Mrs. Kripke's Mew C Book About Mm. Mynr S. Kripkc whu • iid the translation into chililidi' term* of the Jewish concept of right and wrong presented a tremendous challenge' has written n new book "Let's Talk About Itir.lit and Wrong." It is a companion volume to ••Let's Talk About God' which Mrs. Kripltc wrote Just two years ago. Like her first hook on the topic the new one is also beautifully Illustrated by n well-known New York artist giving forceful Impact to the text. The new volume is now making its appearance .•'In. downtown and synagogue bookstores. It was two years in writing,, rewriting and condensing, Mrs. Krlpke said. Tho new book Is the next atcp In explaining about God to youngsters, she stated. Belief In God Implies n code of conduct, Mrs. Krlpke added. The implication* of man's behavior are basic In the Jewish concept of right and wrong, sho explained. Man made in the image of God has tho capacity for Improving himiclt and society and becoming n partner with God through ethical behavior, M,rs. Krlpke -added. In her book, sho tries to give •children a clear understanding of
UJA to Raise Special Fund New York (JTA)—The : United Jewish Appeal Saturday night set in motion a drive to raise a special fund of $25,000,000 "over and above" the full amount it hopes to collect through ita regular 1956 nationwide campaign. Tho sum raised for the special fund will go exclusively to th<> iinniigratiou aid program of tho Jewish Agency; which is now engaged in bringing over and settling in Israel 45,000 Jews from Morocco and Tunisia. :
Mm. Myer 8. Krlpke
the basic rules of behavior and why they arc right. Mrs. Kripke, wife of Rabbi Kripke of Beth El Synagogue, tested her manuscript on her seven and a half-year-old daughter Netta who after reading It now quotes passages of the text. The rabbi's wife majored in English at Hunter College, where she received a bachelor's degree. She won licr Master of Arts degree at Columbia University. Mrs. Krlpe also holds the degree of Bachelor of Hebrew Literature from the •Seminary College of Jewish StuNew York (WNS)—Launching dies of the Jewish Theological of o Department of Psychiatry .Seminary and has taught both "to acquaint future rabbis with Kn;:lbh and Hebrew. certain problems of tho IndividMrs. Kriplte's first lw)k has ual nnd the community as viewed been displayed at the Mctroj>ollby modern psychiatry" was an- tan Museum of Art in New York nounced this week by the Jewish City. It was also shown in other Theological Seminary of America museums throughout the nation in at o press conference where Pr. an exhibl. of the best children's Louis Finkclatcin, Chancellor, re- books published In 1953 and 6 1 ported that the 'irst course in the newly created department will be given by five leading New York psychoanalysts. .The goal of the course, which 'It .hot intended to equip rabbis for the practice of psychotherapy but The next meeting of the Golden to. prepare them for competent Age Club will be held at 1 p. m., handling of the many human prob- Monday, Nov. 28 in the Jewish lems and situations they encoun- Community Center. ter In their service to eongreca* Mrs. William Gray will present tlqn and community, was set forth a original reading entitled "I Will by* Dr. Finkelstcln, who n o t e d Never, Never Forget." Mrs. J. that the Talmud contains many Ahramson will deliver a talk arid •oylngs which show an under- a musical Interlude and social hour standing of human liehavious sub- will follow. Refreshments will be stantiated by rnodcrn psychiatry. served.
Golden Age Club To Meet Monday
State Dept. Cautioos On Israel's Arms Washington ,WNS) — Israel's requcstfor arms, submitted here lpst week by Ambassador Abba Ebnn, Is being given cautious consideration by the Stute Dcpartcarly action on the application will tnent indications that no be forthcoming.* informed sources here nald the State Department will consider Israel's bid for arms "without duo haste" because the U. S. wishes to halt an nrms race in the Middle East and also because it Is felt that Israel's military potential Li now still greater than that of the Arab forces despite the CzechKgyptain arms deal. On his arrival In Washington from Geneva, Secretary,of State Dulles refused to comment on Israel'* request. In the meantime It was learned that Israel's request tot arms amounted to less than fifty per cent of the purchases Egypt is making from the Soviet bloc both in money and weapons. The Israeli Embassy declined to make the list of tinms'public. Hut If was' un-: dcrstood It called for armaments
Tlie Executive Committee of Iho I'Vdcrntion for Jewish Service will meet at 12:15 p. m., Friday, Nov. 25 at tile Highland Town Club, it was an-. niiunced by Jack W. Marer, federation president.
Prize Winner Film Will Open Series
Seminary Opens Psychiatry Dept.
); )"•• i
Federation Executive Committee to Meet
costing alKiut 510,000,000, or less than half of the amount of the Egyptian purchase from the Communist countries. After Ambassador Eban, who presented Israel's list of amis to Acting Secretary o" Stnt? Herbert Hoover, Jr., described the equipment Israel asked for as "markedly less in quantity" than the amounts supplied by the Soviet bloc to Egypt. Mr. Hoover was reported to have told Mr. Kban that the request would receive consideration "by various agencies of the United States Government In the light of American policies, Including the Tripartite Declaration of 1930." , Ambassador Ehan conveyed to Mr. Hoover the "sense of alarming vulnerability bound to spread in Israel as a result of the Egyptian transaction which will Insure them overwhelming preponderance by land, isea and /iir," declaring that "the purpose, character, quantity and dimension" of the arms asked conformed with the concept of legitimate self-defense und not with an arms race policy.
The new Center Foreign Film Series will be opened this Sunday at 8:15 p. m., in the Jewish Community Center auditorium with the showing of the French prize winning motion picture,: "Symphony Pastorale." Winner of three awards at the Cannes International Film Festival, the film Is based on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Andre Gide. Its pervading themo 1» the conflict between a pastor's devotion to his faith and family and his unconquerable love for the.girl he b e f r i e n d s . : • :" '.',..-, ..' ,'•':?'. A Time Magazine review said hi part: "A subtle, emotionally complex story that catches with a sharp pictorial eye the shadowy corners of the human heart." Tickets for the Sunday series arc available at the activities office of the Center. Series tickets arc three dollars and Individual admissions are 75 cents. Tho scries Includes "Le Plaisir," December 18; "Miss Julie," January 22; "Carnival in Flanders," February 19; "The Two Orphans," March 18; anil "The Impostor," April 22.
.„•-..' .. ... '
Syrian Envoy its Zionists : Washington (WNS)^-A request that the United States Government Curb the Zionist movement In thjs country, coupled with a demand that the State Department investigate tax exemptions claimed by donors'to Jewish succor organizations, wax presented here last week by Syrian Ambassador Farld Zeuincddlno when he conferred here with George V. Alien, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, on the current crisis in the Middle East.
The Syrian Ambassador was reported to have cautioned the U.S. that an American security pact with-Dirael.. would bring war to the Middle East and that Syria would turn to the Soviet Union for amis In the event the United States sold arms to Israel. He was said to have warned Mr. Allen that American alliance with Israel would adversely affect not only S y r i a n-American relations but American-Arab relations. At the same time he warned of the "possibility of the United States implicating itself in the Middle East to an extent which would be difChicago (JTA)—More than half ficult to accept by any side conof the colleges In the Midwest cerned, except Zionism and Ishave difficulty 'indlng Jobs for rael." students because of race, religion The Arab spokesman, who has or national orlcin. This was revealed In a seven-state survey of been under fire for making reckless assertions about the Amercollege placement offices In Ifllican Jewish community, called Mr. nols, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Allen's attention to what he Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. claimed to be "the fact that ZionThe study was conducted by ism seeks with some success to the Midwest Educators Commit- make of the United States and in tee on Discrimination In Higher the United States a center for its Education in cooperation with the worldwide activity, which Is inimiAntl-Defamaton League of B'nai cal to other states and which is B'rlth, preliminary to a confer- morally unfounded," ence of the Illinois Commltteo on Discriminations In Higher Education which meets here. Results of a questionnaire replied to by 151 college and university placement offices showed that more than 50 per cent of them have difficulty in placing minority group students. In only United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— two states—Minnesota, with 35 per cent and Wisconsin with 19 Prime M i n i s t e r Sir Anthony Eden's proposal for mediation beper cent—did the proportion fall below one-half. Racial prejudice, tween Israel and the Arab states the study revealed, is the great- on the basis of a "compromise" est barrier. Religious bias was whereby Israel would be required second, and discrimination on the to make territorial concessions basis of national origin, third. was "111 advised," Israel's- Foreign Minister Moshc Sharett declared here at a luncheon tendered him Judaism 'Wholesome* by the United Nations CorresNew York (WNS)—Judaism Is pondents Association. so "wholesome" a faith that It (From Washington the New might have Iwen fashioned by a York Times reported that the mentnl hygiene specialist, the United States and Britain see eye eminent psychologist Dr. Robert to eye on the Imperative necessity" M Goldcnson declares in the cur- of resolving the Middle Eastern rent Issue of "American Judaism," crisis but not necessarily on the published by the Union of Ameri- methods that should be used. Tills, can Hebrew Congregations. • the Times says, became evident Tointing out that the Jewish when the State Department, in faith, while not denying tho px- response to Inquiries, Issued a lstence of evil, Is optimistic In statement with regard to Prime "ussurlng us that man's lot can be Minister Eden's offer to mediate improved through his own efforts, between Israel and the Arab with God'H help," Dr. Goldenson states. Tho American statement notes that Judaism "evolved out supported Sir Anthony's Intentions of the trials of a people who found but not necessarily his specific that It was healthier to meet proposals. The key to tho United reality on Its own terms and at- States-British difference lies in tack the problems of life through Sir Anthony's suggestion that Isconstructive realism instead of rael' anil -th#' Arab' states •"con*seeking to escape them." promise" their boundary disputes,
Midwest College Survey Finds Bias
Launching of the special driva yesterday followed an emergency meeting Friday at which more than 300 representatives of the . country's major Jewish communities voted for the drive. Their action came after a personal plea from .Israel F o r e i g n Minister Moshe Sharett In which ho called upon Jews in the free world, and especially in the United States, to "bear the.brunt" at this tuns of Israel's immigration, agricultural development and economic consolidation. Mr. Sharett stated that Israel regards the reception, absorption and resettlement of North A'rlcan Jews a priority task in view of the fact that so many have asked to come, "It must be the concern of American Jews," Mr. Sharett declared, "to see to It that this highly creative work. upon the success of which our entire future rests, should not onljr not bo jeopardized by the present emergency but should, by very reason of it, expand and prosper." The plan for raising the extra $25,000,000 was presented to th» .'i00 community leaders at the emergency conference by William Iloscnwald, general chairman of tho UJA, Edward M. M. Warburg, UJA president, and Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, executive vicc-chalrmnn of the UJA. The plan as adopted "enjoins the United Jewish Appeal to take immediate steps to raise a special UJA fund of 525,000,000 to be separate from, and additional to, the sums that the UJA will raise In 1958. through its regular nationwide campaign." Hymen Ferer, post president o* the Federation for Jewish Service, attended the emergency conference as a delegate from Omaha*
Sharett Calls Eden's Proposal 111 Advised' the Times report emphasized.) Mr. Shnrctt said that "the demarcation lines along the IsraelArab frontlens can bo altered, but only by mutual consent, and not by force. There might be mutual adjustments if the Arabs and the Israelis met withinthc framework of the armistice agreements," he stated. Among some of the statements made by Mr. Sharett, In addition to his comment about Sir Anthony's proposal, were: 1. "What the Russians hope to gain by the Czech arms deal with Egypt Is a foothold of Influence in the Middle East to counter Western moves which they see as a potential danger." 2. "Tho generous financial support given Israel development by contributors in the United States Is nn indication of the hopefulness and tho confidence in Israel's future, and not a sign of Israel's economic weakness. Israel might require assistance for development purposes If it had peace and consequently had to spend less for its defense forces." 3. "A United States security treaty with Israel would, presume '"' ably, act as a deterrent of agsres-' elon against Isroo 1 " '
ff - ,\
: Friday, November 25, 1935.
75th Birthday Fete \0mahaSketches | For Louis Hiller Cverj .Vtidaj DJ tLe V-ulersUou loi Jewish Scrvu*
Israel Faces a Crucial Challenge Israel is currently fating an extremely grave crisis, perhaps the most dangerous crisis in its history. The evil combination of Arab hostility nnd comiyuiiist arms, openly aimed at the destruction of Israel, threatens to engulf this vital outpost of the western world in war. That this conspiracy will not succeed in certain. Israel B armed force*, Israel1! people, including the Arab citiiens, arc ready to meet and to crush any Arab onslaught " The gravity of this threat was finally admitted by the foreign ministers of the Big Three at Geneva. Discussions have D a n Oorilman been started to decide on the extent of defensive armament to be given to Israel—but while the leaders of the Western World debate the problem, we must take measures to match Israel s Committees Told heroism; to strengthen Israel in order to protect itoright to For New Year Fete turvive and grow as a free, democratic nation. ; . Throngh the purchase of Israel Bonds we can, as we must, Beth Israel Men's Club will hold provide the finances to keep Israel economically strong so that their New Year's Eve Dance «t 9 her military defenses will not be weakened, Israel must be able p. m., December 31 In the synagogue social hall. Dance co-chairto meet this challenge to her existence without abandoning the men Dan Gordman and Gene vital development program which is the backbone of her surBraun have announced members vival and freedom. . lii'j1^'" of their committees. Robert Arden, They are: Lee Kraft, Harry Siref, Rabbi Matthew Poliakoff, Max Sachs, Dick Splegal, Sam Kaplan, L J. Kraft. Mel Teppcr. Abe Kloppcr, Lou Asbyll, Dave Bcber, Miltou Goldberg, Julius Schreiber, Max Greenfield. Bill Wolfson, Manny Simon, Harold Rubin, Art Gould, Norman Roscnzweig. Norman Pitlor and Stanley Diamond.
Off the Record By Nathan Ziprln UKABO AND RECORDED . When rumors first reached Washington about the Impending Hoccow-Cairo arms deal the eehlons in the State Deportment whose duty it is to evaluate such developments considered it merely a Soviet trial balloon to gain wider concessions from the Western powers at the Geneva conference . . . Secretary Dulles persists in his view there can be no American security pact with Israel and the Arab states before there has been an Arab-Israel settlement. That, in the opinion of many in Washington amounts to circuitous evasion of the issue . . . Governor MeKeldin of Maryland, high in Republican councils, may well have hinted a new course when he counselled in a speech In New York that the offer of o mutual security part should not be predicated upon the prior condition of Arab-Israel settlement of boundary disputes . . . The double-talk in the State Department is amazing these days. On one day newsmen are told Israel will get the requested defensive arms and on the next they are advised Israel is considered militarily superior to its neighbors . . . The feeling, persists however that the government has no policy or else that it is holding back a trump card far a more propitious moment in its global dealings with - the red bloc . . . When Anthony Eden of Britain offered to-act a* Arab-Israeli mediator; if Israel agreed to making territorial concessions he was not doing It at London's initiative alone . . . The -design to wrest territory from Is* rael has not been thrown yet into the State Department wastcbasi k e t . . . If the tension in that area of the world Is not alleviated coon there will be a diplomatic shakcup. with Byroade offering hi.i resignation. JEWS IN AMERICA The recent piece in Look Magazine on the position of Jews in .America today is a revealing study through its factual disclosures arc by no means surprising. -Revealing because William Attwood, author and Look's national affairs editor. had the courage to draw conclusions which might perhaps have escaped a Jewish writer. Coming from a goy ft Is really encouraging to hear that anti-Semitism is rapidly waning as a problem for American Jews. Of course, the fact1; as gathered, mny not be 100 per cent correct but they "are the best that an Inquisitive Gentile reporter could pry out of his fellow Americans." as Mr. Attwood «ayx. Of course the Jewish picture in America appears bright from every point of view. Eut It must be •ecognlzod that If the Jew has progressed more rapidly than any o t h e r contemporary Immigrant group it was not alone because he industrious but'because
the urge to rise is greater in an area of impediments; It is true Jewish Individual Income is substantially greater than the national Individual aggregate, .but here again the explanation is to be found In the fact- that most Jews reside in large cities and areas of the country where earnings are highest. A bit! surprising is the disclosure that there are 1300 Jewish millionaires in the country. The figure sounded amaz4:38 p. no., CtndlellgbtbiK ing, but I talked to Mr. Attwood and he assured me it was correct. He laughingly said Roy researchers can do n better Job on that sort of Temple Israel thing. Also, he told me there were Worship Services at 8 p. m.'thls many of the Jcwirh milllonnalres Friday. Rabbi Sidney IL Brooks whose identity O-S Jews was not will preach on "Reaction to Life hitherto known. Magazine article— Survey of AmerHowever, the most encouraging ican Jewry." Services Saturday morning at aspect of the Ixxik study is the positive picture it points of Jewish ll:.'i0 o'clock for adults anil memlx-rs of religious school. life in America. Thus, Mr. Attwood notes that the existence of Israel has mmle Jews even better Beth Israel Americans. He writes that Jews Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor everywhere take pride in Israel's Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and achievements. At the same time he the Talmud Torah Junior Classes, reports lack of sharp divisiveness will conduct late Friday evening in the Jewish organizations, but services at 8 p. m. he ascribes this development to Traditional Friday evening servthe Jew as highly Individualistic. Yet he notices that despite their ices (Kabbolus Shnbbos) bci.'in nt 4:45 p. m. Sabbath morning servmyriad associations, A m e r i c a n Jews are not well organized, ex- ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior cept in the field of philanthropy. Congregation at 9:30 a. m. Rabbi . . M r . Attwood docs not under- Groncr will conduct the Talmud estimate the anti-Semitic facet in class at 4 p. m. Sabbath Mincha American life, but he finds Amer- at 4:30 p. m., followed by Sholeshe ican Jews having more than an S'cudos and Maarlv. Dally morneven chance of living full, produc- ing services at 7 a. m.; aft-nioon tive lives without being frustrated services nt 4:40 p. m., Sunday by discrimination. He admits, how- morning services begin at 8:45 ever, that It will take lime for a. m., followed by breakfast and Gentiles to extirpate the last ves- Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday igos of prejudice from their at- morning Junior Minyan, followed titudes. His booming negative to by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. the question whether' Jews will The Talmud Discussion group ever become so completely inte- meets every Tuesday evening at grated in America as to lose their « at BIJJI Synagogue,' 19th and identity as Jews Is n sane con- Burt. clusion and most expressive of the Morning Services Thanksgiving Jewish mood. morning begin at 8:45 a. m.
Religious News
Beth El ~~~~
Surplus to Israel Washington (WNS) ,— About $17,040,000 worth of surplus agricultural commodities is* to go to Israel under an agreement Just concluded between the U n i t e d States and the Jewish Slate. Under the agreement, It was disclosed by the Israeli Embassy, the products offered for sale to Israel include wheat, grain, edible oiLj pnd other fats, cotton, butter, cheese, dried milk, beans and tobacco. The agreement, which falls under the U. S. Agricultural, Trade, Development nnd Assistance Act, Is the second of its kind to he concluded between Israel nnd the United States. According to American Gmccr Society statistics, of every four persons who get cancer, one will be saved, but three will die. One more could have been saved if the disease had been detected early enough.-,: • : . i. i . ; : •:
-. .•!. r • -
Services Friday evening at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S, Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar nnd the choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services will be at 9:30 o'clock. Junior congregation s e r v i c e s arc at 30:30 o'clock. Mincha Maariv services at 4:45 p. m, Sunday morning services arc flt 9 a. m. Daily services are nt 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Dr. Sher Invited Pr. Philip Sher, member of the National Council, has been Invited to attend the Forty-first annual meeting o ' the Joint Distribution Committee to bo held In New York City December 15. The invitation was extended by Edward M. M. Warburg, chairman of the committee. Dr. Sher is honorary president of the Federation for Jewish Service. ' * i - • -' •*•--•
Louis Hiller, a charter member of the Highland Town and Country Club, will be honored on IIIH 75lh birthday at a stag dinner Wednesday, Nov. 30 in the West Club. Mr. Hiller has served as president, director, committee'chairman and uenior advisor during the past 33 years. Born in Red O.ik, la., Mr. Hiller has been a resident of Omaha since he was five years old. He has been in the finance business since 1919. Mr. Hiller has been active in civic affairs. He was n member of the Hoy Scout Council and is a past president of the Ilotary Club, In 192G, he founded the Rotary Honor Roll for youngsters In the seventh and eighth grades. They are presented best Junior citizen certificate awards annually on the basis of their scholastic standings and efforts as good citizens of the community. The youngsters are selected by their teachers and fellow students for the awards.
Omaha was well represented in a photography contest for amateurs and professionals at Cornell University recently wht'n Jerry1 Zicgman walked off with third prize for his portrait of Miss Muriel Green. To top it off, the photograph was taken in Omaha last summer. The portrait will become part of a permanent exhibit at a campus gallery. Mr. Ziegman, son of "Mr. and Mrs. I. I). Ziegman, is a freshman at tlie university. A June graduate of Central High School, he was president of the senior class. Miss Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Green, is a member of the freshman class at the University of Oklahoma. She is also a graduate of Central High.
First Lieutenant Jeroid L. Veni;er of the U. S. Army will travel to the east coast for a visit after spending Thanksgiving with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. A, Venger of Omaha. Lt. Vcnger is visit" Mr. Hiller has also served ns ing his parents after a 16-montll tour of duty in Korea. He will be treasurer of Temple Israel. Mr. and Mrs. Hiller have n son stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C. Richard Hiller and a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohn of Mrs. .Edward Rosen, both of this Beverly Hills, Calif., former Omacity. hans, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Colin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lcvinson. They will attend the Bar Mltzvnh of their grandson Ronald Greene which will be held December 2 and 3 at The intimacy of living theater Temple Israel. was combined with the warmth and richness of Jewish drama Robert Jaffer will Join his wife Saturday evening in n memorable presentation of "The World or nnd con here, who have been visiting Mrs. Jaffcrs' parenU Colonel Sholom Aleichem" at the Jewish nnd Mrs. Benjamin Stern. Mr. Community Center. Jaffera is a consulting engineer in Presented In English, the three Miami, Fla. The Jaffcrs will leave one-act plays retained most of the fur Miami this Saturday. color and charm of old world life storytelling. Perliaps some of the nuances of humor and pathos were Camp Site Committee lost in the translation from YidThe Jewish Community Center dish to English but it was compensated for by a clearer understand- Camp Site Committee, under the ing for those of us whose Yiddish chairmanship of Al Sophir, have explored camp s i t e s this week has become somewhat rusty. Superbly cast with members of which are under consideration as the original New York production, a permanent site for the Center the folk story, "A Tale of Chelm" camp. On Mr. Sophlr's committee followed by "Bontche Schwcig" are Ro!>ert Koopcr, Federation were only uppctlzers for the main vice-president; Dr. AbeGrcenbcrg, course of "The High School" by Federation vice-president; Harry Trustln, Federation treasurer, nnd Sholom Aleichem. Gerry Gross, li^re the magic storyteller wove a powerful picture of Jewish life in Russia at the turn of the cen- New Center in Paris tury. A m o t h e r ' s pt-rservcring Paris UTA) — A community » struggle aided by her teemlngly reluctant husband to send their center for youth, sponsored origton to a high school was unfolded inally by the Joint Distribution with keen Insight of one who had Committee nnd aided by grants lived and felt the very heartbeat from the Ford Foundation, wa» of the people around him. A com- opened here recently and hailed mentary on life at that time, the as a "unique example of cooperaplot was filled with the sad plight tion between International social of Jews who realized the prejudice welfare agencies.' toward tlirm yet strived to have The building was purchased something belter for their chil- through n Ford Foundation condren. All through the setbacks tribution, while furniture and and misfortunes of getting a Jew- equipment were furnished by tho ish bijy enrolled In the high school JDC and the Conference of Jew-"•'. . which would have frustrated most ish Material Claims Against Gerof us, the characters still main- many. Upkeep of the Center has tained their sense of humor. been taken over by SJU—the ccn- , We were Indeed fortunate lo tral Jewish welfare organization have this program presented In of France. Omaha and to bo treated to Conduct of the center will be glimpses into the past brought to patterned after the best practices life by a cast of superlative actors of American Institutions of this nnd actresses. H. H. nature.
'Sholom Aleichem World' Memorable
Sunday Radio and TV The Bible in Action series with its motivating theme of the dynamic relationship between the Bible and contemporary living will be broadcast over Radio WOW from 11:16 to 11:30 a. m. The series is presented by WOW in cooperation with the American Zionist Council. "David and Jonathan," a dramatization of the Biblcal story about a great friendship will be telecast on the Frontiers of Faith series over WOW-TV from 12:30 to 1 p. m. The story relates how the son of a king defied his father nnd renounced ambition to save a friend. This will be the last program on subjects of Jewish Interest for a time as the series rotates to programs of the Protestant and Catholic faiths. Rabbi Maurice N. Eiscndrath, president of Union of American Hebrew Congregations, will discuss "I Believe" on the Message of Israel series heard over KBON from 12KB to 12:30 p. in. "Not Without Tears" based on the writings of Sholom Aleichem will bo presented on the Eternal Light program over KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.
i • , : s
, MncMber 15, 1955.
Organizations IIADASSAH Omaha Hadassah Groups will meet this month for lunch and special programs Wedcsflny, Nov. 30, at 12:30 p. m. Besides the special feature, a panel discussion on "A Living, Living Judaism," with Omaha rabbis and their wives as participants, each group will present reports on the national Hadassah convention highlights. The Her/1 Group will have as its guests, llabbi and Mrs. Benjamin Groner, assisted by Mines. Henry Appel, Sheldon Lincoln and Adolph Mayer. Mrs. Arthur Goldstein will review Herman Wouk's convention message, "What I saw In Israel." Tills group meets at the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. The Szold Group, meeting at the YWCA, will hear Rabbi and Mrs. Meyer M. Kripkc. The Weitzman Group, which meets In the Lodge Room of the Jewish Community Center, will present Rnbbl and Mrs. Sidney Brooks. The latter group will also start their "Tree of Life" program at this meeting. Committee chairmen for n' IJ'rltli Women's Chapters who Will bold tbelr Fall Festival Card I'arly and Bazaar thin Sunday at BUclutone Hotel. Bark row (I. to r.) arc Mrs. lien Mugziunln, ad bookr Mrs. Abe Hear, party; Aim. Wrn. Abrahams, Jewel page; Mrs. Sol Dolgoff, bazaar; front row (I. to r.) Mm. Al Oruili, tickets; Mm. Phil Kutler, ad book; Mm. .Max Krlzclman, ad book; and Mrs. Dure Blelcher, fond raining.
Monsky, Nebraska Chapters Fall Festival at Blackstone B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky and Nebraska Chapters annual combined fund raising affair will be bcld thtj Sundny. The Fall Festival Card Party and Bazaar will begin at 8 p. m., at the Blackstone Hotel. The entire eighth floor has been reserved for the event. Each guest will receive a copy of the all new souvenir redpe and yearbook. The main door prize, n weekend vacation for two at Oakton Manor, luxury resort hotel located at Pewaukee, Wisconsin, will be prc, tented at 11:30 p. in. This vacation prize 1» l)elnK presented by the Shlndermcnt Management of Chicago. The bazaar will feature many fine and unusual bargains Including many lovely handmade items. The bazaar will have on sale Clia-
Sckar. The co-chairmen would appreciate more help. Any one wishing to help, p l e a s e call Mrs. Franklin, WE 5245, or Mrs. M. M. Poliakoff, RE 15G1. The women making up the motor corps are: Mmes. Benjamin Groner, Sam Stone, Harry Lewis, Morris C. Fellman, and Morris J. Franklin. The sale will be held at 1916 N. 24th st. Any one having saleable articles to donate, please call Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Poliakoff or Mrs. Zulk, WA 3979. B. V. SISTERHOOD Mrs. John Jesse will review "The'Lark Shall Sing" by Elizabeth Cadell at the Book Review Luncheon December 1 at 12:30 p. m. in Beth El Synagogue. The event sponsored by the Beth El Sisterhood, with Mrs. George Cohn and Mrs. Irving Schneiderman as chairmen, is Included In the Sisterhood Highlights Book of Events, and additional tickets may be secured from Mrs. Hubert Rosenblum, ticket chairman, who heads a committee including: Mesdames Max Bittner, Barton Greenbcrg, Stanford Lipsey, Owen Meyerson, Leonard Friedel, Donald Nogg, Gerald Rosen, Harold Wolfson, Edward Zorlnsky, Morlcy Zipursky, Margaret Katleman, Stanley Hcrzoff, Alex Plotkln and David Richards.
MIZRACHI WOMEN A rummage sale will be held by the Omaha Chapter Mizrachl Women Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 5 and 6. Mrs. Herman Franklin and Mrs. Mary Zalk are co-chairmen. Their sales and assisting committee are tho Mmes. H. Mrs. Charles Goldberg heads Brandstetter, Bessie Behn, Ida the Bake Sale committee, and she Brown, Eli Jabcnls and Frank will be assisted by the Mesdames
HMO Silver Jubilee \ Chairmen Announced | Hadassah Medical Organization chairmen, Mmes. J. J. Friedman and Ira Whltebook, and the Hadassah Donor chairman, Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, have announced the following committee chairmen to plan the HMO Silver Jubilee Donor Affair, which Is to be held Sunday afternoon, Dec. 11, at the Paxton Hotel Ballroom. The latest Israeli fashions, and piano selections by the piano foursome, Mmes. Harry DuBoff. Harry Trustln, Harry Roscnfeld, arid A. C. Fellman will be on the program. Production chairmen are Mmes, Irving Herzog and Norman Cain, assisted by Mmes. Leonard Friedel and Albert L. Feldman, decorations; Mrs. Millard Margolin, make-up, and Mmes. WlUIam Nash and Bernard Grecnberg, lighting. Mrs. Julius Stein Is chairman of the r e c e p t i o n committee and Mmes. David Fertll and Ben Kaslow are wardrobe chairmen.
David Chapman, Harry Collck, Willis Epstein, Leonard Friedel, Jack Green, Edwin Milder, Morrii Razntck and Bert Render. Decorations chairman Is Mrs. Harold Cooperman; Sitter service will be provided and guests are welcome.
nultah gifts. A Phllco television 8ct, a beautiful doll with a completely hand made full wardrobe will also be awarded. Members of B'nal B'rith Girls and AZA chapters No. One and 100 will assist throughout the cvenlnij. Mines. Harry Sidman, Joseph Upton and Joseph Lcvinsky are over-all co-chairmen for the gala affair.
i Hollywood (JTA)—"One nice thing about those little foreign cars,"1 says Danny Kaye. "If you Hood the carburetor you can Just •put the car over your shoulder •nd burp It And for a handy gan g s , just keep It In the box it 'CQfc In."
the Beautiful New CAMEO ROOMS SAFE-WAY
M~—>, ! i nmfnmMt sttat '.aw —n to
Cleaned In Your Home I Blotting • Laying - Repairing
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
A fur style show will precede the book review, and members of the congregation will tnofefc
SAM Mothers'Club The Omaha Sigma Alpha Mu Mother*' Club will be hostess to tho Lincoln Mothers' club at a 1 p. m.. luncheon, Tuesday, Nov. 29 at the borne of Mrs. Max Rosen, 6008 Burt s t Mothers of alumni are welcome. For reservation* call Mrs. Charles Fellman, KE 3110 or Mrs. Max Rosen, GL 5149. Reservation* must bo In by Sunday.
Teens on the Town Hi Guys and Gals, .To start tho week jnci off with flying colon there was a p.irty at Jeanle Goldstein's house fur Charlotte Brodkey and Mnurcen Zevitz. It was their fifteenth birthday. Happy Birthday! Some of the kids helping them celebrate were Wally Chernlak, Mur Rosenblatt, Diane Fellman, Nancy Lewis, Phyl Bernstein, Barb V/olfc, Judi Bin and Linda Kavich. Later in the evening a lew (??) boys came and crashed Afliong them were Howie Koopcr, Bob Joseph, Colman Greenberg, Pon Crconberg, Jeff Swartz, Mike Blatt, Bob Shapiro, Bob Brodkey, George Bialac, Mike Ptatt, Howard Slusky, and sixteen tons more. Also Friday nlte was the Sound Off at Central, Congratulations to all the boys who were promoted and to Joodi Lewis for being a candidate for Hiss NCOC
Itosi.n CiiilTii'l _. ...tin, I^jle K.isin 'n iMiK«j I'fldman, Gjyli' Fcltlnicin "n Maynard Jtoscn, Susie Wolfsyn 'n Mike Shrier, Judy Lozar 'n Chuck Ruvitz, Klalno Hi'iskin 'n Larry Uolx'rnian, Gloria Oatrow 'n Jerry Frcedman and Judy Conn 'n Mike Kurtz. In Lincoln over Suturday was Brcnda'Katznion 'n Murray -Vowman. Linda Roscnbaum 'n Jerry Gordfnan, Blarcla Zalkin 'n Mike Lazar, t-ols Moskovitz 'n Nornian Wine, Midge Grcenberg :'n Dick Raskin, Judy Grecnberg 'n Gene C3ohn, Lenic Wine "n Biff Bobrick, Dodfe Shapiro 'n Bill Cooper, jppdi Lewis 'n Dick Ensteln and Nancy Fricdlander 'n Howard Goldttcln. ' : That's about all tor this Week, end.
-•:••.••-• v
Linda, Judi and Maureen
Saturday afternoon found a lot of Rohanue pledges surprised when ttiey were initiated. What were ypji girls doing at TinersTT That night was their first party at the John' Goldner, chairman of the Highland Club. Seen having albt of fun was Cherna Schrager 'n Lar- Bo/s Youth Council AthlcUc Conunittce has announced : that ry CiUnsky, Nancy Vcnger 'n Bobby Epstein, Joyce Koom 'n Jerry this year's handball tournament will be held during the month of December at the Jewish Community Center. Entries must be turned In at the Health and Physical Education office on or before A sixth grade girls' club is be- 4:30 p. m., Monday. ing organized at the Center unCompetition in handball will be dcr the direction of Miss Sandra Fisher. Miss Terry Milder was in. singles and doubles play. elected president. Other officers Hollywood (JTA)—Milton Berle, axe Judy Vcret, vice-president; desirous of raising money at a Barbara ICaplan, secretary; Nancy benefit, said to the audience: "All Fellman. treasurer, and Carol Ro- who will give $100 stand, up." senbaum, scrficant-at-arms. Then he turned to the musicians The club meets every Sunday and whispered: "Quick! Play the at 2;15 p. m. at the Center and Star-Spanglcd Banner!" all sixth grade girls arc invited to Join. A slumber at Camp BrewJust Received ster is planned for Doccr.bcr 3.
Handball Tourney During December
YouHi Activities
Sixth and seventh crude boys will hold a splash party at the " Center this. Saturday from 7 to 8:30 p. m. The activities nn> under the direction of At Fcllmuii and Sherm Poslca. "Drama at the Jay," n Youth Council iponsored " d r a m t l l c t group for high schoolers, is presently casting several plays. All those Interested in nny phasr-s o<\ theatrical work arc invited to participate.
Shipment of Israeli and Domestic
(James and Series Buddy Marcus 177-157—334 .Sharon Frank 381-103—287 Roi;er Smith 1C5-106—271 Marvin Culm 146-123—269 Buddy Ucr/jifi 142-105—247 Martin Bercuvicl . . . 148- 90—238 Jim Krasni.' 131- 92—223 J .(ly Goldncr 129- 94—223 Men Colin 115-107—222 Kthci .Salx-s 120-101—221 Judy Wohlner 111-109—220 Lnrry Garrop . 113-105—218 Frances Rife 110-10C—216 Kdwin Sidman 109-105-214 145- 67—212 Epstein-Morgan Post No. 2C0, Gnry Paiilman JWV and Auxiliary will hold their Francos Cooperman 114. 97—211 a n n u a l Veterans Thanksgiving Bonnie Tarnoff . . . 137- 72—209 , 105-103—208 Dance this Saturday evening at John Suttin the Blackstone Hotel Ballroom. Ardeon Forljcs .»• • • 107-101—208 107-100—207 Funds derived from the dance Bob NOKB will be used for the JWV hosplttW Mclvln Epstein . . . 118- 8 3 - 2 0 1 120 program and other public service Larry Poltstein . . . . Jerry Rosenblatt . . 118 projects. Dancing will be to the tunes of Mike Green . . . . . . . 114 Doutslas Platt 112 Mai Dunn and his orchestra. Plans for the annual Christmas John Rlckcs . . . . . . . 105 Party at Veterans Hospital will Marlys Isack . . . . . . 104 be made at the Post's executive Helenc Franklin . . . 103 board meeting to be held at the Bobby Singer . . . . . 103 102 home of Abe Miller, 2925 N. 49th Jerry Ciplnko Betty Welner . . . . . 100 St., at 8 p. m., December 1,
Vets Thanksgiving Dance Saturday
NO SKILL tfijft
Just mix and bake
Write lot color folder: rate & rttfrvilioai ' ' information
MIXES make cake!
Sunday Brunch
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Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
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Mr. and Mrs. David Konnan announce the Har Mitzvah of their son Donald and Dr. and Mrs. David C. Platt announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Douglas at a Joint service at Beth El Synagogue this Friday evening and Saturday morning. Friends and relatives are invited to attend,both services and the receptions which will, follow. Bar Mitzvah of Jerry Clplnko, »pn of Mr. arid Mrs. Allen Clpinko, will be: celebrated this Saturday morning at Beth Israel Synagogue. Service will begin at 8 3 0 a. m. All friendi and' relative* are invited to attend the service and the Klddush following the service. •;: Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter Nancy will be celebrated this Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel". • .••;.; • r >;/•'.'• ''•• ' v ' ' Friends, and relatives arc invited to attend the services and reeeptloni which wlU follow. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levirtson announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Ronald Greene will be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday morning, Dec. 2 and 3 at Temple Israel. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend the services and the reception's which will follow.
Miss Frank Fires New High of 184 Buddy Mnreus fired the hi|;h series in the league, n 334; his 177 (jame was hich in the buys' division. 'Sharon Frank colloctcd the hii;h Kanie in the League . . . a new ^liRh. a 181. Splits v c r c co.nvorletl by Dick Zevitz, the 3-10 and Judy Friedman, the 5-7-9.
also fine stock of Talo-
A. h u m o r magazine' entitled r; "Sad" written by teenagers will bo sent to all Youth Council members shortly. Larry Lincoln Is editor-of the magazine, nsulntcd by Larry Herman, Arnold Welnpr. 3014 Webster Rlta.Katzman and Dick Spirr. Artlclef for the mi->T|n» may be - .turned -in ni the Youth Coundl .office. - ,
Pfion*- i tr 10 Ttir H-±iH l'i Curreir .-ati- II> 5 < l Uoa, riie i'rci-*
Bar and Bas Mitzvah
Chanuhah Menorahs
• • A'riflery group for Youth Coun. ' dlers has teen formed by Bob Fellman at the Center. The group meet* each Thursday at th(> Center and then travels-to .the City ' rifle range for tnrgef l«omix>titlon * New nieitibers-arc welcome, .- Howie Koopcr. -YouMr found] >^ reporter, announced that^Y.C. rosters, a directory of all members has been completed nt the print shop and will he mitler) out next week. The charge for ench rostor is 35 cents and can Ix? p.ild at the Youth Council office. The Jewish Youth Council ens undertaken the nr*narement of Tag Dav for the Omnhi Safety Council, it uas announced hy Art Novak, rrf-i'i«rt of th» cnunci). r Y. C. mnmbcrs will b- stations! at downtown shlonliit? riivtrirt this SatunJnv to 'solicit funds for the safety council.
Friday, November IS, 1»J».
rui iiwisn PRESS
P r a t Cakt M i V Sale* C * l MU ~
Meyer Cohen, i Director
AT 4252
Little Miss "Muffie" Real NewLook for 1955 il
•WiriishoM.tocks and lae*-tiimm*4 panties • 8 " ton, movable eyes, food, arms, • She stand1!, tit*, •.•••• .-...•;•
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Little Miss Muffie sits, stands, walks, moving her head from aide to slde^ with each stop. Her^walking unit is unconditionally guaranteed. Hair can be washed, combed, curled. Choice of Side Parts, Pigtails or* Ponytails in Blonde, Brunette, Auburn or Honey. Real eyelashes, eyebrows, too! * -
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Chnnukuh (frirtlni; ami Rift rani*. BAR and '»as Mitzvah coriRrntulatlons also for all Jewish holidays and sjwcial occasions. Meyers New» Stand. 1502_podge , IF" YOU like to shop witi7~ease, and be sure your gift will please Order a magazine subscription for Bar lUtzvahs and Chiinukah. Gift card furnished, - Mrs. Horwich, WA 3937.
56 Different Costumes Available! All newly designed as only Nancy Ann can style them. We illustrate but a few of the many available Maul and Phone Orders Welcome Toytown—Eighth Floor
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