeli Jurist T© Talk Here An Israel Supreme Court Judge. Dr. Moshe Lundau \vill arrive In Omaha today for a series of public appearances In.our area. Dr. Landau will speak at a law convocation at Creighton, University Monday nnd then talk at a luncheon meeting of the Omaha Bar Association at the Paxton Hotel. Jack W. Marer, Federation president, is luncheon chairman. The judge will be interviewed at 12:45 p. m., this Sunday by Phil -.Hen over WOW-TV. Dr. Landau has been a member of Israel's highest legal court since 1953. He is nn expert In the complex land laws of the Near East and serves as chairman of tho committee for reform of the Land Law. He Is a Veteran Rotnrian nnd Is a board member of Haifa Rotary Club and ehairmrfn of Its International Relations Committee. The jurist'is an enthusiastic musician and is a co-founder of the amateur Haifa Symphony Orchestra,

» • '


Sunday Radio, TV Thq Bible In Action series with Its motivating theme of tho dynamic relationship between the Bible and contemporary living will be broadcast over WOW-Radlo front-11:15 to 11:30 a. m. The series Is presented By WOW In cooperation with the American Zionist Council. "The Phonograph," a tragic drama about the effect the Russian Revolution had on a simple Jewish cobbler, will be televised over WOW-TV from 12:30 f%l p. m. This Is tho second program 6f the Frontiers of Faith series to be presented this month by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Next Sunday, the Seminary will present "The Root and tho F l o w e r , " a Thanksgiving s h o w starring Raymond Mossey. Rabbi Maurice N. Elsendrath, president of the Union of American H e b r e w Congregations, will discuss "Building of Brotherhood" on tho Messago of Israel program heard over KBON from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m. „ Tho Eternal Light program will be broadcast over KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. '

A headline cost will appear la the New York stage success "The V'arM c. Shclom Aleichem which will be presented at 8:30 p. m., Saturday, Nov. 19 in tho Jewish Community Center Auditorium. The play, in English, Is staged by Howard Da Sllva, who did tho original Broadway performance. The stage show consists of three one-act plays from the pens of some of the greatest Yiddish writers. . "The World of Sholom AIel« chem" has been hailed by many drama critics such ns Brooks Atkinson of tho New York Times and Walter Keer of . the New York Herald-Tribune. The show is now on Us first tour of the nation und be presented uiftler the auspices of the Jewish Community Center. This exciting trilogy of famous Jewish plays run for 43 weeks In Neve York City. In it are dramatized the "little people" of Eastern Europe and tho stories arc told with humor and a tolerant underBtiindinK of their troubles and foibles. The production received the 1954 Show Business Award "for artistry and merit which has enriched the American world of entertainment." Tickets are on sale nt the Center for S1.10 for a single admission. The show will be presented Saturday night only and tickets will be limited to the capacity of the auditorium.

Vets to Present Resuscitators Sherman Llpstein, Commander of tho Epstein-Morgan -Post'No.. 260, Jewish War Veterans of America, will formally present two portable i^suscltators to th»', Omaha Fire Department at 11:30 a. m., Tuesday, Nov. 15 in the' Council Chambers of City HalL. Omaha Fire Chief Eugene Fields will accept the rcsuscitators on ' behalf of the Cityi Tlie units have been placed In uso by a now unit of the Rescue Squad whose equipment 'was pur> chased by Ak-Sar-Ben recently, • Receipts from the Post's annual' Veterans Day Dance to be held at tho Blaekstono Hotel, Saturday evening, Nov. 2C are| earmarked for payment of the' rcsuscitators. Additional revenue from the daneft ' will be used for the Post's hospital. program. Last year thp Post and Auxiliary gave a portable respirator to Veterans Hospital.' ' Veterans Day Sabbath Services will bo held at Beth El Synagogue at 8 o'clock this evening. Religious chairman, David Dubln, urges all members "to honor the memories of their fallen comrades, by join- ' Ing the community in prayer for. another Armistice Day." Mem-, bers ore asked to wear their JWV caps and tics. • A program adopted at the Post , executive meeting calls* for mom» ' bers to meet at Veterans Admin*" Istratlon Hospital^Thursday; Nov. 17 at 7:30 p. m., for a visit wlU» hospitalized comrades before proceeding to the Jewish Community'' Center for the regular moctins,, This will be a regular feature of every regular meeting-night Ev» eryone is invited to join in this program, Junior vlce-commnnder Marvin Kaplan, who to In charge of men* bcrshlp program, wishes to rcralnt all Korean veterans that they am entitled to a year's free membership in the Jewish War Veterans, the patriotic voice of Jewry. Call Mr. Kaplan at GL 8-199, Dues, for 1938 arc,payable now. " • •' • , < -.

Vol. XXXIV—No. 5.




Shqrett on Extended Visit to United States Jerusalem ( W N S ) — F o r e i g n Ml lister Moshe Shnrctt will leave this week for nn extended visit to the. United States, where he will consult with Israel Hond ami United Jewish Appeal leaders, it was disclosed here following a weekend Cabinet meeting where Mr. Sharrett reported on his mission to Geneva. The Cabinet session also received a report from Premier David Ben Gurlon on the security situation. Immediately after the Cabinet meeting, Mr, Sharett left for Tel Aviv, where he addressed a session o ' tho Knesset committee on security and Internal affairs. Mrs. Ooldle Mcyerson was designated to conduct the Foreign Ministry in Mr. Sharett'» absence. While tho heavy fighting of lost Week has abated, uneasy quiet

prevails in the Kl Atija demilitarized zone where, according to the Isralei Foreign Ministry, Egypt was still maintaining a "prohlblted "•umber" of troops. The presence of Egyptian troops in excess of tho agreed numbers, a Foreign Ministry spokesman pointed out, constitutes "a direct threat to civilian life ir the demilitarized zone on the Israel side of tho international frontiers." Arab news reports claimed henvy fighting and heavy Israeli casualties, but this was denied here as n figment of Cairo's imagination. However, there were miner Incidents—Egyp'•»n f'rln" on an Israeli patrol inMorton Itlrharcls side the Gaza strip and an attempt to blow two houses In Sde Hemcd, an Israeli settlement along the Jordanian frontier. An Israeli spokesman^ also denied Egypt's 1 claim of having shot down on Morton Klchards, a section leadIsraeli war plane, atcr' Cairo claimed driving back Israeli er in the mercantile division of the United Red feather-Red Cross planes. Campaign, turned in a goal-breaking total of 132 per cent of his Dr. Hang Kohn, an outstanding quota to top his division. The diviauthority on Europe today will sion, headed ; by Louis Sombcrg, discuss "The World and the. West" came up with $114,258 on closing at the concluding session of the night for 106 per cent. Other, secInstitute on World Affairs to be tion leaders In the division to cxtitld at 8:15 p. m,, .Wednesday, The fifteenth annual Jewish • eed their quotas were .Edward ftov, 16 in the auditorium of the Youth Council Thanksgiving Serv- Rosen with 103 per cent ahd Her, University of Omahii;: . ; ice will be held at 8 p. m., Wed- man Goldstein with 110 per cent. Dr. Kohn was born and* educat- nesday, Nov. 23 in %Both Israel The division contacted merchaned in Prague and received his doc* Synagogue, Following the service, dising, automotive and food prodtor of laws degree there. At a a reception will take place in the ucts firms, * : prisoner .of w a r after 1914, he social-hall. Mrs. Mike Freeman's section spent five years in Russia »nd wit- Paul Shykei) Is YC chairman for nessed the post-revolution transi- the affair and he Is assisted by garnered second place honors in the door-to-door canvass with a tion and struggles. . Howard V/elnberg. Arthur Novak, president of the qucta-uUBtlnR performance of 104.9 * The Federation for Jewish Servper cent of a $2,200 goal. Memice, Is one oC the Institute's co- Youth Council, along with presi- bers of the Federation of Jewish sponsors. Arthur H. Goldstein, dent, of the youth groups, will Women's Clubs provided the perchairman of the Jewish Commu- participate in tlic services. sonnel. (See story on women's nity Center committee, Is a mem- Members of the Youth Council, pace.) ber of the. institute's advisory com- their parents a:id friends are inRichard Miller's section hit mittee. vited to attend the service. $82,220 to help the initial gifts division raise $l,06r>,85G for 101.5 per cent. No section quota was set. These results helped bring the campaign total to $3,023,400, or 91 per cent. Uoyd H. Mattson, drive chairman, vowed the remainWashington <JTA)—Isracl Am- other side. I think these arc ele- ing $300,000 would be raised "soon as possible" under direction of a bjuuador Abba Eban in a lengthy ments which will tend to cause tho special committee of which Morris meeting with George V. Allen, As- countries concerned to stop and E. Jacobs is a member. sistant Secretary of State for think," Mr. AQcn said last night Results to date meet the $1,563,- Near Eastern Affairs, described Monday the character of new de- i n a s t a t e m e n t o n a t e l e v i s i o n p r o - 999 goal for operating needs of the 4T Red Feather services and Red . •.' fense problems of Israel as back- g r a m . ' .; ..' '•.••' •• -. ...•-!•:.'•• .• State Deportment press officer Cross. The oustandlng amount is ground for Israel's forthcoming repart of the $1,759,150 quota for ;' I quest for UJS. munltloni to balance Lincoln White said Monday that building repair and replacement ' i i ' t l i e f J w ' o f Communist amu *° he Is not in a position to give any needs. •' i Egypt, it;was indicated that Am- details on the estimate made last James L. Paxton, Jr., president ' : t j bauador jEban would present a night by Mr. Alien that *75,000,- of Paxton-Mltchell Company, was informal arms list to the State Dc- 000 to $100,000,000 Is involved In announced as chairman of next ' i!' partment soon, possibly this week, tho arms' transaction between year's drive. This Is the first time lit 'It Wat learned here today that Czechoslovakia and Egypt. Mr. a campaign leader has been serevealed, among other cured a year ahead. N B-list of VS. arms needed by the Allen i Jewish State Is now being drawn things, that no proposal has been Milton R. Abrahams, United > : iUP by Israel and is expected to discussed involving tho sending of/ Community Services president, : arrive In Washington this week. United Nations military 'orces to made the announcement. He hailed •... for presentation to the U.S. Gov- the Arab-Israel front to prevent tho early acceptance as indica;ehunent. A demand for jet fight- the outbreak of an Arab-Israel tive of a new spirit engendered by this year's tremendous effort. ers will be jtressed by Israel Be- war. cause of the knowledge that the central Item in the Czech-EgypMr. White said that the United tian deal was MIG fighters and States Government has definite B'Nai Jacobs-Adas bombers, totalling between 100 Information that "several" ship- Yeshurun Raise Funds and 200, of types so far unavail- loads of Communist munitions The sum of five hundred dollars able to Israel. It is believed that have been delivered to Hhe Egypanti-aircraft guns, radar equip- tian Army and has received re- was rained by the members of the B'nal Jacob-Adas Yeshurun Synament, jet interceptors and ships ports that Soviet bloc mUltary and equipment for anti-submarine technicians nrc in Eijypt. He also gogue for children's rescue operadefense will be asked of tho U.S. made knowp that tho Stato De- tions and activities, and was sent partment Is in "constant touch" to the Joint Distribution Commitwith Egypt and Israel in view of tee of the United Jewish Appeal. Some sources hero said today the gravity of the situation nnd It will be used Jn their special chilthe United States probably will that the Department is continuing dren's rescue and rehabilitation supply some ontl-nlrcraft, nntl- to explore ways of provenjlnrc war. programs, Joe Adler, president of the Synagogue announced this tank and other armaments, to The explorations wcrr "activeIsrael If Investigation shows they ly going forward," he said. Asked week. are needed to balance the Commu- if a reafflrmation of the 1950 Tri- "The membership of our synanist weapons being received by partite Declaration was planned, gogue has always been Interested E g y p t A basic hope of the Unit- he replied: "All ways and moans in aiding the Important activities ed States Is to do everything pos- o' being helpful" were under con- of the United Jewish Appeal agenslble to prevent a dangerous arms sideration. He stressed that con- cies especially in the field of child race In the tense Middle East. centration "at the moment" was saving activities In rnnny lands," "We ore going to be strongly op- on' the United Nntions and said he Mr. Adlcr said. Rabbi Nathan Feldman Is spiritposed to any side which in guilty assumed It would continue In that ual leader of the congregation. of aggressive warfare against the direction;

M. Richards Tops Division in Drive

'World and West Will Close Series

Y.C. Thanksgiving Service Nov. 23

100-200 MIGs and Bombers In Czech-Egyptian Arms Deal


.. s

I I , J95f»



iSitiier to Present Aieichem World' A headline cast will appear In the New York stage success "The Vurld c . ShC'lom Aleichem which Fed. Board to Meet will be presented at 8:30 p. m.,, Nov. 19 In the Jewish In Emergency Session Saturday, Community Center Auditorium. The play, In English, Is staged by The Board of Governors of Howard Da Sllva, who did the the Federation for Jewish Servoriginal Broadway performance. ice will meet In emergency sesThe stage show consists of three sion to discuss the l&test de- one-act plays from the pens of velopments in the crisis facing some of the greutost Yiddish writ* Israel, It was announced by ers. .."The World of Sholom AJelJack W. Marer, Federation president. The meeting will be chem" has been hailed by many drama critics such as Brooks Atheld at 8:30 p. m., Monday. kinson of the New York Times and Nov. 14 in the Jewish Commu- Waller Keer of the" Now York nity Center. Dr. Moshe Lan- Herald-Tribune. The show Is now on Its first tour dau, a Israel Supreme Court of the nation and be presented Justice, will speak." Urttier the auspices of the Jewish Community Center, This exciting trilogy of famous Jewish plays ran for 43 weeks In -Nev? York City, In it are dramatized the "little people" of Eastern Europe and the stories arc told with humor and a tolerunt understanding of their troubles and An Israel Supreme Court Judge, foibles. Dr. Moshe Landau will arrive in The production received the 1954 Omaha today for a series of pub- Show Business Award "for artistry lic appearances in,our area. Dr. arid merit which has enriched the Landau will speak at a law convo- American world of entertainment." Tickets are on sale at the Cencation at Crclghtpn,. University Monday and then talk at a lunch- ter for $1.10 for a single admission. The show will be presented eon meeting of the Omaha Bar Saturday night only and tickets Association at the Paxton Hotel. will be limited to the capacity of Jack W. Marcr, Federation prcsv the auditorium, ident, is luncheon chairman. The judge w|U be interviewed at 12:45 p. m., this Sunday by Phil «llen over WOW-TV. Dr. Landau has been a member of Israel's highest legal court Sherman Llpstcin, Commander since 1953. He is an expert In the complex land laws of the Near of the Kpstein-Morgan Post' No. East and serves as chairman of 2G0, Jewish War Veterans of the committee for reform of the America, will formally present two portable resuscitators to th» , I.and Law. Omaha Fire Department at 11:3(1" He is a Veteran Rotarlan nnd is a. m., Tuesday, Nov. IS In the' a Iward member of Haifa Rotary Council Chambers of City HalL Club and chairman of its Interna- Omaha Fire Chief Eugene Fields tional Relations Committee. will accept the resuscitators o n ' The Jurist Is an enthusiastic behalf of the City. musician and Is a co-founder of The units have been placed In the amateur Haifa Symphony Oruse by a new unit of the Rescue: chestra. Squad whose equipment'was'pur*' chased by Ak-Sar-Bcn recently, " Receipts from the Post's annual' Sunday Radio, TV Veterans Day Dance to be held at the Blackstono Hotel, Saturday Tho Bible in Action series with Its motivating theme of evening, Nov. 26 are, earmarked the dynamic relationship be- for payment of the' rcsuscltator*. •' tween the Bible and contempo- Additional revenue from the dancd ' rary living will be broadcast will be used for the Post's hospital over WOW-Radio front 11:15 to program. Last year (he Post and 11:30 a. m. Tho series Is pre- Auxiliary gave a portable respirasented fty WOW In cooperation tor to Veterans Hospital. with the American Zionist Veterans Day Sabbath Services Council. will be held at Beth El Synagogue at 8 o'clock Uits evening. Religious "The Phonograph," a tragic chairman, David Dubln, urges all drama about the effect the members "to honor the memories ' Russian Revolution had on a of their fallen comrades, by-Joinsimple Jewish cobbler, will be ing the community in prayer f o r , televised over WOW-TV from another Armistice Day." Mem- . 12:30 t% 1 p. m. This Is the bers are asked to wear their JWV < second program of the Fron- caps and ties. tiers of Faith series to be preA program adopted at the Post . sented this month by the Jew- executive mooting calls' for memish Theological Seminary of bers to meet at Veterans AdminAmerica. Next Sunday, the istration Hospital "Thursday,' Novi Seminary will present "The 17 at 7:30 p. m., for a visit with Root and tho F l o w e r , " a hospitalized comrades before proThanksgiving s h o w starring ceeding to tho Jewish Community' Center for the regular meeting; Raymond Masscy. This will be a regular feature of' ; Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath, every regular meeting night. Evpresident of the Union of Amer- eryone is Invited to Join in this ican H e b r e w Congregations, program. will discuss "Building of BrothJunior vice-commander Marvin erhood" on the Messago of Is- Kaplan, who Is In charge of memrael program heard over KBON bership program, wishes to remloi from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m. all Korean veterans'.that they an) entitled to a year's free member-, ,Thc Eternal Light program ship in the Jewish War Veterans, will be broadcast over KFAB the patriotic voice of Jewry. Call from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. Mr. Kaplan -at GL 8499. Dues,.for 1938 a r c payable now. l • <

Israeli Jurist toTalkHere

Vets to Present Resuscitators

nu iiwtsu

Women's Clubs Win 2nd Place

Uit VoJerauuu lot itwiMl Service

•* UDIUL U L c«cbr-»u c«cbr « uta. *«v«ru. K

Friday, November 11, 1053.

Mrt « 444/cl

M :nb..-rs of t h e, r.,i ,.n ,; Ji . i : - h W o m e n ' s C l u b s m i l . i . .11 i :m.'in»hip of M r s . i l i k i - l m

n HI and co-chairmen, Mm Ai th tr Greene, Saul Graetz .md H> Mry I.. Groenbcrg won second pl.H, for themselves in the hijuu'-to-house canvassing for the I'n.ted Red Feather-Red C r j i - . Campaign. Mrs. Freeman's section exceeded their cniota by 104.9 per cent. Cup4:48 p. m., CaadleUghtinf tains were: Mmes. Harold Brodkey, Milton Abrahams, Calvin Newman, Milton Waldbaum, Louis Beth El Albert, PhIL Fox, Harry FcrenServices Friday evening at Beth itein, Thomas Haykln, Sam Green El Synagogue wfcl begin at 8:15 and Nathan Turner. p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will tondler den. It. M. Montgomery Members of the dubs who pardeliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron ticipated in the solicitation were: I. Edgar and the choir will render Mmes.; Sheldon Harris, Lloyd Brotherhood to Hear the musical portions of {he service. Bank, Julius Goktaer, Arthur Kul- General Montgomery . Sabbath morning services will akofsky, Stanley Slosburg, Millard I be at 9:30 o'clock. Junior congreBrigadier General Richard M. Speler, Max Cohen, Delmar Klein, g a t i o n ' s e r v i c e s are at 10:30 The engagement of Miss Margie Ed .Simon,'W.S... Abrahams, Ar- Montgomery of the United States o'clock. MinchaMaariv services at Air Force, Chief of Staff oj Stra4:45 p. m. Sunday morning serv Gendler tc Paul Alperson wan an- thur Goldste.In, Leo El»en«Utt, Jo- tegic Air Command, will address nounced Sunday by Miss Gendler** seph Horwich, Jack Schrager, the first- regular meeting of Ices are at 9 a! m. Dally services are at 7 a. m. and parents, the Reverend and Mrs. Norman Batt, Adolph Trpst, Her- Temple Israel Brotherhood.- Gen. Kabbl Kripke to Speak bert Weil, Sain- Weinstein, Bern7 p. m. Arthur Gendler at a cocktail par- ard Scneln, Max Krizelman, Harry Montgomery will discuss "Why ty for the couple at the Gendler Smith, Robert LeVtae, J. J^ Fried- Air Power la Essential to the NaTemple Israel mun, Melvin Tepper, Bernard ton" at the dinner meeting to be home. _ . Charles held at 6:30 p. m.. Wednesday, Worship services will be held at Miss Gendler is a graduate of Weiss, MUton Margolin, 8 o'clock this evening in Temple the University of Omaha. Her fi- Guss, Nathan Martin, Dave Wine, Nov. 16 the social hall of Temple New* and happening at the Dr. Israel. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks ance, son of Hyman Alperson. at- AUeldman, Paul Bernstein, Mor- Israel; . . - / . . . . ..; -. All members and guests are inPhilip Sher Jewish Home for the willdlscuss the Judaism of "Life," tended the University of Ncbra*' ris Brick and Harry Silverman. vited to attend, Leo E. Nogg, TemAged by Dairfd Orkow. a evaluation of the presentation of ka. After service with the' Navy Mmes. Irving Gendler, Leonard ple Brotherhood president, stated. Rabbi Meyer Kripke, who will Judaism in Lire magazine. he is now completing his studies Lewi*,* Don Cohen, Bob Cohen, For reservations, call the Temple vUlt ui Tuesday, Nov. 15, will be Services Saturday morning for a. the University of Omaha. Homer Farter, Jerome Milder, the sixth visitor In our program" of adults and members of the religThe couple is planning a June 3 Dave Richards, Allen Ciplnko, Iza- of flee, RE 6636. spiritual meetings in the syna- ious school will begin at 11:30 wedding. dore Elewitz, ' Sidney Goldberg, gogue at the Dr. PhiUp Shcr Jew- o'clock. Bernard Grcenberg, Alan Blotcky, ish Home for the Aged. These Harl Weiss, So) Mlroff, Herbert weekly programs have been a huge Melches, Ben Simons, Al Gaer, success and wish to take this op- Beth Israel Harry Krantz, Max Frank, Barney Rabbi Benjamin Grower, Cantoc portunity to thank all pf our rabTwo brothers. Theodore and IrvHobcrman, Julius Schrelber, Julius bis, who are participating, and also Ell Kagarf and Beth Israel SynaCohn, Leonard Friedcl, Morton ing Eisenberg both eitcnpecx of Harry Sktaao for his cooperation gogue choir will conduct late FriMrs. A. E. Goadson of Berkeley, Fisher, Job Rasnlck, Herman Bbn- communist tyranny In Budapest, in making these sessions' possible. day Evening Services this evening Hungary, were reunited here n v at 8 o'clock. Mincha and Kabba- Calif., is visiting her sister. Mrs. darin, Russell Blumcnthal, Earl November 2: Sam Gilraan has lath Skibboj Services at 4:45 p. m. Sophie Rothkop and brother and Slegel, Harry Friedman, Ralph ccntly hfter a separation of eight Inaugurated a new scries of morn- Saturday morning, 8 3 0 a. m. Jun- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Turkcl, Aaron Epstein, Isadorc and a half years. ing muslcalcs in the Home audi- ior Congregation, 10 a. m. Theodore Eisenbcri; with his B, Gross o' Omaha. After an ex- Chapman and Hubert Roscnblum. torium. Records of symphonies, Mmes. Ed Malasbock, Fred Ros- wife escaped from Budapest two Saturday afternoon, Rabbi's Tal- tended stay; here, Mrs. Goodson comedy, and popular Chazunlmare years and made their way to Vienwill visit her son and daughter-in- nstock, Oscar Sutln, A l f r e d played daily from 9:30 to 1 ! a. m mud class 4:13 p. m. Mincha, fol- law, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Good-son 3rody, Ernest Priesman, Julius na where they stayed with nnothlowed by Sbaiosh S'uedos and November 8: Habbi Matthew M. and children In New York City. Jornsteln, Paul Veret, Paul Blot- er brother Dr. Akiba Eisenberg, Poliakoff was our rabbinical visi- Maariv begins at 4:45 p. m. :ky, Abe Cohn, D. Marynnov, Ed the chief rabbi of Austria. After Sunday morning breakfast Mina two-year stay, the Eiscnbergs, tor today. He discussed the imililder, Norman Slegal, Robert l<;ft for Munich, Germany, where portance and interpretation or yon and Rabbi's Bible Class at Out-of-town guests who attend •"romkin, ilobert Silvennan, Sain with the aid of the Joint Distribu8:45 a. m. Children's Tails and "Sllehos." Our Folks were very ed the Bar Mntzvah of Gerald appreciative of the choice or sub- Tcfilin sen-ice followed by break- Ifccger lust week *erc: Mr. and roodman, Stuart Simon, Leonard tion Committee, they were flown ioldstein, Sherman Lipstein, Ar- to the United States. ject matter. As has been custom- fast at 8:30 a. m> Mrs. Louis Mlnkln of Denver. Week day morning services at 7 Cola, Harold Schneider and Miss hur Parilman, Irvinf; Kaiman, ary, Rabbi Poliakoff stayed to Their journey has all the eleBerman, Abe Ginsburu, Ernhave dinner-with us and visited a. m. Ruth Schneider of St. I^ouls, Mo. st Wlntroub, Norman Cain, I. M. ments of n Rood fiction story. They Week day afternoon and evening Mr. and Mrs. Myron Heogir, Mr. with the resident*. bribed a HunRarian to t«ko them .ibcrman, S. F. Diamant, Oscar and_Mrs. Sam Sndoff. Mrs. Lester 'arp, Sol Crnndell, Gilbert Aron- across the HunRarian border, who N u m b e r IS: Marian and Sam services at 4:50 p. m. The Tamud Discussion Group was later caught nnd hanged. Ileeger, nil of Sioux City. Gilman. residents, will celebrate (f, Dave Forman, Jack Iirnmson, Their escape was precipitated by their 51st wedding anniversary at meets Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock be'Marau nnd Harry Lutz. the threat of having the commuthe Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home at the 19th and Burt Street Synagogue. Mmes. Julius Stein, Ervln Sl- nists discover that Mr.'Elsonbcrg for the Aged today. Nebr. Lodge, Chapter ion, Hyman Belman, Norman I.. 1 aided elderly couples to leave Coming Events: The ThanksgivThe Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 !ahn, Mlllard Rosenberg, Darwin Hungary..He was head of the deing Party wiil be held Sunday, tarcai, Murray Borden, Stanley partment of registration in tho and Nebraska Chapter No. 346 of Nov. 2tkat -2 p. m. This affair b B'nai B'rith will hold their regu- [erzoff, Max Novak, Herbert Jewish Community of Budapest sponsored by the Omaha'Section lar meqtlng at 8:30 p. m.. Thurs- Vlniroub, Julius Katzman, Harry nnd in that capacity was Instruof the National Council of Jewish W o m e n . Mrs. Irving (Sonia) • B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky day, Now 17 at the South Omaha Uvitz, William Finklc, Edward mental in supplying necessary recJolgoff, Ben Lcfitz, Martin Her- ords so that these couples could Forbes is chairman o( this affair. Chapter No. 470 will Join with Synagogue. WHUam Stone will introduce off, Ray Simon and Miss Boa obtain their visas. the Urban League to sponsor the iommer. The communists persccuto all third annual Foreign Student Par- Rabbi Harold Stern of Lincoln, Beth Israel Men's Club ty, religions and especially the Jews, Sunday, Nov. 13 from 4 to 7 who will speak on "The Hlllel Program or B'naJ B'rith," Mrs. Al Mr. Eisenberg sold. Under the The next dinner meeting of Beth p. m., at the home of Mrs! Harlan Oruch will report on "Advisors Labor Group to Meet Reds, Jews arc forced to work on Israel Men's Club will be held Pedtham, 501 S. 52nd *L Training Institute of B'nai B'rith The Jewish Labor Committee the Sabbath. Jewish schools which A United Nations buffet supper Youth Organization." Thursday. Nov. ?7. at the Bt(h ill hold its membership dinner at were supported by tho state were Israel Synagogue soda] hall' '; will be served. Invitations have p. m., Sunday, Nov. 27 In the stripped of funds by the commuMrs. Harold Slcgel nnd Mrs The constitution proposed-tip, been issued,to «U foreign student* nists. Families were pushed into the constitutional committee wffl enrolled In universities located in Bob Rimmermnn will be In chnrtfc -ibor Lyceum. M a x ' Crounse, smaller quarters and workers of refreshment.'!. All meribc-s nnd lairrnan, ur^i-s all members to Omaha. be discussed, were paid smnller salaries and tend. friends are Invited to attend. * FOL* reservations pleas'. call the made to buy communist bonds synagogue office. RE 6288 by which they could not redeem. Forband to Meet Wednesday. Nov. 16. Beth Israel Latke and Card Party The Jewish community in BudaThe Farbnnd Labor Zionist pest before World War II numBranch 54. Poak Zk>n will hold bered about 200,000 and now there their regular monthly social meetarc only about 100,000 Jews, be ing this Sunday nt the Jewish said. The Nazis carted away 100,Mrs. Abraham Richards Community Center. Supper will be 000 to concentration camps. The «rvcd at 7:30 p m. * number killed would have been Services were held Friday, Nov. Cantor Eli Kaf;nn of Beth Israel greater, he pointed out, for the ' for Mrs. Abraham Richard* with Synaf^o^iK.* will sine, a selection of nnzis were ull set to blow up the interment at Fisher Farm Ceme- Jcvisb folk sonrjs accompanied by ghetto where they had herded all tery. Mrs. Richards, 73, a resi- Hano I3acr at the piano. SI. Ilf.'i/.the remaining Jews of the comdent of Omaha for more than 41 baum will read ;i hurncirrjti.s Yidmunity. The nnzis pulled out of years, died Thursday, Nov. 3 in a story. Mi.s. Herman Iiondaiin Hungary with such speed that local hospital follow .nt; a lingering will discuss hf.'r impressions of IKT they didn't have time to lipl. off illness. recent trip to Israel. their explosives. She is- survived by a son. Yale; Mrs. J. Ft.'ldman and Mrs. Alx." The Elsenbcrgs are slaying In • daughter, Mrs. Leon Gross; and Ojhcn are in chart:'- »f this afOmaha with his brother and sisthree grandchildren. fair. Reservations may be made ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irving by c.illin;; Mrs., RL" C9.5H Eisenberg. Irving Eisenberg himbefore G p. m this evening'. Norman Itosenzwrlff, center, preslrlrnt of Beth Israel's Farcnt- self escaped from Budapest shortFrank Bfotcky Ti'iirlirn AMix-latlun, hccnn pleased nlth the plans for the I-atlio ly after World War 1L when he Services were held Tuesday, Zionist Council to Meet and Card I'arty to tw held In Ileth Israel social hall this Sunday at said it was much easier. Then, he Nov. 8 for Frank Blotcky with In8:30 p. m. Kfati-d nlth Mr. Itosenzivrtg aro tho co-rhulrmen for tho related a border Guard could be terment at Fisher Form Ceme- . Omaha Zionist Council will meet affair, Mrs. Morrli Kiitler .left, nnd Mm. SI. W. Tepper, right. A bribed for a bottle of whiskey. tery. Mr. Blotcky, 70, died Satur8 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 1G In door prlii> will bo awarded. I'otuto panrakes and coffee will bo Theodore Elsenbcrc is a gradlay. Nor. 5. the Jewish Community Center. served. Mrmbrn of thn rotnmltUe ore: Mmes. Abe IVIilnmn, Sam uate of a teachera' collece in BudHe is survived by his wife. Mrs. J. II. Kulakofsky, president, Khyken, Sam Kaplaa, Harold Ibibln, Ales Hand, II. 8. Busman, apest. He and his wife are now Mar'c: a daughter, Annete, and will preside. Allen Stearns d'rarge Shapiro, Matthew Poliakoff, lien Kaplan, Kll Rotting settled in Omaha and Mr. thrp'j .brothers, Paul, Loufa and Kagan, Meyer Goldman, Mr. Morris Rullrr, Sir. and Mm. Norman is lookini; for employPhillip, all of Omahn. Patronize our Advertisers I t l d M and Mm, Snmiiel ment. HALPKR1

Religious News

Miss M. Gendfer's Betrothal Told

With the Folks' At Home

Omaha Sketches

Foreign Students To Be Entertained



Brothers Reunited After Fleeing Reds

Friday, Mov«mlvr II, JD5S.



Put Thtt*

Organizations COUNCIL WOMEN Adult Education Evening Slu.Iy Group of Iicnry Mwisky Chapter N n 470 of B'nnl H'rith will meet Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 8 p .m., at the home of Mrs. Sam I'oU.'tck, 293C Woolworlh Ave. 'Solomon Goldfarb, Federation Family Service Director, will discuss T h h e Jewish Community and Family Service." Co-hoste*«es will be Mrs. Bet) Blatt and'Mrs. Harry Smith.

Mi^ .J.ike Wine, j>! •••H

all members to attend. KADI MAH-1'IOMKKK The next meeting ol KHilinmli will be a combined meeting with J'ioneei Women fo be held at th< home of Mrs. Sidney Sneider, Thursday, Nov. 17. Mrs. Herman Bondarln, an ardent Zionist anil active member of Pioneer Women, will talk about her recent trip to Israel Mrs. Ben Kaplan is program chairman.

IIADASSAH Hadassah Education Council will hold an Qacg Sbabbat at 1 p. m., Saturday1, Nov. 12 at the home of Mrt. Arthur Goldstein, 6181 Ciiming sL Dessert and calico will be served. Committee members have been Group boards of Omaha Chapter Hadassah will meet Thursday, announced for the bazaar committee of the B'nal B'rlth Henry Mon Nov. 17th, at 12:30 p. m. for d sert luncheon. Plans will be made sky Chapter and Nebraska Chapfor the forthcoming Silver jubilee ter's annual combined fund raisins HadAssah Medical Organisation event. The Fall Festival Card Donor Affair to be given Sunday Party and Bazaar Will be held at afternoon, D e c 11, at the Poxton 8 p. m. Sunday, Nov. 27, at the Hotel Ballroom. Tho Hcrzl Board Blackstone Hotel. Mmes. Harry wjll m«et at the home or Mrs. Idman, Joseph Upton, and Joseph Julius Katanan, 1602 N. 54th st. Levlrisky arc ovcr-ali co-chairmen. Co-hostesses wlU be Mm. Albert Each guest will receive a copy of Yfohlner and Mrs. Irving Lincoln. the all new recipe and yearbook Hostess for the Szold group will featuring favorite recipes of B'nal be Mr*, Leonard Gould at 120 So. B'rlth women. Slst St.. with Mrs. Jack'Jaoobson Serving on the bazaar commitas her co-bostcss. The Weltzman tee are tho chairman, Mrs. Sol group will meet at the borne of Dptgoff, and Mmes. Goodman CoMrs, Elmer Novak, 7816 Pine a t hen, Max Krizelman, Sidney ZnclShe will be assisted by Mrs. T. A. mer, Sam Frank, Nate Kraft, WilTully, and Mrs. Lou Lewis. liam Stone, Sidney Znelmer, Ben The following women attended Magzamlne, Aaron Epstein, Ben the national Hadassah convention Blatt, A) Zwerllnit, Joseph Lorkls, held in Chicago h u t week: Mmes. Philip Kutlcr, Stanley Shapiro, David Brodkey, Abe Bear, Sam Harry Friedman, Meyer Linda, Cohen, Arthur Goldstein, -Max Dora Wolfson, and Fannie She-rGreeitberg G u y Gross, Max Gross* an, man, Sidney Katleman, J a c k Members of the Nebraska ChapKaufman, Harry Kulakofsky, Curl ter's Sewing Group, under the Lagman, M. F. Levenson, Maurice chairmanship of Mrs. Sam ManNewman, Abe Roffman, Charles vltz, are making cobblers' aprons, Has.:, Dave Sherman, Ervin Simon, pot holders and other hand-made Julius Stein, T. A. Tully, and Leo Items. The bazaar will also feaWclU. ture for sale; electrical appliances, damask table cloth with napkins, B. E . 8I8TEIMOOD TV throw rugs, radios, jewelry, Mrs. Samuel Ban, w a y s and imported items, hand-made felt means'chairman of Beth El Syna- skirts for children, baked goods gogue Slsttrhood, announces that and home-made Itcins. These and U.t. George Cohen and Mm. Trv- many other nrtlrles will be for . ing Schneldcrman arc ceiienil sale at bargain prices. chairmen of the b o o k review luncheon sponsored by the sisterhood Deeembor 1 In the Rocinl hail Engagement Told of tho synagogue at 12:30 p. m. Mrs. John Jesse will review -i Mr. and Mrs. Hymnn Colin ancurrent book following tho lunch- noun.?c Ihe engagement of their o n . Mmes. H o r a c e Roscnblum. daughter Miss Marian to Isadora Lou Sogolow. Lou Lewis, and Max L. Hatner. son of Mrs. Mary ItatNovak' and their Circles Throe and ner of our city. No wedding date Six arc in charge of the luncheon, ha*4 been net. and Mrs. Charles Goldberg head* /the Bake Sale which wjll be held in conjunction with the Book Review Luncheon In the social hall. A' ticket for the event Is included In the Sisterhood Highlights Book of Events, and additional ticket* may be secured from Mm. Hubert Roscnblum, ticket chairman. Sitter service will bo provided.1 -An added feature of the aftcmoonwIU be a sneak preview of a "Surprise Package,"

B.B. Units to Hold Autumn Festival

JWV, ACXIMAKY , • Tho monthly Epstein-Morgan Ladles Auxiliary NO. 260, Jewish War. Veterans bingo party wan held at the Omaha Veteran Hospital, Thursday, Nov. 3. Mmes. Aaron Epstein, J .Milton Margolin end Frank Cohen attended. Overseas chairman, Mrs. J. M. Margolin' asks that anyone knowing the address of nn Omaha Jewish servlconinn stationed overseas, please call GL 4CC8, so that serviceman may be Included in the Chanukah package list to be sent thli month. . All Auxiliary members arp urged to attend Veterans Day Sabbath services at the Beth El Synagogue this evening. President, Mrs, Delmar Klein Is asking all Auxiliary members to support the Post liy attending tho presentation of two portable rosuidtatorg by the Post to the Omaha Fire Peparlhicnt Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 11:30 iit m. in the Council Chambers of Cily Hall. BlKUIl CIIOIJM The Biktir Chollm Society will hold its regular dessert .luncheon meeting at l p . n i , Monday, Nov. 14, In Ibe Jewish Community Center. A- door prize will be awarded.

Veret to Talk on Mizrachi in Israel

Flam for the Overseas Luncheon of the Omaha Si-c,.,..i, National Council of Jewiuli Women arc being completed by Mrs. Samuel Orcenlxrg, left, co-clialrmun, and Mrs. Morris M, Shapiro, era] chairman.

Council Overseas Luncheon at B.E. The luncheon committee has been announce? for the annual Overseas luncheon of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women to be held a t 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Nov. 15 In Beth El social hall. They are Mmes. L, FelJman, H. Milder, N. Slegel, B. Kalmsn, T. Levey, A. Trost, A. J. Weinberg. A. Sophlr, R. Blumenthal, H. Grecnberg, L. Frledel, S. Turke) and J, Wintroub. The program, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Stanford LJpsey,

will Include piano selections by Hans Baer and on original skit written by Mrs, Arthur Goldstein entitled "I Remember." It is d t rected by Mrs. Hy Shrler with members of Council making up the cast. Funds raised at the lunched) will be used for Council's "Shlp-A Box" program. Chairmen are Mrs. Harry Altsaler and Mrs. Robert Lcvine. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Council president, will preside and a baby sitter service will be provided. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. ShapJro, GL 4969, or Mrs. Grecnberg, GL 4015.

Paul Verct, executive direct., of the Federation for Jewish Ser. Ice, will address the regular meti Injj of the Omaha Chapter of Mt ruchi Women following a desBev luncheon at 1 p. n.., Wednesday Nov. 16 in the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Veret will give his fas.: prcsslons of Mizrachi work it. Israel. A baby sitter service will be pro- , vided. Mmes, Max Arbltman, William Epstein and M. M. Poliakoff have Joined the Donor's Luncheon Circle. They will entertain at a luncheon at l~p. m.. Monoay, Nov. 21 In the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. J, Goodbinder is chairman and Mrs. L. Gerclick is eo-chairn i^ of the Donors' Luncheon Circle. The rummage sale will be held Monday and Tuesday, Dec. S and 6. Mrs. Herman Franklin is chairman and Mrs, Mary Zalk i* cochairman. They will be assisted by their committee. Anyone wishing to contribute clothing and] other articles, call Mrs. Franklin, WE5245.

Jewish Community Center Presents .

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday

Snnday Branch



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Notions — Main Floor Mall and Phone Orders Welcome

Bar and Bas Mitzvah

Friday, November 11, 1933.



Omaha Junior Theater, Plays for Children

Teen Talk

Hi fiang, This week-end proved to be an e.scitin;; fun-fil!ed one for all. Martin Bercovici, son of Mr. We hear from very reliable and Mrs, Jay Bercovici, will colesources that the Young Judaea brat: hi- Bar Mitzvah, and Naomi Convention in Kansas City was ftothenberg, daughter of Mr. 'and terrific. Some ol the? kids who lira. Samue! RolhcnborR, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah, at a joint went were: Donna Cannr, Shelly service Friday evening, Nov. 11' Green, Dianni? Fe]im;tn, Nanry and Saturday morning. Nov. 12 at l^cwi-i. Phyl Bernstein, Judy Ban, Beth El Synagogue. Midge Groenber;;, Lora Franklin, Friends and relatives are invited .Shelly Greenberg, Joni Mayer, to attend the services and the reISiirb Nog™, Fran Davidson, Lynceptions which will follow. ette Fjrbes, Beverly Bloom, Fay Ann Katz, and many more. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rich announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Tile few stay-at-homes (really son, Louis Saturday morning, so few) were havinj.; a gay time in Nov. 19, at Beth El Synagogue. dear ole Omaha. Jcani Marx had Friends and relatives are invita party where many enjoyed themed to attend the service and Oie selves. Judy Plattner also bad a reception which will follow. little get-together. Among those there were Nancy Vengcr, Susie The Bar Mitzvah of Saul KaiWolf son, Jcanee Silver, Howard m-4i, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaslow, Beak Joffe, Jerry Rosen, Kalman, will take place at the Howard Llpton. Mike Cannr, Dick Both Israel Synagogue Friday eveHy Larry Schwartz Einstein, Jamie Shapiro, Mike nine and Saturday morning Nov. Lazer, 'n Dick Raskin. 18 and 19. Friends and meml>ers At Sigma Omlcron chapter of There wasn't too much more. of the family arc Invited to attend Sigma Alpha Mu, twenty-one men Sec yu the services and thcrcceptions fol- were pledged this fall. The elecJooill. lowing the services. tions held recently found Al Heeler as the new Prior. Other officers Talent Night Included Mclvln Hurwich, ViceYouth Council Talent Night will Prior; Al Rosen, Exchecquer; and be held tomorrow evening In the Dick Pocras, Recorder. Jewish Community Center, it was AZA No. 1 Activity-wise, Larry Epstein has nnnounccd by Mike Mogil, director Pledge Class officers ,of AZA No. has pledged Corn Cobs, the cam- of the event. Two one-act plays 1 are Allan Epstein, Jerry Swartz, pus pep fraternity, and Larry will be staged by the Youth CounVxfi Noodel, Steve Dolgoff, Milt Schwartz has pledged K o s m i l cil's Drama at the Jay group. An Katskee and Marshall Bernstein. Klub, another campus organiza- admission of 3.1 cents will be The dub will hold a mass at- tion, Al Rosen, has also pledged charged. tendance at Beth Israel Synagogue Alpha Kappa, a professional November 18 after which a stag business fraternity of which Dick Patronize our Advertiser;* •ad a community service project Pocras Is treasurer. Dave Cohen wit) be held. A party planned by and Arnold Epstein are members the pledge class is scheduled for of the Nebraska marching hand. November 26 ' Kenny Freed, Larry Schwartz and RAYIM Arnold Epstein play In local The cultural committee a n d bands. pledges will give a talk on "Should Finally, SAM has made the we Abolish Women?" Rayim is play-offs in the university interplanning a stag for some time this mural football Stan Wldmonth and a good and welfare man is also out league. for freshmen basp r o g r a m . Rayim congratulates ketball. Larry Lincoln for receiving a rating of excellent in newswrltlng. B'NAI irniTii « i m . s Jr. B.B. Bowling Mrs. Al Oruch. a R'nai B'rith Girls' advisor, has just returned Teams have been set up in Jr. from an advisors' training insti- B'nal B'rith Bowling League consisting of seven metn;>ers on each tute in Chicago. For A University of Omaha protes- team. tor discussed vocational guidance Roger Smith wa:. high in the CIRCUMCISION at the November 6 meeting. league In last Sunday's competi* BBC's will spend a night at tion with his 173 game and 315 CALL Camp Brewster November 19. The series. REV. A. DIAMOND project Is headed by Florence Eden Cohen fired the high reWE 38t» or W i 4»5S Shrago. She Is assisted by Lois ries In the girls' division, a 218. Moskowitz, who will be in charge Her games consisted of 144 and of religious services, and Phyllis 102. Freedman, who will take charge Marlys fcack converted the of the business meeting. 3-7-10 split. BBG's, under the direction of Other High Garnet) and Series M a x I n e Zweiback. community RIekc-s 138-138—27G services chairman, have made doll John Ljr-yCarrop 153-121—274 •ocks and will distribute them to Kdwin Sidman 156-114—270 * orphange. A)an Konecky 145-125—270 AZA No. 100 .Ty Cipinko 159-105-2G4 An athletic stag has b e e n Bob Nogg 139-124—263 planned by Murray Mayer for No- Meyer Coren 122-114—23G vember 19 to be held at the Cen- Al TewberK 129-105—234 ter. H will'start, at 6 p. m. Green 113-107—220 Robert Arden,.head of the Is- Mike Mickc, Sacks 113-107—220 rael Bond office, was guest :;poak- Buddy Her/or; 137- 82—219 "t at the last meeting. ! Judy Pollack 116001—217 Douglas Platt 113-101—214 Marlys Isack 111-103-214 Marvin Conn 107-105—212 W. I- Donna Kalman . . . . 129- 83—212 110- 96—206 'eneral Electric 10 8 Sharon Frank boner Construction . . 15'i S'i Jerry Rosenblntt .. 110- 94-204 ounf»«tcnvn Kitchen. 14 10 Larry Roitsteln . . . . 102-101—203 108 "CA Victor 14 10 Bobtj Singer ictc Beer . . . . . . . 14 10 Mike Horastcln . . . 105 togg Bros. . . ; . . 13 Vi 1014 Pamela Pcrelman . . 104 11k Shop 13 11 Martin Berfcovlci . . 103 Ireside Ito 12 12 Marsha Coren . . . . . 103 Vatson Bros 11 13 Maureen Epstein . . . 103 101 Mayland Park 11 13 Leslie Epstein Jupcrette Mkt 11 13 Zdwards Jewelry . . . . . 10 14 Masl Color 10 14 lileo Products 9 15 S-odkey Jewelry /H 1G Pbrnie iK 130* xa uiwrt roar W«m hA ID The Jewish Frcu. Vystlc Beauty Salon .. 8 1C Current n l f it CO ttati for eaea inserHiffh Games and Series tion. Thf I'rta rurjves lb« nglu lo liMlt S. Lewis. 484;* R. Pitlor. 4G7; E. •lz« on eacii advertisement. Jaeobson, 435: M. Fromkln, 455; BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuJE, Schloff. 448; E. Ross, 447; D. lations nlso for all Jewish holiRubin, 445; P. Marcus. 441; R. days and special occasions. Wintroub. 429; G. Zcvltz. 428; L. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Oacr, 424; S. Trctink, 424; H. Shu- IF YOU like to shop with case, kert, 424; S. Greenberg, 420; L. and be sure your gift will please. Hoberroan, 420; L. Faier. 415; SJ. 'Order a magazine subscription for Bar Mitzvahs and Chnnuknh. Cbopcrman, 416; D. Green, 413; A. Schulman, 408; R.-Friedman. Gift card furnished. Mrs. Hor«07; E. Cohen, 404; L. Sachs. 400. Wich. WA 3957. Omnha Junior Theater anncunee: a srrie: of three plays for children will he .shown this season. Tile i'lhX in the series is cnileo "The ol Mr, Penny" and will be presented by lirowncll Hall at Technical High .School November 15 to 19. The second play, "Radio Rescue" produced by West Side School will be shown February 7 tc 11 at Tech Jii[;h. Closing the series will be "The King of the Golden River" produced by the Omaha Junior League nnd to be staged at the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum April 17 to 27. except Sunday and Monday. * Season tickets^ are on sale for one dollar for children or adults and single admissions arc 50 cents. Curtain time o.. weekdays Ls nt 4 p. m. and two o'clock Saturday afternoons.


Y. C Spotlight


Beth Israel Clubs

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldman announce the birth of a son John Alan born November 1 at u local hospital. He is their first child. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Goldman and Mr. and Mrs. Is ad o r e Abramson. Maternal great-crandmothers are Mrs. Jacob Abramson and Mr.;. Meyer Green and Mrs, Abe Herzberg J-; piternal great-grandmother.

Club Tovim will rawt Saturduy, Nov. 12 at 0:15 p. m. In tho rccn.'ation rofim of the Tdlmud Torah. The lioys Arts and Crafts Club und the Girls Arts unc. Crafts Club will meet from 4-5:30 p. m. this Sur.dny, Nov. 13.

Miss Mart Resigns

Miss Elizabeth J, Hart due to illness in her fumily has resigned her iKjst as executive secretary of Temple Israel after ten years of A son Howard Scott wjt.s horn service. November 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Leonora I'ratt is the new .Steven Lustgartcn at a local hos- office pecretary. pital. Ho is their first child. Mr;;. Helen Goldstein Is maternal grandmother nnd Mr. and Mrs. Ben|;arten Ls paternal grandBeth Israel P-TA parents.



Beth Israel Social Hall Nov. 12 at 8:30 P.M. Donation $1.00 Per Person

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