Publ lined cvi-ry Friday. 101 H. 20th, Ofiifthr., Nebra.-ika, I'hr.ue JA. 1500
Bitter S©¥iet Speech Assails London (JTA)--Diplomatic obiervers sought this » w k to establish the full significance o( the bitter attack launched on Israel before the Supreme Soviet in MosCO* hy Nikitii Khruschev, secretary-general of the Party, and "strong man" of the regime. They noted that KhnisChov's speech hud gone much further than any official Soviet statement. |n recent months In assailing Israel and embraclni; the Arab CtU$e.
Growing Threat of War Seen en NE Waslilngton (JTA) —' Growing Criticism of what was tenned a lack of any fixed U.S. policy In the' Middle East, coupled with Warning* that war between Israel •nd* the Arab states must IK headed bff soon, If it U to be headed Off at all, characterized discuslions of tension In that area here this week. Writing In their syndicated column, Joseph and Stewart ALiop declared "It Is . . . Imrd to see much reason for optimism about What has been happening in the Middle East In point of fact, the highest State Department authorities ore now privately admitting that the betting li even on a Middle Kast war brenklw; out within four months." At the same time, the ANops reported that there were- two School* of thought on the current situation among American iiollry makers. The first, wliw.e position they, said had been strengthened by the Israel raid Into Syria, urge that no arms should be sent to Israel except under very stringent condition!, and that Israel should be forced to make concessions to gnln a settlement with Kgypt. Tlie Other view i.i that the U.S. has no choice but to restore the balance of power upset by the Soviet arms supply to Kgypt. they reported.
New Sessions of Center Art Class Art classes, under the direction of Mrs. Meyer Beber. will begin new' sessions Monday, Jan. 9 from 1 to 3 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. Both beginners •nd'advance students may register by calling the Center activities'office, JA 13C6. Student! may use a variety of media sue:-. M oils, pastels or water colors.
/ Diplomat:, who ment us havip _ • large l>art • ,<pV rt-sentni'" ^ . 'Mti . Coup-{'v'of nnns to the Ari. O 0- i-a- concerned as to the « Vne Kbnischev declaration ti ebode further ontl-lsrael actions hy the Communist bloc. In his rejHjrt on the international situation, Khmsehev scored the American-backed Baghdad Pact, accusing the Western Powers of trying to "Inveigle" the" A r a l ; states into nn "aggressive bloc." But be said, the Arab people were resisting this attempt and, he added, ".Soviet public opinion has been and is following sympathetically the valiant struggle of the people of Jonlan against the attempts to force their country Into joining the Baghdad Pact." "We understand tlie yearnings of the people of the Arab nations who are fighting for their full liberation from foreign dependence. One cannot at the same time, fall to recognize as Cfnidemnable the. acts of tlie -State of Israel which, even since It came into Iwing, has been threatening its neighbors and pursuing a policy hostile to them." The Soviet leader charged that Israel had been pursuing a policy hostile to the Arab states from the first day of its existence. He added that "Imperialist" powers were using Israel as a weapon against tlie Arab countries. I;JTA
New York (JTA>- Senator Herbert II- Lehman will be honored by the United Jewish Appeal at a nationnl testimonial dinner January 21 In the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, it was announced hy William Rosenwald, general chairman of the UJA. He will lie cited for his "nearly half a century of leadership in freedom's cause. The testimonial to the Senator will also mark the opening of the IJJA's lfr>6 nationwide campaign, which Mr. ICosonwald said "will be uniquely different from the nationwide drives- of previous* years." He pointed out that the 195G campaign will go forward with a twofold goal as against a single goal In other years, explaining that In the new year the UJA will: 1) Seelt the raising of a multi-million dollar Special Fund for the exclusive financing In Israel of current emergency immigration from North Africa; and 2) Seek a total of Slon.L'K.I.OOO In its regular campaign to finanee the still larger migration, resettlement welfare and rehabilitation programs of Its constituent agencies.
Annual Rftt« 4 Doll&M Single Co[>r 10 CeuU
Memorial Rife for Ben Gurion Says . . . Late Mrs. Nevefeff A infni'jrj.'il s'Tviffj for (ho Jiilf Mr.-*. JV'wjs Ncvclf-ff, founder find first p a-:; id flit of the Hlknr Chalirn Society, will be held Monday, Jan. fJ at 2 p. rn. in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center hy the .society. The memorial .services will l>e conducted by Kibbl r.enjamin Groner and Cantor Kli Kai;rtn. I'aul Veret will bo Kilcst speaker. Mrs. Allen Zalkin, program chairman, has named Mr*, Harry LlpjH'tt, Mrs. J. (Joodbinder, and Mrs, Charles Ross to assist in the* program. All memtKT.s ond friends are Invited to attend-
liable .Jerusalem ( J T A ) — P r i m e Minister David Hen (iiirinn, addressing an overcrowded session of the. Israel Parliament Moil* day, finid that, although Israel sees "imminent danger" of annttaelt hy Kpyjit and must lie prepared to defend itselt, it would nevertheless be a ".serious mistake" to assume that war against T Israel is "unavoidable." ' » e general line of Mr. Ben •—••Gurion'a speech was approved by the entire Cabinet which also approved the views presented b / Foreign Minister Mosho Slmrett, It is now anticipated that the reports which the two leading members of the Cabinet will make to Ixmdon (JTA)--Dock workers the Parliament will put nn end to rumors aliout existing divergencies at Liverpool, who threatened to refuse to load British armaments between them and will show that on ships destined for Kgypt, were complete solidarity exists In the working overtime Monday loading Cabinet on the question of Israel's military equipment abroad the security and on foreign affairs isEgyptian vessel "Star of Suez." sues. Imminent Dung, r following advice from trade union "I should like to state from tha leaders to continue their work until the British Labor Party takes very beginning," Mr. lien Gurion lid, "that we shall be grievously a stand In the matter. at fault If we don't see with open The cargo which is being load- eyes the imminent danger of an ed is estimated to total 400 tons Egyptian attack—and perhaps not of anus, including cases contain- >nly by that country—and If wo ing sub-machine guns, tank tracks don't prepare to defend ourselves and a large quantity of spare parts in good time to the limit' of our which would enable Kgypt to "re- moral, economic, and military, camilitarize" supposedly "demili- pacity. However, we shall simultarized" British tanks bought by taneously be guilty of a senous mistake if we assume that war Kgypt in Belgium. Officially, the British Govern- against us is unavoidable arul prement has ordered a halt to ship- destined. "Recently I explained why all ments of war materiel to the Middle Kast, including Kgypt. How- momb'-rs of the Cabinet, without exception, are firmly opposed to ever, the goods now being loaded on the Egyptian ship include gun war being Initiated by us," the Isbarrels for tanks, ammunition rael Premier continued. "We did and other war materiel. The war not want war even In 1918, but it goods arrived in Liverpool in 21 lias been forced upon us by Arab rulers whose armies Invaded this freight cars. A British War Office spokes- country to destroy Israel and set man declared Monday that "there to naught the United Nations' de» is nothing undercover" about this cisions. We believed that maintransaction. "It is a perfectly open tenance of peace Is preferable even delivery of thnk spares and other to victory In war. Kehabllltatlon accessories," he said. "There "Our dearest wish," Mr. Ben seems to. lie no reason why such shipment, by agreements lietween Gurion emphasized, "has been and will always be the rehabilitation governments, should stop," Tlie British Foreign Office Sun- of the ruins of our country, the day issued a statement announc- ingathering of the sons of our peoing the halt on amis shipment1) ple, the building of an exemplary out of the country and that no state .the realization of our Meslicenses have l>cen Issued for ex- sianic alms by redemption of man, nation and humanity and cooperaport of tanks In several months. tion with our neighbors In a spirit However, it Is known that slight- of m u t u a 1 affinity, and the ly "demilitarized" tanks have been strengthening of world peace. leaving the country under the de"We know," Mr1. Ben Gurion scription of "agricultural implements" and reports from Ilelgulm said, "that any war—one even In make It clear that very little which we gain the upper h a n d would lie done to these "agricul- involves ruin and destruction for tural Implements" to make them both parties and Intensifies hatred between nations. We know that, serviceable for war purposes. after our victory lit one war, a second round is possible, and after our victory In the second war a third round may come, and there Is no end to this business." Citing Israel's efforts to rebuild (Continued on Pago 4.)
Arms Loaded Charges Against At British Port
Syria Confirmed United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — There was certainty here Monday that Syria's proposal to the Security Council for the expulsion of Israel and for adoption of economic sanctions against Israel has collapsed entirely us a result of the latest report from the UN truce chief, Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Hums. The Council Is scheduled to meet again this week on Syria's complaint arising from Israel's December 31 attack against Syrian gun position which had fired on Jewish shipping on Lake Tiberias. Hut as members of the Council were preparing to resume their work after tlie long New Year week-end, they had before them ii report from O n . Hums confirming c h a r g t s previously made by Israel to the effect that Syria Itself had violated the armistice agreement between the two countries by ordering gun fire against Israeli fishing Ixiats and police craft on Lake TilX'Has. Israel's delegation chief here, Abh.i S. .Khan, showed members of the Council at thi'lr last meeting photo-copies of documents sei/ed from the Syrians by the Israel forces, proving that tlte firing of Syrian guns had been specifically ordered by the Syrian army's high command. Now Gen. Hums, in his report supplementIng an earlier report on the December 11 incident, has told the Council that a Syrian cadet officer, tnki-n prisoner by the Israelis, has admitted he had been ordered tu fire on the Israeli shipping on the lake. The orders received by the Syrian officers In charge of the Lake Tiberias gun emplacements "contravened the nrmlstice agreement," Gen. Hums declared while shooting at the Israelis "is a violation of tlie general armistice agreement."
Cenfer Pre-School fo Start Second Semester January 25
Sunday Radio Rabbi Beryl D. Cohon,. of Temple Sinai In Brookline, Muss., will discuss "A TwoWord Prayer" on the Message of Lsrael scries heard • over KBON from 12:05 to 12:30 p. m.
Shown above sre some of the typical activities In wliich the youne»tcr» of the Ji-wtub Community Center l'rp-Hchool participate In. Pictured on the right are member* of the school olwrvlnfj a <:hunukuli birthday party and on the. left the youngntw are on t»mrd a train for their first railroad trip to Council Bluffs. The •-fund wmrnter of the Center Pre-*chool will start Wednesday, Jan. •;r., M.-«sliin» ulli <M o d d Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning!
from 9 to 11:43 o'clock. The school will have a full program of supervised activity and play for three to five-year-olds, Mr*. Arthur (Wlnl) King, director of pro-school activities is assisted by Mrs. Sol Yaffe, All holidays will be celebrated, sobinof them with parties for parent*, and n graduation ceremony at the'rnii of the term. Cab service for every child enrolled Will again be offered this year. For additional Information call tlfc Center Activities office, JA 1S66.
"The Human Element" an amusing talc of an enthusiastic agronomist who persuades the farmers in Israel to plant peanuts will be present • on the Eternal Light series broadcast over KFAB from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. The program is conducted under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and presented by the National Broadcasting Company as a public service.
Page Two
Library Lane
Jctuislj PabUsheo fc.vtr>
Friday. January 0, 1950.
By UOM-HO Perils Hmltli LJUL ttft ^rtvlbti :
Religious News
New Israeli Liner For Atlantic Stoute
Dorothy K. Kripk<\ the wife of Tlie new Israeli trans-Atlantic Rabbi Mytr S. Kripke, hai writi>a.sscn[;er liner "Zion" now nearten another important book for 4:10 p. in., Cnmlh-llglilitli; rru. tx turn— —4W» 8 * '«**• Et.-*M Infr completion at Ix- H a v r e , children. In "I^et's Talk About France, will leave the port on her Right and Wronp," Mrs. Kripke HARHV lakes a difficult subject and preinitial voyage February i i it was sents it simply anrl smoothly, yet Temple Israel announced by a representative of never over-simplifies nor does Worship services this Friday she "write down" to the youthful evening will ba held at H o'clock the 7An\ Israel Navigation ComThe freo world can't afford wire hcmmiiif; the border of reader. The noble theme- Is pr< in Temple Israel. Kabbi Sidney 11 pany. t« let dawn ltd guard (or a mo- Czechoslovakia with the West; the sented 'With dignity, clarity ami Brooks will deliver a sonnon enA sister .(;hij> of tile S. S. Israel, ment In the continuing ttruggle watch towers with the Commu- warmth. titled "Accordini; ao Hoyle," an the new vessel in designed for against communltm- The author, nist soldiers. I was taken aback Each Imaginatively illustrated analysis of the ruies and disciplines year-round passenger service boPresident of the National Coun- by the warning from my hostsof Life. tween Haifa, Israel, and New York' cil mt Jewish Women, here re- the representatives of the Cru- chapter is a complete story, short Saturday morning services will City with calls at Naples, Italy. port* the Impression* (he Rained sade for Freedom—that one step enough to sustain a child's inter- be held at 11:30 o'clock for mem- The "Zion" has accommodations 1> m trip to Europe In Utto Oc- across the boundary by a Western- est. Some titles of the twelve sec- bers of the religious school andfor 300 passengers in first and tober. Mrs. Calm was one of er still means a pot shot, or ar- tions are, "About Being God's adults. tourist classes, all In outside statePartners," "About Kindness and four women In a group of 60 rest rooms. Mercy,' 'and " A b o u t Enjoying American leaden who made tli« Last DP Camp Tie ship will start her transLife." Every chapter begins with tour under the auspices af the While in Munich, I went to visAtlnntic service from the port of Crusade for Freedom. it nearby Foehrenwald, the last a lively verse, such as this one in Services Friday at Beth y Haifa March 8 and will make her of the Jewish displaced persons "About Being Special": By H n . Moise 8. Vahn goguc will begin at 8:15 p. m.maiden voyage from New York to Iron curtain—the phrase I* a camps in the country. Plans are "People are so wonderful Rabbi. Myer S. Kripke will con- Naples to Haifa March 30. household byword by now, and we going forward for the closing of And special In God's sight clude his discussion of "The TreasA 19-knot turbine driven liner, tend to forget what it really Foehrenwald, but first the 1.000 Because they know the difference ure in the Caves" on the famous she will make the 5,000-mile trip people who still live there must Between, what's wrong and right'' Dead Sea Scrolls. Cantor Aaron means. in 13 <i days. I was shacked when I found be provided for. The camp is supL Edgar and the Beth El Syna Mrs. Kripke tells the child that gdgue Choir will render the mil myself actually confronting the ported by the German GovernIron In the -curtain"—the barbed ment, with additional subsidies he is special because be has a bit sical portions of the service. and services from the Joint Dis- of God within him which lets him Sabbath morning services will be tribution Committee. know right from wrong. When he at 9:30 o'clock. Junior Congrega Dr. Silberman Promoted Deborah Levy, assistant to the does right he feels good because be tlon services arc at 10:30 a. m. social work director at Fochreni Is more like God, and when he Dr. Lou Sllberman, former Ral* wald, showed mo around. Deborah docs something wrong he knows it Mincha-Maariv services are at 4:45 New York (JTA)—The Zionist p. m. Sunday Services arc at POrganization of America, and othM of Temple Israel, was recently was one of the first of Council's wrong because he feels bad and a. m. promoted to a full professor at overseas scholarship students. er Zionist and Jewish cultural orthen he is less like God. Daily services arc at 7 a. m. and ganizations, Monday mourned tha Vanderbitt University, Dr. SUberShe introduced me to a young This book will be helpful for 7p.m. tnan was associate professor of man of 28 who poses a problem death of Ludwig Lewlahohn, well" the Hlllel Chair of Judais Studies for the authorities trying to ar- parents who are sometimes at a known novelist, critic and profesat the university. He is also Hlllel range the camp's closing. The loss in explaining our Judaic code sor of comparative literature at Beth Israel Director at; the university. Com- young man doesn't want to leave of behavior to their children. From Brandeis University. He died last menting oil the promotion of Dr. Foehrenwald. He has lived in my point of view, had this book Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor week-end at Miami Beach, Fla., of been at my disposal during my Silbsrman and the Hlllcl Chair camps since his parents were exEli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir, SYO a heart attack. He was 72. of Judaic S t u d I e », University terminated in a gas chamber, In children's formative yean, it would Club members will conduct late Dr. Lcwisohn had written "a Chancellor Branscomh said "this his early childhood. Deborah ex- have been a well-used and well- Fridny evening services at 8 p. m. sublime pai;e In tlie history of our represents iU arrival at full sta- plained that Foehrcnwald is hisloved source of educational pleas- Traditional Friday evening serv- people," declared Mortimer May, t u s . " • .. • • • ' • • • • : - . • : ' . ; • , • • • •••• ••.'•••••; substitute for mother and father, ure during our reading hours to- ices (KabbolRs Shabbos) begin at president of the Zionist Organizagether. 5 p. m. Sabbath morning services tion of America, The well-known and he Is afraid to try his wings. Let's Talk About Right and begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Con- author had written 31 books, many Nazi Laboratory Visitors Wrong" Is available at all Omaha gregation at 10 a. m. Sabbath of which reflected his thorough It seems so recently that GerMrs, Robert Addlson arrived In many was n Nazi laboratory for book stores and at the synagogue Mincha at 5 p. m., followed by Jewish identification a n d firm Omaha Tuesday from Chicago for Uie exploration of human beings' jift shops. It may be borrowed Sholeshe S'eudos ami M a a r i v. Zionism. He had been one of the Daily morning services at 7 a. m.; a visit with her parents Mr. and more horrible capabilities. I still from the Jewish Community Li- afternoon .services at 5 p. m. .Sun- 13 original faculty members who had helped found Brandeis UniMrs. Ben M. MlnkLi. feel an instinctive trepidation at brary. day mnrninf; services bonln at 8:45 actually brinj; on German soil: I a. m. Sunday morning Junior versity. lotibt that the Jewish f;enorations Bom In G e r m a y, he was Minyan, followed by breakfast, which lived through the war will brought to this country at the nge tarts at 8:30 a. m. ever overcome this feeling. of 7. H<? was educated at the ColThe Talmud Discussion group KC of Charleston, S. C , and from Cold Fact Mrs. Samuel Karz meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. 1911 to 1919 was professor of GerAnd ;et the frightened "child" Farband Branch 51. I'oale Zlon at B1IH Synagogue. 19tii and Ilurt. Service* were held Sunday, Jnn. of the Nazi days is already 28 man language and literature at 1 for Mm. Samuel Kntz with inter- years old. And another totalitarian will elect new officers at their Ohio State University. From 1920 ment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery force rules behind that barbed meeting to be held Sunday at 7:15 Activities Director to 1924 he was associate editor of Mrs. Katz, 90. a former Omaha wire fence, and presses ceaseless- p. m., in the Jewish Community "The Nation,' 'and from 1943 to Center. A motion picture in color Saul SUvcrman arrived in Omaresident, died Thursday, Dec. 29 ly against the WVst, looking for entitled "Israel Holiday" will be 1918 he was editor of "The New ha early this week to take up his Palestine." Critles considered him wayi to increase its holdings. It in St. Louis, Mo. shown. post as Program Director of the one of the finest stylists In AmerShe was the daughter of thewas revealing to learn that five Supj>cr will bo .served a t 7:30 Jewish Community Center. Mr. late William Rothschild, pioneer sick patients at the Foehrenwald ica. contractor who came to Omaha In hospital, offered transfer to a hos- p. m. Dividend cluclis will be paid SUvcrman will be joined by his at the mi-oting. wife Rita and their two children pital in Berlin, refused—because about 1870.Her husband, the late Mrs. J. Fcldman and Mrs. Abe Barry, 4, and Michael, 2, as soon Scholarship Awards Samuel Katz, was also a contrac- Berlin is too close to the Russians! To Europe, and most pain- Cohen .'ire in ch.irce of dinner ar- as he Is able to obtain (suitable tor here. rangement'.. Call Joe Italinowski, housing accommodations, M r«. For Nebr. H.S. Seniors Mrs, Katz Is s u r v i v e d by a fully to surviving victims of theJA 38'Jl, for reservations. They Sllvermnn is n graduate of New granddaughter, Mrs. Marlon Baum Nazis, the Iron curtain is a cold will be accepted until G p. m. Fri- York University where she maEight $1GO scholarship to Nefact of dally life. unJ'a grandson, Jay Katz, Jr. braska high school seniors will be day. jored in art and KnglLsh. No matter what campaigns of awarded this year by American smiles or intimidation the RusLoon Plan. President Jay Cherr»orns sians may have In the offing. Rabbi Kripke to Speak ninrk announced today. They will be for tuition costs for one ycart Services were held Tuesday, Jan. Westerners ought to keep In mind that grim line of barbed wire, in At Judaism 'Cavalcade' itudy at the University of Ne3 for Morris Mittlcmin with in- all Its significance. The one cerbraska. terment at Mount Sinai Cemetorj tain thing is that we cannot afItnbbl Myer S. Kripke of Beth Scholarships arc awarded to Tel Aviv (JTA)—At least two Mr. Mittleman, 84, a retired scrap ford to lose our nerve or relax El Synagogue will participate in mstal dealer died at his home our guard—not for now. and not one of the six "Cavalca'dc> of Con- Taells were dead Monday and seniors in Falls City, Plottsmoulh, Monday. Jen. 2. He was a resi- perhaps, for the rest of our life- servative Judaism" to be (icld from one wounded—all three civilians- Nebraska City, Fremont, Cnlumafter a week-end of violence alone >us, HastlnEs, McCook and this dent of Omaha for 45 years. January 9 to 12 in Grand Rapids, the Arnb-Israel borders from Gaza ,'ear will include Grand Island. line. Mr, MHUeman Is survived by n.a Kalnmazoo, Flint and Bay City, to the Jordan frontier, as Israel's Scholarship committees in each wife; Dvorah; a son, Harry of Mich. ' I; . • ; :;, Arab neighbors "celebrated" the high school select the winners and Portland, Ore.; three daughters f j'Uabbi Kripkij will'discuss "The New Year week-end with attacks alternates on the basis of need, MM. Lena Kahn of Portland, Mr, History and Phijp.iophy o< the Con- by land and air. scholastic record and potential, . Bass Itoscnbaum and Mrs. Iieuiah servative Movement.' ' The "cavThe latest of the aggression took character and citizenship. The NePerelman, both of Omaha; seven A Yahrzeit plaque in memory of alcades" have been arranged by ilace this mornlnj; when two braska program Is part of a three grandchildren and 17 great-grand- late Sam Hoffman was Installed (he National Academy of Adult Egyptian Vampire Jet fighters flew, state project which Includes scholchildren. this week on the Memorial Tab- Jewish Studies. over Israel positions in the south- arships to seniors In 24 high lets in the synagogue of the Dr. western Ncgcv area. Immediately chools. Philip Sher Jewish Home for aced ifter the fighting planes had transPhil Greenstone Arthur A. Colin, home committee Synagogue Desecrated gressed Israel territory, Egyptian chnirmnn announced. ; Moroccan Minister Word was received here of the New York (JTA)—Damage to outposts In the Gaza border strip d^ath of Phil Greenstone in Los The plaque was presented by the extent of thousands of dollars started firing ot an Israel army Casablanca (JTA)—Dr. Leon patrol on the Israel side of theBen-Zaquen, the Jewish leader Angeles, Gil. Mr. Greenstone. CA. Sam Sacks of Council Bluffs. In conjunction with the place- was reported by a Bronx syna- border. diod December 23. He was a forgogue here, after it had been desewho was named Minister of Posts mer long-time resident of Omaha. ment of tlie plaque, the relatives crated by vandals twice within That was the fourth In a series and Telegraphs In the Moroccan . Survivors include: a son, Joseph will be notified of the yahrzeit two days. Rabbi David Savitz, of of Gaza border incidents that Cabinet, has been officially InJ.1 of Omaha; a daughter, Sirs. ICd- date. Knddish and yahrzeit re- Convocation Brith Sholom. said started Friday when the Egyp- stalled in his post He was welward Butler of Inzlewood, CaJ., :IIJI1(! will bo conducted in the tra- that he had no choice but to be- ianj and the Israelis engaged in comed by the staff of the Ministry litional minner In the Home Syend five grandchildren. lieve that the vandalism was mo- a two-hour exchange of firing that at a ceremony in Rabat at which followed Egyptian shelling of anthe officials assured him o" their tivated by religious hatred. ArranKcmenls for placement of The first raid by the vandals Israel patrol near the settlement devotion and goodwill. George Bernstein names on the Memorial Tablets of Kisuffim. All the Egyptian atPrime Minister SI Bekkai issued may be'made either at the office resulted in the twisting and Services were held Wednesday, of the Jewish Federation or with breaking of religious articles, as tacks and attempts to cross Into a statement emphasizing that Dr. Israel territory were repulsed. Ben-Zaqucn, like nil the other Jan. 3 for George Bernstein with the Superintendent of the Home, well as the tearing of holy scrolls: and books Into shreds. Panes of The worst of the attacks, result- members of the Cabinet, Is a repInterment at Beth El Cemetery. David Orkow. glass were broken, walls and ceil- ing in the three civilian casualties, resentative of the entire MorocJBi. Bernstein, a longtime Omaha ings ripped, and pictures torn took place on the Bccrsheba-Eilat can people. The statement was isbaseball player, umpire and Omaha Amateur Baseball Association Vets to Attend Services from the wall. In the second visit, road. The infiltrators had first sued after one of tho newspaper* Members of Epstein-Morgan there was even more damage than wounded the three men by open- In Casablanca referred to Dr. Ilcnofficial died Tuesday. Jan. 3. He Is survived by his wife; a Post No. 2G0, Jewish War Veter- in the first, the rabbi reported. ing surprise fire, then they ap- Zaquen as a representative of the Bon, Marvin, and two daughters, ans of America will attend serv- Everything that could be smashed proached the Jeep and killed the Jewish population. Mrs. Marilyn Fried and Mrs. Peg- ices Friday evening, Jan. 13 atwas destroyed, and evert* the light two men in cold blood. T h e fixtures were torn out of the walls. wounded driver escaped. Temple Israel. gy Cohen. 1^1'
(X Apwcet.01-
ana N
Impressions Gathered in Europe
Beth El
Ludwig Lewisohn Dies in Florida
Farband to Elect Officers Sunday
New Attacks on Frontier by Egypt
Memories! Tceblet installed ai Home
, Jutury «, IBM.
Births Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Black of B. * P. HADAHMAII • An original playlet "Kor I In College .Station. Tex., announce daman's Sake," written and di the birth of a duurjhter Cifrrie rected by Eve L. Kunccky. pro Ann born December 19. This is gram director, will l>o presents 1 at the regular meelini; of VAVA- the couple * first child. Mrs. Black new and Professional Women of is the former Miss IVtty Lincoln liadanah to be held at 7:30 p. in of Omaha. Paternal grandparent Wednesday In the Jewish Com are Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hlack of munlty Center. Members of tlio cast arc Misses Sylvia I'arllman. Dallas, Tex., and maternal grandRebecca Bercovici, Ahuva licr- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack ihaicr, Ann Walt and Mrs. KVPLincoln of Omnhn. Konccfcy.
Sisterhoods' Fete To Be at Beth El
Pare Three,
Lt. Shrago Weds in S.F.
Mrs. Ben Pcrclman recently returned from San Francisco, CoL, where she attended the wedding of Lieutenant and Mis. Earl ShraKo held In the chapel of Temple Emnniic). Ilubbi Alvln Fine officiated. Lt. Shr.ifio Is (lie- son of Mrs. Ben Ferclman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mlttlcman. and Mrs. Lee M. Kahn of Portland, Ore., also attended the wedding.
Helb Kl Synagogue Sisterhood will l>c host to the Sisterhoods of Omaha Chapter Hadnssah Temple Israel and lJeth Israel will pay tribute to Dr. January 10 at 1:15 p. m., in the Philip Slier Wednesday, .synnROKue social hall. Jan. 25, at a luncheon "Holiday Parade" written by meeting in the Jewish Mrs. Myer H. Kripkc with choreoci'itphy by Mrs. George Kiscn- Community Center. If Dr. berjj will be narrated by Mrs. Sher was the attending I<eonard Gould and Mrs. Norman physician at your birth Child Rescue Dinner Whitman. Mrs. A. C. Keliman will or any member of your be piano accompanist. The cast of The Omaha Chapter of Pioneer H i u Rosellc Handler will til dancers for the presentation in- family, please call or send Women Is planning a ClilW Resof tree planting time In Israel ant cludes: Mesdamc. Nonnnn Cain, your name to Mrs. Morris cue Fund Winner for Jam'ary 15. decorations will be In tune willi Irvine Cliudacoff, Sol Kutlcr, Fellman, WA 7257, 5508 A guest speaker has been invited the New Year of the Trees theme George Eisenberp;, Leonard Frieto attend. Additional Information Mils Beverly Bernstein and Mlsa del, Morey Landinan, William Howard St. will appear in next week's Press. Julia Zukcr will lead the commuUnder a canopy decorated with Nnsh, Klmcr Novak, Kdward Rosnity tinging with Tuli'shvat gongs pink and white carnations and en, P/iul Sachs, .Stanley SilverMm. Carl Logman, president of pompon chrysanthemums Rabbi man, .Sidney Snelder, Harl Weiss, Patronize Our Advertisers Patronize Our Advertisers Gerfihon Iladns solemnized the B&P group, will preside. .Seymour Zoob, nnd Edward ZorMr«. Charles Ross, fund raising marriages of Miss I^ea Ann Ma Inslty. Mrs. Seymour Goldston is chairmnn. states that ticket sales son to Joseph Spencer Solomon, program chairman; Mrs. Leon for toe annual card party mid ba- son of Mrs. Cecil Solomon and Kchmldmnn Is In charge of cosCUM . t t a r to be held nt the lilackstone Miss Rosellc Mary Mason to Paul tumes, nnd stace manager Is Mrs. •llh MCE Hotel, January 23, are satisfac- Cramer, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Si- Wallace Klkon assisted by Mrs. w K NOODLES mon Cholkhit. The brides arc the tory. •Mi MEFIACH twin daughters of Mr. and -Mrs. Arnold Itoseman and Mrs. Bruce whliMATZO Mn. S . B l a t t and Misses Dor- John H. M.'tson. formerly of €fma- Grcenbcrff. . | BAUS othy RoKnthal and Itcbccca Ber- ha, nnd the granddaughters of Try All SI Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. Harry <ovJd will assist Mrs. Sally Mey- Mr. nnd Mrs, Kd Mason, find Mrs. WlRodsky nnd their Circle No. 4 ers, hospitality chairman. A. Kntrkee of Omnhn. The weddings took place December 25, In are In charge of the tea, Sitter the Bellerive Hotel, Kansas City, service will be provided. T. I. SISTERHOOD It was erroneously stated In Temple Israel Sisterhood will Mo. A reception followed imlast week's Jewish Press that a hold His board meeting at 11 a. m., medlfitely after the ceremony. Tuesday, Jan. 10 at the Dundee After the reception Mr. and Mrs. luncheon would be held at this Dell. Solomon left on a three-week trip Joint meeting of the synagogue through Mexico. They will lie at sisterhoods. home nt 1.101 Knst a"!rd, Kansas COlTNCir, BTIJOV ttllOUI' City, Mo., after January 15. The Current Events Study Mr. and Mrs. Cramer left on a Group of Omaha Section. National Council of Jewish Women will two week trip to Mexico City, meet at 1 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. Mexico. They will be at home in l l at the home ot Mrs. Arthur Memphis, Tenn. Monday Store Hours: 10:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Sherman, 1902 N. 58th nt. Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Hours: 10:00 A.M. to 5:30 VM. Joe Itanna of the University of Omaha will discuss "Our EducaF-*-iTday Store Hours: 10:00 AJM. to 5:30 VM. tion System—Is It Adequate?' Coffee will foe served following the program. I-'veryone Is welcome to attend.
Joint KC Wedding For Mason Twins
Rich and hearty... chock-foil of oldtime chicken goodness 1
) Chicken Soup
COUNCIL WOMEN Omaha Section. National Council of Jewish Women, will hold their executive board meeting at 1 p. m., Monday, Jan. 9 at the home of Mm. LJoyd Friedman. 611 N.' 37th «t. The regular board meeting will follow a dessert luncheon at 1 p,-m., Thursday, Jan. 12 to be held at the home of Mrs. Phill I^ser, 1302 N. 54th st. Mrs. Stanley HerzOff will be co-hostesfi.
Great Books Unit To Meet at Center A third year Great Hooks group Jx now holding l u meetings at the Jcwiih Community Center. The first session waj held Wednesday. Jan. i and the next moctinc will bo Wednesday evening, Jan. IB under the direction of Miss Winifred Taylor. The group Is open lo those who have participated in previous discussion groups. The Great Books program Is sponsored by the Omaha Public Library. Applicant's may register there by telephone, by mall or In person. Two groups for those who are new to the program will meet at Benson Community Center. Mrs. C M. Newman and Mra. Joo Carlton will lead the discussions to be held Friday afternoons front 1 to 3 o'clock beginning January 13. The leaders of the Wednesday evening group will be Mr. and Mrs. William C. Howland with the first session to be January 11 from 8 to 10 p. m. All meetings arc held 'once every two weeks. The basis of discussion will be the questions raised from the works of such classic authors as Plato, Shakespeare and Tolstoy. After reading a book at home selected for discussion, members of the group will then meet to talk over their interpretations of the subject matter.
Rummage Sale Kndlmah Chapter will hold its annual Rummage Sale January 16 nnd 17. Call Kay Corey, RE 3988, or Ucrnlcc Falk for pick-up of articles fur the sale. Patronize Our Advertisers
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BwMHzvah Harold iforbM, son of Mr. and Mr«. Herbert Forbes, win celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening. Jan. 6 and Saturday morning, Jan. 7. at Beth El Synagogue. " Friend* and relatives are Invited to Mtend both services and the receptions yWch will follow. ;
".••"•• " V
Omaha B'nal B'rith Clrji won flint place -trophic* in »tory telling, oratory, bowling and volleyball at the Cornbelt Regional Convention held here. The top honors went to the following girl*: Mtos Lenl Wine, story-telling: Miss Shirley Sniff. ' oratory; Misses Joyce Canar, Rita Peltz, Roberta Gntaman. and Laurie Oruch, bowling, and Mines Diane Singer. Carole Frank, Joyce Canar. Rita Peltz, Judy Kutler, Ina Margolin, Lenl Wine, Florence Shrago, Lynn Singer, Carol Gomberg and Laurie Oruch, volleyball. The formal initiation and Installation of officers will be held January 8 in the Council Bluffs Jewish Community Center. AZA NO. 100 AZA No. 100 Is planning a box lunch party to be held this Saturday. A spring dance is being planned to replace last year's King Dance. The Century boys' bowlIng team placed, first in bowling during the recent AZA convention held here. Members of {he winning team are: Mike Flatt, Tom' Platt, Bob Epstein, Howie Kooper and Stuart Kutler. The freshman basketball aquad topped" Rayim's freshmen 24 to 17 last Thursday at the Jewish Community Center.
New Speed Reading Courses at Center A group of high school students who enrolled in the Youth Council's Speed Reading CoiiiTie can now read three times as fast as the average high' school senior while maintaining a very hl'jh degree jf comprehension, Shenn Poska, Youth Council director stated. Another section of the course will be started January 18 with a limited enrollment. The course will extend for ten weeks, one day a week after school. The registration fee of four dollars covers tb» cost of books and materials. Applicants can register at the Youth Council office in the Jewish. Community Center. A speed reading course for adults U being planned to be held in the evenings. For further information contact the YC office, call JA 1366
Paysie Shyken Elected Regional SYO Prexy
Center Sports •g. C. "B" BASKETB/VU. After four weeks of play in Youth Council "B" League Basketball, Raylm B lias followed in thi steps of the-ir brothers in the "A' League by remaining undefeated Last week they defeated their winless "•C" team to the tun; of 67 to 9 and before that they defeated the AZA IB team twice and Hie AZA 100C team once. This team Is sparked by Art Novak and Larry Zaeharia who capably handle the scoring punch along with Howard WelnberK, Steve Seglln and Tanny Horwich. In the standings. AZA IB fol lows with a 2-2 record, but AZA JIOOC has a good chance of tying with them if they can beat the wlriless Rayim C team.
Radio Class for Youth Councilers Harold Wlnkler, Director of Police Communications and of the communications division of the local office of Civil Defense, announced that a class in radio and radio theory will be started in two weeks for Youth Council members. All materials and supplies will be provided the student free of charge and instruction will cover a ten-week period, classes being held one day a week at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Wlnkler commented that those finishing the course will qualify for the FCC Novice Ticket. This ticket permits the holder to transmit with his own transmitter on the novice band.' A monitoring station for shortwave broadcasts will be set up at the Center with Youth Council members In charge. KfiiisTitlon for this program is sponsored jointly by the Youth Council and Office of Civil Deense. R*|{ijitratlon for enrollment can be made at the Youth Council in the Center. SVNAGOfiVK ATTENDANCE New York (JTA1—Only 27 percent of adult Jews in the United States attend synagogues, n Gallup poll on church attendance in 1955 established. The proportion of Catholic adults attending church in given as .74. Among ProteitanU, only 42 percent of the adults attend church services.The average number of adults attending religious services in the United States was 49.600.000 i.: 1955. or 49 percent of the total adult population. The highest attendance, was found in smaller cities—those between 2,500 and 50.000 population. Women outnumber men in attendance of services. Persons who have had a college education go more often to services than those who hove had Only a high school education.
fttfay, »»»u»ry f, UM.
War Possible (Continued from Page 1) the country, tho Premier pointed out that during the short period of Israel's existence the present government had to rclxiild the ruins and "set right the mUdnr-ds" of conquerors and foreign rulers from the Hwnan days until the time of the British mandate. "For this reason—but not only for this reason nk>ne -•- our aim has been peace," lie declared. "We wanted peace with our neighbors and cooperation with them for general prosperity in the Middle East. But the trouble is that peace requires good, will on the side of both parties, whereas for war it Is enough to have the bad will of one side only." Mr. Ben Gurion then went on to cite numerous violations by the Arab countries of the armistice agreement, the contraventions by them of the United Nations Charter, the anti-Israel boycott, the anti-bract blockade by Egypt of the Suez Canal and the lied Sea, and the number of Israeli casualties inflicted by Arab guerilla warfare which runs into many hundreds. The guerilla warfare, he said, did not attract world public opinion because the murders did not provide the world press with sensations. The Premier recalled how Egyptian representatives at the United Nations declared expressly that Egypt continues to maintain a state of war with Israel. He pointed out (hat there has never been, and there is also not now, any reason for a political or territorial conflict between Israel and Egypt. 'Israel," tie said, "wishes to see a free, Independent and progressive Egypt, and we bear no enmity for Egypt's action in recent times. It never occurred to us to exploit Egypt's difficulty with the great powers."
Britain Reaffirms Its Stand On Arms Race London (JTA)—Hugh Gaitskell, leader of the BritUh Labor Party, called on British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden and discussed with him the danger for |x;ace In the Middle KJLSI involved in exporting surplus military equipment to Egypt and other countries. ^ A statement declaring that "It Is still the Government's policy to prevent an arms rac; in the Middle East whatever tin? source" was Lssufd from tlsf> Prime Minister's office after the meeting. "No licenses have been granted to private dealers." declared the statement, "for the export of materiel which might lie reconditioned or re-ex[K>rt».'d as weapons of war, unh-ss tho countries to which this materiel is sent from ISritain guarantees that it will not be re-exported or reconditioned.
one exception—8,000 tons of spares for armored fighting vehicles v/ere exported to Holland for civilian purpo.-ve.-i. The Netherland Government had pledged that these goods would not leave Holland in any form than usable for military purposes." Mr. Galtslull, in a statement said there is an "urgent need" for an Arab-Israel jwaco settlement." "Meanwhile." tiie Lal»r Party leader insisted, "the 1950 Tripartite Declaration Issued by France, Britain and the United States for maintaining the status quo In the Middle Knst ifmains an India* pensable instrument for prevent* Ing war." Mr. GHllskel! declared also that the tensions in the Middle East had increased since the Czochoslovnk-Kgyptian arms deal had !>een effected, and called oa tho Western powers to "formally and publicly" seek the Soviet Un"Since the end of the war." the ion's participation in the main* statement continued, "large quan- tenrmce of peace between Israel tities of.surplus materiel lias been and the Arab states. disposed of, both for civilian use and for scrap. For Instance. 430 modified Sherman tunics were sent to Tanganyika for a nutgrinding scheme. Later, tlioy wgrc CONCERT MASTER sold to Lsrael and Belgium for purely civilian purposes. We have O M A H A SYMPHONY no reason to believe they were Downtown used In any other way.
"More recently, however, doubts were raised as to whether some of the surplus materiel is not being diverted by forvlgn dealers for uses other than those stated. Last Dimmer, no licenses were issued for export of any significant quantities of surplus war materiel with
Mervin N. Lemmerman, director of . Temple Israel Iteligluvw School, was elected to the executive board of the National Association of Temple Educators. 'Hie association concluded its first national convention last week in New York City. I
OR 0435
Mr. Ben Gurion also touched upon Syria's attempts against Israel. He especially cite.i the Syrian rovocations In the Huleh drainage area, nnd the reci-nt planned attack on the Northern .shores of Lake Tiberi.'us which, he emphasized, is in Israel's undisputed sovei-eignty.
Lemmerman Named to * Temple Educators Board
VIOLIN STUDIO Violin students, beginners and advanced, need the careful attention of private instruction. For Information Call
LIBBY'S KITCHEN 1510 N. Saddle Creek (formerly Drickey'i)
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FEATURING KOSHER STYLE FOODS Gcfllte Fish •Corned Beef Vi CklclM FtMck Frta Chopped Liver •Salami loll '• l»rttf To do * Bologna Kreplach 9?c ' •Dinners Blintxes PHONE RE 1311 FOR FOOD TO GO!
Want Ads jtioat JA J:W U: mien rwii w&si *a o rbr JCTUD Frest Currtut r»l» u &U ernti for ra/A fnttrUoa. Tbr Prrji rt»*rvu tru nctit Ic limn tilM Mt tict MvertL4tmtnL
Paysie Shyki-n. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shyken, was elected president of the Midwest Region of the Synagogue Youth Organization BAR and ''as Mitzvah congratulations also for nil Jewish holiat the regional convention held redays and special occasions.. cently in Kansas City, Mo. He also won a plaque for Beth Israel Meyers New Stand. 1502 Dodge Synasoyiie and the regional oraTOP CALIHKK torical contest. SALESMAN1 NEEDED Jerry Stone, son of Mr. and Mr*. Zcp Manufacturing Corporation, Sam Stnne, was circled.recording one of the largest manufacturers secretary for the coming year. of determents, .soaiR, waxen, dLsirif(?ctant.'j, etc. and automotive cleaning chemicals, has a top WASHINGTON I'AKMW producing nearby established New York (JTA) — Delegates territory open. This territory from more than 25 stnti's have has u large number of constantbeen designed so far by major ly active accounts dating back American Jewish organizations to more than three years. Appliparticipate in the extraordinary cants must be top notch salesconference on tho Middle Eastern men witli some industrial sellcrisis to IK held in Washington Ing experience. The man selectJanuary 17 and 18, it was aned will average 2 to 4 nights a nounced here. week on the road only. ExcluThe" presidents of 1G organizasive, established territory with tions have called the conference no house accounts. Substantial to consider the "situation of exdrawing account and commistreme gravity" for both Israel and sion. Extra benefits - i n c l u d e the United States which has debonus plan, pension, etc. Good veloped as the. result of Commuauto necessary. Age 25 to 40. nist bloc arms shipments to Egypt. Do not apply unless top caliber. Each of the organizations Is namSend photo,'if available. Write ing 20 delegates to the conference. for personal interview with full In addition, there will be deleparticulars. Rates-at-large representing Jewish Zep Manufacturing Corp communities from coast to coast. 1515 Swift Street Kansas City 1G. Mo. i*"' • • • Patronize Our Advertisers