January 20, 1956

Page 1

Vol. VXXIV—N.i. I."..


101 K. 2Mb, Annual Rite < DolUBI iitt JA. 13G0 Klngle Col»y 10 Qette


ing Jan. 2 9 $61,025 Chest Grant To Federation for '56

Sioux City Section to Appear in Press This week we welenme oill'

Sioux City neighbors to tin; Jewish Press. Tlie Sioux City Section will appear in the Press for a period of time during their Hiniiv City United Jewish Appeal Campaign. Members of the Sioux City Jewish Community will receive tho Press. Jack W. Marer. Federation President F. Kalph Nor,!'. Press Ctle. Chairman


lave to Feature ! .native Program

...•a informative, program will highlight the 52nd

The Federation for Jewish Serv- now for cipit.il fijuil neefis of Annii . community Meeting of the Federation for Jewish Service Will receive SI! 1 ff.'.'i for local United Community Sfrvlee a<M-nice to be held at 8 p. m, Sunday, Jan, 20, in tlie Jewish Comservices from the Oin:ih;t Com- eie>\ Alloejtiitins made tcnt.'itivemunity Center auditorium, Jack W. Marcr, Federation presimiinlly Chest during liirifi, .luck ly will b'1 rcvii-weil in tin4 lii;lil of dent, announced tod ly. All members of the community have VV. Mnrer, Federation president; total funds raised for this purpose. announced. This grant w;is ap- The Federation for Jewish Service • bein mwtid t,i .itit'iil Mr. Murer proved liy the Hoard of Director.-; is one of the aj;eneies for whieh it ited of the United Community • Serv- a Cipital Fund (irant has been Nm.-l IVoKrulii* ices upon the recommendation of earmarks!. The colorful story of Federation its budget- committee after its activities will he presented by destudy of the. program, finance* partment chairmen. In brief sum* anrl needs of Iho Federntion. Solomon C.oldfarb, Family Mon- mario-i, tliey will report to the ice Director of the Federation for The ninount granted to the Fedcommunity on progress nytda dmeration Is $.t,'l.V) inoro thin was Jewish Service, was designated «>> lng thb past year.. Blven In ]'.ir>r> to meet a rise in co-ordinator of the Jewish ICducaOf'Oreat Interior A "White KlL-phnnt Sale" will be cost (if operation. ion Survey to bo held in Omaha The Federation's activities jire featured Attraction nt the nicet.Omuliii Servli™ uitlmutely Involved with the spiritthe Golden Are Club to ix' early I n May, Jack W.^Mnror, FedThe fund's appropriated by the iiif: ofthis I'. V. CIIIK1'' TO VISIT ual, physical and moral welfare of coming Monday at. 1 Oimmunlty Chest are for the held eration president announced. irnitcd Nations, N. Y.' (JTA,) the community and roaches Into Jewish Community Community ('enter and Family p. m., InAthe Nations Secretary (ienerDr. Morris Margolin, chairman practically every household In one dessert luncheon will United Service and relief program-: of Outer. al Dag Ilammarskjold left by f the Jewish Education Hurcau, manner or other, Mr. Marer emserved .-mil a film in color "IsIho Federation in Omaha, Mr. l»e piano Sunday for I/union and the Is serving as chairman of the city- phasized, and these' summaries rael Holiday" will hi; shown. BItirer Indlnited. Middle Kast to study tho posui- wide Jewish Education S u r v e y should prove to ba of great I n t o Mrs. Albert (iaer will I*; am:- l»litie.s of an Arab-Israel p e n c e The total allocation for nil 47 nmlHslon which wns approved est to all member* of rh.i CommuIted Feather Service;; Is Jl/JTO,- tioiiO'.r at the sale anil members and of long-term plans for im- recently by the Federation Hoard. nity. and friends are asked to brim: 6:ii). In addition the lied Cross reproving conditions in the Middle; The survey will be conducted by ceived ?2r,.">."no and the IJSO items to 1M; auctioned off. A social F.astcrn countries. He will confer the American Association for Jew- For tali reiujn, I Uiye. every hour will follow. in I/indon tomorrow with Hritlsh ish Education officials, whllo Mr. member of the community to at'J*he United Cmnmunily Service •Mrs. John Solomon and MIA. J. Foreien Secretary Selvvyn l.loyd, Onlilfarb will coordinate local ac- tend this annual gathering ut which progress made during tlie Milton Mantolin nre cn-ordinatons agencies will pay nit the 1!I30 apand with Fgytian I'l-emier Col. tivities for the survey. past year will ln> ivvicwpd, the propriations to ngencley on a for ..the Onialm Section, National Gamal Alwlel Nassei* Snlurday The Omahn survey Is a pail »f president <truss«i. niontldy basis following a careful Counell of Jewish Women whnm when he reaches Cairo. national sampling to determine I'lcn til Vullllg Adults review of each agency's spending. witli the Jewish ('(immunity CenMr. Ilammarskjold will reach ter Department eo-sjwm^oi' the "I would like ti> (.'specially urge CitriMnl I-'lind-i Israel Monday, January i.'t, and the scope of Jewish educition in activity. the young ,tdult- 11 make II their ' In addition to tlie aliove, apwil tpend two days there during the I'nited States. business to attend tills meeting. proximately JI.WiO.MK1 I--. available which he will confer with Prime Dulles States . , . The Federation is vitally ci>nMinister David I'.en Curion and i* im d u.ih thi> di ii'lopmcnt of Foreign Minlstr-r Moshe Sharett. Ben Gurlon Soy- . . . •out nu.HH li ideiih.p from the Prior to his departure, he Indiranks of our young peuplu and wo. cated that, he would suggest that jr.; uiixioiti hint tliey learn of. It* I Washington (JTA> -Secretary economic, aid which is now being 'l'el Aviv (J'l'A.i A plan for I nctU.tle., in tlie ci.nniunity un(t offered to MiddleKxstem counof Slate John Foster Dulles inditries by the United States on Isrnel to tighten it' belt In the'help in tin- pl.mn ng of the conIjiiifloii UTA; (Jiven defen- cated that the. United State; will one side ami by the Soviet Union economic and manpower fields tinuity of c immunity traditions not In* drawn into com|>o.tition witli sive v, calkins. Israel will prevent on the other, should be. channeled and place itself in the best shape | a ,,,j jirogi.win,' ,\i r . M in r staled, a war III tin' Middle. F.aU. Premier the Soviet Union for Arab favor through the United Nations mtli- to beat off un expected att.u k ; This will ho the tlrit opportunity !>.ivid lien fiiirimi told Klchnnl | nt Israel's oxpon.se. hpcaKing at er than in an "atmosphere of •from the Arab sUtes lias been view the several improvements Cros.sm.'iu, Lalior Ml* and former a press conference, he said that strife." prepared by the Mnpnl l'nrty, hlch wore made in the Center ../ ' member of the Anglo-American while Moscow miijht try to win largest party in Israel and leadbuilding during tho year • lnclud-' Commission of Inquiry on Pales- Arab friendship by proiwsing a er of the Bovcriimcnt coalition ing the complete modernization of OUT ritoiticAM tine, in an interview. "Give us the "tou;;h" resolution against I.srael Noiv York OJTA)--Support for tlie kitchen, lie added. tools and we will prevent war," nt the United Notions Security a 51,000,000 program to pnivldc ' The draft plan calls for tho A social hour will follow underMr. lien (iurlon said, accordlni: Council, but that there was no roa- I'O.OOO young people In Israel, immediate ; classification of the iho auspices of the Federation of i Israel, so that tho to a dispatch from Mr. rtrossman >;on to fear American comi>ctltion North Africa and cither nrea« manpower in Jewish Woman's Clubs with Mrs. most economical and mos effiin that nviwct. published in the iJaily Mirror. with vocational training and sec- cient use may po mado of it Dave Conn, womcn'H clubs1 hospi'Hie Hecretiiry of Slate emphaIn a special television program that the American views on ond.iry education In Ift5(i wns should the occasion arise and both tality chairman, In charge of arpresented hy Lnlior ?»TI' Woodrow sized, peace remain " v e r y voted here by the American OUT tho. army and Industry expand rangements. Wyatt over the IM'.C, Mr. ficn Arab-Israel murh" as j:et fnrth IJI his Awni-st Federation nt Its annual confer- their* personnel needs. The plnn Klrctlon of Officers Ourion repeated his offer lo meet •Jf, He indicated that theseence last night at the Hotel terms' urgent -the cstablishement Federation officers will be elect"anywhere and anytime" with viewskiK-ech. Ilooscvelt. Dr. William Hnber. of a special commissariat to co- ed for a new lerm of office. Nomwould ho ddvanced when thi; Premier Nasser, for peace talks. Anglo-American talk;; on tlie -Mid- president, announced that. OUT ordinate control and to Implement He said that the 1917 UN resolu- die. F.ast situation start at the end would begin discussions with the various emergency regulations In nutlons will be presented by David Goldman, chairman, and his comtions could not longer serve as a this month, between President Joint Distribution Committee thin the event of war. Tlie stockpiling mittee, consisting of David Blackbasis for a settlement nnd that of F.lscnhowcr and Iiritixh P r i m e week for a financial allocation in of food, and water Is also called er, Jules Newman, Harry Sldmuti only tin; status quo would cervc Minister Sir Anthony Kdcn. A.';kod support of these overseas activ- urgentJ •-,:'.. . and Mrs. Mike Freeman. • for BUCII purposes. He urged lirlany fonnuia h.'is"l>een discussed ities. t.'iln to help secure peace by re- If Present officers! are! 'Jack W. with Ilritaln for Arab-Israel peace, dressing the arms balance. Marcr, president^ Dr. Abo GrcenMr. Dulles salil that no npocific SOLAB OONVEUTOU bere, 'first' vlce-preiidcntj Robert formula lm.<; been acted upon, linn New! York (JTA)—Or. Harry II. Kooper, second vice-president; addfil that they had no doubt Tabor,' directorof Israel's PhysiJewish-Education in Harry Tnistin, treasurer ltrnest A. that the Arab-Israel pence- issue cal Lalwratory, has -Invented a secretory;' and Dr. Philip Europe to Be Expanded would bo a main topic in the forth- Washington <WNS|>-Kgypf has one-way mirror which will 'con- Slier, honorary president.' coming talks. -• •' vert solar energy to steam, thus, Mr. Marcr will preside received from the Communist hloc bringing solar electric power .New York (JTA)—The threeof countries 200 Jet fighters, a day meeting of the Conference on 30,000 TIIKK HII'T within the range of technology, Jewish Material Claims Against liostnn (JTA) -Dr. Philip \V. nunilxM' of submarines : and large Germany concluded here Sunday I,own, philanthropist of Newton, quantities of other anlm. it was he stated In an interview, Dr. TalKir, who does not foresee with the voting of Sl,.'i0O,0O0 for Mass., lias undertaken to plant a disclosed by Assistant Secretary world-wide programs of Jewish forest of 20,000 trees in Israel as of State Ccorgi! V. Allen at a TV use of his method for the procultural nnd educational recon- part of the Jewish National appearance where, he simultane- duction of low cost electricity struction during l'JM. These funds Fund'H Defense Forest .of 25,- ously asserted that Israel's request through steam titrMncs, believes "Mm Julie" ,i Swedish motion are part of the $10,000,000 alloca- 000,000 trees rinsing the border:! for anns was still under consider- that it can be used for heating or picture based on August Stringtions program for the relief and of Israel, it wns announced here ation but that the "key considera- cooling homes, for making freuh b'rg's world famous play will br tion" in the ultimate decision will water from salt and for providing rehabilitation of Jewish victims Sundry at S'll p. in., In of Nazi persecution and for com- by Fred Mono.ison, president of rest on the action taken by the low presure steam for paper pro- presented the New Knglfind JNF. Security Council on the resolution:; duction and other industrial uses. the^JovMsh Conrnunity Ci nter aumunal reconstruction approved by ditorium. of censure. the Conference board of dlrectoni. Tlili pre,citation vull be the More than ?5C0,O0O wns allocatAt the same time Mr. Allen mid third in the Center'-, Foreign F|Un ed for use in Kurope, an Increase Sunday Radio that while the relative strength of Federation Executive series The stoiy tell, of a mtdover the preceding year which reIsrael and the Arab states will be. Mimmor eve in Scindmau.i ill 1888 flected the stronger emphasis the Rabbi Roland I). Glttlcson of Committee to Meet a factor in the decision, he did not where two people meet on this conference is placing on the deTemple Israel in Boston, Mass., think It realistic for a nation the night of intoxication and liewitchvelopment of Jewish education in Tlie Kxecutivc Committee of will l>e guest speaker on tho size of I.srael to have an "anna Europe. Almost CO percent of all Message of Tsracl Reries licartt mcnLs i>osltlon as that, of tho 40, the Federation for Jewish ment. The feudal aristocrat, Julie, the cultural allocations were earService will meet at 32:15 li on the downward path to deover KI1ON from 12:05 to 12:30 000 Arabs. He said the "impera marked for Jewish education, In ;\ m., Tuesday, Jan. 24 in the struction and the serf, Jean, U p. m, tlve" need In that area of tho particular for the construction or downtown Highland Club in climbing upwards but in the beworld was a settlement of the acquisition of suitable school the Hill Hotel, Jack W. Mnrer, wildering kaledlo-icopc- of night all Tlie Eternal Light program Arnb-Lirael Issue, that tho U. S. buildings and the expansion, Federation p r e s i d e n t an- boundaries are blurred. will tK! liroadcast over KFAM feels that neither side wants war equipment and repafr of existing nounced. nnd that this country's position from 11:30 n. m. to 12 noon. Admission i-, by hcriei tickcl>ir l)utldlni!F especially in Kurope. Is one of Impartiality. •..iiKli* .itlniission of 7") cent-,

Golden Age Club To Hold Auction

Goldfarb Named Co-ordinator

Global Report

Emergency Plan Prepared in Israel

U.S. Not to Favor Defensive Arms to Arabs Over Israel Prevent M.E. War

200 Red Jets In Egyptian Hands

Swedish Film at Center Sun. Night

Face Two


Friday, January 20, 1950.

Underground Children's Shelf er in Israel Ever} tTlduj DJ the federation lot Jewish Service . N«br.. )Aet--«


Country Fair Fete By B.E. Sisterhood


Arab Questionnaire To Dutch a 'Mistake'

The H;c::iic < W.VS)- -The quesA "Country Fair" dance will be tionnaire whirl] was sent out liy held Saturday. Feb. 11, at 9 p. m., the Arab IJoycutt Coinmit in the Beth El Synagogue social Against Israel to the Fcdez at ion haB. Chairman of this event spon- of Dutch Merchants, in which mertored by the Beth El Sisterhood chants of (his country who trade Is Mrs. Albert G. lUmmerman. with Arab countries; wore a.=,!;ed if ' She will be assisted by the follow- they have 'Jewish employees and ing! Mesdame* Harry Schulman, trade with Israel, was a "nn'stako," Joseph Bornsteln, Yale Ginsburg, according to a letter received this Max Bittnef, plmer N o v a k , week by the Federation from the Charles licb. Al Shrier, Art Arab committee in Damascus, Abrami, Russell Blumenthal Jack Syria. Jacobson, David Beta, Lewis YaLast month the merchants' fedcer. Shelf Katzkcc and Harold eration had asked its members1 Cooperman. not to answer these questions beA baby picture contest will L- fore consulting the Federation'* executive committee. As a result held at the dance. Members of the congregation may submit an en-of protests, Dutch Foreign Mintry at any time prior to the dance ister Lunz declared In Parliament merchants of Holland will to Mrs. Max BIttjier. 516 So. 50th thatallow themselves to be fright«ve, or a t the synagogue office. not by the Arabs Into boycotting A fortune teller will be present ened during the evening. Synagogue the State of Israel members are also invited to enter cakes in a cake-baking contest Dead Sea Scrolls with Mrs. Harry Schulman, GL 1572 in charge. Refreshments will New York (JTA)—The recently Interior of an underground children'* shelter In on iimHwTflW(! border village In JUrac!, fCjioh of be available throughout the ^eve- discovered Dead Sea scrolls, which thriw: KhrltcrN, built liy United Ittriu-1 Apjwui tigrnclrft to jirutftt Immigrant cJilldrf-tt In frontier vllhave been acquired by Israel, b|;rs, (-(imjtrlsi'h two rooms and a Kinull corridor. Ttw. UnlU'd Israel ApiH'sU in the rhW-f rnrmtlfu)-nt of ning. A ticket in the Sisterhood High- were discussed here at a meeting llir nationwide I'nltctl Jeuin-b ApjM'al tmniialgn. lights Book of Events entitles the attended by more than 200 ProCatholic nnd Jewish holder to four single admissions. testant, of the Society of I3iblic.il Visitor Says . . . Additional admissions are one dol- members Literature and Exegesis. Tlie lar each. Reservations may be meeting tlie 75th anmade with Mrs. Lewis Yager, WA niversary celebrated of the Society. 0753 or Mrs. Shcff Kntzkcc. RE Dr. William F. Albright, Pro2205. Washington (JTA) —A Hoover fessor of Semitic I-angua;;es «t Ernie Priesman and his orches- John Hopkins University, said the Commission report on overseas A young native Israeli Abraham tra will play. Malek, 22, visiting his relatives scrolls provided a "wealth of evi- economic operations has linked 0a |>. m., Candiclightlnj; dence" as t,, nieanirit:'; apr] usages uture United States aid to Israel Mr. and Mrs.' Moms Franklin of 'f Hebrew words that might rc- with American foreign policy obOmaha said that ho thinks it is Labor Zionists to Give uire a i -translation of parts objectives with respect to Israel. Beth El iiossiblo for Israel and the arab the iiihle To Emergency Fund Conclusions of an extensive .Services Friday at IJeth Kl Sy-count ri'-s to live in peace. Other Dr. Frank M. Cross, Jr. of Me- study of aid to Israel and other nagogue will begin nt 8:15 p. m.countries arc contlituiilly stirring New York UTA>- 'Die Zionist Oonnirk Theological Seminary in Labor Assembly, lit an emergency Oiicagn. read a paper in which countries were made known in Rabbi Irving P.oscnbrmm of Chi-up the ar.ibs "lighting a fire unthe report l>y the- bo<!y which is cago will be guest preacher. Can" conference decided that every he slated that the tens of-thou- f.'j'rm'nlly" known as the'"CommisAaron I. Kdgar and the Beth der them," which accounts f<»r the member of the Zhmisl lal)or move- sands tjf frajrmenls, frajrmenls "the ultimate tiion on Organization of the Exe- tor Kl Synagogue Choir will render tension which now exists. ment in the United States should jig-saw puzzles." had already been cutive IJrunch of the Government" the musical portions of the service. contribute a week's wages, or inMr. Malek arrived in tlie United come* to a special emergency fund Sabbath morning will States about four and a half s I u in my } ' « ! l t l l I | o f formcr pr,.Bi,]ont Herbert IM at a::sQ o'clock.services to help Israel in Us present crisis. Junior Conmonths ago on his first trip mvay j Hoover. The report was transmit- grcgiition services arc at 30:30 from bin home in Isrne!. Ho This contribution would be In ad-of work remained. it.'.l to Congress. I. said: dition to the regular contribution n. in. Mincha-Maariv services are learned to speale Kngliuh on tjonnl j "Whether or not future aid to at 5 p. in. Sunday services' are lit the fihip bringing him here. Mr. to the United Jewish Appeal; the Israel-Egypt Conflict Israel other than technical as'iist- 0 a. ni. conference voted. Malek while in Omaha wants to United Nations. H. Y. (JTA) ~ ance should be continued depends Daily services are at 7 a. riy,learn about refrigeration nnrl air Delegates from 40 cities tit tend- The pertinacity of the "Palestine conditioning &o that when he reed the parley, at which all groups Question" as an agenda item which on United States foreir.il policy and 7 p. m. turns home ho will IM* nblo to put in the Labor Zionist movement continues stubbornly to come up objectives with respect to the future of that country. Immediate Ilia new skills to ur.n, were represented. Principal speak- before the Security Council was er was Mrs. Golda Meyerson. Is- dramatically illustrated here this objectives have been reached. Im- Beth Israel Jlis parrn1nr7.il'. mid Mm. Nafrael's Labor Minister who is now week by clnla issued by tlie Unit- migration lias Mopped, temporRabbi Ucnjaniin Groner. Cantor talc Molclc have lived In Israel arily at least. The country is nol visiting thb» country. ed Nations Secretariat. The data | in liclual financial distress or in Kl! Ka|:nn, Beth Israel Choir will for 'J2 years havinj; emigrated conduct late Friday evening ,serv- -from Huniiary- 'l"h'?yi make their shown that, in ISfi5. more than I . . . ,, , home in Jerusalem ju. ;t five housed of the Council's sessions *verc *Wr "< b'-'crmunj: so in Hie Im- icc:i nt 8 p. in. Odyssey of U.S. Zionist half devoted to discussions of Israel- I medial." foreseeable future, mere Traditional Friday evening RCJ~V- from the border. i 5 n 0 Kf ri< s i ' "' internal weakness in icc-s (Kabtmlas Shabbos) betfin «t *Thc Odyssey of an American Arab conflicts The young Israeli gave the JewThere were 2,'i Council wssii.iv; | Israr-1 that would invite Arab at- 5:15 p. in. Sabbath morning serv- ish Community Library an unZ i o n i s t " an autob.ogrnpby by Julius Haber WJS released this in TJ.-).-> and, since one of the tack; and no important pressures ices begin at 8:30 a. in. Junior solicited plug as h" marveled ot wsek by his publiihiT*. -Mr. Haber meetings was of a routine char- «'ithin Israel to r.ltack the Aral) Congregation at !>:nO a. m. Sab-the extent of tlie rejection of lwoks writes of Thcodor Her/1, his in-acter, dealing with the body's an- states. There is no immediate bath Mincha at 5:15 p. m. followed on Jewish subjects. fluence on the political movement nual rejK>rt, only 22 were devoted apparent danger that the arjnist- by Kholcshe S'cudos nnd Mauriv. which led.to tliete.-itahliihm™t of to substantive rnattors. OC these tice agreement obligation of the Daily morning services nt 7 Israel ann of score* of- personali- 22 meetings., various a"»i>e-cts of United States (along with that n. m. Sunday morning services ties, world-famous and less known, Israel-Arab conflict took Hip 12of Britain and France) to main; t>c;;in id 8:45 n. m. followed by Rabbi Brooks to Speak tain the present boundaries be- hrealcfast and Rabbi'ti class in Biwho did so much to transform a r-essions. ! Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, spirdream'(rlto a reality. tv.'een Israel, and the Arab states ble. Sunday morning Junior Siinwill lead to the involvement of this yan, followed by breakfast, starts. itual leader of Temple Israel, will This' hew br>ok will be on ham 11 Russian Jewry represent the Jewish Chautauqua country. at 8:30 a. m. in the near future in the Jewish ns lecturer at Midland Col"On the other hand," the report The Talmud Discussion group Society Community Library. New York (JTA)—Judaism is lege In Fremont, Nebr., Tuesday, suf-ferinj; from the Communist continues, "the United States may every Tuesday evening at Jan. 21. lie will discuss "Contemcampaign osainst religion in the have Rome* moral obligations to 7:,10 p. m. at EHH Synagogue, porary Judaism." JNF Council to Meet Israel since it exerted a strong In- 19th and Burt. Soviet Union, but activ Tlie society Is supported in tion:; fitill exist. Supreme, Court fluence In the decision to r.et up Omaha by the Jewish PhilanOmaha- Jewish National Fun'! Justice an independent nation and a na-Temple Israel William O. Douglas said thropies Campaign from which an Council will meet tit H p. m., Mon- here. tional homo for the Jewish peoannual allocation is made to tho day, Jan. 23 in the Jewish ComWriting on "ReliRior. in the ple there. The country has made Worship ecrvices this evening society. Rabbis are sent by tho munity Center, Mrs. M. F. Lcvcn( Godless State" in the new i. isue of rapid progress, but it still has will be held in Temple Lsracl nt society to colleges as part of their son. president, announced. magazine, Justice Douglas some years to go (possibly 7 or B) 8 p. m. Rabbi Sidney H, Brooks educational program to disseminMrs. Levenson aslcs that whose Look thnt he found that rellijlon before It becomes economically will preach on "What Rabbis Talk ate authentic information conWho have not had their JNF boxes said survives in the Soviet Union Keif-sufficient, <?vcn nt the level About Together." cerning Judaism. •collected to notify the following. still an incessant Communist of the present low standard of liv- Services Saturday morning will Call Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, WA despite campaifrn against it. His coming. In the meantime, it must be at 11:30 o'clock for members 3681. or Mrs. Irwin Levin. GL ments were made os the result of depend on reparations, loans, and of the religious school and adults, 2515 or Mrs. M. F. Levenson, AT a trip he took last summer to gifts from its friends abroad." 0088 or WA 0850.. that country. Kirk Douglas was held up In a Plans Made for There are al»ut 3.000.000 Jews Jerry Brown Hollywood OTA) — After a in Russia. Justice Douglas noted, small town because heavy mlns Center Chess Class lengthy examination, the doctor and about 200 congregations. In had caused a washout on the railServices were held Friday, Jan. told Jerry Lewis that rest was most of the cities he visited, the road, "nils looks like the flood," Chess players who"want to job 33 for Jerry Edward Brown with the answer to his fatigue. "The congregations were active ones. he observed to a waitress in the a Jewish Community Center class' interment at Bclh El Cemetery. lest thing for you to do," said the "But not many of the younger local hotel! "The what?" she and novices who wish to learn or Tlie child, five years cOd, died 4octor solemnly, "is to give up generation arc b^uig taught the asked. T h o flood," Kirk repeated. improve their game are osked to Thursday, Jan. 12 at a local hos' trinking and smoking, get up ear- precepts of Judaism," he said. "You know the flood, when Noah contact the Center activities of- pital. ly In the morning and go to bed "And the rabbis complain of the saved the animals on the ark. You fice, JA 136C. Experienced Instruc- He Is survived by his parent*, difficulty of getting cantors." must have read about that" early At night" tors will be on hand to teach the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brown; a *The tired Jerry looked up at the However, he ndded. In synagogues The waitress assured him grave- class and provide tournament play. brother, Steven, and Erandnarman of medicine. "I don't deserve the confirmation of young hoys ly, "Mister, on account of all this A regular schedule will be set upcnts, Herman Mirowltr. of Omaha the best," he said. "What's second is still customary and other of the rain, I haven't .seen''a paper In as soon :m. registration,'^ com- and Mrs. Nellie Brown of Council old rituals continue. four dayB,"—(JTA) b e s t ? " ••,-• . , •-'• ..-•.• pleted '•.•.• •'.V.V.'.' '-'.', Bluffs, la. . ,

Hoover Survey Views Israel

Religious News

Prodding of Arabs Causes Tension


Frliluy, January 20, 1950.


IMrturfil pu(l<ln£ IKIXI s nf 'Surprise" puK.icts to Itc sold ut the B. it 1*. HaduHMili Annual C'uril-I'nrty and Ua/uar an-: (I., to It.) ' M l u Julia Zukcr, Kv#* I,. Kum-i'liy anil Mrs. Carl 1-nt;»xnJI.

B&P Hadassah Bazaar Wednesday "Ye Old fashioned 11 a r (; a i n nesday, Jan. 2."> in the niaekstone D»y»" Is the theme for the Jtu ;i- Hotel. tiatf and Professional Women of Ilandm.iile artieles will ha sol'l Hadfl!«.lh'« annual cm) party and at a tabln slaffeil by MU.vs Lee tnbfaar to be held at M p. in. Wed- (ireenl)erj^ Ahu\n GecsJiader, Mollye Weiner and Flo Urook.stcln. Ida SiirifH; is ticket chairnum nnd her cinntniltee nidutleK Mjyse,-; Kvclyn I-evy, Itoselle Handler, Mr. find Mm. IJTQ Nerrnb'T;; of Julia Jaolw, Ishu Rotholt/, Beverly Bernstein and Me^dameii SalHowmeari, Calif., formerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a ly Meyers and P)iil Swnrtz. daughter Vlckl Jfclcnc born Jan- The ;iwect table will bo superuary 32. They also havo a sun vised by "Mis* Myrlle Freeman who HlUidy, 1. Mr. nnd Mrs. I'aiil Ner- will be assisted l>y Marion Yawilz, tnbfTt: of Montcbello. Calif., for- Fnmre.s flreenberc, Fan Sherman merly of Om.'iha, arc paternal and Mrs, Carl La(;man, president. grandparents Mr, anrl Mm. Harry All past pre:,i(l*:nts will serve an Chudacoff of Omaha are maternal hostesses. Rrnndparent.'i. Mr.s. Lily Katleman borm! mertinp will be heltl nt of our rlty is nialr:rnal f;rtat- theA home of Mrs. Julius Newman nt 3 p. m., this Sunday to make final plans for the affair. Mr. itnd Mr:;. I Ifirman I'.arrtm nnnounrf- the birth of a son born January 11 in a local hospital. Hadassah Bowling They also have a daughter BarHi;;h rrorerr. thK week In l l a bara Ann. 2, and a BUR Leonard, dassah I^afjue vere: p'. Schloff 1. I'nlcrnal Ki"'""'paronls an; Mr. 520, K. Iloss 20.1 405. (T Zevllz nml Mm. Juiiu*". linrron of Omaha. •192, I.. Faler -1T7. K. Jacob: ;en 471, Mr. nnd Mrs. Pan I);in:,er of New K. Turkel KO, D. Green 452, A. York City arc maternal grand- Sneidex 440, P. ICrasne 4.1H, L. parents. Kjistr-in 'iriti, K. f^reenberfi 4:)3, K. Asliyll 427. M. Fromkln 424. R. A Kon, David Mathi.'ts was horn Klein 421. n. Swnrtz 41D, L. HoDc-oemlmr 29 to Mr. und Mrs. Jack lwrnian 418, A. Schulman 41G, n. Edward Iiult'h of ni>ic.-u;o, ill. C.elfand 413, K. Cohen 40!), S. Mrs. 'Duilch is tin? former Mist. Tretlak 'lOO^ E. Sachs 407 and P . Jean Marie Ivvenson of Omaha. Turek 40-1. Mrs. Mathlns I^rvens'in, maUTnal grandmother, spent a wi-ck in Ohlcaj;o vIsitinR with them. Paternal Krandpar^nts are Mr. and Mrs. Mrlvin Fluitch of SjmKosher Style Foods kftnc. Wash. Mrs. Jenny I/'venson of Oninlia is maternal ip^atat Their Very Best Krandmothcr. Mr. and Mrr>. Saul KAt/. of Hnai Uroch, Israel, nre Corned nlfio KN'.*»t-f;randpa rents. Lb. . Beef



Organizations MOKSKYnOAUI) The Henry 'Monsky Chapter board meeting will be held at 1 p. m , Thursday, Jan. '2C> at a dessert luncheon at the. home, of Mrs, Max Krizelman, 4316 Lenvonworth «t. Mrs. Sidney Zneimer will he co-hoslcis.

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Hadassah Program 'Omaha to Israel'

Mrs. Vance to Get Citizenship Award

A poison to poriion "Oin.'iha to Israel" interview will }«.• fr.'iturcd on tlic jiro^rnni of the (Jinalia Cli.'tptor }hi(\;i^y.;ih L u n eh e o n Mft'linj;, al 72:30 p. in,, Worlm'Sdiiy. Jan. 25 in the Jowi.sli Cornmnr.ity Center. Dr. I>*wi.s Ya[;cr, criiof clinical psytholorii^i ftt the Veterans Hospital, will interview Vr. nnd Mrs. Siinun Sclilchor, I:;raelia who are now l-fj-idinjj in Ornnha. lioth Dr. and Mi-.s. Schichor have hut\ their training nnd service in Hada::suh lutsjiitals in Jsracl. A special attraelion will be the presentation of u IIada.s;;ah Sei"vice Award to Dr. Thiljp Shrr, lun;^tiniD medienl practitioner in the eity of Om.'dia, Tor his many years of dedicated and devoted service Miss Sally Sl.p to this community. His name will he inscribed in the "Book of Bm'Ulers" of lho HadaKsnh Medical nter which is the Hiidnssah January project. Thin award will he presented by Mrs. Harry Step announces the Dr. Abf> C. Fellinan, one of "Dr. or'rJ bnhies." Anyone in the coin- (MKaRement of her daughter Sally rnunity, who was delivered by Dr. to Albert dayman, non of Mr. and Sher, or knows the nai.ies of i>ersons who were, plea so contact Mrs. Siynuel M. Clayman. Miss Stop was graduated from Mrs. Morris Kellman, WA 7257. Hitter service will he provided. the University of Omaha. Mr. dayman is a graduate of Creinhton University, where he was president of Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity. An early summer wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Kutler announce the encasement of their daughter Carolyn lo p:ilie M. Ratntr, r,on of Mrs. Mary Uutncr of RUG & UPHOLSTERY Omaha. Miss Kutkr attended the UniCLEANERS versity of Omaha. RUGS—CARPETIN G A summer wedding Is planned.

Mrs. Verne Vance will be awarded Hie Il'jiai B'rith Annual Women's Citizenship Award at a 12:30 p. in. luncheon, February 9 at the Downtown Highland Club in the Hill Hotel. The award given in recognition of outstanding service In communal and civic affairs, will be pre» sent oil by Monsky and Nebraska chapters. Invitations will be mailed to all: B'lia: B'rith members and the an-, nounccment of the appointment of committees win be made In the near future.

Miss Sally Step Engagement Told

BAR and l a s Mltzvah congratulations also far all Jewish holiday! and (pedal occasion.!. Mcycre News Stand.'1502 TAKE advantage of the tremendous sovirigi on man? magazine l u b s c r i p t l o n a this month. They're the hottest npecial In years. I can honor any offer you receive In the 'mail. Mrs. Horwlch. WA 3957.




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C. Kutlerto Wed in Summer

COUNCIL BTIIIIY «IM)L'l' .The Current ICvcnts Study Croup of Omahn Section, National Council of Jewish Women will Incct at 1 p. m., Tuesday, Jan. 24 at the homo of Mrs. William Hath, 5428 Lafayette St. Mr*. Seymour Abrams will disCUSJ President Eisenhower's State v of the Union message.

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Sioux City Section

Completing Drive I MA Imd.-r-.

iIn.i ti,i v liiive iK-iii-ly tin- llHilieliin;- tin- lH.'it! 'i-lilil|iui'rii. i liii_'r. - , ( . ' I t ' l i i i - V t ' l l i e l l i I l l i - I ••-.- • 1 I I I lu-n-|iiiiin-i- nl I'1 n i n k . 1 . M i i r A l ' t e r (-(lin-.- Ihri.iij-li I'.t-'i'i a s < > \ »r ;i I I r i i l n l ' . i i l / l i e l i a t i j n ii, Init n o niie i u i l i \ iilual at t i n ; l i e m l , c(ijii\ v i i h l ' j \ ,• fti rbiii IIHIUII t h a i M r . Miir-'oliii's Mep|tin-r tor.•-..let- 1..-I • w a r d in t a k e tlie helnj ha» Injected a lie.-, .-iiiri! >-f e n e r g y a n d ojittMK -ni into tin: ca:ilpaii:M. li't-'il

Federation Directors Adopt Resolution on Special Fund December 7, 1935. The State of Israel faces Its most crucial period since it,< War of liberation. : ; Israel's people are living in a dangerous situation, with no one Knowing what new perils tomorrow-might bring. A t e time when IU future as an independent nation is endangered, Israel refuses to close Its ears to the pleas of Jews from North Africa and elsewhere who geek sanctuary within Its Holy gates. Israel. has made it a point of conscience to keep Its doors open to all Jews, clamoring (or admiss i o n , - . - ''.: •' -•; . . ':.. •',.•• • •• Israel In this hour of peril, is Unable to continue to carry the major snare of financing this immigration and •resettlement pro: .


: g t t m : ; . ' : . '



; • " • .

• • • * . .



The Jews pf America recognize a moral obligation and a eotonn duty to give fullest possible aid and comfort to the people of Israel—and the Jews oT North Africa—In their hour of grave need. To this end the Jews of America mutt provide all thd funds for Immigration to assure a haven of refuge and safety for the Jews who are to need of it, while the people of Israel gird themselves for the arduous tasks that lie ahead. Additional funds will be required. To aid in carrying out the forgoing purposes. UK IT P.ESOLVED-That the Sioux City Jewish Federation join with the many Jewish philanthropic and communal organizations in the United Stales of like mind in endorsing tha following measures: 1. That there bo constituted " United Jewish A p p e a l Special

Jr. B.B. Bowling e. Smith was elected i-res dent of the Junior U'nai K'rith Bowling Lca-;uu last Sunday. The other newly elected officers arc: John Riekes, first vice-president; Chuck-Ginsburj', second vice-president; Howar-d ^fa^tin, treasurer; and Matt Faier, scrgcant-at-arms. The winter bowlinn tournament started last Sunday and will be continued this Sunday to enable all members to bowl for tournament count. Trophies will be awarded January 20 and will in elude awards to one boy and girl for "pins over average." Bob NOSK fired the high series of'the day, a 207. He rolled games of 153 and 130. Roger Smith copped the hiKh simile -;amc with his 164 for a 277 scries. Miss Eden Cohn was hish kccler in the girls' division with (-amen of U«-1(W for a 227 serif".

B.I. Men's Club •'' Sam Kaplan. President of Hr.'th . Israel Men's Club, announces that the next dinner meeting of the men's club will be held Thursday, Jan. 2G. For reservations call Kccent 9288 before Wednesday, Jan. 25.

Bellefaire Supervisor Alexander Horowitz, supervisor of Bellefaire Regional Child Care Service in Cleveland, O., will bo guest of Omaha B'nal B'rith lodges and chapters at noon Tuesday, Jan. 24 In Cameo Room of the Fireside Restaurant.

Hollywood (JTA) — Producer Samuel Goldwyn was walking down the aisle of a large Hollywood theater the other morning when he saw a boy of about ten years old sitting in the theater, watching the picture with rapt attention. Goldwyn went over, tapped the boy on the shoulder, and asked "Why aren't you In school?: 'It's okay, mister, tho boy assured him. "I've Rot the measles."
















2. That tills Special FunO.be in addition to the normal United Jewish Appeal Income. . 3. That fltls Special Fund be created ndw-rtoday—and that contributions U>/this fuad be accepted immediately. i' :f 4. That contributions to this Fund be secured through the machinery of the Sioux City United Jewish AppeaC '••'..• : 5. That contributions by Individuals to the: Special Fund be made, and accepted, over and above and without reduction of their respective contributions to the 1936 campaign. 6. That, over and above the Special Fund, Federation agrees that the UJA share from the 1950 campasm in no case l>e less than th<: UJA share of the 195.1 campaign proceeds. 7. That Sioux City, alom; with other communities, accept (or itself its fair share of the total $25,-

Prunk J. Margolin

Chairman fs Message It Is a privilege to .-.irve Siom Cltv Jewry as your United Jewish Appeal chairman for l'.r<C. Tin' security of the State of Israel and the Conditions prevailing in North Africa und elsewhere are critical Never has the emergency be-on more pressing. All of us appreciate the tremendous demand upon Israel 1K.'cauie of Uie arms situation in the Near Kast. All of us understand the absolute ncce.-sity fur Israel to expend largo sums for defense. Because t>[ this situation Israel cannot carry the burden it has .000,000 to lie contributed by the Jews of America, and j-ive it:; solemn ploilj-e t!iat it will consider it a point of honor anil conscience t> ral-><; its fair share.

Center Sports

Attention Organizations Organizational p u b l i c i t y should be In our hands by Monday for inclusion in that Friday's edition of the Jewish Press. This is necessary to facilitate the handling of copy. We realize, of course, that there are tunes when this deadline cannot be met and late copy will bo accepted on Tuesday. If any questions «orise concerning publicity for the Press, please call the Press office.

Cit a n , wlio v-iteil 1 1 iM-.rnlinue. affiliation i, w i t h till- w e e k l y N a t i o n a l Jewi.-h I'o-t, in faviir "f pulili-dilii:: t h e l'Yrlr! .itinri - (U- [I I !• r N e w s l e t t e r , m a y v.iiiidec if tin- ap;i, j r u i e e rif a Sir,u\ City /K-etiuii in t!i>--.Jew i.li I V e s , m e a n , tile elld of (iiL- ,\e-»Vslettr-r a n d a r e t u r n t o t h e f o r m e r printed paper. Fi-iK-ration officer, v, I :• h It .stressed t h a t t i i e r e h i s been !ii> chatl!;.: ill p u b l i c a t i o n jKiliev, Tm" ••• ' " i' is still t h e ..' r fk-ial comm u n i t y n e w : , or;;an. Tile .Sioux C i t y set-tMin is i n t e n d e d p r i m a r i l y for t.'JA e a i n a p h m new;;, a n d its piiljiication will c o n t i n u e only f('i" t h e d u r a t i o n of t h e carnpaij-.n.

Steven Guss. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cms, and Arnold Fellman, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Fellman, will celebrate their liar Mitzvnh at a joint service Friday f-venine;, Jan. 20 anrl Saturday mominj*. Jan. 2t at Beth Kl Synagogue, Friends and relatives an: invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow. .Mr. and Mrs. William l/thvnvm announce the H.ir Mitzvah of their son, IVibort, Friday ^veninjT, Jan27 nncl Saturday liuirninr*. Jan. 28 at Doth i:i Synai'ocuo. Friends and relatives are invited to attend l>oth Kernels and tho receptions which will follow.

Ily Howard Kooi^r

Teen of the Week The top teen |in the Jewish Youth Council for this week is Miss Rita Peltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz. Rita, 17 years of ane, is a senior at Central Hii;h School. Scholastically our "Teen of the Week" ranks In the top 5 per cent of her class with n three year sni-mbrrshlp In tho Junior Honor Society. After class time Rita takes part in Colleens, I,itin Club, French club, A capella choir and many Youth Council sports. Rita was chosen Sweetheart of A/5A No. 1 at the beginning '-' *ho school year.

Blotcky Attends Paul Blotcky attended n national conference on the Middle East crisis as n delegate from Omaha which was held In Washington, D. C , Tuesday nntl Wednesday of this week. Tho conference was called by 16 major American Jewish organlzntlons. Patronize Our Advortlsi-m


I l l l i l llll-lll

Hi s n l l l l l l . n

I C i i n i : Inii, a c t i o n at once, M r . i M ii-ij.-ilin last ivei-li culled ji s e r i e s ill !ii'-i-t ui>-^ a m i c m Terences, t o It.-.tin implr-mi (iiini; t h e e m e r n e n c y ie,,)lutiim p i . - e d hy tin- F c d e r a li,>n Hoard Dr-c.-inbi-r 7. A decision n'-.-H-hi-il t o hol'l t h e c a m p a l K h two u i ' i n t h s r-ariier tluui u s-u a l . T h e

national Miealters' bureau In New York was roiiinrlerl for the travel" in.: schedule, of prominent nation*- al fi;:im--i who can speak force* fully and with first-hand authority . of the ten-iion mounting In t h e ' Midrflo East. The campaign wiU opon on the earliest date on which . It will be possible to schedule • loj>-ranklti); j;uc.st s|n-akcr for,••• Sioux (Jity. . ;• C^'lialrmun N'atniMl The new chairman's next move. was to deslRnnto Dave J. Albert... cami>aii;n-publicity chalnnnn, and' to arrange, throu-jh the cooperatioii of Jack '.','. Miirer, prcsldeiit. of tho Omaha Federation, Paiil/ Veret, executive director, a n d Ralph NOCK, I'ress 'chiilnnnn, for, campali;n imblicity Ihroiii-h the medium of the Jewish Press for tli,- duration of the drive. . ,

'ifure born-.- in rele.isins; our brethren from their deplorable state in Ni-rth Africa anil oLscwher.1, and tlii-rcron- we In America must raise at least twentyfive, mlllijii mllli'jii doll five, dollars ars ,more ,more as an emernency funvl than wa.s rai.<i-d last yoar. We have an oiiLstaiidin-; Ji-wlih community in Sioux City. We have always felt our reji'KHKiliility, <irt»i!iidivork f*a even thoui'h we /nay iiave brcon\iWith much uf the -.-round work somewhat complacent ditrin;; the pxst few years, and I am sure we out of the way. Mr. Margolin plan* shall met:t the challeni'e JhK-year. next to crxnpleli! the campaign or* I am haii;>y to ropr-rt I ha\e received aji entlnrsiastlc re.';|x*nse nani/.ilion. He .stated that he will from those I have thtK far asked announce shortly the names of.hi* to participate in this campaign. aides in the 'Advance Gifts DiviTiiere are many nion- wh»> will sion, tile General Men's Division, necessarily hav<? to 1H* calletl up^in. lh» Women's Division, the Area I noiie, ln)[>o, aim and lI it-ci foci certain, certain, cncii each of « t , , , , . ' i will feel that cause. it is a privil-*. j ^vision and the J-.isint-RS and toouwork for this Women's

Bar Mitzvahs

IIV Jim KarhatMli f.irLs' Youth Council Iiailminton is scheduled to start March !l with deadline for entries March 'J, it was aniiounc-.-ri by Miss Hita Katzman. Games will 1M? played Thursday and Friday afternoons in the Cento/ i;ym. Kntries should lie turned in to Jim Karbatscli by Friday. March 2. Mide.ct R.iKlietbnIL finds one "A" team and two "R" teams undefeated after two week;; of play duiini; the rej-ular reason. In tl-e "A" leanuc, H. A. Wolf ran over Independent Metal 21-15 to remain undefeated and Moj;en-David nutiicorerl ]>iekes & Son 27-15. Independent Metal. Moi-on-David and Kiekos & Son arc nil tied for second with 1-1 record:;. In the "B" I>:acrjf, Fireside Restaurant anrl Slosburi* lU-alty both hold a 2-0 record while I-Go Van and Gerelick MoUms arn brcakinc even. Richman Gordman and the Cowl>oys still have to win their first f:ame. Last week's scores: I-Go 15, Gerelick 13; .SlosrK 28. Richman-Gordm-m 10; Fireside .10, Cowboys 10. Hij;h scorers In the "A" are Han 28, Horwltz 25, and Katskee 10. "R" leapue Bcoring leaders are Sneider 10, Ross 15 and Shrier 17.


Campaign News In Jewish Press

Vote of Thanks The UJA Cabinet, at a mootIng January 12, passed a vote of thanks to the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service for offering a portion of tiio Jewish Press to Sioux City for local campaign news. Cabinet members recalled that the Omaha Federation has always extended neighborly courtesies to Sioux City, and that the two communities cooperate f r e e l y and closely at campaign time.

l l n - j j -

Kar Mitzvah of Justin I'lotkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ileniard I'lotkin will be observed Friday evoninj* and Saturday morninf". Jan. 20 nnd 21 at ISeth Israel Syn.-igosiie, 52n<l and Chnrles. All memljers of the family and [rlcnili are cordially lnvlled to attend the services and the receptions followinr- the services.

V.C. Doings A'/A NO. 1 Tho crwnmittee chairman of Mother Chapter were announced lost week by vice-president Mike Mo(-il. Tlioy are: Don Noodc-U, athletic; Jim Spltzer, social; Steve Dolcoff, cultural; Milton ICatskce, community service; Larry Elewltz, relli;lous; Steve Frankel, litiman relations; Art Raznlck, calling; and Harold Koiman, publicity. Nine meml)ern of AZA No. 1 participated In the All-City Musical Festival lust week. They are: Jerry Fercr, J e r r y Gordman, Lowell Baumer, Allan Krizelman, Larry Kahn, Arnold Wcincr, Jerry Frecdman and Allen Epstein. Dave Widinnn and Allen Epstein played first chnlr tiiimpel In the festival band.

Youngsters' Program j For 'March of Dimes' The newly formed ('enter j;roup for fitii (jrarle f-irls will sponsor a rnovle this Sunday at .1:15 p. m., In the Center Auditorium with all proceeds tr* gr> tit ' the March of I»iincs campaign. Arlmisslon chrirK'! of lrt cents will IK? made for i;raile schooIiTB and 25 cents for adults. A bowling le:u:ue and ;t Kwimmlng party \\r:re al..;o mapped out by tliU t:roup that .selucti-rl Junior IK-bs aR its namr-. In conjunction with the movio this Sunrlay, the DLxie Dandles, tt (,-roiip of Gth grade Rirln, Is plnniiini; a bake sale. Caked, cnnklra, nipcakes, en ndies and |H)i>O)ni will l>o solil in the Center lobby with ' the proceeds also going to the March of I>imes Drive. Kthel Merman told us nbout tile famous film star who has lieen kliiK JH.OOO n wcel; for ycnr$. The other (lay her agent told her

that unle:;:; she wanted to be idle, she'd have to sign for tt new pic-'' ture at 51,000 n week less. "Heavens!" she whined, "I couldn't do ' that What almut the new Cadillac I bought toduy?" . . . Said the agent: "Today? What happened to the Cadillac you bought last • wetk?" Replied the star: "Oh, that! The ash trays are all fulL— ' UTA)



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