December 23, 1955

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Adopt UJA Goal For Welfare Need New York (VVNS)—At the conclusion of Its 18lh annual national conference held here this weekend, the United Jewish Appeal adopted a 193G campaign coal of $105,000,000 to carry out migration Welfare and rehabilitation programs among 500,000 Jewish men, Women and children over the world, the majority In Israel and North Africa. Alwut 1,400 delegates attended the conference In the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Taking cognizance of a $25,000,000 special fund for aldliiK newcomers In Israel, the conference resolved to raise more than that amount "to assure the continuation of Immigrant settlement in Israel at a time when Israel's people are girding themselves to meet terrible challenges .before them." Stressing the need (or removing to Israel "'tens of thousand* of Jews from other lnnds, espcclnlly from North Africa," the r e s o l u t i o n called upon American Jews to approach the 5150,000,000 mark set In 1948 when Israel was established ax a nation,

The Omaha Federation for Jewish Service, on behalf of all the members of the Jewish community, tenders the following resolution dedicated to the memory of Sophia Neveleff, whoso recent passing has taken from our midst ji unique personality who wua the epitome of practical philanthropy: Whereas, Mrs. Neveleff dedicated the last four _ decades of her life to the amelioration of the plight of tho underprivileged, without regard to distinctions of race, creed, and color; And whereas, she labored tirelessly, giving unatintingly of her time, energy and her personal means for ovcry project designed for the enhancement of the Jewish community; Therefore, be it recorded:, that through the medium of this resolution, the Federation for Jewish Service acknowledges its deep sense of gratitude, for the sterling leadership and abiding inspiration with which Mrs, Neveleff enriched the lives of all who were privileged to come within the orbit of her dynamic personality. Omaha, Kcbr., December 14,1955. Jock W. Marcr, Federation President Eabbi Benjamin Oroner, Resolution Chairman

oint Peace resented (.I'l'A)—A five-point plan to serve an a basis for an Arab-Israel peace settlement has been outlined by Israel to tin: .State Department, it was learned here Monday. The plan makes it clear that Israel rejects arbitrary eesnion of territory or resettlement of Arab refugees insitfc the Jewish State. I l o w ever, on it basis of mutuality and reciprocity within the frame* work of a general peace settlement, Israel has notified the State Dspartnic, consider: 1. Minor mutual boundary adjustments. 2. Free port facilities at Haifa with transit rights for Jordan, '3. A plan to afford a transit arrangement linking Jordan with I-gypt across the Negev, but without cession of any territory or compromise of Israel sovereignty In any way. 4. Affirmative attitude toward compensation of A r a b refugees along lines outlined August 26 by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.

5. Agreement t'o the Johnston Plan for the Jordan and Yarmuk Illvers involving release of Israel water to the Arabs. It was made clear that a settleMiss Dvornli Snlntownka ment offering the Arabs these advantages would require simultaneous Arab extension of parallel faLondon (JTA) —In his ilrst ellltlos to Israel and cessation of New York (JTA)---More than $G«2,000, and Yi-shiva University, Statement on foreign affairs since his election as leader of the La-f,() Jewish hospitals and homes for with $203,200. In the hospitals Two young Jewish children, one the Arab boycott and blockade acthe aged were the recipients of category, the listing included those bor Pary, Hugh Galtskell sharply in France and one in Israel, are tivities. criticized the British Government's 57,LJ«1,100 In the record-breaking institutions which the Foundation iH.'irif: aided by the Workmen's Israel circles here said they have policy In relation to the Middle $500 million Kurd Foundation believed to bo eligible, with final absolutely no evidence' that the East and charged that Prime Min- grant to privately supported in- determination of eligible hospitals Circle Dramatic Club of Omaha. Arabs want peace. They feel a ister Sir Anthony Eden, In hisstitutions announced here. In New and exact grants still to be made. With the help of the Jewish I.a- U. S. security guarantee applied to The Foundation itself did notlx>r Committee, the club recently speech of November 9. had cre- York City 22 institutions received present boundaries would increase ated the impression that he was?'l,ril5,000 of the total figure. In list any breakdown of grants on "adopted" a nine-year-old immi- ultimate peace prospects. If nothaddition, two Jewish-sponsored the basis of sectarian affiliation. grant Israeli girl Miss Dvorah pro-Arab ami therefore had dising Is done by summer, Israelis qualified himself as a mediator colleges received $805,400 of the In addition to the grants listed It Snintowsku who needs special at- warn, growing Kgyp(ian military between the Arab tstatcs anil IK- grants to private institutions of was assumed here Yeshiva tention nnd care, according to a strength will make the situation higher learning. University's new Albert Einstein letter received here by Max rael. College of Medicine would receive Crounse, JLC chalrma l In Omaha. worse than ever. , "I do not think we should take .Sharing in the college grants a grant when the actual disposiThe young girl lives with her Israel circles here favor In prinsides In this way," Mr. Galtskell were Brandeis University, with tion of awards from a $90 million mother, who survived the nazi ciple the support by the United (aid, referring to Prime Minister fund for privately supported medi- concentration camps of Europe, in States of projects like the Aswan Aden's speech. "We have puarcal schools Is made a old house In Jaffa, Israel. Her Dam hi Egypt. But the Israeli* lUiteed Israel's existing frontiers In making the hospital grants, father died in 1947 as a result of arc asking If Egypt hasn't blackand we have to stand by thnt the Foundation trustees noted the tortures he underwent In the con- mailed the United States and guarantee." l i e Insisted upon an whether the clam is a reward to need for several hundred thousand centration camps. emphatic rcafflrmatlon of the TriA young French boy wasEgypt for signing the Czech arm* additional general hospital beds partite Declaration of 1950, Indeal. The Israel view on the dam and the fact that old or obsolete "adopted" eight years ago, who Is stead of reference to the 1917 par- IMMKillATIOIf RKVIMION buildings require replacement or being aided to continue his educa- is that If the United States li to tition borders as Kdcn did. lend generous . financial support New York (JTA) — President modernization. It was also pointed tion there. the West should extract something . "Some of us at least feel that n Elsenhower and his Administra- out that "The pressing need Is for In return from Egypt as a contripeople who have been hounded tion will he making "new and funds to expand or modernize bution toward regional peace, coand persecuted and massacred strong recommendations" to Con- present facilities, and extend servoperation with the Johnston Plan, throughout the ages, to the eternal gress In 195G for revision of ex- ices to keep pace with the rapid etc. , shame of mankind, should now l>c isting Immigration laws, it wasdevelopment of medical science." allowed to live nnd flourish In stated here Sunday by Maxwell Use of the funds granted to the It is felt that nothing can be setParis (JTA)—Tho , U n i t e d peace." he added. The Lal>or Par- M. Ilabb, secretary to the Presi- hospitals will be permitted for any ty lender said that his party rec- dent's Cabinet. Mr. Kabb was the program of Improvement or ex-States, Britain and France will tled finally by "remote control." A third party may convince parties ognizes that a settlement of the guest speaker at the first anni- tension of hospital service but not supply arms to tho countries of 'dispute, which has been aggravat- versary dinner of the United Max for operating expenses for services tho Middle East "for defensive to meet, the Israelis think, but It Is up to the people directly coned to a "new nnd dangerous" ex- Service. currently being performed by thepurposes only," it was stated hero cerned to work-out the final solutent by Soviet supply of arms to hospitals. Programs may" bo in Sunday in high official circles. A tion face to face. Israel circles r e Stating that the present U.S. the Middle Tjist. "must Involve a the form of Improvement in or ad- decision to this effect was reached solution of the Arab refugee prob- immigration policy was alienating dition to facilities or services, ad- by the Foreign Minister of three vealed that Israel today is worklem, the .ending of the blockade people In o v e r s e a s countries ditions to or training of person- Western countries at their talk Ing more closely with the United States than with Britain, mainly of Israel and, no doubt, some min- whereas It could be "an Important nel, and conducting research. here last week on Middle East because of the Guildhall speech by weapon In the arsenal of the cold or frontier adjustments." problems. war," Mr. Itabb said that this British Prime Minister Sir AnThe total grant was probably country needs the talents offered the largest ever received by Jew- Well-informed sources said that thony Eden. by Immigrants. "The tailor Indus- ish i n s t i t u t i o n s from .private French Foreign Minister Antolne Abandonment or the ccutting u t t g off try In America, for instance needs sources, and in many cases, were Plnay told Israel's Foreign Minthe talents offered by •immigrants. tho largest every received from ister here yesterday that the of the port of Elath will never be Western Powers would not aban- envisaged, according to the Israel any source. don Israel. A t the same time, he viewpoint. Israel rejects any noMILLION IMM.LAIC (ill'T is reported to have hinted to Mr. tion of a "landbrldgc' 'across the ' The annual Christmas Kvo ParSliarett that there is no unity Negev that would involve anything Now York (JTA I A million- AKMS NIIH'MKNT ty at the Omaha Veterans Hospital dollar gift from the International London (JTA)—Two Egyptian among the Western "Big Three" other than a juridical decision on Will bo given this Saturday by theI-adles Garment Workers Union ships sailed from the Belgian port on overall Middle East p olicy. It transit rights. Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewish War for a hospital" in the Negev oper- of Antwerp last week-end with 12 Is noted here that while Britain's Veterans and Nebraska Lodge of ated by the Ilistadrut was an-Valentine tanks, 10 Sherman Middle East policy Is hinged on Ii'nal Il'rlth, nounced here today by David I)u- tanks, 2G Jeeps nnd five armored the Ilagdad Pact, to which she adHarold Huliln, VAVS represent- liinsky, president of the union. cars, according to reports reaching heres, France remains aloof to the Sunday Radio ative for JWV stated that the The sum will Iw paid in four an- here. The tanks were Imported pact. Tho Eternal Light program shows will \K presented twice so nual Installments. Into Belgium us scrap from British The French Foreign Ministry will be broadcast over-KFAB that most of the patients will be Mr. Dubinsky also indicated that dealers. has Issued a statement here In from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. able to see it. Itefrcshincnts will the IUiWU might make a fur- According to the reports, 200 connection with reports that Iw nerved by the ladles auxiliary ther $500,000 available to the hos- tanks, 1C0 jeeps, 21 Bren carriers France had protested to Israel The Bible In Action series of the post nnd the Nebraska pital after the $1,000,000 contribu- and 50 armored cars have left about the Israeli action against chapter. with its motivating theme' of tion Is completed. He also an- Antwerp In the past four months, Syria, France, tho statement said, the dynamic relationship be Central High School Traveling nounced a $50,000 contribution for bound for unstated destinations in had not protested, but had, rather, tween the Bible and contemTroupe will take part in the en- the purchase of machinery for the Middle East. Most of them expressed Its regret at the inciporary living will be broadcast tflstradrut trndc schools In Israel were British scrap reconditioned dent. Some sources here said totertainment program. Miss Sandra over Radio WOW from 5:45 to Ki'llnian is chnlrman of the group. and a uecond 550.000 contribution by Belgian dealers before resale. day that M. Plnay expressed dis6 p. m. The series ii presented Sherman Lipsteln Is Commander for tho city of Haifa for the bulld- British and Belgian authorities npproval of an extremely aggrosby WOW In cooperation with of thi> JWV post nnd Marvin ICrip- Inc of a stadium to be named In are believed to bo discussing meas- s|ve statement issued this wcekhonor, of Xulftl Antonnlnl. first ures aimed at halting 'further ship<»n<l-.!ny *tbe-.'8»>*lnn Embassy In the, American Zionist. Council. Inn Is president of the Nebraska vice-president' of the' HXJWlf. ' ' ments,' ' " *."" ''" "•'.."• Paris. lodge. .

British Labor Head Critical of Policy

Ford Grant Includes Jewish Institutions

Workmen's Circle To Aid Israeli Girl

Global Report

'Big 3'to Supply Defensive Arms

VA Patients to Be Feted by Vets, B.B.


, December Iff, M83.



' ' • ' .

Off the Record


Memorial Resolution

* Cvu) f M a ) 0» tte tfeOenUoa teJ Jewtab Servtcc

.. Ediioi


Plain Talk By Allied Segal

and from Isaiah, "Ixt us walk ir» the light of the Lord" . . . ami from the prophet Micah, "He will bring me forth to the light and I shall behold his righteousness." It has seemed to me that the light to Psalms and the light In Isaiah and that light that Micah tells about, is of the same spiritual texture as that which guided the three men in the desert on their way to Bethlehem. They had heard of a certain Jewish child that was about to be bom there. There had been reports going around that this birth could be a bright event in the story of mankind. Theh three men on their camel.', had Journeyed through the night, following the star toward Bethlehem. Then nil at Once the star was no longer in the Skies, and they searched for i t going even to the horizon to find It. It was lost. And they grew very tired and they lay oown in the desert to sleep awhile.

gl'EECH D» CBDBCH I have a date and problem. The date: I have been asked to speak at a Christmas dinner In a Methodist church of our town. The problem; What shall a Jew talk* about at a Christmas dinner in a church! I've been tWnkmg much on that the last few weeks and I believe I have the answer. I ahaB read them this column. It win be like ' handling two birds with one stone: A column and a speech In onel Time-saving, labor-saving! I shall thank these Methodists not only tor Inviting me to be with than at Christmas time but also for Ortdr fine understanding of the sodal and spiritual meaning of Christmas. Their invitation suggest! that they don't think of me. who am of another religion, as someone foreign to the Idealism of the Christmas season. They seem to know of me as a person who doesn't think of himself as a But one of them could not sleep. stranger to people of other reHe was thinking of their camels. ligions. The camels had carried them a As all know who regularly read long way through the day and the this Jewish column of mine. I night and they must be thirsting think of Christians as religious by now. He looked and saw them kinsmen of mine tn the Judaeo- restless in the sand. .-.'.: Chrlstian concept They ond we He arose and took up a pail In are at separate altar but our es- which to fetchvater for them, but sential meaning is about the same. water was not In Mw desert; waWe seem apart only by reasons of ter might be somewhere far off Issues that our theologians have and he went to search for It He set up between us. trudged wearily through the sands, We . . . Jews and Christians . . . down into deep depressions of the are as one In the idea of what be- earth and up steep hills, and at ing a Rood man really Is all about. last came to a small oasis which And as I, as well as many Chrls- gave him water for the camels. , ttans believe, to teach goodness in Then with his load of water he aO the ways is the main end of all religions. In goodness we reflect returned to the camels, but lhp God In whose Image we were cre- pail held only enough water for ated. Not that all Jews and Chris- one camel, and there wire three tiana behave as if we understood of them- So three times he went this essence of their n>specti\e re- I over the same hard way and back, llgtons. , I (o fetch water. I know Jews who thoiiiji the}' I Out of the final |iaii hi was givmay be regular In the synagogue. in;; the camel to drink he chanced don't live'by the teaching given in to look down into the water. And the Old Testament . . . the Com- there it was. deep down In the mandments, and the Prophets. I noil: The star they had lost was know Christians who may be In luring reflected In the water he church on Sunday but whose daily was giving the camel to drink. He Bves are far below the Sermon looked to the skies and there stood the star again to guide them. He on the Mount Yes. Christian and Jew have In- called to «he others: "I've found herited the same eth|cal and spir- that star! I found it in the water itual teaching, and, God. the Fa- I was giving the camels." ther, keeps patiently waiting on us The sleeping wise men awoke to try Jo live by i t though the and exclaimed: "Look, by kindness thousands of years have, passed Be found the light!" And they since It wa» given. I like Christ- arose and followed the star on to m a s because In t h a t season a lot Bethlehem. "of people whO>haycn't measured I guess Upc light of that star was up to the height of the Sermon about lhp same as the light we try to behave! somewhat ax if they Jews know In Psalms where It stood on the summit of the Mount. says "Light Is shown for the With these words I shall start righteous." ' my speech to the Methodists at That's what I 'shall tell the their Christmas dinner. :.«m mire Methodists for Christmas and then none of them will find heresy in report to them on our own Chanuroe for saying this In their church. knh which is also of the goodness I have always thought that this of this month. : ' idea of the essential unity of rc\ ligions Is In the Christian and Jew• ish concept, or should be. And I Family Club Officers hope no Jewish reader o' this col'•' unit can find fault in m« for Alan Ciplnko was elected presspeaking as brother tc. brother ident of the Kutler-Clpinko Famamong the Methodists. ily Club at n meeting held recentThen I shall tell them n Christ- ly at (he home of Mr. and Mrs. mas story. Long ago I found this I'hil Kutler. Other newly elected story In n short poem by an ob- officers nre: Saul Libowslci, viceccure author. It's good for Jews president; Mrs Benton Kutler, to hear, t o j I like to tell it be- secretary; Phil Kutler, treasurer, cause It reflects religion at its and Harry Kutler, scrgcant-ntfinest . . . religion not In a church urms. but on a desert rather . . . reInstallation of officers will be ligion that concerns Itself with held January 15 in the Cameo serving even the least of creatures. Room of the Fireside Restaurant such as c.imels. Mesdames Alan Cipinko and Saul It was in the night the three Libowski nro in charge of dinner wise m^n were on the way io arrangements. Bethlehem. They were being directed there by the bright star which we Jewish people have read Workmen's Loan Assn. about but which we do not accept literally. As Jew we may not h?The Omaha Workcmcn's Loan licve in the astronomical reality Association will hold no meetings of that *tar, but, as Jews w know Monday. D e c 26 and January 2. certain such light of our own ex- The next regular meeting will be perience. We know it from the Monday. Jon. 9. For further inBook of Psalms where It says. formation and payments on loons "Lord, lift fhou up the light of call Harry Staenberg. secretory at Thy countenance upon us" . . . JA 5903.

Beth Israel Synagogue, motivated by a profound sense of gratitude, offers the appended resolution as a memorial to Sophia Neveleff, whoso loyal, unswerving cense of dedication and high resolve, contributed so dramatically to the emergence of a greater Beth Israel. Whereas, Mrs. Neveleff distinguished herself as a spokesman of stature by effectively interceding, and by eloquently pleading, for the cause of those whom adversity had brought to low estate, And whereas, she dedicated her talents to the fulfillment of the highest goals of humanitnrianiism by bringing hope to the afflicted, healing to the sick, and opportunity to the under-privileged, And whereas, we are convinced that tho recollection of her fruitful deeds will forever glow with a warm radiance in the sanctuary of memories, Therefore, be it resolved that Beth Israel Synagogue tenders to the fainil yof Bopfaia Neveleff this special tribute in recognition of the transcendental rolo that she played in the development of the Synagogue and the community.

"MANY DAUGHTEB8 HAVE DONE VALIANTLY, BUT THOU EXCELLE8T THEM ALL." Omaha, Nebr., December 14,1055. Harry Sidman, • President of Beth Israel Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Resolution Chairman

Religious News AM >:•;••

Belli O Services Friday at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will speak on "The Treasures in the Cave," a sermon on the famous Dead Sea Scrolls. Cantor Aaron L Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. .Sabbath morning services will be at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Ma.'iriv services are at 4:30 p. m. Sunday services are at S n. in. Ijaily services are at 7 u. in. and 7 p. in.

Temple Israel Worship services will be held at eight o'clock Oiis Friday evening at Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will discuss "Jewish Reaction to a Pope's Vision." Services Saturday morning will be held at 11:30 o'clock for adults and members of the religious school.

Beth Israel Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and Secondary "B" class, will conduct laUs Friday evening services at 8 p. m . ' ' , Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 4:45 p. tn. Sabbath morning services begin nt 8 JO n. m. -Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Sabbath Mincha at 4 p. m. followed by Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. Dally morning services at 7 p. m.; afternoon services at 4:55 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 25, morning services bei;in at 8:45 a. m: Sunday mornIng Junior Minyan, followed by breakfast, starts nt 8:30 a. m. Services Monday morning, Dec. 2C will bei;in at 8:45 n. m, The Talmud Discussion croup meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. at I3IIH Synagogue, I9th and Burt.

Dramatic Club to Fete The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will celebrate the birthdays of cix of its members at 5 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 25 in the Labor Lyceum. Members whose birthdays will be observed ore: Mesdames Max Crounse, Milton Ncrcnbcrg, Jennie Rifkln and H. Carl, and Messrs. Sam Sussman and Sam Binder. ilmes. Nathan Lerman and Sam Binder will be hostesses. Members are, asked to call Mrs. Lerman, HA 4655 for reservations.

By N i U i u Zlprlu NOTKS ON A UKBATK Is then; a nenuine revival u£ Judalim in America today? Tlio answer to the query, of .'ourne, centers not alone around the vnrity of tJie general proposition but on what is meant by Judaism :n lenns of Individual orientutioii, ond on the criteria employed In assessing the trend- If we view revival In terms of attachment to synagogue, affiliation with community and participation in the philimlhrox>ic and social fabric wo could reasonably conclude on the basis of ttatistics that the American Jewish community |K undergoing a transformation whose re* suit will be the emergence perhaps of a unique pattern. On the other hand. If we conceive of revival In terms of the very roots of our historic, religious, spiritual, cultural and creative experience. It Is dubious whether what we are witnessing today In thc^Jewish community will l)e conducive t o that renaissance of values without which there can bo no spiritually cohesive Jewish community In America. The difference, it is argued, is between the palliative and the real, the truth and the e n v bellishment.

Some weeks ago my diary reminded me that a debate on the revival of Judaism was to 'take place nt the 11th annual parley of the Metropolitan Council of B'nal B'rith in New York City, with Dr. College students home for the Theodor Gaster of Dropsie College holiday vacation will participate and Dr. Trude Welss-Rosmarin as In the annual Homecoming Serv- the disputants. Inclement weather ice to lie held at Beth El Syna- and 111 health thwarted my pur» gogue, Friday, Dec. 30 at 8:15 pose, but from an eye-witness report now on my desk I would p. m. Participants will be: Miss Elea- judge the debate deserved more nor DeKoven, daughter of Rnbbl attention than It received. and Mrs. Ralph DeKoven; GorDoctor Gaster, I understand, don Fcllman. son of Mr. and Mrs. lashed out furiously against the Charles Fellman; Miss Suzanne organized Jewish community In Richards, daughter of Mr. and America as well as the Jewish syMrs. Morton Richards; Barry nagogul and organizational strucVeret, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul ture, calling them "artificial" ediVeret, ond Miss Minda Friedman, fices which, he said, were attractdaughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. V. ing following and membership by "gimmicks" and "gadgets." He Friedman. said the organizations were empty of Jewish content and exposing their membership to lesser standU. S. Saving Bonds ards of Juiloism while absorbing their energies on needless activiPurchases of United States ties. The report on my desk soyi savings bonds in Nebraska during Dr. Glister called for a decline in November showed an increase of affiliation, rellglou-sly as well as 3.9 per cent over the same month oorcanliatlonally. At the narno a year ngo, Glenn Cunningham, time he whipped the American State Director for the Treasury's rabbinate for "whittling down Savings Bond Division announced. Judaism" and "eliminating" difFor the 11-month period ending ferences between Jew and ChrisNovember 30, Individual bond tian. As i/roof of this thesis h e buyers in Nebraska had invested cited the fiict that "Chanukah la $9rJ,G87,551 in series E and H Sav- heralded as n Jewish Christmas; Moses Is likened to Abraham Linings bonds. Purchases during November to- coln; priests are invited to be guest speakers at the s y n a g o g u e taled J7,148,9G3. That was the all to prove we arc alike. We chip highest dollar volume- for any No- off every face—and we are alike." vember since World War II. • Forty-nine Nebraska counties Doctor Gaster argued further showed higher sales than Novem- that the pulpit had been rendered ber a year ago. devoid of meaning by being made to yield to such subjects as book reports and political talks, that "the true spiritualness of devotion waa glaringly missing" and that congregation programs such' Mrs. Leo Lefirz as "A Night of Jewish Poetry" or Services were held Sunday, Dec. "Israeli Dance Night" were not 18 for Mrs. Leo Lclltz with in- conducive to making "committed terment at Fisher Farm Ceme- Jews." It was Dr. Goiter's complaint that the temples and ayna« tery. Mrs. Lcfitz, 65, on Omaha gogucs were acquiring acquiesresident for 45 years, died Satur- cent and not affirmativo Jews. day, D e c 18 in a local hospital. His thesis obviously was that i t She Is survived by her husband, was more Important to have a Leo; three daughters, Mrs. Floyd small core of committed or dediPerimeter, Miss Sylva, both of cated Jews than large numbers of Omaha, and Mrs. Leonard Poslcy people who just inherited Judaism of Los Angeles, Cal.; four sons, as a sentiment and n tradition. Arthur, and Ben, of Omaha, and A diametrically opposing view Morris and Leonard of Los Angeles, Cat; three sisters, Mrs. Max was token by Dr. Trudc WeUsRosmarin, defender and disciple Friedman of Jersey City, N. J., Mrs. Louis Roscnstcin of Rocka- of the traditional point of view. wny, N. J , and Mrs. Al Katz of She defended the synagogue ot New York City; three brothers, today, declaring that "Judaism Sam, Max and Paul Becker of can't be reserved for a special1 New York City, and five grand- type of Jew." She defined a Jew as one who maintains a Jewish children. , home,'Jewish traditions and synagogue affiliation both -is worshipper and participant in its proA. E. Sherman grams and activities. Her view wan that Judaism is a way of life as A. E. Sherman, 03, a pioneer Des well ns religion and that, hence, Moincs merchant, died In Des there Is no inconsistency between Moincs Saturday, Dec 17. Ho Is sodal and artistic activities and survived by a son, Ben of Omaha; the more serious facets we genfour daughters, Mrs. Jack Robin- erally attach to positive Judaism. son of Sioux City, l a , Mrs. Ross It was her contention that no on, Daniels, Mrs. Sarah Vaiere and not even rabbis, have the right to Misa Mildred Sherman, all of Pel (Continued on Page 3) Moinea.

B.E. Homecoming Service Dec. 30


' XV1KU.


Organizations B * 1" HA DABS AU sixty members of the Senior and , "Ye Old Bargain Days" is the Junior Young Juiira .'.ubs will theme chosen for their fund-rais participate in the first part with injj affair by the Business and a presentation of "Slmbbat ShoProfessional Women of lludassnh, lom." a Havd.-ilah Service, followed to be held January 25. Decoration: by cainpfiro sln:;in»; and dancing will carry out the motif. which i.s part of Hie program a t "This promises to be a very in Camps Tel YHmchh nnd Hcrzl. trigulng evening with fun anil A (Urn strip, ".Sulamitli Finds good values for all," taid Mrs. Carl Tomorrow," in Kodarolor, will 1>< Lagman, president or the IS&R shown. This urizc winning t'ln A niiedal table1 for handicraft tolls the story of -i yt'ung girl and handmade articles will IK? dis- Sulamith, 4u<j was uroughl fron played by Mrs. Julius Newman and thp Murroecf chellt. to < Vouih Miss Dorothy Rosenthnl. There Aliy.-ih school in i*n:"l Tlir* third will be many "craeker-tarrcl' feature of Uif program will lie a items to delight bargain hunters. trioute u> l/.if..'if>:«Tli's founder, the late Hcnrie'ic S/c.',, "May Her Memory Ik: For A Ulessini;," preHADASSAII sented by Mrs. Stanley Fisk. Zionist Youth Commission and Trouth Allyah projects will l>e feaI'rogram director for the senior tured at the Omaha Chapter Ha- i;n>up3 is Mrs. Max Bittncr. Addauah Meeting 12:30 p. m., Wed- visors are Mesdames Donald Nogg nesday, Dec. 28, nt the Jewish David Bernstein. Julia Jncolis, and Community Center Auditorium. A JSernard Program coordinator for the Junior croups is d e t m t luncheon will be served. ' Mrs. Morris G Fcllman, chapter Mrs. M. F. Levinsnn, and advisors are Mrs. Irving Shapiro and Paul program chairman, announces that the program for this month will be Shyken. divided into three parts. Alxnjt Mrs. David Finkel is luncheon chairman. AU members and.parents of participants are urged to attend. linby sitter service will be provided.

Omaha Sketches

First 'Lieutenant Benjamin ItobIMOD of USAF will arrive in Omaha December 28 to spend his holiday leave here. He is the son Of Mrs. Louis Robinson. While in Omaha, be will visit his undo and •ant, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krlcsfdd. L t Robinson is stationed at Parks Air Force Dose, Oil., and if attached to a medical unit Lt. Robinson was graduated two years ago from University of Nebraska's College or Medicine. lie wlU return to duty January 8. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Mirvlss nre in Omaha visiting members of their family and friends. Mrs. Mlrviss Is the former Miss Lillian Margolin of Omaha. Mr. Mlrvlss is director of the Hillcl Foundation at Ohio University In Athens, O. While in Omaha, they are interViewing prospective counselors nnd campers for their Camp Gan Aden Which U located In Chequnmcgon National Forest near Mlnocqua and Park Falls, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Diamond and their daughter, Frances Maicome of Fort Smith, Ark., arc visiting Mrs. Diamond's parents, Mr. •nd Mrs. Joseph Adlcr.


f; Kagagiti . . .


(Continued from Pago 2) weigh one Jew's devotions or to get up special standards. She pointed to the fact that "truly and solely spiritual Jews were rare even in the past." At the Wine time she defended the organizational structure as the base on which there will ultimately rise the «uper-*tructuro of "true Torah." There Is no gainsaying the fact tt. t trend back to synagogue, ritual and tradition. Whether that compulsion stems from real inner needs or whether lt is generated by wholly external factors does not change the fact of its existence. Quite possibly the gimmicks nnd the gadgets nre serving as media of attraction, even as are the sermons on politics and on books and on the nrls and the religious and allied motif. But unless there arc worshippers and audiences in the synagogues and temples the word of pulpit, however erudite nnd spiritual, will be of no avail. We must of course give greater nnd more meaningful content to our spiritual and organlaztional structure, but that objective, In this corner's opinion, will not bo achieved If we transform our institutions Into academics of learning nnd piety. The synagogues were not meant for the exclusive, even If they arc termed the "dedicated" or the "committed" Jews.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldberg announce the birth of a daughter BomH-Joy bom December 2 at a local hospital, They have two other children Debra Hence and JodlLynn. Mi1, and Mrs. Allan Zalkin arc maternal 'grandparents and Mr, and Mrs. Marx Goldberg arc paternal grandparents, ,''

Dr. Marvin Simon and his bride Voungstoun Kitchens 26 16 are making their home at 105 N. Fireside llest 25% 16!4' 38th Et., in the Raddiffe Apart- Met/. Deer 25 17 ments, following their wedding in ng Uros. , 24V4 Dallas. Tex., November 2fi. They General Kleelric . . . . 24 were married in Ihe study of llab- COOJXT Construction 23 M 18 184 bl Jerald Klein. Kdwards Jewehy . . . 23 ' 19 Dr. .Simon is the con of Mr. and Superette Market . . . 22 20 i 19 Mrs. Milton Simon of Omaha and Silk Shop 23 j his bride is the former Miss Pearl Watson Bros 19 23 Emellno Miller, daughter of Mr. Iirodkcy Jewelry . . . . I S 24 ! and Mrs. Sol Miller of Dallas. Playland Park 16 28 / 17 Dr, Simon is n graduate of Mystic Beauty Salon 15 Uhi 1754 Crcighton University's Dental Col- Magic Color 28 Silco Products. 14 lego und a member o' Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity. Mrs. Simon was Ufth Series graduated from Southern MethoS. Schrlebcr 460, R. Wintrdub dist University and was affiliated 460, E Ross 453, P. Marcus 449, with Mu Phi Kpsllon.'a national It Gelfand 449, S., Tretiak 447, E. music sorority. Cohen 445, S. Lewis 441. A. Schulman 436. E. Turkcl 428, P. Turek 196-426. P. Gross 425. S. Greenberg 424, L. Bachs 424, M. Fromkin 424, B. Adlcr 424. D. Green 421, H. Singer 420, G. Zavitz 417. M. Wine 404, P. Upton 404, L. F«ler403. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph back announce the engagement of their daughter Mhs Betty Merle to MiPatronize Our Advertiser* chad M. Blclcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Blcicher. : Miss Isack Is a student at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln and her fiance Is attending the California Institute of Technogolgy at Pasadena. -.':•:•<.,-•

Miss S. Greenberq Will Wed in June Miss Betty Isack Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crccnbcrf; Engagement Told mnounce the engagement of tlicir


Off Hie Record

However, there Is much to lie said on the question whether Jewish life in America Isn't ovcrorganlzod, numerically nil well as structurally. But that, is a problem for the experts.

Dr. Marvin Simon Hddassah Bowling W. I. Weds in Dallas i RCA Victor " 87 15

daughter Miss Shirley llena, now residing in Minneapolis, Minn., t o Samuel Aaron Yarush, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Solomon Yarosh of Minneapolis. Miss Grccnberg and her fiance attended the University of Minnesota. She was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. MONKKR WOMEN The wedding date has been set Pioneer Women will bold their for June 17 In Omaha. luncheon meeting at 1, p. m., Thursday, D e c 27 in the Jewish, Community Center, All members are urged to attend. Plans for the Child Rescue Fund Dinner will be discussed. RUG & UPHOLSTERY

JWV AVXIUAUY Chanukah packages have been sent to Jewish servicemen stationed overseas by Epstein-Morgan Ladles Auxiliary No. 260, It was announced by Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, overseas chnlrman. The Post and Auxillnrj also presented Elfts to all patients at Omaha and Lincoln Veterans Hospitals. Members of the auxiliary will assist the post In tlielr annual party for patients at Omaha Veterans Hospital tomorrow. Mrs. Anron Epstein, Omaha Veterans Hospital representative, announced the auxiliary will be hostess at a coffee hour Sunday, Dec 25 and that auxiliary members will relieve non-Jewish volunteers in order that they may celebrate Christmas with .heir families.


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SAM Mothers'Club Sigma Alpha Mil Mothers' Club will hold their regular monthly dessert luncheon meeting at 1 p. m., Tuesday, D e c 27 at the home of Mrs. Nathan Vcitzcr, 352 N. 35 th nv. Mrs. Lsndorc Stiss will act as coliostess, AH alumni arc welcome lo attend. For reservations call Urs. Veitzer, WE 1710. 'EACE OUTLOOK Washington UTA) — The outlook for Arab-Israel peace Is not encouraging, the Secretary General of the Arab League, Atxlcl Khalek Ilassouna, said Monday ftcr a meeting with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Diplomatic sources said Mr. Hassouna discussed mainly the Isrnel-Syrian clash with Secretary Dulles and lold him the responsibility for war If It conies, will rest wlt.i Israel. He told newsmen Inter that U.S. iupport of the construction of Egypt's high dam was a start In the right direction forTAmerlcan policy, but pointed out that the Israel-Syrian clash has caused prospect*' for peace to diminish. The possibility of Arab agreement to thp Johnston Irrigation, plan was also lessened, he (aid.





Center Sports Uj- Jim Kisrbutiuh Y'AKSITY BASKETBALL ' ; The Center Varsity basket but team hud to go two overtime pc riods to subdue a toufch O'tuit Air Police team 89-83 last Sunday in the Center gym. Leroy Katz tied the regulation game up with ten keconuS to go with a long basket to deadlock the score at 77-77. In the,first overtime. JCC Jumped off to an early lead to make it 82-79. but the Air Police came back with baskets by Varncy and a free throw to force a second overtime. 'Sandy Brophey for the Jays •cored six quick points to put the game on Ice while Offutt could only gather one more free throw. High scorer In the game was Vnrnoy of Offutt with 26, and Al Clayman of the Center and Berry of Of'itt came through with 24 points. Scoring on the Jay's team Was nulier evenly divided as Belgram unil Brophey both put in 16. Llnri.v Paul mode 14 and Dan Epstein scored 11.

to lie v e r y clo-,i> this >car. T h e Mofjen-D.iMd t*'jm w.i-j s t i c n s ; -

thencd considerably vvllh the additions of big Don Formun and speedy Dick Z,ichaiki Tim, should give them the height and s;>ecd to make them real contenders. In the B Lengue, team No. 3 is without a loss so far with team No. 2 winning 3 and losing 1. Top scoring is divided between Howie Shrlcr and Bill Ginsburg with 24 each. This six-team league will start regular competition January 15 with the sponsors being Cowboys' Bar, Fireside Restaurant, I-Go Van, Gerclick Motors, SIosburg Realty and Ilichman-Gordman, January 1 and December 25 play Is suspended for the Midget Leagues. January 8 will sec tjie start of first regular "A" league games while the "B" league will start their competition the following Sunday. HISS OKUOn ELECTED Miss Laurie Oruch was elected president of B'nal B'rith GlrU at their semi-annual election held December 18. Other newly elected officers are: Misses Elaine Falken, vice-president; Serena Dwosfcln. recording secretary; Judy Kutler, treasurer; Fat Greenfield, financial secretary; Joan Marx, Y. C. representative; Miss Lenl Wine, Y. C. alternate; Lois Moskowitz, historian, and Miss Toby Raznick, reporter.

MI1M1KT LEAGUE In the final round of the "A" Mld-Rt Lcngue pre-season schedule. Tekus & Sons came through with their fourth victory to top the le.v.'uc. Dan HolUs of the same team 'il*o lead* the league in scoring with 38 points. Second plum was shared by Independent Metal and IL A. Wolf. Ina who both had a 3-2 record. Mofien David wound up without a victory in the practice round. Hollywood (JTA)—V 1» 11 n 1 > t Several changes have been made Mischa Elman, who returned to within 'the league which promises Israel for a scrips of concerts, told us about the poor, blind woman in Tel Aviv who put ten dollars Into a collection plate at a synagogue. "You cannot nfford so much." said One. "Yes, 1 can she answered. On being pressed to explain, she said. "I am blind and I juild to my fellow gtrnw-uorkcra. "Flow much money do you upend in n year for oil hi your lamps when it i« too dart to work night*?' They replied, 'ton dollars.' "So." said the poor woman, "I found that I save so much in Die year because I am blind and do hot need a lamp, and 1 i;ive it to shed iigiit m the dark minds."

Want Ads *

ptmm '**•• -»**• u iMm>ruw Warn AC TIN ICW»I rmi C d i ,-ali .11 6(' ctnu toi u d t jaacr .ft. pret* nttnu uu nKbi u ttmi: met a a f r r t M l t

BAR and "Vis Mitzvah congratulations also toi aU.Jewish holiday? and s,>ecial occasions. Meyers New. Sland. 1502 Dodge . TOP CALIBER SALESMAN NEEDED Zep Manufacturing Corporation. ono'of the largest manufacturers of detergents, soaps waxes, disInfectantc. ctr. and automotive cleaning chemicali, has a top producing neaiby established territory open. This territory has n large number of constantly active accounts djtim; hick more than three years. Applicants must IK: top notch .salesmen wMh soni" sWIiriR experience. The man selected will average 2 to 4 nhfhts a week on the road only. Exclusive, established territory with no house accounts, Substantial drawing account and commission. ' Mxtra benefits include bonus plan, pen .ion, etc Good auto necessary. Age 2 J to 40 Do not apply unless top calilx.T. Send photo, if available. Write for personal Interview with full particulars. '•'

Zep Manufacturing Corp •.; 1515 Swift Street Kansas City 16, Mo.

Hollywood (JTA).--<• r o u c h o Marx.'Hollywood's fumed practical Joker, hold? with the contention that people don't pay much attention to what others say on many occasions, especially at Hollywood parties. On a bet he greeted his hostetK the other night at a party by saying; "lin sorry tc be late, but It took me longer to slangle I*- uncle than I expected." "Yes, Indeed," she replied, -so nice of. you to come." • Groucno's friend gasped and paid up.

Friday, Dccrmbrr S.1, I9M.


Centralites Win Debate Tourneys Six Ce.itra! High School students captured top honors in debate tournaments held recently. They are Howard Kaslow, son of Mr. and Mrs. lien Kuslow; Marvin Freedjnan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Frcedman; Gene Kohn, con of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn; Gary Gitnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gitnlck; Saul Kripke, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Myer Kripke, and Tom Kuliy, son of Mrs. Herman KulJy. In the Missouri Valley Boys' Debate Tournament, the Central High teams of Kaslow-Freedman and Kohn-GItnick won 1G debates and lost none to make a clean sweep of the tourney. It was a repeat victory for Kohn and Kltnick who won top honors last year. The tournament was held December 18 and 17 at South High Fchool. In the Lincoln-Northeast Hiijh School Invitational Debate Tournamcrlt held recently in Lincoln, the youngsters won the sweepstakes which includes debate, extemporaneous speaking and radio newscasUng. They also walked off with top debate school title and top debate team. Kaslow-Frccdman team won the high team score and the other whining Central team was Kripkc-Kully. Mike Ban, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ban, took second place in extemporaneous speaking with' Kaslow winning third place in radio newscaitlng.

Bar MMzvah Michael Markovitz, son of Mr. und Mrs. Abe Markovitz, will celobrate his Bar Mltzvah t!ii» evening nnd Saturday morning at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.

B.I. Schedule During the two weeks of vacation from public school Beth Israel Talmud Toroh classes will meet in the morning. Primary A and C—Monday and Wednesday, 10:45 to 12:30. Primary B—Tuesday uid Thursday, 10:45 to 12:30. Secondary and Intermediate A —Tuesday and Thursday, 10:45 to 12:30. Secondary and Intermediate B— Monday and Wednesday, 10:45 to 12:30. Junior and Secondary A—Monday. Tuesday, and Thursday, 9 to 10:45. Junior B—Tuesday and Thursday, 10:45 to 12:30. Wednesday, 9 to 10:45. Senior B—Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 to 10:45. High School — Tuesday and Thursday. 9 to 10:45, All Talmud Torah and Sunday School classes will meet Sunday, Dec. 25, morning as usual. Classes will not meet Sunday, Jan. 1.

Debka Deb Vice

Beth Israel Youth To Attend Meet Nine delegates from Beth Israel Youth ('lull, will icprcicnt Omaha at the Synagogue Youth Organization C ' e n t i a l Keclonal Convention to be held in Kansas City. Mo., from Di-crmlier 25 to 29. 'Jlie convention is being iponsored by the youth division of the Union of Orthodox Congregations of America. Kipirscntativcs of synaKOKUC youth clul>s from seven mid-wcstem states will attend the convention and nationally known experts In youth t;ioup skills will address the delegates. Beth Israel SYO delegates are: Jerry Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stone; Paysle Shykcn son A Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shykcn; Felicia Friedman,, daughter o' Mr. and Mrs. Dave Friedman, nnd Rita Katzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katzman. Beth Israel Club Tovlra detet:at-8 are: Judy Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Ronald Stevens; Kcva Shykcn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shykcn, Saul Kalman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kofo, man; Mirvln Ruback and Carl. Luefschuclz, son of Mr, and Mr*. Max Luefschuclz. The delegates will bo occora-, panled by Irving Stem, director of youth activities at the Beth Israel Synagogue. The Beth Israel Club Tovta will meet this Saturday evening from 6:30 to 8 p. m.

This year's Dcbka.Dcb vice, Candidates for King Jazz; am Blues in the Night, will be pre- "Chubby" Passer, AZA No. 1; Arsented December 29, from 9 to 12 nold "Beak" Joffee, AZA No. 100, Roger Smith copped high series p. m. at the Jewish Community and James Shapiro, Ravim, honors in the league in last Sun- Center. Cliff Dudley and hln comTicket!) for the dance may be day's competition with a 362. His bo will provide the music for this purchased for $1.75 a couple from games consisted of 181-181. annual event. any Deb member. Cindy Klein was high in the girls' division with games of 127117 for a 244 scries. FOR A HAPPY SUMMER The 5-10 split was mastered by and a Matt F 'cr. Creative Camping Experience Itith Oiunni and gerU» Douglas Platt . . . . 149-120-278 Enroll Your Daughter in Mcrvin Conn . . . . . . 138-134—272 Meyer Corcn 115-114—228 John Rlekcs 116-107—223 Hobby Singer 130- 92—222 For Girls Ages 8-1 ? Howard Martin . . . . 115-103—218 Kden Cohn 114-103—217 260 Acres — Private Lake Edwin Sidman 113-iaV-216 Mary Ifoberman . . 111-10-1—215 Ch*qu«m«gon National For«lt—WIteonifn't Northwoodl CoHatryl Frances Cooperman J20- 92—212 All land and watar iporti, dramatics, linglnf, dancing, hiking, o/arnU* Chuck Ginsberg . . . 111-101—212 and canoa trips, maanlngful Sabbath and Jawith activity, Mike Green 117- 88—205 Malt Faier 113- &*>—20-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mirvlu — Director. Frances Rife 115- 89—20-1 Donald Krnft 109-02-201 WM W la Oas«k* Dtmiktr » Nt Jaaaary 1 Knren Forbes 118 ft amwwl latorvfew. call «L M i l Bradley Epstein . . 1 1 8 Diane Schreiber . . . 113 Marsha Coren . . . . 108 Donna Kalman. . . . . 100 Naomi Rothenbcrg 103 Jim Krasne 102 Bennie Tarnoff . . . 101 Maureen Epstein . . 100 Sharon Frank . . . . . 100 Lurry Gnrrop 100

Jr. B.B. Bowling


f "thi this Christmas more

folks are buying G A S Appliances"

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