December 16, 1955

Page 1

VOU XXXIV—NO. 10. , „ , , ,








16, 185.1.


outhropies Budget Fed. Board OVEItSKAS AND .,.?'•. Ainirliiiii Kiincl I ..el luslltutlcins ( 885.00 lladashuli—Youth i.ilyal 10,400.00 Ilehreiv University ulld Teelmlon Appeal 8,500.00 National Committee for Labor Isruel • « « • * . . . . . • • • • • • 2,215.00 Nutlonul Council of Jewish Women 1,830.00 I'loneer Women's Organization 1,330.00 United Illas Hervlco 1,400.00 United Jewish Appeal 221,430.00 Total 242^50.00 COMMUNITY RELATIONS American Jewish Congress 620.00 Jewish Labor Committee 1,105.00 Jewish War Veterans 225.00 Ilobert Silver, Henry Monsky, Joint Defense Appeal , 8,785.00 lo<l(;e blood hank chairman, urged all members to iniikc every effort Total 11,680.00 to take part in this critical drive HEALTH AND WELFARE American Medical Center, Denver 665.00 for donors. City of Hope, Los Angeles 120,00 All prospective donors arc Ex-Patlent« Tubercular Home, Denver 265.00 asked to call the Blood Center, AT Leo N. Levl Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs : 665.00 2723; Mrs. Sacks, AT 0662; Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, GL 4668; Nafl Home fo. Jewish Asthmatic Children, Denver . . . 220.00 Itoljert Silver, JA 6789; to make National Jewish Hospital, Denver 1,770.00 their appointments. National Jewish Hospital Building Fund 1,500.00 Members of the B'nai B'rith Total 5,805.00 blood committee nrc: Mesdames Harry .Schulman, Aaron Epstein, NATIONAL SERVICE lien ZoorwllI, Chailes Fisher. HarAmerican Association for Jewish Education 455.00 ry Weinberg, Al Temln, Harry Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds . . . . 8,845.00 .Smith anil Stanley Shapiro. National Jewish Welfare Board 4,4*9.00 Hynugogue Council of America 45.00

Groups to Answer Blood Call In answer to nn urgent appeal )by the Douglas County Chapter of the Red Cross, the Greater Omaha B'nai Q'rith Association will hold an emergency blood drive December 21 to 23, Mrs. Max Sacks, campaign chairman announced. TftO Ked Cross Blood Center, 254!) Farnam St., Is open Wednesdays from 12 noon to 5:45 p. in., Thursdays and Fridays from J l a. m. to 4:45 p. m. . Omaha lodges ami chapters have pledged their support for this intensified campaign. The B'nnl Xl'rith groups furnish about 200 pints a year to the blood center, Mrs. Sacks stated.

Silverman Named Program Director

Hoi L Llltmnn

Liftman New Head Of ADL Region '. Sot I. IJttman ban been appointed Plnln States Regional Director of B'nai B'rlth'K Antl Defamation League, with headquarters In Omaha, Jt; was announced •recently by Benjamin II. Kjwtcln, ,ibp league's national director nnd Dr.: Abe Greenbcri;, Plain Stutes chairman. Mr. ] Uttman replaces Seymour I I Kaplan who was .promoted to director of Northwest Pacific Region with headquarters In-Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan with their children Miriam Sarah and David Maxwell will jeavo Wednesday. Dec. 21 for Seattle. Mr, Liftman's wife Mildrcn nnd their' children Deborah and Nina arrived here yesterday and thP Llttmnm will make their home at 5827 Hamilton st. . Mr. Littmnn holds graduate degrees in sociology and anthropology from the University of Wisconsin and n master's decree In social work from the University of Toronto. . In Toronto, Canada, where Mr. Liftman recently completed fIvo years service ail regional director of. the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, he was n member of Eglinton Lodge n'nal B'rith program chalrmnn of the Canadian Association of Social Work, on the advisory committee of Toronto Jewish Youth Council, a member of the Voluntary Advisory Com1 tnlttee" of the' Toronto1 •' Welfare ("oifncil"iind a1 rcprisentri'tlve t o the Jewish social service agenclefi.


Total CULTURAL American Zionist Fund .., B'IUI B'rlth Youth Services Appeal IJropsle Collego ••, *********** 'Ilstndruth Ivrlth Jewish Braille Institute ,,, Jewish Cliaiitaiiquu Hoclety .••••, Jewish Tenehrrs Hemlnary •••.., National Agricultural College VIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Saul Silverman of Detroit, Mich., has joined the staff of the Federation for Jewish Service as I'roix-'im Director of our Community Center, Jack W. Mnrcr, Federation president, announced this week. Mr. Hllvemvtn will he in clinrKt of group work, educational and Total .social activities of the Center and will help In coordinating its pro-, gram for children, youth and Beth Jacobs School*, Nat'l Council, Nrw YorU . . • • • • • . adults. He will also serve as DiHebrew Theological College, Chicago . . - . . • » . • • • • • • • • • rector of Cmnp Jay-C-C. Jewish Theological Seminary, New York •• Mlrrer YCHIIIVUII Central Institute, New York Mr. Silvcrmnn received his U.S. Mlzrurhl Kdacutlon nnd Expansion Funds, New York .. from I/tyola University and his master's decree from New York Rabbinical College of Telshe, Cleveland University. Itabblnlcal Seminary of America, New York • •"• He was associated with the De- Torah Uniesorah, New York troit Jewish Community Center as Union of America Hebrew Congregations, New York . . a branch supervisor of organized United Lubavlchcr Yeshlvoth, New York programs, before accepting his Yeshlvah Chofetz Chalm of Radun, New York post here. Mr. Silverman hns also Yeshlvah University, New York served as a coordinator of commu- "Yeshlvath Cliochmey Lublin .Detroit nity activities In Ne\v York City Religious and Charitable Institutions In Israel and City Director of the n'nal H'rlth Youth Organization !n New Total Orleans, La. OMAIIA Mr. Silverman with his wife and Ileth E | Religious Hchools Subvention Beth Kl Religious Schools Staff Recruitment •••• Beth Israel Religious Schools Subvention Beth Israel Religious School Staff Recruitment . . Temple Israel Itallgious Hchools Subvention . . . • ; lliaure Zlon Religious School Subvention Jewish Education Bureau and Library Medical-Dental Board Dr. l'hlllp Sher Homo for Aged . • • « • • • • • • • • • • . . . Ciunp Juy-C-G » Jewish Community Center •

220.00 4,205.00 00.00 90.00 100.00 175.00 90.00 45.00 90.00 ' 5,105.00

7,600.00 16,035X8 -2,080.05 12,275.40 215.C6 6,109.20 450.00 4,540.00 330.00 22,520.00 8,000.00 17,500.00



Mlkvuh '.. Jewish Family Service Special Repairs and Renovation* War Services Activities and Women's Federation

1,800.00 12,500.00 6,000.00 1,000.00

J e w i s h i'rcsft

Total . . . . . . 108,476.87 MISCELLANEOUS Administration and Collections Campaign Contingencies und- Shrinkage Saul Hllvrrnmn two children are expected to arrive, in Omaha soon. Commenting upon the selection of Mr. Silverman, Arthur H. Goldstoin, chairman of the Center Committee, said: "Mr. Silverman conies to our community with tho finest recommendations, bringing a record of excellent training and performance. We hope that our community will benefit from his Kpedal tralhln/,'; profcfislonal skills and1 line experience m the field of group work."

20,000.00 5,500.00 11,018.13 Overall Total


An annual contribution of $500 to the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged from the Dr. Philip Sher Kmlowmcnt Fund was announced by Jack W. Marer, Federation president.

ISRAELI MINISTER New York: (JTA)—Mrs. Golda Myerson, Israel Minister of Labor and Reconstruction, arrived here from Jerusalem to help launch the United Jewish Appeal drive for 1956. She will be the principal speaker at the national


In the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

Grant for Aged Home By Dr. Sher Fund Told


The Jewish Philanthropies Budget of $425,500 for the period of July 1,1955, to June 30, 1056, was approved by the Executive Committee of the Fedoration for Jewish Service at a meeting held Sunday morning, Jack W. Marer, Federation president, announced this week. The budget was adopted, Mr. Marer said, after a close examination of local, national, overseas and Israel needs. (A complete list of agencies and institutions is shown at the left,) The budget was submitted by Nathan L. Nogg, chairman of tho budget committee. ' ••. ' .,.. .... . . . •.. Mr, Marer paid tribute to the late Mrs. L*wis Noveleff who died December 8, for her humanitarian work In the community. The board voted to adopt a memorial resolution which will bo prepared by Rabbi Benjamin Crofter of Beth Israel Synagogue. • Financial .and service reports for the month of November were distributed and reviewed. . Mr. Marer announced the appointment of special committees for the annual meeting and nominations and for a survey of noncontributors to the Philanthropies Campaign. * Members attending tho meetIng were: Jack W. Marer, Milton Abrahams, Arthur A. Cohii, Leo Eisenstntt, Leo Fox, ; Dr. Abe Greenberg, Ben E. Kaslow, Louis Kntz, Ilobert H. Kooper, J. Harry Kulnkofsky, Nathan L. Nogg,_ _ Ralph Nogg, and Paul Veret.

Golden Age Club To Meet Monday The Golden Age Club will hold n post-Chanukah party at their next regular meeting at 1 p. m., Monday, Dec. 19 In the Jewish Community Center. Chanukah gifts will be exchanged at the dessert luncheon affair. The program will Include a "Guess the Object" game under the direction of Mrs. Harry Wohlner. Mrs. Sam Horwlch will present nn original reading in Yiddish and Miss Sandy Fellman will read Torn Klppur Scandal" from th» writings of Sholom Alechem. A social hour will follow. The Golden Age Club Is jointly sponsored by Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish.Community Center,

l e Plaisir1 to Be Presented Sunday "Le Plaisir," nn outstanding French motion picture will be presented this Sunday at 8:15 p. m , . in the Jewish Community Center . Auditorium. Tills is the second presentation in the Center's '58 Foreign Film Series. Three of Do Maupassent's short stories furnish the theme. Starring in the film are Danielle Dnpricux, Jean Gahin, Slmonc Simone and Peter Ustinov who Is heard as the voice of Do Maupassant. Admission is by series tickets or single admission of 75 cents. ROMAN CENTER Home Dec. 12 (JTA)—A noiy. community center was opened lit Rome's famous old ghetto yestcW day to provide recreational and cultural facilities for the poorest group of Jews living in Rome< some 4,000 of the city's '12I000 Jews, . , . The center, is located in n large basement of the Home synagogue and Includes a gymnasium, audlf torlum, social hall, meeting rooms.

Pace Two



Syrian Firing Take: Toll of Fishermen H>«r>

o> (lit federatiuL lui


Friday, December JO, j;).',."i


Jmisfilfin (.TTAi - - Artillrr duels hfUvci-'i Syrii.n and Israel. iiun-i in the I/ike Tibi-riis at maintained tlie Irnsion .Mo/id i> foJJmviiij: tlii: J!i:;j'.r raid Sunda, by I.sivif'l units who fViptiJird an

Religious News

With the Folks Af Home

X'lm mill IliipprnlnRfi nt tint Dr. riliflji Slier .leu Kl, Hulilr I'nr 'Die AKI-II b.v D.ivlil Orkuw. liiTfin'ic'r <i: Jinblil BenjTm n HARRV HALPKm Cr.jiH-r v i i i , .1 to:l.-iy and continued ins jriterjire(a(;u;h> uf MishnaU to Temple Israel t \t\i\ ;iuflienci: in the Home Syriathe eastern .',);iio of the UkUv am UY>n,liip in mr<•'. will l,e in hi :• ;:.'::ue. There v\;is a tii.scus3ion pcthen withdrew to Israel trrrilory H . o'clock this i-Yid.'iy t-\cninj; ;i li'fd iiffer vUucii Itiibbl Gn>ner By Nathan Ziprin tion. It all started when tlie head Soino 55 Syrian .soldiers died ; Temple IMJCI. Itabbi Sidney H joined ii.j for Itinch. of the school system Issued a state- 29 wcrv laken i;ri-,!>m-r, while four lirooks will preach a M-rinon en IT IS WHISrEKED . . . OerpinlUT 9: Celebration of tho ment on what was called ".Moral'ioJis WOK- killed and V2 wound titled "f-n IJveiiinfi'.s Forehead." Israel will Mve two miJUon doi and Spiritual V a l u e s nnd the e<i in tho opera turn. Temple officer.1; and Student Cmm F.rnt Chanuliiih I.icht. Iicefinlter J I : Pot.-ito Pancake lars in foreign exchange u» • re- Schools." The statement w a s iSundiiy, lHifon» the raid, a for- eil officer will fcindlc the Cha- Supijer I>:irty. sult of planting her jwn ^M meant to .lay the basis for guid- mal complaint un the lalt'st .Sy- nukab Menorah linhts. . . . Of the more toan !,0uO j t u - ing teachers in imparting moral rian hheliini; of the JsivtcJ palro Ikrorolwr 12: Temple Israel Si«Services Saturday mornlnK wil denU enrolled in the Hebiew Uni- and spiritual values to their puplLs. boat wus (kJivcred to the MAC. l>e held at 11:30 o'clock for adult." terhiKKl held their Chanukah parversity in Jerusalem *o.»e 90 arc This it seems to us would only ty at the Home at 2 p. m. Mrs. Informed sources liore pointed and members of the Religion' Jack Diamond entcrtnlned with Arab and Druse The pxlilt serve to accomplish through the School. which the New Yorker will carry back door what has been prohib- out Monday that Syrian firing on Hebrew and Yiddish Lleder to the boats last year had not soon o( Daniel Penky, noted He- ited through the front door—the ;;rent joy of our folks. Kilms with only cost lives, but had forced the braist and one of t i e most olor- introduction of religion in the Krank Sinatra on Americanism Betfi Israel Ail Jewish figures i s the United schools. Such an effort would not fishermen to abandon 100.000 and one on the need were shown Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor to round out the program. ReStates, w u suggested by Edmund only serve to undermine our tradi- pounds worth of nets and fish Wilson, author at Dead Sat. Scroll* tional religious liberties and the when the Syrians o pened fire. The Ell Kagan, Beth Israel Choir wil freshments of fancy cakes, candy . . . When Moshe Shar-nt, now stability and independence of our fishing industry In the area was conduct late Friday cvcnlnc serv- and tea were served by tlic ladles touring the country on beiaif of schools through Introducing divi- paralyzed and at Eingcv, where ices at 8 p. m. Yrnditlonal Friday of the siiterlKKxi, under the chair* Ii/ael bonds, visited Secretary sive religious controversy in the the community depends on the evening services (Kabbolas Khati- manship of Mrs. Julius Newman. Dulles in Paris recently he was eltsarooms, as waa so aptly point- processing of fish, demands were bos) begin at 4:45 p. m. Sabbath Among those present were Mrs. B, surprised on entering the Dulles' ed out by the New York Board of voiced for government assistance morning services begin at 8:30 Wolf, president of tlie sisterhood, office to be welcomed In Hebrew. Rabbis, it would place a burden for the hundreds of workers ren- a. m. Junior Congregation at 9:30 and Mesdamfs L i z z i e Adlcr, m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:<ir> The grecler was an aide to Mi on the teachers for which they are dered jobless by Syrian attacks. Charles Stern, Abe Ginsberg, L Dalies who was formerly attached most admittedly not qualified by The fishing season for this year p. m., followed by Sbolcslie S'eudo.i, L. Diamond, L<ena Upp. to the American Embassy in Is- education and training. What, it is about to begin—particularly In and Maariv. Daily moniini; ecrv Mannah Orloff, M. Trellor and Mr. rael . . . A new edition in Ile- occurs' to us, would happen to a the eastern section of the lake Ices at 7 a. m.; afternoon services b;. of the complete worlu of Dr teacher if he declined that chore where worm underground springs at 4:50 p, m. Sunday momlni; Marvin Treller and Carol Ann Tbeodor Herzl will shortly be puo- either because of Jack of qualifica- attract large numbers or fish. The services begin at 8:45 a. m., fol- Treller who slept through her iished in Israel . . . Israel ind tions or because be claimed to be fishermen work mostly at night lowed by breakfast and Rabbi'.' debut. nrcrmber 1.1: Hnbbl Matthew dentally h i s the outstanding Yid a non-believer? I t is incredible by lamp, and are easy targets for class In Bible Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan. followed by break Poliukoff's subject for discussion dish literary publication in the that such an issue should arise at Syrian gunners. todny was Chanukah—Its meaning fast, starts at 8:30 a. m. world, qualitatively as well this time in such a truly universal ond Its Interpretation with relation quantitatively. In the Goldene Kelt city as is New York. The Talmud Discussion group to the aced in a home for the nged. (Golden Chain) . - . Judge HenChristmas Party for meets every Tuesday evening nt Drcrmfwr 13: Mrs. Lena Borsky ry L. Barman, the guest of honor 8 p. m. at B!OI Synagogue, 19th treated the residents of the homa VA Hospital Patients at the recent big Chicago function and Burt. to cake In honor of her birthday. at which two million dollars worth Epsteir.-Morgan Post No. 260, Derrmbrr 14: Memorial Service* of Israel bonds were sold started Jewish War Veterans and Nebraswere held in the Home Synagogue Ife as a messenger boy . . . BerntteHiEl . ka Lodge of B'nai B'rith will jointard G. Richard*, rounder of the for Harry I.. Cohen. ! ly sponsor this year's Christmas American Jew*<j Congress whose Services Friday at Beth E1 SySam Rabin is a new resident at Eve party at Veterans Administra "B.. G. R. Says" column appears KORue will Ijogln at 8:15 p. m. the home. Oon Hospital, it was announced by Ilabbi Myer S. Kripke will speak widely in the Anglo-Jewish press Commander Shermnn IJpsteln of on "Christianity—its Jewish and writes from Jerusalem that he w u ItKTAKATIONS SlUP Ijibeck (JTA)-—Art Israel cap- JVW and Marvin Kaplan of the nonJewish Origins," conUnuins Eden's .'Compromis*' glad to learn on hi* first visit to Israel that all of the things he had tain and Israel crew of 33 seamen Nebraska lodge. his series on "A Jew Looks at Proposals Reaffirmtd been writing ubjut Palestine and took command of the new 3.145The program will include a per- Christianity." Cantor Aaron I. ton freighter Kedmah today after Itrael almost all at his life were Edgar nnd the Beth El Synaformance by Central Hifth's TravelLondon (JTA)—Foreign SecreIsrael finmnlly took over the vesinR Troupe. Two chows will be Knue Choir will render the musi- tary Harold MocmiUan reaffirmed sel as u reparations payment. The cal portions of the service; Krika Minn, director of true . in Parliament Prime Minister Sir one of a number completed presented Christmas Eve, Saturthe Jerusalem Art O n t e r in New Sabbath morning services will Anthony Eden's territorial "comin the iiist year or two hy German day, Dec 24. the first at 7 p. m. York which fenturvR the »urk< nf hipyards to Israeli K be at, 8:30 o'clock. Junior Connnd the second at 8:15 p. m. Repromise" proposals to Israel and Iiraeli artiste is not the duuKhtcr li'-cumes part (if Hie fleet of Zim- freshments will l>e served to the ftrccntlon services fire nt 10:<5 the Arab states voiced November of the late famous n ivr-Ii ;t Th<«nvpatients. AH members of the a. m. Mincha-Maariv services are 9, and called the Eden move "aing> Mann. She is a cmuine daughter at 4:30 p. m. Sunday services are ularly well timed." vessel, which uiil Kail foi post nnd IS'nai B'rith Iodj;e are at 9 a. in. of Jerutalem . . . Thf Soviet 1 urj;ed to attend this affair. Opening a lengthy debate, which journalists w i n premised t h e ) ' Haifa with a r;irj;o of rep.'iratioa . Daily services ore at 7 a. m. is scheduled to be concluded fay later this week under liie would confer with JewL-ih writers nnd 7 p. ra. Sir Anthony, Mr. Macmillan Inon the fate of Jewish writers and command of Ca;it. Arych Silber- Rabbi Poliafcoff Elected sisted that the only way to peace man, has refrigerated carr;o holds culture in the Saviet Union were was through compromise and that and will be ii^ed to transport Is- President of Mrzrachi less derelict in effort than fearful Sir Anthony was right when be rael's citrus product.';, in of consequence. offered advice on bow tfac -problem Rabbi Matthew M. Pollakoff to North Sea or Soviet Black Sea might be approached. Asserting ports. Out of season, the vessel was elected president of the Miz- Joseph M. Morgan that both sides were giving aymrachi Organization of Omaha at a JlEUfllON IN 8CUOOLM . . . will be able to transport lumber Services were held Wednesday, By an odd twist the nation^ <TT tree trunks from West Africa, meeting held recently. Oilier new- Dec. 14 for Joseph M. Morgan with pathctlc consideration to Sir Anlargest and most metropolitan which currently supplies a pood ly elected officers are: J. Kaplan. interment at Beth El Cemetery. thony's ideas, tlie Foreign Secrecity. New York, is now involved in deal of Israel's lumber needs. She first vice-president; Sam Sachs, Mr. Morgan, 74, a retired grocer tary said this was the first time ho a controversy we thought couldn't will! also be used for general com- second vice-president; Ell Blttner, and resident of Omaha for 55 had heard leading Arab figures) trcjuairer and N. Levinson, secrearise In a community of so varied mercial cargo between Trieste and tary. years, died Tuesday, Dec. 13 alter take the view that a final settlement must be worked out now. and yet so humanized'a popula- Haifa. a long illness. "Serious Arab leaders have begun Meilach K a t r. m a n, outgoing l i e came to the United States to rcaliw," he continued, "that tho president, was cited for his efforts in 1R08 and was an independent MOROCCAN UKLKQATION tatc of Israel Is something they in behalf of the organization. WilPassovar SaSntj Casablanca (JTA)—A delega- liam Welner is honorary president erocer for 33 years before retiring must live with." in 103a ion of Moroccan Jews auThe Israelis, he said, Just Uk« Inaugurating a no*- scries of diof the group. Mr. Morgan Is survived by his the Arabs will have to make aaerirect sailings to the Holy Land, dience with the Sultan of Morocwife, Toby; two daughters, Mrs. co and asked him to appoint the designed to bring tourists to IsA. V. Vender and Mrs. Edward ices for a peace settlement. II* rael in time for major holiday Jewish member of the Cabinet for Zionist Council to Meet Shaf ton, both of Omaha, and three said he believed that a more care* • celebrations, the Home lines' whom the post of Ministry of ul consideration has taken piaeo grandchildren. UflOO ton S. K. Queen Frederica Posts and Telegraphs has been The regular monthly meetinR In Israel than is indicated by what left open. The delegation assured wUl depart March £ on a Passover of the Omaha Zionist Council will Premier David Ben Gurkm baa cruise from New York to Haifa. the Sultan that whomever he be held at 8 p. m. Wednesday, School K. freed said He said that the thought of The ship will arrive in Haifa rhoses will be acceptable to all D e c 21 in the Jewish Community the sacrifices required should b» Services were held Wednesday, balanced by thoughts of "how* March 21. stopping at Gibraltar. the Jews of Morocco. Center, Mrs. J. H. Kulakolsky, The split which developed in the president of the group, announced. Dec. 7 for Schoal K. Freed with great the gain could be." He said • Naples, Palermo and Piraeus en ranks of Moroccan Jewry over who interment at'Pleasant HU1 Ceme- he USSR would attempt to break route. shall be named as the Jewish tery. Mr. Freed, 54, died early down any hope of settlement, butReservations are now being member of the Cabinet leaves no Wednesday morning. Dec. 7. u Ho •xpressed confidence that neither booked for the March 8 sailing. other possibility except to put the was tho owner of Howard Sales side would fall into "this trap." Fall information is available at Sunday Radio Company. '! all authorized travel agencies, or decision In the hands of the SulHe turned thumbs down on tht Rabbi Jacob D. Rudln of Survivors include: his wife, idea of a new "unilateral declara* may be obtained from the Home tan, It was pointed out here. The Beth El Synagogue In Great Edith; a con, Kenneth, two daugh- Ion" to assist Israel, averrinc lines Agency. Inc., 35 East Wack- Jewish member of the government although he will hold the Neclt, Long Island, N . Y., will ters, Judy and PatU; a sister, Mrs. that the need in the Middle Ease er Drive, Chicago, 111. post of Minister of Posts and Telediscuss "Moment of Wonder" Max Arbltman of Omaha; three graphs, will actually represent the on the Message of Israel Kerics brothers, Sam and Harry of Oma- was for « settlement of the entire NEW NEGEV ROAD interests of the approximately heard over KBON from 12:05 ha and Joseph of San Franslsco, problem and that this couM not be achieved by adding to the long list Tel Aviv (JTA)—A new 20-mil- 300.000 Jews now living in Morto 12:30 p. m. Col. of declaratory guarantees already Ilon pound road through the Negiven. £ev desert was opened Sunday beThe Eternal IJRht program He said the West could not tween Eeershcba and Demons, RED ANTI-HKSIITISM will be broadcast over KFAB Mrs. Anna Goodman cutting eight miles off the road "put the situation right" by armfrom 11:30 a. nx to 12 noon. Paris (WNSJ—Evidence of the Services were held Sunday, Dec. ing Israel and that It would be between Beershcba and Sdom, renewal of the Kremlin-sponsored 11 for Mrs. Anna Goodman with "foolish" to enter into an arms site of the Israel Potash ComThe Bible in Action series Interment ot Pleasant Hill Cemepany's plants at the southern end anti-Semitic campaign | n Russia race at.this stage. He pointed out with ita motivating theme of «f the Dead Sea. Present at the of 1M9 and of 1932-53, was distery. Mrs. Goodman, 87, a forthe dynamic relationship be- mer resident of Omaha, died Wed- that the Soviet Union hod a much Inaugural ceremony were Lincoln closed here by the European ofarger supply of arms available to tween the Bible and contemHale, chief ot the United States fice of the American Jewish Comicsday, Dee. 7 In Los Angeles, wnd the Arab statei ond the porary living will be broadcast Operations Missions In Israel, La- mittee in a report which cites the Soviet Government was not ham. over Radio WOW from 5:45 CaL fc Minister Colda Myersori and greatly Increased use and emShe Is survived by: two daugh- pered in its foreign policy by cithto 6 p. m. The scries is prephasis in Soviet newspapers, parters, Mrs. Sadie Waller and Mrs. er public opinion or Parliamentary Development Minister Mordccai ticularly In the provinoes,.of the sented by WOW In cooperation Ecntcv. with the- American Zionist Mary I>eoa, both of Los Angeles, control. He warned the Arab Jewish names of persons alleged CaL; a son, Sidney Morris or states that they were playing with Council. to have committed crimes against Kansas City, Mo.; six Erandchll- fire when they attempted to play the Soviet syirtcm. Patronize Our Advertisers Iren nnd five nreat-crnndchlldrcn. the USSK off npiimt ills West.



Global Report



Friday, December IS, 1955




Plans Completed For B&P Bazaar

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelbcrg announce tile birlli of a eon Laurynce Mark born December G at a local hospital. He is their first child. Mrs, I'hil Salts of Omaha is maternal grandmother anrl Mrs, Morris Kelberg of Los Angeles, Cul., is paternal grandmother.

Chairmen for tho one fund rais» Ing affair sponsored by the Bust ness urn.1 Professional Women ol Ilaclissah lime been announced by Mi: Chirli-s Koss, fund raising Chairman, The annual card party and bazaar will be held WednesVI ly, Jan 21, at the Biack?tone Hotel. Assisting Mrs. Ross will be her co-chairman, Miss Dorothy Itosonthal and Misses Myrtle Free^ man, Evelyn Levy, Roselie Handler, Lee Grccnbcrg ami Ahuvah Genhater

A daughter, IJeth 'Ann was born November 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Don Ilallvverck of Sacramento, Cal. Mrs. Ilallvverck Is the former Miss Donnu Lee Singer, daughter of Mrs. Max Berlin of Los Angeles. Cal., and the late Mr. Harry Singer of Omaha. Pictured abovA In the singing nlionm ivlio will iipiMur In Council's verilon of "Guys and Dolls." They are: (1. to r.) front row— HOUR. J5. Leo No£K. Nonnun Denenlierff, Wiirncr Frohman and Donald Nofflr. linck row (I. to r.) uru Mines. Lurry 1'luttner and Robert Sllvcrman.

Mr. and Mrs. Sandor L. Bernstein announce the birth of a son Marc Alan born December 10 at a local hospital. He is their first child. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen are maternal grandparents. SanCouncil to Present 'Guys and Dolls' dor BernBtein is the son of the lute Omaha Section, National Coun- und Morris ICirshcnbaum are as- Morris and Leah Bernstein. Mrs. cil of Jewish Women, will have us sisted by Mmes, Al Mayer, Julius M. G. Cohen la paternal greattheir guests paid-up members at a Colin, Stewart Gilinsky and Lazier grandmother. luncheon to be held at 12:45 p. m., ICavlch. Mmes. A. V. Veneer, AlWednesday, Dec. 21 at Temple Is- bert Steinberg, Al Sophir und Henrael, membership chairmen, Mes- ry Greenberg are in charge of cosdames Isadore Elcwitz, Leonard tuming. Luncheon chairman for t h i s Goldstein and M. Arthur Adler anmonth Is Mrs. Leonard Krasne Miss Judl Levlne and Alan Lenounced, who is assisted by Mmes. William vlne wil arrive homo Wednesday, Council's version of "Guys and Kalmaii, Abe Katleman, L o u i s Dpe. 21 to spend their holiday vaDolls" revised and rewritten by Lipp, Lazar Kaplan, Stanley Fisk, cation with their parents, Mr. and Mr*. Morley Zlpursky and Mrs. Abe Slusky, Sam Epstein, Dave Mrs. Hyman Levine. Miss Levlne Norman Dcnonborg will be pre- Fogel, Edmird Green, William Ila- Is a Junior at Wellesley College in sented. Mrs. Stanford Llpsey li duzlner, Paul Veret, Meyer Kubln Weilesley, Mass., and Alan Levlne Is a freshman at University of Illiprogram chairman and play direc- and Sam Goodman. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, section nois In Urbana, 111. tor. Mrs. William Fofrel is copresident announced, a baby sitter director and choreographer. Stage directors, Mmes. Howard Knplan service will be available. Miss Barbara Mlnkin will spend the holiday vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mlnkin. Miss Mlnkin Is a student at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

Omaha Sketches


HADASSAIt COUNCIL Members of the Educational Council of the Omahn Chapter Iladuiah, constating of chairman of the Education Committee, American Affaire, Zionist Public Affairs Committee, and Program Committees will meet for on Oner. Ehabbat at 1 p. m. Saturday, Dec. XT, ot the apartment of Mm. J Harry Kulokofsky in Blackxtonc Hotel Mrs. Max Grossman will be co-hostess with Mrs. Kulako'•ky, IIADAHSAII BOARDS The Board of Omaha Chnptcr Hadassah will meet Monday, Dec. 39, at 12:30 p. m at the home of Mrs. Julius Stein, 5127 Chlcaco fit. Mr*. Phineas Wintroub and Mrs. Al Rimmcrman will be co-host-

cues. The group boards of Hadajssah Will meet Thursday, Dec. 22, at 13:30 p. m. Hcrzl Group will meet • t the home of Mrs. Max Kaplan. 112 So. 53rd »t, with Mmes. Abe Bear and Max Rosen acting as cofcostetse*. Szold Group will meet at the home of Mra. Sam Katzman, MO North 72nd St., and Mrs. Max Folk will be co-hostess. Wcitzman Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred ^^od^ey, 101 Hnppy Hollow blvd, She will be assisted hy Miss Fanny Grodlnjsky and Mri. Louis Hu'rwitz.

Mrs. Milton Nerenberg, cultural chairman, will preside and sing a selection of Jewish folk and Israeli songs. Joe Radinowskl will speak on a Chanukah topic. Mrs. Sam Rlchman will also sing tvne Jewish songs. Mrs. Harry ItiehUn will (rive a reading. All members and friends are Invited to attend the program. HADIMAH CHAPTER Kadimnh Chapter held a Chanukah party Sunday for children of its members at the home of Mrs. Charles GUBS. Mr. G U M entertained the youngsters with feats of magic. Movies were shown and refreshments served.

Figure-Aid Tourney The Tuesday nnd Thursday Figure-Aid Classes arc having a badminton tournament In the second round of the double elimination tournament, Loilta Kirchner, Eleanor Glllespic and Fran Lorenzen remain undefeated. Sue Knrbatsch, Lillian Drualdn, Judy Lavcrlng, Pef» Connelly and, Doris Sacco were all defeated at least once.


The tournament is designed to teach the women • techniques of play and scoring procedures with a oiiq game match for each pair.' Jim' Karbatscii, Center Athletic director said. The best; came to KIZBACin dote was played between Mildred Omaha Chapter of Mizrachl will Fleming and Eleanor Gillcspic meet at 1 p. m., Wednesday, Dec. which the lattch won by'a score of 21 In the Jewish Community Cen- 15-13. ter at a dessert luncheon In honor d new members and all paid-up members. Potato latkes will be served. After the business meetlnc, Dr. Shimon Sohlckor will offer a proMr. and Mrn. Bernard Plotkln gram of musical selections. A so- have added the Haylm Solomon cial hour will follow. Doll to the collection of Dolls for Democracy, In honor of the Bar M0N8KV CIIAPTEIt Mitzvah of their son Justin. This Henry Monsky Chapter No. 346 early American hero Is a welof B'nal B'rith wil hold Its Decem- come addition to the collection. ber board meeting at the home of The B'nal B'rith Dolls for Ita president, Mrs, Harry Fried Democracy" program has been man, at 1 p. m., Thursday, Dee. scheduled for a number of en22. Mrs. Ben Zoorwill will be co- gagements before tho Compfire hostess. Girls and Bluebirds. These include The meeting will bo In the form the S t Margaret Mary's Blueof a post-Chanukah party. All birds, Oalcdalo School Bluebird members are urged to attend to and C a m p f i r c Girls, Hillside complete plans for the coming ba- School Bluebirds and Benson West Bluebirds. zaar. Chairman, Mrs. Arthur Goldstein and her assistants Mrs. W. PIONKEK WOMEN The Pioneer Women will hold an S. Abrahams and Mrs. Albert Oneg'Shahhat at 1:30 p. m., Sat- Feldman narrate the stories, and urday, Dec! 17 at the homo of Mrs. a number of listings aro already \.ulore Forbes, 1720 N. 51st street. booked for January.

Hayim Solomon Doll Added to BB Collection

Hadassah Citation to Mrs. Weitz Pictured above Is Mrs. J. II.1 Kulakofsky, (right), Honorary President of Omaha Chapter Ho(liissnh. who Is shown presenting Mis. Leo Weitz, a Hadugsah Service Award, the first of Its kind to be given in Omaha. This citation was made to Mrs. Wcltz at the Hadassah Silver Jubilee Donor Affair held last Sunday for her "selfless dc.Oiion to the high Ideals of Hadassah. and for her zealous service to the Jewish peoplo in Israel and the United States," ; Mrs. Weitz, who Is the chapter fund raising coordinator, has been actlvo In Haddssoh work for many years. .She is also gift'fund chairman for Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. As a member of Hadassah, Mrs. Weitz has served as medical organization and vocational education chairman, year book advertising chairman, and on the medical center, linen supplies, and



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All past Presidents will act as hostesses for the evening. Tickets may be purchased from all B & P members or at the door.

Thank You The Omaha Chapter of Ml7rachl wishes to thank all those who helped make their rummage salo a success. < Members of the committee were: Mesdamea Herman Franklin (chairman), M. Zal1' (cochairman), Max Arbltman, Bessie Behn, H. Brandstetter, L Factor, A. Llpsman, S. Nogg, C. Tretiak, S. Zekar and M. Pollakoff. bowling league committees, as well as the Israel Bond committec. She Is also a member of the Hadassah Chapter E x e c u t i v e Board. • "This Service Award" is grate* fully bestowed as a mar*, of Hadassah's esteem and hope for even greater achievements in tho future," a spokesman said. Patronize Our Advertisers

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Y.C. Basketball

Campus News


Friday, Drcrmbrr 16, 1835


Y.C. Programs

Y.C. Doings

Bar Mitzvahs

For tlie past few weeks. .Sii;niiJ Kayim Fraternity \Wshes to eonThe liar Mitzvah of Kdwin Nor".So 'Iliis Is College" will !«• i;ratulate Larry Lincoln for his Omieron chapter of Si^nia Aiph; The best game of Die season "hi iias been tjuite busy in eanipu? presented by the Jewish Youth pnrt in writing -Sad Maf;a/ino, a man .Sidman, son o." Mr. and Mrs. Hdiry .Sidman will bo observed Council necrniher 2K in the JCC wa» played last week in Youth activities. Scholasticly, Mnrvii humor periodical puhlished l)y Council "A" basketball league Friedman was iecentiy named Pli auditorium. The program will fea- Youth Council teenor/Ts. 'J'iie fr.i- this Friday evenini; and Saturday With AZA 100 going down fighting Heta Kappa. Marslial l'eei:er. Nor- ture a panel dismission by return- ternily is pianninfi a fund rai.sini; morninir, D'.'C, 10 and 17, at Beth Israel Syiia|;o('.ue, r>!>nd nnd against AZA 1 in a 37-39 thriller. man Krivo..ha, Nunnan Veit/er ing co!k'i;iari^ un aspects of eol- project to iji? lield in January. Ciiaric'S. All nu'inhers of the famJerry Kosen was the nutstnmlini' and H i> Mi id > u\\ cl). it i Tat lf|;c life. New AZA No. 100 commit ily and friends m e corilially Inman on the floor for the loser,-. iJtlta) won tin u loini'I* in tiie John Welsh, director of . the ciiainnan w e r e aimriunc.-d \>y JU he sank 6 straight free throws .inntiil Moot ( m i l l d, lni< if th( Youth Council Ritle Team is lieniard lilo «n, Alepli S'lj.-ui. They vited to attend the services and and one bucket to keep AZA 100L'nneisit> ol N t h islm ( n i l ' r e of i;roomins: iii v Mjuad for maicii are: .Stew itici:e.s, culturai; J o n y tiie receptions following the fcervIn the game all during the first 1-aw IJeckei, V u t / u and Krivo- competition. Youth Couneiieis are Stone, religions; Tom I J iatt, athquarter. And then, oddly enough, hhu were ulso irutiit(<l into Ph invited to join tlie squad. There it-lic; IJernie I'oliiiov, Muciril; iJ(.Tjlie ije missed two free throws during Delta Phi, a pioftssiuii il le,;,il fra- are no fee.s for this activity nnd firos.srnan, eornmunity s e r v i c e ; ^Tr. (mil Mrs. Al>e Markovitz rifles are provided. Kuch member Marty Lifij), human relations; It. aimounee tlie IJar Mitzvah of thch* .th9 last quarter that could have ternity. supplies his own ammunition. tied the score at 35 all with two son, Michael, will be celebrated In the field of actintles, L.irry le .Simons, projKTties; .Stanminuted to go in the game. He Epstein was the Sammy candidate Girls may also participate in this ley Greenfield, publicity; Stuart Friday evenini;, Dec. 2.'! am 1 S a t sport. Registration m/iy IK* made was high point man In the game for "Most "llgible Bachelor." Stoler, courtesy; Steve Friedman, urday jnornini;, Dec. 21 lit Beth El with IS point! although Bromberg Socially, the annual Sigma Al- In the YC office at the Center. transportation; and Murray May- .Synaj;;o!:ue. Friends and relatives Air Aides, a course in radio for er, notifications. Newly elected of- are invited to attend the scrvlccn and Plotkin for the winners scored pha Mu Founder's Day was held 12 and -0 respectively. Sunday, Dec. 11. Nathan Zolot of teenagers, will be initiated after ficers will be initiated at the joint and the receptions which will " The margin of victory lay in Lincoln presented the chapter the first of the year, Art Novak, AZA nnd UBG formal ceremony follow. the blanket thrown over AZA with a Jewish betterment award. Youth Council president, an- to be held at the Center Decem100*1 offensive threat Bob Ep- About twenty alums were present. nounced this week. The group will ber 18. Shaare Zion Party stein, a, he was held to only nine ' SAM opened its inlermural bas- meet once a week for a period of B'nai B'rith Girls will hold their points. Epstein was forced to ketball season by defeating Zeta ten weeka. The course will be Chanukah party at 8:30 p. m , Tlie children of Shaare Zion Rcshoot from the outside all night Beta Tau in their annual game Jointly sponsored by the Youth Saturday, Dec. 17 at the home of and Just couldn't find the range. 43-12. Sol SUs* led the victors Council and civil defense agency. Miss Lcnl Wine. BBG's will liold llcious .School nnd their young •Chubby" Passer did a creditable with 15 points. He was recently Sessions will include radio theory, their semi-annual elections Sun- guests were treated to Chanukah job of guarding him while scoring promoted to cadet major of the practice And code. Those complet- day, Dec. 18. The community serv- Bifts by the Klekcs family at t h e youngsters' Chanukah party held army ROTC regiment at.the Mili- ing the course can qualify for a 8 points himself. Federal Communications Commis- ice project for this month will be Sundny, Tlie program included tary Ball. Rayim took the other game in sion novice permit which will al- to give a dinner to an adopted holiday gnme.i, plays and refreshZeta Beta Tau fraternity is low them to broadcast on an family. a lop-sided victory over AZA 100 ments. B as si* of their team scored over holding Its annual stag cocktail amateur wave length. Teenagers .Stan Kaiman was elected presithe 10 point margin. Al Corey party of the winter holiday tea- can register in the y c off Ice. dent of AZA No. 1 at their semitook over the scoring lead from son this evening at the home of annual election which followed a "SAD" a humor magazine pub-, Bob Epstein by pouring in 15 Alan Rice, 6615 Davenport stag at Harry's Rcstauant. Other The party will be held from" 7 lifted by members of y C and edit- newly elected officers are: Mike points to run his season's total to 70 Second place In scoring goes to 9'3D p. m. Invitations have been ed by Larry Lincoln Is now on talc Mogil, vice-president; Harold Kalto Bob Epstein with 61 points and issued. All high school senior men for. 15 cents a copy.' Copy dead- man, secretary; Al Sicgal, treashe is followed by Tom Brombcrg ore cordially invited to attend a i line for the next edition: -is De- urer; Al E p s t e i n end Jerry cember 19, . :>•'• .;:'; •••• . . •'. . guests of the ZBT fraternity. with 52 points. Schwartz, co-editors; and Jerry Here on campus .things have Freedman and WUIard Plotkin, Standings in the league find sergeants-at-anns.* Rayim oh top with 4 wins and 0 really been popping for the men Jr. B.B. Bowling The B'nai B'ritH Winter Convenlosses. AZA 1 has a 3-1 record of ZBT. Dlcl' Fellman, editor of Roger Smith and Judy Wohlncr tion will be held In Omaha from While AZA }00 has stayed out of The Nebraskan, the student newspaper, spoke last Sunday to the were tops in last Sunday's comDecember 24 to 27, the cellar bv winning 1 and losmembers of the ConBregatlonfll- petition at Parkway. Roger paced ing 3 Prcsbytcrian Student House, on n the league with his 288 series. l i e Hollywood (JTA)—An aspiring panel with a professor of the Uni- had games of 156 and 132. Judy \erslty, on the "relationship of the put together games Of 132 and author sent i manuscript to Ben ,Hccht with a covering note in Jr. Y.C. Bowling Administration-and the Student 130 for a 262 series to lead In the which he explained: "Tlie charaBody nt the University." girls' division. Bill HorwJch of Hells Angels acters In this story are purely ficBen Belmont, junior In the COIT Splits were picked up by Mar- tional and bear no resemblance to team In the Junior Youth Council Bowling League really rattled the legc of Business Administration, sha Coren, the 5-7 and Ki-ances any person, living or dead." Served Buffet Style! alley* and came up with a 180-147 wes recently elected secretary of Rife, the 8-10. Hecht returned It with a brief to break the high game and sc- the All Uniiersity'Fund.for the All You Care to Eat note: "That's what's wrong with ries mark* set lost urck by Larry coming year The AUF Is the camPatronize Our Advertisers It." • ' • Kohn. That rtves Bill the scries pus "community chest" organization. record at 333 NOON TO 3 P.M. Just before Thanksgiving vacaLost week, practically all bowlers bettered their averages, nnd tion th" Board of Trustees of the the ."fC series barrier i« now brok- Alphi Tlieta Chapter of Zeta Beta en. Top team In the league is Tail named Donald D.indy, junior RUG & UPHOLSTERY Hell's Anreln with n 11-1 record in the College of Business AdCLEANERS Rayim SOS, Lucky L e v u r i s n n ' ministration and historian of the The Belles all have a 7-"> record rhnptiT, the recipient of the Ed RUGS—CARPETING « utl Stimmer Memorial Scholarone gome brhfnd the 4 A cos LAMP SHADES ship for the cunent a t identic > FURNITURE XO OWLS' VOLLKYB tl.I. Cleaned In Your Homol , Youth Council Girls' Volle>b.ill HOTEL BLACKSTONE Binding - Laying - Repairing League started last Fildiy mtli B.B. Women's Bowling Tuesday nlglit all the members BBC No 1 taking two out uf three In B'nai B'rith Women's League Don Bernstein HA 2554 Rames from Dcbka Delw Nn 1 B'nai B'rlth Girls won the first Ixiwlcd in the Good Fellows Tourand last games 15-2 nnd 13-9 nament, In the "A" league high while the Debs took the second kcorer* were Betty Perelman, 488,rtuth Klein. 190-473; Angame 15-7. Volleyball schedule nette Frank, 463; Sue Grecnberc. is posted on the bulletin board in 180 and Shirley Gorelick, 17S. the lobby of the Jewish Commu- Ruth Kraft converted the 6-7 split. nity Center. "B" League high scorers were: Evelyn Finkclsticn, 15G — 434; * , C. "B" BASKETBArX ' Zena Flshbeln, 164; Sonia SchragYouth Council "B"- basketball or, 151; Kthel Groosmnn. 145 and | started Hit Week with four tcamc Pearl Upton, 150. Ksther «ordto a double round robin for minor man converted the 4-5-7 kplit. »POrt Olyttyjie pointu Scores for tHc tint (jaine were AZA 100 C-V and AZAjJ B-U while Rayim K Hadassah Bowling "Ugh series bowlers this week ran over Jjayim C 36-11. in the league were- G. This league IK schedul d 'or <>7* \\\i 41C I 7 lei.bsen ifiH M. double round robin b-fuie t h e p . n - Wine KJO M Frumkin 100 L. er pool league Is -.lull 1 J m i I'.loch 4Ti K Asbjll Vt"> V. ISoss ary 10 li'l M C'loixnnm Ufi S Greenbei,' 411 P M.irnm 1 !1 I> Winliouli 4.'G A Sdiiilmm 12C>. !„ I l o l x n n i n 4L»! I) Ilubm i.'l, I'. IIolj- nn in 4J1 R Pitlnr li'l, M. r r i n l t UK I' Tuiitcl 41.1 1" CoH n JO') II Miiskin 107. It Platt This Sund iv 'it 7 p in in tin I VU M riii-cnlK'r,' 101. i: UILC 401. Center gymnisiii'i) Offutt An Splits i: lllic fi-7 Police biskelbill t. nn will jil ij the Jev. sh i r n U i V u it> mju id This Is t i e fn t ;• in of the >i ir for the Cent, r ti un mil thr [>ublic is iiu.tcd Clnrles Win ht m ich uf tin OfBy Jim KurbutM-h

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday

Sunday Brunch





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ienced i-x 111 I: '.IIIIMII hill p h \ u h tutt &/!vtr(ln?mri)L who h n w t u r n p h v i n ' to i th<T for some time 'JTu-, ti.nn is ( x - UAH nnd ''as Mitzvuh congratulations alsotfor nil Jewish holipccteii to r u e the ('• nti r ti un i ri i\ •- ,Tnd Sji^ci jl otcisions. lough tune. >Iej(is N e w . 1302 Dodge Members of the O u t e r t e m i • r e Al C h j m n n , S indy limpliy, EXI'MIIKNCED practical mirsint; Llndy Paul. Mo Hindlcm in, J n under physician's direction at Yaff«\ S t e \ e Liist,;-irlen, n . m your liomc for Ix'dridden or con> Epstein, JjToy Kat>; nprt l.d lii-lvnlesccrif p'ltli'iits Dny or nl^ht »*dilly Mr?' Uotty Hlrsch. 612 N. Center team. > 47th St. Call GL 41.'!«.

RESTAURANT 38th and LEAVENWORTH nulrtt •Otiillw • ! POT v* Uttk Mm.


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