eurj.u.rn < CVfc r> i m J iUJ it Dmncri N e t ra»ka • l » nf J>
Vol. XXXIV—Ni». K
Federation Endorses UJA Special Fund
Lind Bros. lighlight Israel Bond ioSS^. Dec. 7
Following n first hand report dent, .special plans have been ap, submitted by llymun Fercr, I'cd- proved to bring the message to eration past president, who at-leaders of the community and entended the recent emergency Unit- able Mr. Fercr to Interpret this ed Jewish Appeal conference, the urgent requirement for additional Executive Committee of the Fed-funds. eration for Jewish S'TVice voted In the meantime, collections of Friday to advise the national UJA 1955 pledges will be intensified office that every effort will hi1 during the month of December to made t » raise Omaha's share of enable the Philanthropies to rush ' the $25,000,000 apeclnl fond ur- allocated funds to UJA and other beneficiary agencies, " Jack W, gently needed to sustain Israel in Marer, Federation president emher struggle to maintain herself phasized. In this the most critical period of All preliminary work in the her existence. modernizing of the Center kitchen The consensus of the board was has been completed, Hol>ert II. to include the additional sum inKooper, Federation vice-president thte 1956 Philanthropies Campaign, reported. Equipment Is expected •* which will start earlier than usual to arrive In time have the entire to^mcct the extreme crisis. project completed' by January, he Upon'the suggestion of Morris added. An electrically operated E. Jacobs, Federation past presl- dumb-w a l t e r , new dishwashing equipment and other Improvements will completely modernize the kitchen and food service facilities a t the Center,' Mr. Koopei pointed out.
he Lind Brothers comedy_team ii be presented in a repeat performance a t the Israel Bond Rally to be held at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Dec. 7 In the Blackstone Ho- , lei. Tho Omaha "Bonds for Israel" Committee Is sending Invitations to the entire Jewish community to attend the bond rally, The critical situation which Israel has to^ace because of communist interference through sale of arms to Egypt underlines the urgent need for assurance that the people of Israel do not stand alone, bond committee spokesman stated. While there is no doubt that Israel will successfully surmount the present crisis, as it has those of the past, it is necessary ' to relieve some of tho burden which tho young democracy is asked to carry so that its peoplo can exert their greatest energy on defenffe and survival, he added. Israel's economic progress must The Und Hrotlurn (I. t<i r.) Murray, Dulr, nnd Phil. not be delayed or halted, the spokesmun continued. The purThe financial nnd service stateThe U.S. Government has des-ments for October were also dischase of Israel Bonds is the only ignated Hadassah as the central cussed. means by which we can make sure . agency to handle »nd direct the that the Industrial and agriculAttending the meeting were: distribution of surplus" American tural development as well as tho food In Israel. Mrs. Raphael Tour- Jack W. Marer, MiltOn Abrahams. integration of thousands of newDavid E, Bebcr, Harry B. Cohen, over, HHdassah's Washington repcomers can be brought nearer to resentative, negotiated the agree- Arthur A. Cohen, Hymari Ferer, Its goal, he concluded. ment with the International Co- IAH> FOX, Mrs. Mike Freeman, WilMembers of the Omaha "Bonds Washington ( J T A ) - T h e Soviet operation Administration. Mrs. liam Grodinsky, Morris E. Jacobs, Vienna (JTA),-— Large trans- for Israel" Committee are MesTourover announces that the first Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke, J. Harry bloc Is speeding up its arms ship- ports of arms from Czechoslovakia dames Herman Bondarln, J. H. shipments to Israel of surplus Khlakofsky, Dr. Morris Margolin, ments to Egypt in an attempt to destined for Egypt arc passing Kulakofsky, M o r r i s Grossman, American food under the new au- Ernest A. Nogg, Ralph Nogs, Joe complete delivery by the end' of through Austria, on route to theSam Wolf,_Mrs. Isldor Levlnson, • thorization will be made, sometime M. Rice, Honorable John Rosen- this year, according to reports Yugoslav port of Fiiimo, It was re- Messrs: Iz Chapman, Abo Gendler, blatt, Harry Sldmnn and Paul reaching here. in Dcccn.ner. ported here Sunday. Austrian au- Karl Louis, Jack Marer, Natij Verct. It is understood that among the thorities declared that they arc Nogg. Hyman Osoff. Joe Rice, Involved in tne first shipments arms already In Egypt arc MIG 15 not In a position to hinder these Gene Rich, Mort Richards, Hon. will be the Initial allocutions of jet fighters, tanks, artillery and transports since they arc sent in orable John Rosenblatt, Sam'Wolf; 1,000 tons of butter and 750 tons small arms. It Is believed that scaled cars and In full compliance Sam Rifkln, Dr. Abe Greonborg, of choose -items now In short supsmall coastal submarines are in-with existing international transit Paul Verct and Harry Welnborg. ply in Israel. Other .surplus foods cluded in the order, although there regulations. will bo added us they Income Is, as yet, no Indication that they The transports passing through available. Hadassah will assume The history nnd meaning of have beciv delivered. Austria contain light material responsibility for shipping to IsThe Washington b u r e a u of packed in boxes. Heavy material rael as well as warehousing and Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, 1 will bo the opening program on. Newsweek magazine reports that is being shipped by Czechoslovakia distributing in' Israel. the "Festival of Faiths" scries t o the Israel request for arms Is re-to tho port of Fiumc through HunThe food will be distributed free he telecast a' 3 p. m., thi.i Sunday New York (JTA)—Employment in Israel to oil persons designated over WOW-TV. 'Hie scries is ceiving "serious attention" In thegar}'. Communist technicians and as ".eligible" by established wel- sponsored by J. L. Brandels & respective government officers and secret police supervise the ship- discrimination against American "may. eventually be g r a n t e d . " ments, according to information Jews today continues to bo "widefare agencies. Included in this ca- Sons. . • . ' ' • However, the report adds that "no received here. spread," and there exists "suftegory will be children In klndcrRabbi Mycr S. Kripke of Both definite move Is expected until Well-informed sources here also ficient evidence of discrimination gorten, elementary and secondary HI Synagogue and Rabbi Sidney after the Christmas holiday." The stated that Soviet jet fighters of against Jews to prevent undue schools, financially unable, to pay for their meata; patients In hos-II. Brooks of -Temple Israel will same report reveals that a pro-the MIG 15 type, which were used optimism concerning prompt elimdiscuss the holiday of Chanukah posal that the U. S. give Israel a to the Korean war* as well as two- ination of that evil," according t» pitals and other Institutions; children in Youth Allynh camps and which will begin at sundown Fri- Security guarantee and at thomotored light bombers able to fly a hew study issued Mondjiy by the day. Doc. 9. A film of a typical same, time announce adherence to 600 miles per hour, arc flying from. American Jewish Congress. The settlements; and new Immigrants residing In reception camps. - holiday observance taken in t h ethe Baghdad Pact—which Includes Hungarian airports to Egypt, the study Is a summary and analysis home of Samuel Stone, n. teacher Britain, Iraq,. Iran,: Turkey and pilots being, partly from CommuMrs. Tourqvcr, who recently re- at Bith Israel Talmud Torab, will Pakistan—Is also under considera- nist countries and partly Egyptians of the published evidence in the field, prepared for tho World Jewturned from a seven-week trip to bo shown and narrated. " . tion, but is meeting with strong trained in Czechoslovakia. ish Congress for submission to the Israel, where the helped to estab- ; Adult choirs from Beth El and objections on the part of some Western diplomats term the International Labor Office. lish a special Hadastah bureau to Beth Israel and the; children's Washington officfals. ' shipment of Communist arms to On the basis of available data, v supervlsc the surplus food dlschoir of Temple Israel will provide Egypt through; Yugoslav ports on "American Jews still face handi- tribution, estimated 'that approx- the musical background during'the Yugoslav: ships "a masterpiece of caps in obtaining employment, , tmately 250,000 persons in Israel p r o g r a m . . - : - • • / ^ • • • • ; ' , : ' \ i v : - ' . . • : ' Tito's double-edged policy." Thoy handicaps that arc not faced by Sunday Radio would benefit this year from the Ray. Cl'rirki" WOW/news, com- ' The Bible in Action scries point out that on one hand Tito non-Jews," the AJC report disp r o g r a m . • ' 'y'), '..•-••',,••' discusses* with U . S . Secretary of closes^ "Jews are largely excluded mentator, will Berve as master of with Its motivating theme of ceremonies. The second in the new the dynamic relationship be- State John Foster .Dulles the from many of the basic Industries, scries will bo presented by the tween the Bible nnd contem- maintenance of peace In the Mid- such as commercial banking, autoOmaha Council of Churches and porary living will be broadcast die East, while on the other hand mobile manufacturing, shipping the closing program will bo de- over Radio WOW from 11:15 he undermines the Western de- a n d transportation, agriculture voted to the Catholic Church. to 11:30 a. m. The series is fense system against Communism and mining. They tend, as a represented by WOW In cooper- yb permitting the use of Fluma as sult, to be concentrated In speculaIn making tho announcement, ation with the American Zion- the port for transshipment of tive industries, retail trade and the '. Omaha Jewish servicemen sta- Karl N. Louis,'vice-president and Communist arms to Egypt. ist Council. professions." tioned overseas and In the state) general manager of Brandels store The report points out that most Will receive Chanukah gifts from said: 'This series of programs is Americans' arc gainfully employed. Rabbi Nathan Perlman, splrthe Omaha Jewish Community presented for the puri'osc of cre"The fact of full employment and lttffll leader of Congregation sent by the Federation of Jewish ating a finer sense of brotherhood relative prosperity at this timo opEmanu-El in New York City, Women's Clubs. Mrs. M. A. Vcn-nnd greater understanding ^>f all the citizens of this area regarderates to obscure the effects o will discuss "Prayer Does gcr is chairman nnd Mrs. Jacob less of belief." " Help" on the Message of Israel Garon Is co-chairman of tho projUnited Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— anti-Semitic discrimination," the series heard over KBON from Egypt has committed twcnly- report declares. "A tightening In ect. 12:03 to 12:30 p. m. three acts of aggression and es- the labor market might well proMrs. Bernard Greenberg and pionage against Israel since the duce a more discouraging picture.* Mrs. William Nash wrapped the Philanthropies Budget "The Top That Ran Away," Nitzana ccase-flro went into effect The new report relics upon puboverseas packages. The following Committee Will Meet a special Chanukah children's on November 4, while nine sabo lished demographic studies Under*' memijcrs of Dcbkn Debs, a memstory will he presented on the tage nttacks against Israel were taken by individual communities,: A meeting of tho "Budget Comber club of the Jewish Youth CounEternal Light series over KFAB carried out during the same pe- surveys of specific occupations and cil, packaged the Rifts for service- mittee of the Jewish Philanfrom 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. riod by Egyptian "fedayeen" oper- the judgment of informed observmen In U.S.: Misses Jane Tollman, thropies will be held Sunday mornLynnettc Forbes,'Barbara Garber, ing, Dee. \ at 10:15 o'clock In the The program, under .the aus- ating out of Jordan, according to ers. "Such studies, while providpices of the Jewish Theological an Israel complaint filed with the ing some insight Into the economic Beverly Goldberg, Judy Greenhorn, Jewish Community Center, NnSeminary, Is a fantasy nbout Security Council here this week' structure of American Jewry," the Midge Greenberg, Shelley Green- than L. Nogg, budget committee two littlo boys who wanted a end. berg and Bonnie Haykin. Mrs. Paul chairman announced. AJC notes, "do not cover all Jew* ' Chanukah present their mother Grossman verified the addresses. The complaint was in the form ish communities. Nevertheless,' It Allocations to beneficiary agencould not afford and how they of a three-page letter handed t o Is Interesting that whatever, inMrs. Edward K. Brodkey is presi- cies from the proceeds of the 1955 learned the value of self-sacri- Nasrollah Entezam of Iran, this formation Is available reveals that dent of the federation of clubs. drive will bo discussed! for presenfice. month's president of the Council, discrimination against Jews conKueh gift contained a hair brush tation to the Executive Commitby Mordecai R. Klrdon. tinues to be widespread. ' tee. kit with toilet articles.
Hadassah to Direct U.S. Food to Israel
Speed-Up In Delivery Of Red Arms to Egypt
Story of Chanukah Will Be Telecast
Anti-Jewish Job Bias 'Widespread
Chanukah Gifts for Servicemen
Sabotage Attacks By Egyptians Told
- - • > -
Friday, Den-mber 2. 1B53.
0maha Sketches
Beth El Sabbath Dinner Roffman's House A Sabbath eve dinner will foe Of Delicacies Opens
held a t G p. m., Dec. il, in 3eth El The grand openinj; of Roffinanj social hull. Mrs. A. V. Friedman Theodore G< rshun, ;i n;iti\<j of anil Mrs. Jack LuttlH'j; and their House of Delicacies in Ueverly Council liluffs. will receive his de- circle l.'i of the sisterhood arc in Hills Plaza Is heinc held this IKi . 1II0*—I'd cree of lAictor of Philosophy, ul charge of the affair. KeMTvations weekend. 'Die new store nt 7Ri() lot taa Dodj;e street is incorporated by commencement exercises ;i\ the HARH? HALPER1 -••• Editui UniverMty of Minnesota Decem- may be made by callirij; the tyna- three native Omahans with Marrvp.ii'1 office. GI. .•I2.T vey Hoffman, president; Hob ber J5. He is the son of Mr. mul Members and friends are urf;ed Schiller, vice-president, and NorMrs. Ken I. O r s h i l n of the Muffs; to come in family groups and ntand has been vi:;itinc with his parman Hoffman, .secretary-treasurer. tend the .Sabbath and Cha.tukah ents for the past few wcek^. The Hoffman family has been In service which will follow. A mcehanir.-l cn;;inr'i'r. Mr. (,CTthe food business for 25 jean;. The News and Happenings At Tin'shun ifcoivcd his baclnlor of ni;vv store vvil' stock the finest vaOr. Philip Sher Jewish Hi.nv Tor sdt'net' dejjri c from the Stair Uniriety of domestic (ind imported The Aged, by David Orltuw. versity o f Iowa and his mas rr's Chanukah Dinner by foods nnd will have the midwest's Nov. 20: Omaha Section. Na- fruin tho University of \V;ishinf;- Beth Israel P-TA outstanding Kosher delicatessen, tional Council of Jewish Women':, loii in .Seattle. He Is a cmiUiato of Harvey Hoffman stated. Beth Isrne. I'-TA will hold Its Thanksgiving Party success was Abrahmn Uncoln Hii;h School. The sandwich bar will feature due to big turnout. The entertainMr. (Jei-shun'.'i oiii:inal doctoral animal -family Chanukah dinner ment was provided by a Central research thesia is entitled "The Sunday, Dec. 11 ut 5:30 p. m. In sandwiches made of the finest kosher delicatessen meats and Services Friday at Beth El Sy- High Travelling Troupe Gruupc Study of Conductive Heat Trans- Beth Israel tocial hall. Plans a r e imported cheeses. The shop nagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m.and a yiddlsche skit "Die Tzlmes" fer with Chance of Phase-Mathe- bcinr, made by the committee also was designed and dec-. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will speak by Mrs. Sam Horwich and Mrs. inatical and Analoj;ue Solutions." headed by Mrs. Abe L. Fc-ldman, Interior orated by a well-known Omaha on "Christianity—Iti Jewish and Leonard Pinko witz at the piano. Mr. Gershun and his wife will chairman. designer. High Fidelity music wiU non-Jewirh Origins." Cantor Aaron Refreshments of fruit, cakes anil malcc their home in I^os Anf'elci'. fiayle Fcldman, dauijHer of Mr. provide a pleasant background for I. Edgar and the choir will render tea were served by Mrs. I. W. Calif., where he has accepted the and Mrs. Abe Fcldman will play shopping. The shop will bo. open the musical portions of the serv- Forbes, chairman and the Mes-post of associate rirofcssor in the piano and a new Chanukah seven days a week from 10 a. m. dames L. Friedman. A. Garr, J. mechanical engineering a t the color film will be shown. ice. to 10 p. m. Solomon, H. Haykin, I. Abramson. Reservations fihould be made Sabbfath morning services will Sol Nogg. I I Krantz, M. Rnitstein, University of Southern California. Breads and bakery specialities He is a veteran of World War well In advance of the closinR by Adler's Bakery will be exclube'at 8:30 o'clock. Junior congre- S. Horwich, E. Green, D. Kmntz, H and served In the south Pacific date, Dec. 8. Call R E G288 for sively offered at the House of gation services are at 10:45 a. m. J. B. Gidlnsky. B. Taxman, A. theater ns a navigator-bombardier. reservations. KrinR your Mcnorahs Delicacies. Famous brands ot Mlncha Mnarlv cervices are atGinsburg and S. Orloff. While in Omaha, they visited and candles. 4:30 p. m. Sunday services are at frozen kosher foods will Include Nov. 22: Brownie Troop 310 of Mrs. Gershun's uncle and aunt, Mr. 9 a. ra. Dinner Is ifl.75 for adults a n d cheese, bflnzes, rice hazels, strode!, Jefferson School visited and en-and Mrs. Alfred Frank. chopped herring and liver and $1.2!> for children. Dally services are at 7 a. in.tertained with songs, brought many others. and 7 p.m. Thanksgiving place-mats and baHoward ICaslow, Bon of Mr. and Hollywood (JTA) — A wealthy nanas for all the residents. Mrs. Ben Kaslow and Marvin Nov. 22: Rabbi Sidney IL Frcedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. screen star had recently married her," one said. "He sure spent Temple Israel Brook's topic for discussion was Irving Freedman, teamed up t o a young starlet, and two of his enough cash on ylfts for her," "Yes," the other director said. Worship services Friday evening "The Maccabees and their place win a debate tournament at Doane director friends were talking It will be held at 8 p. m- In Temple in Jewish History." An question College at Crete, Ncbr. The Cen- over. "Well, he finally mnrrle/J "He married her for his money." and answer period followed. tral High School Juniors arc past Israel Rabbi Sidney H. Brocks will preach a sermon "Is America Nov. 23: The flowers in the home presidents of AZA No. 100 of the the past week were donated by Jewish Youth Council. Mr. Kaslow Under Godalso won first place in radio newsServices Saturday rooming for Mr. and Mrs. M. Treller. adults and members of tbe re- Nov. 24: Thanksgiving Dinner casting.. with all the trimmings was the orligious school at 11:30 o'clock. der of this day: Adolf Mayer, was recently electDec. 12: Chanukah Party at ed treasurer of the Omaha Grain 2:30 p. m. sponsored by Temple Exchange. A member of the board Beth Israel Israel Sisterhood. of director, he Was president of ANNOUNCES RabM Benjamin Croncr. Cantor Memorial Services in The Home the exchange in 195Z The exEll Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and Synagogue for the Month of Kis- change serves as a meeting place Talmud torah High School classes, lev will be held for the following: for trade in grains raised in Nea New Associate will conduct late Friday evening Klilev 1—Nov. 16, Mrs. Joseph braska. services at 8 »>. m. in Real Estate Kosowsky. Klsiev 10—Nov. 25. Mrs. Meyer Traditional Friday evening servRichard Hlller was elected asBrokerage Dept. ices CKabboUs Shabbos) begin at PoUshnik. sistant treasurer of Children* Me4 JO p. m. Sabbath morning servKlsiev 19~Dec. 4, Harry Dwor- morial Hospital. Mrs. Jay Cherices at 8:30 a. m. Junior congrega- sky. • niack and Mr. Hiller were named tion at 10 a. m. Sabbath Mincha Klilev 29—Dec. 14. Harry L. to the board of trustees. at 4:30 p. m., followed by Sho- Cohen. Icshe S'cudos and Maariv Dally morning services ot 7 a. m.; after- Monument Dedication Specializing noon services at 4:30 p. m. SunThe family of the late Mrs. Herday morning services at 8:45 n. man Kaiman will dedicate a monRonald J. Greene, son of Mr. in Residential Sales m., followed Rabbi's class in Biand Mrs. Kdward I>evinson, will ble. Sunday morning Junior min- ument in her memory at 2 p. m. celebrate his liar Mitzvah this FriSunday, Dec. 4 at Fishch Farm yan at 8:30 a. m. "From the Woman's Viewpoint" Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Gronor day evening ;>ml Saturday mornc at Temple Israel. Tbe Talmud Discussion group of Beth Israel Synagojjue will ofFriends and relatives arc Invited meets every Tuesday ,at 8 p. m. ficiate. Friends anfl relatives are at BHH Synagogue, M9th and invited to attend the memorial to attend both services nnd the receptions which will follow. Burl service. gnMlstwl Every «TM«j O) Uw Bedcnmon tot Jewtab 8crvu*
•« «MM.u-C4a
Religious News
« # •
U Utt
& «
UtTS 4
With the Folks At Home
Bar Mi+zvahs
RE 5008—Office
at the Bkrckstone Hotel. Ballroom, 8th Floor ' Admission 50 Cents Per Person (Coffee and Cafe). '
GL 1486—Home
Friday, DMcndwr *. 1815.
Pictured above from L lo r. are committee mrmlxm of HailattSUver Jubllto Donor Affulr. Tliry are Mines. I tin Kahlow, Alfred Fiedler (chairman), David FertU, Norninn Cain anil Julius Stein. Mr*. Irving IIrrzo£, a committee momlier, Is not shown.
Silver Jubilee Donor Affair Israeli Fashions at Hadassah A fashion show of Israeli originals Wilt be presented at the Iladass&h Medical Organization Sil ver Jubilee Donor Affair which Will be held at 2 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 11 In the Paxton Hotel Baliroom. These latest In fashions come from the Alice SeliKsberg School of Design, a Hadassah vocational project In Israel. A piano foursome composed of Mmcs. Harry DuBorf, A. C. Fellman, Harry Rosenfeld nnd Harry Tru»Un will offer a program of musical selections. A door prize will lie awarded and a buffet will be served. Husbands arc invited to attend. Others appearing on the program Will be Mrs. David Hrodkcy, cha•ter president; Chapter HMO and Vocational Education Chairmen, Mmes. J. J. Frleilmnn and Ira Whltebook; Group II. M. O. Chairmen, Mmcs. Joseph Iiernstein, Fred nrodkey, Albert Fox, Sidney Katleman, W i l l i a m Rnduzincr, Samuel Rothcnbcrg, Joseph Soshnlck, T. A. Tully, and Albert Wohlncr; the H.&P. H. M. O. chairmen, Mrs. Charlex Iloss and the Misses Rebecca Dcroovlcl and Jean Kaplan; gift fund chairman, Mrs. Leo Weilz; playinc group chairman, Mrs. Max Canar; and past presidents, Mmes. J. H. Kulakofnky, A. D. Frank, Julius Stein, M. F. Lcvcnson, Julius Abrahnm*»on, Irvin E. Levin, Samuel Wolf, Isador Levlnson, and M o r r i s Franklin. The Hadassah Medical Organization if <m Important trail blazer In the field of medical research.
This report has come from Dr. Knlman J. Mann, Director General of the Ilndaj&ah Medical OrRanlzation—n report which planned the discovery of platelet crouplngs In human bood, to procedures for eliminating toxic fungi In fish ponds—from spotting leprosy even before outward signs appeared, to on-the-spot pregnancy testing.
Face Tbrea 1
T. I. HISTKItHOOD "Jewish Composers, Berlin to Bernstein," will be the featured ikit at the Tuesday, Dee. 6 meeting of Temple Israel Sisterhood. The one o'clock luncheon will be preceded by an 11 p. m. board meeting. Mrs. Lawrence PJattncr and Mrs. William Koije] are In charge of the program. Members of the cast include: Mcsdomcs Marvin Taxman, Robert Silverm a n, Norman Siegel, Sanford Urophy and Milton Waldbaum. . The musical portion of the program will feature Myron Cohen, conccrtmuster of the Omaha .Symphony Orchestra and well-known Omaha violinist. Mrs. Harry Duboff will be accompanist. Luncheon chairman for thi* meeting will be Mrs. Ernest Pnesman, assisted by Mmes.' Joe Jacobs, Nathan Novak, A. Ginsburg, E. W. Greenberg, Alfred Brody, Hilda Hoffman, Jacob Hess, Laz..r Kavich, Stuart Gillnsky and Herman Goldstein. Mrs. Harry Altsuler is general luncheon chairman. II. K. SIHTKKIIOOD Beth El Sisterhood board meeting will be held at a 12:30 p. m. luncheon Tuesday, Dec. 6 in the synagogue social hall. Mcsdamcs Leonard Gould and Harold Cooperman arc co-chairmen. They wijl be assisted by: Mmcs. A. Z. Friedman, Yale Ginsburg, Seymour Goldston, Leon Graetz, Sam H. Green, Bruce GrcenbcrB, Sam H. Grecnbcrg, Jcrald Gross, Max Grossman and Joseph Homstcin.
SDT Mothers' Club Theta Chapter of SlRtna Delta Tau Mothers' Club will hold Its luncheon meeting at 12:30 p. m., Thursday, Dec. 8 at the home of lira. A. A. Steinberg, 1C10 S. 35th f t Mr*. Ben Simons will be cohostess. All members wishing to attend call Mrs. Steinberg, WE 4455.
Hadassah Bowling High games and series in the Hadassah Bowling league are: B. Swartz 489, £ . Ross 474, S. Greenberg 457, A. Schulman 455, L. Faier 454, L. Sachs 444, S. Shrager 443, R. Gclfand 437, D. Fcltmao 431, L. Hobcrman 430, D. Rubin 423. E. Turkel 422, S. Trctlak 420, R. Klein 418, S. Lewis 413, R. Pltlor 410, E Jacobscn 408, P. Hoberman 404, A. Kirschcnbaum 403, B. Zalkln 402.
Cousins' Club Mrs. Morrit Grossman will entertain members of the Cousins' Club at a 12:30 p. m. luncheon Wednesday, Dec. 7 to the Bfcdcstone Hotel. ••.....
« & V HADASSAH December meeting of the Business & Professional Women's Group will be an open board meeting combined with the regular meeting to be held at 7 p. m., Tuesday, Dec. G, at the Paxton Hotel. (Dinner optional at 6 o'clock.) Our part in Youth Aliyah will be featured by Beverly Bernstein, Youth Aliyah chairman. A ptaylet "So Much To Tell"—a Youth Aliyah tribute, will be presented by the following cast: Fan Sherman as Henrietta S/.old; Ahuvah Gcrshater as Counselor; Lee GrcenLcrg as Nurse; Beverly Bernstein as a soldier; Eve K6nccky as the teacher. Also on the program there will be Israeli songs by Julia Zuker, accompanied by Mary Ann Moyer. Hostesses will be Mmes. Sally Meyers and Julia Jacobs. Bring Oianukah gifts 1 SEWING GROUP The Sewing Group of the B'nal B'rith Chapter No. 470 will meet at 10 a. m., Monday, Dec. 5, at Beth El Synagogue. The group is now making children's clothing; for the B'nal B'rith Children's Home in Israel. Mrs. A. L. Cohen Is Chairman. She asks that all interested persons come to the meeting and Join the group.
IT.UETZ IUKSCHBEIN A regular meeting of the Peretz Hirschbcln club was held recently at the home of Mrs. Jake Cohen. Mrs. Cohen was chairman and also gave a reading. Mmes, J, Rtindall, L. Rabensteln and S. Susaman were guests. Mn. KUberg of California tent four handsewn aprons to be raffled off at' tho next meeting. < Donations amounted to $30 which will be sent to needy Jewish organizations. B. I. SISTERHOOD The members of Beth Israel Sisterhood board will meet December 6, at 12:45 p. m. in the synagogue meeting room.
Today, Tomorrow and Sunday
ZBT Mothers Club The Mothers Club of the Zcta Beta Tau Fraternity will hold its luncheon meeting at 12:30 p. m.. Thursday, Dec. 8 at the Dundee Dell. Mrs. David Hobcrman and Mrs. Mlllard Krasnc arc co-hostesscs. Mothers of fraternity alumni arc invited to attend. Call cither hostess for reservations.
MONSKV CHAPTER The regular monthly meeting of the Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 of B'nal B'rith will be held at 1 p. m. Wednesday, Dec, 7, at the Jewish Community Center. This will be in the form of a Chanukah luncheon and party. Mrs. Abe Ginsberg is !.. charge ot the luncheon. Mrs. George Cohen, program chairman announced the program will Include a skit entitled "The Big Pay-O.'f," a take off on tho Groucho Murx. TV program "You Bet Your Life." The cast will consist of: Mesdames Nate Kaplan, Hurry Smith, Sidney Zneimer, Dan Gordinan, Stanley Shapiro and Abe Ginsberg. Cards and Muh Jong will follow the short business meeting. Baby sitter service will be provided
7820 Dodge In Beverly Hills Plaza
Roses for the Ladies. Gifts for the Youngsters and Refreshments Open Daily, Saturday and Sunday, 10 A.M.-I0 P.M. ROFFMAN'S HOUSE OF DELICACIES FEATURES Felnberg's Kosher Meat Products ' Cresea Food Imports Reese Food Imports . , Raffetto Food Products Richelieu Canned Foods
' •
•'•'>.. * • '
Adler's Bakery Goods - . Alamito Dairy Products H W I M O O R Cheese Products Imported and Domestic Swiss, Engflsh, and Dutch Candy & Biscuits Imports Da Mir's California Fruit Baskets Chanukah Candy Israeli Food Products - • • Sandwich Counter
*y*T#^ IUI
2nd Concert Not 'One Man Peace Best in U.S. Music Mission'Killed
Center Swim Classes
Library Lane
Registration is open fur children and adults In the Jewish Commuliy Itohille 1-irtli Smith JUUIIIMM UTAI —A volley of nity Center swim clashes. Classes By Hans ISacr I,Jaj;ub(;rt D. Huncs. Doctor of Imti liy Ai ill Legionnaires just for youncsters are liold Monday Tim O n ih I S)m|i<i >ii) O n ' i , I) r.ire niidnii:nt Sunday ended u through Thursday from rt;15 to Philo-soiihy of the University of t! t i h i'i i n i u s f r i n d c >ilO'M .it u,i' -jn in p 'icj mission and the 5:15 p. m., nnd adult elitssrs ;tre Vienna, has written many books, ' AJI A i i i M i f a n M u - i c I*J>> life of JoM'jih Cohen, 30-year-old from 7:30 to 8.C0 p. in. Jltcrea- but the two i-r.uipimori volumes, w i t h (_inni>u-,itiiMH b> P . u n e , CJi id citi/m of Israel. The ragged volwide ;tnd Jlowarci Hanson, director ley killed Cohen outright and tional swim for Center nu-inbers is "Letters to my Kcm" and "Letter! of tin.' Kaslman School in Iloches turned the while flag of truce on Sunday afternoons from .'!:.'!0 to my IXiurht* i." contain the estor. 'Ilie works uf all of them are w h i c h he was carrying into a to 4:30 o'clock. Mixed adult .swim si-iire of a i.iM' v\ istlom. |s held Tuesday and Thursday evenut American, but in style and bloodied shroud. Many of these letters deal with ideas borrowed from Europe. Kvcn Cohen, father of four children, nings from 8:30 to 9:30 p. m. man's inhumanity to man: in fact, Hanson's Symphony In E Minor was born In the Old City of Jeru- Youth Council swim sessions nre "The Nordic" has no American salem but had lived in Tel Aviv Monday and Tuesday from 3:3tj each book is dedicated to - the memory of "victims of Teutonic traits. His music is a result from since tho War of Liberation, which to 4:15 p. m. Brahm's, Bruckner's and Wagner's saw the Old City overrun and ocfury," members of Dr. Kuncs own influences. We woyld have been cupied by Jordan forces. In his family. " very happy to have heard genuine one-man peace mission be had al-Health Club Masseur IS one letter Dr, Runes writes: American music, but this cannot ready called on Premier David Ben be made possible without works by Gurioir and upon MaJ. Gen. E. L. Frank Agce has returned to the "Do not obey any law, .my son, Gershwin. Gershwin is without M. Burns, UN peace supervisor, Jewish Community Health Club neither the law of politics nor Ihe doubt the creator of a musical art whose aid he sought In reaching as masseur, Les Burkcnroad. law of religion nor the law of which in style and melody is King Hussein of Jordan. If he chairmtftv of the Center Health custom. Don't <ct the law master Jane Pelbtun standing on a lonely place and has could only speak with the Arab and Physical Education Commit- your heart. Let tho heart master In its lyrics something of the sultry king, Cohen believed, he would be tee, announced. The Health club is your conduct." and touching feeling of the true able to bring about peace between open from 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. on There is a quiet eloquence In weekdays and 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.every letter; this author remind* American composer Stephen Fas- Israel and Jordan. ,•,'". By Howie Hooper ter. one of Thorcau. even though tbfl Sunday night, apparently with- on Sunday. Janlc F 6 I I m a n , 17-ycar-old Mr. Agce has worked in fnmous transcendental quality is absent The program offered a surprise out consulting any authorities, Codaughter of Dr. and Mrs. Leon midwestcrn resorts. Me got hisHis son and his daughter are for• Fcllman i s very deserving of theIn a negative way. Henry Cowell, hen embarked upon his journey start in 1919 as athletic trainer tunate Indeed, that their father i i honor of Teen of t h e Week. "pianist," appeared in an original across no-man's-land in the vicinfor "Phog" Allen, famous basket- Dagobcrt D. Runes, father of JusScholastlcally Janic is a three- composition as soloist with the or- ity of the Damascus Gate. tice. ball coach. year-member of the Junior Honor chestra. Mr. Cowell, a Jolly perSociety. A senior at Central, Miss sonality plays very seldom the pi- Jr. B.B. Bowling Fcllman has taken part in many ano with his ten fingers and if he Marvin Conn and Carolyn Dolclub activities luch as Thespians, docs i t only to demonstrate hU Roff paced the Junior B'nai B'rlth Inter-American Club, Junior Red mediocrity as pianist. However, Bowling League last Sunday. MarCross Council, Central High Play- he hammer* the piano with his tin rolled games of 158 and 126 ers. Library Club and Colleens. forearms and palms and shows for for a 284 scries and Carolyn fired She u a s chosen vice-president of the enjoyment of a part of the au< games of 132 and 102 for a 234 , Thespians and has served as treas- dlencc nothing more than clown' scries. "*• urer of Junior Red Cross Council Ing. He was very much out of and Vice-lPresidcnt of Inler-Ameri- place In (he concerts of the Omaha can Club. As Advertising MKIJ- Symphony Orchestra which just agcr, Janic also helps to put out n its first evening of this season presented the masterful Alma the Central High I L RUG & UPHOLSTERY Ti IO.
Teen of the Week
Center Sports
B.E. Consecration, Chanukah Programs ~
The first competition of the year In Center Midget Basketball Beth Kl Sunuuy school will preLeague saw some fast and furious action in both the "A" nnd "I!"sent a Chanukah program Sunday, Dec. 4, from 10:45 to 11:15 a. m. I I B 4 ! B 9 * Layl»9 - Repairing divisions. After three weeks of practice, coaches Sam Bnn, Bobin-social hall of the Synagogue- Don Bernstein HA 2554 Fromkin, Shef Kakkce, Larry The program will feature a playPlflttncr, Dan Epstein and Cave let entitled "Chanukah Circus," Widman separated over eighty under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Goldston and Mrs. boys Into two divisions. Krvin Simon. It will be preifnt«-<l Sponsors provide uniforms and by the pupils' of the third crude. equipment for each team during Parents of Sunday School pupils the season. lire invited io attend. ' High scorer for the Tint round of play was Don liolllg who scored 17 points for hit team In the "A" The pupils of Classes Giml'l in division and led them to a 31-22 the.Beth Kl Talmud Tnrah will victory. Play in the "B" division b? consecrated to the study of was much tlower than expected, Toriih at the service Friday evebut game experience will giwn take ning, Dec. 9. * up the sSpf'I*upils who will participate in the service are: Marshall Abr.imx, Atter lour weeks of cm Marlcne Frecdman, Floyd Freidcn, in the Junior Youth Council Howl- Neil Gcndlcr, Judy Goldberg, Joing League, the standing nrc \ery eph Greenbcrg, Philip Greenben;. dose with tics for first, third and Kenneth H o b e r m a n. Frances fourth with only four names «ep- lornsteln. Isabel Hurwit/, Nettu aratlng the first from the fifth Kripke. Susan Lincoln, Judith teams. Hell's Angels nnd the 4 Nogg, Aileen Kimmcrman, Harlcy Aces nre on top with n 7-1 record Schrager, Frances Shricr and while the Lucky Leaguers stand Lloyd Wohlncr. alone in second with a 5-3 tally. Olhors arc: Edward Altman, Jerry Pitnlls held the high game this ueek with 158 while Mike Jeffrey Altkuler, Debliy Bnkcr, Sadofsky walked off with High Jerry Faler. M»rc Goldston. Mark Goodman, Paul Kaiman, Joanne Scrim honors'with a 289. Kaplan, Ira ^Tofbergcr. Jerojd Top bowlers in this league Schneider, Jeffrey Pasier, Donald through the month have been Swnrtz, Jeffrey Swartz nnd Barry Howie. Feldmph. Jim OxxsH, Gail Zoob. Shrier. Juvin nan and Fiill HOTwlch, all being included in the lop Others are: Hugh Abrahnmson, Barbara Aron. Rosalind ISordy, ten almost e^cry week. Darbnra Chudacoff.'Allcc Fellman. Vcni Vcdl Vcci is stiil on topHubert Fox. Linda Gract/., Lawafter eight weeks of bowling Sun- rence Grossman, Janl.i Jnnger, day mornings in the Youth Coun- Keith. Levin. Kojey Levin, Jeffrey cil JBoys Bowling League Members Noddle, Carl fUekes, Joyce lU'iiof the team arc Mike Platt, How- drr, Lloyd Koitiitein, Paul Itosen, ard Ko»pcr, Mnynarr1 Ilnsrn. Bob Harry, Ted S.infonl, Llnila Sirnon.s. Susan Siutzky, Uemie Ensterin and Marty Sophlr. '• In this league, records Miow '.irnoff. Judith Turner. Ilelene that the high individual gnmc of Wpinrw.Tj,', Piiul.'i I'creutt, Uar222 was roll-d by Larry I If i m m Ijara IIIT/O;; and Lfndn Kielce*. and Bob Knstein, but that I-arry Herman has* the hi^h indrndml scries with a r>90. Illch team games in Vrni Vedi Vcci wi'h a 734 and the high tf-im w i n . "nn vn y;uj iVani Aa to Riiyim SOS will] 20W wiMj I'M i
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Kadimah Chanukah Party for Children
• IianriUnli greeting and gift cards, >AH and '!as Mi(zv;ih congratulations also for all Jewish liollMr. ;inrl Mis ('imli s "Cii*s will flijs and s,x.ri,il occasions. be hosts ;it a Chanukah parly for the children of Kadimah members Meyers New., Stand. 2502 Dodge at 2 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 11 nt .OST— Arnold joffe Ios7"iilij"grey topcoat (it Belli Kl Syn;i(:o|nie their home. 5703 Hnrney at. Children will exchange jrift1; nnd re- Friday nljiht. Will tho finder plrase rail tlic synagogue office. freshments will be served. Parents CI, ,')221.' . are welcome.
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