December 9, 1955

Page 1



—No. 1).




DKCKMMKH 0, 1955.

Chanukah At Reljgi

, dlncl*



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<jicint Arms Deal

Children i.) Omaha religious of Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will also Washington (WNS)—Coiifirinulion that Kgypt had con» schools will celebrate Chnnukah, take part in the program. the Feast of Dedication, which betractetl to purchase if2:(0,000,0()0 worth of arms in the next i'iv9 Ueth Israe Sunday School chilgin* at sundown today. The cele- dren will exchange Ohanukah years from Czechoslovakia was intimated here by S t a t e Depart* bration commemorates the Jew- gifts at parties to be hold during ment sources as Arab spokesmen in this country sought to mini* ish victory against the ancient their regular class sessions Sun' mize the extent and significance Syrians and Greeks who In 1G1 day morning, Dec. 11. Talmud of the arms deal with the Soviet B. C. tried to wipe out Judaism. Torah students will r.lso have parSatellite. A holiday program for all stu- ties in class during the week of Federation Executive Informed'sources In Washington dents-of Beth El Talmud Torah, Chanukah. Officials of Beth Israel were quick to note that the jet Committee to Meet their parents, relatives and friends Post Office Department will diswill'be held nt 10:30 a. m , Sunday, tribute gift exchange parcels afaircraft Egypt was to get under The Executive Committee of Dec. 11 In Beth El social hall. The fixed with special holiday stamps. the new contract, apart from other the Federation for Jewish The sisterhood will present each program will feature a play "Chapurchases elsewhere, would enable Service will meet at 10 a. m., nukah in David's House," which student with a special Chanukah .Sunday, Dec. 11 in the Jewish Cairo to maintain air superiority Was adapted from one of the Tal- gift in addition to traditional Community Center, Jack W. even If Israel were to s e t all the mud! Torah textbooks by Rabbi dreidlcs and refreshments. Marer, Federation president jet planes it seeks from the United and Mrs. r*alph DeKovcn ami The Religious School Student announced. The Jewish PhilanMarvin Parilmnn. The Talmud Council of Temple Israel for stuthropies budget for 19S5-5G will States, In Chicago, however, the Torah choir under the direction dents in grades five through eight Secretary General of the Arab ' be submitted for final action. is sponsoring a gala Chanukah League, Abdul KhaJIk Hassouna, party and dance at 7:30 p. in., Sat- Sen-ices were held yesterday charged that Egypt's arms agreeLabor Leader Reports urday, Dec. 30 In the Temple so- for Mrs. Lewis Neveleff with inhall. The Sunday Division of terment at Pleasant Hill Cemement with Czechoslovakia was be*. On Middle East Tragedy cial tery. Mrs. Neveleff, 68, died TuesSoviet Deputy Defends the religious school, grades kinIng "grossly misconstructcd, mlsday evening, Dec. G in a local hosdergarten and grades one through Washington UTA)—The tragRed Anns to Egypt • / Interpreted, and misrepresented in pital after a lingering Illness. four, will hold their celebration edy of the Middle East today is She was an early advocate of United Nations, N. Y. (WNS)— the United States by Israel Bpokesthat Arab leadership Instead of from 10:30 a. m. to 12:15 p. m., rccOSnlzlnE the odvantages for Sunday, Dec. 11. A special assem- proper care for the aged, indigent The Czech-Egyptian rms deal Was men and Zionist propagandists." bly program will include a quiz and the sick. Mrs. Neveleff was a "purely commercial" arrange' the Arabs to be gained through Meanwhile it was disclosed that co-operation with Israel, flshtn to show, musical selections by the founder and past president of ment 'lowing frum the rights of Iracll Ambassador Abba Eban condestroy what Israel has accom- Junior Hcllgious School Choir, Bikur Chollm Society, a member nations to trade freely. Soviet ferred with Assistant Secretary of plished. This In the opinion of VV. candle-llghtlni; c e r e m o n y and of the Board of Directors of the deputy Foreign Minister V. V. State for Near Eastern Affairs P. Kennedy, president of the Na- singing of Chanukah son'is. The Federation, for Jewish Service, Kuzcntsov told the United Nations George V. Allen. The talk did tional Brotherhood of Itallroad assembly will be followed by class Imard member of Beth Israel Sy- Correspondents Association as he not deal with Israel's application Trainmen, who recently returned parties at which members of the nagogue, honorary president of defended the purchase of Egyptian forearms.. But Mr. Eban revealed Temple Sisterhood's r e l i g i o u s Beth Israel Sisterhood, president arms from Czechoslovakia. from n tour of Israel. that Israeli officials were in conschool committee will serve re- of Clieaed Shel Ernes, member of At the same time the Soviet tact with tho Defense Department The Arab states nro a "shadow freshments. Classes of the week- the National Conference of Chrisover Israel, doing everything on day Hebrew department will have tians and Jews, member of the delegation to the United Nations which is currently examining the their side to Increase misunder- their parties on the afternoons of Urban League nnd the second distributed copies of the Moscow arms list submitted by Israel to standing and tension botween Jew thoir clacs meetings. chairman of the Women's Division weekly "New Times" containing a the State Department. Mr. Eban And Arab," Mr. Kennedy re(H>rtfor the W31 Jewish Philanthropies two-page article to the effect that declined to comment on Mr. AN "every independent country has len's reiteration of State Depart* ed, "From my observation, I am Campaign. the right to "safeguard Its security ment optimism over the prospect convinced that the Arabs fear the Mrs. Neveleff is survived by: by building up national armed of an Arab-Israel settlement, but creation of a new, modern state at five brothers, Morris I,evey of forces equipped with modern he said In answer to a direct query their borders which is becoming Omaha, George, Fred and Dr. Phil weapons" and that "the Egyptian he said Israel has been advocating a challenge and a reproach to I^evey of Los Angeles, Cal., and Government Is actuated by the always a settlement based on retheir own backwardness. They arc more concerned with consolidatJerusalem (WNS)--Premier Da- Dr. Simon I,ovey of St. IXJUIS, Mo.; perfectly legitimate desire to ciprocity and mutuality, but that ing their own shaky power by ex- vid Ben Gurion, addressing the four sisters, Mrs. N. H. Greenberg create an army capable of protect- the other side was not prepared ploiting anti-Israel feeling as n Knesset Foreign Affairs and Se- of Omaha, Mrs. Harold Libby of ing the security and independence for such settlement. Mr. Allen political weapon than to launch curity Committee, declared that Providence, R. I., Mrs. Ida Levin of Egypt." expressed the view before the Fora far-reaching program of social Israel's fate may bo decided dur- nnd Mrs. M. Katclrnan of Los Aneign Policy Association, where he geles, Cal.; a daughter, Mrs. Mark reform'within their own land." said an Arab-Israel settlement d** ing the coming summer or, per- Goodson of New York City; two T b e Union president offered haps, even earlier. ponds on the "good will on both sons, Herbert nnd Sidney, both of /our luggcstlons for the free lalmr sides." Reporting to the committee on Ix>5 Angeles,' Cal., and five grand- SIIARETT AITEAL8 movement to assist Israel. He tbe current political and security children. Ottawa (JTA)—Israel Foreign urged them to exert their influMinister Mosho Sharett appealed ence s o that Iirael is guaranteed situation, the Premier said It was essential to use all of the means to the Canadian' Government for against aggression; the Arab arms for Israel for defensive pur•tatei make peace with Israel; Is- at the government's disposal to BUTCH MERCHANTS The Hague (WNS)—Dutch mer- poses and to maintain the peace rael continues to receive material strengthen the security of the assistance to gain self-sufficiency, state despite the seriousness of chants who were asked by Arab and stability of the Middle East, Israel's economic situation. League countries to answer ques- when he conferred with Prime and that Israel Is encournged to Washington (JTA) — H g h Earlier, in a talk to Parliament. tionnaires whether they were em- Minister Louis S t Laurent and sources in the State Department foster relations with Asia and Africa to help them develop a Mr. Ben Gurion accused Brl'aln ploying Jews were advised this Minister for External Affairs Les- Monday stressed the fact that tbe and the Soviet Union of pursuing week by Netherlands Employers ter B. Pearson late last week, lit United States does no see eye to trade union movement. policies dangerous to the security Association to refuse answering was learned here after Mr.Tihar- eye with Britain on the territorial of Israel through shipping of arms such queries on the ground that ett's departure for the United "compromise" proposal made by to Egypt. Both powers, he said, no distinctions can be made in States. The Israel Ambassador to British Prime Minister Sir AnSunday Radio, Tv were selling arms to Egypt In full Holland with respect to a' work- Canada, Michael Comay, partici- thony Eden to Israel, Involving awareness they would be used er's race. In addition, the mer- pated In the conferences. reference to the 1947 Palestine •The Enchanted Top," a "only against Israel" and In full chants were advised to use their partition plan, Chanukah fantasy for children knowledge of Colonel Nasser's discretion In answering Arab FRENCH JETS The differences between the will be telecast over WOW-TV avowed Intent nf annihilating queries on their business relations Paris (JTA)—French govern- State Department view and that 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. The with Israel. : i ment circles reaffirmed that indicated by the British Prime Israeli * program, under the auspices France had Bhlpped "Ouragon" Minister was described here aa of the Jewish Theological Semfighters, jets with a top speed of being based on a belief that the inary, tells the story about two only 500 miles an hour, to Israel, Eden proposal Is "out of date." I t children who chased a top Into but noted that Israel did not seem was pointed out that the 194T a magic forest and the three to be completely satisfied with partition plan, while giving a porordeals they underwent to this deal because it had requested tion of the Galilee to the Arabs, prove their worthiness. "Mystcro" fighters, capable of leaves the Negev in Israel hands. meeting the speeds of the Soviet Habbl William S. Itosenblum The "live question" today, it The State of Israel is primarily Iraq, Iran and Paklsan who form MIG 15 fighters. of Temple Israel In New York Meanwhile, reports from French was Indicated in State Departconcerned with developing her re- a northern tier of protection City will discuss "The Lights sources both industrially nnd agri- against the penetration of red in- sources assert that in addition to ment circles, does not pertain to That Must Never Fall" on the culturally and with preparations fluence in the middle cast, Kgypt sending Vampire Jet fighters to the Galilee, but is based on proMessage of Israel series heard to receive the hundreds of thou- has turned her attack on Israel as Jordan, the British Government viding Egypt with a face-saving over KBON from 12:05 to sands of North African Jews who the means o/ establishing: a posi- has sent "Meteor" jets to Syria. device in connection with the Ne12:30 p. m. . gev. A land link across the Ncgey want to migrate to Israel, Paul tion of leadership in the Arab coonnectlng Egypt with Jordan Vcret told the members of the bloc, Mr. Veret said. Tills, ho STUDENT CENSUS was mentioned as a possibility. The Eternal Light program North Omaha Klwanls Club Tues- added, Is a diverson by Egypt's Washington (JTA)—The B'nal will be broadcast over KFAB day afternoon. Mr. Vcret is Exec- Premier Gamal Abdul Nasser to B'rith Vocational Service Bureau In the opinion of high State Defrom 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon, utive Director of the Federation cover up his failure to put Egypt has begun to take a census of partment officials, Egypt's hosfor Jewish Service. He was intro- in a position of leadership. Jewish students at colleges and tility toward Israel h based largeThe Bible In Action series duced by Philip Gercllck, presiNasser's campaign agaiast Is- universities in the United States ly on Egypt's "loss of face" In t h t with Its motivating theme of dent of N. O. Kiwanis Club. Colo- rael started with the closing of and Canada, it was announced eyes of other Arab states owinff nel D, K. Scruby Is vice-president the Suez Canal to Israeli shipping here today by Dr. Maurice Jacobs, to the military defeat suffered by the dynamic relationship beof the group. tween the Bible and contemand was followed by the occupa- chairman of tho Vocational Serv- Egypt in the Negev in 1948. Today porary living will be broadcast Egypt Is Israel's bitterest ene- tion of Islands in the Bay of Aka- ice Commission. Letters and ques- Egypt feels "isolated" from the over Radio WOW from 11:15 my, Mr. Veret pointed out, and ba to halt shipping to Israel's tionnaire forms have gone out to rest of the Arab bloc. There to a to 11:30 a. m. The series is Egypt Is out to regain her lost southernmost port of Eilath in almost 2,000 institutions of higher desire in the. State Department presented by WOW in cooperprestige in the Near East. Now clear violation of International education requesting Information to find a "realistic" formula for ation with the American Zionwith seeming- failure to establish maritime law, Mr, Veret stressed. on Jewish as well as total enroll- peace agreeable to Egypt and Isist Council. a Sudan-Egyptian empire and re- The next step was the intrusion ments and on enrollments in 33 rael to offset growing Soviet influence In Egypt. major fields of study, he said. (Continued on Page 2.) buffed by the alliance of Turkey,

Mrs. Neveleff Dies After Long Illness

Summer Critical Says Ben Gurion

Global Report

Eden's Proposal Termed Outdated

Egypt Turns on Israel Bn Bid For Leadership

IfMay, December 8, 19JJ. I

mnsB r u u W_ MMtadEn

VrMaj Uj toe ITcdenUon lot Jcarfefc Bercloe U


JMttr-U* o&flu Ibi Ml aft AUfCil *. W*.



Religious News Betfc b r a d Itabbi Benjamin Crancr, Cantor Ell Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and Secondary A class will conduct late FViday evening services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday evening service* (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 4 3 0 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8 JO a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Sabbath Mtacha at 4:30 p. m. followed by Sholesne S'eudos and Maariv. Daily morning services at 7 a. m.; Mrs. Abe U. Fcldman afternoon services at 4:45. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45, followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan, followed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. Beth Israel Parent-Teachers AsThe Talmud Discussion group sociation will hold their Chanukah Dinner Sunday evening, D e c 11 in /meets every Tuesday at U p . m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Burt. the synagogue social hall, Mrs. Abe L. Fcldman (pictured above) announced. Mrs. Fcldman is dinner chairman. BetfcB •.;••'•' '•• The program will include piano Services FMday «t Beth El Sy- selections by Miss Gaylc Feldroan, nagogue-win begin at 8:15 p. tn. daughter cf Mr. and.Mrs. A. Feld^ Rabbi Myer S. Krlpkc will deliver man and Chanukah film in color. -the,sermon. Cantor Aaron I. EdCommittee members Include: gar and betb-EJ Synagogue d.olr Mcsdames Morris Kuller, Irving Viri render the musical portions Stern, David Friedman, Sam KapjDf the service. lan. Leo Kraft, Ilirry Lewis. Sam Sabbath morning service will I * Shyken, Harry .Sidman, Abe at 8:30 o'clock. Junior congrega- Klopper, Malvin Tcpi>er. Harold tion services are at 10:45 a. m. Rubin. Norman Hi/senzweig and Mincha-Maariv services are nt Mr. and Mn;. Sam Stone. 4:30 p. m. Sunday services arc at Reservations .ire 51.73 per plate 9 a. m. Im ndults and $1.25 for children. Daily services arc at 7 a. m. Call ItE 628H. « L -1112 or GI. 5IJC. and 7 p . m .

Beth Israel P-TA Chanukah Dinner

Temple Israel The Temple Israel Chanukah Family Dinner will be held nt 6:30 o'clock this evening in the Temple soda] hall Chanukah services will follow at 7:45 p. m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will preach a Chanukah sermonctte. Services will be held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning for adults and members of the Holigious School.

Egypt Turns On (Continued from Page 1) of the Soviet Union on the scene with the sale <-f red armaments to the Egyptians, he continued. Not content with using the weapons-of economic warfare, t'Jgypl is now purchasing aggressive arms from Rur-sia who from the , time of. the Czars has had her hopes on obtaining a warm water port. Mr. Vcret emphasized. A tiny country 2G0 miles long . and 60 miles wide at its /uxthermost points, Israel is aixiut the size of Vermont he told his audience. Discuwiini; his reccjit trip in.July to titc new little dcm*<cracy. he told of election day in Israel. There clecVuin day is a national holiday where S!9 per cent of the population voted, he staled. Israel was universal sufferntfe nnd men and women—Afrab. Christian and Jew—Ml are eligible to crist their ballots. A sense of uneasiness prevnilr, in the country and Ihe daily papers arc ailed with stories of border attacks, he related. It is an eerie sight at night to see the borders lit i;p with searchlights to keep out infiltrators, he reported. Members of border settlements not only work during the day but also have to take their turn at night on guard duty. Mr. Vercl declared. In summing up, the director Staled, Israel has repeatedly offered .corridors to the Mediterranean Sea to Syria and Jordan. She has stated her willingness to reunite Aiab refugees with their families In nn attempt to reach a pence settlement but to no avail, be concluded. '

Workmen's Circle Play The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club has st;irtc<l rehearsals for their presentation of a four-net Jewish melodrama "The Uride's J?renm." Louis Witkin, dramatic director, announced the piny will be prcselned In the middle of April in the Jewish Community Center,

DramaHc Club Party The Workmen's Circle Dramaic Club will hold a Cli.inukah party Saturday evening, Dec. 10 in he Labor Lyceum. Chanukah lolkcs and other holiday foods will be served of this Dutch Ireat affair. AJ1 members are urged'oatlend. . . • ' . . '

Betn El to Dedicate Miller Cited On Synagogue Lights 75th Birthday New Hcht:; installed In Beth El

Business and civic leaders feted Synagogue will be dedicated in a Louis JIUlcr on his 75lh birthday brief, formal ceremony at the last Wednesday evening at the Sabbath and Chanukah Service Highland West Club with more than Ii00 people in attendance. tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Governor Victor Anderson, ConThese new, decorative fixtures nrc;i:>mai» Jackson Cliane and were especially designed for Uetii Mayor John Rosenblatt were on Ei. They feature a Mo£;en t a v i d h:.nd to extend their cojiyatulamotif, repeated in cut-out work tions. around tiie complete circumferMr. Hiller received n di.stinence of the graceful circular fix- nmshed sir\icc citation from the ture. Omaha llotai-y Club for third of a A second set of fixtures. In- century of t^rviee to the commustalled on pillars of the two colon- nity. He helped orgLjiize the Omanades in the synafiojjue, reflect ha Better Uuslness Bureau and light upward to the ceiling Those, has been active in the Chamber will be used for soft lj/;htin£ ef- of CcHnmerce nnd the l!oy Scoutn. fects, when no other lii;ht is in He was nlso presented with A life use, for example at candlelight membership in Ilotary. Mr. Hillrr wedding ceremonies. was ulso the reeipk-Jit of .'in award A third set of lights arc re- by the Covered Wagon Council (if cessed Into the ceilinj:. These the Iloy Scouts. lights were dexicned to flood Ihe Milton Livinnston, on behalf of whole syna^onxie with ample lljjht Mr. Hiller's rolf cronies, anfor fz<K>f\ rr-adinf; visibility at allnounced the initiation of the 1-ouis points in the synai'ofjue and l».il- Hiller golf trophy to be awarded cony. These receded flotxl lights each year to the winner of the were a gift to the synagogue In Highland Rolf tournament. memory of late Morris Grossman, Arthur A. Colin, Highland presXry his family. ident, presented Mr. Hiller with a "Citation of Honor" on behalf of the officers and memljcrs of the Highland Town and Country Club. Mr. Hiller stilted: "you have made a 75-year-oltl, younj: nvan Miss Karen Kricsfcld, daughter extremely happy." of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kricsfeld, wiil arrive in Omaha to spend the holiday vacation with her parents. The Nebraska Ixxlfie No. 1415 Miss Kricsfcld is a freshman at and the Nebraska Chapter No. 34«J the University of Michigan, at of H'mil li'rith will hold their regAnn Arbor. She is a June grad- ular mectini;, Thursday, I>c. 15 uate of Central High School. at 8 p. in. in the South Omaha .Syna[;o|:ue. The meollnj; will be follimed Benjamin Croncr was a guest at the annual dinner of the by an Qianukah I.-itke and (iir<l Party. Mrs. Max .Sacks will be asSioux City Talmud Torali Ladi« Federation held yesterday in sisted by Mrs. Al Oruch in preSioux City. Rabbi Groner was in- paring the latkes nnd Mrs. Bob vited by Rabbi Sol Miller of Sioux Rlmmerman will be in charge of tlie decorations. City. All members and friends arc invited. brine, your own card.1; and mah-Jonf! set. Patronize Our Advertisers

Omaha Sketches

Ncbr. Chapter, Lodge



Goldfarb to p ^ At Chanukah Fete Solomon Goldfarb, Director of Family Service Department, ve<3oration for Jewish Service, will speak at joint Chanukah celc- tirntion of Farband Branch 54, Poale-Zion and the Ouialia Chaptt-r of Pioneer Women to he held at 7:30 p. in., Sunday, Dec. 11 in the Jeiviih Community Center. Mr. Goldfarb will Interpret tho Importance of holidays In Jewish family life. In this connection, Mr. Cioldfarb will also discuss the proposed new series of Center programs dealing with "Knmily Life Education." "j The program will include holiday nomes und lotkcs will be served. Sain Itifkin will bless th« Oinnukah candles. Mm. J. Feldman and Mrs. Abo Cohen head the committee In c h a i w of the affair. Reservations will be uceeplcd until this evening at G p. m., call HE 0938.

B'nai Jacob Chanukah Party for Rabbi Feldman c g n t i u n B'nai Jacob-Adas Yi-liuron will give a Chanukab party Tuesday. Dec. 13, at 6 3 0 p. m. tit the synagogue, 3028 Cum* Inn St., In honor of their spiritual leader. Rabbi Nathan Feldman. .o



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Bright New Chanukah Gift Idea . . .

EXTENSION'PHONES Give your family extra convenience, extra privapy and protection. If you like, choose handsome two-tone or solid color phones to harmonize with the colors in your rooms. We'll gift wrap them for you and install them before or after Christmas . . . as you wish. Additional phones cost only a few cents a day each! CAU. your Telephone Business Office now for complotc details. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. IN YOUR KITCHEN... WORKSHOP...


Friday, December 8, 1955.

Elaine Jobenis Will Narrate Style Show at Hadassah Fete Elaine Jabcnis, w e l l - k n o w n t Omaha 'J"V personality, will narrate the style show of Israeli ' i li Ion- to be presenU-d at the- Om ihri Chapter llndassah's Silver .Iubjlee Donor affair which will he held at 2 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 11 in the Paxton n»tol linllromn Mm. Harry DuIJoff will Mipjily the musical accompaniment. Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, i:en< chairman announced that Jladassah members will model the Imcly Israeli originals. They arc: Mesdames Harry Allsulrr, Ikiwiii Brodkey, Ilobcrt Knlcr. Hyman Gcndlcr, Seymour Guldston, IJarton Grcenherg, Irving Herzon, Joseph Lerner. Owen Mcycrson, Orvlllc Milder, .tnbort Newman, Harry navitz, Philip Schwartz, Krvin Simon, liny Simon. Harold SIosburg and Seymour Zoob. Mmcs. Philip Fcldman, Harold Garber, Itobert Newman ani Millard Margolin, professional modell, will coach and assist the models, A door prize will be ijiven and • n anniversary cake will top the program. Husbands arc invited to


Onrahan in Service Engagement Told Mr. nnd Mrs. Slpcmund Ilcssel Of Long. Island City, N. Y., announce the encasement of their daughter Miss Use to 2nd Lieutenant Marcol Knhn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knhn of Omaha. A graduate of the University 0t Omaha. Lt. Kflhn Is stationed at Turner Air Force Base, Gn. No wedding date him been ret.

Births Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan announce the birth of n daughter Miriam Iluth born November 23 at a local hospital. They also have a son David Maxwell. Maternal grandparents are Mr. afid Mrs. Harry Dalkowltz of Pearsnll, Tex., nnd paternal grandmother is Mrs. Maxwell M. Kaplan of New York City.


Pictured nbovo In an Israeli original from the Alice HellfisIMTJJ School of Design in I«ru< 1. It will be modeled by n member of Ilulwtnali at thn Hllvrr Juhllwi Donor Affnlr. Kec dtory nt right.

Thank You The Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 and the .Nrbra.ska Chapters of H'niil It'rlth wish to take this opportunity to thank nil those who participated in our fund raising affair nt the Blacksione Hotel, November 27. It is very gratifying to know that there are EO many persons who are Interested In the meaning of H'nai B'rith. The cooperation, work and donations were the •est, and we thank you all sincerely for your efforts. Henry Monnky Clipt, linzanr Cumin. Mm. Hoi UolROff Nrbnuk* Chapter, llazaar Clirmn. Mm. Joe Leviiuky


Organizations COUNCIL STUDY GKOUP The Current Kvents Study Croup of National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section will ineet nt 1 p. m-, Wednesday, Dec. 14, at the home of Mrs. Julius ICatazman. Mr.s David Lewis' topic will be "What Is Your Dollar Worth," a discussion on the national debt. Kveryone is welcome.

Bikur Cholim Postpones Party

blessings over the Chanukoh candles and Rnlibi Benjamin Groner The Bikur Cholira Churiukah will epeak on "Chanukah and luncheon and Card Party that Self-Dedication." The annual linen was to be held Monday, Dec. shower will also be held. Mrs. 12 has been postponed due the Libby Epstein is chairman for the death of Mrs. Lewis Neveleff affair. Assisting Mrs. Epstein will who was president of the be Mesdames Frank Cohen, Abe group. Cohen. Nathan Kaplan, Ben Lefit2 and Sam Bcrman. A baby sitter cervice will be II. E.'SISTERHOOD "" available. For reservations call Temple Sisterhood Mrs. Klear.jr Walling and Ilay Mrs. Lois Endelman or Mrs. HarTo Entertain Folks Lavcndar Interior decorators, will ry Si-gall. discuss Jewish motifs in home decTemple Israel Sisterhood will oration at the December i r lunch- JVVV AUXILIARY eon meeting of the Beth El Sistergive n Chanukah party for th^ 1 A regular meeting of the Ephood to IK held at 1 p. m. in the residents of the Dr. Philip Sher synagogue social hall. A model steln-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary No. Jewish Home for the Aged at 2 260, Jewish War Veterans will be Sabbath table will lie set and Jewi«h paintings nnd art objects will held Thursday, Dec. 15, at 8 p. m., p. m.. Monday, Dec. J2. be exhibited. Mrs. Isidor Levinson iv the Jewish ^Community Center. Mrs. Jack Diamond will sing A Chanukah party will l>e part selections of Jewish Folk songs and Mrs. Maurice Alperin are cochairmen in charge of the pro- of the program. All members are and movies v-ill be shown. gram. Mrs. Julius Stein and Mrs. asked to bring n 25 cent gift exEach resident will receive a 1/nii.s Albert, co-chairmen of Cir- change with another member. Also Chanukah gift and refreshments cle 32, head the luncheon commit- gifts for underprivileged children will be served. Mrs. Julius Newtee and they will be assisted by are to be brought to this meeting man, chairman In charge of the. the Mesdames Reuben Bordy, Irv- for presentation this month. The regular Omaha Veteran affair, snld members of the coming Schnelderman, Barney Stark Hospital monthly parly was held munity are Invited to attend. and Morris Stnlmnstcr. Thursday, Dec. 1. Mrs. Frank Cohen, Mrs. Aaron Epstein and Mrs. II. I. SISTKKIIOOI) Abe Miller attended. The members of Beth Israel SisThe T .E. Chest Mobile Unit terhood will combine their one was manned by JWV Auxiliary o'clock luncheon meeting to be members, Mrs, J. Milton Margolin held Tuesday, Dec. 13 with the .and Mrs. D. Kliln Wednesday, observance of Chanukah. Dec 7. .. Cantor Eli Kagan will chant the


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Sir*. Stanford I.lpwy (left), program director for Council^ ' vcrxlon of "fiuyg and DOIIH," IH K'^"K over the score with Mrs. William Fogf-I (right), elioreogrupher, nnd Mm. Kuutcll Itlumcntlinl, piano Accomp.iuuit,

CounciS Will Present Own Version of Gyys and Dolls" All new paid-up members of Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women will be guests at the Council luncheon to lie held at 32:45 p. m., Wednesday, Dec. 21 nt Temple Israel, Mrs. Homer Vnrbcr, membership-vice-president nnd Mrs. Arthur Adlcr, chairman, nnnounced. The regular Tuesday meeting has been changed to Wednesday due to school programs. Mrs. Stanford Llpsey, program chairman, will present the Council's version of "Guys and Dolls," rewritten and revised by Mrs. Morley Zlpursky with Mrs. Norman Denenbcrg ns co-director, and Mrs. William Fogel, choreographer. Mrs. Uussell Blumcnthal Is piano nccompanist, Mrs. Howard Kaplan, stage director who Li assisted by Mrs. Morris K(rshcnbaum. Costumes are by Mrs. A. V. Vcngcr.

The cast consists of: Mesdames Lee Sloan, Lurry I'Jnttner, Phil Katzman, John Solomon, J. J. Margolin, Bessie Wohlncr, Weta Simon, Norman Denenberc, Donold Nogg, Robert Sllverman, Warner Frohman, E. Leo Nogg, Lloyd Friedman, Louis Shrlcr, Stanley Herzoff, Albert Caer and Sidney Schwartz. Dancers arc: Mmes. William Fogel, Ed Milder, Harold Bloch, Norman Bordy nnd Lloyd Friedman. Baby Bitter Ecrvlce will be provided, Mra. Lloyd Friedman, president, announced the regular monthly board meeting will bo held after a 1 p. m. dessert lunchcon nt the home of Mrs. Jerome Milder, 2011 N. 55th St. Co-hostess Is Mrs. Homer Farber. Publicity chairman Is Mrs. Mau rico A. Blank, WE 4348.


In the Beautiful New CAMEO ROOMS Ovr tftioUy plonn«d mtnn and l i m i n a b l i ptlnl « • wit • •

W« «nt CKCtmmoifat* grevpi Vf t* )00 ••oplt. loom far Dancing. tvtiy party r»c«!»«i Ik* atttnllen • ( Dm end Ralph CtkM.



DAY 11 to 2 A . M .


Friday, I)i remix r 9, 1955.

mnsa nuzss

Chanukah through its prc-season round with By Jim Karltutsrh teams 2 and 3 on top with a 2 Wednesday nights at the Jew- and 0 record while teams 4 and ish Comnmnity Center has been G sport a 1 and 1 tic. Teams 2 and l e t aside for wrestling. Meeting .1 have, (ailed to mark the win time is 7:30 p. m. A team will be column. Gordon Hollis leads the entered in Ui: Parks and Recrea- league In scoring wlti. 10 points, tion League for winter competi- and followed by Bob Wolfe with tion once a week uiuni; other rec- 8 and John Banks with U. "H" reational agencies, Jim Kar- teams will begin their regular batsch. Center athletic director season January 8. stated. Boys interested in this sport are urged to attend the ses- Last weok, in Junior Youth Council Howling, high game and sions. series records were both broken In tho Inter-City Volleyball by Larry Kohn of Ruyim SAS. League, tho Center has won its His high game was ICO followed first four games, two from Omaha by a 13G to break Mike Sadofsky's Athletic Club, and two from So- high game record of 150. and to kol, 15-8, and 15-13. Games arc set a new series record of 2'MJ. In played on Monday night at the this league, Hell's Angels are still J a y at 0:35 p. m. on top with a 9-1 record. Howlers This week in Midget Basketball, on the top team are Horwich, the-"A" division enters the last Foorman, Bleicher. Wise and Han. week of pre-season play with Last week in Youth Council team 3 on top with two wins and John Charles Goldner, (.on of no losses. Teams 1 and 2 have a Basketball, by far the best game Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Goldner, is 50 per cent win record and team of the season was played between Teen of the Week. He is a mem4 h?s failed to win a game. Dan Itayim and AZA 1 with llayim ber of the Junior Honor Society, Hollis and Roy Kat&kec lead In coming out on top 44-30. The eight Crack Squad, Hussars and sports league scoring with 20 points each. point spread is not a true Indica- editor of the Central High RegisRecular pla> for the "A" division tion of the closeness of the gume ter. Last year he was named is scheduled to start December 18 because John Goldner and How- Youth Council "Athlete of the whe'n each team will receive its ard Goldstein poured in six fast Year." uniforms and sponsor for the sea- points during the last two minutes to havo Rayim win going son. U. S. Chamber of Commerce reaway. The "B" league is half way port: "Business this year appears The picture of victory for Ray- to be heading for a new all-tlmo im lay in the fact that they had high, with retailers generally exeight men in the scoring column pecting the best Christmas volume Bar Mltzvah of Edwin Norman with only Goldner scoring more in history." Sldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har>than 10, but AZA 1 had to comry Sldman, will be celebrated Fri- bine all their scoring between Tom day everting, Dec 16 and Satur- Brombcrg "Chubby" Passer and day morning. Dee 17 at Beth Is- Ray Klrkc. This trio accounted rael Synagogue. Friends and for 34 of the 36 points scored by members of the family are invited AZA 1. The score at tho half was to attend th? services and the re- 18-19 Rayim. and they had to come from behind to "do that. Otherwise ceptions following the services. Rayim led all through the game by at least one point margin as the teams traded baskets. Sharpshooter for AZA 1 was Tom BromnerR, with 14 points, and This week's high series bowlers in the Hadassah League are: G. Goldner scored 12 for Rayim to Zoyitz 477, L. Hobcrman 467, D. be second high point roan on the Rubin 465. R. Platt 455. P. Lip- floor. ton 454, E. Cbhcn 447. R. Klein The second grme between AZA 446. S. Greenberg 440, M. Froni- 100 A and AZA 100 I) was a run kin 435. M. Coonerroan 427, K. awny by the A squad. Bob EpRoss 423. A. Schulman 422, P. stein nlonn scored 25 points which Krasnc 420. E. Jacobsen 420 S. was three times more than any Zalkln 418.13. Colick 414. R. Gar- other man on the floor. Even at rop 411. E. Turkcl 410. M. that the II squad Rave them a man 409, P. Gross KC, R H<J1X.T- nin for their money during the man 406, S. Shragcr 401,' S. »>ewis I(irst half only trailing by two 400. M. Wine 400 and E. Rice 100. !!>>!nls at the half! but the A squad — I employed a fast break with which Highlights in this week's H'nai ' the losers could not cope With. B'rith Women's bowling are: "A" League: Annette Frank. 190; Pauline Hoberman. 193; Ruth Sokolofr, 183; Ellie Schloff. 180; Merrlam Coopsrmnn. 176; Ann Rayim is planning its second Shulman, 176: Rose Oruch. 470; €>verni<{h! hike December 24 and Ann Shulman. 477. •;B" League: Shirley Davis, 177; 25. Midyear .elections will be held Ruth Fox, 174; Maddle Byrmteln, December 26 and 27. A winter 154: Betty Muskln, 6-7 split: Faye formal is scheduled Tor December Smith 3-7-10 split. In the "A'' 28 at BlackMuie Hotel for alumni League, Komey's Paint took high and members. Rayim will help in team game with an 801 team total. the Good Fellows drive. Miss Leni Wine Is a new member of B'nal B'rith girls. BBG will Beth Israel Cubs hold a Ch'nukah party December 17 and each i>lrl will bring a gift Beth Israel SYO will ho!.: a to be donated to an orphanage. Chanukah party at the home of The teams to participate in conRonnie Simons. 5404 Grant Sat- vention athletics have been made udya. Dec. 10 at 8 p. in. The par- up and are practicing for the conty Committee is: Payslr Shykcn. clave competition. Carole Frank, Felicia Friedman Jerry Stone, and l'at Greenfield and Maxine ZweiRonnie Simons. Club members are bacl: i;ave a short skit entitled Invited to attend. Hi;,'h School stu- "Anil No One Asi:ed" at the last dents Interested in .-Mlcndim: th<- mei tin;;. party ore asked ti> r.-ill one of the Irvin:; Holy.cT was elected Aleph committee members. Godul nt AZA No. 100 at the elecClub Tov-im will hold their an- tion stag hold December 3 at the nual Chanuktih celebration v.ith a home of Clark Swart/. Other newparty find dance Saturday. Doc. 10 ly elected officers are: Bernard at 7 p. m. Committee memi>en> Bloom, Aleph S'gan; Bruce Bloom. are: Marvin Kuhaek. Kcva Shy- Aleph Jllazkir; Larry Gilinsky, ken. Saul Kalm.-m. C'nrl Lucf- Aleph Shot re Godel; Ronald (5. Chuetz and Steven Appcl. Talmud Simon:;. Aleph Shotare Kotone; Torah Seniors and other eighth Stuart Fo;rel and Arnold Ban, graders who are Interested In at- Aleph Sopher. and Jerry Ilosen, tending the party should contact Alepli Kohen Godel. one of the committee members Convention delegates will be announced at the party. Patronize Our Advertisers

Teen of the Week

Bar Mitzvah

ISy MurrlB Specktrr The inirjK-lr of i'htilmkuh t-:uh yi:nr we rrlehrutc, To laud the l!uH>nim'-un9 unri Mn<-(-alHM>s, Wild live In our memories, symbols of courage M» great. We must rememhi'r the miracle and good lu< k Of utlr luuderu-duy .Muecsil>ees, in J04H, Who returned to u> our Ilnly I.und, hy unhellevalilr |>lllek. Saw Nltull we help wltli utter willingness, To Insure the eti-rnal evWtenee Of that cherKhed land they won for UN.


Let us ni'vi-r ngnln need to hnorU at utmiicr (lours for favor, Hut work and ntrlve for total Indejiendencr, Our Holy Land protect, and <i«d as nlwnyx will br our Saviour.

Teens on the Town HI Heprats Friday nite was the first baskethall game of the season. Seen cheering Central to victory were Dodle Shapiro 'n Bill Cooper. Brcnda Katzman 'n Murray Newman, Marcia Zalkin 'n Mike Lazar. Nancy I>ewis 'n Art Novak, Barb Nogg 'n Tanny Horwich, Phyl Abrahams 'n Bob Brodkey, Judy Lazar 'n Howie Kooper, Barb Brodkey, Andy Gross, Sally Freeman, Al Noddle, Jeff Swartz, Steve Rosenblatt, Doug Colin. Bemle Grossman, Willard and Gary Plotkln, Nelson Gordman. John Goldner, Shel Krantz, Jamie Shapiro, Linda Kavlch, Gall Feldman. Dale K«sln. Arnle Han,

Bob Shapiro, .jquee.,j . ...^.er and

many, many more. Hecausc of weather conditions there wasn't much nolng on around town. .Saturday nitc dates were Laura Franklin 'n Jerry Gordnmn, Barb Bercutt 'n I^irry Knhn. I/cnl Wln« 'n Biff Bobrick, Nnncy Kreidland" er 'n Howard Goldstein, Phyl Bernstein 'n Bob EpntcUi, Judi Ban 'n Mike Canar, Nnnry BlotO> ky 'n. Colman Grecnbcrg, Mur Rosenblatt 'n Steve Cohn, Joodl Lewis 'n Dick Einstein, Marlena Frccdman 'n Mike Plntt. Tonl Fcllman 'n Mike Blatt and Carol Frank 'n Mike Meyer. Und» and Jail

Women's Bowling


Jr. B.B. Bowling John Riekes paced the Junior B'nal B'rith Bowling league with his series of 293. His games consisted of 150-145: Miss Francis Rife led in the girls' division with 128-121 for a 24) scries. Judy Gendler converted the 3-10 split; Jerry Cipinko, the 3-7; Matt Faler the 7-9: jnd Miss r t l e l Sabcs, the 2-10

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C'hanukah greeting and gift cards. BAR and 'las Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers New.- Stand, L502 Dodge


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