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UN Action Postponed UN Head Plans Visit On United Nations, N. V. (WNS) — Aclion iiy the United Nations S'.ciirity Council on Syria's complaint lifininst Israel for tliv attack at the Sea of Galilee has been postponed until after the holidays. Sir Leslie Knox Munro of New Zealand, president of the Council, suggested thi? postponement to give the Council time to study the **hew documents" before it. Those consisted of the rc|>ort of Gen. gurns, head of the t!N True.' Ku-
pervi.sion OJ c/tni/ation. pl.'ic spnnsihility (in Israel fur the lee cljish; Syrian military o. ^ captured by Israel showing K. . .-i asserted terrltoria; rlijht.s in the Sea of Galilee, and Syrian suggestions for a Council resolution expelling Israel from the UN. In his report 1o the Security Council, Gen. Burns suid that Israel committed "a delll>eratc violation" of the armistice agreement with .Syria when Israel armed forces attacked Syrian gun positions on the .Sea of Galilee. At the me time he reported to the Council that Syria had committed a number ot serious provocations against Israel In the last year-ftnda-lialf. The UN Truce Chief pointedly places the latest Israel attack on Syrian \k -iltions in the same category with "the Kthyp. and Gaza incidents, with which the Security Council has had to deal." Since, in connection with both those incidents, the Council had censured Israel, tin- phrasing of the present Burns report was seen In UN circles ns a j>os:;ib]e Invitation to censure Israel aK.tin for tin1 latest attack.
- New moves julution to the '"-cttliiB t h e Middle -'^ ' -,e under way as fast-mov„ developments centering around the beleaguered State of Israel, hemmed in by the enmity of its Arab neighbors, led to increasing recognition of the necessity for an ccord. United Nations Security Council Generul I>ag Hamtnarskjold announced to a news conference that would visit Tel Aviv, Cairo, Beirut and tlie capitals of the other Aral) states, as part of a twomonth tour. Mr. Hammarskjold while not specifically visiting the Middle East on a peace talks mission, will attempt to use his good offices with the governments of that area to effect some kind of a rapproachment between the conflicting countries. . '• '
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Ing To Confuse Issues
' New York (J'lA) Attacks 6i;ainst Ameilcan Jews by Arab prop* ugamlists "can only contribute to disunity among Americans and confuse the Issue m tho Middle. Kast," the American Jewish Committee warned Monday _ Declaring t h a t "there is .nV ' doubt that Arab propagandists ere' seeking, by their use ot antl-Seml-' tie propaganda, to weaken the status of Jews in America/' - the AJC reported that aided with the Arab propagandists are many of America's rlg-ht-wing propaganHigh schoolers nnd their par- dists who "(n happy accord with N. V. ents will meet with college stu- any anti-Semitic campaign, are dents home on vacation at the "So, the Arab view." The' This is College" program to be lielil reiijit of such activity Is "obstructat the Jewish Community Center ing the development of a sound this Sunday afternoon, American policy" for the Middle Miami (JTA)—Introduction of The program will open with a East, the rebort said. religious doctrine Into the- public Nun-Zlonbt coketail hour at 2 p. m.. followed Iphooi cuiriculuui could cause serby a panel discussion at 3 p. m. "The American Jewish Commitious community tensions and crePhases of college life will be dis- !ec Is a non-Zionist organization, ate anxieties amoni; children in cussed by students attending-uni- but It deeply resents any implicathe classroom. Judge Simon II. versities throughout the nation. tion that Zionists or other Jews Rifkind of New York declared here An Informal discussion period at In the United States are disloyal' , a meeting of the American 4 p. m, will round out the pro- to their country," the AJC stateCommitted. rgram. i\ Bonn (JTA) —Tho sum of.JW ment emphasized. It named Arab v nifklnd chairman of th" 1 million Is allocated for Israel repCollege catalogues from ac- diplomats as the worst offenders.' ''•"nil I'xicitive board, told aratlons in the Federal budget for credited schools will be displayed. These Include Mohammed Fadhel lg tb it certainly, the 195(5-57 submitted by Finance Min. Booklets oh how to choose; your el-Jamail, chairman of the fraq' i should give children ister Fritz Schaeffcr to the West college, how to prepare for school delegation to the VN General As[ling of the historical German Parliament for approval. and material explaining school sembly; Far|d Zeineddlne, Syrian' ' p n o ur civilization. The same amount was Included in c<5sts will be available. Ambassador to the United States; ' Mint our children the budget for the current year, and Mohammed Habib, press at"* (e the wide vaAn extensive display of scholar- tache at the Egyptian Embassy in bill nearly three times ns much as Ireligious baeteship information from leading uni- Washington. Arab diplomats, the this yenr is asked for Indemnifilonal life," he cation and restitution payments in versities has jilso been compiled AJC points out, "for years have Vng with this for use by high school students. Brussels (JTAI —• Belgian an\ x p I n 1 n e (I, fhoritie.i have continued to main- the new budget, which would en-. Booklets telling of the opportuni- been using the forum of tlie United Nations for similar attacks ori I'coijnltlon of tain that since the British surplus ter into effect next April. ties in Industry and in th* profes- American Jews, accusing them of , , ".is dissent, a arrives in their country marked Despite an unprecedented eco- sions will be on band. 'dual loyalty,' "'dual nationality,' • jtten Igncre. We "goods In transit," they are pow- nomic boom. West Gernmny is, for A cordial Invitation has been 'dual allegiance.'" 1 peril, localise erless to Imlt shipments. The only the third year in succession, takextended to parents of high school jleve is ln(iii;pn- w.iy to prevent war material from ing advantage of an escape clause Antl-Hemltr* J conscience and reaching F.'nypt by tills route, they In the reparations pact permitting students to attend, Sherman PosThe AJC report states that nerlenn prin- contend Is for Britain to halt the her, to hold payments for repara- ka. Center Youth Activities direc- among the anti-Semites who have to nil"-*. ciple of separation of churcli and initial surplus sales to the dealers. tions deliveries to a rock-liottoni tor stated. The program Is spon- Jumped on the Arab Ixandwagon sored by the Jewish Youth Council. •tale." The use of a large workshop In minimum of $t>0 million per year. lire Gerald L. K. Smith and CondePointing out that the drive to Antwerp for the overhaul of Brit- The reparations agreement sets Co-chairman of the program are McGlnley, in addition to such orIntroduce religious instruction In ish "surplus" war materiel and its $71 million <.s tlie "normal" rate. Miss Rita Kntzman, Joel l'ltlei ganizations "as the openly Hitthe public scliools "Is related to transshipment from that port to With respect to Indemnification ami Jej'ome Goidnwn. lerite National Renaissance Parthe anxieties of our age," Judge Egypt was denounced by tlie vast and restitution, allocations have ty." Most of the Arab propaRifkind declared "that It Is not majority of the Belgian press. Tlie lieen substantially increased. ganda seems to emanate from the function of the public school various Items are refurnished by When allowance Is made for Cairo, the AJC sayj,, citing the teacher to strengthen children In arms specialists In the employ of IxMiefits accruing to non-Jewish Egyptian-inspired pamphlet, "Jewa belief in God, a task which, is the Zelllck Company. Hie y victims of Nazism. West Gerish Atrocities in the Holy Land." exclusively within the province of Is strictly off limits to the plant many's new budget provides an A second pamphlet, 'The Story of press r p London (WNS)—The Board of Zionist Espionage in Egypt," obthe home, church and tiie syna- and one news photographer who h aggregate total of nliout $l- )0 million for Jewish claims of all cate- Deputies o( Britith Jews and« the viously written In Cairo, is being gpcuc. attempted to take a picture was gories, which constitutes under A n g 1 o-Jewish Association, tw distributed by Smith, McGinley warned off with the threat that If two percent of the Bonn Treas leading British - Jewish. organiza and other extreme right-wingers Personnel Moved From he minpped the shutter his camera ury's anticipated tax revenue. tions, Issued statements criticiz- whose hatred for Atnerlca's Jews' would he destroyed. ing the Government for Its atti "has inspired their devotion to tlie Jordan After Riots s , • tude in tiie present Israel-Arab Arab cause." .Jerusalem (JTA)—The United tension. States Consul General in Jordan Czeeh Arra» The Board of Deputies scored has asked the Israel Foreign MinThe AJC calls attention to the the British Government's "nega- nntl • Semitic, anti-Israel arguister whether, in the event of netive attitude" toward tiie "vital is- ments used by America's anticessity Israel would permit Amersue of maintaining a balance of Semites who continuously equate ican citizens in Jordan to crifss arms a s . between Israel and the Communism with Zionism, insistInto Israel without formalities. It Arab states and towards the rein- ing that Zionism and Communiim was reported here. The report K. Philip Voi;t, Douglas County the ngency, he related. Tho fourth forcement of the purposes of the both <ho Israel Foreign Office ngre seek "world supremacy.' Immediately. About; 20 or ,'(O Welfare Administrator, praised group is made up of the mentally Tripartite Declaration by the con- "The anti-Semites have eagerly American technicians were evac- the participation of the Family ill who number about 1100 and clusion of a.pact between the Unitpicked up and amplified these uated from the Old City of Jerusa- Service Committee In tin; work one-third of the patients are over ed Kingdom and Israel. Prime lem, through the Mundelluuin of the Federation's Family Service 05 years of age, Mr. Vogt stated. Minister Eden's Implied sugges- arguments, though how they will find evidence of Zionist-CommuGate, into Isruel. Department at a meeting held The smallest nnd most difficult tion that Israel make territorial nist rapport In tho shipment of group to help Is made up of chron- concessions an tho prico of peace Meanwhile, Arab Legion Col. last week. Czech arms to Egypt remains to ic alcoholics who number from 300 with the Arabs Was also criticized. Abdul Itallm, commanding officer Mr. Voct outlined the scope of be seen," the AJC' points out. It ef the Jordan forces! In the Old the welfare administration in to ,'lfiO, the administrator stressed. Similar sentiments wore ex deplores the adoption "by more What Is being done? The em- pressed by R. N. Carvalho, presi- respectable elements of American City, called his counterpart In Is- Douglas County. He said $1,500,000 rael, Col. CltnJm Iicrzog to Inform are spent here annually to aid phasis Is on prevention, protec- dent of tne AJA. Mr. Carvalho public opinion," such as the Amerhim that any firing heard in the from 15,000 to 20,000 persons who tion and rehabilitation, he said, suggested that y/ken Prime Minis- ican Friends of the Middle East, Old City was not aimed at Israel need help throughout tlie year. with the greatest step being taken ter Eden and President Eisenhow- of the false charge by America')) in the field of physical medicine. but was an "internal" matter. Who are these people? Mostly, For every patient who is rehabili' er meet In Washington at the end anti-Semites and Arab propaganthey are children who become de- tated, Mr. Vogt emphasized, a sav- o fnext month they should give dists that the so-called '.'Jewish EARLY ZIONISM consideration to the calling of n vote" exerts (in Influence on Amerr t New York (JTA)—Three cen pendent due to a breakdown in ing In dollars and cents Is also roundtablo conference of all par lean foreign policy In the Middle turles of continuing American in- family life which is usually caused shown due to the reduction of ties to initiate peace talks. East. terest in Palestine, and In the Jew- by fathers who ore in moral arid custodial care. tall restoration to Palestine, were legnl bankruptcy, Mr. Vogt statIn summing up, the adminls IIIOIIKST DOCTOR RATIO uncovered by leading historians ed. Tills Is a major problem be- trator concluded, new buildings Geneva <JTA)— Israel has th» Sunday Radio here In the religious and secular cause it effects a large number are not enough and additional of families, he added. Juvenile delargest ratio of- physicians for Its literature of tho United States tralnfd personnel Is needed to carlinquency, he reflected, is due to nnbbl Abraham J. Felilnun population of any country in thery out the program of prevention, •inco the 17th Century and In Die of Congregation Beth IKMPI of world, with Qnc physician for evaccounts In newspapers and pe- parental neglect. The program to protection nnd rehabilitation which Hnrtford, Conn., will discuss ery 431 inhabitants. The rails riodicals published In tills country help the delinquents is far from in the. long run will not only benefit more people but will also save ."If the goal is Unattainable" figures were contained In a survey during the past 200 years. The satisfactory, he added. The next largest group who need on the Message of Israel series released by tho-World'Health Or* the taxpayer more dollars. historians aro participating In a heard over KIJON from 12.05 ganization here. ".vo-dny Conference on tho Early assistance Is the aged, Mr. Vogt Louis Kate, committee chairto 12:30 p. m. Israel's ratio compares with one History of Zionism In America, pointed out. Tho average age Is 74 man, presided. Committee memfor 758 In the Soviet Union, One convened by the American Jcwlsli and most of these oldsters are not bers who attended are: Mrs. Juleligible for old age assistance, Mr. The Eternal Light program for every 777 in the United States, ius Netvman, Paul Grossman, Mrs. Historical Society and the Jewish will be broadcast over KFAB one for every 3,500 In Egypt, one Harry Sldman, Mrs. Jacob Wine, Agency for Palestine, being held Voijt nald from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. There aro also 3500 disabled for every 1,290 in the Lebanon and Calvin Newman, Yale Richards ::t the Theodor Hcrzl.. Institute j. Edward.. one for every 6,290 in Jordan. persons who seek the services of here.
Against Teaching Doctrine in Schooi
College Panel At Center Sun.
150 Million Bonn Budget for Claims
Belqians Cannot Holt Arms Flow
2 British Groups Criticize Policy
Administrator Says ... .
Moral andLegal Bankruptcy Causes Family Breakdown
With the Folks At Home
%])t getmsl) tvcr> vita*) »3
ttxlemliuu lut Jewish cJervte*
•Ml OJkUb •*. U S ^ J J , m L l - C U <~T » » « • - •
Ufc&ti Ui< « 1 O) UJUX& b. i*7h
»* uu. Aflveru- -- I U I M <X Appocanot N l
Nen» and happening,, nt the Ur I'hlllj, Mi.-r Jenlsh Hume (,,r th Agr(i by David Orltow.
—4»W fto
P/am By Alfred Segal THIS RABBI 8EGA1, . . . Rabbi Robert L. Kate (he's ol the Department of Human Relations, Hebrew Union College senii me a pamphlet by which th Hebrew Union College is advertising «or orsght young men to come to <t( campus and learn to be Reform rabbis. The pamphlet's call: "Here's a Ufe Opportunity . . . A Career of Service for Qualified Jewish Young Men" . . . It means to be rabbis rather than engineers, doctors, lawyers, physicists. - That sends my memory back to more than 90 years ago when mv»e!f was started out toward being a rabbi; I never got there, though, and there may be good reaun: I was never one of th? br>htir students at Hebrew Union College, or dedicated enough. After two years I came to understand how backward I was v . /certainly not a youth fit to climb •Stnai'i summit I quit reaching toward the rabbinate. M Yean Later So here I am, some 50 year* later, pounding out this column Maybe somebody will read it, maybe not. Yet, bad I become a rabbi instead of columnist, would every body be listening to me? I'd look down from my pulpit as I preached and oh . . . how terrible! some of my leading members were nodding . . . asleep . . m their pews. But, then, being a columnist isn't always comforting to the ego either. I remember feeling stabbed to the heart, you might say, on witnessing the miserable end of one of my columns. This is the CO 'mn I write for one of the dail> press. One windy day I see a p:ecof newspaper be,rig blown (his wa)' and that in the cutter. I pau*- to you know? At the very top of the look down at It . . . ond what do winJ-b!own piece of newspaner stands my own poor column. I'm in the gutter! That's the way it goes with columns. When I meditate upon the sor ry end of a column, I find comfort in the consolation that a crrtaln rabY who had come out of the Hebrew Union College handed mr. He nad Been in several pu'.-lts an..' had met a lot of congregational members in the course of his years Tone of Regret I had told him (hat once I was on the way to being a rabbi onl> to become this columnist Instead He may have detected in my voica tone of regret at not making the grade toward the rabbinate. "Segal," be said, "I hone you aren t sorry. You see, as a columnist you have a much larger congregation that I, as a rabbi. evei can hope to have . . . a congregation bigger even than Ti.mpie Emmanuel's on Fifth Avenue, and, as you know. Emmanuel is on the same top level of membership as :' i»l in Chic.ro let's say. But you SegaJ, as columnist have a muc£ larger congregation than Rabbi Mark of Emmanuel and Rabb; Mann of Slnal put together. Your congregation in the Jewish Press, stretches In all the directions -•"• • east. west, north, south ; ',.-.. Think of that. Segal, and there s even something mure for you to be thankful (or." "What's that?" I asked. '"You don't have to live with y o u r congregation, and that's something!" Finds Comfort So you see ,if Z suffered any disappointment at not being a rabbi, . I could find considerable comfort in what this rabbi told me. But suppose I had become a rabbi . . . Rabbi Alfred Segal of Temple Anshe Giborlm, Little Neck, Wisconsin. Even in my columnar state, I have some knowledge of the ways of some congregations and what 'rj.bbis have' to• take from titan.
IVrrinbrr 20: Rabbi Ij.ivid Koi of Council Muffs, la. <,ur rabbinl cal visitor of the week, diseu.vse this week's leading ol |hc Toran and explained tho story of Joseph and His Brethren. Rabbi Kerb's in terpretations were vor> enlighten ing as well as interesting and tlj^ large audience had a topic of con Well ,in my function as Kabb versation for days to come. Segal I should tell you "hat have to take from the Yiffniff! December 21-23: Daily musica and others of their kind. The Yiff programs were he-Id of special can nlffs are prominent people in th torial recordings under the direccongregatio,.; Mr. YJffnlff! is been tion of Sam Gilinan. president of the schul and still ha December SO: A special Kiddus): a iot to say, but Mrs. Ylffnif was given by A. Fisher. has even more to say, and Yiffniff Dcerml»er 27: Rabbi Nathan is a man who has to listen when Feidman was our rabbinical visi his wife speaks up. tor. His subject was the story of Now It so happens that Mrs. vj.-cph cm it is described in the Yiffniff doesn't like this Rabb: Toran. Rabbi Feldman's anecSegal's wife. I'm not sure wha dotes were very Interesting. the trouble Is but I believe the Pecembcr 28: A special Kiddush girls fell out over canasta; or, maybe, my Mrs. Segal is better was donated by Mrs. Julius Newlooking than Mrs. Yiffniff who man in memory of the yahrzeit of rerflly is a bit fat, excuse the ex- her late husband Julius Newman. Yahrzclti: S p e c i a l memoria pression. •;;• So on his wife's account, Mrs. services Will be held in the Home Yiffniff hat been making a cam- Synagogue for the following, who paign Against Rabbi Segal to ge have yahrzeit during Teveth: Teveth 13 — December 28 — him out of there, dropping the poison, as the saying is, into Mr. Julius Newman. , Teveth 22—January 6—RosaYlffniffs ear. For that reason. Rabbi Segal feels he always ha* lie Alberts Epstein. Teveth 23—January 7 —Max to be cultivating the good will of • Mr. Yiffniff and what a guy to Veret; \ Coming Event: A party to celehave to cultivate! You cart have brate the birthdays of the follow h i m ! '•:•.••• ".. •'.•:•.• • - : . : - . . - . / • ; . . Ing residents will be held Sunday, Babe of Wage* It comes to me that Mrs. Yiff- Jan. 8, at 2 p. m. Celebrants arc: niff flew into violent rage when L e n a Bonky, Fannie Jacobs, the temple's board of directors Sarah Minkin, Max Pelt?, Ephriam v o t e d Rabbi Segal a raise of Wcinberg, Harry Braverman, Rose wages! She carried her wrath to Kagan, Herman Nichols, Lena the ears of every woman of the Spring, Hyman Wintroub, Eva congregation . . . "Think of their Halpern, Reva Krasne, Belle Noovoting that perron a raise • • • dell, Carrie Urbach and Morris Tt's like giving her . . . I mean Wintroub. his wife . . . a raise, too. Have This affair will be under the you seen the new Persian lamb she auspices of the Bik\ir Cholim Sohas on? I'm sure she bought It ciety. Mrs. Jake Wine is presi(Continued on Page 3.) dent of the group. Mrs. Allen Zalkin is chairman of the birthday party and takes this opportunity to Invite the families and friends of all our residents to- attend. / :
College Students Service of Temple
Temple Israel will hold its annual Homecoming Sabbath services this Friday for the college yoinh of the congregation. Invitations have been issued to .ill of the students and following thr*ir nnnual custom Rabbi and Mrs. Brooks will be at home after vices to all the students and their parents at their residence, JG08 Farnam.
Visitor Henry Mendelson of New York City Is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson of Omaha. Private Jay Loshinsky. son of Mrs. Bertha Lashlnsky. was home on furlough over the holiday weekend He is stationed at Camp Cliafec. Arlc. wh"re no is undcrgoinc basic training.
Both Israel Parents-Teachers /ipmclntlon will meet at 8:30 p. m,. Thursday. Jan 5 In the synagogue racial hall, president Norman RosTweie nnnojncod. Tel Aviv (JTA)-The Herat Miss Julia Zuekcr has prepared a program of folk songs anil other 'arty. Israel's farthest rlsrht party and the second strongest in the mtisiral selections. A social hour country, has made a hid for merwill follow. cer with the centrist General Zionists, it was disclosed hero by the Herat nnd confirmed by Gcnral Zionist leader Dr. Peretz Bernstein. Edward Gilbert A letter by Mcnahcm Bclgin. Service.1! were held Thursday, head of the Ilorut, to Dr. BcrnDec. 22 for Edward Gilbert with interment nt Pleasant Hill Ceme- tein noted that the General Ziontery. Mr. Gilbert, 56, owner of the ists have come a long way in the Saratoga Supermarket died Tues- direction of Hcrut policy ns noted day. Dec. 2C in a local hospital. in a recent scries of articles in the newspaper, "Habokcr," by Dr. Ic was a resident of Omaha for Bernstein, advocating a .preven37 years and had been In the gro- tive war now before the Arabs cery jusiness since 1020. muster greater military strength. Mr. Gilbert is survived by his Mcnahem Bcigln. head of Hcrut, wife, Rita: five sisters. Mm. Har- said he understood that differing ry Ellman 01 Beverly Hills. CaL. views on economic and soda, prob.Trs. L/nils Segal, Mrs. Icnry lems were held by the two parties, Goldy, Mrs. Hyman Gendelman. but insisted that for a long time II of San Diego. Cal.. and Mrs. to come these would have to be Charles Vort of New Yorl: City. submerged In Uie face of more nd a brother of San Bernardino. pressing political and security Cal. questions, on which the two groups re now near agreement. Such n Jerome G. Kaimdn merger, the Beigin letter conServices were held .Sunday. Dec tinued, would create a largo pubi for Jerome Gilbert Kalman with lic body which would strive to interment at Fisher Farm Ceme- change both the political and" setery. Mr. Kalman. 17. died Satur- curity situation of the state. ay. Dec. 24 following a long 1UICSS. Last year the American Red He is survived by his parents, Cross issued over ZQ52200 certi.tr. and Mrs Bernard Kalman: a ficates to persons completing free rother. .Harold, and n grandfa- Red Cross training course*. Inther Borueh. K a l m a n , all ,of cluding safety services training and home nursing training. - ::
Rightists Offer to Merge in Israel
y, December 80, VJ.V,.
Hifa Mayor Colorful Figure Krarl'K Lit (mnrtlia, A .Man In Motion Uy 1). Krliut'tiiT Major Abba Hi^lii uh,j ivivnllj sp> _• in the United .States fir I. Beth Israel ruel Bonds veiled the cuuntr: Rabbi Kenjamin Groncr, Cantor throe ycar.s oj;o mid was at tha I-;ii Kai;an. Betn I.sraol Choir and time lubi'lled as the "Israeli I.. luirrmc-itiatc "II" class wil' conGuiirdiu.' In appiMramv, they ar> duct lute Friday vvt'tiitig service* very diffi-rent. Itie late New York at 8 p. m. Traditional Frida> eveMayor La GtiarJia was sliort ning j;or\,ic<'S iKnbbolas Shablios) pllitnj)--a I^'itin-.'onkin;; type .sji begin at <!:<r> p. m. Sabbath mnrning a bij; hat 11 h Rough Riders lni; vcrvlcs boj;ir. at 8:30 a. til. Mayor HiBhi, from the Orient i: Junior Concrenatlon at* 10 a, m, mure occidental looking. Ho Is no Sabbath Mincha at 4:45 p. m.t us excitable as l.n Guanlia was, followed by Sholcshc S'cudos and but there are resemblances. Hu-:hi Maarlv. _>aily morning services t like 1.1 Guardia, is dynamic and 7 a. m.; lifternoon cervices at 4 55 spontaneous. Riding to his office p. m. Sunday morning service* boin the Haifa city hall, should he i:ln ut 8:15 n. m. followed by see a bit of litter in the street, h< breakfast nnd Rabbi's class in Biwill stop his car and demand ni ble. Sunday morning Junior Minaccounting. Uy such practice;, ho yan, followed by breakfast, starts made the people of Haifa more at 8:30 a. m. The Talmud Discuscivic minded and Haifa's reputa- sion Kroup meets every Tuesday tion for cleanliness Is well-known at 7;:tC p. in. at HUH Synagogue, 18th und Kurt. . A Quiet City Services Monday morning, Jan, In the same way, he made Haifa a quiet city. He didn't have the 2 will 'icijln nt 8:45 a. m. city Council pass any law against honking their horns. Ho timply called the drivers together and Beth El Services Friday nt Beth Fl Sytold them It was up to them to cooperate. He gave Ihmn a .slogan nagoguc will begin at 8:15 -j m, 'ollc(;n students home for the 'Uso your hands Je?;s and your heads more." Today no horns are holiday vacation will participate honked in Haifa and it has meant in the panel discussion of the not only a quieter city, but auto- Homecoming Service. Cantor Aarmobile accidents have boon re- n I. Edgar nnd the Beth El 5"—duced by more than thirty per nngoguc Choir will musical portions of the cont. "The explanation, r,.iys HtiH Sabbath morning nervf' "is very simple. When you can't honk your horn, you don't drive be nt 8:30 o'clock Junl^/ nation ..ervleci nrc aV' sr> fast." Mlnclin-Maariv s< rvj Sometimes he astounds people a 4:45 p. m. Sunday f|* ittle. "I have a fantastic idea," ' J u r a . A he will say — but tho fantastic Dally sen Ice;--\ IdcaB have a way of coming true. and 7 p. m. '-' When Herbert Samuel was High Commissioner of Palestine, be said to him, "Milord, when will tlic Temple Isil Government build cable cars for College H<f Mt. Carmel?" Samuel xnadc no ServicesI will 1. I. reply, so Hushi went aliead and at 8 p. m. in Tei Sidney II Broo) liad the city build them. "The Faith aith Stif TractcIoM Hutmrny Several years ago, he began talk the challenge ofj port on Rellglor. ing about a subway to tunnel through Mt. Carmel, and now There, will be no Saturday momwork on that Is beginning in a few months. A Swiss firm is building ing services held tills week. it In return for a temporary concession. Tho subway, says Mayor lishl. will bo much better than the New York subway. It Is being built according to tho latest ideas—no tracks. It Is the rattling New York (JTA)-Samuel Nlof the trains on the track* that ;cr (Charney), famous Yiddish causes all the shaking up. How a author, literary critic and editor, subway can run without tracks, died last wcek-rnd nt the ope of wo are not technician enough to 72 after a sudden heart attack. know, hut tho experts say It can. Horn In Dukor, near Minsk. Hushl is one of Israel's moil oung Charney came to the Unitcolorful figures. The Druses swear ed States soon after the- Bolshevik y him as much as the Jews and revolution In Ru&sia. He had been he is very popular among the Ba- one of the founders of the Labor hal, the'world-wide sect who have rjonl.st m o v e m e n t in Russia, their headquarters on Mt. Carmel. tudied at the Universities of Berin and Berne, edited various lit" formrr Stevedore He worked as a stevedore in the xary Journals In Vilna, nnd foundHaifa harbor when he first arrived ed in that cily the Lltcrarlscho In Palestine and he Is still very lonatschriflri, a monthly devoted much of a sea man in his thinking. lp the champloplni; of Yiddish lite will tell you that one-third of erature. As early ns 1907, he othe people of Haifa live off the trneted wide attention through nil ea—by employment In the.docks criticism of Russian literature and r on the ships or by fishing. His through a critique of the work of motive for visiting the United Sholom Alclchem. States at the present time is to In New York, he Joined at first ell Israel Bonds which are being the staff of the Jewish Dally Forused to finance the expansion of ward, and then associated himself the port facilities of Haifa. He with the Jewish Day with which ees a tremendous future for Haifa he worked for 35 years. lie wa« 15 a port. The city in tiic past few the author of about 20 volumes of pears has about trebled its popu- literary analysis, criticism and lation and In his opinion. Its literary history in Yiddish, Hebrew growth has just begun. He Is a nd Russian, and one of the cdiman who3e whole life is Haifa. ors of the Jewish Encyclopedic When he was elected mayor, lie Iandbcoks. He also taught at the resigned from the Knesset and all lewish Teachers Seminary. thcr positions to devote himself One of the founders of the Yivo wholly to the city. He Is respon- Institute for Jewish Research, he ible for the comprehensive plan- had attended a small meeting of ning of the city's future. With leaders of Yivo Saturday night, the aid of experts, this has been and was on his way home in mapped out in detail. The city fa Brooklyn when he collapsed of a being divided Into three major enrt attack on a platform of the reas, commercial, Industrial nnd Broadway subway line. He died residential sections. The concen- within a short time after belnc tration of all the Industry in one removed to Harlem Hospital, withsection wUl preserve the rest of out regaining consciousness. the city from smoke and other noxious fumes which factories gen- son. He was born Abba Schneller, rate and will nld industry in ccon- In Gallda, but he changed «V wnlzing on fie costs of transpor- "Schnfller" Into its Hebraic equivatlon. alent, "Huiht," but while he travDespite his activity, he Is a very els "ichnzll," or fast, he dost it ai calm: and'even tranquillizing p?r- though on rubber tires.
S. Niger, Author, Dies in New York
Friday, December SO. 1B5A.
Organizations M KV C;HAI'T«Sn A regular meeting; if the Henry Monsky Crupter No. 170 of IJ na H'nth, will he noici Wednesday J;in. -1, at 1 p. in. ;n tin1 Jewish Community Ojilor. riils nicftinK w i ' ' l|(> 'i socia, affair v\Mh eards, mall j'>n/;, ami social hin;;o gam*1;; featured. A luncheon will h? served under the direction of -Mrs. Abo (jin.sbt.TK s o c i a l chairman. Tle:;erva lions should tin in b> Momluy, Jan. 2. II. K. HISTEHHOOI) A luncheon and board meeting of the Beth Kl Sisterhood will be id at Beth Kl Synagogue social hall January 3. Luncheon chairmen are Mrs. Kob:_Tt I^ooper and M M Comtanec Platt Mlsn Judltli Nun Fox Mrs. Dave Katleman. They will Hurwitz, Jac.: Jaeohr.on, Hen Kas\K assisted by MesdmiK. Louis low, Khi'ff Kat/kee, Phil Katzman. Jack Kaufman, Michael Kr.isne. J. Mr. and Mrs Max Platt an- J. Greenoerg, Morris Grossman Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Fox of Cinnounce the engagement of their and Max Lashlnslty. A joint meeting of all slstcr- cinnati, O., announce the engagedaughter Constanee Judith to Irhuodi. Both Israel, Temple Israel, Vln Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. ment of their daughter Judith and Iielh Kl will be held Tuesday, Morris Singei Nan to Arnold flaith Kalman son January 10, at Beth El Social Hall. Mtn Platt attended the Univer«lty of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.. A lunehoon will precede the meet- of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Kulman. Miss Fox is a student at the and was affiliated with Alpha Hp- in;; for which a unique program Cincinnati College-Conservatory of sllon Phi Soroiity She was grad- has been planned. Music, where she Is a piano-voice uated from the Unlversl'y of Nemajor and n recipient of the braska. 11. I. SISl'KKIIOOU Smith scholarship foundation. Beth Israel Sisterhood members Her fiance attended Creiijhton Mr. Kali.un, attended Yale UniUniversity and Ii an altimni of I'i will be able to see the procedures Lamda Phi frattmlty. He is a vet- and program of their executive versity and received his Bachelor eran of World War II und also hoard nt an open board meeting of Arts decree from the Univerto lie held Tuesday, Jan. 3 In the sity of Cincinnati; his Master of s e n e d in t h - Korean War. synagogue social hall. Luncheon A Spring ucddlnr Is planner. will be served at 1 p. m. Mrs. It. Endelman nnd II. Recall Women's Bowling are handling reservations. A babysitter service will he provided. + , • ni VISION
Omahan Engaged To Cincinnati Girl
Miss Platt Plans Soring Wedding
\ !4 **\
>l>crnian, r
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V* 4 • V *< f ;*
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)2; Itae Wlntrouh, 'z, 4C9; Klnlne Din^ ) i games — Sue ,! Dorothy Feltman, Frank, 179; Flora Acn Tarnoff, 172. DIVISION 61 j Lois Prlcsman, "frnstlen. 150: Betty 151; Betty Collek. 1 prlo, 153—127. net>, 6-7 split.
Cousins' Club Mrs. Abe Katskcc will entertain at a 12:30 p. m. luncheon meeting of the Cousins' Club to be held Wednesday, Jan. 4 In the Blackstonc Hotel.
Former Omahan Weds
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dienstfrey of New York City announce the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinberg birth of a daughter Sherrlc Ilobin announce the engagement of their daughter Charlotte to Dr. Marvin born December 10. The couple has one other daughter Marcia Sue- Ziporyn of Chicago, 111. Dr. Ziporyn is the son of Mrs. Anna Malaged three. Mrs. Dienstfrcy is the insky of Chicago. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Miss Weinberg attended thp Harry Rimmerman. P a t e r n a l University of Wisconsin and was grandparents are Mr. und Mrs. graduated from the Univerdt. of Max Dlenslfrey of Moun' Ver- Omnha. Her fiance Is a graduate of non, N. Y. Northwe: tern Universit> and Chi* cago Medical School. He is a p«yA son Sheldon Hichard was born rhiatrist at the Chicago State December 8 to Mr. and Mrs. LeeMental Hospital. C. White of Washington, D. C. They have ' three other children. Mrs. White Is the former Miss Dorothy Conn of Omaha. Maternal grandparents are Air. and Mrs. Ben Conn and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herman White, all of Omaha.
Mrs. Harry Rnsenthal, formerly of Omaha, nnd Max Zankel were married December 2G in Ttilsn, Okla. They are now making their (Continued from Pngc 2.) home nt 2252 E. 45th street In Just for spite . . . to ipltc all of Tulsa. us that has mink coats on. And now they give him a raise, and what dqp3 she need the money for? For more Persian lambs? I soy, out with both of 'em. And if Yiffnlff doesn't do something about United Natlpns, N. Y.'(JTA)— that I'm through with him, too." That's the way It might go with The prediction that no Arab-Jjracl war is likely' in Uie near future Rabbi Segal; that's the way, as I and that Israel's prospects for have been told, It goes often not friendly consideration by! the only In Jewish congregations but democratic world will be better also In Christian churches. Sure In 1957 than ever,be'ore was made enough, happy is the man who here Monday by a numbei of diplo- doesn't have to live with a conmatic observers, despite the fact gregation: happy, then, this Segal. Dangerous Subjects that Syria demands Israel*!: expulsion from UN membership. I am thinking, too, of all I might At present, Marshall Tito of have to take If Mr. Ylffniff and Yugoslavia Is off to try to Induce others of the congregation didn't Egyptian leaders in Cairo to talk like something or other I said from peace with Israel. It Is therefore the pulpit . . . "Segal, better be assumed thnt Tito's representa- careful what you talk about" . . . tive on the Security Council Is not 'Segal, you mustn't talk about likely t o take a "tough" line dangerous subjects" . . . Of against Israel here. Cuba, another course, a lot of people don't like of the new Council members, Is a what a columnist says, but they member of the Latin American don't worry him. He tosses them bloc which Is often sympathetic into the wastcbaskct. to Israel. Australia's stand on IsI don't mean to discourage brave rael Is likely to resemble New men from signing up with Hebrew Zealand's—a mode-ate viewpoint Union Collego to become rabbis that does not overlook Israel's • • • "to help shape lives . . . to cause as against the Arab states. lead a truly vital, challenging life of service," as tlio HUC pamphlet Hollywood (JTA)—One of our says . . . I myself may be just famous Hollywood stars'was talk- too cowardly In my fear of a conIng to a childhood friend and I gregation that I would have to live had absolutely no talent for act- with. Ing." I notice the college has a depart"How dlscouragingl" murmured ment of human relations of which the friend. "Did you think of quit- Rabbi Katz Is ono of the faculty. ting?" In such a department, maybe, "Of course not," replied the young rabbis can be taught to star. "By that time I was making train Members of congregations to half a million dollars a year." respect human relations. ,
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Arts degree from tin. University of Omah;.; and his Uachelor of Hebrew Letters from the Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion. He is n candidate for ordination In the Reform Jewish Rabbinate serving presently ss rabbi of I.nltc County Jewish Center. Palnesville, O. He is affiliated with Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Rho and Pi Lambda hi. The couple plan to be married June 3 at the Hebrew Union College Chape) in Cincinnati.
Sunday Brunch
Don Bernstein
Served Buffet Stylel All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P.M.
Registration Open For B.E. Nursery The second semester of Beth El Nursery School will begin Monday, Jan. 23. Sessions will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday momings from 9 to 11:45 o'clock. The school will have n full program of supervised activity and piay for three to five-year-olds. Mrs. Alex Katz Is in charge of the school nnd is assisted by Mrs. Philip Sokolof. Cab service will be provided for those who are not In car pools. Mothers of pupils were guests at a Chanukah Open House held December 13. Pupils can be registered now by calling Mrs. Morris Fellman, WA 7257.
Miss C. Weinberg Engagement Told
HA 2554
January White Sale
Plain Talk
UN Observers Say NE War Not Likely
Cannon Combspun Percale Sheets Value-Packed Buyin White or Colors Stock Up on Those Sheets at Generous Savings You'll find ihom io .moofh and roit. . . . _, _ . , ful tor ileop. Those Cannon tnoett are woven with over 186 throadi per iquaro inch. All Cannon FiHed Shoeti have new "Ezy-Matic11 Corner... No more fug of war with your mattre.i. Theiu theef. can ea.ily be slipped over the corner, of your m.t.r... with
™ J -
Twin Fitted
"x1°85' . 9 49 ' Doubte Fitted LuTtl "ft 42x38Vi £F Cote* 03C P « W Colon: Aqua, Pink, Yellow, Sea Green, Lilac Olfcer S I M I in Snowy White Percales *3xl08 «r *% 4 Q Y - * Ht»* ' ' ' L " " M U V t
,o,,o......... 179 S T ! Sheets—Sixth ROOT
:jSRT;..-.v ' . , • • : - - , •
Omaha Ereshmen In Colleges Listed
Bar Mifzvah
Mr. uud M r s . lierb.-rt T O I I M , arjl-jiinrt 1 t h e I', tr Mit^v'.ih o f t l i f i r ,v:.i!, H;,i.,l-i, w i l l \>-L- cel,--hr:,t.:d The Jewish youth r.mnril ha, J i . n a i r y 0 . a i d 7 a t I V f l i l;l K y prepared a U:>t uf Omniums v:iv> iuij.:;i,'.' I'"ri.-nii> n:id ri-l.'itin-i a i e
arc member:; of freshman ciri:.*i JUVil.'i <„ Utt.Il.l ll'.th .SCIVl.'ri .Mill liruniviTkitit-s throughout the i n - ».li'.- ivevt.rii.ns whirl! will follcv.
Those Om.'iha yoanj^^'TS -<n*: Allen Abrunikon—Nt-IirusLa Sack IJuker—Oklahoma Eugene A. Dullolf—Dartmouth Bernard *>lihnan—Coluliit.Li .Stanley FHIrnan—.Nt'brusi.a Marvin Frrrm.tiin—MJT Kenneth Frwd—rsYbrusiiit Harold Kriidniatl—Ni-t>rn»lu> Norman Gurrop—Nebraska Robert GoliMf in—Hurvuril Don Grwnlwrg—Okluhoiua David Hcrr.oR—Nebraska Herbert Kalman—Oroutm \! Kidney Klopper—Oruuha V Jerry Kohll—Oklahoma Harold Konuwsky—Omalm 1' Bennett Kutlir—Omulia U Alan Levlnc—Illinub *Fr»d Marcujt—Omahu V •Jerry Marrr—Htaliford Bob Meyer— Ni-l>mi.Ua I<UTjr Mfyirnon—Iowa Bradley Nirfaok—Nrbrswka Jack Omch—Denver, V Bernard Ostravlrb—Nebraska Jerry Raduzlner—Oinaha V Sheldon - p»—MIT Abram Uundell—Nnbraska Phillip Srhnger—Wise V:Jv Morria Shrago—Oinaha V Fred Simon—V of Penn Jerry Simon—Crrlghton Jerry Hinder—Waxhington V Michael Solzman—Dartmouth Sheldon Hterenbrrg—Omaha I' Floyd Turmrl—Omaha V .Stanley Wldman—Ncbnuka Robert '.Vintruub—Mlrhlean Marohall Zalkln—Nebnuka Jerry Zlegraan—Cornel Eugene Zwelbitek—Prince ton Joan Abraham1*—Northwestern Nanny Hue Harron—Iowa I) France* Brown—N'ebnuka K»nalle Cohen—Omaha I! Shnrlrne Fischer—Nrliruhkn , Maxlne Freed—Nebraska Shirley (Joodman—Omiihr V 'Silvia Greene—Iowa V Muriel Rae (irwn—Oklahoma Kllen Greenberg—Iowu I' Tlierexe Kuhn—Omaha V Mat lee Kutirman—Iowa Sharon Korney—Nebraxka Annetti' Kosuwskv—Omuha T Jndy Krantz—Oklahoma Joan Kra*ne—Omaha V Karen Kricftfelil—Michigan V Sandra Krlzelnmn—Nebraska Harcia Kraplnnky—Illinois I' Bone I-snriiin—Om-ilin V . Fayna Manvltz—Iowa V Deanne Markovltz- -Wu.';lilne1»n Barbara Mlnkln—Michigan Sara hut Pe,-per—DrandeU Shirley Itaznlrk—NHjra.ik;i Marilyn Klce—Bramlrlx Fyllfat Kublnuw—Om:iha I Ilene Sachs—ColoraJo Harriet Shapiro—.".rlzona Sarah Bhukert—N-braiku Suzanne Hlnnnv—N -iirnika Fayann Sokolol—O'<lc stjiU Donna Stelnlirrr—Nebraska PhyilN SU-lnb-r-—Ohiithimiu Gwen Htoifr—(*rn-i'-a Sandra Zalkln—O'llo Stnte
Tonk Ports for Egypt Detained b'? fVtain Lnrtdun (JTA* •-. Hr.t.'.sli Ontonis officials hnltcl ](jn(]ini: u|»*'rntiotis Involvirr; Jiurrlri'ds eif Ton:; of steel tank tr:"-!;K ;,t th W<'!-li port of Oirdiff. 'I'hr* rnntfrin), which, was l)-jli.-",'i.'l li'HllKl fur -.KKJ'PI. «'HX irAn" !o;"l-"il aboard a foreign .vf-ijcl. Tlieh trai-ks arc now unrler (TUJITL] pcn'Jirr,: coinplct]i»n of :in official invcritiijatiuu. UcjKjrts from Antwerp, huvvi-vi-r. indlCHtiti that still another 1T> Valentine t/inks were loaded on an Egyptian frei-jht'.-r. The reports .ilso describ?d the feveri.'.ii activities of Helfjian nieclianics r/ibini; to ".'econdit'on .still another hundred tanks in fear that e\|xnt licensf's may t:oun he frozen. Meanwhile official circles have explained difficulties in the way of halting the flow of refitted British tanks, originally sold a:1 surplus, reaching the Middle Kist. The tanks, it was explained, are In poor condition when they are •crapped and put on the svirplus • market. They have been stripped of weapons nnJ olher military equipment' There would, therefore, be little ground in the offldat view fi»r obJcctinK to their shipment abroad lor ."agricultural "
D. Raskin Sleeted Rayini President
y, ncrMntwr S8, 1855.
Hollywood (JTA) — H o l l y w o o d (JTA) - Milton nionl I I o i ( i mviiru nv (ii Belle's lite and woll known moth- Truman, actreus-.'iin^er Ul-ljuildci S;mi>.i'.'l Olcwn. When of KK-Vic:,i<k'nt Hairy Truman 11 er was a ;,WL-el hidy who W;J.S al' hU vL'»Uc'd Aii(i»?K'.» -'My and Okun a;-!;' ' her vvli> :.h waj-s co.'iivrie.-d with th" p<i,,ibie at from V.)c hun-r rui •({lartrncnt M. Unr lusefpje! , of v!o!'-;it ami temj>e:,t!iQ'i-» tiful li'iioli in Lof» drt-tl• oi love in th" tr.nvir* •m< theater. r .Siie llitl t'.un - to t.he tlieitn* VVith on Ui>' .sofa, shi? (i'.rj l\,wi iome enjoy livtnf; among Jewish people, her famous son, fchurtly hefore fy-r niisi-;iviii;',i. '"hey wrr (ii^^Jp-itf il. Th*;y'ro so cheerful ami so lull o* ilei-th.. to !,.-••; IVx Harrison (.ml ht('U'<;L't'T, WIIMI .f-hc whi.'PiTid to lif*\ They r;ivf me a lift. Many her sfiM, "It'y nio' to know. Millon. of my f.itiiv-r's bo^t fri(*nds »re Iili P J hil h I.ili r, andd while P-ireiitly ivIi'.h'.Ki tlu- hold intitna- isn't it, th;.t tiioy'i-'j rva'.Hy ir.:,r- Jc-wi.sh and he lows cvi.-ry one* of 'i t!tftn" . . . oi- s. tiv- Ufiini.ibifeij love:TU*t'.in,r; ried."
l>U:k R-I.ki.'l v.ii , ..]r.rt|;(l I»r.l,ideiit of n.yiiii Jit t!:'.- ar.uii.. I Ho;n'jr.ii!iini; Donee ii,-!i| VVedii'',&ty at the 1J1 iek..twi..- Hotel. Other new])1 elei ;<,.(! offo-is an.: M.-.i-ty Greene, vlc.--pr>..sidi;nt; Paysie Slr.l'.'-n, seoretiiry; lioh Ilrodi:e>', treasurer; Dick SjM'ier am1 Hov.';ird WehiikTe,, sergeauts-ata m s ; M.-.rty Weil. Youth Council retiri'ientativ? and Irv Tuub. Youth Council alternate.
Miss Markovitt Heads United Youth Group Mis3 IC'jy Markovitz WAS elected president of United Synagogue Youth at their semi-annual elections and installation of officers ceremonies held Decemlxr 18. Other newly elected officers are: Miss Maddy Myroff. vice-president; Miss Judy Freed, recording secretary': Miss Kaye Turner, correspondinK secretary; Miss Berdlne Green, treasurer; Miss Dena Ijifjjiian and Ilonny Fisher, sergennts-at-arms; Miss Eleanor Falkenstein, reporter, and JmtLn Lewis, historian. OutROltiK president Murray Rose nnd vice-president Miss Diane Fellnian addressed the Kroup.
Temple Youth Meet Mnrty Greene, Youth Group presidt.-nt. and Mnrty Well, treasurer, headed a delegation of Temple Youth Group members who attended the regional NFTY conclave in ft. I^Hils. Mo., held Deceml»-r 24 to 27. " Marty <!iwne is soclul cha:rnian for the
Chicago UTA)—The acquisition of a IG-acrc site to relocjite the Hebrew • Theological C'ollei;,. and to inltlnti' a liberal arts colleiic was anMo'inct'd by Dr. Oscar Z. | Mnan, president of the College. I>r. F.-i^r.-iap. a!;o announced a $•*>.-• .OW c.iiiip;ii!<n for the ptirp».<.i of C"!i-lniftinii all nece.^s-'iry Injildincs on the new college campi^. Located in Chicago .since 1S2"-', the 1'iilli'ui; will move to its new si'i- In Skokie, III. GnmmllireakK exi-rcise.s- will take plac/- aboui April 1. 3!T.t>, anil classes for Jewish studi>*i iviil r«iiiinencv on thi new campus fur the fall spsslon of l!P5i;. The lilirral arts cjlle^e wil. not !>•• opened until September 1!CI7. '1'he proKram in this school will einphas!7i> studies in education with the view toward ult.'fiately fitahlisliln;: a graduate chool in education. ISKAKI. LINK TO KXI'AN'O New York (JTAi --• "1'he Zim rael Navj;;utinij Conip;tny will p.ind bolii p:i>.ii>rii;er and cargo r'.'jrr'.s (>er.veen New York and Israel in the ne.it twelve months, it was ;.iinoci»ced liere. It will run jiasseujy-r siiilin;;s from New York to H;iif,i ev. ry three weeks; cargo sailing- from New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia in passenger ships an'l hy ini;dern . passengeruyin^ freijil^ers; and general r^n as well as hulk carfto services from Gulf nnd South Atlantic [hirti rliri/clly to Israel, These .schi-dules were announced here hy Dr. N. Wydra, tnanaBlns diruclor of the Zim Lines, who declareil that hy the end of this year the company will have a fleet ut 23 p-ij-heni^er and car^o ships
Want Ads Current mir n 10 ctr\\t ffj? ea'-n ifi»fr 'ion ll-f IT'f' rt-frvr* VIA- rii;lit u htm'
mid r*as Mitzvnh congratu lations also for oil Jewish lioli ti&ys ant] apodal ocensions. Meyers New. Stand. 1502 Dodge GIHI. WANTED — Experienced girl wanted to tnkc chares of office work. CauVWA 3208.
If You Pay Your
JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES •:r';:W- PLEDGES :r'W4 NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 31 P?|fJYbii;;May Deduct. Your PttymeiiliNfc;;f?5 :::.^$^'^'From Your Income Tax Returns!
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